Sr . No . Contribut ory objective s Tim e Subject matter Teaching /learning activity A.V.Ai ds Method of evaluatio n 1. To establish rapport with the group 1mi n Self Introduction: Myself, Anupreet Kaur, student of m.sc (nursing) 1 st year. Today I am going to present my teaching on the topic of OSCE and OSPE. 2. To assess the previous knowledge of the group. 1mi n Assessment of previous knowledge: Do you know anything about OSCP and OSPE. Teacher ask question from student What do you mean by OSCE. 3. To introduce the topic 2mi n Introduction : OSCE means Teacher gives introduct LCD What is OSCE

Transcript of OSCE,OSPE


Sr. No.


Time Subject matter Teaching/learning activity

A.V.Aids Method of evaluation

1. To establish rapport with the group

1min Self Introduction: Myself, Anupreet Kaur, student of m.sc (nursing) 1st year. Today I am going to present my teaching on the topic of OSCE and OSPE.

2. To assess the previous knowledge of the group.

1min Assessment of previous knowledge: Do you know anything about OSCP and OSPE.

Teacher ask question from student

What do you mean by OSCE.

3. To introduce the topic to the group.

2min Introduction: OSCE means objective structured clinical examination. It is a form of multi-station examination for clinical subject first described by Harden et al in 1975.It was firstly adopted in north America. The widely adopted in the UK. The principal method for

Teacher gives introduction about the OSCE with the help of LCD

LCD What is OSCE


clinical assessment in all developed countries is now the OSCE.Meaning of OSCE: *Objective: Because examiners use a checklist for evaluating trainers.*Structured: Because every trainee sees the same problem and performs the same task in same time frame.*Clinical: Because the tasks are representative of those faced in real clinical situations.*Examination: Because the skills are assessed in the form of examination.

4. Define OSCE.

1min Definition: The OSCE or objective structured clinical examination is an approach to the assessment of clinical competence are assessed in a planned or structured way with attention being paid to

Teacher define the term OSCE with the help of LCD.

LCD What do you mean by OSCE


the objectivity of the examination. Harden 1988. OrThe OSCE is a form of performance based testing used to measure candidates’ clinical competence. During an OSCE candidates are observed and evaluated as they go through a series of stations in which interview, examine and treat standardized patients who present with some medical problems.

5. Discuss the features of OSCE.

2min Features:1. Stations are short.2. Stations are numerous.3. Stations are highly focused.4 Pre-structured mark schemes are used.5. Reduced examiner input.

Teacher discuss the features of OSCE with the help of leaflet.

leaflet What is the feature of OSCE.


* Emphasis on1. What candidates can do rather than what they know?2. The application of knowledge rather than recall of knowledge.*Typically1. Examination hall is a hospital ward.2. Atmosphere is active and busy.3. Observer assessed using check-list.4. Mix of stations types.

6. Discuss the methodology of OSCE.

2min OSCE methodologyOSCE examination consist of about 15-20 stations each of which requires about 4-5 minute of time. All stations should be capable of being completed in the same time. The students are rotated through all stations and moved to

Teacher describes the methodology of OSCE with the help of LCD.

LCD What is the methodology of OSCE.


next station at the signal in which each candidate is examined on a one to one basis with one or two impartial examiners or each station has a different examiner or candidates would be assigned to an examiner for the entire examination. Marking them by the examiner on standardise mark sheet. Using 15 stations of 4 minute each, 15 students can complete examination within 1 hour

7. Explain the procedure of OSCE.

5min Procedure of OSCE: although OSCE are performed in many settings in regard to the exam purpose, available facility? On exam day you will go through following steps:

1. Registration

Teacher explain the procedure of OSCE with the help of charts

charts How OSCE is done.


The first step is registration. In this you will go through following process: Show your exam

invitation card or identity card

Be reminded about exam rules

Be checked for things which are allowed and which are not allowed

Receive your exam envelop which contains your ID, stickers, pencil, notebook or clipboard.

2. Orientation

The next step after registration is orientation Exam format,

procedures and policies will be reviewed

Introduce to your


team and team leader.

Instructed about your starting station and how to proceed.

Your question will be answered.

3. Escorting to exam position

Now it is exam time, you will be escorting to your station, you will be stopped by the assigned room door until long bell or buzzer announce the start of exam.

4. Station Instruction time

This is one or two minute to read the instruction about this station, situation, patient and required task. Read carefully and at the next bell, enter the room.


5. The encounter

Start your encounter with the standardise patient. There is 5-20 min encounter. Perform the required task. Stop at the next bell.

6. Post encounter period

There are some differences over here. Some OSCE will have no post encounter period. Some will have 1-2 min of the encounter period assigned to an oral question asked by the examiner inside the examination room. No more communication is allowed with the patient, and then written questions to be answered on a paper or computer outside the exam room for 5-10 min. At the next bell,


first station ends as well as next station starts. You proceed to next station quickly.

7. Repeat step 4 to 6

Step 4-6 will be repeated until you have been in all the stations. Some OSCE will offer 1 or 2 short rest period.

8. Exam ended

Exam is over. You will be escorted back to dismissal area for signing out. You will be asked to handle back all what you have received on signing in; you may be asked to stay for some time for exam security reason.

8. Describes the things done during OSCE.

2min Points to be done during OSCE1. Do only what is requested.

Teacher describes the things to be done during OSCE with

LCD What points to be kept in mind during OSCE.

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2. No talking during the OSCE.3. Explain to patient what you do before doing it.4. If you are not sure what is wrong do not say.5. Take psychosocial, occupational, past medical & surgical history, medication as appropriate.

the help of LCD

9 Explain the advantages of OSCE.

2min Advantages of OSCE

1. It ensures integration of teaching and evaluation.2. Variety maintains student interest.3. There is increased faculty-student interaction.OSCE adaptable to local needs.4. A large number of students can be tested

Teacher explain the advantage of OSCE with the help of LCD

LCD What are the advantages of OSCE.

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within a relatively short period.

10. Explain the disadvantages of OSCE

2min Disadvantages of OSCE

1. Risk of observer fatigue if the observer has to record the performance of several candidates on lengthy checklist.2. Equal time required for all.3. Costly and labour intensive.

Teacher explain the Disadvantages of OSCE with the help of LCD

LCD What are the disadvantages of OSCE.

11. Explain the tips for organizing OSCE

5min Tips for OSCE1.Assessment: Produce a grid summarizing. What is to be tested duringOSCE.Down the left hand side list the competencies such as history taking, physical exam, patient education etc?2. Duration of stations: Once the duration has been fixed make sure

Teacher explain the tips for organizing OSCE with the help of LCD

LCD What are the tips for organizing OSCE

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that the task expected of the student can be accomplished with time.3. No of stations: Within the time constraints include in the examination as many stations as possible as there is good evidence that the reliability of the examination. 4. Use of examiners: Make sure that examiners are fully briefed prior to the examination, both for examination in general and particular with regard to the station to which they are assigned. Provide them with a list of resources that will be available at there stations.5. 7. Range of approaches: When planning an OSCE for first time, talk with no of individual from different

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settings who have previously made use of this technique. If possible visit and watch their examinations.6. New stations: New station should be tested with one or more student before use in examination.7organizations of the examinations.There should be co-ordinator appointed in advance of the examination that has the responsibility for taking overall charge of the advance planning of exam and its implementation on that day.8.Resourc requirements: It is helpful to produce a checklist of the resources required for each station in exam..Or9.Plan examination and directions: After the exam is set up and the

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directions in place for student that they can find there way easily from one station to the next. Use of tape on the floor for direction can also be used.10.Change signal: Before examination, check that the audible signal can be hared clearly at all locations on the examination.11. Records: Keep an OSCE file into which all resources required such as station numbers, direction arrows, master sheet of instruction to students, checklists, rating scales and so on.

12 Give introduction about OSPE

2 Min

OSPE(Objective structured practical examinations)Introduction: The term OSPE is derived from

Teacher introduces the topic with the help of LCD

LCD What is OSPE.

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OSCE in 1975 which was later extended to practical examination and was later extended to practical exam and modified by Harden and Gleeson.It is well known that conventional practical examination has several problems especially in terms of its outcome. On the basis of such defect observe in the conventional practical exam several attempts have been made. These attempts were largely related to the adoption of appropriate measures for bringing the practical exam towards objectivity so that they become valid and reliable. Out of the various method adopted the OSPE was largely tested on the basis on success of OSCE.

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13 Define term

OSPE2 min

Definition: OSPE is an assessment tool in which the competency of a student is evaluated.

1. For general experiment: in terms of identification of equipment, accessories for experiment, procedure of experiments, handling of instruments etc.

2. For clinical examination: in terms of history taking, physical examination, simple procedures etc.

Teacher define OSPE with the help of LCD

LCD What do you mean by OSPE

14 Enlist the feature of OSPE

2 min

Features of OSPE :1. Separate


Teacher explain the feature of

LCD What are the feature of OSPE

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nt of process and product through observation of performance of and assessment of and result.

2. Adequate sampling of skills and content to tested.

3. An analytical approach to the assessment.

4.objectivity 5. Feedback to teacher and student.

OSPE with the help of LCD

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15 Describes the methodology of OSPE

2 min

Methodology of OSPE: During this exam student pass through a number of station. OSPE exam ideally consist of 15 – 20 stations for exam of a particular course. No of station may be reduced according to higher no of student to be evaluated. but in order to maintain the validity of exam, the time for each stations should not be less than four minutes. All the station should be completed in the same period of time. Students are rotated through all the station and move to the next station at the ring of the bell. Thus 15 stations of four minutes duration each, 15 students can complete the exam with in one hour.Each station is design to

Teacher describes the methodology of OSPE with the help of LCD

LCD What is the methodology of OSPE

Page 19: OSCE,OSPE

test experimental competences. At some stations called the procedures station students are given task to perform on subjects. At all station there are observer with agreed checklist to mark the student performance.At other station called “response station” student write answer of objective type question or record their findings of the pervious procedure station.

16 Explain the procedure and response station of OSPE

5 min Explanation of procedure and response station by example.

1. procedure station : Objective: to examine the blood pressure of a subject.Check – list :

1. Explain to subject what he is going to do.

Teacher explain the procedure and response station of OSPE with the help of LCD

LCD What do you mean by procedure and response station.

Page 20: OSCE,OSPE

2. Applies the pressure cuff correctly.

3. Ask the subject to sit comfortably.

4. Keep the bell of stethoscope correctly on capital fosse.

5. Deflates the pressure from the cuff properly.

6. Take care to repute to the procedure to insure correct reading of systolic and diastolic pressure.

7. Thanks subject at the end of recording.

8. Reset the instrument and closes it down properly.

Page 21: OSCE,OSPE

2. Response station:Questions: 1. Write the name of instruments you have used at the first station.2. Write the specific name of the sound that you heard in the stethoscope.3. What was the posture of your subject during measure of blood pressure?4. Which of the arm used preferably for measure of blood pressure.5. The instrument used for blood pressure was aneroid or manometer type.6. What was the systolic and diasystolic pressure of subjects in your experiments?7. What was the unit of measurement?8. Calculate and mention the average blood pressure of

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subjects.9. Write down the name of arteries which was occluded during the measurements of blood pressure.10. What is your conclusion about result you have obtained, subjects is normal or abnormal.

3. Procedure station:Objective: To observe and identify a prepared slide under microscope.

Check-list:1. Places the

slides correctly at the stages of microscope.

2. Adjust the binocular eye-piece to his eyes for viewing the objects.

3. Focus the slide first in low

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magnification.4. Uses oil

immersion at high magnification.

5. Uses both the course and fine adjustment to focus the object given in the slide.

4. response station

1. Write the name of tissues that you have identified from the slide placed under microscope.

2. Write the magnification which you have used it see the tissues under the microscope.

3. Write the mane of oil you have used to observe the tissues under

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microscope.4. Write the name

of part of microscope on which the slide was placed.

5. Write down the type of cells that you have observed from the section of tissues under microscope.

At the end of exam a separate questionnaire may be design for student and teacher both to get the feedback for the assessment of process and to get information for future improvement in OSPE.

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17 Explain the advantages of OSPE

2min Advantages of OSPE :

1. It is useful for any subject.

2. It can also examine both the clinical and experimental skills.

3. Checklists are used for marking and evaluation.

4. Student take more interest due to verity and keep themselves alert during the whole process.

5. Exam is modified easily as per institutional circumstances.

6. Large no of students can be tested with in the short time.

Teacher describes the advantages of OSPE with the help of LCD

LCD What are the advantages of OSPE

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18 Explain the disadvantages of OSPE

2min Disadvantages of OSPE :

1. If proper planning, briefing to the student, preparation of procedure of response stations are not done properly then the whole process of OSPE may become failed.

2. Separate observer for each station is required.

3. Costly method.

Teacher describes the disadvantages of OSPE with the help of LCD

LCD What are disadvantages of OSPE

19 Summarize the topic

2min Summarization: Today I discuss the following topic:1.Introduction of OSCE.2.Define OSCE.3.Features of OSCE.4.Methodology of OSCE.5.Procedure of OSCE.6.Points to be done

Teacher summarize the topic with the help of chalk board.

Chalk board

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during OSCE.7. Advantages of OSCE.8. Disadvantages of OSCE.9.Tips for OSCE.10.Define OSPE.11.Features of OSPE.12.Methodology of OSPE.13.Procedure and response station of OSPE.14. Advantages of OSPE.15.Disadvantages of OSPE.

20. Recaptulize the topic

3 min

Recaptulization:1.What do you mean by OSCE.2. What are features of OSCE.3. What are the procedure of OSCE.4. What are the advantages of OSCE.5. What are the disadvantages of OSCE.6.What are the tips for organizing OSCE.

Teacher recaptulize the topic by asking question.

Page 28: OSCE,OSPE

7. Define OSPE.8. What are the feature of OSPE.9. What is procedure and response station.10. What are the advantages of OSPE.11.What are the disadvantages of OSPE.

21 Bibliography:1.www.oscehome.com2.www.wikipedia.com3.www.ospe.com4.www.oucom5.journal nursing image.

Seminar On OSCE and OSPE

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Presented to – Miss Tarun madam

Presented on- 1 jan-2011

Presented by – Anupreet kaur M.Sc(n) 1st year

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PHASE PAGE Name : Anupreet kaurSubject : Nursing educationTopic :Objective structured clinical examination and practical examinationVenue : M.Sc(N) 1st year (class room)Class :M.Sc(N) 1st yearTeaching method :Lecture cum discussionA.V.Aids used :Chalk board,chart,handout,leaflet.LCDDuration : 1 hour

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GENERAL OBJECTIVE: The group will be able to explain about objective structured clinical examination and practical examination.SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of teaching the group will be able to:

1. Define OSCE2. Discuss the feature of OSCE3. Discuss the methodology of OSCE4. Explain the procedure of OSCE5. Describes Things to be done during OSCE6. Explain the advantages of OSCE7. Explain the disadvantages of OSCE8. Explain the tips for organizing the OSCE9. Define OSPE10. Enlist the feature of OSPE11. Describes the methodology of OSPE12. Explain procedure and response station of OSPE13. Explain the advantages of OSPE14. Explain the disadvantages of OSPE