Orientation Senses




Transcript of Orientation Senses

  • As for hearing, the sloth is not so much deaf as uninterested in sound. Yann Martel, Author - Life of Pi

  • Smel l | Touch | Taste | Hear | See

  • Lose your mind and come to your senses.

    Frederick Salomon Perls, German-born psychiatrist and psychotherapist

  • Sensory & Motor Homonculus.

    Homunculus i s a funny and distor ted drawing of a smal l human gure, the s izes of whose l imbs are propor t ional to their sensi t iv i t y. e more sensi t ive par ts of the body are the hands, l ips , face and tongue, s ince they have more receptors than the knees or the back.