ONLINE WORSHIP AT CHRIST THE KING · L The peace of the risen Christ be with you always. C And also...

ONLINE WORSHIP AT CHRIST THE KING The world didn’t take notice. Only those whom he called by name, with whom he broke bread, and to whom he spoke words of peace were aware of what happened. Still, it was this hidden event that freed humanity from the shackles of death. -Henri Nouwen easter

Transcript of ONLINE WORSHIP AT CHRIST THE KING · L The peace of the risen Christ be with you always. C And also...

Page 1: ONLINE WORSHIP AT CHRIST THE KING · L The peace of the risen Christ be with you always. C And also with you. All may greet each other with a sign of Christ’s peace saying Peace


T h e w o r l d d i d n ’ t t a k e

n o t i c e . O n l y t h o s e

w h o m h e c a l l e d b y

n a m e , w i t h w h o m h e

b r o k e b r e a d , a n d t o

w h o m h e s p o k e w o r d s

o f p e a c e w e r e a w a r e

o f w h a t h a p p e n e d .

S t i l l , i t w a s t h i s

h i d d e n e v e n t t h a t

f r e e d h u m a n i t y f r o m

t h e s h a c k l e s o f

d e a t h .

- H e n r i N o u w e n


Page 2: ONLINE WORSHIP AT CHRIST THE KING · L The peace of the risen Christ be with you always. C And also with you. All may greet each other with a sign of Christ’s peace saying Peace


May 17 Worship Bulletin Sixth Sunday of Easter // Sunday, May 17, 2020 // Livestream at 9:30 am // Christ the King Lutheran Church // Cristo Rey

INTRODUCTION Jesus does not abandon his followers. Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus comes to abide with his disciples of every generation. As Pentecost draws near, we are reminded that the risen Christ dwells in us as the Spirit of truth. We receive this Spirit in baptism and pray that in our gathering around the Lord’s table the Spirit will transform us to be the body of the risen Christ in the world.

gather The Holy Spirit calls us together as the people of God.

PRELUDE What a Friend We Have In Jesus Setting by Bradley Sowash

GATHERING SONG The Sun Will Rise The Brilliance

WELCOME GATHERING SONG Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing ELW 390 Verses 1, 2, and 5

Page 3: ONLINE WORSHIP AT CHRIST THE KING · L The peace of the risen Christ be with you always. C And also with you. All may greet each other with a sign of Christ’s peace saying Peace



L The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

C And also with you. PRAYER OF THE DAY

word God speaks to us in scripture reading, preaching, and song.


Director of Children & Family Ministry

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Celtic Alleluia ELW 174 We welcome the gospel in our midst by singing.

GOSPEL John 14:15-21 L The holy gospel according to John. C Glory to you, O Lord.

[Jesus said to the disciples:] 15“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. 16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever. 17This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you. 18“I will not leave you orphaned; I am coming to you. 19In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me; because I live, you

Page 4: ONLINE WORSHIP AT CHRIST THE KING · L The peace of the risen Christ be with you always. C And also with you. All may greet each other with a sign of Christ’s peace saying Peace


also will live. 20On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. 21They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me; and those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them.”

L The holy gospel. C Thanks be to God.

SERMON Pepe Demarest Silence for reflection follows. Pastoral Intern

HYMN OF THE DAY Abide with Me ELW 4629 All may stand to proclaim the word of God in song.

Page 5: ONLINE WORSHIP AT CHRIST THE KING · L The peace of the risen Christ be with you always. C And also with you. All may greet each other with a sign of Christ’s peace saying Peace


PRAYERS Each portion of the prayers concludes with these words.

L Lord, in your mercy, C hear our prayer.

PEACE L The peace of the risen Christ be with you always. C And also with you.

All may greet each other with a sign of Christ’s peace saying Peace be with you or similar words ANNOUNCEMENTS

Zoom Holy Communion + Coffee Hour Link Zoom Meeting ID: 244 682 016 // Password: 044316

OFFERING Abide with Me

Setting by Bradley Sowash

GIVE ELECTRONICALLY Electronic gifts to Christ the King are fast and secure, and they reduce administrative costs, allowing more of every dollar to fund the important work we are called to do during this time of separation. Visit or scan the QR code to give now.


meal God feeds us with the presence of Jesus Christ.

GREAT THANKSGIVING Now the Feast and Celebration Haugen

L It is our duty and delight that we should everywhere and always offer thanks and praise to you … and so with the church on earth, all creation and the host of heaven we praise your name and join their unending hymn:

Page 6: ONLINE WORSHIP AT CHRIST THE KING · L The peace of the risen Christ be with you always. C And also with you. All may greet each other with a sign of Christ’s peace saying Peace


L Holy mighty and merciful Lord, heaven and earth are full of your glory…

and by this bread and cup make of us the body of your Son, Jesus Christ.

LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen

INVITATION TO COMMUNION All are welcome to commune where you are, at home. Even though we cannot celebrate God’s presence around the same table, we still believe Christ is truly present in this meal.

Page 7: ONLINE WORSHIP AT CHRIST THE KING · L The peace of the risen Christ be with you always. C And also with you. All may greet each other with a sign of Christ’s peace saying Peace


COMMUNION HYMN Let Us Break Bread Together ELW 741

send God blesses us and sends us in mission to the world.

BLESSING SENDING SONG Prayer of Good Courage Gustavson

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L Alleluia! Christ is risen. C Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia! L You are the body of Christ, raised up for the world.

Stay put. Stand by. Serve the Lord. C Thanks be to God.

POSTLUDE Moring on the Milkweed Jeanne Cotter

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Caleb Anderson, Sound Technician; Ana Becerra, Cristo Rey Mission Developer;

Megan Crosby, Organist/Accompanist; Nate Crary, Director of Worship; Pepe Demarest, Pastoral Intern; Jessica Kennedy, Assisting Minister; Heather Nelson, Director of Music; Hannah Pagel, Director of Handbells;

Pastor John Schwehn, Associate Pastor; Deb Wolterstorff, Director of Children & Family Ministry

IN OUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK Mark Carroll, Kristi Chace, Carole Dopkins, Russ Hanson, Peggy Henriksen,

Ted Kalkwarf, Sue Lang, Holly Olson, Ruth Olson, Marilyn Riege, Darwin Taylor; For Nancy Klemz and family on the death of her husband, Doug

For Gerald Tietz and family on the death of his wife, Marlys

WE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR Chuck Christians, Carrie Kane, Sam Miller, Jon Paulson, LuAnn Schmidt, Dean Tollefson, Cliff Weiss



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