Our Sustainability Journey - Opportunity Green 2008-2011

We launched our Sustainability Program in 2008 ... Continue by navigating with the controls below


A graphical depiction of the path our team has taken on the road to reducing our harmful impacts. Next step - increase our beneficial impact? Stay tuned...

Transcript of Our Sustainability Journey - Opportunity Green 2008-2011

Page 1: Our Sustainability Journey - Opportunity Green 2008-2011

We launched our Sustainability Program

in 2008 ...

design by Jeff Hayes [email protected]

Continue by navigating with the controls below

Page 2: Our Sustainability Journey - Opportunity Green 2008-2011

And we’re able to share the impacts, reductions, and our year-to-year

performance with you...

design by Jeff Hayes [email protected]

Page 3: Our Sustainability Journey - Opportunity Green 2008-2011

By executing 11 strategies ...

design by Jeff Hayes [email protected]

Page 4: Our Sustainability Journey - Opportunity Green 2008-2011

That reference 12 distinct metrics, called Performance Indicators.

design by Jeff Hayes [email protected]

The Performance Indicators we use were developed for the Global Reporting Initiative, in a collaboration between the United Nations and CERES

Page 5: Our Sustainability Journey - Opportunity Green 2008-2011

design by Jeff Hayes [email protected]

We started small, collecting data on just two Performance Indicators.

Page 6: Our Sustainability Journey - Opportunity Green 2008-2011

design by Jeff Hayes [email protected]

The Performance Indicators we use were developed for the Global Reporting Initiative, in a collaboration between the United Nations and CERES

Page 7: Our Sustainability Journey - Opportunity Green 2008-2011

design by Jeff Hayes [email protected]

The Performance Indicators we use were developed for the Global Reporting Initiative, in a collaboration between the United Nations and CERES

Page 8: Our Sustainability Journey - Opportunity Green 2008-2011

design by Jeff Hayes [email protected]

The Performance Indicators we use were developed for the Global Reporting Initiative, in a collaboration between the United Nations and CERES

Page 9: Our Sustainability Journey - Opportunity Green 2008-2011

design by Jeff Hayes [email protected]

The Performance Indicators we use were developed for the Global Reporting Initiative, in a collaboration between the United Nations and CERES

Page 10: Our Sustainability Journey - Opportunity Green 2008-2011

design by Jeff Hayes [email protected]

The Performance Indicators we use were developed for the Global Reporting Initiative, in a collaboration between the United Nations and CERES

Page 11: Our Sustainability Journey - Opportunity Green 2008-2011

But this is just one part of the whole story. Go deeper

and review our full report

design by Jeff Hayes [email protected]

Page 12: Our Sustainability Journey - Opportunity Green 2008-2011

Similar to the way investors analyze financial statements, stakeholders review

sustainability reports to evaluate and compare corporate performance across

four key areas: Economic, Environmental, Social, and Governance.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides a widely-accepted standard for developing

and issuing sustainability reports (also called ‘integrated reports’). The standard was

released in 1997 in collaboration between the United Nations and CERES.

The current release is version 3.1. Version 4.0 is in development.

As of December 2011, GRI sustainability reports have been issued by:

• 27 Fortune 100 companies

• 183 companies and organizations in the U.S.

• 3,000+ companies and organizations worldwide

We are proud to say that we are the first company in our industry to issue a

third-party assured sustainability report using the GRI framework. Our 2012

sustainability report was granted third-party assurance on June 18, 2012, and

was published at Level C+.

Click to view our full 2012 report

Click for details on the Global Reporting Initiative