Our Town March 29, 1919

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Transcript of Our Town March 29, 1919

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 29, 1919


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 29, 1919


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 29, 1919



    have an account withYou w il l find it convenient to

    orit.it hshiver

    InfIuenza and kindreddiseases startwithacold.Don' t trifleAt the firstsneeze, take

    ~ ' L ( : rC A S ( A R ~ f l 9 U I N I N E

    ~ O M \ f i ) ~Standard cold r emedy fo r 20 yearo-m tabletform-safe , !lure, no opiates-breaksup a coJdIn 24 hours-relieves grip in 3 d ay s. Mon eyback i f i t fail., Th e F:enuine bolthas n Red to pwith Mr . Hill ' . picture. At All Drull Stores-A R.CADIACIIESTNVT. Be l .16 th StF ines t P h o to p l ay Th e a t re ol l i s Size In Ih eEnUre World .

    P". toplavs -Cont inuous 10 A" M. to 11.38P.M.

    T. B. SMITH

    PhUa Pa .

    P R O G R AM

    Elsie Ferguson


    WEEK OF MARCH 24th


    20 5 Haver fo rd Ave.

    Grand Opening\Ve wish to announce that on

    Your Patronage Sol ic ited

    - IN-

    31AI:S l 'IWDUCTIOH S ' rARTS AS NEAR: \5 I 'O SS IB LE T O 10,15 A. n. , 12.00, 2.00,

    3 .4 5, 5 .4 5, 7.45, 9.80 P. 1II.

    HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fittingand HeatingN A R B E R T H , PA

    "The Marriage Price"

    D e li c io u s M e a tsA l High G r ad e Ch i ck e n sEggs a nd B ut te r

    I have purchaser!the DRUG STOREf ormer ly ownedby W. F. FIEDLER

    Friday, February 7, 1919We will open with a fulI line ofFancy Fruits and VegetablesFresh Fish and OystersEvery FridayOrders deli\'ered a l l \ ' w l I ~ r e Free.Come in and let us t; y to convince

    you that we ha\"e "Fruits andVegetables tbat you can eat, Pricesand qual it y you Ciollllot beat."Narbe r t h Cu t PriceFrui t and Produce Co.

    2 28 Have r f o rd AvenueNARBERTH, PA.


    THE WAR IS OVERThe Narberth Tailoring Co.Will give Good Reductions onMade-to-Order Ladies' and Gentlemen 's Sui ts , a lso reduced priceson Repai ri ng and Clean ing andDyeing of your clothes. WorkAt . Don't l ose t ime in callingup Narberth 305.234 Woodbine Ave. NARBERTH, PA.

    R. D. LOUIS, Prop .

    lI a thoro.Forward , ParkesForward AllenCPII tel' . ' ea 1'1'Guard ,J . S. Whit"si,]"G uard . .r. C. Wllite"ide

    :\'. H. S..T. Dielde, .Jenkill:-' .Ward, ..\rart ill ,[[ars"h, , .

    Oakl,'.," , , .. " ] I i l l ] ; > ~ lliS.-;llIpdl,'., . . . ..... I ~ ],1:; . 1 8 ~\\"a 1', I .. , . , .. Lj:: ] n!l 1 ; > ~II a I ' t l , , ~ 1 ~ ; > J:;fi .1"-. . . , . .l/Sa "ill . , . , .. , ];j!1 ] ~ ! I ] j 'j '

    Tota Is. " . , ., , j ; ) ~ . j ' ' i!l SlliWayne Men's.

    Fil':-,t ~ t . ' ( ' ( l i l d ThinlUnlllt.'. (f a l i l t ' . G:1I1It'.

    II:d,' . , " . ., , 1::11 l,l!1 I.>::.IOllt'' ' '; 1')- lSI lIS, . . . . . -IBtll"llIall , , . . , J I::lin IIa 'I'ay 117~ I , . J ' ; : l I i ~ ' h l , . 1::1Pu III\(' , .. l ~ 1,,1 1Iii. \11"11 .. . . 1;>"i ]!I!I .1,1.>

    Totals . . . . . , ,I Ii S ~ nn:;FLOWERING TREES.

    THE Narberth Guarddrills every Thursdayevening in the Fire House,7.45 to 8.45.




    s er yc d t he pupils by th e Club's Hospita lity Chairmun. Th e Club womenpresen t had eyery reason to f ee l p ro u dof th e spirit shown hy the faculty an dt.1H' school, and were plpased hy their! 'ordial recept ion.

    SPORTSCOLUMNTh e ;'Ii arberth High School hasketball

    t, Mnrch ~ 2 I 1 d , at t he R it zCarltoll. she dallced all Or ien t al dancefo r ehllrity.

    c\n n r ~ ' l ' n t npp('tl1 h as b "" n s el lt o ut1 ,,1 ] :J,OOO kllittl'd ;!arml'lI ts for refugees.(11J'ildl'C'JI "s 5 t o e k i J l g ~ :lnd : . . ; \ \ ,patp)"s, alsoBlufHcrs alld sha,wls arc nec,]ell. This( 'haptn h as b ee n allo!t,'d a l ar gL ' p ro portion. ,rill you 1](']1' liS?

    Alsl) s , ,"eaters al ld soc I" for the sol,,li,'rs .\rUST Iw rcllll'll,'d this IIIOllth.

    ,Vool giY"1I out. It.,- .\Irs. TI,'difer.

    Narherth B u i l d i " . ~ ' alld Loan Asso, iat ionAll sri;' ill \'('stment,Rpga rde J hy ! ,"l 'r) 'one as th eB,'st Oil thu . \ Ia in L im' .Exe('lI"lIt as a Sayillgs Arpoullt.Rigid ill it s ('X:lnlillatiolls.Thl" 1lIortgag"t':-' takt 'll 011 ('oll:;el"\'ath'c

    n1Iua1iOlls.Hon('stly a:l"lIefit.A Jll l \\' H ' I ' i p ~ of ~ t o ( ' k 0PPI lN('xt ' l ' h l l r s d a ~ . April :ll"l.Do lIot t'org"t.L : l ~ t - ( h : l l ) ( ( , for 1I('\\" : - - t ~ l ' i t . ' : - : .0111." slllall Illonthl., l'aylJll'ut".Allll . ' ~ o u will 1}('\'PI' l"t.'!rrnt ~ ' o n rN:lI'],,,rlh Building' an,] Lnan in,('stlJlenl.

    The nft"l'lIoon \I'hi('h thl ' ( 'olJ l ll lunitv('llIh sl"'nt at thl' :\arherth High Schoul\ \ " " : I ~ 1II0:--t g T : l t i f ~ ~ i l l g - to tho:-:e ,,,lto arrnng-I'el t l l ( l joint Ill('l'tillg:. 'l'hll. sp(lakf'l'101 th,' aftl'rnooll \\'lIS lI[iss VirginiaSt I't '(lt, in ( ' I H t l ' g ( ~ of tht.' larg'pst ConilIIunity Gan]cn in th" pity. She spokpof hpr work 10 a large an d attel l t in\tludiellPl'. Th " pupils sung a spiritedgardcn song an d r e fr eshmeit ts were

    ~ ! l , ~ - I t:n31

    -.")I::o.::sHigh. Lo\\'.

    Rev. John Va n Ness, Minister.

    Th., E " " r y - ~ I ( , I I " ' ' ' I ' C;':

    hy thl' pastor on the suhjel ' l. "Shall Allt lIP Churches Organize Into One Budy?"Tl'xt . .John 17: ~ l S ll hj ee t o f ehiIdn'n 's Se!'lIlOn, ., \\ 'ha t the Bells Say."

    7 1' . .\I.-B. Y. 1'. F. This wi ll h e :\1 I l t 1 ~ i ( ' a l s ( l J ' \ ' j ( ' ( ~ using t\\"o p i a n o : - : ~ antI.\lr. l 'attl 'n ,rill J l l a ~ ' the eOl"llet. Ah r i, ' f t a lk \I'ill 1w gi,'en on t he suhject ,~ I l l d l l { ' i ~ i o n .."

    'i.-I;) P. )f . -E\ '(\ l l ing \ \ " o r ~ h i J l . Scr-111011 h., the ) l a ~ t o r Oil til


    Avery S. DeuullY, Pastor.

    Saving Accounts

    ~ ""till;!s fo r lIext SUII,]a.,':P.::II c\. . \ r . - ~ I e l l '" Hih ll ' (' 1",,>. D r.

    II, .\. Ihllks, t('Hcher.III A. . \ I . - : ' i u l l d a ~ - S ..hoo!. .\ 1'1:,,'('alld a ,,'eJelllllo for all.11 A. ~ 1 . - l ' u I ' ] i l \l'ol'shil" ::"'rI II 011

    h." Ihl' past 01' Oil "The I : it il,,, ;:JtH'( llg,t ' . ' -

    Gray. fornll'rly of Hoyal Flying Corpsof Canada.

    , 1' . . \ I . -Chris l iall Elld, ':

    Tht.'J'(1 will Ill' a ,"P:-;l-'iOIl 11lC"L\tinp: atIh " hOllle of t he l ,a st or nl'xt Frirlayt.\" t' II illg'.

    Thl' spring Coml!lunioll will he h eldon April 13.


    Ba Willdl'r .,.,., . . . . ,,'.T11(\J 'IJ lOllietol ' . 0 ' HUlllidity. pl'r eent. , . . . , .

    Precipitation,Total fo r 'H ' l ' k . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 inchTo ta l f or mou th t o d l lt l '. . . . 3.55 inches

    "\. .\L, morning:lll,lress; ;> P . .\L,

    E\'cning pl ' : lyCl ' , Lital1:F :llul PcnitPll"tial OiJice, 4.:;0 1' . .\L

    F r i d a ~ ' s , the Holy COllllllunion at flA.M.

    Chil,Jren's sen'ice at 3 P . .\LlIoly \\"e,'k (April 14th t o ] f lth, inel l l'

    sive) :.\[on,lay. Tuesday, ,Vedllcs,lay all,1

    Satnn]ay-TIl l ' Holy CO!lllllnnion at !)A . . \L E ,' en in g- prayer an d PenitentialOflice ,1.30 P. M.

    ~ [ a u J l ( l a y ' l ' llIlrsday-Holy COIllIllUIi'ion fl A. .\L

    Goo,] 1" r i Jay- l lprayl'r, LitallY au dchildn'n's sl 'n'iee.


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town March 29, 1919


    _."".i_-------------------------------..NARBERTH, PA.-OUR TOWN=WALTON BROS.' GARAGET A X I S E R V IC E

    Hauling Trunks, Baggage an d FreightWOMEN'S C OM M UN IT Y C LU B Seout News

    HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT COST-1919.. til ., ". . 5l til " .. ., .,3o . " . ~ .. "~ . ., us " : e .c " "-5 " "r.1 ., ., .cOl < ..!:!..c: .... "s it';;;0 .. s .. r.1 8< "," .. " ~ ~ = [il .. il'


    A grcat dcal of interest was man ifested in the legislat ive progl'Um arr an ge d b y t he Chairman of Legislation,Mrs . Wm. H. Russe ll . :]\[rs. Frank ~ [ i 1 e sDay discussed l l lany of the b i ll s o f particular importance to women, amongt hem b ei ng t he h il l f or a fit appropriatio n for th e support of t111 Home fo rFecble.minded 'Women at Laurclton,there being 15,000 o f t hese unfortuuateshctwccn t he agc s of 16 and 43 in theStatc of Pennsyhania alollc.Tho Vickerman bill, asking for $1,000,

    000 app rop ri at ion fo r t he w idows ' pension f un d w as endorscd by the Club, aresolut ion beinf : adopted asking fo r th epassage o f t hi s bill."The Rou gh R oa d of Legi s la t ion"

    was t he t op ic d is co ur scd b;y ou r ownHon. Fletcher W. S ti te s, a nd b roughtf o rt h many qnestions, al l of which werev er y a bl y a nd i nt er cs ti ng ly :lIlsweredby :Mr. Stites.Hi s rccent appointment a s Cha irman

    o f th e P ris on Conllnittee also cnabledMI'. Stites t o t hr ow lIIuch light on ou rprison eOllllitions, Th e suggestion tout il i ze the men \ ri th i n t he prison \rallsf o r l abo ri ng purposes cert a in ly augersfo r cffieiency and sounds like a trllmendous stride in the right direction.At the conclusion a hrirf socinl hour,

    in charge of ~ [ r s . E. C. Batchelor, assisted hy ~ I r s . 'Ym. L iv in g, to n a ndMrs. C. E . L on g, e ompl et cd a mostprofitable and cnjoyable afternoon.