Our Lady of Grace Parish Giáo Xứ Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành

Vol. 4 00179 www.ologwarren.org Our Lady of Grace Parish - Giáo Xứ Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành Office Hours/Giờ Văn Phòng Mon thru Thur: 9AM-12Noon — 1PM-4PM Masses/Thánh Lễ Mon thru Sat: 8:30AM Weekend: Sat 4PM (English) Sun 8AM & 10AM (English) 12Noon (Vietnamese). Holy Day: To be announced/Sẽ thông báo. Confessions/Giải Tội Mon thru Sat: 7:30AM Weekend: Sat 3PM, Sun 11:15AM (Vietnamese) The Year of Grace June 30, 2019 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C Chúa Nhật XIII Thường Niên, Nam C 26256 Ryan Road Warren, MI 48091 Phone: 586-755-1313 Fax: 586-690-4441 Sick Call: 586-755-5490 Email: [email protected] Parish Staff/Ban Điều Hành GX. Rev. Hoằng Lâm/Pastor-Lm. Chánh xứ Dcn. (Phó Tế), Kevin Tietz/DRE Trưởng Giáo Lý Ron Frankland/Office Manager-Thư Ký Regina Ciavattone, Vicariate Rep. Ken Kronner, Parish Council President Parish Mission Statement: The Combined Catholic Community of Our Lady of Grace and St. Cletus, led by Jesus Christ and His Good News, endeavors to be renewed in Spirit, grow in faith, and live the Gospel. We invite all people to join us in joyful worship in service to God and neighbor. Sứ Mạng của Giáo Xứ: Giáo xứ kết hợp hai cộng đoàn Công giáo Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành và Thánh Cletus, dưới sự dẫn dắt của Chúa Giêsu Kitô và ánh sáng Phúc âm, quyết tâm đổi mới trong Chúa Thánh Thần, để cùng nhau tăng trưởng trong đức tin, sống chứng tá để loan báo Tin mừng. Giáo xứ xin mời gọi tất cả mọi người đến cùng hoan hỉ hiệp thông trong việc thờ phượng Chúa và phục vụ tha nhân. St. Paul Evangelization Institute Steve Dawson, President 657-777-2963 “… the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head.Jesus is on a journey to Jerusalem, and it seems that his disciples have to hurry to keep up with him! Luke highlights this journey, because it is Jesuslast. It will end in his passion, death, and resurrection. As the group moves along, a man comes up to Jesus and declares that he wants to follow him, wherever you go.And Jesus answers that nature provides a place for the animals and the birds, but he, the Son of Man, has nowhere to rest his head.Jesuswords point out to me the cost of being his disciple. He wanted that enthusiastic would-be follower to know that discipleship is not an easy road. It is a relationship, and it comes with a cost. Comfort is the first thing one loses in a life on the road, spreading the Good News. Cont. pg. 2

Transcript of Our Lady of Grace Parish Giáo Xứ Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành

Page 1: Our Lady of Grace Parish Giáo Xứ Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành

Vol. 4 00179 www.ologwarren.org Our Lady of Grace Parish - Giáo Xứ Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành

Office Hours/Giờ Văn Phòng Mon thru Thur: 9AM-12Noon — 1PM-4PM

Masses/Thánh Lễ Mon thru Sat: 8:30AM Weekend: Sat 4PM (English)

Sun 8AM & 10AM (English) 12Noon (Vietnamese).

Holy Day: To be announced/Sẽ thông báo. Confessions/Giải Tội

Mon thru Sat: 7:30AM Weekend: Sat 3PM, Sun 11:15AM (Vietnamese)

The Year of Grace

June 30, 2019 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Chúa Nhật XIII Thường Niên, Nam C

26256 Ryan Road Warren, MI 48091 Phone: 586-755-1313

Fax: 586-690-4441 Sick Call: 586-755-5490

Email: [email protected]

Parish Staff/Ban Điều Hành GX. Rev. Hoằng Lâm/Pastor-Lm. Chánh xứ Dcn. (Phó Tế), Kevin Tietz/DRE Trưởng Giáo Lý Ron Frankland/Office Manager-Thư Ký Regina Ciavattone, Vicariate Rep. Ken Kronner, Parish Council President

Parish Mission Statement: The Combined Catholic Community of Our Lady of Grace and St. Cletus, led by Jesus Chr ist and His Good News, endeavors to be renewed in Spirit, grow in faith, and live the Gospel. We invite all people to join us in joyful worship in service to God and neighbor. Sứ Mạng của Giáo Xứ: Giáo xứ kết hợp hai cộng đoàn Công giáo Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành và Thánh Cletus, dưới sự dẫn dắt của Chúa Giêsu Kitô và ánh sáng Phúc âm, quyết tâm đổi mới trong Chúa Thánh Thần, để cùng nhau tăng trưởng trong đức tin, sống chứng tá để loan báo Tin mừng. Giáo xứ xin mời gọi tất cả mọi người đến cùng hoan hỉ hiệp thông trong việc thờ phượng Chúa và phục vụ tha nhân.

St. Paul Evangelization Institute Steve Dawson, President


“… the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head.” Jesus is on a journey to Jerusalem, and it seems that his

disciples have to hurry to keep up with him! Luke highlights this journey, because it is Jesus’ last. It will end in his passion, death, and resurrection. As the group moves along, a man comes up to Jesus and declares that he wants to follow him, “wherever you go.” And Jesus answers that nature provides a place for the animals and the birds, but he, the Son of Man, “has nowhere to rest his head.”

Jesus’ words point out to me the cost of being his disciple. He wanted that enthusiastic would-be follower to know that discipleship is not an easy road. It is a relationship, and it comes with a cost. Comfort is the first thing one loses in a life on the road, spreading the Good News. Cont. pg. 2

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Vol. 4 00179 www.ologwarren.org Our Lady of Grace Parish - Giáo Xứ Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành 2

Parish Guideline: With good intention to welcome others to worship and pray with our Church, we ask the invited person, with your free will, be registered in our Parish for at least three (3) months in order to schedule for the Sacrament of Matrimony or Baptism. Otherwise, a letter of permission is definitely required from your Pastor. Sacrament of Baptism of a Child: Second Saturday of the month after 4:00 PM Mass. Arrangements are to be made at least one (1) month in advance. Contact the office for the date of train-ing. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Arrangements are to be made with our Director Religious Education (DRE) for the further assistance. Sacrament of Matrimony (Marriage): Arrangements are to be made at least six (6) months in advance. See Parish Guideline. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: Please notify the office for prayers and receiving of the Anointing of the Sick: 586-755-1313.

Hướng dẫn: Xin lưu ý quý vị dự định đón nhận Bí tích Rửa tội hay Hôn phối nên vui lòng ghi danh gia nhập Giáo xứ và sinh hoạt với Cộng đoàn ít nhất ba (3) tháng trước khi chuẩn bị thủ tục giấy tờ. Nếu không là thành viên của Giáo xứ, quý vị bắt buộc phải có thư ủy quyền của Cha sở của quý vị.

Bí tích Rửa tội trẻ em: Thứ bảy tuần thứ hai trong tháng sau lễ 4:00 pm. Xin nộp đơn trong văn phòng Giáo xứ trước một (1) tháng. Xin tiếp xúc Văn Phòng để biết chi tiết tham dự lớp chuẩn bị rửa tội.

Tân tòng (RCIA): xin liên lạc với Trưởng Ban Giáo lý (DRE).

Bí tích Hôn phối: Luật của Tổng Giáo phận đòi hỏi phải sắp xếp với Giáo xứ ít nhất sáu (6) tháng để chuẩn bị.

Bí tích Xức dầu bệnh nhân: Xin liên lạc Văn phòng: 586-755-1313.

Khẩn cấp: 586-755-5490

fm. Pg. 1 Yet how poignant are these words of Jesus! They put me face to face with a suffering that is so universal, shared by countless numbers of my fellow humans: homelessness. I want to stop and clear my mind of all the possible reasons for this, and just contemplate how a person who has no home feels at night. When I turn out the lights at night and go to rest, I may not think of how many people are just as tired as I, probably even more so. Yet, like the Savior before them, they have no place to rest their heads. Jesus wants them to be comforted, to know that he has walked this road, too, and that he has shared all our sufferings just as he has redeemed us from the burden of all our sins.

As Jesus’ disciple, am I ready to put my comfort on the line, to join the band that walks with him, even at the cost of some sacrifice? We must ask ourselves, “Am I ready to risk my emotional safety to share the Gospel?” Jesus calls us to walk with Him. When we share the Gospel message we must deliver more than mere words. We must bring down the Holy Spirit so that our lives and those of others are molded and shaped by the Word, the living Word that is Jesus. There is a mighty difference be-tween handing someone a printed verse from scripture and sharing with someone the Word. When you share the Word you share your relationship with Jesus. You share how He has made a difference in your life. You introduce Him to those you encounter by living out the love He has given you. You let Him re-veal His presence through your actions. When someone asks you, “Where did you go on your journey?” you can hand them a map and walk away. Or you can express verbally, showing your excitement and emotion, the details of the journey and how it opened up to you new insights or experiences.

Let us ask Jesus to help us to look beyond the ho-hum reality of life, to see what waits “out there” for those willing to walk with Him. May he help us to see clearly that we will only find ourselves when we go out of ourselves to be a brother or sister to those less fortunate. Whether we do little or much isn’t the point here: imitating His compassion and goodness is. Deacon Kevin

Quotes from our Founding Fathers George Washington, 1st U.S. President “While we are zealously performing the du!es of good ci!zens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be ina"en!ve to the higher du!es of religion. To the dis!nguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more dis!nguished character of Chris!an.” -The wri!ngs of Washington, pp. 342-343. John Adams, 2nd U.S. President and Signer of the Declara!on of Independence “Suppose a na!on in some distant Region should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should reg-ulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obligated in conscience, to temperance, frugality, and industry; to jus!ce, kindness, and charity towards his fellow man; and to piety, love, and reverence to-ward Almighty God…What a Eutopia, what a Paradise would this region be.” -Diary and autobiography of John Adams, Vol. III, pg.9

Page 3: Our Lady of Grace Parish Giáo Xứ Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành

Vol. 4 00179 www.ologwarren.org Our Lady of Grace Parish - Giáo Xứ Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành 3

Minister’s Schedule July 6th & 7th 2019 4:00PM 8:00AM 10:00AM 12:00PM Presider Fr. Hoang Fr. Jean

Robert Fr. Hoang Fr. Hoang

Deacon Dcn. Kevin Dcn. Kevin

Extra. EMs

Dcn. Kevin

Dcn. Kevin J. Fornelli

P. Gjonaj

Le Quoc Thong Hoang Len Nguyen Hoang Tran Chu

Lectors Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Hoang Bich Nhung Tran Kinh

Altar Servers

A. Szuminski P. Taghap V. Slattery Volunteer

Hospitality D. Krass

D. Krass

D. Krass R. Ciavattone G. Ciavattone

Cuc Phan

Words on the Word June 30, 2019 – Careful What You Ask For!

One of God’s great gifts to us is the gift of free will. Like most gifts, of course, the way in which we choose to use it makes all the difference.

Consider, for example, how we exercise our free will when it comes to food. A recent article in the Detroit Free Press described a “challenge” offered by a downriver restau-rant: anyone who can consume the restaurant’s 10-pound hamburger (with 20 slices of cheese!) in less than two hours not only receives the burger for free, but also receives $100, a souvenir t-shirt and is memorialized on the restaurant’s photo wall.

According to the story, only 12 people out of 1,400 have successfully finished the challenge over the last 14 years.

Many other restaurants have similar gimmicks, of course. And then there’s the annual East Coast hot dog eating

contest that will again take place over the upcoming holiday break. Eating a 14,000-calorie hamburger is, to be sure, only one of many questionable choices someone might make when it comes to food, since there’s also potential landmines when it comes to sugar and fat content, portion sizes, adult beverag-es, and so on.

But it’s worth pausing a moment to reflect on the fact that God likely did not give us free choice with our diets so we could choose to eat a hamburger the size of a small watermel-on. As St. Paul reminds us in today’s second reading message to the Galatians, the gift of free will should call us to a higher purpose.

“Do not use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh,” St. Paul writes. “Rather, serve one another through love. For the whole of the law is fulfilled in one statement, namely, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

And your hamburgers in modera!on! © 2019, Words on the Word


Sophia Adams, Julie Ambris, Richard Barner, Barbara Bellono, Joanne Bergmoser, Janet Bishop, the Boyce Family, Richard Brochu, Don Bruzdewicz, Francisca Buan, Christine Buhay, Gloria Castro, Erika W. Cavanaugh, Ruth Ann Clancy, Charles Dagnall, Shawn Doan, Anne Doan, Rita Dahmen, Pat Drobek, Judy Dudaryk, Marie Elliott, John Fornelli, Al Fracassa, Caroline Fredal, Mary Fromm, Thomas Gajda, Sylvia Gentile, Rose Giacolone, Gregg Golden, Christine Gorski, Euncik Gorski, Trudy Gorski, Agie Green, Caroline Gregg, Marie Gregory, Carl Hahn, Maria Hang Ha, Becky Hertberg, Rose & Bob Jenion, Louise Heyza, Gordy Janiszewski, Tom Kijek, Melissa Jones, Susan Joseph, Carol Karain, Sandy Kohlndorfer, Ann Koval, Dennis Krass, Judy Kupiec, Margaret Kurkowski, Gregory Kruk, Suzanne Kyc, Sheery Lynn, Lynn Macieczni, Anthony and Jan Mazzenga, Susan McCan, Keith McCrudden, Brian McGee, Veronica Morrison, Linda Nardechia, Thuan Maria Nguyen, Sean Norris, Gordon Olis, Lorraine Osinski, Leonard Parada, Mark Parks, Anita Parks, Callan Pen, Kristen Peterson, Judy Pienta, Joann Plachta, Mark Prang, Amy Raggio, Lagrimas Saens, Alexander Salansky, Audrey Salet, Rosa Maria Santos, Felix Skowronek, Theresa Terzo, Dolores Thompson, Robert Thompson, Batolomeo Dinh Tran, Tham Thi Tran, Helen Walczak, Patricia Waligora, Thaeer H., Matthew M., Jillian H., Anna Warner Mayes, Krisztina Kortuesi, The Haio family, The Arabbo family, Geraldine Van Hoet, Maria Kim Vu, Thelma Watts, Suzanne Wessels, Pat Wojnarowski, Angela Yancey, Cheryl Ymiszewski, Carol Zachwieja, and all home bound brothers and sisters, that God’s healing hands will touch them. To update, call the office at 586-755-1313.

Mass Intentions

Mon. July 1st 8:30 am For the people of the parish

Tues. July 2nd 8:30 am For the clergy of the Archdiocese of Detroit

Wed. July 3rd 8:30 am For souls in Purgatory by Jane Komasara

Thur. July 4th 9:00 am Independence Day For the people of the parish

Fri. July 5th 8:30 am For the people of the parish

Sat. July 6th 8:30 am For the deceased members of the parish 4:00 pm For those who volunteer their services to the parish

Sun. July 7th 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am For members of the parish who volunteer their time 10:00 am Dearest +Adele Pasternak by family 12:00 pm +William Kennedy by Quan Nguyen family +Soul of Maria Be Thi Bui by family, + Soul of unborn & forgotten souls; +Soul of Giuse Hien K. Nguyen by Andy & Tam +Soul of Truyen Thi Tran by anonymous, +Soul of Gioan Loc Do, by Adam Nguyen & friends, All intentions announced today.

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Vol. 4 00179 www.ologwarren.org Our Lady of Grace Parish - Giáo Xứ Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành 4

Fascinating Facts about the Declaration of Independence

There is something written on the back of the Declaration of Independence, but it isn't a secret map or code. Instead, there are a few handwritten words that say, "Original Declaration of Independence/ dated 4th July 1776". No one knows who wrote this, but it was probably added as a label when the document was rolled up for storage many years ago.

Once the Declaration of Independence had been written and signed, printer John Dunlap was asked to make about 200 copies to be distributed throughout the colonies. Today, the “Dunlap Broadsides” are extremely rare and valuable. In 1989, someone discovered a previously unknown Dunlap Broadside. It was sold for over $8 million in 2000. There are only 26 known surviving Dunlap Broadsides today.

Although Thomas Jefferson is often called the “author” of the Declaration of Independence, he wasn’t the only person who contributed important ideas. Jefferson was a member of a five-person committee appointed by the Continental Congress to write the Declaration. The committee included Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman.

Robert Livingston, one of the members of the committee who wrote the Declaration of Independence, never signed it. He believed that it was too soon to declare independence and therefore refused to sign.

One of the most widely held misconceptions about the Declaration of Independence is that it was signed on July 4, 1776. In fact, independence was formally declared on July 2, 1776, a date that John Adams believed would be “the most memorable epocha in the history of America.” On July 4, 1776, Congress approved the final text of the Declaration. It wasn’t signed until August 2, 1776.

After Jefferson wrote his first draft of the Declaration, the other members of the Declaration committee and the Conti-nental Congress made 86 changes to Jefferson’s draft, including shortening the overall length by more than a fourth.

When writing the first draft of the Declaration, Jefferson primarily drew upon two sources: his own draft of a preamble to the Virginia Constitution and George Mason’s draft of Virginia’s Declaration of Rights.

Jefferson was quite unhappy about some of the edits made to his original draft of the Declaration of Independence. He had originally included language condemning the British promotion of the slave trade (even though Jefferson himself was a slave owner). This criticism of the slave trade was removed in spite of Jefferson’s objections.

On December 13, 1952, the Declaration of Independence (along with the Constitution and Bill of Rights) was formally delivered to the National Archives in Washington, D.C., where it has remained since then.

The two youngest signers of the Declaration of Independence were both from South Carolina. Thomas Lynch, Jr. and Edward Rutledge of South Carolina were both born in 1749 and were only 26 when they signed the Declaration. Most of the other signers were in their 40s and 50s.

Philosopher John Locke’s ideas were an important influence on the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson restated Locke’s contract theory of government when he wrote in the Declaration that governments derived “their just Powers from the consent of the people.”

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the vote to approve the Declaration of Independence.

Some of the most famous lines in the Declaration of Independence were inspired by Virginia’s Declaration of Rights by George Mason. Mason said: “all men are born equally free and independent.” Jefferson's Declaration of Independence said: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." Mason listed man's “natural Rights” as “Enjoyment of Life and Liberty, with the Means of acquiring and possessing Property, and pursuing and obtaining Happiness and Safety.” Jefferson listed man's "inalienable rights" as "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Nine of the signers of the Declaration died before the American Revolution ended in 1783.

In the summer of 1776, when the Declaration was signed, the population of the nation is estimated to have been about 2.5 million. (Today the population of the U.S. is more than 300 million.)

The oldest signer of the Declaration was Benjamin Franklin, who was born in 1706 and was therefore already 70 at the time of the Declaration. Franklin went on to help negotiate the Treaty of Alliance with France in 1778 and the Treaty of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary War in 1783.

The only signer of the Declaration of Independence to survive beyond the 50th anniversary of the signing was Charles Carroll of Maryland. Carroll died in 1832 when he was 95 years old.

The copy of the Declaration of Independence that is housed at the National Archives is not the draft that was approved by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. Instead it is a formal copy that the Continental Congress hired someone to make for them after the text was approved. This formal copy was probably made by Timothy Matlack, cont. pg. 6

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Vol. 4 00179 www.ologwarren.org Our Lady of Grace Parish - Giáo Xứ Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành 5

CSA 2019

Goal: $30,044 Received: $4,625 = 15%

Need: $25,419

Opening Doors to

Witness Christ

For updates on the 2019 CSA go to: www.aod/csa.org

Thông Báo

**Giờ Chầu và Nhận Phép Lành Thánh Thể 7PM—9PM mỗi chiều thứ Tư. Tại Nhà Thờ của Giáo Xứ vào mỗi thứ tư trong tuần vào lúc 7PM—9PM, tiếng Anh. *** Hội Mân Côi: Lần chuỗi Mân Côi ngay sau Thánh Lễ tại Nhà nguyện Thánh Cletus, mời Quý ÔBACE tham dự. *** Đọc kinh Lòng Thương Xót Chúa mỗi thứ bảy đầu tháng sau thánh lễ 8:30 sáng, tiếng Anh.


** Recitation of the Holy Rosary & Chaplet of Divine Mercy Every Sunday at 9:25am in Church. ** Divine Mercy Novena Beginning each First Saturday. Novena chaplet starts following the 8:30am Mass. ** Holy Hour of Adoration with Benediction Every Wednesday evening, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in Church. ** Bible Study—Biblical Walk through the Bible Timeline On summer vacation...will resume in September. ** Access to Parish website Type “ologwarren.org” in the search bar, then “enter.”


1. Thánh Lễ dành cho người Á Đông tại nhà thờ Saint Anne, Detroit lúc 7 giờ tối ngày 19 tháng 7, 2019.

2. Tĩnh tâm chữa lành: Ngày 4 – 6 tháng 10 tại hội trường do LM Phê rô Võ Tá Đề và LM GB Đinh Thanh Sơn đảm trách.

Our Lady of Grace Parish Please send a reminder envelope as indicated below: Gx. Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành Xin gởi thư nhắc nhở theo như ý sau đây: Name (Tên): _________________________ _ 9 Monthly Payments or __ Quarterly _ 9 Tháng Đóng Góp hoặc __ Mỗi 3Tháng Phone Number (Số Điện Thoại) ______________________________ Membership Number (Số Thành Viên): ___________

Amount of Gift (Dâng Tặng): $_______________ Amount paid (Đã Dâng): $ ________________

Balance (Còn Lại): $ _____________________ Notes: Please send this pledge form to the Office or drop it in the Collection Basket...thanks!

SAVE THE DATE July 4 - Independence Day. Mass at 9:00 a.m. July 19 - Asian Mass to celebrate the novena to St. Anne. Fr. Hoang to celebrate Mass with Archbishop Vigneron. 7:00p.m. at Ste. Anne. August 4 - Sunday Mass honoring “God the Father of All Mankind” Celebrant Fr. Dan Zaleski 3:00pm OLOG Church

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Vol. 4 00179 www.ologwarren.org Our Lady of Grace Parish - Giáo Xứ Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành 6

cont. fm pg. 4 an assistant to the Secretary of Congress. This copy was signed on August 2, 1776. No one who signed the Declaration of Independence was born in the United States of America. The United States didn't exist until after the Declaration was signed! However, all but eight of the signers were born in colonies that would be-come the United States. The first public reading of the Declaration took place on July 8, 1776, in Philadelphia. A fictional story written in the 1840s suggested that the bell now known as the Liberty Bell was rung that day to bring the people together. However, historians now doubt that this happened. The steeple that housed the bell was in very bad condition at the time and the bell was probably unusable. Although August 2, 1776, was the date of the official signing ceremony, there were several people who signed on later dates. Some of these late signers included Elbridge Gerry, Oliver Wolcott, Lewis Morris, Thomas McKean and Matthew Thornton.


Thank you for the abundant graces of Synod 16: for awakening in us the vision and resolve to become

again your Church on mission, eagerly working together to “make disciples of all na!ons,” according to our

commission from the Lord Jesus.

Pour out upon us your Holy Spirit, as a new Pentecost, to guide us in our next phase in our movement to Unleash

the Gospel. By his power at work in us, transform our parishes into bands of joyful missionary disciples.


Set our hearts on fire to share the Good News of Jesus with all those who stumble in darkness, who hunger for hope, who thirst for eternal life. Above all, grant us the boldness and courage of the apostles to put the mission above all else, so that our community becomes the spark to ignite the fire of divine love that transforms this !me

and this place into the Kingdom of Heaven.

We pray through the Intercession of Our Lady, Star of the New Evangeliza!on, and her mother, our Patron, St.

Anne; and in the spirit of Blessed Solanus we thank you ahead

of !me for “accomplishing in us far more than all we ask or imagine.”

We ask all of this in the all-powerful name of the Lord

Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever.


Prayer for the Next Phase of Unleash the Gospel Ste. Anne Parish

1000 Ste. Anne Street

Detroit, Mi. 48216

Dear Fr. Hoang,

I would like to thank you for your willingness to par!cipate in our annual novena to St. Anne. This novena is very important to help us grow in our devo!on to the grand-mother of Jesus and the mother of Mary. People come from all over southeast Michigan to par!cipate. We are thrilled that the auxiliary bishops can join Archbishop Vigneron and Bishop Kalabat again this year.

I am confirming that you will preside at a Mass dedicated to the Asian community on Friday, July 19, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Church of Ste. Anne of Detroit.

Please encourage your parishioners to wear their na!ve clothing and bring banners or other cultural items. The Vietnamese children’s choir was very well received last year. I hope that the choir can join us again this year.

Fraternally yours in Christ,

Msgr. Chuck Kosanke, S.T.D.


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Vol. 4 00179 www.ologwarren.org Our Lady of Grace Parish - Giáo Xứ Đức Mẹ Ban Ơn Lành 7

Making a Report of Sexual Abuse To inform the Archdiocese of Detroit regarding the sexual abuse of minors by priests, deacons and other Church personnel and/or to speak to the Vic!m Assistance Coordinator contact: (866) 343-8055. A caller will be requested to provide his or her name and telephone number. All calls regarding complaints of sexual abuse will be returned in a !mely manner. This toll-free number has been established as part of an effort by the Detroit archdiocese to protect children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parish-es and ministries. This line is for repor!ng suspected sexual misconduct or child abuse within archdiocesan ins!tu!ons and ministries only. Persons with such complaints are also encouraged to directly contact law enforcement authori!es.

Trình Báo Lạm Dụng Tình Dục Trình cáo đến Tổng Giáo Phận Detroit về hành động lạm dụng @nh dục trên các em dưới dị thành niên bởi các tu sỹ linh mục, phó tế, và các thành viên khác trong Nhà Thờ và/hoặc khai báo trực !ếp đến văn phòng Điều Phối Viên Hỗ Trợ Nạn Nhân: (866) 343-8055. Người gọi điện thoại trình báo xin chuẩn bị cho biết tên tuổi và số điện thoại của mình. Tất cả những cú gọi trình báo lạm dụng @nh dục sẽ được đáp lại kịp thời thích hợp. Số điện thoại gọi miễn phí này đã được thành lập như là một phần năng nổ của Tổng Giáo Phận Detroit để bảo vệ các trẻ em, giới trẻ, và những người dễ bị tổn thương trong các nơi trường học, giáo xứ, và trong mục vụ của chúng ta. Đường dây sẵn có này dùng để trình báo sự nghi ngờ lạm dụng @nh dục bậy bạ hoặc có hành động cưỡng bức xấu xa đến trẻ em trong các cơ sở và mục vụ của Tổng Giáo Phận thôi. Những người than phiền về vấn đề này cũng xin mạnh dạn trực !ếp !ếp xúc với pháp luật chính quyền ngay.

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