Open Government Data Tutorial at CLEI 2013. Part 1 - Introduction

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This tutorial about Open Government Data was a 4 hours tutorial at the Conferencia Latinoameticana en Informatica (CLEI 2013) divided into 5 parts: 1 - Introduction 2 - Issues 3 - Real Experience 4 - Applications 5 - Semantic Issues This is part 1 - Introduction

Transcript of Open Government Data Tutorial at CLEI 2013. Part 1 - Introduction

2. Outline Introduction Issues Real Experience Applications Semantic Issues2Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 3. Goal of the Tutorial Introduce Open Government Data Intro, Issues (Part 1) If you need it, how can you organize it? Real experience (Part 2) Methods for opening data 3Applications (Part 3) Semantic Issues (Part 4)Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 4. Introduction What is Open Data? Why are they useful? How is Open Data related to Big Data, and others? State of the art: the Open Data movement4Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 5. 5Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 6. What?is data that can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and sharealike. **(Source:) http://www.opendefinition.org6Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 7. open =use reuse redistribution commercial reuse derivative worksBUT, may require: - attribution - share alike Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013J. Gray (OKF): 8. The value is in its use8Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 9. 9Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 Maurizio Napolitano: 10. Why is open data useful?10Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 11. Why Better public services Economic growth Accountability Governance Innovation Efficiency11Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013J. Gray (OKF): 12. New visualizations 12Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013J. Gray (OKF): 13. New visualizationshttp://openspending.org13Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013J. Gray (OKF): 14. Open Data Benefits The Open data are the knowledge base to: Improve the economic grow and the entrepreneurshipbased on the development of digital services reusing Public Sector Information Answer to social needs through the publication of innovative services and applications Aims at reducing the cost of the public administrative activities within Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Improve the transparency of the activities of the public institutions and the participation of the citizens to these activities14Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 15. Open Government Data Vs. Linked Data Open Data Big Data 15Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 16. Principles Tim Berners-Lee (5-Stars of Linked Open Data) Vs. Tim Davis (5-Stars of Open Data Engagement) Vs. Ten principles for opening up government information 16Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 17. 5 Starts Linked Open DataTim Berners-Lee 17Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 18. 5-Stars of Open Data Engagement Tim Davis* Be demand driven * * Provide context * * * Support conversation * * * * Build capacity & skills * * * * * Collaborate with the community18Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 19. Create Community 19Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 20. Open Government Data20Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 21. Open Government Linked Data OpenGovernmentLinked 21Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 22. VarietyBig Data Volume Terabytes Records Transactions Tables, FilesStructured Unstructured Semi-structured 3VsVelocity Batch Real Time Streams Near-time BigData technologies e.g. Hadoop, HDFS, Hbase, HiveServer, Pig, Oozie, Storm, Flume A Data Collector (crawler based) capable of acquiring heterogeneousdatasets directly stored into HDFS/Hbase Generic function of data Pre-integration targeting analyticsdevelopment 22Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 23. Big Data Making the data public has no value if none canactually access, study and use that data !! Supporting the BigData management and analysis for the local Public Administration and large Organizations. Providing scalable infrastructure and software as a service Providing advanced analytics applicable to different data sources Help in Decision Making & Action Correlate and AnalyzeOur BI SolutionStore Big DataOur Data MartCapture Big Data 23Our Inference & PresentationOur CrawlersJuan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 24. State of the Art What is happening around us? -Globally -Europe -Latin America24Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 25. Open Data Charter - G8 The principles are: Open Data by Default Quality and Quantity Useable by All Releasing Data for Improved Governance Releasing Data for Innovation 25Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 26. OGD around the world 26Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 27. 27Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 28. OGD in Europe screenshots 28Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 29. OGD in Europe screenshots 29Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 30. OGD in Europe Insert table 30Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 31. OGD in Italy Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 32. OGD in Latin America32Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 33. OGD@LA 33Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 34. OGD@LA 34Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 35. OGD@LA 35Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 36. OGD@LA 36Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 37. OGD@LA 37Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 38. OGD@LA 38Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 39. OGD@LA 39Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013 40. Preguntas? Next: Part 2 - OGD Issues40Juan Pane, Lorenzino Vaccari08/10/2013