Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy

February 2007 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Cave Cave Cave Cave Cave Conservancy Conservancy Conservancy Conservancy Conservancy cave database developed in 1982 by Keith D. Wheeland, NSS 2878

Transcript of Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy

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February 2007




cave database

developed in 1982 by Keith D. Wheeland, NSS 2878

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2 PCC-Cave

Database Description ..................................................................... 3-11

Map of Physiographic Provinces ..................................................... 12

County Codes ..................................................................................... 13

Lithology Codes ................................................................................. 13

Drainage Basin Codes ...................................................................... 14

Geologic Formation Codes with Lithology .............................. 15-17

Quadrangle Codes ....................................................................... 18-23

Data Collection Form .................................................................. 24-25

About the Author ............................................................................... 26

Acknowlegement ............................................................................... 26

References .......................................................................................... 26

Table of Contents

Definition of a Pennsylvania Cave

A cave is a natural cavity beneath the earth's surface whose dimensions are measurable in feet,whose walls are bedrock, and usually extending into absolute darkness. Ref. Stone, R.W. (1953)

Official Criteria

The following criteria are used to list or count the number of caves within the state of Pennsylvaniafor official purposes. (Developed in 1997)

1) A cave in limestone must be at least 20 feet in length.

2) A cave in non-limestone must be at least 40 feet in length.3) The length of a shelter shall be deeper from front to back then the width of its opening.

4) A roofless cave (pit) must be at least 20 feet deep.5) A cave may be considered for the list if it does not meet the above criteria if it has other

distinguishing features. These may include caves that have historical, archeological,paleontological, or biological significance.

Cave segments within a mine shall be considered one cave. The lengths of the segments addedtogether shall determine its length. The segment highest in elevation and the segment lowest in

elevation shall be used to determine its internal relief.

Only surveyed lengths and internal reliefs will be used to determine which caves are shown on a

list of long and deep caves.

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PCC Cave Database System


The computer system was originally developed to catalog and maintain data for caves of

Pennsylvania. There is an attempt to maintain data on any cave that has appeared in the literature.

Therefore the system allows for natural caves (Commercial and ex-commercial) and cave

systems, fictional caves, shelters, and mines. Caves which have been destroyed, or otherwise

closed are included.

The system, as it now exists, runs under Microsoft Access. ®

The cave records in tblCaves are of three different types. They are as follows:

1) A record to describe a single entrance cave. (Type record N)2) A record to describe a cave system. (Type record S)3) A record to describe an entrance. (Type record P)

These records all have the same structure. Because of the nature of the records, not all typeshave all their data fields complete. For example, an Entrance Record contains a length of zero.

A cave system consists of one Cave System Record plus a maximum of five entrance records. Asingle-entrance cave has its system record and its entrance record combined into one record.

A cave system is described as a multi-entrance cave. In order to create a cave system, the usermust first describe a Cave System Record. Then the Entrance Records can be attached to thisCave System Record to form a cave system. Although it sounds complex, the system is simpleto use. Once a cave system is created, caution should be taken to delete all entrance records ifthe cave system needs to be deleted.

The database consists of eight tables that are described in these pages.






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This file contains alternate names for caves. There may be multiple alternate names for the same


Ident The identifier that links back to tblCaves.

Dte The most recent date the record was updated.

Altname The alternate name for the cave.


The tblCaves is the main table which makes up the Cave Database. Many of the data itemsare coded to save space, provide consistency, and aid in queries. A separate tblCodes tableis used to provide meanings for the codes when the data is printed or displayed.The abbrevia-tions in parentheses after the item are the identifiers for the codes in the codes table, tblCodes

Ident This is a four digit number assigned consecutively. It is used touniquely identify the cave and to link the record to other tables in thesystem. It is also used to link cave systems to their entrance records.A cave system may have a maximum of five entrance records. SeeID1 through ID5.

Typerec A one charactel code that identifies the record as one of the following.

N - A one-entrance caveS - A Cave System recordP - An entrance record that is linked to a Cave System

Name A 35 character field that contains the preferred name for the cave. Acave may have alternate names which are stored in a separate table,tblAlt.

Conum (CTY) A three digit code to designate the county within the State. There is atable which contains the county code and county name, tblCounty. Ref.

FIPS PUB 6-3 (1979).

Quad (QUA) A four character code to identify the 7.5 (or 15) minute quadrangle in

which the cave entrance is located.

Prov (PRO) A four character code to designate the physiographic province (orsub province) in which the cave entrance is located. (In Pa. Ref.

PA-DER (1975).)

Drainage (DRA) A three character code which designates the drainage basin and sub-

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basin in which the cave entrance is located. (In Pa. Ref. PA-DER


Latitude The angular distance, measured north or south from the equator, of a

point on the earth’s surface, expressed in degrees. The bearing is not

included. Stored as 6 digits without the dashes.

Longtude The angular distance east or west on the earth’s surface, as mea-

sured from the prime meridian at Greenwich, England. The bearing

is not included. Stored as 6 digits without the dashes.

Clsfied (CLS) A code which indicates that the record for the cave contains classified

information. Currently there are no caves in the database that are


Opnclsd (OPC) A one-letter code to indicate whether the entrance is physically open orclosed and to what degree.

Natstate (STU) A one-letter code which indicates whether the cave is in its wild state, hasbeen improved, is a mine, or a fictional cave, etc.

Elevatn The height above mean sea level at the cave entrance measured in feet.

Strike The compass orientation of the line of intersection formed by a dippingstratum with the horizontal plane. Shown in quadrant type units east orwest of geodesic (true) North. Stored as 4 characters.

Dip The angle which a stratum or similar feature makes with the horizontalplane. It is measured in the plane perpendicular to its strike direction.Stored in five characters.

Entrtype (ENT) A two-letter code which best describes the manner in which the caveentrance intersects the land surface at the present time. The codes are

grouped and arranged into three categories. Those beginning with “E”

are man-made (excavated). Those beginning with “S” are streamrelated. Those beginning with “D” are formed without surface wateraction (dry except for seepage). The codes were developed by Dr.

Gordon Dayton.

Entrsize (RES) A one-letter code to denote the relative size of the entrance. This is

important when trying to find the entrance for the first time. The codeswere developed by Dr. Gordon Dayton.

Relief (in feet) The internal relief. The vertical distance between the highest and lowestelevations in the cave.

Length (in feet) The total length of traverse lines drawn through all passages of the cave.

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6 PCC-Cave

Lensrce (LSC) A one-letter code to indicate the source of the length data.

Lenattr (LNA) A one-letter code to further qualify the length - to denote estimation,

additional, or totals, etc.

Hazard (HAZ) A code to indicate extraordinary hazards which the caver may en-

counter in visiting the cave. These should be used sparingly and are

meant to be used in those cases that are rare. The codes are one

letter each. You may enter up to nine codes for each cave.

Origin (ORI) A one-letter code to indicate the major factor responsible for the

formation of the cave. Ref. White, W. B. (1976)

Sensitiv (SEN) A one-letter code to indicate whether the cave visitor must use special

care over and above the usual regard for conservation. You may enter

up to four codes in the field.

Water (WAT) A one-letter code to indicate the presence of water at times of normalrainfall. The usual condition of the cave.

Equip1Equip2 (EQU) Any special equipment required or desirable in order to visit a major

portion of the cave.

Formatn (FOR) A 6-character code which indicates the geologic formation in whichthe principal portion of the cave is located. This code may refer to amember of a formation, a single formation, or a group of formations.This will depend upon the level of detail that is known about the cave.

The code is made up of the following items.

1. The geologic age, such as Paleozoic.

2. The geologic period, such as Ordovician.3. The sub-period as shown on the PA Geologic Map, such as


4. The geologic formation such as Benner Formation.

5. The geologic member within the formation, such as the Valen-tine Limestone within the Benner Formation.

6. The province or area in which the formation is located as

described on the PA Geologic Map, such as Great Valley.

A group is denoted by the letter “G” in the fourth position from the left.

The characters to the right of the “G” consist of a letter and a number.For example, T2 as in the Upper Trenton Group 3W-GT2. The code

was developed by Dr. Gordon Dayton and Keith D. Wheeland.

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Litholgy (LTH) A three-letter code which indicates the physical characteristics

(lithology) of the formation in which the cave is located. The codes were

adapted from those found in reference PA-DER (1975).

Rlseform (REL) A one-letter code to indicate whether a written liability waiver must be

signed as a condition for permission to visit the cave.

Entryacc (ENA) A one-letter code to indicate the degree of freedom for gaining

permission to visit the cave. See also RestrictDate.

Ownrtype (OWN) A one-letter code to indicate the type of owner.

Profile (PRF) A one-letter code to indicate the general nature of the cave as viewed in


Pasgptrn (PPN) The structure of the passages and the pattern formed by their relation toeach other. The slope, type of structure, and the complexity of thestructure of the cave. the codes are adapted from those referenced inWhite, W. B. (1976) and Palmer, A. N. (1975).

Network mazes consist of an angular grid of intersecting fissures thatform by solutional widening of nearly all major joints to roughly the samesize openings.

Anastomatic mazes are formed ov curvilinear tubes, typically of circularor elliptical cross-section that intersect in a random or braidedconfiguration.

Spongework mazes consist of interconnected, non-tubular solutioncavities of varied sizes and irregular geometry aranged in an apparantrandom, three-dimensional pattern.

Pasgdens (PDN) A code to indicate the density or relative closeness of the passages toeach other.

Mapgrade (MGR) The grade of the map (plan and/or profile view) of the cave. The codes

were adapted from reference Ellis, B. M. (1976)

1. A sketch of low accuracy where no measurements have beenmade.

2. A controled sketch (angles taken)

3. A compass and pace measurement.

4. A grade between 3 and 5

5. A magnetic survey where measurements are as follows:

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8 PCC-Cave

Horizontal and vertical angles to the nearest 1 degree, distances

to within 10 centimeters, and station position error less than 10


6. Theodolite or transit and tape survey.

Mapclass (MCL) A one-letter code to indicate the general reliability of the map (plan

and/or profile view). Ref. Ellis, B. M. (1976)

Mapqual (MQL) A one-letter code to indicate the quality of the cave map (plan and/or

profile view).

Mapyear The four-digit year in which the cave map was drawn or most recently


Mapstore (MST) A three-letter code to indicate the storage location for the originalmap (or a full size copy of the original if the location of the original isunknown).

Chngdate The date on which the latest change was made to the cave record.This is very important to enter. It can be used to keep track of thoserecords which were updates since the last report, for example.

Remarks A 100-character field to record some important information about thecave.

ID1-ID5 These five fields are used to link Cave System records with theirEntrance Records. In the Cave System record, you store the Idents ofall the Entrance Records. If a Cave System has two entrances, ID1would contain the Ident of the first entrance record, ID2 would containthe Ident of the second entrance record.

In each of the entrance records for the Cave System, you would store

the Ident of the Cave System record in ID1. Nothing is entered in the

ID2-ID5 fields for Entrance Records.

Entry Access andOwner information There is one area each for entering information about the access

control and for the owner. If the owner controls access, leave the entryaccess information blank, and enter the information into the owner


EntryName The name of the person or organization that controls access.

EntryAdr1 The first line of the address of the person or organization that controls


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EntryAdr2 The city/state/zip of the person or organization that controls access.

EntryPhone The phone numberof the person or organization that controls access.

EntryEmail The email address of the person or organization that controls access.

OwnerName The name of the person or organization that owns the cave.

OwnerAdr1 The first line of the address of the owner.

OwnerAdr2 The city/state/zip of the owner.

OwnerPhone The phone number of the owner.

OwnerEmail The email address of the owner.

RestrictDate A one-letter code to indicated dates that the cave may be closed duringthe year. Generally for bats.


This table may contain multiple references to citations about the cave. When updating oradding a new cave, this table should also be updated.

Ident The identifier of the cave described in tblCaves.

Dte The date the citation was added to tblCite.

Citecode (REF) A two-letter code to indicate the reference for the citation plus volume,number, page, etc., or name of individual.

Citeref The volume, number, etc. of the reference. Or a person's name.

Citedate Date of the publication or information source.


This file contains the codes and their meanings. Codes have been used to save space, pro-vide consistency, and to aid in queries. This table allows the meanings of the codes to be

displayed or printed.

Cdkey This is an index that contains two items of data, the Cdset and the Cditem.

Cdset A code which describes the code set. This code is shown in parentheses follow-

ing the fieldname in this documentation. For example, citation codes are de-

scribed under the code set REF.

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10 PCC-Cave

Cditem The code as it appears in the database. For example, the citation code for the

Nittany Grotto News is NG.

Cdname The meaning of the code which appears in Cditem. Although a maximum of 30

characters are allowed, many meanings have been shortened to conserve

space on any printout or display.

Cdoth If the code set is geologic formation code (FOR), this field contains the lithology



This file contains county codes and county names within the State. It is used to display the name

of a county since only the code is stored in tblCaves.

Conumber The three digit county code as described in Ref. FIPS PUB 6-3 (1979).

Coname The name of the county.


This file contains sightings of cave life. This section has not been fully developed. This file maycontain multiple records for the same cave.

Ident The identifier of the cave described in tblCaves.

Dte The most recent date the record was updated.

Lfcode A six-letter code which indicates the type of life observed.

Obsquant The quantity of life observed.

Obscode A one-letter code to indicate whether the life was collected or sighted.

Obsdate The date the observation was made.

Name The name of the life observed.


This file contains information about the quadrangles in the State. In the prior version of thesoftware, this table was used to automatically enter the quadrangle code when the user en-

tered the latitude and longitude - if the quadrangle code was blank in tblCaves. If tblCaves

already had a quadrangle code, the software would display an alert if the quadrangle codedidn't match the latitude and longitude. This feature has not yet been implemented in the

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current software.

Latlon The latitude and longitude for the southeast corner of the quadrangle.

Name The name by which the quadrangle is known.

Code The code used in tblCaves.


This file contains information about the Cave Conservation signs that have been placed in caves.

The project is sponsored by the Mid Appalachian Region. In recent years the signs have been

available for sale for any reason.

Ident The identifier of the cave described in tblCaves.

Dte The most recent date the record was updated.

Signdate The date on which the sign was sold to a person or organization

Grotto The grotto or person who purchased the sign whether to place in a cave or for otherpurposes.

Donor The person or group who donated the sign to the "Grotto" for placement in aparticular cave.

Quant The number of signs purchased.

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001 Adams003 Allegheny005 Armstrong007 Beaver

009 Bedford011 Berks013 Blair015 Bradford017 Bucks

019 Butler021 Cambria023 Cameron025 Carbon027 Centre

029 Chester031 Clarion033 Clearfield035 Clinton

037 Columbia039 Crawford

041 Cumberland043 Dauphin045 Delaware

047 Elk049 Erie051 Fayette053 Forest

055 Franklin057 Fulton059 Greene061 Huntingdon063 Indiana

065 Jefferson067 Juniata069 Lackawanna071 Lancaster073 Lawrence

075 Lebanon077 Lehigh079 Luzerne081 Lycoming

083 McKean085 Mercer

087 Mifflin089 Monroe091 Montgomery

093 Montour095 Northampton097 Northumberland099 Perry

101 Philadelphia103 Pike105 Potter107 Schuylkill109 Snyder

111 Somerset113 Sullivan115 Susquehanna117 Tioga119 Union

121 Venango123 Warren125 Washington127 Wayne

129 Westmoreland131 Wyoming

133 York

County Codes

A Alluvium

B Sedimentary Rock, UnclassifiedC ConglomerateD Dolomite

DL Dolomite LimestoneDLV Dolomite, Limestone, Sandstone

DV Dolomite SandstoneE Gypsum or AnhydriteF Shale

FL Shale, LimestoneFLZ Shale, Limestone, Other

FV Shale, SandstoneFVC Shale, Sandstone, CongloerateFVL Shale, Sandstone, LimestoneFW Shale Siltstone

FWV Shale, Siltstone, SandstoneFZ Shale OthersFZL Shale, Other, LimestoneG GravelH Igueous, Granular

I Igueous, Aphantic or GlossyJ Igueous, UnconsolidatedK CoalL LimestoneLD Limestone, Dolomite

LF Limestone, ShaleLFZ Limestone, Shale, OtherLS Limestone, SandLZD Limestone, Other, DolomiteM Marl or Shell Marl

N Metamorphic Coarse GrNH Metamorphic Crse Gr & IgueousNO Metamorphic Coarse & Fine GrNOC Metamorphic Crse & Fine Gr Con

O Metamorphic Fine Gr (schist)

OC Metamorphic Fine Gr ConglomeraP ClayPF Clay, Shale

Q Silt or LoessR Sand and Gravel

S SandT TillU Unconsolidated Sediments

V SandstoneVC Sandstone Conglomerate

VCF Sandstone Conglomerate, ShaleVCK Sandstone Conglomerate, CoalVF Sandstone, ShaleVFC Sandstone, Shale Conglomerate

VFL Sandstone, Shale, LimestoneVL Sandstone, LimestoneW Siltstone (gray Waste)X Silty SandY Clayey Gravel

Z OtherZCH ChertZCY CyclothemZD Dolomite, ImpureZF Shale, Impure; Intermixed

ZFL Shale & Limestone ConglomerateZL Limestone, Impure; IntermixedZLC Cherty LimestoneZLD Dolomitic LimestoneZLF Limestone, Shaley; Imbed Shale

ZLV Sandy Limestone / Imbed ShaleZV Sandstone, Impure; IntermixedZVC Quartzite Conglomerate

Lithology Codes

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14 PCC-Cave

01 Delaware R01A East Wayne Co

01B Lakawaxen R01C Lake Wallenpaupack01D Bushkill Cr01E Pocono Cr01F E Northampton Co

02 Delaware R02A Upr Lehigh R02B Middle Lehigh R02C Lwr Lehigh R02D Haycock Cr

02E SE Bucks Co02F Neshaminy Cr03 Delaware R03A Schuylkill R Headwaters03B Maiden Cr; Schuylkill R

03C Tulpehocken Cr; Schuylkill R03D Manatawny, French, Pickering03E Perkiomen Cr

03F Wissahickon, Valley Cr03G Dairy, Crum, Ridley, Chester03H Brandywine Cr

03I Christina R04 E Br Susquehanna R

04A Cowanesque, Tioga R04B Chemung R04C Sugar, Towanda Cr

04D Wyalusing, Wysox Cr04E Upr Susquehanna R

04F Tunkhannock Cr04G Mehoopany, Bowman Cr05 E Br Susquehanna R

05A Lackawanna R05B Susquehanna near Wilkes Barre

05C Fishing Cr05D Nescopeck Cr05E Catawissa, Roaring Cr

06 Mid Br Susquehanna R06A Penns, Middle Cr

06B Mahanoy Cr06C Mahantango, Wisconisco, Powell

07 Lwr Br Susquehanna R07A Sherman Cr07B Condoquinet Cr07C Paxton, Clark, Stony, Fishing07D Swatara Cr

07E Yellow Breeches Cr07F S Conewago Cr07G N Conewaga, Conoy, Chickies Cr07H Codorus Cr07I Muddy, Kreutz, Cabin, Beaver

07J Conestoga Cr07K Conowingo, Octorao, Pequea Cr08 W Br Susquehanna R08A Sinnemahoning Cr08B Chest Cr; S Br Susquehanna r08C Clearfield Cr08D Moshannon Cr09 W Br Susquehanna R

09A Pine Cr

09B Kettle, Young Womans Cr09C Bald Eagle Cr

10 W Br Susquehanna R10A Lycoming, Larrys Cr10B Loyalsock Cr10C Buffalo, White Deer Hole, Deer10D Muncy, Chillisquaque Cr

11 Juniata R11A Frankstown Br Juniata, Ltl Jun11B Standing Stone, Crookea Cr11C Upr Raystown Br Juniata r11D Lwr Raystown Br Juniata r

12 Juniata R12A Kishacoquillas, Honey, Lost Cr12B Tuscorora, Buffalo, Cocolamus12C Auwig, Mill, Hares Valley, Hil13 Potomac R

13A Wills, Evitts Cr13B Tonoloway Cr13C Conocheaque Cr

13D Monocacy R14 Genesee R15 Lake Erie Shore

16 Allegheny R16A Upr French Cr

16B Conewago, Brokenstraw Cr16C Allegheny Head; Oswayo Cr16D Lwr French Cr

16E Oil, Hemlock, Pithole Cr16F Tionesta, W Hickory Cr

16G Sandy, E Sandy, Scrubgrass Cr17 Allegheny R17A Upr Clarion R

17B Lwr Clarion R17C Redbank Cr

17D Mahoning Cr17E Cowanshannock, Crooked Cr18 Allegheny R

18A Pine, Deer, Bull,Plum,Pucketa18B Kiskiminetas R

18C Loyalhanna, Blacklegs Cr; L Co18D Mid Conemaugh R; Twolick Cr

18E Stony Cr; Upr Conemaugh R18F Buffalo Cr19 Monongahela R19A Turtle Cr19B Tenmile Cr

19C Monongahela R19D Lwr Youghiogheny R19E Upr Youghiogheny R19F Casselman R19G Dunkara, Georges, Jacob, Whitl

20 Ohio R20A Shenango R20B Beaver R20C Slippery Rock, Connoquenessing20D Raccoon Cr20E Buffalo, Wheeling Cr20F Chartiers Cr20G Sewickley Cr, Montour Run

Drainage Basin Codes

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3-581 Albite - Chlorite Schist O3N-3-G Allegheny Group ZCY3N-21G Ames Limestone L3W-23J Andesite Lavas H3W-6-J Annville Formation L4—8-U Anorthosite(Honeybrook Only3W-31C Antes Shale ZF3Y-H-K Antietam Formation NO3Y-GA1 Antietam, Harpers Fmtn NO3W-D-C Axemann Formation ZLD3W-2-C Bald-Eagle Formation VC4—GG1 Baltimore Gneiss (Gp-G1)3S453E Becraft Limestone - In EastL L3W-GB1 Beekmantown Group - Central LD3W-GB3 Beekmantown Group -Great Vly LD3W-GB2 Bellefonte & Axemann Group DLV3W-C-C Bellefonte Formation DV

3W-8-C Benner Formation ZL3N-13G Birmingham Shale F3U-4 Bloomsburg Formation FW3U-GB4 Bloomsburg,McKenzie Fmtn ZF3U-21E Bossardville Formation LF3S436W Bowmanstown Chert ZCH3S134D Brallier Member FWV2J-22 Brunswick Sandstone VFC2J-2 Brunswick/Gettysburg Fmtn VFC3N-22G Brush-Creek Limestone L1C-1 Bryn-Mawr Formation R3Y-83K Buffalo-Springs Limestone ZLD3Q-21 Burgoon Formation V3S133D Burket Member FWV3N-37G Butler SS V3S433E Buttermilk-Falls Limestone L3S15-A Canadaway Formation VF1A-2 Cape-May Formation R3N-36G Casselman Fm VCF

3S12-D Catskill Formation FV3S12-A Cattaraugus Formation FVL3S411 Centerfield Coral Bed3W-62C Centre-Hall Member L3W-3-J Chambersburg Formation ZL3S131D Chemung Beds FWV3S13-A Chemung Formation FWV3Y-K-K Chickies/Weverton Fmtn NO3N-33G Clarion Formation VCF3U-6 Clinton Group VF3W-B1C Clover Member L3W-4-C Coburn Formation ZLF3W-GT2 Coburn, Salona, & Nealmont ZL3W-2-L Cocalico Shale Formation F3-59 Cockeysville Marble N3S455 Coeymans Limestone ZL3W-C3C Coffee Run Member D3W-41C Coleville Member L

3N-2-G Conemaugh Formation ZCY3W-3-L Conestoga Formation ZL3S1GC1 Conneaut Group FW3N-11G Connelsville SS V3N-42G Connoquenessing SS V3Y-GC3 Conococheague/Allentown Gp. LD3Q-25 Corry Formation VF3W-GT3 Curtin - Loysburg Formation ZL3W-7-C Curtin Formation ZL3Q-24 Cussewago Formation VF3Q-23 Cuyahoga Formation VF3W-C2C Dale Summit Member V3U-13E Decker Formation - In East L3S124D Delaware River Sandstone V3S13-D Devonian Marine Beds FV3Y-A-K Elbrook Formation ZL3S121D Elk-Mountain Sandstone V3W-8-J Epler Formation ZLD3S434E Esopus Shale - Eastern Pa F3N-31G Freeport Formation VCF4—7-U Gabbroic Gneiss & Gabbro3Y-2-C Gatesburg Formation ZD2J-21 Gettysburg Sandstone VFC3S14-A Girard Formation LF3N-35G Glenshaw Fm VFL3-52 Granite Gneiss & Granite N4—5-Q Granitic Gneiss N4—4-U Granitic Gneiss N4—3-U Granodiorite4—2-Q Granodiorite4—4-Q Graphitic Gneiss4—9-U Graphitic Gneiss3W-A2C Grazier Member L3Q-11 Greenbrier/Wymps-Gap Lime L3L-1 Greene Formation ZCY4—3-S Greenstone Schist3W-B2J Hamburg Lithotectonic 2&2A FLZ3W-B1J Hamburg Lithotectonic U-1 FZL3W-B3J Hamburg Lithotectonic U-3 FL3W-B4J Hamburg Lithotectonic U-4 LFZ3W-B5J Hamburg Lithotectonic U-5 FL3W-B6J Hamburg Lithotectonic U-6 FL3W-B7J Hamburg Lithotectonic U-7 FV3W-B8J Hamburg Lithotectonic U-8 F3W-B-J Hamburg Sequence LFZ3S4GH3 Hamilton Group (Gp-H3) ZF3Y-GY2 Hardyston Formation Group NOC3Y-J-K Harpers Formation O3S135D Harrell Member FWV3W-A-C Hatter Formation ZLD2J-25 Heidlersberg Sandstone VFC3S45 Helderberg Formation LF3T-GH1 Helderberg Group - (Gp-H1) FL3Y-K1K Hellam Conglom C

Geologic Formation Codes with Lithology

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16 PCC-Cave

3Y-KIK Hellam Conglomerate C3W-4-J Hershey & Myerstown Fmtn ZLF3W-41J Hershey Limestone ZLF3N-43G Homewood SS V3S122D Honesdale Sandstone V3-53 Hornblende Gneiss N4—6-U Hornblende Gneiss4—3-Q Hornblende Gneiss3W-A1C Hostler Member L3W-GJ1 Juniata & Bald-Eagle Group ZV3W-1-C Juniata Formation VC3U-61 Keefer Sandstone-Upr Clintn VF3U-GK4 Keyser & Tonoloway Group ZL3U-1 Keyser Formation L3U-GK2 Keyser Thru McKenzie Fmtn LF3U-GK3 Keyser,Tonoloway,Wills-Creek FL3Y-E-K Kinzers Formation LS3N-32G Kittanning Formation VCF3Q-26 Knapp Formation VF3W-F2C Larke Dolomite/Stonehenge D3Y-D-K Ledger Formation D2J-3 Lockatong Formation PF3Y-K2K Loudoun Conglomerate C3Y-24C Lower-Sandy Member DV3Q-13 Loyalhanna, Lime/Calc SS L3W-B-C Loysburg Formation ZLD3S41 Mahantango Formation ZF3S4GH2 Mahantango,Marcellus,Onond VFL3N-23G Mahoning Sandstone V3S451 Mandata Shale ZF3U-11E Manlius Formation - In East L3-582 Marburg Schist (W. of Susq) O3S4GF1 Marcellus & Onondaga Group VFL3S42 Marcellus Formation FV3W-2-J Martinsburg Formation FVL3Q-1 Mauch-Chunk Formation VFL

3U-5 McKenzie Formation FL3W-32J Mercersburg Limestone ZLF4—1-S Metabasalt4—1-Q Metadiabase4—1-U Metadiabase3-54 Metagabbro H4—2-S Metarhyolite3-584 Metavolcanics3W-42J Meyerstown Limestone L3W-42C Milesburg Member L3Y-GS2 Millbach & Shaefferstown Gp ZL3Y-7-K Millbach Limestone ZLD3W-B2C Milroy Member ZLD3Y-GM2 Mines & Gatesburg Group LZD3Y-21C Mines Member ZD3N-1-G Monongahela Formation ZCY

3Y-J1K Montalto Quartzite Member N3S412 Montebello Sandstone Member V3N-41G Morgantown Sandstone VCF3W-6-C Nealmont Formation ZL3S432C Needmore Shale - Cntrl Pa F3W-52C New-Enterprise Member L2J-41 New-Oxford Sandstone ZV3S454 New-Scotland Limestone ZLC3W-E-C Nittany Formation ZD3W-GN3 Nittany,Stonehenge-Larke Gp DL3W-83C Oak Hall Member L3-585 Oligoclase Mica Schist O3S43 Onondaga Formation FL3W-7-J Ontelaunee Formation LZD3W-GE1 Ontelaunee,Epler,Rickenbach DL3W-31J Oranda Limestone L3W-1-L Ordovician Diabase H3Y-23C Ore-Hill Member ZD3S4GR2 Oriskany & Heldergerg Group VFL3S44 Oriskany Formation VL3S11-A Oswayo Formation FWV3S11-D Oswayo Formation VF3W-21C Oswego Sandstone ZV3S435W Palmerton Sandstone V2E-1 Patapsco Formation - Clay P3-56 Peach-Bottom Slate & Cardif OC3-51 Pegmatite1A-3 Pensauken Formation - Grvl G3-57 Peters-Creek Schist O4—91U Pickering Gneiss3N-12G Pittsburgh SS VC3Y-4-C Pleasant-Hill Formation ZLF3Q-2 Pocono Group VCF3S132D Portage Beds FWV3S151A Portage Formation LF3S452E Port-Ewen Shale - In East F

3N-1-N Post Pottsville Formation VF3N-4-G Pottsville Group VC3N-4-N Pottsville Group VCK3U-22E Poxono Island Beds LF4—2-U Quartz Monzonite3N-14G Redstone LS L3W-3-C Reedsville Formation ZF3S11-X Riceville Formation (Erie) ND3Y-6-K Richland Formation ZD3W-9-J Rickenbach Formation ZD3S441 Ridgeley Sandstone ZV3W-51C Roaring-Spring Member L3U-62 Rochester Shale F3W-61C Rodman Member ZLF3U-12E Rondout Formation - In East L3U-63 Rose-Hill Formation FV

Geologic Formation Codes with Lithology

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3S121A Salamanca Sandstone & Cong VC3W-5-C Salona Formation ZLF3N-24G Saltsburg SS V1A-1 Sands of Presque-Isle S3W-21J Sandstone Interbeds V3N-42N Schuylkill Formation VCF3S431C Selinsgrove Limestone L3-55 Serpentinite4—5-U Serpentinite3-5A Setters Quartzite N3Y-8-K Shaefferstown Limestone ZLF3W-22J Shale, SS & LS Interbeds FVL3N-41N Sharp-Mountain Formation VC3U-GS3 Shawangunk Formation ZV3Q-22 Shenango Formation VF3W-33J Shippensburg Limestone L3S123D Shohola Sandstone V3S442 Shriver Limestone ZL3Y-82K Snitz-Creek Dolomite ZD3Y-81K Snitz-Creek,Buffalo-Springs LD3W-9-C Snyder Formation ZLD3-521 Springfield Granodiorite3W-5-J St. Paul Group ZL2J-42 Stockton Sandstone ZV2J-4 Stockton/New-Oxford Fmtn ZV3W-A-J Stonehenge Formation ZL3W-F1C Stonehenge Limestone ZL3W-F-C Stonehenge-Larke Formation LD3W-6SJ Stones River ZL3W-6-S Stones River Limestone L

3W-84C Stover Member ZL3S1GS1 Susquehanna Group (Gp-S1) VF3W-C1C Tea Creek Member ZD3Y-C-K Tomstown/Leithsville Fmtn ZD3U-2 Tonoloway Limestone ZLF3W-GT1 Trenton Group/Champlainian ZL2J-1 Triassic Diabase H2J-24 Triassic Quartz Pbbl Congl ZVC2J-23 Triassic Shale & Lime Congl ZFL3S136D Trimmers-Rock Member FWV3Q-12 Trough-Creek Limestone L3S137D Tully Limestone L3N-43N Tumbling-Run Formation VCF3S421 Turkey-Ridge Sandstone V3U-7 Tuscarora Formation VC3V-1 Undifferentiated Ordovician3Y-22C Upper-Sandy Member ZD3W-81C Valentine Member L3W-82C Valley View Member ZLF3N-34G Vanport Limestone L3Y-F-K Vintage Formation ZD3-583 Wakefield Marble N3Y-3-C Warrior Formation ZL3M-1 Washington Formation ZCY3Y-B-K Waynesboro Formation VFL3Y-5-C Waynesboro Formation FVC3U-3 Wills-Creek Formation FW3U-GM1 Wills-Creek,Bloomsburg,McKean FZ

3-58 Wissahickon Formation

Geologic Formation Codes with Lithology

Page 18: Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy

18 PCC-Cave

149A Abbottstown050B Accident169C Airville001B Albion202B Aldenville096D Alexandria126A Alfarata006D Aliquippa106D Allensville206C Allentown East196D Allentown West144C Allenwood086C Altoona078B Alum Bank089D Amaranth218A Ambler

016C Ambridge018C Amity127C Andersonburg002F Andover122B Antrim129B Arendtsville090A Artemas121C Asaph165D Ashland076D Ashville176D Auburn172B Auburn Center107D Aughwick092B Austin007C Avella060B Avilton193C Avoca046C Avonmore102A Ayers Hill016A Baden

058C Bakersville215C Bangor143B Barbours024A Barkeyville066B Barnesboro116A Barrville190A Bay View079D Beans Cove105A Bear Knob006B Beaver001C Beaver Center005D Beaver Falls136A Beaver Springs077C Beaverdale135C Beavertown078D Bedford217A Bedminster114D Beech Creek

105B Bellefonte090B Bellegrove116C Belleville086D Bellwood215D Belvidere151A Bentley Creek164A Benton069A Berlin177B Bernville174C Berwick005A Bessemer008E Bethany167B Bethel228C Beverly099D Big Cove Tannery139A Biglerville

187D Birdsboro095B Black Moshannon020A Blacksville117D Blain117C Blairs Mills047B Blairsville194D Blakeslee086A Blandburg012B Blooming Valley164C Bloomsburg132B Blossburg077D Blue Knob130A Blue Ridge Summit143A Bodines057A Bolivar058B Boswell197C Boyertown027B Braddock071A Bradford040B Brandonville

073C Brandy Camp099A Breezewood209D Bridgeport017D Bridgeville228D Bristol205A Brodheadsville101D Brookland054B Brookville039C Brownfield040A Bruceton Mills056D Brush Valley204B Buck Hill Falls217D Buckingham079A Buffalo Mills081B Bullis Mills007A Burgettstown116B Burnham065D Burnside

108C Burnt Cabins214D Bushkill025C Butler107C Butler Knob129A Caledonia Park028C California211D Callicoon011D Cambridge Springs011B Cambridge Springs NE219B Camden093A Cameron009F Cameron W Va-Pa123A Cammal004F Campbell017C Canonsburg142B Canton

192D Carbondale138A Carlisle063D Carman029A Carmichaels134C Carroll076C Carrolltown097D Cassville206A Catasauqua165A Catawissa122C Cedar Run196B Cementon183A Center Moreland022B Centerville068D Central City115C Centre Hall119A Chambersburg089C Chaneysville132A Cherry Flats052A Cherry Grove100B Cherry Run

102B Cherry Springs035A Chicora195A Christmans051D Clarendon044A Clarion008C Claysville110A Clear Spring084C Clearfield089A Clearville192B Clifford007B Clinton056B Clymer076B Coalport189B Coatesville042B Cobham125C Coburn012D Cochranton133D Cogan Station

Quadrangle Codes

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208A Collegeville162D Colley168C Columbia East158D Columbia West031B Columbus066D Colver066A Commodore169B Conestoga049D Confluence001E Conneaut002D Conneaut Lake001D Conneautville038D Connellsville180A Conowingo Dam102C Conrad175B Conynham

053C Cooksburg054D Coolspring061C Cornplanter Bridge061A Cornplanter Run031A Corry054A Corsica091D Coudersport033C Cranberry077B Cresson131C Crooked Creek082A Crosby224B Culvers Gap070B Cumberland026B Curtisville075B Curwensville071D Cyclone146A Dalmatia192C Dalton212B Damascus155B Danville

038C Dawson055A Dayton175D Delano170B Delta022D Dempseytown083D Dents Run071B Derrick City047D Derry094A Devils Elbow128D Dickinson138D Dillsburg045B Distant106C Donation048C Donegal028B Donora148D Dover198C Downingtown118A Doylesburg

217C Doylestown093C Driftwood064D DuBois137B Duncannon162C Dushore173A Dutch Mtn153B Eagles Mere035B East Brady025B East Butler197B East Greenville006E East Liverpool North006F East Liverpool South005F East Palestine001A East Springfield214C East Stroudsburg151C East Troy

216A Easton024B Eau Claire077A Ebensburg223C Edgemere011A Edinboro North011C Edinboro South004C Edinburg046B Elderton081A Eldred222C Eldred, NJ158B Elizabethtown146D Elizabethville163C Elk Grove121B Elkland074D Elliot Park101A Ellisburg018D Ellsworth188B Elverson034A Emlenton130B Emmitsburg

092C Emporium016D Emsworth147B Enders123B English Center097C Entriken178A Ephrata—B Erie North—DD Erie South056A Ernest015D Evans City088D Everett East088C Everett West080A Evitts Creek182D Factoryville129D Fairfield069D Fairhope—D Fairview—C Fairview SW

064B Falls Creek108D Fannettsburg114B Farrandsville170A Fawn Grove028D Fayette City093B First Fork224C Flatbrookville187B Fleetwood080B Flintstone202A Forest City218D Frankford023B Franklin181B Franklin Forks096B Franklinville087B Frankstown167A Fredericksburg

003D Fredonia145C Freeburg184C Freeland036A Freeport216D Frenchtown094C Frenchville176C Friedensburg171B Friendsville050A Friendsville, MD070A Frostburg043C Fryburg039D Ft. Necessity112A Galeton212A Galilee179B Gap019D Garards Fort067D Geistown012C Geneva218C Germantown139C Gettysburg

141B Gillett027C Glassport142A Gleason072D Glen Hazel085A Glen Richey159C Glen Rock113D Glen Union026C Glenshaw032B Grand Valley060A Grantsville157A Grantville191A Great Bend119C Greencastle004B Greenfield037D Greensburg003B Greenville East003A Greenville West014B Grove City

Quadrangle Codes

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20 PCC-Cave

142D Grover018B Hackett013A Hadley120A Hagerstown147A Halifax063A Hallton186C Hamburg103A Hammersley Fork-CCC Hammett139B Hampton201B Hancock100A Hancock W VA149C Hanover—AA Harbor Creek191C Harford014C Harlansburg

002B Harmonsburg147D Harrisburg East147C Harrisburg West111A Harrison Valley135A Hartleton002C Hartstown173D Harveys Lake076A Hastings218B Hatboro213A Hawley072B Hazel Hurst064A Hazen185A Hazleton206D Hellertown157C Hershey194C Hickory Run024D Hilliards153A Hillsgrove009D Holbrook087A Holidaysburg

169D Holtwood202D Honesdale188C Honey Brook006C Hookstown068A Hooversville182B Hop Bottom088B Hopewell085D Houtzdale114C Howard114A Howard NW154A Hughesville010A Hundred143D Huntersville097B Huntingdon084A Huntley098D Hustontown079C Hyndman127B Ickesburg

056C Indiana157B Indiantown Gap129C Iron Springs075D Irvona037C Irwin013C Jackson Center131B Jackson Summit062D James City172C Jenningsville123C Jersey Mills124B Jersey Shore067C Johnstown105C Julian062B Kane094D Karthaus103C Keating

121D Keeneyville042D Kellettville023D Kennerdell199C Kennett Square073D Kersey183C Kingston049B Kingwood003E Kinsman179D Kirkwood035D Kittanning156A Klingerstown034B Knox121A Knoxville033D Kossuth205C Kunkletown186D Kutztown172A Laceyville154B Lairdsville203A Lake Ariel021D Lake Canadohta

201D Lake Como030B Lake Lynn224A Lake Maskenozha203B Lakeville227C Lambertville168D Lancaster127D Landisburg208B Landsdale228A Langhorne209B Lansdowne163A Laporte047C Latrobe181A Laurel Lake171D Lawton167C Lebanon084D Lecontes Mills112D Lee Fire Tower036B Leechburg

195C Lehighton148A Lemoyne192A Lenoxville178C Leola002E Leon171C LeRaysville152A Leroy071C Lewis Run145A Lewisburg116D Lewistown132D Liberty058A Ligonier134A Linden150B Lineboro002A Linesville161A Litchfield

168B Lititz171A Little Meadows140B Littlestown010E Littleton124A Lock Haven124D Loganton211C Long Eddy163B Lopez041A Lottsville043D Lucinda062A Ludlow217B Lumberville074C Luthersburg156C Lykens052D Lynch115B Madisonburg075A Mahaffey009E Majorsville198D Malvern048A Mammoth

197A Manatawny150A Manchester168A Manheim131D Mansfield209C Marcus Hook053B Marienville East053A Marienville West055D Marion Center059C Markleton016B Mars112B Marshlands087D Martinsburg110B Mason Dixon029C Masontown019B Mather052C Mayburg106B McAlevys Fort126B McClure

Quadrangle Codes

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109A McConnellsburg117B McCoysville065B McGees Mills046D McIntyre027D McKeesport139D McSherrystown117A McVeytown099B Meadow Grounds012A Meadville138B Mechanicsburg209A Media089B Mench014A Mercer109C Mercersburg172D Meshoppen126D Mexico

059D Meyersdale135D Middleburg158A Middletown006A Midland007D Midway135B Mifflinburg126C Mifflintown164D Mifflinville223D Milford207A Milford Square124C Mill Hall049A Mill Run021C Millers Station146C Millersburg136C Millerstown141A Millerton125A Millheim154D Millville144D Milton166B Minersville

115A Mingoville028A Monongahela162A Monroeton143C Montoursville North144A Montoursville South181D Montrose East181C Montrose West188A Morgantown030A Morgantown North122D Morris193D Moscow045C Mosgrove138C Mount Holly Springs204D Mount Pocono107A Mount Union165C Mt. Carmel025A Mt. Chestnut072A Mt. Jewett

038B Mt. Pleasant144B Muncy063C Munderf059B Murdock037A Murrysville174B Nanticoke067B Nantyglo212D Narrowsburg132C Nauvoo206B Nazareth099C Needmore185D Nesquehoning069B New Baltimore044D New Bethlehem004D New Castle North005B New Castle South

088A New Enterprise057B New Florence160A New Freedom009C New Freeport005C New Galilee178D New Holland036C New Kensington East026D New Kensington West013B New Lebanon005E New Middletown186A New Ringgold029B New Salem186B New Tripoli190B Newark West118B Newburg203D Newfoundland137A Newport107B Newton Hamilton128A Newville208D Norristown

160B Norrisville—BB North East145B Northumberland082B Norwich173B Noxen175A Nuremberg019C Oak Forest017A Oakdale078A Ogletown049C Ohiopyle033A Oil City112C Oleona193B Olyphant003F Orangeville108A Orbisonia201C Orson176B Orwigsburg020B Osage

091B Oswayo152D Overton189C Oxford195D Palmerton157D Palmyra034C Parker189A Parkesburg213D Pecks Pond074B Penfield227D Pennington207C Perkiomenville219A Philadelphia095A Philipsburg198B Phoenixville153C Picture Rocks001F Pierpont

146B Pillow166C Pine Grove106A Pine Grove Mills027A Pittsburgh East017B Pittsburgh West041C Pittsfield183D Pittston128B Plainfield194A Pleasant View Summit032D Pleasantville055C Plumville204C Pocono Pines195B Pohopoco Mtn023C Polk223B Pond Eddy081D Port Allegany233A Port Jervis North233C Port Jervis South095D Port Matilda015A Portersville

215B Portland063B Portland Mills111B Potter Brook094B Pottersdale198A Pottstown176A Pottsville152B Powell033B President213C Promised Land015B Prospect008D Prosperity065A Punxsutawney207B Quakertown179A Quarryville057D Rachelwood079B Rainsburg142C Ralston085C Ramey

Quadrangle Codes

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22 PCC-Cave

183B Ransom083A Rathbun187C Reading159B Red Lion163D Red Rock113C Renovo East103D Renovo West136D Reward064C Reynoldsville082D Rich Valley136B Richfield167D Richland073A Ridgway216C Riegelsville034D Rimersburg180B Rising Sun155A Riverside087C Roaring Spring065C Rochester Mills059A Rockwood009B Rogersville161D Rome141C Roseville091C Roulette213B Rowland118C Roxbury045D Rural Valley051A Russell062C Russell City111D Sabinsville074A Sabula169A Safe Harbor133C Salladasburg098B Saltillo047A Saltsburg013D Sandy Lake095C Sandy Ridge197D Sassamansville025D Saxonburg098A Saxton205B Saylorsburg151B Sayre051B Scandia078C Schellsburg119B Scotland193A Scranton048D Seven Springs149D Seven Valleys108B Shade Gap155D Shamokin004A Sharon East004E Sharon West003C Sharpsville052B Sheffield

175C Shenandoah137C Shermansdale174A Shickshinny091A Shinglehouse118D Shippensburg223A Shohola102D Short Run165B Shumans152C Shunk053D Sigel177D Sinking Spring093D Sinnemahoning214A Skytop113B Slate Run196A Slatedale037B Slickville044C Sligo014D Slippery Rock081C Smethport029D Smithfield120B Smithsburg038A Smithton104C Snow Shoe104B Snow Shoe NE104A Snow Shoe NW104D Snow Shoe SE058D Somerset153D Sonestown039B South Connellsville031C Spartansburg031D Spring Creek115D Spring Mills182A Springville096C Spruce Creek127A Spruce Hill073B St. Marys109B St. Thomas048B Stahlstown201A Starrucca105D State College148B Steelton203C Sterling007F Steubenville East159D Stewartstown061B Stickney164B Stillwater227A Stockton068C Stoystown044B Strattanville177A Strausstown066C Strongstown215A Stroudsburg041B Sugar Grove022C Sugar Lake

054C Summerville145D Sunbury191B Susquehanna—CC Swanville166D Swatara Hill101C Sweden Valley173C Sweet Valley174D Sybertsville185C Tamaqua103B Tamarack140A Taneytown207D Telford187A Temple045A Templeton178B Terre Hill084B The Knobs191D Thompson194B Thornhurst122A Tiadaghton042A Tidioute131A Tioga043A Tionesta086B Tipton032A Titusville North032C Titusville South204A Tobyhanna196C Topton161C Towanda156D Tower City022A Townville166A Tremont238A Trenton East228B Trenton West155C Treverton133B Trout Run141D Troy182C Tunkhannock214B Twelvemile Pond043B Tylersburg096A Tyrone151D Ulster101B Ulysses021B Union City039A Uniontown199A Unionville023A Utica026A Valencia055B Valier208C Valley Forge008F Valley Grove156B Valley View036D Vandergrift067A Vintondale010B Wadestown

Quadrangle Codes

Page 23: Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy


188D Wagontown179C Wakefield085B Wallaceton128C Walnut Bottom051C Warren018A Washington East008B Washington West154C Washingtonville021A Waterford123D Waterville-DDD Wattsburg202C Waymart119D Waynesboro019A Waynesburg185B Weatherly083C Weedville125D Weikert007E Weirton098C Wells Tannery148C Wellsville137D Wertzville

199B West Chester083B West Creek189D West Grove042C West Hickory008A West Middletown111C West Pike024C West Sunbury149B West York061D Westline075C Westover092D Wharton184D White Haven212C White Mills133A White Pine046A Whitesburg072C Wilcox082C Wildwood Fire Tower184B Wilkes-Barre East184A Wilkes-Barre West097A Williamsburg109D Williamson

Quadrangle Codes134B Williamsport134D Williamsport SE199D Wilmington North057C Wilpen205D Wind Gap009A Wind Ridge068B Windber161B Windham069C Wittenberg177C Womelsdorf219C Woodbury125B Woodward035C Worthington162B Wyalusing159A York158C York Haven113A Young Womans Creek041D Youngsville

015C Zelienople

Page 24: Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy

The Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy - Data Collection Form





Email ___________________________________________________

Entry access control (if owner controls access, fill in at





Email __________________________________________________

1. ___________________________


Equipment Codes

Use codes at right and fill in perexamples.

Ft = Feet M = Meters

Examples: H 60Ft or L 10M

Entrance Type

UN Unknown

EQ Quarry

ER Roadcut

EM Mine

EC Excavated for cave

SR Resurgence

SS Sinking stream

SB Stream bank

SU Submerged

DS Dry sinkhole

DO Outcrop

DC Cliff face

DP Pit or domeDE Eroded, i.e. hillside

Hazards (All that apply)

H Hypothermia

A Bad air

B Breakdown unstable

F Sudden floods

L Location near danger

P Pollution

S Strained owner relations

T Tight into main cave

V Vertical/pits

Sensitivity (All that apply)

F Formations delicateE Endangered species

H Historical/Arch/Paleo

O Other

Open/Closed Status

O OpenU UnknownI Closed intermittentlyN Closed naturallyP Closed by a personQ Quarried away - goneG Gated






Internal Relief__________


Source of length

E Estimate

M Map

S Survey

U Unknown

Length Attribute

E Estimate

A Additional unmeasuredT Total of several caves

Cave Type

N Natural caveC CommercialW Was commercialS ShelterM MineF Fictional/ConjecturalO Oddity

Drainage Basin


N Not classifiedC Classified

Cave name


County Date

Physiographic Province

03A Coastal Plain04A Piedmont Upland Section04B Triassic Lowland Section04C Conestoga Valley Section05A Blue Ridge06B Appalachian Mt. Section06D Great Valley Section08C1 Glacial Section(Western)08C2 Glaciated Low Plateaus08D Allegheny Mt. Section08E1 Allegheny High Plateaus08E2 Pittsburgh Plateaus

08H Pocono Plateaus

09B New England Province

12A Eastern Lake Section

Citation Information

BE Bald Eagle GrottoBG Baltimore Grotto NewsBC Bucks County DivinerBV Buffalo ValleyCC Commander CodyCR Chestnut Ridge ExplorersCU Cumberland Valley CaverEM Enchanted Mt. Cave Gp.FC Franklin Co. GrottoHC Huntingdon Co. Cve HuntersKC Karst ChronicleLT Loyalhanna TroglodyteMB MAR BulletinNN Netherworld NewsNG Nittany Grotto NewsNE Northeast CaverNB NSS BulletinNJ NSS Journal Caves & KarstNS NSS NewsNW NWPCS JournalPR Pack Rat Scat

PS Pa. Geol. Survey ReportsPD Pa. Dept. Internal AffairsPG Philly Grotto Digest

SD SpeleoDigest

UR Unpublished reportWV West Va. CaverYK York Grotto News

OT Other_________________

Vol., No., Page




S Solutional

R Talus

E Erosion (slumping)

T Tectonic (cracks)

X Eolian (wind formed)

I Ice W Sea

L Lava O Other

U Unknown

Relative Entrance Size

L Large 10' & up

W Walk 5' - 10'

C Crawl 2' - 4+'

S Squeeze 1' - 1+'

T Tight up to 1'

U Unknown


D Dry

M Muddy

I Intermittent stream

P Pools

F Flowing water

S Sumps

U Underwater (submerged)

Release Form

N No release formR Release form once

E Release form each timeU Unknown

Entry Access

B Blanket permission

P Permission required each timeN No cavingU Unknown

Owner Type

P Private, partnership, or family

C Company or corporationG Government

U Unknown


H Hand line - include length

L Ladder - include lengthR Standing rope - include length

W Wet suitD Diving gear

Page 25: Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy

The Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy - Data Collection Form - Page 2

Map Grade (survey instrumentation)

6 Theodolite (or transit) and tape survey5 Compass and tape survey4 Combination of 3 and 53 Compass and pace survey2 Controlled sketch (angles taken)1 Sketch

Map Class (survey measurement)

A Based on memoryB Details estimated and recorded in caveC Measurement of detail made at survey stations onlyD Measurement of detail made in addition to survey stationsU Unknown

Map Quality

E Excellent (passage detail, section views, profile)

G Good (passage detail, may have some section views)

P Poor (line drawing, little or no detail)

N Little or no value, unreadable

Map Storage (original)

BGR Baltimore Grotto

BCG Bucks Co. Grotto

BVG Buffalo Valley Grotto

CCC Commander Cody Caving Club

CZM Garrett Czmor

EMC Enchanted Mt. Cave Group

FCO Franklin Co. Grotto

GAG Greater Allentown Grotto

HCH Huntingdon Co. Cave Hunters

LOY Loyalhanna Grotto

MAK Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy

MET MET Grotto

NIT Nittany GrottoNSS NSS

NWP Northwest Pa. Cave Survey

PCS Pennsylvania Cave SurveyPGH Pittsburgh GrottoPHL Philly Grotto

WST Westminster College Caving Group

YRK York Grotto

MAP Location shown on map

OWN With cave ownerUNK Unknown

Other ___________________________________


H HorizontalB Bi-level (two overlying, distinct, well-developed levels)M Multi-level (overlying, well developed levels)S Sloping (passage gradient greater than normal stream gradient)T Tiered (sequence of several stepped levels)V Vertical (major extent of mostly pit development)P Pit (no significant horizontal development)C Compound or complex (large cave with multiple profiles)I Insufficient information

Passage Pattern

Linear Development

1DL Linear - straight1DS Sinuous - gradual bends1DA Angulate - sharp bends

Planar Development

2BS 2-D sinuous branchwork

2BA 2-D angulate branchwork

2MA 2-D anastomatic maze

2MN 2-D network maze

Three dimensional development

3MS 3-D spongework maze

3MA 3-D angulate maze


4ND Indefinite passage development

4VC Unique passage development

4CD Compound; classic in some sections

4CX Complex; multiple structures & dimensions

Passage Density

U Unknown

S Single passage

L Loose (features greater than 500 ft. apart)I Intermediate (features 50-500 ft. apart)

T Tight (features less than 50 ft. apart)


KDW 2-26-2007

Map Year_____________ (include century digits i.e. 2007)

Restricted Dates

V No caving - Oct. 15 - Apr. 15W No caving - Aug. 15 - May 1X No caving - Sep. 2 - Apr. 30

Y No caving - Sep. 16 - May 14

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26 PCC-Cave

About the Author

The computer system was developed by Keith D. Wheeland, NSS 2878. Keith is retired from a

career in data processing, but still develops and writes computer software systems for the PC.He

is active in the National Speleological Society, the Nittany Grotto, the Butler Cave Conservation

Society, the Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy, and the Mid Appalachian Region. He has worked

on cave projects in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Montana, and the Dominican Republic.


The moving force in getting this system started was Dr. Gordon Dayton. The advisor to the project

is Dr. William B. White, Professor of Geochemistry at Penn State now retired.


Ellis, B.M. (1976) of Ford, T.D. & Cullingford, C.H.D., The Science of Speleology

FIPS PUB 6-3 (1979) Counties and County Equivalents of the States of the United Statesand the District of Columbia. Federal Information ProcessingStandard.

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Report 66