Ordinance required for Jallikattu: Replace PCA Act, 1960 - Abhishek Kadyan

download Ordinance required for Jallikattu: Replace PCA Act, 1960 - Abhishek Kadyan

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Kind attention: 1. Secretary, MoEF and CC, New Delhi. 2. Director, Animal Welfare Division, MoEF and CC, New Delhi. 3. Chief Minister through Resident Commissioner of Tamilnadu at New Delhi. Subject: Jallikattu and bullock cart races: Replace PCA Act, 1960 and AWBI: Issue Ordinance. Greetings, As per section 11, sub section (3) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 "Nothing in this section shall apply to - (a) the dehorning of cattle, or the castration or branding or noseroping of any animal in the prescribed manner", likewise bull and oxen were allowed to perform and display in films and TV serials then Why AWBI crying for Jallikattu and bullock cart races, when the motto of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act 1960 as amended in 1982, is to prevent infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering on animals, besides it ban animal species foreign shoot are allowed by the AWBI, likewise display of bull and oxen are also being allowed by the Sub Committee of AWBI. Animal Welfare Party in the opinion that India is a animal welfare state and we can use animals but bullock cart and use of oxen in agriculture purpose became outdated then where we can use male calves, bulls and oxen, AWBI totally failed to perform towards controlling animal abuse due to toothless PCA Act, 1960, if this Act be replaced with strong legislation's then no one can dare to abuse animals, whereas AWBI failed to rescue a single tamed bulls during 2011-2016, neither status report was prepared nor any mechanism developed for rescue and rehabilitation of tamed, jobless bulls then AWBI lost their credibility became a B team of foreign based PETA and HSI, only they are creating problems and public nuisance, spoiling social fabric, culture under influence of butcher lobby because these jobless tamed bulls became easy target for slaughter houses hence Animal Welfare Party support use of animals without unnecessary pain and sufferings with respect. It would also be pertinent to mention here that Naresh Kadyan raised his voice to amend toothless PCA Act, 1960 during 1999-2000, which was followed by others till drafting Animal Welfare Act, 2011, hence either place bill for replacement of PCA Act, 1960 and to Introduce National Commission for Animal Welfare with judicial powers replacing AWBI or to issue ordinance, suspending section 22 of the PCA Act, 1960. - Miss Sukanya Kadyan

Transcript of Ordinance required for Jallikattu: Replace PCA Act, 1960 - Abhishek Kadyan

  • Kind attention:

    1. Secretary, MoEF and CC, New Delhi.

    2. Director, Animal Welfare Division, MoEF and CC, New Delhi.

    3. Chief Minister through Resident Commissioner of Tamilnadu at New Delhi.

    Subject: Jallikattu and bullock cart races: Replace PCA Act, 1960 and AWBI: Issue Ordinance.


    As per section 11, sub section (3) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 "Nothing in this

    section shall apply to - (a) the dehorning of cattle, or the castration or branding or noseroping of

    any animal in the prescribed manner", likewise bull and oxen were allowed to perform and display

    in films and TV serials then Why AWBI crying for Jallikattu and bullock cart races, when the

    motto of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act 1960 as amended in 1982, is to prevent

    infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering on animals, besides it ban animal species foreign shoot

    are allowed by the AWBI, likewise display of bull and oxen are also being allowed by the Sub

    Committee of AWBI.

    Animal Welfare Party in the opinion that India is a animal welfare state and we can use animals

    but bullock cart and use of oxen in agriculture purpose became outdated then where we can use

    male calves, bulls and oxen, AWBI totally failed to perform towards controlling animal abuse due

    to toothless PCA Act, 1960, if this Act be replaced with strong legislation's then no one can dare to

    abuse animals, whereas AWBI failed to rescue a single tamed bulls during 2011-2016, neither status

    report was prepared nor any mechanism developed for rescue and rehabilitation of tamed, jobless

    bulls then AWBI lost their credibility became a B team of foreign based PETA and HSI, only they

    are creating problems and public nuisance, spoiling social fabric, culture under influence of

    butcher lobby because these jobless tamed bulls became easy target for slaughter houses hence

    Animal Welfare Party support use of animals without unnecessary pain and sufferings with

    respect. It would also be pertinent to mention here that Naresh Kadyan raised his voice to amend

    toothless PCA Act, 1960 during 1999-2000, which was followed by others till drafting Animal

    Welfare Act, 2011, hence either place bill for replacement of PCA Act, 1960 and to Introduce

    National Commission for Animal Welfare with judicial powers replacing AWBI or to issue

    ordinance, suspending section 22 of the PCA Act, 1960.

    Naresh Kadyan, Convener, Animal Welfare Party,

    C-38, Rose Apartment, Prashant Vihar,

    Sector-14, Rohini, Delhi 110085.