Our Town October 30, 1926

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Transcript of Our Town October 30, 1926

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 30, 1926




    Many Well-Known Residentsof Main Line AreMembers.



    JUNIORS MEETThe Narberth Junior CommunityClub held i ts f ir st mee ti ng of theseason Thursday evening, the 21st,at t he home of Miss Peg Burrell,507 Val ley View road. Mrs. Bar ker, State chairman of the Juniors,spoke on the relation of Junior andS en io r Clubs, a nd gave th e gi rl spoint er s on mat te rs about whichthey were in doubt.Some of the g ir ls g av e a sho rtsketch, and refreshments wereserved.Many interestingevents have beenplanned by the Juniors, including aThanksgiving dance. Thursdaysawthe first of a series of card partiesunder the girls ' auspices. It washeld in the home of Mrs. WallisBoileau, Jr., 210 Wayne road.It is planned to make these socialsinteresting. Everyone is welcometo th es e c ar d p arti es . T he fee of50 cents is charged to be laid asidefor a building fund, necessitated bythe sale of the Y. M. C. A. building on Forest avenue, old meetingplace.

    W. F. MISS. LUNCHEON MONDAYMrs. FletcherW. Stites will speakon her t ri p to the Holy Land at theWomen's F o r e i g n Mis sio naryluncheon Monday.

    'LUTHER LEAGUE HALLOWE'ENA very successfu l Ha llowe' enparty was given by the LutherLeague Saturday evening. Thel eague a tt endance is s teadi ly increasing, and other socialaffairs willbe announced during the winter.

    GIRL SCOUT WEEKToday is the beginning of Nat ional Girl Scout week. Every GirlScout is celebrating the first day ofGirl Scout week tod ay by doingsomegood deed for her mother andperhaps for her whole family.Many of the Narberth troop haveplanned to take entire charge of thedinner for tonight . Not only willthey prepare and clear i t away, butt hey will p lan the meal and do allthe marketing.Tomor row will be Girl ScoutSunda y. The Narberth. troop willbe pre sent in a body a t t he morningservices in the Narberth Presbyterian Chu rc h. Mr . Van Nes s hasplanned to conduct a special servicefor them andthe girls will take partin the program.Everyone is most cordially invited to a tt end c hu rc h a nd t he Gir lScouts are planning to be there 100percent . Come early if you expectto find a seat.NARBERTH JURORS PICKEDThe name.s of five Narberth residents have been drawn f or dut yonthe Peti t Jury. They are:Edward H. C o n ~ e l l , 26 Woodside CHICKEN SUPPER FRIDAY

    avenue, week of November 8 . Friday, t he 5th, is the dateset forEdward S. Haws, 107' Dudley the , ch icken suppe r p lanned . andavenue, Samuel Wiley and Barbat:a servedby the ladiesof the SunshineShand. week of November 15. Bible Class, in the busement of theE. C" Griswold, 1 Chestnut ave- Narberth Me t hod is t E p i s c o p ~ l .nue, week of November 22. IChurch, 5.30 P. M. to P. M ., .


    New Ordinance Will Reduce'Fire Hazard;. LowerInsurance Rate.

    Narberth, Pa.,Saturday, October 30, 1926\




    Addresses Rotarians on SubjectHunters and Hunted.Langdon C. Odiorne, local insurance man, dog fancier and hunter,addressed the weekly meeting of theBal a - Cynwyd - Narberth RotaryClub at the Cynwyd Club, Tuesday1100n.Mr. Odiorne gave one of themostinteresting talks heard by the members in many months, and furnishedan i ns ight i nto the hab it s of wildlife. He told of adventures in thehunting of deer, squirrel, quail andwild turkey.The difference between a pointerand a s et te r w as e xp la in ed in th ecourse of a discussion of t he mer its of dogs and the intelligence oftend ispl ayed by these necessa ry adjuncts to hunting.J. A. Miller was chairman of thewell-attended meeting. The month1y bus in es s meet ing wil l b e heldTuesday evening.

    LUTHERAN PLAY PLEASESThe entertainment of last Thursday night at the Lutheran Churchwas a great success. ,The girls, pupils of. the NationalSchool of Elocution and Oratory,of which Dora A. Shoemaker isprincipal,. held tne audience the entire evening."The audience showed theirappre

    dation by applause after each number. and a generous offering,The g ir ls s howed wonde rf ultraining'. as well as talent and ability. .Now, the popular. question is:When can they come again?

    VoL XIII, Number 4

    Next Tuesday will bring to aclose one of the quietest election POLLING PLACEScampaigns that Lower Merion, Nar- For the information of Nar-berth and many o th er s ectio ns o f berth' citizens, Our Town pub-Pennsylvani a have wi tnessed in a Iishes herewith the locat ion oflong time bu t despi te a ll t he l ack of the polling places in each of thethree voting districts:pre-election excitement there will be District No. l .-E 1111 Hall,one underlying feature which will Forest avenue. The Ordinance and Law Commit- Adolph Vogel, conductor of th einvite more that] 11sual interest from District No.2-Narberth Na- I tee of, t he Bor ough Council, o f M ' .. 1 B k E I am Lme Orchestra, announcedthe electorate. This will be the fate tIona an,' sscx avenue. which Councilman Kaeber is chair-District No. 3 ~ 0 y S c 0 u t . d C '1 . W d d yesterday that the first orchestralof Congressman William S . Y are, House,Elmwood avenue. man, an ounCI men' 00 anRepublican candidate fqr the Senate. Redifer are the other twomembers, concert of the season will be givenOfficers to be elected Tuesday at proposes to hold soon a publichear- on Sunday afternoon, Novemberthe general election

    m a d ~ to include the majority of Re- F. W. E. Stedem, local pharma- Yes, real chicken, with cream dress-publIcan votes to be turned over to dst, celebrated the .anniversary of ing, mashed potatoes and peas, celN ~ r b e r t h : s o n l y representative a t h alf a cen tury in t he drug business I ery, cranberry sauce, bread and butthIS electIon. the first of this month. It was on ter , cof fee and home-madeapple pie.For . a ft er all, p a r ~ i s a n s h i p does Octoher I. 1 8 7 ~ , t hat he commenced A rea l suppe r. Come eve rybody .not always sway the casting of t he h is l if ework. i n h is lwme town.Lo- Enjoy a good mea l and a p le as an tballot! ,gan,a. time. We will makeyou welcome.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 30, 1926











    Narberth 2201-W

    ........... , .......

    Miss Zentmayer'sKINDERGARTENOpened Octobeor 4th, 1926125 Windsor Avenue, Narberth

    243 Haverford Ave.

    . Everyone i s l ike ly t o be s kept ic al o f t he promIses th e coal dealer. makes, fo r so o f te n t h roughr ea son s he c anno t p r even t, deliveries a re n ot madeat just th e time promised.. We feel th:;tt wi th ou r increased trucking facili-be s a!1d th e tIme we used to devote to building

    m a t e ~ l al s n ow c on ce nt ra te d u po n coal w e h aveperfected our organiza tion to th e exten't of beingable to keep all promises.Th e rUelh o f th e p ast few days occasioned byt h sudden a p p e a r ~ n c e of cold weat her ha s p rovedthIS to us. I f you WIll ca ll u s th e next t ime you wantcoal, n ~ m e t he day you want i t, we shall be g la d toprove It to you. .

    NARBERTHCOAL COMPANYTelephone, Narberth 375


    J.. A. .MILLER

    ~ : - - ..You Will Get Your CoalWhen Promised


    Order your pumpkin pie now. Good oldfashioned pumpkin pie-,-the kind thatmother used to make.


    Look us up in o ur n ew permanent quarters-a modern, completely equipped structure-the finestRoofing an d Sheet-Metal Headquarters in th e MainL i ~ e ,District. More room, a bright, airy, two-storybUIldIng, adequate equipment-all will assure y ou o fth'e most pleasing kind of work an d SERVICE.REMEMBER-'Phone us for roofing, sheetmetal. work, heater an d range installation and repairs,spoutIng, gutters, etc. Also for relining of refrigerators, manufacture and repairs to skylights, cornices,etc.

    111. Forest Avenue, Narberth :: Phone, Narberth 384

    We've Lelt OUT Old Home at Last!


    E. J. NEIGER



    Piano TeacherMISS MARIE MIESEN

    Studio at158 MERION AVENUENarberth, Pa.Phone Narberth 1673-M

    ConlTocloT & Builder

    FANNY H. LOOSPiano TeacherStudio Over Garage at417 HAVERFORD AVENUET E L E P ~ O N E : NARBERTH


    CHARLES-F. EBERTJobbinB. OF ALL KINDS103 Dudley AvenuePhOlle: NARBERTB222t



    THE NOOK104 Forest Ave., NarberthBasement

    Ar t needlework. infants' andchildren's wear, lingerie andhos:ery. .Opens Tuesday, October 26.


    General ContractorJubblng a SpecialtyOVERBROOK HARDWARECOMPANY

    6227 Lancaster AvenueOverbrook 5106

    The Gift Shop Of Na1'berthExclusive Importa.tions fromEurope;Apropos of the Gif t Season.Stunning New Creations f rom"Everywhere."Order your Chl 'istmas Cardsnow, while selectionsare complete.

    104 ForealAve.Open FrirUL1/ Evening

    HOWARD C. FRITSCHJustice of the PeaceREAL ESTATE

    Fire Insurance-Best CompaniesPhone 1749W 215 Haverford Ave.

    You'll need meTry rne

    .Light hauling of ~ 1 kindS..Local and o u t ~ o f ~ t o w n .CHAS. B. WAFER111 N. Narberth Avenue


    8J',,,"ING MACHINES-All mnkl'6 ri! 'p"i1'I'(1. I. 1)(1111 ul10wlluees on olel machine, I'llI' HC\\' Sill!:el. Phone Mel'ion1458i\I. (tf.) I ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    '1'01111 571 700 -672~ n ; T H ( ) n r S T ~ I F J T E O R S ..I1.,,,t. Secolld. Third.~ J r n . Jel lkln. . 100 108 1;)11Rllen('er . 1()() 7;) , ~ ~ ' J ~ g '::::::::::::::'.:: l ~ Hil 1 ~ It. S m e d l e ~ ' .. , 81() R. Smith " 141EI. Jenkin. . 1411 13;;

    W,\."IITED-YoUllg girl to assist ing'tIJernl hOIUle\\ork. Phone Narberth1 ~ i j l l W .YOl.":I ' G ' " ". - G " , - I " " R ; ; : - L ; : - - - : ; ; W ; ; - A N ~ ; : ; T ; ; E ; ; D ~ ~ F . - - o - r - g - e - n i2li eral h l J I I ~ w o r k from 9 to 7. No ehi l-

    ] 'olnl. . . . . . . . . . . 692 617 ! j 8 ~ drell. Phonc l\Ierioll 1073 before 10.r,UTBEHA:-: J i J i ' ! ' ; 1 ~ S e c o l l d . Third. 11-13-26WI::;;:,lt .::::::::::::::::: U , ~ l ~ T .Ji FOR REJ'o."l'-Furnished room, cheer

    N ~ ~ ~ [ . ~ t ~ o ; . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : m ~ ? r . m fill. sunny. With or without mcals.Wei , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 1 3 1 ~ ; ~ Merion 1220-\V.Abert , 1.,. FOR S:\LE--Two .iron beds and

    TOllll'i.'liESiiYl:tJiiiAX 7 ~ ) ' t . B o 7 ~ ~ . 0;;4 ; ; p r i l J ~ " , . 117 Chestnut aveuue. PhonePlrsl. 8eeoll(l. Third. : \ " l \ l ' h ~ I ' r h :170-.T. 11-13-26

    ~ : l : ; ' ~ l ' :::::::::::::::::: ~ t IgJ ii-i filR S : \ L l < ~ K i t e h e l l gas r ange, f our~ ; ~ \ \ \ ~ :. :: . ::: ..:m m IAA !I II 1'1IlIS. high o \'en . In good condition.~ l l l l ' X I , " , , 1 I . . 1;;1 l ~ 1:!4 HI:ISIJIl:lhlt, J l l ' i ( ~ e to quick bu) e l . PhoneWOllver 7\1 ;\"ar!lclth l ( ) : ~ O .l.

    \ V A X 1 ' F : n - ( ; n r a ~ e Ill'ur COUWIl)' lIudPI'jel' :In,''.... Ad,lr":'8 "n:' cure of 0111'Town.

    . ' O l ~ RENT-In attractive home. oueor two r/lOUls lind private bath, FUIuished or unfurnished. Phone Narberth 17a7W. 10-30-26\VANTED-Small fnmily wash to tukl'home. Api lly H, earl' of OUI Town.10-30-26

    the disabled plane w as a bo ut to WILL HOLD HEARINGmake a forced landing, the pilot ON SHINGLE ROOFINGdiscovered th e broad fields of th e ~ O N ' r I N U E D FROM THE P ' 1 R ~ T PAlHRoberts estate. CONTINUED FROM THE FIRST PAGE Main Line Citizens' Association wishA perfect l an di ng was mad e. C '1 h h to s tate that the. organization in theounCI .t at t ere was no gener al pas t yea r has been able to mee t in anNot even a foot of th e s od o n the feeling of opposition to .the p ro- adequate way the current needs of thealfalfa field that surrounds the tall posed ordinance. community. The visiting nurses havebrick tower of t he es ta t e was torn If ' been able to.answer all calls receivedn the case 0 s ever al other ordl- -for care dur ing the year and from theup. nances affecting properties, inci- tentative budget a p p r o v ~ d by the Fed-The two companion planes, still dents have developed in which the ~ r a t i o n for the y ~ a r 1927, it is hoped toin attendance, glided onto the field property owners were later very Increase the servIce to meet the growthI h d th d' bl d b b . k h bl d b h . . f or the commumty.Je 10 e l s a e am er, ptC - muc trou e y t e r estrIctIons 0 It h b b ht t th tt t'd 't d h d ff h d' d h .. d' 1 ~ as een roug 0 e a en Ione up I s crew an oppe 0 t e or mance an ~ v In . lg na nt y o f t he Main Line Citizens' Associationa ga in f or the Philadelphia Navy protes ted to CounCil, saymg that that a repor t has been circulated thatYard, whe re t hey a re s ta ti on ed . they had had no oppor tun ity to the Welfare Federation of PhiladelLower .Mer ion Townsh ip police know of the passage o f s uch an or- ph ia, of which the association is awer e a sk ed t o place a guar.d overIdinance. This public hear ing will member agency, would n.ot allow therequest of the association for an in-the cr ippled plane. . be the opportunity for everyone to creased budget to provide additionalappear and express an opinion. nursing facil it ies.BATTLERS TIE LIONS The reason for the proposal to There is always the opportunity forthe expansion of any work, and whileOn Friday evening , October 22 , pas s such an ordinance is that the this association did not receive las tthe Presbyterian Pilots met the Bap- ord inance would be the fina l s tep yea r the maximum asked for; they didtist Boosters and each team won a r equi re d by the Fire Underwriters' receive sufficient additional funds toA . . b f h' enable them to carryon the work ofgame. The first game was f or fe it - ssocmtlOn y mean s 0 w Ich t he t he visiting nurses, so that in no caseed to the Boosters , due to the f ac t fi re insur ance r ates ~ o the borough were the needs of t he communitythat the Pilots were late coming on of Narberth could be considerably neglected. Every call which has beendeck. reduced. The borough is now r ated rcccived a t headquarters has beenf fi . . Cl answer ed , and the Main Line Cit izens'The Baptist Battlers fought their or Ire ~ n s u r ~ n c e p ~ r p o s e s 111 ass Association not only feels that they areway toa t ie with the Lutheran Lions D.alld If tillS ordmanceJ together g-etting the heartiest cooperation fromwhen, on Monday night , they cap- WIth other .measur es whI ch have the Welf ar e Federa tion of Philade1tured three gam.es fr0111 th.e Meth- been taken 111 the past, were adopt - phia, and have been re lieved of thed I b h ld b d d drudgery of raising funds, but iireodist Marathons. e , tI e oroug wot! e a v anc e ent husiastical ly support ing in everyThe p re vi ou s h igh s co re f or t he t o Cl ass B or Class A for fi re i n- way in their power, the campaign forseason was shattered when H. T. surance puqloses. next year's funds..Smedley , cap ta in of the Bat tl er s, The actual saving in dollars an.d ALFRED COLLINS MAULE,h Secretary.battered down 198 pins in h is thi rd c e n t ~ per year on t. e average ~ e s l -game Monday evening. dentlal property fire lllsurance mIghtScores, October 22: ~ I o t be great, b ~ the aggregate sav-

    l ' R F . S l I Y T I ~ R l A X I'IT.OTS. mg for the ent Ir e borough would beW,xxl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HI; S:! large and the indirect benefits of en-1,lll1e 173 176 I I fi'Mn.on 143 123 JOY111g t Ie ower re 1I1surance rat-I . " " ~ h In ISS 94 tl M ' L' II Il l I ! l , ~ C 1 1 1 1 i ~ " : : : : :: : .. : : .. : :: : : :: ? ~ m lIlg on Ie 1 am me wou ( Je

    l lAP' l ' ll ' r r 1 I0oS'mIlS. many.W M I I \ ~ ~ ~ ~ n '::'.::::'.:::::::::: ::: jU l Y Thi s s ame o rd in ance c ame to a\Vlolherbec , Iii) 146 vote before th e fo rme r CouncilFnlllller l:!S 114 ,[ ) " ~ h ' n ., . ~ ; r . ! g more t ha n a yea r ago, and was de-

    ~ ~ : ~ ' : ' ~ ~ ; I ; ' : .i t ; ; f ~ i i ~ c i ' i ~ ii,;,' n ~ ~ ' l ( ' l " ~ ' feated a t t ha t time by a 4 to 3 vote.The members of the present Council are open-minded with referencen to it, and wil l be greCl.tly influencedm by whatever express ions of publicgri opinion fire brought out at the pub- Phonelic hearing or otherwise.The date o f t he hearing will soonbe announced.

    H ( ~ o n ! ! ' O . October 25I1APTIST RAl"!LF. liS.Yleho!Roll 1,,6 13:;;Y"rn ~ ~ ' ~ ' : ( ~ I . " : \ " m mKeirn . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 167 169II '1'. S n l l ' ( l I e ~ ' 157 167'l"t"I. . 148 747~ l 1 . ; ' l ' H O J ) [ S T MARA'l'HONS.

    C Jenkl". .. 140 146 121)l f ~ 1 ~ ~ 4 ~ l l o r ' .: :::: ::::: :::::::::: ~ ~ l ~ .S7Wnke II I is:! ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ : ~ ::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ ~ 1)6 14 'Tn!lIl. .. 657 u67 i ; J ~ RECITAL PLEASED

    STAND1:-:n lH' THE TF.AMS. The o rg an recital held in theWon. [,,,,t. }' (. Baptist Church of t he Evang el

    f l : : : , l l f ~ t I J l J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " .:::::::::::::::: g J : ~ i l i { Thursday evening 'pleased an ap-} ; ~ ' : ; 1 ; ~ - : e l ~ : I ~ e ~ ~ I ~ ! . ". . : : : : : : : : : : : :: : ~ ~ : '-reciati\'e audience. I t consisted~ } : : : : : ~ : l l ~ i ~ l ~ , ~ ~ ' ~ ' .::::::::::::: 1 : ~ ~ ~ of a religious-classical programP r e " b ~ ' I f ! r 1 n n P"p n o ~ ' " 1 5 .106 i n two parts.There will be a change in the Mr. Chester H. Norton, churchschedule for Monday, November J. organist , and Miss Ruth ~ , r c c o ~The Presbyter ian P ilot s wil l bowl nel l, soprano of the B a p t i ~ tthe Baptist Battlers instead of the Church Quartet , were th e featurLutheran Lions. eel artists. The program inc1ud-November 5 will be Baptist ed the wor k o f m as te rs s uc h asnight. When the Battlers battle and Saint-Saens, Haydn, Dvorak, Borthe Boosters boost, what will be t he ows ki , Mendelssohn. Nevin, ands core? Come and see. Boellman, and was well render-Las. t week' s scores wer e omi ttedIcd.fr0111 Ou r Town. They were a s RUGGIERI.BERNARDOfollows: A . I' b . d~ 1 E T H O D I R T ~ I E T E O R l l . marriage Icense was 0 t ame

    C I,.Jf!"kln nw t . Se ' i ' ! l t ' l ' h ~ 1 o in Norristown this week for Emi-t ~ h f l ~ :::::::::::::::::: 1 ~ mm dio Ruggieri, Narberth, and Lillian~ 1 1 : W : e ~ . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : l:g ii6 l P . ~ Bernardo, West Manayunk.!lh.ke " 121

    Tntlli !jll 6lflRUMMAGE SALE THURSDAYDon't forget the Rummage Salegiven by t he Evangel Ci rcl e ofKing's Daughters. Kindly calt Mrs.

    Fred Derby, Narberth 386-R, orMrs. Taylor Darlington, Narberth16S2-W. They will arrange to callfor goods not later than Thursdaymorning, the 4th.SOUR KROUT SUPPER

    The annual Sour Krout Supperoffered Narberth by its Lutheranswill be held at the Lutheran ChurchThursday evening, November 18.Tickets are announced at 6S cents.

    MOmER8--Plaee your ehildren undercompetent supervision while away fOI' theday. For information addresa NarberthDar Nursery, Mrs. Howard White, !il lS .BI'ookhurst avenue. Narberth 1736-W. tf.LIGHT HAULING of all kinde, loenlIn st ead o f candy, make sweets or out of town. Quick and effieient ser\.to tuck in the school lunch boxes iee. Sabie Censore, 241 Hampden aveby grinding together in th e m ea t Due, Narberth. Phone Narberth 1773-W.cho pp er o ne p ou nd of figs, one (1. f.)pound o f d ri ed p runes or seedless POOL T A B ~ F o r sa le . M ust be.. ( b ) sold before November 5. Best offer takesralsms or oth , ~ l 1 d one. pound it. Phone Bryn Mawr 862. 11-6-26of n u t - m e a t ~ . MIX thoroughly, FOR RENT-Garage spaee for one1'011 ou t untt! abo ut h al f an inch car. 516 Essex R\enue. Phone Narberththick C?n a , boa rd d redg ed w it h 2686. . 11-6-26

    confectIoner s sugar, and cu t i n to FOR SALE-Floor lamp, plain parchsmall pieces. Or make into balls ment shade, color seheme COld, brown audrolled in the sugar Wrap in p a r ~ tan, Yl'ar old: Mahogany mantel clock,ffi t k . pt'rfeet condition. Narberth 2592-R.a n paper 0 eep. . 11-6-26T . LOST-Neal" Wbite's Sweet. Shop,his is your paper, and you r ad- bracelet. illlver and. blue. BtoneS. $5. reovice is appreciated.' . ward. Phone Narberth 840.

    PHILIP ATLEIl LIVINGSTONEditor and PubllaherTHO&IAS A. ELLWOO.Business Manager

    Saturday, October 30, 1926


    Owned by the Narberth Civic Association.l)ubllshed every Saturday at Narberth, Pa.


    SUBSCRIPTION PRICROoe Dollar and F1ft3 Cents Per Year IJa A4 _

    Ent er ed ae cond c ia mattu. O

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 30, 1926




    Phone Narberth 672

    Half-acre. Five bed-rooms and 3 baths.All stone construction.

    English Type HouseFo r Sale

    GEORGE R. MARKLEBuilde1'

    National Bank BuildingN;\RBERTH 2287

    arberth Taxi Cab Co.Walter RoserDonGE REDANS FOR HIREBY THE HOUR OR DAYOffice: 2Ui H ....erford Ave.

    LOOK LIKE NEW3oz. Trial Size50c; ~ - p i n t $1.00;Pint $1.65See DemonstntionE. J. Lyons: H. Ricklin

    H. F. CotterA. R. JlIStlce Co., 90-& Walnut St,'Philadelphia

    SILVER on Worn, Brassy Parts, Re-flectors, Radiators. Bathroom Faucets, etc., so that they

    Open Friday Eveninus-7 until 9

    Not So Far Away At That!


    fJSidence. Station,'arberth 1731 Narberth 1 7 1 3 ~ WBaggage Callerl for lind DeZi-v6recl108 CONWAl' AVENUE l I iAKUEKT&,

    TWO months ,we will be searching,theStores for Gifts for the folks at home andto be sent far away. Also we wil l be searching for t he funds to meet this sudden drainupon the family exchequer.What a surpr ise, then , to receive a fat check inDecember, representing a year's saving in the Narberth National Bank Christmas Club, plus generousinterest. Truly, the receipt of such a check may becounted among the "Kicks" of Life.


    It always pays to advertise.


    Department StoreVincent Mariani's

    Narberth,230 Haverford Ave.

    IA Contest

    . ': " ":oT'":",, ;:':,.::OUR" ,OWN

    With each pair of Cadet children's stockings purchased in this storewe will give a numbered ticket. One numbered ticket with eachpair of hose. A drawing will be h el d i n thisstore on Wednesday, December 15, and thelucky numberwill be drawn on that date. Theholder of the ticket carrying the lucky' numberwill be allowed to buy for only One DollarA Real Movie Camera and Projector

    The complete outfit consists of a motion picturecamera, projector and one roll of negative film. worthSixty Dollars.

    CADET HOSIERY for men, women and children, is wool, scienti fically strengthened and reinforced. Beaut iful , f ine ribbed, fast color, a ll weights,50c to $1.50 per pair. Rip proof and Rub proof.They give the u tmos t economy because they wearLongest. Money-back Guarantee.

    109 Dudley Avenue, Narberth

    'Phone, Narberth 1254




    Candidate for Representative tothe General Assembly on theDemocratic ticket. Your Vote andInfluence Is Earnestly Requested.

    r r E X E R C i s E ' A N ' D " p L A Y A T ' T H E , y : n M ~ C : A. B r y n M a U J r H o s p i t a l ~ n A p p r o r J e c lVot er s o f t he First District I Regular. systematic exercise in the Y. M. C.' A. Gymnasium List 01 the College 01 S ~ r g e o n s

    (Upper Merion, Loww Merion, ! followed by a warm showerand a plunge inthe pool will keep you CHICKEN TH EVEB1'idgeport, West Conshohocken and physically fit for the strenuous days ahead. , ,I S The. Bryn Mawr Hospi ta l wasNarberth) !' Join a class in Calisthenics; play Volley Ball, Indoor Baseball one of many medical institutionsi or Basketball, as you like. Still ~ u s y In Lower' Merion-Glad-, praised by D r Franklin H. Martin,_ = ~ , Enjoy the other features, too-Billiards,'Bowling,,Circulating wyne Man Gets Warrant When Director General ,of ' the American! Library and Reading Room, Dormitories, Clubs, Good Fellowship. T ~ e n t y . t w o Go. , ,Cpl lege of Surgeons, in an addressEDWARD S. HAWS iii FOR MEN-WOMEN-BOY8-GIRLS !forse .thleves a ~ e . gone. 'but before one o f t he largest assembliesi Main Line Christian Association ofthe Y. M. C.A. c l l l c ~ e n thIeves are s t I ~ 1 busy 10 e x of surgeons arid hospital people on! 116 West Lancaster Avenue, A r d m o r e ~ l ~ . s I v e Lower Menon suburbs . ~ ~ c o r d , at the Hospital Standardiza-The Millinery Class Meets Every Thursday at 9.80 A. M. v\ Itlless the fac t t ha t on. Tuesday t I o n C o n f e r e n c ~ of the Clinical Con-....._ . .. .. .111.....1.1.."."1".".'..11111."."."."."111...."...".1I.II.nlll.........III ....II.II.llill.n...n_n .. J a ~ e s B U l ~ o c k , 231,Levenck street, gress of AmerIcan College o f Sur -, . Philadelphia, was arrested on the g eons which opened Tue sd ay incharge of purloining chickens from Montreal.Thomas C. Murray in Gladwyne. "The American CoIlege of Sur-.When Mr .. ~ u r r a y found 22 of geons greatly appreciates this oppor-Ius pullets mISSing, he swore out a tuni ty of offic ially present ing to the

    , ~ a r r a I ~ t for. Bullock 0I?- informa- people of t he Unit ed, S ta te s andtIon gIVen h im by a neighbor . It Canada the l is t of approved hoswas .served by ~ f f i c e r B rown : pitals o f thirty-five beds an d over ,"Given a heanng by Magis trat e Dr. Mar ti n s ta ted. "These hospi ta lsK ~ o m e r , ~ u ! l o c k was hel d in $500 have adopted the fundamental rebail for Clmmal court. quirements for the right care of thepat ient and the broadest commu-

    FINED FOR PARKING nity service, as provided for in t heJ? S. T ~ o r p e , 5012 Penn stree t, min imum standard requi rement sP l l l l ~ d e l p h I a , was f i n ~ d Tuesday.by laid down by the American CollegeSqUIre Kromer for Illegal parkIllg of Sur-geons, an international oron . Ardmore a v e n u ~ , Ardmo.re. g ~ I ? - i z a t i o n charged with the responPolice.have ~ e e n makl?g an a c t I v ~ slbllity of t he great movement~ a m p a l & , n . agamst motOrists whopark known as hospital standardization.111 prohIbited areas on Ardmore and "The r ight care of . the pat ientC.ncket avenues, and the number of comes first in every hospi ta l. Years\'lOlators have decreased markedly. of i nves ti ga ti on and s tudy has. proved to the American College of

    OLD FOLKS CELEBRATE Isurgeons that th is can on ly be a s-A I - ~ a l l o w e ' e n party for t he old sured through the accep tance andfolks, Inmate.s of the Presbyterian carrying out of the principles as laidHome on CIty avenue, Bal a, was down in Hospi ta l S tandardi za ti on ,given there Monday evening. Miss~ a r \ ' e r , a d irec to r a t t he home, was One of the easiest ways of pre -111 charge. paringegg-plant is to cut i t in halflengthwise and bake it with baconlaid in s t rips over the top.

    Automatic StorageGASWater Heaters

    Bryn'Mawr 327


    Le t us show you how i t keepsa tank full of Hot Water without any attention.Th e HOTZONE heats waterin the most economical way.

    We Gall fo r and Deliver

    When Dissatisfied TryHEWIT'S


    Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers

    Ardmore 17

    Hallowe'en Party

    We have planned a number of special bakeditems for Hallowe'en parties. Novelty cakesfor grownups as well a s for the children.Order today to be certain you will get whatyou need.Special line of Hallowe'en candies has beenprepared for the occasion.

    Once you give an Automatic Storage Heateran opportunity to prove its merits you can bidfarewell to water heating troubles. Let us tellyou about the

    A TrialWill Convince

    234 Haverford Avenue

    219 Haverford Avenue-Phone Narberth 1705WHITE'S SWEET SHOP

    PRICE, INSTALLED (20-GAL. SIZE), $90$7.50 Down and a Year to Pay


    O O = = = = = O Q = = = = = ~ = = = = Q Q = = ~ = = = = = = = ~= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ = = = = ~ = = = = = = = = =



    : ~ ; : i ! t I : ' 1 ; ; ; t , : r , t r t ' ~ ~ ~ r : ; J ~ i r ' ; : : t ; ' ~ : ' : : , : . : ' ; ' : 1 : ' : ; : i " : " ; ; ; r 0 % i ~ f : ; ~ ! ; : ! f i \ ~ ! \ \ ~ : ,

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 30, 1926






    , .

    Pitti lnq'WaterBeatersCOOK BROS.

    Making Life HarderMaking Life HarderYou're doing it if you still get hot water froma teakett le for bathing , d ishwashing and all o therhousehold uses. You can easily get rid of all thatinconvenience by installing a water heater.With the many sty les of modern water heaters available, everyone can have hot water, pipeddi rectl y to every place i t' s needed-supplied at afaucet's turn-for much less money than is 'spentfor many unnecessary things.Abundant hot water means bathing and shaving without waiting. Housecleaning is done quicker.Steaming hot water for dishwashing makes dishesalmost self-drying.Don 't continue doing without a modern waterheater without first investigating its low operatingcost. Drop inand see the variety of water heatersyou have to select from.

    Plumbing : Heating : Roofing : Radiator& FenderWork104 ESSEX AVENUE NARBERTH 1752


    AUYSmedleyBuilt Home

    fo, the Safe Keep;". ofI

    For PermanentSatisfaction

    WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY


    In -.West

    BondsStocksWillDeedJewelryValuable Papers




    Have you taken every precautionyour valuables:

    Far too many persons a re not careful enough of their valuables as witnessed by the daily news items of losses.

    In this entirely modern banking bui ld ing i t is but naturalt ha t a modern safe deposit vault is maintained for the convenience of the community. These vaults are equipped with themost up-to-date burglar and riot protection,

    - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- -Shopoherec

    STEWART ELI,C,TED ~ e s p i t e the return of i ts luminary, game with the ball on Wes t C h e s - I = = = = = = = = = = ~ ; ; = = = = = ~ = = : 7 = ~ ~ = = = ~ = = ~ = = ~Jerry H a r m ~ n " a t the hands of the ter's one-yard line.CLASS PRESIDENT ~ o w e r Menon eleven. H armon, West Chester pIa edthe best, pIcked for All-Suburban f u l l - b ~ c k game of the seaso;,aga in st the. . . honors last. year, has been suffermg Lower Merion e leven. Wet weatherL. M. ' ~ - h g h Seniors P I C ~ Old f;0111 an mfec.ted hand and arm mud and a sad field, and the r e t u r ~JUnIor Leader and Gnd S111ce the opemng of t he current o f \Nest Chester 's luminan r Jer ryCa " season, and last Saturday's fray was er d h '1 -J' .ptam. tl fi t ' I' h h hied harmon, counte eavI y agalOstle rs 111 w HC e as p ay . U d Wh' I. Ernie Mandes, Sophomore back the ~ v . L a r o o n an Ite. Clearly, a ITEAM WINS MUD FIGHT and brother of Lou Mandes, of last the.breaks went to West Chester.year's L. M. team, proved the stellar ,1 ~ ) 1 n o r r w , O c ~ o b e r 30, LowerWendell B. Stewart , of Cynwyd, mud horse of the day, flashing un- Menon meets A}311lgton on the Ard captain of the Lower Merion High l1sual form with his spectacular runs more field. Abl11.gton, thus far un-through the v ir tual s ea of mud defea ted, and usmg a n e , ~ systemfootball team, was elected president caused by ra in. E rni e, s houl d he of p l ~ y - o n e of many shI fts a ndof the senior class of the high school continue his good work looks lil'e a deceptIve bucks-should afford anFriday morning following a nomi- sure comer of the f u t u r ~ . fi interesting game to the spectators.nation meeting at morning assembly J. Miller Acting Captain. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~exercises. He was president of theJu ni or Class last year and was the Ja ck Miller, ve rsa til e Mer iononly one of the third year leaders back, kept up his fine ploughing andb t d to leadership this d ~ d g i n g and wit h Mandes ma.deto e re urne tlungs hum throughout the entIre

    yeStewartis a lso p resident of the c lash. " Jake" r e g i s ~ e r e d a touchHi-Y Club and las t year won hi s down, acted as. cap tam, and botedI tl t I- teanl He reg- two ext ra pomts a cross, beSIdes,etters on le rae ~ I . I f l ' 1' h, d . t f t1 sf\uad in J'ump l11a {mg an ee out 0 umse 111 t eIstere pom s or le l11ud. "Matt " Mi lle r, hi s b ra t ,.erc.vents. d' h d ' h .The o ther of ficers elec ted by the an varsI ty cent re , s are !n t C VIC-. V'c PI-es'I'dellt Jos tory on defense and offenSIVe, crack-..,el11ors were I e - . \iH C f . bl ~ p h i n e Landis, Se cr eta ry Rut h lI1g up 'vest hes te r o rmat tons e-Caldwell and Tr easur er James ffore they had much o f a chance toK . or111.ntpe. . I W C fHi.Y Club Meets. 'iVhlie t le est hester rayThe former officers of the Class proved an off-day for the Ardmoreof '27 in i ts Junior year were Presi- eleven; not one first down was madedent W. B. Stewart, Vice President by . \\ est Chestc,: t h r o ~ ~ h o u t theDorothy Green, Secretary Gladys entlre contest. 1 he spmts of ~ h D utle and 'l'reasurer Francis Shoe- home eleven seemed dampened WIth\ the wet weather and fumbles weremaR:rph Gleaton, former Southern prevalent in ~ h first I;alf. The M e ~ football p layer and graduate of the l?n a g g r ~ g a t l o n c e r t a t ~ l y lost theil'Yale Divinity School, was the guest t it le as ball hawks, for e v ~ r yof the Lower Merion Hi -Y Club fumble was recovered by t .he 21ml as t Thu rsday evening a t i ts f ir st m e r l 1 1 ~ n eleven. No s ~ o r t n g wasd inner meeting o f the season. Mr. done 111 the first half, 1 ~ gely due toGleaton, s tudent secretary of the the fumbles of the Menon backs.Philadelphia and vicinity Y, M. C. Score in Third Period"A.'s, took as the theme of his Between halves t he Adam Jugge rspeech the wrestling match between nauts woke up. T h e ~ . M .. menJacob and a taunting stranger. came ~ l 1 t on the field WIth a .dlffer-'The new business of the year was ent attItude and l?romptly.reglste.redbrought before the club by Mr. two touchdowns.111 the thll-d penod.Edwin D. Peake Secre ta ry o f Hi- A fumble agam thr ew ano the rY Clubs of Philade1phia. - Lower Merion c h a l ~ c e to the w i ~ l d s .West Chester High received a 14- In the fourth penod two d ~ ' l v e s setback in football, at West down the field r ~ s u l t e d , one II I aChester, las t Saturday afternoon, fumble, the other 111 the end o f the





    Sporting Goods



    Stationers,___OHice SuppliesSCHOOL SUPPLIESIt's real fun buying school supplieshere because we have such a bigassortment and such low prices. And,besides, you get personal and courteous attention. Come and get ac quainted.DieckhausThe West Philadeiphia StationerWholesalf:\ and Retai l210 South 52d St.

    Open Every E"cnlngTea, CoHee and SpicesViqueira & GuerinCOFFEEDirect from Plantation to You

    FltESII ItOASTEU DAIISTEAS and SPICES:IS N, 112tl S'I'. Allegheny 8128

    ) ''ree Delivery

    PHILIP H.WEISSDiamonds, Watches, JcwelryCIIBONonETERCLOOK AND WATCUnAKERAll Kinds of A m ~ r l c n l l IIntl Swiss W a t e h ~ snne) Clacks Repnlred.6148 Market Street .Phone Granite 8624

    and Opticians

    Sma rt Frocksnt

    Rensonable Prices


    L ~ $ N41 NORTH 5 2 ~ P STREET


    Opon T ne s. n nd Fri. Eves.. 7 until 0


    Radios and E,quipment

    112d a nd Che st nu t S ts ."romen'H nntl Misses' Weur lng ApparelSberwood 8lI6t

    Ladies' Wearing Apparel

    27 and 29 S. 52d St.ShClWOO

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 30, 1926


    Mrs. Josephine Bacon has takena new home at 157 Merion avenue.He r daugh te r, Ernes tine , i s well known as a r ad io s inger.A ss is ta nt P os tmas te r Wal la ceGoodwin with Mrs. Goodwin leftSaturday to spend two weeks at hisfonner home in Col umbia, Pa .While there he-plans to try his luckat du ck sh oot ing a lo ng t he Sus-quehanna. .Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dixon havepurchased a new home at 517Wynnewood avenue , Mer io n, onthe borders of the borough.Mrs. E. C. Batchelor was electeda di re ct or of t he Mon tgomeryCounty League o f Women Votersat Norristown last Thursday.Th e home at 31 I Price avenue ~ e cently vacated by Mr. 'vV. H. Hunthas been purchased by Mr. and Mrs.Cowling . who have moved to theborough.GAVE HALLOWE'EN PARTYMiss Mary O'Brien, 326 Woodbine avenue, enter tained a Hallowe'en party at her home on Saturdayevening, the 23d.The invited guests were: MissesMary Lvons , Mar is Moo re , Oakmont ; Mary Feeney, Kathryn andMary Lewes, Bryn Mawr; MaeWeiss, Wildwood; Jane Harrison,Ruth Gowen, Overbrook; Peg Mulligan, Sarah Burgess, Hel en andKathleen Neuberg, Nar be rt h. TheMessrs. Charles Hacket, BarneyJack solJ. Ber t Hanse l, Oakmont;Joe McLaughlin, Philadelphia;

    Hennan Ball, Joe Dougher ty , Cynwyd; jack Sellers, Carl Wilson, BillRinehart, Overbrook; Alan Lewis,B ry n Mawr , J immy a nd A nd rewSmy the, Narberth, and GeorgeWitte.PROBATE DIAMOND WILLThe willof John S. Diamond, lateof Narberth , was probated in Norristown, Wednesday. It disposesof an estate valued at $3900, ofwhich is g iven n ine- tenths . to hisfour unmarried daughters in trqual.shares and the remaining one-tentht o h is married daughter.William E. Wat er s is named asexecutrix of the will, which was executed July 18, 1926. .MAJOR WALSH ON DUTY. Major Charles Edward Walsh,of Narberth Corps of Engineer-Re:.s erves, i s o rder ed by the Presidentto report for duty November 7 atPhi lade lphia to the eng ineer pro:curement district Jo r t ra in ing, i t i s

    announced by theWa r Department.Major Walsh will be relieved fromduty in t ime to a llow him .to return

    Ito h is home on November 13,' atwhich time he will revert to inac..tive status. .



    DON'T SHOOTIHunting season is upon us. Soonmany Narberthites with rifles willbe ranging the woods.But fi rst r ead these excerptsf rom a bo rough ordinance, and1l:eep guns silent within the town'sboundaries:"All persons are prohibited fromfiring any guns, pistols, rifles orother firearms when in the boroughlimits, under penalty of Ten Dollars ($10.00) f or each and everyoffense, one,half of the penalty tobe paid to the informer."No person shall hunt o r killany song or o ther bi rds, nor destroy their nestst nor hun t o r kil lany rabbit. sqUirrel or opossum,utl der pena lt y of Ten Dollar!!($10.00) .for every offense, one-balfthe penalty to be paid to the informer. " .

    Their watchword has been. the key-I. FIRESIDEnote sounded by Mrs. Dobson Alte- _ .- '-m u Eastman, pr";dent of P e n ~ s y l - Mr. and M",. Rkhard Lynn MiII-y ama C:ouncd o f . Repubhcan er, II Shi.rley road, are receivingWomen , m her campaIgn speeches congratulatIOns on t he b ir th of an a m ~ l y : ".The t ime t? fig.h t over baby girl , Sunday, the 24th. BarcandIdates IS at the \ lnmanes. A t b ar a Nelms Mil le r i s he r name.the general election every Republi- Mr. a nd Mr s. J. Russell ;Breitc an s hou ld s up po rt th e whole inger, of Avon road r eceived con -ticket." gratulations S a t u r d ~ y th e 16th-Get-togethers .of Republican a daughter also. 'workers were held th is week in vari- Mr. and Mrs . Wil liam W. Deaous par ts o f the c o u n ~ y . Yes .terday can , 303 Chestnu t avenue, con tr ithere was a luncheon 111 NOrrIstown buted a boy to Narberth Saturday,~ o the Mon!gomery County Repub- the 16th. His n ame i s Dav id Deahcan CommIttee. It was a ttended conby the committee men and women M' Cfrom the 16districts in Lower Mer- rs. ha rl es H. Shaw, II 4 Avonion and Narberth. The candidates road, attended the annual fall lunch-

    h R bl' . k eon of the Mt. Holyoke Alumnaeon t e epu lean hc et appeared A . t' f Ph'l d I h' ha s s e akers SSOCIa Ion 0 1 a e p la, at t eL p . I' I . College Club in Philadelphia, lastast m g1t t 1 ere was a m ee tmg weekin the township buildi?g at A r ~ - M;s. Doughty, of Omaha, Neb.,more of t h Lower MerIon Repubh- was t he gue st last week of hercan C o m 1 1 1 I ~ t e e . R ~ p o : t s were heard daughter, Mrs. H. Gerald Venefr0111 the dtflent dlstncts. D li-, mann, of .Hampden avenue.

    The Lloyd B. Edgertons, of c07Che st nu t a venue , h av e returnedfrom a la-day trip to Ohio.Miss Mar io n Mul fo rd and hers is te r, Mrs , Dorothy M. Gou er t,formerly of Narberth, now of KewGardens , Long I sland, were t}teguests of Mrs. John C. Nash, ofWynnedale road, last week-end.Mi"s Edvthe iVfaguire. of 300Grayling avenue, entertained friendsf.f :>m Hemps tead , L . 1., ove r t hepf.st week-end.Miss Dorothy Obdyke, formerlyof Nar be rt h, wa s a gue st o f heraun t, Mrs . H. C. Gara, 404 SouthNarberth avenue, and h er cousins,Hi"" McGin ley and th e MissesGam, over t he week-end.Mr. and Mrs. Evan H. Street, ofKenilworth road, Merion, are entertain ing a party of 12 at a ma squerade tonight.Mr. Ralph S. Dun ne r et ur ne dTuesday from a week's business trip .to Detroit , Chicago and other cities.

    Se lect "A Tai lor Made Man" forTheir Next Offering.The B is hop Ken ri ck Coun ci lPlayers, Knights of Columbus, willpresent "A Tailor-Made Man" inSt. Colman's parish hall, Ardmore,Monday and Tuesday evenings, November I and 2. The p lay; a fou ract comedy full of wit and humor,was produced in Philadelphia seve ra l y ears ago with Grant Mitchellin the leading role, and befor e thaton Broadway. It promises to beone of t he be st s how s t he p la ye rshave ever given.In t he c as t are Mary Cooper,Margaret Corrigan, Mary Fi tzgerald, Margaret Smith , E lizabe thRogers, Margaret Sheehan, Ger trude Kelleher, Harry McAllister, J.Milton Rogers, Raymond Conners,John Thomas, James Maguire, JohnMcConaghy, J os ep h McCah an ,Dan ie l Magee , Patrick Dooley,James Oakley, James Magee, Edward Murphy, William Whelan,Frank Quinn, Thomas Kelly, Frederick Brandt, Robert Whelan, Edwar d Ke ll ehe r a nd Wil li am Mul lin.

    AN APOLOGYOur Town. w ishes to apo logizeto i ts re ade rs and t o C hr is Koch,for an error which appeared in itsissue of October 16. In an expression of regret at the dea th 'of Dr .Clarence 1'. Faries, which appearedi n. Mr. Koch 's advertising space,a compositor on Our Town's printing staffpermitted obviously out-ofplace business matter t o r emain.

    This was n ot a ut ho ri ze d by Mr.K.och ; th e f au lt i s Our Town's.REPORT TYPHOID CASEA very mild epidemic of whooping cough is reported in the township this week by the Lower MerionBoard of He al th. Te n of the I Incw contagious discase cases in thetownship are of this disease. Theother casc is one of typhoid fever.Barbara Vail. 11. of 344 Pennsireet. Wynnewood, is the victimof it.

    Announc eme nt was ma de t hi sweek of the appointment o f J amesM. Wark, OfII9 Elmwood avenue,to the pos..t of Republican Committeeman 0 f voting district number three (the south side.)Mr. "\lark succeeds J . B er tr amNesper, who resigned July 20, whenhe became Postmaster . The resignat ion, however, was not m adeknown until t hi s week, whe n theappointment was announced.

    "GOING TO THE DOGS":Montgomery county, along withthe rest of the S ta te , i s rapidly going to the dogs, according to thelatest dog license f igures from theState Bureau of Animal "Industry.Montgomery county had 14,790licensed dogs on September I, whileAllegheny led with 27,gSo, andCameron lagged with 390.


    IP. .,followe.d by the regular monthlybusl11ess meeting. .Tuesday, at 8 P. M., the regularmonthly meeting of the Sunday schoolboard.\ y e d n e s d ~ y , at 8 P. M., prayer andpraise serVice. The topic will be"Stewardship."T ~ Sunshine Bible Class will holda chicken supper at the church on Friday, November 5, from 5.30 to 8 P. M.Proceeds for the benefit of the buildingfund.The annual oyster s 'upper at theMethodist Episcopa l Home for theAged, at Belmont and Edgeley avenues, will be held on November 4, from1 to 6.30 P. M.



    Church NewB


    . 703 S. Bowman AvenuePHONE MERION 1088,,_tu JI'.mfalNl

    ra ra - M ~ G i n l e Y 10UI 218 N.la tj i S% Phiht:J

    R. S. TOUHILLE leclrical Contractor

    Plumbing, Gas Fittingand HeatingNARBERTH, PA.PHONE, NARBERTa J62-l\I


    Bring Baskets. At the Orchardon Skippack Pike, seven milesabove Fortside Inn.

    Announcesthe Formation of a Class inPiano Instruction

    Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.Rev. M. E. McLinn, Pastor.Regular services, October 31:Sunday school, 9.45 A. M.Preaching, 11 A. M.; "Forgiveness,Divine and Human.".Luther League, 7 P. M.Preaching, 7.45 P. M.; "The Spiritof the Reformation."In the absence of the pas to r, thesummer substitute will preach.A hearty welcome IAll Saints' Church.Wynnewood, Pa.Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector.8 A. M.-Holy communion,10 A. M.-Church school.11 A. M.-Morning prayer and sermon by the rector.

    'To Deum in G," by Calkin; anthem,"And I Saw Another Angel," by Stanford. Choir of 40 voices.

    The Presbyterian Church.Rev. J9hll Van Ness, M.A., Minister.Meetlllgs for October 31:9.30 A. M.-Bible school; all departments.10 A. M.-Men's Bible Class, in theH. C. Gara room, and the \Vomen'sBible Class, in the Session room. TheBaptist Church of t he Evangel. men will discuss the question "Is Dis-cipline Inconsistent \Vith Liberty?"Robert E. Keighton, Minister. 11 A. M.-Morning worship; sermonServices for week of October 31: theme, "The Anchor of Hope"-a mes-Sunday, October 31 - sage from the Medallion in the new9.45 A. M . - C h u ~ c h school.. imcmorial window.11 A. M.-MOflung worshIp. ~ ~ r - , 11 A. M.-'-Junior church for children~ l o n by. Rev. H a r ~ , y W. Rogge; tOPiC, "from 6 to 12 years.of age.The City of God. , . 'G.45 P. M.-SenlOr Endeavor meet-7 .P. ~ . - Y o u n g people s devotIonaling, led by James Hutchinson. Sub-serVlce'1II the c ~ u r c I . l parlor. . ject, "Missions."7.45"P. M.-lwe,nmg w ~ ; s l l l p . Ser- 7 P. M.-Junior Endeavor mccting.mon, Unmask at fwelve! Subject, "Missions."Monday, Novembt:r f- 7.45 P. M.-Evcning worship; ser-2.30 P. M.-LadlCs tea at the homc 1I10n themc "V\That the Biblc Teachesof Mrs. H. Boar1man Hopper, ~ 1 About H e a ~ e n . "Berkley road. IHerlOn .. Ple::sc notify Monday.",{l P . 11., Teachers' BibleMrs. Hopper of your 111tcntlOn to be Class, taught' by Miss Harrison.present. . V\Tednesday, 8 P. M., congregationalTuesday, Novembc . 2- prayer meeting; suhject, "The Life10.30 A. 1\l.-Whitc Cross ll1eeting \Vhich I Now Live,"in the church. Friday, R P. M ., mceting of thc Ses-\Vedncsday, November 3-:- sian. .. 3.30 P. 1L-The Crusaders. Next \Vedncsday, at 2.30 P . M. , the8 P. M.-Covenant prayer seryice,; r"7"ular.ll1?nthly mce!ing o the 'Nomtopic, "Courage Through Comll1unlOn. ell s MISSIonary . S o ~ l e t y WI1\ be held.Friday, November 5- . Al l WOI11c:n are 111vlted.7 P. M.-Yollng pcople's evenlllg atthe church.

    (1,,11 Phu . ." . S p ruce 3800 and as.inK",.atune Phon", Baee 7o-1HGARAnteed Roofs

    quietness of the campaign, have lostinterest completely in the election,and will not appear to vote.'When the anti-Vare vote, whichwill be eliminated for these r e a s o n ~ ,i ~ __ . t aken. and compared to thestraight t icket vote of the day-in

    4ppl'oved N(Lt. BOU1'd Unde1'Wl.iters and day-out organization workersdi?the township, there is every in 1-cation that Yare should get a majority here."Still you can never tell. Loweri ! F = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ IMerion is a r eg ion of independentthinker s in pol it ic s, " dec la red oneobserver, active in township politics,.commentingon the situation. "Manywill not let party regularity guidethem. It would not surprise me tosee a lot of anti-Yare sentiment.."Such opposition to Yare a s hasI.)een uncover ed by o rgan izat ionworkers is reported stronger amongthe mal e vote rs t ha n the women.This c ame a s a s ur pr is e, f or P ep per sen timent in the primary waspopular ly supposed to be greaterwith the women voters."lVfany o f t he women were antiYare in the spr ing ,"said one womanprominent in independent politicalactivities, "but I believe the number is quite reduced now. Mr. Wils on wi ll pul l a g ood vot e throughout the State, but I don't think hewill get a large one her e. The Republican plea for a party man tosupport the Coolidgemajority in theSenate will effect manv who wouldo th erwi se de fl ec t." -While the status of CongressmanYare with the voters of Lower Merion may be called either favorableMRS. JAMES WARK or uncertain, depending upon one'ssympathies, there is little doubt ofhis s tand in Narberth. The womenvoters there are anti-Yar e a nd a reworking against him. As they predominate in the borough electorate.i t w il l b e surprising if Wilson is notat given a majority there.119 ELMWOOD AVE. Narberth has always been of in-Special Attention Will B Given d ~ p e n d e n t leanings.. This combinedto Bemn.ner e .WIth the f a c ~ that It n ~ m b e r s m o ~ S D ~ 1 1 1 0 c r a t s 111 proportIon than 111Phone Narberth 367-M township yoting distr icts, explainsits stand. Narberth has been drawn- '- --- upon pretty consistently for candiHARRY B. WALL dates f or t he different county andState Democratic tickets.One Democrat, Richard J. Hamilton, of Ardmore, who is running forCongressagainst Henry W. Watson;is expected t o d raw a large complimentary Yote in both Lower Merionand Narberth. He is widely knownas head of t he Mer io n T it le and

    Trust Company and is an activemember of the L ow er MerionSchool Board, 'Republican. organization workerswere active all o v e ~ th e county thepast week.in interests oftheir ticket.

    .....,.,.,._.,.,.,-- .,: N.;R. PEACOCK ,, I nt eri or and Ext er ior P ai nt in g :: .WILL BIIIOLAD .TO 1118TlHATIII ,: 407 Euex Avenue : 'Phone, NtU'lterth _ :~ . , ~ .. _ - - - - , . _ . _ . ~ . _ . , . ~ . ~SI d IeGray.


    CYNWYD 662

    302 Haverford AvenueNARBERTH 1635


    The Oldest Store in Town226 Haverford AvenueNARBERTH

    29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd

    Personal Inspection of OurStock Invited




    Telephone, BOULEVARD 888


    Largest Independent Coal Dealerin Philadelphia


    When you bu y coal from us you r e ceive t he advan ta ge o f 25 years of coalmining an d distributing experience. Wesell only selected Lehigh Valley anthracite.And every t one is guaranteed to be 2240pounds, Le t us take care of your coalneedsan d be sure that both quality and quantityar e correct.

    63rd at Market

    OUR'"f()WN. .

    Th e amount of money we want to invest in anyarticle usually prompts us to decide either in favorof article for shor t l ife only, with the accompanyingnecessity for frequent repai rs a nd n ew parts; or theone with a higher first cost, bu t with its more or lesspermanent features attached.LUMBER is NOT t he except ion. Nature ha ssuppl ied us wit h trees, some of t hem producing lumbe r that will last twenty years or more in the ground,an d o th er s, o ne o r two y ea rs . Th e number of knotsin any board does no t determine i ts l ife , bu t the"Heart Wood" lasts and the sapwood (light-coloredsection just under the bark) does no t have the lastingqualities.We have, and recommend, CYPRESS for allext er io r wor k. I t r at es in the twenty-year class.


    Lanterns ..... Hallowe'en CandiesCandles


    First Church of Christ, Scientist.\Vomen's Club Building, ArdmoreMethodist Episcopal Church. avcnue. Ardmore. Pa.D \. '- H ; . Sunday services, 11 A. M.Rl'V. "V. Sheridan aws011,'->"y11lster.Sunday, October 31: \ \Tedncsday evening testimonial

    9.45 A. ~ L - B i b l c school; Hon. mceting, 8 o'clock.Fletcher V\T. St ites ; superintendent . Rcading room, l!J \V cst Lancaster..-c

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 30, 1926



    Voterswill disgrace it for years to come. It isalready an issue in the present Congressional ClIllIlluign. and i t will be cited bythe opposition in the indictment whichit makes against the RepUblicans i n theuutional campaigns.It wou ld be better fOI' the RepublicanParty to lose con trol of the Senate thanto retain it by the v ot e o f a mun w hois a l iabi li ty rather than an asset ti l thenational PnIty. It is m ore importuntthat the par ty clean house than it 1.,; toorganize the Senate next year. It cannotuff?rd to go into the Presidential cam-palgJl of 1928 with such'a mUIstone hanging about its neck.The professional politicians never lookbeyond the immediate election. Their sullort of Y are cun be understood. But therank and file of Republicau voters wholook with pride on the record of' theirparty, cannot afford to b e s o nearsigh ted.And the Republican business men whoseprosperity is fostered by R e p u b l i ~ a n sul l r l ~ I l I I \ C Y , cannot safely be a par ty to anyprogrllln the execution of which is certainto eudanger that suprcllIaC3.The defeat of Yare this yeaI' would beone of. the most telIing blows that couldbe d l ~ I ! \ ' e r : d to the Democratic plnn ofCUllIplllgn III 1!l28. The election and sentiug of Vllre is exactly what the Democrnts. lire praying for. Tha t and theelectIOn lInd seating of.Smith, of Illinoisw o u ~ d put the Hcpublicuns on the de:fenslve.

    fo r

    V O TE F OR



    BELMONT 3700

    CAREFUL CLEANING and DYEINGof Wearing ApparelHousehold Goods and Draperies

    Election, Tuesday, November 2

    ASSEMBLYMANFirst Legislative District of

    Montgomery County

    Fred .C. Peters

    5120-28 Lancaster AvenuePhiladelphia, Pa.I

    :flP Republican Candidatel:1"

    (From the Report of the County Cont1'oller)

    Do Not Let the Minority Rule!A Narberth Republican Voter

    (From an Editorial in the Evening Public Ledger.)

    Narberth's Sad Record in 1925

    DEFEAT OF VARE ISA PARTY NECESSITYThe self-respecting Republicans ofPeI1Ils3IYUnia are confronted with an issuewhich extends beyond State l ines andrelates to the fitness of their pur ty asun instrument for Illunnging the affairsof the national GOvelIlInent.They must decide whether it is betterto send to the Senate a RellUblican whois not llroperly equipped and who spentenormous sums to secure his nominationthnn to defeat that mnn n nd thus demon-strate to tlte country nt hU'ge that Pennsylvania Republicanism is wiIling to forego a possible temporary political advantuge for the sllke of the greater good o fthe party us a whole in the years to come.The majority against Yare in the primaries wus 257,000. He carried onlyPhiladelphia and Dauphin Couuties, andmore than one-half of his totol vote w as(lolled in Phi'adelphia. He was nomi-nated because of a divided opposition, andhe would not have been nominated at nIlif h e h ad been opposed b3' u single candidllte, becuuse the Republicllns of the Stateknow whnt his limitations lire.In addition to his unfitness for theSenatorship, it was disclosed after theprimary thut enormous Bums hud beenspent to secure the votes thut were castfor him. So his nomiIllltion is taiutedby sClIndul that, if ignored by his part3',

    RepublicanYour Vote Is a Registration of Opinion.Go to the Polls Next Tuesday

    P. J. DUFFY

    NARBERTH PRIMARY GENERALNumber Number Board Number Number BoarrEnrolled Voted Fees Registered Voted

    First District ......... 816 280 59.98 985 271 FeesSecond District . . . . , ... 941 389 59.9864.98 1,027 357 64.98Third District ........... 582 326 61.98 601 278 61.96

    HARRY H. HAMER IJ ~ b b i n g Carpenter'Storm lilnclosures-ScreeIlB

    Made-Erected-Rcmoved IPhontl Narberth 1671

    LOUISTAILORING35 N. NARBERTH AVE.Phone Narberth 2666



    Drive in a nd get your car oiledand greased while you wai t.Agent for Goodyear Tires and Tubes

    Brookhurst and Montgomery AvenueGASOUNE SERVICE STAnO N

    OUR TOWN',


    90c and $1.25


    WARNINGAll persons ar e herebYnotified that it i s u n law fu lto burn leaves or otherr ef us e o n an y pub li c h igh wa y where the su rface is ofa bituminous mixture.'The Police Department. have been direc ted to strictly enforce th e Townshipo rd inance and pe r sons violating same will be subjectto a fine fo r each an d everyoffense. 'By o rde r o f :Boa1'd of TownshipCommissione1'sG. C. Anderson, Sec1etary.

    PUMPKIN PIECan't be beat for th e price and

    quality.Continuous service of full course

    Sunday dinners.



    Election Data


    Little Chats About Your Health. No. 1.Announcement

    239-40 Haverford AvenueNARBERTHBreyer's Ice Creain :.;. U:nited ~ i

    ARCADIA RESTAURANTPhone: Narberth 699239 Haverford Ave., N a r ~ e r t h


    Th e polls will be open on election day, next Tuesday,November 2, from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M.

    The re a re ce rt a in i dea ls and se rv i ce s i n conduct in g a drug gusiness wh ic h mea n a g r ea t d e al ' topatrons, bu t which ar e frequently ignored or losts i g h ~ of by th e druggist. Fo r instance, th e h ighes tat tamment of th e real drug store is th e preparation?f medici.nes on prescripti0n.s of physicians. NothingIS more Impor t an t than that with us .. ~ o is it within th e province o f t he d ru g store~ l t h Ideals .to p u ~ h th e s.ale of proprietary preparabons of varIOUS kmds whIch encourage self-diagnosisan d self-medication on t h e p ar t of th e user. Whenever yo u ar e ill enough to need medic ine you ar e illenough to need th e advice of your doctor.In these columns we shall point ou t f rom we ekto week why t hi s is t rue-and wh y you should haveyour prescriptions filled by a drug store such as ourswhich specializes in th i s impo r tan t work.Phone


    After 12 yea1's at 2J,.6 HavCo1'/m'd Avenue hasremoved his Paint Shop to 1'ea1' of252 Haverford AvenueNarberth, Pa. 'House and Decorative Painting.

    Your patronage solicited. 'Mail orders and jobbing promptly attended to.Phone, Narberth 339-W~ = = = = = = = ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Q O = ~

    Twice -baked bread, that h asbeen cu t or torn into pieces an dh ea te d i n a very s low ove n unt ilthoroughly dried and delicatelybrowned is a good f oo d f or children.

    O r to his Attorney,JOHN GILROY,211 Essex Ave.,Narberth, Pa.

    GOVERNOR I SECRETARY OF INTERNAL(Vote for One) AFFAIRSJohn S. Fisher, Republican (Vote for One)Eugene C. Bonniwell, Democrat and James F leming Woodward, Repub-Labor Iican and LaborJohn W. Slayton, Socialist J o ~ ~ Mur ph y, Democ rat. . .George L. Pennock, Prohibition W ~ l l I a m J. VanEssen, Soclahst.. .Julian P. Hickok, Commonwealth Elizabeth M