Our Town January 25, 1919

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Transcript of Our Town January 25, 1919

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 25, 1919



    Spring Flower Sbow

    PART II1. Violin Solo-

    a. "Viennese Popular Song,"Kreisler

    b. "Saeteyentens Sondag,"Ole BuBI ~ . "L a ~ f o u e h e " Bohrn

    ~ [ i s ~ Annt' Jackson.o H e r i t a t i o l l - " ~ r r s . Rastus .Johnson,"

    Mrs. Gl'orgl' Mcrrit t Davis.:1. Piallo Solo-" Craeovienne Fantas-

    t ique" Padel'cwski~ f i s R Loos.

    4. Yoeal Solo-Violin obligato-"Serenade" Schubert~ I r s . Ran-lay. 1\Iiss .Jackson.

    :;. Whistling Solo Selected::\Irs. Horner.

    - - - - , - - - - - - - - -

    FOR SALE-Proper ty No. lOG Dudleyavenue. I nq ui rc o f owner !It 107.

    Dudley ayelltlC, 01' local b rokc rs . ( 16p)LOG WOOD FOR SALE-PlIon'e Nar-

    berth 1634-W. (16p)


    l' AR'l' 1.I. ., :\r.'" COUld r ~ - , "Tis of '1'hee.''J Piano Solo-

    a. "Th( ' Eagl,'" ~ [ a c D o w e J lh. "PI'rsian Song" Burmeister'e. ":(\0\"(']0tt0" :!IIllcDowell

    )J iss 1\[aul] Wipf.::. Violin Snln-\Valthl'J"s Prizo Song

    frollI ,. Die :\Ll'istel' Singer,"Wagner-Wilheling

    ~ r i s s Anne .Tackson.4. Heeitatioll--"'1'he POSSUllL Hunt,"

    lIlrs. George Merrit.t Davis.oj. Piano Solo-" Carneval " . . . . ,Grieg

    Miss Fannie Loos.G. Whistling Solo SelectedIIIrs. Horner.


    ARY 21ST, 1919.Arranged by Mrs. Joseph A. Barclay.

    "The Object o f t hi s Associationshall be to improve and beaut i fyth e Borough and v icin ity ; to assistahd co-operate with th e authOrities in enforcing l aws and ordiliances r el at in g t he r et o; t o promote a ny p ro je ct h av in g f or it spurpose thebet termen to f the communi ty a s a whole; to provide ameans of acquiring and disseminating information on an y subjectof general interest; and to fos ter 'a n d maint ai n a fraternal spiritamong th e people o f o ur community. ' , Dues fo r Voting MemberShip fo r one year, $1.00. Everyresiden t o f Narber th and v icin ityeligible.

    I,,"'I it "arJ.'" ttl talk ahout. a Flo\\"0r:-;ho1\' J:\tI! :\tlt tOti ear l. \- to start t o pl ana real Flo\\"('1' : : ' ; 1 I o \ \ ~ 1 and ge t cycryorro

    [Ill "I"I's1oys as Colwyn Humphries,Charles :McCarter and Frauk Winul'.Tho gamo will he fol lowed hy u

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 25, 1919



    The Brightest Spot in NarberthA Drug Store in theMost Modern Sense o f the Term

    LEE'S GARAGE Essex Ave. abo HaverfordAvenue N a ~ ~ ; ~ l hOverland Sales and Service AgencyREPAII

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 25, 1919


    NARBERTH, PA.-OUR TOWN 8You will find it convenient to

    h ave a n account with

    Narberth Office, Arcade Building


    Don't wait until yourcol d develops SpanishInfluenza or pneumonia.Kill it quick.

    ~ \ L l . : r

    ( A S ( A R ~ i 9UININE~ " ' O M \ O ~

    Standard cold remedy for 20 years-in tabletform-safe, sure, no opiates-breaks up a coldin 24 hours-relieves grip in 3 days. Moneyback if it fails. The genuine box hasa RedtopwithMr. Hi ll ' s picture. At All Drug Stores.


    WEEK OF JANUARY 27thD. W. Griffith's

    "A Remlnce of Happy Valley"

    Ph i l& . . PII.



    Pasteurized MilkBryoc!ov l s Cer t l ll edMilk(Pedrlal le Society)Speelal ..Guernsey"Milk(Roberts ' ' PLASTERINGl ' r a tan tonl, James .239 Hampden avc., Na rb er th . B ox 270.

    DENTISTSOr r, Dr.A . L. 101 Elmwood avo Phone, UI-W.Ph ll a . Phone , Filbert 42U, Keith Bids.DRUGGIST8Howard' s . Phone . 1267.See display advertIsement In thl . luue.

    ELEOTRIClANSPUJh, Ver i 225 lona ave.N ar . P ho ne , 650-W. A rd . P ho ne , 1 68 J .FISH AND OY8TERSimperial Grocery Co. Phone, Narberth 606.See dlspllLY advertisement In this Issue.GARDEN NURSEBIESWoWer t, A . E.Montgomery ave . Phone . 696 Narberth.

    GROCERSimperial Grocery Co. Phone, Narberth 606.See dlspllLY advertisement In this Issue.HAULING, ETC.Marmoma, John. Ardnlore. PUtSec display advertlsenll'nt In this Isstll'.

    Walton Bros . Phone , 672.See dlspllLY advertisement In this ts.u .INSURANVEBowman, Samuel P. (Life.)116 Elmwood aVe. Phone, 651-W.iurkhardt , lIIUler. General Il1JIuraoce.100 Maple ava. Phone , 659-H.J on es , C ha s. R .805 S. Narberth ave. Phone, 682"J.Jone s , Wm. d. 103 S. Narberth aVe Pbone.680-J. Phlla.. addres Penn H u t u ~ , BidS.Trotter B ro s. ( Fi re , etc.)209 Woodside ave. Phona . 1262-R.LAWYERSGilroy, J ob JI 211 Essex ave. Phone . 1245-11.Phlla. address, L i ncol n B ldg .Stites, Fletcher W. 418 Haverford ave.Phone . 372-W PhU ... addrellll. Orozer Bids.

    LIGHTING FIXTUBESMcDonald John. Narberth phone. 1 2 ~ \ .1533 Che.t. st . . PhUa . Phone . Sp ru ;. 1118.~ I E A T S , ETC.Cotter, Howard F. Phone, 1298.SPf! r1lfllOIa.y advertisement In tb h la.utl.Crist, Frank. Phona. 868.See dl.pl ..y advertl8ement In thl . I ue.Hertzler, .John n. Narberth.See dIsplay advert i sement In thIs Issue.

    $38.923.85. 4.202.10


    Avery S. Demmy, Pastor.


    W. R. D. HALL,Presiden t of Council.

    The annua l suppe r and business meeting last week was very larg(\ly attended. The reports showed th e year's workto be one o f t he b es t t h e church has hadand plans were made fo r a much largerwork the coming year.The address by Mr. Chalk(\r i n t he B.

    Y. P. U. Sunday was o ne of tho verybest to be had on that line. The roomwas c rowded for the serv ice. Thes( \meetings continue to increa se in inte rest and at .tendance each week.The Teuchers' Association will meeton Thursday evening, January 30th, at

    the hOll1e of Mr. T. C. Trotter, Jr .On Friday evening at 8 0 'clock in the

    church parlors thero will be a soc ia l forth(\ members o f t he B. Y. P. U. and invited guests.On Saturday, February 1st, at 2.30

    P. M. there will n.lso be a soc ia l in thechurch p ar lo rs f or t he j un io r lllilmberso f t he B. Y. P. U.This chu rc h mos t c ordi al ly invitesa ll who arc not a t tending servic(\ else, ,"hen' to worship with us.

    (Continued from Fage 1.)No. 189 .


    Service as follows:Sunday, 9.45 A. 1L-Bible School.Classes fo r all.11 A. l\1.-Morning worship. Sermon

    b y t he pas tor, also child ren 's ob jectHermon.7 P. l \f . -B. Y. P. U. meeting. Leader,

    Miss Emll1a Mueller.7.45 P. l\1.-Evening worship. Sermon by the pas tor .Church Notes .

    To I.le\y and. Fi x t he Taxes i n the Borough of. Narberth f or t he Year 1919.'fi l l ' Council of the Borough of NarlH'rth d{)es ordain:Section 1. That the Borough taxes for

    the year 1919 be a nd t he y a re h er eb ylevied and. fixed at the rate of fourteen(14) mil ls on th e dolln.r of the assessedvaluation, according to assessment andvaluation fo r county purposes.Passed. t he 13th day o f J anua ry , A. D.l! l]!) .


    Attest:C lIAS . V . NOEL,

    Secretary of Council.Approved th e 13th d ay o f J an ua ry ,

    A. D. 1919CARROLL DOWNES,Chief Burgess.

    The January meeting of the NarberthBra nc h o f the Woman Suffrage Partywas he ld at the Y. M. C. A. on Fridayaftemoou, January 10, when the following officers were re-elected. for t heyear: Mrs . Ch ar le s Walter Young,Leader; Mrs . Wil li am H. Pugh, Jr.,Vice-Leader; Mrs. Edgar H. Cockerill,Treasurer; Miss Anna 1IacKeag, Secretary.Sec reta ry repor t for 1918: 51 mem

    bers; averuge attendance of 9, the poorattendaIlce being caused by our members b(\ing occupied with war work.]Juring the year 3 members died

    Mrs. Arthur Haight, Mrs. 1. Block, Mrs.R. F. Byc--and we lost by removalM ' i ~ Graco Haight, Mrs. John Klingl er a nd Mrs. J. Hamilton.Four members assisted each Thursday

    at the Suffrage Lun'ch Rooms.Wo a lso assis ted the Woman 's Overseas Hospi ta ls a nd had t he B ri ti shBooth ' a t the Narbe rth Fe te . Purchaseda Liberty Bond, which was donated tothe Dr. Anna H. Shaw EndowmentFund.O ur L ea de r, Mrs. C. W. Young,

    brought many excellent speakers,among which were Dr. Self, Dr. LiduStewart Cogill, Mrs. G eo rg e U rb en smith, Mrs. M. B. Scot t, Mrs. WilliamGeyman, Mrs. George P ie rs ol , Mrs .George Dunni ng , Mrs . Snyde r, Capt.Schwaab.

    Treasurer's Report fo r 1918.REOEIPTS.

    Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1918 .Cash from sale of flowers etc .Cash from WODlan Citizen subs.Cash from collections at meetingsCash f rom contribut ions from'

    Church Notes.A very 'generous offering' was mude

    last Sunday f or t he Rel ie f 'Vork aJllongthe Armenians and S;yrians.

    The" All Day" .Meeting of the ladie.;of the COnh'Tegation promises to he anotruble event. The Ladies' Aid Society will meet at 10 A. 111. to s ew fort he des ti tu te children of France andBel gi um . Luncheon w il l be served :it12.30 and a ll t he ladies of t he congregat ion a re invited to be guests of t heLadies' Aid Society at this Illllcheoll.At 2.30 the Women 's ~ I i s s i o n a r y Society will convene and will be address.cd by :Mrs. Annie Kelllledy and Dr.Laura McComb :Muller. 1Irs. Kenncdywill sail fo r the foreign field early inFebruary, and a t this meeting will tello f t he c ou nt ry to which she i s g oi ng .Dr. Muller has been a l Il ed ica l m is sionar;}' to Per si a f or t he p as t ten year sand will t el l o f her work there.The Prayer :l\Ieeting next Wednesdaye\"Cning will be at the hOIll(\ of Mr.

    Walter D. Ross , 213 Narberth avenue.The first of a series of Vesper Services will be held. iIll this church on Feb

    r u a r ~ ' 2 at 4 P. 1\1. At this lIl(\etingthere will be a special Illusical programwith selections b y o rg an , violin and'cello.The Christian Endeavorers a rc p la n

    ning a rally on the evening of February2, when they will b(\ address(\d by MissFlorence Norton, one of the Secretarieso f t he D ep ar tm en t o f Religious Education of the Presbyterian Church.A special missionary meeting will be

    held on Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 P.111. Dr. Laura McComb Mul le r, med ical missionary to Persia, wil l t (\ ll ofher w or k t he re. M is s Anni(\ Kennedy,of Ardmore, scheduled to sail w it h t hcSyrian Helicf Commission e ar ly i n F eb ruary, wil l t el l of the work she willunde r take in Syr ia. Mrs . W. I.I. Cooper,District K ey Woman fo r tho JubileeFund., will outline her plan of campaign. All the women of the congregation are cordially invited to att(\nd thismeeting. Dr. Muller and :Miss Kennedy will attend th e luncheon and willmeet the women informally at thattime.

    h y Annette Melchoir a nd V ir gi ni aSmith.i ,4 5 P . . M . - E \ " ( ~ n i n g worship. Sllb.ject

    of the sermon, "God's X-Ray."

    Saving Accounts

    METHODIST EPISCOFAL CHURCH. The Little Church on t he Hill."

    Rev. F. M. Gray, Fastor.Sunday, January 26th:9.45 A . M.--Sunday School. 'Glasse'>

    fo r a ll ages . Ou r school i s growing sonicely that e ve ry c ha ir w as occupiedlast Sunday. Our sup(\rintendent suggested the s ign "Standing Room Only."Com(\ out and help us crowd God'sHouse.

    11 A. M.-Sermoll hy the pastor on"The Essence of Sin."3 P. M.-Children 's Church with vest

    ed choir. Object t a lk by pastor. We Imll113 present l as t Sunday with 8 newmembers. We h ope to reach 125 thisSundny.7 P. M.-Epworth League. The pasto r heg ins a series o f t al ks in Missionaon "Tho Christian Crusade fo r World

    Democracy." \Ve hope to have the rooUlcrowded.7.45 P. l\L--8crmon by the pas to r on, , Nonh' ' - a grl'ltt character in a worldcrisis. Special music.] \fondny, 8 P. 1\f.-Importaut meeting

    of the Board of Trustees.Wednesdny, 8 P. M.-Pustor 's talkon "The Mastcr's Loyalty." Specialsoloist.Tho Ladies' Aid Society arc prepar

    ing a great entertainment for the e\'ening of F r i d a ~ ' , Fe'bruary 21st, at th echurch. Tickets, 25 'cents.

    Checking Accounts

    Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.


    EarIly MlIBS on Sunday f rom Aprll1 to October 31 at 7 A. M. FromNovemlber 1 ,to Ma. rch 31 aIt 7 A. M.Late Mass, 9.30 A. rd. t h roughout theyea.r. Masses on holydays, 6.30 and8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Eveningdevotions and other services 8It regula r times.



    Rev. Andrew S. Burke, Rector.The services at All Saints' P. E.Church, Montgomery and Wynnewoodavenues, fo r next Sunday arc as fol

    lows:8 .00 A .M.-Holy Communion.9 .45 A . 'M.-8unday School.11.00 A.M.-Morning prayer and sermonoAny Episcopalians who h av e n ot affiliated with an y o th er Chu rc h a re re

    que st ed t o depos it their letter at AUSaints. 'The Rector will b e v er y glad to c al lupon s t range r s or any new comers in

    this vicinity.The winter work of the SundaySchool is progres'sing nicely, and it is

    urged that pa ren ts see that their children attend regularly.Try and follow t he Bro th er hood o f

    Saint Andrew plan and make an efforteach week to bring some person toChurch o r Sunday School. If we allwould do t h i ~ All Saints ' would have tobe enlarged to twice the present capacity.Th(\ Church 'bus leaves Narberth andWynnewood Stations at 10.40 on Sun'day morning!.


    Rev. Cbarles WlIilker Anschutz, D. D.,Pastor

    Sat"vices every Sunday.Mo.rning at 10.45.Evening, 7.45.Sun\lay school at 9 .45 A . M.Christian Endeavor meeting at 7.Prayer meeting Wednesday evening

    at 8 o'clock.You are most cord ial ly invi ted tocome a nd wor sh ip with us ; t he pewsar e aU free; you will be mos t w el come.


    Organized 176l)-Ardmore, Pa.

    ReT. R. F. Cowley, Rector

    Merion Meeting House, Merion, Fa .Merion Meeting is open fo r worship

    every First-day morning at 11 0 'clock.We cordially welcome any visi tor s whodesire t o wor sh ip with us.On First-day, First mon th ( Ja n. 12),the Quarter ly Meeting Visiting Committee: William Hagaman, Mary C. Dickinson, Aqu il la L invi ll a nd Sarah Linvill, will b e w it h us.


    The meetings for next Suncln)':9 .30 A . M.-Men's Bible Class . Dr .H. A. Banks, teacher.10 A. ~ 1 . - S u n d a y 8 'choo ls . A p la ce

    and a welcome fo r all.11 A. l\1.-Public worship. The outline o f t he sermon "will be takcn from

    Dr . .T. W. Chapman's great hymn, "OncDay."7 P. M.-Christ ian Endeavor meetings. The Senior Sec t ion wi ll be led bySydnie Bol i ch and t he J un io r Section

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town January 25, 1919


    (Announced December 13, 1918, by Postmaster Ge'neral, Washington, D. C.)

    Toll calls involving an appointment to talk at a specified time, or involving the useof messenger service to sec;ure attendance of a designated person at a public telephone at a d ist an t point may be made at rates usually about one-half greater thanthe "stat ion to station" rate, plus the cost of messenger service. The minimum ratefor such calls is 25c.

    Night rates, applying only to calls made on a "station to station" basis, are quoted between 8 :30 p. m. and 4 :30 a. lTI. The- rate between 8 :30 p. m. and 12 midnight isabout one-half the "station to station" day rate, and between 12 midnight and 4 :30a. m. about one-fourth the "station to station" day rate. The minimum night rateis 25c.

    For all toll calls other than those made on the "station to station" basis, where connection is establ ished but the conversation is not held because the cal ling or calledparty is not present or will not talk, a "report charge" is made, equivalent to aboutone-fourth of the "station to station" rate. The minimum "report charge" is 10c;maximum $2.00.

    dance, 50 cents pe r couple; to gllmc only,15 cents ench.



    Try a ton of our

    c.Narberth 302W

    Highland Buckwheat Coal at $7.50pe r ton carried in. This low pr ice will only las tuntil our bin is c leaned out. The coal can bemixed with other sizes and thus bring about areduction of your heating bill.

    tend. Don't fo rge t, Feb run ry 1 at 8P. M. sharp. Admission to g nm e n nd

    Effective January 21,Telephone Toll Rates


    On Satlll'llay l '\ 'l 'lIin;!. Fehrllnl'Y 1, the:\nrlH'rth High School Baskcthall Teamwill play t he Ph il adl 'l phi a Den t al ColI p ~ t , ~ r c a m .The gam" will Ill' followed h ~ a dance,

    11Il' "el'OI"l or t hi s k in d to lw hcld !Jy1h,' High School "tildents. ] t will hel'l'III\'llIlll'red hy 111:111.\' that t hl ' f ir strlaIH'\', whi"h \ ,a f' h l' ld on Decl' !l1lwr l Lwa s a wOllderful success.Thif' tin\(' !Jct tl'r JllllSie is eXJlectell to

    111 ohtaincll, a1ll1 e\'\,ryolle who is intUI'"ted i n s ch oo l af'fiyitics ~ h O l l l d :It-

    at t hc P al ac c T hc at re , Ar