PASTOR ALICE WOLFE - Razor Planet · Mar. 2 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” 4) “Learning to...

CHRIST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH MARCH 2014 8:45 a.m. Traditional Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School (all ages) 10:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service JOIN US FOR WORSHIP AND BRING A FRIEND! THE V OICE OF CHRIST CHURCH lovingly reach out and make disciples of Jesus Christ Mar. 2 Mar. 2 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” Isaiah 58:1 Isaiah 58:1- 14 14 Holy Communion Holy Communion Mar. 5 Mar. 5 Community Ash Wednesday Service Community Ash Wednesday Service 7:30 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church 7:30 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church Lenten Series: “Praying Like Jesus” Lenten Series: “Praying Like Jesus” Mar. 9 Mar. 9 1) “Praying Before Big Decisions” 1) “Praying Before Big Decisions” Luke 6:12 Luke 6:12- 16 16 Mar. 16 Mar. 16 2) “Praying For Others” 2) “Praying For Others” John 17:20 John 17:20- 23 23 Mar. 23 Mar. 23 3) “Living the Lord’s Prayer” 3) “Living the Lord’s Prayer” Matthew 6:1 Matthew 6:1-5 Rev. Dr. M. Robert Mulholland, Jr. preaching Rev. Dr. M. Robert Mulholland, Jr. preaching Mar. 30 Mar. 30 4) “Praying When Facing Temptation” 4) “Praying When Facing Temptation” Mark 14:32 Mark 14:32- 42 42

Transcript of PASTOR ALICE WOLFE - Razor Planet · Mar. 2 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” 4) “Learning to...

Page 1: PASTOR ALICE WOLFE - Razor Planet · Mar. 2 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” Isaiah 58:1--14 Holy Communion Mar. 5 Community Ash Wednesday


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2014 8:45 a.m. Traditional Worship Service

10:00 a.m. Sunday School (all ages) 10:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service













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Mar. 2 Mar. 2 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” Isaiah 58:1Isaiah 58:1--1414

Holy CommunionHoly Communion

Mar. 5Mar. 5 Community Ash Wednesday ServiceCommunity Ash Wednesday Service

7:30 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church7:30 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church

Lenten Series: “Praying Like Jesus”Lenten Series: “Praying Like Jesus”

Mar. 9 Mar. 9 1) “Praying Before Big Decisions” 1) “Praying Before Big Decisions” Luke 6:12Luke 6:12--1616

Mar. 16Mar. 16 2) “Praying For Others”2) “Praying For Others” John 17:20John 17:20--2323

Mar. 23Mar. 23 3) “Living the Lord’s Prayer” 3) “Living the Lord’s Prayer” Matthew 6:1Matthew 6:1--55

Rev. Dr. M. Robert Mulholland, Jr. preachingRev. Dr. M. Robert Mulholland, Jr. preaching

Mar. 30 Mar. 30 4) “Praying When Facing Temptation”4) “Praying When Facing Temptation”

Mark 14:32Mark 14:32--4242

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Page 3: PASTOR ALICE WOLFE - Razor Planet · Mar. 2 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” Isaiah 58:1--14 Holy Communion Mar. 5 Community Ash Wednesday


As my family traveled home from a family wedding in Ken-

tucky, we suddenly ran into the thickest fog I have ever

seen in my life. Sitting in the middle of the back seat, I was

definitely nervous, and admittedly, a little scared—

because I couldn’t see how Mom (who was driving) could

see anything. It was one of those times when it’s so hard

to see that you’re afraid to stop (for fear someone will run

into you) and afraid to keep going (for fear you’ll run into

something). But Mom assured us she could see the edge

of the road just in front of the car—not very far in front, but

enough to keep going slowly. The headlight provided just

enough light to pierce the darkness and terribly thick fog

so Mom could see a few feet in front of the car. Although I

couldn’t see what lay ahead, I trusted Mom who could see.

Our lives are often a lot like that foggy night. We can’t see

ahead into the future to know what’s coming next in life—

and that can be scary. But God has promised us that his

Word (the Bible) is a lamp to our feet and a light to our

path (Psalm 119:105). Even though we can’t see very far

ahead, we can see enough to take the next step, and we

can trust God (who loves us) who can see and is guiding

us in life—one step at a time.

However, God’s Word cannot be a lamp guide to our feet

and a light to our path if we don’t get into the Word and let

the Word get into us. One of the best ways to do this is to

pray, meditate, and reflect on God’s Word over and over

and over… until it becomes part of us.

Beginning in March, your Breakthrough Prayer Team is

inviting everyone at Christ UMC to prayerfully meditate

and reflect on a particular word each month. We will give

you a card with the word on it, and we invite you to put it

somewhere where you will see it—hopefully throughout

your day. Put it somewhere so it will keep calling you to

pray and reflect on the word—and see how God wants

you to live the word.

For March, our word will be FORGIVE. As we enter this

season of Lent, this is a good and helpful word on which to

focus. Forgive reminds us what Jesus has done for us.

While nailed to the cross, Jesus prayed,

“Father, forgive them, for they don’t know

what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)

In that moment, Jesus prayed not only to forgive the Ro-

man soldiers who nailed him to the cross and the people

who shouted “Crucify!”, but also for you and me and eve-

ryone. When we remember all Jesus has forgiven us, how

can we not forgive others?

And so in this season of Lent when we reflect on our own

humanity and sinfulness, let’s repent (turn away from) our

sin, receive God’s forgiveness, and then offer it to others.

Forgive your family member who is estranged (regardless

of who did what), and do what you can to reconcile. For-

give your boss, teacher, or classmate for doing or saying

things that hurt you. Forgive your spouse or child. Forgive

the person who used or abused you. Forgive the church or

people in the church for doing things you didn’t like—

maybe you were wrong; maybe they were wrong; maybe

you perceived something the wrong way—but regardless,

forgive. As someone once said, “Refusing to forgive some-

one is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person

to die.” Unforgiveness poisons you and your relation-

ships—especially your relationship with God.

And so in the month of

March, we invite you

to prayerfully mediate

and reflect on the

word forgive—and

then to receive it and

to share it with every-

one around you. Our

lives and the world will

be a much better

place if we do. And

just maybe—the fog

will lift at least some.

We often can’t see beyond the next step in front of us, but

if we pray and meditate on God’s Word, it truly becomes a

lamp to our feet and a light to our path. May you prayerful-

ly meditate and reflect on God’s Word so God and his

Word get into you!

Praying with you and for you!


Page 4: PASTOR ALICE WOLFE - Razor Planet · Mar. 2 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” Isaiah 58:1--14 Holy Communion Mar. 5 Community Ash Wednesday

KRISTY SCHOOLER Prayer Ministry Sometimes it is really difficult to know how to pray… or what to pray, isn’t it? When Jesus ascended back to heaven, one of the main reasons He sent the Holy Spirit was because He knew we would need help in our pray-ing.

The well-known reasons for the Holy Spirit’s being sent by Jesus (providing supernatural power, giving us boldness, recalling what Jesus had said to us, convicting us of sin, and comforting us) would determine the direction and content of our praying after Jesus left earth. But needing the Holy Spirit to help in our praying is an often-overlooked reason in our “I-can-do-it-myself,-God,” mod-ern culture.

However, when we are confused or devastated by cir-cumstances, not only at a loss as to the answer we de-sire, but even what to pray, it is the Holy Spirit who takes our prayers to the Father—according to His will. This is the omniscient Father who never makes a mistake, who knows the what-ifs of every possible solution, and who knows how to answer while He works out everything for our good.

Romans 8:26-27 helps to explain the Holy Spirit’s role in prayer:

And in the same way the Spirit also helps our weak-ness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He in-

tercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

Many times when life has crashed in around me, I have found myself utterly unable to see a light at the end of the dark tunnel. Incapable of even thinking of any possible so-lution to what had happened, I was not capable of suggest-ing to God what His remedy might be. It is at those times I have cried out in agony to the Holy Spirit, “Please pray for me. I can’t pray!”

The Holy Spirit is the member of the Godhead for whom Jesus told His followers to wait as He was leaving them to go back to heaven. Their waiting for the promised Holy Spirit in their ten-day prayer meeting before Pentecost be-gan their A.D. praying. Jesus kept His word with the Holy Spirit’s coming in His new A.D. way to them with the sound of a mighty rushing wind and sitting as tongues of fire on each of them! And the Holy Spirit remains our prayer help-er until Jesus comes back in person again.

The Holy Spirit is the in-residence intercessor in my life— and yours—at all times. He helps us to pray when we can’t, assuring us that our prayers are reaching the Father in heaven according to His all-knowing will!

Keep praying and praising,

Kristy Schooler

As Christians and Wesleyan United Methodists, our mis-

sion is to meet people where they are and show them the

love of Christ! As we enter a new year our goal is to main-

tain and increase our reach into the local and global com-

munities. The Coins for Missions program will help

achieve that goal. We also have many opportunities

through our conference, such as No More Malaria and

$5.00 on the Fifth. Many other opportunities can be found

at the conference website:

“Imagine No Malaria” is a United Methodist campaign to

eliminate deaths due to malaria, and it’s making a differ-

ence every day. As a conference who believes in mira-

cles, West Ohio is joining this life saving ministry by

launching a $3.5 million multi-year commitment which be-

gan June 1, 2013. We invite you to join us! 100% of your

gift will go to the Imagine No Malaria Initiative. Gifts can

be made to Christ UMC (please label it for “Imagine No


“$5 on the 5th Giving Events”: For the cost of a cup of

coffee you could change a life. Make a difference on

March 30, June 29, August 31, and November 30. Four

months of 2014 – March, June, August and November –

have five Sundays. At the end of these months, on each of

these “Fifth Sundays,” UMCH Family Services is asking

each and every person in worship to give $5 or more to

help children and families. These are small individual gifts

that multiply and help to change the lives of Ohio’s children

and families who are looking for hope and healing. Your

church’s gifts will help us provide loving foster parents for

children in need of a safe and secure temporary home;

family outpatient mental health counseling for families in

need of extra care to stay strong and together; and adop-

tive parents for children who are looking for their own

“forever” families. The need is great. Together, we can be

there to help Ohio’s children and families through this min-

istry. God is doing amazing things with your dollars

through UMCH Family Services. Thank you for choosing to

make all of this possible.

We ask that you prayerfully consider your part in missions

this year, whether by donating to specific areas, or contin-

uing to put your loose change in the offering plate. All the

change will be used for various mission opportunities! God

bless us as we reach out as God’s hands, to more people,

wherever there is a need!

WAID RADFORD Message from Missions

Page 5: PASTOR ALICE WOLFE - Razor Planet · Mar. 2 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” Isaiah 58:1--14 Holy Communion Mar. 5 Community Ash Wednesday

We hope that you will plan to attend the Empty Bowls fundraiser to support our local Baltimore Food Pantry and The Liberty Township Community Chest. The simple menu is a reminder that there are people whose bowls are empty and they don’t have food. Local churches will have a variety of delicious homemade soups and cookies, crackers and beverages. There will be a silent auction during the din-ner, and auctioneer Doug Leith will conduct a live auction at 6:00 p.m. To give us more information about the work of the Food Pantry and the Communi-ty Chest, representatives of the agencies will share a “Minute for Missions” during the announcements at the beginning of both our services. Sue Cooper will talk about the food pantry on March 2, and Betsy Alt, chairperson of the Community Chest, will speak March 9.

EMPTY BOWLS 2014 March 16, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Contributions to this fundraising event can be made via the church in March by indicating your gift is for “Empty Bowls.” The money will be forwarded to Empty Bowls. Successful events such as this require the cooperation and contributions of many. The VFW is providing the facility, Balti-more and Thurston churches are preparing the food, local businesses and churches have been asked for auction items. The Rebekah Circle will pay for the ingredients in our Chicken Tortilla Soup that Melissa Bader will cook. Our youth group is planning to work the dining room, assisting and busing ta-bles. We need 6 dozen home-made cookies and someone to help serve our soup during the event. We will be putting togeth-er a gift basket of items from our church families. If you have a business, craft, hobby, or talent and can contribute an item for the auction please let us know at the Connection Center in the narthex.

Please plan to support this local community mission.

We need your help!

We need your donated craft or hobby items, gift certificate, homemade jams, jellies, salsa, or any other talent or business item that would be appropriate for our gift baskets. Sign up at the Connection Center or con-tact Louise Smith at 862-6018.

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and include speakers and garden-related vendors. We will be serving a continental breakfast, lunch, and the bever-age table will be available all day. If you can help with this event, please contact Louise. Either see her at church or call 862-6018.

—Melissa Bader, Cookie Friesner, Dana Hoisington, Tim Lawlis, Susan & Zale Maxwell & Louise Smith

The Good Timers served the Fairfield County Cattlemen's Banquet in the family life center February 22. Thanks to everyone who helped with this meal.

On Saturday, April 5, the Fairfield County Master Gar-dener’s will hold their bi-annual educational day, “Dig Into Gardening.” The event will be in the Family Life Center

Reverend Donald Shaver was appointed to serve Christ UMC in June of 1987. He was a kindly man, a Quaker turned Methodist. Although of small stature, he was a man of large faith and determination. It was soon evident that he was a caring person always busy visiting or helping members of the congregation and community.

Even though he suffered a stroke in 1988, was limited physically and was in constant pain, he continued to serve faithfully until his death in 1994. At no time did officials of our church consider requesting a new minister because of his limitations. There was concern though, that he was taxing himself too much. He wanted to continue serving until June, 1995, when he was able to retire.

Nothing brought out the caring characteristics of the con-gregation more than the kindness shown by the Shaver family. When Don wasn’t able to drive, members trans-

ported both Don and his wife, Leona, to the places they needed to go. Others visited the sick when Reverend Shaver could not, and that help continued as long as Don lived. That service to the Shavers, which continued without much fanfare, did not go unnoticed by the community. Don himself was quick to thank those who helped him and he made sure that the “higher ups” in the denomination knew how well he and others of the community had been treated by his congregation. He told us and others that such kind-ness is not always present in churches. He was convinced that we are a caring congregation and to always remem-ber how caring this congregation is.

Reverend Shaver died on May 6, 1994, and we were very fortunate to have Rev. Arnold Ettenhofer, a retired United Methodist minister from Newark serve until Ben Foulk was assigned to Christ UMC in September, 1995.

WORTH HARMAN Historian: A Caring Congregation

Old man winter seems to not want to let go this year. The Trustees continue to work on water leaks in the roof and the moisture problem in the fellowship hall. Unfortunately there is no easy solution. When the weather breaks we are exploring possible drainage work around the church property. The church has a couple of areas of lawn which are constantly wet. We will have a new sink and the pipe repaired shortly in



the furnace room, a result of the first severe cold tempera-tures we had. You don't normally think of ants as a prob-lem during the winter, but the church has a nice popula-tion of them that show themselves on a regular basis. We are working on a recent outbreak of ants at the moment. Jim and Steve have a couple of projects coming up. First is cleaning the floor in the Family Life Center, and then working on the mildew that is on the walls in the sanctu-ary.

Planning for this summer’s Vacation Bible School has be-gun! This year’s VBS will be held June 22 - 26 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at St. Michael’s UCC. We hope everyone will join us for “Weird Animals: Where Jesus’ Love is One-of-a-Kind.” VBS will be for children and youth ages 4 & up. We are already looking for volunteers for the following areas:

Crew Leaders & Assistants: You are responsible for leading a group of children to each activity and helping supervise. You do not have to prepare or teach any-thing.

Crafts: Lead a small group of children in completing each evening’s craft. Training and all materials will be provided.

Food: Lead a group of children in making each evening’s snack. Everything is provided for you.

Registration: Help parents and children sign in or sign up on their first even-ing. We will defi-nitely need peo-ple to help with this on Sunday and Monday.

As we get closer to the start of VBS, we will also be looking for donations for the crafts and snacks. Please watch the bulletin and newsletter for more information. If you are in-terested in helping or have any questions, please contact Barbara Huntwork at 740-862-6727 or [email protected].

BARBARA HUNTWORK Vacation Bible School

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MONTHLY ATTENDANCE/GIVING Jan. 19 Jan.26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9

Attendance Traditional Service 98 73 133 110

Attendance Contemporary Service 34 18 63 47

Total Attendance (both services) 132 91 196 157

Total Giving (both services)

(including General Fund, & Stewardship) $4,560 $4,656 $9,181 $11,535

Attendance Sunday School 46 40 50 45

Total Sunday School Giving $33 $38 $55 $31

Coins for Missions (2013 Goal $2,000)

Total given to date: $300.21 $24 $6 $112 $13

Mortgage Balance

Loan: $1,416,442.99 Monthly Payment: $7,773.11


“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill

the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)

Well, I guess it goes without saying, that it has been one

terrible winter. Snow, ice, wind, propane shortages—oh


As difficult as it has been for all of us, the misery in com-

pounded by poverty. Scrimping on heat, worrying about

the increased electric bills, and not quite being able to

make ends meet for a very long winter. That is where God

is calling us to be His light. We, by God’s grace, can share

what we have with those who have so much less. The Bal-

timore Food Pantry needs our help. Supplies are down

and demand is up. Please find it in your hearts to share

your bounty by bringing items to church and placing them

in the basket in the narthex.

Here are some suggestions:

March 2 - Dish soap/shampoo

March 9 - Canned fruit

March 16 - Ketchup

March 23 - Soup - especially vegetable

March 30 - Clean out your pantry day - whatever

You bring will be greatly appreciated!

God has blessed us with 5 Sundays in March. May we

praise God and rejoice in each one of them as we look

forward to spring!!!

Blessings and thanks to all,

Tim & Sue Cooper

TIM & SUE COOPER March Food Pantry Challenge

Plan now to come to the BaltimorePlan now to come to the Baltimore--Thurston Community Thurston Community

Ash Wednesday Service, March 5,Ash Wednesday Service, March 5,

7:30 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church7:30 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church

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Do you want to grow in your prayer life? Do you sometimes

struggle to make time for prayer or wonder how you should

pray? If so, then please join us for

“Prayer: Living in the Presence”

Dr. Robert Mulholland, Jr., a

retired professor of New Tes-

tament from Asbury Theologi-

cal Seminary, will come to

Christ UMC March 21-23 to

lead a retreat on prayer to

help us learn to live in God’s

presence in our daily lives.

Dr. Mulholland has traveled

all over the world teaching

and preaching on prayer, spir-

itual formation, and the New


Save the dates now so you won’t miss this opportunity to

learn and grow through this powerful and Spirit-filled teach-

ing. We hope you will join us as we learn about prayer, “as

a way of being rather than something we do.”

Friday, March 21

7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Retreat - Part 1

Saturday, March 22

8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Retreat - Part 2

Sunday, March 23

8:45 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Dr. Mulholland will preach in both worship services

10:00 a.m. Q & A with Dr. Mulholland (During Sunday School)

Although the snow is beautiful, it has caused us to cancel our Middle School mission trip to Cincinnati. We have rescheduled it for April 26


th. If your chil-

dren would like to go, contact Ruth McFarland for more information.

Sunday School: 10-10:40 a.m. Youth Group: Sundays 6-7:30 p.m.

March Events

March 16 Help at Empty Bowls

March 22 God’s Not Dead movie showing at

Easton Town Center. Time TBA

April Events

April 11-12 Youth Lock-in @ Baltimore church

April 26-27 Middle School mission trip

RUTH MCFARLAND Move: Youth Ministry

Youth Team-Building Night

Different tasks are given to the youth to complete as a team. This teaches them to work with each other.

Join us on Sunday evenings

in the Family Life Center.

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Special thanks to Tim Lawlis who served as our interim choir director and Julie Ulrich who served as the choir pianist for the past few years. We greatly appreciate you both and how you shared your time and tal-ents with us. Thanks for your musical ministry among us!


Volunteers are needed to help turn out lights & lock up after the 10:45 a.m. Sunday worship service. If will-ing, call Michael Dulin (614-837-7567).

Send announcements and newsletter articles to the church office at [email protected] or put them in the secretary’s mailbox in the church office.

Bulletin: Wednesdays at noon

Newsletter : 3 p.m., March 17 for the April newsletter.



Open gym is a community outreach of the church and is available for everyone to enjoy. The hours are 6 p.m. till 8 p.m. every Thursday even-ing. The last day for Open Gym is March 27th. Open Gym will begin again in November. Thank you to Melissa Bader and all the others who helped volunteer.


If a Level 2 or 3 Emergency exists

on a Sunday morning at 7:00 A.M., worship services and Sunday school will not be held.

Cancellations of Christ UMC wor-ship services or activities will be posted on the TV stations: Chan-nel 4 (NBC), Channel 10 (CBS), and Channel 6 (ABC). (The can-cellations may also be found on the stations’ web sites.) We will also post cancellations on our church web site: PLEASE NOTE: If our church is cancelled, we will post “Christ UMC—Baltimore.” (If it doesn’t say Baltimore, it is not us.) Also, if it says “Baltimore UMC,” it is NOT us; it is the church on Market St.


If you miss worship, want to listen to a sermon again, or want to rec-ommend a sermon to a friend, you may listen to the weekly sermons on our web site (



Cookie and Dave Friesner will soon be home from spending the winter in Florida doing NOMAD work. Noodle- making is scheduled to begin April 7, starting at 8:00 a.m. and continue each of the following mornings until we complete the task for the day (normally early or mid afternoon). Plan to come help make noodles and learn what the Freisners have been doing all winter. No experience necessary. No specific work sched-ule or task. Come and enjoy the fel-lowship.

Mark your calendar. The Joy Sunday School Class will host a Progressive Euchre Party on Saturday, March 1. Registration will begin at 6:30 p.m. with game-play time at 7:00 p.m. This annual event has become a CUMC tradition and we hope every-one can join the fun this year. Snacks and beverages will be pro-vided.


The West Ohio Conference (WOC) of the United Methodist Church invites you and your family and friends to join them for any of their many camps and retreats—and for an opportunity to Change Lives in God’s Great Outdoors!

The WOC Camps & Retreats offer

Year-round excitement for all ages

Great outdoor adventures

Life-changing spiritual growth

Children, youth, and adults can enjoy camps like:

Explorers Camp (shortened camp for beginners); Wilderness Explor-er Camp; Wilderness Night Owls; Explore God’s World; Rock, Raft, & Faith—Trip Camp; River Expedi-tion; M.A.D. Camp (Music, Art, Drama); Family Camp; and many more!

For more information, costs, loca-tions, and a complete listing of camps and retreats available, go to


Congratulations to Cienna and Keegan Lodge, daughters of David and Jennifer Lodge, who were baptized on February 23! We re-joice to welcome you as part of the Family of God!

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The following is the year-end report for Good Neighbors in the Village for 2013:

The first meeting of 2013 occurred on February 11, 2013 at Christ UMC. Quarterly meetings held regularly: May 13, 2013; August 12, 2013; November 11, 2013.

Programs reported on included the Summer Lunch pro-gram, school mentoring, Bible Study at Walnut Creek, and Christmas caroling.

United Methodist Community Ministries (UMCM) of West Ohio continues to fund Good Neighbors in a spend-down fashion.

2014 will be our third year of funding by UMCM and by intention their last, as they try to support new ministries for the three years only.

We became incorporated with the State of Ohio April 8, 2013, with the pro bono services of the law office of Jack-son, Keller, Shook and Dern.

Good Neighbors submitted a 501C3 application for tax exempt status with the IRS on December 21, 2013, thanks to the work of Pastor Rick Stuhmer and Gayle McCreery. John Lester, CPA donated review of the application, and we have received notice that the application was received by the IRS. If they find our application to be complete, then we should hear within 90 days on approval. If not, it can be many months. 501C3 status allows us to pursue grant funding from other organizations, many of which re-quire that tax exempt status to consider funding.

2014 will require Good Neighbors to develop strategies for funding our activities beyond UMCM. The Community Lunch programs (renamed from Summer Lunch) is well funded from individual donations and from donated foods per its volunteers. We extend a warm thanks to the churches and volunteers supporting the summer lunches and the year around weekly senior lunches including New Zion UMC, St. Michael’s UCC, Faith Lutheran, and Christ UMC where the senior lunch is held following senior chair


TIM & SUE COOPER December Food Pantry Challenge GAYLE MCCREERY Good Neighbors in the Village volleyball. We have served 20 to 35 people each Wednes-day, aside from holiday weeks and inclement weather at the senior lunch. We have work to do on promoting the summer lunches for kids and parents who attend. It was decided by the lunch program leadership and volunteers to keep the program at Christ UMC, though other sites have been considered, including a 2

nd site option.

Other Good Neighbors projects and services that took place in 2013 include the following:

Middle School Mentoring-volunteer participation re-mains small in number.

Ramps: one custom built to the need of a rural senior couple to enter garage from the home.

Modular ramp: sections built, ready for lending by Geb and Jared Bader.

Home helps: construction of gates and improvements on the play yard of a family with a child with autism for safe access and safe play. We assisted several senior individuals to receive care and appropriate living ar-rangements.

Share Day: 10/19/2013 began with prayer at the Town Hall

Projects: Car Care by CUMC; Pancake breakfast to Food Pantry patrons by New Zion UMC, apple picking and apple crisp to shut-ins by Trinity UCC youth, Buck-eye Bash and OSU game viewing and buffet by NOW Church.

Christmas caroling to 13 shut-ins and senior housing in Baltimore, December 9, 2013. Faith ELCA hosted after refreshments for 11 hearty carolers on a very cold evening. Gayle McCreery

If you know of someone who may be interested in serv-ing as the Praise Band Director for our contemporary worship services, Sundays at 10:45 a.m. then please direct them to the church website ( for more information and an application. If you have questions, please contact the church office at 740-862-4343 or email [email protected].

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2 Susan Maxwell

3 Dave Keller

4 Seth Kovach, Justin Wildermuth

6 Sarah Feyko, Shelly Squibb

7 Jill Kilger

8 Doug Merle

9 Marshall Johnson

11 Kaylee Jeffrey, Betty Jo Merle, Carol Sayre

12 Maryellen Anderson, Jacob Ulrich

14 Addison Keller, Melanie Linardi

15 Dave Pulvermacher

16 Cheryl Crist, Andy Fey

17 Kyle Johnson, Thom McCreery

18 Michael Burns, Tammy Harris, Nathan Huntwork

Debbie Miller, Loraine Stump

19 Krystin Bachman, Lachlan Fey

20 Rob Sayre, Mike Shreyer

22 Dave Eversole, Jeff Slyh

24 Laura Brown, Peggy Lawlis, Ben Snider

25 Hermalee Hardin, Sarah Maxwell,

Gayle McCreery

26 Elizabeth Bower

27 Reed Farmer

28 Allyssa Baker, Kim Johnson, Mark Spencer

Sarah Waites

29 Erin Berlekamp, Mike Snider


The Youth/Work-Campers of Christ UMC will be selling Italian sub sandwiches as a fundraiser to off-set expenses of materials fees for the Summer Work Camp project which will be June 14 through June 20 of this year. You may order your subs March 16 through March 30. There will be a flyer in the bulletin. Cost is $4.00 each or 3 for $10.00.

The youth will be making the subs on Saturday, April 5 at 10:00 a.m. Your order may be picked up from 11:30 until noon on that day, or you may pick up your subs after the services on Sunday, April 6th. These subs will be individ-ually wrapped for your convenience. Please note that there will be NO veggies included with the subs. Subs consist of bun, ham, pepperoni, salami and provolone cheese.

Call Dan Johnson at 740-862-6120 if you would like more information.

Christ United Methodist Church has re-ceived a Certificate of Appreciation for paying 100% of 2013 Community Minis-tries Apportionments. Congratulation to the congregation for your faithful and dedi-cated stewardship!

On March 22, Cub Scout Pack 187 is having a Spaghetti Dinner from 4:30 p.m. till 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Come and enjoy all-you-can-eat spaghetti, garlic bread, salad, beverage, and desert. Cost is $6.00 for an adult and $4.00 for a child.

Beginning March 4th, Christ UMC Preschool and Pre-K are accepting enrollment of children who have attended our preschool this year or those who are members of Christ UMC. All others interested in attending the pre-school can register on April 7 starting at 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The child must be 3 years old and potty trained by August 1. Registration fee is $50.00 and is non-refundable. There is also a $25.00 supply fee due at the beginning of the school year. You will need to bring a birth certificate for proof of age. Contact Diane Friesner at 862-4343 for more information.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Motsch March 6

Mr. & Mrs. David Pulvermacher March 16

Mr. & Mrs. Chad Endsley March 18

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ireland March 18

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Simpson March 18

Mr. & Mrs. Ted Poth March 19

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Taylor March 21

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Waites March 21

Mr. & Mrs. Willie Snider March 24





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M ar ch 2 01 4 Christ United Methodist Church

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


7:00 p.m. Euchre



8:45 am Traditional

10 am Sunday School

10:45 am


6 –7:30 pm Youth




11:30 am Ministerial (P)

5—9 p.m. In Use (FLC)

7:00 p.m. Trustees (L)

5 10 am Senior VB (FLC)

11 am Senior Lunch


6:00 pm Bible Study (P)

6:30 pm Scouts (FH)

7:15 pm Choir (S)

7:30 p.m. Community

Ash Wed. Service at Faith

Lutheran Church


6-8 pm Open Gym (FLC)

7:00 pm Bell Choir (P)


6—8 pm In Use (FLC)



8:45 am Traditional

10 am Sunday School

10:45 am


2– 4:30 pm In Use


6 –7:30 pm Youth



6:30 pm Worship Team



6:30 pm Scouts (FH)

6:30 pm Breakthrough

Prayer Team (PS)


10 am Senior VB (FLC)

11 am Senior Lunch (FLC)

6:00 pm Bible Study (P)

6:30—8 pm In Use (FH))

7:15 pm Choir (S)


6-8 pm Open Gym (FLC)

7:00 pm Bell Choir (P)


6—8 p.m. In Use (FLC)


1—5 p.m. In Use (S) &



8:45 am Traditional

9 a.m. Work Camp

Meeting (FLC)

10 am Sunday School

10:45 am


6 –7:30 pm Youth




6:30 pm Scouts (FH)


10 am Senior VB (FLC)

11 am Senior Lunch (FLC)

3—10 pm Preschool Circus—set up (FLC)

6:00 pm Bible Study (P)

7:15 pm Choir (S)


11 am In Use (FH)

All Day Preschool Circus


6-8 pm Open Gym (FLC)

7:00 pm Bell Choir (P)


7-9 pm Prayer Retreat

with Dr. Mulholland (FH)

22 8:30 am—3pm Prayer

Retreat with Dr.

Mulholland (FH)

2– 8 p.m. In Use (FH)

4:30-7:00 pm Scouts’

Spaghetti Dinner–

community welcome



Dr. Mulholland


8:45 am Traditional

10 am Sunday School

10:45 am


6-7:30 pm Youth





9:00 am - 3:00 pm Clergy

Cluster Retreat (P)

7:00 pm Admin Council





6:00 p.m. In Use (FH)

6:30 pm Scouts (FLC)


10 am Senior VB (FLC)

11 am Senior Lunch (FLC)

6:00 pm Bible Study (P)

6:30- 8 pm In Use (FH)

7:15 pm Choir (S)


2:30—6 p.m. In Use (FLC)

6-8 pm Open Gym (FLC)

7:00 pm Bell Choir (P)


6—8 pm In Use (FLC)


2—9:30 p.m. In Use


Page 13: PASTOR ALICE WOLFE - Razor Planet · Mar. 2 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” 4) “Learning to Do God’s Will” Isaiah 58:1--14 Holy Communion Mar. 5 Community Ash Wednesday


8:45 a.m.

Traditional Worship

10:00 a.m.

Sunday School for all ages

10:45 a.m. Worship 33:3 -

Contemporary Service

Christ United Methodist Church 700 S. Main St. Baltimore, OH 43105

Phone: 740-862-4343 Fax: 740-862-6163 E-mail: [email protected] Web page:


Our mission is... to lovingly reach out and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Alice Wolfe [email protected] Generally in the office, Tues., Wed., & Thurs.; Hours vary (Call any time for appointment)

Youth Director Ruth McFarland [email protected]

Administrative Asst. Darcy Soliday 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Mon.-Fri. [email protected]

Treasurer Joy Perry Sun., Mon, & Tues. evenings [email protected]

Preschool Director Diane Friesner

Praise Band Director

Organist /Choir Director Valerie Stone

Bell Choir Director Becky Ety

Pianists Karen Mathews, Julie Ulrich

Custodians Jim Anderson, Steve Vandermark

Church Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

ATTENTION! We are emailing our newsletters!

If you would like to receive your church newsletter by email, please contact the church office.