· ON A BOSK rRE'SED IN A BOOK. Iwin the summer back again At touch...

ON A BOSK rRE'SED IN A BOOK. I win the summer back again At touch of i.'i dead rose- Ob. lavish Joy ! Oh. tender paint The very June wind blows. And thrills me with the old refrain . Whose music my heart knows. I win the summer brick again At toucii or Ui » dead rose. Ah. lost Is all the summer's gala. And lost my besrt'3 repose: And was It tear* or was it rain That wept the season's Close ? The winter suns they colaiy vane. While fall the winter scows. But Love and Summer couie again At touch or this dead rose. - Louise CIIAMH.KR MOULTON. A YOUNG HERO. fcoNCi.rnr.n.] They reached the castle without further accident, and Strowan was consigued to the care of his tutor, who warmly thanked Geordie for the service lie had rendered his youns chief. Geordio hurried away to escape the congratulations which met him on every side, and his last faiewell as ex- changed at the castle gate with the fair Jessie, who cave him her hand at parting and made him promise to visit them often, assuring him how welcome he would be and how glad they would bo to see him. Geordie at last reached his humble dwell- ing, and sat down to ponder over the events of the day. His brain grew dizzy and his thoughts became ooaf used. It seemed like a dream to him. The kiss lingered on his lips and the white arms again pressed his neck, lie sprang to his feet and danced about bis hovel In a paroxysm of joy. upset- ting a neighbor who came in at that moment with a kettle which required mending. The fall of the man and the rattle, of the kettle restored Gcordie to his senses. He hastened to set Siiiulit on his feet again. "Are ye daft, lad?" exclaimed Bandit as soon as he recovered his breath, which had been somewhat damaged by his fall. " l)e'el a bit!" answered Geordio, "only merry, that's all. Leave thy kettle, and I will repair its damage*." Sandie left the kolile and retired, but the first neighbor outside he told what ho had seen, said shaking his head wisely remarked that "Goordie Sobeitaon was clear daft!" Meaning to intimate thereby that Geordio bad lost his 6euses. His rosy dreams faded Into thin air as he i sat down -his usual avocation, and as his hammer clinked upon the Geordie Robertson muttered to himself: " Fool that I am to let my thoughts wander in that direction. Siie is a duel's daughter, while 1 am a tinker only a tinker I" That night he sought his couch with th« firm resolve to think of her no more. He dreamed an angel rose up before him. opened the gate* of the promised land and bade him enter. That angel wore the face of Jessie! A year passed away. Qeordk had visited the rastlu but seldom, but he had become the constant companion of Strowaa in all his hunting an i bblog excursions, and the (air Jessie, who had become very foud of open-air concerts, made one of the party whenever the weather permitted. Many noticed that a grent change had come over Geordie. He became particular in his dress, and. though of coarse material, he kept it scrupulously clean. He practiced much with various weapons and taught the young chief the use of the claymore, who In return loaned him his book? and taught him to read and write— no mean accomplishments Inthose days. A 6 we have said, a year passed away, when a stranger rode, in hot haste, through the village of Athole, and diew r«iu before the castle gate. A rumor of strife had already been borne into these quiet moun- tains. It was said thai the brave James Graham**, Maranis of Montrose, hail raised the royal banner against the Covenanters and called upon the loyal clans of Scotland to assemble beneath his banner. Tins call had already been answered by numerous loyal clans, and it was not to he supposed that the men of Athole would be ba-kward in unsheathing tae daymen to tight for "King Charlie." The stranger proved to bo Patrick Mc- Gregor, who had be™ sent by the Marquis of Montrose to claim the aid of the men of Athole in an expeditiou against the Camp- bells of Argyleshiro— the Marquis of Argyle being one of the principal leaders of the Covenanteis. The tutor of Strowan mu!tered the fight- log men of the clan to march to the assist- i ance ol Montrose. and Geordie Kobinson buckled his claymore to his side, mad) his preparations lor the march, and then strolled tip to the castle to say farewell to Strowan. At least he tried to cheat himself into that belief. Poor fellow!he would not acknowl- edge even to himself that .Jessie was the magnet that attracted him thither— that ho wished to have one last look at her sweet face before he dared the uncertain chances of war. They met in the garden quite accident- ally, of course, and sat down together in a sylvan bower, screened by thickly twining vines of sweet-scented honeysuckle*. "l'ou are going to the war, Geordte," be- gan Jessie. "Yes. I have never yet marcbe;' with the clan : it is time 1have proved myself to be man." "You are so, Gcordie," responded Jessie, warmly, "a noble-hearted, unselfish, brave, true man, with a mind and bearing far above your present station. I know and feel that you will distinguish yourself in this strife, and yet, when the thought that you may never return occurs to me—" Jessie's voice grew hoarse, she paused abuptly and turned away her lie-id. "Well, if I fall," said Gi'ordie, in a voice tremulous with an emotion which he sought in vain to overcome, "what then? I am alone In the world—there will ba none to mourn for me." "You are ungenerous Goodie," returned Jessie. "Strowan and Iboth love, you— Strowan as dearly as a brother, and 1' "As dearly as a sister." suggested Geordie, seeding that she hesitated. A faint blush tinged her cheek, _he averted her eyes, and replied, softly: "Oh, yes!" •.' "Do you know that you are very beauti- ful, Jessie?" said Geordie, abruptly. Jessie opened her eyes in wonder. Here was matter for twofold amazement It was the first time that he had ever called her Jessie, and he had never paid her a compli- ment before. "When 1 return," continued Geordie. evidently pursuing a train of thought, " I shall fi:id you married to some young laird, attracted hither by the beauty of our moun- tain rose." "No, Geordip, I shall not be wedded when you return." "Andif I should never return?" "I shall not wed at all." Their eyes met— Jessie's face was very pale— Geordie's crimson. "You would not marry a tinker?" he stammered. "If be was noble, good and brave, and I loved him, as quickly as I would a lord." He grasped her hand fervently, but he could not sco the bright blue eyes that smiled such hope upon him, for tcarg were in his own, and so ho turned Ills head away. for he thought it a shame to bis manhood that she should see them. "Jessie," ho said, alter a pans?, "a year ago, when I saved Strowan from the black waters of Shadow Lake, you kissed mo. That kiss changed my whole being. Kiss me again to-day at parting, and send me forth a hero." She bent toward him— their lips met— he strained her m his breast in a passionate embrace, and then released her. "Farewell, Jessie," he criod, "you have nerved my heart and given strength to my ami. The men of AU:o!e shall yet be proud of their tinker!" He was goae. Jessie returned Badly to the castle. The red field of Invcrlochy was over. The winter's midday sun glinted upon the vic- torious banners of the Itoyalista, and showed the scattered remnants of the Cov- enant army seeking safety in a headlong flight. % A group gathered in the center of the battle-plain, where the strife had been the fiercest and the dead and dying lay the thickest. This group consisted of trio prin- cipal leaders of tne Royal army, Montrosr>, Alatter McColl, Lord Airly, Patrick Mc- Gregor and the tutor of Strowan. They were gathered around a young soldier, breathless and bareheaded, his tartan cut to rugs, his face smeared with blood, and- yet apparently unwounded himself, leaving upon his claymore. "This is my preserver," said the tutor of Slrowan. "I had never lived to toll tho •lory of this day's victory, but for his good arm. Why. my lord % he slew nineteen of the enemy with own hand." "What is your name, my lad?" asked Ifontrosa. '•Geordie Kobertson, the tinker of Athole." "1 would to God!" cried the brave and fiery McColl, "that all the Alhole men bad been tinkers to-day." Tho tutor of .Strowan made Geordie his second in command, and he served with honor during the balance of the campaign. He returned in triumph to Athole, and re- ceived tho hand of Jessie from her grateful brother. Indeed, such was the estimation in which his daring and prowess at the bat- tle of lnverlochy was held among the Ro- bertsons that ever after the clan was known by the favorite sobriquet of "The Tinker of Athole." . G. L. A. A Rifle Placed on Fil*. The transcript on appeal in the cases of the United States vs. Richard Trumbull and the United States vs. the steamship Itata were filed yesterday in the Circuit Court of Appeals. Together with the transcribed notes of the proceedings in the cases when before the Southern District Court, which alone consist ol four large volume?, lb<Te were a photograph! of the Itata and a Surder rill, both of which are portions of the evidence. The rifle occu- pies a corner of Clerk Monkion's office and is certainly a unique portion of thd records of the court. Tho rille ts on file as aa ex- hibit of the armament of the Itata. THE STOCK MARKET. Trading wag fairly active yesterday, but prices show a decline In oue or tro Instances. No news of any Importance was received from the front, rumors of an Improvement In one of the middle group were plentiful on the street. Considerable anxiety Is be in expressed over Mr. Mackay's non-arrival, ail there arc many who be- lieve that he will be here until late In the fall. Mr.Mackay set ih? 10' as the time for Lit arrival some time a;o. but of lite bis letters hive not con- tained anything definite upon the subject. Oa the early call prices were a trifle stronger than at the close of the previous evening and sates were made In Ophlr at $2 30, Mexican *1 40. Curry *1 25, Beat «V Uelcher $2 20, Sierra Nevada $1 30, Union 91 25 and Con. Cal. * Va. S3 fcUo'i 85 to sales of 610 share*. The mldille stock* were quite lively and Knlllon sold at (30c. Chollar POc, Norcross SI 10 l*.»t •• \u25a0* 1 *1 05 and Savage ifl 25. In the suutli end Belcher was the favorite and 950 shares chanced bands dartac the rail at $1 30®l 35. Alta sold at 60-, Challenge t>Oe. Confidence *150. Crown I'olut 6oe Overman 80c and Yellow Jacket 95c. After tho call there wat a trifling alvance nsdar light sales, and the market closed steady bat inact- ive. On the 2:30 r. m. call. Con. Cal. * Va. was in de- mand at«s:» «0. Walls bcinz ana liv- buyer, with Curnctt saHlac. Homer Kinsj was a heavy seller of Hale Norcross .it $1 10. and 1 500 shares wero placed en record. The balance of the list remained steady and fairly artive. After the call prices wot" a trtls stronger* trad- Inc. however, continued light, and the boards ad- journed at an early hour. NOTES. A dividend of 10 rent* per share, payable on the 27th, has beeu declared on tho Itiilwe- Con. The assessment of 3 rents on Head Center and Tranquillity will be delinquent In the board to- day. silver was weaker yeUcrdav. selling at 86c In New York and 39 7-16 dln London. At the annual mcetinc of th? stockholders of the Itiilwcr Con. Mining Company yesterday 85.507 shares were re; reseated, and the rollowlug oS en elected Tor the ensuing year: Herman Zadijr. pres- l<Unt; Charles 11. Fish, vice-president, and W. S. Wood, M. Thniusoti. K. K. Holmes, Kobert Sher- wood and H. L. Sliiipy of New York, directors. L. <>-ti . m was re-elected secretary and John W. Kellysuperintendent. The secretary's tinanclal statement showed a credit of 25,000. The Orlciual Keystone and Head Center assess- meat* (all delinquent to-day, and the Weldoa da- linquent sale takes place also. The following ollicUlreports were placed 0:1 file yesterday: ltui.\viCß-I'pra!se from crosscut 4 200 level was extruded 12 feet. luce of upraise shows maauß of fair milling ore from 9to 10 Inches wide. upraise 2 from south drift from upraise 5 was extended 10 teat; a crosscut from above upraise treat was ex- tended 12 feet. This crosscut is all In vein matter and some good saw i.c< or ore «as found. Crosscut from upraise 2 160 level was extemiril 1 •_' feet. North 11 ill from foutwall upraise wa« extended 8 feet. HnDiF.—Kast crosscut 11 700 JcveJ was extended 8 fret. Baal crosscut i650 level was extended 7 feet. We are stuping out some $'0 ore from above the south drift 500 Jupiter ;-lu f i level. Mono -south i;ri:: from u;ir.»l.i<! 1 600 level wag extended h reel In the lace. There are several reams of quartz through tr.- porphyry. I prais» frum north drift 1 000 level was extended 7 feel In Use face; tho seam i* good but small. Northdrilt'J COO level wis .'iitMnit-n 14 ii-et In the drift. The formation Habout 13 Inches of quartz and clay. Th« ore sti p*s'above the 700 continue about tie same he last reported. la the ore st"pe below the south drift 70 level the ore will aver from 6to 11 laches wide and is wry rich. The mill was kept tunning steadily. Avcra?o battery samples for «.•• -v *3!» 42; tailing*.*:>96. Summit— hast crosscut from north drift \\m ex- tended 5 feet. The mini incline «\u25a0•»\u25a0\u25a0 cleaned out ami limbered IS fer-t. . Savasie— urine the week wo have hoisted 523 earl or ore from the 501}. 950. 1100 and 1400 levels. >blpped to the *•• vail 1 mill 526 tons and milled 5. 5 tons: average battery as-ay 920 60. I'Uillun >i> |<| for the week .fTr.oo. On the laDO level the apraUa started from main north drift at a point HO tcet 1 ort'i of our south boundary Is advanced 66 feet; top Is in quartz of low grade. On the n,1 - tunnel lev«"l the 5 ilnt north drift with the <\u25a0••.. \u25a0! 1Curry »'< mpariy wan advanced 25 feet.maktng .1 total of 329 feet; face is in porphyry. 1 li*- prospecting ami rep:i!rs are beiug car- ried on throughout the mine. The very rick ore from the Gold Flit mine brought to town Saturday cveutngand briefly men- tioned In The Tldinss of that date Is attracting much attention. a score of the richer pieces and a handfu of fragments of almost pure gold hare been placed in a case at t'oleman, OUsaoa) A Co.'s and of tkeaiaeivea constitute a rich ami baudsoine cabinet of ?peciii>eui. Ihe quartz is simplycov- ered with lear and solid gold embi '1 led 11 crystals, while solid gold is found In the center of large pieces of ore that luve been broken. due l<-af of gold rc^eiiiMei ami Is about the size of a rose leaf, although much thicker. The ore came from a \u25a0'\u25a0•Ijr* a foot Inwidth In an upraise from the HOD level. The management prop m to open np this body of ire and drive the drUt* to tap the I'otosl ledge. When this is cut ami. opened up a mBI will he fret- Id. The average ore Ironi the present (Bruce Lee) vein la undoubtedly or profitable grade. i:OAICI» HALES. Id ing v«ie the t:i.c» In 4be San Francisco Eltcl 1 « -i<l } f rday : KK.iri AR nsti ft— a so A. »*. 40 Alpha 25 410 C CaTl.UilM NerQ 70 100 Alia CO 100 3.85' 10 «5 150 Ainifs 50. MCoaQd....l ] 550 ovi-rmn... Ml \u2666 :• ' » ueicner.i.:<o 100 urolsit. :i500nair....2.;U) 600 1.35 600 . 55 <4O V0t0»J...1.05 200 is* 11. ..2.hi 7.10 Exchq :;0 4f 0 »aTafe..l.»:) 100 '.-.15 .150 •» Av.. - I',330 l> 4 50 Hodle 40,710 II * N...1.10 S N«'V... l.Mi 6(» llullloii....ti-1-.Mio KfuUie»..«is ICO Union. ..l.Vo 700 Caie»liia..._S _S0 Mexlcaul.46 .'OO .. i > 4 100 CtallO ...tfo l:M 1.40 ISO V Ja0»«;...1'5 750 L'liwllar. ..9v 300 Mono 76. AfTKKNOO.V nessihn 2:30. 100 Alta f.5 700 CC AY..3.50 3500verm....80 100 An<ln* 55 200 C linn MISOUnnir - : 4 800 Hclrhr,. 1.40 «cii <:i'|iuo V.:tO 3 •<! Belle I . I.'. !(J0 Kxenq :«o 150P0t051...i.10 .0.) U * It. .a. 15 460 8 ft 0....1,4 750 H»Tmre..l.'JO 1.'.O 1Hi1110ii.... 55,1600 II A N.l.lO4OOMCorDlon..lO 10i Ku1wer....46 100 Uexicanl.4sloo Silver H..05 100 Caledon...2s!\oo 1.40 100 Uni0n.... 1.15 250 Chan C.OullOO Mono .. 80 100 YJaon ....I's CO Ch«»lltr....ltO'2UONavajo....lo; Following were the sale* in the l'aclft : Sto:'< liiarl 3«>tcruay 1 1 I nrLA« aaaaroßT— l9d 100 Alpha 26 100 Calediia...27iloo Lady W 12»A 100 AJta til10<) 27 150 Mexican. 1.40 150 tis 100 Chal C... 01 100 Mono 75 \u25a0-00 Andes 60 50 oonoooccid ' '.10 100 63 250 CC* v....5*.;i150 15 60 I)elchr...l> ill4o 3.80 1500ph1r....2'.30 ICO I.MMIMC Point. 57 300 \u25a0 verm' 76 100 1.35 250 ho isoputosi ' I*oo 300 -1. 45:100 60 tOJ Bavare ..l«,i \u25a0M 1.4070.1 E»eheu....3o,looacorDlon..lO 300 urn U.../.15 50 U;ilJUS.\« lv* 2JO 2.20 50 1.20 100 ' 1.80 200 Bodle 40 an ... li« .00 Union. ...Hi 200 Hullion. ...\u2666; jo.) ll* N...1.1u iuo uun xt> 100 68 100 Justice. ...2s l iYJMKOb° >.'(» luOKniwur _..4.'- .100 Knit lie£..<•('. JSO »5 •_6O (-hoi Jar. 100 Lady Mf...|_j AKTKJIXOOM SKS4ION— .' : \y. BOB* B 2.03:10(1 C Point... (<0 SOOphlr 2"0 710 2«'J 50 G*U...1.20' 20... ""_i . 100 cca v..3.sui 50 tut N . ..ii h :ioosavaco' 1 Ml Cliud 03 100 Mexican. 1', 'JOj 8 Hill ' '(14, 700 \u0084...04i 60 Mono 80 60 Union' 'i'l6 150 Com N V ...30,200 Ovnnn . Hi*1001* J»ott....\'s CMMUM«J QOUTATIOXS. miMr,April 13-4 r.i, # £l<t AtAftl. _(i,_ AMkfiL Con 25 30 Julia 1 6 To Alia..,, «6 7oJustip« vo ._- ABac« ;... 65 «o,Kentucs . " OB 10 1 either 1.40 1.45 lady \Vasiin_a. 10 15 1 file Isle _ 15 _O l-i'coiuoi!v» .... _ 0 « l.riitou Con . .1.50 'Mcxlcou 1.45 ,{; 1 e*t* Bclchor.2.V!O 2.25 Mono $«v uk *-odie 40 46 Mount Diablo., 1.10 Bullion 65 OONavajo _ j 5 luiwer 45 60 N Cvitimontvita v Caledonia 26 30 Nev Qucou .. _ 70 75 Central u^ > Btite lsis. .. _ .._ 1 taliensts con.. 60 65 Occidental . 15 ",. < hollar »0 P5 \u25a0 ! htr .2.35 _10 lommnweaitn.. 10 I6>uvcrmaD..... mo "_5 1 -i (a. a Vlr..:).'j(J 4.00 leer _. 10 15 CcaCaence .... 1.55 reeriwu ... _ oa lea imperial... 03 : l\.tosi -.1.05 110 Coo New Yore. 25 30>»»»go i,__ 1.30 Croccer 05 hcoroion 10 15 Crown 1-oiat... 60 U5 t> X* Mid<» c. 25 30 Lei Monte 16 sierra Nevada,. 1.25 1.35 If sierra Net 06 MlverKliif. 50 *-ure«a 2.00 -|siiver liiii _ 05 Lxcueguer 30 35 minun !t 06 10 bouu a Curry. 1.25 1.30 Union C0u...... 1.20 IVS (mud ITize. . . 10 16 I tan .... . 35 40 Hale .v Norcrs.. 1.05 l.lOiWcldon* . ..^ 05 10 Jackson 60 v Jacket 95 1.00 MISCELLANEOUS MCCLKITIE9. Wednesday, April 13-2 p. »_, IB Bd*.4's...ii&i. _ OaklamlOai.. 37 "7, (al-til ceo lids 104 Pae biuiui o< hi) ko> CnUCoWBds. 88T4IOIV. Paclflel.!(rtitc. 78 * Uui-iit-itiwi.ini lbO 8 r <»a«flB«.. eg «i»i_- Do. ex-coup 01 m FtktonU&U, _ 80 r*()llseKvß. 100*4110 (al-«t X X.._ lisi'-i 1014 MAI-KKBda... 63L«lOOVi FA (; Use Ky ;{«^_ _. * Mkt-«RKBd«I2:H _ Jearv-stR K. 9i'*ios MtoMtHK. io.>>.> - MutiKK, 60 75 M* X Hds.. 11 0-i 4 11214 Omnibus KU, 67vi «0 hKyofCalßOJllo'* _ r resldio It1* _ * _q uninibui(;Ba.ll2Vi AnjioNavA* 125 p*olißKd_..n.;i,4ii4Vilßllforaia Inj 100 I'ACHKrBdf. vi Coiiimere-Haa - »_i«. lowl-stKrBd.UJV. - Fireman's »d. MkKArlzUdslO3 105 Home Mutual. ih7i« M-KRCaißds.ll3 115 Mate IriTestm h^ Hii<. fcl'KliCalllft*. M 7 100 Atlantic Pow. 4 1U - H"lsrKCalßa«lOsVC,loeViCai Powder.. U6 /3 .5 bY Water <!\u25a0\u25a0.. llHi/j oiani Powder 4B 63 fcVWater4's.. 90 t>}< Bat'tyNuroM. xa: pi^ AmnoCalßnx. - 75 Vljon: row.. _ _i^ bank of Cat.. 270 VuiranPow j_ ~ CalSareDaoo* 4tii 4 48 BlkDtaOMO lv so J-iritNatHanc 17*5 182 Vi CalCottonMO 42 44 U-AAmß'.* Cal Klee LUtt 15>A15Si I*B I- Mans. 3016 38 Cai KIM WU 91% lt£ I-aelncßani..l2s 175 Uaw'a Com... \iut 3?' Men-n 1 ll'ic 15 Ml Huich'ti Hazar 4<l til ContraOo* W. «OV«101>^ Jud«'nM'f«Oa 17 21 A-.BriuCo W.. 48 60 " I Oceanic 3 8.. 6ay a 67i£ BY Water... »»3/, 90U!Pac BS * 3... 85 _ * ttiuet-iKea vr. uo 1 par la * >»i. 3314 CtatniUas... wu luo lpacV>oauaw« ttw MORVINu \u25a0«!.-<!. Board— 3s 8 V Water. »9t4: VS Cal Electric LiKht. b 10, 15' H; 40 Hutchinson 8 P Co. 6 _O Btreet-00 Pacific Uas In, p. HO. aftkkmoom >ti,n, Board -100 Hawaiian Commercial, 3*4; 25 Omul- To Close on Good Friday. At the sesMuD of the Produce Exchange and of tln« Call Hoard Association yester- day it was decided to adjouru to-ruurrow which will he (I'Hid Friday. COMMERCIAL RECORD. Wednesday EVE.vrvo, April 13. mOTABY Or THE MABKITi Wheat futures firmer. Barley unsettled. Yellow Corn firm. Oats and Rye unchanged. Hay tveas an 1 dragging. Lima Beans higher. Potatoes steady. Onions still higher. Butt-r and Cbecsa weak. Eggs steady." Poultry unchanged. (ijiiin Fruits and Vegetables as before. Silver lower. *«. Eit_:li»h WkM-l Market. Liverpool. April 13.— spot market Is weak at 7s Sil. Cargoes are firm at 36s Od for off coast, 36* 6d lor just shipped and 36s 6 J for nearly due. ,-"-'; \u25a0:'-:.'; \u25a0 futdrks. •-: The Produce Exchange cable gives the following Liverpool quotations for No. 2 lied Winter: April, 7s 4*i"l: My. 7s l«/.d; June, 7s O'Ad; July, 7s O^id; August, 7s O'id: September, 7s Be. wmacmrwam London-. April 13. CousoK 08 \\ : Silver. 39 7-l6d; Rente\ 96r 93ViC; Bullion IntoHank or England. 111,000. New York Markets. NewTomt, April 13.— features or the stock market to-day were few. Sensational stories of In- tended litigation against the Cordage Company ofj fered an opportunity for the bears to raid that stock, prices being forced off 3 per cent for common and l»^ for preferred. Rapid an.l full recovery, however, follows! In a short time, and attack* were made en other stocks, but the general market displayed a strong temper, which brought nearly everything up. The close was firm am! generally higher than last evening. Cordage remains down 1 per cent. Governments steady, Petroleum— May closed at 57c. Nkw York. April 13.— United States Bond*. 4's, lltt»V. <!<>. 2's, 100; .Northern Pacific. 21' Vi: Cana- dian I'arlfic. SSt : Central Pacific. 31J/.,: iiuton pa- cinc. 45?»: Atililson and Sant.i re. 36 s ,i: Wells- Fargo. 144: Western Union. 80"}!; Silver, fctfc; Sterling, *4 80Vi>'fS4 «8. Wheat April. 'J3s,;c. flour, quiet. Coffee. 512 05. Sugar. 3'^>i 4«. llods— Paclnc Coast. '.£«<£ 31c. Hides, 13c. Copper Lake. SI 180. Tin Spot, *:v» so. Lead— Domestic, *4 25. iron— f 10. Petroleum May, [>7c. HOP! Hops are rather 'ess active, with a strong under- tone. Values are unchanged. Ou the exchange 50 bales or prim* IHJICalifornia* Sold at 28c, June delivery. 6CGAR AND CPFI 1F. Coffer Moderately active. 5 to 10 points higher, .sales. 20.000 bags. April, 12 05; .May, fl2 40: June, £3 2. Mi?.ir Kaw, quiet and unchanged: refined, quiet, but well susialntd at yesterday's prices. Cliio»eo Markets. CniCAoo. April 13. Wheat vras active, and opened *,(. ! higher on cold weather reports and delay la seeding on account of wet weather in the Northwest, cased oir slightly, advanced 17' 8c on pood Inquiry for casn. A decrease of over two million bnshelj in the available supply, and the statement or the G»TiniMat Statistician that nearly 60.00(\<J00 bushels were- available in re- serves at present, aaased prices to ease oft slight . and the market closed steady at »%c higher than yesterday, Receipts, 4>>.Ouo bushel*: shipments, 41.000 bnsbe:s. Rye, 7«c. lar «y. BjatTtC. i nit \<,i>. April 13.—Wheat— Cash. H2i/ c. Corn— 40&»c. Port- »:u 10. Lard— 17' A. KIDS— 93 65. MhlSEjr— sl l3. Portland's Buninofi^. PORTI.AMI. Or , April 13-— Clearance*, 277.000: balances, 5.54.000. T \u25a0•-?- Ilxriianiro anil liullion. Sterling Exchange, GO days 4 87':. McrllngExchange, sight 4 89V, r,.Dg Lit t.untje, cable 4 91 New York Exchange, sight j t i .. New York Exchange, telegraphic... *2 1 / i Fine Silver > ounce 80 Mexican Dollars _ tj'Ji-^ 70 A Grain Holiday. The Produce Exchange will observe Good Friday by ad ourclng frcin this afternoon to Monday morning. Khlppins Note*. Steamers to gall to-day are tlio City of FllHl for Victoria and Pn^et Sound and the Truciee for TiUamook Hay. The Alameda falls due fr'in Aus- tralia vn Honolulu, the City of .New York Jrom Panama* thtr Humbolat from llumboldt Bay, tho Point Arena frooi >!• n lao, the Eureka from San lVdro, the llonlta from the southern coast and toe Gipsy iron;the .-aliuas Itlvcr. Produce >I:«rkot. FLOCK—Net cash prices are as follows: Family extras. *4 BY$5 r \u25a0*•{ DakexV extra*, »1 75®."*; city superfiue. *> 20<8}3 45: Interior brands, fl 05 @5 for CktHM, $3 MO3 45 V bbl for superfine. wnEAT— Futures did better yesterday morning, but the spot market showed no change. No. 1, $1 50 1* ctl: choice. 91 61 >.i: lowwcradM, ?1 40^1 4713; extra choice for milling, (1 53 Itill V ctl. (All. BOARD sai > v I.vroßyAt. Sfsmhn —10 o'clock— ltuyer season— lot) torn". *1 5.;<«.: 200, V. si' .; BJo.fl 6:i6,jj. liKnruß Mnu.MNu Sfssion— Buyer season— 100 tons, $1 53«. i: 500. SI 63*6: 400. ?1 635'x: 1200. 91 63%: fcOO. $1 64: 1100. SI 53 !I 4. Seller •y.'-soo. Hi 40: voo. 91 ao'i. aft»kxoon >*j>!iH.:s" Uuytr season 100 tons. f 1 O.i'.j. ltAKLKY— Yesterday morning's market was quiet at unchanged prices. .no. 1 Feed, til choice, bright do, Jio.'u,; durk Coast. 07 >.^c; Urewlng, fl it® l 17Vz ; Chevalier, nominal. CALL IIOAHD 9ALU. Intorval Baaaioa -10 o'clock— lluyer season— 400 t. n«, »1 02»yi; 100. *1 o:.'. Seller 'OJ. new— -( 0. I (><-. Kn.ri.Ait MonMNG Si ssiox— l'uj-cr season— 4oo ton-. 01 1 . .uo. si oi-- H : 100, 91 oi" - 100 91 01- 4 8-lier '»•.', new- h^c; 100. »BHc. Amnam SM;s«!ON-i;uyt;r season— lCO tons, fI 01 V«: -00, SI vi'/,; .'OO. *1 01^ «: 100, 91 01 »A; 1)00. 91 01 »,*. ",' OATS-No new festure^. White, 91 Ss@l 40 forgooit to choice, $1 4'J' a for extra choice and fl "bQI 30 for common to fair; Surprise. Si 60S 180: lirav, »1 - j sml 30 * ti. - CORN- Dealers as.c I $1 32V4 for both I.arse and Small Kouud Yellow yesterday, though inferior lots conid be had at $1 30. White Sola at «1 'I~,IM •* ctl. i:vi: •: m :,7', > en. ItKAN— ". flat »17©17 60 »> ton for the best and 916 60 tor outside brands. atIDDLINUS— Quoted at *lt» &o@2o » ton. ( HUFI'KD FEEU-Uuoted at ».i 6(K«'J'J 50 9 ton. HAY Weak and <lra*>in? at the decline. Quotable at *i0.f,14 so for Wheat. »10@12 for Oat 91UA13 for Wheat and Oat. 910^1'.' fur Wild vat. 9lO*<ilJ tor Itarley. i^&lulor Alfalfa, $8-410 for stock. M ItAW-Quoted at 4."i^r.C»o r bale, MILLSTUKPH Ground and Rolled Barley qnoted at \u25a0-\u25a0•_• t'o<tt'J3 50. Tie luillmeil oilcake Mrui a: »25 "i» ton net: live I'lour, 1. V II: Kje .Meal, 3iAc; i.r:»!,nm Klonr.3i^c; Oatmrat. 4> •<•; Oat Croats, 6. j cracKc-1 Wheat, 4c: Buckwheat Flour, sc: lv.. Barter, 41 1 •«-\u25a0 V rr.. SKEOS— Yellow .Mustard Is quot&b!e at $3 25 ©3 75 ctl: lirown Mustard. #:;<iv.« 25; Flax, H 7032 10: Imported Canary. $.: #h(&A \'i\^\ ai- faifa. 12VxC; Rape, 2©2 VaC: hemp, 4 t; Timothy, j '.,<\u25a0*> 18. ' " liKlKl) PKAS-NIIW. 91 30«l 40?, M; Creen, $1 (o#2; lJi-t.rn Green. *2 76: iioye, *1 403 i 50 >> ctl: Split Peas. 4','-J.M 2 c V lt>. HUCKWIIKAT— NomtiuI. a' $1 75 V ctl. COKNMKAI.. ETC.—Table Meal quoted at 3c 9 It; Feed Corn, $27 60>it 4 Cracked Corn, $28 50 $p'-".» V ton : Hominy, 11 •..<v4 4 i- f tr.. UKANS-Sale of 1000 sacks for Eastern shipment at */_• If, The market for this variety Is very firm. H»yos. $2r<t'2 12»%; Pea, $2 ladJS 76; Large White. >'- itS^ 40: Small bite. * # 2 V 66S 1 -6 5: rink, *i 90f|313U.: Bads, f.@2 35: Lliuas. 92© 'i 15: Batters, 9- 60©2 76 1* ctl. POTAlui'.S- Ma furiiier change. Receipts or New wcr» 1171 sacks and iMy sold at 00i4!M)c V ctl. Oregon Kurbaok3. 76c@H |4 ctl; I'etainina llur- banks. 40(a&0i- V ctl: i^irly Kose, 'J&©30;: itiver He.!-. aadJWe V ctl. OMO>.>—Only 20 sack* came In yesterdiy and being good stock, brought JJ2 60 ctl. The market is very firm. Supplies Neva. la are on the way. ItUTTKK— Continues weak, with a downward ten- dency. Fancy roll. IS' ..u*l»<"; good to choice. 17- ., tf lMc: common to lair, 17c; Eastern, l&c > It.. CHKEbJ Weak at the decline. Uood to choice mild new. lOc<el'Jr; old, nominal; Young Americas lit^@l'<i>' S > IT.; c»«ed Cheese, VvC additional: Eastern. I2>A(sl4c It: POULTRY— Was quiet and steady yesterday and prices showed lit' change. Dressed Turkeys, 170 20c: LiveTurkeys, 15(517c for Gobblers and 17£320 c for Hens; Geese. ? pair. 9.''a2 50: Goslings, #J ( a ; 50: Ducks, 9?@l> t* da« liens. 9708 ¥ dox: Koost- or-i, young. »S'i<*l'J \t dozen; do old, 97^A7 60: Fryers, 9~(?1S 50; Urollcrs, tt'«<S7 60 for large aud fit 50(0>5 50 V dozen for small. DAME- Receipts arc slander and In bad condi- tion as a rule, bonce prices are largely nominal. Ham. nominal; Rabbits, 9160 for Cottontails and 91 26 for small. EGUS— Firm, but nd higher. Eastern. 17.<i>lSc. California are quoted at 2U(s2lc for store and 2'J@ "l l vc V do/, for ranch. llOXEV—Kxtracted. 506e V m for amber and 6' a <s.'j-<ic for bright. Comb is quoted at lO>^l3o tor while In !•\u25a0 frame* and tv^loc in 2-Ib frames. BEESWAX at 25©2Sc t&. FRESH 11:1 IT— Beeatats of .strawberries were 57 chests, selling »l 60@75c V drawer forLong- worths and ;tf-(<*soc for Bkarptasa, Apples, 92 601^.f lor good to fancy ami 91 3iks.' for common to lair. ciritL>rKlITS—San lteruar<linoSe«dlln(rs.9l6o @2 60: San llernardlno Navels, if 3 ?6<s4; Klverslde Seedlings, uurrozen, 91 75@2: Riverside Navels, uiiFroxeu. 93 t>u<<*l V box; Los Angeles seedlings. Slicil 60: Los Angeles Navel', 91 23©2 60: Sicily Lemon% 95 50^B 60; California Lemons. 91@1 50 f box for common and .«2(>sl for good to choice: Mexican Limes. j;i{j)i \i box; Bananas, '$1 603 260 bunch: Pineapples, 9ti<sß V* dozen. 111:11 FRUIT-Sun-drled Peaches qmtaSile at 2'"(*3i.t,c V it, ltieached I'eactiea. 4'/ s tti;c V n»; tun-dried Apricots. 3<^@4c; It cached Apricots, 7c: Apples. 4>.-.iissi,i|C for evaporated In boxes, 3«; C for s.l.ed and U',,(«jC3c for quartered ; Pitted Plum". 4@4V c: unpltted Plums. 2®2'ic: Grapes, 1 t/«(^l V !*•: Prunes, 4@7c lor 60's to 120's; German Prunes. 4@sc: Red Nectarines, :%dlc; White Nectarines, 4@5C: Vlgs, unpressed. :^lc- Figs, pressed, 4'-<^sc; Kvaporated Peari, 7@Sc Sliced Pears. 3@sc: Quartered Pears, Ui ..(jHc V m. RAISING Layers, fancy, quotable 'at 91 20® @1 35 ? box : pood to choice, 90t^fl 10. with the u«'iai advance for fraction*! boxes: loose Mutcateis, tO«!H)i- "f 1 box and 2i^<*.:ji Vlb In sacks NUTS—Walnuts are quotable at 4@tfc ft Rk; 6c; paiiershcll do. 7(^8o «l D>; soUsbell Almond*. 101*011 hardshell do. ; papersliell. 12(3 13c V IT-; cnii. walnuts, M(^3c: Peanuts. 11 ..-<!,:'<\u25a0 r Vb for domestic: Hickory Nuts, 7<<»Sc; fecans, lli«®l3c for small and 163>ltic lor large; Filbert*' 1 l.a 12cr Brain Nuf<. «i 2 i4Bc; Cocoanuts. 94 « 100 V ai-.i.ks pricos showed no particular chanen yesterday except Peas, which declined lc Egu Plant. 25c * It. Hecetpts were 953 boxes As- paragus, 403 boxes Rhubarb and 706 sacks Peas. Cucumbers are qnotaiiie at 2C@l>oc v dnzen for common and 75r@91 26 9 dozen r choice- Strlnjr Means. «@lot f 16; Los Angeles Summer Hquaan, ; Mushrooms, 10@25c; Asparagus. 75c(54 91 V box lor common to good aud 91 vi^ai 60 lor Choice; Rhubarb. Ss(ssoc tor small and 76c@$l a bx tor No. i: Los Angeles Tomatoes, fa 60® 3 r*bx: Green Pea*. 1 j«#'.'c «» Ib for common and '.•i.,«i3c \u25a0Q X, for sweet: Marrowfat squash, 9'.><£l(i %< ton' Dry Peppers, lU^l2iAc; Cabbage. 4tHssoe « etl; Feed Carrot*. 60c; Turulpt, 60«A75e; Beets 91: Parsnips. *1 25; Garlic. 2ftsic '«> 18. PROVISK)N»-E«stern Covered lUe.\kf*st Bacon. 12^4@13c ft n>; CalirnrnU Snmked ISacon, :" ... j,.;pc for heavy and. medium, 12^}13c for light, and ]3>/i@»l3i£c for extra light: Itaoon PI it IS. 10-i4 10 l «c: Eastern *-u;.ir \u25a0..: 1 Hams for city trade. MIHSVMi Calirorula Ha. 111, -alt.10< > Ib; rerrlgera- tor cured. 11(sll 's c >* ID: Lam. lt«rce*. Kasiern. all kinds. »9c; canes. 10»/4»10*,ie: OaUrerata, tltrces. 9(<S9'4c; Lair-b'.ils. yi,(^Ji.,-; tins 10c n»lls. 10-lb, io«/»c: do. 5U>. lOi^c; ke?s, it>.;,,siuj «4 Ib: Mem Beef. 97 6(XSB: extra mess do. 93 >,-,£<»• faintly do, 911 .viii.. clear PorK, *i < 6i>.,0.•.»\u25a0,' extra prime, 915(4>16 60: extra clear. *20i<«2t» 60- --mess. 917 biX&Vs * Ib: Pig Pork, V kea. »n;.«3 t»i pig!.' Feet. »l2®la 25 * bbl: Smoked Beer, ll»i@" l/c f> It, . Hot X—Wholly nominal. From second hands they are quoted at 20®26c ft If, - HIDES AND PaXTS— He.aTysaltet* steers. 7@7»4c V Ib:aieUiuiu.6c: light,4<*4 ' c: Cowhides. 4«ai''4i-: •«lt#l Kip. 3* 4 foto: salted C»lf, 6cj dry Uhle-i. usual selection, 10c: dry Kin*, 9e; prime Goat- Skins, 30^50C each; Kids, C($10c; DeerskUu, good summer, 37V£c; medium. 30@32i£e: winter, 2»S 2!>C: Sbeeps>in3, shearlings, 10'<&25c; short woQi. 40@70c; medium. 70®90«: long wool, 90c@$l 40 rIK Culls of all kinds about ' j !«•*•». - TALLOW—No. 1 rendered. 4««l'-.c; No. 2, S',i® S^c; refined. s!>i@Sv6c "ft ;r. \VOOL— Spring 001 i*quoted as follows: South- ern and San Joaqum. year's clips. 1 l<i»i:u,jn: do seven montlih1. 12^15c: Foothill. 15(417 choice Northern, 17@'J03; Nevada, 16(g»17c V B>." No East- ern Oregou on the market. General Merchandise. BAGS-Calcuttas. spot. 7%c: for June-July de- livery. 7»,ic: Wool Bags. 3tf/&33c SUGAR—The Western Bsnai Refining Company quotes, terms net cash; Cube. Crushed. Powdered au<l F'lno Crushed, ail 55' 8c y It.: Dry Granulated.* f>''4r i* **\u25a0: Confectioners' A. s'bC; Magnolia, 4 r 'BC; Extra C. 4V3c: Golden C. 4:-c: D. 4»/ic » Ib; half- bbls. Vac more than bbls. and boxes yyt more. San Francisco Meat Market. Wholesale rates from slaughterers to dealers are as follows: BEEF—First qunlity. 6»/'©7c; second quality, 6c; third do, 4>/,@sy-c. VKAL— Large, B©7c; smallCalves. 4^6c. MUTTON—Wethers, 9c: Ewes. ty^3" c LAMil— ll@l2V^e •$ tb. PORK—Live Hog*. 5it"ssi..(; ip tb for heavy hard Rraln-fed: 6., (a,f>~ 4 r for light averagj do: stock Hogs. 4^@l^ic; dressed do. n>BlLt 1&. KECEII'TS OP I'IIODUUE. Wkdmesdat. April 13. lour, qr mm 20.289 Gr Screenings,si*. 100 Wheat, ctls 4.34S Hay. tons. MO 1 arier. etu 1C,,030 straw, 14 Corn, ctls 12; Wool. d;.i 1,189 l'.ecns.SKS '••\u25a0\u25a0,' .:\u25a0•»»: .--r -.-. . 145 Potatoes, ait*....... 4*o Raisins, bis 131 do Oregon, d 0.... 026 Hides, no - 510 Onions, ska _ 20 Wine, cats £0,900 Bran, sks 600 Brandy, gals 80 Middlings. 7241 SUN AM» TII>K TAISLK. Sll«i*Pi><i INTK L.L.10 KNCK. Arrived. TvtJiDKY, April 12. Schr Jennie Griffin.Campbell. 10 hours from Bo- dega; 60 aa butter, to Ross .v Hewlett. WUIBUT, April 13. Stmr Cleone. T'rry. 25 hours from llumboldt MO M ftlumber, to Pollard .v Dodge. Muir Emily. Robert?. 50 hours from Coos Bay, etc; pass and in is", to Meyer & Akniann. stmr National City, Hanson, 20Vii hours frm Eu- r^ka: 330 \u25a0 ft luinbpr. to 0 A Hooper * Co. Stmr Caspar, Anfladaen, 16 hours from Caspar; 356 M ft lasaaer. to Caspar Lumbrr Co. Bark Aureola. Sawyer, 6 days from Columbia River: lumber and lath', to Simpson '.umber Co. Srhr Chas i: Wilson, Johnson. 5 d.ivs from Grays Harbor: lumber, to Wi!s <v Bros Jc Co. Cleirml. Wkdxssdat, April13. Stmr City ofPnebla, Debney, Victoria; Goodall, Perkins A- Co. i>Mi|) LJ ilorse. Clapp. Taltal; John Roseafeld A- Sons. Ship Benjamin F Packard, Allen, New York; John Kosoufcid's Sons. Me bark Bu:itl.Meer, WlJll.imi, Nananno: John BeaeataM'a Sous. S hr Transit. Jorsensen, Honolulu; WlUlani 1 Dimond a Co. Srlir Hayes, Anderson, Seattle: George & Det- rlck. Ballot. Wihiimi, April 13. Stmr Arrata. Lancliornp, Cocs Hay. Rtmr Wiiumette Valley, Patnu. Yaqulaa Bay. hlmr Pomona. Ooaway, Aberdeen. S;mi Los Angeles. Leland. Wilmington. stair Sunol, Walvig. Stmr Whltelaw, Magee, with schr Samson In tow. * Nic bark Bunda'eer, Williams. Itanatmo. l.ark Btary wiukelman. Ntssea. Honolulu. Schr Billthe Butcher, I'etersoa. Bowens Landing. fcchr Wing aud win:;. Ooodnaaooa, s<hr Transit. Jorgens a, Honolulu. .••(\u25a0l.r l:ubv A Cousins. Knii'lsen, Hmuboldt. bchr Ab.<;e. llatiseu, Uumboldt. Telerr«i»liio. POINT I.OBOS—April 13 l'J r m Weataar foggy, wind calm. Spoken. Jan 16-lat 25 S, lon 130 W. Br ship IMaria. from Tscoina for yueenstown. 1-eb s—Lon .0 W, Br bark Orellaua. from Oregon for y.ieous'.Dwn. in m.-.ii.! .. Per Emily—Sailed from Coos Ray Apr 10; bar smooth, wind and weather favorable all along the coast: made all our way ports: stmr Del Nortr ex- pected to sail from Coos Kay to-day; passed stmr Empire on* Trinidad, from San Francisco for Nan- alBBO; Apr 12, stmr Protection loading at Fort Bragg; passed stmr I'asadeni oif Greenwooil Apr 12; btmr Silver Spring loading at Little River: stmr Greenwood and schr Bender Bros loading at Point Amsum pansil sear Sparrow off Flssj >i lannlla»ooan- LONDON. Apr 12—I'.r bark Betlona. while dock- ing at Dunkirk, fouled grain elevator with fore- yard; spar broken: elevator seriously damaged. Br bark Barooa, previously reported, is being towed to Q, iifeinto'vn. Per China— Apr 11, lat 39 44 N. lon 133 63 W, met English man-of-war Champion, under gall, standing to the westward. TOomeatic Port*. PORT LUDLOW—Arrived Apr 13-Schr Alice Cook, hence Mar 31. IIUENEMK—Passed Apr 13—Stmr City of New York, from .Panama for San Francisco. EUREKA—hailed Apr 13-Stinr Uumboldt, for San Francisco. COOS HAY- Arrived Apr 13-Stmr M:>£r^le Ross, hence Apr 10. . Sailed Apr IS—Stmr Del Norte, for San Fran- Cisco. NAVARRO—Arrived Apr 11-stnir Navarra, frm San Pedro. Git KEN'WOOD—Arrived Apr 13—Stmr WMies- boro. henc» Apr 12. NO—sailed Apr 13-Stinr Point Arena, tor San Francisco. LITTLE RlVER—Sailed Apr 13 Stmr Silver Spring, tor Rcdoudo. ASTORlA—Arrived Apr 13—Stmr State of Cali- fornia. hence Apr 11. Sailed Apr 13— Stmr Columbia, for San Fran- cisco. : POINT ARENA—Sailed Apr 13-Stmr Green- wood. SAN PEDRO-Sallcd Aor 13— Bark Rums E Wood, for Naualino. Apr i2-Stmr Alcatraz, stmr Alcazar. Arrived Apr 13-Schr Serena Thayer, from Eu- reka. COQ.UILLE RIVER-Salled Apr 11-Schr Eureka, for Han Francisco. TATOOSH—Passed out Apr 13-llawstmrSan M.v teo. hence Ai-.rH for Comux: Br bark Maude, from Seattle for Callao: stmr Michigan, from Pu:et Sound; stmr Walla Walla, from Victoria for San rr iMiiseo. Passed In Apr 13-Schr R W Rartlett, from San Pedro for Fuget Sound. IVKRSONa landino—Sailed Apr 13 Sclir Ocaon Spray, for San Francisco. I'or~icn Port*. YOKOHAMA-Sailed Apr 13—Br sttnr Eclglc, for San Francisco. Arrived Apr 13—Br stmr Oceanic, hence Mar 26. SHANGHAI—SaiIed Apr 11—Schr Courser, tor Port Blakolcy. - DKAL—Passed Apr 11—Br ship Colony, from London for San Diego. PANAMA—Arrived Apr 12— Stmr Acapulco, hca Mar 25. L.i NSTOAVN-Sailed Apr 12— Br ship Robert Duncan, for Hamburg; Br ship GUcrulx, for Dun. kirk: Br ship Nam>actug. for Havre. - w- \u25a0"*:\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0 \u0084» LlZARD—Passed Apr 10-15r bark Don. hence Dec. 11 for Lonuon. Movement* of Traus-Atlintlo Steamers. NEW YORK-Arrived Apr 13—S>tmr Kibe, from Bremen, Tin port lons. HONG-KONG, ETC—Per China— 2 pkgs treasure. 480 pkgs wine, 225 psga gunnies. 500 pkfs hemp, 13 pkes parcels, 290 sks beans, 1165 pkss matting. 625 bags sugar. 34 pses silk. 2 Dk<;s cigars. 302 pugs curios, 12S0 pkgs oil, 917 pkgs tea, 37.16U mats rlre, 443.'" pkgs mdse. For Overland—2s pkgs parcels, 55 SSs beans, 398 rolls matting, 128 pk^s silk, 793 pkgs curios, 605 pitgs raw silk, BM pkgs md*e. For Honolulu—2s pugs cigars, 20 pkgs r co, 122 pkgs mctsa. MARSHFIELD-Per Emlly-901sks potatoes, 22 bells green hides. 16 j>kits agricultural Implements. 1cs hats. 1 cs drugs, 2 cs fro^js, 1 cs champagne, 109 M ft lumber. Empire City— •_• pkgs coin, 3 pkgs express. 80 eds matchwood, 25 sks potatoes, W - Port Orford—so Mft lumber, 1 cs egis, 1 buck- skin. . Crescent City—24 bxs butter. i cs sundries. 10 plrgs fowl, eggs and ham, 'i pkgs mdi<-, I bale hide*, 6 pkgs express, I pkg col:i. "Little River—l3o sks abaione shell?, 1 bx sun- dries, S3 bills hides. Consignees. Per China— Anglo-CaiifornU Bank: A Crawford A Co: London and San Francisco Rank; J Jacobs on; F II Ames * Co: .i.i 1:1 Curio Trading Co: Bans of British Columbia it North America: Hooper «* Jen- nings; H II Berber * Co; Thus \V Kirn « Bro; Alaska Commercial Co; A M Totvnsetnl; Wll liar- roes; Chinese and Japanese merchants. Per Emily—T Louchran; Wolf .v- Son; II Chap- lin;Miller & Waugh; Baker * Hamilton: Tri«-st & Co; Kedlngton * Co: Wells. Fargo * Co; A Me- N>vln: Smith's Cash Store; Robert llalght * Co: P UDiirgln: Kruso & Enter; Hegler it Johnson; EB Ryan: Wh»>.iton * LiiDrs: Wltzel A Baker: Braun- •chweiger A Co; Norton. Teller .v Co; T Hayes; I X Cook: Whlttler. Fuller * Co: Gets Bros * Co; C W , Babcock; O B Smith * Co: C E Whitney 4 Co; J Guodlach: Dodge. Sweeney it Co; C Hellwlg; 0 Tetzcn; W M Sunnier <k Co; Simpson Lumber Co; T Hayes;' Pacific Woodenwaro and Cooperage Co; A Crawford .v Co: Mack <& Co; Sherman .< Clay.' for a.-iv v>if.,.in. tntrPfmrnat .s>» El,ite\ Pai\ OCi.A\ BTSAJBaUKS. 6 TIIE MORXIXG CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1892—EIGHT PAGES. i.'ii ny inn.AHi___ht, o.roiDiaH Instrument Maker. 1 California stress Sign of the Wooden .Sailor. > n. W. H.W. L. AT. I- W. i= l| ->. Small. Largo. Large. EinaiL 2 = | * ii... O.ltfAM 1.51 r_-1 6.43 Mil"6.5- am I3..618.44 18-.. 0.33 ami 2.48 fm; 7.18 mi 7.32 am 5.3516.45 6.... 0.51 am. 3.55 mi, 8.02 p. 8.17 am 5 :13..4- .7.... 1.13 am 5.03 pm 8.58 mi 9.07 am 5.31 8.47 8.... 1.53 am 8.15 rn 10.10 10.08 am 5.31T8.48 19.... 4.51 ami 7.48 ....... .12. AMI .9 1.49 \u25a0'0.... 4.51 am 7.48 PJI 7.48 M.113.1Q AM5.176.41 of I><> nurture From Ss»n BTIAMKR.. j l>KSTISATIO>r. I BAIL.-. j"Wrrar It] l'ueblxi VlcAfglbouudlAprl4. 9AM|L5ilw'y 1 lanta i:osa..|S_n D.ego AprlS.llAMBdWy - •an Juan | Panama Apr 15.1. \u25a0 FMSS 'regon | l'ortland ;. i Apr 5,10am .-spa \t ilrius Central America Aprl5, 4 pm, l.ombrd •aeilc. i China A Japan.. I Aprlri. .i i ii moot.It . (Humboldt Hay.. [Apr IS, 9am •CUy Eure-a ISaii Pedro >Aprl7. Ham . ll.iw'y. IWKIder.. Panama iAprlS.ia m|F.Ms 8 Valla Walla Vic _._•« Sound Apriy. '.*..« r.jwy1 oliiinbla | Fortiana j Apr 19, jSp._r 'orona ban Dirt. I April*. ; IP.lw'y 2 ioinona Humboldt Hay.. JApr'JO. 9am lotwy 1 -os Angeles i San l'edro I April'. 8am >liiiwy '_ Departure of Australia i ai.-n-. uopeiiiJi tas -lii.ll-li malls. ; AUCTION SALES. PEREMPTORY SALE. -a_T AUCTION. THUR5DAY. .......... ........ .......AP1t11' 14, _ At 11 A. M., . At Real Estate Office or M. 3. MADDEN. 1 627 Folsom St., bet. Twelfth &Thirteenth : House of 11 Rooms, Bath, Pantry, Buttery, Wash- < house; Large Suble. Size of lot 113 feet on Chencry st. by 100 on Roanoke. Electric caw pass the door; time to City Hall 15 minutes. This prop- erty to be sold without reserve or limit: a deposit of 10 per cent required on fail of tbe hammer. S.W ATKINS & CO.. apiOs Auctioneer's Office. 327 Sixth st. AUCTION SALE! fe . fe .£a AT J. D.BORAH'S STOCK AND SALE YARDS, Coiner Tentli anil Bryant Streets, SATURDAY, Saturday April 16, 1893. At 11 A. M.. By order of C J. Coluinbut of Madrone, Santa Clara County, We willsell 120 bead of well-bred mares and horse*. broke ana unbroken.- weighing from 900 to 1500 pounds. Among these burses aro several well- matched teams: also one pair of handsome Shetland, ponies. This stock can hi seen at the above sale yard on and after the 13th lust. This willbe a grand oppor- tunity for persons desirous of getting well-bred mares and horses at their own prices, as this stock will be sold without limit or reserve. .till 1 6 S. ATKINS A- CO.. Auctioneers. delinquent BUS NOTICES. t^oktTi iTKirTifisirK minTng" comTanv\ JA Location of principal place cf business. San Francisco. Cal.; location <f works, luscarora min- ing district. Klko County, Nev. Notice— There are delinquent upon the follow-, Ing described stocK on account of assessment (No. 19) levied on the Ist day of March, 1892. the sev- eral amounts set opposite the names or the respect- ive shareholder!), as follows: >'AMKS. >'O. No. Cert. Shares- Amt. . Nat Stein. Trustee 3016 1000 $200 00 Nat Stein. Trustee 3018 1000 200 00 S. B. Wakefield &Co.. Trs 4413 100 20 00 S. B. YVaitefleld 4- Co., Trs 4421 100 20 00 S. B. Waktneld * Co.. Trs 4691 60 10 00 James Ro:ph, Tiustee 4610 600 100 00 G. Friederlch, Trustee 4636 2*J'J 40 00 Rehfi«ch JL- Co., Trustees 4711 60 Iv 00 Rebnseb A Co., Trustees 5007 100 20 00 Kehfisch i Co., Trustee* 5019 100 20 00 Kehnsch &Co.. Trustees 5020 100 20 00 J. union. Trustee 5031 100 2000 G. Krlederlch, Trustee 5046 100 20 00- &Co., trustees 5113 100 20 00 Kebfisch A Co.. Trustees 6114 100 20 00 Lalng & Kuggles. Trustees 5124 100 20 00 8. B. W'akefleid & Co., Irs 5164 10« 20 00 J. Glllon. Trusteo 5217 100 20 00 M. J. McDonald. Trustee 5447 500 100 00 Zadijr, Wollberc * Co., 'Irs 5466 60 10 00 Susmann &Ulxim, Trustees. ..ss3B 50 10 00 James Kolph. Trustee 5551 500 10J 00 Susmann i Dlxoa. 1 rupees.. r>'>64 100 20 00 M. J. McDonald. Trustee 5538 600 100 00 M. J. McDonald. Trustee 5599 600 100 00 M. J. McDonald, Trustee 5600 600 100 00 M. J. McDonald. Trustee 5601 800 100 U0 M. J. McDonald, Trusteo 6602 500 100 00 Susmann it Dixon, Trustees. . .5-406 60 10 00 Kebflsch &Co., Trustees: 5850 15 3 00 Kehfisch & Co.. Trustee* 6903 50 10 00 Lain;; &Kuggles, Trustees ...595"^ 20 4 00 Susmaon *Dixnn. Trustees. .s9s9 200 40 00 H. L. Van Wyck,Trustee 6t)5S 30 60 j Ketiflsch &Co., Trustees 6123 100 20 00 Renfiacb Co., Trustees 6129 10 ; J 20 00 S. B Wakefleld 4 Co., Trs.. 6237 100 2u 00 Coffin &Sanderson, Trustees. .62s7 60 * 10 00 Susmann ADlxon. Trustees.. 200 40 00 busmauLi Ac Dlxon, Trustees.. .6437 100 20 Oy Susmaun A: Dlxon. Trustees... 6461 100 20 Oj Susraaun &Dlxon, Trustees. ...6462 200 40 00 Howard H. Shinn, Trustee 0478 50 10 00 A. W. Foster it Co.. Trustee.. .6s 14 10 2 Ou Staur. Cooper A Kedhck, Tr5. .6517 25 6 OJ Stauf, Cooper &Kedilck, Tr5..6521 60 10 00 W. J. Garnets, Trustee 6598 60 10 00 Staur. Cooper &Kedilck, .6677 200 +0 00 Goldman & Co.. Trustees 6786 60 1000 W. J. Guruett, Trustee 6855 60 10 00 E. CahiU A- Co.. Trustees 6=!BS 60 10 00 George B. Koot, Trustee 6390 100 20 O.» Louis Marshall, Trustee 6*23 20 4 00 A. W. Foster A- Co., Trustees. .7o2o 100 20 00 A. W. Foster i Co., Trustees.. 7o2s 100 20 00 A. W. Foster &Co., Trustees.. 7o33 500 100 00 a. W. Foster x Co., Trustees. .7o39 500 100 00 A. W. Foster* Co., Trustees. .7o4o 500 100 00 A. W. Foster & Co., Trustees.. 7os9 300 60 00 Kehfisch A; Co., Trustees 7102 600 100 00 Kehlisch A- Co., Trustees 7115 100 20 00 Kehnsch A- Co.. Trustees 7131 100 20 00 Thos. T. Atkinson A Co., 1r5.. 7 198 10 2 Ou Laluz & Rubles, Trustees 7200 400 80 00 Kehnsch A Co.. Trustees 7218 60 10 00 Kehflsh A- Co., Trustees 7262 600 100 00 T. White!)- & Co.. Trustees.... 727B \u25a0 200 4000 George B. Koot, Trust' 7304 100 20 00 George K. Ko Trustee 73-5 100 2000 George B. Koot, Trustee 7327 100 20 00 11. 11. Noble 4 Co., Trustees 7349 20 4 00 W. H. King. Trustee 7351 200 40 00 Rehfisvh & Co., Trustees 7355 100 20 00 Stauf. Cooper & Kediick. Trs.. 7379 200 40 00 George W. Keltey. Trustee 7396 100 20 00 Kehfisch & Co.. Jruttees 7432 100 20 00 Kebfisch & Co.. Trustees 743* 600 100 00 John Turnbull, Trustee 7435 39 7 80 . John Turnbull, Trustee. 7436 39 7 80 John Tnrnbnll, Trustee ......7453 23 4 40 E. K. Shctwell, Trustee 7479 100 20 00 Zadi*. VVollbrT)? Co.. Trs 7432 100 20 00 Kehfisch &Co., Trustees 7487 501/ 100 00 Dixoti & Miles, Trustees 7514 200 40 00 Dixon * Miles, Trustees 7515 200 4000 George B. Root, Trustee 7521 200 40 OH T. Whltely Jfc Co., Trustees 7524 100 20 00 L. Greenbaum &Co.. Trustees. 100 20 00 Thos. T.Atkinson A Co., Tr5. .7540 100 20 00 Dlxon tfc Miles, Trustees 7547 200 40 00 Dlxon &Miles, Trustees 7548 200 40 00 l>ixou A Miles. Trustees., 7619 100 20 00 Zadlr, \u25a0VVoliberg &Co.. Tr3. .. 7557 103 20 00 Dlxon A Miles, Trustees 7558 100 2000 T. Whitely & Co.. Trustees.. 7507 100 2000 Rehfisch & Co., Ttusteei 7649 100 20 00 Rehflscb. * Co.. Trustees 7650 IOJ 20 00 11. L. Van Wyck, Trustee 7«52 200 40 00 Staur, Cooper Jt Kediick, Try.7655 600 100 00 J. W. lew, Trustee 7630 I*oo 160 00 J. W. I'ew. Trustee 7683 39 7 80 George T. Knot 7695 200 40 00 Stauf, Cooper & Ked>lck, Tr5..769S 100 20 00 Staur, Cooper &Kedilck, Trs .7699 400 80 00 T. wisueiy a Co., Trustees.... 77oB 100 20 00 Staur. Cooper tf Ke Hick, Tr5..7711 100 20 00 James Rolpb, 'Jr.. bal. 4441. ..7715 *2 40 G. Friederlch, Tr.,bal. 4637.. .7716 53 10 40 James Kolpb. Tr., bat.- 486 3....7717 2 40 James Rolpb. Tr.. b»l. 4864. ..7718 3 60 James Kolph, Tr.. ba!. 5067. ..7719 20 4 00 John Turnbuil, Tr.,Ml. 6112..7720 6 120 John Turnbull, Tr., bal. &229.,7723 6 1 20 John Turnbull, Tr., bal. 5928..7729 7 140 John Turnbuil, Tr.. lal. 5982.. 7730 8 1 60 James Kolph, Tr., bal. 6078. ..7731 8 160 S.B.VV;ikerie;d& Co.,Trs., bai of 6081 7732 8 160 John Turnbull, Tr., b.ilol0163 7734 2b 6 20 S.B.Wakefield «fc Co*.Trs..b<il of 6205 7735 4 80 TJadicyJL*Duud.Trs.,bal of 6389.7736 7 140 Thomas T. AtltinsonJtCa, Trs., of 6442 7757 7 140 Turnbull •& Samson, Trs., tal 0f6503 7738 6 120 Thomas T. Atkinson * Co.,Trs., bil of 6552..... 7739 6 120 A. W. Foster A Co., Tr*.,bal of 6753 7740 6 120 John 'lurnbull. fr.. 7006.7742 26 5 20 A. vv. Foster dc Co.. Trs . bal of 7041 7743 64 10 SO H. B. Parsons, Tr.. bal or 7289. .7744 20 4 OJ G#or?eUrant, "Jr.. bal of 7410. .7746 11 2 20 George Grant, Tr., bal or 7411. .7747 11 2 20 VV. H. King. Tr.. r»ai or 7591 7751 61 10 20 Staiilf, Cooper A Redlick, Tr5.. 7754 100 2000 J. VV. rew.Tr. r.: 7756 24 4 80 E. F. Murphy «\u25a0 CO., Irs 7763 15 3 00 John S. Barrett & Co., Tr3..... ,7769 500 100 H. 11. Noble & Co., Trs 7770 100 20 00 W. S. Mftl«r, Tr 7770 200 4000 Stituff, Cooper A Kediick, Tr5..7780 95 19 00 Ha (I ley A l>oud. Irs 7754 100 20 00 H. L. Van Wyck. Tr 7787 1050 21000 K. Cant!! A Co.. Trs 7789 300 60 00 Louis Marshall, Tr..,. 7790 600 100 00 New York Issue. E. R. Grant All 100 20 00 K. R. Grant. Al5 100 20 00 Andrew C. Fuller AISS 100 20 00 And in accordance with law and an order from the Board of Directors, made on th>> Ist day of March. 1892. so many snares of eacu parcel of such stock as may be necessary, willbe sold at public auction at the of the company. 310 Pine St., rooms l."> and 17. San Francises, California, on TUESDAY, the 3d day of May. 189?. at the hour of 1o'clock p. m. of said day, to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, together with, costs of adver- tising and expenses of sale. " ' \u25a0 J W. PEW. Secretary. Omce-310 Pine St., rooms 15 and 17. San Fr.m- Cisco. California. anl4 M ])EST AND BELCHEH MINING COMPANY— 1 ' Location or prlccipal place of business. Sin Francisco. Cat; location or worts, Virginia City Storey County, Nev. Notick—There »re delinquent upon the follow- ing described stock, on account or assenmenc ' (No. 51) levied on the 3d day of -March, 1892, the several amounts set opposite the names of the re- spective shareholders, as follows: Na.mks. No. No, Cert Shares. A rot. Atkinson. T.T. ACo .Tr-!.. bal. 41 ail) -j.v Atkinson, T. T. * Co.. Tr0*.. 3*327 60 13 60 Bandman. J., Trustee, ba1... .1642.1 4 100 Bay ley, (1. 8.. Trustee .. ....2253J -40 10 00 Blow, A. Tru<te« SS3O7 70 17 60 Coleman AWattles, Trusteet.3lBs4 '60 12 50 Foster, A. VV. *Co ,Trus 36016 100 25 00 Foster, A. W. dc Co., Trus. ...362 60 100 25 ou Gauthler, E. A Co.. Trustees..33ll7 60 12 50 Gantuler. K. *00.,Tr5.. bal.. .33947 41 10 I? 5 Gauthler, E. A Co., Trustees..37<*6o 60 12 50 Gauthier. E. A Co., Tmstces..37949 60 12 50 Grant, (iooree. Tru5te«..,....8tt844 100 35 03 Grant. George. Trustee. 37793 100 C 6 00 Grant. George, Trustee. 37796 100 25 00 Greenobaura A Strings. Tru«..27853 500 125 00 " ' Greenebaunt A Straws, Tru5,. 29888 600 12500 Gurnett, W. J., Trustee ..SSS-iS 30 J 750 Hailley A Domi, Trustees.... 28579 20 600 Hartley « Doud, Trustees.... 2SC63 6 I '»s Iladley A Dvnil, Trustees.. 38545 100 25 00 Hooker Jb Frltsch, Trustees.. 3ssll 26 ; 6 25 lelauer. S., Trustee ..........12757 60 126n King. w.H., Trustee 29977 100 25 on Marye, Geo. T. Sc Son, Tru«...35889 60 I" Xn M(rye. Geo. T. A Sou. I M 1* ..37316 60 12 Marye.GeoT.ASon,T-5.,ba1..3754>>- 2 rii M.rye, Goo. T. A Son., Tru5.. .38192 60 12 =,11 Unborn, L. Trusts*..... 29619 25 r ok O-borti, L. Trustee ...30982 100 ssnii Osborn, L. Trustee ..30983 50 I* In Osftorn, L. Trustee .35335 50 I2=wi Osborn. L. Trustee... 35630 10J 'Ann Osborn, L., Trustee, bal 35*43 82 ••«! so Osborn, L., Trustee, ba1.... 35638 8 9 iv, Osbora.L., Trustee, ba1.... ...35957 33 r 9k Osborn. L.. Trustee.... 37685 "4 I,m " Rehfisch *Co..Tmste.js...... 30792 in hi?, Rehfisch ACo., Tru5tee5. .....85127 100 <li n-i Kehtisch* Co., Trustees.. ....85128 100 lion RehfischACa. Trustees .... 35129 m! -A S?, ££**£ A Co.. Trustees .85130 100 25 00 Rehnsch A Co.. Trustees. ba1..36556 41 10 2s K-hhschA Co,. Tru5tee5.. ....35601 100 6 00 Rehflsch* Co., Tru5tee5...,. .35900 100 25 00 Kebfis«h& Co.. Trustees..... 37154 so is«n Kebflsch A CO.. Trustees ... .383 U 60 -ia 50 Ro-t, G. R, TrnH-o 8h623 60 l"rji . Root G. D.. Trustee ! " 38409 100 25 00 Maur, Cooper A Kedilck. 37336 '50 12 50 Staur Cooper & Ke.lllck. Tn.38318 100 25 00 Staur. Cooper &Redltcfc,Trs.33323 20 600 gS l^' H°^ er * Be *»<"« - TTS.BBS24 10 250 sid. s, B. F. *Co . Trustees.. B7*o3 60 12 50 Turiiiuii. Joan. Trustee 34105. b 1 bo Turnbull. John. Trustee .'.... 32877 3 175 V-au Wyok. 11. L.. Tru5tee. ...37410 50 !•• ku Wright. VV. 11.. Tru5tee.. .....36193 60 {•> So | a < J'B- Wo|ll«i» A Co.. TrT. .23075 , 100 25 00 ZadU.WoilbergAC».,Trs,b»i.J7JlB 82 2050 Za>ll .Wollt..rßACo.,Trs. b»l.3.G9'i 82 20 50 '«'" ,V' er \u0084hal.37lBtf - 82 205" Zadl ? .WollbergACo..Trs.,bal.372l7 82 0050 th« °n « U r * CC f" nfr nC ° f With law' anA an order from i? ,«h i^o.? J Director*, made on the 3d day of Match, 1892. so many shares or each parcel or inch stock as . may be ueces3ary. will bo suiaVtinhiu •««tojj at tt,e auet!ot»-hou*e of S. p! MWdle P ton AUCTION SALES. WKHDEWi BASTC^,. PEO, W. TBIXKi 6EO. EASTON |/ At Auction! TUESDAY. TUESDAY ATKIL 19, 1893, At 12 o'clock nooa, at Our Salesroom, 638 Market St., Opposite Patel Hotel WESTERN ADDITION BUSINESS CORNER. BTV. corner Filimore and Bush sts.— With large building containing two stores below, with tene- ments Inrear of each: on second floor two French Hat«, 6 rooms and bath each: brick foundation, etc. ; I'iiluiore st. Is a prominent business center, and values on th!« street aro enhancing rapidly; Suttei- »i. cable; rents $155; lot 47x100. GOLDEN GATE PARK-ELEGANT RESIDENCE. E. line of Wiiiard st. 100 feet N. of Sullivan. Extraordinary opportunity to obtain a perfect home: exquisite architecture; house has 8 large rooms, buh. etc.; large basement: elegant mantels, electric bells and llfjhtlne; speaking tubes, etc: elegant lan-n and garden; stible and chicken-bouse; grand marine and Golden Gat 3 Park view, and sun all d«v: l'.ve roans to property: willsell residence and 75xK>3 or 130. or 37:6x105. Also, handsome lot or: N. line of Sullivan St. ; 105 feet K. or Wiiiard: elegant snrroundln?s: sunny Bide: fine view; short walk to (iolden Gate Park; lot 25x100. FOFRTII-ST. I3IPROVED PROPERTY. NW. cor. 5 '4 and 536 Fourth st. and 102 and 101 Freolon st.,bet. Bryant and ltrannan; stores anil tenements: rents $86: tills isa larsecorner; Fourth st. In basalt rock, sewered and in i?ood condition; ! Fourth-st. cars; large lot, 30x»0. PACIFIC HEIGHTS RESIDENCE. W. line (2709) Buchanan st. 81S. or Vallejo; 2- story biy-windowed; li) rooms, bath, servant's room; large basement; kitchen tiled: mirror-top and tiled ma- t-N; electric bells: arc glass; elegant marine Tlew; rent $76; lot 26x91. PACIFIC HEIGHTS SUPERB RESIDENCE., E. line (2212) Devisaderort.. 77:8 Vi S. or Wash- lnetou; very handsome 2- story bay-window resi- dence of 6 lares rooms, bath, etc.; large basement: hardwood finish: elegantly papered: sanitary plurnV.lnsr: brick foundation; extra finished wash- stand with highm*r!>le sides ana bathtub extra size and finish: white French glass in wiudows; bronze hardware; Majjee heater: everything perfect-, band- some frontanu rear garden; near Alia Plnz:»; choice neighborhood; to examine inquire at office; lot 25 xllO. PACIFIC HEIGHTS PROPERTY. N. line (2103 and 240SV' 2 ) or Sacramento St., 93:'> W. of Webster; front residence, 6 rooms and bath; in rear 2 French flats or 5 and 4 rooms; brick foundation, etc.; centrally located: always rented: rents $62 per month: cement stone walk; street In fln« condition: a good investment; owner to leave the State; lot 25x103. WESTERN ADDITIONRESIDENCE LOT. E. line of Lyon St.. 97 8. or Hush: large double lot In choice location and neighborhood: splendid lot on which to erect French rtats; would rent be- fore completed; examine this: California. .Sutter and Geary st. cables; street In extra condition: lot 40:6x107:6. . GOLDEN GATE PARK RESIDENCE CORNER. SE. cor. Page and Cole sts.; elerait corner Tor a home, all ready for building: tills is one ot the finest corners In this choice section of the city: one min- ute to the park; examine this for a home lot; 3 cable cars an. 1 2 electric roads; elegant large cor- ner; lot 37:6x101:3. MISSION- ST. CORNER BUSINESS LOT. SE. cor. Mission st. and West aye.; the best busf- ness corner InHollyPark; the widening of Mission St.. It being the key lot to the entire Holly Park district, makes this lot one of the most desirable in the Mission for business; Mission and Valencia-^t. cars; lot about 42:6x83:3. PRESIDIO HEIGHTS RESIDENCE LOT. N. line Clay St.. 268:1 Vi feet E. of lstave.: pai.t lot for a home; (lav st. graded, sewered and in fine shape; largo lot. 24:5*4x127:814. MISSION COTTAGE RESIDENCE. E. line (No. 1627) Church St.. 101:6 N. of 29th St.: har.<l-*oine cottage of 5 rooms, bath, etc. beau- tiful narde'i: good car accommodation; sood neigh- borhood; look at It lor a home; lot 25x100. . MISSION PROPERTY. W. line (No. LoS) Clinton st.. 75 S. of Krannan, bet. tit.'i aad 7th— lmproved; a 2-story building; rents for fl4 per mouth: street, In fine "order; 9th- it.table and electric roads; lot 25x75. MISSION RESIDENCE LOT. SE. cot. California st. and Coso aye., one block E. ofMission and Valencia 'u:iction: Girt Map No M- lots No*. 108, 110, 112. 118, 114, 115. 116. 117- -centrally located at the Mission: good view; sunny exposure: good home lots; Califorhla St.; sewered; examine them; lots, corner, 30x70; inside, 25x70. KASTOX.ELUISIUGE & CO., ap!4 17 19 G33 Market St.. Auctioneers. SECOND fe> &5 &a fcn> fca> Souther Farm Sale AT 12 O'CLOCK M., Wednesday'--- April £50. *s#~Catalo^iies and Information of KILLIP& CO., Livestock Auctioneers, »PlO tf \u25a0»\u25a0» Montgomery Street. DELINQUENT SALE iNOTICK*. "T^ET^ILTKITAaN!Mr~^ VvClo^ >V tlon of principal place of business, Saa Fran- els o. Ca! ; locatiou or works, Virginia, Storey County, Nev. Not UK —There are delinquent upon the follow- ing-described stock, on account c 1 assessment (No 3b). levied on the bth day of March. 1892. the sev- eral amounts set opposite the names of the respec- tive shareholders, tn follows: Names. No. XO. Burns. Eutler. Trustee. bai-^ Bl>m Amt anceor 18332 1 .NO 2 $ 50 Burrls, Kutler, TrusUe. bal- ance of 21414 .>. 1281 30 7 50 Hums, Hutier, Trustee, bal- ance of 1971? 1282 6 103 Banuan. William, Trustee, bal- ance or 22239 127H 3 75 <\u25a0• ftin a Sanderson, Trustees.. 1190 100 25 00 I»lxon 4: Miles. Trustees 1578 100 25 OJ Foster, A. W. a Co., Trustees 100 25 00 Foster, A. W. a- Co.. Trustees. lls9 100 25 00 Gauthier. K. * Co.. Trustees.. .l4o4 60 12 50 Gauthler, K. Co., Trustees ..1495 100 25 00 Gautbler, IS. * Co.. Trusie:s, balance or 22431 1288 2 60 Han kin*. J. J. E., Trustee, bal- sneeoi22tt7L: 1284 80 20 00 HaJlcy * l>oud. Trustees 1417 60 12 50 Messer, If at T., Trustee ... 30 100 25 00 Messer, Nat T.. Trustee 81 100 25 00 Messer, Nat T., Trustee........ 87 100 25 00 Messer, Not T., Trustee 01 100 25 00 Messer. Nat T., Trustee 151 100 2500 Messer. Mat T., Trustee 152 100 23 00 Messer. Nat T.. Trustee 166 100 25 00 Messer, Mat T., Trustee 'JTi 100 25 00 Meuer, Nat T., Trustee 273 100 2500 Mfsser, Nat T., Trustee 276 60 1250 Messer, Nat 1 ., Trustee....:... 21»1 100 25 00 M •*< r. Nat T., Trustee SSI 60 1" 50 Meeser, Nat T., Trustee. ....... 334 50 1250 M«sser, Nat T., Trustee 349 100 2500 Messer, Nat T., Trustee 351 100 25 00 Messer, Nat T., Trustee 375 100 25 00 Mrsser, Nat T.. Trustee 353 100 25 00 Messer, Nat T., Trustee........ 4SU 60 12 60 Heater, Mat T. a Trustee 437 60 1250 Messer, Nat T., Trustee 512 100 25 00 Messer, Nat 1"., Trustee 651 100 2j>oo Messer, Nat T., Trus;eo 555 60 12 50 Nesser, Nat T., Trustee «,;o 100 2500 Messer, Mat T, Trustee t>»4 100 25 00 Mtaser, Nat T., Trustee 652 200 5000 viewer. Nat T.. Trustee 667 100 25 00 Measer, Nat T., Trustee GHS 60 1250 Messer. Nat T., Trustee 728 100 25 00 Messer,-Nat T., Trustee 732 100 25 00 Messar, Nat T., Trustee 733 100 25 00 Messer. Nat T., Trustee 734 100 2500 Mes«er, Nat I., Trustee ; 738 100 25 00 Messer. Nat T., Trustee 875 60 1250 Messer, Nat T.. Trustee 925 100 25 00 Mes3fr. Nat T.. Trustee 10,"5 100 25 00 Messer, Nat T.. Trustee lOOtf 100 26 00 Messer, Nat T., Trustee 103S 60 12 50 i Messer. Mat T., Trustee 1030 100 25 00 Messer, Nat T., Trustee load 100 25 00 Messer, Mat T., Trustee .1259 100 25 00 Messer, Nat T.. Trustee 126'J 100 ' 25 00 ! Meseer, Nat T., Trustee. .1270 50 12 50 Messer, Nat T., Trustee 1301 100 25.00 Messer, Nat T., Trustee 151S 100 25 00 Mary -, Gecr^e T. * Son, Trs.. 1198 100 26 00 Marye* George T. A- Son. Tr5. .1203 100 25 00 Marye. Gcorg3 T. * Sou. Tr5. .1204 60 12 50 Hoot, George U. Trustee .1440 100 25 UO Koot, George 8., Trustee.. 1445 100 25 00 Koot. George 8.. Trustee 1465 10J 26 OJ Koot. George 8.. Trustee 1472 100 25 00 Kebfisch A Co.. Trustees 1344 60 12 50 Twl:gs. John W.. Trustee , 6 60 12 60 Twlggs, . I. Trustee 8 60 12 60 Twines. John W,, irustee 66 15 "~ 375 Tw:fus. ,lohu w.. Trustee 117 60 12 60 Twlg<s, John W., Trustee 208 20 6 00 Twig»s. John >V., Trustee »65 10 2 60 TwlKgi.John W., Trustee...... 368 10 2 60 TwUiij, John W, Trustee...... 418- 20 600 Twlßgs, John w., Trustee 424. 20 6 OJ Twij??*. . I bsi W., Trustee...... 435 '*0 600 Twlggs. John W.. Trust: .483 10 2 50 'I uU^s, John W., Trustee...... 750 20 601 Twlrrs. John W.,.Trustee...,,. 784 10 2 50 Twlggs, John \V.,Trunee 706 10 260 Twiggs, John W.,Truitee.... 1939 31 775 White y. T. .St Co., Trustees 447 60 12 50 Whltely. T. & Co.. Trustees.... l4Bo. 100 25 00 Whltely, T. 4 Co.. Trustees 1517 100 25 00 And in accordance with law and an order of the Board of Directors, made on thb Bth day of March- -1892. so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold at public ! auction at the office of the company, room 2, Nevaaa Block. San Francisco, California, on Friday, the 29th day of April, 1692, kt the hour of 1o'clock p. m. of said day, to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, to- gether with costs of advertising and expenses or the •ale. WSB^* JOHN* W. TWIU(i». Secretary Office—Room 2. Nevada Block, San Francisco California. ap!3td- ' pONSOLIDATED WYOMING GOLD MINING \J Company— Location o 'principal place of busi- ness, San Francises, Cal.; location of * works. Nevada County, Cal. . \u0084 \u25a0 Notice—There are delinquent upon the following described stock, on account ot assessment (No 1). levied on the 2«tn day of February. 1892 several amounts set opposite the names of the re- spective shareholders, as follows: No. Na Names. Cort, Shares.' Amr \u25a0J.M.-P.nlßnjcton. Tr«te». ... 87 800 *6O™o ,J. J. Hnoks, 'trustee 88 " 300 30 OJ James Hucks, Trustee.;......- . 69- 60' nir 1 BenJainluUealey... .....-...:.. . 120 \u25a0' 50 600 And In accordance. with, law. and an order of the Boar* of Directors : made or, .he 26th day St ebruary. 1892. sj many shares or each parcel or such stock as may be necessary will bo sold at nub- ile auction at the offlce or.tbecompar.v. room 11 303 WKDNKSI>AY J t,- I JS, Il rh-s tlMlCte « 0 ' : «». auvertUlnt and expanse* of sale ei^ AUCTION SALES. M. J. SIMMONS, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL THIS DAY. Thursday .................April 14, 18.13, At 11 o'clock a. m.. at . 1057 MARKET ST.. BKT. SIXTHAND SEVENTH, Tho Nearly New rurniture, Large French-plate Mirrors. Elegant Pictures. Upright Folding Beds, Fine Holy Brussels Carpets, etc.. the former con- tents of two welt-furnished residences. Also a lot of Millinery Goods. I M.J. SIMMONS. Auctioneer. lsßs?A(Paf# Baf^aa. INSTANT RELIEF. mW Eil IB it IbS 1 6 l%urel» win send (sealed) HI lallbl I fiKii tumß. 1 wi!lsend<seaJ«Ht) II VU'I Isltfll rnercuuiyrollow-eui. ferersapn^crtptlontoenlargernCßssmaU weak or» tans. A sure cure for Emissions, Lost Manhood, Nor- - VOUS Debility, Varlcocele, etc. Address, with stamp, I*B. tfnuiilin. Music l>wiier, UarstraU, Ulelk . au» Tulnsu ly Routes Jv^heumatism. Mr. CtiAnLKS Lawhence, of Ashland, Neb., gays that Swift's Specific cured htm of severe Rheumatism of which he had suffered for over six months, with vain efforts to get relief. He recom- mends it to all sufferers from Rheuma- tism. ~~~ " ' : Send for otir book on the Blood and Skin, mailed free .*- SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. 3*lo lj SaTulh T M BOOMS TO LKT-C«»NTIJ*CED. ' OO front rooms: unfurnished; grate anil water; rent lew to permanent tenant. apl 4 4' 1 1<)f;MISSIOJJ-FIXK LARGE SUNNY *K<>M J-X—«-7 room : also rooms en suite. 1* 997 EIGHTH 3 m:\.Ni U.NFUUMSBD _S-j I rooms: large yard; $8. XTICE SUNNY ROOM CHEAP TO YOUNG LADY X> aj company for lady In me evening. AiUlrrss C, box 5. this omco. apli 3* QOQ MISSION—FURNISHED ROOMS; DOtl.K, tWi/ single; use Htcnen If desired. \u25a0 /^l7 VAN NESS— HALL ROOM; MCELY FUR- UlI planed fur gentleman; $*>. aplH '-» COQ TUKK-LAKGK JSUX.N V PAKLOK; FUK- U+jU nlsbed or unfurnished: other rooms. a! 3 3 fc ]]') FOURTH— NKWLY FURNISHED SUNNY -L 1 O front suites and single rooms. apl 'i 5* Al\n FOUKTH-MCELYFURNISHED ROOMS: Iv i housekeeping or otherwise: alsoslnzle.l3 3* I CO] LEAYENWORTH—ROOMS WITHSTOVE 1 UjuL furnished or unfurnished; also single. 13 7* (111 FOLSOM-2 ROOMS: COMPLETE BOUSB- U"i 1 keeplug; running water: gas: bath. ap!3 3* 1 Q9l TAYLOR— I'LEASANT, SUNNY ROOM; 1 jji-tx bath; gas; reasonable. apl3 :i* _AO IIItOADWAV- 8 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS rIVJO to rent: reasonable. apl 3 a* £'91 POST - FURNISHED ItOOJIS; ORATE. v'— l lath, gas: reasonable. apl 36 1 i ?E\(\ CALIFORNIA HANDSOMELY IIK- - 1 *.'U nished sunny rooms; $6 and fi'J; bath. gas, etc ap!3 tr Cf|7 roLSOM- 'i SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING Ov I rooms; rent $10. &pl3 6* Oil PACIFIC— " NICK LARG FURNISHED Oil front rooms; cheap. ap!3 2* 9»> CLEMENTINA— PLEASANT LARGE UN- *-•-) furnished rooms. apl3 2* Iy}Ul MNTH— FRO.NT .SUITE ROOiIS, NKAT- -»'\u25a0,• ly furnished. J.IS: single $7. apl 3 2* QTfl SK\ i 1 Kill. COR. NOB. NR. MARKET. Olv nice nttla flat alO \u25a0in water, etc.l.3 3* I P ( !>>• HOWARD—FOR RENT FURNISHED J. tiUO » front and back rooms. apis "\u2666 1 (\4 MISSION— ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- .I '1 *) keeping; sunny rooms for cent emeu. 13 5* O/|9 M(IM(inMi:iCY LAUGK NEWLY FLK- OU- nlsbed rpoma: wect or month: lowrent. 13 5* 11 > STEVENSON I ROOMh TO LET. CALL ilOonP. O'CONNOR. 418 Stevenson st. api:i 4* 1ki_>i MXTII-Si NNY FURNISHED BOOMS; ' -L --O-j double and single; ess: bath. api:i 5* CA(!1 VALENCIA FEW 800 MB, CHEAP TO OUUa small and eeuteel family. apl" 3* OQI HARRISON— •-• UNFURNISHED ROOMS -.i for rent; $5. Call after 12 it ap!33« In! 1 WASHINGTON FRONT FURNISHED 1"! "1 room, respectable Spanish I.«ta- lly. _ ap!2 3* 1 F_l Q VALENCIA— LA SUNNY FURNISH Jt)l O ed rooms; light kousckoepluz If re qnlrtd. apl- 3* GOO HOWABD—NICE SUNNY FURNISHED U~ O double and single rooms. apl'J $• RAO MASON-FURNISHED BOOMS; GKNTLE- U\'__ men oily. apl2 3* p. r\~ POST— NICELY FURNISHED DOUBLE r"Oiiis; grate, gas. Path; reisonablp. apl'J 4* 991 MASON— FURNISHED DOUIH.E rooms; cas, bath, etc, apl'J 5 1 (I'if JACKSON-KUKNISHED ROOM. iU—U \u25a0»! 2G 1 1 /IQFOLSOM-NICELY KUtMSilKll SUNNY i- I JO front room: al<o single; reasonable. l'J 10 II Q VALENCIA— NICELY FURNISHED SIN- II •' irv rooms; also alcoves; ceut'emen. apl'J 7* C<IQ EDDY NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY O—O roo:n3. apl'J 3* "1 <\u25a0)\u25a0/ O'FAI'.RELL —LAIt UE AND SMALL J— _. rooms; furnished; sunny; all conveni- ences. npl'J 3* 709 NATOMA. NKARNIMII-3 KNISII- -1 O— el rooms for in.* 1 i and wife. apl'J 3* 3 SUNNY UNFINISHED BOOMS 1139 KOL- som; rent i'J. apll •>• 30, i THIIU>-2 UNFURNISUED HOUSEKEEP- O".L liig-rooni? In rear: »6an<lS7. Spll tf 7/jC O'FAKKELL - SUNNY ALCOVE: 523; 1 \JO kitchen ifdesired. apll 5* |Ql£ MISSION— FURNISHED FRONT ' J U room: ci,e:ni. npll 5* 7 I Q UUEIsKEKO-PLEASANT BOOM ANDAI.. 11 0 cove: S. and W. front*: comer; furnished; tunable for •-' i-ei.tleiae:i . $5 per \u25a0nek aplO 1* 7(j| MCALLISTER— SUITES AND SINGLE I v 1 suuuy rooms. suitable for It^ht _ou«iekeep- ing: bath: gat: terms reasonable. aj'lo 10 O9 MCALLISTER LARGE SI NY FUK- O— 'A nlsfied front room ; not and cold water: bath ; gas; closets; suitable for 2 persons. aplO 10 ,"91 THIKD— NICELY FURNISHED FRONT 1 '— 4 : bay-window room: auo backroom. aplO 6* ](lAJ LARKIN-SUNNY FRONT PARI \u25a0LvUtL fuldlng-bed: use of Kitchen. aplO 7* 9_» 1 third— sunny front BOOMS, OB £dO L suites; single rooms if 1 a week. aplO 5* n9 O'FARRELL - FRONT ROOM; nicely furnished: rent $12. np9 5* I"I A STOCKTON SONNY HAY WINDOW Tit/ front room, furnished: other rooms. sp9 lm fiZyft HOWARD— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY \JO\J front room for ap9 COT HOWARD-PARLOR FLOOR. WITH OB CO J without basement; to permanent party oa'y. aps 10* 9f17 POST DOUBLE AND SINGLE SUNNY *-vM furulslied rooms; frs: r.oor. apB lot 091 ELLAS— THE BUBEDALE; NICELY FUR. "— X nlslieil sunny rooms; suites and «lngle.apB lm I\l 19 AVASHINGT.iN— SUNNY UNFURNISHED OK.'— ' rooms: running watar. »Ps 7t» 1 A 7 FirTll-LAR(TE IJOOM. apStf "I n^A ""WARD NICELY FURNISHED X\jU\J rooms; en suite, single, double: by day, week or mouth; for gentlemen: also houjt-keepinc rooma. 31,7 c,[» G-)(\ WASHINGTON SUITES OF KOOMS. U— \J and single rooms; very desirable; low rent and near bu«iiiess center. ap3tf yOSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET ST.. IJET. A Sixth and Seventh; 35e to 91 per ntftht; pet week, tl50 to *5 ; single aud en suite; tMßllies.93 tr rpBE AKHOTSFOKD. NW. cor, LAKKIN AND 1 Broadwajr— Mee. qalet. penteel and boinelUt?; fnrnlshed or un:urnl.shed sunny rooms atextrumely moderate prices; !i£h£ housekeeping perniitte<J.4tf : Q1 »_» SUNNY FLOOR: 5 BOOMS; OVERLOOK- <pXO. Ins city. Day and Contra Costa: tor small family: water Iree; SW. cor. Montgomery an<l Green; at UL'O Washington st tf nQQHOWAKU, COX. SIXTH— NEWLY FUR- I'd/ nlti hed sunny rooms; en suite and single ; day, week or mouth; transient; rates reasonable. ap2ltn "I 090 MARKET. THE MELLWOOD— X J _-_»O furnished Mitmy rooms, en suite or single; tome suitable tor oltices: transient. mrls la Iff! KKYANT, NEAR MORRIS AYE.-SMALL I \J\J sunny bed-room; furnished: $5. je'Jti if r f\ CENTS WILL BEND THE WEEKLY CALL •JU for four moaths to any part of ilie United Btatea. I:IIAI.Di.SG .I.MI !;<.«» >i-. 171 Q TURK LABOE FRONT BOOMS I I •a.v nlshPd: board: bath: (U; private. api3 10 7_|O PINE-PLEASANT BOOMS, WITH EX- HO eel lent board; 920, $25 and $30 per m0.9 7* "I 9] A MASON—SINGLE AND DOUBLE SUNNY -I-*--*-" rooms: terms moderate: wltli board.atf lot C9I POST NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY oJdUX rooms; board optional; reaa. rates. ap3 lmo AMEBJCAN EXCHAN(>K HOTEL. SANSOME \u25a0£*\u25a0 St.—Positively the l) value In the city for permanent or day boarders; good rooms; elegant table: rates »6 to $10 pcr 'en; per day $1 up.i^Htf AKLINOTON house. 127 KKAKN Y—FLEA9- •ut snnny room*, en mite and tinftg; [rsto.aii it every respect: terms reasonable. j»io;t TilETROPOLITAN HOTEL. 612 AND 6!? ITI Fourth st. : single meals, _'0c: board and room per day. lie to $ 1 \u25a0 by the week, *4 to *5; Iree coach toaudfrom hot-l. B. BBASLEY. Prupr. ocU lim ONT«OMEUT'3 TEMPERANCE HOTEL. air A'i and TiVSecond tt.— Single meal* 29c; <>aard*al rcom per dar. 75c to Si : by the «n(. « i to (rat coach to and from tli» liocol. zttil'-t SUMMER ItESOKT.S. \TII.LA LA JOTA, ON BOWBI L MOUNTaTn*. T near St. Helena, widely known M a mountain resort and sanitarium. Is offered for rent for tha summer months or for \u25a0 longer term ; place com- prises 54 acres: a modern-style residence or stone, •with adjoining cottage, .ill completely furnished and equipped cor a first-class bealtn resort; it is suited alB3 for a gentleman's country home; fina \u25a0water snpDly; picturesque forest scenery: baattaf and tuning; terms low to responsible parties. Ad- dress La Jota. box 38. this office. apO ltn* IJKMJKTS. W R INOtJ AND HOTELS OF THE J I Pacific Coa^t. with rates, location, etc., duo- llsfced in the Hotel Guide. 180 pages. For sale by newsdealers, or senl '_5c in «tampi to W. M.PAT- TEKSON. publisher. 310 Post m.. S. K. mrl it sioicfc-* xo JLKT. ~ QAQ POLK-VERY MICE STOKE. FIT FOB AVY 4tit\jO kind of ret til or restaurant business; 4 Rood rooms In rear; good location. . apl3 7 © 9 - BTOBB, 6 L A » G K R'MS; ESTAHLISHED X *~i<J- as saloon. 91 1FOHOIII, above Fifth. 13 4* IPOK KENT— A ItKICK HUILDINO. SUITAIILI! r for grocery or upholstery, will rent us whole or In part: rent reasonable. Apply to JAMES Ct RTIN A CO.. 1l'J3 Market it. ap i_ 7t CIOKNER STORE TO LET. ELEVENTH AND / Natcma >ts. aplO tf pABPENTB K-SHOr" AND 1 Room ON WAL- \J nutave., bet. OctavU and Laguna. Suiter and Post »W. Apply to C. B. CAPP CO., Homebrokers and Real Estate Agents. 416 Montgomery st. 9 7 v 01-TICKS TO LKT. ~ «)1 Q OEARV- FURNISHED OFFICES KUIT- OxO able lor doctor or dentist. aii)4 :t* STOUK AM> OfHCK FIXTIJUK9. pOU N A N |Tnl ( >HE^FIXTijXtS FOR~M aTe \J and made at 331 Geary st. noio tf A CHIMING CLOCK. The Flue Mcciiaulara of One of San Iran- CihCo'd Art. «ium. George L. Skinner, a clock-maker, who lives on Fillmore street, has just completed a marvel of mechanism in the shape of a chiming clock. ItIs set withina tall cherry- wood case, and is intended for use Id a hall. With the exception of a set of French bells, used as chime?, and the woodwork, the clock was constructed entirely by Mr..Skin- ner, and it represents 70 fulldays' work. The many cogwheels, the pinions and other Pieces of mechanism were cut out of solid metal by hand and adjusted with as much nicety as is a high-priced watch. The bells have been set to reproduce the mafic of the chimes of Cambridge, the several ham- mers have been adjusted to strike the bells at the exact moment that is written in the score. The clock, in a very clear tone, ;strikes the notes iv the bells at the quarter the halt and tlr* hour, and at the hour the time of day is announced on a heavy steel spring, which gives out a sonorous sound that Is musical and pleasing to the ear. lli«>se who are competent to judge of such matters declare that IMb is one of the finest adjustments that can be produced, and Is a credit to a San Francisco workman. "Ma- terial and time," said Mr. Skinner, insneak- ing of his work, "represent the sum of $500." HOUSES TO LET. QQA O'FARirELL-rTtTuSF, 7 KOOMS: GAS; _-«)U tmnv side: rent reasonable. ap!4 3* .jO TWELFTH TENEMENT OF 3 ROOMS. -.L upp.-r part, lor small family; stable !r re- quired. \u25a0 \u25a0 »P l 4 tf 4 BUN NY BOOMS AND CELLAR: IS TO SMALL family. 8 Clinton »t.. off Bryant, nr. Elxth *14 6* 1 <nOSTEINh«. NX. ELLIS-7 ROOMS. BATH; 1/iUo rent $3* 50. ap!3 *• I'Mk HYDE— II ROOMS; VACANT KAY 1: P0B- OU«" niture ch.ap It wanted: rent $60. ap!3 'it* rr.O LEASE-GRAND fjOUTHEKN HOTEL. 008, J !-evfiHtiand Mission; Just completed: 96 rooms; light and sunny: larpe dining-room; oftlce, elevator, etc.: also very fine Stores and Lasement: will rent the building us a who c or In subdivisions. m 3 <""' tf Cii)f\ I'AHT: 4 KOOMS; HATH: WATER igZU. free. 15589 (iolden Gate are. apl'J 3* OVSE 9 MNVS^ROOMS AND BATH. 216 Leaveimorth. apl 2 3* <) II WE ST., Bl I" BBYAHT AND UKANNAN t>l.' rhlrdand Foartli—4 rooms. aPVL*A_ Ho: SE TO LET-628 J.1.1 IS. 6 BOOHS AND bath. _!___ ___ .- Ti 3 n atom a. BET. sixth and SEVENTH; t)i-4 neat tenement: 4 rooms: halls; separate yard ; front and rear entrance. apl 3 3* p.l' 1-STOKY MOI SEOF6BOOMS: DOUHLK t^il O. parlors; garden: yanl. 1248 Monfy. alO8» •_> OB 6 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; DOI'KLEI'AR- Iors: laree yard. b44 Second. nr.Townsend.a^jt* OUNNY HAY wlNl»ou HOUSE: 6 ROOMS.BATiI O and basemrnt: modern improvements. 1Hampt- on place, off Kolsom. Bel '-'d i" d 3d. ">> -- tr ANITAKY PLUMBER AND SAM - FITTER; > Jol)Miiz of all kinds: wort guaranteed or no cfsr.e. ('HAS. M1.1.1l «.V-' >\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 I .11. -,1.».fl 1 Km « Kit 4..1-' I<> 1 ' i H^iooMTorTAUi;: xeak isusinksscentkr; O clieap rent : furniture for sale for 990. 13 Met- calfe place, oil Geary St.. ab.ive Mason. * -I (\r~ T\> EN TY-SIXTH. NEAR MISSION-COT l"it.igff 5 roon:<; water free; $14. aplO 10* 0 1 I* SUNNY COTTAGE: 4 LARGK KOOMS: «> lU. l..gompnt: yard. Dolores mi.l iail: » 7t« i l r.\ , -li i iiousks; fi UMsMKi' HOI si: i K7n7MsT~iTvFir 1 laundry and piano; rent reasonable. 1377 Kol- »oii) ?t. apU 4* CQQ HOWARD: FURSITPRE 5 KOOMS FOR '•>'' sale; house of 9 rooms to let. apU 3* VTEW FDRNITCB ELEGANT 6-ROOM ILAT; i> must l>e sold. 1007 Hayes Bt. ap!2 IPDRNITCRE MODERN 6-HOOM FLAT FOB Jr sale: b.irgaln. J 5 28 .• Miss on st. a,» 12 A* (iBOOMS ELEGANTLY FURNISHED; :r_'6 MA- y Boast.; reference; ctioice, sunny. ap!2 3* <5 in NICELY FCRNISHED UPPER FLAT; 5 tjp IU. rooms and bath. 120 Twelfth s:.. from 1 too. a p 1 0 7* 'OR BALI OR BENT— FURNITURE 5 BOOMS. -T 7-'- 1 v.-fiitv-tiilr-l St.. near Howard. ar»10 St* iI.AT.-i 111 LhX. dj.]7.~il.AT. 4 BOOMH, WITH BATH, A*- t|pl O. ti-inary tubs, patent closet. 2308 Harri- (on St.. l>et. Twentieth and i wenty-first. apl4 4* fTPPER BAY-WINDOW FLAT. 6 BOOMS AND V Ibath; ail modern improve .n»nt*. 905V2 Eisrht- eenth St.. 1 Woe* from Castro-st. cars. apl4 4* T OWKkTLaT. '. ROOMS AM BATH; KENT JJ ?17; furniture for sale; $100. Call after 6 o'clock, 1838 Howard st. apl-t if LrPPER FLAT 6 IMS: HATH; MODERN IM- 'prorements. 1 135 */•> Pacific, near .tones. 133* Q9() NEW ELEGANT FLAT, 560 CHI'BCB »_*—\u25a0•> : no sinali children. apl3 7* l'l. A I01 5 BOOMS AND HATH. 724 GKOVE X street apl3tf Q BOOMS AND BATH;KENT «15. 2211 POLK. O between Valiejo anil Green. apl3 3* OO SOI Til PABK.—7 KOOMS AND BATH: SEP- --t.J ante entrance. apl3 5* SUNNY FLATS; FIVE ROOMS; HATH; rent 1602 and 16**2 Pols: st. ap!2 7* (J; 1 - Nfc.W CPPER FLAT 6 SUNNY BOOMS; ijlO. bath. 30S Vlc-gbnrg. nr. 'J-Sih. apl3 8t» SUNNY FLATS: 6 ROOMS; BATH; ?30. 1701 k Washington it., near Poik. apl2 7* Q- /) 4 ROOMS; hathTTtationaky tubs 0 '-'• and cellar: no children. Upper floor of 1911 Geary st., opp. Hamilton square. a] .- 1* Qtjc BAY-WINDOW FLAT: 6 BOOMS, bath. tjp--«j. Key Tblrtcotith. near Howard. al2 4* QIC 352 MINNA ST.: 6 BOOMS AND BATH. '*-• $32 60-4&1 Valeaela St.; 6 rooms and bath. *16—7 Hollls st. ; 5 rooms and bath. $26—635 Yallfjo s:. : 6 rooms and b:ith. 93260— 1103 Valencia st.: 6 rooms ami bath. *26—1106 Valencia st. : 5 rooms and batli. $18—264 i Irst bt : 6 rooms. SlB-650 Minna st.: 4 rooms. IS—osol '•> Minna st ; 4 rooms. f 17— 38 Turk it : 4 rooms. aplO 6 CHAS. ASHTON. 411 Montgomery st, }fLKGANT UPI'ER BAY-WINDOW FLAT OF 5 rooms and batn: sunny yard sod basement 226 Tenth st.: key at corner procery. apll tt O/\7 LINDEN AYE..NEAR GUUGU ST.-FLAT » 'Msunny rooms and basement; .*l5. aplO 5* T.) LET— IO2S PIERCE .ST. ;*s22 50; NEW FLAT it5 rooms and Dath; sunuyaud desirable yard front _i. ! rear. apO 7* 7 1 J -N A TOMA-FLAT OF 4 ROOMS: RENT $I*J; * -11 no children. _p7 tf UPPER FLAT; 6 S£NNY| ROOMS;; HATH. 27 1 Itirch aye. off Larkln, bet. <>rove anil Fulton. 6tf dj.](» FIAT 5 SUNNY ROOMS AND BATH. U. 171 Lfavenworth --, ay>s tf HOCSKKEErXN'O booms. O \vXKl7^i L' TI NISHE D m> DSEEEEFING UO— rooms. ap!4 3* BTWELFTH,8 TWELFTH, NEAR MARKET-NICELY FUR- nl>bed connecting rooms lor housekeeping. ({'J-\ GREENWICH. NEAR POWELL- 2 FUR \JQX ntshed rooms for houaeteepin bath. ap!4B* 79Q CALIFORNIA NICELY FURNISHED * 17 room, li-'ht housekeeping. 1 997 MISSION TWO NEAT FURNISHED J— I rooms compete for housekeeping- two closets and Path: private family. apl 4 tf r,(*l 1 mission, NR. SECOND-SUNNY FRONT <U\Jl '4 bedroom and kitchen for light honsekepp- lnz: two back rooms for housekeeping. apl4 3* /']lil MISSION—LAKGE FRONT ROOM FUR- \J± 'J-j nlsned rorhon«e'ieepln;r; ni'inth.apl4'J» "1 AO THIRD-SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING JO rooms: complete; gas and bdtn. ap!4 3t» FLQO »1 EVENSON-3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; %JU\J sunny sld?; reasonable. !• O' PLEASANT. OFF .TONES, BET. SACRAMKN- --c> to and ay Lower flit; 3 rooms. ap!4 3* (j 17 MISSION-2 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS »-[' for housekeeping; reasonable. apl4 2* (\]{\BOSH— B NICE CONNECTING ROOMS, wit/ suitable for 3 people; tarnished housekeeD- Ing; fit). 991 FOLK-SUNNY FRONT SUITE PARLORS. ---.I with or without kitchen. apl4 \u25a0!• (\i\ MINNA-FURNISHED SUNNY KOOMFOR •Oil housekeeping; double room for cents. 14 2* 94 Al SIXTH-SUNNY BAY-WINDOW SUITE. -\u25a0»T.V/2 newly turn .sued: cookstove; »16. apl 4 •_• 1 *_> _> SEVENTH— FURNISHED, CORNER i»'l sunny honsokfepingiooins. 9»;r FOURTH FUKNISdED ROOMS FOR £» <O honsckeepln?. HA U OWARD-FRONT ROOM; FURNISHED I J.\J for houseteeplng; rent low, IH-JK MARKET BT. - SUNNY FURNISHED XKJOO housekeeping rooms; also single rooms. 2* 1 99 J MISSION-LARGE SUNNY BAY-WIN. *\u25a0**—*. dow room; kitcb-rn.Tar'l and closet. al 1 tf "J CCMOSS. OFF HOWARD. BET. SIXTH AND J <v Seventh— Nice sunny front and back hoase- fceeplngrcoms. withgas and bath: reut cheap. _'• LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE- --» fceeplni;. $10. 1717 Howard st. _pl3 1914 HOWARD-2 "X 3 LARGE SUNNY FIR. JAilTornntur. honjiekeeplii; room*. apl 35* 5 Moss, OFF HOWARD NEAR seventh— Neatly furnished rooms; light housekeeping' qnlet h 'me; terms reasonable; no family. apl3 7* O/«91 MISSION-SUNNY FURNISHED HOUBE- tJU_- \u25a0; keeping suite; with or without piano.l 3 5* IA." NKW MONTGOMERY-NICEST, CHEAP- XVO est furnished honselteeDlng and single rooms In the city; coma and gee them. apl3 2t» Q>-\ •> 2 LARGE SUNNX FURNISHED ROOMS Ol'-'. for housekeeplug; a:so others. 448y 2 Ihlrd st. apl2 \u25a0 Q«J| TORK -LARGE FRONT ROOM AND •U-tJL kitchen, honsekeeplng; laundry, gas, bath. tf 1 Q I 7 - % »SSION 2 SUNNY FRONT nOUSE- \u25a0»"' I keeping rooms; furnished; gas; bath. 12 6* 1890 STOCKTON - 2 OR 3 NICE SUNNY J yJ—v/ rooms: complete forhousekeeping- cheap- wat«r. 25* ' A~\ O FOURTH— 3 SUNNY FURNISHED HOUSE- rxx-iJ fccepn.g roirns. apl 2 3* RVfl, TWENTY-FIKTH, NEAR HOWARD - 3 *J—V sunny mifurnlsDed rooms; bath, aplO 7* 0I n TAYLOR-HOUSEKEEPING AM) rTrN *-> ' v nished rooms; reasonable. aplO 5 79' BRANNAN, ABOVE SIXTH-BEDROOM I +**J and kitchen. famished; $3. aplO 5* I_l'JO STEINER. BET. ELLIS AND O'FAK- \u25a0*~*j<J roll—3 nice rooms aad but in furnished coni- plete for housekeeping. ap9 tf 1090 MISSION-FLAT OF 4 UNFURNISHED x\J— yj housekeeping rooms; also sunny bay- wlndow parlor; rent reasonable. a,p7 lm 01 I HYDE— 2 LARGE SUNNY UNFURNISHED Ol- I rooms: bath: reasonable. aps tf OOQ THIKO-UNFURNISHED OR FURNISHED houaekeeplrig rooms: rent $7 and »i. ap4 tf *7|<Jl HOWARD, POWELL HOUSE. BET. 3D ±vi and 4tn— Fine houiencplng rooms, apl tf 1 *2HI STOCKION. NEWTON HOUSE-HOUSE- J^Oi keeping and furnished rooms; kitchen- dining-room. _ p i i « OOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING, FURNISHED Jt or unfurnished: with or without stable. 25 Fierce St.. cor. of Halght. wr 27 tf C HARRISON AVK..OFF FOLSOM-tURNISHED «_> front room: kitchen: housekeeping. nir!B tf \u25a0\u25a0 ROOMS TO LET. 1Q I Q FINE—LARGE~T)OIJBLE^SuirN V FUlt" X*J I O Dished room for gentlemen. _Pl« 2* 1 qnO PINE-LAKGE NICELY FURNISHED IO\JZj sunny front room: private boose. apU Q1 7 PINE - LARGE NICELY FURNISHED %JX I rooms: gag; bath; $8 ana 810. a pl4 190^ »USH-NICELY FURNISHED DOUBLE _* --V/c/ and single rooms: private family, ap!4 3* 1009 1 HYDE—SUNNT FRONT AND BACK \u25a0ivv-ii parlors; nicely furnished for 2. apl4 Q/'KI MARKET, LINCOLN HOUSE—NEWLY O\JO-4 furnished sunny rooms; suites and ilngles- modem: reasonable. MBS. N. F. COOK. apl4 im CALIFOKNIA-LAKGE FRONT ROOM FOR - %£iO'Z; otser rooms; reasonable. 1 ( 1/* ELEVEN TH-N I FURNISHED BAY- -IUUwindow trout room; s»«10. .- - . MACDERMOTT l'LA< IC.OFF JONES ST., BET. Turk and Eddy—Comfortable furnished room; private family; for 1 > r 2 gentlemen. ap!4 4* 3HOWLES PLACE. NIL 13TH ST., OFF HOW- ard— Upper flat; 4 rooms; Oath: $15. apl4 OAI FIFTH, NEAR. MARKET— NICELY FUR. -i* '\u25a0\u25a0! nlsbed rooms; suite or single; $3 to $20; transient 50c \ > $1. - ' apl4 tf Q'J SOUTn PARK UNFURNISHED BABIS- -«JO nient; rent ta * ap 1 4 3* 111 GEARY— NICE FRONT DOUBLE AND I X single- room: rent cheap. - . . au!4 6* AOn TEHAMA NICE ' FRONT FURNISHED rtO I room ; 5. ' . •• -, rjfiOO'FAKRELL ST.—FUKMSUKD PARLOR; 1 v_» single looms; suitable forgentlemen.al4 7*

Transcript of · ON A BOSK rRE'SED IN A BOOK. Iwin the summer back again At touch...

Page 1: · ON A BOSK rRE'SED IN A BOOK. Iwin the summer back again At touch ofi.'i dead rose-Ob.lavish Joy !Oh. tender paint The very June windblows..And thrillsme


Iwin the summer back againAt touch of i.'i dead rose-

Ob.lavish Joy ! Oh. tender paintThe very June windblows.

And thrillsme withthe old refrain. Whose music my heart knows.Iwinthe summer brick again

At toucii or Ui » dead rose.

Ah. lost Isall the summer's gala.And lost my besrt'3 repose:

And was Ittear* or was itrainThat wept the season's Close ?

The winter suns they colaiy vane.While fall the winter scows.

But Love and Summer couie againAt touch or this dead rose.- Louise CIIAMH.KR MOULTON.

A YOUNG HERO.fcoNCi.rnr.n.]

They reached the castle without furtheraccident, and Strowan was consigued to thecare of his tutor, who warmly thankedGeordie for the service lie had rendered hisyouns chief. Geordio hurried away toescape the congratulations which met himon every side, and his last faiewell as ex-changed at the castle gate with the fairJessie, who cave him her hand at partingand made him promise to visit them often,

assuring him how welcome he would be andhow glad they would bo to see him.

Geordie at last reached his humble dwell-ing, and sat down to ponder over the eventsof the day. His brain grew dizzy and histhoughts became ooaf used. Itseemed likea dream to him. The kiss lingered on hislips and the white arms again pressed hisneck, lie sprang to his feet and dancedabout bis hovel In a paroxysm of joy.upset-ting a neighbor who came inat that momentwitha kettle which required mending.

The fall of the man and the rattle, of thekettle restored Gcordie to his senses. Hehastened to set Siiiuliton his feet again.

"Are ye daft, lad?" exclaimed Bandit assoon as he recovered his breath, which hadbeen somewhat damaged by his fall." l)e'el a bit!" answered Geordio, "onlymerry, that's all. Leave thy kettle, and Iwillrepair its damage*."

Sandie left the kolile and retired, but thefirst neighbor outside he told what ho hadseen, said shaking his head wisely remarkedthat "Goordie Sobeitaon was clear daft!"Meaning to intimate thereby that Geordiobad lost his 6euses.

His rosy dreams faded Into thin air as hei sat down -his usual avocation, and as hishammer clinked upon the GeordieRobertson muttered to himself:"

Fool that Iam to let my thoughtswander in that direction. Siie is a duel'sdaughter, while 1 am a tinker

—only a

tinkerI"That night he sought his couch with th«

firm resolve to think of her no more. Hedreamed an angel rose up before him.opened the gate* of the promised land andbade him enter. That angel wore the faceof Jessie!

A year passed away. Qeordk had visitedthe rastlu but seldom, but he had become theconstant companion of Strowaa in all hishunting ani bblog excursions, and the(air Jessie, who had become very foud ofopen-air concerts, made one of the party

whenever the weather permitted.Many noticed that a grent change had

come over Geordie. He became particularin his dress, and. though of coarse material,he kept itscrupulously clean. He practicedmuch with various weapons and taught theyoung chief the use of the claymore, who Inreturn loaned him his book? and taught himto read and write—no mean accomplishmentsInthose days.

A 6 we have said, a year passed away,when a stranger rode, in hot haste, throughthe villageof Athole, and diew r«iu beforethe castle gate. A rumor of strife hadalready been borne into these quiet moun-tains. It was said thai the brave JamesGraham**, Maranis of Montrose, hail raisedthe royal banner against the Covenantersand called upon the loyal clans of Scotlandto assemble beneath his banner. Tins callhad already been answered by numerousloyal clans, and itwas not to he supposedthat the men of Athole would be ba-kwardin unsheathing tae daymen to tight for"KingCharlie."

The stranger proved to bo Patrick Mc-Gregor, who had be™ sent by the Marquisof Montrose to claim the aid of the men ofAthole inan expeditiou against the Camp-bells of Argyleshiro— the Marquis of Argylebeing one of the principal leaders of theCovenanteis.

The tutor of Strowan mu!tered the fight-log men of the clan to march to the assist-

iance ol Montrose. and Geordie Kobinsonbuckled his claymore to his side, mad) hispreparations lor the march, and then strolledtip to the castle to say farewell to Strowan.At least he tried to cheat himself into thatbelief. Poor fellow!he would not acknowl-edge even to himself that .Jessie was themagnet that attracted him thither— that howished to have one last look at her sweetface before he dared the uncertain chancesof war.

They met in the garden quite accident-ally, of course, and sat down together in asylvan bower, screened by thickly twiningvines of sweet-scented honeysuckle*.

"l'ou are going to the war, Geordte," be-gan Jessie.

"Yes.Ihave never yet marcbe;' with theclan :itis time 1have proved myself to beman."

"You are so, Gcordie," responded Jessie,warmly, "a noble-hearted, unselfish, brave,true man, with a mind and bearing farabove your present station. Iknow andfeel that you will distinguish yourself inthis strife, and yet, when the thought thatyou may never return occurs to me—"

Jessie's voice grew hoarse, she pausedabuptly and turned away her lie-id.

"Well, if Ifall,"said Gi'ordie, in a voicetremulous withan emotion which he soughtin vain to overcome, "what then? Iamalone In the world—there will ba none tomourn for me."

"You are ungenerous Goodie," returnedJessie. "Strowan and Iboth love, you—Strowan as dearly as a brother, and 1'

—"As dearly as a sister." suggested Geordie,

seeding that she hesitated.A faint blush tinged her cheek, _he

averted her eyes, and replied, softly:"Oh, yes!" •.'

"Do you know that you are very beauti-ful, Jessie?" said Geordie, abruptly.

Jessie opened her eyes in wonder. Herewas matter for twofold amazement Itwasthe first time that he had ever called herJessie, and he had never paid her a compli-ment before.

"When 1 return," continued Geordie.evidently pursuing a train of thought,


shall fi:idyou married to some young laird,attracted hither by the beauty of our moun-tain rose."

"No, Geordip, Ishall not be weddedwhen you return."

"AndifIshould never return?""Ishall not wed at all."Their eyes met—Jessie's face was very

pale— Geordie's crimson."You would not marry a tinker?" he

stammered."Ifbe was noble, good and brave, and I

loved him, as quickly as Iwould a lord."He grasped her hand fervently, but he

could not sco the bright blue eyes thatsmiled such hope upon him, for tcarg werein his own, and so ho turned Ills head away.for he thought it a shame to bis manhoodthat she should see them.

"Jessie," ho said, alter a pans?, "a yearago, when Isaved Strowan from the blackwaters of Shadow Lake, you kissed mo.That kiss changed my whole being. Kissme again to-day at parting, and send meforth a hero."

She bent toward him— their lips met— hestrained her m his breast in a passionateembrace, and then released her.

"Farewell, Jessie," he criod, "you havenerved myheart and given strength to myami. The men of AU:o!e shall yet be proudof their tinker!"

He was goae. Jessie returned Badly tothe castle. •

The red field of Invcrlochy was over. Thewinter's midday sun glinted upon the vic-torious banners of the Itoyalista, andshowed the scattered remnants of the Cov-enant army seeking safety ina headlongflight. %

A group gathered in the center of thebattle-plain, where the strife had been thefiercest and the dead and dying lay thethickest. This group consisted of trio prin-cipal leaders of tne Royal army, Montrosr>,Alatter McColl, Lord Airly, Patrick Mc-Gregor and the tutor of Strowan. Theywere gathered around a young soldier,breathless and bareheaded, his tartan cut torugs, his face smeared with blood, and- yetapparently unwounded himself, leavingupon his claymore.

"This is my preserver," said the tutor ofSlrowan. "I had never lived to toll tho•loryof this day's victory, but for his goodarm. Why. my lord% he slew nineteen ofthe enemy with own hand."

"What is your name, my lad?" askedIfontrosa.

'•Geordie Kobertson, the tinker ofAthole.""1 would to God!" cried the brave and

fiery McColl, "that all the Alhole men badbeen tinkers to-day."

Tho tutor of .Strowan made Geordie hissecond in command, and he served withhonor during the balance of the campaign.He returned in triumph to Athole, and re-ceived tho hand of Jessie from her gratefulbrother. Indeed, such was the estimationin which his daring and prowess at the bat-tle of lnverlochy was held among the Ro-bertsons that ever after the clan was knownby the favorite sobriquet of "The Tinker ofAthole." . G. L. A.

A Rifle Placed on Fil*.The transcript on appeal in the cases of

the United States vs. Richard Trumbulland the United States vs. the steamshipItata were filed yesterday in the CircuitCourt of Appeals. Together with thetranscribed notes of the proceedings in thecases when before the Southern DistrictCourt, which alone consist ol four large

volume?, lb<Te were a photograph! of theItata and a Surder rill,both of which areportions of the evidence. The rifle occu-pies a corner of Clerk Monkion's office andis certainly a unique portion of thd recordsof the court. Tho rille ts on file as aa ex-hibit of the armament of the Itata.

THE STOCK MARKET.Trading wag fairly active yesterday, but prices

show a decline Inoue or tro Instances.No news of any Importance was received from

the front, rumors of an Improvement In one ofthe middle group were plentiful on the street.Considerable anxiety Is bein expressed over Mr.Mackay's non-arrival, ail there arc many who be-lieve that he be here until late In the fall.Mr.Mackay set ih? 10' as the time for Litarrivalsome time a;o. but of litebis letters hive not con-tained anything definite upon the subject.

Oa the early call prices were a trifle strongerthan at the close of the previous evening and sateswere made InOphlr at $2 30, Mexican *140. Curry*125, Beat «V Uelcher $2 20, Sierra Nevada $1 30,Union 91 25 and Con. Cal. * Va. S3 fcUo'i 85 tosales of 610 share*.

The mldillestock* were quite livelyand Knlllonsold at (30c. Chollar POc, Norcross SI 10 l*.»t•• \u25a0* 1*1 05 and Savage ifl 25. In the suutli end Belcherwas the favorite and 950 shares chanced bandsdartac the rail at $1 30®l 35. Alta sold at 60-,Challenge t>Oe. Confidence *150. Crown I'olut 6oeOverman 80c and Yellow Jacket 95c.

After tho call there wat a trifling alvance nsdarlightsales, and the market closed steady bat inact-ive.On the 2:30 r. m. call. Con. Cal. *Va. was inde-

mand at«s:» «0. Walls bcinz ana liv-buyer, withCurnctt saHlac. Homer Kinsj was a heavy seller ofHale Norcross .it $1 10. and 1500 shares weroplaced en record. The balance of the list remainedsteady and fairly artive.

After the call prices wot"a trtls stronger* trad-Inc. however, continued light,and the boards ad-journed at an early hour.

NOTES.A dividend of 10 rent* per share, payable on the27th, has beeu declared on tho Itiilwe-Con.The assessment of 3 rents on Head Center andTranquillity will be delinquent In the board to-day.silver was weaker yeUcrdav. selling at 86c InNew York and 39 7-16 dln London.At the annual mcetinc of th? stockholders of the

Itiilwcr Con. Mining Company yesterday 85.507shares were re; reseated, and the rollowlug oS enelected Tor the ensuing year: Herman Zadijr. pres-l<Unt; Charles 11. Fish, vice-president, and W. S.Wood, M. Thniusoti. K. K. Holmes, Kobert Sher-wood and H. L. Sliiipy of New York, directors.L. <>-ti. m was re-elected secretary and John W.Kellysuperintendent.

The secretary's tinanclal statement showed acredit of 25,000.

The Orlciual Keystone and Head Center assess-meat* (alldelinquent to-day, and the Weldoa da-linquent sale takes place also.

The followingollicUlreports were placed 0:1 fileyesterday:

ltui.\viCß-I'pra!se from crosscut 4 200 level wasextruded 12 feet. luce of upraise shows maauß offairmillingore from 9to 10 Inches wide. upraise2 from south drift from upraise 5 was extended 10teat; a crosscut from above upraise treat was ex-tended 12 feet. This crosscut is all In vein matterand some good saw i.c< or ore «as found. Crosscutfrom upraise 2 160 level was extemiril 1•_' feet.North 11illfrom foutwall upraise wa« extended 8feet.

HnDiF.—Kast crosscut 11 700 JcveJ was extended8 fret. Baal crosscut i650 level was extended 7feet. We are stuping out some $'0 ore from abovethe south drift 500 Jupiter ;-lufilevel.

Mono -south i;ri::from u;ir.»l.i<! 1 600 level wagextended h reel In the lace. There are severalreams of quartz through tr.- porphyry. Iprais»frum north drift 1 000 level was extended 7 feel InUse face; tho seam i*good but small. Northdrilt'JCOO level wis.'iitMnit-n 14 ii-et In the drift. Theformation Habout 13 Inches of quartz and clay.Th« ore stip*s'above the 700 continue about tiesame he last reported. la the ore st"pe below thesouth drift 70 level the ore willaver from 6to11 laches wideand is wryrich. The mill was kepttunning steadily. Avcra?o battery samples for«.•• -v *3!» 42; tailing*.*:>96.

Summit— hast crosscut from north drift \\m ex-tended 5 feet. The mini incline «\u25a0•»\u25a0\u25a0 cleaned outami limbered IS fer-t. .

Savasie— urine the week wo have hoisted 523earl or ore from the 501}. 950. 1100 and 1400 levels.>blpped to the *•• vail1 mill 526 tons and milled 5.5tons: average battery as-ay 920 60. I'Uillun >i> |<|

for the week .fTr.oo. On the laDO level the apraUastarted from main north drift at a point HO tcet1 ort'i of our south boundary Is advanced 66 feet;top Is inquartz of low grade.

On the n,1-

tunnel lev«"l the 5 ilnt north driftwith the <\u25a0••.. \u25a0! 1Curry »'< mpariy wan advanced 25feet.maktng .1 total of 329 feet; face is in porphyry.1li*- prospecting ami rep:i!rs are beiug car-ried on throughout the mine.

The very rick ore from the Gold Flit minebrought to town Saturday cveutngand briefly men-tioned In The Tldinss of that date Is attractingmuch attention. a score of the richer pieces anda handfu of fragments of almost pure gold harebeen placed in a case at t'oleman, OUsaoa) A Co.'sand of tkeaiaeivea constitute a rich ami baudsoinecabinet of ?peciii>eui. Ihe quartz is simplycov-ered with lear and solid gold embi '1 led 11 crystals,while solid gold is found In the center of largepieces of ore that luve been broken.

due l<-af of gold rc^eiiiMei ami Is about the sizeof a rose leaf, although much thicker.

The ore came from a \u25a0'\u25a0•Ijr* a foot Inwidth In anupraise from the HOD level.

The management prop m to open np this body ofire and drive the drUt* to tap the I'otosl ledge.When this is cut ami. opened up a mBI willhefret-Id. The average ore Ironi the present (BruceLee) vein la undoubtedly or profitable grade.


Id ing v«ie the t:i.c» In4be San FranciscoEltcl 1«-i<l } f rday :

KK.iriAR nsti ft—a so A. »*.40 Alpha 25 410 C CaTl.UilM NerQ 70

100 Alia CO 100 3.85' 10 «5150 Ainifs 50. MCoaQd....l ] 550 ovi-rmn...Ml

\u2666 :•'» ueicner.i.:<o 100 urolsit. :i500nair....2.;U)600 1.35 600 . 55 <4O V0t0»J...1.05200 is* 11. ..2.hi 7.10 Exchq :;0 4f 0 »aTafe..l.»:)100 '.-.15 .150 •» Av.. - I',330 l> 450 Hodle 40,710 II* N...1.10 S N«'V...l.Mi

6(» llullloii....ti-1-.Mio KfuUie»..«is ICO Union...l.Vo700 Caie»liia..._S _S0 Mexlcaul.46 .'OO .. i>

4100 CtallO ...tfo l:M 1.40 ISO V Ja0»«;...1'5750 L'liwllar...9v 300 Mono 76.

AfTKKNOO.V nessihn—

2:30.100 Alta f.5 700 CC AY..3.50 3500verm....80100 An<ln* 55 200 C linn MISOUnnir -:4800 Hclrhr,.1.40 «cii <:i'|iuo V.:tO3 •<! Belle I. I.'. !(J0 Kxenq :«o150P0t051...i.10.0.) U *It..a.15 460 8 ft 0....1,4 750 H»Tmre..l.'JO1.'.O 1Hi1110ii.... 55,1600 IIA N.l.lO4OOMCorDlon..lO10iKu1wer....46 100 Uexicanl.4sloo Silver H..05100 Caledon...2s!\oo 1.40 100 Uni0n.... 1.15250 Chan C.OullOO Mono .. 80 100 YJaon ....I's

CO Ch«»lltr....ltO'2UONavajo....lo;

Following were the sale* in the l'aclft :Sto:'< liiarl3«>tcruay 1

1InrLA« aaaaroßT— l9d100 Alpha 26 100 Calediia...27iloo Lady W 12»A100 AJta til10<) 27 150 Mexican.1.40150 tis 100 Chal C... 01 100 Mono 75\u25a0-00 Andes 60 50 oonoooccid


100 63 250 CC* v....5*.;i150 1560 I)elchr...l>ill4o 3.80 1500ph1r....2'.30

ICO I.MMIMCPoint. 57 300 \u25a0 verm' 76100 1.35 250 ho isoputosi


300 -1.45:100 60 tOJ Bavare ..l«,i\u25a0M 1.4070.1 E»eheu....3o,looacorDlon..lO300 urn U.../.15 50 U;ilJUS.\« lv*2JO 2.20 50 1.20 100


1.80200 Bodle 40 an ... li« .00 Union. ...Hi200 Hullion....\u2666; jo.)ll*N...1.1u iuo uun xt>100 68 100 Justice. ...2s l iYJMKOb° >.'(»luOKniwur _..4.'- .100 Knit lie£..<•('. JSO »5•_6O (-hoiJar. 100 Lady Mf...|_j


BOB* B 2.03:10(1 C Point... (<0 SOOphlr 2"0710 2«'J 50 G*U...1.20' 20... ""_i.100 cca v..3.sui 50 tut N...iih:ioosavaco' 1 Ml

Cliud 03 100 Mexican. 1', 'JOj 8 Hill''(14,

700 \u0084...04i 60 Mono 80 60 Union' 'i'l6150 Com N V ...30,200 Ovnnn . Hi*1001* J»ott....\'s

CMMUM«J QOUTATIOXS.miMr,April 13-4 r.i,#£l<t AtAftl. _(i,_ AMkfiL Con 25 30 Julia 16 ToAlia..,, „ «6 7oJustip« vo ._-ABac« ;... 65 «o,Kentucs .

"OB 10

1either 1.40 1.45 lady \Vasiin_a. 10 151fileIsle_

15 _O l-i'coiuoi!v».... _0«

l.riitou Con . .1.50—

'Mcxlcou 1.45 ,{;1e*t*Bclchor.2.V!O 2.25 Mono $«v uk*-odie 40 46 Mount Diablo., 1.10

—Bullion 65 OONavajo _

j5luiwer 45 60 N Cvitimontvita—

vCaledonia 26 30 Nev Qucou .. _70 75


u^ > Btite lsis. .. _ .._1 taliensts con.. 60 65 Occidental . 15 ",.< hollar »0 P5 \u25a0 !htr .2.35 _10lommnweaitn.. 10 I6>uvcrmaD..... „ mo "_51-i (a. a Vlr..:).'j(J 4.00 leer _. 10 15CcaCaence .... 1.55

—reeriwu ... _

oalea imperial...—

03:l\.tosi -.1.05 110Coo New Yore. 25 30>»»»go i,__ 1.30Croccer

—05 hcoroion 10 15Crown 1-oiat... 60 U5 t> X* Mid<» c. 25 30

Lei Monte 16—

sierra Nevada,. 1.25 1.35If sierra Net—

06 MlverKliif.—

50*-ure«a 2.00 -|siiver liiii_

05Lxcueguer 30 35 minun!t 06 10bouu a Curry.1.25 1.30 Union C0u...... 1.20 IVS•(mud ITize.. . 10 16 Itan .... . 35 40Hale .v Norcrs.. 1.05 l.lOiWcldon* ...^ 05 10Jackson

—60 v Jacket 95 1.00

MISCELLANEOUS MCCLKITIE9.Wednesday, April 13-2 p. »_,


OaklamlOai.. 37 "7,(al-tilceo lids 104

—Pae biuiui o< hi) ko>

CnUCoWBds. 88T4IOIV. Paclflel.!(rtitc.—


Uui-iit-itiwi.ini lbO 8 r <»a«flB«.. eg «i»i_-Do. ex-coup 01 m FtktonU&U,


r*()llseKvß.100*4110 (al-«t X X.._ lisi'-i1014MAI-KKBda... 63L«lOOVi FA (;Use Ky ;{«^_ _.*


Jearv-stR K. 9i'*>>.>

- MutiKK,60 75M* X Hds.. 110-i411214 Omnibus KU, 67vi «0hKyofCalßOJllo'*_

rresldio It1* _ *_q



125p*olißKd_..n.;i,4ii4Vilßllforaia Inj100


—vi Coiiimere-Haa -


-Fireman's »d.

MkKArlzUdslO3 105 Home Mutual. ih7i«—

M-KRCaißds.ll3 115 Mate IriTestm h^ Hii<.fcl'KliCalllft*. M 7100 Atlantic Pow. 41U

-H"lsrKCalßa«lOsVC,loeViCai Powder.. U6

/3.5bY Water <!\u25a0\u25a0.. llHi/j

—oiani Powder 4B 63fcVWater4's.. 90 t>}< Bat'tyNuroM. xa: pi^


75 Vljon:row.. _ _i^bank of Cat..

—270 VuiranPow

—j_ ~

CalSareDaoo* 4tii 4 48 BlkDtaOMO lv soJ-iritNatHanc 17*5 182ViCalCottonMO 42 44U-AAmß'.*

—Cal Klee LUtt 15>A15SiI*BI-Mans. 3016 38 Cai KIM WU 91% lt£

I-aelncßani..l2s 175 Uaw'a Com... \iut 3?'Men-n 1ll'ic 15 Ml Huich'tiHazar 4<l tilContraOo* W. «OV«101>^ Jud«'nM'f«Oa 17 21A-.BriuCo W.. 48 60

"IOceanic 3 8.. 6aya 67i£BY Water... »»3/, 90U!Pac BS *3... 85

_ *ttiuet-iKea vr. uo

—1 par la *>»i.

—3314CtatniUas... wu luo lpacV>oauaw«


MORVINu \u25a0«!.-<!.Board— 3s 8 V Water. »9t4: VS Cal Electric

LiKht. b 10, 15' H; 40 Hutchinson 8 P Co. 6 _O

Btreet-00 Pacific Uas In,p. HO.aftkkmoom >ti,n,

Board -100 Hawaiian Commercial, 3*4; 25 Omul-

To Close on Good Friday.Atthe sesMuD of the Produce Exchange

and of tln« Call Hoard Association yester-day it was decided to adjouru to-ruurrowwhich willhe (I'Hid Friday.

COMMERCIAL RECORD.Wednesday EVE.vrvo, April13.


Wheat futures firmer.Barley unsettled.Yellow Corn firm.

Oats and Rye unchanged.Hay tveas an 1dragging.Lima Beans higher.Potatoes steady.Onions still higher.Butt-r and Cbecsa weak.Eggs steady."Poultry unchanged.( and Vegetables as before.Silver lower.


Eit_:li»h WkM-l Market.Liverpool. April 13.— spot market Is weak

at 7s Sil. Cargoes are firm at 36s Od for offcoast, 36* 6d lor just shipped and 36s 6J for nearlydue.

,-"-'; \u25a0:'-:.'; \u25a0 futdrks. •-:The Produce Exchange cable gives the following

Liverpool quotations for No. 2 lied Winter: April,7s 4*i"l: My.7s l«/.d; June, 7s O'Ad; July, 7sO^id; August, 7s O'id: September, 7s Be.

wmacmrwamLondon-. April 13.

—CousoK 08\\ :Silver.

39 7-l6d; Rente\ 96r 93ViC; Bullion IntoHank orEngland. 111,000.

New York Markets.NewTomt, April13.— features or the stock

market to-day were few. Sensational stories of In-tended litigation against the Cordage Company ofjfered an opportunity for the bears to raid thatstock, prices being forced off 3per cent for commonand l»^ for preferred. Rapid an.l full recovery,however, follows! In a short time, and attack*were made en other stocks, but the general marketdisplayed a strong temper, which brought nearlyeverything up. The close was firm am! generallyhigher than last evening. Cordage remains down 1per cent. Governments steady, Petroleum— Mayclosed at 57c.

Nkw York. April 13.—United States Bond*. 4's,lltt»V. <!<>. 2's, 100; .Northern Pacific. 21'Vi:Cana-dian I'arlfic. SSt : Central Pacific. 31J/.,: iiuton pa-cinc. 45?»: Atililson and Sant.i re. 36s,i: Wells-Fargo. 144: Western Union. 80"}!; Silver, fctfc;Sterling, *4 80Vi>'fS4 «8.


April. 'J3s,;c. flour, quiet. Coffee.512 05. Sugar. 3'^>i 4«. llods— Paclnc Coast. '.£«<£31c. Hides, 13c. Copper

—Lake. SI 180. Tin

—Spot, *:v» so. Lead— Domestic, *4 25. iron—f10.Petroleum

—May, [>7c.

HOP!Hops are rather 'ess active, with a strong under-

tone. Values are unchanged. Ou the exchange 50bales or prim* IHJICalifornia* Sold at 28c, Junedelivery.


—Moderately active. 5 to 10 points higher,

.sales. 20.000 bags. April, 12 05; .May, fl2 40:June, £3 2.Mi?.ir

—Kaw, quiet and unchanged: refined,

quiet, but well susialntd at yesterday's prices.

Cliio»eo Markets.CniCAoo. April 13.

—Wheat vras active, and

opened *,(.! higher oncold weather reports anddelay la seeding on account of wet weather in theNorthwest, cased oir slightly,advanced 17'8c onpood Inquiry for casn. A decrease of over twomillion bnshelj in the available supply, and thestatement or the G»TiniMat Statistician thatnearly 60.00(\<J00 bushels were- available in re-serves at present, aaased prices to ease oft slight .and the market closed steady at »%c higher thanyesterday, Receipts, 4>>.Ouo bushel*: shipments,41.000 bnsbe:s. Rye, 7«c. lar «y. BjatTtC.init \<,i>. April13.— Wheat— Cash. H2i/ c. Corn—

40&»c. Port- »:u 10. Lard— 17'A. KIDS—93 65.MhlSEjr—sl l3.

Portland's Buninofi^.PORTI.AMI. Or , April13-—Clearance*, 277.000:

balances, 5.54.000. T \u25a0•-?-

Ilxriianiro anil liullion. •Sterling Exchange, GO days

—4 87':.

McrllngExchange, sight—

489V,r,.Dg Litt.untje, cable

—4 91

New York Exchange, sight—

jti..New York Exchange, telegraphic...

—*21/iFine Silver > ounce 80

—Mexican Dollars

_tj'Ji-^ 70

A Grain Holiday.The Produce Exchange will observe Good Friday

by ad ourclng frcin this afternoon to Mondaymorning.

Khlppins Note*.Steamers to gall to-day are tlio City of FllHl

forVictoria and Pn^et Sound and the Truciee forTiUamook Hay. The Alameda falls due fr'inAus-tralia vn Honolulu, the City of .New York JromPanama* thtr Humbolat from llumboldt Bay, thoPoint Arena frooi >!• n lao, the Eureka from SanlVdro, the llonlta from the southern coast and toeGipsy iron;the .-aliuas Itlvcr.

Produce >I:«rkot.FLOCK—Net cash prices are as follows: Family

extras. *4 BY$5 r \u25a0*•{ DakexV extra*, »1 75®."*;city superfiue. *> 20<8}3 45: Interior brands, fl05@5 for CktHM, $3 MO3 45 V bbl for superfine.

wnEAT—Futures did better yesterday morning,but the spot market showed no change. No.1,$1 501* ctl:choice. 9161>.i:lowwcradM, ?1 40^1 4713;extra choice for milling,(153 ItillV ctl.

(All.BOARD sai > v

I.vroßyAt. Sfsmhn —10 o'clock— ltuyer season—lot)torn". *1 5.;<«.: 200, V. si' .; BJo.fl 6:i6,jj.liKnruß Mnu.MNu Sfssion— Buyer season—

100 tons, $1 53«.i: 500. SI 63*6: 400. ?1 635'x:1200. 91 63%: fcOO. $1 64: 1100. SI 53 !I4. Seller•y.'-soo. Hi 40: voo. 91 ao'i.

aft»kxoon >*j>!iH.:s"—

Uuytr season—

100 tons.f1 O.i'.j.ltAKLKY—Yesterday morning's market was quiet

at unchanged prices. .no. 1 Feed, tilchoice, brightdo, Jio.'u,; durk Coast. 07 >.^c; Urewlng, flit®l17Vz;Chevalier, nominal.

CALL IIOAHD 9ALU.Intorval Baaaioa -10 o'clock— lluyer season—

400 t. n«, »1 02»yi;100. *1 o:.'. Seller 'OJ. new—-( 0.I(><-.Kn.ri.AitMonMNG Si ssiox— l'uj-cr season— 4oo

ton-. 011 . .uo. si oi-- H: 100, 91 oi"-

10091 01-4 8-lier '»•.', new- h^c; 100. »BHc.

Amnam SM;s«!ON-i;uyt;r season— lCO tons,fI01 V«: -00, SI vi'/,; .'OO. *101^«:100, 91 01»A;1)00. 91 01»,*. ",'

OATS-No new festure^. White, 91 Ss@l 40forgooit to choice, $1 4'J' a for extra choice andfl"bQI 30 for common to fair; Surprise. Si 60S180: lirav, »1

-jsml 30 * ti.

-CORN- Dealers as.c I$1 32V4 for both I.arse and

Small Kouud Yellow yesterday, though inferior lotsconid be had at $1 30. White Sola at «1 'I~,IM •*ctl.

i:vi: •: m :,7', > en.ItKAN—". flat »17©17 60 »> ton for the best

and 916 60 tor outside brands.atIDDLINUS—Quoted at *lt» &o@2o » ton.(HUFI'KD FEEU-Uuoted at ».i 6(K«'J'J 50 9


—Weak and <lra*>in? at the decline.

Quotable at *i0.f,14 so for Wheat. »10@12 for Oat91UA13 for Wheat and Oat. 910^1'.' fur Wild vat.9lO*<ilJ tor Itarley. i^&lulor Alfalfa, $8-410 forstock.MItAW-Quoted at 4."i^r.C»o rbale,MILLSTUKPH Ground and Rolled Barley qnoted

at \u25a0-\u25a0•_• t'o<tt'J3 50. Tie luillmeil oilcake Mruia: »25"i» ton net: live I'lour, 1. V II:Kje .Meal, 3iAc;i.r:»!,nm Klonr.3i^c; Oatmrat. 4> •<•; Oat Croats,6. j cracKc-1 Wheat, 4c: Buckwheat Flour, sc:lv.. Barter, 411•«-\u25a0 V rr..

SKEOS— Yellow .Mustard Is quot&b!e at $3 25©3 75 ?« ctl: lirown Mustard. #:;<iv.« 25; Flax,H7032 10: Imported Canary. $.: #h(&A \'i\^\ ai-faifa. 12VxC; Rape, 2©2VaC: hemp, 4t;Timothy,j'.,<\u25a0*> 18.

' "liKlKl)PKAS-NIIW. 91 30«l40?, M; Creen,

$1 (o#2; lJi-t.rnGreen. *2 76: iioye, *1403i50 >> ctl:Split Peas. 4','-J.M 2c V lt>.

HUCKWIIKAT—NomtiuI. a' $175 V ctl.COKNMKAI..ETC.—Table Meal quoted at 3c 9It;Feed Corn, $27 60>it4 Cracked Corn, $28 50

$p'-".» V ton:Hominy, 11•..<v4 4i-ftr..UKANS-Sale of 1000 sacks for Eastern

shipment at */_• If, The market for this variety Isvery firm. H»yos. $2r<t'2 12»%; Pea, $2 ladJS 76;Large White. >'- itS^ 40: Small bite. *#2 V66S 1-65:rink, *i 90f|313U.: Bads, f.@2 35: Lliuas. 92©'i 15: Batters, 9- 60©2 76 1* ctl.

POTAlui'.S- Ma furiiierchange. Receipts or Newwcr» 1171 sacks and iMy sold at 00i4!M)c V ctl.Oregon Kurbaok3. 76c@H |4 ctl; I'etainina llur-banks. 40(a&0i- V ctl: i^irlyKose, 'J&©30;: itiverHe.!-. aadJWe Vctl.

OMO>.>—Only 20 sack* came Inyesterdiy andbeing good stock, brought JJ2 60 >» ctl. The marketisvery firm. Supplies Neva. la are on the way.

ItUTTKK—Continues weak, with a downward ten-dency. Fancy roll.IS' ..u*l»<"; good to choice. 17- .,tflMc:common to lair, 17c; Eastern, l&c > It..

CHKEbJ Weak at the decline. Uood to choicemild new. lOc<el'Jr; old, nominal; Young Americaslit^@l'<i>'S > IT.; c»«ed Cheese, VvC additional:Eastern. I2>A(sl4c "» It:

POULTRY—Was quiet and steady yesterday andprices showed lit' change. Dressed Turkeys, 17020c: LiveTurkeys, 15(517c for Gobblers and 17£320 cforHens; Geese. ? pair. 9.''a2 50: Goslings, #J (a ;50:Ducks, 9?@l> t*da« liens. 9708 ¥ dox: Koost-or-i, young. »S'i<*l'J \t dozen; do old, 97^A7 60:Fryers, 9~(?1S 50; Urollcrs, tt'«<S7 60 for large audfit 50(0>5 50 V dozen for small.

DAME-Receipts arc slander and In bad condi-tion as a rule, bonce prices are largely nominal.Ham. nominal; Rabbits, 9160 for Cottontails and9126 for small.

EGUS— Firm, but nd higher. Eastern. 17.<i>lSc.California are quoted at 2U(s2lc for store and 2'J@"llvc Vdo/, for ranch.

llOXEV—Kxtracted. 506e V m for amber and 6' a<s.'j-<ic for bright. Comb is quoted at lO>^l3o torwhile In!•\u25a0 frame* and tv^loc in2-Ib frames.

BEESWAX at 25©2Sc t&.FRESH 11:1 IT—Beeatats of .strawberries were

57 V» chests, selling»l 60@75c V drawer forLong-worths and ;tf-(<*soc for Bkarptasa, Apples, 92 601^.flor good to fancy ami 91 3iks.' forcommon to lair.

ciritL>rKlITS—San lteruar<linoSe«dlln(rs.9l6o@2 60: San llernardlno Navels, if3 ?6<s4; KlversldeSeedlings, uurrozen, 91 75@2: Riverside Navels,uiiFroxeu. 93 t>u<<*l V box; Los Angeles seedlings.Slicil 60: Los Angeles Navel', 91 23©2 60: SicilyLemon% 95 50^B 60; California Lemons. 91@1 50f box for common and .«2(>sl for good to choice:Mexican Limes. j;i{j)i\i box; Bananas, '$1 603260 bunch: Pineapples, 9ti<sß V*dozen.

111:11 FRUIT-Sun-drled Peaches qmtaSile at2'"(*3i.t,c V it, ltieached I'eactiea. 4'/stti;c V n»;tun-dried Apricots. 3<^@4c; Itcached Apricots, 6©7c: Apples. 4>.-.iissi,i|C for evaporated In boxes, 3©3«;Cfor s.l.ed and U',,(«jC3c forquartered ; PittedPlum". 4@4V c: unpltted Plums. 2®2'ic: Grapes,1 t/«(^l V !*•: Prunes, 4@7c lor 60's to 120's;German Prunes. 4@sc: Red Nectarines, :%dlc;White Nectarines, 4@5C: Vlgs, unpressed. :^lc-Figs, pressed, 4'-<^sc; Kvaporated Peari, 7@ScSliced Pears. 3@sc: Quartered Pears, Ui..(jHc V m.RAISING

—Layers, fancy, quotable 'at 91 20®

@1 35 ? box:pood to choice, 90t^fl 10. with theu«'iai advance for fraction*! boxes: loose Mutcateis,tO«!H)i- "f1 box and 2i^<*.:ji VlbIn sacks

NUTS—Walnuts are quotable at 4@tfc ft Rk;6c; paiiershcll do. 7(^8o «l D>; soUsbell Almond*.101*011 hardshell do.

—;papersliell. 12(313c VIT-; cnii. walnuts, M(^3c: Peanuts. 1 1 ..-<!,:'<\u25a0 r Vb for

domestic: Hickory Nuts, 7<<»Sc; fecans, lli«®l3cfor small and 163>ltic lor large; Filbert*' 1l.a12cr Brain Nuf<. «i 2i4Bc; Cocoanuts. 94 « 100

V ai-.i.ks—

pricos showed no particularchanen yesterday except Peas, which declined lcEgu Plant. 25c *It. Hecetpts were 953 boxes As-paragus, 403 boxes Rhubarb and 706 sacks Peas.Cucumbers are qnotaiiie at 2C@l>oc v dnzenfor common and 75r@91 26 9 dozen r choice-Strlnjr Means. «@lot f 16; Los Angeles SummerHquaan, ;Mushrooms, 10@25c; Asparagus. 75c(5491 V box lor common to good aud 91 vi^ai 60 lorChoice; Rhubarb. Ss(ssoc tor small and 76c@$l abx tor No.i:Los Angeles Tomatoes, fa 60® 3 r*bx:Green Pea*. 1• j«#'.'c «» Ib forcommon and '.•i.,«i3c\u25a0Q X, for sweet: Marrowfat squash, 9'.><£l(i %< ton'Dry Peppers, lU^l2iAc; Cabbage. 4tHssoe « etl;Feed Carrot*. 60c; Turulpt, 60«A75e; Beets 91:Parsnips. *125; Garlic. 2ftsic '«> 18.

PROVISK)N»-E«stern Covered lUe.\kf*st Bacon.12^4@13c ftn>; CalirnrnU Snmked ISacon, :"... j,.;pcfor heavy and. medium, 12^}13c for light, and]3>/i@»l3i£c for extra light: Itaoon PIitIS. 10-i410l«c: Eastern *-u;.ir \u25a0..: 1 Hams for city trade.MIHSVMiCalirorula Ha.111, -alt.10< > Ib;rerrlgera-tor cured. 11(sll 'sc >* ID: Lam. lt«rce*. Kasiern.allkinds. »9c; canes. 10»/4»10*,ie: OaUrerata,tltrces. 9(<S9'4c; Lair-b'.ils. yi,(^Ji.,-; tins 10c •n»lls. 10-lb, io«/»c: do. 5U>. lOi^c; ke?s, it>.;,,siuj«4 Ib:Mem Beef. 97 6(XSB: extra mess do. 93 >,-,£<»•faintly do, 911 .viii..clear PorK, *i< 6i>.,0.•.»\u25a0,'extra prime, 915(4>16 60: extra clear. *20i<«2t» 60---mess. 917 biX&Vs*Ib: Pig Pork, Vkea. »n;.«3 t»ipig!.' Feet. »l2®la 25 *bbl: Smoked Beer, ll»i@"l/c f>It,.Hot X—Wholly nominal. From second hands theyare quoted at 20®26c ft If,

-HIDES ANDPaXTS— He.aTysaltet* steers. 7@7»4c

VIb:aieUiuiu.6c: light,4<*4'

c:Cowhides. 4«ai''4i-:•«lt#l Kip.3*4foto: salted C»lf, 6cj dry Uhle-i.usual selection, 10c: dry Kin*, 9e; prime Goat-Skins, 30^50C each; Kids, C($10c; DeerskUu, good

summer, 37V£c; medium. 30@32i£e: winter, 2»S2!>C: Sbeeps>in3, shearlings, 10'<&25c; short woQi.40@70c; medium. 70®90«: long wool, 90c@$l 40rIK Culls of all kinds about


TALLOW—No.1rendered. 4««l'-.c; No. 2, S',i®S^c; refined. s!>i@Sv6c "ft ;r.

\VOOL—Spring 001 i*quoted as follows: South-ern and San Joaqum. year's clips. 1 l<i»i:u,jn:doseven montlih1. 12^15c: Foothill. 15(417 choiceNorthern, 17@'J03; Nevada, 16(g»17c VB>." No East-ern Oregou on the market.

General Merchandise.

BAGS-Calcuttas. spot. 7%c: for June-July de-livery. 7»,ic: Wool Bags. 3tf/&33c

SUGAR—The Western Bsnai Refining Companyquotes, terms net cash; Cube. Crushed. Powderedau<l F'lno Crushed, ail 55'8c y It.: Dry Granulated.*f>''4r i* **\u25a0: Confectioners' A. s'bC; Magnolia, 4 r'BC;Extra C. 4V3c: Golden C. 4:-c: D.4»/ic » Ib; half-bbls. Vac more than bbls. and boxes yyt more.

San Francisco Meat Market.Wholesale rates from slaughterers to dealers areas follows:BEEF—First qunlity.6»/'©7c; second quality, 6c;

thirddo, 4>/,@sy-c.VKAL—Large, B©7c; smallCalves. 4^6c.MUTTON—Wethers, 9c: Ewes. ty^3" cLAMil— ll@l2V^e•$ tb.PORK—Live Hog*. 5it"ssi..(; ip tb for heavy

hard Rraln-fed: 6., (a,f>~4r for light averagj do:stock Hogs. 4^@l^ic; dressed do. n>BlLt %» 1&.


Wkdmesdat. April 13.lour,qr mm 20.289 Gr Screenings,si*. 100Wheat, ctls 4.34S Hay. tons. MO1arier. etu 1C,,030 straw, 14Corn, ctls 12;Wool. d;.i 1,189l'.ecns.SKS '••\u25a0\u25a0,' .:\u25a0•»»: .--r -.-. . 145Potatoes, ait*....... 4*oRaisins, bis 131

do Oregon, d0.... 026 Hides, no-

510Onions, ska

_20 Wine, cats £0,900

Bran, sks 600 Brandy, gals 80Middlings. 7241


Sll«i*Pi><i INTKL.L.10KNCK.

Arrived.TvtJiDKY, April12.

Schr Jennie Griffin.Campbell. 10 hours from Bo-dega; 60 aa butter, to Ross .v Hewlett.

WUIBUT,April13.Stmr Cleone. T'rry. 25 hours from llumboldt

MO M ftlumber, to Pollard .v Dodge.MuirEmily.Robert?. 50 hours from Coos Bay,

etc; pass and in is", to Meyer &Akniann.stmr National City, Hanson, 20Vii hours frm Eu-

r^ka: 330 \u25a0 ft luinbpr. to 0 A Hooper * Co.Stmr Caspar, Anfladaen, 16 hours from Caspar;

356 M ft lasaaer. to Caspar Lumbrr Co.Bark Aureola. Sawyer, 6 days from Columbia

River: lumber and lath', to Simpson '.umber Co.Srhr Chas i:Wilson, Johnson. 5 d.ivs from Grays

Harbor: lumber, to Wi!s <v Bros Jc Co.Cleirml.

Wkdxssdat, April13.Stmr City ofPnebla, Debney, Victoria; Goodall,

Perkins A- Co.i>Mi|)LJ ilorse. Clapp. Taltal; John Roseafeld A-

Sons.Ship Benjamin F Packard, Allen, New York;

John Kosoufcid's Sons.Me bark Bu:itl.Meer, WlJll.imi, Nananno: John

BeaeataM'a Sous.S hr Transit. Jorsensen, Honolulu; WlUlani 1

Dimond a Co.Srlir Hayes, Anderson, Seattle: George & Det-

rlck. „ Ballot.Wihiimi,April13.

Stmr Arrata. Lancliornp, Cocs Hay.Rtmr Wiiumette Valley, Patnu. Yaqulaa Bay.hlmrPomona. Ooaway, Aberdeen.S;mi Los Angeles. Leland. Wilmington.stair Sunol, Walvig.Stmr Whltelaw, Magee, with schr Samson In


Nic bark Bunda'eer, Williams. Itanatmo.l.ark Btary wiukelman. Ntssea. Honolulu.Schr Billthe Butcher, I'etersoa. Bowens Landing.fcchr Wing aud win:;.Ooodnaaooa,s<hr Transit. Jorgens a, Honolulu..••(\u25a0l.r l:ubv A Cousins. Knii'lsen, Hmuboldt.bchr Ab.<;e. llatiseu, Uumboldt.

Telerr«i»liio.POINT I.OBOS—April 13

—l'J r m


foggy, windcalm.Spoken.

Jan 16-lat 25 S, lon 130 W. Br ship IMaria. fromTscoina for yueenstown.

1-eb s—Lon .0 W, Br bark Orellaua. from Oregonfor y.ieous'.Dwn.

in m.-.ii.!..Per Emily—Sailed from Coos Ray Apr 10; bar

smooth, wind and weather favorable allalong thecoast: made allour way ports: stmr Del Nortr ex-pected to sail from Coos Kay to-day; passed stmrEmpire on* Trinidad, from San Francisco for Nan-alBBO; Apr 12, stmr Protection loading at FortBragg; passed stmr I'asadeni oif Greenwooil Apr12; btmr Silver Spring loading at Little River:stmr Greenwood and schr Bender Bros loading atPoint Amsum pansil sear Sparrow off Flssj

>ilannlla»ooan-LONDON. Apr 12—I'.r bark Betlona. while dock-

ing at Dunkirk, fouled grain elevator with fore-yard; spar broken: elevator seriously damaged.Br bark Barooa, previously reported, is being

towed toQ, iifeinto'vn.Per China— Apr 11, lat 39 44 N. lon 133 63 W,

met English man-of-war Champion, under gall,standing to the westward.

TOomeatic Port*.PORT LUDLOW—Arrived Apr 13-Schr Alice

Cook, hence Mar 31.IIUENEMK—Passed Apr 13—Stmr City of New

York, from .Panama for San Francisco.EUREKA—hailed Apr 13-Stinr Uumboldt, for

San Francisco.COOS HAY-Arrived Apr 13-Stmr M:>£r^le Ross,

hence Apr 10. .Sailed Apr IS—Stmr Del Norte, for San Fran-

Cisco.NAVARRO—ArrivedApr 11-stnir Navarra, frm

San Pedro.GitKEN'WOOD—Arrived Apr 13—Stmr WMies-

boro. henc» Apr 12.NO—sailed Apr13-Stinr Point Arena,

tor San Francisco.LITTLERlVER—Sailed Apr 13

—Stmr Silver

Spring, torRcdoudo.ASTORlA—ArrivedApr 13—Stmr State of Cali-

fornia. hence Apr 11.Sailed Apr 13—Stmr Columbia, for San Fran-

cisco. :POINT ARENA—Sailed Apr 13-Stmr Green-

wood.SAN PEDRO-Sallcd Aor 13— Bark Rums EWood, forNaualino. Apr i2-Stmr Alcatraz, stmr

Alcazar.Arrived Apr 13-Schr Serena Thayer, from Eu-

reka.COQ.UILLE RIVER-Salled Apr 11-Schr Eureka,

forHan Francisco.TATOOSH—Passed out Apr13-llawstmrSan M.v

teo. hence Ai-.rH for Comux: Br bark Maude, fromSeattle for Callao: stmr Michigan, from Pu:etSound; stmr Walla Walla, from Victoria for SanrriMiiseo.

Passed In Apr 13-Schr R W Rartlett, from SanPedro for Fuget Sound.

IVKRSONa landino—Sailed Apr 13—

SclirOcaon Spray, for San Francisco.

I'or~icn Port*.YOKOHAMA-Sailed Apr 13—Br sttnr Eclglc,for

San Francisco.Arrived Apr13—Br stmr Oceanic, hence Mar 26.SHANGHAI—SaiIed Apr 11—Schr Courser, tor

Port Blakolcy.-

DKAL—Passed Apr 11—Br ship Colony, fromLondon for San Diego.

PANAMA—ArrivedApr 12— Stmr Acapulco, hcaMar 25.

L.i NSTOAVN-Sailed Apr 12—Brship RobertDuncan, for Hamburg; Brship GUcrulx, for Dun.kirk: Br ship Nam>actug. for Havre. - w- \u25a0"*:\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0 \u0084»

LlZARD—Passed Apr 10-15r bark Don. henceDec. 11 for Lonuon.Movement* of Traus-Atlintlo Steamers.

NEW YORK-Arrived Apr 13—S>tmr Kibe, fromBremen,

Tinport lons.HONG-KONG, ETC—Per China— 2 pkgs treasure.480 pkgs wine, 225 psga gunnies. 500 pkfs hemp,

13 pkes parcels, 290 sks beans, 1165 pkss matting.625 bags sugar. 34 pses silk. 2 Dk<;s cigars. 302 pugscurios, 12S0 pkgs oil, 917 pkgs tea, 37.16U matsrlre, 443.'" pkgs mdse.

For Overland—2s pkgs parcels, 55 SSs beans, 398rolls matting, 128 pk^s silk,793 pkgs curios, 605pitgs raw silk,BMpkgs md*e.

For Honolulu—2s pugs cigars, 20 pkgs r co, 122pkgs mctsa.MARSHFIELD-Per Emlly-901sks potatoes, 22

bells green hides. 16 j>kits agricultural Implements.1cs hats. 1 cs drugs, 2 cs fro^js, 1cs champagne,109 Mft lumber.

Empire City—•_• pkgs coin, 3 pkgs express. 80 edsmatchwood, 25 sks potatoes, W

-Port Orford—so Mft lumber, 1cs egis, 1buck-

skin. .Crescent City—24 bxs butter. ics sundries. 10

plrgs fowl,eggs and ham, 'ipkgs mdi<-,Ibale hide*,6pkgs express, Ipkg col:i.

"Little River—l3o sks abaione shell?, 1bxsun-dries, S3 bills hides.Consignees.

Per China— Anglo-CaiifornU Bank: A CrawfordACo: London and San Francisco Rank; J Jacobs on;F II Ames *Co: .i.i 1:1 Curio Trading Co: Bans ofBritish Columbia it North America: Hooper «* Jen-nings; H IIBerber

*Co; Thus \V Kirn « Bro;Alaska Commercial Co; A MTotvnsetnl; Wll liar-roes; Chinese and Japanese merchants.

Per Emily—T Louchran; Wolf .v- Son; IIChap-lin;Miller & Waugh; Baker *Hamilton: Tri«-st &Co; Kedlngton *Co: Wells. Fargo *Co; A Me-N>vln:Smith's Cash Store; Robert llalght* Co: PUDiirgln: Kruso & Enter; Hegler itJohnson; E BRyan: Wh»>.iton *

LiiDrs: Wltzel A Baker: Braun-•chweiger A Co; Norton. Teller .v Co; T Hayes; IXCook: Whlttler. Fuller *Co: Gets Bros *Co; C W ,Babcock; O B Smith *Co: C E Whitney 4 Co; JGuodlach: Dodge. Sweeney it Co; C Hellwlg; 0Tetzcn; W M Sunnier <k Co; Simpson Lumber Co; THayes;' Pacific Woodenwaro and Cooperage Co; ACrawford .v Co: Mack <& Co; Sherman .< Clay.'

for a.-iv v>if.,.in. tntrPfmrnat .s>» El,ite\ Pai\



i.'iiny inn.AHi___ht, o.roiDiaH

Instrument Maker. 1California stressSign of the Wooden .Sailor.

> n. W. H.W. L.AT. I-W. i= l|->. Small. Largo. Large. EinaiL 2



ii... O.ltfAM 1.51 r_-1 6.43 Mil"6.5- am I3..618.4418-.. 0.33 ami 2.48 fm; 7.18 mi 7.32 am 5.3516.456.... 0.51 am. 3.55 mi, 8.02 p. 8.17 am 5 :13..4-.7.... 1.13 am 5.03 pm 8.58 mi 9.07 am 5.31 8.478.... 1.53 am 8.15 rn 10.10 10.08 am 5.31T8.4819.... 4.51 ami 7.48 ....... .12. AMI.9 1.49\u25a0'0.... 4.51 am 7.48 PJI 7.48 M.113.1Q AM5.176.41

of I><>nurture From Ss»n

BTIAMKR.. jl>KSTISATIO>r. I BAIL.-. j"WrrarIt] l'ueblxiVlcAfglbouudlAprl4. 9AM|L5ilw'y 1

lanta i:osa..|S_n D.ego AprlS.llAMBdWy-

•an Juan |Panama Apr 15.1. \u25a0 FMSS'regon | l'ortland ;.iApr 5,10am .-spa \tilrius Central America Aprl5, 4 pm,l.ombrd•aeilc. iChina A Japan.. .iiiimoot.It. (Humboldt Hay.. [AprIS, 9am •CUyEure-a ISaii Pedro >Aprl7. Ham.ll.iw'y.IWKIder.. Panama iAprlS.ia m|F.Ms 8Valla Walla Vic _._•« Sound Apriy. '.*..« r.jwy1oliiinbla |Fortiana jApr19, jSp._r'orona ban Dirt. IApril*. ;IP.lw'y 2ioinona Humboldt Hay.. JApr'JO. 9am lotwy 1-os Angeles iSan l'edro IApril'. 8am >liiiwy'_

Departure of Australia iai.-n-. uopeiiiJi tas-lii.ll-limalls.



THUR5DAY........... ........ .......AP1t11' 14,_

At 11 A. M., .At Real Estate Office or M.3. MADDEN.

1627 Folsom St., bet. Twelfth &Thirteenth :House of 11 Rooms, Bath, Pantry, Buttery, Wash-

< house; Large Suble. Size of lot 113 feet onChencry st. by 100 on Roanoke. Electric caw passthe door; time to City Hall 15 minutes. This prop-erty to be sold without reserve or limit: a deposit

of 10 per cent required on fail of tbe hammer.S.W ATKINS & CO..

apiOs Auctioneer's Office. 327 Sixth st.

AUCTION SALE!fe . fe .£a

AT J. D.BORAH'S STOCK AND SALE YARDS,Coiner Tentli anil Bryant Streets,

SATURDAY,Saturday April16, 1893.

At 11 A. M..

By order ofC J. Coluinbut of Madrone, Santa ClaraCounty,

We willsell 120 bead of well-bred mares and horse*. •

broke ana unbroken.- weighing from 900 to 1500pounds. Among these burses aro several well-matched teams: also one pair ofhandsome Shetland,ponies. This stock can hiseen at the above sale yardonand after the 13th lust. This willbe a grand oppor-tunity for persons desirous of getting well-bredmares and horses at their own prices, as this stockwillbe sold withoutlimitor reserve.

.till1 6 S. ATKINS A- CO.. Auctioneers.

delinquent BUS NOTICES.t^oktTi iTKirTifisirK minTng" comTanv\

JA Location of principal place cf business. SanFrancisco. Cal.; location <f works, luscarora min-ingdistrict. Klko County, Nev.

Notice— There are delinquent upon the follow-,Ing described stocK on account of assessment (No.19) levied on the Ist day of March, 1892. the sev-eral amounts set opposite the names or the respect-ive shareholder!), as follows:

>'AMKS. >'O. No.Cert. Shares- Amt..

Nat Stein. Trustee 3016 1000 $200 00Nat Stein. Trustee 3018 1000 200 00S. B. Wakefield &Co.. Trs 4413 100 20 00S. B. YVaitefleld 4- Co., Trs 4421 100 20 00S. B. Waktneld *Co.. Trs 4691 60 10 00James Ro:ph, Tiustee 4610 600 100 00G.Friederlch, Trustee 4636 2*J'J 40 00Rehfi«ch JL- Co., Trustees 4711 60 Iv00Rebnseb A Co., Trustees 5007 100 20 00KehfischiCo., Trustee* 5019 100 20 00Kehnsch &Co.. Trustees 5020 100 20 00J. union. Trustee 5031 100 2000G. Krlederlch, Trustee 5046 100 20 &Co., trustees 5113 100 20 00Kebfisch A Co.. Trustees 6114 100 20 00Lalng & Kuggles. Trustees 5124 100 20 008. B. W'akefleid & Co., Irs 5164 10« 20 00J. Glllon. Trusteo 5217 100 20 00M.J. McDonald. Trustee 5447 500 100 00Zadijr, Wollberc *Co., 'Irs 5466 60 10 00Susmann &Ulxim,Trustees. ..ss3B 50 10 00James Kolph.Trustee 5551 500 10J 00Susmann iDlxoa. 1rupees.. r>'>64 100 20 00M.J. McDonald. Trustee 5538 600 100 00M.J. McDonald. Trustee 5599 600 100 00M.J. McDonald, Trustee 5600 600 100 00M. J. McDonald. Trustee 5601 800 100 U0M.J. McDonald, Trusteo 6602 500 100 00Susmann itDixon, Trustees. . .5-406 60 10 00Kebflsch &Co., Trustees: 5850 15 300Kehfisch &Co.. Trustee* 6903 50 10 00Lain;; &Kuggles, Trustees ...595"^ 20 4 00Susmaon *Dixnn.Trustees. .s9s9 200 40 00H. L.Van Wyck,Trustee 6t)5S 30 6 0jKetiflsch &Co., Trustees 6123 100 20 00Renfiacb <£ Co., Trustees 6129 10 ;J 20 00S. B Wakefleld 4 Co., Trs.. 6237 100 2u 00Coffin &Sanderson, Trustees. .62s7 60 * 10 00Susmann ADlxon. Trustees.. 200 40 00busmauLi Ac Dlxon, Trustees.. .6437 100 20 OySusmaun A: Dlxon. Trustees... 6461 100 20 OjSusraaun &Dlxon, Trustees. ...6462 200 40 00Howard H.Shinn, Trustee 0478 50 10 00A. W. Foster it Co.. Trustee.. .6s 14 10 2OuStaur. Cooper A Kedhck, Tr5..6517 25 6OJStauf, Cooper &Kedilck, Tr5..6521 60 10 00W. J. Garnets, Trustee 6598 60 10 00

Staur. Cooper &Kedilck, .6677 200 +0 00Goldman & Co.. Trustees 6786 60 1000W. J. Guruett, Trustee 6855 60 10 00E. CahiU A- Co.. Trustees 6=!BS 60 10 00George B.Koot, Trustee 6390 100 20 O.»Louis Marshall, Trustee 6*23 20 4 00A. W. Foster A- Co., Trustees. .7o2o 100 20 00A. W. Foster iCo., Trustees.. 7o2s 100 20 00A. W. Foster &Co., Trustees.. 7o33 500 100 00a. W. Foster x Co., Trustees. .7o39 500 100 00A. W. Foster* Co., Trustees. .7o4o 500 100 00A. W. Foster & Co., Trustees.. 7os9 300 60 00Kehfisch A;Co., Trustees 7102 600 100 00Kehlisch A- Co., Trustees 7115 100 20 00Kehnsch A- Co.. Trustees 7131 100 20 00Thos. T.Atkinson A Co., 1r5.. 7 198 10 2 OuLaluz & Rubles, Trustees 7200 400 80 00Kehnsch A Co.. Trustees 7218 60 10 00Kehflsh A- Co., Trustees 7262 600 100 00T.White!)- & Co.. Trustees.... 727B \u25a0

200 4000George B. Koot, Trust' 7304 100 20 00George K.Ko Trustee 73-5 100 2000George B. Koot, Trustee 7327 100 20 0011. 11. Noble 4 Co., Trustees 7349 20 4 00W. H. King. Trustee 7351 200 40 00Rehfisvh & Co., Trustees 7355 100 20 00Stauf. Cooper &Kediick. Trs.. 7379 200 40 00George W. Keltey.Trustee 7396 100 20 00Kehfisch &Co.. Jruttees 7432 100 20 00Kebfisch & Co.. Trustees 743* 600 100 00John Turnbull, Trustee 7435 39 7 80 .John Turnbull, Trustee. 7436 39 780John Tnrnbnll, Trustee ......7453 23 4 40E. K. Shctwell, Trustee 7479 100 20 00Zadi*. VVollbrT)? Co.. Trs 7432 100 20 00Kehfisch &Co., Trustees 7487 501/ 100 00Dixoti& Miles, Trustees 7514 200 40 00Dixon*Miles, Trustees 7515 200 4000George B. Root, Trustee 7521 200 40 OHT.Whltely Jfc Co., Trustees 7524 100 20 00L.Greenbaum &Co.. Trustees. 100 20 00Thos. T.Atkinson A Co., Tr5..7540 100 20 00Dlxon tfcMiles, Trustees 7547 200 40 00Dlxon &Miles,Trustees 7548 200 40 00l>ixou A Miles. Trustees., 7619 100 20 00Zadlr, \u25a0VVoliberg &Co.. Tr3... 7557 103 20 00Dlxon A Miles, Trustees 7558 100 2000T. Whitely & Co.. Trustees.. 7507 100 2000Rehfisch & Co., Ttusteei 7649 100 20 00Rehflscb. *Co.. Trustees 7650 IOJ 20 0011. L. Van Wyck, Trustee 7«52 200 40 00Staur, Cooper Jt Kediick, Try.7655 600 100 00J. W. lew, Trustee 7630 I*oo 160 00J. W. I'ew. Trustee 7683 39 7 80George T. Knot 7695 200 40 00Stauf, Cooper &Ked>lck, Tr5..769S 100 20 00Staur, Cooper &Kedilck, Trs .7699 400 80 00T.wisueiy a Co., Trustees.... 77oB 100 20 00Staur. Cooper tf Ke Hick, Tr5..7711 100 20 00James Rolpb, 'Jr.. bal. 4441. ..7715 *2 40G. Friederlch, Tr.,bal. 4637.. .7716 53 10 40James Kolpb.Tr.,bat.- 486 3....7717 2 40James Rolpb. Tr.. b»l. 4864. ..7718 3 60James Kolph,Tr.. ba!. 5067. ..7719 20 4 00John Turnbuil,Tr.,Ml.6112..7720 6 120John Turnbull, Tr., bal. &229.,7723 6 120John Turnbull, Tr.,bal. 5928..7729 7 140John Turnbuil,Tr.. lal. 5982.. 7730 8 160James Kolph,Tr.,bal. 6078. ..7731 8 160S.B.VV;ikerie;d& Co.,Trs., bai of

6081 7732 8 160John Turnbull, Tr., b.ilol0163 7734 2b 620S.B.Wakefield «fc Co*.Trs..b<il of

6205 7735 4 80TJadicyJL*Duud.Trs.,bal of 6389.7736 7 140Thomas T.AtltinsonJtCa, Trs.,

of 6442 7757 7 140Turnbull •& Samson, Trs., tal

0f6503 7738 6 120Thomas T.Atkinson *Co.,Trs.,

bilof 6552..... 7739 6 120A. W. Foster ACo., Tr*.,bal of

6753 7740 6 120John 'lurnbull. fr.. 7006.7742 26 5 20A. vv.Foster dc Co.. Trs . bal of

7041 7743 64 10 SOH. B. Parsons, Tr..bal or 7289..7744 20 4 OJG#or?eUrant, "Jr.. bal of 7410. .7746 11 2 20George Grant, Tr., bal or 7411. .7747 11 2 20VV. H. King.Tr.. r»ai or 7591 7751 61 10 20Staiilf, Cooper A Redlick, Tr5..7754 100 2000J. VV.rew.Tr. r.: 7756 24 480E. F.Murphy «\u25a0 CO., Irs 7763 15 300John S. Barrett & Co., Tr3..... ,7769 500 100H. 11. Noble & Co., Trs 7770 100 20 00W. S. Mftl«r, Tr 7770 200 4000Stituff,Cooper A Kediick, Tr5..7780 95 19 00Ha (Iley A l>oud. Irs 7754 100 20 00H. L. Van Wyck. Tr 7787 1050 21000K. Cant!! A Co.. Trs 7789 300 60 00Louis Marshall, Tr..,. 7790 600 100 00

New York Issue.E. R. Grant All 100 20 00K. R. Grant. Al5 100 20 00Andrew C. Fuller AISS 100 20 00

And in accordance with law and an order fromthe Board of Directors, made on th>> Ist day ofMarch. 1892. so many snares of eacu parcel of suchstock as may be necessary, willbe sold at publicauction at the of the company. 310 Pine St.,rooms l."> and 17. San Francises, California, onTUESDAY, the 3d day of May. 189?. at the hourof 1o'clock p. m. of said day, to pay said delinquentassessment thereon, together with, costs of adver-tising and expenses of sale. "'

„\u25a0 J W. PEW. Secretary.Omce-310 Pine St., rooms 15 and 17. San Fr.m-

Cisco. California. anl4 M


Location or prlccipal place of business. SinFrancisco. Cat; location or worts, Virginia CityStorey County,Nev.

Notick—There »re delinquent upon the follow-ing described stock, on account or assenmenc'

(No. 51) levied on the 3d day of -March, 1892, theseveral amounts set opposite the names of the re-spective shareholders, as follows:

Na.mks. No. No,Cert Shares. Arot.

Atkinson. T.T. ACo .Tr-!..bal. 41 ail) -j.vAtkinson, T. T. *Co.. Tr0*..3*327 60 13 60Bandman. J., Trustee, ba1... .1642.1 4 100Bay ley, (1. 8.. Trustee .. ....2253J -40 10 00Blow, A. Tru<te« SS3O7 70 17 60Coleman AWattles, Trusteet.3lBs4 '60 12 50•Foster, A. VV.*Co ,Trus 36016 100 25 00Foster, A. W. dc Co., Trus....362 60 100 25 ouGauthler, E. A Co.. Trustees..33ll7 60 12 50Gantuler. K.*00.,Tr5.. bal.. .33947 41 10 I?5Gauthler, E. ACo., Trustees..37<*6o 60 12 50Gauthier. E. ACo., Tmstces..37949 60 12 50Grant, (iooree. Tru5te«..,....8tt844 100 35 03Grant. George. Trustee. 37793 100 C600Grant. George, Trustee. 37796 100 25 00Greenobaura A Strings. Tru«..27853 500 125 00

"'Greenebaunt A Straws, Tru5,. 29888 600 12500Gurnett, W. J., Trustee ..SSS-iS 30 J

•750Hailley A Domi, Trustees.... 28579 20 600Hartley « Doud, Trustees.... 2SC63 6 I'»sIladley A Dvnil,Trustees.. 38545 100 25 00

Hooker Jb Frltsch, Trustees.. 3ssll 26 ;625lelauer. S., Trustee ..........12757 60 126nKing.w.H., Trustee 29977 100 25 onMarye, Geo. T. Sc Son, Tru«...35889 60 I" XnM(rye. Geo. T. A Sou. IM1*..37316 60 12 M»Marye.GeoT.ASon,T-5.,ba1..3754>>- 2 riiM.rye,Goo. T. A Son., Tru5...38192 60 12 =,11Unborn, L.Trusts*..... 29619 25 r okO-borti, L.Trustee ...30982 100 ssniiOsborn, L.Trustee ..30983 50 I*InOsftorn, L. Trustee .35335 50 I2=wiOsborn. L. Trustee... 35630 10J 'AnnOsborn, L.,Trustee, bal 35*43 82 ••«! soOsborn, L.,Trustee, ba1.... 35638 8 9 iv,Osbora.L., Trustee, ba1.... ...35957 33 r 9kOsborn. L..Trustee.... 37685 "4 I,m


Rehfisch *Co..Tmste.js...... 30792 in hi?,Rehfisch ACo., Tru5tee5. .....85127 100 <lin-iKehtisch* Co., Trustees.. ....85128 100 lionRehfischACa. Trustees .... 35129 m! -AS?,££**£A Co.. Trustees .85130 100 25 00Rehnsch ACo.. Trustees. ba1..36556 41 10 2sK-hhschA Co,. Tru5tee5.. ....35601 100 6 00Rehflsch* Co., Tru5tee5...,. .35900 100 25 00Kebfis«h& Co.. Trustees..... 37154 so is«nKebflsch ACO.. Trustees ... .383U 60 -ia 50Ro-t, G. R,TrnH-o 8h623 60 l"rji.Root G. D..Trustee !

"38409 100 25 00Maur, Cooper A Kedilck. 37336 '50 12 50Staur Cooper &Ke.lllck. Tn.38318 100 25 00Staur. Cooper &Redltcfc,Trs.33323 20 600gSl^'H°^er *Be*»<"«

-TTS.BBS24 10 250sid. s, B. F. *Co.Trustees.. B7*o3 60 12 50Turiiiuii.Joan. Trustee 34105. b 1 boTurnbull. John. Trustee .'.... 32877 3 175V-au Wyok. 11. L.. Tru5tee. ...37410 50 !••kuWright. VV.11.. Tru5tee.. .....36193 60 {•>So|a<J'B- Wo|ll«i» A Co.. TrT..23075 ,100 25 00ZadU.WoilbergAC».,Trs,b»i.J7JlB 82 2050Za>ll .Wollt..rßACo.,Trs. b»l.3.G9'i 82 20 50'«'" ,V'er \u0084hal.37lBtf -

82 205"Zadl?.WollbergACo..Trs.,bal.372l7 82 0050th«°n «

Ur*CCf" nfrnC°

fWith law' anA an order fromi? ,«h i^o.?J Director*, made on the 3d day ofMatch, 1892. so many shares oreach parcel orinchstock as .may be ueces3ary. will bo suiaVtinhiu•««tojj at tt,e auet!ot»-hou*e of S. p! MWdle

Pton •



|/ At Auction!TUESDAY.


At 12 o'clock nooa, at

Our Salesroom,

638 Market St., Opposite Patel HotelWESTERN ADDITIONBUSINESS CORNER.BTV.corner Filimore and Bush sts.— With large

building containing two stores below, with tene-ments Inrear ofeach: onsecond floor two FrenchHat«, 6 rooms and bath each: brick foundation, etc. ;I'iiluiore st. Is a prominent business center, andvalues on th!« street aro enhancing rapidly; Suttei-»i. cable; rents $155; lot 47x100.

GOLDEN GATE PARK-ELEGANT RESIDENCE.E. line of Wiiiard st. 100 feet N. of Sullivan.Extraordinary opportunity to obtain a perfect

home: exquisite architecture; house has 8 largerooms, buh. etc.; large basement: elegant mantels,electric bells and llfjhtlne; speaking tubes, etc:elegant lan-n and garden; stible and chicken-bouse;grand marine and Golden Gat3Park view, and sunall d«v: l'.ve roans to property: willsell residenceand 75xK>3 or 130. or 37:6x105.

Also, handsome lot or:N. line ofSullivan St.;105feet K.or Wiiiard: elegant snrroundln?s: sunnyBide: fine view; short walk to (iolden Gate Park;lot 25x100.

FOFRTII-ST. I3IPROVED PROPERTY.NW. cor. 5 '4 and 536 Fourth st. and 102 and 101

Freolon st.,bet. Bryant and ltrannan; stores aniltenements: rents $86: tills isa larsecorner; Fourthst. In basalt rock, sewered and ini?ood condition; !Fourth-st. cars; large lot,30x»0.

PACIFIC HEIGHTS RESIDENCE.W. line (2709) Buchanan st.81S. or Vallejo; 2-

story biy-windowed; li) rooms, bath, servant'sroom; large basement; kitchen tiled: mirror-topand tiled ma- t-N;electric bells: arc glass; elegantmarine Tlew; rent $76; lot 26x91.

PACIFIC HEIGHTS SUPERB RESIDENCE.,E. line (2212) Devisaderort.. 77:8Vi S. or Wash-lnetou; very handsome 2-story bay-window resi-

dence of 6 lares rooms, bath, etc.; large basement:hardwood finish: elegantly papered: sanitaryplurnV.lnsr: brick foundation; extra finished wash-stand with highm*r!>le sides ana bathtub extra sizeand finish: whiteFrench glass in wiudows; bronzehardware; Majjeeheater: everything perfect-, band-some frontanu rear garden; near Alia Plnz:»; choiceneighborhood; to examine inquire at office; lot 25xllO.

PACIFIC HEIGHTS PROPERTY.N. line (2103 and 240SV'2 ) or Sacramento St.,

93:'> W. of Webster; front residence, 6 rooms andbath; in rear 2 French flats or 5 and 4 rooms;brick foundation, etc.; centrally located: alwaysrented: rents $62 per month: cement stone walk;street Infln«condition: a good investment; ownertoleave the State; lot 25x103.

WESTERN ADDITIONRESIDENCE LOT.E. line of Lyon St.. 97 8. or Hush: large double

lot In choice location and neighborhood: splendidloton which to erect French rtats; would rent be-fore completed; examine this: California. .Sutterand Geary st. cables; street In extra condition: lot40:6x107:6. .GOLDEN GATE PARK RESIDENCE CORNER.

SE. cor. Page and Cole sts.; elerait corner Tor ahome, allready for building:tills isone ot the finestcorners Inthis choice section of the city: one min-ute to the park; examine this for a home lot; 3cable cars an.12 electric roads; elegant large cor-ner; lot 37:6x101:3.

MISSION-ST. CORNER BUSINESS LOT.SE. cor. Mission st. and West aye.; the best busf-

ness corner InHollyPark; the wideningof MissionSt.. It being the key lot to the entire Holly Parkdistrict, makes this lot one of the most desirable inthe Mission for business; Mission and Valencia-^; lotabout 42:6x83:3.

PRESIDIO HEIGHTS RESIDENCE LOT.N.line Clay St.. 268:1 Vi feet E. of lstave.:

pai.t lot for a home; (lav st. graded, sewered andin fine shape; largo lot.24:5*4x127:814.

MISSION COTTAGE RESIDENCE.E. line (No. 1627) Church St.. 101:6 N.of 29th

St.: har.<l-*oine cottage of 5 rooms, bath, etc. beau-tifulnarde'i: good car accommodation; sood neigh-borhood; look at Itlora home; lot 25x100.

. MISSION PROPERTY.W. line (No. LoS) Clinton st.. 75 S. of Krannan,

bet. tit.'i aad 7th— lmproved; a 2-story building;rents for fl4 per mouth: street, In fine "order; 9th-it.table and electric roads; lot25x75.

MISSION RESIDENCE LOT.SE. cot. California st. and Coso aye., one block E.

ofMission and Valencia 'u:iction: GirtMap No M-lots No*. 108, 110, 112. 118, 114, 115. 116. 117--centrally located at the Mission: good view; sunnyexposure: good home lots; Califorhla St.; sewered;examine them; lots, corner, 30x70; inside, 25x70.

KASTOX.ELUISIUGE & CO.,ap!4 17 19 G33 Market St.. Auctioneers.

SECONDfe> &5 &a fcn> fca>

Souther Farm SaleAT 12 O'CLOCK M.,

Wednesday'--- April £50.*s#~Catalo^iies and Information of

KILLIP& CO., Livestock Auctioneers,»PlO tf \u25a0»\u25a0» Montgomery Street.


"T^ET^ILTKITAaN!Mr~^ VvClo^>V tlon of principal place of business, Saa Fran-els o. Ca! ; locatiou or works, Virginia, StoreyCounty, Nev.

Not UK —There are delinquent upon the follow-ing-described stock, on account c 1assessment (No3b). levied on the bth day of March. 1892. the sev-eral amounts set opposite the names of the respec-tive shareholders, tnfollows:

Names. No. XO.

Burns. Eutler. Trustee. bai-^ Bl>m Amt

anceor 18332 1.NO 2 $ 50Burrls, Kutler, TrusUe. bal-ance of 21414 .>. 1281 30 7 50Hums, Hutier, Trustee, bal-ance of 1971? 1282 6 103

Banuan. William, Trustee, bal-ance or 22239 127H 3 75<\u25a0• ftin a Sanderson, Trustees.. 1190 100 25 00

I»lxon 4: Miles. Trustees 1578 100 25 OJFoster, A. W. a Co., Trustees 100 25 00Foster, A. W. a- Co.. Trustees. lls9 100 25 00Gauthier. K.*Co.. Trustees.. .l4o4 60 12 50Gauthler, K.<£ Co., Trustees ..1495 100 25 00Gautbler, IS. *Co.. Trusie:s,

balance or 22431 1288 2 60Han kin*.J. J. E., Trustee, bal-

sneeoi22tt7L: 1284 80 20 00HaJlcy *l>oud. Trustees 1417 60 12 50Messer, Ifat T., Trustee ... 30 100 25 00Messer, Nat T.. Trustee 81 100 25 00Messer, Nat T., Trustee........ 87 100 25 00

Messer, Not T., Trustee 01 100 25 00Messer. Nat T., Trustee 151 100 2500Messer. Mat T., Trustee 152 100 23 00Messer. Nat T.. Trustee 166 100 25 00Messer, Mat T., Trustee 'JTi 100 25 00Meuer, Nat T., Trustee 273 100 2500Mfsser, Nat T., Trustee 276 60 1250Messer, Nat 1., Trustee....:... 21»1 100 25 00M

—•*< r. Nat T., Trustee SSI 60 1" 50Meeser, Nat T., Trustee. ....... 334 50 1250M«sser, Nat T., Trustee 349 100 2500Messer, Nat T., Trustee 351 100 25 00Messer, Nat T., Trustee 375 100 25 00Mrsser, Nat T.. Trustee 353 100 25 00Messer, Nat T., Trustee........ 4SU 60 12 60Heater, Mat T.a Trustee 437 60 1250Messer, Nat T.,Trustee 512 100 25 00Messer, Nat 1"., Trustee 651 100 2j>oo

Messer, Nat T., Trus;eo 555 60 12 50Nesser, Nat T., Trustee «,;o 100 2500Messer, Mat T, Trustee t>»4 100 25 00Mtaser, Nat T.,Trustee 652 200 5000viewer. Nat T.. Trustee 667 100 25 00Measer, Nat T., Trustee GHS 60 1250Messer. Nat T., Trustee 728 100 25 00Messer,-Nat T., Trustee 732 100 25 00Messar, Nat T., Trustee 733 100 25 00Messer. Nat T.,Trustee 734 100 2500Mes«er, Nat I.,Trustee ; 738 100 25 00Messer. Nat T.,Trustee 875 60 1250Messer, Nat T.. Trustee 925 100 25 00Mes3fr. Nat T.. Trustee 10,"5 100 25 00Messer, Nat T.. Trustee lOOtf 100 26 00Messer, Nat T., Trustee 103S 60 12 50

iMesser. Mat T.,Trustee 1030 100 25 00Messer, Nat T., Trustee load 100 25 00Messer, Mat T., Trustee .1259 100 25 00Messer, Nat T..Trustee 126'J 100'

25 00!Meseer, Nat T., Trustee. .1270 50 12 50Messer, Nat T., Trustee 1301 100 25.00Messer, Nat T., Trustee 151S 100 25 00Mary -, Gecr^e T.*Son, Trs..1198 100 26 00Marye* George T. A- Son. Tr5..1203 100 25 00Marye. Gcorg3 T. *Sou. Tr5. .1204 60 12 50Hoot, George U.Trustee .1440 100 25 UOKoot, George 8., Trustee.. 1445 100 25 00

Koot. George 8.. Trustee 1465 10J 26 OJKoot. George 8.. Trustee 1472 100 25 00Kebfisch A Co.. Trustees 1344 60 12 50Twl:gs.John W.. Trustee , 6 60 12 60Twlggs,.I. Trustee 8 60 12 60Twines. John W,, irustee 66 15 "~

375Tw:fus. ,lohu w..Trustee 117 60 12 60Twlg<s,John W., Trustee 208 20 600Twig»s.John >V.,Trustee »65 10 260TwlKgi.John W.,Trustee...... 368 10 260TwUiij,John W,Trustee...... 418- 20 600Twlßgs, John w.,Trustee 424. 20 6OJTwij??*..Ibsi W.,Trustee...... 435 '*0 600Twlggs. John W.. Trust: .483 10 2 50'IuU^s, John W., Trustee...... 750 20 601Twlrrs. John W.,.Trustee...,,. 784 10 2 50Twlggs, John \V.,Trunee 706

•10 260Twiggs,John W.,Truitee.... 1939 31 775

White y. T..St Co., Trustees 447 60 12 50Whltely.T.&Co.. Trustees.... l4Bo. 100 25 00Whltely, T.4 Co.. Trustees 1517 100 25 00And in accordance with law and an order of the

Board of Directors, made on thb Bthday of March--1892. so many shares of each parcel ofsuch stockas may be necessary willbe sold at public!auctionat the office of the company, room 2,Nevaaa Block.San Francisco, California, on Friday, the 29th dayof April,1692, kt the hour of 1o'clock p. m. of saidday, to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, to-gether with costs of advertising and expenses or the•ale. WSB^* JOHN* W. TWIU(i».Secretary

Office—Room 2. Nevada Block, San FranciscoCalifornia. ap!3td-'

pONSOLIDATED WYOMING GOLD MINING\J Company— Location o 'principal place of busi-ness, San Francises, Cal.; location of * works.Nevada County, Cal. . \u0084


Notice—There are delinquent upon the followingdescribed stock, on account ot assessment (No1). levied on the 2«tn day of February. 1892several amounts set opposite the names of the re-spective shareholders, as follows:

No. NaNames. Cort, Shares.' Amr

\u25a0J.M.-P.nlßnjcton. Tr«te».... 87 800 *6O™o,J. J. Hnoks, 'trustee 88"

300 30 OJJames Hucks, Trustee.;......- . 69- 60' nir1BenJainluUealey... .....-...:.. . 120 \u25a0' 50 600And In accordance. with,law.and an order ofthe Boar* of Directors :made or, .he 26th day Stebruary. 1892. sj many shares or each parcel orsuch stock as may be necessary will bo sold at nub-ileauction at the offlce or.tbecompar.v. room 11 303WKDNKSI>AY

Jt,- IJS,Ilrh-s tlMlCte«0':«».

auvertUlnt and expanse* of saleei^



Thursday .................April 14, 18.13,At 11o'clock a. m.. at .

1057 MARKETST.. BKT. SIXTHAND SEVENTH,Tho Nearly New rurniture, Large French-plateMirrors. Elegant Pictures. Upright Folding Beds,Fine Holy Brussels Carpets, etc.. the former con-tents of two welt-furnished residences.

Also a lotof MillineryGoods.I M.J. SIMMONS. Auctioneer.

lsßs?A(Paf# Baf^aa. INSTANT RELIEF.mW EilIBit IbS 16

l%urel»winsend (sealed)HIlallbl IfiKiitumß. 1 wi!lsend<seaJ«Ht)

IIVU'IIsltfllrnercuuiyrollow-eui.• ferersapn^crtptlontoenlargernCßssmaU weak or»tans. Asure cure for Emissions, Lost Manhood, Nor--VOUS Debility,Varlcocele, etc. Address, with stamp,

I*B.tfnuiilin.Music l>wiier,UarstraU, Ulelk. au» Tulnsu ly

Routes Jv^heumatism.Mr. CtiAnLKSLawhence, of Ashland,

Neb., gays that Swift's Specific curedhtm of severe Rheumatism of whichhehad suffered for over six months, withvain efforts to get relief. He recom-mends itto all sufferers from Rheuma-tism.

~~~ " ':

Send for otir book on the Blood andSkin, mailed free


3*lo ljSaTulh T M

BOOMS TO LKT-C«»NTIJ*CED.'OO front rooms: unfurnished; grate anil water;

rent lew topermanent tenant. apl 4 4'

11<)f;MISSIOJJ-FIXK LARGE SUNNY *K<>MJ-X— «-7 room:also rooms en suite. 1*


3 m:\.Ni U.NFUUMSBD_S-jIrooms: large yard; $8.

•XTICE SUNNY ROOM CHEAP TO YOUNG LADYX> aj company for lady Inme evening. AiUlrrssC, box 5. this omco. apli 3*

QOQ MISSION—FURNISHED ROOMS; DOtl.K,tWi/ single; use Htcnen Ifdesired. \u25a0

/^l7 VAN NESS— HALLROOM; MCELY FUR-UlIplaned fur gentleman; $*>. aplH '-»

COQ TUKK-LAKGKJSUX.N V PAKLOK; FUK-U+jUnlsbed orunfurnished: other rooms. a!33fc

]]')FOURTH—NKWLY FURNISHED SUNNY-L1O front suites and single rooms. apl'i5*Al\nFOUKTH-MCELYFURNISHED ROOMS:Ivi housekeeping or otherwise: alsoslnzle.l3 3*ICO] LEAYENWORTH—ROOMS WITHSTOVE1UjuL furnished or unfurnished; also single. 13 7*(111 FOLSOM-2 ROOMS: COMPLETE BOUSB-U"i1 keeplug; running water: gas: bath. ap!3 3*

1Q9l TAYLOR—I'LEASANT, SUNNY ROOM;1jji-tx bath; gas; reasonable. apl3 :i*_AO IIItOADWAV-8 LARGE SUNNY ROOMSrIVJO to rent: reasonable. apl3 a*

£'91 POST - FURNISHED ItOOJIS; ORATE.v'—llath, gas: reasonable. apl 3 6


HANDSOMELY IIK--1—*.'Unished sunny rooms; $6 and fi'J; bath.

gas, etc ap!3 trCf|7 roLSOM- 'i SUNNY HOUSEKEEPINGOvIrooms; rent $10. &pl3 6*Oil PACIFIC—


Oil front rooms; cheap. ap!3 2*

9»> CLEMENTINA—'£ PLEASANT LARGE UN-*-•-) furnished rooms. apl3 2*

Iy}UlMNTH—FRO.NT .SUITE ROOiIS, NKAT--»'\u25a0,• lyfurnished. J.IS: single $7. apl 32*

QTflSK\ i1 Kill. COR. NOB. NR. MARKET.Olv nice nttla flat alO \u25a0in water, etc.l.3 3*


FURNISHEDJ. tiUO » front and back rooms. apis "\u2666

1(\4 MISSION—ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE-.I '1*)keeping; sunny rooms for cent emeu. 13 5*O/|9 M(IM(inMi:iCY


OU- nlsbed rpoma: wect ormonth: lowrent. 13 5*


ilOonP. O'CONNOR. 418 Stevenson st. api:i4*1ki_>i MXTII-SiNNY FURNISHED BOOMS;


-L --O-j double and single; ess: bath. api:i 5*CA(!1 VALENCIA FEW 800 MB, CHEAP TOOUUa small and eeuteel family. apl"3*

OQI HARRISON—•-• UNFURNISHED ROOMS-.i forrent; $5. Call after 12 it ap!33«


FRONT FURNISHED1"!"1 room, respectable Spanish I.«ta-lly. _ ap!2 3*

1 F_l QVALENCIA—LA SUNNY FURNISHJt)lO ed rooms; light kousckoepluz If reqnlrtd. apl- 3*

GOO HOWABD—NICE SUNNY FURNISHEDU~Odouble and single rooms. apl'J $•


r"Oiiis;grate, gas. Path; reisonablp. apl'J 4*

991 MASON— FURNISHED DOUIH.E— —-» rooms; cas, bath, etc, apl'J 5


11 /IQFOLSOM-NICELY KUtMSilKll SUNNYi-IJO front room: al<o single; reasonable. l'J 10

IIQ VALENCIA—NICELY FURNISHED SIN-II•' irv rooms; also alcoves; ceut'emen. apl'J 7*C<IQ EDDY


O—O roo:n3. apl'J 3*"1 <\u25a0)\u25a0/ O'FAI'.RELL —LAItUE AND SMALLJ— _. rooms; furnished; sunny; all conveni-ences. npl'J 3*

709 NATOMA.NKARNIMII-3 KNISII--1 O— el rooms for in.*1iand wife. apl'J 3*

3 SUNNY UNFINISHED BOOMS 1139 KOL-som; rent i'J. • apll •>•

30,iTHIIU>-2UNFURNISUED HOUSEKEEP-O".L liig-rooni?Inrear: »6an<lS7. Spll tf


1 \JO kitchen ifdesired. apll 5*|Ql£ MISSION— FURNISHED FRONT'—

J U room: ci,e:ni. npll5*

7 IQ UUEIsKEKO-PLEASANT BOOM ANDAI..110 cove: S. and W. front*: comer; furnished;tunable for •-' i-ei.tleiae:i. $5 per \u25a0nek aplO 1*7(j| MCALLISTER— SUITES AND SINGLEIv 1suuuy rooms. suitable for It^ht _ou«iekeep-ing: bath: gat: terms reasonable. aj'lo 10O9 MCALLISTER


O—'A nlsfied front room;not and cold water: bath;gas; closets; suitable for 2persons. aplO 10,"91 THIKD—NICELY FURNISHED FRONT1'— 4:bay-window room: auo backroom. aplO 6*](lAJ LARKIN-SUNNY FRONT PARI\u25a0LvUtL fuldlng-bed: use of Kitchen. aplO 7*9_» 1 third—sunny front BOOMS, OB£dO L suites; single rooms if1a week. aplO 5*


FRONT ROOM;—nicely furnished: rent $12. np9 5*


SONNY HAY •WINDOWTit/front room, furnished: other rooms. sp9 lmfiZyftHOWARD—NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY\JO\J front room for ap9 7»COT HOWARD-PARLOR FLOOR. WITH OBCOJ without basement; to permanent partyoa'y. aps 10*

9f17 POST—

DOUBLE AND SINGLE SUNNY*-vM furulslied rooms; frs: r.oor. apB lot091 ELLAS—THE BUBEDALE; NICELY FUR."— X nlslieil sunny rooms; suites and «lngle.apB lm

I\l19 AVASHINGT.iN—SUNNY UNFURNISHEDOK.'—' rooms: running watar. »Ps 7t»1A7FirTll-LAR(TE IJOOM.


"In^A ""WARD—

NICELY FURNISHEDX\jU\J rooms; en suite, single, double: by day,week or mouth; for gentlemen: also houjt-keepinc

rooma. •31,7 c,[»


SUITES OF KOOMS.U— \J and single rooms; very desirable; low rentand near bu«iiiess center. ap3tfyOSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET ST.. IJET.A Sixth and Seventh; 35e to 91 per ntftht; petweek, tl50 to *5;single aud en suite; tMßllies.93 tr

rpBE AKHOTSFOKD. NW. cor, LAKKIN AND1Broadwajr—Mee. qalet. penteel and boinelUt?;fnrnlshed or un:urnl.shed sunny rooms atextrumelymoderate prices; !i£h£ housekeeping perniitte<J.4tf :Q1 »_» SUNNY FLOOR: 5 BOOMS; OVERLOOK-<pXO.Ins city. Day and Contra Costa: tor smallfamily: water Iree; SW. cor. Montgomery an<lGreen; at UL'O Washington st tf

nQQHOWAKU, COX. SIXTH— NEWLY FUR-I'd/nltihed sunny rooms; en suite and single;day,week or mouth; transient; rates reasonable. ap2ltn"I090 MARKET. THE MELLWOOD—XJ _-_»O furnished Mitmy rooms, en suite or single;tome suitable tor oltices: transient. mrls la

Iff!KKYANT,NEAR MORRIS AYE.-SMALLI\J\J sunny bed-room; furnished: $5. je'Jti if

r f\ CENTS WILL BEND THE WEEKLY CALL•JU for four moaths to any part of ilie UnitedBtatea.

I:IIAI.Di.SG .I.MI !;<.«»>i-.

171 QTURK—

LABOE FRONT BOOMS II•a.v nlshPd: board: bath: (U; private. api3 107_|O PINE-PLEASANT BOOMS, WITH EX-HO eel lent board; 920, $25 and $30 per m0.9 7*"I9] A MASON—SINGLE AND DOUBLESUNNY-I-*--*-"rooms: terms moderate: wltli board.atf lot


NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNYoJdUX rooms; board optional; reaa. rates. ap3 lmo

AMEBJCAN EXCHAN(>K HOTEL. SANSOME\u25a0£*\u25a0 St.—Positively the l) value In the city forpermanent or day boarders; good rooms; eleganttable: rates »6 to $10 pcr 'en; per day $1 up.i^Htf

AKLINOTON house. 127 KKAKNY—FLEA9-•ut snnny room*, en mite and tinftg; [rsto.aii

itevery respect: terms reasonable. j»io;t

TilETROPOLITAN HOTEL. 612 AND 6!?ITI Fourth st. :single meals, _'0c: board and roomper day. lie to $1 \u25a0 by the week, *4 to *5;Iree coachtoaudfrom hot-l. B. BBASLEY.Prupr. ocU lim

ONT«OMEUT'3 TEMPERANCE HOTEL. airA'i and TiVSecond tt.—Single meal* 29c; <>aard*alrcom per dar. 75c to Si:by the «n(. «i to *» (ratcoach to and from tli» liocol. zttil'-t


\TII.LA LA JOTA, ON BOWBI L MOUNTaTn*.T near St. Helena, widely known Ma mountainresort and sanitarium. Is offered for rent for thasummer months or for \u25a0 longer term ;place com-prises 54 acres: a modern-style residence or stone,•with adjoining cottage, .ill completely furnishedand equipped cor a first-class bealtn resort; it issuited alB3 for a gentleman's country home; fina\u25a0water snpDly; picturesque forest scenery: baattafand tuning; terms low to responsible parties. Ad-dress La Jota. box 38. this office. apO ltn*IJKMJKTS. WRINOtJ AND HOTELS OF THEJIPacific Coa^t. with rates, location, etc., duo-llsfced in the Hotel Guide. 180 pages. For sale bynewsdealers, or senl '_5c in«tampi to W. M.PAT-TEKSON. publisher. 310 Post m.. S. K. mrl it

sioicfc-* xo JLKT.~

QAQPOLK-VERY MICE STOKE. FITFOB AVY4tit\jOkind of ret tilor restaurant business; 4 Roodrooms In rear; good location. . apl3 7©9


X *~i<J- as saloon. 911FOHOIII,above Fifth. 13 4*

IPOK KENT—A ItKICK HUILDINO. SUITAIILI!r for grocery or upholstery, willrent us whole orIn part: rent reasonable. Apply to JAMES Ct RTINA CO.. 1l'J3 Market it. ap i_ 7t


pABPENTB K-SHOr" AND 1 Room ON WAL-\J nutave., bet. OctavU and Laguna. Suiter andPost »W. Apply to C. B. CAPP

•CO., Homebrokers

and Real Estate Agents. 416 Montgomery st. 9 7v 01-TICKS TO LKT.


«)1Q OEARV-FURNISHED OFFICES KUIT-OxO able lordoctor or dentist. aii)4:t*

STOUK AM> OfHCK FIXTIJUK9.pOUN AN|Tnl (>HE^FIXTijXtSFOR~MaTe\J and made at 331 Geary st. noio tf

A CHIMING CLOCK.The Flue Mcciiaulara of One of San Iran-

CihCo'd Art.«ium.

George L. Skinner, a clock-maker, wholives on Fillmore street, has just completeda marvel of mechanism in the shape of achiming clock. ItIs set withina tall cherry-wood case, and is intended for use Id a hall.With the exception of a set of French bells,used as chime?, and the woodwork, theclock was constructed entirely by Mr..Skin-ner, and it represents 70 fulldays' work.The many cogwheels, the pinions and otherPieces of mechanism were cut out of solidmetal by hand and adjusted withas muchnicety as is a high-priced watch. The bellshave been set to reproduce the mafic of thechimes of Cambridge, the several ham-mers have been adjusted to strike the bellsat the exact moment that is written in thescore. The clock, in a very clear tone,

;strikes the notes ivthe bells at the quarterthe halt and tlr*hour, and at the hour thetime of day is announced on a heavy steelspring, which gives out a sonorous soundthat Is musical and pleasing to the ear.lli«>se who are competent to judge of suchmatters declare that IMb is one of the finestadjustments that can be produced, and Is acredit to a San Francisco workman. "Ma-terial and time," said Mr. Skinner, insneak-ing of his work, "represent the sum of $500."


QQA O'FARirELL-rTtTuSF, 7 KOOMS: GAS;_-«)U tmnv side: rent reasonable. ap!4 3*


TENEMENT OF 3 ROOMS.-.Lupp.-r part, lor small family; stable !r re-

quired. \u25a0\u25a0 »Pl4tf

4 BUNNYBOOMS AND CELLAR: ISTO SMALLfamily. 8 Clinton »t.. off Bryant,nr. Elxth *14 6*

1 <nOSTEINh«. NX.ELLIS-7 ROOMS. BATH;1/iUo rent $3* 50. ap!3 *•

I'MkHYDE—IIROOMS; VACANT KAY1: P0B-OU«" niture ch.ap It wanted: rent $60. ap!3 'it*rr.O LEASE-GRAND fjOUTHEKN HOTEL. 008,J !-evfiHtiand Mission; Just completed: 96 rooms;light and sunny: larpe dining-room; oftlce, elevator,

etc.: also very fine Stores and Lasement: willrent

the buildingus a who c or Insubdivisions. m3<""' tf

Cii)f\ I'AHT:4 KOOMS; HATH: WATERigZU. free. 15589 (iolden Gate are. apl'J 3*

OVSE 9 MNVS^ROOMS AND BATH. 216Leaveimorth. apl 23*

<) IIWE ST., Bl I" BBYAHTAND UKANNANt>l.' rhlrdand Foartli—4 rooms. aPVL*A_

Ho: SE TO LET-628 J.1.1 IS. 6 BOOHS ANDbath. _!___

___.- Ti 3 natom a. BET. sixth and SEVENTH;t)i-4 neat tenement: 4 rooms: halls; separateyard;front and rear entrance. apl3 3*p.l' 1-STOKY MOI SEOF6BOOMS: DOUHLKt^ilO. parlors; garden: yanl. 1248 Monfy.alO8»•_> OB 6 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; DOI'KLEI'AR-

Iors: laree yard. b44 Second. nr.Townsend.a^jt*

OUNNY HAY wlNl»ou HOUSE: 6 ROOMS.BATiIO and basemrnt: modern improvements. 1Hampt-on place, off Kolsom. Bel '-'d i"d 3d. ">> -- tr


FITTER;> Jol)Miiz of all kinds: wort guaranteed or nocfsr.e. ('HAS. M1.1.1l «.V-' >\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 I.11. -,1.».fl1Km

« Kit 4..1-' I<> 1'i

H^iooMTorTAUi;:xeak isusinksscentkr;

O clieap rent:furniture forsale for 990. 13 Met-calfe place, oilGeary St.. ab.ive Mason.


-I(\r~ T\>ENTY-SIXTH. NEAR MISSION-COTl"it.igff5 roon:<; water free; $14. aplO 10*0 1 I* SUNNY COTTAGE: 4 LARGK KOOMS:«> lU. l..gompnt: yard. Dolores mi.l iail: » 7t«

ilr.\,-lii,» iiousks;

fiUMsMKi' HOI si: i K7n7MsT~iTvFir1 laundry and piano; rent reasonable. 1377 Kol-»oii)?t. apU 4*

CQQ HOWARD: FURSITPRE 5 KOOMS FOR• '•>'' sale; house of 9rooms to let. apU 3*VTEW FDRNITCB ELEGANT 6-ROOM ILAT;i> must l>e sold. 1007 Hayes Bt. ap!2 7«

IPDRNITCRE MODERN 6-HOOM FLAT FOBJr sale: b.irgaln. J 528 .• Miss on st. a,»12 A*

(iBOOMS ELEGANTLY FURNISHED; :r_'6 MA-yBoast.; reference; ctioice, sunny. ap!2 3*

<5 in NICELY FCRNISHED UPPER FLAT; 5tjp IU.rooms and bath. 120 Twelfth s:.. from 1too. ap 107*

'OR BALI OR BENT—FURNITURE 5 BOOMS.-T 7-'- 1v.-fiitv-tiilr-lSt.. near Howard. ar»10 St*

iI.AT.-i 111]7.~il.AT. 4 BOOMH, WITH BATH, A*-t|pl O. ti-inary tubs, patent closet. 2308 Harri-(on St.. l>et. Twentieth and i wenty-first. apl4 4*

fTPPER BAY-WINDOW FLAT. 6 BOOMS ANDVIbath; ail modern improve .n»nt*. 905V2 Eisrht-

eenth St.. 1 Woe* from Castro-st. cars. apl4 4*

T OWKkTLaT. '. ROOMS AM BATH; KENTJJ ?17; furniture for sale; $100. Call after 6o'clock, 1838 Howard st. apl-t if

LrPPER FLAT 6 IMS: HATH;MODERN IM-'prorements. 1135 */•> Pacific, near .tones. 133*

Q9() NEW ELEGANT FLAT, 560 CHI'BCB»_*—\u25a0•> :no sinali children. apl3 7*l'l.A I01 5 BOOMS AND HATH. 724 GKOVEX street apl3tf

Q BOOMS AND BATH;KENT «15. 2211 POLK.O between Valiejo anilGreen. apl3 3*OO SOI Til PABK.—7 KOOMS ANDBATH:SEP---t.J ante entrance. apl3 5*

SUNNY FLATS; FIVE ROOMS; HATH;rent 1602 and 16**2 Pols: st. ap!2 7*

(J; 1-

Nfc.W CPPER FLAT 6 SUNNY BOOMS;ijlO.bath. 30S Vlc-gbnrg. nr. 'J-Sih. apl3 8t»

SUNNY FLATS: 6 ROOMS; BATH; ?30. 1701k Washington it., near Poik. apl2 7*

Q- /) 4 ROOMS; hathTTtationaky tubs0

—'-'• and cellar: no children. Upper floor of1911 Geary st., opp. Hamilton square. a] .-1*Qtjc BAY-WINDOWFLAT: 6 BOOMS, bath.tjp--«j. Key Tblrtcotith. near Howard. al2 4*

QIC 352 MINNAST.: 6 BOOMS ANDBATH.'*-• $32 60-4&1 Valeaela St.; 6 rooms andbath.

*16—7 Holllsst. ;5rooms and bath.$26—635 Yallfjos:.:6 rooms and b:ith.93260— 1103 Valencia st.: 6 rooms ami bath.*26—1106 Valencia st. : 5 rooms and batli.$18—264 iIrst bt : 6 rooms.SlB-650 Minna st.: 4 rooms.•

IS—osol '•> Minna st ;4rooms.f17— 38 Turkit:4 rooms.aplO 6 CHAS. ASHTON. 411 Montgomery st,

}fLKGANTUPI'ER BAY-WINDOW FLAT OF 5rooms and batn: sunny yard sod basement 226

Tenth st.: key at corner procery. apll tt

O/\7 LINDENAYE..NEAR GUUGU ST.-FLAT» 'Msunny rooms and basement; .*l5. aplO 5*

T.) LET—IO2S PIERCE .ST. ;*s22 50; NEW FLATit5 rooms and Dath; sunuyaud desirable yard

front _i.!rear. apO 7*

7 1 J -N ATOMA-FLAT OF4 ROOMS: RENT $I*J;* -11 no children. _p7 tf

UPPER FLAT;6 S£NNY| ROOMS;; HATH. 271 Itirchaye. off Larkln,bet. <>rove anil Fulton. 6tfdj.](» FIAT 5 SUNNY ROOMS AND BATH.

U. 171 Lfavenworth --, ay>s tf

HOCSKKEErXN'O booms.O \vXKl7^iL'TINISHED m>DSEEEEFINGUO—rooms. ap!4 3*

BTWELFTH,8 TWELFTH, NEAR MARKET-NICELY FUR-nl>bed connecting rooms lor housekeeping. •

({'J-\ GREENWICH. NEAR POWELL- 2 FUR\JQX ntshed rooms for houaeteepin bath. ap!4B*


NICELY FURNISHED* —17 room, li-'ht housekeeping. •



—Irooms compete for housekeeping- twoclosets and Path: private family. apl4 tf

r,(*l1mission, NR. SECOND-SUNNY FRONT<U\Jl '4 bedroom and kitchen for light honsekepp-lnz: two back rooms forhousekeeping. apl4 3*

/']lilMISSION—LAKGE FRONT ROOM FUR-\J± 'J-j nlsned rorhon«e'ieepln;r; ni'inth.apl4'J»"1 AO THIRD-SUNNY HOUSEKEEPINGJO rooms: complete; gas and bdtn. ap!4 3t»

FLQO »1EVENSON-3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS;%JU\J sunny sld?; reasonable. !•O' PLEASANT. OFF .TONES, BET. SACRAMKN---c> to and ay

—Lower flit;3 rooms. ap!4 3*

(j17 MISSION-2 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS»-[' for housekeeping; reasonable. apl4 2*(\]{\BOSH—B NICE CONNECTING ROOMS,wit/ suitable for 3 people; tarnished housekeeD-Ing; fit). •991 FOLK-SUNNY FRONT SUITE PARLORS.---.I with or withoutkitchen. apl4 \u25a0!•

(\i\ MINNA-FURNISHEDSUNNY KOOMFOR•Oilhousekeeping; double room for cents. 14 2*

94 Al SIXTH-SUNNY BAY-WINDOW SUITE.-\u25a0»T.V/2 newly turn.sued: cookstove; »16. apl 4 •_•

1 *_> _> SEVENTH— FURNISHED, CORNERi»'lsunny honsokfepingiooins. •9»;r FOURTH


—<O honsckeepln?. •

HA UOWARD-FRONT ROOM; FURNISHEDIJ.\J for houseteeplng; rent low, •IH-JK MARKET BT.

-SUNNY FURNISHEDXKJOO housekeeping rooms; also single rooms. 2*

199 J MISSION-LARGE SUNNY BAY-WIN.*\u25a0**—*. dow room; kitcb-rn.Tar'l and closet. al 1tf

"JCCMOSS. OFF HOWARD. BET. SIXTH ANDJ <v Seventh— Nice sunny front and back hoase-fceeplngrcoms. withgas and bath: reut cheap. _'•

LARGEUNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE---» fceeplni;. $10. 1717 Howard st. _pl3 3»

1914 HOWARD-2 "X 3 LARGESUNNY FIR.JAilTornntur. honjiekeeplii; room*. apl35*

5 Moss, OFF HOWARD NEAR seventh—Neatly furnished rooms; light housekeeping'

qnlet h 'me; terms reasonable; no family. apl3 7*

O/«91 MISSION-SUNNY FURNISHED HOUBE-tJU_- \u25a0; keeping suite; with or without piano.l35*

IA."NKW MONTGOMERY-NICEST, CHEAP-XVO est furnished honselteeDlng and single roomsInthe city; coma and gee them. apl3 2t»Q>-\ •> 2 LARGE SUNNX FURNISHED ROOMSOl'-'. for housekeeplug; a:so others. 448y2Ihlrd st. apl2 _» \u25a0

Q«J| TORK -LARGE FRONT ROOM AND•U-tJL kitchen, honsekeeplng; laundry, gas, bath. tf1QI7



\u25a0»"' Ikeeping rooms; furnished; gas; bath. 12 6*


J yJ—v/ rooms: complete forhousekeeping- cheap-wat«r. 25*



-3*J—V sunny mifurnlsDed rooms; bath, aplO 7*

0In TAYLOR-HOUSEKEEPING AM) rTrN*->' v nished rooms; reasonable. aplO 579' BRANNAN, ABOVE SIXTH-BEDROOMI+**Jand kitchen. famished; $3. aplO 5*I_l'JO STEINER. BET. ELLIS AND O'FAK-\u25a0*~*j<J roll—3 nice rooms aad butin furnished coni-plete forhousekeeping. ap9 tf

1090 MISSION-FLAT OF 4 UNFURNISHEDx\J— yjhousekeeping rooms; also sunny bay-wlndow parlor; rent reasonable. a,p7 lm01IHYDE—2 LARGE SUNNY UNFURNISHEDOl-Irooms: bath: reasonable. aps tfOOQ THIKO-UNFURNISHED OR FURNISHEDhouaekeeplrig rooms: rent $7 and »i. ap4 tf*7|<Jl HOWARD, POWELL HOUSE. BET. 3D±viand 4tn—Fine houiencplng rooms, apl tf1*2HISTOCKION. NEWTON HOUSE-HOUSE-J^Oi keeping and furnished rooms; kitchen-dining-room. _pii«

OOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING, FURNISHEDJt or unfurnished: with or without stable. 25Fierce St.. cor. of Halght. wr27 tfC HARRISON AVK..OFF FOLSOM-tURNISHED«_> front room: kitchen: housekeeping. nir!B tf

\u25a0\u25a0 ROOMS TO LET.1Q IQ FINE—LARGE~T)OIJBLE^SuirN V FUlt"X*JIO Dished room for gentlemen. _Pl« 2*

1qnO PINE-LAKGE NICELY FURNISHEDIO\JZj sunny front room: private boose. apU 5«Q17 PINE


%JX Irooms: gag; bath; $8 ana 810. a pl4 a»190^ »USH-NICELY FURNISHED DOUBLE_*--V/c/ and single rooms: private family, ap!4 3*

1009 1 HYDE—SUNNT FRONT AND BACK\u25a0ivv-ii parlors; nicely furnished for 2. apl4 3«Q/'KI MARKET, LINCOLN HOUSE— NEWLYO\JO-4 furnished sunny rooms; suites and ilngles-modem: reasonable. MBS. N. F. COOK. apl4 im

CALIFOKNIA-LAKGEFRONT ROOM FOR-%£iO'Z; otser rooms; reasonable. •1(1/* ELEVEN TH-NI FURNISHED BAY--IUUwindow trout room; s»«10. .-

- . •MACDERMOTT l'LA< IC.OFF JONES ST., BET.Turk and Eddy—Comfortable furnished room;

private family; for 1> r 2 gentlemen. ap!4 4*

3HOWLES PLACE. NIL13TH ST., OFF HOW-ard—Upper flat; 4 rooms; Oath: $15. apl4 4»

OAI FIFTH, NEAR. MARKET—NICELY FUR.-i*'\u25a0\u25a0! nlsbed rooms; suite or single; $3 to $20;transient 50c \ > $1.

- • ' apl4 tf


UNFURNISHED BABIS--«JO nient; rent ta * ap14 3*

111 GEARY— NICE FRONT DOUBLE ANDIX single- room: rent cheap.

- . . au!4 6*



FRONT FURNISHEDrtOIroom; 5. ' • . •• -,

rjfiOO'FAKRELL ST.—FUKMSUKD PARLOR;1v_» single looms; suitable forgentlemen.al4 7*