Pastor's Corner• going deeper with Jesus Christ • Baptism for you or your children • Joining...

THE PINNACLE Virginia Beach United Methodist Church • 212 Nineteenth Street • Virginia Beach • Virginia 23451-1264 OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM -4:30 PM 757-428-7727 FAX: 757-428-1264 Rev. Ted E. David Senior Pastor Rev. Edward H. Johnson, Jr. Associate Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES Traditional 8:00 and 11:00 AM & Contemporary 9:30 AM EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: PRAYER EMAIL: [email protected] Virginia Beach United Methodist Church WE ARE CALLED TO GATHER IN CHRISTS NAME, TO GROW IN HIS LOVE, AND TO GLORIFY HIM IN MINISTRY AND MISSION TO ALL PEOPLE. Pastor's Corner Volume 05-11 2011 The poet Carl Sandburg said, “There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, and there is a hippopotamus in me that wants to wallow in the mud.” Well said, I think, because I’m faced with that choice almost every single day - how about you? Will today be the day I step out and enjoy life as God intended it to be or am I just going to wallow around? It’s oſten a choice between the best and what I’ve grown accustom to accepng. The moments when I soar are those when I can rise above the situaon no maer the circumstances. This is when God enables me to see beyond the confines of a single moment; to know that I was meant for more than pey things. I’m knee deep in the mud when I’m short tempered with the kids, callous with my fellow workers or holding on to some injusce long remembered. I don’t parcularly enjoy being dirty, I just tell myself it’s what I’ve come to expect. The truth of the maer is it’s always a choice on my part; to fly high or sink low. God’s given us all the ability to defy the forces that keep us grounded. We merely have to turn our faces into the wind and allow it to sweep us away. How about it - flying anyone? It’s worth a thought, don’t you think? Preacher Ted May Pinnacle Highlights New Members from March and April. ................................................................................2 Children's Choirs Spring Program, "Let Your Light Shine" .......................................... 4 Nimmo Community Garden News...................................................................................... 5 Camp GOTCHA "God's Bootcamp" ...................................................................................... 6 S.E.A Fellowship coming events........................................................................................... 7 Softball Schedule for May .................................................................................................... 11 Wednesday Night Dinner information ............................................................................ 14 Have you visited the new church website yet? It's awesome!

Transcript of Pastor's Corner• going deeper with Jesus Christ • Baptism for you or your children • Joining...

Page 1: Pastor's Corner• going deeper with Jesus Christ • Baptism for you or your children • Joining and/or learning more about Virginia Beach united Methodist Church Come explore connections

The Pinnacle

Virginia Beach United Methodist Church • 212 Nineteenth Street • Virginia Beach • Virginia 23451-1264

OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday

8:30 AM -4:30 PM757-428-7727

FAx: 757-428-1264

Rev. Ted E. David Senior Pastor

Rev. Edward H. Johnson, Jr. Associate Pastor


8:00 and 11:00 AM &

Contemporary 9:30 AM

EMAIl: [email protected]


PRAyER EMAIl: [email protected]

Virginia Beach United Methodist Church

We are called To GaTher in chrisT’s name, To GroW in his love,

and To Glorify him in minisTry and mission To all PeoPle.

Pastor's CornerVolume 05-11


The poet Carl Sandburg said, “There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, and there is a hippopotamus in me that wants to wallow in the mud.” Well said, I think, because I’m faced with that choice almost every single day - how about you? Will today be the day I step out and enjoy life as God intended it to be or am I just going to wallow around? It’s often a choice between the best and what I’ve grown accustom to accepting.

The moments when I soar are those when I can rise above the situation no matter the circumstances. This is when God enables me to see beyond the confines of a single moment; to know that I was meant for more than petty things. I’m knee deep in the mud when I’m short tempered with the kids, callous with my fellow workers or holding on to some injustice long remembered. I don’t particularly enjoy being dirty, I just tell myself it’s what I’ve come to expect.

The truth of the matter is it’s always a choice on my part; to fly high or sink low. God’s given us all the ability to defy the forces that keep us grounded. We merely have to turn our faces into the wind and allow it to sweep us away. How about it - flying anyone?

It’s worth a thought, don’t you think?

Preacher Ted

May Pinnacle HighlightsNew Members from March and April.................................................................................2Children's Choirs Spring Program, "Let Your Light Shine" .......................................... 4Nimmo Community Garden News ...................................................................................... 5Camp GOTCHA "God's Bootcamp" ...................................................................................... 6S.E.A Fellowship coming events ........................................................................................... 7Softball Schedule for May ....................................................................................................11Wednesday Night Dinner information ............................................................................14

Have you visited the new church website yet? It's awesome!

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~ Our Church Family ~

The Deadline for the June 2011

Pinnacle is Tuesday, May 17th

Welcome to Our Newest MembersInvite them to your Sunday school class.

Change the World Sunday is the 3rd Sunday of every month.

Coin jars are available in the Narthex. Please bring your coin jar to church on the 3rd Sunday

of the month.

All donations benefit Missions.

WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 8:00 9:30 11:00 SSMarch 20 112 250 252 337 March 27 141 221 289 205 April 10 145 265 258 216April 17 234 288 383 275

CONWAY & SHIRLEY BRITTON MUSIC FUNDIn MeMory of Warren SeaburgbyJohnandJoyceClarke

FOUNDATIONIn MeMory of JIM gIbbS byRosaleeJewellIn MeMory of gabrIel glaSheen byRosaleeJewellIn MeMory of SylvIa ThoMpSon byGloriaShawBladesIn MeMory of MargareT WIlkInS byRosaleeJewell

David Payne John & Ashley Puvogel

Francheska & Ryan Grogan and their children Tatum and Carolyn

Fred & Shashon Broussard and their son Jackson

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who have


high school

to those in

vicinity of

29 years 11


All welcome

for C-YA TUESDAYS - 7:00 PM


Various locations, get your

contact info to Evan Taylor or

Chuck Cassidy in the Young

Adult Office and join the C-YA

Facebook page to see what is

going on!

Foundation Update

Join us for tours of the campus with ministry

highlights offered the 3rd Sunday of each month.

Next Tour Date:May 15th

Two tours offered each


You’re invited to explore:• going deeper with Jesus Christ• Baptism for you or your children• Joining and/or learning more about Virginia Beach united Methodist Church

Come explore connections of faith, Jesus Christ and the Church,

Next Connections - Sunday, May 8th 9:30 AM-12:00 NOON • S312

Childcare, children’s and youth activities are available. Please send names, ages and school grades to

Brenda Stahl, [email protected], 428-7727.

With everything that has happened in the economy and the effect it has had on investment for the past two years, several questions have been raised about finances and estate planning. The following are just a few of those questions and if any of these stimulate further review, now is the time to act.

• Did your investment results change any of your estate plans?• Have any children or grandchildren been born since your last review? • Have you purchased any life insurance?• Does your estate plan provide for who will receive your life insurance and plan assets?• Have you reviewed the current federal and state laws that affect your estate?

• Are you certain that all your property will go to the person or persons you want to receive it and in the amounts you wish?• Have you recently sold or given away any property?• Have you included Virginia Beach United Methodist Church Foundation in your charitable gifts?

Contact your attorney, accountant or financial planner who will help you in answering these questions and prepare the necessary documents to make the changes.

The Foundation Committee had its annual organizational meeting in February and were please to report that four requests during 2010 for scholarship financial assistance were approved and the total of $3,600.00 was disbursed. Three new members were appointed to the committee; Jeff Davis, Jim Harris and Henry Watts. The new officers for the Foundation are; Jeff Davis, Chairman Dave Moore, Sr., Secretary Earl Slattum, Treasurer

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mUsic minisTries USING YOUR GIFTS!

Are you looking for a place to use the gifts you have received from God that can be rewarding not only to yourself but many others? Why not try joining one of our many groups and ensembles! Music is everywhere at VBUMC, and we invite everyone to come and join us. We have many opportunities for everyone. All of our ensembles welcome new and returning members at any time. We invite you to find your place and make it your ministry!


5:00 PM 9:30 Praise Band ...................................Sanctuary Singers at 6:00 PM ..............................Sanctuary

5:30 PM Archangel Choir - Grades 1 & 2 ................S200

6:00 PM Youth Choir - Grades 6-12 ...........................S201

6:15 PM Cherub and Angel Choirs Age 4 & Kindergarten ...................................S311

6:30 PM Gabriel Singers Choir - Grades 3-5 ..........S200

7:45 PM Sanctuary Orchestra (High School & Adults) .......................Sanctuary


5:45 PM Notabells (Adult handbells) .......................S201

7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir ..............................................S201


4:00 PM Youth Praise Band and Singers Grades 6-12 ......................................................S201

For Kindermusik and Group Keyboard classes, please contact Charlotte Brandt and Rebekah Everhart.

Music Ministries A Place For Everyone

Children’s Choirs Spring Program

Wednesday, May 18th

6:00 PMNote: time change

Our Children’s Choirs will present a program of music from this year that will remind us they have been

walking as “Children of the Light”.

Certificates and trophies will be presented A reception will follow the program.


Let Your Light Shine!

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Confirmation 2011- May 15th

Thank you for praying for our 29 Confirmands throughout their five-month Confirmation process. This month each of them will be prayerfully considering whether he or she is ready to make the decision to be confirmed.

Please join us in celebrating their profession of faith and commitment to the church on Sunday, May 15th at the 9:30 AM worship service.

Confirmands and Mentors are asked to be present for our closing on Saturday, May 14th at 8:30 AM. Parents are asked to join us in the sanctuary at 9:15 AM for a rehearsal of the Confirmation Service.

We thought that because of budget shortfall the celebration brunch would have to be canceled. Some of the parents are pulling together to fund and help provide this brunch.

If you would like to help or contribute, please contact Brenda Stahl, [email protected].

Prayer Partners are asked to join us in the fellowship hall at 10:30 AM on Saturday, May 14th.

Blood Drive Report & Big Thank You!

Like all projects and missions our annual Red Cross Blood Drive, held in April, involved a lot of organization and participation of our Church Family. We began six weeks ahead of our scheduled date with publicity encouraging donors and asking volunteers to give their

time during registration in the canteen and with food donations. The goal given to us was 50 pints of blood. We fell short of this with only 36 pints given. The Red Cross staff were appreciative of the blood donations and it gave them time to learn the new computer system being utilized for the firt time. This new registration innovation was done by a lap-top and scanned the identity of the donor. We are indeed grateful to all of you who responded to our call! Special kudos to our blood donors. Lives will be saved because of you. More kudos to Jennifer Vaughan for bringing lots of food from the Convention Center. Not only did the donors and volunteers enjoy the parfaits and bountiful chicken casear salads but the entire Red Cross staff went home with dinner. They loved VBUMC! Much appreciation to Gerry Dooley for over-seeing the fellowship hall setup, to our youth who passed our flyers and to Peg Graham for marquee publicity and for everyone who brought goodies, brownies and sandwiches. We are truly blessed here at VBUMC . Thanks all of you!

Nancy Acey and Pat Brode

Nimmo Community GardenJoin community volunteers in the garden during th month of May for weeding and general maintenance tasks. Bring the whole family!

Tuesday Tillers

Tuesdays, 9 – 11:00 AM

Thursday evening group 5:30 – 7:30 PM, May 5th, 12th and 26th

saTurday sowers

Saturdays, May 14th and 21st, 8:00 – 9:30 AM . . .. .

Please RSVP so you can find out what equipment to bring and schedule changes due to weather.Amy Simpson, [email protected], 619-3630

Garden Wish list: • bird bath • hay for walkways • pruners • compost and vermiculite for planter boxes• gift cards from Home Depot and Lowe’s

Find “nimmo Community garden” on facebook.Nimmo Community Garden is located on the grounds of Nimmo UMC, 2200 Princess Anne Rd., VB.

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• Kid’s Closet - May 19th

6:30-8:30 PM in the Multi-Purpose Room.

• Volunteers are always welcomed and always needed to sort, fold, pack, unpack and repack clothes.

• Clothing donations can be left near the Multi-Purpose Room in the “laundry baskets”.

• ALSO NEEDED – Packages of NEW underwear and socks for children, all sizes

CBC can always use snacks – Please contact Joline Kickliter or Betty Whitehead to find out more info. Please contact Leslie Davis if you can help provide meals for CBC.

VBS - July 18th -22nd 9:00 AM - NOON

Children 4-years-old (by September 30th) through rising 6th graders

registration is available on-line or on the 2nd floor

near the Multi-Purpose room.

Registration brochures and forms can be picked up at the Nursery Desk or download forms online at

children's minisTries Summer Splashis a VBUMC -sponsored summer program. The purpose is to provide childcare and offer children a summer opportunity for age-appropriate fun, Christian fellowship, on-site activities and off-site field trips. Summer Splash provides a safe, structured, Christian environment. Curriculum is Christian-based, and will include daily Bible lesson.

Ages - 6 weeks through rising sixth graders

Hours - 10:00 AM to 2:00 PMSession 1: June 21st through July 14th

Tuesdays and Thursdays ( 4 weeks) 8 daysSession 2: July 26th through August 18th

Tuesdays and Thursdays ( 4 weeks) 8 days

*Note: Sorry, no multiple child discount. Fees listed include a non-refundable registration feel of $35.00 per session per child.

Summer Kid's Clothing NEEDED now!

God’s outdoor traininG Camp - Have an adventure!

Tenth Annual - District uMC Children’s Summer Day CampRising 3rd - 6th Graders

Camp GotCHaauGust 1-5, 20119:00 am - 2:30 pm

Baylake united Methodist Church

Register early! Camp GOTCHA

is limited to the first 200


Brochure/registration form available from Reesee Michalochick, [email protected].

Camp Fee inCludes: meals (lunCH and snaCk) & a Camp GotCHa t-sHirt!

lunch provided

or you may bring your


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The 19th Annual Rives King Memorial Golf TournamentComing Friday, June 3rd

Purpose: A charitable fund raising event to help those incarcerated to

find a new life and live crime free when they return to our community.

Registration forms are due by Monday, May 30th. For more information contact Michael Key, [email protected] or 689-0859.

(Seasoned Energetic Adults)Everyone 55 years and up is invited.

Bring a friend with you to

S.e.a. fellowShip,•.Reservations for lunch ($5 at door) required by NOON Wednesday, April

6th. Sign up at front desk or call church, 428-7727.

We know you’ll enjoy this special event. Bring a friend!


May 13th

Upcoming S.e.a. Day tripsWatch for details in church publications!


Meet Grace Sherwood, The Witch of Pungo, as we explore this 1642 historical ferry stop on our famous local waterway.

Bus leaves church at 9:30 AM • Lunch follows at a restraurant to be determined • Sign up by Wednesday, June 8th

March 23 – June 5, 2011

245 West Olney Road • Norfolk, Virginia 23510 • 757-664-6200

James Tissot: The Life of Christ is organized by The Brooklyn Museum and is made possible, in part, by a generous award by the National Endowment for the Arts. Local presentation is made possible through the generous support of anonymous friends of the Museum, Regent University, and The Christian Broadcasting Network.

Admission: $5, Free for children 12 and younger. • Museum Members enjoy unlimited free admission to all special exhibitions.GROUP TOURS AVAILABLE ($25)! Schedule with Ruth Sanchez at [email protected]. •


CHRYSLER MUSEUM JAMES TISSOT: THE LIFE OF CHRISTBus leaves church at 9:30 AM • Lunch follows at a restraurant to be determined • Sign up by Wednesday, May 18th

In 1885, French society painter James Tissot underwent a spiritual transformation and began a personal journey to illustrate Biblical events from before Jesus’ birth through the Ascension. Over the next ten years Tissot visited the Holy Land, Egypt, and Palestine, completing 365 magnificent watercolors. More than 120 of these incredibly detailed paintings from the collection of the Brooklyn Museum are on display.

Friday, May 6th • 10:00 AM Room S323

A demonstration with question and answer time on

Progressive Hearing Devices

This is NOT a sales promotion!

Presented by

Melissa Pola Audiologist

Eastern Virginia Medical School


Wireless Hearing Systems

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�PeoPle carinG for PeoPle


Cards and calls are always welcome. Be sure to include YOUR name.

But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.

Eva BeltMargaret CramerToolie Etheridge

Kathy GageFrank Griffin

Mary HommelRuth Hutchinson

Betty JaggerMarjorie Jay

Edith RobishawPat SimmonsWalt SimpsonRuth Watson

Dottie Urban-Koba

Members and Friends at Home

Atria Hilltop1628 Old Donation Parkway, 23454 Kitty Glisson, #134 Roberta Harris, #319

Harbourway1217 Alliance Dr, 23454 Walt Blasczak, #238, 718-1440 Mary Bowersett, #146, 716-2432 Gloria Earley, #149, 716-2621 Meade & Ruth McCubbin, #244

Bay Pointe1148 First Colonial Rd. 23454 Bob Waddell, #106, 496-2523

Baylake Retirement Center2505 Shore Dr. 23455 Rachel Bradshaw

First Colonial Inn845 First Colonial Rd. 23454 Helen Dussault #129 Fran Lackore # 223, 422-2574

Caroline Kennett 757-636-2533The Cascades Verdae114 Fountainview Terrace #306PGreenville, SC 29607

Millie Miles 434-477-4094751 Hillsdale Dr. #115Charlottesville, VA 22901

Our Lady of Perpetual Help4560 Princess Anne Rd. 23462 Mildred Carter, #108

Neal Owens3540 Wildflower Dr, #615Greensboro, NC 27410

Pacifica Senior Living5417 Wesleyan Dr., 23455 Chuck & Chris Crouch, 818-4269

Wendemere1604 Old Donation Pkwy, 23454 Kitty Hildebrand

Westminster Canterbury3100 Shore Dr, 23451 Iris Branch, #C128

Vernice Wolfe2111 Windom CtBel Air, MD 21015-8947

What Do Stephen Ministers Do? Stephen Ministers are members of VBUMC who have gone through 50 hours of training to provide confidential one-to-one Christian care to people who are facing a crisis or simply going through a difficult time. Your Stephen Minister will meet with you once a week for around an hour to listen to you, care for you, pray with and for you, and provide emotional and spiritual encouragement. Men are matched with male Stephen Ministers, women are matched with female Stephen Ministers. To find out more about how you or someone you know could be matched with a Stephen Minister, talk with one of our Stephen Leaders: Rosemarie Hughes at 201-6151, Dave Moore at 962-1591, or call Pastor Ed Johnson at 428-7727.

Our Stephen Ministers are ready to care for you!

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Meets Every Wednesday at 6:30 PM in the Parlor



knitorcrochetitemsto comfort andwarm others.Projects includeprayer shawls

PeoPle carinG for PeoPle

Prayer Shawl Dedication Sunday, May 22nd!Please bring your completed shawls to church by May 18th.Prayershawlscontinuetobringhopeandcomforttopersonsexperiencinglife’schallenges.Theblessingistwo-fold,forthecrafteraswellasforthereceiver.Forthoseofyouwork-ingathome,pleasebringyourcompletedshawlstochurchbyMay18th.

Anyone can request a prayer shawl by contacting:BarbBeverly,[email protected],[email protected];MelanieOthersen,[email protected],428-7727/[email protected]

At Virginia Beach United Methodist we enjoy having lay persons assist in worship. Perhaps you’ve seen a lay person serving and would like to assist also—we’d love to have persons serve as lay readers of the scripture, serve communion elements of bread or juice when we observe Holy Communion by intinction, or serve as a liturgist who assists the pastor in the service. You provide the willingness—we’ll provide the training.

If you’re interested fill out the slip below & drop in the offering plate or contact Laura Ezell, 428-7727, [email protected], in the church office.

Name: ___________________________________________ Email/Phone Contact Info: ___________________________

Worship Service: Area to Serve:m 8:00 AM m 11:00 AM ..........................Read Scripturem 8:00 AM m 11:00 AM .......................... Liturgistm 8:00 AM m 9:30 AM m 11:00 AM ......Communion Steward

for those experiencing difficult life situationsand Lamb’s Wool Sweaters for children ageinfantto5yearindevelopingcountries.

“The yarn forms the stitches, the knitting forges the friendships, the craft links the generations” and prayer weaves Christ’s love… thus our hands become Jesus’ hands.

Would you like to assist in worship?

Sunday, May 1st

8:00-9:00 AM On the church lawn

(In case of rain, moved to the 3rd floor hallways of the church.)

Prizes, Awards & Refreshments Free to compete but please sign up

at the table in the Southwing Hallway.

All men invited:church members, Potter’s House folks,community men, Sunday guests

MAn-uP FoR Fun - VbuMC!

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The media cenTerWe are always adding new materials to our Media Center collection in order to keep it current and interesting. In this column, we will highlight several of the more than 50 items we have added in the past sixty days.

For those who are into American Girl dolls, books, DVDs, etc., we have recently purchased several of the American Girl mysteries. These include 2 Samantha mysteries, a Molly mystery, a Felicity mystery, and a Kirsten mystery. If these are well-received, we will expand this collection.

Another new item in our Media Center is the telling by Beverly Lewis. This is the conclusion to the Seasons of Grace series by this best-selling author. This series, set in Amish country, is filled with family secrets and mystery, heartbreak, healing, love and loss. Books One and Two of the series are also in our collection.

like dandelion dust is a popular novel written by Karen

Kingsbury. The book is in our collection and we have recently added the DVD based on the book. This is an emotionally gripping drama which won numerous awards. You’ll find this to be a powerful story whether you read it or view it.

Dr. Gary Smalley has written or co-authored more than 40 marriage and parenting books. In I Promise:

how 5 Commitments determine the destiny of your Marriage, his premise is that the one thing every marriage needs is security. He writes about five promises that every couple should make to each other in order to truly become one as God intended. If you follow his advice found in this book, your marriage should become an emotionally secure place.

These, and many other valuable resources, await you in our Media Center, located in Room S215.

deeper Connections:

May 4th - June 8th

Wednesday Mornings 9:30 - 11:00 AM

Facilitator: Janice CagleBook Fee: $10.00

Registration available online or at the Next Steps Desk in the

Welcome Center.registration deadline:

Sunday, May 1st


Spring Bible Study

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Batter up for softBall, vBumc! Men’s Softball Team - Coach Brian Hoover

5/2 8:45 & 9:45 PM Kempsville Church of Christ City View #15/9 6:45 & 7:45 PM Glad Tidings Church PAAC Green #15/16 6:45 & 7:45 PM Bayside Church of Christ PAAC Green #45/23 6:45 & 7:45 PM Tidewater Ctrl. Nazarene Ch. City View #1

Co-ed Softball Team - Coach Bob Johnson

5/6 8:45 & 9:45 PM Wave Church City View #25/13 6:45 & 7:45 PM Eastern Shore Chapel PAAC Green #35/20 6:45 & 7:45 PM Kempsville Church of Christ City View #2

As our study of Adam Hamilton’s “24 Hours That Changed the World” draws to a close, the question becomes, “What now?” After immersing ourselves in the pain, passion, emotions, and sacrifice of those final hours, do we simply return to “business as usual,” or do we step out in faith and strive to uncover the new message that Jesus left in our hearts during these past seven weeks? Is He calling

us to a more intimate relationship with Him through prayer? Has He spoken to us about additional studies? How about our need for solitude and simplicity? Is God calling us to step out through worship or perhaps through service to others? He might be asking us to honor His sacrifice through fasting or to come straight with Him through the act of confession. One spiritually enriching “Next Step” that encompasses many of these spiritual disciplines can be found in the use of a daily devotional; twenty to thirty minutes set aside every day for quiet solitude with God.

god inquired of us, “What now?”

how will you answer?


hope For each day: A.365.Day.Journaling.

unto the hills by Billy Graham

Jesus Calling: by Sarah Young

Morning and evening by Charles H. Spurgeon

daily devotional by Glen Huff

Pearls of great Price: 366.Daily.Devotional.Readings by Joni Eareckson Tada

My utmost for his highest by Oswald Chambers

ONLINE/EMAIL DEVOTIONALSBilly graham: dailydevotionJoni eareckson: http://www.joniandfriends. org/daily-devotional/our daily Bread: h. Spurgeon: http://www.spurgeon. org/morn_eve/this_morning.cgi

“What now?”

Camp Ocohannock on the Bay2011 Summer Camps

Brochures available in the Welcome Center or visit for more information.

In the good old summertime, in the good old summertime. Strolling through the shady lanes with your baby mine. You hold her hand, and she holds yours, and that’s a very good sign. That she’s your tootsie-wootsie,in the good old summertime.

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POTTER’S HOuSE: Many times we think of the outreach ministries at Potter’s House in terms of what we give to those who come seeking help. This is important, however the relationships we

build are what really matter. It is through these relationships that trust is built. Because of this trust a lady shared with a volunteer that she wanted to give up on life. She was taken to the chapel where after quiet discussion and prayer she was willing to reach out and receive help. She was connected with professional help and is now healing. a special thanks to Circle of Friends and uMM for putting together 50 easter Food Baskets and to all those that supported them! these baskets were given out at Potter’s house for easter.

Hands of Hope/WV Mission:Our first mission team visited McDowell County, West Virginia, April 7th-10th. Our team is very excited about this “Pathway of Hope” weekend and looks forward to sharing our experiences when we get back. A trailer full of household goods will go to WV due to the generosity of our congregation and Scott Memorial UMC.Two other trips planned for this year for anyone interested in joining a team. The dates are July 28th-31st and September 22nd-25th.

Ethiopia Mission:We had a very successful yard sale on April 2nd at St Andrews UMC. It brought in $2100! Some of our team members were able to garner donations as well so there was a deposit made of $3,548.00 in April. We are still about $9,000.00 shy of our goal and are implementing a sponsorship program through our blog and on other outlets so that people can support us with online giving. We are trusting God to provide as only He can.

Meals on Wheels:We were pleased to have Phil Spayd (recent new member of our Church) make his first delivery this month. Easter week was a great time to participate in Meals on Wheels and we had an enthusiastic group of volunteers that week.

INTERFAITH AllIANCE AT THE BEACH:At the Infant and Toddler Connection of Virginia Beach, Pat Davis gave a presentation. The mission of this program is to “Provide a support system for families with children with developmental delays and bridge the gap in services.” As is most situations, early intervention is a critical part of working with any situation. There are charges for services with the exception of the assessments, service coordination and Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP). Most private insurance plans and Medicaid pay for some early intervention services. A sliding fee scale is available. No child or family will be denied services due to inability to pay. Teresa.Stanley:. .Plans.for.the.SRO.(Single.Resident.Occupancy) Homeless. Crisis. Issues. by. BJ. McGrath:. . BJ. Center – Debbie Maloney spoke on the extension of the Winter Shelter Program until May 2, 2011.

Save the date – May 6, 2011 – 5th annual dinner/auction. This is our Make. a. Difference. Dinner. The theme this year is “The Stars are Aligned to End Homelessness”, a Hollywood theme.

BOy SCOuTS:• In March, we camped at Merchant’s Millpond State Park in North Carolina. Canoeing/camping adventure.• We completed two Eagle Board of Reviews in March (i.e. Cole Wilcox and Zachary Rybolt) .• We aided the UMM in Mulch Delivery and Sales• April Spring Break Camp out is cancelled at this time due to no place to stay in a State Park (State scheduling)• The Andrew Turner Fund paid out $500 in March to one of our newest Scouts to help in his Troop Activity Fees, his Summer Camp Registration, and some gear needs. This scout also participates in the After School Program (CBC) on Mondays and Wednesdays at VBUMC.

CuB SCOuTS:• Plans to purchase a new Pinewood Derby track with timing.• Day camp plans for the boys in VA Beach June 27th-July 1st.• Planning recruitment at W. T. Cooke Elementary school.Action item: Possible Cub Scout pack car wash May 14th or 21st here at the church?

JAIl MINISTRy: Services: 58 Current Year total: 113 Inmates: 328 Current Year total 706 Weekly Bible Classes: 159 Current Year total: 414 Inmates: 1578 Current Year total: 3898 Professions of Faith: 11 Current Year total: 20 Recommitments: 10 Current Year total: 25 One on One Ministry: 321 Current Year total: 790

commission on missions

Request from Potter’s House for Needed Items: deodorant (men’s and women’s), razors, Q-

tips, combs and facial tissues. Thanks in advance for your donations.

Community Pancake Brunch needs non-refrigerated juice and pancake syrup.

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May 2011 Pi


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SUNDAY MORNING CREW After or before your worship service pick a time to hang out: 9:30-10:30 AM or 10:45-12:00 NooN. Seniors meet in the Blue Room – N205 Middle Schoolers meet in N210 @ both times. Get in early before the cookies, brownies,

doughnuts, whatever are gone!

Meet at VBUMC to head over to Haygood Skate Center for WJLZ, 88.5’s skate night. $8.00 gets you in the door, skate rental and all you can eat pizza.

Bring $ for soda and friends!.

Skate Night Saturday, May 7th

7:30-11:00 PM

Sunday nights are CREW nights during the school year! Regular CREW meets following this schedule: 4:00-5:30 PM ....................................Youth Praise Band Practice (Room S201)4:30-5:30 PM ..............................................Youth Drama Practice (Room S200)5:30 PM ........................Middle school arrive and head to S201 Music Room5:45 PM .................................. Senior high arrive and head to Fellowship Hall5:45-6:20 PM .......................................... Snack Supper for 6th thru 12th Grades6:20-7:00 PM ........................................................................... Middle School meet 6:20-7:30 PM ................................................................................ Senior High meet 7:00 PM ...................................Middle School Pick-up at the Welcome Center7:30 PM ........................................ Senior High Pick-up at the Welcome Center

Overlappers! ( To protect youth and the church: Any youth that are not in their assigned program time must be helping in the kitchen and Fellowship Hall – no.exceptions. Youth will not be able to wander the building or the property.

Seniors that arrive early MUST report to the Fellowship Hall for help preparing and set-up for dinner.Middle schoolers who stay late MUST report to the Fellowship Hall for clean-up take down and help with the new church wide recycling program.

Jeremiah Project (Middle schoolers)

July 3rd-9th

High School Mission Trip July 24th-29th

local day mission outreach events

REAch thE BEAch

on summer Wednesdays!

CREW helps VBUMC go green! Middle and high school youth will be collecting paper products that parishioners and church staff generate in church. All waste paper will be collected in two blue recycling bins in the print room and the second floor hall. From there it will be divided and sent home with our students. Let us all chip in and help reuse!

yoUTh aT vBUmc

details coming soon... Watch the youth page online!


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Please contact Eleanor & Henry Watts (217-2266 or [email protected]), Meals.on.Wheels.Coordinators, if you would like to be involved in

this rewarding service to our community.

• Meals are delivered by two person teams (couples or singles are welcomed). • Monday through Friday at 10:00 AM. • VBUMC is responsible for deliveries the fourth week of each month.

Meals on Wheels Why not volunteer to deliver Meals on Wheels?

It's a great opportunity to experience the joy of serving others.

Can you spare an hour onCe a quarter for this iMportant serviCe?

Regular DINNER FEES Adults (65+) $4.00 Adults (12-64) $4.50 Children (3-11) $3.00 Children (Birth-2) FREE

Maximum per family $15.00Reservations must be made to the church office by 3:00 PM, the Monday before the Wednesday dinner. Permanent reservations accepted. Late cancellations will be required to pay for their dinners to cover the cost of food already ordered.

Wednesday Night DinnersMay 2011

May 4th Spaghetti & Meat Sauce, Carrots, Garlic Bread, Salad Bar,

Chocolate CakeSalad: Turkey Kids: Pizza

May 11th Southwest Chicken, Rice, Green Bean, Rolls, Salad Bar,

Oatmeal Raisin CookiesSalad: Chicken Kids: Chicken Nuggest

May 18th Chicken & Stuffing, Mixed Vegetables,Rolls, Salad Bar,

éclair DessertSalad: Chicken Kids: Macaroni & Cheese

May 25th Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry, Rice, Rolls, Salad Bar,

Chocolate Chess PieSalad: Beef Kids: Hot Dogs

Wednesday Dinners • Meals on Wheels

more yoUTh aT vBUmc click on ministries, click on youth Also, CREW has a facebook page – come and join us!


If you are not receiving email notes from the youth office please send your email address, student names, grade,mailing address, and telephone number to [email protected] or [email protected].

yOuTH CHOIR Sing for god! Wednesdays • 6:00-7:00 PM Music room • See Bill Boardman for more details!

CREW PRAISE BAND for Senior High Students -see Evan Taylor for more information.

Beach Bums BiBle study

Meets Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 PM in the Blue Room (N205) to talk, explore the Bible and learn more about our faith. Meet at the church Welcome Center or join us in the Blue Room. Friends are expected!

Give your children the opportunity to help others.Schedule family time this summer to deliver Meals on Wheels. Contact Henry & Eleanor Watts for details.

March 21st Sarabeth Spasojevich, Jack, Andrew & Simone Joan Elliott & Letha EnglehartMarch 22nd Laurie Rineker & Cheryl Talbot Sandy Nuzum & Elizabeth BerkeleyMarch 23rd Phil Spayd & Bill Fanney Esty Vollrath & Pankie JarrettMarch 24th Shirley & Bob Cunningham Sally & Frank LoganMarch 25th Lois & Dick Gingrich B. J. & Bob Buchert

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May 2011 Pi


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MISSION STATEMENT: The Commission on Missions organizes and equips the congregation to reach out with the love of Jesus Christ by offering spiritual, emotional, financial and physical support to the community and beyond. We do this as our visible

expression and response to His love so that others might experience God’s grace.

Sunday, May 18:00,9:30and11:00AMWorshipService &Children’sChurch/Sanctuary9:30and11:00AM SundaySchool11:00AM ConfirmationwholegroupsessionE/

N202,S308,3104:00PM W.O.W.puppetpractice/S3075:00PM WolfandBearpack#378/N201,209-11Monday, May 29:00AM Tellers/S1099:30AM DuplicateBridge/FH10:00AM MOPSsteeringteammeeting/S32311:30AM HopeintheUpperRoomfor

HomelessVets/PH1:30PM Staffmeeting/S3233:00PM AdvancedKeyboard/S3053:30PM CBCAfterschoolprogram/S304-3194:00PM AdvancedKeyboard/S3055:00PM Intermediatekeyboard/S3055:30PM LeadershipfromtheHeartclass/S3126:00PM BeginningKeyboard6:30PM CubScouts/FH7:00PM StaffParishRelationscommittee/

S1098:00PM AlcoholicsAnonymous/PHTuesday, May 37:30AM IntercessoryPrayerGroup/N1049:00AM SistersinChrist/S304-312,3239:30AM UrbanMinistry/PH10:00AM Parents’Out&Preschool10:00AM WorshipplanningmeetingS10910:30AM HopeintheUpperRoomliteracy

training/N10212:30PM RenegadeRecovery/PH1:00PM EmotionsAnonymous/N2061:30PM HopeintheUpperRoomArt/PH3:00PM HopeintheUpperRoomboard

meeting/S3235:30PM DaisyGirlscouts/N2085:30PM Kindermusik:YoungChild#1/S3115:30PM SetonHouse/PH6:00PM BrownieGirlScouts/N201Wednesday, May 410:00AM Parents’DayOut&Preschool10:30AM P.D.O.Chapeltime/sanctuary10:30AM Potter’sHouseBibleStudy/PH11:00AM Kindermusik:AwayWeGo/S3113:30PM CBCAfterschoolprogram/S304-3194:00PM IntermediateKeyboard/S3055:00PM PraiseBandrehearsal/sanctuary5:30PM ArchangelChoirrehearsal/S2005:30PM CongregationalDinner/FH,kitchen6:00PM YouthChoirrehearsal/S2016:15PM AngelandCherubchoirrehearsal/

S3116:30PM GabrielChoirRehearsal/S200

6:30PM KnitWits/N1046:30PM Trusteesmeeting/S1097:00PM “BeachBums”Biblestudy/N2057:45PM Orchestrarehearsal/sanctuaryThursday, May 57:00AM Men’sAdventuregroup/N205,2079:30AM UrbanMinistry/PH10:00AM Kindermusik:AwayWeGo/S31110:00AM Parents’DayOut10:30AM HopeintheUpperRoomliteracy

training/N10212:00PM EmmausReunionofFriends/N10412:30PM HopeintheUpperRoom/PH5:45PM Notabells/S2016:30PM CubScoutsleader’smeeting/N2016:30PM EagleScoutAwardceremony/

sanctuary7:00PM BoyScouts/FH,N205,2077:00PM SanctuaryChoir/S2017:00PM WoodCarving/N102Friday, May 69:30AM Bulletinvolunteers/S10910:00AM Kindermusik—OurTimeclass/S31111:00AM Kindermusik—Villageclass/S3114:00PM EthiopianMissionteamconcert

fundraiser/sanctuary6:00PM Confirmation“Pizzawiththe

Pastors”/FH6:00PM MarriageEnrichment/S2018:00PM AlcoholicsAnonymous/PHSaturday, May 79:00AM Pre-Marriageseminar/N201,202,2049:30AM GardenParty/N1026:00PM StandUpforKids/PHSunday, May 88:00,9:30and11:00AMWorshipService &Children’sChurch/Sanctuary9:30and11:00AM SundaySchool9:30AM Connections/S2004:00PM W.O.W.puppetpractice/S3075:00PM WolfandBearpack#378/N201,209Monday, May 99:00AM Tellers/S1099:30AM DuplicateBridge/FH10:00AM MOPSmeeting/S304,306,308,31011:30AM HopeintheUpperRoomfor

HomelessVets/PH1:30PM Staffmeeting/S3233:00PM AdvancedKeyboard/S3053:30PM CBCAfterschoolprogram/S304-3194:00PM AdvancedKeyboard/S3055:00PM Intermediatekeyboard/S3055:30PM LeadershipfromtheHeartclass/S3126:00PM BeginningKeyboard6:30PM CubScouts/FH6:30PM Lighthousesiteoptionsmeeting/S2018:00PM AlcoholicsAnonymous/PHTuesday, May 107:30AM IntercessoryPrayerGroup/N1049:00AM SistersinChrist/S304-312,3239:30AM UrbanMinistry/PH10:00AM Parents’Out&Preschool10:30AM HopeintheUpperRoomliteracy

training/N10212:30PM RenegadeRecovery/PH

1:00PM EmotionsAnonymous/N2061:30PM HopeintheUpperRoomArt/PH5:30PM Kindermusik:YoungChild#1/S3115:30PM SetonHouse/PH6:30PM StephenMinisters/N201,202-210Wednesday, May 1110:00AM Parents’DayOut&Preschool10:30AM P.D.O.Chapeltime/sanctuary10:30AM Potter’sHouseBibleStudy/PH11:00AM Kindermusik:AwayWeGo/S3113:30PM CBCAfterschoolprogram/S304-3194:00PM IntermediateKeyboard/S3055:00PM PraiseBandrehearsal/sanctuary5:30PM CongregationalDinner/FH,kitchen6:00PM YouthChoirrehearsal/S2016:30PM Financecommittee/N2016:30PM KnitWits/N1047:00PM BeachBumsseniorhighBiblestudy/

N2057:30PM AdministrativeBoard/FH7:45PM Orchestrarehearsal/sanctuaryThursday, May 127:00AM Men’sAdventuregroup/N205,2079:30AM UrbanMinistry/PH10:00AM Kindermusik:AwayWeGo/S31110:00AM Parents’DayOut10:30AM HopeintheUpperRoomliteracy

training/N10212:00PM EmmausReunionofFriends/N10412:30PM HopeintheUpperRoom/PH7:00PM BoyScouts/FH,N205,2077:00PM SanctuaryChoir/S2017:00PM WoodCarving/N102Friday, May 139:30AM Bulletinvolunteers/S10910:00AM Kindermusik—OurTimeclass/S31111:00AM Kindermusik—Villageclass/S31111:00AM S.E.A.fellowship/FH,kitchen6:00PM Route52Paint-a-thon/S307,309,3237:30PM VirginiaWesleyanCollege

baccalaureate/sanctuary8:00PM AlcoholicsAnonymous/PHSaturday, May 147:30AM UMM/MFCBreakfast/kitchen,FH8:30AM Confirmationclosingcommunionand

rehearsal/sanctuary9:30AM CommunityPancakegathering/FH10:30AM ConfirmationBrunch/

S302,304,306,3083:00PM Bedingermemorialservice/sanctuary6:00PM StandUpforKids/PH

may's calendar

Continued on page 16

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Sunday, May 15CONFIRMATION SUNDAY8:00,9:30and11:00AMWorshipService &Children’sChurch/Sanctuary9:30and11:00AM SundaySchool4:00PM YouthPraiseBand/S2015:00PM WolfandBearpack#378/N201,209,

2115:30PM CREWyouthgroup/FH,kitchen,

S201,N205,207Monday, May 169:00AM Tellers/S1099:30AM DuplicateBridge/FH11:30AM HopeintheUpperRoomfor

HomelessVets/PH1:30PM Staffmeeting/S3233:00PM AdvancedKeyboard/S3053:30PM CBCAfterschoolprogram/S304-3194:00PM AdvancedKeyboard/S3055:00PM Intermediatekeyboard/S3056:00PM BeginningKeyboard6:30PM CubScouts/FH6:30PM Visionteammeeting/S1098:00PM AlcoholicsAnonymous/PHTuesday, May 17PINNACLE DEADLINE7:30AM IntercessoryPrayerGroup/N1049:00AM SistersinChrist/S304-312,3239:30AM UrbanMinistry/PH10:00AM Parents’DayOut&Preschool10:30AM HopeintheUpperRoomliteracy

training/N10212:30PM RenegadeRecovery/PH1:00PM EmotionsAnonymous/N2061:30PM HopeintheUpperRoomArt/PH5:30PM Kindermusik:YoungChild#1/S3115:30PM Daisy&JuniorGirlscouts/N208-

9,2115:30PM SetonHouse/PH6:00PM BrownieGirlScouts/N201,FH6:30PM Stewardshipcommitteemeeting/S109Wednesday, May 1810:00AM Parents’DayOut&Preschool10:30AM P.D.O.Chapeltime/sanctuary10:30AM Potter’sHouseBibleStudy/PH11:00AM Kindermusik:AwayWeGo/S3113:30PM CBCAfterschoolprogram/S304-3194:00PM IntermediateKeyboard/S3055:00PM PraiseBandrehearsal/N202,2045:30PM CongregationalDinner/FH,kitchen6:00PM Children’schoirprogram/sanctuary6:00PM YouthChoirrehearsal/S2016:30PM KnitWits/N1047:00PM BeachBumsseniorhighBiblestudy/


6:00PM Children’schoirprogramreception/S200

7:45PM Orchestrarehearsal/sanctuaryThursday, May 197:00AM Men’sAdventuregroup/N205,2079:30AM UrbanMinistry/PH10:00AM Kindermusik:AwayWeGo/S31110:00AM Parents’DayOut&Preschool10:30AM HopeintheUpperRoomliteracy

training/N10212:00PM EmmausReunionofFriends/N10412:30PM HopeintheUpperRoom/PH6:30PM KidsCloset/S2007:00PM BoyScouts/FH,N205,2077:00PM SanctuaryChoir/S2017:00PM WoodCarving/N102Friday, May 209:30AM Bulletinvolunteers/S10910:00AM Kindermusik—OurTimeclass/S31111:00AM Kindermusik—Villageclass/S3118:00PM AlcoholicsAnonymous/PHSaturday, May 219:30AM GardenParty/N1026:00PM StandUpforKids/PHSunday, May 228:00,9:30and11:00AMWorshipService &Children’sChurch/Sanctuary9:30and11:00AM SundaySchool4:00PM W.O.W.puppetpractice/S3074:00PM YouthPraiseBand5:00PM WolfandBearpack#378/N201,209,

2115:30PM CREWyouthgroup/FH,kitchen,

S201,N205,207Monday, May 239:00AM Tellers/S1099:30AM DuplicateBridge/FH10:00AM MOPSmeeting/S304,306,308,31011:30AM HopeintheUpperRoomfor

HomelessVets/PH12:00PM Staffluncheon/S1091:30PM Staffmeeting/S3233:00PM AdvancedKeyboard/S3053:30PM CBCAfterschoolprogram/S304-3194:00PM AdvancedKeyboard/S3055:00PM Intermediatekeyboard/S3055:00PM Russianyouthministry/S304,306,

308,3106:00PM BeginningKeyboard6:30PM CubScouts/FH8:00PM AlcoholicsAnonymous/PHTuesday, May 246:00AM GoodNewsJail&PrisonMinistry/

FH7:30AM IntercessoryPrayerGroup/N1049:30AM UrbanMinistry/PH10:00AM Parents’Out&Preschool10:30AM HopeintheUpperRoomliteracy

training/N10212:30PM RenegadeRecovery/PH1:00PM EmotionsAnonymous/N2061:30PM HopeintheUpperRoomArt/PH5:30PM Kindermusik:YoungChild#1/S3115:30PM SetonHouse/PH6:30PM StephenMinisters/N201,202-210

Wednesday, May 259:30AM PinnacleAssembly/S10910:00AM Parents’DayOut&Preschool10:30AM P.D.O.Chapeltime/sanctuary10:30AM Potter’sHouseBibleStudy/PH11:00AM Kindermusik:AwayWeGo/S3112:00PM Connectionsplanningmeeting/S1093:30PM CBCAfterschoolprogram/S304-3194:00PM IntermediateKeyboard/S3055:00PM PraiseBandrehearsal/N202,2045:30PM CongregationalDinner/FH,kitchen6:00PM ExecutiveCommitteemeeting/S1096:00PM YouthChoirrehearsal/S2016:30PM KnitWits/N1047:00PM BeachBumsseniorhighBiblestudy/

N2057:45PM Orchestrarehearsal/sanctuaryThursday, May 267:00AM Men’sAdventuregroup/N205,2079:30AM UrbanMinistry/PH10:00AM Kindermusik:AwayWeGo/S31110:00AM Parents’DayOut10:30AM HopeintheUpperRoomliteracy

training/N10212:00PM EmmausReunionofFriends/N10412:30PM HopeintheUpperRoom/PH6:30PM Ethiopianmissionteamplanning

meeting/S3237:00PM BoyScouts/FH,N205,2077:00PM SanctuaryChoir/S2017:00PM WoodCarving/N102Friday, May 279:30AM Bulletinvolunteers/S10910:00AM Kindermusik—OurTimeclass/S31111:00AM Kindermusik—Villageclass/S3115:00PM Russianyouthministry/S304,306,

308,3108:00PM AlcoholicsAnonymous/PHSaturday, May 286:00PM StandUpforKids/PHSunday,May298:00,9:30and11:00AMWorshipService &Children’sChurch/Sanctuary9:30and11:00AM SundaySchoolMonday, May 30MEMORIAL DAY—Church office closed8:00PM AlcoholicsAnonymous/PHTuesday, May 317:30AM IntercessoryPrayerGroup/N1049:00AM Tellers/S1099:30AM UrbanMinistry/PH10:00AM Parents’DayOut&Preschool10:30AM HopeintheUpperRoomliteracy

training/N10212:30PM RenegadeRecovery/PH1:00PM EmotionsAnonymous/N2061:30PM HopeintheUpperRoomArt/PH5:30PM Kindermusik:YoungChild#1/S3115:30PM SetonHouse/PH

may's calendar conTinUed

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PhoTo memories

YouthBowling and Lock-In

March 25, 2011

Memorial Service

for Warren SeaburgSaturday

March 26th

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Volume 05-11

Confirmation 2011Confirmation Sunday - May 15th