Paper of Miscellaneous Livestock

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  • 7/24/2019 Paper of Miscellaneous Livestock




    Written by :

    Reza Putra Priyanggara 135050107121003





  • 7/24/2019 Paper of Miscellaneous Livestock



    Rabbits are animals for folks that like to eat meat and want to raise it ui!kly" Rabbits

    re#rodu!e ui!kly$ u# to eight bunnies e%ery three months" & young rabbit !an weigh four #ounds in

    three months bigger than a broiler !hi!ken" Rabbits are easy to raise'both in urban and rural areas"

    (hey don)t take u# mu!h s#a!e" Rabbits are a #o#ular meat in *uro#e' +hina' and the &meri!as"

    &nyone who raises rabbits will ne%er la!k for meat for their table and will realize other benefits"

    ,ou ha%e to manage the breeding of your rabbits -ust as folks ha%e to manage the breeding of

    #igs or !ows" (he does are nearly always in heat" .t is theoreti!ally #ossible to breed a rabbit the same

    day it kindles /gi%es birth'though that would not be good for the rabbit)s health" ormally' a female

    should be bred 30 to 0 days after kindling

    *%en in the neutered#et' rabbits draw %ery little distin!tion between seual beha%ior and

    so!ial beha%ior /4arriman 15" ormal a!tions like territoriality' attention6seeking beha%iors like

    honkingand !ir!ling' and nesting beha%ior su!h as digging and !hewing' are all intimately tied to the

    instin!ti%e dri%e to re#rodu!e"

    F$%&'$ r&((#t)

    &dult females' #arti!ularly medium and large breed does' often de%elo# a dewla#or fold of

    skin beneath the !hin" lder does tend to be larger than bu!ks of the same breed /Ri!hardson 2000"

    (he o%aries are elongated' and are lo!ated relati%ely !audal in the rabbit" (he o%idu!ts are

    %ery long and !oiled" (he du#le uterus !onsists of two se#arate uterine horns se#arated along its

    length" (here is no uterine body" (he mesometrium is a site of signifi!ant fat storage in the rabbit'

    #ro#ortionally mu!h greater than in other !om#anion animals" (he two uterine horns !ommuni!ate

    with two !er%i!es' whi!h -oin to form a !ommon %agina /)8alley 2005" (he rabbit %agina is

    relati%ely long and sa!!ular /9ella 2012" (he urethra enters the dorsal wall of the %agina$ the !litorissits on the %entral surfa!e" (he %ul%a a##ears triangular with a slit6like o#ening'and the a##earan!e of

    this slit is used to distinguish -u%enile females from -u%enile male rabbits"

    .f the urinary bladder is e#ressed while the rabbit is in dorsal re!umben!y' the relati%ely

    fla!!id %agina !an #otentially fill with urine" (o minimize the risk of !ontamination during

    o%ariohystere!tomy' the bladder is e#ressed after the #atient is anesthetized but before the animal is

    #la!ed its ba!k /enkins 2012"

    (he sus#ensory ligaments are relati%ely long' making eteriorization of the uterus relati%ely

    easy' howe%er the large amount of fat in the broad ligament still makes rabbit s#ays relati%ely!hallenging #ro!edures' e%en in young does" (he double !er%i!es are not routinely remo%ed during

    o%ariohystere!tomy' howe%er remo%al is indi!ated for #atients with !er%i!itis' neo#lasia' or

    endometriosis /enkins 2012' )8alley 2005"

    (he female rabbit is an indu!ed o%ulator" &lthough the doe does not show a regular estrous

    !y!le' if mating does not o!!ur she will %ary in re!e#ti%ity as o%arian folli!les regress and new

    folli!les mature" Periods of re!e#ti%ity last anywhere from 5 to 1 days and are followed by one to

    two days in whi!h the doe will refuse to mate" (his !y!le re#eats until !on!e#tion o!!urs' although

    o%arian a!ti%ity de!reases as #hoto#eriod de!reases during the late summer to winter months /9ella

    2012' ;la#hake 2012' )8alley 2005"
  • 7/24/2019 Paper of Miscellaneous Livestock


    M&'$ r&((#t)

    (he head and body of the inta!t' adult' male rabbit is generally more thi!kset than the doe

    /Ri!hardson 2000" (he #enile sheath is !ylindri!al and the #enis !an be easily etruded in rabbits

    o%er 2 months of age" (he s!rotal sa!s sit !raniolateral to the #enis" (he s!rotum is oblong and

    #artially hairless' and the testi!les are relati%ely large with #rominent e#ididymal fat #ads /)8alley


    (he testi!les des!end sometime between 10 to 1 weeks of age" (he first a##earan!e !an %ary

    with the indi%idual' the breed' and en%ironmental tem#erature" (he adult rabbit !an retra!t the testes

    ba!k u# into the abdomen through the o#en inguinal ring when stressed or to regulate testi!ular

    tem#erature" (estes des!end further on hot days and are brought !loser to the body on !ool days" (his

    #henomenon !an be distinguished from a true !ry#tor!hid male by the absen!e of s!rotal sa!/s

    /)8alley 2005' Ri!hardson 2000"

    Prior to !astration of the male rabbit' ele%ation of the hinduarters or gentle #ressure on the

    !audal abdomen will !ause testi!les to fall ba!k into the s!rotum" & !losed !astration te!hniue is#referred to minimize the risk of #ost6o#erati%e inguinal hernia" .f an o#en surgi!al te!hniue is

    #erformed' the large' su#erfi!ial inguinal ring should be !losed"

    *o+ to T$'' I, & R&((#t#) M&'$ or F$%&'$

    ,ou !an enerally the smaller breeds' su!h as Polish' mature at about months of age" While the

    medium6weight breeds su!h as ew ?ealand' +hin!illas and +alifornians mature at @ to 7 months$

    and the hea%y Alemish at to 12 months".t is a good management #ra!ti!e to restri!t young ew

    ?ealand White bu!ks @ to months of age to mating 2 does #er month" &fter they are o%er months

    of age they should be used' the same as adult bu!ks' for breeding one doe a week the usual number ofdoes ke#t for ea!h bu!k is ten"

  • 7/24/2019 Paper of Miscellaneous Livestock


    *o+ R&((#t) M&t$

    ,our breeding male must always be ke#t alone in his own !age" 8ales that share a !age with

    a female will likely not be interested in mating" & male ke#t with a bred female will likely kill the

    bunnies when they are born" When a female is ready to be bred' you take her from her !age to the

    male)s !age" .f you bring the male to the female' she will defend her territory 'fight with and

    sometimes kill the male" When you !arry a rabbit' use two hands" e%er !arry a rabbit by its ears"4old

    the front feet in one hand and the ba!k feet in the other" & female that is mistreated will not likely

    !ome into heat

    When you #resent the female to the male' breeding will take #la!e in a few se!onds" When the

    male falls o%er the female is bred" .f the female is not in heat' she will fight with the male"

  • 7/24/2019 Paper of Miscellaneous Livestock


    Br$$#n- t$".n#!$

    (ake the doe to the bu!kFs hut!h for breeding sin!e most bu!ks are slow in mating in a

    strange surrounding" &lso the doe will not take too kindly to any bu!k #la!ed in her hut!h"

  • 7/24/2019 Paper of Miscellaneous Livestock


    Br$$#n- #,,#"!'t#$)3

    8any fa!tors are res#onsible for breeding diffi!ul6ties"Bterility and false #regnan!y are the

    two most !ommon !auses of a doeFs failure to !on!ei%e" *treme age' #oor #hysi!al !ondition'

    molting' sore ho!ks' in-uries and disease are fa!tors that !ause the doe to #rodu!e small litters andK or

    redu!ed number of litters a year">ood breeding !annot be obtained unless you ha%e

    good animals' good feed' good housing and good management"

    R$ro!"t#/$ Tr&"t)

    (he re#rodu!ti%e tra!t of a male rabbit is similar to most mammals" Paired testes #rodu!e

    s#erm' whi!h be!ome fertile as they are trans#orted through the e#ididymis" Passage through the

    entire e#ididymis takes a##roimately 67 days' and the resulting s#ermatozoa are stored in the tail of

    the e#ididymis' or !auda region" J#on seual e!itement' this s#erm is trans#orted through the

    du!tus deferens to the #el%i! urethra" .t is then mied with fluids from the a!!essory se glands' and

    e-a!ulated through the #enis" 8ost rabbits e-a!ulate a %olume between 0"561"5 mG of semen"

    Aemale rabbit re#rodu!ti%e tra!ts are also similar to most mammals" (hey ha%e a #air ofo%aries' !onne!ted to two se#arate uterine horns by o%idu!ts" *a!h uterine horn is !onne!ted to

    se#arate !er%i!al !anals' whi!h lead into a single %aginal !anal"

    O/!'&t#on &n F$rt#'#t4&t#on

    Rabbits are indu!ed o%ulators' so o%ulation o!!urs 613 hours after !oital stimulation" B#erm

    is de#osited in the %agina' near the !er%i!es' and takes 15630 minutes to rea!h the o%idu!t" (he eggs

    released from the o%aries tra%el into the u##er #ortion of the o%idu!t' and remain %iable for @6E hours"

    Pregnan!y o!!asionally when a doe is mated' she releases an oo!yte' but does not be!ome#regnant" (he !or#us luteum is formed' whi!h simulates the doe)s re#rodu!ti%e system and the doe

    will a!t as though she is #regnant" (his #seudo6#regnan!y #eriod remains for a##roimately 17 days'

    whi!h must be !om#leted before mating again" Bome !ases of false #regnan!y may be #re%ented by

    double matings' with the se!ond mating o!!urring at most 5 hours following the first mating"

  • 7/24/2019 Paper of Miscellaneous Livestock


    a!!ustomed to the new food gradually to build u# the ba!teria in their intestines needed for #ro#er



