Pacific Youth - social networking



Pacific Youth was a five week online social media training course for over twenty youth leaders in Tonga and Papua New Guinea. All course content is available under the Creative Commons license which enables other organisations and young people to participate in the course themselves, remix or embellish upon it (as long as they provide us with credit/link):

Transcript of Pacific Youth - social networking

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Social Networking

It sounds fancy, but its little more than a buzz word for groups of people talking and making friends.

This simple experience was in its infancy just a few years ago. Before then, people were stuck with just visiting websites, using emails and a few geeky chat rooms only.

Now it seems hard to believe social networks once didn’t exist.

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Social Networking

Even if people haven’t heard the phrase social networking, many have heard the biggest brand names, visited the websites and seen the company logos.

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Social Networking

Even if people haven’t heard the phrase social networking, many have heard the biggest brand names, visited the websites and seen the company logos.

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Social Networking

These huge brands now span the planet, reaching 100s of millions of people

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Social Networking

There are 100s of social networking websites available to freely sign up to. You may choose which one, by what your friends are using, the features they offer, whats popular in your area, or by the number of people you can make contact with.

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Social Networking

There are 100s of social networking websites available to freely sign up to. You may choose which one, by what your friends are using, the features they offer, whats popular in your area, or by the number of people you can make contact with.

You can choose them to stay in touch with your friends, find new ones, promote your band, film, project or event. Maybe you want to talk about music, videos, games, as well as share photos and many other experiences

Films Videos Music

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Social Networking

With so many people within your reach, in most instances it becomes easier to make real long lasting friends online than it does in real life.

You can use them to connect up with all your other media:• Share your Youtube video’s• Display your Animoto slideshows• Link to your Blog• Let people listen to the music you’ve created.

If you’re not social networking in some way in 2008, you are pretty much invisible online… which means you’re missing out!

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Social NetworkingFrom all the big social networking names, there are currently 2 main contenders. Myspace and Facebook. Myspace is dominant in the USA, UK and Australia and has over 300million accounts. As you can see from the graph below, Facebook (in red) has, quickly caught up Myspace (in blue) in the past 6 months. Everyone else is merely trying to catch up.

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Social Networking

This week we’re going to be focusing on Myspace.

Its huge popularity, means everyone can find someone to connect with and discover things that interest them.

Myspace is the worlds 6th most popular website, and has 230,000 new sign ups per day. It is ‘the’ place to get started with Social Networks. Which is exactly what we’re going to be doing today

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