Our Town November 8, 1917

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Transcript of Our Town November 8, 1917

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 8, 1917




    FOR YOUI f you have a bi t of news,Send it in.Or a joke that will amuse,Send it in.A story that is true,An incident that's new,We want to hear from you!Send it in.Will your story makes uslaugh?Send it in.Send a long a photograph.Send it in.Never mind about your s ty leI f it's only worth the whileAnd will make thereadersmiieSend it in.-TridentNews.

    NARBERTHNLECTION~ - - - - - - - ' - --------------------.

    F ~ I T } : n STA'l'ES : \ l A I L ~

    Red Cross Fund $37.81

    ISilver Anniversary SermonI By Bishop Berry

    School IHrcetor, 11 I"n r)' Hose , ,. -tOll Yotes IAlIIUtur, six )'Cllrs, Undle)' H. Trotter . . :J;>.J "Amlltor, four )'enrs, fllrl H. Jletzger ,.,.......... . . . . . 4011" Methodists C e l ~ b r a t e Anniver-I1'IIembers of th e Narberth Tel lT Js , Jl II lgc of }:Iectlun. Thus . ( ' . Trotter .. , . . . . . . . . . - t l l i " sary Day With Addresses By

    Association and their friends will be Inspector of Election, WT. Kl rkl'lItrlck, , .. , , " :Jatl "interestcd in th e following annouu:e- 'fax Collector, Ullymund C. Joncs . 2 9 7 " Dr. G. Bickley Burns, Bishopment: Burgess, ('Ilrroll 1I0WIlCS ........... .. . , .. . " 2 9 7 " Joseph F. Berry. Hon. F. W.The Board of Governors o f the Nar- Town foundl-W. U. I ). Hall . :J;)S .. Stites-Local Churcbe s Ex-

    berth Tennis Association, at a meet- I1ulliel I,cltch ,.............................. -t117" t d G t' W d ding he ld Monday evening, October 29'1 " en ree lOgs e nes aydecided by unanimous vote that in Wm. S .Uacldf'x ,.............. :I.J:J Night-Informal Receptiond . 't I L. J I. 1(1'1111 (ullexlllrcci t erm oi two "eurs) . '. -t11 ..v iew o f th e pres'ent wa r con i tlOn s 1 I "for Congregation on Friday-

    is inadvisable to hold any forn'alfunct ion th is year in connect ion with I Music of Merit jt he p regent at on o f t he med'als for t.he CAT 0 I_---"---,..",,.,---.......,----.Pat rio tic Tenn is Tournament recently \ LETTER OF APPRE I I NI T he l it tl e c hu rc h on t he h ill will Iheld; a nd t ha t these medals w il l a ceordi ng ly b e p rc sent ed i nforma ll y to ---. dose the wcek'g jubliee in celebrationth e winners by t he p re s id ent o[ the Front LIbrary War CouncIl I of the twenty-filth a n n i v e r s a r ~ ' next ISunday with aH dav serv ices. ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . !club. The Lihrary War Council, appoint- I I Dr . 'BicklEY UUl'1;S, llistrict sUjJer- I _.- -------- - -------------

    The hoard a ls o t al ,e s pleasure in cd hy thc Seeretary 01 War, and , IlI t 1 f Iintendent. will llrcaeh the m orning ' l ' l l t ~ .\1'.'11' \ "J) "\a n u o u . n c ~ n g t la t t lC ne . procee( s or working in con jun tt ion wi th the Com- .. ,.. , . , ." \,Y IXSl'RANCE1 R d C f t f S all(1

    sermon. The Hevercnd Uishop Jos- 1,.\"'_.\ I' \I"I'J \L Sl It Ie e ross' r om en ranee ee, mission on Training ('amp Activities I ' , " ,' J JIAltl ', . 1 t . t' 'tl eIlh F. Berry, D. 11., LL. lJ.. is thcth e sale of tIC W s 111 connec IOn WI 1 appointed by Presiclent ,;\'jison. ha s i Ith e recent tournament wcre $37.81. Iwritten the following letter to Ih , a,nni\';rgar y speakel' i n th.p e"ening. A division of military a nd n av al in -( ~ I . Warwick. Secretllr). prcsident of ou r Ci"ic Assodation, to \'? he ~ . p w o r t h LeagUe de"otIOnal mect- surance of the Bureau of ';Var RiskTI t t i e e

    . 1I1g IS to he addresscd hv the Hon. Insllrall'''u l l a ~ I)ee . IIe ouramen w nners w r . I he communicateel to the con tr ihuto rs i ' ,. . . ' ~ ' " . n orgamze( as 11Sing les --Owen Humphreys. \ to t he W ar Librarv ]"und: . THE FI E I I'letehcr \\ . StItl'S. . . Ipart of th e Trea sur y Depa rtmen t andDoubles-Kirkpatricl, !l.nd Stapl'?,;. "The Lihrary ' V : ~ r cou.neil ae'lu1OWi- R S DE I A.n e ~ c e l l e n t m U ~ l c a l . I lI o .gram WIll, is in atti\'e opcration. A number orSingles Consolation--Art.hur Staples. e d g e ~ with l ha nk g r cc ei pt o f :\ar- . )? tUrIIIShl,d b ~ th e chOlr With th e as - polieies on the lives of ~ o l d i e r s haveDoubles Consolation--Newell a:Id h c ~ ( h ' ~ cGntrihulioll of $70 to th e Li- . Bett). Baxter's Gossip . slstallee _01 1'1 IS'; Hulh P res cot t, so- alreadY be en is su ed. aggregatingShaw. .:.sl h ra ry War FUllll. : prallo; :\lr. Hel:man ,J. ! 3 t ~ h . t c n l ~ r ; nearly $25,000,000 in insurancc. Th e. 'MISS Elnlta Bilss. vlolllllSI; MISS henpf it s o f tl > I ._____.____ " Th is sum h as been piaceel to y ou r: C ap t. :\ I. 1'1. Sheedy is ~ p e n d j n g a " ) , ' . ' " , . . ' , . . Ie aw ar c Iwa da bl e t o.... \I'IJL'I'TII ' ( ' i ' ( ' l f' I' \ ( ' L ' ~ , 'l 1.1 J,lfl1lle (hcsll .\ . or!;:lm:'.s .. ' ! lOns WIth :Hldles>:es h t lC e\ . . month for th e a ....es of "9 anel 30 ' to $7~ . ., u " plannerl lo r :l Ing, lmtertalllmenl ou : " j A. .' ,. I ' H ' S \\ ' . ,,,, - < ,speeial E as te rn States five-mile !\'Iany ,'Ire without. relativcs or friends, l)el.'ell1"cl' 14, to lIe I . .'1 J- "11' \\ . h Ito . . 1 1Imo re . t lL '\ '" . pe r month for th e age of :n withu Je ld I n L m 1.. ,I S U H ' l\1' .. t1 He\' ]"lj\nrd 'championship event. anel we ea n cheer them thi s l it tl e bit at R.15 s ha rj l. T he a dm is si on w il l he '"I.lll ] ~ ' I \ y n . ~ ~ ~ ~ ' I ' ; H ' Ie :'III'S' ~ o s ~ l l h I,rogressive incrcases fo r ages. aboveji'ive other motorcycle rates and one On ;-':ovember 20 th e c lu b w il l m ee t fifty cents. . ,u s I on. , l ~ . . " . thosu given. The minimum amountautomobile event. rounded out the in th e Community Hooms of the Y. Barclay alHl Mrs. :-,..l1il' :\1. Denman. of insu!'llncp that ma r be taken ou twil l s iug' . I is $1000.program. 1\1. C. A. at :1 P. M., at which time l \1r. anei Mrs. Harry Bradley, with . I t'

    tllere \"111 IJe ',I regula, l' huosiness All memhers o! I lP eOll!!.rega IOn The lompu]sor.\ allotmcnt to 11 wife, their two children, ar e oecupying the ' fit t Imeet ing which will be d ispatched as 1. 1 1\ dl' ar c invited to a.ll m orma . en er a n- or ehilelren, which is separate fromIit.tle uunga ow nex t. to .Ir. Sme ey J ment anel reeeptlOn to I ll ' g Iv en by the tile 1 1 1 ~ . l l r a l l l ' . e , . ~ I I ' , 1 1 1 Tlot lIe less tllallquick1r as possi 'blc so t ha t t he r ~ log cahin office. ,,,hieh 'V3R fOrnlCl'ly . t l' . 1 . ~ . ~Arrive (Weekllap;) mainder of t he a f te ruoon may be d c - . , _ " '. .. Laelies ' A id S o e l e ~ ' on ru ay eve- $1;' a month, an d shal l no t exceed one-I,no\\ n as the rc,l Honse. . ning Hemin is l 'en l' l' S hY Mr Charlcs I If ' .6.26 A. M.--From [1.11 points. voted to th e study of Parliamcntary _ : . . . . '. ' Ja ot a ma n s pay. A voluntary al -9 00 A M Lo 1

    W t . I'; Kreamer. preSIdent oi lhe hoarel I I ,t I' 't . I '" . .' _ ca es . Law, under th e alile guidance of lVIiS. Sergeant Potte r of th e Hoyal Hirh- ' . . .' I 0 men. su l Je c. t o Ieg,u at.lOns, m a ~ '10 37 A 1\1 L'r al l POIllt. l' t' ' " lof t rnstees. WIll l II ll te present ane h ., I . tl " I I . .. . ._ , ' om < s. Etta HalcY Osgood, Pa r lUmen arlan landcrs .t member of th e f' lmous e ,IS arge as Ie lIlsurc( I eSlres.11.50 A. M.-From [l.1I points. of thc Maine Federations. ' < - ,former memhe rs i n pleas;111l memo 1'- ' with in the limits of hi pa 'Blae\'( Watch Regiment, addressed an ! ies ' I le f reshments a re to he scrved I I,d It tl G s ). ,'1 .,1.37 P. M.-From all points. "Clrculllt!ug I,ibrllrl'" audi'ence of young pcople in I. hc I .' . 11 a I I IOn, Ie overnment \\ I I pa ):1.27 P. M.-Local West. }\ ~ l ' r c u l a t l ' n g lihrarv, is to he e s t ~ l J . .. - . . in the lecture room. Membe rs o f ttll' ImonthlY 'Illowances as follows', M e t h o e h ~ t Churl'll la,st Sunday evell- r' t'. r 1 t . ' ., .4.37 P. M.-I"rom al l points. 111'sIICl! witllin th e c lu b fo r th e usc o f , I '1 I . b i ehurch and congreg ,l 1011 ,Ire u rge , , , i Chss A In t he c as e of a man tolIlg t Int II let even' aVl\lla lc seat.' . l ' tv ' 1 ' . " .6 . : ~ 7 P. M.-Loeal West. it s m e m b c r ~ . At t he e ud of t he y ea r ' .he present anel enJoy ;1 p easan e e- . his wife (including a f o rme r w if e di-

    Dellllrt t he se b oo ks w il l hc dcvoted t.o some l\Irs. M. M. Shcedy gave a most C ~ l - iuinf!; of good fellowship. . . ,! "o rc ed) a nd t o h is c hi ld o r c hi ld re n.9.00 A. M.-j i 'o r a ll points. I . I I II ' t . I I I : l\lemhers of th e lommunlt.) ar e or (a ) I f there be a wife bu t no childpubl ic inst l tu ion or to t lC so e lers, . joyable c ar d p ar Y 1Il 10nor 0 ll'r:. '10.37 A. M,-For Local West. Ias tile conl!ltl'OllS' at tllat. tinlc \"ur- I l' . ' H d d f I '(]i::llv inVlteel to al l servIces. $I'>lOuse guest, .1,l'ss e mon ,0 n " . ' .1.17 P. M.-For al l points. rant. dianapolis. Those attenll ing were Mr.; --_. - - ' - - - (h) If there bc a wife a nd o ne child,1.37 p. M.-For Local West. A movement is a ls o a fo ot to ar - :tnl! Mrs. D, Wallace Cox, Jr., Mr. aud il-iHl"I'IlEAS'I'ERX }'f:XNSYLVAXL\ $2!l.3.26 P, M.-For al l points. Irange a choral' society within the Mr s. J . H. DaVis, Dr. an d Mrs. W. :\1. 1'111\ I''I'J:lt A ) n : l t l r A ~ RED ,(e) If there hE' a wifc an d two ddT -4.37 P. M.-For Loca.l West. club. All memhers ar e inv i tcd to pllr Cameron and Dr. W. Clyde Deeker, o f : ( ~ I W 8 8 iel,ren. $;12.50, with $.5 pe r m o ~ t h addi-6.37 P, M.-For al l points. Iticipate lind f ur the r pa rt i cu l ar s w il l Phihtdelphia. --- 1' lOnal for each addI t ional chIld.Sandal' he given later. 221 i'iollth E I J . : h t l ~ n t h StrN't. I'hlilldcl.. (d) If there be no wife bu t on eArrl\'e--7.02 A. M. , Thosc members of th e UomnlUnlty. Ilhlll, I ' l l . II child, ~ n Depart-5.47 P. M. I rt t C f r e .ClUb Who attended th e Tri-County' . --- _ ~ e I f there be no wife bu t two_____.___ mpo an on e ene s .M ee ti ll g i n Cynwyd. were given the October 2:>, 1917. l '!1111Iren, $12.50.

    1HI t STUW TAX ON Being Held To Perfect pleas'ure of hearing a very excel l: ;nt : NOTb>-PI.easc post in a conspicuous I ~ f ) . If there he no wife b ut t hr eePAltCEL POST MAIL reading by one o f t he i r own membe lS , ipl ac e in y ou r headquarte r s and c!l!1 ehlldren. $20.Upon every parce l or package trans- The Narberth Plan Mrs . .1. F. Donnelly. The consensus I to th e attention of al l d e p l l ~ t m . e n t s . , ~ g H there !le n wife bu t fourported from o ne p oi nt in th e United ,o f opi ni on was t ha t s he a pp ea rs in i To al l Branehe s and Auxihane s: c111ldren . $30, WIth $:> p er mon th all-States to another by l Y a r ~ 1 p os t, o n puhlic too infrequently. . I]IUllons (If Surgl( '.nl nres!'lngs Wnnt ditional for each addi t ional ch ild.

    which th e .postage amounts to twenty- The first of several eonferences, ed at O I l C ( ~ Class B. In the case of a ma n orfive cellts or more ther e shall be paidl h ~ v i n g to do with t he n ew Nar be rt h Mr. Charles \V. Preston, 01 Wynne- Major Grayson-Murphy, American woman, to a ~ r a n d c h i l d , a parent,a t ax o r o ne cent. for each twenty-five IPlun for r ed uc in g t he h ig h cost of WOOl! Manor, father of Mrs. Samucl Heel Cross, Chief of Com'mission i n h ro th er , o r s is te r:cents or fractional part thereat, charge I living, Is being , held t.his week. Afi S. Poor, died on Sa1urdaY night, No- I"ranee , ca,hles the fol low:ing:- (a) H there be o ne parent, $10.for SJuch transportation to be paid by Isoon as t he y c an be a rr anged o the r vernbel' 3, i n West fi eld, N. .1., whl;lre " Re d C ro ss stallliard dressings ill Ih) I f there be tw o parents. $20.th e c ou sdgnor . No s uc h p ar ce l or cenfe rentes wl1 l he held. I n t hi s way, h e w as v isi tin g his o ld es t d au gh te r, milHons must be sent over w it h a il . (c) Fo r each g rand ch il d , brotllerpackage shall be transported until a tb c PIau will be p re sent cd and ex- ' Mrs. Bender. HiR only ' son, Char ll '! ' poss ibl e speed . I f this is no t done im - Rister, and add it ional parent. $5.stamp or stamps representing th e ac t Ip la ine d to e ac h of the sevcral loeal W. Preston, J r ., i s d rh "i ng an ambu- mediatcl)' a Berious calamity a nd n a- In th e caSe of a woman, to 8 childs ha ll h av e b ee n affixed thereto. (,,-et l groups of interests aITectl 'd hy t hc l an ce "HoJll()\\-here in Fran('e." ,tional disgrace iB incvltable. or children:of October 3. 1917, Sec. 807, par. 11.) now proposition. "The American women who compose (d ) If there be on e child, $5.

    I As soon as this nec essary pr elim- The butter l lnd eggs distributed by I.' th e Red Cross shou ld prepare with g,ll (e) I f t he re b e two chl1r11"en, $12.fiO.Sf:YEN' POUNn LlJ\UT OX inary work is completed th e Plan wil1 the Communi tv Club w l1 l b e delivered 1th e enthusiasm and speed possible th e (f ) H there be three children, $20.PARCln.S TO }'UANU: Ibe pu t before th e p ub ll c. D ue notice lonly on S a t u ~ d a . Y mornings between idressings which ar e going t o m ea n life , (g) I f there b e fo ur .children. $30.of t hi s important public meeting wlll 19 an d 12. The chairman on Comm' ln- . or death to ou r own men," Y th $5 p er mont h additIOnal f or e ae hParcelS of !

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 8, 1917


    .NAltHElt '! 'll , PA.-U VB TOWN --NOVEl\'IBElt 8. 1B17

    Of course, wedeliver - anyp I a ce - anytime.


    'A T

    2 5, 3 0, 40 and SOca Loaf.Phone, Narberth 1258,W.

    H E A L T HDate Bread Nut Bread

    Fo r Rent and SaFIre InsuranceBeD Phone 882 w.WllD BnlldJDll'. Nll1'bertb. P. .

    H. C. FRITSCHPI' .pertles

    and i ndiVidua ls who co-operated soheartily with It, for this splendidachievemen t. MrR. St ickney was comPlimented ()n the thoroughly businesslike manner In whi ch e ve ry d et ai l,was worke d out by her, an d on th ef ine spi ri t. shown by a l l a ssocia tedwith her, through th e months ofprepa ra t ion . The di rec tor s feel greatly encourag-ell by t he ver y eVident ap preciation of a ll women 's o rg an iz at ions in Narbe rth , of the value o f ou rlocal Y. M. C. A. wor k, w hi ch w il l b ecarrieJ on during th e ensuing yearwith renewer! vigor and confidence ofRuccess.

    $ 50.00 Bond100.00 Bond250.00 Bond500.00 Bond


    of the Fair-ProposedGirl Activities


    The Brigh te st Spo t in NarberthA drug store in themost modern sense of the termThe lVIisses Zentrnayer'sSCHOOL KINDERGARTENReopened September 17, 1917. 1 2 5 'W ' i nd so r A v e .

    Secure for yourself the safest investment In the world.Enlist in our army of patriotic savers and Help Your Country with profit to yourself,purchasing a bond on easy terms as follows: .

    $ 1.00 a week for 50 weeks buys a2.00 a week for 50 weeks buys a5.00 a week for 50 weeks buys a10.00 a week for 50 weeks buys a



    Associate Editors.

    HARRY A. JACOBS,Editor.

    H. C. GARA,Ad1'l'rtls(ng Manager.

    MAIZIE J. SIMPSON,Cashier.

    Mrs. Roy E. Cla::k A. J. Looslilarl F . Smi th Henry Roseq. M. Henry W. T . Mel ch io r

    'Do th e Editor of Our Town:-Elect io n day wl11 have come an d gone beforo this communication appears in"Our Town," so it wi ll h ave no bearin g on the result of th e 'COmpetitionfor ,the office of Tax Collec tor of ou rborough.W e wou ld , h ow ev er , l ik e t o call tot be a t ten tion lOf Mr. Humpbries that ,for a l oc al l aw -make r o f l ong e xper ience, 'he certainly seems to have littler e spect for the Borough Ordinances h

    OUR TO WN :s o r ec en tl y w as c ho se n by h is fellow, of o ur commo n cau se, I ask theV -I I ' T h _, townsmen to enforce. IAmerJcan people to do this. en y t s a oot some Th ,--------- -------- i As President o f t he Bor ou gh Coun- tlle"l!rt rieSquUenstth.lnkll;ble that we refuse, log_Au E xp eri me nt In C o. op erat lve I cil he certainly must have known of; t l u l ' l I a l i s l l l - ~ o Paid Workers. an Ordinance that prohibi t s the p o ' ~ t , "The matter is one of considerable- - - - - - - - - - - - - -h Ing of signs on trees and poles se riousness and we hope you will do!Owned and p U b l l s h e ~ e ~ e r Y A T u : - th roughout the borough. Despi te thl5 I all yOIl ca n l oca l ly to secure this end."; Not new to glope-t rotters, perhaps, bu t new to Narberth-day by th e Narberth iv c saoc - fact, he t ac ke d h is p er sona l c ampa ign Herbert Hoover,Uon. appeals-or allowed Ihls friends to do U. S. Food Administrator. town, where all good things come eventually-when they don'tNAltBEllTll CIVIC ASSOCIATION. 1so -on th e telegraph poles and on thp. ,start here! FUdge-poured-smoking-hot-on-delicious_ice_President, A. J. Loos. trees along many streets of Narberth. CUB'S WEEKLY LETTER iVice-presidents, A. C. Shand, J. B. By the law of th e fitness of things, 'cream! ! ! Conju re that in your mind's-ey-and then come withWilliams, James Artman. this seems a most unthoughtful per, huge anticipations! And don't be hesitant, ei th er f or the girlsSec re ta r" a nd trY.lsurer, Is ,essrs. .oos, letzgar and Opdyke res en t, ehas. E. Kreamer' sec-other employes hav,e been appomted . . . " t d t Ch I ' .. , who h e is' from tillS description He \\ liS appolll e . re ary, I l l ' es V. Noel; finanCIalEDITORIAL II I th e departments an d this great I . TI B 'd l' M" t E Ccivilian army is be ing added to da il y. Is a dapper l it tl e j ig ge r, k nows a ll . 18. h , ?,al 0: I < \ n ~ g e r i s , Mr. 1\htz-1 sCecrde ary,w' . Stokes; t r e a ~ u r e r ,.. I . t he f emal es on Chestnut street car- gal ', c a Irman, s u )mlttel a plan for ar en . arner; chief engmeertl . la tion " , tenograp lers and typeWl'1ters and . '. d . I t . . . Ch . 'Aside f rom Ie serVIce regu h ' d f Irles a cane to w or k s omet im es a nd propose g,lr ac IVltles, lIleludlllg I as. V. Noe l: f ir st assistant engin-d t d tl st mec amcal ra t smen f or the s e r v i c e ' . ' '. t'tl . "1' . k t Ed "'7' #.w hi ch h as been c on u c e II I Ie pa ' wears gloves In July eompe I ve g ames s ue I as bas e e e r , . w. Hlp., second assistant en -few weeks by t he Woman 's Council gene ral ly, and w ~ l a t ar e known as . ba ll , hocke) ', voll ey ball llnd bowling. glneer, A. P. Redifer; thlnl assist tof National Defense, th e U. S. Food schedul e c le rk s, llldex and catalogue '1'1 I I' '! . l' tI I tI . anclerks, clerk's qualified i n s tatis tics "Aren't you t he s ame man I gave a .l ls P f a l t l h P r o v l l , ~ s or Ie usc )y t ~ e?gmeer, r ~ B. Wall; fourth as-Administration is conducting a. second . minee pic to?" said a Narberth lady gil'S 0 e men s game r oom o n '" 0 slstant engllleer, A. W. Needham:ealnpaign to r e. ns t er women f or food or accounting, and clerks quahfied in nights a week to close at 930' also John A M'lle'" ,b ' d" I I know. ' . , . l I r,oonserv'Ution. Notwi th st anding the uSllless a mll ll st ra t on f or the office '" " ,.., for two afternoons weekh" closing atof th e Ordnance Depar tment of th u I No, ma am, I m not, an d wo t s m o r ~ , } . . , . , _success of a similar campaign t h rough . I t he doc to r s ay s I never wil l b e, " an - n r. M. In the ':lfternoons, g irl s u pth e churches in July, when m an y A rm y ar e 111 d e m a ~ d . 'I swered th e weary one. to t he a ge o f si xt een ar c to be ad -women In )\hmtgomery county reg is- The r epre sen ta t lve s of tlle Federal mi tted . and In the evenings , girls of

    tered, the accompHshment fell short civil service commissioll at th e post .Just because the doctor told sixteen and npwards.Of th e desired end. offices in a l l c it ies ar e receiving num- This prol>osition WllS received fa-. .. f Horace Ohl!yke he wa s ru n down is noTile c ampa ign in t h is c ounty is b e, e ro us mqUifles rom persons who wh;h T 1 vorabl".- b " t he directors, and, on vo te ,t b tl reason why J- orace should WlllI up hi s JIng conducted by th e Committee of o. e. at Ie. s ea t o f Government at affairs. details w er e l ef t to th e managers toPubl ic Sa fe ty and cards ar e being dis- tillS t im e o f big events and to have a wor k o ut p ro pe rl y. Not ic e w il l betrl'buted th rough County Agr icu ltu ra l part In th e a c t u ~ l a d m l n i s t r a t l ~ n of Harvey l ' iarrlgan, ou r alert Council- given as to dues. etc.Agent A. K. Ro thenbe rg er , who is t l ~ e G o v e r n m e ~ t s great busmess'

    jman an d cigar manufacturer, sez: After the disposal of routine bus

    c ha irma n o f t he F oo d Committee. At \ \omen ar e ~ n d l l l g ..i n t hi s O f f i ~ ~ , w o r k "Just because you do your du ty is no I ne ss , Mrs . Dav id D. StiCkney, chalrth is t im e the cards ar e being dis, 1 ~ , ? p p ~ r t u . l l l t y t.o do their bIt 1n a, sign that y ou w il l b e l ik ed . Remem- man of th e Ladles' Auxili'ary, sub--trlbuted t hr ou gh t he p ub li c school;; , er . p rachca l , \ay. he r the alarm cloel,!" mltted a report of t he r esu lt s of thand b y th e c ud o f the week practically1 '- "Cub.'" l 'a lr hel l! October 26 and 27. Theevery s choo l boy or girl will hav.e a Washington, D: C., Oct . 5, 1917. g:oss r e c ~ l p t s fro m all department."pledge card fo r th e mother to sIgn., '1'0 t.he Men a nd Women of America: UOAun 01" flEALTII. ot th e f aI r w er e $768.93: total ex -The pup il s will also be requested to We have received a request from the: penses, $194.58; ne t 'proceeds, $574.35. Icanv,ass those homes of the neighbor- I I < ~ r e n c h Government that we allow I President-Cha!'. E. Kreamer. To t hi s b alan ce, t he l adl es of thehood that do n ot h av e c hi ld ren of Ithem to export from the United S t a t ~ s SecretarY-A. P. Redifer. IAuxiliary added $25.65 from their I ~ : : C : : I G : A : R : S : : : : : : I : C : E : C : : R : E : : A : : M : : : : : : : : C : A : N : D : Y ~ 1school age. In this way it Is expec ted lone hundred thousand tons of sugar Health Offieer-W. S. McCle llan . f und s, a nd hande d ove r to the d l rec t- ,.that every mothe r and housewife will Id ur in g t he next month and probably Member8-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies, ors the su m of $600, specifying, how-have an opportunity t o a ss is t t he Food!more at a IllIter period. T. B. Dn Marias, Carden Warne r and ever, that $300 of this amount shouldA d m i ~ l s t r a t i o n In its efforts to shorten I "Our own sltull;tlon is t ha t w e haviJ I Chas. V. Noel. be used fo r p u r c . h a s ~ of coal.the ,\ ar. I just sufficient sugar t o ma in ta in ou r I A very enthUSiastIc v ot e o f thanksThe. women o f t he c oun ty are urge' l l norma l consumption unti l th e first of . If you si t in a draft the doctor may was extended to the Ladie s' Auxi l-to sign these ~ a r d s and co-operate in January when the new West Indian cash It for you. I i ary an d t o all o th er o rg anl izat lon sfood conserva,.uon. Hoov,er says, "We Icrop becomes avai lab le to all.ask the people of the country to "Our consumption Is at th e rate of - - - - - - - - -vOluntari.'y a ss is t i n c on se rv ing food nine ty pounds pe r person pe r year, a JOIN OUR LIBERTY BOND CLUBo that It Ulay no t be n ec es sar y t o l it tle u nd er four o un ces pe r day pe radopt stringent measures , which of person. .n e c e s s i ~ , Y would be of an auto cratic "T he I

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 8, 1917


    N AIU:Hia-tTH, PA.--:-OUI-t T O W N - : : N O V E ~ I B E R 8. 1917

    45th and Parrish:Sts.

    Hiih Grade ButterTelephone-Narberth 644 A.

    r a ~ a . - M ~ G i n l ~ ~U/23South 1 7 ~ ! f . P h i l a d e l ~ ~ '

    Narberth and Forrest Aves.


    A man that whlRpera down a well,About th e g oo ds h e haa to aellC an 't r ea p 80 many golden dollaTs,A a one w ho, climbs a tree an d hollerL


    GLEANSAFEWHOLESOMEAutomobiles to hire at all hours of dayand night. -SABlE CINSORE Phone I2S9 or 625 N..."Bf:RTH. PA .------------

    Don't forJret t ha t th is Is R com.munlty 01 home makers an d homekeepers a nd t ll at one of YOURMOST IMPORTA.NT DUTIES Is tokeep It 80 .You c an aid maf er Ja lI 1 b 1 d o.Ing 10ur shopping and market ingwJth the advertisers In &Ills paper.

    Pas . eur l zedMi lk I CElIVEPIESBrynclov l s Cer t i ll ed WEST PUILAMilk (Pedrial le S o e l e t ~ ) OVERBROOKSpecial "Guernsey" MERIONMilk WYNNEFIELD(Roberts' &: Sharpless ' BALA-CYNWYDairies) NARBE.RTHCream But termi lk ARDMORETab l e an d Whipping WYNNEWOODCream.

    BakeryN A RB ER TH A R CA D EB UILDINGBread, Cake, Rol ls . PIe s,Candy. I c e CreamCATERING FOR PARTIES


    For SaleTWO OFTREFive Houses

    Also a BUNGALOW on Avon RoadAnt.hwyn Farm.s. Don'tmiss this o p p o r ~tunlty of securmg a good home,WM. D. S M ~ D L E Y .

    An officeholder should remembsrthat one bad t e rm doesn 't deserve an other.

    Tin: A,RMY AXI) NA vr I ~ s u n . A : \ : f m1,,\,W -A l'ARTIAL SUIDURY


    ~ a r b e r t b , PD.

    .\UllGAllE'J"S UllUIWll.


    Rev. C. G. Koppel, Pastor.

    Rev. Johu Vlln Ness, )Unister


    Merion Meeting House is opened t:::rwor sh ip e ve ry F ir st -d ay at 11 A.M. Visitors ar e cordially welcome.A registry book i s kept for visitors.All ar e asked to register their DalCes,

    Suuday services:9.45 A. M.-Blble school. Classesfor all. Everyone welcome.11.00 A. M.-Morning worship. Ser1I10n to the children-Illustrated. Sermon to adults, sUbject: "Mlsslon!< in

    the Program of Chrlsf 's Kingdom."7.00 P. M.-Young People 's mee ting, Leader, Mr. Geo rge Stanley,7.45 P. M.-Evening worship. Subject: "The Life of J uds on. " Th ehymns will be illustrated w it h l an t ern slides.On Wednesday evening th is churchwill j oi n w it h the M. E. Church Ineelebrating their twenty-f i fth anni versary.

    the vicinity will be, represented by I SCHOOL NOTMr. Cha rl es E . H ir es , o f t he Old Mer- ES e 370/0 More eon Meeting House. Addresses by th e I For Yo 1I rpastors of th e Main Line Methodist - ; : : " , " " _ ~ _ . . . - - _ . . . - - -.., " Money ,churches of Ardmore, Bryn Mawr," "Wayne. Soloists, Mrs, J os ep h Bar - I Get the GenUl'neclay and Mrs. Nellie M. Denman. ...Frldllr, : \ :orember ll-(:ongregntionlll I ~ ' L ( : r

    :\:lght informal entertainment a nd r ec ep - I ( A S ( A R ~ ~ .. ~ 9 U I N I N Etion to a l l members or th e congregn- _t.ion hy the Ladie s' Aid Society. Rem- I ~ O " " \ Oiniscences by Mr. Cha rl es E . Kream-' /TI 'Iarly Mass on Sunday f,'OIll April , e r a nd o th er s. SocI'al gatherl'Jlg WITII No advance in price for this 20-year-Ist to October 31st at C.JO A. M. From old remedy-25cfor 24tablets-SomeNovember ] : ;L to Marcn 31st at 7 A, M, ,refreshments served in t he l ec tu re ,- , F i ~ ~ : : j 1 ~ ~ n ; r ~ p 3 o ~ ~ i ~ ~ a ; ~ ~ ' : , ~ ~ e t ~ ; . :Late !IIass, !l.:W A, M. th roughout the room. All memberH of t he e hu rc h, The second mont l l of school tablet, you .ave 9!,c when ::Iou buys I 1 1 ti d t _ Hills-Cure. Coldyear. Masse s on holydays, 6.30 anti I e 10 0 all( congrega on ar e urge 0 on Monday. Reports will be in H hours -g rip _830 A. M. WeekdaYs at 8, Evening; be present. I to pup il s on }ISCOPU, CHURCH I ~ r m o n Yocum, Bremer Yocum, Ma.ry met. parents and spoke to them, Thev The annual meeting of the Nar-! vl ? c ~ ~ . RsOY'tShmll;ht'l Ma.rKg.aret WKiolPI?el, even tried to pe rsuade them who they hert.h Branch of the Needlework1'he Li t tI (l ellllrch 011 th e lim. I l rg ll ll a m l , 'IS \er Ime, l am wer e. but to no av ai l. S ome p eo pl e Guild will be heW Wednesday. No-1 Parker, Anabel Needham, Harry won't be li eve th e t.ruth! vember 14, 2.30 P. M. In t he Narberth S P E C I A L'Sutherland and Arthur Hurs t. , T h e school is g ra te fU l t o the fol- Presbyterian Church. I t w il l b e pre- C d Pceded by a luncheon for th e dlrect- anne eas,Corn,String Beans.. lowing hays for a. dona t ion of $7.62. St d d B d D('elelJraUon of 'rwenl),.fjft.h Anllh-er. I H:\:E O}' T J n ~ llANY TI . ors at 12.30. Directors ar e requested I an ar ran s. oz. . . $2.00snr,}' I I liS mon ey w as p ai d to the boys by to bring their cont.rlbutlons of gar- Lancaster County Potatoes'. the DeLong Company for manual work9.45-Sunday school. Men's Bihle! On Hanowe'en , when a l l Hie spook ,; In connection with th e Installa tion of lIIents to the church be fore the lunch- Bushel , $1.75

    dass In the auditorium taught by tne Iand goblins were ou t ' to play, the th e new desks. The boys collected the con, t he l ec tu re room being open as C t t 'MHon. P. W. Stites. many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wl1liam early as 10 o'clock for that purpose. 0 e r s a r k e tmoney as b ei ng l eg it im ate ly due11.00-Mornlng worship. Sermon by G. Ehr ic w er e s ee n wending their tl I After t he t ransaction of t he r eg u-lem. JUt then turned It over to thethe Rev. G. Bickley Burns, D. D. , dis- way to Narberth Park to a Yama- athletic association. la r business of the meeting, Misstrlct superintendent. Choir assisted Yam a dance. Their llOme w as m os t Arthur Cooke Elizabet.h H. E rskine , assistant sec-by Miss Ru th P re sc ot t, s op ra no . a nd t as te fu ll y deC'Orated In yellow and John Dickie retary of the Pennsylvania Society forMr. Herman J. Bub, tenor. black, a nd w it cl le s amI black cats I Kenneth Walton th e Prevent ion of Crue l ty to Children,7.00-Epworth League devotiona l peeped at. you f rom eve ry conce ivab le I Ross Howenstein wi ll del ive r a n a dd re ss on t he "Pres- Ii----------------service. Speaker, Mr. Stites. corner. Dancing was indulged i n u n- George Rose en t Condit ion and Future Needs of BUilD7.45-Annlversary sermon by th e i ti l midnight and then supper was Sidney Trotter Children" In th e United States. War UP YOUR TOWNReverend Bishop Joseph F. Berry, D. Herved, In t he c ent er of tlle dining Qulncey Yowell. ' ccnditlons abroad have exposed manyD. LL. D. Choir assisted by Miss Ruth t ab le w as a huge pie, fr om wh ich B children to unusual h ards hi ps andoys, this Is th e right s pi rit . T hePrescott and Mr. Herman J . Bub . VI- each one drew a favor. d temptations, the f a the rs be ing at the 8"id UYr ec to rs h ave done much for you. f UI pour Hollnlst, Miss Elvetta Bliss. Organist , Among those p re sent wer e: Mr. rant and th e mothers at work In the me

    MI V B You have se t a good pace fo r many 1 dss er a ernlce Chesley. and Mrs. Ehric, Mr, a nd M rs . H. G. other boys to follow, BlOpS an f ac to ri es . S im i la r condl-Wl"dnesday, Novembpr 7-CommunUr Polhemus, Mr. and MrB. Harry Brad- School DIs t rI ct , Borough of Narberth tlons may arise h ere , an d d ue p re p-Night; ley, Mr. and Mrs. Ge'orge Rose, Mr. ara,tlon mUBt be made to meet them.The sister churches of Narberth Iand Mrs. F. Dinwiddie Walker, Mr. N t Miss Erskine f orme rl y r es id ed tnwill close t hei r p rayer se rv ice s and and Mrs. W. S. Maddox, Mrs. Carron bad 0 g r : : ~ e : I ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ h e r tnotice s Narbe rth , where Bhe Is well known,present greetings by their pastors, Downes, Dr. and Mrs . R . C. Horrman I p men. and a large audience Is expected to

    the Rev. Johll. Voan Ness and th e ReV'jMr and Mrs W C Claghorn and Mr', L t b f k JlIsten to he r address. All InterestedA D " . . . e us e ran and admi t that we I thvery S. emmy. The Friends of Jsek Braden, of Ovemrook. all gossip too much. n e work of the Needlework GuildI will be welcome at the meet ing . )

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 8, 1917


    NAI{BEltTTI, PA -(Iun TOWN-NOVEMBER 8. i ~ 1 7


    - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -OUR TOWN will glndly prInt

    811y news Item nbout nny subiectthl lt Is of Interes t to N l l r b ~ r t hfolks, but In or(:er to meetthe printing selle'lule, nil "copy"-m:muscripts-must rel lch t ileI'dllnr h, Ii P. ~ T ~ T o n d n y I'nchweek.

    Governor Brumbaugh ha s Issused aproclamation making Sunday, N o v e m ~be r 4, QS "Go-to-Sunday-School Day"and Thursday, November 15, as "Fa th er a nd S on " Day.

    The above department ohoul d b e o f tber ; realest use to the community, the 118t contains th e name o f e ve ry profes8lonal maD.tradesman. mechnn ic. shopkeepe r , et c . whodoe. or can In a ny w ay oerve hi . teUowtownsman, an d who Is p rog re s s ive enou l'bto add na me to list ot Regl.ter.Ao It 10 difficult for thooe contrlbut ln8their time and e!rort. to the production or"Our Town" to per sona ll y either k now o rInterview all ouch, It wou ld be moo t helpful It thoM not now found tn the printed1I0t would oend In a memo of theIr name..a dd re s8 , p ho ne n umbe r8 an d businesses orprotes810n. for lI.tlng. Thl. will co.t ao toIlow.: 10 cento each I .oue for 2 line.; 6 cene.tor eacb addi tiona l l ine.

    It isn ' t always safe to lWCI> knoelling- mercly heeause the v ic tim doc s no tstrike hack.

    I \(0)(TGAGES~ h n J l s o n t ,':.lIneN C. : ! : l ~ J. ; ~ s e x n ve.Phune . ti3G, or 14:!O Ches tnu t Bt.I ~ I U S I CCowin, T. ~ t t l f l r t . Plano 1'(>;'l('hpr.~ " t i ~ I e r i o n UVe. Phone . ~ a r l J ( ' r t h 3>ul{h. " e r t 226 lona ave.Nar . P ho ne . 6uO'V. Ard. P ho ne , 1 63 J .:nslI A ~ OYSTEnSIOlJlerlRI ( J r o c ( r ~ Co. Phone. Narber th 606.See display n d v p r t l ~ e t n e n t In this 1 ~ 8 u e .G A U D E ~ NUItSERIES"'ohlert, A. E. Phoue , 69G.See display advertisement In thl. lo.ue.HROCEnSIn",erlal Grocery Co. Phone. Narberth 606.See dLsph,y advertisement In thlo losue.lIAULIXG, ETC."'alton UroR. Phone, 672.See dloplny advertisement In thlo looue.INSURANCEBowman, Samuel P. (Life.)116 Elmwood aVe. Phone, 653W.Jones, ChaM. R.3nr, So Narberth nve. Phone . 682J.Jones, 'Ym. J. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone,

    680-J. Phlla. address, Penn Mutual Bldg.Trotter BroM. (Fire , e tc .)209 Woodside ave. Phone. 1262-R.LAWYERSGilroy, John 211 ES8ex ave. Phone. 1245R.Phlla. address, Lincoln Bldg.Henry, Geo. M. 107 Che.tnut ave. Pbono, 608.Phlla . addres. , Finance Bldg.Stites, Fletcher W. 413 Haverford ave.Phone. 372-W Phil. .. addreoo. Crozer Bide.LIGlITING FIXTURESlIIcDonald John, Narberth phone, 1288.1533 Che. t. o t.. Phil. .. Phone , Spruce IU8.MEATS, ETC.Bo)Ie. '. Phone, 398.See dlRplay advertloement In tblo lo.ue.Cotter, 1I0ward F. Phone, 1298.See dloplay advertloement In t bl o I....ufl.CrIst, Frank Phone . 6H-W.See dloplay advertloement In tblo lo.ue.MILKScott.Powell D.lrl.... Phone. Preoton 2398.See dloplay advertisement In tbl. Is.ue.

    __ . .5


    Lancaster Ave., Opp. Penna. R. R. StationB R Y N MA' \ IVR. PA .

    Buick! Buick! Buick!

    ! Narberth RegisterI ::1;;:o::c;;:;;p::e::r;;:::ss::u;;:e;;:;;;;;:5;;.;c;;;:"::o;;:r::e;;:a;;:c::h;;;:a::c;;:d;;:

    Hn;E lH:ILlll1"GS ~ ' O R At the p re se nt r at e of i n cr e as e t h eOJo'FleES A'r WASIHNG'fON usual 35,000 F'ederal employes iaI --- Washington will be more than doubledW1Lsh ington , D . CoO November 6, if the war continues another ye'lr.1917. -0no of t i le manifo ld p ro bl em s W or ke rs o f a ll kinds ar o b e i n ~ appresented hy th e wa r is that of f ur - poi nt ed , stenographers and type-n i sh i ng ad equ at e office accommoda- wrJt er s and d raf t smen for tile servicetions fo r th e thousands of additional gcnerally, an d w hat a re Imown asoffielals, cler ks , an d other Federal r schedule c l er l ,s , i ndex an d catalogueservants wh o ar c pouring I nt o Wash -! clerks, ~ l e r k s qualifie(l in statistics orington. The Government is e x e r e i ~ : n g ' a c c ~ u n t l l 1 g , ~ n ~ l c!e:ks qualificd illi t s p rerogat ive in th is d i rec tionand has busllless admll1lstratlOn for th e O:(]commandecred conven i ent l y locatld ~ I a n c e Depa r tment o f t h e Army, beingollice buildings and apar tmen t house5 111 grcat demand.with a f re e h an t! ' In addition it I., Repre sen ta t iv es o f t h e Fede r al Civilerecting lIuge temporary stru'ctUl r:s ~ e r v i e e .c.ommission at th e post o ~ i : , e 5for us c as oflices, an d in the bu ild ing III al l eltIeS ar e th e ollicial recrUlt1l11;'of these c ont ra eto rs a re b rea king agcnt.s f or t he great civiloian army snt im e r ec or ds f or c on st ru et io n worlc a rmy o f a half million hehind th e me n

    fA huilding t o h ou se tlll'; si x hundred behind th e guns.I officials and clerks of th e Counc il o f ---------l 'a tional Defense, containing nwrethan 100,000 square feet of floor space,wa s erected a.nd fu ll y equ ipped in fof-Ity-three da:rs. Similar buildings n e ~ r -hy ar e for th e ulse of the forces of Ith e food Administration, Fuel Administration, an d Army Ordnance. Worl;:is well undcr way on a mammothstrueture wh.ich will cover three cityb lo ck s t o h on se t he ove rf low o f th e'Val' an d Navy Departments , the eon-i t ra ct . f or which calls f o r e omp le ti pn

    I in foul' months.I By t.hese me th oJ s t he Governmf.nt. keeps in advance of i ts a ct ua l neell;;. '1-



    Habit is not an e asy t hi ng to over- th e train {Intieome and as the housewives have Lit right on his head agnin, Heheen usiug wheat lIour almost exclus- l lon 't mi ss nothin', Ii vc ly f or years past, it needs some- I tcll yc, and I sure am g la d t o se eIthing lik e the les;;on of to-day to himm ak e o ne r ea li ze what possihilitie;; With his hn t eoc\wll on OIle side. alhllie in th e m ln\, oth er hcretofore his littleneglected grains ' and mallY might s ay C ha rl ie C ha pl in musstush,ar e j udg ing f rom th e af ternoon 's rc- hooked on hi ssuits, more palatable t ha n Ih e p la in Lcft. arm, while h e' s t ak in 'wheat flour if you just knnw how to th e ba.ck ofprepare them. The g roee r' s bill for 1916. ThingsThlR lesson in home eeonomies is w as m ig ht y dulla part of th e c lu b' s wa r plogram. While he w as away, lJut. now evcrY'At th e conclusion of th e lesson Miss body'll be agogRoger s, who represented Strawbridge 'B ou t w ho 's g oin g to ge t 'it in th ea nd C lo th ie r, spoke hriefly on th e neck. Go to it,subjeet contained in th e fol lowing let- Cnb. Let's se c who next'll ge t a rub.tel' which I am preseuting to not - . - - - . - - - -only th e member; ; o f th e du b bu t to F!Ii( ' l,ALlIEH LETTIUtS ATt he o th e r women of l 'arherth as well NAIWEltTII POST (Wt'lC ..;

    I reeommend your eons idcra ti on of ---t he fo ll owing : Miss Idella MunisonAll OPllortunlt) } 'o r ( 'I ub W om en 'i:1 M,Is;; Mary Lo ft us)tender " : m e r ~ I ' I I C ) ' Sen-ice Mrs. Mamie Connor

    A pp rec ia tiv e o f th e fa ct that wo- ,J, K Gl11mor.men everywhere ar e l oy al ly a nd elli- ..:. S. IInw!!, Postmu!ll('r.ciently assuming th e a dded du ti es a nd ---------responsibilities placeff upon t1lem bythe war, bu s Inells on al l sides iA lurn- Ilng more and m ore to t he spl endi d Iwomanhood of o ur c ou nt ry t o replace Ith e continuing lessening ma n power,It is vitally necessary to the life 01-out' Dation -aud th e success of th e war,

    that business should continue withou tinterruption. Busi n es s c ont ri b ut esheavily t o the w ar taxes, keeps in clreulation mlllioDS of dollars, and actively employs t e ll s of thousands ormen an d women, each of whom Is aproducer or a distributor of somecommod It), or o th er directly or IndlT ec tly ne ed ed b y o ur se lv es 01' ou rAllies.Because th e l arg e s to r es in Philadelphia, as well a s p r ac t ic a ll y allo th e rs t h e country over, ar e affectedby these unusual conditions, an d because they ar e d es ir ou s o f s ec ur In gse l li ng ab il l ty of th e exceptional ldl1l1.

    . IHARRY B WALL they a r e s uhm lt ti ng a mutual help plan for th e busy hol iday time to al l 1PI b G F"tt' g Federated Clubs. Th c plan IA thiA: Iurn lng, as 1 In That each du h form a Part-t ime Mer-and Heating can tl i e Se rv i ee Uni t, th e m em be rs o f INA RB E R T H . PA which wil1 temporarily become mem-

    _ bel'S of t.he selling force of a largc 1BOYLE 'S MARKET HOUSE I store for a few week s b ef or e Christ-mas. Thc unquestioned patriotismII . WILLIS DAVIS , Proprietor of w om en w ho h av e w it hin t he p as t I few month s t ak en up duties unthoughtPrIme Meats of, h ef or c w e were p lunge d i nt o th ewar, leads th e l a rg ,e Rtor es to suggest t hi s a s on e of th e duties nearestat hand.Some of th e women of Narberthmay be 50 fortunately s i tu a te d a s tohe able to r cs po nd . Yo un g w om enof leisu re, wishing to earn extramoney; ~ ' o u n g marricd women, whobecause of th e s ho rt h ou rs a rr an ge dfor in this plan, eoul(l still give the.proper a l ten t ion to their homes; stiJl Iothers would regard th is a;; a llUsiness icxpe r icnee which m ig ht l at cr he ofvalue to th em in t.he event of their ,

    PH/HiIt.\ll. WlmK 0'"' l\ 'O\t;\IBEIl iiTII hein!!: t hr ow n n po n their own re- :sources. ,The Ctimpcnsation will he worthwhile the hours rcasonable-frome l e v e ~ in th e morning until fonrthirt.v In t hc a f tc rnoon .If "anv of t he w om en of :\'arhcl" h :

    nr c sl1tft"ipllllv i11lcrested in this ap ' !p ea l M rs . C. P. Fowler, president pI' !tIle' ( 'omrnllnit\ (']1111. would he J!.ladto hear f rom t hem.lAI:\ l'IUIIH'CTIO:\ ~ T . \ H ' I ' ~ A :'-EAlt

    ,\1' l ' O ~ : - ; l n L l ' ; TO 10.1.. A. ~ .. 1 ~ . 0 0 . ~ . O O ,:1.-10. ; ' i . ~ i i , 7.4;;. 9.:10 I'. \1 .

    ON AND AFTERNOVEMBER 1st, 1917A ll Coal and Wood ChargeAccountswill be Discontinued

    This rule will be strIctly enforced.C. P. COOK, Narberth

    Home Dressed Poultry, Butter. Eg-g:s and Game.Fancv Fnlll and V e ~ e t ; l h l e s . "A STORE FORPARTICULAR PEOPLE ..Telephone. NARBERTH , P A .

    PHONE TO WALTON BROS.NARBERTH 6 72When vou want automobile trips, furnituremove"d, packages carried, freight hauled.automobiles stored, etc.

    - - - - - - -_ . - . ---- --_.--- . - - -

    ~ s ~ ~ ! ? ! Ainesl Pholoplay The-alre 01 It .. Size In Ih eEnUreWorld.Pholoplay.Oi-Conlinuou'i 10 A. M. 1011 .30P.M.Phl la . , P a .