Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging...

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved. | 12th Sunday of the Year 1 12 TH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest: Father Augustus Duruiheakor Presbytery Tel: 01383 625611 E-mail: [email protected] Websites: & Pilgrimage Twitter: @St Margaretpilg1 St Margaret’s is a Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St Andrew and Edinburgh, a Charity registered in Scotland SC0008540. VIRTUAL WEEK 12 St Margaret’s, Dunfermline and Church of the Holy Name, Oakley

Transcript of Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging...

Page 1: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| 12th Sunday of the Year



Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan

Assistant Priest: Father Augustus Duruiheakor

Presbytery Tel: 01383 625611

E-mail: [email protected]



Pilgrimage Twitter: @St Margaretpilg1

St Margaret’s is a Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St Andrew and Edinburgh,

a Charity registered in Scotland SC0008540.


St Margaret’s, Dunfermline


Church of the Holy Name, Oakley

Page 2: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Contents



Response for the Sunday Mass and Mass Intentions for the coming week

................................................................................................................................ 3

Dear Friends, ........................................................................................................ 4

Act of Spiritual Communion: ............................................................................. 5

Children’s Liturgy ................................................................................................. 6

Livestream - Mass ................................................................................................ 6

On the television .................................................................................................. 7

On the phone! ...................................................................................................... 7

Livestream – Zoom Groups ................................................................................ 7

1. Men’s Group Virtual Meetings. .................................................................. 7

2. Lockdowns from Lauriston. ......................................................................... 7

Fr Augustus ........................................................................................................... 8

Re-opening of Churches .................................................................................... 8

Parish Finances .................................................................................................... 9

Standing Orders and Donate Online ............................................................. 9

Mass Parts ........................................................................................................... 12

Hymns for this Sunday ...................................................................................... 14

Novena Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help ............................................ 18

Page 3: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Response for the Sunday Mass and Mass Intentions for the coming week



PSALM In your great love, answer me, O God



Alleluia, alleluia!

The Word was made flesh and lived among; to all

who did accept him he gave power to become

children of God

Day Time Date Intention

SUNDAY 10am 21 Brian Robertson (anniv) &

Chrystine Robertson (anniv)

MON 10am 22 Alexia Thompson (Requiem) &

Mgr Charlie Hendry R.I.P

TUES 10am 23 Thanksgiving & Fr Tommy Greenan R.I.P

WED 10am 24 John McLoughlin R.I.P & for the sick

THURS 10am 25 Sada Macdonald R.I.P & Special Intention

FRIDAY 10am 26 Family of Sada Macdonald & Special Intention

SAT 10am 27 Mgr Brian Halloran R.I.P & Special Intention

SUNDAY 10am 28 People of the Parish & Thanksgiving

Mass Intentions

Mass is still celebrated daily by Fr Chris in the Lady Chapel of St.

Margaret’s Church and by Fr Augustus in the oratory of the presbytery.

Fr Chris will celebrate for the 1st intention listed and Fr Augustus the

2nd. If you wish a Mass celebrated for someone who has died, for an

anniversary or any other intention, please just email or phone in the

details and they can still be arranged.

Please remember in your prayers those who have died

recently including Alexia Thompson R.I.P.

We pray for all who are sick, suffering, anxious and alone at

this time. We pray for all NHS staff and all other who deliver

care and essential services at this time.

Page 4: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Dear Friends,



Jeremiah was one of the greatest of the prophets of Israel.

His character jumps out at us as we read or listen to his writings.

He comes over as being very human.

He is unsure of himself,

he thinks that he was too young to be called to be a prophet,

he is hesitant,

a bit paranoid and

he openly questions God.

He is also someone who is deeply in touch with God and sees God at

work in his life.

Prophets never had an easy time. Their task was to point out how Israel

had fallen short in their unique relationship with God. Their honesty

brought them a very difficult existence and much suffering.

Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all

of his friends. The first section of today’s first reading doesn’t make a

great advert for the position of prophet. But, even in the midst of all

that he is experiencing Jeremiah is firm in his belief that the Lord is still at

his side.

It’s that abiding presence of God that allows Jeremiah to continue his

mission as a prophet. In all of the struggles and difficulties that he

experiences he knows that there is a power that is greater and stronger

at work in his life.

Jesus, in today’s gospel passage, tells his disciples “Do not be afraid.”

It’s such an important message that he repeats it.

Troubles, difficulties, suffering, persecution and even pandemics will

come our way in life but we find a place of safety and strength in Christ.

Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest of creatures.

Page 5: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Act of Spiritual Communion:


How greater is his care for those who he made in his image and


I was ordained a priest on the 23rd of June 1995. It is hard to believe

that 25 years have passed! I thought that I’d seen it all.

Once again I’ve been proven wrong!

This pandemic experience has made me even more aware of the

goodness and kindness of God’s people and the great privilege of

sharing in their lives.

With prayers and best wishes for the coming week,

Fr Chris & Fr Augustus


‘My Jesus, I Believe that You are in the Blessed Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I long for You in my soul.

Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,

come at least spiritually into my heart.

Although You have already come, I embrace You and unite myself entirely

to You;

never permit me to be separated from You.’

Page 6: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Children’s Liturgy




for-sunday-3/ for some great ideas to celebrate and explain this


In this week’s Gospel (Matthew 10: 26-33) we’re told not to be afraid as

God looks after all of his creatures and will always look after us!

Why not draw a picture of your favourite creature? It could be an

animal, bird, insect or a pet!

Also, there is a facebook page called ‘Children’s Liturgy during

lockdown’ with videos uploaded onto youtube :


I’m pleased to let you know that we are now back livestreaming our

Masses. Mass will be concelebrated each day at 10a.m.

The Sunday Mass will also be recorded, so if you want to listen to the

sermon again or lie even longer in bed on a Sunday morning you can.

The link for the recorded Mass will be available on the parish website (I’ll

let you know when the Box Set is accessible!).

To access go to the parish website

and click on the link STREAM at the top right and then click on the play

(‘’) arrow.

The stream can also now be accessed from

Page 7: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

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| On the phone!



BBC Scotland will broadcast Mass at 12 noon on Sunday 21st from St

Augustine’s Church in Coatbridge.

Please spread the word amongst those without access to the internet.

Many years ago I concelebrated Mass in St Augustine’s.

I was quite puzzled at the distribution of Communion and thought that

a lady had come up to receive twice.

I then realised that I’d just given Communion to Fran and Anna!


St Joseph’s in Clarkston are also trialing a telephone Mass service. The

Number to call to hear Fr Stephen’s Mass is 0141 473 4869. Please share

this number with friends and neighbours who haven’t got internet




The Men’s Group are hosting meetings by means of Zoom.

On a Tuesday evening at 7.30 there is an online quiz; on Friday at 6p.m

a general get together and on Sunday at 11a.m a gathering for coffee

after Mass. These are open to any parishioners. To find out how to join

please email Tom Scott at [email protected]


The Jesuit Community in Edinburgh is streaming a series of talks over the

next few Tuesdays.

The online series Lockdowns from Lauriston continues with a talk from Fr.

Augusto Zampini, an Argentine RC Priest from the Diocese of San Isidro,

Buenos Aires. He is currently the head of the Vatican’s response to

Covid-19 and will give us a glimpse inside the Vatican during lockdown.

Join us on Zoom every Tuesday at 7.30pm. Login using the link below: or Meeting ID: 236 509 2814

We will also be livestreaming to our Facebook page.

Page 8: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Fr Augustus



As you know, Fr Augustus was due to leave us in May to return to Italy,

complete his doctorate and do further courses in canon law. Now that

Italy is opening up again, he will leave the parish and Scotland on the

1st of July. We wish him every success and thank him for his work in the

parish. Fr’s mobile number is 07946230155 and his email is

[email protected]. Cards can be sent to the presbytery. The

parish has given him a monetary gift to show our appreciation and help

with his expenses.


The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland (BCOS) has welcomed the

announcement that churches may reopen for private prayer from this

Monday (22 June).

To be able to do this, Priests need to be satisfied that procedures

outlined by BCOS are in place to reduce risk of potential infection: we

need to enact social distancing measures and ensure that high

standards of hygiene are met.

Considering this and the other factors that affect us specifically, that St

Margaret’s is a building site at the moment, I have decided that neither

of our Churches will re-open for private prayer at this time.

We will need volunteers when Masses are made public again (limited

numbers, increased hygiene, at risk groups asked to remain at home).

This is likely to be after 9th July. Volunteers should be aged over 18.

Over 70’s may volunteer providing that they do not have any

underlying health issues. Thus far there are 5 volunteers for St

Margaret’s and 0 for Holy Name. Please email if you are able to give of

your time. Volunteer forms are attached to this email.

Masses would only be celebrated publicly at the weekend. To

maintain social distancing the capacity of St Margaret’s would be 40

people and Holy Name 28 people. I would like to gauge “demand”.

Please email me if you would like to attend Mass when it is possible (or

phone). “Households” may sit together, so let me know the number of

people if you are a household. Please also note that I will be on my

Page 9: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Parish Finances


own from 1st July, so the Mass timetable will have to change. I

appreciate your understanding.

There is a lot to think through and to implement following the BCOS

guidance as mentioned on the Archdiocese website. If you would be

able to volunteer to be a passkeeper or a cleaner (pews and hard

surfaces will have be disinfected after every Mass) then please email

me to let me know what you can do and where you want to do it.

Please do not volunteer if you are in any of the vulnerable categories.



Thanks to all of you who have completed standing order forms or set up

internet banking donations to support your parish.

Please, do not put yourself into any hardship.

The Bank account details are

St Margaret’s: sort code: 80 06 55 account number 00720303.

Holy Name: sort code 83 33 00 account number 00176355.

The Archdiocese has set up a way to donate online using your debit or

credit card. Donations can also be made electronically by using the

following secure links:

For St Margaret’s, Dunfermline: Donate to St Margaret's

For Holy Name, Oakley: Donate to Holy Name, Oakley

Page 10: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.



Some people were kind enough to drop their collection envelopes

through the door. Thank you for this but please follow advice to stay at

home as much as possible (you can save them up!).

If you aren’t receiving the weekly newsletter by email. Please send an

email to [email protected] and you will be added to

the distribution list.

Sincere thanks to all who have continued to support the work of the

parish at this difficult time.

Page 11: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.







Page 12: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Mass Parts



Page 13: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Mass Parts


Page 14: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Hymns for this Sunday



I watch the sunrise, lighting the sky, casting its shadows near. And on

this morning, bright though it be, I hell those shadows near me.

But you are always close to me, following all my ways.

May I be always close to you following all your ways, Lord.

I watch the sunlight shine through the clouds warming the earth below.

And at the midday life seems to say ‘I feel you brightness near me’

I watch the sunset fading away, lighting the clouds with sleep. And as

the evening closes its eyes I feel your presence near me.

For you are always…

I watch the moonlight guarding the night waiting till morning comes.

The air is silent earth is at rest – only your peace is near me.

Yes, you are always… Text: John Glynn

Page 15: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Hymns for this Sunday


Look upon our offerings, look within our hearts.

Lord, accept our ev’rything, make us one with you.

Here in this Mass, Lord, we find our giving,

then in our lives, Lord, you’ll go on living.

What have we to offer you, Lord of heaven and earth?

Lord, accept our nothingness, make us one with you.

Text: Mariapolis Foculari song adapted by Damian Webb OSB

Page 16: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Hymns for this Sunday


Page 17: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Novena Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help


Page 18: Parish Priest: Father Chris Heenan Assistant Priest ... · Jeremiah speaks of so many disparaging him and of how he has lost all ... Jesus teaches that God is aware of even the smallest

Hymns reproduced under One License A-730134. All rights reserved.

| Novena Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help



The icon originated from the Keras Kardiotissas Monastery and has been in Rome

since 1499.

Today it is permanently enshrined in the Church of Saint Alphonsus, where the

official Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help text is prayed weekly.

On 23 June 1867, Pope Pius IX granted the image its Canonical Coronation along

with its present title.

The Redemptorist Congregation of priests and brothers are the only religious order

currently entrusted by the Holy See to protect and propagate a Marian religious

work of art. The feast is on the 27th June. Taken from wikipedia

Join the Redemptorist Community celebrating this novena online via and (or access their webcams via

Mass times are 7am, 9.30, 6.15 and 8pm in Clonard and 8am, 10, 7.15

and 9pm in Limerick. The theme this year is Hope in a time of crisis.