Panic Room

Poster Summary: This is the movie poster for ‘Panic Room’, it depicts a thin vertical image, with the face of a women lying horizontally against the floor. There is someone coming through the doorway behind her. The title is at the bottom of the screen in red The title of the film ‘Panic Room’ is in capital letters and also in italics. It is in a red colour, possibly to reflect the danger that the woman is in due to the assumed criminal in the background. The red could also reflect the anger of the criminal onto the woman. The colour contrasts against In the background, there is a creepy looking figure that seems to be watching or stalking the women who is closer to the camera. The character holds the typical appearances we expect to find in a psycho or criminal, fully hidden identity with black clothing and a masked face. These characters conform to what we expect to see in thriller films. This haunting looking character One of the first things a viewer would notice about this poster would be the woman. The shot is an extreme close up of her face, showing her to have a bland expression, implying that she may be dead on the floor. However the way she is lying also gives the impression that she is hiding underneath something, The woman follows the typical thriller character as she displays the victim. The bright lighting on her face The arrangement of the poster is very interesting as the visual images are restricted into a thin vertical image. This vertical mage is used to create a sense of entrapment and insinuates that soon the woman will be helpless from the intruder, implying the image will get thinner and thinner .It hints that the woman is in her house, possibly in her bedroom and that she is looking through a cracked door to see if her intruder is there,

Transcript of Panic Room

Page 1: Panic Room

Poster Summary: This is the movie poster for ‘Panic Room’, it depicts a thin vertical image, with the face of a women lying horizontally against the floor. There is someone coming through the doorway behind her. The title is at the bottom of the screen in red font and the main actress of the film in white font at the top of the screen.

The title of the film ‘Panic Room’ is in capital letters and also in italics. It is in a red colour, possibly to reflect the danger that the woman is in due to the assumed criminal in the background. The red could also reflect the anger of the criminal onto the woman. The colour contrasts against the dark and dullness of the rest of the poster. The iconography of the title follows typical thriller films such as revenge due to the bright red colour and the capital letters.

In the background, there is a creepy looking figure that seems to be watching or stalking the women who is closer to the camera. The character holds the typical appearances we expect to find in a psycho or criminal, fully hidden identity with black clothing and a masked face. These characters conform to what we expect to see in thriller films. This haunting looking character also follows typical themes such as voyeurism, as the character seems to be hunting the woman. The door in which the character has come through implies that he is unwelcome or has forced his way into this house.

One of the first things a viewer would notice about this poster would be the woman. The shot is an extreme close up of her face, showing her to have a bland expression, implying that she may be dead on the floor. However the way she is lying also gives the impression that she is hiding underneath something, The woman follows the typical thriller character as she displays the victim. The bright lighting on her face implies that she is the main character, and that the audience need to note her appearance for future reference. The iconography of this woman follows the typical thriller themes as she displays looks of isolation and entrapment.

The arrangement of the poster is very interesting as the visual images are restricted into a thin vertical image. This vertical mage is used to create a sense of entrapment and insinuates that soon the woman will be helpless from the intruder, implying the image will get thinner and thinner .It hints that the woman is in her house, possibly in her bedroom and that she is looking through a cracked door to see if her intruder is there, unknown to her-he is behind her. The enclosing black ‘doors’ surrounding the image imply that she is running out of time and the door will eventually seal shut forever. This creates anticipation and worry for the viewer.