Overview of submission/collection process (.ppt)

The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Presentation Title Goes in Here Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Topic Submitting Your Thesis/Dissertation for Preliminary Examination

Transcript of Overview of submission/collection process (.ppt)

Page 1: Overview of submission/collection process (.ppt)

The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Presentation Title Goes in Here

Scholarship@WesternElectronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD)

TopicSubmitting Your Thesis/Dissertation for Preliminary Examination

Page 2: Overview of submission/collection process (.ppt)

The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies


This presentation is designed to give candidates a review of the submission process, what to expect and answer a few common questions along the way.

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Where Will My Thesis Be Stored?

The Scholarship@Western ETD repository provides structural oversight for the preliminary evaluation of your thesis or dissertation and, once published, becomes the public forum for searching for and accessing your research.

Submitting and publishing your work online is faster and more convenient, but more importantly helps promote accessibility to graduate level research at the University of Western Ontario.

Research stored within the Scholarship@Western repository is maintained in a .PDF formatted document type.

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

When Do I Submit My Research?

Once you have submitted the Thesis Supervisor Approval Form and you are ready to proceed to examination, you may submit your work through the Scholarship@Western ETD Repository.

Scholarship@Western ETD Repositoryhttp://ir.lib.uwo.ca/etd/

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Submitting the Thesis

First Steps

Begin by visiting the Scholarship@ Western page linked from the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies – Current Students page.

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Under Author Corner, select Submit Research

Submitting the Thesis

First Steps

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Submitting the Thesis

Log InIf you have previously used Scholarship@Western you may log in.

If you are a new user, you are required to create an account.

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Submitting the Thesis

Create Your AccountPlease complete the form and submit the information to open an account* with Scholarship@Western.

*SGPS recommends you create an account using your existing Western Computer Account information (login and password)

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Submitting the Thesis

Activate Your AccountInstructions on how to activate your Scholarship@Western account will be forwarded to the e-mail address you provided in your account creation.

After activating your account, you are ready to submit your thesis.

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Submitting the Thesis

Submission InstructionsThe submission process will begin by prefacing you in order to ensure you have a few items of preparation in regards to your submission.

These items include:

• The title of your work

• The abstract (up to 250 words)

• A list of keywords (up to 10)

• The electronic format of your work (.doc, .rtf, or .pdf format)

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Submitting the Thesis

Submission MetadataScholarship@Western will collect various elements that define your submission for indexing and publishing purposes.

These values include:

• Title (required)

• Author (required)

• Current degree information relating to this submission

• Potential delays to publication you wish to impose

• Keywords

• Subject categories

• Abstract

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Submitting the Thesis

Uploading Your ThesisScholarship@Western provides two options for uploading your thesis.

Upload file from your computer- allows you to select the file on your local computer

Import file from remote site- allows you to select the file from a remote online location- thesis must be directly available in correct file format (e.g. www.website.com/yourthesis.doc)

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Submitting the Thesis

Uploading Additional ContentScholarship@Western accepts additional file types* in relation to your text submission (e.g. high resolution images, music files, movie files).

*You are free to upload any type of document however please consider the audience viewing your submission and if the file type is universally accessible (.mp3, .mpg etc.) or requires specific software.

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Submitting the Thesis

Submission CompleteScholarship@Western will confirm that it has received your submission. It will give you the option to revise your submission metadata/submission and add additional supplementary content.

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Submitting the Thesis

Conversion to PDFScholarship@Western will also confirm that it has received your submission via e-mail. Any documents not submitted in .PDF format will be converted to .PDF. The e-mail will invite you to check the converted .PDF file and report if there are any issues with this conversion.

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Submitting the Thesis

Next StepsThe School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies will leave your submission open to you for one business day in order for you to ensure that your submission has been converted properly and you have not omitted any elements of your submission.

SGPS will then lock your submission and prepare it for distribution to your examiners. Each examiner is e-mailed an invitation to access your thesis and complete the preliminary examination online.

Once all preliminary evaluations are completed, the content of those evaluations will be made available to you via the Scholarship@Western repository. In addition, you will be instructed via e-mail concerning the next steps towards completing your thesis examination.

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The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Submitting the Thesis


If you have any questions relating to the submission of your thesis or dissertation, please feel free to contact Krystyna Locke, Thesis Coordinator for The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at The University of Western Ontario.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (519) 661-2111 x83914