oursaviorsspringvalley.com › ... › 2020 › 06 › June-2…  · Web view*Martin Luther,...

OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH JUNE 2020 NEWSLETTER We are rejoicing in the Spring season that has finally come to stay for a while. The beauty of flowering trees and plants, green grass and birds singing brighten each day. We are also in the season of pandemic, which will not last forever but is impacting our days in various ways. Overarching all of this, however, is another “season”, a season of the Christian year, the season of Pentecost. During Pentecost, we remember and celebrate how God’s Spirit moved among the earliest disciples, calling the “church” into being. The church in Pentecost had no building but was built of “living stones” of faithful people who worshiped in their homes and brought their faith in the risen Christ to their everyday lives. Their joy and hope caused people around them to seek out the same hope for themselves. And so, the gospel spread, and faith was ignited into a global movement of the Spirit, drawing people to God. This year, the season of Pentecost is a powerful reminder that the Spirit continues working in the church, among God’s faithful people, today, pandemic or not, whether we gather in our building or not. Where are you seeing God working in your life today? How might you demonstrate God’s love in your work, or in your family, or among your neighbors and friends, today? Acts of kindness continue. Words of encouragement are offered. Food for those who need it is being shared. Prayers on behalf of others are being offered. Life passages, births, deaths, graduations, birthdays, are being lifted up. Our lives continue, in the Spirit. Our joy lives deep within and cannot be taken from us. God is still working all things for good. Christ still walks with us. Love wins. And yet, we are restless, wishing for this time of limitations to be over. I take comfort in knowing that this will pass, and as we continue to learn more about the virus, we are learning to adapt and make wise choices until it has passed. Waiting for the things we hope for can be hard, and yet as people of faith, we are accustomed to waiting, and we always wait with great anticipation of what God will do. We may need to adapt, be flexible, and open ourselves to new ways. No doubt, God will bring us 1

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Page 1: oursaviorsspringvalley.com › ... › 2020 › 06 › June-2…  · Web view*Martin Luther, Diedrich Bonhoeffer, and Martin Luther King, Jr. have shown us how to wait, believing


JUNE 2020 NEWSLETTERWe are rejoicing in the Spring season that has finally come to stay for a while. The beauty of flowering trees and plants, green grass and birds singing brighten each day. We are also in the season of pandemic, which will not last forever but is impacting our days in various ways. Overarching all of this, however, is another “season”, a season of the Christian year, the season of Pentecost. During Pentecost, we remember and celebrate how God’s Spirit moved among the earliest disciples, calling the “church” into being. The church in Pentecost had no building but was built of “living stones” of faithful people who worshiped in their homes and brought their faith in the risen Christ to their everyday lives. Their joy and hope caused people around them to seek out the same hope for themselves. And so, the gospel spread, and faith was ignited into a global movement of the Spirit, drawing people to God.

This year, the season of Pentecost is a powerful reminder that the Spirit continues working in the church, among God’s faithful people, today, pandemic or not, whether we gather in our building or not. Where are you seeing God working in your life today? How might you demonstrate God’s love in your work, or in your family, or among your neighbors and friends, today?

Acts of kindness continue. Words of encouragement are offered. Food for those who need it is being shared. Prayers on behalf of others are being offered. Life passages, births, deaths, graduations, birthdays, are being lifted up. Our lives continue, in the Spirit. Our joy lives deep within and cannot be taken from us. God is still working all things for good. Christ still walks with us. Love wins.

And yet, we are restless, wishing for this time of limitations to be over. I take comfort in knowing that this will pass, and as we continue to learn more about the virus, we are learning to adapt and make wise choices until it has passed.

Waiting for the things we hope for can be hard, and yet as people of faith, we are accustomed to waiting, and we always wait with great anticipation of what God will do. We may need to adapt, be flexible, and open ourselves to new ways. No doubt, God will bring us through. Isaiah offers us assurance: “Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” (43:31)

In the same way, we know that ”Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1) Faith always includes an element of waiting. Our ancestors in faith have shown us how to wait (and in their stories we see the pitfalls of impatience, as well).

*Abraham and Sarah waited for what seemed like an impossibly long time for the child God promised. *Jacob worked for seven years so that he could marry Rachel. Then he was tricked into marrying Leah instead. He worked another seven years to marry Rachel because he loved her so much. *The people of Israel wandered and waited 40 years to enter the promised land, but God was with them, and provided for them, the entire time. *Israel waited generations for Messiah to come, and when He came he was not what they expected. *Jesus waited until he was 30 years old to begin his public ministry. *God waited 3 days to raise Jesus from the dead. *The disciples waited 50 days to receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, in a way that surprised and amazed them, and all those around them. *Paul waited 3 days for his sight to be restored after experiencing Christ on the road to Damascus. He waited months while in prison. And yet, during his times in prison, he wrote some of the most hopeful, encouraging letters that continued to feed the souls, and encourage the faith, of believers for generations to come. *Martin Luther, Diedrich Bonhoeffer, and Martin Luther King, Jr. have shown us how to wait,


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believing that God works to bless us in even the most life-threatening situations.

Yes, we live by faith, and we wait by faith. But as Henri Nouwen has written, “We do not wait from nothing to something, but from something to something more.” Let us find joy and gladness in the “something” that is before us. Let us wait with holy anticipation for the something more that will develop and emerge out of our experiences today. God is supporting and sustaining us right now.

At Pentecost, God gave the Spirit to the church, and the Spirit is with us, and in us, and among us. What is the Spirit calling you to do to be a blessing to others today? Listen. Watch. Pray. God wants to bless you today, too.

The peace of Christ be with you all, in Christ, Pastor Susan

These are dangerous days. We face an unseen menace that can hold deadly consequences for us and our loved ones. As we begin to poke our noses out the door, we wonder what the future will hold and how we can safely begin to live in the world again. It can bring to mind questions about where God is in this prolonged crisis. What is the meaning of these days? Why does a good God let us suffer this way? Is God making a mistake? How is God protecting us when there is so much at stake?I have been thinking about the profound Old Testament story of Joseph in the book of Genesis. So many difficult things happened in his life including being sold into slavery by his brothers and being falsely accused and spending years in prison. Amazingly, when Joseph is reunited with his brothers, he proclaims, “Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good to preserve a numerous people as God is doing today.” (Genesis 50:20)

Out of scripture comes the words that help us make sense of our world today. We see God who is behind

everything that happens even when we cannot see how the events fit together. It is often many years later that looking back we can understand how God heals, alters, and changes us for good. The God who brought Joseph and his family to new life is the same God who raised Jesus from death to resurrection is the same God who intends good for us today.

A favorite story may give you another way to think about how God works in our lives.

Once upon a time, a king who did not believe in the goodness of God, had a slave who, in allcircumstances would always say “my king, do not be discouraged, because everything God does is perfect. He makes no mistakes!”One day they went hunting and along the way a wild animal attacked the king. His slave managed to kill the animal but could not prevent his majesty from losing a finger.Furious and without showing his gratitude for being saved, the nobleman asked "Is God good? If He was good, I would not have been attacked and lost my finger."The slave replied:"My king, despite all these things, I can only tell you that God is good, and he knows why these things happened. What God does is perfect. He isnever wrong!"Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his slave.Later, the King left for another hunt, this time alone. He was captured by savages who engaged in human sacrifices.At their altar, ready to sacrifice the nobleman, the savages discovered that their victim did not have one of his fingers. According to them, only a whole person with all their parts intact could be offered to the gods.The King without a finger was deemed an abominable sacrifice for their gods. So they released the King. Upon his return to the palace, the King authorized the release of his slave. He received the slave affectionately. "God was really good to me! I was almost killed by the wild men, but for lack of a single finger, I was let go! But I have a question: if God is so good, why did he allow me to put you in jail?"


Reflectionswith Pastor Betsy Dartt

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The slave answered, "my King, if I had gone with you on this hunt, I would have been sacrificed instead because I have no missing finger. Remember everything God does is perfect. God is never wrong. God made you keep me in jail so I would not be with you on the hunt."

While we may not see all the things that will come out of these days of Covid19 for many years, God is shaping our lives. We are learning to take care of each other. We are learning the power of gathering together. We are learning the incredible goodness of God today and in better days to come.

Call Committee UpdateThe call committee is

continuing to interview candidates for the position of Lead Pastor.  Please keep them in your prayers as they move forward in the process of calling

our next pastor.


Pastor Susan and Pastor Betsy are eager to stay connected with you during this time of social distancing! If you have a pastoral concern, or would like to talk, please call the church office or email us and we will arrange for a time to talk. We will also be reaching out in the days ahead to call each of you to stay in touch. We pray for you each day, and care about what is happening in your lives. You can reach us directly at: Pastor Susan [email protected]

cell phone 507-254-9875 Pastor Betsy [email protected]

cell phone 507-884-4853 Be well. Be safe. God is with you. Pastor Susan and Pastor Betsy

New Devotionals are available and can be mailed. Just email or

leave a message on the church office phone and we will send!

WELCA NEWSWomen of the Evangelical Lutheran

Church in America

All women of the ELCA are welcome to join a meeting. Please notify the hostess if you plan to attend.

We are not certain at this time when circles will be able to meet again. Members will communicate with each other as we move forward. If you wish to attend as a new member, contact the church office and we will connect you with a circle member!

If you have been with us in worship and would like to be a full member of OSL, please contact either Pastor Susan Li or Pastor Betsy Dartt. Do you have a baptism coming up in your family? Please contact the church for a baptism request form and to schedule the date. We look forward to welcoming all into our church family!

Dear Book Study Friends: Obviously our book study on Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths is over for this spring. God willing and the creek don't rise (LOL), we will start over again in the fall. We still

have some copies of the book available, so if you can encourage a friend to join us, that would be wonderful. In the meantime, I am missing you all--LOTS! Be well; stay safe. Blessings in Christ!

Shirley Gangstad


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Red Cross Blood MobileJune 25: 1-6pm

Spring Valley Community Center

We need you, male or female! Ushers are needed to assist with handing out bulletins, helping with offering and communion, and taking care of other tasks behind the

scenes before, during, and after our Sunday services. Please contact either Nevin Stender, Nancy Stender, Joan Kujath, Pastor Susan, or Pastor Betsy if you are interested in helping out.  

Keep in mind that your Spring Valley Area Food Shelf is available to anyone who could use a little extra help with putting food on the table, especially with the difficult situation at this time.

The food self remains open each Wednesday from

2-4 p.m. and Saturday from 9-11 a.m.

The Backpack Food Program will have food bags available at the Food Shelf through the summer.

Caring & Concerns for members & friends in Special Care Facilities:

Spring Valley Senior Living & Rehab:Eileen Freeman, Mary Jane Island (Ken Kraut’s mother), Maxine Jahn, Maxine Mlenar, Donna Rowe, Joan Baarsch

Spring Valley Senior Living-Evergreens:Roy & Jan Christopherson, Mick Rathbun, Elaine Sheldon, Lorraine Hancock, Dorothy Hafner

Spring Valley Estates:Bev Jertson, Anita Nelson

Prairie Meadows Senior Living, Kasson:Wil & Evelyn Mohlis

Grand Meadow Care CenterEvelyn Armstrong

Known to be in hospiceMelvin Schmidt

Please note! Please remember to have family notify the church office if you are in the hospital. The privacy data laws do not allow the hospital to notify the church of your admittance.


Readings for June

June 7th Holy Trinity1st Reading: Genesis 1:1—2:4a

Psalm 82nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

Gospel: Matthew 28:16-20

June 14th 2nd Sunday After Pentecost1st Reading: Exodus 19:2-8a

Psalm 1002nd Reading: Romans 5:1-8

Gospel: Matthew 9:35—10:8[9-23]

June 21st 3rd Sunday after Pentecost1st Reading: Jeremiah 20:7-13Psalm 69:7-10 [11-15]16-18

2nd Reading: Romans 6:1b-11Gospel: Matthew 10:24-39

June 28th 4th Sunday after Pentecost1st Reading: Jeremiah 28:5-9

Psalm 89:1-4, 15-182nd Reading: Romans 6:12-23

Gospel: Matthew 10:40-42

Scriptures subject to change.

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As we have needed to provided a different way to worship, it is exciting to see the increased views on our YouTube page. Our subscribers have increased, too. You can find us by going to this website: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWKuRpv4Mu3Q8vRZm4pxUrA/videos which lists all out of videos. Click on subscribe and you will then get an email update when we post a new video. Or you can go to YouTube and search for Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Spring Valley, MN. Then click on videos that will get to the list of our videos. Please help spread the word about our YouTube site as it is exciting to see how it is growing.

We have an active audio/visual ministry that provides

enhancements to our worship services. The audio-visual needs of our church continue to grow. This audio/visual update would allow us to be more creative, innovative, and overall productive during our worship services, programming for our children, and our outreach to the community. Listed below are upcoming audio/visual ministry needs.·         Replacing the screen we use weekly for our church service. If you look at the screen, it has four tears in it that continue to grow larger even with us rarely raising the screen. The screen was built for square technology and all technological devices are now using rectangle technology. Due to this, any PowerPoint or video needs to be checked to make sure it fits the screen properly before it is used.·         Purchase wireless microphone. With the sound system project, we did not replace our third one. It would be used by assisting ministers, special guests and musicians, skits, VBS, Sunday School, etc.·          Replacing the mount to a heavyweight mount and getting a new projector. The projector mount we currently use has a lightweight mount.

·         Moving the present location of the computer and monitor to the balcony of the church. This would be safer for the equipment as presently it is at the front of the church where anyone can touch it. There are many requests to move it for weddings and funerals which can cause technology problems for the service that follows it being moved. Our Sunday school, Bluff Country Singers, and others would be able to use the monitor on the balcony. We would be able to use split screen so that only the words they needed would show in the back for them.·         Adding a monitor for the choir members to use during services. Right now, they are not able to see the front screen from the choir loft.·         Purchasing equipment so we can live stream our worship services.·         Purchasing equipment so we can have outside worship services.

The audio-visual needs of our church continue to grow. This audio/visual update would allow us to be more creative, innovative, and overall productive during our worship services, programming for our children, and our outreach to the community.April Council Highlights

Worship Ministry Team The organ is functioning but still has some cable parts needed that cannot be shipped at this time; virtual worship will continue; Confirmation will be scheduled when we are able to meet as a group; trying to find a way to recognize the graduates; old time religion service is postponed; blessing of the bikes is postponed; hoping to have live streaming available when gathering can resume; are doing some research to do an outdoor worship; at this time, synod is asking churches not to have communion.Youth Ministry Team Decided to skip the flower sale fundraiser this year and cancelled the youth retreat trip this year.Education Ministry Team VBS is postponed with hopes of rescheduling for a later date this summer; backpack compasses have been purchased; May Day baskets were delivered; Confirmation stoles have been sent for embroidery.Old BusinessThe endowment Committee has received a lot of requests.New Business


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--Our Savior’s will donate $1,000 to the ELCA CoVid-19 Response fund.--A Kumm Gift CD has matured. Distribution will be determined at the June Council meeting.--The copies requested by the Spring Valley Food Shelf will be given as a donation.--Pastor Betsy will host a Bible study on the book of Acts beginning Thursday, May 14 from 7:00 p.m.—7:30 p.m. Registration is required.

Detailed minutes are available on the bulletin board by the Food Cart.

--submitted by Helen House, Secretary

We are grateful for all who have continued to support the ministry of Our Savior’s during this time. Your financial support, your prayers, and your caring ministries are needed at this time. We

continue to count your monetary offerings on Monday mornings and Simply Giving has been a blessing during this time. You are welcome to mail your offering or to give online as you are able. We thank you for your notes of support and your prayers during this time. Know that we all miss being together!

With thanks, OSL Council and Staff

Youth News!!

Watch Facebook and emails for fun activities and ways to connect during this time apart.

Trip Cancellation: The Summer Retreat trip has been cancelled for June 2020. Due to COVID-19 many of the activities planned were not available. We are

saddened to cancel, but our goal it to be safe.

Scholarship Recipients from the class of 2020

Kaycie BellrichardNolan FetterlyMadison Himle

Congratulations to the whole class! We look forward to having you back home during school breaks!


Education NewsSunday School

Our year has come to a close! We miss our Sunday School friends and look forward to a time when we can all be together again in person if possible or virtually if necessary! Keep reading your Bible Story books and practicing your milestones. Know that you are all in our prayers and that Jesus loves you and remains in your hearts each day.

ConfirmationOur worship services are on you

tube. Please continue to be involved in worship through this time. We are still hoping to be

together this fall.VBS 2020

We are hoping for an August date with possible modifications, but unsure at this time. OSL staff,

Education Ministry Team and OSL 6

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council will make decisions based on State guidelines and Synod guidelines. Our Sunday School

families will be contacted directly. If you have questions do not

hesitate to call Gina Jahn 507-251-1610

Contact UsOur Savior’s Lutheran Church805 S Broadway AveSpring Valley, MN 55975Ph 507-346-7251Email: [email protected]: www.oursaviorsspringvalley.com Like us on Facebook Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Spring Valley, MN @OSLSV

Pastor Susan Li Interim PastorCell: 507-254-9875Email: [email protected]

Pastor Betsy Dartt-Visitation PastorCell 507-884-4853 [email protected]

StaffAudio/Visual – Darla EricksonBookkeeper – Kathy MerkelCustodian – Toni SandersEducation Coordinator – Gina Jahn Cell 251-1610Music Coordinator/Choir Dir. – Elliott Grandall Handbell Dir. – Myrna LegreidInterim Office Manager – Gina JahnYouth Coordinator – Ann Oeltjen: [email protected]

Remember our Deadlines!Articles and announcements for the newsletter: The 17th of each month. Announcements for the worship bulletin: Thursday, noon.

Dear Members and Friends,

The governor has allowed churches to gather again with certain restrictions. We look forward to returning to worship in our sanctuary as soon as it is reasonably safe to do so, with precautions in place. We must adapt our routines in order to maintain social distancing and vigilant hygiene. A committee has been formed to plan for our return to the building. Policies and procedures are being developed. Please know that your health and safety, and the health and safety of our community, are our first priority.

Our “Return to the Building” team will follow guidance from the CDC, Minnesota Department of Public Health, the ELCA, and our synod staff. We are ultimately guided by Christ’s word to us, “Love one another as I have loved you.” We exemplify God’s love during the pandemic by keeping the needs of the neighbor and our community always before us. We will keep you up to date as the plan takes shape. We have not yet a set date for re-opening the building. Stay tuned! We will bring you regular updates on the re-opening process.

In the meantime, please continue to worship with us on-line, and on King-4, each week. Feel free to “like” and share the services with others so that more people might hear the Good News of God’s great love for us and the world. Please continue to reach out to us with a phone call or email, as Pastor Betsy and I are always eager to hear from you. And we will continue to reach out to you, as well. Thank you for your continued support of Our Savior’s through your gifts and prayers. God is with us, supporting us and blessing us, each day. And we will support and bless one another.

God’s grace and peace to you,

Pastor Susan May 27, 2020


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Melvin Schmidt ~ October 13, 1920 – May 22, 2020Delores Erichsen ~ February 20, 1930 – May 9, 2020Karilyn Reiland ~ February 27, 1941 – April 7, 2020

Memorials and HonorariumsIn Memory of Melvin Schmidt

General Fund Dick & Sharon Jahn, Shirley Gangstad

In Memory of Arlene WalkerCemetery Fund Marv & Carol Lenz

In Memory of Linda SmithCemetery Fund Lee & Ruth Rentschler

In Memory of Robert Jahn General Fund Friends & Family

In Memory of Karilyn Reiland General Fund Family & Friends, Shirley Gangstad, Vic &

Eileen RathbunOrgan Fund Loren & Sharon Schmidt

In Memory of Don & Isabel LarsonGeneral Fund Their Children

In Memory of Betty SeitzSenior Choir Nevin & Debby Groth

OSL Class of 2020We pray God’s Blessings for all

Kaycie Bellrichard plans to attend RCTC/Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences majoring in Radiography.Parents: Troy & Shelly Bellrichard


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Nolan Fetterly plans to attend UW-River Falls in the fall majoring in Agricultural EngineeringParents: Ken & Karen Fetterly

Madi Reiland plans to attend U of Minnesota in Minneapolis in the fall majoring in Kinesiology. Parents: Scott & Kelly Reiland

Madison Himle plans to attend MN State Mankato in the fall majoring in Nursing.Parents: Steve & Alysa Himle

Please recycle this newsletter when you are finished with it.


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Our Savior’s Lutheran Church NON-PROFIT, ORG805 S Broadway Ave U.S. Postage PaidSpring Valley, MN 55975 Spring Valley, MNAddress Service Requested Permit #71