our counters atnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn92061913/1884-03-27/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · •...

GAZETTE , 1884. -oain&Mt i ^"""-•"jpave 'tf'e soveral sta- * 'n-Mtflhnll and Plattsburih. Q the seoond of the If fee? ., tr&va it. 7,30 ~ Freight Trains in- nd South Trains i.M., niid arrives at ii traiu from the Miscellaneous. K lights pron isc to bo an ostab- in Glen's Falls inftfew days. p Dawson, j Esq., of Schrooi m\t uVa shortlcall Tuesday cve- ext. m qui«'kl> with i! Jioalay nex fd correctly y orders. y f nuii y ... ,ioncr Mil -^nation of t L teachers 1 tert [issue In alleged there T'ew London, C 1 >'eiv London ose jn hii We Hope cr's appointments, ' ' district s found ,willbef< ire 1(J8 persons 11 inn., over 80 years . ,>n> i*,^.. wul a population,In Jjfonh 10,537 pehsona, and has not §remarkablysince. understand our friends Jacobs n have not perfected their Li purchase and salc^ and they are, Lc h m their places, as usual, ready Ltomen-and, in fact, very happy jt upon them. he Pittsburgh TELKGHAM of 24th ,TS —Miss Elia L. Lamsoti of Ellzn- .n N Y.. has been itM-i^nged HH k of the First Presbyterian church Kpliici for the U'nn of one year corn- er to our missive, sent, out lust m> reed veil t he following from ued subscriber, and deem it slumber in the waste-basket: li no ill to Tioybody' (except unrest to delinquent subscribers !' WHWK than that? But, he 1» a »<•') gently'Hand'run strike a chord Fotune-'flnnnelal aid afford!' mnot, sleepless, roll and writhe, Dr-redit I h i s - m y <•'"'<* for '5.'" lillRtOn WHHHhof leyiiliy reason of Die cnrelesn hanil- Ifaklo] by another, on I he |)th hint, •ill las exirack-d but,, of course, the •fas liestrbyeil, and perhaps a life. fyhi of carefulness in bundling 'apons, to children, should far as possible; ami tho ex- of carelessness, by mature youth, be severely punished or sternly ly reprobated. E.Martin so well known In eon- . <llh Paul Smith'* famous summer In spcuKlnjt of the prospeets for ason, says that "if every landlord I woods had put 11,000 Into adver- ptliey eoulil not altogether havo ae- " - :tl liulf so jinieh for themselves as mluek pnrk dlse\inslon hns ac- •il for them without their lifting id to help it. One outcome of all this "' "tmire to ho nn influx of! visitors inly never before enlrtnul iho (until now never even ierlously lit of doing so. Yes, next sUson Is |d to he a prosperonsM.ne, for 411 Adl- :k rcHort«."-[Whiiph«]l TinSes. «• Pottersvllle oorvospondeijt of tho |«FiillsHepul)llean,ofthe25fh Inst., is that "a very large snake 1 as been in Whortleberry mountain" (by por- •of crrdence. They stale lt| Is of a • brown color, ton or twelve ff>et long •"""Ttirmnlely large around] It wan (' sunshine on the ro(jks. "It ••en on several ocoaslonk." , her enrly for snakes lojbo but; \ they com,' ool, like beanj, to see e Winter IIM IriygnneliMln'Ronlnli'llnwriof Pot- \ were out, Huckleberry- when they sawf It? We J dispute iil.oui u,,. Hrtnko, bat would pout off skin, if handy. ! 'spondent of thc'RrptihlL ; Mr. Kdward duller, of •dvlllr, lately hud six tenth* taking I" 40 Ms of furniture to his new and <t hotel nt Long Lake, which ho to to liavc ready for guests by the | of July. a private letter, received TIH?*- niR from an esteemed friend In -.dated the Mlh'litft., wo tako winjr, for ,}„, r( . nwtt j o f those l^ytliluk, by golnK West, they will |l*Txtu«l summer: "Over live feel of » level utS II verton; havo to uan 1 K<'t from house to offiV««j my house over seven foot L'"I* 1 llln<>N "tiowed In ami hud lo I: a storm In Feb'y hinting jvltli only Utn,,. Iniorvenlng chwr f«ln bit,, SllvertonsliJ Feb. 8d, «• Hkely I,) fr,t I,, before tho mid- '" April-4., ,1^,,, ftjrH|||y wtl | IOttt fc v-t dnvH without A mull unit I It by the "miowahmi" \\t\P l llw «t««K»>fmmO«niy, and «. o«ly |''W" «»r Iho "Now York K w i l n f wires wer,. down «nd w« were "toff from tho outride world, L. , liri ' l|o w n Ag«ln now, »nd, until IKI imxt W(Hik whtn tlioy Wgftu ifl '"> niulen iiipplk>K from DIJIUHROI ""' *»>tnr, Imttor, cggji or lt*^ 11ll(> »Klit In town. Thuy kllirnj »n Deling, John I': ( LobdeUn*T« Intermediate ocrtlflotte fat w a d i have bfwnre<MlT«tti_. Grace Collln, Helen fceUoff, Bllal Dora Sargent, Merrlt Btanton and Woodruff, for Spelling. Rosa Brewiter and Lid. BobttU, Grammar and Spelling. ^ Mary Marvinand Alice Pierce, for Or ar. ' +• Daisy Westcottand FredStanton.for (3 graphy. Walton Holoomb, for Arithmetic. . At the last examination Oh*a, Derby Agnes Woodruff, Ella Lobdell and LUie Wokefleld ps«€d in Arithmetic Mlse Wakefleld 1> now tntlUed to a pr * llmlnary certificate. I Grace Collln pawed in Grammar. Herbert Coat«,Len» Jacribt,Lena Lewi*, Effle Weetcott and Cora Webtter p«Md Bpelling. In advanced •ubjoct* the reoord U 4a follows: Geo. L. Brown passed In Grecii n History, English History and Physio j Wilbur H. Brownson pasted In Qril Gojr. eminent and U. 8. History; Daniel Phyelcs; JamwM.DeLooffpuMdl&Oftll Government, EnglUh Hlitory and Phyikfo John P. Oilllgan pawed la Physiology ai d Physics; Edward J. Lobdell . Philology; Levl 8. Pond PM«od in Phy. Biology, Anna B. Abel pawed 1A Algebra. In view of the »ey«rity of the examina- tion*, tho pupils havo made an excellent record. Out of four, In Algebra, two passed. .Of the five, In Phyilology, all passed. Of five, In Physics, four panned. Of three In English History, two pamed. In preparatory stmHes the youthfulnewt Of the pupils prevented them from being able to cope so successfully with the dim. :ult questions submitted to them. Metal Pollih, J. L. West & Co. are agenta for tho ml* iof the "Unlver»al.Met2-PiltB.Pomade," 'manufactured by Adclbort Vogt A Co., jBerlin-Friedrcchiiburg. It Is the beat pol- ish for all kind* of metal we have ever teen. Mr. West Is delivering thlipoliih to pur- chuHors In this county. It Is no humbug; well worth the price, 8fl centa per bo*. Toaohen' Exomlnationi. The undersigned, BchoOl Commissioner, will moot applicants for teachers' certlfl cates at Iho times and ptacM named Iw- >w '• Essex, Wednesday, April »d, 1W4. Wlllsborough, Thursday, April IM. 4th. Oth. 7tb. mil. Wh. tOtb. IHh. Utb. Keeseville, Fridny, Jay, Saturday, Wilmington, Monday, 8t. Armand, Tuesday, North Elba, Wcdnesilay, Kcene, Thursday, Lowls, Friday, -+:ilir,abethtown,14attirday, Persons Intending to teach, and not hold- W an unoxplred license, must avail them selves of the opportunity of attending som« one of those meet ngs. Examinations will commence at 9 A.M., uul embrace the usual topic*. V, h, Hrlmol C'om'r lslDlst., BMex Uo, CO MM UN WA TKP, M0NTBIX0. T o TIIK £U1TOH <MT TIIB EtlCABITnTOWIt POMT! I have Just visited the stables of Mr. George, Blsson, near Ironvtlle, for the iiirpose of seeing the much talked of horse, whose name Is given above. I havt certainly seen, a powerful and majettie animal, 5 years bid, 10 hand* hlgbi In )lor a beautiful brown. The facts war- rant me In saying that one of the most Important events In recent years in this portlqn of the stook-breedlng world WM Importation, a year ago, at heavy expense, of this representative of tho famous Al- mont lino of Kentucky trotters, I have traced Montello's «o*c«mt as follows! In England, Darley Arabian, Childer*. Sampson, Engineer, Kngltsh ~~ America, Imported MeilMf«r, brino, Abdallah, Hywlyk 1 * "" ' Alcxand#'s AMailah, Almont, Almont's second dam was one of the bratod Pilots. It would lie Impoaslbta to give here a complete Hst of tb« famous trotters Iwlonging to this brilliant fMtillr, enn only mention a few. Irene, 9:30*, was a danghtor of I>cxt«ir, 9.17J, was r son of Rysdyk's Inmblotontan. Goldsmith Maid, 9:14, was a daughter >f Alexander's Abdallah. The famous Maude 8. and jay-Ky«>#!»e re in the line of the dams of Almont. Almont, sire of Montcllo, has a roll of loner unsurjmsswl In the history of n«W*1 IOTSCS. It now embraces 7& famous mm md daughters. Here we find Vi Idlnr sn<l R»rly KOM, th«i f»M«M Um» In the world, and Kjng Almont, a brother of Montollo, who, in the tta«t<tt#trtet of speed last season, htat most famous living son of Rjwdjtfi Ham- blcionlsn. Twenty now Aimottts h*v« tome to notoriety wlthlo th* la#t two years by a record under ft 10 tad t*IQ. Almont now(ha« 94 in tho t.10 Hat, *n<* us a uniform producer of a Mga ftt* of >eiHl is without a rival in MM world. Another fact of equal hH«r«tt Is thai Uw> sons and daughters of Almottt M« . ig fast hors*s with gf*rt unilomlly. IU has tranaBiltu>4 a rvmartaMa 10 bis rir^PWlaott. T W l li AM i stale or territory In U>P Union wkcm are not known and sppwtaMd. Ml MM of Almont have rdu that k*vi> under I M , and moni Uuui twenty are producing last and TtUrtcwn noes of MmoM ht4 wtMMN lfWJ. Ttie dstighurs at AlMMt Mwia*». Mtod Ut« MOMiralu to oft****, te^taf t« trotUng lM0tt«t ao4 o»pa«llr TV hol« family, wltli trwt «lft>fw4t7. MM urn trot, and w* smrwty tot Wm- d out of UOa fail •*•• Wkm rwaaiaf M largo as wilts. mthmsalttwli «q»a«y Hoot with tb« ^Mtrwal, wmn^ «nd MM dan MUM, maa«trMiofd0f*l4|tM belong. Ill lief HM, A *W** «f OMl iMIMi l *T1st l M twMly li stow Mpsftor ate* M wM M llh fc^ fJS aervtoM, to those wbo them, with ooofidram ttet U Mods os fMtr flm latte of a*w GARDEN GROWTH TEAS HAT9—WJBMXrn' la „_„„_, Mmm \*b, by *m. e«*g« A. K«rr g o b y Hayi to lama Wewott, all of SBIHMMWWM, HOWARDJL SNOW, The maple sweet hasoommenoedtoflow. Wm. Cook, of Baoreham, has mjrnha#«d the Hadaway farm, and mov^T npou H. still continues. AHD FOREIGH PATENTS, mer price $8.SW.' Hot btB;ow A "social H for Rev. A. T. Clarke WM r n on the 18th Inst,, at the rsskkMM of W. E. Hlldreth. near C?rowii Petal, d BAVIKO BOUOBT OUT MR, i, %, THOMPSOW8 OTOC'K OF HARTIWAHK, OROCK. KRT, f|f^l!il.WAIlK, PATldfT MJCDI- , and WM well attended from all parts ofUw town. Financially the oootakm WM itto- cessful. 0, tl.78, former price $8.75. 1 lot ladles fine Kid foxed Land, Band C, $1.60, former price $2.00. WASHINGTON, D. G Patent* promtred upo« U* plan which WM ©Hgtoat^d and succes*fully practiced byjUe « W « named llrms. sent upon re- ViceRov Mootp is u » l n suffering fmtn his old, obstinate MT p*i»fal trouble. Mm. Taft, widow of lh« UU> Dm. TT»- othy Taft, If lying atttMpoint of <lm\h. The funeral asrvtoea of Wm. ietson, of Letsonvllte, aged 49, went attend*! by an immense oonwurs* of pmrpUt m Mm Inst. Mr. L. WM honored by all wfeik him for bis integrity ~~ was made radiant by triumphant faith in All Flannel Lined Shoes, to p pen and Velvet Emb. sli pen at Cost. JUST BECEIVED, A NEW LQT OP J. N. 0WYE8 FINE 8H0E8, THE HOST ELEGANT AND PERFECT FITTING HI» mrw rrrrKJir OF WALL* PAFtR TOH TirW «PH!KO AW) t i, TO nEMorm Trfi wrong, MAKR ROOM FOR cj WORK, W Ahh f)f TIIK ABOVE AT HATft* WIU, m mr r imT ^Kir>« Aim Rf?ADt- n/rrrnmn. AT 8TORK. m ORI7KR Tr» RBftr'T, f»AMK. Tf> RK ABLE TO OE KH f?m» oitF, srroftK. AKri T MARK R<7O¥ FOR nasoMvHto 4aa*w wwn by BO LINE OF LADIES SHOES EVER OFFERED IN ES8EX CQUNTY. March 94.-~Mrv.Jam* (k*wt<,t4 h— Mrs. Jam* returned from ber o*l«o«»o %mtr, b»vtng visited Colorado and m*oy <ntm states. Hiram ftrntib, one "f , ha* Is our counters at Ami Hw pnm girl t ntn i*# m*M whirl | B EVERY LADY WITH TENDER FEET SHOULD TRY Ht8 "GOODYEAR WELTED SHOES r NO NA1L8 OR WAX THREAD TO WEAR OUT THE STOCK- ING OR HURT THE FEET. "tjpm" Tyrreil l«rt q«|fe a v*l»Hi a short time ago. wbM, U • kms ago. wnirit i« • Mm* u« the lown as well s* to trim, for butter is *my scarce. AMI We«)t 180,000 Mllnvitl trrnil woff> TEACHEE8 CLASS fishery, Caletlrmta Pprt^t 8: F. MURDOCK, POST HSNBT, N.Y. It. limm bus tapped ht. MM ronslsilna of 400 trw*. To mtkr no suirar nae y«rt boon m*4°, «»»'1 the J. E. BARNES, Licensed Auctioneer FOB KB8XZ OOtJHTYi AU^calls In the auctioneering line army of s a p e e e k l s t IMUo Iwjyp who trav- erse the road altnoft daily <ltssatisfle<l J. Jk W. riiftln b*»" h«et« msAtng f< HHKRMAN ACADEMY tor ftakril*. h«« \*t>n *p«n<V Ing a short va^atfcm at b**n«, re1« Fort Kdward l»*«M*iU- Iwi mi) measleg stre stttl Mrs. Root, wWow »f Root, has b*ss very 10 ai tb« her PMin-ln-law, Chartea WMtney.bMtlerKrw ...p. * ileman It mfrtdly tutelng tbe r«mM***» at our townspeople far Hfai nessful troatmen Spring Term, - Tuition Free ! CANADA. ONE CHANGE OF CARS B1TWSZND. k H. 0, 00., STATIONS p ( A d d bop* MI4 Urn »tet w« W»PII wMtfcnt a tnw g»«rs M kmm to ARD0BI0AO0 Y1AKDKTBIAL. U&J8 SS0BT1S TO 19 1 DETROIT THANKJurrOTHBEEOUTB. Man-bao. think wild northward, Md yes««ffttey. The U* it fMltg <mj fast _ **Ma^»«f I'nloti 1U1I OtU tften^tf), by «N» V« of the tnUnpi"H>lw an4 prfw A TTTsVflTTlWi FIAT Our H«*rt« wet* i»M«wwjt by ItM tote Nlit rv OVKU TIIR LAKR. O u w t w L . M M . O a k « 4 l c 4 t v ^ A t4 'Ur "tt<M>m r*mrmfrm" kt hi i!*• M K C»«r^. ******* , Mid t b o M h BOUTS TO Detroit and BIO BAMAINS IN AND ALL JOINTS WIST. FLANNEL GOODS. Pullman Cars on Day #Ji.MfiM0V« §#1

Transcript of our counters atnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn92061913/1884-03-27/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · •...

Page 1: our counters atnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn92061913/1884-03-27/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · • gently'Hand'run strike a chord Fotune-'flnnnelal aid afford!' mnot, sleepless, roll and writhe,


, 1884.

-oain&Mt i

^"""-•"jpave 'tf'e soveral sta-* 'n-Mtflhnll and Plattsburih.

Q • the seoond of the

I f fee?., tr&vait. 7,30 ~

Freight Trains in-nd South Trainsi.M., niid arrives atii traiu from the

Miscellaneous.K lights pron isc to bo an ostab-in Glen's Falls in ft few days.

p Dawson, j Esq., of Schrooim\t uVa shortlcall Tuesday cve-


m qui«'kl>with i!

Jioalay nexfd correctlyy orders.

y fnuii y

... ,ioncr Mil-^nation of tL teachers1 tert[issue

I n alleged thereT'ew London, C

1 >'eiv London

ose jn hii


cr's appointments,• ' ' district

s found,willbef<

ire 1(J8 persons 11inn., over 80 years

. ,>n> i * , ^ . . wul a population,InJjfonh 10,537 pehsona, and has not§ remarkably since.

understand our friends Jacobsn have not perfected their

Li purchase and salc^ and they are,L c h m their places, as usual, readyLtomen-and, in fact, very happyjt upon them.

he Pittsburgh TELKGHAM of 24th,TS —Miss Elia L. Lamsoti of Ellzn-

.n N Y.. has been itM-i^nged HHk of the First Presbyterian church

Kpliici for the U'nn of one year corn-er to our missive, sent, out lustm> reed veil t he following fromued subscriber, and deem itslumber in the waste-basket:li no ill to Tioybody' (except

unrest to delinquent subscribers !'WHWK than that? But, he 1» a


• gently'Hand'run strike a chordFotune-'flnnnelal aid afford!'mnot, sleepless, roll and writhe,Dr-redit I h i s -my <•'"'<* for '5 . '"

lillRtOn WHHHhofleyiiliy reason of Die cnrelesn hanil-I faklo] by another, on I he |)th hint,•ill las exirack-d but,, of course, the•fas liestrbyeil, and perhaps a life.fyhi of carefulness in bundling

'apons, to children, shouldfar as possible; ami tho ex-

of carelessness, by mature youth,be severely punished or sternly

ly reprobated.

E.Martin so well known In eon-. <llh Paul Smith'* famous summerIn spcuKlnjt of the prospeets forason, says that "if every landlord

I woods had put 11,000 Into adver-ptliey eoulil not altogether havo ae-

"- :tl liulf so jinieh for themselves asmluek pnrk dlse\inslon hns ac-•il for them without their lifting

id to help it. One outcome of all this"' "tmire to ho nn influx of! visitors

inly never before enlrtnul iho(until now never even ierlously

lit of doing so. Yes, next sUson Is|d to he a prosperonsM.ne, for 411 Adl-

:k rcHort«."-[Whiiph«]l TinSes.

«• Pottersvllle oorvospondeijt of tho|«FiillsHepul)llean,ofthe25fh Inst.,is that "a very large snake 1 as beenin Whortleberry mountain" (by por-

•of crrdence. They stale lt| Is of a• brown color, ton or twelve ff>et long•"""Ttirmnlely large around] It wan

(' sunshine on the ro(jks. "It••en on several ocoaslonk." ,her enrly for snakes lojbo but ;

\ they com,' ool, like beanj, to seee Winter IIM

IriygnneliMln'Ronlnli'llnwriof Pot-

\ were out, Huckleberry-when they sawf It? We

J dispute iil.oui u,,. Hrtnko, bat wouldp o u t off skin, if handy. !

'spondent of thc'RrptihlL; Mr. Kdward duller, of

•dvlllr, lately hud six tenth* takingI" 40 Ms of furniture to his new and

<t hotel nt Long Lake, which hoto to liavc ready for guests by the

| of July.

a private letter, received TIH?*-niR from an esteemed friend In-.dated the Mlh'litft., wo takowinjr, for ,}„, r ( . n w t t j o f those

l^ytl i luk, by golnK West, they will|l*Txtu«l summer: "Over live feel of

» level utS II verton; havo to uan1 K<'t from house to offiV««j

my house over seven footL'"I*1 llln<>N "tiowed In ami hud lo

I: a storm In Feb'y hintingjvltli only Utn,,. Iniorvenlng chwr

f«ln bit,, S l l v e r t o n s l i J Feb. 8d,«• Hkely I,) fr,t I,, before tho mid-

'" April-4., ,1^,,, ftjrH|||y w t l | I O t t t „fc v-t dnvH without A mull unitI It by the "miowahmi" \\t\P

lllw«t««K»>fmmO«niy, and « . o«ly

|''W" «»r Iho "Now York K w i l n f

wires wer,. down «nd w« were"toff from tho outride world,

L. , liri' l | own Ag«ln now, »nd, untilIKI imxt W(Hik whtn tlioy Wgftu ifl'"> niulen iiipplk>K from DIJIUHROI""' *»>tnr, Imttor, cggji or l t*^

11 ll(>»Klit In town. Thuy kllirnj »n

Deling, John I': (LobdeUn*T«

Intermediate ocrtlflotte fat

w a d i have bfwnre<MlT«tti_.Grace Collln, Helen fceUoff, BllalDora Sargent, Merrlt Btanton andWoodruff, for Spelling.

Rosa Brewiter and Lid. BobttU,Grammar and Spelling. ^

Mary Marvinand Alice Pierce, for Orar. ' • +•Daisy Westcottand FredStanton.for (3

graphy.Walton Holoomb, for Arithmetic. .At the last examination Oh*a, Derby

Agnes Woodruff, Ella Lobdell and LUieWokefleld ps«€d in Arithmetic

Mlse Wakefleld 1> now tntlUed to a pr *llmlnary certificate. I

Grace Collln pawed in Grammar.Herbert Coat«,Len» Jacribt,Lena Lewi*,

Effle Weetcott and Cora Webtter p«MdBpelling.

In advanced •ubjoct* the reoord U 4afollows: Geo. L. Brown passed In Grecii nHistory, English History and Physio jWilbur H. Brownson pasted In Qril Gojr.eminent and U. 8. History; Daniel

Phyelcs; JamwM.DeLooffpuMdl&OftllGovernment, EnglUh Hlitory and PhyikfoJohn P. Oilllgan pawed la Physiology ai dPhysics; Edward J. Lobdell .Philology; Levl 8. Pond PM«od in Phy.Biology, Anna B. Abel pawed 1A Algebra.

In view of the »ey«rity of the examina-tion*, tho pupils havo made an excellentrecord. Out of four, In Algebra, twopassed. .Of the five, In Phyilology, allpassed. Of five, In Physics, four panned.Of three In English History, two pamed.

In preparatory stmHes the youthfulnewtOf the pupils prevented them from beingable to cope so successfully with the dim.:ult questions submitted to them.

Metal Pollih,

J. L. West & Co. are agenta for tho ml*iof the "Unlver»al.Met2-PiltB.Pomade,"'manufactured by Adclbort Vogt A Co.,jBerlin-Friedrcchiiburg. It Is the beat pol-ish for all kind* of metal we have ever teen.Mr. West Is delivering thlipoliih to pur-chuHors In this county. It Is no humbug;well worth the price, 8fl centa per bo*.

Toaohen' Exomlnationi.The undersigned, BchoOl Commissioner,

will moot applicants for teachers' certlflcates at Iho times and ptacM named Iw-

>w '•Essex, Wednesday, April »d, 1W4.Wlllsborough, Thursday, April IM.



Keeseville, Fridny,Jay, Saturday,Wilmington, Monday,8t. Armand, Tuesday,North Elba, Wcdnesilay,Kcene, Thursday,Lowls, Friday,

-+:ilir,abethtown,14attirday,Persons Intending to teach, and not hold-

W an unoxplred license, must avail themselves of the opportunity of attending som«one of those meet ngs.

Examinations will commence at 9 A.M.,uul embrace the usual topic*.

V, h,Hrlmol C'om'r lslDlst., BMex Uo,



POMT! I have Just visited the stables of Mr.George, Blsson, near Ironvtlle, for theiiirpose of seeing the much talked of

horse, whose name Is given above. I havtcertainly seen, a powerful and majettieanimal, 5 years bid, 10 hand* hlgbi In

)lor a beautiful brown. The facts war-rant me In saying that one of the mostImportant events In recent years in thisportlqn of the stook-breedlng world WMImportation, a year ago, at heavy expense,of this representative of tho famous Al-mont lino of Kentucky trotters, I havetraced Montello's «o*c«mt as follows! InEngland, Darley Arabian, Childer*.Sampson, Engineer, Kngltsh ~~

America, Imported MeilMf«r,brino, Abdallah, Hywlyk1* "" 'Alcxand#'s AMailah, Almont,Almont's second dam was one of thebratod Pilots. It would lie Impoaslbta togive here a complete Hst of tb« famoustrotters Iwlonging to this brilliant fMtillr,

enn only mention a few.Irene, 9:30*, was a danghtor of

I>cxt«ir, 9.17J, was r son of Rysdyk'sInmblotontan.Goldsmith Maid, 9:14, was a daughter

>f Alexander's Abdallah.The famous Maude 8. and jay-Ky«>#!»e

re in the line of the dams of Almont.Almont, sire of Montcllo, has a roll of

loner unsurjmsswl In the history of n«W*1IOTSCS. It now embraces 7& famous mmmd daughters. Here we find ViIdlnr sn<l R»rly KOM, th«i f»M«M Um»

In the world, and Kjng Almont, a brotherof Montollo, who, in the tta«t<tt#trtet ofspeed last season, htatmost famous living son of Rjwdjtfi Ham-blcionlsn. Twenty now Aimottts h*v«tome to notoriety wlthlo th* la#t twoyears by a record under ft 10 tad t*IQ.Almont now(ha« 94 in tho t.10 Hat, *n<*us a uniform producer of a Mga ftt* of

>eiHl is without a rival in MM world.Another fact of equal hH«r«tt Is thai Uw>

sons and daughters of Almottt M« .ig fast hors*s with gf*rt unilomlly. IU

has tranaBiltu>4 a rvmartaMa10 bis rir^PWlaott. T W l li AM i

stale or territory In U>P Union wkcmare not known and sppwtaMd. Ml MMof Almont have r d u that k*vi>under I M , and moni Uuui twentyare producing last andTtUrtcwn noes of MmoM ht4 wtMMNlfWJ. Ttie dstighurs at AlMMt Mwia*».Mtod Ut« MOM iralu to oft****, te^taft« trotUng lM0tt«t ao4 o»pa«llr T Vhol« family, wltli trwt «lft>fw4t7. MMurn t« trot, and w* smrwty tot Wm-d out of UOa fail • * • • Wkm rwaaiaf M

largo as wilts.mthmsalttwli «q»a«y

Hoot with tb« ^Mtrwal, wmn^

«nd MM dan M U M ,maa«trMiofd0f*l4|tMbelong. Ill lief HM, A *W** «f

OMl iMIMi l*T1stl M twMly li stowMpsftor ate* M wM M

llh fc^ fJS

aervtoM, to those wbothem, with ooofidram ttet


Mods os fMtr flm latte of a*w


Mmm \*b, by *m. e«*g« A. K«rrgoby Hayi to lama Wewott, all ofSBIHMMWWM,

HOWARDJL SNOW,The maple sweet hasoommenoedtoflow.Wm. Cook, of Baoreham, has mjrnha#«d

the Hadaway farm, and mov^T npou H. still continues.A H D F O R E I G H

PATENTS, mer price $8.SW.' Hotb t B ; o w

A "socialH for Rev. A. T. Clarke WMrn on the 18th Inst,, at the rsskkMM ofW. E. Hlldreth. near C?rowii Petal,




KRT, f|f^l!il.WAIlK, PATldfT MJCDI-

,and WM well attended from all parts ofUwtown. Financially the oootakm WM itto-cessful.

0, tl.78, former price $8.75. 1 lot ladlesfine Kid foxed Land, Band C, $1.60, formerprice $2.00.

WASHINGTON, D. GPatent* promtred upo« U* plan which

WM ©Hgtoat̂ d and succes*fully practicedbyjUe « W « named llrms.

sent upon re-

ViceRov Mootp is u»ln suffering fmtnhis old, obstinate MT p*i»faltrouble.

Mm. Taft, widow of lh« UU> Dm. TT»-othy Taft, If lying at ttM point of <lm\h.

The funeral asrvtoea of Wm. ietson, ofLetsonvllte, aged 49, went attend*! by animmense oonwurs* of pmrpUt m MmInst. Mr. L. WM honored by all wfeikhim for bis integrity ~~was made radiant by triumphant faith in

All Flannel Lined Shoes, to ppen and Velvet Emb. sli

pen at Cost.




HI» mrw rrrrKJir OF WALL*


AW) t

i , TO nEMorm Trfi wrong,






m mr

r imT ^Kir>« Aim Rf?ADt-

n/rrrnmn. AT

8TORK. m ORI7KR Tr» RBftr'T,


KH f?m» oitF, srroftK. AKri T




OFFERED IN ES8EX CQUNTY.March 94.-~Mrv.Jam* (k*wt<,t4 h—Mrs. Jam*returned from ber o*l«o«»o %mtr, b»vtngvisited Colorado and m*oy <ntmstates.

Hiram ftrntib, one "f, ha*


our counters atAmi Hw pnm girl

t ntn i*# m*M whirl | B





"tjpm" Tyrreil l«rt q«|fe a v*l»Hia short time ago. wbM, U • kmsago. wnirit i« • Mm* u« thelown as well s* to trim, for butter is *myscarce.

AMI We«)t 180,000 Mllnvitl trrnil woff>

TEACHEE8 CLASSfishery, Caletlrmta Pprt^t 8: F. MURDOCK,POST HSNBT, N.Y.

It. limm bus tapped ht. M Mronslsilna of 400 trw*. Tomtkrno suirar nae y«rt boon m*4°, «»»'1 the


Licensed AuctioneerFOB KB8XZ OOtJHTYi

AU^calls In the auctioneering line

army of sapeeeklst IMUo Iwjyp who trav-erse the road altnoft daily<ltssatisfle<l

J. Jk W. riiftln b*»" h«et« msAtng f<HHKRMAN ACADEMY

tor ftakril*.h«« \*t>n *p«n<V

Ing a short va^atfcm at b**n«, re1«Fort Kdward l»*«M*iU- Iwi

mi) measleg stre stttlMrs. Root, wWow »f

Root, has b*ss very 10 ai tb«her PMin-ln-law, Chartea WMtney.bMtlerKrw

. . .p. *ileman It mfrtdly tutelng tbe r«mM***» atour townspeople far Hfainessful troatmen

Spring Term, -



p— ( A d d bop* MI4 Urn » te t w«

W»PII wMtfcnt a tnw g»«rs M kmm to




Man-bao.think wildnorthward, Mdyes««ffttey.

The U* it fMltg <mj fast_ **Ma^»«f

I'nloti 1U1I OtU tften^tf), by «N» V«of the tnUnpi"H>lw an4 prfw


Our H«*rt« wet* i»M«wwjt by ItM toteNlit rv

OVKU TIIR LAKR.O u w t w L . — M M . O a k « 4 l c 4 t v ^A t4 'Ur "tt<M>m r*mrmfrm" kt hi

i ! * • M K C » « r ^ . *******, Mid t b o M h




FLANNEL GOODS. Pullman Cars on Day

#Ji.MfiM0V« §#1