Owner's Engineering - Royal HaskoningDHV

Owner's Engineering Service specification and capabilities Bas Vet 2 December 2016

Transcript of Owner's Engineering - Royal HaskoningDHV

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Owner's Engineering

Service specification and capabilities

Bas Vet

2 December 2016

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2 December 2016


Why Solar?

Why Royal HaskoningDHV?

Approach Owner’s




Picture: PV demonstration project, Amsterdam


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2 December 2016

Why Solar?


Picture: PV demonstration project, Amsterdam

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2 December 2016

“Solar is going to overtake everything!”


John Wellinghoff, president US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


Trusted Quality High ROI

Declined cost

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Why Royal HaskoningDHV?


Picture: PV demonstration project, Amsterdam

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Why Royal HaskoningDHV

Solar Engineering Expertise

10+ years experience in solar

100+ years in electrical


Global presence means local

experience everywhere

Multi-Disciplinary team

One-stop-shop for all

engineering, permitting,

environmental, procurement and

contracting questions

Pro-active approach

Open communication

Immediate responsiveness

Foreseeing risks before they


Ahead of market-practice to

prevent issues


Experience, complete service, pro-active

Picture: 20 MWp PV project, Bouloc, France

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Owner’s Engineering


Methodology & Approach

Picture: PV demonstration project, Amsterdam

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Owner’s Engineering


Standard process

Phase I

•Preparation Project feasibility Permits Tendering

FC1 Phase II

•Support during Construction, Commissioning and Provisional Acceptance

COD2 Phase III

•Support during Operational phase of the project & asset management

1 Financial Close 2 Commercial Operation Date

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Owner’s Engineering

Site Feasibility

•Interconnection requirements

•Structural / geotechnical analysis

•Shading / site specific issues

•Analyze PV Design Options

Energy Forecast

•Detailed meteorological study

•System irradiance analysis

•Module, inverter, tracker models

•First year and 20-year analysis

•Uncertainty, P50, P75, P90

Financial Forecast

•Preliminary energy prediction

•CAPEX estimate

•O&M cost estimate

•Financial analysis


Phase Ia: Project feasibility and preparation

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Owner’s Engineering


• Environmental permits

• Environmental and social impact assessment

• Technical assistance with permit applications

Request for proposals

• Define project criteria and specifications for EPC

• Develop and manage RfP

• Technology Evaluation

• Corporate Evaluation

• Selection of EPC contractor

Contract negotiations

• EPC contract

• Performance Guarantees

• O&M agreement

• Power purchase agreement


Phase Ib: Permitting & Tendering

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Owner’s Engineering

Design Review

• Grid code compliance

• Structural/Geotechnical compliance

• Interconnection studies

• PV Industry ‘good practices’


• Project management

• Change management

• Supervision of construction

System Acceptance

• Regulatory approvals

• Commissioning and provisional acceptance

• Monitoring and final acceptance


Phase II: Construction and Commissioning

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2 December 2016



Afbeelding: PV demonstratie project, Amsterdam

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2 December 2016

Henk Oosterdijk – Senior Solar Consultant

Mr. Hendrik Oosterdijk MSc. is Senior

Consultant & Project Manager Solar Energy

with Royal HaskoningDHV. He has 30 years

of relevant experience in the energy sector,

in project identification & development,

energy, environmental and financial auditing,

Due-Diligences, financial analyses, energy

efficiency technology, energy production

technology, solar energy, engineering,

drawing of specifications, tendering

procedures, evaluations and (EPC) contract

management. Mr. Oosterdijk has executed

over 60 energy (solar, energy efficiency,

renewable, power generation) audits on

behalf of the EBRD in almost all EBRD’s

Countries of Operation. For Investment

Banks he acts as the Lenders Technical

Independent Engineer for transaction

projects. The last 10 years he is mainly

active in Africa and Asia as Lenders

Technical Advisor.


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2 December 2016

Bas Vet – Solar energy consultant

Bas heeft 11 jaar ervaring in PV-cellen. Na het afstuderen als elektrotechnisch ingenieur, deed hij zijn promotie-onderzoek in de natuurkunde op het onderwerp van dunne film silicium zonnecellen. Binnen Royal HaskoningDHV is hij betrokken bij een verscheidenheid van zonne-energie gerelateerde projecten, in totaal meer dan 250MWp, bijvoorbeeld als owners engineer, technisch adviseur voor de kredietverlener, onafhankelijke energie-auditor en stroomuitval onderzoeker. Bas heeft verschillende QA / QC-projecten geleid voor collectieve PV aankopen in Nederland (in totaal meer dan 15.000 huishoudens of ~ 30 MWp) en trad op als adviseur voor diverse technische due diligence projecten, fabrieken en bedrijven. Recentelijk is hij de owner’s engineer geweest voor een 5 MWp zonne-energieproject in de UK, 4x4 MWp in Jordanië en 20 MWp in Egypte.


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Mark de Groot – Solar Energy Consultant

As a chemical engineer by education, Mark has acquired an extensive know- how in the fields of waste management and processing, biological waste treatment (composting and anaerobic digestion) and sustainable energy sources (wind, solar). In recent years, my expertise has extended to air quality, noise, safety and multidisciplinary projects. My project management skills and organizational talent are shown particularly during these projects. I have been working as expert and project manager for both governments and industrial clients in the Netherlands and abroad. My international expertise has been obtained during projects in Macedonia, Slovakia, India, Mozambique, Spain, Turkey, Iran, Argentina, China, Tunisia, Ireland, Finland, Suriname, Israel, Jordan and Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) and Saudi Arabia.


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Dion Coumans – Junior Solar Consultant

Since December 1st, 2014, Dion is working

with RHDHV where is predominantly active

within the discipline of Solar Energy &

electrical engineering. During his study at

the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven he

has entertained a multi-disciplinary

curiculum with the focus on on renewable

energy technology.

Therefore he has a background in both

electrical and mechanical engineering. At

RHDHV he works on projects that are

related to the focus markets of the

business unit, which includes solar energy

projects. I love to take challenge in the

optimizing the possible design within the

given requirements and constraints, while

focussing on the user.


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Selected references


Picture: PV demonstration project, Amsterdam

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Dunea Scheveningen – 1,5 MWp

Site: Drinking water station

Pompstation Scheveningen

System: roof-mounted PV-systems

Role of Royal HaskoningDHV:

Technical feasibility

Market consultation


Tendering en contracting

Supervision during construction


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Parnassia The Hague – 1,2 MWp

Site: Mental health care locations in

The Hague and Castricum

System: 8 roof-mounted PV-systems

on 3 different locations

Role of Royal HaskoningDHV:

Tendering en contracting

Supervision during construction

Mental health care is provided on

the locations so safety aspects are

very important for this project


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Floating Solar Park Bergerden – 1,6 MWp

Site: Irrigation pond for commercial


System: floating solar

Role of Royal HaskoningDHV:

Tendering en contracting

Supervision during construction


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2 December 2016

Haak om Leeuwarden – 7 MWp

Site: Roundroad Leeuwarden

System: 4 solarfields

Role of Royal HaskoningDHV:


Permit application

Development of business case

Tendering of the concession

Project management


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Solarpark Laarberg – 2 MWp

Site: regio Achterhoek

System: solarfield

Role of Royal HaskoningDHV:

The tender strategy

Tender procedure

Concession agreement

Lease agreement

Business case

Technical design


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Rwanda - 8,5 MWp

Site: Agahozo-Shalom Rwanda

System: tracking one-axis

Role of Royal HaskoningDHV:

Technical and Environmental Due


Social Due Diligence


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Frisomat Belgium – 1,4 MWp

Site: Factory Frisomat belgium

System: roof-mounted

Role Royal HaskoningDHV:

Business case

Technical lay-out

Tendering en contracting

Supervision during construction

Monitoring performance


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County Hall The Haque – 75 KWp

Site: County Hall province of South-Holland

System: roof-mounted

Role Royal HaskoningDHV:

Business case

Tendering en contracting

Supervision during construction


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City Hall Amersfoort – 50 KWp

Site: City Hall Amersfoort

System: roof-mounted

Role Royal HaskoningDHV:

Business case

Tendering and contracting


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Maastricht University – 50 KWp

Site: Maastricht University

System: roof-mounted

Role Royal HaskoningDHV:

Feasibility study


Business case

1 5 6 2

3 4


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Solarpark AVRI Geldermalsen - 9,3 MWp

Site: AVRI (waste management company)


System: Ground-mounted


Feasibility study


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Reference projects (continued)

El Gouna energy neutral brewery (Egypt)

Royal HaskoningDHV investigated the power requirements for the

process installations, collected data for a reliable solar forecast and

advised on the feasbility of the project.

Jeddah City, Calculation production solar cells in elevated tracks

Eneco Headquarter Rotterdam, Technical and electrical



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Reference projects (continued)

Feasibility study solar energy City Hall, Dalfsen (NL)

Royal HaskoningDHV has analysed the feasiblity of roof-

mounted solar energy; this included technical calculations

(shadowing, roof strength and wind resistance) as well as

financial and legal aspects.

Solar energy Water company, Limburg (NL)

Royal HaskoningDHV has assisted the Water Company Limburg

(WML) in (the preparation of) tendering, permitting and

engineering of a solar energy system.

Solar panels Royal HaskoningDHV, Lisbon (PT)

Royal HaskoningDHV Portugal is committed to the strategy of

attaining carbon neutrality and incorporating environmental

sustainability into its business. This project is a significant step

towards achieving this goal.


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Solar energy plants

Owner’s Engineering

Dr. Ir. Bas Vet

[email protected]

