Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1943-05-08 [p PAGE TWO].Kfeili:iM >i> P THEPOLDGRAY K. PbiUp Eiiis...

Kfeili:iM >i> P THE OLD GRAY P K. PbiUp Eiiis El SOME .GOOD LAW0 lawmaker^ of South Caro-" B^Mtlon in the 1943 legislative body *>hyld at Columbia. Prohibitinir the sale of wine and beer from iatnrR^r day night until Monday morning J HPL j is a flne law. Every man from 18 fco 80 years of age must fight or t': work is a good law, and forhidKbP ,AilV the display of- whiskey i n "windows, is a timely legislation. Our lawmakers deserve tne conig^Y mendation of every citizen of this state, for they must have been divinely inspired. Were it possi-1 ble for me to be seated at the ^ next legislative session, 1 would offer the following amendment: That boys from 16 years instead Y;. of 18 be included. These 16 year . olid bova are committing as many crimes today as old men. and the streets and highways should be ' cleared of them. The government has thousands of plantations i n this country uncultivated, an d~ these lazy boys should be forced to ^ork on them to raise food stuff lor the Army. Then I would propose a new law that all chil; * *. dren from 7 to 11 years old b e found at home after 8 o'clock i»the night unless they arc with their_parents. I would enact a law that if any child" between those . hn nn thp etrpgta wlnni» iifti'l' that hour, they would bt. whipped every step of the way home/ and the mother and father be given 25 lashes each for allowing them to violate this law. THE CHURCH'S OPPORTUNITY There never was a time in all history when the church was challenged as it is today. Onc has truthfully said, "when the world is at its worst, the church should be 8t its best." Men and womriv boys and girls "have never been more wicked than at this present age. Modesty is a thing of tin past, and cttrsing and swearing hay© taken theplace of prayer in their lives. .You would be shocked to know the teen age 'boys and E'rls 'high up in school and don't iow the Lord's prayer to say nothing "of-thc ten commandments Just fhp. other- day I passed a group of boys going to" school with a stack of books under their " artns, and out cursing a band of gangsters. Now those boys just as well be in some prison camps asschool houses, so far as the good they will be to their~vaccT" No . bad. boys can bt> great men7' tU)le$a_they change, regardless of their >intelloctual qualification. Liquor. drinking and gambling seem * to be the chief delight of t h e young' people today. Seemingly youth doomed for destruction without a radical change. And any number of old people are lost. 11 world without end. And the quick* or.they get out of tl^ world the , better it will be for th<» young. The church is~thc only medium through which this reform can i*, . come, ana it snouid address itself .to the task, for if she fails God's judgment on the world will s be next. LNTERRACIA L L NION The white and colored met in a joint-session last Monday, and while we could not bttend we heard that the session was very fine. Two white and two t colored minister,, spoke. Drs. It. I. Lemon and C. S Ledbotter ably represented our Union. We were 5 not able to contact our subscribers last Monday owing to this I rf meeting but we were contacted by " * Revs. L. H. Simmons, Mrs. Mabel ; , Green and Rev. W. G. Kinard. All of whom we thank for remember ing The Palmetto Leader. Charleston subscribers arc paying up thejr subscriptions. So let our loaders everywhere do likewise. Be honest subscribers and not be numbered with the opposite class. . GREATER ST. LUKE We had a Record service last Suflday in every respect and from every angle. .Our revival meeting > begins this week with Rev. B. H. ? speaker. We anticipate a great meeting and ask the prayers of WjL all Christens. The public is eordiirlly invited to- this special acca- m 8ion. * Let us advance on our knees, jr. ^;SlXGLETARY news Our Sunday rchool was just fine. The banner still hangs in the card class No. 2. Mrs. Alma ,;i Avant teacher. This class won , l the banner four Sundays in succession. The pastor brought us " ~ a great message ill the pornnn f>f (t Rev. David Austin, a young minister in the gospel. Text St. John 2:5. This sermon will bR long re- I membered. The Lord's Supper was administered. Collection $40. gfc,. 60. At 0 o'clock we had a spirited prayer meeting conducted by DIOM7I I»UVII iUVOC» miu A UA, gi-Rev. Oscar Grant brought to us another great-message. John 15: 18: Oreater love hath no man than jfc'-1 thai a man lay down hie Ufe. ? iw hii friends, fullowed with.u~ Efei. song, Don't Let Nobody Turn you KjLl looiid. We pray God's blessings Wtf' Moil these two young preachers. b> . Tm Lord has need ot workers. He I fe^- hSI innil fur workers; He callW tag ns today to lovinf, loyal ser- I vice to work, to sing and pray. 1 gat paying for grac0 to help me WfQt all my heart so I can say oh Wstsod Savior count on me. Ahaer Arant, Rej*)rter. iv'i*/ ^ «y* V ( r' Durham Hotel To I UPPWI "" ' ? t. fel: :> S^V?- ^y >: ^. j \V: MtV .Janus Hiiylnv. proprietor announced last Friday that ir. u; livitios of -OiHecrs at near-b.\ V; second floor of the hotel is heii: he wav "fi liy a\var('_uiL-liut_siifli: nation in Durham and is happy forces." Sponsored ,hy the Drags provide a means of relaxation other >;aiues. Miss Almaiiin Mas charge of I ho hotel n'll m.iintaii of Franklinton Academy, Miss i new post. 55th Anniversary anc Rev. K. C. MeCullougr Of St. Paul Baptist C tvl >ree.The 55th anniversar of the St. Paul Baptist chare and the installation of Rev. E.C McC'ullo ivh as pasfor. tronimenc lug A i »' 1172.y~--"Ma.v T, n'F'. Th following ministers preached flu 1 ing the week. Sunday night Apr: 2»lh, Rev. L. Fogle; Monday nigh April 20th. Rev. A. N. Hampton Tuc.sthty -t>h?htT Apt LI 2.7th. R'.o Walter Huggins; Wednesday nil April 2Mth, Rev. H. Rlanchartl Fhursday night. April ilttth, Re> A. N. Hampton; Friday nigh April oUth. Rev. K. I'k Riehburs .Sunday morning. May 2ml. lit installation sermon was pivache l>y Rev, ]. Feli'er; ami -at-AlJ the afternoon sermon Rev. W'n McKinley Bowman? Closing svi mon on Sunday nite by the pas Aor, a .Th (.-services were.all well a' tended and collections very, gooi Tltere wcia several missiimarie that reported on Sunday night a follows:. I)ea. I'. I4. (ireen $20.(3ti .Mrs. Ida Cireon $lad0; Mrs. Jar nie Mae Sumpter $4.05; Mis. A fair McAlistor $2.5 1; Anna Thom son $T.8(rr"Mis. Essie Fogiy $2.1 Mrs. I.mile Pawling $1.25-an others witli smaller amounts Th total amount raised during tli O.K'eting~~Sl(>1.0l». WV wish t thank these ministers and thei good people f°r their hearty ce operation. Miss MadgfLil. Perry Finals Speaker Bowman, S. C..East Middle Ji High School was fortunate in hav ing as its final eoninvncemur speaker. Miss Madtre ('. Perry, nigh selioul teacher of Orangeburg who spoke from 'he subject. "Buih mg a Better World." The faculty, trustees and friend i-Vm,o..,i ..;»u i, Lhis fine young lady as main spec cr. this was shone !>y the applause during the adjh'ess. Miss Perry made special rofei t nee to, first the graduates, the p; rents, licit a challenge to th voting men and women of age lew tliat they may proudly give thei service and life it" necessary in th defense of our country, because th land is ours by right of toil an birth. We helped tQ_[in;nirj^i earth our fore fathers stood u men of might and we ipust vis end take a .stand. civilians were ran'iTinie?) of thw duty to their country, in buyin more bonds; duty to thenisclve in raising a victory garden. ap duty to Clud, in a-timr well th<- cTis ratter assigned them. Mass Perry indeed a gifte platform speaker and we hope l"t coming to ns will be.-an annvij affair. IIOPKWKLL BAPTIST CHCRCH NEWS Rev. B. W. Williams, Pastor Hopewell, S,." ....Simd-tv mart ad another beautiful Raster. Sui clay school was very lively, an ti e pastor really preached a nc\ er-to-be-forgotteii sermon. Ho ha as his pulpit guests Rev, Britt c Laurens and Rev. ( lardy t,f Clir ton. There were quite a few vi itors who worshiped with us, i mong whom were the wives of tt above mentioned minitsers, Pro Siifonytf Mt. Carmel. Deacon ar Mrs. MttsUlen "of Cento r Rabiti 4*i i. nrrrr irrrsr ,»«<nn t». U Brooklyn, N, V.. and little Bonn Mae Needy of Washington, D. ( who- will spend the summer wit her grandparents at I'olzcr. \\ iyere (nrppy to sthFTTTr.Tde WTTT hleely who was visiting his gran father, John R. Neely. !We a also pleased to hear that sist Virgie Coleman, who a ptvtiei at. the Laurens county hospital getting along quite nicely. { louse Officers' Lounge HI* »"'*' I "yfliwiw "<"' of Durham's la ru n Bi It more Hotel [ (lor to facilitate threcreational acnnp But'nrr. a privates lounge on the ijr complete)I. Mr. Jiaylor said that tag., of honking and recreational sit fo do his'part .for \rvc 11 in The Armed mis Orb of Durham, lor.ntre will fhrcnigh riMdhi?, tnlde U tmis.ami sen'oury of FrankTiaton. a-'sTKtant. in » ,T»r ;..>i .if 11 *i t vs; \ j_ri-;nbi!>tn dussenbuiy is wall trained for her i Installation of h as Pastor ._ hurch y LA I "KENS NEWS h \ A hoi A. M. E. Church Kcv. I.. C Butler, Pastor x> At 10:.'»() -S untlay sehoul bo.tra n_ wmi Asst. Supt. McCoy and teach il cis at their posts. After a tliscussion of the lesson the review was U given by Mrs. Butler. lieV. Butler's sermons in the i fnoiTrtny~and evening were AA |; inspiring. In the ' morning his i, theme was There Is Power in the t, Blood. Our hearts hunted within a was the first Sunday.,and many d eoniirrttncft. " 0 Sur..ia'v afternoon a capacity uui. (iieiii'e listened to Ciospel Songs - !.y several choirs, namely. Junior j oh ir .No. 2 of Poplar Springs, foil liv Mo. J. II. Whit move, FicniL- '1 choir led by Ml". .11. Whil i. luoi'o and Kbonezer choir of Spar's i lanhtn ir led by Mr. II. Downs. s This was on.1 of tho many pooi; grams being givm for the bone-i-j lit <d our Victory Rally wjiivh !- wiil be .1 mi,. 27th. On .Monday night the chorus, y kn .v. ii as Rlcndod Voices was a d | decided success. M<u0 about. this v.' in next wi-ck's P«P> i'.ATilch Tvcde .t is Mrs. Judith Franklin, oj Mrs. Geneva Shelton formerly i- ton. D.C., spent several days at the .home of Mr. C. 11. Duckett and family. Friends wore very glad t<> see her. Utile Miss Laura Vance Thomp ~T"-nn vrn?.hostess"to the member^ of the Jolly Pals Saving Club on Tuesday afternoon. r. SCHOOL NEWS ,t Commencement Exercises of Thoj mas Sanders II. S. Laurens, _S.C. j. April JO.Mav 21. 1013 |. April JO.8:.'!0 p.m..Operetta, I town Among the Fairies.3rd. IS | and 1th gradesr. Ri 'May f>.1:00 p.m..May Day L. j Exercises. >s j May 7 8:30 p.m..Operetta Tiie .-leeping Beauty.5th grade. May 1 1.8:.")0 p.m..7th grade j.l closing exercises, v Presentation of Certificates by 11 Mr. K. P.. Morse, Principal o f j,. (.Antral Grammar School. ~ lt,! May 1<>.1:00 p.m..Annual ser mon by Rev. T. L. Duekett, A. ,1 B.. H. D., Benedict College, Cou [lambi:t, S. C. Mtty IP.KrJtl -jr. nr.-^-Seniorjy Class Night. | May 21.8:.'J0 p.m..Graduating jr i.Kxvacisi s. Address by Pr! fs. _K.r, Iliguins. President <Tf.Allen Um. s. versity. Columbia, C. (| Awarding of Diplomas by Mr. rjc, K. Wright. Superintendent 'of I.Laurens City Schools. Rev. J. W. Mathis, Principal. ,,, St. Paul Baptist Church 4I Rev. Lr B.-Moon, Pastor The Sunday school seems t o have taken on new life. After an interesting session of teaching and reviewing the banner was awarded Class 5. The pastor preached at t h e morning services a soul stirring , sermon from the Golden Text of ~Ttrr.Biauhty""" Music (] by Senior choir. A large number ... remained for the communion hour lf| In the afternoon, all the auxil)f iaries and choirs turned out en masse to celebrate th(, 5th annis. versary of Pastor «Moon. The ,r, greetings were timely and tangilc4 hie as a personal combination f; birthday and_ anhiversary gift of id $57.74 was^givon as a tCKen of n, apprecfation. Rev." C. J BrltXriiast tor of ^Springfield preached the ie anniversary sermon~ find dt was one of power-and inspiration. A lh nice new straw hat was among ,'c thr other gifts. It wa* u great Te" day. d- At night tlie sermon by the re pastor was from the subject er God's Foundation, and a large nt crowd enjoyed the spiritual feast is made more enjoyable by singing of thc male chorus. Collection for THE PALMET Negro Naval Enlistments Increase inState The nunib'T of Negiocs who entercd tin. Navy has incrcascTT front.IPS dr.'ing March Ul_L22__ .luring the month of .April, it was '.nnoiiin" d by_ local navy officials today. Thelv. lias been a sU'lWly in- ?reuse in both volunteers and inductees since the new program got under way scleral months ago Thirty-seven IT .year old Negro youths enlisted in the Navy i n Apiil (an incieayp^of twelve) and twenty of them were accepted as apprentice seamen and were sent to Camp Robert Smalls at Great I Lakes, or to Camp Peary in Ma- ' gruder, Ya., for their basic training.- The remaining' seventeen were ^ classified as Steward's Maites and were sent to the Naval Training Station. Norfolk, Va.. to begin ^ their .preliminary training. ,, At the joint Armed Forces In- J, duetion Station at Fort* Jackson. . i)0 Negroes entered thc Navy. 45 of which were sent to Great Lakes ^ as apprentice seamen. From all j indications,' this number sliould .j -ho i.vtM1 largo r during the month I of. May. *T According to the local navy re- J, fruiters, .there are still unlimited openings for seventeen year old Negroes. and those who are be- j tWl'Qn -ilifl r>n If 1 hi' niT.'v;:||'y physical and mental tests a r e met. these men may enlist in one I1 of three classifications; (1) Ap- 1 prentice -Seaman; t2t Construe- ^ tion Corps, (or Senbeesj; and (.'!) Steward's .Mates. It is =tx*w4ed out... that Chief Specialist John F. Potts. Negro recruiter for the state, will b e ablt. t<> give complete information to all young men who desire it. '' They may write direct- to him. or tjip the coupon which appears ir in this paper, and mail it in to liTfn al The Navy -Headquarters, j 11 He will, in turn, forward complete information by return mail. I OR U. S. NA A. -(KHJv Oi r BJiLOW . Chief Specialist John F. Potts, L'S! II. S. Navy Recruiting Station, First National Rank Bldg.. Columbia, STT^ Dear Sir; I am 'interested- nv notlcr scr-vitij. Pleasyj solid mo complete informatio Navy. Naval Itosevve, or-S-KABEES. Nil mo St root eniK PAEMEn MOTHER., Dear Mother, sv.oet M< Wo cherish and liono For -she U lnv. dearest Whose love is over tl It, joy or in sorrow, do a Both loving, hind mti This jewel- deserves tlu True mothers ate uK' s A mother's prayer goes For those who from But mother continues t< -Ami prays fur ilium,. So. always remember tc Of mother who alwuj The dearest of friends 1 Titi? jewel for you at Diar Mother, sweet Mo A symbol of thy lov Forever we'll honor am Of Mother.a jewel s (Dedicated to my dear Mother the day $117.71. J Rev. and Mrs Alexander o f s Spartanburg, Mrs Johnson o*°f Detroit, Mrs. Abbie l)a\is of New r York, the thret. Holmes brothers 1 of the U. S. Army wert. among \ services Sunday. c We will miss Messrs. Dan Dor- t toh, Horace Calhoun, Franklin Mills, Leonard Stewart, Boss <hn.'kw>Hr-feify-=r41under>io»r^- all. of. .' the Male chorus who will leave for tht> Armv this week. PERSONALS ., ' ~~The third.aiul fuurtTT grades of" Sanders High Elementary Dept. proltmted the operetta Down Aniong the Fairies Friday night. ] Cpl. David Cirecne is visiting home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Press-1 ley of Ware Bhoals were guests of Mrs. Larry Stewart Sunday. ' Mrs. Arzella Watts and damrh- tor had as their dinner guests on Thursday Miss Eulu MeClintock j of Washington, I). and Mrs. , A. Davis of New York City , Mr. arid Mrs. Ishmael Holley ^ and children lshmacl, .Jr., and f Lillian and Miss Margaret Abner , were the amiable guests of Miss Kiel Watts hunduy. _ <5 . , WINNSBORO MAWS The Junior-Senior prom th<> big 1 gest affair of The season,'"came off 1 >t Fairfield County Tr. school here Friday night, April ,'{0. Sharp suits and. swell evening gowns completely blended with the elnboatcly decorated auditorium. The Harold June orchestra spared ~mr pain in rendering appropriate jazz for the &QQ. .w b~tr ' anic io nipng. While the bffair was "Sponsored by the junior class, Poof] R. W. Bouhvtyre was the advisor.. Among, the out of town guests were Mrs. R. W. j Boulware of Benedict College, Columbia and Miss Kitty Wither^ of yonenuHt ^ <- , a guest of Miss ~ .-*-l.... Y.rr.. TO LEADER av » . P&SCt I \ TjoyISC AMj r ** " OranRobdrsr.A Boy Scout Troop ami a Cub Pack were orgali/.ed April 251 at the M. Luke 'rcjUwterinn ('luIi.clu_R(A:^ Tannon, Pastor of the Church, mil Robert Clajrott of Troop 152 luule all necessary plans for the wo units. The Pack Committer appointed itrs. Clcminie Webber and Mrs. iozella Knight as Den Mothers. "his is the first unit of Cubbing South Carolina Council by our ace. a year-round, home entered program of boy-action, oy-aehievement, boy-health, and r>\ -helpfulness -tk'Veloped.through inch scientific research and testng. by the Hoy Scouts of Amcria. "!t is a part of the general ioout Program and has been deeloprd~'for parents of 9, 10 and 1 year-old boys to use with and se of a period in your boy's life] hat might otherwise be left to are chance. It gives your boy omething to work for, something o look forward to and the prorain is as American as the- Alerican home. "The "Pen Mothers- play a very ' ,VY NEWS | \NI) MAIL IT IN) i ~<K,.- .r mv count ry in the L X N-sJ'-y-r-- n cbncortihv: v list mem. with the : Age --. City : \ JEWEL >ther. a previous jewel v her name; of earthly friends tie same. I r Mother will be * 1 iru.", best v f care rays with you. ; near and far her may stray; > lovy and wait both night and day. > cherish the love rs will be .he whole world o'er, nl for me,_ r tlier, a rose while jou 1 ive e and care; I cherish the name io dear. , by Miss C'elia L. Phelps.) tnnie Nelson. Refreshments were erved. Kre another issue of The 1'alr.etto Leader conies otf tile press 'airfield Covty Training school rill be closing. The Oratorical ontest swings into action the nile f May 14th at K:;50. Keep in ouch with Mips Oscarola Manitault.and get yuur Leader II rs. A ugusta -vWoodard Entertains With Dinner Party. On Saturday afternoon. May 1, i.t.i-aian Mrs An^'ist:i \N podjTTjt;; -ntfrtninf-d at h"r l/'mr on remeery street with a-dinner party vhich proved to be a gala iffair. .Thu.horn,, was very, henntifnllr l.w.,..I .. tU : a iviuiuiyu M.HI luvtiy is |»J" 111 JJf IlllW I Jis which gave forth their fragint perfume. After tie playing >f various games and several mus cal selections were sung, the quests were invited into the dinng room where a delicious repast .vas set before them. The menu' Qnsisted of the following: green pals, carrots, macaroni rice and t;ravy hot biscuits, fried chicken dressing ham, tumij*, salad, pine apple. whipped cream and cake. After dinner the guests 1-esUIU- sd their places in the living room a here much, enjoyment was had* in the playing of a very unusual 2-am.> ''Fortmifi" In »t>. the fun the hostess interrupted ak,ain with u second . Insert course which consisted of pcoxn ice citani and cake. The entire afternoon was spent in entertainment an it waM not until dusk when very relctantly thc__g,.ests began tu sav "adieu" to their hostess, expressing ~|Kcpns^lvt'u as liaUliy; -Tie7iT a pleasant afternoon. Tl\e guests present were Mrs. Clarence Jackson, Misses Kitty Withers (Cornelius, N. C.); Sara Nickpea, A. A. Nelson, M.H. Boular, N. M. Gordon^ Larcip L, Smith and Celia L. Phelps of F. C. Training shool. IIS :outs s y?l£a' \\ i i important part in Cubbing. It Mother who helps Cubs - nial their costumes when the group d cides-to put oh an Indian ?ho\ It is Mother wlr© helps^Hhe Cul whenever help-is needed. Hats oil* to Orangeburg and ci pecially to Rev. Cannon for tl smewiui piece 01 work done. CAMDEN Six scouts rif the; city hnd tV privilege of doing their "Goc ruin" three hours after install! tion ceremonies April IS. 1943. A house cauirht fire oM Ru ledge Ave. These Scouts alon with, other civilians.of.Canidc cleared the house of all of i t furniture. The roof collapse shortly afterwards. The followiil Scouts 'participated: Isaac Hani) ton and .Joe Woods of Troop lGf Johnnie Tucker, Curtis Kirklan The Scouts were happy to li able to render service to the coi in unity. COLUMBIA COURT OF HON OR. MAY 28. 1913. ARE YOU PLANNING FOl SUMMER CAMPT Ministers of Union Install Officers On Monday" ventngr.May :!, r Bethel Methodist church, Rev. A A. .Tanerette pastor, was held th installation p«T\ ices.of the.Minn U' Alliance of Union. Strictl at 8r15 devot ion was led by Kto Blakes. After prayer and a fc> beautiful hymns the preside*) Rev. J. A. Baten took charge. 11 stated in vjjry hricl tornbr th of the meeting. Aftei ward, presented Rev. Janerett rt'tui y. e !.o.prw^ntod Tha_Triri gram of the evening. Instrument! solo. Nearer My G«.d to Th.eeMiss Louise .tuiT; Adnress, Or ward Christian Soldiers. Mri Fannie Norris; Reading. Mrs. A ramenla McBeth:Solo. Crown Hii Mr.1'. Ihi'thn.M-eJunkins; Intrnduc tion of speaker.Rev. J. R. Ezel In very few words Rev. Kzell pri seated Rev. F. L. Wilkes °f Loci hart, who pjxached a wonderfi sermon from John 12:32, subjeel Why \\"e Should Lift up Chris This was a sermon that was we prepared and well delivered an was enjoyed by all. Afterward a ^iberal^ufferin^ wa furnished by a mixed choir cor -istini^ <>f__me 111 hers from Corintl Ucthel. Clinton Chapel of Unio and Fosters Chapel of Joncsvilh Mrs. Mamie Hemphill pianis Then the ciflicers came forwar and were installed by Rev. Wilkc I'res. Rev. J. A. uaten; hocretar Rev. A. .Janerettc; Cor. See Rev. I.. C. Sanders; Treasure: Rev. J. R. Ezell; Chaplain Rc^ \V. S. Young. This was a very beautiful an impressive service, and was er joyed by all present. The men hers a,nd friends! were very prou to sec such a^»frrtr uT cooj cration and fellowship existin among the ministers and layme of Uilion and Union County. ANflOCH BAPTIST CTIURCH Ki'v n. IJ. Collins, I'astor- Brownsville.S. S. at tin- usui -hotm--C-htss. 2 Uulds-±hc_^hJ]a ncTi banner. At the morning sor.vjc the paster preached from the sv ject: Greater love, ma Ttnrrr that a man lay down his 1 i 1 for his friend. This inspi ing sermon and enjoyed l»y all l onciion Among trie vi: itors were Rev. B. Williams, Mis cs Dorothy MeCall and Ruth Co lins. Antioch donated Miss Col 1 ir $4.00 and > t. Peter $1.00 whic she was very thankful. The afternoon service was ah good at St. Peter. The Y. P. sponsored a grarttl program wil Mrs. Florence Clollins directo After which the |ia.itur nrenehc the ordination sermon and ordaii ,ed.two deacons, S.1 Smalls iuid I McKeever. Dea. J. F. Haste charged the deacons and churc with timely and fitting remark We wish to thank Miss Malic principal of Brownsville scho for cooperating with us in o u church work. We will miss her, t her school will soon close. SI has accomplished many grei tasks this term, with her assis ants Miss Spears and Mr. IBttrhh Mr. Freddie Adams is the seen tary of the school and has rende cd valuable service. A surpri«e-t/irthday supper wi given at the homc of Deacon ar Mrs. Claudia McCale Saturds evening, May 1, in honor 6f Mt Florence L. Collins. A <lelicioi supper was served and Mrs. Co J Former Members of IMtts Presbyterian^ Church, Mountville S. C., Celebrate Last Thursday evening Uv 'Piedmount VVcvkcrs Club ctdc I bratod its Fifth Ann^v^vsavy t llf-lp'.iia.10Pa. Remarks of welconv 1 unci object of the club wore statei by C. \V. Pitts, whi.-h ie "Help thi Church Back Home". The histor; of Pitts' church was read by Jelu Sh Pitts. Tbe-Rev.-Tbomas-IL Anvos, D. P of New York City was guest speal or. Mvsieal numbers included th< ihetne song "Faith of Ouv Father; Living F til I" and "The Church Ii ()n<> Foundation" Mr. James Rtcv is ens sang the "Lord's Prayer." an< ;e Mrs. Psuedora IP- nter gave' a pi [>. ciM.i rwiecuor. .Mrs. joessu* i aiv hound Bird ga\\. a reading. Othci )F participant*" were the Hon. Her hert K. Millet?. Asst. Director o: Public Safety. Mi. II. II. Thomas lc Mrs. Matthews Anderson, wife ° the founder of Boreair Church anc School, the Reveremls A.K. Ran kins, John .L. Coleman and B. F Glaseo, nastcfr of Bcrcan Churcl m Out of town guests were the ((J~~ "Misses'"~KnTmtr~"rrmt- (Atrmntta Prt-tK i. Mlcsdames Geneva* Beasley, Morris fcPettiford, Mr. Harrj. of New Yorl t- City and Mrs. Psuedorct H«nter-o1 g' TfentOVtrNew Jersey. " -H Mr Theodore Penny was Mastei s of Ceremony. Following the services an inforg mal repeption for out of towr ). guests was held at the home of Ro >; sa E. Pitts. 1-104 N. 21st. Street whert. many former students greet cd Dr. .Amos.and -u beautiful letlt. ter was read from Mrs. Minnie n Young of Norristown. Pa. Hostesses were Misses Carrie L. Hill anc Rosa E. Pitts. ' Rosa E. Pitts Reoprter R Mrs. Lucile Thompson Of Abbeville Passes 'TPxno....! c *«-- t. r-i. . u.'vi.n »vi i mi's ior lvirs. mon,t. ;Ji>r<i A. Thompson. Ji;,.,. .the for-, r mcr Luiillr Fair, of Abbeville, S. J j.C., were hold here last -Tuesday April 27. Mrs, Thompson died af. tor a short illness on April 124. in th,. I'nivoi.dty.Hospital m .Ailimftar (teoTjPTH; ..L j A graduate of Abbeville Couit' ty Training School and South Ca rolina State College." Mis. Thompson had taught school for a num. her of.years. Beginning in.litis. ^iiuimulttrtoh;.after , her graduation. .Mrs. Thompson had also been a faculty member of the Calhoun Falls school for nine years. s' Born iiT Abbeville in l'.Ml. Mrs. l" Thompson was th(. youngest child " of Mr. and Mrs. Butler Fair, one t' ing of family of teachers, it was '."'logical that the late.young ma'I tron should follow that profession Largely attended, the solemn rites were administered by the Rev. F. I). Drehesr, pastor of the : St. James A.ME church of which Mrs. Thompson was a member Three years,.Mrs. Thompson s was married to Mr. Richard A. h*" I Iiompson, .Jr. ot tieorgetowtT, S7 1_ C., now a member of the U. S. V_ Armed Forces. Mr. Thompson 11 presently is attached to the Engineering School at Virginia State College at Petersburg, Va '** Special music for thc funeral s services was offered by Mrs. Wily helmina Hearst Butler, who sang | When' I've Done My Best, and ' .Mi\ Bishop Harrison, of Augusta, Gii. who sang Lead Kindly Light. Active pallbearers were: Messrs " George Mosley, Eugene Holmes, l" Arthur Turner. David Davis, Le>* wis Bowie and R. 1L Woods. Flow-er attenrhrnts included tht. faculty of thc Calhoun Falls school _-and K local acquaintances of long stand11 ing. Interment was in the _family plot Jit Harbison cemetery. In addition to her husband, Cpl. I Thompson. Mrs; Thompson is survived by Mrs. Iiutlcr Fair, moth. or. Messrs. Otto L. Fair, of At* lanta, Ga\, and John 1>. Fair, of :i] this city, brothers; and threL. sisYp trvs: the M tsars Srtllic .iin^'.ferrTr Fair' of Chicago. n, ' fe GEORGETOWN NEWS rSaturdsiy evening April '24 Mrs. 6" Peter C. Kelley opened her beauti<s ful and spacious home to entertain Mr. C. P. Johnson USO (li1S rector and some of the young inGn of th(. 40th Aviation Squadron, stationed at Myrtle Beach, S. C. NL s., Kelly's charming daughters. ^ .uisst's Marjorie and Vermeil© and li Mrs. Maudestc Squires wer© host*' esses. lil Xhe gneslf, included Mrs G,W 1" Howard, Mrs. Clifton Kelly Knox, s- Mrs. E L Frasier, Mrs. W. J. y Wilds, Misses O Parker and Grace Jackson. s- Guests of the squadron were: ""Cpltn""'"Vernon Thornton, Earnest °1 Jason, Klsworth.Tow net*,- Erw+n T Davis, Norris Archer, Thomas 1S Atkins, Pvts. Joseph Nettles, je Priestly Webb, Sgt. Lewis Fender*t Continued on Pair* h grfd"Tsr received' many "valuable FreTr; e- cnts, for which sht. is grateful. * t-- On the sick list Mr. Godfrey and Mrs. Maggie Ladson. We hope for them a speedy recovery, id Thc Sabbath School Unton will iy convene at .Mt. Tabor Baptist B7 church, Clio, May ZB-HO. I>r. is Webb of Tuskegec Institute will 1- the principal speaker. .r MSaturday, May 8, 1943, Classified Advertising Column Special Notices, Cards of Thank®, Memoriams, Birth Announcement* Marriage Announcements etc. are .charged for at the rate of 10c per line. Cash must accompany the order. Minimum charge 50c. IN MEMORIAM , In remembrance of Car dear one.j Prof, Lewis N. Scott, cvIiq passed e May 7, 1035. j, Long days and nights he bore in pain, r To wait for cure was all in vain But Cod who knavveth all things p best, s Eased his pain and gave him rest. When the evening shades are f vll- And the sun is sinking fast, It is then we miss you darling More than all the day^ that's past. [ Mrs. Katie C. Scott, wife i> ucroert ri. oeott, son Mrs. R. W. Riley j.' Jacquelin Mitchell j Stella White, sisters CARD OF THANKS ) } We wish to thank our lriany r t'rrcndK-for their kindnesses shown 5 during: the illness nntTTtentlv -of- . p -our wife and niother, Mrs. Lula ^ "Burns. Also.ror.the be^vutiful W florals and the use of their cars; : ...i/i pr Fi-jiok B. Johnson for his untiring and efficient service. THE FAMILY t . IN MKMORIAM " When we go home 'twill be to hear .. A darling voice so low and clear I Our hearts were thrilled to think it near, When we go home. In memory of our beloved husband and father, John Gilliam, r who twelve vears ago^ L_Mav 4. IS).'!!. Mrs. Lueinda Gilliam Smith, Wife; Mrs. Maggie Gilliam Boozer, ; . Daughter. IN MKMORIAM .~ In .meniorv of our dear mother Mrs. Maggie Gibson, who departs " etl this life one year ago, May 7,. 1042. . Altho' it's been a year, It seems but just day, Since God in His almighty power Took our loved one away. You have gone dear Mother, Hut your presence is still near, Voir have gone to your glory, W,. are trying to get there. Sadly missed by: Mr. Matt Gibson, husband; Mf* Maggie Morris. Miss Mary Gibson. Mrs. Pansy Naggles, Mrs. Viola Johnson? Miss Mamie Gibson, of New York; Miss Zeronia Gibson. Miss Mattie O. Gibson of Ridge Spring; Mr. George Gibson Aiken. S. C.; Mr. Frank and Aaron Gibson of New York. { DTE WEST NEWS - -.Tire- services were held in the churches of Due West on last Sunday.- At MIL. Lebanon the Rev. R. J. Glover impressively spok(. to his hearers during ooth the morning and evening ser vices. The servkes were well attended and much interest was shown by those present becayse of the fine typo of sermons which this minister delivers at all times. At Ml. Zion Presbyterian church the ptstor," the Rev. E. L. McAdams was at Lis best and gave a stirring message at the morning hour of worship. At 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon a musif:il nenirvjvvn ,-niw!st!nrr nf talent from tilt' churches of the community wav. conducted by Mrs. Roberta KlHs Howell. A ^very Nfinc program was Hid and a nice amount was contributed which went to ti.e credit of Club No. 1. This.*. was for the building fund of the cliurcR."" - * Rev. Mr. McAdanis and the fin^ members of this church are f°r$f^ "Ticct. .At St. Marj| [Baptist, church the Rev. L. E. Daayjs, pastor was the speaker at botfKthe morning and evening services. He brought strong tvnd timely messages. Sunday school under the leadership of Mr. James C. Donald ably conducted at the regi^^p hour. PTc. Ernest Robinson spent the week end during the Easter season with his wife, Mrs. Willie Mae Robinson at the home of her par. efits Mr. ami. Mrs. R. II. Lee. Pvt. Woodrow Makin of Camp j Ciuidun,.fhr-.spent K'wt. j with his parents, Mr. arrd MrsI^ David Makin. > / Mrs. Cynthia Benson Laid to Rest ; On April 27, at lT:00 o'clock " p.m. the rematnfr of Mrs. Cynthia . Benson. were lakl to rest in St. Mary (.emetcry. Mrs. Benson was a devout Christian and of a braid < nnd jiublic spirit. Whatever was r for the welfare of the community he could he relied upon "To play well her part. No well thinking person could talk with her unless ^ he was better prepared for life's duties and burden for having met her. She has left a fin*» example -i .of « Christ inn, The eulogy WA1 J delivered hy her pastor the Rev. jjB L. E. Daniels associated by Revs. TE. L. McAdams and B. J. Gloyer* fM

Transcript of Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1943-05-08 [p PAGE TWO].Kfeili:iM >i> P THEPOLDGRAY K. PbiUp Eiiis...

Page 1: Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1943-05-08 [p PAGE TWO].Kfeili:iM >i> P THEPOLDGRAY K. PbiUp Eiiis El SOME.GOOD LAW0 lawmaker^ of South Caro-" B^Mtlon in the 1943 legislative body

Kfeili:iM >i>


El SOME .GOOD LAW0lawmaker^ of South Caro-"

B^Mtlon in the 1943 legislative body*>hyld at Columbia. Prohibitinir thesale of wine and beer from iatnrR^rday night until Monday morning JHPL j is a flne law. Every man from 18fco 80 years of age must fight or

t': work is a good law, and forhidKbP,AilV the display of- whiskey i n"windows, is a timely legislation.

Our lawmakers deserve tne conig^Ymendation of every citizen of thisstate, for they must have beendivinely inspired. Were it possi-1ble for me to be seated at the

^ next legislative session, 1 wouldoffer the following amendment:That boys from 16 years instead

Y;. of 18 be included. These 16 year.

olid bova are committing as manycrimes today as old men. and thestreets and highways should be '

cleared of them. The governmenthas thousands of plantations i nthis country uncultivated, a n d~these lazy boys should be forcedto ^ork on them to raise foodstuff lor the Army. Then I wouldpropose a new law that all chil;* *. dren from 7 to 11 years old b e

found at home after 8 o'clock i»thenight unless they arc withtheir_parents. I would enact a lawthat if any child" between those

. hn nn thp etrpgta wlnni» iifti'l'that hour, they would bt. whippedevery step of the way home/ andthe mother and father be given 25lashes each for allowing them toviolate this law.

THE CHURCH'SOPPORTUNITYThere never was a time in all

history when the church was challengedas it is today. Onc hastruthfully said, "when the worldis at its worst, the church shouldbe 8t its best." Men and womrivboys and girls "have never beenmore wicked than at this presentage. Modesty is a thing of tinpast, and cttrsing and swearinghay© taken theplace of prayer intheir lives. .You would be shockedto know the teen age 'boys and

E'rls 'high up in school and don'tiow the Lord's prayer to say

nothing "of-thc ten commandmentsJust fhp. other- day I passed a

group of boys going to" schoolwith a stack of books under their

" artns, and out cursing a band ofgangsters. Now those boys justas well be in some prison campsasschool houses, so far as thegood they will be to their~vaccT"No . bad. boys can bt> great men7'tU)le$a_they change, regardless oftheir >intelloctual qualification. Liquor.drinking and gambling seem

* to be the chief delight of t h e

young' people today. Seeminglyyouth i« doomed for destructionwithout a radical change. And anynumber of old people are lost.

11 world without end. And the quick*or.they get out of tl^ world the, better it will be for th<» young.The church is~thc only mediumthrough which this reform can

i*, . come, ana it snouid address the task, for if she failsGod's judgment on the world will

s be next.

LNTERRACIA L L NIONThe white and colored in a joint-session last

Monday, and while we could notbttend we heard that the sessionwas very fine. Two white and two

t colored minister,, spoke. Drs. It.I. Lemon and C. S Ledbotter ablyrepresented our Union. We were

5 not able to contact our subscriberslast Monday owing to this Irf a» meeting but we were contacted by" * Revs. L. H. Simmons, Mrs. Mabel

; , Green and Rev. W. G. Kinard. Allof whom we thank for remembering The Palmetto Leader. Charlestonsubscribers arc paying upthejr subscriptions. So let ourloaders everywhere do likewise.Be honest subscribers and not benumbered with the opposite class.

. GREATER ST. LUKEWe had a Record service last

Suflday in every respect and fromevery angle. .Our revival meeting

> begins this week with Rev. B. H.

? speaker. We anticipate a greatmeeting and ask the prayers of

WjL all Christens. The public is eordiirllyinvited to- this special acca-m 8ion.* Let us advance on our knees,

jr. ^;SlXGLETARY news

Our Sunday rchool was justfine. The banner still hangs inthe card class No. 2. Mrs. Alma

,;i Avant teacher. This class won

, l the banner four Sundays in succession.The pastor brought us" ~

a great message ill the pornnn f>f(t Rev. David Austin, a young ministerin the gospel. Text St. John

2:5. This sermon will bR long re- Imembered. The Lord's Supperwas administered. Collection $40.

gfc,. 60. At 0 o'clock we had a spiritedprayer meeting conducted byDIOM7I I»UVII iUVOC» miu A UA,

gi-Rev. Oscar Grant brought to us

another great-message. John 15:18: Oreater love hath no man than

jfc'-1 thai a man lay down hie Ufe.? iw hii friends, fullowed with.u~

Efei. song, Don't Let Nobody Turn youKjLl looiid. We pray God's blessingsWtf' Moil these two young preachers.b> . Tm Lord has need ot workers. He Ife^- hSI innil fur workers; He callWtag ns today to lovinf, loyal ser- I

vice to work, to sing and pray. 1gat paying for grac0 to help me

WfQt all my heart so I can say ohWstsod Savior count on me.

Ahaer Arant, Rej*)rter.

iv'i*/ ^«y* V (


Durham Hotel To IUPPWI "" '

? t.

fel: :>

S^V?-^y>:^. j\V:

MtV .Janus Hiiylnv. proprietorannounced last Friday that ir. u;

livitios of -OiHecrs at near-b.\ V;second floor of the hotel is heii:he wav "fi liy a\var('_uiL-liut_siifli:nation in Durham and is happyforces." Sponsored ,hy the Dragsprovide a means of relaxationother >;aiues. Miss Almaiiin Mascharge of Iho hotel n'll m.iintaiiof Franklinton Academy, Miss inew post.

55th Anniversary ancRev. K. C. MeCullougrOf St. Paul Baptist C

tvl >ree.The 55th anniversarof the St. Paul Baptist chareand the installation of Rev. E.CMcC'ullo ivh as pasfor. tronimenclug A i »' 1172.y~--"Ma.v T, n'F'. Thfollowing ministers preached flu 1ing the week. Sunday night Apr:2»lh, Rev. L. Fogle; Monday nighApril 20th. Rev. A. N. HamptonTuc.sthty -t>h?htT Apt LI 2.7th. R'.oWalter Huggins; Wednesday nilApril 2Mth, Rev. H. RlanchartlFhursday night. April ilttth, Re>A. N. Hampton; Friday nighApril oUth. Rev. K. I'k Riehburs.Sunday morning. May 2ml. litinstallation sermon was pivachel>y Rev, ]. Feli'er; ami -at-AlJthe afternoon sermon Rev. W'nMcKinley Bowman? Closing svimon on Sunday nite by the pasAor, a.Th(.-services were.all well a'tended and collections very, gooiTltere wcia several missiimariethat reported on Sunday night afollows:. I)ea. I'. I4. (ireen $20.(3ti.Mrs. Ida Cireon $lad0; Mrs. Jarnie Mae Sumpter $4.05; Mis. Afair McAlistor $2.5 1; Anna Thomson $T.8(rr"Mis. Essie Fogiy $2.1Mrs. I.mile Pawling $1.25-anothers witli smaller amounts Thtotal amount raised during tliO.K'eting~~Sl(>1.0l». WV wish tthank these ministers and theigood people f°r their hearty ce


Miss MadgfLil. PerryFinals SpeakerBowman, S. C..East Middle Ji

High School was fortunate in having as its final eoninvncemurspeaker. Miss Madtre ('. Perry,nigh selioul teacher of Orangeburgwho spoke from 'he subject. "Buihmg a Better World."The faculty, trustees and friend

i-Vm,o..,i ..;»u i,

Lhis fine young lady as main speccr. this was shone !>y the applauseduring the adjh'ess.

Miss Perry made special rofeit nee to, first the graduates, the p;rents, licit a challenge to thvoting men and women of age lewtliat they may proudly give theiservice and life it" necessary in thdefense of our country, because thland is ours by right of toil anbirth. We helped tQ_[in;nirj^iearth our fore fathers stood umen of might and we ipust visend take a .stand.

civilians were ran'iTinie?) of thwduty to their country, in buyinmore bonds; duty to thenisclvein raising a victory garden. apduty to Clud, in a-timr well th<- cTisratter assigned them.

Mass Perry indeed a gifteplatform speaker and we hope l"tcoming to ns will be.-an annvijaffair.


Rev. B. W. Williams, Pastor

Hopewell, S,." ....Simd-tv martad another beautiful Raster. Suiclay school was very lively, anti e pastor really preached a nc\er-to-be-forgotteii sermon. Ho haas his pulpit guests Rev, Britt cLaurens and Rev. ( lardy t,f Clirton. There were quite a few viitors who worshiped with us, imong whom were the wives of ttabove mentioned minitsers, ProSiifonytf Mt. Carmel. Deacon arMrs. MttsUlen "of Cento r Rabiti4*i i. nrrrr irrrsr ,»«<nn t». UBrooklyn, N, V.. and little BonnMae Needy of Washington, D. (who- will spend the summer wither grandparents at I'olzcr. \\iyere (nrppy to sthFTTTr.Tde WTTThleely who was visiting his granfather, John R. Neely. !We aalso pleased to hear that sistVirgie Coleman, who a ptvtieiat. the Laurens county hospitalgetting along quite nicely.


louse Officers' LoungeHI* »"'*' I "yfliwiw "<"'

of Durham's la ru n Bi Itmore Hotel[ (lor to facilitate threcreational acnnpBut'nrr. a privates lounge on theijr complete)I. Mr. Jiaylor said thattag., of honking and recreational sitfo do his'part .for \rvc 11 in The Armedmis Orb of Durham, lor.ntre willfhrcnigh riMdhi?, tnlde U tmis.amisen'oury of FrankTiaton. a-'sTKtant. in» ,T»r ;..>i .if 11 * i t vs; \ j_ri-;nbi!>tndussenbuiy is wall trained for her

i Installation ofh as Pastor ._

hurchy LA I "KENS NEWSh\ A hoi A. M. E. Church

Kcv. I.. C Butler, Pastorx> At 10:.'»() -S untlay sehoul bo.tra n_

wmi Asst. Supt. McCoy and teachil cis at their posts. After a tliscussionof the lesson the review wasU given by Mrs. Butler.

lieV. Butler's sermons in thet» i fnoiTrtny~and evening were AA|; inspiring. In the ' morning hisi, theme was There Is Power in thet, Blood. Our hearts hunted within

a was the first Sunday.,and manyd eoniirrttncft. "

0 Sur..ia'v afternoon a capacity uui.(iieiii'e listened to Ciospel Songs- !.y several choirs, namely. Junior

j oh ir .No. 2 of Poplar Springs,foil liv Mo. J. II. Whit move, FicniL-'1 choir led by Ml". .11. Whil

i. luoi'o and Kbonezer choir of Spar'si lanhtn ir led by Mr. II. Downs.s This was on.1 of tho many pooi;grams being givm for the bone-i-jlit <d our Victory Rally wjiivh!- wiil be .1 mi,. 27th.[» On .Monday night the chorus,y kn .v. ii as Rlcndod Voices was a

d | decided success. M<u0 about. thisv.' in next wi-ck's P«P> i'.ATilch Tvcde.t is Mrs. Judith Franklin,oj Mrs. Geneva Shelton formerlyi- ton. D.C., spent several days at

the .home of Mr. C. 11. Duckettand family. Friends wore veryglad t<> see her.Utile Miss Laura Vance Thomp

~T"-nn vrn?.hostess"to the member^of the Jolly Pals Saving Club onTuesday afternoon.


,t Commencement Exercises of Thojmas Sanders II. S. Laurens, _S.C.j. April JO.Mav 21. 1013|. April JO.8:.'!0 p.m..Operetta,

I town Among the Fairies.3rd.IS | and 1th gradesr.Ri 'May f>.1:00 p.m..May DayL. j Exercises.>s j May 7 8:30 p.m..Operetta

Tiie .-leeping Beauty.5th grade.May 1 1.8:.")0 p.m..7th gradej.l closing exercises,

v Presentation of Certificates by11 Mr. K. P.. Morse, Principal o f

j,. (.Antral Grammar School. ~

lt,! May 1<>.1:00 p.m..Annual sermon by Rev. T. L. Duekett, A.

,1 B.. H. D., Benedict College, Cou[lambi:t, S. C.Mtty IP.KrJtl -jr. nr.-^-SeniorjyClass Night.| May 21.8:.'J0 p.m..Graduating

jr i.Kxvacisi s. Address by Pr! fs. _K.r,Iliguins. President <Tf.Allen Um.s. versity. Columbia, C.(| Awarding of Diplomas by Mr.rjc, K. Wright. Superintendent 'of

I.Laurens City Schools.Rev. J. W. Mathis, Principal.

,,, St. Paul Baptist Church4I Rev. Lr B.-Moon, Pastor

The Sunday school seems t o

have taken on new life. After aninteresting session of teachingand reviewing the banner wasawarded Class 5.The pastor preached at t h e

morning services a soul stirring, sermon from the Golden Text of~Ttrr.Biauhty""" Music(] by Senior choir. A large number... remained for the communion hourlf| In the afternoon, all the auxil)fiaries and choirs turned out en

masse to celebrate th(, 5th annis.versary of Pastor «Moon. The,r, greetings were timely and tangilc4hie as a personal combinationf; birthday and_ anhiversary gift ofid $57.74 was^givon as a tCKen ofn, apprecfation. Rev." C. J BrltXriiasttor of ^Springfield preached theie anniversary sermon~ find dt was

one of power-and inspiration. Alh nice new straw hat was among,'c thr other gifts. It wa* u greatTe" day.d- At night tlie sermon by there pastor was from the subjecter God's Foundation, and a largent crowd enjoyed the spiritual feastis made more enjoyable by singing

of thc male chorus. Collection for


Negro NavalEnlistmentsIncrease inStateThe nunib'T of Negiocs who entercdtin. Navy has incrcascTT

front.IPS dr.'ing March Ul_L22__.luring the month of .April, it was'.nnoiiin" d by_ local navy officialstoday.

Thelv. lias been a sU'lWly in-?reuse in both volunteers and inducteessince the new programgot under way scleral months agoThirty-seven IT .year old Negroyouths enlisted in the Navy i nApiil (an incieayp^of twelve) andtwenty of them were accepted asapprentice seamen and were sentto Camp Robert Smalls at Great ILakes, or to Camp Peary in Ma- '

gruder, Ya., for their basic training.-The remaining' seventeen were ^classified as Steward's Maites and

were sent to the Naval TrainingStation. Norfolk, Va.. to begin ^their .preliminary training. ,,At the joint Armed Forces In- J,duetion Station at Fort* Jackson. .

i)0 Negroes entered thc Navy. 45of which were sent to Great Lakes ^as apprentice seamen. From all jindications,' this number sliould .j-ho i.vtM1 largo r during the month Iof. May. *T

According to the local navy re- J,fruiters, .there are still unlimitedopenings for seventeen year oldNegroes. and those who are be- jtWl'Qn -ilifl r>n If 1 hi' niT.'v;:||'yphysical and mental tests a r emet. these men may enlist in one I1of three classifications; (1) Ap- 1

prentice -Seaman; t2t Construe- ^tion Corps, (or Senbeesj; and(.'!) Steward's .Mates.

It is =tx*w4ed out... that ChiefSpecialist John F. Potts. Negrorecruiter for the state, will b e

ablt. t<> give complete informationto all young men who desire it. ''

They may write direct- to him.or tjip the coupon which appears ir

in this paper, and mail it in toliTfn al The Navy -Headquarters, j 11

He will, in turn, forward completeinformation by return mail.


-(KHJv Oi r BJiLOW .

Chief Specialist John F. Potts, L'S!II. S. Navy Recruiting Station,First National Rank Bldg..Columbia, STT^Dear Sir;

I am 'interested- nv notlcr scr-vitij.Pleasyj solid mo complete informatioNavy. Naval Itosevve, or-S-KABEES.


St rooteniK PAEMEn

MOTHER.,Dear Mother, sv.oet M<Wo cherish and liono

For -she U lnv. dearestWhose love is over tl

It, joy or in sorrow, doaBoth loving, hind mti

This jewel- deserves tluTrue mothers ate uK'

s A mother's prayer goesFor those who from

But mother continues t<-Ami prays fur ilium,.

So. always remember tcOf mother who alwujThe dearest of friends 1Titi? jewel for you at

Diar Mother, sweet MoA symbol of thy lov

Forever we'll honor amOf Mother.a jewel s

(Dedicated to my dear Motherthe day $117.71. J

Rev. and Mrs Alexander o f sSpartanburg, Mrs Johnson o*°fDetroit, Mrs. Abbie l)a\is of New rYork, the thret. Holmes brothers 1of the U. S. Army wert. among \

services Sunday. c

We will miss Messrs. Dan Dor- ttoh, Horace Calhoun, FranklinMills, Leonard Stewart, Boss<hn.'kw>Hr-feify-=r41under>io»r^- all. of. .'the Male chorus who will leavefor tht> Armv this week.PERSONALS .,

'~~The third.aiul fuurtTT grades of"Sanders High Elementary Dept.proltmted the operetta Down Aniongthe Fairies Friday night. ]Cpl. David Cirecne is visitinghome folks. Mr. and Mrs. Press-1ley of Ware Bhoals were guestsof Mrs. Larry Stewart Sunday. '

Mrs. Arzella Watts and damrh-tor had as their dinner guests on

Thursday Miss Eulu MeClintock jof Washington, I). and Mrs. ,A. Davis of New York City ,Mr. arid Mrs. Ishmael Holley ^and children lshmacl, .Jr., and fLillian and Miss Margaret Abner ,were the amiable guests of MissKiel Watts hunduy. _ <5




The Junior-Senior prom th<> big 1gest affair of The season,'"came off 1>t Fairfield County Tr. school hereFriday night, April ,'{0. Sharpsuits and. swell evening gownscompletely blended with the elnboatclydecorated auditorium. TheHarold June orchestra spared ~mrpain in rendering appropriate jazzfor the &QQ. .w b~tr

'anic io nipng. Whilethe bffair was "Sponsored by thejunior class, Poof] R. W. Bouhvtyrewas the advisor.. Among, the outof town guests were Mrs. R. W. j

Boulware of Benedict College, Columbiaand Miss Kitty Wither^ ofyonenuHt ^ <- , a guest of Miss





av » .

P&SCtI \ TjoyISC



OranRobdrsr.A Boy ScoutTroop ami a Cub Pack were orgali/.edApril 251 at the M. Luke'rcjUwterinn ('luIi.clu_R(A:^Tannon, Pastor of the Church,mil Robert Clajrott of Troop 152luule all necessary plans for thewo units.The Pack Committer appointed

itrs. Clcminie Webber and Mrs.iozella Knight as Den Mothers."his is the first unit of CubbingSouth Carolina Council by a year-round, home

entered program of boy-action,oy-aehievement, boy-health, andr>\ -helpfulness -tk'Veloped.throughinch scientific research and the Hoy Scouts of Amcria."!t is a part of the generalioout Program and has been deeloprd~'forparents of 9, 10 and1 year-old boys to use with and

se of a period in your boy's life]hat might otherwise be left toare chance. It gives your boyomething to work for, somethingo look forward to and the prorainis as American as the- Alericanhome."The "Pen Mothers- play a very '

,VY NEWS |\NI) MAIL IT IN) i~<K,.-.r

mv count ry in the L X N-sJ'-y-r--n cbncortihv: v listmem. with the

: Age --.

City :

\ JEWEL>ther. a previous jewelv her name;of earthly friendstie same. Ir Mother will be *

1 iru.",best v f care

rays with you.

; near and farher may stray;> lovy and waitboth night and day.> cherish the lovers will be.he whole world o'er,nl for me,_ r

tlier, a rose while jou 1 ivee and care;I cherish the nameio dear.

, by Miss C'elia L. Phelps.)tnnie Nelson. Refreshments wereerved.Kre another issue of The 1'alr.ettoLeader conies otf tile press

'airfield Covty Training schoolrill be closing. The Oratoricalontest swings into action the nilef May 14th at K:;50. Keep inouch with Mips Oscarola Manitault.andget yuur LeaderII rs. A ugusta -vWoodardEntertains With Dinner Party.On Saturday afternoon. May 1,i.t.i-aian Mrs An^'ist:i \N podjTTjt;;

-ntfrtninf-d at h"r l/'mr on remeerystreet with a-dinner partyvhich proved to be a gala iffair..Thu.horn,, was very, henntifnllrl.w.,..I .. tU : aiviuiuiyu M.HI luvtiy is |»J" 111 JJf IlllW IJis which gave forth their fragintperfume. After tie playing>f various games and several muscal selections were sung, thequests were invited into the dinngroom where a delicious repast.vas set before them. The menu'Qnsisted of the following: greenpals, carrots, macaroni rice andt;ravy hot biscuits, fried chickendressing ham, tumij*, salad, pineapple. whipped cream and cake.After dinner the guests 1-esUIU-

sd their places in the living rooma here much, enjoyment was had*in the playing of a very unusual2-am.> ''Fortmifi" In »t>.the fun the hostess interrupted ak,ainwith u second . Insert coursewhich consisted of pcoxn ice citaniand cake.The entire afternoon was spentin entertainment an it waM not

until dusk when very relctantlythc__g,.ests began tu sav "adieu"to their hostess, expressing ~|Kcpns^lvt'uas liaUliy; -Tie7iT a pleasantafternoon.

Tl\e guests present were Mrs.Clarence Jackson, Misses KittyWithers (Cornelius, N. C.); SaraNickpea, A. A. Nelson, M.H. Boular,N. M. Gordon^ Larcip L,Smith and Celia L. Phelps of F.C. Training shool.

IIS:outs sy?l£a' \\ i i

important part in Cubbing. ItMother who helps Cubs - nialtheir costumes when the group dcides-to put oh an Indian ?ho\It is Mother wlr© helps^Hhe Culwhenever help-is needed.Hats oil* to Orangeburg and ci

pecially to Rev. Cannon for tlsmewiui piece 01 work done.

CAMDENSix scouts rif the; city hnd tV

privilege of doing their "Gocruin" three hours after install!tion ceremonies April IS. 1943.A house cauirht fire oM Ru

ledge Ave. These Scouts alonwith, other civilians.of.Canidccleared the house of all of i tfurniture. The roof collapseshortly afterwards. The followiilScouts 'participated: Isaac Hani)ton and .Joe Woods of Troop lGfJohnnie Tucker, Curtis Kirklan

The Scouts were happy to liable to render service to the coiin unity.COLUMBIA COURT OF HON



Ministers of UnionInstall OfficersOn Monday" ventngr.May :!, r

Bethel Methodist church, Rev. AA. .Tanerette pastor, was held thinstallation p«T\ ices.of the.MinnU' Alliance of Union. Strictlat 8r15 devot ion was led by KtoBlakes. After prayer and a fc>beautiful hymns the preside*)Rev. J. A. Baten took charge. 11stated in vjjry hricl tornbr of the meeting. Afteiward, presented Rev. Janerett

rt'tui y. e !.o.prw^ntod Tha_Tririgram of the evening. Instrument!solo. Nearer My G«.d to Th.eeMissLouise .tuiT; Adnress, Orward Christian Soldiers.MriFannie Norris; Reading. Mrs. Aramenla McBeth:Solo. Crown HiiMr.1'. Ihi'thn.M-eJunkins; Intrnduction of speaker.Rev. J. R. EzelIn very few words Rev. Kzell priseated Rev. F. L. Wilkes °f Locihart, who pjxached a wonderfisermon from John 12:32, subjeelWhy \\"e Should Lift up ChrisThis was a sermon that was we

prepared and well delivered anwas enjoyed by all.Afterward a ^iberal^ufferin^ wa

furnished by a mixed choir cor

-istini^ <>f__me 111hers from CorintlUcthel. Clinton Chapel of Unioand Fosters Chapel of JoncsvilhMrs. Mamie Hemphill pianisThen the ciflicers came forwarand were installed by Rev. WilkcI'res. Rev. J. A. uaten; hocretarRev. A. .Janerettc; Cor. SeeRev. I.. C. Sanders; Treasure:Rev. J. R. Ezell; Chaplain Rc^\V. S. Young.This was a very beautiful an

impressive service, and was er

joyed by all present. The menhers a,nd friends! were very prouto sec such a^»frrtr uT coojcration and fellowship existinamong the ministers and laymeof Uilion and Union County.


Ki'v n. IJ. Collins, I'astor-

Brownsville.S. S. at tin- usui-hotm--C-htss. 2 Uulds-±hc_^hJ]a ncTibanner. At the morning sor.vjcthe paster preached from the svject: Greater love, maTtnrrr that a man lay down his 1 i 1for his friend. This inspiing sermon and enjoyed l»y all

l onciion Among trie vi:itors were Rev. B. Williams, Miscs Dorothy MeCall and Ruth Colins. Antioch donated Miss Col 1 ir$4.00 and > t. Peter $1.00 whicshe was very thankful.The afternoon service was ah

good at St. Peter. The Y. P.sponsored a grarttl program wilMrs. Florence Clollins directoAfter which the |ia.itur nrenehcthe ordination sermon and ordaii,ed.two deacons, S.1 Smalls iuid IMcKeever. Dea. J. F. Hastecharged the deacons and churcwith timely and fitting remarkWe wish to thank Miss Malicprincipal of Brownsville schofor cooperating with us in o uchurch work. We will miss her, ther school will soon close. SIhas accomplished many greitasks this term, with her assisants Miss Spears and Mr. IBttrhhMr. Freddie Adams is the seentary of the school and has rendecd valuable service.A surpri«e-t/irthday supper wi

given at the homc of Deacon arMrs. Claudia McCale Saturdsevening, May 1, in honor 6f MtFlorence L. Collins. A <lelicioisupper was served and Mrs. Co

J Former Members ofIMtts Presbyterian^Church, MountvilleS. C., Celebrate

Last Thursday evening Uv'Piedmount VVcvkcrs Club ctdc

I bratod its Fifth Ann^v^vsavyt llf-lp'.iia.10Pa. Remarks of welconv1 unci object of the club wore stateiby C. \V. Pitts, whi.-h ie "Help thiChurch Back Home". The histor;of Pitts' church was read by JeluSh Pitts.Tbe-Rev.-Tbomas-IL Anvos, D. P

of New York City was guest spealor. Mvsieal numbers included th<ihetne song "Faith of Ouv Father;Living F til I" and "The Church Ii()n<> Foundation" Mr. James Rtcv

is ens sang the "Lord's Prayer." an<;e Mrs. Psuedora IP- nter gave' a pi[>. ciM.i rwiecuor. .Mrs. joessu* i aivhound Bird ga\\. a reading. Othci)F participant*" were the Hon. Her

hert K. Millet?. Asst. Director o:Public Safety. Mi. II. II. Thomas

lc Mrs. Matthews Anderson, wife °the founder of Boreair Church ancSchool, the Reveremls A.K. Rankins, John .L. Coleman and B. FGlaseo, nastcfr of Bcrcan Churcl

m Out of town guests were the((J~~ "Misses'"~KnTmtr~"rrmt- (Atrmntta Prt-tKi. Mlcsdames Geneva* Beasley, Morris

fcPettiford, Mr. Harrj. of New Yorlt- City and Mrs. Psuedorct H«nter-o1g' TfentOVtrNew Jersey. "

-H Mr Theodore Penny was Masteis of Ceremony.

Following the services an inforgmal repeption for out of towr). guests was held at the home of Ro>; sa E. Pitts. 1-104 N. 21st. Street

whert. many former students greetcd Dr. .Amos.and -u beautiful letlt.ter was read from Mrs. Minnien Young of Norristown. Pa. Hostesseswere Misses Carrie L. Hill ancRosa E. Pitts.'

Rosa E. Pitts ReoprterR

Mrs. Lucile ThompsonOf Abbeville Passes

'TPxno....! c *«-- t. r-i.. u.'vi.n »vi i mi's ior lvirs. mon,t.;Ji>r<i A. Thompson. Ji;,.,. .the for-,

r mcr Luiillr Fair, of Abbeville, S.J j.C., were hold here last -TuesdayApril 27. Mrs, Thompson died af.tor a short illness on April 124. inth,. I'nivoi.dty.Hospital m .Ailimftar(teoTjPTH; ..L

j A graduate of Abbeville Couit'ty Training School and South Carolina State College." Mis. Thompsonhad taught school for a num.her of.years. Beginning in.litis.

^iiuimulttrtoh;.after, her graduation. .Mrs. Thompsonhad also been a faculty memberof the Calhoun Falls school fornine years.s' Born iiT Abbeville in l'.Ml. Mrs.l" Thompson was th(. youngest child" of Mr. and Mrs. Butler Fair, one

t' ing of family of teachers, it was'."'logical that the late.young ma'Itron should follow that professionLargely attended, the solemnrites were administered by theRev. F. I). Drehesr, pastor of the

: St. James A.ME church of whichMrs. Thompson was a member

Three years,.Mrs. Thompsons was married to Mr. Richard A.h*" I Iiompson, .Jr. ot tieorgetowtT, S71_ C., now a member of the U. S.V_ Armed Forces. Mr. Thompson11 presently is attached to the EngineeringSchool at Virginia StateCollege at Petersburg, Va'** Special music for thc funerals services was offered by Mrs. Wilyhelmina Hearst Butler, who sang| When' I've Done My Best, and

' .Mi\ Bishop Harrison, of Augusta,Gii. who sang Lead Kindly Light.Active pallbearers were: Messrs" George Mosley, Eugene Holmes,l" Arthur Turner. David Davis, Le>*wis Bowie and R. 1L Woods. Flow-erattenrhrnts included tht. facultyof thc Calhoun Falls school _-andK local acquaintances of long stand11ing. Interment was in the _familyplot Jit Harbison cemetery.In addition to her husband, Cpl.I Thompson. Mrs; Thompson is survivedby Mrs. Iiutlcr Fair, moth.or. Messrs. Otto L. Fair, of At*lanta, Ga\, and John 1>. Fair, of:i] this city, brothers; and threL. sisYptrvs: the M tsars Srtllic .iin^'.ferrTr

Fair' of Chicago.n,


fe GEORGETOWN NEWSrSaturdsiy evening April '24 Mrs.6" Peter C. Kelley opened her beauti<sful and spacious home to entertainMr. C. P. Johnson USO (li1Srector and some of the young inGnof th(. 40th Aviation Squadron,stationed at Myrtle Beach, S. C.NL s., Kelly's charming daughters.^ .uisst's Marjorie and Vermeil© andli Mrs. Maudestc Squires wer© host*'esses.lil Xhe gneslf, included Mrs G,W1" Howard, Mrs. Clifton Kelly Knox,s- Mrs. E L Frasier, Mrs. W. J.y Wilds, Misses O Parker and GraceJackson.s- Guests of the squadron were:""Cpltn""'"Vernon Thornton, Earnest°1 Jason, Klsworth.Tow net*,- Erw+nT Davis, Norris Archer, Thomas1S Atkins, Pvts. Joseph Nettles,je Priestly Webb, Sgt. Lewis Fender*tContinued on Pair* h

grfd"Tsr received' many "valuable FreTr;e- cnts, for which sht. is grateful. *

t-- On the sick list Mr. Godfreyand Mrs. Maggie Ladson. We hopefor them a speedy recovery,id Thc Sabbath School Unton williy convene at .Mt. Tabor BaptistB7 church, Clio, May ZB-HO. I> Webb of Tuskegec Institute will1- b© the principal speaker.

. r MSaturday, May 8, 1943,

Classified AdvertisingColumn

Special Notices, Cards of Thank®,Memoriams, Birth Announcement*Marriage Announcements etc. are

.charged for at the rate of 10c perline. Cash must accompany theorder. Minimum charge 50c.


, In remembrance of Car dear one.jProf, Lewis N. Scott, cvIiq passede May 7, 1035.

j, Long days and nights he bore inpain, r

To wait for cure was all in vainBut Cod who knavveth all things

p best,s Eased his pain and gave him rest.When the evening shades are f vll-

And the sun is sinking fast,It is then we miss you darlingMore than all the day^ that's past.

[ Mrs. Katie C. Scott, wifei> ucroert ri. oeott, son

Mrs. R. W. Rileyj.'Jacquelin Mitchell

j Stella White, sisters

CARD OF THANKS)} We wish to thank our lrianyr t'rrcndK-for their kindnesses shown5 during: the illness nntTTtentlv -of-.p -our wife and niother, Mrs. Lula ^"Burns. Also.ror.the be^vutiful W

florals and the use of their cars;: ...i/i pr Fi-jiok B. Johnson for his

untiring and efficient service.THE FAMILY



When we go home 'twill be tohear ..

A darling voice so low and clearI Our hearts were thrilled to think

it near,When we go home.

In memory of our beloved husbandand father, John Gilliam,r who twelve vears ago^L_Mav 4. IS).'!!.

Mrs. Lueinda Gilliam Smith,Wife;

Mrs. Maggie Gilliam Boozer,;. Daughter.


In .meniorv of our dear motherMrs. Maggie Gibson, who departs

" etl this life one year ago, May 7,.1042. .

Altho' it's been a year,It seems but just day,Since God in His almighty powerTook our loved one away.

You have gone dear Mother,Hut your presence is still near,Voir have gone to your glory,W,. are trying to get there.Sadly missed by:Mr. Matt Gibson, husband; Mf*

Maggie Morris. Miss Mary Gibson.Mrs. Pansy Naggles, Mrs.Viola Johnson? Miss Mamie Gibson,of New York; Miss ZeroniaGibson. Miss Mattie O. Gibson ofRidge Spring; Mr. George GibsonAiken. S. C.; Mr. Frank and AaronGibson of New York.

{DTE WEST NEWS --.Tire- services were

held in the churches of Due Weston last Sunday.- At MIL. Lebanonthe Rev. R. J. Glover impressivelyspok(. to his hearers duringooth the morning and evening services. The servkes were well attendedand much interest wasshown by those present becayseof the fine typo of sermons whichthis minister delivers at all times.At Ml. Zion Presbyterian church

the ptstor," the Rev. E. L. McAdamswas at Lis best and gavea stirring message at the morninghour of worship. At 4:00o'clock in the afternoon a musif:ilnenirvjvvn ,-niw!st!nrr nf talentfrom tilt' churches of the communitywav. conducted by Mrs. RobertaKlHs Howell. A ^very Nfincprogram was Hid and a nice amountwas contributed which wentto ti.e credit of Club No. 1. This.*.was for the building fund of thecliurcR."" - *

Rev. Mr. McAdanis and the fin^members of this church are f°r$f^"Ticct. .AtSt. Marj| [Baptist, church theRev. L. E. Daayjs, pastor was thespeaker at botfKthe morning andevening services. He broughtstrong tvnd timely messages.Sunday school under the leadershipof Mr. James C. Donald

ably conducted at the regi^^phour.PTc. Ernest Robinson spent the

week end during the Easter seasonwith his wife, Mrs. Willie MaeRobinson at the home of her par.efits Mr. ami. Mrs. R. II. Lee.

Pvt. Woodrow Makin of Camp jCiuidun,.fhr-.spent K'wt.jwith his parents, Mr. arrd MrsI^David Makin.

> /Mrs. Cynthia Benson Laid to Rest;On April 27, at lT:00 o'clock "

p.m. the rematnfr of Mrs. Cynthia .Benson. were lakl to rest in St.Mary (.emetcry. Mrs. Benson wasa devout Christian and of a braid <

nnd jiublic spirit. Whatever was rfor the welfare of the communityhe could he relied upon "To playwell her part. No well thinkingperson could talk with her unless ^he was better prepared for life'sduties and burden for having mether. She has left a fin*» example -i.of « Christ inn, The eulogy WA1 Jdelivered hy her pastor the Rev. jjBL. E. Daniels associated by Revs.TE. L. McAdams and B. J. Gloyer* fM