Inspiration From A Pastor's Wife

A Great Calm The tornado was moving very swiftly and I could see it coming, but there was no place to hide. Suddenly it hit the vehicle I was in and I was horrified. The van began to shake and I cried out in prayer to God for help. Immediately everything became calm and then I awoke. For years I continued to dream of tornadoes. The scen would be different but the message theme always remained the same. I would see the tornado’s funnel cloud, I would feel the shaking and see the surrounding destruction, but when I would pray there would be a calm. I felt the Lord was saying to me that there were some very great storms ahead, but in the end I would always be fine as I trusted in Him. In Mark 4:37-41 we see that Jesus and His disciples were on a ship, when a great storm of wind arose. The waves beat the ship and it was now full of water, but Jesus was asleep in the back on a pillow. This sounds pretty comfortable doesn’t it? The disciples could not understand. They questioned His concern. “Master, carest thou not that we perish?” But the Bible says that He arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, “ Peace, be still.” He spoke to the situation and there was a great calm. This great storm in verse 37 became a great calm in verse 39, at the word of the Lord. We will all face storms of some type in our lives. Storms of loss, ill health, lack of finances, emotional turmoil, the list is endless. Some may even question, “ Master, carest thou not that we perish?” The answer is yes, He does care. And just as He spoke to their situation He will speak to yours. When you do not know where to turn, you do not have to wake the Master as the disciples did, for He is not asleep. Psalm 121:4 says, “Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” He sees your need even now as you read this. Yes, He will speak to your situation, if you will speak to him in prayer. And when the Master says, “Peace be still,” your great storm can be a great calm. R. Nix


Short stories of the life of a pastor's wife.

Transcript of Inspiration From A Pastor's Wife

Page 1: Inspiration From A Pastor's Wife

A Great Calm The tornado was moving very swiftly and I could see it coming, but there was

no place to hide. Suddenly it hit the vehicle I was in and I was horrified. The

van began to shake and I cried out in prayer to God for help. Immediately

everything became calm and then I awoke.

For years I continued to dream of tornadoes. The scen would be different but

the message theme always remained the same. I would see the tornado’s funnel

cloud, I would feel the shaking and see the surrounding destruction, but when I

would pray there would be a calm.

I felt the Lord was saying to me that there were some very great storms ahead,

but in the end I would always be fine as I trusted in Him.

In Mark 4:37-41 we see that Jesus and His disciples were on a ship, when a

great storm of wind arose. The waves beat the ship and it was now full of

water, but Jesus was asleep in the back on a pillow. This sounds pretty

comfortable doesn’t it?

The disciples could not understand. They questioned His concern. “Master,

carest thou not that we perish?” But the Bible says that He arose and rebuked

the wind and said unto the sea, “ Peace, be still.”

He spoke to the situation and there was a great calm. This great storm in verse

37 became a great calm in verse 39, at the word of the Lord.

We will all face storms of some type in our lives. Storms of loss, ill health,

lack of finances, emotional turmoil, the list is endless. Some may even

question, “ Master, carest thou not that we perish?”

The answer is yes, He does care. And just as He spoke to their situation He will

speak to yours.

When you do not know where to turn, you do not have to wake the Master as

the disciples did, for He is not asleep. Psalm 121:4 says, “Behold, He that

keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.”

He sees your need even now as you read this. Yes, He will speak to your

situation, if you will speak to him in prayer.

And when the Master says, “Peace be still,” your great storm can be a great


R. Nix

Page 2: Inspiration From A Pastor's Wife


Years ago, as a teenager, I memorized a poem that was published in a

now discontinued Church of God magazine called, “The Lighted

Pathway.” The poem makes an imprint on my heart even to this day. It

goes something like this:

If the Lord should come in the summer

could I answer His call

Or would I say Lord I’m not ready

why didn’t you come in the Fall

By Fall, school will be started

I will have returned from the lake

I’ll return to thy house by then Lord

my duties by then I will take

Summer is time for relaxing

who can deny me this rest

Come Fall, Winter, or Spring Lord

I promise to thee my best

Lord, you know I had not intended

the oil from my vessel to slip

Wait I’ll run to my neighbor

and borrow oil enough for the trip

Quickly I ran to my neighbor

alas he had none to spare

And while I ran to the merchant

the saints went up in the air

Watch therefore and be ready

the Season to us is unknown

Jesus is true to His promise

He shall return for His own.

Scripture: Matthew 25: 1 - 13

Jesus is coming soon. Are you ready?

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Back On Course I was returning from an early morning walk one day

to find a sparrow sitting beside my doorstep. She

made no effort to move although I was only inches

away from her. It was obvious that although she

looked perfectly intact, something was wrong. I

thought of the scripture that says the Lord sees the

sparrow when it falls and I prayed for the little bird.

We usually had been feeding the birds every day

just a few feet from where she was but since she

couldn’t move, I put some close to her. She didn’t

budge. I went on about my way still thinking what

could be wrong.

After a few minutes, I remembered that while I was

walking I had heard a loud thud. When I inspected

my kitchen window, sure enough, there were bird

feathers on the glass above her.

I checked her again, this time her eyes were open

and she turned her head as if just waking up to her

surroundings. Then it dawned on me, she had been

in shock. In a few minutes, I checked out the

window again and she was gone.

As the day wore on, I felt the Lord speak to me out

of this. I thought how many times we think the way

is clear, no doubt like that little bird, and fly on hard

and fast as we can only to meet up with an obstacle

that stops us in our tracks and may even put us in

shock. During these times we are oblivious to the

activity around us, refusing to eat, etc. However,

like the little bird, if we wait just a little while, the

Lord who saw us fall will also re-orient us and put

us back on course.

Rhonda Nix

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Have you ever been lost as a child? Let me tell you from first hand

experience, it is super scary.

I have this micro-second memory of being lost from my mother in a

large department store in Huntsville Alabama. I was probably three or

five years old. I remember after realizing I didn’t know anyone around

I began screaming and crying when a beautiful lady came and stooped

down, looked into my face and tried to comfort me. It was about then

my mother walked up and I knew I was ok. I was found.

The reality may have been that this lady was just plain and homely, but

I remember her ( years later) as a beautiful lady.

She had had compassion on me and took a minute to stop to help me

find my way.

How many of us can share similar stories in the spiritual sense? I know

I can and I’m sure you can also.

You may have been lost, alone, or frightened when someone took time

to stop, comfort you, and help you find your way.

People who had a kind word at the right time, encouraged you, visited

you, loved you, prayed for you or whatever it was you needed at the

time. They were there. These people will always be beautiful to you.

The person who told you of Jesus hand won you to the Savior should

be a most beautiful person to you.

Romans 1:15 says, “…..How beautiful are the feet of them that preach

the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”

Why not make a special effort to go by, call, or write these people a

special thank you for being a beautiful person in your life because you

once was lost, but now your found.

Rhonda Nix

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Everything’s O.K. Is everything o.k. Randy? The man asked. It was approximately 11:00 p.m. one

night as my brother Randy and his wife, Debra, were traveling. the 4 hour trip

from Atlanta to North Alabama.

Debra had been to Emery hospital for a melanoma cancer treatment and

approximately one hour from their house and in an area where they knew no

one, she had became so sick that he had pulled off to the side of the road. It was

then that this stranger unknown to this day pulled up beside them and said

either “Is everything ok Randy?’ or “everything’s ok Randy.” My brother

wasn’t sure which, but either way one thing he was sure of and that was that he

did not know who this person was.

So how did they know him by name at 11:00 at night in a strange location? I

personally believe this was a ministering angel that night sent to encourage

them during that most difficult time.

Heb. 1:14 speaking of angels says, “Are they not all ministering spirits sent

forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of Salvation?”

God is truly working on our behalf. And while I do believe He can use

ministering angels, I also believe He will use everyday people, ordinary

circumstance, unusual situations, even upsetting obstacles, or any other means

He so chooses to bring about His perfect plan for you.

Do not be dismayed or fearful of the things you are going thru or the things you

will face. For God Himself has promised to never leave you nor forsake you.

So, how is it with you?

Is everything o.k.?

I can just imagine the Savior’s voice as He says to you, “Everything’s o.k.”

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HE’S AN ON-TIME GOD “You’re late, where have you been?” the security officer asked.

“Excuse me, but I don’t know you sir.” I replied as I approached the

entrance door to the office building.

“We’ve been looking for you since 8 o’clock this morning.” he


“I’m sorry, but I don’t know who you are.” I again replied.

As I entered the crowded room and was meet by another officer I

realized the first one was indeed joking and making light of what could

be a stressful day. I don’t know if that office operates by appointments

or not but if so, it was obvious they were running late. I, on the other

hand, had no appointment, therefore could not be late and furthermore

had I been, “that” late I would have been too humiliated to show up at


You’re late. Is it possible this is how Mary thought Jesus should feel

after their brother and His close friend, Lazarus, had died. After he

became sick, they immediately thought to turn to Jesus for help. After

all, He’d helped and healed others, even strangers, surely He’d drop

everything for Lazarus, his beloved friend.

But man’s reasoning was not God’s planning. Why Jesus even stayed

two more days in the place where he was after hearing Lazarus was

sick. The Lord knew Lazarus would have to go thru something (mainly

death) before He cam and God’s great power to raise the dead would be

shown. St. John II.

Today, you may be going thru a frightful situation with hard times and

not knowing which way to turn. You’ve called on the Lord and thought

surely He would have been here by now. Let me encourage you today

to know that He is very aware of your circumstance. He may be

allowing you to go thru some things that when He does come visibly,

His power of deliverance will be greater seen.

I believe in being on time for appointments, work, meetings, church,

etc. As best I can and I believe that the Lord expects us to respect

others time as well.

However, we all know the Lord’s timing and ours is not the same.

Some say, “He may not come when you call Him but He’ll come on

time.” I tend to believe He always comes when we call Him and always

on time.

He’s an on time God, yes He is.


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New Year’s Day is exciting to me. It represents a clean slate of 12 months to

work on the many things that I didn’t quite accomplish over the months


Hebrew 11:1 says, “ Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the

evidence of things not seen.” We often focus on the faith part of this verse,

but hope is there too.

I Corinthians 13:13 says,”And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three;

but the greatest of these is charity.” Here we often put emphasis and focus on

charity or love, but hope is there too.

Hope is important and there are many references in scripture regarding it.

Take away a person’s hope and you may have defeated them but with it, they

are not quite conquered.

These people need encouraging. They need to hear a message of hope, that

there can be another chance, that change is coming, that new beginnings can

start anytime or any day of the year, and most of all that hope is there.

Maybe your are one of the people who need hope today. Hope that your

prayer will be answered, that your problem will be solved, that your need will

be met, your crisis will end, or yur loved ones will be saved. The list could go

on but none of these things are beyond hope. Hope is there.

In some, hope means much more than the success of a new year’s resolution.

To some it means life or death. To the Christian it also points to the time of

Christ’s return.

Titus 2:13-14 says, “ Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing

of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ ; who gave himself for us, that He

might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people,

zealous of good works.”

The Lord is surely going to return soon and whatever it is that we hope to

accomplish we must do quickly. While we can have high hopes that our new

leafs and resolution will work this time, our greatest hope should be in the


And for those who may feel there is just too many failures behind them to

even try again, let me tell you, hope is there.

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Imagine with me that as a group of American young men get ready to go to war

in Iraq, Afghanistan, or some other distant place in the world, they are about

ready to be shipped out when they are told, “we’re so sorry boys, we’ve ran

short and we just don’t have any weapons to send with you. The last group

shipped out took the last ones. But go on anyway, do the best you can.”

We know this is ridiculous because it will never happen. Neither does the Lord

send His troops into the battle unarmed. He tells us in Ephesians 6:10-20 such

things as “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might(v11) Put on the

whole armor (v12) we wrestle (v13) do everything to stand (v16) quench fiery

darts” etc.

This certainly sounds like warfare going on and there is a christian armor to put

on. However, the truth of the matter is there is enemy fire and there is

retaliation for satan also uses weapons, weapons of intimidation, hindrance,

doubt, gossip, fear, temptation, pride, judgementalism, rebellion, liberalism,

anger, resentment, strife, the list is endless.

If he cannot get the christian to yield to these temptations, others will and will

come against them in these attitudes. During these times of battle, we are not to

fight within our own abilities or natural tendencies. 2 Cor. 10:4 says, “For the

weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling

down of strongholds.” I believe our most powerful weapons are prayer and the

word of God. There is an invisible power source behind these.

A few years ago a popular christian novel, “This Present Darkness” told of a

spiritual warfare going on in the heavenlies. As the story unfolded, you could

almost see this happening. If our spiritual eyes were really open to this, what

might we see?

Daniel 10:12-13, Daniel prayed and the answer was 21 days in coming because

of a hindrance. But the answer did come and the victory was won. For we are

promised in Isaiah 54:17, “No weapons formed against us shall prosper.”

No matter how hard you battle becomes, you can make it through. For the

weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling

down of strongholds.” 2 Cor. 10:4.

Remember, we may lose a battle now and then, but we’ve already won the


R. Nix

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POINT OF CONTACT To my knowledge she never attended our church. At least not while Bro. Nix

and I were there to pastor the church. But her family were members of the

small country community where our church was located and several of our

church folk knew them.

Jane,(not her real name), was both mentally and physically handicapped and

although it was difficult her mother faithfully cared for her every day. But in

spite of her good care, one day she became ill and began to run a high fever.

Somehow I had heard that Jane loved chocolate cake and although I didn’t

know how they felt about prayer cloths and anointing with oil, I decided I could

use this cake as a point of contact for her healing. So I baked it, prayed over it,

anointed it, and sent it to her.

A few day later, as several of the church ladies were talking, the lady who

delivered the cake said something like, “you know, when I walked in the door

with the cake her fever was breaking.” I smiled to myself because the lady who

delivered my cake knew nothing of my prayer over it.

Prayer cloths and points of contact are not new methods of the contemporary


Acts 19:11-12 says, “And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul:

So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and

the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.”

R.W. Shambach tells of a woman who was in an insane asylum. The doctors

had tried and failed and probably thought this was her final outcome. However,

somebody took charge of her situation when she could not. They informed Bro.

Shamback that she needed prayer and that she loved candy. So, he did

something out of the ordinary. He took candy, anointed it, prayed over it, and

sent it to her. Later, he was introduced to her by her sister and she was again in

her right mind.

Oral Roberts used to have people lay their hands on their TV. as he was praying

for their healing.

These were points of contact. A simple act of faith to release their faith. Our

own local church has had several incidents where prayer cloths have been used

and the Lord has healed and protected. The Pastor keeps a supply of these and

they are available upon requests. You may know someone who needs salvation,

or a healing, a job, protection, or miracle of any kind. They may have never

heard of a prayer cloth. Why not send them one? You may even stand in for

them in prayer. They may not know to stand in for themselves, or may not even

be able to. Take charge of their situation.

After all, you may be their only Point of Contact. R. Nix

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Stay Focused “Oh, no! Sister Fern you’ve got to be kidding!” Later, I would realize how

inappropriate my response was for surely no one would joke about such a

serious matter.

“Sister Nix,” she said weeping, “ I’ve just lost everything I own. My house is

burning down.”

My heart went out in great compassion, and I began to cry and pray for her.

Brother Nix was not at home at the time but when he returned we immediately

went to her.

I’ll never forget as we drove up seeing her sit in her front yard helplessly as the

firemen worked to take control of the situation.

After a while we were all allowed to walk thru the charred remains. I’ll also

never forget the sights and smells as the pain and reality of the great loss really

began to set in.

However, Sister Fern had faith in God and although it was hard, as the months

passed, things began to look up as they began to repair what they could and put

their lives back together.

Most all of us will experience the pain of some kind of loss in our lives. It

could be a house fire where you lose all you’ve worked for, but it could also be

another kind of loss, some of which could be worse.

What about the loss of a loved one in death, the loss of a spouse in divorce, the

loss of one’s health, financial future, or even the loss of hope in severe


Phil 3:7 -8 “But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.

Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the

knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I suffered the loss of all things,

and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.”

Regardless of what losses we may experience in life, we can be assured that to

hold to Christ is our greatest possession.

Because Matt. 16:26 says, “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the

whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for

his soul?”

Insurance companies flourish as people strive to insure and protect most

everything they have. There are policies for your health, life, car, house,

belongings, etc. even supplemental policies for policies. But in spite of all

these, loss still makes its unwelcome visit. Yes, losses do still come and while

some losses can be replaced, many other cannot. Although some losses come,

none of us like to dwell on it.

I Tim. 6:6 says, “But godliness with contentment is great gain.”

So, let’s stay focused on the gain. R. Nix

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“Hey!!! Can we use your phone?” We called out to the women sitting on her country

porch. Surrounded by mountains, we were in the valley below, and it seemed like we

hade stepped “way” back in time.

“There ain’t no phones this side of the creek.” She hollered back. So we walked on down

the road of this remote and unfamiliar area. It was getting late and I was getting scared.

My sister-in-law, sister, and I, all in our teens, had decided we would go cave exploring. However, the old truck we were in had refused to start back up and we found ourselves

stranded. That was years ago and today we often laugh and reminisce about this ordeal

and how we got out of it.

Most of us have stories of a time in our life that things didn’t turn out quite as planned. It

was suppose to be fun and adventuresome but because of an unexpected turn of events, it began to look dreadful, maybe even fearful, certainly not pleasant, but today you too can

reminisce and testify to others of how you came through it.

Life is like that. It is so daily. It is so unpredictable. We plan our days and schedule our

events and just as sure as we do, we know that the plans are all tentative for we cannot

control everything and everyone that, in turn, effects them. Like it has been said,” No man is an island.”

Prov. 21:31 says, “The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the Lord.” We should plan and prepare but ultimately our protection, security, and life is in

the Lord’s hands.

For the uncommitted, some events may just be planned as an adventure for a short time

visit, but they may soon discover that the short visit has potential to become an extended

stay with all signs reading, “no way out, stranded.” In fact, the way out is for help to stop by and rescue them. Like the saying, “sin will take you farther than you want to go and

keep you longer than you want to stay.” Don’t give in under the pressure to find a way


You see, I remember that day we were approached by drunken men who offered to give

us a car ride. We refused and had we not, we may not have arrived home safely like we


My friend, if you have recently had an unexpected change of plans for whatever reason; poor health, job loss, depression, divorce, or death, you name it, remember safety is of

the Lord. You will come through this and although every offer of help may not be God’s

plan, you can be assured that He will rescue those who call upon Him. And, by the way, the valley, although surrounded by mountains, doesn’t cause a break in His

communication lines. Pray.


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“Hey!!! Can we use your phone?” We called out to the women sitting on her country porch. Surrounded by

mountains, we were in the valley below, and it seemed like we hade stepped “way” back in time.

“There ain’t no phones this side of the creek.” She hollered back. So we walked on down the road of this remote

and unfamiliar area. It was getting late and I was getting scared.

My sister-in-law, sister, and I, all in our teens, had decided we would go cave exploring. However, the old truck

we were in had refused to start back up and we found ourselves stranded. That was years ago and today we

often laugh and reminisce about this ordeal and how we got out of it.

Most of us have stories of a time in our life that things didn’t turn out quite as planned. It was suppose to be fun and adventuresome but because of an unexpected turn of events, it began to look dreadful, maybe even fearful,

certainly not pleasant, but today you too can reminisce and testify to others of how you came through it.

Life is like that. It is so daily. It is so unpredictable. We plan our days and schedule our events and just as sure

as we do, we know that the plans are all tentative for we cannot control everything and everyone that, in turn,

effects them. Like it has been said,” No man is an island.”

Prov. 21:31 says, “The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the Lord.” We should plan

and prepare but ultimately our protection, security, and life is in the Lord’s hands.

For the uncommitted, some events may just be planned as an adventure for a short time visit, but they may soon

discover that the short visit has potential to become an extended stay with all signs reading, “no way out, stranded.” In fact, the way out is for help to stop by and rescue them. Like the saying, “sin will take you farther

than you want to go and keep you longer than you want to stay.” Don’t give in under the pressure to find a way


You see, I remember that day we were approached by drunken men who offered to give us a car ride. We

refused and had we not, we may not have arrived home safely like we did.

My friend, if you have recently had an unexpected change of plans for whatever reason; poor health, job loss,

depression, divorce, or death, you name it, remember safety is of the Lord. You will come through this and although every offer of help may not be God’s plan, you can be assured that He will rescue those who call upon

Him. And, by the way, the valley, although surrounded by mountains, doesn’t cause a break in His

communication lines. Pray.


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Those of you who are in school or college know that you must

take notes from the teacher, professor, or speaker. There are

some of us who take notes during the sermon. Why do we all do

this? It is a known statistic that we retain only a small percentage

of what we hear. But if we write notes on specific things the

percentage increases significantly.

Many times after being asked to explain key points of a sermon

or lesson, the student is unable to answer. How much greater the

retaining increases if they have taken notes.

Notes can often be referred back to, re-read, reviewed, and

reinforced. They make a mark on our memory, a valuable

resource to draw upon.

Many of us have taken notes without pen and paper, mental

notes upon which we draw today. Notes of how to and not to act.

How many of us can recall the name, even now as you read this,

of a parent, teacher, friend, mentor, or fellow Christian, whoever,

that influenced your life? You watched them and were impressed

by their wisdom, knowledge, love, godly life, etc. You took note.

Today you often find yourself remembering or repeating phrases

of people long ago in your past. You are using notes.

As we think about this, let us all realize that people are taking

notes from us. May we ever be aware of our treatment of others,

our attitudes, our tone of voices, our comments, our actions and

our overall example. May we ever show the godly example of

love for John 13:35 says, “By this shall all men know ye are my

disciples if ye have love one to another.”

I encourage you to consider this thought, and “take note”.

R. Nix

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THE CHOSEN FEW Scripture: St. Matthew 7:12-14

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the

way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in

thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which

leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

Looking at these 2 scriptures, I believe there is an implication that all one has to

do to lead to destruction is “nothing”. Be passive, unconcerned, and careless

like the multiplied millions. The gate is wide to receive them all.

However, verse 14 implies to me that for one to enter the gate that leads to life

there must be something actively done. Mainly seeking, for to “find it” one

must be looking.

So, how do we look for the way that leads to life? We look in God’s Word.

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Anyone who has found

Jesus has found the way.

The Bible also says that not those who say Lord Lord will enter in. But those

who do the will of the Father. Verse 21 “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord,

Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doeth the will of the

Father which is in heaven.”

So saying you know Jesus and calling on him in prayer is not enough to get you

thru the narrow gate. Millions do that, that may go the broad way. But few are

obedient, what has He told you to do?

We must be doers of the Word and not hearers only. Verse 24 “Therefore

whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them I will liken him unto

a wise man, which built his house upon the rock.” Verse 26 “And everyone that

heareth these sayings of mine and doesn’t do them not shall be likened unto a

foolish man which built his house upon the sand.”

One will survive, one will be destroyed. Obedience is important and far more

required than the masses would have you believe. They will go thru a wide gate

together with the “in” crowd. They will be surprised to find it’s end destination

is destruction.

But there are the few who will enter the narrow gate.

I don’t know about you but I don’t want to be “one in a million” just one of the

“chosen few.”


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The Remedy

We don’t hear the word remedy very much today. We use more modern

terminology like, “Have you got a prescription for that?”

However, people have not always been able to afford insurance to pay for

medicines and they couldn’t financially pay for expensive medicines so they

used a lot of what we have come to know as “home remedies”. How many of

you know what I mean when I say, “home remedies?” How many of you have

actually used them?

We didn’t use odd mixtures for cures when I was growing up. However, we did

have some old time medicines that you seldom hear of today. Who can

remember the mercurochrome, methyl ate, castor oil, or heaven forbid the 666

tonic? And snake oil?

Years ago there were traveling “medicine men” who had strange elixirs, some

of which had no medicinal value, yet people were convinced they did. Doctors

today have something similar to this today. They are known a placebos. The

truth is that medicine today is very expensive and if prices continue to soar, we

may all have to return to some “home remedies”, at least for the physical body.

But how about the spiritual man? We know that Jesus is the Great Physician.

He went about healing people physically and spiritually.

Luke 9:1-2 says, “Then He called His twelve disciples together, and gave them

power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases. And He sent them to

preach the Kingdom of God, and to heal the sick”.

The author, Luke, was himself a physician. Yet he, no doubt, saw hopeless

cases healed by Jesus. Jesus also gave this power to not only the 12 but all of

His children.

The Bible gives man incidents of healing. John 9 congenital problems healed,

Luke 5 acquired disease healed, Luke 8 prolonged illness healed and medical

impossibilities healed. Jesus had the remedy for everyone. James 5:13-15 lets

us know we can pray for the sick and see them recovered.

If we live long enough our bodies will age and we will need remedies, home or

prescriptions. Physically we can try to delay death but that is part of the life

cycle. There’s no remedy for physical death.

But there is a remedy for spiritual death. John 3:16 lets us know that Jesus

Christ is the remedy for spiritual death. He freely offers eternal life if we accept

and live for Him. There is a hope for the lost.

There is a Remedy. R. Nix

Page 16: Inspiration From A Pastor's Wife


They arrived late one night but still we were so glad to see them. It

seems there had been some misunderstanding regarding the map I had

sent them.

Gary and I were pasturing in an area in Arkansas that was known as

flatlands. Miles and miles of farming fields and dirt roads that to me all

looked alike. The locals seemed to know where they all led.

Being a person of details I meticulously wrote out instructions for our

family who planned to pay us a visit. They followed the instructions

correctly all the way to within a few miles of our home. The

instructions said “you will come to a sign that says Leachville to the

right.” So they turned right and drove on. After a while someone said, I

don’t think it was very far after that sign. So, it being dark by now,

someone took a flashlight and read the instructions again.

It did say “you will come to a sign that says Leachville to the right,”

but the next instruction said, “but don’t turn.”

Actually, had they read all the instructions they would have known

their destination, our home, was just beyond this sign.

How many times have we failed to reach our correct destination on

some issue in our lives because we did not read all the instructions of

our Roadmap.

The Bible is our Roadmap. It tells us specific details on how to reach

our correct destination. However, we can’t take just an instruction here

and there. We must read them all and follow them all.

I have heard that the children of Israel’s wandering in the wilderness

was actually only about a two week journey. Disobedience to the Lord

will cause us to take the long way around.

I encourage you to read the Roadmap (Bible) and follow the

instructions because your destination is much closer than you think.

R. Nix

Page 17: Inspiration From A Pastor's Wife


How many of us have not at one time or another went on a search to find

something only to question after arriving, “What am I here for?” We

sometimes then find it helpful to back to where we started out and it often

reminds us of what we were originally setting out for.

There is a lesson in this. For many times people set out in life on a mission for

a specific destination. However, along the way, they are sidetracted and often

forget and end up asking, “For heavens sake, what on earth am I here for?” It

is then that we go back to the beginning goal or basic mission to be reminded.

In the spiritual sense, after salvation, we often set out to do great things for

the Lord. We seek out ways to use our gifts and talents and feel that we are

doing our best to benefit heaven while we are still on earth.

However, as time goes on we must guard against a tendency to become slack

in our first love zeal. On the other hand, overzealousness can lead to burnout,

a feeling of exhaustion that may eventually lead to the question, ‘ For heaven

sake, what am I here for?” Surely not just for all the endless activities.

This leads us to a deep sense of a need to return to basics. The real reason we

are here. What’s the purpose? Our purpose? My purpose? Yours?

Jer. 29:11 says,” For I know that all things work together for good to them that

love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”

So what am I here for? Well, this question can have at least four different

meanings depending upon which word in the sentence you put emphasis on.

Try it.

What am I here for?

What am I here for?

What am I here for?

What am I here for?

There is an answer to this question because there really is a plan and purpose

somewhere in it all. Don’t be sidetracted. Go back to the original blueprint

plan (God’s word) and get back to the basics.

Page 18: Inspiration From A Pastor's Wife

YOU’VE GOT EVIDENCE The year was approximately 1987-88. The place was Leachville, Arkansas. The landscape was fields and fields of farming flatlands. No hills were anywhere in sight for

had there been they might have helped to block or shield me of this memorable event.

What event you may ask? Well, it’s known by me and Brother Nix as simply, “The dust

storm.” For those of you who have never heard of let alone lived through, a dust storm, le

me explain.

For three days the wind blew very strong. And we could not even see across the road

where lay, of all things, an open field. Vehicles ran with their lights on bright to see and windshield wipers going at full speed in hopes to see better. What was so strange about

this was that there was no rain water involved. It was dry dust.

There was no keeping this out of the small trailer we lived in. The dust blew thru the door

facings or any opening imaginable and it would settle on our kitchen table, in our

bathtub, closets, everywhere at approximately 1/8 - ¼ inch thick. My guess is this would not be much of an exaggeration. It took quite a bit of cleaning to get the dust under

control. I doubt it all ever came out of my new sofa.

Sometime later, my family came for a visit. The dust storm had ceased and I knew they

would never believe my report on it so I had thought ahead and saved evidence. I went to

my closet and brought out a pair of shoes that were covered with dust so thick they could not believe their eyes.

I had always been afraid of storms but I had never seen anything like this one, before nor since. I might add I hope I never do.

You may be facing a storm of unusual events. Storms of life have come and some are not like any other you have ever faced. You have tried to weather them as you always have

with other storms, but this time it is yielding different results.

It will take different measures to clean and get things back together. However, when

things do get back together, save evidence. Save a reminder that you came through it.

Proof it was a real storm but you survived. What am I referring to? I am talking about a testimony.

A testimony is a reminder of what the Lord has done. While telling others, we ourselves are reminded of what the Lord has done.

So testify to God’s deliverance and protection thru the storms. Others may be facing similar events and your overcoming could be an encouragement of theirs.

None of us want to linger in the storms of life. Ps. 55:8 says, “I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest.” But regardless of how we feel about them, they will


While a dust storm does not do the same damage that traditional storms do, there can still

be a big mess to clean up when the dust all settles.

So, I encourage you today that when the storm is over and clean up of the aftermath is

almost done, save a reminder, a testimony of the fact you came through it, others can too, you’ve got evidence.