Personal Safety Glencoe Teen Health (2) Chapter 15 Lesson 1 - Preventing Injury (pp. 472-474) Lesson...

Personal Safety Glencoe Teen Health (2) Chapter 15 Lesson 1 - Preventing Injury (pp. 472-474) Lesson 3 - Staying Safe Outdoors (pp. 480-485) Lesson 5 - Giving First Aid (p. 493-502)

Transcript of Personal Safety Glencoe Teen Health (2) Chapter 15 Lesson 1 - Preventing Injury (pp. 472-474) Lesson...

Page 1: Personal Safety Glencoe Teen Health (2) Chapter 15 Lesson 1 - Preventing Injury (pp. 472-474) Lesson 3 - Staying Safe Outdoors (pp. 480-485) Lesson 5 -

Personal Safety

Glencoe Teen Health (2) Chapter 15 Lesson 1 - Preventing Injury (pp. 472-474)

Lesson 3 - Staying Safe Outdoors (pp. 480-485) Lesson 5 - Giving First Aid (p. 493-502)

Page 2: Personal Safety Glencoe Teen Health (2) Chapter 15 Lesson 1 - Preventing Injury (pp. 472-474) Lesson 3 - Staying Safe Outdoors (pp. 480-485) Lesson 5 -

Personal Safety

Description This unit will cover safety and emergency

procedures for home and outdoors. Topics will include the accident chain, weather emergencies, cyber safety, emergency procedures for home fires, treatment of burns, heat related illnesses, first aid for choking, bleeding, and poisoning.

Page 3: Personal Safety Glencoe Teen Health (2) Chapter 15 Lesson 1 - Preventing Injury (pp. 472-474) Lesson 3 - Staying Safe Outdoors (pp. 480-485) Lesson 5 -

DO NOW:• On a scratch piece of paper, write your name

at the top and answer the following question. Turn into Ms. McCreary when finished. – Do you own a cell phone, ipod, ipad, etc. that your

parents will allow you to bring to school and is able to download aps and has a camera?

– Yes or No

Page 4: Personal Safety Glencoe Teen Health (2) Chapter 15 Lesson 1 - Preventing Injury (pp. 472-474) Lesson 3 - Staying Safe Outdoors (pp. 480-485) Lesson 5 -

Personal Safety

Essential Questions• How might most injuries and accidents be

prevented?• How can weather be dangerous to my safety

and how should I respond appropriately?• Why should safety come first in sports and

play?• How can you remain safe while riding as a


Page 5: Personal Safety Glencoe Teen Health (2) Chapter 15 Lesson 1 - Preventing Injury (pp. 472-474) Lesson 3 - Staying Safe Outdoors (pp. 480-485) Lesson 5 -

Personal SafetyEnduring Understanding1. Corrective actions can resolve unsafe situations at home

and away.2. Many accidents can be avoided by being safety

conscious and paying attention to your surroundings.3. There are appropriate safety precautions that there are

unique to each weather and natural disaster emergencies that can help prevent unnecessary injuries.

4. Following safety rules can reduce the risk of injuries during exercise sports and other activities.

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Personal Safety

Vocabulary Accidental injuries Concussions Hazards Hypothermia Safety conscious Water safety guidelines Weather emergencies

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Being aware that safety is important and being careful to act in a safe manner


Potential sources of danger hazards

Injuries caused by unexpected events accidental


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Safety First

85,000 people die fromaccidental injuries

every year.*

The highest numberof teen deaths occur

in auto accidents.

*According to the National Safety Council

Accidents do happen, but you can prevent many of them. When you stay safe and avoid accidents, you help yourself and those around you stay healthy.

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Safety First

The first step in staying safe is to be safety conscious.

safety conscious Being aware that safety is important and being careful to act in a safe manner

It’s easier to prevent injuries than to treat them.

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Safety First

Pay attention to your surroundings and look for hazards around you.

hazards Potential sources of danger

Avoid or fix possible hazards.

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Safety First

Keep your environment safe to help prevent accidental injuries.

accidental injuries Injuries caused by unexpected events

Avoid or fix possible hazards.

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When you put your belongings in their proper place,

they’re not in the way, so they’re less likely to cause

accidents. Putting away clothes and equipment also

helps cut down on clutter.

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Fire Safety

Fires often involve materials that are flammable.

flammable Able to catch fire easily

Flammable materials may catch fire due to a spark, an open flame, or a burning object such as a lighted cigarette.

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Fire Safety

Some fires start from electrical overload.

electrical overload A dangerous situation in which too much electrical current flows along a single circuit

Shredded wires or torn cords can also start fires.

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Fire Safety

Causes of Fires in the Home

Careless cooking Careless smokingIncorrect storage offlammable materials

Damaged electricalsystems or

electrical overloadGas leaks

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Preventing Fires

Keep stoves and ovens clean.

Keep flammable materials away from burners.

Never let a smoker toss a cigarette into a trashcan before making sure it is completely extinguished.

Remind people not to smoke in bed.

Store matches and lighters out of the reach of children.

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Preventing Fires

Never play with matches or lighters.

Check appliances regularly for loose or damaged cords.

Never pull on the cord to unplug an appliance.

Never run cords under rugs or carpets.

If you see a worn or shredded cord, tell an adult.

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Being Prepared in Case of Fire

A smoke alarm can save your life.

smoke alarm A device that sounds an alarm when it senses smoke

Every level ofthe house should

have smokealarms.

Install smokealarms close tosleeping areasand bedrooms.

Test smokealarms every


Put in freshbatteries once

a year.

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Being Prepared in Case of Fire

Do not use water to put out fires that involve grease, oil, or electricity. Use a fire extinguisher.

fire extinguisher A device that sprays chemicals that put out fires

Read the fire extinguisher’s directions, and make sure that you know how to use it properly.

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Being Prepared in Case of Fire

Create a Fire Escape Plan With Your Family

Know escape routesfrom each bedroom.

Choose a meetingpoint outside.

Practice theescape plan.

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Fire Escape Plan HomeworkYou are a volunteer fire fighter. You need to make a diagram of your home, a fire escape plan and two ways to exit safely from two specific rooms. In your diagram, you need to label where your smoke alarm, carbon monoxide alarm, fire extinguisher, and first aid kit are located. Also, have a family discussion and determine your central meeting place located some where outside the home. After your escape route and meeting place is established meet with your family to practice the two escape routes.

Constructed response1. How can knowledge of first aid procedures be the difference in life

or death?2. Why is it important to understand the procedures for weather


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Fire Escape Plan Rubric

• The student has drawn the diagram of the house ____/10

• The student has drawn in details the fire escape plan ____/10

• The student has shown two ways to exit safely from two specific rooms ____/10• The student has identified a central meeting place outside the home ____/10• The student has shown, explained and have parents signed the fire escape plan. ____/20• The student has answered the constructed response questions.

____/20 • Total Points


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How Accidental Injuries Happen

If you think about the last accident you had, you can probably see the accident chain that led up to it.

The Situation

The Unsafe Habit

The Unsafe Action

The Accident

The Result

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Breaking the Accident Chain

Change thesituation.

Change theunsafe habit.

Change theunsafe action. = Accident


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In this lesson, you will learn to

describe how to stay safe on the roads.

describe how to stay safe in your neighborhood.

identify ways to stay safe in hot and cold weather.

access valid information about drowning prevention.

describe how to be safe in and around water.

explain safety measures for hiking and camping.

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Safety on Foot

Ever since you learned to walk, you have been a pedestrian.

pedestrian A person who travels on foot

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Safety on Foot

Walk on sidewalkswhen you can.

When walking on theroad, walk on the sideof the road and face

oncoming traffic.

Cross in crosswalkswhen they are


Look both waysseveral times beforecrossing the street.

Listen for traffic.

Make sure a driver cansee you when you cross

in front of a vehicle.Make eye contact

When walking at night,take a well-lit route.

Wear reflective clothing.

Do not talk on a cellphone or wearheadphones.

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Safety on Wheels

Wear a helmet.

Wear wrist guards,elbow, knee pads,and light gloves.

Follow yourcommunity’s rules.

When skating,learn how to stop

and fall safely.

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Safety on Wheels

Before You Ride A Bike:

Check the seat and handle bars to make sure they are secure.

Make sure tires are inflated correctly and are not too worn.

Use reflectors to help drivers see you.

Use a light when riding at night.

Make sure your bike is the right size for you.

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Safety on Wheels

When Riding A Bike:

Stay alert.Obey all traffic laws.

Ride with the flow of traffic.

Ride single file when riding in a group.

Learn hand signals and use them before you turn.

Avoid riding in bad weather and control your speed.

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Signs – Appears to be dazed or stunned

– Confused

– Clumsy

– Loses consciousness

– Behavior or personality change

– Forgot events prior or after hit

Concussion – a brain injury that may occur when the head hits an object, or a moving object strikes the head.

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Symptoms– Headache

– Nausea

– Balance problems or dizziness

– Sensitivity to light or noise

– Sluggish or slowed down

– Change in sleep pattern

– Feeling fatigued

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Bell Ringer:1.Put the following in order,

according to the Accident Chain…

• The unsafe habit• The accident• The unsafe action• The result• The situation

2. Why is it important to break the accident chain?

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Obeying traffic laws while you are walking or riding a bike

is a sign of citizenship. It is also preparation for the traffic

laws you will need to obey while driving.

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Safety in Vehicles

Always wear a seatbelt.

Small children should ride in the backseat.– Airbags can protect adults, but hurt small children.

Don’t bother the driver of a school bus.

When you get off a bus, make sure all drivers around the bus can see you clearly.

Cooperate with the bus driver in an emergency.

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1995 2000 2005 20100%










Seatbelt Use Rate/Occupant Fatalities

Belt Use RateDaytime Percent Unrestrained Occupant Fatalities

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Neighborhood Safety

Don’t travel alone at night.

Tell a parent or guardian where you are going and when you will be home.

Walk in well-lit places.

Leave expensive items at home.

Carry identification.

Carry a cell phone, money, or a calling card.

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Neighborhood Safety

Be aware!

Notice the people around you and what they are doing.

Move away from anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable.

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Neighborhood Safety

Know how to get help!

If someone tries to touch you or hurt you, scream and get away any way you can.

Run to the nearest public or safe place.

Find someone who can help you.

Call 911.

Explain what happened to anyone who can help.

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Safety at Play

Take a buddy or two. Stay aware.

Know your limits. Use good judgment.

Warm up and cool down.

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Hot Weather Safety Tips

If you feel dizzy, out of breath, or have a headache, take a break.

Keep cool by drinking lots of water.

Rest in the shade when you can.

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Water Safety

Follow all posted safety rules.

Swim only when a lifeguard or trusted adult is present.

Swim with a buddy.

Don’t swim if you are too tired or cold.

Watch for signs of storms.

Never swim in water with strong currents.

Don’t dive in water that is less than 9 feet deep.

Don’t let young children near the water unless you are watching carefully.

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Hiking and Camping Safety

Never camp or hike alone.

Dress properly.

Check your equipment.

Know where you are.

Know the plants and animals.

Use fire responsibly.

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Dangerous situations brought on by changes in the atmosphere

A whirling, funnel-shaped windstorm that drops from storm clouds to the ground


A strong windstorm with driving rain that forms over the sea


A very heavy snowstorm with winds up to 45 milesper hour


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Skim the headings, figures,

photos and captions in this

lesson. Then jot down two

questions that you think might

be answered in the lesson.

Headings in this Lesson

• What Are Weather Emergencies?• Tornadoes• Hurricanes• Blizzards• Thunderstorms and Lightning• What Are Natural Disasters?• Floods• Earthquakes

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What Are Weather Emergencies?

People cannot prevent weather emergencies.

weather emergencies Dangerous situations brought on by changes in the atmosphere

The National Weather Service (NWS) sends out bulletins in the form of storm watches and storm warnings.

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What Are Weather Emergencies?

Satellites and computers help scientists predict the paths of storms.

Television and the Internet help warn the public of danger.

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A tornado is a type of weather emergency.

tornado A whirling, funnel-shaped windstorm that drops from storm clouds to the ground

Tornados are most common in the Midwest and states nearest to the Gulf of Mexico. This region is known as “Tornado Alley.”

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If A Tornado Is Happening

Go to a cellar or basement.

Where to Go

If you cannot get underground, go to a windowless room or hallway.

If you are outside, lie in a ditch orflat on the ground.

Cover yourself with whateverprotection you can find.

What to Do

Get under heavy furniture, in abathtub, or under a mattress.

Stay where you are. The stormwill pass quickly.

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Each hurricane has a center, or eye, where the weather conditions are calm.

hurricane A strong windstorm with driving rain that forms over the sea

The strong winds of a hurricane come from the swirling cloud mass that surrounds it.

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This is an imagetaken of a hurricane.The NWS usessatellite technologyto forecast the direction of storms.

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A blizzard can last anywhere from an hour or two to several days.

blizzard A very heavy snowstorm with winds up to 45 miles per hour

During a blizzard, always stay inside.

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Hypothermia can shut down your body’s systems, so they stop functioning properly.

hypothermia A sudden and dangerous drop in body temperature

Hypothermia can lead to death.

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Do Now:

Did you do anything exciting over the break? If so, what?

What is one natural disaster we discussed last class and what are 2 ways to protect yourself from these disasters?

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Thunderstorms and Lightning

Lighting is a dramatic and dangerous side effect of thunderstorms.

Florida leads the United States in the number of lightning storms that happen each year.

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Thunderstorms and Lightning

If A Thunderstorm Is Happening

Stay inside or seek shelter as soon as possible.

Unplug electrical appliances and computers.

Be prepared for power loss.

Avoid using the telephone.

If you are outside, crouch low to the ground and stay away from electrical poles and wires, tall trees, water, and metal objects.

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What Are Natural Disaster?

A natural disaster is an event caused by nature that results in widespread damage.

Basic Supplies for Natural Disasters

• Buy several days’ worth of fresh water.

• Have a radio, a flashlight, batteries, blankets, canned goods, a can opener, and a first-aid kit.

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Flash-flood waters rise very quickly and are very powerful.

Two feet of moving water has enough force to sweep away cars.

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Surviving Floods

Head for higher ground.

Never walk, swim, ride a bike, or drive a car through flooding water.

Drink only bottled water.

If you have evacuated the area, return home only after you are told it is safe to do so.

After returning home, throw away contaminated food and disinfect everything that has come into contact with the floodwater.

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A large earthquake is usually followed by a series of aftershocks.

earthquake A shifting of the earth’s plates, resulting in a shaking of the earth’s surface

aftershocks Smaller earthquakes, as the earth readjusts after the main earthquake

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Scientists cannot predict earthquakes, but they can measure how strong earthquakes are using the Richter scale.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Ten times stronger

than 3

Ten times stronger

than 4

Ten times stronger

than 5

Ten times stronger

than 1

Ten times stronger

than 2

Ten times stronger

than 6

Ten times stronger

than 7

Ten times stronger

than 8

Very slight The most destructive earthquakes

have a magnitude of 7 or more.

Scientists have never measured anearthquake larger than a 9.

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Protecting Yourself During an Earthquake

Stay away from windows, mirrors, and other objects that might shatter.

Get under a sturdy piece of furniture. Cover your head with a pillow.

Stay away from tall or heavy objects that could fall on you.

Stand or crouch in a strongly supported doorway. Cover your head.

If you are outdoors, stay away from trees, buildings, and power lines.

If you are outdoors, crouch on the ground and protect your head.

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7th grade Performance Task

Natural Disaster PlanThe local elementary school is teaching the kindergarten classes about natural

disasters. They have asked you to create a presentation that includes a visual aid explaining two different natural disasters that are common in the Midwest. Your plan

should include research about your chosen natural disasters, as well as safety precautions and responses you should take for preventing injuries or death if a disaster

should occur. You also have to describe the main procedures to be followed for each natural disaster.

1. The student names at least two different natural disasters common in the

Midwest ____/20 2. The student includes research about each natural disaster (total of 2) ____/20 3. The student describes 5 main safety procedures to be followed during each

natural disaster.____/204. The student displays the work by using a power point, flip camera or poster


TOTAL _____/70

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EQ: How does knowing first

aid help you to be prepared?

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In this lesson, you will learn to list steps to take in an emergency. describe how to perform CPR. explain ways to help a person who is choking. explain how to stop severe bleeding. describe how to treat burns. describe treatments for fractures, sprains, and bruises. practice healthful behaviors to avoid burns.

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PredictingRead the main headings, and look at the figures in this lesson. Then write down three pieces of information that you think might be covered in the lesson. After the lesson, look back to see whether your predictions were correct.

Main headings in this Lesson

• Emergency Situations• Restoring Breathing and Heartbeat• How to Help Someone Who Is

Choking• How to Stop Severe Bleeding• Burns• Treating Other Emergencies

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Emergency Situations

In an emergency situation:

Call 911.

Give your name, location, and reason for calling.

Explain the condition of the injured person.

Describe what help the injured person has received.

If you cannot call 911, have someone call.

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Emergency Situations

Knowing first aid may help you deal with some emergency situations.

first aid The immediate care given to someone who becomes injured or ill until regular medical care can be provided

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Restoring Breathing and Heartbeat

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (or CPR) should only be performed by someone who has been trained and certified to perform the procedure.

cardiopulmonary resuscitation A first-aid procedure to restore breathing and circulation

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Restoring Breathing and Heartbeat

CPR involves several steps including:Checking the airway.Checking breathing.Checking circulation.Performing rescue breathing.Performing chest compressions.

rescue breathing A first aid procedure where someone forces air into the lungs of a person who cannot breathe on his or her own

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The ABCs of CPR

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Performing the CPR Cycles

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Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)

An automated external defibrillator (AED) sends a quick jolt of electricity to the heart through the chest to make a heart start beating.

More and more public places keep AEDs on hand.

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How to Help Someone Who is Choking

Choking results when a person’s airway becomes blocked by food or accidentally swallowed objects.

Signs of Choking

Grabbingthroat and neck

Gagging WheezingTurning bluein the face

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How to Help Someone Who is Choking

For an adult or older child who is choking, use abdominal thrusts.

abdominal thrusts Quick, inward and upward pulls into the diaphragm to force an obstruction out of the airway

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How to Help Someone Who is Choking

If an infant is choking, use chest thrusts.

chest thrusts Quick presses into the middle of the breastbone to force an obstruction out of the airway

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How to Help Someone Who is Choking

If you start to choke and there’s no one around, use your fist and hand to perform abdominal thrusts.

If this does not work right away, do abdominal thrusts on a low railing or the back of a chair.

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How to Stop Severe Bleeding

Before you help someone who is bleeding, put on protective gloves.

Never touch anyone else’s blood.

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How to Stop Severe Bleeding

Cover the wound with a clean cloth.

Elevate the bleeding area so that it is above the level of the heart.

If the bleeding doesn’t stop, apply pressure to a pressure point or amain artery between the wound and the heart.

After the bleeding has stopped, stay with the victim until medical helparrives.

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How to Avoid Burns

Never play with matches or fire.

Handle hot foods carefully.

Avoid making the water too hot in the shower.

Use sunscreen and limit your time in the sun.

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A first-degree burn is also known as a superficial burn.

first-degree burn A burn in which only the outer layer of skin has burned and turned red


Flush the burned area with cold water for at least 15 minutes.

Wrap the burn area in a clean, dry dressing.

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A second-degree burn is also known as a partial-thickness burn.

second-degree burn A moderately serious burn in which the burned area blisters


Flush the burned area with cold water.

Elevate theburned area.

Loosely wrap thecooled burn in a clean,

dry dressing.

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A third-degree burn is also known as a full-thickness burn.

third-degree burn A very serious burn in which all the layers of the skin are damaged


Do not remove burned clothing.

Cover burn with a clean cloth.

Call 911 immediately.

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Treating Other Emergencies

Fractures usually happen along the length of a bone.

fracture A break in a bone

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Treating Other Emergencies

An example of a dislocation is if your upper arm bone is pulled out of your shoulder socket.

dislocation A major injury that happens when a bone is forced from its normal position within a joint

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Treating Other Emergencies

Moving a broken bone or dislocated joint could cause further injury.

While you wait for help to arrive, keep the victim still.

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Treating Other Emergencies

Treating Sprains and Burns






Protect the injured part.

Rest the injured part.

Ice the injured part using an ice pack with a towel between the skin and ice (remove the ice every 15–20 minutes).

Compress the part with a bandage.

Elevate the part above the level of the heart.

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In this lesson, you will learn to

explain how to protect yourself and others from fires.

identify ways to prevent accidental injuries.

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As you go through this lesson, write down the sequence of

actions that can help you stay safe in a fire.

Staying Safe In a Fire

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Preventing Injuries at Home

Other dangers include falls, poisonings, electric shocks, and gun accidents.

Help prevent these unsafe situations by being safety conscious.

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Preventing Falls

Kitchen Bathroom Stairs

• Clean up spills right away.

• Use a stepstool, not a chair to get items that are out of reach.

• Put a nonskid mat near the tub or shower.

• Use rugs that have a rubber backing to prevent slipping.

• Keep personal products in plastic bottles.

• Keep staircases well lit.

• Apply nonslip treads to slippery stairs.

• Make sure handrails are secure and stable.

• If small children live in the house, put gates at the top and bottom of the stairs.

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Preventing Poisonings

Never call a child’smedicines or vitamins


Make sure all medicinesare in bottles withchildproof caps.

Make sure all labels onhousehold productsare clearly marked.

Lock householdproducts and medicines

in cabinets.

Keep the phone number for the local poison control

center and hospital handy.

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Preventing Electrical Shocks

Never use an electricalappliance around water.

Unplug small applianceswhen they are not in use.

Pull the plug,not the cord.

Use plastic outletprotectors in homes with

small children.

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Gun Safety

In many states, it is illegal for most teens to own a gun.

If you find a gun, do not touch it. Call a parent, guardian, or other trusted adult.

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Gun Safety

Always treat a gun as if it were loaded.

If you hunt, prepare yourself with a gun-training course.

If you know that someone at school is carrying a gun or any other weapon, tell a school authority right away.

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Fire Escape Plan Discussion

Day 16Fire Safety ProceduresConstructed response

1. How can knowledge of first aid procedures be the difference in life or death?

2. Why is it important to understand the procedures for weather emergencies?

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Personal Safety Review

Students will know: The Accident Chain Safety precautions for weat

her related emergencies. Safety procedures for

choking, bleeding, burns and poisoning.

Dangers associated with internet use

10 Tips for Cyber Safety Vocabulary

Student will be able to Create a scenario using the steps in

the accident chain Create a plan for fire safety in the

home Demonstrate procedures for safety

and weather emergencies. Explain and demonstrate for choking,

bleeding, burns and poisoning. Identify the dangers and precautions

when using the internet. Design a booklet of safety and first

aid, symptoms, and definitions Tested on Heimlich manuever Introduction to CPR and rescue
