Our News - Parramatta Mission · PDF fileadventurous life story, articles by Keith ... The...

Our Vision A Community Transforming Lives Our Values Grace, Inclusion, Dignity, Faith and Hope Our News 16th August 2015 Uniting Church in Australia Parramatta Mission: Congregational life@ Westmead & Parramatta & Hospitality, Community and Mental Health Services across Greater Sydney and beyond

Transcript of Our News - Parramatta Mission · PDF fileadventurous life story, articles by Keith ... The...

Our Vision

A Community Transforming Lives

Our Values Grace, Inclusion, Dignity,

Faith and Hope

Our News

16th August 2015

Uniting Church

in Australia

Parramatta Mission:

Congregational life@ Westmead & Parramatta

& Hospitality, Community and Mental Health Services across Greater Sydney

and beyond


THANK YOU - ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Many thanks to everyone who helped to make last Sunday's Anniversary service so special, including everyone involved in the service, morning tea and with the Combined Sunday School activity. We were also happy to welcome Dr. Geoff Lee, the Member for Parramatta and Rev. Dr. David Manton, Mrs. Fran Manton and Mr. Richard Manton as our special visitors. Also present were Audrey & Linda, whose distant relation, James, was baptized in our first Chapel in the 1820s. Some wonderful photos from last Sunday are included in this newsletter, with many thanks to Mario & Tracey. THE SAMUEL LEIGH 200th ANNIVERSARY - TODAY: PARRAMATTA PARK SERVICE (10.00am) Welcome to all of our PM congregations at today's special, combined worship service in Parramatta Park, which has been a place of significance for fundraising, worship and recreation for Parramatta Mission for 200 years. Thank you to all of today's contributors. ** Please contact congregation leaders for wet weather advice/ further assistance with this event as needed. ANNIVERSARY BOOK LAUNCH TODAY - SAMUEL LEIGH: PARRAMATTA MISSION PIONEER Our Anniversary book is being released today. Features include Samuel Leigh's adventurous life story, articles by Keith, Clive, Liz, Christine, Manas, Ini & Ian, re-printed editions of our 2015 ANZAC & Heritage Sunday booklets, our recent congregation photos - and - a bonus colour 'Supplement' containing details/ photos from our Anniversary celebration so far will be available to the first 50 purchasers. Books will be available at the service today and at each forthcoming Anniversary event - and then afterwards from the Mission office - or from Liz at Leigh, Ini at Leigh Fijian or Lorna at Westmead. NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT - HERITAGE COLLOQUIUM @ LEIGH MEMORIAL Next Sunday night, 6.30 - 8.30pm, there will be a 'Heritage Colloquium' in the Coffee Shop. This will involve hearing challenging presentations and having some discussion time. Guest Presenters will include Assoc.Prof. William Emilsen and Rev. Dr. Clive Pearson. Dessert & Coffee will be included in the program. The event is free & open to all. ABRAHAM FAITH CONFERENCE Coming soon - this key 'inter-faith' event: Wednesday 26 August including Dinner, Keynote Speaker & Discussion at the Fellowship Centre Hall. Places available. Enquiries: Manas & the LM Leaders' team.

NEXT SATURDAY - WOMEN'S HIGH TEA @ THE COFFEE SHOP Our annual Women's High Tea will start at 3.00pm & conclude at 5.30pm. Entry is $5 with all funds going to 'Raising Hope for women facing homelessness'. The afternoon will include High Tea, our keynote speaker, Rev.Park (Moderator, NSW/ ACT), a presentation on 'Raising Hope' and a women's craft exhibition, inc. the beautiful results of our combined congregation's sewing/ embroidery project. RSVPs to Coral, 9891-2277 will be helpful. Please bring a plate of food to share. Enquiries: Liz, Julie, Samantha and Robyn (sewing project).


Have you been saving your 5c pieces? Or, you can begin now.

The world-wide collection of each country’s LEAST COIN of their currency to be given to the needy, is on again.

Australia’s least currency is the 5c piece. Think of, and pray for those less fortunate than yourself as you place

your 5c in a little bag. Beverly will happily give you a bag. Donations are to be collected before 18th October.


200th Anniversary

Service, 9 August,



Monday saw a change of leadership in the congregational council with Jan Robson stepping down as chairperson of the council. We are so grateful for all the work Jan has put in during this time, and wish to express our deep-felt thanks to her. We are also glad she has the ability to step down at this time to spend some more time with her family, as well as continuing some of the things in the congregation Thanks you so much Jan. Robyne has stepped up into the Acting Chairperson role until we have new elections. There will be a review of the various activities and roles within the congregation so the council can find a better way of sharing the many jobs across the congregation- especially as we have some new technology and new people who might wish to be more involved. Thanks Robyne for stepping up into this role at this time. The combined worship in the park occurred with many people from Westmead absent due to ill health or needing to protect themselves from the weather. We appreciate all who have attended and hope the continuing celebrations of Samuel Leigh are fantastic events for the whole of Parramatta Mission. The hedge along Hawkesbury Road has been removed and it is amazing the difference in the visibility of the grounds. We will continue to work on improving our visibility for the range of activities across the week as well as on Sunday. Please pray for God’s Spirit to continue to grow the congregation and its activities but for all of us to grow in being able to live out our discipleship in working to transforming people’s lives in the name of Christ.

Changes are happening at Wesley Apartments.....

Wesley Apartments outdoor area is in the process of a major transformation. This work would not happen if it wasn’t for the hard work and commitment of many people. At this stage I would like to say a huge “thank you” to those involved. To mention a few – Terry Tisdale, Fred Kishor, Tamba, Nestor, Zac, John, Raymond, Mick, Denise, Luke, PLAN staff, Trish and also The Westmead Leaders for their wonderful ongoing support of our residents. Here are a few photos for you to see the fantastic changes so far …..

Ephesians 3:1-12

1 For this reason, I Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of you Gentiles 2 – I assume you heard that the administration of God’s grace for you was given to me, 3 and that the mystery was made known to me by way of revelation, as I previously wrote in brief, 4 in the light of which as you read you can appreciate my understanding into the mystery of Christ, 5 which in other generations was not made known to the children of people as it is now revealed to his holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit, 6 that the Gentiles are to be joint-heirs and a joint-body and joint-sharers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel, 7 of which I was made a minister according to the gift of grace of God given to me according to the working of his power. 8 To me, to one less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, 9 and to bring to the light what is the mystery of the stewardship that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things, 10 that the manifold wisdom of God might be now made known through the church to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places, 11 according to the eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, 12 in whom we have boldness and confidence of free access through his faithfulness. (Translation by Keith Hamilton)


Alexander Strachan, the biographer of Samuel Leigh wrote:

Mr. Samuel Leigh was a native of Milton, a beautiful village one mile distant from Hanley, in Staffordshire. He was born on the 1st of September, 1785, and spent the earlier years of his life in learning and recreation. As he advanced towards the fifteenth year of his age, he became increasingly thoughtful and reflective.

During the whole of this period he felt a deep conviction that he was called of God to "preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.”

There it is. That last paragraph is so important to understanding Samuel Leigh. It was said he was single minded, intense, driven. He was also quarrelsome with his colleague ministers. It is not surprising. He felt the call of God as a teenager to go and preach the “unsearchable riches of Christ to the Gentiles. That is not to condone any offensive behaviour, but to understand.

I can understand that Leigh’s conviction was intensified through certain experiences. Later he was due to sail to Canada as a missionary. At the last moment, after Leigh had purchased the ticket to sail, the Church changed plans. Leigh was to go elsewhere. The ship set sail without Leigh and was lost at sea with loss of all but four lives. Such an experience must have intensified Leigh’s sense of calling. On his own voyage to Australia a storm was of such magnitude that everything on the deck was washed away, Leigh fell and injured his arm, and one person was lost overboard. No doubt his drive carried him through and such experiences would have intensified his drive to carry out this mission.

In the time of the letter to the church in Ephesus, Gentiles were thought to be everyone who was not a Jew. Note: the very early church comprised only Jews. Various preachers felt called to take the good news of the church to other races. This came with the discovery that the Christian faith was for all people, none excluded. The New Testament of the Bible gives considerable attention to this point that people of all races, ages, gender, cultures are included, that the Good News is for all people. Interestingly, the word in the Greek of the Bible can be translated as either Gentile or nations. Throughout subsequent church history the good news for the Gentiles has been taken to mean Good News to everyone not yet in the church. This is what motivated Leigh. He had a message with a task to do, and he single-mindedly went about doing it.

Sometimes when we are single-mindedly driven we can cause offence because we think everyone should be doing the same thing with the same energy and same focus as ourselves. It can come as a shock when others have other motivations and when others stop us short for “running over them.”

That said, Samuel Leigh, with good points and faults like all of us, made a start of the Methodist Church in Australia, which today we call the Uniting Church, as well as the Methodist Church of New Zealand, and also the Methodist Church in Tonga.

Lest we think he was only a preacher concerned with people’s “souls,” Leigh was one of those involved in the early Benevolent Society whose objectives were: To relieve the Poor, the Distressed, the Aged, the Infirm and thereby discountenance, as much as possible, Mendacity and Vagrancy, and to encourage industrious habits amongst indigent poor, as well as afford them religious instruction and consolation in their distresses.

Samuel Leigh was certainly not perfect, but he was inspirational, and for that we are grateful.

Blessings, Keith Hamilton

Thank you to the Department of Human Services

in Parramatta for this wonderful donation to Meals Plus. Donation was food, clothing and toiletries.

시드니 조은 교회 Sydney Jo-Eun Church 13-33

열 세 번째 성령강림주일 (14th Pentecost of Sunday)

개회 찬송 (Entrance Hymn) 예배를 위한 묵상

예배의 부름 (Calling) 조계주 목사

송영 (Gloria)

사도신경 신앙고백 (The Apostle’s Creed) …………………………….다함께

찬양/찬송 (Chorus & Hymns)

기도 (Prayer) 다함께


성경 봉독 (Scripture Reading)

말씀 (Preaching)- 조계주 목사

봉헌 찬송 (Offertory Hymn)

나눔과 알림 (Announcement & Notices)

폐회 찬송 (Final Hymn)

축도 (Benediction) 조계주 목사

새 6장 통 2장

새29장 통 29장

새464장 통406장

새195장 통261장

시편 33:1-22

진정한 예배를 회복하라

새 635 장 하늘에 계신 우리 아버지

새353장 통317장

수요기도회 :오후 7시


새벽기도회 : 오전6시

출애굽기 30:17-33:23

QT나눔 & 성경공부

주일 오후4:00

할렐루야! 오늘 함께 예배드린 여러분에게 주님이 주시는 평안이 충만하시길 축복합니다

성령충만함으로 주께서 주신 사명 잘 감당하는 건강한 교회로 세워지길 기도합니다

오늘 말씀을 전해주신 조계주 목사님께 감사드립니다. 매일 성경으로 묵상하는 QT를 하고 적용하는 훈련을 합니다. 한 영혼을 구원하는 전도에 자원하는 마음으로 열심히 동참합니다.

성도여 다함께

곤한 내영혼 편히 쉴 곳과

이세상의 모든 죄를

찬양 성부 성자 성령

주일 오후 1시 30

내 주 예수 주신 은혜

새502장 통 259장 빛의 사자들이여 어서가서(1)

Parramatta Mission projects supported in the Uniting Church

Please pray for: Living as a multicultural church Ministry with people in prison Ministry with hospital patients living with a mental illness Hospital chaplaincy with patients, staff & families

Foster your faith this week as you read:

1 Kgs 8:(1,6,10-11) Ps 84 Eph 6:10-20 Jn 6:56-69

Are you troubled by someone’s drinking?...

…Did you grow up with a problem drinker?

Join us at Al-Anon Family Group Parrama� a Mission

‘Co� ee Shop’ Thursdays 5.30-6:30pm

Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who

share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems.

We believe alcoholism is a family illness and that changed attitudes can aid recovery.

For more info go to: www.al-anon.org/australia/

ph: 1300 ALANON (1300 252 666)

PARRAMATTA MISSION COMMUNITY CARE NETWORK BOARD The Community Care Board has determined that the minutes of their meetings may be made available to any interested congregation members. The only exception would be matters of a sensitive or confidential nature. A copy of August Board minutes is available by contacting Robert Key on 9624 1797 or [email protected]

Fijian Congregation

Yabaki 200 ni isevu ni Talatala ni Lotu Wesele e NSW ena veiqaravi nei Revd Samuel Leigh

22 ni Okosita - “Women’s High Tea” 3pm Vulagi dokai na Modera-tor ni NSW, Rev. Myung Hwa Park. Nuitaki ni sa cula tiko na la-cadrau

23 ni Okosita - 6pm. Colloquium e na Coffee Shop.

30 ni Okosita - 12pm “Parramatta Mission Kids, Youth & Families Outing” to Castlereagh Church. Pack your lunch!!!

Sa tekivu na veivosaki ni JNC ni lesilesi ni Talatala. Kerei na noda veimasulaki.

Kerei tikoga na nomuni nanamaki ka vakavakarau na tama ena nomu-ni Siga Tabu

Vunau Vunau

Lesi Vunau

Vakarau Tuvakarau Veiliutaki

Tali Vunau

23-Aug Niko Balavu Akisi Allison M.3

30-Aug Fiji Parish Anare Vocea Fil Kamotu M.1 M.2

6-Sep Siga Tabu ni Tama

Worship Services at Parramatta Mission

Mon to Fri 9.00am - 2.00pm Open Church @ Leigh Memorial Tuesday 1.10pm Holy Communion @ Leigh Sunday 9.30am Leigh Memorial Congregation @ Leigh 9.45am Westmead Congregation @ Westmead 11.15am Leigh Fijian Congregation @ Leigh

1.30pm Korean Faith Community @ Leigh 7.00pm Praise, Prayer, Cake & Coffee @ Leigh

We pray for healing & wholeness for these people & places: The Pacific islands: Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru,

Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Western Samoa and the French Overseas Territories of New Caledonia (Kanaky) and French Polynesia (Tahiti)

UC congregations of the Cumberland Zone: Dundas/Ermington, Northmead, North Rocks, Carlingford, West Epping, Centenary, Wentworthville, Holroyd, Greystanes, Grantham Heights, Parramatta Mission, Auburn.

For the worship, witness and service of: Hawkesbury Mission Zone Resource Ministry

P M Leigh Fijian: Dale Tonawai & Silo, Sai Vute, Kula Diqoliwasa, Niko Balavu, Bera family. For the congregation beginning the process of calling a new minister

PM Leigh Memorial: Frank & Lynn; Ken and Nell. PM Westmead: Doreen and David, Robyn and Greg, Deidre and husband, Rajes

(Sandra), Phyllis, Billie, Vita, Satik, Nancy, Ashlee, Mrs R, Olivia, Ruth, The Buckley family, baby James and family.

PM UnitingHospitality; UnitingHope; Uniting Care Mental Health; Pray for grace for all, healing and wholeness, wisdom, patience and diligence. For staff of UnitingHope and UnitingRecovery working on the new structure and lines of reporting to Karen Burns; and the work of implementing new programmes.

PM: Members of staff and congregants on overseas holidays.

Leigh Memorial Congregation Rev Dr Manas Ghosh: 0429 892 548 Leigh Memorial Church 119 Macquarie St Parramatta

Leigh Fijian Congregation: 9891 2277

Senior Minister/ Group CEO Rev Keith Hamilton M: 0417 487 446 Westmead Mission Worker Pastor Trish Rooney Mobile: 0478 301 698

Westmead Congregation Rev Christine Bayliss Kelly 0409 925 607

Westmead Church 175 Hawkesbury Road Westmead: 98919354 Church Office: 9891 2277 Email : [email protected]

Prayer Points
