•j J HIGHWAY, MWm AND WflOBLLAJNEOHS BBPORT Of fiia Tew* of North Hutlioa, (kmrtjvt SMBX. 1913 | Far tbti Kei>aiT aud Iiupro^ena4ut of High way a, Repair and Oonetruoiioa of Bridges, foisltw, Pipatt and S t o t ^ o^ M«dtiia«yi ^nj«val ,^f Ob«traotioh» * -'.; caiwd by Snow, tod <*hw HiBctjllBtvwme ftitpm* j .^otiljon. 107 oC the Highway IAW r^ads aft follows: ; I Wi Rcpprb of superviiwr as tohighway moneys.---The Supervise Shall Present tolThc Towu Board at its Meottog Hold In fiueh Year, fo OoHsid^vioM Ttisj Kstitnutos Contained in tho Statement of the 1'own Su pertntendtru-t, as', provided in section ninety-one, a verified reporfcshowing 1 TiXk" moolys received from tho state, an provided in section om hundred and oni during tho year etulinig October thirty-first. ! 2. The moneys received by him durio| such year on accountof taxe; levied aud collected and from the issue ana salo of bonds and certificate; of itidebttHloosH Iu anticipation of taxes, for highways, bridges, jpurchast iind •vepait- of machinery, tools and iiopleraonts, tho removal of ob(4trnetio»i: causod bysnow |aud for miscellaneous purposes. :J The moneys received by him during sqeta year as penalties w recovered pursuant to this chapter, or from any othor source and availi ••able for highway purposes in his town, ; 4. The expenditures during snoh year for the improvement, repaii a-tenatieri of highways, for the'maintenance and repair of bridges :onstruotjiop of new bridges, for damagjqp and charges iu laying ring ami discontinuing highways, for the removal ofobstruetiot >y snowj for the purchase of machinery, tools and implements, fi nl or biro :»f Ktone crushers, steam rollers and traction e n* town superintendent's salary or compensation and audited e: for atliuvjHueoK us fees on account of receiving and disbursing moneyH, or for other highway purposes, Ul machinery, tools and implements owned in whole orici part by •. the 'present value of each article thereof, and tho estiuijiited con irs..thereto, as shown by tbe annual inventory of the and for t t\u lo Of all tOWD Mlp»'l llli fi»i' t li n p ti si.t li ^1 (. hi wh ptm. R<». »\td f ort shall be prescribed by the commission, the office of the town clerk within three day: fane! shall be open to public inspection dur rs of such town clerk and a duplicate shall at the same e wailed to (the commission. A certified copy of such report, shall >Hied by ttie supervisor with the clerk of the board of supervisors, hall• cause t|ie same to beprinted in the next issue of the annual jdiojjsoft-bo board of supervisors. The town board shall cause a ?d copv of the report to be publlsed in 'a aewspaper published ffo or it' there- be none published therein,' theo in a newspaper pub- witbin the county and having the greatest circulation within the The expense of such publication, which shall'cot exceed ten dol- bali be a totfn charge. The clerk of the board of supervisors shall lit three copies of the journal of the proceedings of the board con- j Kuch report, to the commission and three copies to the comptroller. Highway Fund '< Receipts <e on hand ffora previous year •aV -tax collected pursuant tosections 90 and 91 ed from Statb as State aid purcusant to section 101 ed from certificates of indebtedness under section 92 urces not mentioned above. Describe hown by; audit 24 86 1800 1350 407 4 00 ixpenditures .vork for fye repair and improvement of bridges having a span of less S3585 80 3371 83 Total expenditures for the repair and improvement of highways $3578 29 Balance unexpended October 31, 1913 ^ ,. $7 57 Bridge^Fund v - Receipts Balance on hand from previous year 5 08 Tax received from collector pursuant tosections 90 and 91 650 Received from certificates of indebtedness pursuant to section 92 200 Received from certilficafees^of indebtedness pursuant tosection 93 93 .^Received by transfer from miscellaneous fund 690 .Received from other sources not mentioned above. Describe source excise 65 Total receipts for repair and construction of bridges > $1703 08 Expenditures - Jj.abor and team work for repair and maintenance of bridges 146 55 Materials for repair-and maintenance of bridges 1556 18 , Total expenditures for repair and maintenance of bridges $1702 73 Balance unexpended, October 31, 1913 £ u 35 Machinery Fund Receipts Balance on hand from previous year 85 75 Total receipts §85 75 -•— ' Expend ifeu res For repair of machinery, tools and implements 38 55 Total expeaditures $38 55 Balance unexpended, October, 31, 1913 $47 20 Snow- and Miscellaneous Fund Receipts Balance on hand from previous year ' 121 14 Tax collected pursuant to sections 90 and 91 1050 00 Total receipts $1171 04 Expenditures For cutting aud removing noxious weeds and brush 12 For allowances for watering troughs 15 For other miscellaneous purposes. Describe tbe purpose piavjk for culverts 66 94 Supf ' 382 50 Transferred to bridge fund £90 Total expenditures $1166 44 T ! I K P K O P L K Oli 1 TUB STAT1J <>! NKW YORK To M i s K l U Dmlliy Nu li«U, u sidnuMu IMutlsbiuj'h, N Y Wol thai Ni.-hols Hilda M Nichol' .imi Aloud H NUIIOIH, u-Mdlii," »•! M\ ihelhlov 11 N V uifmts, Join V Nnhol- iU nti.il(!u.udi.wioJs«>id nil uits, oi IMi alnHi1i»wii N Y Mis Hil.i liimvn, Al.ilji'l C liovn ton \1IHMI A UnviitoM Wondell U.um tt l,,ulus -MM let\ ol tin < mi -K.Mtioml rtiuxii ol lMi/ib«lli JOWII N V , K i m ,i C < 1 ],ul h'ot) < 1I I! Dudlt'V Dudlev ^ I.iewstr 1 \ o \\ I 1 m A ()ili< ,s Rnv W It MI 1»< 1 ' o n Di ill I 1 111 l.li/ib<Hitimii Kh( I 1 mi IHI il>. thtown II u'duMK Di I A Kooh Mi<- M .1 \ lin Uiliudu Kcllo< «; .V l( m l , I! Klein, M.'i \)»ur Mi K.llui Diidli \, Jc>tk Wi'ltli.i I). IJt il on I d U10 HM iiok 11 e Nieh- 1 oJs, Hilda Maud Nichols, Maud Rob- Nichols, John F. Nichols, John I). Nicholson, V. \V. Prime, J. D. Richards, Harrv H. Roscoe, Julius A. Roberts, Ernest -.K. Smith, Mrs. M. W. Smith, Lewis & Eliza- letbtown Telephone Co., B. K. VuUelield, Olias. N. Williams Drug Store, Dr. T. A, Wasson, Richard Hand, Mrs. Sarah Trnde.au, all siding in Elizabeth town, N. Y.; W. D. Andrews Co..,- Syracuse, N. , ilrn K.irtirli Sim,. P., , Rnr )D, Vermont; Adirondack Hard Co, Sarunac Lake. N. Y.; At .as Shoe Co., l!12 (>21 Atlantic Ave.. Boston, Mass.; Lyke & Bishop, 31oversviUfl, N. Y.; Dr. L. G. Bar- son, Willsboro, N. Y.; James Ca •b Co , Pittsburgh, N.Y.; H. H. Cooper & Co.. Utica, N. Y.; Wor- cester China Co., Sebring, Ohio; >.ilumbiaPbonographCo.,89Cha.mb- srsr-St., N. Y.~>City; Jos. Koopf & Son., Rochester/^.Y., Birdsey Soi Co., 233 Fifth Ave., N. Y. City; Parker Pen Co., Janesville, Wis : itraus, Adler & Co., 45 E. 17th St., N. Y. City; Arnold Shoe Co., North Abingdon, Mass.; Cluett, Peabody & Co. Troy, N. Y.; Tbos. G. Plant }., Boston, Mass.; Morse & Roir- •s, Duane &Hudson Sts., N. Y. ty; Meade Mfg. Co., Burlington, Vt ; Ella F. Sargent, Westport, N. Y ; J. E. Dayton Co., Williamsport, 'a.; Daniel W. Disotell, Westport, M. Y.; Endicott, Jobnson & Co., Endieott, N. Y.; Goodyear Rubber 787-78!) Broadway, N. Y. City: loleproof Hosiery Co., Milwaukee, Vis.; W. H: Hathaway, Lewis, N.Y.; nternational Tailoring Co., N. Y. City;Geo. P. Ide & Co., Troy, N.Y.; >'. 13. Loomis, Rutlaud, Vt ^Lincoln shoe Co., 71-73 Park St., Worcester, Mrs. Carrie Oldruff, Silver Bay, N. Y.; Niles Darrow & Co., Binghamptoo, N. Y,; Newton & Co.. Homer N. Y.: Edwin W. Pierce. SVadhams, N. Y.; Neal & Hyde, Sy- •acuse, N. Y.: NDrthero News Co.; 'roy, N. Y.; Dr. Charles R. Payne, Westport. N. Y.: Parker Bros. & !o., Littleton, N. H,; W. S. Peck & JO., Syracuse, N. Y.; Rath bun & Co., Utica, N. Y.; John Single Pa- >er Co., Syracuse, N. Y.; .Empire >tate Shoe Co., Amsterdam. N. Y.; Robinson, Pearson & Co., Ogdens- urgh, N. Y.; Spear-Martin Fur Co., ,'ton, Vt.: Smith Br e.l St., PiaUsburjjh. os., 84 Bah'.t'fi^ unexpended, October 31, 191:' $4 60 CnmprnRaiio'i ;o Toivn Superintendent and Deputy Town Superintendent 15,5 day-- a* $2 nf> per day equals ' $382 50 Amouui aiVwt.-d for fxpenbes $85 00 Su^MM'^isor and Town Clerk's Allowance HM." i<..i' , -h tit <-w »1 the sopprv^or pursuant to section 110 <•• ih.» JJi;rhw..v Lau? . $250 00 Hosv much is allowed the town clerk pursuant to section 110 of the Highway Law? ' $50 00 ; STATE OP NEWYORK } County of Essex \ ss: Win. St.urtevant,, supervisor of the town of North -Hudson beiuj/ duly Hwnni deposes and says that he is the person mentioned as sub- mitting the foregoing report; that the amounts stated therein to have beeD received by him as supervisor of such town'araall that he has received as such officer for the purposes therein stated; tbat the expenditures specified therein have in fact been made (or the purposes and to the per- sons indicated; that all of such expenditures were made in good faith, for value received and in the tmatmer required bythe Highway Law; that the balances therein specified are all the moneys remain ing in his hands of the moneys received; by himas provided by law on account of the high- ways and bridges of'such town. , , .Wtn. Sturtevant, . Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 31st day of Oct 1913. * . " ^ Louis M, Hozley, ^ Notary public 'Approved Clinton H. Sirnonds Co Supt. N. Y.; unn-SahnoLi Co., Syracuse. N. Y.: lunton Knitting Co., Tauntou. ass.; Utica Rubber Works, Utica, \. Y.; Vermont Hardware Co,Bur- ingtou, Vt.; Zeno Button Co., 1D- ianapolis, ludianij W. C. Wither- 3ee, Port Henry, N. Y.: J. A. Faros- ?ortb, Westport, N. Y.; Lake Chara- ilain National Bank, Westport, N. r .: Wilson Dress Hook Co., Cleve- and.. Ohio: H. A. Sawyer & Co., -lutlaud, Vt.; Being the Widow. Next of kin. Legatees and Creditors of Harry H Nichols, late of Elizabelhtown ia the County of Essex aud State of New York, deceased: WHEREAS. Harry H. Roscoe, Sole Executor under the Last Will and Testament of said Harry H. Nichols, deceased, has duly pre- sented to the Surrogate's Court of our County of Essex a petition pray- ing for the judicial settlement of his accounts as such Executor, You aud each of you are hereby cited personally to be and appear before our Surrogate of the County of Essex, at his office in the Village of Elizabethtowo ou the 5th day of January next at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day, and attend the judicial settlement of said accounts. WITNESS, Berne A. Pyrke, Esq., Surrogate, aud the Seal of this court. this 27th day of Octooer, VJVd. (Seul) i.Sd) Albert K. Ryan. Clerk of tile Surrogate's Curt. Smith i Wickcs, Attorneys for Petitioner. K1 i a\ o e t h t o «• n, N e w Yu r <<. DtSlfiOY!NG"WEEOS •Jiiiiiii S^lr*'" '' ' ' ' '••" *^V The SAFE "^i tmtin mmb* plg\ , "'-«*•-. ^\ b«IlhtBlfcrata|o*jl Kportff l>flprtrtmon^ of M^rhnnh "i 1* lr>rir!n|{\, VlioUipniphj iPnpttlar Mnlpmn Ylw. to Mnko ihingt Rtninp Collet In« tjilokrtm Vrtn Gnr iloiiluB, Invention^ami Nnluinl Wnnrlorn Ujfi P E O P L E OK TIIK STATE OF NEW YORK, to Elsie Marvin J. ^Seville, N. Y. CJeorge James, ains; N. Y. Jobti Try on, re . Y. JSauey Fur key, r>i'o, N. Y. .Martha M.-fn heever, N. Y. Walter Smith, ilk\ Iowa. Juiia. Slaughter jrt, N. Y. Hose Jjiuvreuce. >rt, N.Y. Mary Holme! amauche, Iowa. Rose Wilkins, jolis, Minn. William James, res si ti- re: 'VK resi > r0 s, res iiding at Wad- in gat Westport, ,iding at Wills- ri'siilin^ at ding at Boon- sidinjrat West- residing at iding at Minne- of Thanksgiving Turkeys have been cooked since 1832 m rioutli ^fanh.JJitfpfrinitnt-rtt yrl tt^f n tvitp, nthloH.* bf«t*irv whc>ol Ilfn UIIMMI hv nio«(*" populrti bo>n nuthorn fxifttrut ti^o f in oh I tK Fin" Hrtle), » on f ntlmll anrl otlu r l>flprtrtmon^ of M^rhnnh "i 1* lr>rir!n|{\, pniphj iPpttlr Ml Yl M « Price* 1>n« Y«ar RV(»,,)RT Prlre tor both SpccliU Prl.» f«» both on Ne ssss^asfisas ml by 5<HM$$ Francis Jurats, residing at Lake 'lacid, N. Y. Harry James, residing at Eliza- jethtowu, N. Y. Kitty Smith, residing at Moriah, . Y. ' Alice Westcott, residing at West- >rt, N. Y. Esther Bowen, residing at Mc- ivegor, Iowa. William Tryon, residing at Ver- ;nnes, Vermont. Delberb James, residing at Middle- ury, Vermont. Willie Welch, residing at Char- [tte, Vermont. Alice Caldwell, residing at Boon- lie, Iowa. residing at residing at residing at Eliza- 'thtown, N. Y. Edna Liberty, residing at Eliza- ithtown, N. Y. |Ella Bruce, residing at Lake d, N. Y. George James, residing at Eliza- thtown, N. Y. JFred James, residing at Elizabetb- tojwn, N. Y. [Augusta E. Miller, residing at Wadhajns. N. Y. jLuey Harper, residing at Meeker, Catharine izabetbtow Elizabeth izabethtow Dani TB, N. Brow ,'D, N. John James Jr, ieks, Y. /n, Y r . res ; la Meardou, residingatSpokane, hingtou. je widow, heirs at law and next of ,f SI Ml'S<.>N J AMES, late of the J of Chesterfield, in the County •sex, and State of New York, ised, SEND (TREETING: (WHEREAS, Eilery J. Sherman, the Town of Westport, in the ty of Essex ancl State of New Yi)rk, has lately .applied toour Sur- rogate of our County of Essex to have a certain instrument in writing, rejlatiug to both rtal tiud personal 'perty, duly proved as the Last Will! LUKI Testament of the said Simp- le J utiitjt», deceased, therefore, you h of you are hereby cited and quired personally to be and ap- pear oefoiv our said Surrogate at a "gate's Court to beheld at the gate's Chambers, in the Village of|Port Heory, iu said County, on 2!Hh day of December, 191J, at o'clock in the forenoon of that da|y. to attend the probate of the said t-fumetit as the Lust Will and Testament of said eeueased. Van such of you as are under tbe •- of twenty-one ypars, are re- red to appear by your guardian, •ou have one, or if you have none, appear aud apply for one to be ted, or io the event of your tor failure todo so. a guardian .1 be appointed bv tbe Surrogate represent and act UJCyou in the billion feet of merchantable timber for which there is a large present (ledaud aod that practically all of it is.owtied by the government and is available under very favorable terms. In almost all cases the forests can be easily logged by the most improved [ machinery and methd&s. The Istpber itself, it Is poiatted ont, includes structural material of great value, in addition to many fin© hardwoods particularly suited to cabinet work. In this latter class some of the most plentif al woods may be sold in competition with mahogany, such is their beauty of grain and richness of color. Manila is only two days' distance from Hongkongs and Ohioa, which has largely exhausted its timber, furnishes a ready mar- ket. Japau, Australia, and even the United States, will take Phil- ippine lumber, which is admitted free to this country. One of the commonest Philippine timbers, red lauab, which works and ^finishes well, has been sold on the Pacific coast where it serves the same purposes as the finest redwood, which it somewhat resembles, as high as $80 per thousand board-} feet. . Government timber in the Phi- lippines is . offered at a very low rate and it is stated that the labor problem is in no sense difficult. Investments by Americans are not only invited, but are enccniraged. The Philippine bureau of fores- try, in this first sale which is being called to the attention of American timber operators, is offering a twenty-year concession which gives exclusive rights to a about 95,000 tract acres, which contains nearly 2 billion board feet of timber. Itis.reqtsired that the successful bidder shall keep up a certain minimum output which, staits with 15 million board feet during the first two years and increases to an ultimate output of at teas! 21 million per year. A modern sawmill andlogging equip- ment mast be established and also a patrol system for the prevention of fiVes and trespass. A complete report on this body ] The large, evenly heated oven jlighien her labor of cooking top requires no blacking. I J basement prevents dust m Stewart now and make 1 sow J ELIZABETBTOWN HDW1. to the vaj The pj-iocipal kind the lauans, excellent construction timbers kndsomewhat comparable in mechanical properties, to the Pacific cjoasfe redwoods; yacal, one of the most valuable because of its great strength, and its resistance to destruction by white ants; api- tong, qujite comparable to the hard pines of] the United States, and various | other hardwoods which have already found a place as sub- stitutes !for mahogany. It is riequired that the successful applicant shall furnish a capital 3i! t for the immediate prose- cution cf the work, the amount in this ease being placed at not less than 100,000 pesoss Philippine currency, equivalent -to $50,000 It is proposed that all bids im this timiber shall be opened iu Manila on December 10. Foi flu benefit of prospective purcha'-^i'-N in America, however, unable to \ii pare their applications aucl 1I>M them received in Manila ou oi * 3F THE 0 'VPACIFW )URT OF THE FOUR ScAC3\S INTERNATIONAL EXPOS',P? the west of tjjie great Court of Honor at the Pnrmmn-Pacific Q international I sposition wili come the Court of Four Seasons, J^ one of tbe most elaborate and beautiful of the KIV;U interior courts tbat will lie between t&e h»se exhibit palaces or the auiin group. Tbe wails 'of the court wil! be partly formed by tbe palsu-es of Liberal Arts and o Education and by the two great, wings" of the ratace of Agriculture and partly by the classic'colonnades-and pori- styles that will connec ; these buildings. The Court of Four Seasons, in classic Italian architei|ture, Ss designed .by Mr. Henry B:u-on of .New York, designer, of the jLincoha Memorial. In barmony witb the-tit'.v of the court there will, ttj each of its four corners, be set groups of slut- nary symbolical of t h | seasons—Spring. Summer, Autumn and Winter The sculpture will be sipt in niches screened by colonnades. Mara! puuit- tiigs. also suggestive ojf th.e seasons, wilt form the background for the setting. Mr. Julps (ju|rin. tbe noted artist, has charge of the color piau. The Court of Four Seaikons will be 340 feet square. of timber, which can be had at thej fore tha;t date, the bureau of 1 -! office of the director of forests in Manila or at the bureau of insular affairs in Washington, shows that the region occupied by the main body of the tract presents ideal sular affairs in Washington will ou notification before the final «! n j send a Cablegram aud have tl *. time extended\intil feheactual biiN cun be received, in Manila. .3i0E, s T CHARLES Ce ftflOOR'E OF THC F ^ CiFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION ??xLi, ! OiED TO| JAPAN'S SJTE TO COMMISS 1 - CR GENERAL HARUKI YAMAW\.<1. —- t true blue By iene Straffoa Author of "FRECKLES," "TH? HARVESTER "!• "A GIRL OF THE LIMBJERLOST, etc,' 7 can get it in every book shop from New York to Seat- tle. It is a tale of Indiana—a picture straight from life, showing the home circle of t h e Stantons and telling thr love story of Laddie, the biig brother of the Stantnn family, and Pamela Pryor, ao Eoglish girl. The book ~O is full of poetry and of that, love of nature that .yoe^ band the author's idealism. The vividness of the homo ii'V .;i:ii, ce so that, ho cries out. --Hm- in-Ir,,/ is ',-„,• ..',. ,.. " 3 AreNumber of Excellent Cherts- Is or Sprays Which Can Be Used With Good Success. It Is rather a tedious hard o tools Was It a Hint? They had been talking as they walked. She had retaarked patfaet- . lcally: "Oli, it most !}©terrible to a man; to be rejected by a woman!" "indeed it must," wan his response. Then, after a while, with sympathetic Ingenuousness, she exclaimed: "It -doesn't seem that I could ever have the heart' to doit." And there came a eilence between them as he thought It over. Only True Liberty, The liberty which IHgood Is the liberty of one gained at the penso of others, but the liberty v. can be enjoyed by all who dwel gether— L. T. Hobhouae. Reading tho Wrong Way, Fortune Teller--' 1 You will grass from v/alks by hoeing or cut- ting tnem out between the stones, but there are a number of chemicals or sprays which can be used with good success. , J. Salt—Take 1 pound of salt to 1 gallon ol" water; boil and apply still hot; or dry salt may be used a chen wat(.T..d in, but this will col Crmlo carboli. i! Upanese Majesty's Commi^io'i 1 nt fiwuonal Esposition ciedk Uu! o n > e^f!\<ition on Wednesday, Sep. t thi'p 10.000 people. The ceremnn < . dinplv appreciated by the repustii i C^inimssioners, Baruki Yai 11 \ 'vit^i nna. The deed to the --itu s C Moore to Commissioner (.-.en^i utli of the Japanese governmeut emove weeds or 3 not qui -at I] po Id e nee of r, w of tl ?t;t a ^;;: Cfillci n a ••"> v •pa W ;;;;; ui- "i". -t ;-.!!• •i


Page 1: HIGHWAY, MWm AND WflOBLLAJNEOHS BBPORT •Jiiiiiiinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn92061913/1913-11... · - Jj.abor and team work for repair and maintenance of bridges 146 55 Materials




Of fiia Tew* of North Hutlioa, (kmrtjvt SMBX. 1913 |

Far tbti Kei>aiT aud Iiupro^ena4ut of High way a, Repair and Oonetruoiioa of Bridges,

foisltw, Pipatt and S t o t ^ o^ M«dtiia«yi ^nj«val ,̂ f Ob«traotioh»* -'.; caiwd by Snow, tod <*hw HiBctjllBtvwme ftitpm* j

.^otiljon. 107 oC the Highway IAW r^ads aft follows: ;

I Wi Rcpprb of superviiwr as to highway moneys.---The SuperviseShall Present tolThc Towu Board at its Meottog Hold In fiueh Year, foOoHsid^vioM Ttisj Kstitnutos Contained in tho Statement of the 1'own Supertntendtru-t, as', provided in section ninety-one, a verified reporfcshowing

1 TiXk" moolys received from tho state, an provided in section omhundred and oni during tho year etulinig October thirty-first. !

2. The moneys received by him d u r i o | such year on accountof taxe;levied aud collected and from the issue ana salo of bonds and certificate;of itidebttHloosH Iu anticipation of taxes, for highways, bridges, jpurchastiind •vepait- of machinery, tools and iiopleraonts, tho removal of ob(4trnetio»i:causod by snow |aud for miscellaneous purposes.

:J The moneys received by him during sqeta year as penalties wrecovered pursuant to this chapter, or from any othor source and availi

••able for highway purposes in his town, ;4. The expenditures during snoh year for the improvement, repaii

a-tenatieri of highways, for the'maintenance and repair of bridges:onstruotjiop of new bridges, for damagjqp and charges iu layingring ami discontinuing highways, for the removal ofobstruetiot>y snowj for the purchase of machinery, tools and implements, finl or biro :»f Ktone crushers, steam rollers and traction en* town superintendent's salary or compensation and audited e:for atliuvjHueoK us fees on account of receiving and disbursing

moneyH, or for other highway purposes,Ul machinery, tools and implements owned in whole orici part by•. the 'present value of each article thereof, and tho estiuijiited con

irs..thereto, as shown by tbe annual inventory of the

and •for t

t\u loOf alltOWD Mlp»'l llli

fi»i't li n p

ti si.t li

1̂ (. hi


R<». »\td f

ort shall be prescribed by the commission,the office of the town clerk within three day:fane! shall be open to public inspection dur

rs of such town clerk and a duplicate shall at the samee wailed to (the commission. A certified copy of such report, shall> Hied by ttie supervisor with the clerk of the board of supervisors,hall• cause t|ie same to be printed in the next issue of the annualjdiojjsoft-bo board of supervisors. The town board shall cause a?d copv of the report to be publlsed in 'a aewspaper publishedffo or it' there- be none published therein,' theo in a newspaper pub-witbin the county and having the greatest circulation within theThe expense of such publication, which shall'cot exceed ten dol-

bali be a totfn charge. The clerk of the board of supervisors shalllit three copies of the journal of the proceedings of the board con-j Kuch report, to the commission and three copies to the comptroller.

Highway Fund'< Receipts

<e on hand ffora previous year•aV -tax collected pursuant to sections 90 and 91ed from Statb as State aid purcusant to section 101ed from certificates of indebtedness under section 92

urces not mentioned above. Describehown by; audit

24 86




4 00

ixpenditures.vork for fye repair and improvement of

bridges having a span of less

S3585 80

3371 83

Total expenditures for the repair and improvement of highways $3578 29

Balance unexpended October 31, 1913 ^ ,. $7 57Bridge^Fund v -


Balance on hand from previous year 5 08Tax received from collector pursuant to sections 90 and 91 650Received from certificates of indebtedness pursuant to section 92 200Received from certilficafees^of indebtedness pursuant to section 93 93

• .^Received by transfer from miscellaneous fund 690.Received from other sources not mentioned above. Describe

source excise 65

Total receipts for repair and construction of bridges > $1703 08Expenditures

- Jj.abor and team work for repair and maintenance of bridges 146 55Materials for repair-and maintenance of bridges 1556 18 ,

Total expenditures for repair and maintenance of bridges $1702 73

Balance unexpended, October 31, 1913 £ u 35Machinery Fund

ReceiptsBalance on hand from previous year 85 75

Total receipts §85 75-•—' Expend ifeu res

For repair of machinery, tools and implements 38 55

Total expeaditures $38 55

Balance unexpended, October, 31, 1913 $47 20Snow- and Miscellaneous Fund

Receipts •Balance on hand from previous year ' 121 14Tax collected pursuant to sections 90 and 91 1050 00

Total receipts $1171 04Expenditures

For cutting aud removing noxious weeds and brush 12For allowances for watering troughs • 15For other miscellaneous purposes. Describe tbe purpose

piavjk for culverts 66 94Supf ' 382 50Transferred to bridge fund £90

Total expenditures $1166 44

T ! I K P K O P L K Oli1 T U B S T A T 1 J <>!


To M i s K l U D m l l i y N u l i«U, u

s i d n u M u I M u t l s b i u j ' h , N Y W o l

t h a i N i . - h o l s H i l d a M N i c h o l '

. imi Aloud H N U I I O I H , u - M d l i i , " »•!

M\ i h e l h l o v 11 N V u i f m t s , J o i n

V N n h o l - iU n t i . i l ( ! u . u d i . w i o J s « > i d

n i l u i t s , oi IMi a lnHi1i»wi i N Y

M i s Hil . i l i i m v n , Al.ilji'l C l i o v n

ton \ 1 I H M I A UnviitoM W o n d e l l

U . u m tt l , , u l u s -MM l e t \ ol t in < mi

- K . M t i o m l r t i u x i i ol l M i / i b « l l i

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H M i i o k 11 e Nieh-1

oJs, Hilda Maud Nichols, Maud Rob-Nichols, John F. Nichols, John

I). Nicholson, V. \V. Prime, J. D.Richards, Harrv H. Roscoe, Ju l iusA. Roberts, Ernest -.K. Smith,Mrs. M. W. Smith, Lewis & Eliza-letbtown Telephone Co., B. K.VuUelield, Olias. N. Williams Drug

Store, Dr. T. A, Wasson, RichardHand, Mrs. Sarah Trnde.au, allsiding in Elizabeth town, N. Y.;

W. D. Andrews Co..,- Syracuse, N., ilrn K.irtirli Sim,. P., , Rnr)D, Vermont; Adirondack HardC o , Sarunac Lake. N. Y.; At

.as Shoe Co., l!12 (>21 Atlantic Ave..Boston, Mass.; Lyke & Bishop,31oversviUfl, N. Y.; Dr. L. G. Bar-son, Willsboro, N. Y.; James Ca

•b Co , P i t t s b u r g h , N.Y.; H. H.Cooper & Co.. Utica, N. Y.; Wor-cester China Co., Sebring, Ohio;>.ilumbiaPbonographCo.,89Cha.mb-srsr-St., N. Y.~>City; Jos . Koopf &

Son., Roches t e r / ^ .Y . , Birdsey SoiCo., 233 Fifth Ave., N. Y. City;

Parker Pen Co., Janesvil le, Wis :itraus, Adler & Co., 45 E. 17th St.,

N. Y. City; Arnold Shoe Co., NorthAbingdon, Mass.; Cluett, Peabody& Co. Troy, N. Y.; Tbos. G. Plant

}., Boston, Mass.; Morse & Roir-•s, Duane & Hudson Sts . , N. Y.ty; Meade Mfg. Co., Burlington,

Vt ; Ella F. Sargent, Westport , N.Y ; J. E. Dayton Co., Williamsport,'a.; Daniel W. Disotell, Westport,

M. Y.; Endicott, Jobnson & Co.,Endieott, N. Y.; Goodyear Rubber

787-78!) Broadway, N. Y. City:loleproof Hosiery Co., Milwaukee,Vis.; W. H: Hathaway, Lewis, N.Y.;nternational Tailoring Co., N. Y.

City;Geo. P. Ide & Co., Troy, N.Y.;>'. 13. Loomis, Rutlaud, Vt ^Lincolnshoe Co., 71-73 Park St., Worcester,

Mrs. Carrie Oldruff, SilverBay, N. Y.; Niles Darrow & Co.,Binghamptoo, N. Y,; Newton & Co..Homer N. Y.: Edwin W. Pierce.SVadhams, N. Y.; Neal & Hyde, Sy-•acuse, N. Y. : NDrthero News Co.;'roy, N. Y.; Dr. Charles R. Payne,

Westport. N. Y.: Parker Bros. &!o., Littleton, N. H,; W. S. Peck &JO., Syracuse, N. Y.; Rath bun &

Co., Utica, N. Y.; John Single Pa->er Co., Syracuse, N. Y.; .Empire>tate Shoe Co., Amsterdam. N. Y.;Robinson, Pearson & Co., Ogdens-urgh, N. Y.; Spear-Martin F u r Co.,

,'ton, Vt. : Smith Bre.l St., PiaUsburjjh.

os., 84

Bah'.t'fi^ unexpended, October 31, 191:' $4 60CnmprnRaiio'i ;o Toivn Superintendent and Deputy Town Superintendent15,5 day-- a* $2 nf> per day equals ' $382 50Amouui aiVwt.-d for fxpenbes $85 00

Su^MM'̂ isor and Town Clerk's AllowanceHM." i<..i' , -h tit <-w »1 the sopprv^or pursuant to section 110

<•• ih.» JJi;rhw..v Lau? • . $250 00Hosv much is allowed the town clerk pursuant to section 110

of the Highway Law? • ' $50 00; STATE OP NEW YORK }

County of Essex \ s s :

Win. St.urtevant,, supervisor of the town of North -Hudson beiuj/duly Hwnni deposes and says that he is the person mentioned as sub-mitting the foregoing report; that the amounts stated therein to have beeDreceived by him as supervisor of such town'araall that he has receivedas such officer for the purposes therein stated; tbat the expendituresspecified therein have in fact been made (or the purposes and to the per-sons indicated; that all of such expenditures were made in good faith, forvalue received and in the tmatmer required by the Highway Law; that thebalances therein specified are all the moneys remain ing in his hands ofthe moneys received; by him as provided by law on account of the high-ways and bridges of'such town.

, , .Wtn. Sturtevant, .Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 31st day of Oct 1913.

* . " ^ Louis M, Hozley,^ Notary public

'Approved Clinton H. Sirnonds Co Supt.

N. Y.;unn-SahnoLi Co., Syracuse. N. Y.:lunton Knit t ing Co., Tauntou.ass . ; Utica Rubber Works, Utica,

\. Y.; Vermont Hardware C o , B u r -ingtou, Vt.; Zeno Button Co., 1D-ianapolis, lud ian i j W. C. Wither-

3ee, Port Henry, N. Y.: J. A. Faros-?ortb, Westport, N. Y.; Lake Chara-ilain National Bank, Westport, N.r .: Wilson Dress Hook Co., Cleve-and.. Ohio: H. A. Sawyer & Co.,-lutlaud, Vt.;

Being the Widow. Next of kin.Legatees and Creditors of Harry HNichols, late of Elizabelhtown ia theCounty of Essex aud State of NewYork, deceased:

WHEREAS. Harry H. Roscoe,Sole Executor under the Last Willand Testament of said Harry H.Nichols, deceased, has duly pre-sented to the Surrogate 's Court ofour County of Essex a petition pray-ing for the judicial settlement of hisaccounts as such Executor,

You aud each of you are herebycited personally to be and appearbefore our Surrogate of the Countyof Essex, at his office in the Villageof Elizabethtowo ou the 5th day ofJanuary next at one o'clock in theafternoon of that day, and attend thejudicial sett lement of said accounts.

WITNESS, Berne A. Pyrke , Esq.,Surrogate, aud the Seal of this court.this 27th day of Octooer, VJVd.(Seul) i.Sd) Albert K. Ryan.

Clerk of tile Surrogate 's C u r t .Smith i Wickcs,

Attorneys for Petitioner.K1 i a\ o e t h t o «• n, N e w Y u r <<.


•JiiiiiiiS ^ l r * ' " '' ' ' ' '••"

*^V The SAFE" ^ i tmtin mmb* plg\

, "'-«*•-. ^ \ b«IlhtBlfcrata|o*jl

Kportff l>flprtrtmon^ of M^rhnnh "i 1* lr>rir!n|{\,VlioUipniphj iPnpttlar Mnlpmn Ylw. to Mnkoi h i n g t Rtninp C o l l e t In« tjilokrtm Vrtn GnriloiiluB, Invention^ami Nnluinl Wnnrlorn


Elsie Marvin J.^Seville, N. Y.CJeorge James,

ains; N. Y.Jobti Try on, re. Y.JSauey Fur key,

r>i'o, N. Y..Martha M.-fn

heever, N. Y.Walter Smith,

ilk\ Iowa.Juiia. Slaughterjrt, N. Y.Hose Jjiuvreuce.

>rt, N .Y .Mary Holme!

amauche, Iowa.Rose Wilkins,jolis, Minn.William James,


si ti-

r e :



> r0


r e s

iiding at Wad-

in gat Westport,

,iding at Wills-

r i ' s i i l i n ^ a t

ding at Boon-

sidinjrat West-

residing at

iding at Minne-

of Thanksgiving Turkeyshave been cooked since1832 m

rioutli ^ f a n h . J J i t f p f r i n i t n t - r t t yrl tt^f ntvitp, n th loH.* bf«t*irv w hc>ol Ilfn U I I M M I hvnio«(*" populrti bo>n nuthorn fxifttrut ti^o f in oh I

tK F i n " Hrtle), » on f ntlmll anrl otlu rl>flprtrtmon^ of M^rhnnh "i 1* lr>rir!n|{\,

pniphj i P p t t l r M l Yl M

« Price* 1>n« Y«arRV(»,,)RT Prlre tor bothSpccliU Prl.» f«» both on Ne

ssss^asfisasml by 5<HM$$

Francis Jurats, residing at Lake'lacid, N. Y.Harry James, residing at Eliza-

jethtowu, N. Y.Kitty Smith, residing at Moriah,. Y. 'Alice Westcott, residing at West->rt, N. Y.Esther Bowen, residing at Mc-

ivegor, Iowa.William Tryon, residing at Ver-;nnes, Vermont.Delberb James, residing at Middle-

ury, Vermont.Willie Welch, residing at Char-

[tte, Vermont.Alice Caldwell, residing at Boon-lie, Iowa.

residing at

residing at

residing at Eliza-

'thtown, N. Y.

Edna Liberty, residing at Eliza-ithtown, N. Y.|Ella Bruce, residing at Lake

d, N. Y.George James, residing at Eliza-thtown, N. Y.JFred James, residing at Elizabetb-

tojwn, N. Y.[Augusta E. Miller, residing at

Wadhajns. N. Y.jLuey Harper, residing at Meeker,


DaniTB, N .

Brow,'D, N.

John James Jr,




la Meardou, residingatSpokane,hingtou.

je widow, heirs at law and next of,f SI M l'S<.>N J AMES, late of theJ of Chesterfield, in the County•sex, and State of New York,ised, SEND ( T R E E T I N G :

(WHEREAS, Eilery J. Sherman,the Town of Westport, in the

ty of Essex ancl State of NewYi)rk, has lately .applied to our Sur-rogate of our County of Essex tohave a certain instrument in writing,rejlatiug to both rtal tiud personal

'perty, duly proved as the LastWill! LUKI Testament of the said Simp-

le J utiitjt», deceased, therefore, youh of you are hereby cited and

quired personally to be and ap-pear oefoiv our said Surrogate at a

"gate's Court to be held at thegate's Chambers, in the Village

of|Port Heory, iu said County, on2!Hh day of December, 191J, ato'clock in the forenoon of that

da|y. to attend the probate of the saidt-fumetit as the Lust Will and

Testament of said eeueased.Van such of you as are under tbe•- of twenty-one ypars, are re-red to appear by your guardian,•ou have one, or if you have none,appear aud apply for one to be

ted, or io the event of yourtor failure to do so. a guardian

.1 be appointed bv tbe Surrogaterepresent and act UJC you in the

billion feet of merchantable timberfor which there is a large present(ledaud aod that practically all ofit is.owtied by the government andis available under very favorableterms. In almost all cases theforests can be easily logged by themost improved [ machinery andmethd&s.

The Istpber itself, it Is poiattedont, includes structural materialof great value, in addition to manyfin© hardwoods particularly suitedto cabinet work. In this latterclass some of the most plentif alwoods may be sold in competitionwith mahogany, such is theirbeauty of grain and richness ofcolor. Manila is only two days'distance from Hongkongs andOhioa, which has largely exhaustedits timber, furnishes a ready mar-ket. Japau, Australia, and eventhe United States, will take Phil-ippine lumber, which is admittedfree to this country. One of thecommonest Philippine timbers, redlauab, which works and ^finisheswell, has been sold on the Pacificcoast where it „ serves the samepurposes as the finest redwood,which it somewhat resembles, ashigh as $80 per thousand board-}feet. .

Government timber in the Phi-lippines is . offered at a very lowrate and it is stated that the laborproblem is in no sense difficult.Investments by Americans are notonly invited, but are enccniraged.

The Philippine bureau of fores-try, in this first sale which is beingcalled to the attention of Americantimber operators, is offering atwenty-year concession whichgives exclusive rights to a

about 95,000tract

acres,which contains nearly 2 billionboard feet of timber. Itis.reqtsiredthat the successful bidder shallkeep up a certain minimum outputwhich, staits with 15 million boardfeet during the first two years andincreases to an ultimate output ofat teas! 21 million per year. Amodern sawmill and logging equip-ment mast be established and alsoa patrol system for the preventionof fiVes and trespass.

A complete report on this body

] The large, evenly heated ovenjlighien her labor of cooking• top requires no blacking. IJ basement prevents dust mStewart now and make 1

sow J


to the vaj

The pj-iocipal kindthe lauans, excellent constructiontimbers kndsomewhat comparablein mechanical properties, to thePacific cjoasfe redwoods; yacal, oneof the most valuable because of itsgreat strength, and its resistanceto destruction by white ants; api-tong, qujite comparable to the hardpines of] the United States, andvarious | other hardwoods whichhave already found a place as sub-stitutes !for mahogany.

It is riequired that the successfulapplicant shall furnish a capital

3i! t for the immediate prose-cution cf the work, the amount inthis ease being placed at not lessthan 100,000 pesoss Philippinecurrency, equivalent -to $50,000

It is proposed that all bids imthis timiber shall be opened iuManila on December 10. Foi flubenefit of prospective purcha'-̂ i'-Nin America, however, unable to \iipare their applications aucl 1I>Mthem received in Manila ou oi *

3F THE 0




the west of tjjie great Court of Honor at the Pnrmmn-PacificQ international I sposition wili come the Court of Four Seasons,

J ^ one of tbe most elaborate and beautiful of the KIV;U interiorcourts tbat will lie between t&e h»se exhibit palaces or the

auiin group. Tbe wails 'of the court wil! be partly formed by tbe palsu-esof Liberal Arts and o Education and by the two great, wings" of theratace of Agriculture and partly by the classic'colonnades-and pori-styles that will connec ; these buildings. The Court of Four Seasons, inclassic Italian architei|ture, Ss designed .by Mr. Henry B:u-on of .NewYork, designer, of the jLincoha Memorial. In barmony witb the-tit'.v ofthe court there will, ttj each of its four corners, be set groups of slut-nary symbolical of th | seasons—Spring. Summer, Autumn and WinterThe sculpture will be sipt in niches screened by colonnades. Mara! puuit-tiigs. also suggestive ojf th.e seasons, wilt form the background for thesetting. Mr. Julps (ju|rin. tbe noted artist, has charge of the color piau.The Court of Four Seaikons will be 340 feet square.

of timber, which can be had at the j fore tha;t date, the bureau of 1 -!office of the director of forests inManila or at the bureau of insularaffairs in Washington, shows thatthe region occupied by the mainbody of the tract presents ideal

sular affairs in Washington will ounotification before the final «! n jsend a Cablegram aud have tl *.time extended\intil feheactual biiNcun be received, in Manila.

.3i0E,sT CHARLES Ce ftflOOR'E OF THC F ^




— - tf® true blue

By iene StraffoaAuthor of "FRECKLES," "TH? HARVESTER"!• "A GIRL OF THE LIMBJERLOST, etc,'7

can ge t it in e v e r y book s h o p from N e w Y o r k to Seat-tle. I t is a tale of I n d i a n a — a p i c t u r e s t r a i g h t from life,s h o w i n g the home c i rc le of the S t a n t o n s and te l l ing thrlove s t o ry of L a d d i e , the biig b r o t h e r of the Stantnnfamily, and Pamela P r y o r , ao Eog l i sh g i r l . The book

~O is full of poe t ry and of that, love of n a t u r e t ha t .yoe^ bandthe a u t h o r ' s ideal ism. T h e v i v i d n e s s of the homo ii'V .;i:ii,ce so that, ho c r ies ou t . --Hm- in-Ir,,/ is „ ',-„,• ..',. ,.. "

3 Are Number of Excellent Cherts-Is or Sprays Which Can Be

Used With Good Success.

It Is rather a tedioushard o tools

Was It a Hint?They had been talking as they

walked. She had retaarked patfaet-. lcally: "Oli, it most !}© terrible to a

man; to be rejected by a woman!""indeed it must," wan his response.Then, after a while, with sympatheticIngenuousness, she exclaimed: "It

-doesn't seem that I could ever havethe heart' to do it." And there camea eilence between them as he thoughtIt over.

Only True Liberty,The liberty which IH good Is

the liberty of one gained at thepenso of others, but the liberty v.can be enjoyed by all who dwelgether— L. T. Hobhouae.

Reading tho Wrong Way,F o r t u n e T e l l e r - - ' 1 Y o u w i l l b»

grass from v/alks by hoeing or cut-ting tnem out between the stones, butthere are a number of chemicals orsprays which can be used with goodsuccess. ,

J. Salt—Take 1 pound of salt to 1gallon ol" water; boil and applystill hot; or dry salt may be used achen wat(.T..d in, but this will col

Crmlo carboli.

i! Upanese Majesty's Commi^io'i1 nt fiwuonal Esposition ciedk Uu!

o n>e^f!\<ition on Wednesday, Sep.t thi'p 10.000 people. The ceremnn<. dinplv appreciated by the repustiii C^inimssioners, Baruki Yai 11 \'v i t^ i nna. The deed to the --itus C Moore to Commissioner (.-.en̂ iutli of the Japanese governmeut

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