Our Town March 22, 1919

FIRESIDE ITEMS WANTED FOR O UR TO WN J OIN T HE Narberth Guard VOLUME V, NUMBER 24 NARBERTH, PA., SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1919 PRICE TWO CENTS N AR BE RT H A ND B RA ND YW IN E A SK F OR F RA N CH I SE S FOUR CLUBS POST FORFEITS SEEK ADMISSION IN MAIN LINE LEAGUE Place. Old Post Offict' .. Y.1IL C. A. 3 Elmwood Avenue. Y.1\L C. A. Narberth H. S. District No.2. District No. 1. Carl Candoni, 22:1 Dudley a\"l'nuo. A. C. Warner, 216 Dudl ey avenue. F. II . Preseot!, 22G Essex an'nue. Hohert. Sa\'ill, E",,·x an d Salline ave- nues. Prod Walzer, 1 17 \ Vi nl 1s or a \"eIlUC, (Continued 011 Page 3.) "The Object of this Association shall be to improve a n d b e au t if y the Borough a n d v i ci n it y ; t o as<Jst and co-operate w it h t he authori ties in enforcing laws an d ordi nances r el at i ng t he re to ; to pro mote an y p r oj e ct h a vi n g fo r it s purpose th e betterment of th e com munity as a whole; to provide a means of acquiring an d dissemi nating i n f o rm a t i o n on an y subject of general i n te r es t ; a n d to foster an d maintain a f r at e r na l s p ir i t among th e people of ou r commun ity." Dues fo r Voting Member ship fo r o ne y ea r, $1.00. Every resident of Narberth an d vicinity eligible. Flowering Trees Awarded by Garden Committee Now Ready for Distribntion Trees ar c now ready fOr t he w in n er s in tho fil'o distriets anllonnced last fall in Our Town. These trees were donated hy IIII'. A. E. Wohlert, a n!l w il l be read;r for d e li l ' er y Saturday at the Old Post Ofiice Building. I f tho winners will send for them they can get them an;}' time between 2.30 an d 5 0 'clock Satur llay afternoon, :Mar ch 2 2 n d. T h e f o ll ow in g a r e entitled t o a f lo we t' ing tree: .r. B. ~ [ o l ' g a l l . 24 C h e st n u t a v e n ue . Willium .r. Henderson, 20 Chestnnt a\"enue. J. H. Nash, I : ~ 6 ~ [ e r i o n avenue. Henry H o sl ' , 2 11 \Yoodside avenue. L. \-. Rockwell, H Elml \"oo ll aven Lit'. Elmer ~ [ a r s h , ;;06 S ou th N ar l" .. lt11 al'ellue. Lpster Nickpl'son, 1 11 E l ll l wood Q\"e, nue. Purpose. Home Bake. Directors' ~ [ e e t i l l g . Card Party. Ulustrate<1 Lecture. Concert. lIIake all ellident an u worthy Jnst·ice. A !-! r ca t l ll aj or i ty of t he people of Xarberth would c('rt"llinly a pp ro ve of l 1 H ~ ILppointment [\luI would c o n g m t ll ] a ! e ,ill' Statl', th e GOI'l'I-nOr, th e county, tho I,orough an d "Squire" Cunningham. mUSICRl ENTERTRINmENT Evening worship \I'ill be r el i ul l le d i n tlIe Presbyterian Chlll"('h nl'xt Sunday at iA5 0 'clock. T he chan ge fr om th e aftpl'tlOOJl nlcpting is l1HHle Olt aeCOl1Jlt of the" Every M em he r C an va s, " n l' xt Sundayafternoou. The encouraging ai- tendance at the Vesper senices would ,,'elll to warraut a return to the aft"r niHlll hour next winter. R e ~ e l " \ " e the ('\'ening of April 12th! On that date t he A nn ua l Senior PIny will be gi \"Cn. The class of 'HI w i ll p re s en t, u nd e r t hc s up en 'i si on of ~ [ j ~ s L. Boynton, a c ol l cg e farce in t h re e a c ts called, " A S t r en u o u s L i fe . " Do no t fail to he on hand, as those who h l1 \' e n Ii Rs ed t hi R s am e p la y ( ' l ~ e w h e r e have be('n b a l l l ~ ' rlisappoint(',l. 'fhe admia· ,ion will he f if ty c cn ts, i nc lu di ng a d a n ce whi ch will follow the play. Haverford Colege Musical Clubs Auspices of CIa .. o f ' 19 , N. H. S. Hi,h School Auditorium Friday, March 28th 8.15 P. M. Short c ou rs e f o r Home Scn'ice \Vork· ers hy ~ r i s s Elizaheth Wood, Field Di rector of S o ut h we s te r n Division Home S er vi ce S ec ti on , A me ri ca n R ed Cross, conRisting' of s ev en l ec tu r es , starting \Vednes!lay, March 26th, 3 to L'30 P. M. Pupils should' apply us promptly as paR' siblo to Re d Cross headquarters, Main L i ne B r an c h Xo. 1, N or ri s a nd Mont gomery a v e nu e s , Bryn Mawr, Pa . b y th e Organization ...................................•...•.•.•.•.......•• Purpose ••.••••• .... ••.••..•••••••..•...• ........ •..•••.•.• ....... •• Place ••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••..• ..... •..••.•.•••.•••• .... ••• '" Calendar of Coming Events Time •••• ........ ......... •..••.• ................... '" ••..•.•..••• Use T his Blank in Sending in Announcements of Ooming Events. Come to tho Dollar Limit Sale (posi tively nothing over one d<Jllar), at th e Old Post O ff ic e B u il c li n g, Saturday, March 2 9 th , b e gi n ni n g' at 11 0 'clock. Y ou w il l find cakes, e a n di e s , pies, pea nuts, children's grab bag, u se fu l a r ti cles of n um ero us k in ds an d sple nd id \'alues. all at reasonable prices. The sale is given by the .Tnnior Evangel Circle of the K in g' R D au gh te rs , a nd everj- cent goes t o c h ar i ty . Date .•..• .......... •• ...... ...................... •.••• ......... •• "For . F re e do m ," w it h William Far nUIll in t hp l e ad i ng r ol e. w il l b e s ho wn at tho Palace Theatre, Ardmore, on \ Yc d ne s da y . T hl ' story is hased on the world'S great war a nd t he battle scene., ar c e ua ct "d in th e tr enc he s an(l "N o ~ r a n ' s L au ,l " w it h g l ' l' a t r e aJ i sm . The p OI I' prf ul Rtory gi IOCR Farnum e\'ery op portunity to extplll1 his ahility as an , ( C o nt i n u ed o n Page 3.) Date. Time. Organization. ~ [ a r . 22, 11-2 P. 111. I.,adies' A id S oc ie ty Methodist Church. ~ f a r . 24, 8 P. 1\[. Y. C. A. ~ [ a r . 2;;, 2 P. 1IL COlll lllunity Club. Mar. 27, 8 P. M. Y. 1IL C. A. Mar. 28, 8.]5 P.l\f. Haverford College Musical Club. Apr. 7, 8 P.l\L W o m e n 's A u x il i ar y . Monthly 1Ifecting. Y. M. C. A. Apr. ]0, SP.1\!. Y. l\L C. A. Illustrated Leeture. Y. l\f. C. A. Apr. ]2, SP.M. Class 'Ill N. n. S. Play. High School'.. Apr. 11, D e l ta S i g m a S o r or i t y. Dunce. To be annou n c ed . Apr. 24, 8 P. :1Il . Y. 1\L C . A. Illustrated Lecture. Y. l\[. C. A. May 2, 8 P.M. Y. M. C. A. Circus. Y.1\L C. A. Mr. an<1 ~ r r s . All",rt Grant St"phen son. o f G ra yl in g a ve nu e, h av e returned to Narherth from a short star at thc St. Charles, Atlantic City. .1. H OI I' an i . Te ff er ie s is o n a business trip to the :Middle West. Tho Ladies' Airl S oc ie ty o f t he Metl, odist C hu rc h w il l h ol d a Home Bake of cakes, pies, bread, etc., at the Old Post Office this Saturday, March 22nd, from 11 to 2 P.M. ], [rs . S. A. R Udol ph, 2nd, and new d a ug h te r , . le an , a r e s p en d in g s om e t im e in Atlantic City. THE FIRESIDE Mr. anll :Mrs. .T. E ar le C la rk ", of :1:11 Du,lley a\"l'lI11P, l'ntertained on l'hurs ( l a ~ - Dr_ an,l ~ r r s . .Tohn Axfol'l l IIiggons. of the Xinth P l '! ' sh y t er i an C h ur c h of Philadelphia. Stop! Look! Listen! Watch this space fo r further an nouncements about th e DANCB to be given on A PR IL 1 1t h, by th e Mr. S. K. White has sold h is h ou se nt Essex [\Illl l \ f cr i on u venues an d will 1110\'e to Philadclpiha. ~ r r . Harry 13. Wall is able to be around aftl'r a S P\ ' er e altaek of rheumatililll. Mr. and ],[rs. C. H. Churchill arc leav in g Woodside avenue, Narberth, for W i l k e s- B a r r e, Mr. Churchill having been transferred to that town. Th e F o r t n i g h t l ~ ' Club, together \\'ith s ev er al g ue st s, waR entertained on Tues(lay el-eninl! hy l\fr. and Mrs. Ed \I'an1 G. Schau roth. ~ [ r . Schauroth gave nn ilJllstrah',l Ipeture on t he a rt s of ancient Greece. Th e gar!leners who h ad p lo ts in 1110 Antlnvyn Farms tract last year ar e look i ng u p t he ir g ar de n tools and purcha s i ng s e ed s f o r another s ea so n o f p l ea su r e a n d profit. M r. a nd M rs . G e or ge H. Gifford, for merly of W o od si de a v en u e, arc at St. Peters h u r g , F l o ri d a . Mr .• r. Frazier P u rs e h a s b o ug h t a pair of h ou se s on Elmwood avenue, one of w hi ch h e w il l occupy on April 1st. Don't forget to hold Friday evening, April 25, fo r t he S co ut M in st re l S ho w and Dance. Friends of Mr. nn d 1\fTS. David Smith a nd f am il y regret to learn that they a ro i ca vi ng N n ~ b e r t 1 i . Mr. Smith's b us in e ss c a ll s h im to Ne w York. MiRs B e rt h a P i gg o tt has returned to her home i n W e s t B r a t tl e bo r o, Vermont, after spending some timo with friendR in N ar he rt ll . M is s l \ fa i z ie S i m ps o n ac ('on'panied her. To fill t he u ne xp ir ed t er m o f t he l at e Squire G o v er n or Sproul will s h o r t ly a p p o in t a Narberth ma n fa r the vacancy. Mr. Vincent F. Cunninghalll is a candidllte fo r t h o h o no r and Ehould Th e DeaconR, E ld er s a nd TrnsteeR of th e Preshyterian Churcll will nlake a c a m' a ss o f tl1C e n t i r o c o n gr e g at i on next Sunday afternoon fo r th e " New Em Victory Campaign." Every Presbyterian Church in t h e U n it e d S t a te s i s e x p ec t ed to make a similar canvass next Sunday. COMMUNITY OLUB DANCE. By a Member. An urgent appeal has b ee n s en t ou t fo r 13,000 kuitted garments fo r refugees. Cll'i1dren's stockings andl b''Weater s, also mufflers and s>hwwls are This C ha pt er h as b ee n a ll ot te d a large pro portion. \ViH y ou h el p us? Also sweaters and socks fo r the sol dieTS :MUST be r e tu r n ed t h is month. Wool gi\ "Cn o ut b y ~ [ r s . Redifer. RE D OROSS KNITTERS. CARD P A RT Y N E XT TUESDAY. Xext Tuesday, :i\farch 25th, at 2 P. ~ I . , there will be a Benefit C a rd Party of bridge an d live hundred at the resi ll"nec of ],fTs. II. A. Jacobs, 3 Elmwood a l'eIllle. T he t ic kl 't s a re only 35 cents. S p e ci a l e f f or t s a rc b ei ng ma<le to make t hi s lin interesting a f te r no o n. T i ck e ts JlIay he o bt ai ne d from l\frs. Charles ""rna or Mrs. II. A . . T ac ob s. Proceeds a re f or th e \Voman 's Community Club. A register is h" in g prepar('(1 and when completed ,,'ill be aYllilahle at thc Post Office fo r all th e Xarbcrth boys \I'ho havo retumed frolll the sen'icc an d f or t ho se who ar o still 10 come. There arc o bv io u s r e as on s for having' :L com plete list an d record, an d e\"('ry boy is urgcd to supply the r eq u ir ed informa tion promptly and cO!Tl'etly. BOYS TO REGISTER. Langllon, ":1\ig" Koons, Plick ::;tites, Dick\Yallace an d "Vernon F le ck as '1 IllH']PlIS fo r a. gooLl tculn. The Brandywine club, recently reor g an iz ,, !l in \ Ve st C hl 's te r, w as reprl" lil'uled by its presi,ll'ut, John Cloll"'r, aud Se"retary Alger C. \ V h it c r af t , and applied for 1 1 l e m h e r ~ h i p in the circuit. This du b ha s been chartered mill should gil'e thl' C I 1 l ' ~ t e r County f a u ~ rl'al sport. J ts ne\\" m an ag er , F rl 'd Stnmll'r, is known to the Main Line fraternity. lI e was a c u tc h cr w i th th e Union A. A ., of L a n sd o w ne, under Manager Rhoads. T he W ay ne Club h a s f ai ll 'd to indi cate a willingness to p a rt ic ip at e i n t he league, n o t w it h s t an d i n g t h a t town had the hanner a t t r ac t i o n l a ~ t season when represented by the United States ~ [ a r i n c team. T he a p pl ic a ti o ns are to be given due consideratiou by th e membership com m it te e, c on si st in g of Messrs. Barker, Rhoades, MacKenzie an d McCrea. Thc l ea gu e w il l play two seasons, tho first ('losing on .Tuly 4, with morning an d afternoon games, a nd t ho last half clos ing on L wbor Day. There will be n t\l"l'uty-game schedule, a ll ow in g Sa tur days in S e p te m b er f o r the championship series h e tw e en w i un e rs o f first and last hahes. The Hospitality C om mi tt ee of tho Women's ' C o m Il l u ni t y C l u b extend their thanks to all who in an y wa y helped to make their dance a s uc ce ss . St. Pat. r i ck ' s n i gh t arrived at l as t, a n d a largo crowd, in their best bib an d tucker, wended their wa y to E lm H al l, which they f ou nd in festive attire, t he s ta g e beautifully decorated with palms, pussy willows and forsythia. T h e e x hi b it io n dances wero given in th e v er y best professional style, an d Roger and R o ge r p r ov e d to be o ur own "Gussie" Witherow with M r. R oy Mc Call, a n d, b e li e ve me, they arc "The Castles' " superiors . T he e li mi na ti on d an ce w as won by Mr. an d Mrs. Carl Metzgar. Then th e d i st r ib u t io n of s ou v en ir s, Eggs. C al l 32\l Or write Box 342. (24-1',) L A ND S CA P E G a rd e ni n g, l a wn s c u t a nd hedgl's trimmed by contmct. Cement work a specialty. }'rank Coradetti, P. B ox 6 29 , Narberth, or phone N aI'- berth 16Sn. (24'1') GIRL WANTED f or l ig ht houscwork a fell' h ou rs ea ch mo rning . Ad dr ess Box 66, " . rberth. (24-0) CLASSIFIED ADVERT ISEMENT!; :FOUND-Dog ta g license. Inquire at :1\ a rb e rt h P o st Office. YOUNG MAN to take care of lawn and g ar de n. B ox 966, Narberth (24-.;) :FOR SALE-Colonial Highboy in good condition. Address Box 62i, Nar- berth. (24-1') :FOR S A L E - - R e ed C o a c h B a s si n e tt e and Sulkey. P h o ne N a r b e r th 1293. ( 24 -1 ' ) Two cents pe r word each Insertion, calb In a d va n ce . No advertisement &ccepted un· l es . c as b accomp&nles COpy. Watch out fo r a Boy Scout w h o c o me s to your <loor to sell yo u a t ic ke t f or their :Minstrel Sh<Jw. Don't let him by without buying one. (FrOIll T h u r ~ l l a y 's P u hl ic L eu gl 'r .) The inll'reRt llIanifested at th e month ly me ting of th e ~ [ a i n I ~ i n e BaRchall LeagllC l le l ll l as t n ig ht indicates that when c o mp l et e d t h e c i rc u it "'ill be onl) of the best in this Yicinily. The ('luhs of lnst sen SOlI represelItl'd at the IIlt'l'I in g Wl 'r e R . G. Dun &, Co., ch:llnpiom' ()f the l e n g ue , l ' l ' p re s e l l te d by Manager Al bert B er ts ch ; A u to c ar Club, of Anl, more, Charlcs Barker; Union A. A .. of Lansdowne, H. Rhoa < l es ; . J. .\: .J. D o b so n , } { o be r t Calhoun and his preillier t wirJer, Charles Block. l'reRi<1ellt Charles A. ~ f c C r e a presi<l cd. Other o fi i ce r s p r eRent werc First Vice,Prl'si,ll'nt A. A. \V. Canizares, Sec ond Vicp,PI'I'sirlent Murdo :MacKenzie, T r p as n r t' r C h ar l ps E. Clay. ' fh e f on r clubs r p pr p s" n lp ! l a l l pO Rt ed their guar antee nlolll'y 1'01' f ra nc hi se s in t he cir cuit for the 19]1l seaSon. A pp li ca ti on w us m ad e fo r memher ship on behalf of the Narberth Athletic Association hy Manager Frederick Walzer. XarllPrth, a three·time cham pion of th e league, alwa;ys was a gool l baseball town, and gave the fans a for midable cluh a nd o nl y retired f ro m t he league IIllder t he p re ss ur e of war con ditions, It i s a n t ic i p a tc r l that Narberth w il l h av e a new athletic field this sea son and h av e such f or me r p lay ers as EGGS f o r h a tc h in g , Hhode Island Reds, lOco l'aeh. A. Eo W o h le r t , H o n t g om ery I\\'enue, Narberth. :FOR SALE-Xarberth. Detached house, garage, III roOUIS, b at h, g as a ud elec· t r ic i ty , h a nl l ro u d f1uors, s te am h ea t. Frauk \\'ood, 220 \Vayne avenue (o,,'n· er). 126-p) :FOR SALE-Fresh Woodbine avenuo, :FOR SALE-Leather D l n- e u po r t B c d, Crib, Folding Go-Cart an d Ic c Box. Phone Narberth 60I-W, or call 501 Haverford uvenue, Nnrberth. (24-c) . L A N D S OA P E G a r d en i n g an d a ll w or k pm-taining to th e u pk ee p o f l aw n or garden. H. A. Albany, Ardmore, Pa.

Transcript of Our Town March 22, 1919

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Narberth Guard





Old Post Offict' ..

Y.1IL C. A.3 Elmwood Avenue .

Y.1\L C. A.Narberth H. S.

District No.2 .

District No. 1.

Carl Candoni, 22:1 Dudley a\"l'nuo.A. C. Warner, 216 Dudley avenue .

F. II . Preseot!, 22G Essex an'nue.

Hohert. Sa\'ill, E",,·x an d Salline ave-nues.

Prod Walzer, 117 \Vinl1sor a \"eIlUC,

(Continued 011 Page 3.)

"The Object o f t hi s Associationshall be to improve a n d b e au t if yt he Borough a n d v i ci n it y ; t o as<Jstand co-operate w it h t he authorities in enforcing laws an d ordinances r el at i ng t he re to ; t o promote an y p r oj e ct h a vi n g fo r it spurpose th e betterment of th e community as a whole; to provide ameans of acquiring an d dissemina t ing informat ion on an y subjectof general i n te r es t ; a n d to fosteran d maintain a f r at e r na l s p ir i tamong th e people of ou r community." Dues fo r Voting Membership fo r o ne y ea r, $1.00. Everyresident of Narberth an d vicinityeligible.


Trees ar c now ready fOr t he w in n er si n t ho f il 'o distriets anllonnced last fallin Our Town. These trees were donatedhy IIII'. A. E. Wohlert , a n!l w il l be read;rfo r de li l ' ery Saturday at the Old Pos tOfiice Building. I f tho winners willsend for them they can get them an;}'

time between 2.30 an d 5 0 'clock Saturllay afternoon, :March 22nd.

T h e f o ll ow in g a r e entitled to a f lowet'ing tree:

.r. B. ~ [ o l ' g a l l .24 Chestnu t avenue .Willium .r. Henderson, 20 Chestnnt

a\"enue.J. H. Nash, I : ~ 6~ [ e r i o navenue.Henry Hosl', 211 \Yoodside avenue.L . \ -. Rockwell, H Elml\"ooll avenLit'.Elmer ~ [ a r s h ,;;06 S ou th N ar l" ..lt11

al'ellue.Lpster Nickpl'son, 111 Elll lwood Q\"e,



Home Bake.

Directors ' ~ [ e e t i l l g .

Card Party.

Ulustrate<1 Lecture.


lIIake all ellident an u worthy Jnst·ice.A !-!r ca t l ll aj or i ty of t he people of

Xarberth would c('rt"llinly a pp ro ve o fl 1 H ~ILppointment [\luI would congmtll]a! e,ill' Statl', th e GOI'l'I-nOr, th e county, tho

I,orough an d " S q u i r e " Cunningham.


Evening worship \I'ill be rel iul l led intlIe Presbyterian Chlll"('h nl'xt Sundayat iA5 0 'clock. T he chan ge fr om th eaf tp l ' t lOOJl nlcpting is l1HHle Olt aeCOl1Jlt

of t h e " Every M em he r C an va s, " n l' xtSundayafternoou. The encouraging a i -tendance at the Vesper senices would

,,'elll to warraut a return to the aft"rniHlll hour next winter.

R e ~ e l " \ " ethe ('\'ening of April 12th!On that date t he A nn ua l Senior PIny

will be gi \"Cn. The class of 'HI will pres en t, u nd e r t hc s up en 'i si on o f ~ [ j ~ s~ r .

L. Boynton, a c ol l cg e farce in t h re e a c tscalled, " A St renuous Li fe . " Do no tfail to he on hand, as those who hl1\'enIiRsed thiR s am e p la y ( ' l ~ e w h e r ehavebe('n b a l l l ~ 'rlisappoint(',l. 'fhe admia·

,ion will h e f if ty c cn ts, i nc lu di ng adance which will follow t h e p la y.

HaverfordCollege MusicalClubsA usp i ce s of CIa . . o f ' 19 , N. H. S.

Hi,h School AuditoriumFriday, March 28th 8.15 P.M.

Short c ou rs e f o r Home Scn'ice \Vork·

ers hy ~ r i s sElizaheth Wood, Field Director o f S o ut h we s te r n Division HomeS er vi ce S ec ti on , A me ri ca n R ed Cross,conRisting' of s ev en l ec tu r es , starting\Vednes!lay, March 26th, 3 to L '30 P. M.Pupils should' apply us prompt ly as paR'siblo to Re d Cross headquarters, MainL i ne B r an c h Xo. 1, N or ri s a nd Montgomery avenues , Bryn Mawr, Pa .

b y th e

Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . • . . . • .• . • . • . . . . . . . ••

Purpose • • . • • • • • . . . . • • . • • . . • • • • • • • . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . • • • . • . • . . . . . . . • •

Place • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . . • . . . . . • . . • • . • . • • • . • • • • . . . . • • • '"

Calendar of Coming Events

Time • • • • . . . . . . . . • . . . . .. . . . • . . • • . • . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . '" • • . . • . • . . • • •

Use T his Blank in Sending in Announcements of Ooming Events.

Come t o th o Dollar Limit Sale (positively nothing over one d<Jllar), at th eOld Post Office Builc ling, Saturday,March 29 th , beginning' at 11 0 'clock.You w il l find cakes , eandie s , pies, pea

nuts, children's grab bag, u se fu l a r ticles o f n um ero us k in ds an d sple nd id\'alues. all at reasonable prices. Thesale is given by the .Tnnior Evangel

Circle of the K in g' R D au gh te rs , a ndeverj- cent goes t o c h ar i ty.

Date . • . . • . . . . . . . .. . • • . . . . . . • . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . • . • • • . . . . . . . . . • •

" F o r . F re e do m ," w it h William FarnUIll in t hp l e ad i ng r ol e. w il l b e s ho wn

at tho Palace Theatre, Ardmore, on\ Yc d ne s da y. T hl ' story is hased on theworld'S g r ea t w a r a nd t he battle scene.,ar c e ua ct "d i n th e tr enc he s an(l "N o~ r a n ' sL au ,l " w it h gl ' l' a t reaJ ism. ThepOII'prful Rtory gi IOCRFarnum e\ 'ery opportunity to extplll1 his ahili ty as an

, (Cont inued on Page 3.)

Date. Time. Organization.

~ [ a r .22, 11-2 P. 111. I.,adies' A id S oc ie tyMethodist Church.

~ f a r .24, 8 P. 1\[. Y. ~ L C. A.~ [ a r .2;;, 2 P. 1IL COllllllunity Club.

Mar. 27, 8 P. M. Y. 1IL C. A.Mar. 28, 8.]5 P.l\f . Haverford College

Musical Club.Apr. 7, 8 P. l \L Women 's Auxil i ary. Monthly 1Ifecting. Y. M. C. A.

Apr. ]0, SP.1\!. Y. l\L C. A. Illustrated Leeture. Y. l\f. C. A.

Apr. ]2, S P. M . Class 'Ill N. n. S. Play. High School'..Apr. 11, Del ta S igma Soror i ty. Dunce. To be announced .

Apr. 24, 8 P. :1Il . Y. 1\L C . A. Illustrated Lecture. Y. l\[. C. A.

May 2, 8 P. M . Y. M. C. A. Circus. Y.1\L C. A.

Mr. an<1~ r r s .

All",rt Grant St"phenson. o f G ra yl in g a ve nu e, h av e returnedto Narherth from a short s tar at thcSt. Charles, Atlantic City.

.1. H OI I' an i . Te ff er ie s is o n a business

trip to the :Middle West.

Tho Ladies' Airl S oc ie ty o f t he Metl,odist C hu rc h w il l h ol d a Home Bake of

cakes, pies, bread, etc., at the Old PostOffice this Saturday, March 22nd, from

11 to 2 P. M .

], [rs . S. A. R Udol ph, 2nd, and new

d a ug h te r , . le an , a r e s p en d in g s om e t im ein Atlantic City.


Mr. anll :Mrs. .T. E ar le C la rk ", o f :1:11

Du,lley a\"l'lI11P, l 'ntertained on l 'hurs( l a ~ -Dr_ an,l ~ r r s. .Tohn Axfol'll IIiggons.of the Xinth P l '! ' shy ter i an Church of


Stop! Look! Listen!Watch this space fo r fu r the r an

nouncements about th e DANCB tobe given o n A PR IL 1 1t h, by th eDELTA SIGMA SORORITY.

Mr. S. K. White has sold h is h ou se ntEssex [\Illl l \ fcr ion u venues an d will 1110\'eto Philadclpiha.

~ r r .Harry 13. Wall is able to be aroundaftl 'r a SP\ 'ere altaek of rheumatililll.

Mr. and ],[rs. C. H. Churchill arc leavin g Woodside avenue, Narberth, forWilkes-Barre, Mr. Churchill having been

transferred to that town.

Th e F o r t n i g h t l ~ 'Club, together \\'iths ev er al g ue st s, waR entertained onTues(lay el-eninl! hy l\fr. and Mrs. Ed\I'an1 G. Schau roth. ~ [ r . Schaurothgave nn ilJllstrah',l Ipeture on t he a rt so f a n ci e nt Greece.

Th e gar!leners who h ad p lo ts in 1110

Antlnvyn Farms t rac t last year ar e looki ng u p t he ir g ar de n tools and purchas ingseeds fo r another s ea so n o f p l ea su r e a n dprofit.

M r. a nd M rs . G e or ge H. Gifford, formerly o f Wo od si de a v en u e, a r c at St.Pe te rshurg , F lo rida .

Mr .• r. Frazier P u rs e h a s b o ug h t a pairof h ou se s o n Elmwood avenue, one of

w hi ch h e w il l occupy on April 1st.

Don't forget to hold Friday evening,April 25, fo r t he S co ut M in st re l S ho wand Dance.

Friends of Mr. nn d 1\fTS. David Smitha nd f am il y regret to learn that theya ro i ca vi ng N n ~ b e r t 1 i .Mr. Smith's

b us in e ss c a ll s h im to Ne w York.

MiRs B e rt h a P i gg o tt has returned toher home i n We s t B r a t tl e bo r o, Vermont,af te r spending some timo with friendRi n N ar he rt ll . M is s l \ fa i z ie S impson ac('on'panied her.

To fill t he u ne xp ir ed t er m o f t he l at eSquire McCleHnn, Governor Sproul willshor t ly appo in t a Narberth ma n fa r thevacancy. Mr. Vincent F. Cunninghalll

is a candidllte fo r t h o h o no r and Ehould

Th e DeaconR, E ld er s a nd TrnsteeR of

th e Preshyterian Churcll will nlake ac a m' a ss o f tl1C en t i ro congregat ion nextSunday afternoon fo r th e " New EmVictory Campaign." Every PresbyterianChurch in t h e U n it e d S t a te s i s expec tedto make a s imi la r canvass next Sunday.


By a Member.

An urgent appeal has b ee n s en t ou tfo r 13,000 kuitted garments fo r refugees.Cll'i1dren's stockings andl b''Weaters, alsomufflers and s>hwwls are neede<l. This

C ha pt er h as b ee n a ll ot te d a large proportion. \ViH y ou h el p us?

Also sweaters and socks fo r the soldieTS :MUST be r e tu r n ed t h is month.

Wool gi\"Cn o ut b y ~ [ r s .Redifer.



Xext Tuesday, :i\farch 25th, at 2 P. ~ I . ,

there will be a Benef it Card Party ofbridge an d live hundred at the resill"nec of ],fTs. II. A. Jacobs, 3 Elmwood

a l'eIllle. T he t ic kl 't s a re only 35 cents.

Speci a l e ffor t s a rc b ei ng ma<le to maket hi s lin interesting a f te r no o n. Ti ck e tsJlIay h e o bt ai ne d from l\frs. Charles

""rna o r M rs . II. A. .Tacobs. Proceedsa re f or th e \Voman 's Community Club.

A register is h" in g prepar('(1 andwhen completed ,,'ill be aYllilahle at thcPost Office fo r all th e Xarbcrth boys

\I'ho havo retumed frolll t he sen ' icc an df or t ho se who ar o still 10 come. Therearc o bv io u s r e as on s f o r having' :L complete l ist an d record, an d e\"('ry boy isurgcd to supply t h e r eq u ir ed information promptly and cO!Tl'etly.


Langllon, " :1 \ ig" Koons, Plick ::;tites,Dick\Yallace an d "Vernon F le ck a s '1

IllH']PlIS fo r a. gooLl t c u l n .

The Brandywine club, recently reorg an iz ,, !l i n \ Ve st C hl 's te r, w as reprl"lil'uled by its presi,ll'ut, John Cloll"'r,aud Se"retary Alger C. \Vh it c raf t , andapplied for 1 1 l e m h e r ~ h i pin the circuit.This du b ha s been chartered mill should

gil'e thl' C I 1 l ' ~ t e rCounty f a u ~rl'al sport.J ts ne\\" m an ag er , F rl 'd Stnmll'r, isknown to t he M ai n L in e fraternity. lI ewas a c u tc h cr w i th th e Union A. A ., ofLansdowne , under Manager Rhoads.

T he W ay ne Club h a s f ai ll 'd to indi

cate a willingness to p a rt ic ip at e i n t heleague, notwiths tand ing tha t town hadthe hanner a t t rac t ion l a ~ tseason when

represented by t h e U n it e d States ~ [ a r i n c


T he a p pl ic a ti o ns a r e to be given due

consideratiou by th e membership comm it te e, c on si st in g o f Messrs. Barker,Rhoades, MacKenzie an d McCrea. Thcl ea gu e w il l play two seasons, tho first

('losing on .Tuly 4, with morning an d

afternoon games, a nd t ho last half clos

ing on L wbor Day. There will be n

t\l"l'uty-game schedule, a ll ow in g S a tur

d a ys i n September for the championship

series h e tw e en w i un e rs o f first and last


The Hospitality C om mi tt ee o f thoWomen's 'ComIllunity Club extend theirthanks to all who in an y wa y helped tomake their dance a s uc ce ss . St. Pat.

r i ck ' s n i gh t arrived at l as t, a n d a largocrowd, in their best bib an d tucker,wended their wa y to E lm H al l, which

they f ou nd i n festive attire, t he s ta g ebeautifully decorated with palms, pussywillows and forsythia.

T h e e x hi b it io n dances wero given inth e v er y best professional style, an dRoger and R o ge r p r ov e d to be o ur own

"Guss ie" Witherow with M r. R oy McCall, a n d, b e li e ve me, they arc " T h eCastles ' " superiors .

T he e li mi na ti on d an ce w as won byMr. an d Mrs. Carl Metzgar.

Then th e d i st r ib u t io n o f s ou v en ir s,some more dances and homeward bound .

Eggs. C al l 32\lOr write Box 342.


L A ND S CA P E G a rd e ni n g, l a wn s c u t a ndhedgl's tr immed by contmct. Cement

work a specialty. }'rank Coradetti , P.O. B ox 6 29 , Narberth, or phone N aI'-berth 16Sn. (24'1')

GIRL WANTED f or l ig ht houscwork afell' h ou rs ea ch mo rning . Ad dr ess

Box 66, " . rberth. (24-0)


:FOUND-Dog ta g license. Inquire at:1\a rb e rt h P o st Office.

YOUNG MAN to take c ar e o f l aw n a ndg ar de n. B ox 966, Narberth (24-.;)

:FOR SALE-Colon ia l Highboy i n g oo dcondition. Address Box 62i, Nar-

berth. (24-1')

:FOR SALE--ReedCoach Bassine tt e andSulkey. Phone Narber th 1293. (24-1')

Two cents pe r word each Insertion, calbIn a d va n ce . N o advert isement &ccepted un·l es . c as b accomp&nles COpy.

Wa tc h o u t fo r a Boy Scout who comest o y ou r <loor to sell yo u a t ic ke t f ortheir :Minstrel Sh<Jw. Don ' t let h im b ywithout buying one.

(FrOIll T h u r ~ l l a y' s P u hl ic L eu gl 'r .)

The inll'reRt llIanifested at th e monthly m ectin g of th e ~ [ a i nI ~ i n eBaRchallLeagl lC l le l ll l as t n ig ht indicates thatwhen c o mp l et e d t h e c i rc u it "'i l l be onl)of the best i n t hi s Yicinily. The ('luhsof lnst sen SOlI represelItl'd at the IIlt'l'Iin g Wl 'r e R . G. Dun &, Co., ch:llnpiom' ()fthe lengue, l ' l 'presell ted by Manager Albert B er ts ch ; A u to c ar Club, of Anl,more, Charlcs Barker; Union A. A .. ofLansdowne, Isaac H. Rhoa<les; .J. .\: .J.Dobson, }{obert Calhoun and his preillier

t wirJer, Charles Block.l'reRi<1ellt Charles A. ~ f c C r e apresi<l

cd. Other ofi icers preRent werc FirstVice,Prl'si,ll'nt A. A. \V. Canizares, Second Vicp,PI'I'sirlent Murdo :MacKenzie,

Trpasnr t' r Char lps E. Clay. ' fh e f on rclubs rpprps"nlp! l a l l pORted their guar

antee nlolll'y 1'01' f ra nc hi se s i n t he circuit for the 19]1l seaSon.

A pp li ca ti on w us m ad e fo r memher

ship on behalf o f th e Narberth AthleticAssociation hy Manager FrederickWalzer. XarllPrth, a three·t ime champion of th e league, alwa;ys was a gool lbaseball town, and gave the fans a formidable cluh a nd o nl y retired f ro m t heleague IIllder t he p re ss ur e o f war conditions, It i s an t ic ipa tc r l that Narberthw il l h av e a new athletic field this season and h av e such f or me r p lay ers as

EGGS f o r h a tc h in g , Hhode Island Reds,lOco l'aeh. A. Eo Wohle r t , Hon tgom

ery I\\'enue, Narberth.

:FOR SALE-Xarber th . Detached house,garage, III r o OUI S , b at h, g as a ud elec·

t r ic i ty, h a nl l ro u d f1uors, s te am h ea t.Frauk \\'ood, 220 \Vayne avenue (o,,'n·er). 126-p)

:FOR SALE-FreshWoodbine avenuo,

:FOR S A L E - L e a t h e r Dln-eupor t Bcd,Crib, Folding Go-Cart an d Ic c Box.

Phone Narberth 160I-W, or call 501Haverford uvenue, Nnrberth. (24-c)

.LANDSOAPE Garden ing an d a ll w or k

pm-taining to th e u pk ee p o f l aw n or

garden. H. A. Albany, Ardmore, Pa.(24-c)

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De y a n d N i g ht

ot c ou rs e, w edeliver - anyp l a c e - an1


P h o n e. A r d m o re 967 W

SCOTT-POWELLDAIRIES45th and Parrish Sts.



H. C. FRITSCHPr tperUes For Rent and Sale

"'lre InsuranceBen Phone 862 W,

"_IU BuIldIng, Narberth, 1'..


Y . M . C . A . B U I L D I N G



CALDWELL & CO.R e a l E s t a t eI n s u r a n c e

S O ~ ~ t i . t , : t ~ t a l 1 o nNARBERTH, PA.


High Grade Butterrf>lephone-Narbertb 6H A

P a s t e u r i z e d M l l k 1 DELIVERIESB r y n c l o ~ ~ t k C e r l l l l e dW E S T P H I L / \.

( P e d r l a l l e S o e l e ty ) OVERBROOK

S p e e l a l .. G u e r n s e y " MERIONM i l k WYNNEFIELD

(Rober18' 6: S h a r p l e s s ' BALA-CYNWYD a i r i e s ) NARBERTH

C r e a m B u l l e r m l l k ARDMORE

Ta b l e an d W b l p p l n G WYNNEWOODI C r e a m .


T.lephone Narber th 1633


Oa l " a . - M ~ G i n l 123 South IT!'!S!, PhiladelPhia:~ .


GARAnteed Roofs


In the following up-to date homes:

14 Elmwood Avenue20 5 Grayling Avenue5 Woodside Avenue14 Avon Road16 Avon Road

JOHN MARMORAHauling and Moving


Rates Reasonable ARDMORE, PA.

NARBERTH GARAGERaymond Weias, Proprietor


.:\9 inch2.99 inches

High. Low.

3 0. 78 3 0. 0563 2396 46


Barometer .Thermometer .Humidity, per cent .


Total f o r w e ek .Total fo r m on th t o date. '"





T WI N D ·S .

Prosperity rather than a d ve rs it y i sw h at t hr ow s m os t m e n dGwn.

F am o us S ay in g s o f F am o us People.

(Continned from Last ,V ee k 's Spasm.)

.fohn Dickie: "Yo, E r n l "~ [ i " sCass!'l: "I n your scats, please."Gl'org<' R os e : " Gi ll 1n Ie a eheek, Gil·

h<,rt.' ,Beall.v: " I s it any of y on I' h u si -

l l( l :"f;? "

~ r i s sSehuhel: "Tres bien ."~ [ i s sCros,,: " O pe n y ou r m o nt hs ."Schaffel': "You , lon't neetl to rub it

in."B,'atty au d W il so n t o ~ { i s sSehuhel:

" 1 [ 0 \ \ ' '5 Prenchy?"

T he B ri gh te st S po t in NarberthA Drug S to re i n t he M os t M od er n S en se of t he Term

Our t ea m h as tll'O m or e g am es t o p la y,Th"y're th e last we'll sec t hi s y e ar ;

The felloll's lI'ill w in i n their u s uu l w a y,

Fo r th em we need haye no fel1r.


Contrihutions to this column c1esireu,Sl'nd 'em to "JnYielns," care of tho


H ow A bo ut School Spirit?

R e gu l ar w ee k ly m e e ti n g of th e B. S.A. \ \' llS hd d at E lm H al l 7.30 P. ~ L

'I'uesday e " en i ng , M a r ch 18, 1!l19. Anim'itation wa s r ec ei ye d f ro m t he B ry n~ [ a w rTroop \ \ 'i shing th e a t te n d an c e o fas many Scout s f rom ou r Troop as possi·hIe to hea r a l ec tu ro f ro m a famousbi g gallic hun te r anl1. a vi at or . A bo utf i ft een s ign i fi ed their intention of ac·

co mp an yin g o ur S co utm as te r to t hiseyent. ~ [ e e t i n gwa s closed to practicefo r the ~ I i n s t r e lSholl', which is to belIdd April 25. Several new speeialti"sha \ '1 ' heen introlluced hy our Scoutn:astl'r to he s ta ge d d ur in g t he show.This is (0 Il l' a ran' treat to the people

of ;'\arhl'rth allll y i ei n it y. a s Mr. Fn',l.C. Patton, our l e tul e r lU1l1 Scoutmaster,

i s a I 'l '! (' rl ln at IHo,lul'ing shows of thisnature, It. was alinoun"",1 that til'1,etslI'oll!,l !ll' ;;;i cl'nts an d 50 " ( 'n b , f o r child I 'en allll adn l t s re spec t i \'ely.

OUI' e m in c nt p r of e ss o r o f \'iviseetion,n. D. Sllledl"y, is ahou t to Jel lYe ourpresence fo r a sojonl' l l at Atlanti,' City,

wlH're he eXI'I'cts to \ 'i si t t he Curtis"a i rp l an e f a ct o ry. Jt i s I 'x pe ct e l l thath" I"ill tender sen'ral impor tan t plans tr,).[1'. Cnrtiss t o : tl fe c t t he f au lt y builu·i ng ('I) o f h is airplanes.

Scout Brown, o f o ur Troop, , ,, ho i s t hl )sma ll e s t s cout with Inrgest \'oice, is ex·

I,,'eted to hecome :l second ·el a s s scou tin a short time. Il e i s r ap i dl y a ll v an c 'ing in scout , " ar k a n d it sholl'S that e, 'ont ho ug h h e i s s ll la ll in stature he is oflarg'<' capue i ty pe r t a in ing t o wi sdom.

This is' no d ay f o r s e c o n ~ l - c l u s speople.

Bu t how ahout we in th e galleries,Who n e ye r c he er a s a r u l e ~

If we can ' t show an y m or e p cp than

that,We shoultln ' t he in th e school.


S o, , ,, hy call ' t we all g'<'t behind them,

And e a ch o ne of u s s ho w he's a sport?The hoys c an p la y h es t, u nd can heat

all the rest,Jf t h ey k n ow that they h ay e o ur sup·

port .

LEE 'S GARAGE EssexAve.ab.HaverfordAvenue N a r b e r t h



L . C . S H A H A N

Query: W110 is autho r of the newsong ," " 'e didn ' t want to (10 it, bu t thoKing' he tol,l us t01" Gilbert Fordsay,,: " I t sounlls l ik e t he ch<'ese hallslook." A good author an u a g oo d arch itl'et ar c rar<'ly found in ono pcrson-butt he n, w e ha, 'e a few rareties in ou r


Th e . Jun ior ve r sion of the memory

gem for Room I:lI a ,'e you an y chewing gu m f

Spit it ou t to-day.I f you don't , Miss Cnssel gets you,

T he n y ou h av e to stay.


B y I n v ic t us .

I f a ny on o thinks our High School

f a l 'u l ty l adi l 's ar e n ot tm e sports, askan y pupil, , ,{iss Cross, or t h e P r in c ip a lahout t he s pe ci al m us ic al number on, , [onday's program. lu('identally, ,Y,)

f"lloll's lparnell a g 'ood l e sson in "Obe,l·ien( 'e." Prec! 'pt is good; example is bel·tl'r fo r s('hoo] morals. }<'e\l' of us everhave a harder jo h g il 'o n u s than thelallil':" h a ' l - h u t t h e ~ 'nen ' r f1inehed, an dhest. of all, they" c am e a cr os s" c he er ·


'V e no te , , , it h pleasure that E,J.Coggc·shall is still with us. We heard tha t hoh ad r ec ei ve d a n otTer to tour the coun·

tr: .., s in gi ng d uc ts w it h C al 'l ls o, G la ,lyou refused, Ed., e y cn t ho u gh y ou h a \ ' l '

s ll eh a fi ne yoice!

SOllie conlluent has h ee n m au l' con( ' e rn ing tho id<'ntity of "Jnvie tus , " an dt ho b la m e has hl'<'n p la ee d o n severalupper classmen. Ha ven 't you e \,e rnoticed the old ma n with gray whiskerss te a li n g a r ou n d th e halls uuriug class

h ou rs ? W el l, tha t ' s us!

B y t he way. s p ea k in g o f checse ba ll s ,the hoys of the haskel.hall t eam sayt h ey t u ck e d a w ay a f a ir l i tt l e dinner on

,,[on da y e"ening at the home of th ePrineipaJ. But, oh m ~ : ! E ,' en t he n a ndthl're t ha t in june l ion "lIIn<', " D o n ' t heout ]ntc on school nights." So thed ig l' st io n w a s m e r r i l ~ -progressing lly!l P. ~ L ,w i th e y er y fellow at home.

' l' he w ai l of the Senior boys afterJuno ]1 : ".Iamais, non jamais, ! 'l ll ' n l'~ C ' l ' a i ta 1 l 1 0 i ! "

'Va!ton (in lunch room): "This choc·olute pudd ing tas t es like the cocoa for

the pllst two weeks-ho iled down."Florence Haaf: "Cocoa don ' t boil

down; i tboi l s over. "


\ ln ri ng t he pm;t two weeks s<'\'eralperiods \I'ere gi\'en to hl'aring r " p o r t ~

of 1he Xational COI:,'entiou of the De·

l'artll1el1t o f S up e ri n te n de ne e . Suehtopies \l'l'I'L' e ho se n a s w er e o f i n t er e st tothe stuMnt bo,I,I-. Of particular intere st w er e t he ,1is('ussiol1s of nHHlern t<'ndl'lll'Y in sehoolmusie, pup i l s' ex t ra acti\'oi tks , physieal t ru i ni n g, p r ae t ie a l E n g·

lish and school morals.


Super in tcnden t o f PILhlic Instruction

Commonwealth of l 'ennsylnl1liafo r

Twen t y ·s ix Yea r sD i ed M u rc h };3, ]!lHI

l l l ' re i s o ne fo r th, ' Gl 'onll ' try or Trig'o n o l n l ' l r ~ -dass!'s: " ' V h a t da y in th etw!'nti!'t.h eentury w as P i e Day?" Any

o ne s nl ll li ng a l 'o rr !' e! solution to tho

oillce hy Tuesday will get a \'ueation the

last week of June.


A ten·minnte tlllk fm J)r. Sl'!lIleITeran d his w ork WllS gi"en on ~ r o n d a y

morning by ~ [ r . ~ l e l c h i o r .This was

followed on T ue sd ay b y an ins!.ructi\'eoutline o f t he o rg an iz at io n a nd functions of the State 1)epa r tn l l' n t o f Education, \I'ith plll'til'ular r e f ' ~ I ' l ' n e eto its]'(.lat iOlIS to o u r l oe al schools.


When tho:"e q ui l' t m o me n ts have expired,

'Vhen w e m us t think of them no more,W'hen with a n ew v ig or we arc in·

spired,W 0 roturn to our d<aily' task as be '


We a l l should hayc those 'Iuit't 1Il01llenb,.rust to linger anu think o f t he p as t.

Just to go o\,er ,dUlt we han ' done,Allli sec if it is what Gud would ha\'e


To the Editor o f Ou r Town:Oh! ~ [ r .Cuh, or ~ [ r s ,Cuh, who wields

t he e lo qu en t p en in a facetious way tothe interest an d amusl'ment of all n,au'PI'S of O u r To wn .

Jn last \I 'eek's issue he spoke of a"ho ln l r ·do" an d askeLL f or a n explanl1'tion o f the Home G u ar d s' a u th o ri ty t o

ac t as police.A close reuding of his ar t ide shows

thut he i s r e al ly all praise fo r t he H o me

GlIul'll Police, wit,; l"ltrol the streets atall hullrs of the n i gh t , w i th o ut p a y o rglor.y, for thp p r o tl ' di o n o f the r es t o f

us.Bu t he seems to be speakillg as a

mouthpil'el' f or o th er s w ho u re no t interested ill or familiar Id th doings inthe borough and who han ' allowed theirhlllu11Iers to sling in the 'lir<'ction o ~

o u r l oy al H om e G u ar d. P<,rhaps if somoof these wen' to \'olunteer to uo police

duty thl'Y "ou ld he more f am i li ar w i tht h e q u es ti on s o f duty a n d a u th o ri t y.

As a matter of fact, at the begin·ning of t he wa r th e I ~ e g i s l a t l l l ' eof LheStat<' of PennsJ'lvanitL pasl'ed an heT,creating a hody of Pcnnsyh"an ia HOIl:eD ef en se P ol ic e, e ac h c ou nt y a s a s ep al "a t e d i st r ic t prcsiucd oYer hy one chid ,The ~ [ o n t g o m e r yCounty district is i.:

('harge o f C ap t ai n Donaghy, C hi ef o f t heLower :1I1erion Police.

At t he so l ic i ta t ion of Captain Hart·h'y, o f t h e I " ar h er t h Home Guard , ChiefDonaghy came to ; ' \ arbc r th and th roughConstable Walzer swore in t he ; ' \ arhe r thGuard as a unit of the ~ [ o n t g o l l l e r . l '

County b ra nc h o f th e Pe nn sy lv un ial Iome Defense Police. ' rhey aro subjedt o c ul l in Montgom<'ry County, a nu c ansnnllnon ai d f ro m a n J' part of the county

where sueh organization exists.'Vith t h e a n th o r it y v e st e d in t he m h y

t he P en n sy lv an ia State Legislature,t he y m a y make a n a rr e st \\'ithout war,rant at an y t i nw, which Cannot b e d on ehy an y other police except llIlLlcr certain

('onui tions.Captain Donagh J' has congratulated

the Xarberth Guurd on t he ir p ro mp taction und p r ai s es o u r G ua rd f or b ei ngt he f ir st on the job along tho ~ I a i n

Line.As auu i tiona l in fo rmat ion we might

ad d that t he P re si de nt o f C O l l n ~ i l san dtwo m em he rs o f th e Poliee Conllnittl'ewe re q ui te familiar with tl1l' HOllleG ua rd P at ro l a nd appron'd o f t he plan.So please ma r we haye t ll (' l it tlL> halll'

Illers t ie d a ga in st t he wall wh"re theybL'1oug, an u please, ]\[1'. Cub, remcmberthat Our TO\I'n i s a booster p ap er , a l·though l i t t le knocks ar o pc rl l li t te , l a s

l on g a s no r e al h a rm or misunderst and·i ng r l 'su lt s , and we tms t that w,' shallha\ 'e th e pleasure of rOllllipg more

" C u b Stuff" in the i ss ue s t o c on ll '.

O pp o rt un it y k no ck s u t e ye ry man ' sdoor, bu t the mun i s a ft on ,down streorttellinl-\" some one n:bout t he c ha nc es h e

hu s missed.

" B O O ~ I E H A : \ G . ',


T ho y ou ng ma n who wunts t o I ll ar ry

huppily should fin d u good I l lo the r undl Il ar ry o n e of he r daughters',

~ ot to s it a nd repine,: l \o t t o t hi n k o f so rrow a l l the tillle,

Bu t jus t t ho s e l ju ie t m om e n( s i n wlLiehto think,

ITa \'(, I done wrong 01' ha \'e I done


To t h e E d i to r o f O ur T ow n:

Mr . Wo hl e rt ( A ug u st E v e rg r ee n ) iswearing a n ew w at ch charm, a smallgolden goat, an d says it is the Cub '5

goat, bu t that it is no t gold , on ly brass,fo r h e hus ha d it assayed. H i s a d mi ri ng f ri en d s h a\ 'e p re se nt ed him with ag ol d m e da l f or g et ti ng t he C ub 's g oa t,an d he regrets tha t h e c un no t wearthem hath at the same time, so he hast he m e ua l attacheu to his watch fob, an dt he g oa t to a chain (for cause). Hewe ars t he g oa t t he first f ou r d ay s in

the week, a nd t he medal o n w ee k ends.


Henry Rose,A. J. Loos,


Mrs. Roy E. Clark,

W. T. Melchior


Narberth i" to he eongratulatl'd onha\ ' ing at the ('all o f t he people a reallye o mp e tc n t o r ga n iz a ti o n SU('\l as our

HOllie Guard.

D ur in g t he r ec en t epidemic o f h ur g·lary, 1)1' w ay e o f c ri me as it might he

'called, ou r H om e G u ur d has yo lun ta r ilyund witllOut cost to the c i ti zens , o rgan ,

' lzed :l c a re f ul a n d s y st e ma t ic p a tr o l ofall streets w it hi n t he Borough l imit s .Until c o nd it io n s h c co m e n or ma l againt h e p a tr o l w il l h e continue<1 e\ 'ery nigh!.after su n down.

An,yone \ \ i sh ing ad l it ional protection,as ill th e caso of a house heing Yacantduring the e "e ni ng o r ladies arriving

. on late trains withont escorts, can callNarbcrt.11 1289, when' me·mhers of t h ~

HOllie G ua l' d w il l he on duty at all

.bonrs.'],ho G ua rd i s ( 'o·operating with Con

·;;tablo 'Valzer, who in turn is receiyingth e s u pp o r t a n d co·operation o f C a pt a in

_Donaghy, of t h e L o w er l \Ierion police.

•M.mnbers o f t he Gu ur d a rc all SWOI'll

'I n 'us DeJluty ConstaJhles a nd c ar ry police 5ticles, blackjacks. whistles· an<1b a dg e s f u rn i sh e d t h ro u gh t he c o ur te s yof Captain Donaghy, as well as firearms

furn.i.shed by tho lIlember" themsel\'es.

T h e re h a ye b e e ll n o rohberies since t.hepatrol ha s been ac t i\ ' e , no r is t he re a nyl i ke l ih o od o f an y while th e Guard is4lJn duty, altllough se\ 'eral suspicions

<characters who could no t give an aceount of themselves were arr<'sted.

I t is no small m a tt e r f or the members o f t he Home G ua rd t o d cv ot e t he irtime un d eff-orts on work of t hi s k in dfo r th e protection of th e Borough, an d

, pa p tu i n H a rt le y u nd h is men certainly'.shouldJ be apprec in ted as a welcome an dlIleeessary orga:nization.

O UR T OW N w il l g la dl y pr in tan y news item a b ou t a n y SUbjecttha t is of interest to Narberthfolks, bu t in orde r to meet th eprinting schedule, al l " c o p y "-manuscr ip t s - l l lus t reach th ee d i to r b y 6 P. M. Wednesday each




S u bs c ri p ti o n p r ic e one dollar pe r

year in advance.


Owned an d Publ ished every Saturdayby the Narberth Civic AssDciation.

An Expel'iment in Co-operativeJournalism-No Paid Workers.




Send all l et te rs a n d news items to

,P. O. Box 966.S e n d a ll A d v er t is in g Matter to P. O.

'Box 39.O ur T ow n is on s ale at the depot

'.newsstand, an d at t he s to re of H. l ~ .

Davis.Entered a s s ec on d· cl as s mat t J r

'October 15, 1914, at th e Post Office atN a rb e rt h, P en n sy h 'a n ia , u nd er t he act

' ( )f March , 1879.


Fire, 350Police, 1250

Pres iden t - Joseph H . N as h.

Viee-presidents-A. C. Shand, James

.Artman, A. J. Laos.Secrc ta ry- ' l 'r easure r-Rober t J . Eu

,gar, P. O. Box 601.Direc tors -J . J. O a br e y, M r s. C. P.

Fowler, W. R. D. Hall, George 1\I.Henry, H. R. Hillegas, C har le s E ,

lIumphreys, P. A. Lanahan, DanieliLei t ch , E . A. l IJ :uschamp, l I lr s . A. Perry'Redifer, ?<I.rs. A. B. Ross, Fletcher W.Stites, Walton ?<f. Wentz, A. E. Wah

!ert , 1>£rs. Charles W. Young.

Page 3: Our Town March 22, 1919

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You wi ll find it convenient to

have an account with

Billie Burke


Don't trifle with a cold- i t ' s dangerous.Yo u can't afford to riskInfluenza.Keep always at hand abox of

Del ic ious M e a t sA l Hi l lh G r a d e C h i c k e n s

E g g s a n d B u t t e r

HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fitting

an d HeatingN A R B E R T H . P A


8 .4 5. 5 .4 5, 7 .4 5. 9 .8 0 P. M.

~ ' L ( : r

( A S ( A R ~i 9UININE~ ~ O M \ O ~



2 0 5 H a v e r f o r d Av e .

Your Pat ronage So li ci ted

Grand OpeningWe wish to announce that on

Friday, February 7, 1919We will open with a full line of

Fancy Fruits and VegetablesFresh Fish Ind Oysters Every Friday

Orders delivered anywhere Free.Come i n and le t u s t ry t oconv ince

you that we have •. Fruits an dVegetables that you can eat , Pricesand qua li t y you c . ll no t beaL"

Standard cold r e m ed y f o r 20 y e a r s - i n table tform--..ate. sure. no opiates-breaks up a coldIn 24.h,?urs:-relieves grip in 3 d ay s. M o ne yb ~ c k. f . t fatls. Th e genume box has a Re d to pw.th Mr . HilI 's p ic ture. At All Drug Stores.

- I N -

A ~ s ~ u r ~ . E!Ai n e s t P h o t o p l a y T h e -Bt re 01 I t s S i ze In th e

Enl i r eWor ld .

P" . top lays -Con l lnuous 10 A. M. to 11.38P. M .

P h U s . , P o .



I have purchaser)

the DRUG STOREformerly owned


N a r b e r t h C u t P r i c eF r u i t a n d P r o d u c e Co.

2 2 8 H a v e r f o r d A v e n u e





The Narberth Tailoring Co.Will give Good' Reductions onMade-to-Order Ladies' and Gentlemen's Sui ts , also reduced pri ceson Repai ring and Cleaning an dDyeing of your clothes. WorkA 1. Don't lose time in callingup Narberth 305.

234 Woodbine Ave. NARBERTH, PAtR . D . L OU IS . P r o p .

785otals .. " . . . , 731

Firs t Second Thi rdGame. Gallic. Game.

Oakley ......... 125 123 144Hartley . ' .0 . . • • 151 181 142KelJ,r •• • 0 • • • • • • l: n ]G8 155


160 155 112LILdll . . . . . . . . . 155 168 171

Ardmore Y. M. O. A.

Firs t Second ThirdGame. Game. Game.

Anderson 148 167 1 7 : ~

Cllapin ••• 0 • • • • 128 157 180Kane •• 0. 0 .0 •• • 120 143 180Zelley • ••• 0 •• 0 • 136 155 126Haines . . . . . . . . . 17:1 1:17 137

Totals. '" . . . . 705 75!l 80,j






Narber th .

T H E Narberth Guarddrills every Thursday

evening in the Fire House,7.45 to 8.45.

Widow o f A n ny Avia to r Selected to Ac t

as Vessel 's Sponsor.

:'III'S. :\' Ol't on DO\l'ns.. Jr., a c ce p te d t h ei n1 'i ta ti on o f th e :'I[ain L in c L i be r tyLoan Committel! to se!'l'e a s s po ns or

,,'hl'n the s hip to be n:L1nell by th(' COlli

mittee is launched at on e o f the Dela

ware' HiveI' shipyards, sa.,·s a IHcssagcfl'olll :'Ilerion.

:'III'S. DOlI'ns "'as chairman of the:'II,'rion 'VonI:ln 's Comlll i t tee i n t he 1a.,tloan eamlltlil-:n an d is tho d a ug h te r o fMr. and .\ll's. Henry Chapman 'l 'homp~ o n ,,r j th II'hom s he i s 1i ,-ing.

He)' h u sb a nd " , as L i l' u te n a nt Norton])OIl'IIS, u n a 1' ia to r, w ho w a s k i l le r l O( ' to 'bel' 2:1, lOIS, , yh pn a n a i l' p lano in which

he w n s f l yi n g f r ol ll London to Par i s fellill t h e E n gl is h C ha n ne l.

L u st T h u rs d ay afler: :uon, at th e Ger·nlanto\\'n High School, a foul goal

throwing contest ,,-as held for hoys of(.he suburban high schools. :John Dickie,of Karherth High, took first. place, out,coring t.l1C eraek s ll oo tp rs f r om a l l th ebig schools o f t h e P h il a de l ph i a snburbs.T h er e w e re entrants from 'Venonuh :IIIili tary A c a d p m ~ ' ,Pedd ie Ins t i tut e , 'Voodbllry, Hadnor, Swarthmore, D o y l e ~ -

town, Hatboro, .T{'n1<intown, 'Vest Chester an d many o the r schools.

D ic k ie m a dp ] 1 g oa ls o ut o f 13 tr ies.II e ,,'on a gold lUeda!.

NUI'bl'I'th High's basket,ball team wonanotller big- y i et o ry l a st ThnrSllay e'-eu

inl-: by a score of 58 to :;5. Downing·town High School w as th l' loser. Thisgi,-ps Xarberth t he championship of the:\[ain L i ne , l Jr ey io us yictims of th elocal fjUiIllelte bping Lower l\Ierion an dHa,lnor. This is Narber th ' s twe l f thYictory out o f th e fourtpen gallles played. Such a l'l'cord ha s neyer beforeb ee n m a de fo r the local school.

In the D o\ \' n in gt on g a me , D ic k ie , of

Narher th , and Fraucel l a , o f t he ds i to r s ,each ma,le te n field goals. Jenkins. ofXarherth, ma,le Sl'YCn. The guarding ofHarsch an d l\Iartill, o f X ar b er th , featured.




District. N o . 4 .

Thl' Misses Warner, 601 H:n-erford

a ,"cune.Jo'Il'!..hel' W. 81 ill'S, ,11:> lIa\ 'erford


A .• 1. Loos, l la\ ' l ' rford an'nue..John K. J(l'1"halll, Hampdl'lI a"l 'nue.Th e prop"rty at ]I lS Hampden n \ 'enue.Charles /.;. Krealller, 114 PO!'L'st a\'e-


District N o . 3 .

F. A. Clark, llllllll'dell an d Windsora ,'pIIUpS.

:\'orlllan .JL'fl'l'rics, 2J n North XarherthavenuC'.

Dr. O. • J. Sny,lr'I·. Woodbine an d Narberth a,-enues.


(Oontinued f ro m P ag e 1.)


District N o . 5 .

" ' a l ton :'II. ""'nlz, 20;j 'Vayne avenue.'l'hp property at ~ l ~ 'Vayno avenue .Alexander Enstoll, 4lli N or th X ar ·

lH'rth aycnue.

T h e p r op e rt y at 21!l Priee ayenup.' l ' he p rolH ' rt y at ( ~ o r n e ro f E ss ex a ve ·

nl)(' an d :'I[ontgol1ler,r Pike.

Suffrage Notes

Ovm-tulk is hllrdlJ.r on th e nervous system t han oVlY!'Work.

;\al'l,,'rth BrallelL uf 'Vomun Sufl 'mgeParty. : l le e t ing , second Friday u f e ae hnlllnth in th e Y. 1\L C. A.

Ll'ader-l\ l l 's . C lw rl e s W. You ng .Vi"c-Lpall l ' r-Ml's , 'Vill il tm Pugh.' rreasul ' l ' r-Mrs. E dg ar H . Cockerill.S(,l ' retal 'y-:lIiss A n na M a c Kp a g.

It is the desire of t110 D o ar d o f D ir e eto rs of th e NarllCrlll Y. :III. C. A., realizi ng t he grea t ,acrii iee made hy t he h o ys

who enlisted in t11tl sen'ice o f o ur c9unt ry , t o g iv e t hc m Ie complimentary IUpmhership in the Association fo r one yearfrom th e d.ate of I heir llischargp. Theyhave fitte,] up a 100111 fo r thpir slH'cialu sc o ne even in; ! in t h e w ee k . A specialSecretary will he ill attpI1l1anee t o l oo ka ft pr t he ir i nt er es ts a nd help them 10I ) (' come a r ea l p al ·t of t110 Association.If the b oy s o r thpir fripnds will CO\l1·municat e wi th W. C. POOl ', or Henry l\I.R. B ow en , G e ne r al Secl ' l ' tary Y. ; \I . C.A., lIIembers11ip t ickets will be de l i\ ' e rl ' dpromptly.

' rhe Needlework G ui ld w il l meet att he P l' es by te ri an C hu rc h on Tuesday,Mareh 25th at ]0 A. ]\I., to sew with.t ho m em he rs o f tile Lad , ie s ' A id. Won' tyou make an especial effort to bethere? We ar c accomplishing a grea tdeal an d helievo each member wouldpn;joy b p in g w i th liS. T h e N e ed l ew o rkGuild of AJllprie:L is s en di ng a s m an yse\\'inl-: machi lies as 'possiblo to St.Quentin. We a rc h ap py to say Narberth's Guild is sending a ne\\' Singer.This \\'as bought out of th e proceedsof o ur C ak o Sa10.

Mrs. F m n k H. ! 'f l 'scott entertainerlthe • "rhnrs<1ay Review C l u h " at he rhome, 226 E ss c x a v en u e, on Thursdaylast n t n l u nc h eo n , C o, - cr s " - en ! Ini<1 fo rpjgh t e en m e mb e rs an d gnests, inclUdingMrs. William Eo L up to n, M rs . E . Horn,:'III'S. Eo Hackman, ~ f r s .Amos .Johnson,

:'III'S. A. .T. Koch, HI·s. I. S. :I Ie I'l'iII , ]\f 1""

Frank Gray, :'III'S. \Yi11inm S. Blakeley,:'III'S. G. B. Bnrns, ::\[rs. Charles K Krcamcr, ]\frs. :Mullinc:l\lx, 211,1, ]\[rs. IIal'l 'Y:'II iIIe 1, :Mrs. II . Reutscll1in, Mrs. .J.:Mullil1eaux, 3rd, ]\[rs. H. Sho\\"aker, l \ Irs .N. D. Streeter, ::'\[rs. Harry Hartley,M is s R ut h E . Preseott .

(Oontinued from Page 1.)

actor, an d it is fa i r to say he jumps atevery chance with. firo an d vigor.

Th e grumblers, l i l tc th o devil, take n ~


Th e :'Ilolltgolllerr County' llIC'eting of

thl' Sllfl'ragl' A ~ s o e i a t i o nwill bo heldat the C ol l eg e C l ub , ' I 'hirteenth an,lS J l r u ( ~ es t r e e t ~ ,on T h u rs d ay, A p ri l 3.I'}vl'ry o ne i s inl'itcd to bo prespnl.

"l'he Pellnsyl\'llllin Sta te Suffrage As,so d at ion w il l h ol o a convention onApril ! Jt h al HI lOth at t.he BellevueSt ra t fo rd Hot'c-I, t o w hi ch t he p ub li c isinvited. A lJ.iJIIICr w ill b o given on

April 9t h at t he Be l levue . T h o t i ck e ts ,which ar c $3.00, ma r be obtained fromMrs. Cha rl e s W. Young.

Sunday, :'Ilarch 2:;rd:n.,!'"i A. : ' IL -Sunday S ch oo l. C la ss es

101 all agl'S. :'I[PI1 '" Class taught by th eHon. F . W. Stites.

11 A. :'II.-SPI'I11011 by tho pas to r, whoh as h ce u s en t h ac k ns ., the new pastor"fo r al10thpr ycar. Th e sub.iect w il l b e," T h e Ste l l' an l ship o f Possessiol1s."

:1 P. : ' I I. -Ch ild ren ' sChurch, with ob.icct ta lk h y thc p as to r a nd music byt h e c h il d r en ' s vested. choir.

7 P. : ' I I .-Ep l I 'o r th League. ]\[issiontopic hy pastor, "Rehui ld ing of Eu

rope."7.,l;j P. : ' IL - Se r mo n b y p a st o r on th eIpn th ; ! rea t character of the Old Testament, ".Ioshua, t hp Yie to r ious I.Jeader."

Tupsday, 8 P. : ' II . -C o m ll lu n it y B i bl eClass at tho Y. l\I. C. A.

'Vednpsday, 8 P. M.-I ' ray l ' r meeting.Pastor 's topic, " T h e l \Iaster 's Spi r i t . · 'S i ng i ng b y SOIllC o f the c hi ld re n o f ou r,-psted choi 1'. ' Ve h op e t o h av e at leastiiO present.

T he p as to r thanks all the IlIPllllwrsan d friel1']s of our ,·ll\lfl'h f o r t h ei r loyalco -ope ra t ion th i s past COl1fl'rpnl'e yearan d 110pes for e,-en grea tp r success thisnell' (:onfprplH'e ypar. Special than1{5ar e d ue t o H O I l . F. 'V. Stites f o r s p ea k ·i ng l as t S un da y m o r ni n g a n d to :11[1'. H.:'II. H. Bowen fo r speak ing ' a t th e Chil,Iroll's Church, ani! to Rev. Dr. Chalfont fo r securing th e H on . S am S ma llfo r I h e e \ -p n in g service.

On aceoullt of the Eyery ]\IemuerCaIII'ass npxt Sunday nfternoon thereII-ill be no Y pspe r Spn- i cp , bu t insteallthere w ill be a meeting at 7.45 P. ~ I .

The ,e Sunelay p"ening me(,(.ings w il l h e

"Olltinnell nntil further notice.Chuptel' VI I in " . \ Ione j · th e Acid

Test" will be studipd in tho l\Iission

Stn,I:,' Class n e xt We tl ne s da y e v en in g .T h p s e ss io n o f the e1ass for next Fr idaynight \ \' il l b e pos tponed fo r one \l'CPk,

Th e WOlllen's Bible C lu ss w il l hold asoeial at the home o f M rs . W. T. Melehilll' nex t ' l ' hu r sday even ing . A delight·

fnl prog1'!llll is IlCinl-: arranged.Th e rpgu]ur 1lI0nthly IlIcetinl-: of th e

\l'omen of the congregation will be heldat t he c hu rc h nex t Tuesday. Ladies 'A i d S o ci e ty ut 10 A. ]\1., followed hyluncheon at, 12.30. an d t ho Miss ion l lry

meeting at 2 P. M. Eyery woman inviteel.

Rev. F. M. G r ay, P a st o r.

Rev. J oh n Va n Ness, Minister.:'Ilpet i nl-(' f or n px t Suuday:! l. :;0 A. : ' I1 . -: ' IIp lI ' s Bible Class. Dr.

11. A. B a nk " t ea ch er .10 A. : \ I . -Sunday School. A place

an d a ,yelcomc fo r ull.11 A. : \L-Publ ic ,,'orship. Sprlllon

thelllP, " T h e XUI'se alllI the Knight; or,

TIll' Discil'h's' COlllmission."2 to 6 P. : ' II .-The EyeI'Y ;\[e11lbeI'Cal1'

\':IS, b ~ ' t ht ' o ll ie ia l h oa l' ll s of th e..hnI'eh.

7 1'. : ' I I. -Chri s t ia l l Endpa"or med·ings. Senior Sel'lion led hy TheodoreS r-11II11(1. .TUllioI' S p ,· ti ol l l e d h y E li za 'bpth :lIetzgar.

7AG P. : \L-E\ ' en ing worship. LentensPrmon ou the thellll', "GOlI 's 'I'hl'eefol<1Gift. "

Church Notes.

Saving Accounts



•• Th e Little C h ur c h o n th e Hill."

(Written for Ou r Town.)Now th e 'V'ar of w ar s i s over,

An d th e h ors arc homewurd bound;Soon they'l l b e u po n th e elo\'er

To r e ce i ve o u r 'welcome sOllnd.Shall wo stand un d le t them enter,

Afte r al l t hey 've dono so true,Or shaH we m a ke o ur town u , 'cenlter '"

Narber th folks, i t ' s up to you.EMANUEL DOPO,

Overbrook, Pa .

Merion M ee ti ng i s open fo r worshipovery First·day morning at 11 0 'clock.We cordially welcome an y visitors who

d es ir o t o w or sh ip with us.



Checking Accounts


Merion Meeting House , Mer ion , Pa .

Rev. n. I'. Cowley, Rect.or

Narberth Office, Arcade Building

The services at All Sain t s ' P. E.Church. :'IIon'1gomery an d 'Vynnewoodavenues, fo r n ext S und ay ar c as fol·lows:

8.00 A. ] \ I . -Holy Communion.9.45 A. ]\L--8unday School.

11.00 A. :III .-M01'l l ing prayer, Litanyan d ser'l11on.

Th e Lenten services ar c as follows:'Vednesduys anrd Fridays u'util l loly


' Ved n es d ay s , t he H o ly 'Communion at9 A . M .Evening prayer, L i ta n y a nd Peniten

t ial Office, 4.30 P. M.Fridays, the Holy Communion at 9

A.11 .'Children's service at 5 P. M.H o ly We ek (ApI;'l 1 4 th t o 19th, inclu

sive) ::\:Ionday, T ue sd ay , W ed ne sd ay a nd

Saturday-The Holy Comlllunion at 0A . :' I I. E , -e n in g p r ay e r a n d P e ni te n ti alOffice 4.30 P. M.

: \Iaunday Thursda:r-Holj ' ComuIIlllion 9 A. M.

Good Fr iday-11 A. M., morningp r ay e r, L i ta n y a n d a d ,l re s s; 5 P. 111.,

children's sen'jee.Eas te r Day:

8.00 A. M.-Holy COllllllunion.] 1 . 00 A. ::\I.-:'II01'lling praycr, sermon

an d Holy COlllmunion.


: I IL-Chi ld ren ' s Fes t iya l .The C hu rc h ' hu ss es Ieuye Narberthan d 'Vynuewood Stations at ]0.40 onS u u r l a ~ 'mornings.

Rev. Andrew S. Burke, Rec tor.



ST. M A n G A R . ~ T ' SCIIUnCII

Avery S. DemnlY, Pastor.

Ear ly M ass o n S u nd a y f r om April1 to Ootober 31 a t 7 A. M. From

Novem/l)er 1 to March 31 a t 7 A. M.Late Mass, 9 .3 0 A . M. throughout th ey ea r. M asse s on holydays. 6.30 an d8 .3 0 A . M. Weekdays at 8. Ev.eningdevotions a n d o t he r services at regula r t imes.

Hours of ,en'ice:Sunday, !Ui i A. M . - B i b l e Sehoo!.11 A. :'II.-:IIIol 'Iling worship. Sub.iect

of Children's Sermon, "Spectacles."7 P. : ' IL - B . Y. P. U. A Jubilee Scry

icc, led bj ' t he pas tor.7.45 P. ] \L-Evening worship.Wednesday, 8 P . . \L - :I I I id ·wcek Song

an d Prayer Service.

S u bj e ct s o f S u n d a y' s s e rl l luns wi l l bc :A. l \L , " T h e Christ ian Rdigion llnd aLeague of Nat ions ; " P. l\I., a sermon onAlaska, i l lustrated witlt lantern slides.

Last week II t e le g ra m f r om ' Vas hi ngton brough t the sad ne\l's that NormanB. Brown, It llIember o f o u r B i b le School,with t he A rm y o f O cc up at io n in Gel'mony, ha d died of pneumonia.

F r ie n ds a n d mcmbers of t he c hu rc h

will b e p le as ed t o k no w t ha t ] \f is s Anna:\[onroo, of Ph i lade lph ia , hus been 8e·c ur ed a s o rg an is t o f t h e c h ur c h. Sh ecomes with a very good reco rd a nd h ert r ia l w i th us a short t ime ago wa s mostsa t isfaetory.

Page 4: Our Town March 22, 1919

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LIGHTING FIXTURESMcDonald John . Narbe rth phone. 1288.

1633 Che ..t.. . t .• Phlla. Phone. Spruce 1138.1IIILIi

Scolt-Powcll nalrlco. Phone. Preston 2398.See dIsplay advert isement tn thIs t s ~ u e

lIlUBICT. Stuart Cowin. 200 1I1crlon ave.

Sec display advertisement In tbls I ...ue.Loos. Fanny II . Plnno teachcr.

S tu dI o. A rc ad e Bl dg . P ho ne , 31 6- J.SJoholm. 1I11ss Ebba. 1I1uslc Tcacher and Ac

companist. 228 Iona a\'e.. Narberth.NOTARY rU8I.1C

JclTt·rleo. J. II . 111 ::-Iarberth "vc.Phonc. 006-1Il.

T ~ · . o n ,"'"rrcn n. 200 Woodbine ave.Phone. 1202-W.Ol'TICIAlloS

Fenton. Carl F. 606 Essex RVC. Phone. 638-'"Phlla. addrcss, 1800 Chestnutst. Locult 518.

Zcntmuser, ,'ol;clJh. : ! : ! S ~ .lGth st., PhlIll.

PAINTERSCole. James R.

246 Haverford ave. Phonc. Spruce 1818.Walzcr. Fred.

117 WInsor ave. Phone. IH7-J.PAPER UANGERS

Witte , Goo. A. FaIrview ave.Phone. Cynwyd 778-J. Fl rs t -c lase work.

PHOTO PLAYS"Arcadia," 1 8t h a nd C hc st nu t S tl ., Pblla

See dIsplay advertisement In tbls I...ue.PLUMBING. :ETC.

Wall, II . B. Phone. 319-J .See display advertleement In tbl. l...uI.

REAL ESTATECaldwell & Co. Pbone. 1271-W.

See display adver tl sement In tbls I.sus.Fritsch, H. C. Phone, 262-W.

See dIsplay advertllement In tbl. I...u ...Godfrey, Wm. B.

114 Woodside ave. Phone. 885-W.Nash, Roberl oJ. Phone, 605.

Money for Flr ..t and Second Morteagsi.Simpson, James O. 232 Essex ave.

Phone, 636. or 1420 Cbestnut .t .HOOFING. ETC.


Pbone. 1258-W.See display adver tl ..e me nt I n tbls 1.lue.M1l1er, John A. 248 Iona ave. Pbons, 881-J

Shcp, 246 Haverford ave. Phone, 1116-JSHOEMAKERS

Good Wear 8hoe Repair Shop.Constantine, B. G. Y. H. C. .A. Bldg.

TAILORSPremost. II. Phone, 12M-d.

See display advertisement In this Issue.The above department shou ld be or tb .

greatest u se t o the community, the list eontnlns the n am e o f e ve ry p ro fs . . lonal man.tradesman. mechanic, shopkeeper, eto., whodoss or can In a ny w ay se rv e b ls te ll ow ·townsman, and who Is progre...lve .nourbto add name to l is t of R eg ll te r.

As It Is d lm cu lt f or tho.e contrlbutlnltheir time and elforts to tbe production or"Our Town" to per.onally either b ow orInterview all SUCh, I t wo ul d be mOl t h.lp.ful If t bo se n ot now found In the printedl ist would send In a m emo ot their name•.addre... phone number. and bl1llne_. orprofe... lolUI for listing. Thl. will co.t u tol·low.: 10 centll each I... ue for I line.: I Mnt.f or e ao b a dd it io na l l in e.

L ad ie s' a nd GentR' Garments Dyed,Cleaned. PresRed a n d R e mo d el e dWork Called f or a nd Delivpred

F re nc h D ry Cleaning a Specialty

Bel l ' P h o n e 12F. 4- J

F o r · Good - Work - Se e


TheDome TownTailoringParlor23 4 Haver fo rd Avenue


C. P.Narber th 3 0 2 W

H o m e - t h e place "'here \\,e arc treatI'cl best al1(l g'rumhle most.

Them is nothillg ill the \\'orlel \\'ol"l'h Idoing wrong'.

Violin InstructionMiss Anne E. Jackson, Violiniate

Arrangements fo r l e s sons may b e m a neby telepboninl{ Miss Fanny H. Loos,Studio, Arcade Building. Telephone,Narber th 316 J.

Narberth RegisterTwo Lines, IOe per i s sue ; Se for each additional line

DRIfR'SSEEDS PLANTS BULBSEverythingneeded for th e Garden. Grecnhouse. Lawn and Farm, Includlnethe best varietiesof Vegctable and Flower Sceds, Lawn Grass Sceds, FarmSeeds, Roses. Dahlias, Hardy Perennials and other Plants, Garden Implements, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rollers, Fertilizers, Insecticides, etc.•

DREER'S GARDEN BOOK FO R 1919Wi ll teU you how t o o bt ai n the best result. froan

your home llardeo.Cal l o r Wr i t e fo r a c o p y - F R E E

"Big Cut In Pricesof Coal and Wood"BUCKWHEAT $ 7.00 Per TonPEA 9 . 0 0 " "EGG 1 0 . 2 5 . . . .

STOVS ' 0 . 5 0 " "CHESTNUT 10.60 " ..CANNEL COAL 12.00 " "


Ou r merchandise is th e best t ha t m on ey c an b uy an d i n o ffe r.in g them at th e above prices w e a r e p oc ke t in g Il nice, bi g 108s.

Make ou r loss your gain; for please r e me m be r t ha t

Cook'. Coal Comfort. an d Cook.



Relm, H. O. Certified Public Accountant.202 Dudley ave. Phonc, Narbcrth 300-W.

ADVERTISINGCole, lV. Arthur. Phonc, Spruce 1038.

Ideas, Plans, Copy. Art. Typography.AUTO;\lOBU,ES

Lccs' Garage-Rcpalrlng. 1 ~ l c .Phons, 1606.See display advcrtlscmcnt In this Issue.

Nurberth Garagc. Phone l\arbl 'r th 1(j;13.Sec display ad\'ertbemeut In tbis Issue.

BANKSMerion Title & Trust Co. Phonc. Ardmore 8.

See d i sp l ay a d v er t is e m en t i n thtl!l tSlmo.BUILDERS

S m c d l c ~ · .Wm. n. "" H. '1" l'honl'. (jOO.See display a d v e r t i s e m e n t In t hi l i i ss u e.

CANDY. ETC.Davis . H. E. Phone. 1264-W.

Sec display advertisement In t h l ~ ISBue.CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS

"eDkins , Chas. L.103 Dudley avc. Phonc. 882-M.

CONTRACTOR 0.10' PLASTEIUNGli'ratn.ntonl, James.

23lJ Hampden uve., Narbertb. Box 2iO.DENTISTS

Orr,Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Phone, 898-W.Phlla. Phone. Filbert 4262. Keith Bldl' .

DRUGGISTSHoward's. Phone. 1267.

See display advertisement In this Issue.S mi th , T. B. A rd mo re , P u.

Sec dlspluy ad\'ertisement In tbls Issue.ELECTRICIANS

Pugh, Veri 226 Iona ave.Na r. P ho ne , 660-W. Ar d. P ho ne , 168- J.

FISH AND OYSTERSimperial Groccry Co. Phone. Narberth 606.

See display advertisement In thIs Issue.I ,'UUIT AND PRODUCE

Narbcrth Cut l ' r lce l!'rult an d Produce Co.See dlspluY a<l\"Crttsement tn tbls Issue.


Montgomery aVe. Phonc. 696 Narberth.GROOERS

Imperial Grocery Co. Phone, Narberth 608.See display advertisement In thl. I...ue.

HAULING, ETO.Marmomo, John. Ardmore, Pa.

See dIsplay advertisement In tbls Issue.Wolton Bros. Phone. 672.

See display advertl.ement In this Iisue.INSURANOE

bowman, Samuel P. (Life.)116 E lm wo od a ve . P ho ne . 858-W.

iurkhardt, HIDer. General IlUlUrance.100 Maple ave. Phone, 869-U-

iJones, Ohas. R.306 S. Narberth a ve . P ho n .., 682-J .

iJones. lVm. 01. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone,080-J . Phlla . addre ..s. Penn Mutual Bldg.

~ r o t t e rBro... (FIre . e tc. )209 Woodside av ... Phone. 1262-R.

LAWYERSGIlroy. oJohn 211 Essex ave. Phone. l2U-R.

Phlla . address . Lincoln Bldg.Stites, Fletcher W. 413 Haverford ave.

Phone. 872·W Phlla. addre.... Crozer Bldg.MEATS, ETC.

Cotter, Bowlll'd F. Phone. 1298.See dlsDlaY advertisement In tbl. Is.ue.

Orlst, FraDk. Pbone, ISS.See dl.play advsrth.ement In tbl. IIIU...

lIertzter, John B. Narberth.See display advertisement In tbls Issue.

Sept. 51.6 56.5 - 4 . 9

Oct. . . . . . . . , 46.9 52.2 - 5 . 3

Noy. 36.2 41.4 - 5 . 2

Dec. 30.7 34.8 - 4 . 1

Jan. . . . . . . . . 26.7 :lO.9 - 4 . 2

Fob. 26.8 31.1 - 4 . 3

Averages . . . 36.4 41.1 - 4 . 7

Writ. To-fitly for the 1919

Prize WinDing Flowers

House for Sale

Maule Seed BookIt is FREE

C. D.

Manle ' s Seeds were used exc lus i ve ly b y t h e l a te ]ohn McDevitt,

Sr., of Rosemont, Pa., whoselawn aud garden were adj U d ~ e dth e b es t i n th e EasternDistrict of Radnor Township.

At t h e S p ri n g F l ow e r S ho w,flowers grown f ro m M au le 'stested seeds will be amongth e prize winnen.

Modern 3-story, 10-roomdwelling, 50 7 HaverfordAvenue, lo t 60x125; ho t

water heating, electric light,gas; 5 be d rooms , 2 bathrooms, laundry in basement.Key at 41 7 Haverford Ave.

A. J. LaOS

This ttlJble shows tha t Nnrberth isyery n early 4% d eg re e s c o ld e r thanP hi la de lp hi a d ur in g t he periocl whenthe lowes t tempera tu res ar c experienced.The difference begins t o s ho w a l mo s t a ssoon as th e s un i s down, as thermonll ' tcrread,ings at 8 P. M. are well lH'low thoseat tho sap 'e hour in Philadelphia. Ther"mometers Wi tl l a window exposuro willshow h ig he r r es ul ts than the abo\ 'etables, probab ly f rom;) 10 5 d"g-rees, depending on tho character of exposure,an d would thus muke Nal'berth aplH'ar

to be \ \ 'armer than Philadelphia.

Narber th . Ph i la . Difference.

Xarber th . Ph i la . Difference.

Which ind ica tes Xarber th is only Itl i t t lo m or e t h: ln % clegr<'e 1'0011'1' thanPhiladelphia wh en t he highest tenlp<'r·atures p re \· a iJ . N o ti c e th e exception inOctgb<'r, when Narberlh "'as 2/10 of a(lpgree w a rm e r t h an the city.

T he a v er ag e minimum ta'hl<, follows:

R E S E RV E IThe Evening of April 12th

PlaY o f

CI • • • o f ' 19 , N. H. S .

"A STRENUOUS LIFE"S c h o o l Audi tor iumDANCING Admi.lioD, SO c

W M . H E N RY M A U LE , Inc.Dept.H. 2100 Arch St., Phil ••

Sept. 73.4 73.7 -0.:1Oct. . . . . . . . , 60.3 60.1 Plus 0.2Noy. ! j : ~ . : 1 5:\.9 - 0 . 6

Dec. 4(i.4 47.0 - 0 . 6

•f:11I. . . . . . . . . H.O 44.;') -0.; ')

Fe'b. 42.1 44.0 - 1 . 9

A\·erages .. . 54.7 55.3 - 0 . 6

~ II " "<1 'c; :: IIl!" " ..


:.§ " "c " " "

...;J "

.. m ". ~ ~

. _ ~ " .c " "" ~ : z : I ~ ~ " +' " " "o+' U '" " " .. ~ ms "


" ,a " " " - >< -.r= ~ ' ; j0 ; ~

.. s ~ .. ~ - " ~ U 5 ~ ' i i::e:< ,,2;:::a ii1

. ~ ~~ 80( :a .5 z8

iiiCl8 .!; t ." "'- +'-'" JS" ~

"m-" "'''~ '" ... i::i1i m::;:

r>l Labor Lab.lT Yards L lboT Motcrial Labor Labor Material

J ..n.

I$100 00 I S9930 $1 081 $115 15 $1 44 SI37 50 I 431

I$541 I $53 191

I$34 41I 163 481

I I$610 97

Feb. 10000 3960 80 11078 I 01 1255·1 3 ~ f i 7 68 I 1600 ,0 47 471 91

a s e ll 'a rly a s p os si bl e h ow it was attained, t he a \' er ag o tempc'raturo ha slll'en s pli t u p i nto i ts component parts,the data f or t he a ve ra ge maximum is

I sholl'n in one l ab le a nd t he mininll1m in:Inother. The first t ab le i s t he a ye ragenltlxi1llnm, in degrees an d tenths, for

:h, ' p a st s ix m on th s:

Compal'isons hptwcpn thp lemlwratureat Xarherth an d Philtlllplphia b r in g o u t

"'''"C llIH'xpedccl n'sult s. One wouldnaturally s up po se 1 ha t t he m ax im ul l lt l 'mperatu re of each da y iu Xarherth isabout. :1 t l egrees lo \\ ' e r than Philadp]·

phia. An p x am i na ti o n o f the data helo\\' will show tha t sllch i s no t t h, ' casl'.'Phnt there is a considerahlt , differencebpt\\"een tho t.wo places i s t ruc , but ifthe average tempera tu rp of each placp i"takcn an d compared, th e difference inquestion is masked an d leads to an erroneous impress ion . To hring- ou t Ihisdifference SO t ha t it will demonstrate



To invest in Wa r Stamps is no t only

a p a tr i ot i c d u t y which all of u s s ho ul dregard, bu t it is an investment whiche a nn o t b e beaten becauso of the rate ofinterest paid anel the privileges conn ec te d w it h i t. Union County, Pa., ha spurchased $3.19 pe r capita for 1910, andt hr ee m on th s o f t he y ea r have not passed. :Montgolllery County has purchased$.;');') pe r capita an d Narberth $.8;') pe rc'al'ita. The good patriotic people ofou r t o wn s ho ul d gi ve proper atten tionto \Var S lamps .

Bp(':IUSl' o f its 1'1'1'01'11 in t he l as t Lib·"1'1.\' L o an C a nl pa i gn t h l' ~ r a i nLil l i ' Lib·I'I·ty Loan ('Oll1ll1ittee has bl'l'n informedIhn t 1h p d i st ri d has \\'on t he h on o r ofnaming a ship which will bp Inunchedsoon anc] of selPetin)! a sponsor. Thisn o ti f ie a ti o n w a s contained in Il l d t e r

from E. ~ [ c L n i n\Vatters. chairman ofIho Advisory 'Committee fo r Pcnnsy lva'n ia , t o David S. Ludlam, chairman of the~ [ a i nLino COlllmittee.

Representa t ins of the various ~ [ a i n

L i ne s n h· di v is i on s m e t at Ludlam's of

fico recpn t ly and seleded the name, L iherly Land. An alternati\ 'c se lec t ion wasLihl 'rly Light. I t was required tha t theword Liber ly should precetl() the r es t o fth e name. A sponsor ha s not ye t beenselected. T he s ug ge st io n will go toWa s hi n gt o n f o r approval and, if adoptcd, o no of the ships now building atH o g I s la n d , 'Chester or Br i sto l willi bearth e nalllo an d will stand for t he M ai nLine district.

T h e o p po r tu n it y f or t he Main Linerscomes at a good tillle, 'Us t he y a l re a dya re l oo ki ng f o rw ar d to t he n ex t cam

paign, in w hi ch t he bi g a nd w ea lt hysuburban district has no i nt en ti on o f"fa l l ing down."

A. E. WOHLERTP h on e , N a rb e rt h 8 9 6

Mont l l lo rne l ' 7 Ave.

Montgomery Ave., NarberthEverblooming Hybr id Tea R os es

at from 50c. to $1.00 each fo rth e newest varieties. Onethousand plants o n s al e .

O r ie n ta l F l ow e ri n g Trees. Askfo r catalog.

Grape Vi ne s , C Ur ra nt s , R a sp b err i e s , Gooseber r i es .

F r u i t Trees in full aSSortment.

Climbing Roses, 3 years, at 50c.each. Older p lan ts , $1 to $1.50.

Wisteria, Imported Chinese, tha tWill bloom th e first season.

Grass Seeds. Fertilizers fo r lawnan d garden.

Frui t Trees from -1.00 up. Bearin g s ize t rees , $6.00 each.

Ca l l;pa ign , th l' United ~ t l l t e sTn'asllryIlr'partllll'nt will award a " ic tory Medalmadl' fl'om Clll'l.t11"I'd Gl ' rman cannon .

This mel]al will be distJ'ibn.ted to allnll'1Il1H'rs of loc:d Libl 'rty Loan COlllmit·tpcs t h ro u gh o ut t h e Uni!I'd Slatl's \\'hodo con"p i, ' uous \ \ ' ork in behalf of the\'idoI'Y Loan. sl1l,h as sl ' l 'dng on vohmh'PI' :-;olieitillg" e O l l l l l l i t t ( ' ( ' ~ ,ct('.

'I'he nallll' of thl' rl ' l ·ipil' lIt will I l ( ~en·gr a \ ' p ( l t hflreon.


WillS Honor f or D is tr ic t Because of

Record With Loan Drive.




Strong p r ot es ts a g ai n st t h e proposerldayl igh t sav ing re'guIation f or t he comin g summer were express{)d a t S t at e .college, Pa., by th e hundtreds o f P en n sy l

van ia agr icu l tu r is t s attending the annual Farmers ' Week conferences. Theyunanimously adopted a resolution opposin g th e measure, an d R. L. Watts. deanof the Pennsy lvan ia State College Agri·cultural School, sent it to Washing ton.

T he f ar me rs contended t h e d a yl i gh tsaving p r o g r ~ mwas a h ar cl sh ip t o t he m .As a wartime measure, they declared,they harl abideel by the rC'glllation lastsummer "'ithout complaint, bn t theywere opposeel to it.s resumption fo r thereason that they lose valuable t ime earlyin tlIC mornings w h en t h e soil ancl cropsar c too wet with de\\" to permit work



GEORGE K. Y EA KE LNORRISTOWN, PA .C a n d i d a t e f or t he



Narberth "'as gin 'n 11. real t rea t la,,(Fr iday night, wlH'1I ~ r r .GI'orgc Hnull'11gave an i l lus t rated 1 t 'dure on "Trpndll '"an d Trench "' a l' 1'a1'1'." the fi 1',,1 of :l

series of lcdurps 1IIIdel' t11<' allspicc" ofth e eC]11cational {'Ollilllittpe of thp Y. :'If.

C. A ., entitled "A1Ill'ricll at \Val ' ." '1'hi;;w as t he fil'st shOll"in:r of the sli,]es takenby the U. S. Siglla] Corp", allcl thelmowledge tha t l\Tr. Brnden has of mili t a ry affairs afl'ol'l]p(] t i l l ' anclience ayery instrudi\ 'c all'] entertaining talk.A ncw hoo1det of " Vi d o r y Songs""'as introdlll,p(1 Ilefore tl1<' lec't11l'e a11dduring thp illtcnni",ion :Illc] p]'()vccl qnite

poplllar.Thc 11pxt leetlll'l' was "chec]111pll fo r

March 28th, h11t since this will conflictw it h t he mllsi('nl e11tf'Ttainlllent to hegiYen u n de r t he auspices o f t he S en io rClass at school, t he n ex t t a lk will begiven T h ur s da y, M ar c h 27. T he t it loo f th is l ectu re wi ll be, "Flying fo rAmerica ," delivered, if possible, by alocal ma n who ha s s ee n s er vi ce i n this

brnnch.H you " ' e re unab le to attenrl tl1e last

lecture, be sure to k ee p T hu rs da y,March 27, open anc] come e ar ly t o ge ta seat an d j oi n i n t h e L i be r t y Sing tha tprecedes each lecture.

Th e schedule o f t he r em ai ni ng lec·

tu re s i s as follows:T hu rs da y, M ar ch 27, "Flying fo r

America."Thursday, April 10, " T h e American

N a v y. "Thursday, April 24, "Transpor t ing th e


To all Liberty Loan workers w ho p a rt ic i pa te i n t he Vic to ry Libll1'ty Loan


TH E Y. M. C. A.

G ar de n s ee ds on sale in Old P"" tOffice Building' on SatUl'days from 3.30to 5 P. :M., [1t reduced prices, by thoWomen's Community 'Club o f N a r be r th .

This effort on th e par t of this organization nets t h em n o th i ng financially , a s th e s e ed s n re sold t o you at th oprices j10r " 'h ic h t he y ar c b o u g h tthose i n l a rg c r q u a nt i ti e s at wholesale,others at th e m a r ke t g a r de n e r' s priee,e ac h b e in g lcss than it is possihlo fo rt h e a v er a ge p u rc h as e r to procure.

The object in the above 'is to stimulatei n te r e st i n homo gardens, which is jus tas essential no\\" a s wh en o ur c ou ntr yw as e ng ag ed i n a ct iv o w ar fa re .

So fa r we hl1ve o b s e r \ ' ( ~ dvery littlerecession in prices an d it is v er y e as y t op r ~ d i c ta higher price in t h e f al l if wedo no t contimle to produce. YOUI ' smllllgarden will help to keep t he p ri ce sdown. We clln't eonservo if wo don ' tproduce.


T A X I S E R V I C EHauling Trunks, Baggage a nd F re ig ht