Transcript of Page Two KENYON'S HERALD OF LIFE


That Seventh Chapter of Romans


Ruth A. Kenyon

Published at Fullerton, Califor nia, by Kenyon's Gospel Publish­ing Society.

Distributed Free to All Inter­ested.

General Editorial matter contri­butions and Love Offerings, and all Correspondence should be sent to Kenyon's Gospel Publish­ing Society, Inc., 528 W. Amer­ige Ave., Fullerton, Calif.


This paper is not responsible for any statement of fact or opin­ion furnished by any writer other than those on the editorial staff.

WHAT WE BELIEVE We stand for the whole Bible

as the whole revelation of God in Christ, and that what God re­vealed in Christ is every true believer's heritage.

We believe in the Eternal God­head of the Father, Son and Holy Spir't.

We believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, and His indwelling presence.

We believe healing is for us. We believe the miracles of the

Book of Acts are to be perpetu­ated.

We believe in the new kind of love that Jesus brought to be the law of the brethren, and we be­lleve that we are to walk in that love.

We believe in the great Com­mission.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Head and Lord of the Body.

We believe in the second com­ing of our Lord.

Correspondence Courses

E. W. Kenyon

In order to understand this chapter, it is necessary that we get its setting and place in the Divine argument of redemption.

In this Book of Romans from chapter 1: 18 to 3:20, Paul is deal­ing with the question of sin, and in the fourteen indictments against natural man, found in chapter 3: 11-18, he has proven conclusively that no man has a right standing with God.

In chapter 3:21-30 he shows how a right standing with God is made possible through the propitiation which was set forth in the person of God's own ' Son, Jesus of Nazareth, and how God is able through that sacrifke to justify everyone who accepts that sacrifice on the principle of faith.

He brings the law and the prophets as two witnesses to prove that Jesus of Nazareth is a sacrifice satisfactory to God.

Set Right Through Faith In the fourth chapter he shows

that this right standing is avail­able purely upon the ground of faith, using Abraham as an illus­tration; for Abraham believed God and afterward received cir­cumcision as q seal of that faith.

Circumcision here stands as a type of the new birth, and Paul's argument is that the sinner be· lieves God's testimony concern­ing His Son, Jesus Christ, and as a seal of that faith God gives him the New Birth.

Then the Apostle is able to make this declaration: "Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was reckoned unto him; but for our sake also, unto whom it shall be reckoned, who believe on Him that raised Jesus our Lord from the dead, who was delivered up for o •r trespasses, and was raised for our justifi. cation."

Now notice the next verse, "Being therefore justified (set right) by faith (on the principle of faith), we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

You see, the object of justi­fication is that we may enjoy peace, fellowship and commun­ion with God.

In chapter 5:2-11 Paul is show­ing God's exceeding grace, and how "He commendeth His. own love toward us (or has put His love beyond a doubt), in that, while we were yet sinners Christ died for us."

In 5: 12-21 He covers the whole plan, of redemption from the fall to the seating of Jesus Christ at the right hand of the Father, showing that sin was the door that Adam opened through which spiritual death, uniting man with the devil, entered and so passed down through Adam into all of his children.

We have four excellent Bible Courses which we are happy to offer free of charge. Multitudes have been blessed through the study of these lessons. If you would have your mind renewed "A New Creation" and grow in the Word, send for The sixth chapter tells how by these studies. Our first course - our union with Christ we become ''THE BIBLE IN THE LIGHT OF a new creation. Sin, death and OUR REDEMPTION" consists of the law have all lost their do-37 lessoAs. (With Diploma.) minion over us, as they reigned

Our second course-"PERSON- only over the old creation. AL EVANGELISM" consists of 22 Beginning with the 12th verse lessons. (With Diploma.} of the 6th chapter, Paul warns

Our third course-"ADVANC- us _not to allow our members ED BIBLE COURSE" consists of which have been re-created . to 40 lessons. With Diploma.) become channels through which

Our fourth Course - "CH I LD the e~emy can tempt ~s fr<;>m our EVANGELISM" consists of 28 Jes- ~hf~t1ty and fellowship with our sons. (With Diploma.) a er.

The Father is blessing our For he says, ye have been work and enabling us to offer "made free from sin," and "sin the lessons without charge. shall not have dominion over

If you want to be of service you," but having "become serv­for the Master, form study ants to God, ye have your fruit groups in your home or church, unto sanctification." using these Bible Courses. He makes clear these three

We will gladly send enough points. lessons so each member of the In chapter 5: 17 he says, "For class may have a copy. if, by the trespass of the one,

death reigned through the one; much more shall they that re­ceive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, (or the gift of this right standing with God) reign in life through the one, even Jesus Christ."

Second, we are dead to sin, to law, and to Satanic dominion, and are "alive unto God in Christ Jesus."

We no longer have the con­sciousness of guilt, and penalty for sin, and are free from its dominion and power.

The Jews Under the Law This brings us to the seventh

chapter. Paul asks that same old question, "Or are ye ignorant, brethren (for I speak to men who know the law)."

Thus in the seventh chapter we are coming to another great truth. For instance, "the law hath dominion over a man for so long time as he liveth."

He illustrates it by the wife in her union with her husband. The wife is under law to her husband until the husband dies. That husband is the Mosaic Law; the wife is the Jew; until the law has been fulfilled and set aside, the Jew cannot be married to or become united with Jesus Christ.

"But now we have been dis­charged from the law, having died to that wherein we were held; so that we serve in new­ness of the spirit."

Now he gives us a picture of a Jew who is under law, unre­generate, seeking a right stand­ing with God on the principle of works. He asks the question, "ls the law sin?" Then he says, "God forbid. Howbeit, I had not known sin except through the law."

Here he ' ares that he was perfectly free and happy in his ignorance until the law came, but when the commandment came he saw the power of the sin that reigned in him and discovered that he was spiritually dead.

The commandment which told him that he ought to live and which commanded him to love God with all his heart, (a thing impossible for the natural man), he found to be his messenger of death. For when sin found it was discovered, it rose up in tremen­dous power and slew him, so that the law which was holy and good, coming from God the Father, filled him with conster­nation and fear of judgment.

Law Uncovers Sin

"Did then that which is good become death unto me?" Paul asks. No, he says, it was not the good that was death unto him, it simply showed him that he was already dead, for sin never was sinful until the command­ment came and showed it to be sin.

Then he discovered that he was sold under sin, and that the good things he would do he found himself unable to do, and the evil things which the law condemned and which he did not want to do, a power within him compelled him to do, so he cried out, "It is no more I that do it, but sin which dwelleth in me."

He knew that in him, that is, in his unregenerate flesh, dwelt no good thing. The law was pres­ent, that same law which makes it possible for a sinner to accept Jesus Christ as his Saviour, was in him, but to practice what he willed he had no strength. "For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh." Then he found this to be a fact, that when he "would do good evil is present."

He delighted in the law just


Rev. Max Stowe

If Jesus were here now in the flesh before us how simple it would become to be healed. We would forget all about means to be healed, and we would lose all struggle and doubt. How very simple it would become! Healing would just become, - JESUS!

And good news, - that is just what healing is. If we try to make it more we needlessly complicate our being healed and thereby prevent it.

The principle way Satan tries to keep people from having Jesus' healing become effective is by complicating the practical means to be employed by the Christian to be healed.

The Christian strives to em­ploy the means correctly and completely and he becomes lost in a maze of methods and loses sight of Jesus, the Healer. In I Corinthians 1 :30 we read that Jesus "was made unto us wis­dom from God, and righteous­ness and sanctification and re-­demption."

Here we read that Jesus was made healing unto us. Redemp­tion meant salvation of both soul and body. Healing is an integral part of the atonement. (Isa. 53: 4-5). "HE is become our salva­tion." (Ps. 118: 14, 21 ). And it is also true that HE has become our healing.

The best secret of all as to practical methods of obtaining our healing is to be so taken up with the person of Jesus that we forget all rules, means and meth­ods and HE becomes our "all in all." (Col. 3:11).

Then we are actually healed as He becomes our very life. "Christ, w o is our life." (Col. 3:4). "To me to live is Christ." (Phil. 1 :21). "It is no longer I that live but Christ liveth in me." {Gal. 2:20). He really becomes our physical life and heals and keeps us well.

This is not "far beyond the range of possibilities for us," as Satan will tell us. Paul attained it, and he was a man of like pas­sions with us, and we have all He had. Many Christians experi­ence it every day now.

All we need to do is to forget means, methods and even faith, and to "look unto JESUS." As we become taken up with Him, He enters in larger measure, and His very life casts out sickness and weakness. Anybody can do it. Don't believe the devil. (John 8:44). The secret lies in becom­ing all taken up with JESUS.

as a Unitarian does, just as an honorable, high-minded man does. Yet he saw a different law warring against this noble pur­pose in him and bringing him into captivity to the power of sin which is in his members, and he cries, 'Wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me out of the body of this death?"

Deliverance Through Christ

Listen, reader, in the next sen­tence he cries, (and the best translation reads thus), "I thank God deliverance has come through Jesus Christ our Lord."

This is not the language of a man who has passed from death unto life, but it is of one who is still under the awful bondage of an unregenerate heart.

When one attempts to prove that the seventh chapter of Ro­mans is the experience of a be­liever, of one who has passed from death unto life, one whom God calls a new creation, one over whom sin has no dominion and power, he has missed the mark.


Dear Pastors, Friends and Prayer-Partners:

These last three months have been especially strenuous ones. First, we attended the Rhodesian native and missionary confer­ence. How our hearts were moved for the needy ones who came seeking deliverance. hank God for the testimonies of heal­ing and deliverance from demon power. One poor, old woman begged me to pray that she might be given the Holy Spirit to live with her since every child and relative had died. I can see their faces now, the poor leper woman, the Nyasa man de­pressed by demons, the earnest faces of the preachers, and the shining, happy faces of the crowd as they sang the praises of God in that hot, crowded church.

While Ralph was in Nyasaland and Joy was at home caring for the three little ones, I took our local preacher's wife and went out into the mountains to visit places where we have churches that have never been visited be­cause of their inaccessability. In one place, forty-five miles away, they had not received my mes­sage saying I was coming, and when I reached the place, I found the wife had been very ill for three weeks. We prayed, and she was healed on the spot and arose to minister to us.

Down in a flei (a gully) we found a believer in what seemed like the last stages of T.B. He was just skin and bones and could not eat or care for himself. He told us that one night when he felt he was dying and Satan whispered that God had for­saken him, God gave him Ps. 91: 11 and told him He was send­ing me there to pray for him. He began to mend immediately and was soon able to go home.

As we went out TO 1he ne~ ..... 7t:.'l~---­

villages in that place we had some notable conversions. Among them was an aged sub-chief and his palsied, red-eyed wife and a one-legged man. As I was explaining the Way of Sal-vation out under a tree, the man suddenly cried out with joy, be-cause for many months he had sought the Lord and now he knew his search was over. These three, with others, walked seven miles to come and be baptized.

How these people respond to any love one shows them. In every place God ''confirmed the Word with signs following." An­other preacher's wife was mir­aculously healed the first day we were there.

Two Sundays ago R·alph went to dedicate a new church build­ing about sixty miles from Um­tali, while I went to see how the Central church was doing. We found those we had left in charge had been faithful and that new souls had been added to the church each week.

Last week-end we held a meeting in another di­rection in the mountains fifty-five miles from here. The majority of people there are real heathen. Eight women and twelve men and boys repented and testified to their Salvation. God has given us favor with the chiefs in these parts. One of the chiefs attended our meeting and afterward told us he was very pleased to have us preach to his people. He has given us permission to build a church there.

We thank every one of you for your love and faithfulness and prayers. With all our hearts we say GOD BLESS YOU, and make you to increase more and more in every good work until Jesus comes.

Yours for the Kingdom, Ralph and Marion Haines Umtali, S. Rhodesia, Africa.



These papers are never forwarded by the postofllce, so please send us your ,hange of address in advance.

Living Testimonies OUR OFFICE ADDRESS:

528 W. Amerige Fullerton, Calif. Phone LAmbert 5~759

letters and prayer requests receive prompt and confidential attention.


May I tell you what a wonder­ful thing Jesus did for me? Last week both my legs got so pain­ful I could hardly walk. Then, to make matters worse, Satan tried to make me doubt that I had been healed of Liver trouble by laying an attack on me. That really put me off my feet. But I rebuked Satan and to my ioy the next mo, ning, not only was my stomach as good as ever, but my legs were completely healed. l had no more pain and I am prais­ing God for this.

HEALED OF T. B. I.R.M., India

You will rejoice with me when

quite a number of the complaints that are common to man, but out of them all, the lord has deliv­ered me. The prayer of Faith is still heard by God and · He still answers prayer. There would be less sickness in the world today if your Father's book, "In His Presence," were read and be­lieved more widely.

PRAYER ANSWERED Mrs. L.G., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Thank you so much for your kind letter and the papers you sent. I also wish to thank you for the prayers for my daughter for the Lord has graciously answered in her behalf.

I tell you that God wonderfully . heeled me from T. B. God really loves me and each one of His Childr~n. Praise His Holy Name!

GOT BETTER AT ONCE Mrs. T.H.W., Augusta, Ga.

I want to thank you for the many times you have prayed for me and mine. God has wonder­fully answered. The last time I called you to pray for my son who had a Stomach ailment. He couldn't eat anything without suffering. The day I called you, he had come to my house in se­vere pain and asked me to call you for prayer. I did, and you prayed for him over the phone. He got better at once and is so much better now that he can eat anything without pain.

I am thankful to you and to all who prayed for me because it is through their prayers that God healed me. Kindly keep on pray­ing for me.


I sent you a request for prayer in the early Fall for our Pastor's wife. She was not expected to live and now she ic; getting along fine and has been attending the meetings here and Plsewhere.

WELL FROM THAT HOUR --=-~---m,l'S,~ A.H., Duluth, Minn.

I love to read your books on healing for about four years ago God healed me of Asthma. I had had it for a year and a good Christian Sister came and prayed for me and God heard and healed me. I have been well from that hour, and I am giving God all the praise. He is a good God!


GOD IS HEALING HER Mrs. J.E.V., Sparrows Point, Md.

My little granddaughter. is im­proving rapidly and I know God is healing her. I thank you for your prayers.

GOD DID HEAL Mrs. F.K.S., Stanford, Ill.

Your healing book was put into my hands by a friend. I'm sure God saw that I got it. I've gone through a radical Cancer operation and the "getting well" process is slow and painful. My

W.M.N., Galveston, Texas faith has always been strong, I am thanking the Father for


but I needed this "God says so, the help through prayer that you· just accept what He says and and your Prayer Warriors so thank Him." I've read and re-read graciously give. I was healed of the book while on my knees. The deep Asthma two years ago and first day, the soreness disap­wish to thank you for your pray- peared out of my chest, then the ers for me. next day, my back pains disap­

peared. Yes, I'm tender, but God did heal me. It is not complete, but it will be.

HE ANSWERS PRAYER Mrs. J.M., Huntington Mills,

Pennsylvania I know God answers prayer

for three years ago He healed my back when I was told that the doctors could do nothing for me. I had two vertebraes out of pla~e in my back which could not be put back in place. I was prayed for, and thank God, my back is now we! I. It does not bother me any more. I was also suffering from Nerves and Heart Spells and also had a Nervous Breakdown, but God heard my prayer and now I am feeling fine.

We have a little girl who could not speak a word until she was three years old. We had just about given her up when she was prayed for and in about two weeks was talking. Praise His Name!


I have proved that the Word of God is still present and able to heal in these days. I just had my 75th birthday and have had

EYE WAS HEALED Mrs. B.S., Garfield, Ark.

In October I wrote you asking for prayer for a baby's eye which was running badly. I am so thankful for your prayers, for the eye was healed in about ten days. In August I also wrote about a matter concerning my Father-in-law about which I was very worried, but God surely straightened the way; and the matter was all taken care of with­out my help. Sometime last Spring I also wrote asking prayer for my husband who had b_een in an automobile wreck. His left hip was broken and his left eye was hurt. He couldn't see out of it and although the sight hasn't returned, he is well otherwise. God surely blessed him.

M.B., Ontario, Canada The arrival of your "Herald of

Life" never fails to bring me re­newed hope, faith and inspir­ation. I sincerely thank you for sending it to me.

Testimonies from Overseas

D.A., South India

I am very glad to inform you that our dear Father has an­swered your prayers on my be­half. I wrote to you that I was in doubt about my Salvation. I wanted to get right with God and was praying for His help. Your papers had always meant much to me, so I started reading all the old ones I had. I read them prayerfully. Every time I seemed on the brink of Salvation Satan would whisper, "You can­not obtain Salvation. You have not sufficient faith." One day I read your two tracts, and after reading them I was enabled by our loving Saviour's Grace to ac­cept Him as my Lord and Sav­iour. I understood the full sig­nifkance of Rom 10:9, l 0. How wonderful it is to have the Lord Jesus as our Lord. Now I know that I have Eternal Life. Satan used to make me try to trust my feelings instead of the unfailing Word of God. How vile he is. I read Ps. 12:6 and knew why I had failed all these days. I had been trusting and leaning on the wisdom of man and it proved to be the wisdom of Satan.

Rev. M.A.E., Nigeria I am very grateful to you for

the book, "The Father and His Family," which you sent me. I cannot tell you what great bless­ings I received from it, for I have learned many things that I did not know before. The Bible is truly a new book ,o me now, and I have become a better preacher and pastor from read­ing your book. Praise God!

Evang. P.M., South Africa Greetings in that all embrac­

ing and all victorious name of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

There is a wave of interest sweeping the entire country amongst individuals and little Prayer Groups in the Gospel of Deliverance. I personally believe that Dr. Kenyon's books and Bible Studies are largely respon­sible for this sudden stir all over the world.

I was a hopeless, narrow minded, positively negative Be­liever until I read some of your books and p,apers given to me by Brother Bosworth. I now know of my rights and privileges in Christ. Your books have revo­lutionized my life.

Evang. S.M., Trinidad, B, W. I.

God bless you one million fold for these nice books you sent. These are some of the greatest books I have ever read in my Christian life. They have showed me my position with God and also help in a tremendous way to increase my faith. I am de­termined to prove God, that is, to see the sick healed in my meetings and all the signs fq_l­lowing in Mark 16. Many other ministers and Christians are be,. ing blessed in a \ery special way as I pass along your books to them. Some of them have prom­ised to write you special letters of thanks. All join in wishing you God's richest and best bless­ing. Keep up the good work. 1 Cor. 15:58.

WHAT THEY SAY Rev. H.M.S., Spokane, Wash. I have just completed the Ad­

vanced Bible Study Course and now with great joy I send them to you for correction. Please be­I ieve me, I am very proud of having had the privilege of this accomplishment and pray that God will give me the happy task of putting into practice the multi­tude of new truths which I have received in these powerful les­sons.

I have given many of your papers out and I hope to hear from some of them. We are using your books and giving them out, too, as the opportuni­ties present themselves. We want you to know that our church is trying to put into practice the things we are learning through your books and courses. God bless you, and may we together occupy 'till He comes.

S.N.I., Nigeria I cannot express in words all

the blessings I gained from your Course. It has made me know how I have been redeemed and become a Child of God. In the past, the Bible has been a dead book to me, but now it has opened my eyes to my Redemp­tion in Christ.

V.M., E. Peoria, Ill. The blessings I am receiving

from your Courses are surely great. My prayer is that many will be led to study this Course for it has helped me in so many ways. It has brought me great happiness to have learned of God's love for His Children. J

would like others to have this wonderful knowledge. How wonderful that this Course is free, just like that great gift from God, our Salvation. May God bless you richly for this.

W.P., Osseo, Mich. I have just finished my 37th

lesson in your first Course. I am deeply grateful to you for them. I was never able to understand the Bible before, especially the Old Testament, and therefore I would never read it. Now I love to study God's Word and would rather do that than anything else in the world. I could never repay the good they have done for me. May God bless you is my prayer.

E.S., Nigeria I am very grateful to send this

little note to you. Your lessons have helped me a lot. I am now a new person. My life is changed and I am happy as a king. Praise be the Name of the Lordi

P.l.E.B., Reading, Pa. Having just finished my last

lesson of your Course, "The Bible in the Light of our Redemp­tion," I want to thank you and all who are making these studies possible. Truly your reward will be great in Heaven.

These studies have made the Word of God so clear and real to my heart that my soul sings with joy. My understanding has _been opened and the scales have fall­en from my eyes so that now I know without doubt just where I stand with God. Words will never suffice to tell how real God has been made to me through this Course. If I, who am in

prison, can find peace in the Lord, then, dear brothers and sisters, so can you. The very walls here cry out with the works of the devil and his followers are many, but truly I know that God shall have victory here for He has promised it and I believe. Praise be to God! Please pray for us.

Rev. J.E.F., Corpus Christi, Tex. It is needless to try to tell you

how much I have received from your books. I have been in the ministry for 20 years, and had never been awakened to the truth of what I am in Christ un­til I read your book, "In His Presence." It is out of this -world. I believe that God has given you the message for this day and age. I believe ever'/ word you have said and am trying to act accordingly. It has changed my life. Now, when I lay hands on the sick, they are made well. The deaf are made to hear and the blind to see. Goiters disappear. I am now taking my place as a Son and taking what belongs to me. How thankful I am that God raised up a man like you to re­veal these truths to the Church.

I received your paper today when I was sitting down to eat my lunch, but my desire for nat­ural food immediately left me and my desire for the Word of Life took its place. Oh, how it thrills my soul to read the mes­sages in your paper. May the ord bless you and prosper your


Rev. R.R., Midland, Mich. I was very glad to receive

your book, "The Blood Coven­ant." I believe this to be the greatest little book on this sub­ject. It cleared up some very out­standing difficulties that I have never found answered. Many of these were things per aining to the Communion Table.

A.B., Timber Lake, S. Dak. Sometime ago I asked you to

join me in praying for the safe return of a Nephew who was stationed in Korea. In a most rmarvelous way those prayers nave been answered and he re­turned to us Nov. 4th as a Civil­ian. He has been preserved through many dangers and we are grateful to God for protec­tion and to you for your prayers.

F.B., Walla Walla, W Words cannot express the

blessings I have received while studying this Course. I started the first lesson in search of knowledge pertaining to cre­ation, and finished the last one filled with a deeper understand­ing of God's Plan for mankind than I ever expected to find in any Correspondence Course. I can truthfully say that I love every word and page of the les­sons and have placed them all in my locker for future use.

A year ago my mind and soul were unsettled, but as r studied my faith grew and I learned to lean more and more on the promises of God that were so well explained. Today, I am at peace with God for His star came to rest in my heart and His light will guide me on down the high­way of life to be forever with Him.

Page Four

Books by E. W. Kenyon

1'What Happened11

A Bold Revelation of Long Hidden Truths

U. S. Price - P•per Cover $1.35; Cloth $1.75; leatherette $2.25 •1H1h Price - Paper Cover 9/9; Cloth 12/7; leatherette 16/2

11New Creation Realities" A Revelation of Redemption

U, I. Price - Paper Cover $1.35; Cloth $1.75; Leatherette $2.25 laell1h Price - Paper Cover 9/9; Cloth 12/7; , Leatherette 16/2

"In His Presence" The Secret of Prayer

U. S. Price - Paper Cover $1.35 Enslish Price - Paper Cover 9/9

"Two Kinds of Life" The Most Revolutionary Book of the Age

U. I. Price - Paper Cover $1.35; Cloth $1.75; leatherette $2.25 •111ah Price - Paper Cover 9/9; Cloth 12/7; leatherette 16/2

1'The Father and His Family'' An Outline of the Plan of Redemption

U. S. Price - Paper Cover $1.35 English Price - Paper Cover 9/9

"The Wonderful Name" The Book That Has Changed the Prayer Life of Multitudes

U. S. Price - Paper Cover 70c English Price - Paper Cover 5/1

''The Two Kinds of Righteousness" The Most Important Message Ever Offered to the Church

U. S. Price - Paper Cover 70c English Pric:e - Paper Cover 5/1

11 Jesus The Healer'1

A Revelation of the Fafher's Will for the Sick

U. S. Price - Paper Cover 70c English Price - Paper Cover 5/1

"The New Kind of love" The Book the World Needs. Nothing Like It Ever Written

U. S. Price - Paper Covff 70c English Price - Paper Cover 5/1

''The Two Kinds of Faith'' Showa Why the Church Has Failed, Why Faith is Weak.

U. S. Price - Paper Cover 70c English Price - Paper Cover 5/1

1'Kenyon's Living Poems" U. S. Price - Paper Cover 70c Engllsh Price - Paper Cover 5/1

''The Blood Covenant11

What the Lord's Table Really Means

U. S. Prlce - Paper Cover 35c English Price - Paper Cover 2/7

"The Two Kinds of Knowledge" T•II• Why the Educational World Rciects the Bible

Why the Church Has Gone Modern.

U. S. Prke - Paper Cover 35c English Price - Paper Cover 2/7

11ldentification" A Revelation of What We Are in Christ

U. S. Price - Paper Cover 35c English Price - Paper Cover 2n

"Signposts on the Road to Success" A Book Every Young Person Should Read

U. S. Price - Paper Cover 35c English Price - Paper Cover 2/7


Any 70c book with three 35c books fol' $1.50 Five 35c books for $1.50 Five 70c books for $3.00 Five $1.35 books for $6.00

One Copy of each book (paper covers) - $10.00 (No C. O. D. or Credit)



Gospel Publishing Society 528 W. Amerige Ave.

Fullerton, California


_; ACTING ON THE WORD Frances E. Phalen

Believing is simplified when we know that it means to Act upon the Word. Many questions and problems will go when we know that all we need to do is just act upon what God has told us in His Word.

His Word is a Revelation of what has already been prepared for us, and now as we know it and act upon it, it becomes a reality in our lives.

There is an example of this in the life of Abraham.

it difficult to comprehend, But we are not walking by human reason. We are walking by the Word, and all He asks is that we accept it and agree with it and He will do the rest.

It is not necessary to pray, in the usual sense of that word, for a thing that belongs to you. God declares that it is yours, and so you agree with Him and thank Him for it.

Here· is where many fail. They continue to plead with God to give them what He has already given them, instead of simply thanking Him for it and allowing Him to make it real to them.

God had promised that He would make out of him a great nation at a time when it was a physical impossibility from the "Giving thanks always for all standpoint of human reason. But things in the name of our Lord Abraham belie ,ed God so frrmly Jesus Christ to God, even the that when God asked him to sac- Father." Eph. 5:20. rifice his only son, he obeyed. This is co-operating with God He couldn't understand it, but he and acting upon His Word, for knew that God couldn't lie and our thanksgiving is an evidence was fully persuaded that what of our faith in the integrity of the He had promised He was able to Word. perform. We co-operate with God in our

Abraham believed in his heart thinking. and acted accordingly. God did He told Joshua to meditate on the rest. the Word day and night, for

"You see that faith co-oper- then his way would be prosper­ated with his good deeds, and by ous and he would have good his good deed$ was faith made success. And in Col. 3:2 Paul tells complete." James 2:22. (Wil- us, "Set your mind on the things liam's Trans.) that are above, not on the things

We have a picture here of that are upon the earth." Abraham's acting on the Word. In our meditation and thought He co-operated with God by his life, the Word must prevail over good deeds. In other words, he every situation. If sickness showed his faith in God by his ~omes, our minds turn to Is. 53:5, actions. He believed that God By his stripes we are healed." could ask him to slay his son and If strength is needed, we turn to still keep His promise. He Ps. 27: 1, "Jehovah is the strength obeyed God and saw Him keep of my life." If there is a mater­His Word. ial need, we think of Math. 6;32,

This action upon the Word is "For your heavenly Father know­necessary because it is this ac- eth that ye have need of all tion that completes, or perfects, these things." When Satan at-

f h I b · t t tempts to fill us with fear, we our ait · t r ngs it to 8 s a e meditate on Is. 41: l 0, "Fear thou of maturity so God is able to honor it. He has done His part not, for I am with thee." in Redemption. Now we do our Believing is an act of the will. part by accepting it and acting It is willing to have and enjoy upon it. all that belongs to us in Christ.

"Just as the body without the It is a determination to know spirit is dead, so faith without the freedom with which Christ good deeds is dead." (William's has set us free. Trans.) It is refusing to allow Satan to

What are these good deeds? hold us in bondage in any way. They are our entire daily con- It is taking a positive stand on

duct in thought, word and deed. God's Word in every circum­Our whole lives must be in stance. agreement with the Word. We We settle the thing, whatever think, talk and act our faith. This it is, in our hearts and minds,

.. is co-operating with God and act- and then we confess it with our ing upon His Word. mouths.

He has provided a Redemp- We co-operate with God in our tion that meets every need. "In words. whom we have our Redemp- " ... let us hold fast our con-tion." Eph. 1 :7. This is a state- fession." Heb. 4: 14. ment of fact; it is not a promise It is a Confession of a perfect of what He will do or of what Redemption and of a perfect de­He is able to do, but a statement liverance out of the authority of of what He has already done for Satan. His dominion over us is us. completely broken, and we think

It all belongs to us; it is ours and talk as though we believed now. " ... for everything be- it. longs to you, Paul, Apollos, Our Confession mu~t always Cephas, the world, life, death, agree with the Word, for we rise the present, the future - they all or fall to the level of it. belong to you." I Cor. 3:21. (Wil- God is working through His liam's Trans.) Word, and when we confess it,

You may not be enjoying it all, we are co-operating with Him and your human reason may find and increasing His power in our

ATTENTION! For the convenience of our friends

overseas, our books may be pur­chased from the following:

AFRICA: The Standard Bearer Pub• Ushing Co., P.O. Box 1577, Durban, Natal, South Africa.

ENGLANDt Pastor W. A. Everitt, 219 Mary St., 8a1sall Heath, Birm­ingham, England.

AUSTRALIA end NEW ZEALAND: "The Evidence" Book Depot, Box 6288, Te Aro, Welling­ton, New Zealand.

lives. Satan works through the senses and our human reason, and when we talk of our sick­ness and troubles, we are giving him a place and increasing his hold over us.

Sin has been put away; Satan has been conquered, and as New Creations we are to reckon our­selves as dead 10 sin and alive unto God in Christ Jesus. Rom. 6: 11.

Make this your Confession. Act upon it and God will make

if a reality to you!


Our Need of the Miraculous

E. W. Kenyon

Why is it that men are so fear­ful of the Supernatural?

The whole history of the Chos­en People and of the Church is made up of a series of Super­natural manifestations of Divine Power.

The Church is founded on a Miracle, its Founder was a Mir­acle, His life was a Miracle, His Ministry was a Miracle, His tra­gic death was a Miracle, and His Resurrection was the Miracle of the Ages.

The Birth of the Church was a Miracle, the first sermon and the attending phenomena of Pente­cost was a staggering Miracle that upset Judaism. The history of the first generation was a series of Miracles that overturned the Jewish nation and trans­formed the Roman Empire.

Every New Birth is a Miracle, every reception of the Holy Spirit is a Miracle, every victory over the Devil is a Miracle, every an­swer to prayer is a Miracle.

So you see that the Gospel is a Miracle performer, and is a living Miracle in its operations.

What we have written is true, it is the substance of the Faith of the Church. Now, why is it that the Church fights, or op­poses, that which called her into being, and keeps her in being?

. Why is it that our Theological Institutions ignore the Super­natural and seek to explain the Miracles on a rationalistic basis?

Why is it that a man who be-1 ieves in the Supernatural is not wanted in the ministry?

Why is it that a Skeptic can get a better Church ~nd be m r highly recommended by the "powers that be" than the man who believes?

Why is it that the "Higher Critic" is permitted to destroy the faith of the Church, and the man who believes in the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures is shut out?

Why is it that clear-headed business men will listen week after week while a preacher tears the heart out of the Bible and the faith out of the Church, when he knows that no Church can succeed without faith in the Bible and its Author, and not rise up and protest against it?

Who wants a religion that is not supernatural, who wants a God that does not or cannot hear and answer prayer?

Who wants a God that is not personally interested in our lives, who cannot help us in trouble and bear our burdens?

I want a religion that is Super­natural I I want a God who can be reached by prayer, who loves and cares for me!

WITNESS Glenn D. Clark

In this day of sin and strife, When the world is in despair;

More than ever Christian life, Must be witness of God's care.

As the faithful Paul of old; We must burn with fire and

zeal. We must speak with voices bold

Of His power to save and heal.

We must never be in shame Of the Gospel of our Lord;

For it always is the same, 'Tis the promise of His Word.

HOLLAND: N. V. Boekhandel W. ten Have, v.h. Hoveker's Boak• handel, Kalverstraat 154, Am­sterdam, Holland.

-------- In it is Salvation power, Psalms 37:4 "Delight thyself in To believers, every one.

Jehovah and he will give thee Christian, never let us cower the desires of thy heart." In the witness of God's Son.