(¡Oltane Cèrna? Sanitari€¢•te * V « (¡Oltane Cèrna? Sanitari o V and OOTTAGE OROVE LEADER...

••te * V « (¡Oltane Cèrna? Sanitari o V and OOTTAGE OROVE LEADER VOLUME XXVII COTTAGE OROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1917 NUMBER öl CAPT.WOODSTELLS OF SUICIDE OF M P I. CROOK Mri. Wood* and Hinuelf Wero Oiienta of the Krook» at Time of tlie Tragedy Huy» at the fort Are Being Doped amt Inoculated A k>»i n Ht Everything hut Hume sick uess, Mxih Cu. Alway» on the Mup Kurt Steven», Ori',, Ht'pL ** (H|m - i-I»I tu I h.- Senti nel. » H i* tli i <• in|mi*iv leni utt it t in ii I h' i * kivi* uf indtistry tln» moruing (¡i'iiui(; ready f*»r Mutiirdny in i |h- i iimi. We rumi' uii tmnorio» l'or mir In“t »lini uf ilio pruphy Inetie treatment fui I y |*In > i«l ti ini notte of il» nrr n hit »orry lim i il in thè Intel, titoligli il in noi thè Irriti meni lim i |> ii I n un mi uur IrneliN. The "puro |y|ihuii|" i» llie l>«>y witli Ihi' "lerrible knh,” unti pili» lite imi j*iritv of iin out ol tiumiu'NN l'or »evernl baiir». Aliuul eight limir» after tnkiug thè nI iii I un« i» tino« ii itilo n lugli fever «hi* li IiinI n tur lo lo 12 houle After limi «e nre normnl, Imi thè ex (terienee in very disngl-renble for u few houiN Km li runi|iany in off iluly for 21 liuur» nfler eiieli pliol, no «e eun Ioni ii I moiI t*ll Ut 1» 1111*1 *1** Il 1(00*1 jo b ut II lltlllg •iiiisvlves uu*l wisliiug we «ere ni Home »■ih nife m inother durili^ thè lime «e ure uff uur feeil. A lernhle tmjjeily wneenneled uf thè | m* n| lite ilny hefore ye»tenluy whieli »horkeil thè « hole i*it in | * ( ’tipi. 1«. fi Ktook, Ihe eu»Nl «lefeiiNi* quurterniaster,' emninitteil euieiiie in thè hnlh rumi! of hiN ■ | iii i tii* h\ cutting li i n t hi uni «ifh n riunir. The eliplani timi lieen ili ili heiilih for »miie week» limi « un very unirli worrieil over I iiiniik' nn nlfnir» nini thè reN|M*iiNÌIiilitie» of In» nffire liere. The »trulli of liolli Worrie» «uiippcd thè eonl «In* li bmiUil him lo rennon inni h*' l*ii»Ne*l out hy lite o » ii homi. t*n|*1. klook «,i» n hrolher ni In» of IL-nry l.umleee nini w iin n very eoni|inu imiulile gentleman, un «eli un n very effieienl offleer. Ile « un reeently Irmi» ferrerl lo fin» |»i»t frinii Miiii Krunei»eo, nml lii m nife urriveil mily ii ImiuI turo weekN uKo. Henry l.uml*'»» «rote me frolli Wmuler, Nei min, introduciug me lo In» liiotker ili In», limi «e Ut olire he lime friend». Ile inviteli me io oceupy. *|uiir|er«* in Iiin Inni»»* wlnle my «ife « iin visitm g ut thè |*ont. I limi »eeureil roouin ut Unniinoml, Imi un flint I» n hnlf inile frmn thè renervution, I glndly neee|itei| thè invilutioii for my «ife to In* i» tln* j*o»t, un il nii v rii Iter Ilo* «nlk, nml « iin nnieh mure pb-nsiiiit in every wny. After tnkiug my »errimi »hot of para- ty piloni I « iin ijuile Niek nml uent In Irei), l'tillilig iisleep ut orni. Mm. Klook tulli my «ife thut, UN »he «UN going I h* hi tln* Inumi' limi evening, «he (Mr» Kiook i «oulil go lo tln* pielure »ho«’, «hieh rmiN in our |io»t gy uni unni ut ev ery night. Mr». Krook limi left thè en|ilniii «ilh Mr». W ooi I n n inimher of lime» while »he toook ii horoeliuek ride «ilh thè «ife of (,'olunol Kilt», Ihe rnant defeime eoiumnnder, or « uh imi uttcnding tu liimineN», or for u little re»|iite from Iter dulie», nml nll limi lieen «eli. Imi wlnle »he w iin girne thi» lime Ihe rnp Inni r»l 11i|>i*il itilo Ihe hnlh romn nml look I iin life. Ilo « he eimld ilo thè ileert righi over olir lieniln, «illi M in . W ooi I n nnnke, unii «e kuo» iiothiug lllioilt il, ìn ii niynlery lo un , iin vve eould henr thè leiml noiiiii I u|i»tuir». Mr». Krook di»eovered thè door of thè Ini I li rotini lorkril when »he return ed from thè |iietlire ubo«. rapiniti Finch, thè |>o»t Niirgeon, Sergeunl Major W’heeler nml mynelf forced thè door open nnd fotiiid thè pnur Imi demi. Funerul »erv ire» «ere held yenterdny from thè euptnin ’» Iute ipinrter», «ilh in 11itii ry honor», Tliird eompnny A. f 1., ili-ring un eueort. The nervirc» «ere very impressivi’. The Cl. C. A. lui mi was ili nttemluiiee nml plnyed Nenrer My limi lo Thee " «bile thè body wm /on d net ed tu thè iimbulnnce «ngoii tu he tnken tu thè trnin for »hipment lo Muli Franeinen, nml henderl thè proee»*ion plnying u finirm i dirge. The enaket was drnped vvith thè un ti<innI flng nnd envered «ith handaome fium i piece». The po»t qnnrter master Nergeant nml five other enlisted meri from Cnpt. Krook ’» depnrtment net ed ii » pulì henrera, unii nix rapinili», of vvhieh 1 « un one, «ere »eleeted un hoa ornry pulì ben rem. Sixty offieer» nnd humlreil» of »olrlier» «ere in nttemlnnee. It iva» ii very impressivi« fnnernI. Mr». Krook'» fnther, un nttorney of Sun Fmnei»co, nml n brother of Cnptnin Krook ueeompnnied Mr». Krook unii (Continued on »econd plige) FIVE BABIES BORN IN 3 DAYS WEIGH 51»/2 POUNDS Five bubie» were born here Mumluy, Momluy it ii < I Tueudny, two of which weighed Hi pound« eneh, two 11 1J pound» eneli, urn! one » 'j poiimlN. Foilr of the five ure boy». They were n« fol low» * Air. nnrl Mm. Kd. I .»in*, Meptember It. 111 -j pound duughtcr. Mr. mol M r». •>. K. Illnekniore, hep telllber It. Ill pound Noll. Mr. nml Mr» Murtiri Ingebretaen, 11' j pound »on. Mi. nml Mr«. Fred llrown, Meptember II, III pound noii, Mr. uiid Mr». Frunk I'lurik, Meptem l*er III, H>.j pound »on. SON OF KLAMATH CHIEF LOOKS FOR NAMESAKES Rev. .lin k l*nInu*r un«l W. 1«. M«*!t«m, of K in in ii fit Kill I n, \ Mitril during t h«* inikt w»*rk with tin* .1. I.. Ih iitty family, Mith v\ Ii mhi thry In*** ii at i * ii<‘«|iiniiiti'«l w Ii ill* |{«‘\ ItiMittv im ti niMHiininry to tin' Klniiinth Indium*. |{i'V, K ii I iim t m u full I»Ioim| Kli«mntti I ii «1 1:i n ami a m»u of <'hi«*f Kalfii**f, who i|i«*i| in lstlfi. The younger l'tilin«*r I n looking ii tin* rrla tn «•* of (icni*rnl Jot»l l*»iiiM*rv fit mV govi*i uim'fit 1n<)titn ag**iit , fur tin* i»«»t t h*vi**t, and who tiaificd <’hi«'f rainier. John l'ulfiti*r, of Mii*hy <*reek, im (i non of (ienoral 1‘ u I iih t , and Mr>*. Ida Miller and Mr*. IVt Hanford, of thi* rity an* granddaughter*. (•OITAt.K UkOVK HTKNK ( 'oni|>lirnerit* (' FIRST RAIN IN 90 DAYS GIVES GROUND SOAKINO Ruin liiNt Friday wu» the tint'tor I'otfiig** Grove in exactly !MI day». It continued intermittently throughout Mntordny, Mumluy urul Monday and the ground aiin given n fnirly good wetting. The ruin eliminated nil foreit fire . danger nml extinguished many Ntnoub tiering fire». The hunting season opened uiitornuticnlly nml a number from here 1 nr*1 out after deer. With wurm weather following the rain the grn»N will be given u good »tart nnd the pasturage will be renewed. The drouth hun the longent in yearn, po»»ibly for half a century. VACATION TIME IS OVER: GO TO SCHOOL Faculty Is Complete and Every thing Ready for Good Start Next Monday Morning G. H. H. Aiiniiul KHAKI CLAD BOYS WITH US ALL THE TIME NOW Ea»t Side Seventh and Eighth Grade« Transferred to Frame Building to Oive More Room to Domestic Science Department. “BOHEMIA” SHARP IS 6TH CO. AGAIN WINS TAKEN TO ASYLUM AT BASE BALL HO year old Pioneer of Cottage Orove Protests and Hay» He Deserve» Better Treatment. Now Has Three Victories to It« Credit With No Defeats and 1» in Line for the Championship. FIRST ELBEBTA PEACHES ARE ON LOCAL MARKET I*r. Hntrliffi*. who n«t«l* |««*n<*b 11111111* (tin* fruit variety) to hi* iiiuny itlìiT <|itfi Ilf ii’utioiiH tiri«! t ii lt*n t *t j mi f ihr fir*t Kll»«*rtn* mi tin* n m r k i t yi** «•rtlujr urul <ln huh thut tin* i* two or hr*»«* w«*«*k* uh«*u<l o f tin* *i*u*oi». Hi* l««*nrh<** t hi* y«*ur un* of fin«* «piulity, ilthough not f|iut«* no plentiful a* in punt year*. Loaning $1000 a Day. (««•urge M«*lvin Miller, *er«*etnry- treuNiirer of tin* Kir*t Nntionnl Kurin l.ouii n**«M*intiofi *»f U n f i*«utity, write* | for tboae mentally infirm. Me prot<‘*t«'«l on Iteing tnken to »1. M. Shnrp, Oregon pioneer iivm I min ing muri, known throughout the Willnm •*tt<* volley a* **Bohemia ’ * Shnrp, hit* heeri «•«»rnmitte«l to the *tute in*une a*v linn ut Hnlem. Shnrp, who i* nenring hi* eightii'fh yeiir, ero**«*il the J*thuiu* of I'uiiumu ami curoe to Oregon in the e n r l y «»<*’*. h u n u g hi* e n r l y r«**i<l«*nee here In* engjigerl in *to«kruining nml Inter IxMurne u miner, leung nmong the fir*t pro*p<*etor* in the lh»h«*min min* ing <li*tri<*t. S h n i p ’* ere«*k i* tin met I for him, it ii «1 In* ».ii . It tin* fir*t r«*tt«l into the • lintrirt following thi* rreek. He eluiine«! thut thi* «•«Minty never M*ttl«'«l with him for thi* work. Shnrp i* without r«'lntive* nml hu* bei*n down nml «»ut f«»r ymirn. lie long r<'ftt*«'«l t«> go to the p*M»r fnrm nml for u l«»ng time wu* eiiml for her«» by friend*, Kiunlly, alwuit n year ago, he wu* com untied to the l.urie eoiintx poor fnrm, from w hieli In* now go«** t«» th«* n*yluin •hut former* are In'ginning t«* trike ml \urituge of th«* rural «r«'«lit* law nn«l ‘lint thi* u**«»rintion i* loaning nt the rate of nlruut dnv, having nl endy plnred nlwMit fiiOJtfM). COURT SAYS DOO LICENSE LAW UNCONSTITUTIONAL n*y Iti ni ami urinouneetl thut npp«*nl to th«* governor. he the w mi hi Salem, Ore., S«*pt. 11. «V law pi***«*«l bv th«* |u*t Oregon legi*lntur«* deb'gnt mg to countuld«'rt the tu*k of ««dleeting • log lieen*«** wnn d«*elnre«l uiiroimtitu ionnl tcnlny by th«* *tute *uprenie court, ('«»rintiild«** in \nri#un part* of the Mute lind prot(‘*te«l ugnili*! enfwri’ing th«* law. DRIVES FIRST CAR AS FAR AS BARKER PLACE • 'lumi Kiiuc claim» the honor of being he fir»t person to ilrive either a Ford ir an automobile an fnr as the John Murker place on Mushy creek, vvhieh he .1i*l ln»t week. The furl bent a car had ever gime befare «unto the .li*hn Faliner place. The trip, even In the I'almer place, in ii rough one nt that end uf ihe rund. Will Celebrate Anniversary. The Kebi'kuh bulge will nbnerve its »my sixth anniversary Saturday even ing, September 22, lit the name time that the I tibi Fellow» will entertain fur their grumi master. The liebekuhs originally planned their relehration fur the even ing uf the twenty-first but changed tu the twentv »eeiind when it was learned that the grand master «as v*t be bere that night. Furt Mtevenn, Ore., Hept. ti.— (Special tu The Meutinel.)— Mixth company «un its tbird game uf buse ball yesterday a fienioon and bus not yet met defeat. Tlu* game yesterday «a» uith thè band, thè scure bcing !l tu ». The ehumpiuri »hip N*'*m* tu Ile bet « ceti Mixth com pany ami Xinth company, fumi Asturia. Mixth company «<*ii frurn Tliird com pany, uf Kugeni-, !t tu 7 and from Fourth eumpaar, <*f Kuseburg, » tu 2. Th*' band team won a game from | Kighili company, of Fortlinul, 7 tu 3. i Tvvu uf uur meli— Nurval l’owell, center I fielder, and Buyer, first baseman— «*'r*' ¡girne fnr thi» game. Twu mcn uf thè ban*l t*'am— Tickcll ami Murebnek — are ¡issiglieli t*> our\ eumpiiny and are eligible tu play vvith uur team. Th*' liiieiip far yesterday 'a gain*' «a» follo«»: Mixth Company— Kuhlman. »»: D. W immI», 21»; Hemlersun, If; l ’*dill. 3b; Whi'eler, III; Ferguson, rf; V. Itundal, ef; .1. Ketitle, I*; Witherwux, c. Hund- Tiekell, ss; Hartun, 2b; Wi'iger, If; Henne»sy, 111; l'addi-n. 3b; Bruiik. rf; Black, e; Muri-buek, ef ; i'aul, p. The t**i*in that «in» thè ebampinnahip « ili get a $2tt silver eup, thè git't uf \\ tight \ Ditsuti, uf l'urtland. After thè serie» uf game» i» cnmplet- The fact that this country is at war i« forced upon Cottage Grove people by the passing of troop truitis in both di- rei-fions nlmust daily. Mume of the trunpN are going to American Lake, while others are being taken from American Jjike to southern training crimp». Owing to the liberality of the offi cers in granting leave» of absence, one or more of the boy n from Fort Mtevens are home each week, and as they must wear their soldier dress ut all times, th*- khaki uniform ¡.« becoming quite familiar. CANNERY IS GETTING MANY BLACKBERRIES, The cannery has been doing a tremen- don« business in blackberries this week. ÓIMMI pounds being put into cans on Tuesday alone. Altogether nearly 20 tmi*» of thi-se berries have been canned. With plenty of moisture t*> bring on flu íate berries it is thought that the re <-*‘ip ts during the "next two or three we ks will continue heavy. A total of nearly *1500 ha» been paid to «omen and children for this one product alone. The cannery has found it necessary to accept berries every day, instead of «•very other day, as was done for awhile. DRAIN BANK CASHIER TAKES HIS OWN LIFE ed. a po ked team is going to l'ortlund to play a game with the Fortluml Fa eific Coast league team. Kegurds from all the boys of Sixth company. LEE ROY WOODS, JR., Nergt.. Sixth Company. Koseliurg, Ore., S*-pt. 11.—John Cool, cashier of thi- Bank of Drain, at Drain, i lr<-.. 17* mile« north ot nere. killed him self today, according to telephone me» sages received here. The reason and de tails were not given. Cool is survived bv hi« wife and child. CONTRACT IS LET FOR THE PASS CREEK CANYON ROAD Work on Bad Highway to Start Within Fifteen Day». H AND H MILL BURNS; LOSS IS OVER $5000 C J Howard. Former Grove Man, I» Heavy Loser in Fire. Tin- II. and II. »Iiingb* mill at Glen adn, owned by •'. J. Howard ami Charle« llnrwood, was completely destroyed by fire Friday. Almut ten men will lie thrown out of employment. The fire broke out shortly lifter 12 »'clock nml in ii few moment» the pinnt i ml building un» a iiiiinn of ruins. It i» supposed that the fire started from a Npark catching in the light, dry «nw'dust that hud lodged close to the . oof ov er the boiler. Fas» rreek ranvon, which has caused so mm-h profanity from tourists, will •>«- improved Uu« fall. Contrncts for the grading of 17 mile» of roml were iiwurd ed last week bv the state highvvav rommission. The total ro»t of the grnd ing will he ♦ IMl,IMS, und the wurk was let in three iniits. The first Uteit of 2*-j miles will be improved bv M. M. Mchelt, of Medford, on n hid of i'2t!,7''7. The second unit of -ILj miles will be improved bv Hall Muleim, of Eugene, vvho hid «37,11111, i and the tliird unit, comprising the Id miles between Yonealla nnd Oakland. will be improved bv the Warren con- »truetion Company on u bid of i«!ll,!t05. The Warren Company hid on all unit» of the work. Work must begin on the cnntruct» vv it Iii ii 15 davs. ¡DOUGLAS FIR WILL EE USED BY UNCLE SAM Lane county, the most patriotic cr.un ty in the union, has finally received some war orders for fir Ilimiter for use at cantonments at American Lake and at De» Moines. The Booth-Kelly I.um ber company, at Eugene, received an order for 1,121,112 feet, the Brown and Chambers mills here were each awarded order« for 25,1100 feet, and th*- Coast Range Lumber company, at Mabel, was given an order for »5,000 feet. The Leona mills, iu Douglas county, received an order for 220.112 feet. MUSICAL CONCERT FOR BENEFIT OF RED CROSS A benefit concert for the Red Cross fund vvill he given at the high school Friday evening, September 21. under the direction of Mrs. Ora Read Hemen wav and Mrs. Leon Desl.arzes. Mrs. Sutcliffe vvill be the accompanist. All three are well known teachers of their respective arts. A complete program will bo published later. ASK FOR BIG INCREASE IN WINTER GRAIN ACREAGE Food Campaign Authorities Call Upon Lane County for Large Planting. Send Chickens to Soldier Boys. Follow ing out the suggestion made by Cnpt a ill Woods in his letter in The Sentinel last week, farmers of Delight Valiev have shipped a crate of three dozen chickens to the soldier hov» at Fort Stevens. Ttie Delight Valley farm the Mammie». There was no insiiriinee, owing to the , , . i i er» think there is nothing too good for Heavy premium. I he plant represented | . " an investment of approximately «5000. Besides thi' I ons of the plant, there was better than «7011 worth of shingles in ihe sheds adjoining the mill. This mill was the pioneer shingle mill of the Mi u si aw country and hail enjoyed an excellent trade. Mr. Howard, one of thn owners, is a former Cottage (trovi' newspaper man. George Dibble Dies. George Dibble, of Leona, died nt a FortInn*l hospital Saturday of nrterlo schierasi» anil was buried here Sunday. Mr. Dibble was born in Ruine, Wiscon sin, «fl yearn ago. lie leaves a wife and four children. The Dibbles moved to Leona from here. Dr. Frost Arrives at Long Island. Mis. 0. E. Frost has received word front her husband that he has arrived at Garden City, Long Islaiul, and that their camp is next to that of an avia tion corps, so that they were escorted to camp by aeroplnnes anil sometimes 15 or more nre flying about them. Those who advertía» in The Sentinel deserve your busines» because th»y tell Red Cross Notice. The regular Red Cross meeting for this week will be held Friday nt the high school, as usual. The Red Cross lins been offered the use of the do mestic arts room even after school starts, no*l the offer mnv be accepted. The merchants who advertise make it possible fur you to have a good news- IMPORTANT SESSION OF GRANGE SATURDAY The grange vvill have an all day scs sion Saturday and Master McFarland uvgos all members to attend. County Agiiculturist Robb will be present und may bring a canning demonstrator vvith him. There will be an open lecture hour nt I o'clock, to which the public generally is invited. F.ntertalnnient at Methodist Church. An entertainment will be given : t the Methodist church Friday evening by two of the Sunday school classes, members of which will present "Old Pen body Few." a playlet by Kate Douglas Wiggin. Musical numbers mid pantomimes will precede the playlet. The admission is 15c nnd lfle. spt 13c ------------- 1 ------------ Roads Postponed. The county court has entered *ho fol lowing orders concerning roads in this vicinity: W. W. Hawley road, continued await ing payment of damages. O. II. Heine road, continued for re port. J. II. Chambers road, continued. Warren Kelly road, petition presented. School Opens at The Cedars Sept. 2L School will open in The Cednrs dis trict Monday. September 2L Vith Miss Lavirin Hamilton, of this city, as teacher. yon that they want it, and name prices , P«p«r, reason alone they that should get It. ••• deserve your consideration. N. M. Robb, county agricultural agent, has just returned from a conference of thi* western Oregon county agricultural agents held in Portland. This confer ence was called by F. V. Maris, state lender of county agents, for the purpose of discussing the increasing of the win ter wheat acreage. The United States department of ag riculture has canvassed the situation very thoroughly and finds that the conn try must exert itself to the very limit to meet the food shortage. In order to meet the crisis there must be an in crease of Is per cent of the winter .wheat acreage of the United States as a whole. The state of Oregon is asked to increase its winter wheat acreage 50 per cent. This is greater than in any of the other northwestern states. Frof. Hyslop, of the farm crop depart ment of Oregon Agricultural college, stated that it is advisable to plant win ter rye on land where wheat will not yield well. He also stated that yields of 50 bushels an acre of winter rye had been attained on good ground at the experiment station. Prof. Iiyslop ad vises that not only a larger acreage of winter wheat be planted but that the best winter wheat lie used for seed. He recommended for Lane county the Gold i'll or Red Chuff ns being the best win ter variety of wheat. All plans are complete for the open ing of school next Monday. Miss Mar garet McDonald, of Portland, has been elected to fill the vacancy in the high school staff and to have charge of the girls’ athletics. A coach for the boys’ athletics is also being arranged for. J. F. (iodard will have charge of the manual training work. The seventh and eighth grades on the east side will occupy rooms in the frame building an*l will be conducted on the departmental plan. Students in these grades will register there Monday morn ing. The room vacated by the seventh grade will be occupied by the domestic art department, and Mrs. B*-rison will be able to accommodate all the girls wishing to take work in domestic art .ind domestic science. Children who will be six years ot age before January 1 should lie sent to school at the beginning of the school year. Flans are under way to prov ide every activity of student life. Following is the faculty and their assignment»: High School. Roy NY. (ilass. superintendent—Teach ers' Training. Mcionre. Alfred Mkei. principal—Mcicnce ami Mathematics. Mi«s Lulu Currin—Latin and English. Mi.«« Georgia Kinsey—English and History. Mrs. Beatrice Beebe— Mathematics and .'«punish. Miss Margaret McDonald—English, History and Science. Mrs. Orpnh Benson—Domestic Science and Art. J. F. Godard— Manual Training. East Side Grades. First Grade— Miss Carolyn Schelling. Second Grade— Mrs. Lena Godard. Third tirade—Mi«s Bertha Stephens. Fourth Grade— Miss Eunice VanDen- hurg. Fifth Grade— Mrs. Mabel Smith. Sixth Grade— Miss Hester Bemis. Seventh Grade— Mrs. Merle Powell. Eighth Grade—Miss Adelle White. West Side Grades. Seventh and Eighth Grades—Mrs. 11- ina Beager, principal. Fifth and Sixth Grades—Miss Lena Bureham. Third and Fourth Grades— Miss Blanche Groom. First and Second Grades—Miss Fern Holcomb. List Seed With County Agent. The winter grain average should be increased 5« per cent in Oregon, accord ing to the national government. This request is made in order that the food shortage may be handled successfully during the coming year. This increased planting will demand a larger amount of fall seed grain than ever before. Already tniiuy inqui ries have been received by N. S. Robb, county agricultural agent, Eugene, for winter barley and oats. In order that these requests for seed may be located, all parties having good fall seed grain of wheat, oats and liar- ley for sale should list their seed with N. 8. Robb, county agricultural agent, Eugene, Oregon. These lists will in time be incorporat ed into a state list and growers in Lane county will then be placed in touch vvith buyers outside the county. There vvill be a large demand for fall seed' grain south of here and if parties will list their seed for sale, together with the price, promptly, it vvill enable the Lane county list to be one of the first on the ground. Patronize those who advertise in The Sentinel, May Send Chickens to Soldiers. The proposition of making regular shipments of chickens tv» our soldier ! boys at Fort Stevens w ill come up nt 1tho grange meeting Saturday. The pro. ! posal will be for each granger to bring a chicken to each grnnge meeting and for the commercial club to pay the ex press charges. The matter has not yet I been brought before the club. Telephone Wires Now Out of Danger. When C. II. Corson, Hiram Griggs nnd L. L. Harrel returned last week from fighting fire in the Shoestring country, they slept at home for the first time in three weeks, and are mightily pleased that the wires of the Pnrifie Telephone A Telegraph company, which they were guarding, are now out of dan- gor from fires. Careful watch had to be kept night nnd day for several weeks to keep the service intact. The wires are the through ones between Portland ami San Francisco.

Transcript of (¡Oltane Cèrna? Sanitari€¢•te * V « (¡Oltane Cèrna? Sanitari o V and OOTTAGE OROVE LEADER...

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(¡Oltane Cèrna? Sanitario V a n d O OTTAG E O RO V E L E A D E R



M P I . CROOKMri. Wood* and Hinuelf Wero

Oiienta of the Krook» at Time of tlie Tragedy

Huy» a t th e f o r t Are Being Doped amt Inocu la ted A k >»i n Ht E v e ry th in g

hu t Hume sick uess, M x ih Cu. Alway» on th e Mup

Kurt Steven», Ori',, Ht'pL ** (H|m-i-I»I tu I h.- Sen ti nel. » H i* tli i <• in|mi*iv len i utti t t in ii Ih' i* kivi* uf indtistry tln» moruing (¡i'iiu i(; ready f*»r Mutiirdny in i |h-i iim i.

W e rum i' uii tm norio» l'or mir In“ t »lini u f ilio pruphy Inetie treatm ent fui I y |* In > i«l ti ini notte o f il» n rr n hit »orry lim i il in thè Intel, titoligli il in noi thè Ir r it i m eni lim i |>iiI n un mi uur IrneliN. The "p u r o |y | ih u ii| " i» llie l>«>y w itli Ih i' " l e r r ib le k n h , ” unti pili» lite imi j*iritv of iin out ol tiumiu'NN l'or »evernl baiir». A liuu l eight limir» a fte r tnkiug thè nIi i iI un« i» tin o « ii itilo n lugli fever «h i* li IiinI n tur lo lo 12 houle A fte r lim i « e nre normnl, Imi thè ex (terienee in very disngl-renble for u few houiN Km li runi|iany in o ff ilu ly for 21 liuur» n fle r eiieli pliol, no «e eun Ion i ii ImoiI t*ll Ut 1» 1111*1 *1** Il 1(00*1 job ut II lltlllg •iiiisvlves uu*l w isliiug we «e re ni Home »■ih n ife m inother durili^ thè lim e «e ure u ff uur feeil.

A le rn h le tm jjeily wneenneled uf thè |m*n| lite ilny hefore ye»ten luy whieli »horkeil thè « hole i* it in | * ( ’tipi. 1«. fi Ktook, Ihe eu»Nl «lefeiiNi* quurterniaster,' emninitteil euieiiie in thè hnlh rumi! of hiN ■ | ■ i ii i t i i * h\ cutting li i n t hi uni « i f h n riunir. The eliplani timi lieen ili ili heiilih for »miie week» limi « un very unirli worrieil over I iiiniik 'nn n l fn ir » nini thè reN|M*iiNÌIiilitie» of In» n f f i r e liere. The »trull i o f liolli Worrie» «uiippcd thè eonl «In* li bmiUil him lo rennon inni h*' l*ii»Ne*l out hy lite o » ii homi.

t*n|*1. k look « ,i» n hrolher ni In» of IL-nry l.umleee nini w iin n very eoni|inu im iulile gentlem an, un « e l i un n very e ff ie ien l o ffleer. Ile « un reeently Irm i» ferrerl lo fin» |»i»t frinii Mi i i i Krunei»eo, nml liim n ife u rrive il m ily iiImiuI turo weekN uKo. Henry l.uml*'»» « ro te me frolli W m uler, N e i min, in troduciug me lo In» liio tker ili In » , limi « e Ut olire he ■ lime friend». Ile in v ite li me io oceupy. *|uiir|er«* in Iiin Inni»»* w ln le my « i f e « iin v is itm g ut thè |*ont. I limi »eeureil roouin ut Unniinoml, Im i un flint I» n hnlf in ile frmn thè renervution, I glndly neee|itei| thè in v ilu tio ii fo r my « i f e to In* i» tln* j*o»t, un il nii v r ii Iter Ilo* «n lk , nml « iin nnieh mure pb-nsiiiit in every wny.

A fte r tnk iug my »errimi »hot of para- ty piloni I « iin iju ile Niek nml uent In Irei), l'tillilig iisleep ut o rn i. Mm. K look tulli my « i f e thut, UN »he «UN going Ih* h i tln* Inumi' lim i evening, «he (M r» K iook i «ou lil go lo tln* p ie lure »ho«’, «h ieh rm iN in our |io»t gy uni unni ut ev ery night.

Mr». Krook limi left thè en|ilniii « i lh Mr». W o o i In n inimher of lim e» while »he toook ii horoeliuek ride « i lh thè « i f e o f (,'olunol Kilt», Ihe rnant defeime eoiumnnder, or « uh imi uttcnding tu liimineN», or for u litt le re»|iite from Iter du lie», nml nll limi lieen « e l i. Im i w ln le »he w iin girne th i» lim e Ihe rnp Inni r»l11i|>i*il itilo Ihe hnlh romn nml look I i in life . I lo « he eimld ilo thè ileert righ i over olir lieniln, « i l l i M i n . W ooi I n

nnnke, unii « e kuo» iiothiug lllioilt il, ìn i i niyn lery lo u n , i in vve eould henr thè leiml n o i i i i i I u|i»tuir».

Mr». Krook di»eovered thè door of thè Ini I li rotini lo rk ril when »he return ed from thè |iietlire ubo«. ra p in it i F inch , thè |>o»t N iirg eon , Sergeunl M ajo r W’heeler nml m ynelf forced thè door open nnd fotiiid thè pnur Imi demi.

Funeru l »erv ire» «e re held yenterdny from thè euptnin ’» Iute ipinrter», « i lh in11itiiry honor», T liird eompnny A. f1., ili-ring un eueort. The nervirc» «e re very im pressivi’. The Cl. C. A. lui mi was ili nttem luiiee nml plnyed “ Nenrer M y lim i lo Thee " « b ile thè body w m / o n d net ed tu thè iimbulnnce «ngo ii tu he tnken tu thè trn in for »hipment lo Muli Franeinen, nml henderl thè proee»*ion p lnying u f in irm i dirge.

The enaket was drnped vvith thè un ti<innI flng nnd envered « i th handaome fium i piece». The po»t qnnrter master N e rg ean t nml five other enlisted meri from Cnpt. Krook ’» depnrtment net ed i i» pulì henrera, unii nix rap in ili» , of vvhieh 1 « un one, «e re »eleeted un hoa ornry pulì ben rem. S ix ty o ffieer» nnd humlreil» of »olrlier» «e re in nttemlnnee. It iva» ii ve ry impressivi« fnnernI. Mr». K ro o k '» fnther, un nttorney of Sun Fm nei»co, nml n brother of Cnptnin Krook ueeompnnied Mr». Krook unii

(Continued on »econd plige)


F ive bubie» were born here Mumluy, Momluy it ii < I Tueudny, tw o o f w h ich w eighed Hi pound« eneh, tw o 11 1J pound» eneli, urn! one » ' j poiimlN. Foilr o f the f iv e ure boy». They were n« fol low» *

Air. nnrl Mm. Kd. I .»in*, Meptember It. 111 -j pound duughtcr.

Mr. mol Mr». •>. K. Illnekniore, hep telllber It. Ill pound Noll.

Mr. nml Mr» M urtiri Ingebretaen, 11' j pound »on.

M i. nml Mr«. Fred llrow n , Meptember I I , III pound no ii,

Mr. uiid Mr». Frunk I'lurik, Meptem l*er III, H>.j pound »on.


Rev. .lin k l*nInu*r un«l W. 1«. M«*!t«m, o f K in in ii fit Kill I n, \ Mitril du ring t h«* inikt w»*rk with tin* .1. I.. Ih iitty fam ily , Mith v\ Ii mhi th ry In*** ii at i* ii<‘«|iiniiiti'«l w Ii ill* |{«‘\ ItiMittv im ti niMHiininry to tin' Klniiinth Indium*.

|{i'V, K i i I i im t m u fu ll I»Ioim| Kli«mntti I ii «11 :i n ami a m»u o f <'hi«*f Kalfii**f, who i|i«*i| in lstlfi. The younger l'tilin«*r In looking i i |» tin* r r la t n «•* of (icni*rnl Jot»l l*»iiiM*rv fit mV govi*i uim'fit 1 n<)titn ag**iit

, fur tin* i»«»t t h*vi**t, and who tiaificd <’hi«'f ra in ier. Jo h n l'ulfiti*r, of M ii*hy <*reek, im (i non of (ienora l 1‘u Ii ih t , and Mr>*. Ida M ille r and Mr*. IV t Hanford, o f thi* r i t y an* granddaughter*.

( •O IT A t .K U kO V K HTKNK( 'oni|>lirnerit* ('


Ruin liiNt F r id ay wu» the t i n t ' t o r I'otfiig** Grove in exac t ly !MI day». It con tinued in t e rm i t te n t ly th roughou t Mntordny, Mumluy urul M onday and the ground a iin g iven n fn irly good wetting.

The ruin e lim ina ted nil f o r e i t f i re . danger nml ex tingu ished m any Ntnoub

t iering fire». The hun ting season opened uiitornuticnlly nml a num ber from here 1 nr*1 out a f t e r deer.

With w urm w ea th e r fo llow ing the rain th e grn»N will be g iven u good » ta r t nnd the p a s tu rag e will be renewed.

The d rou th h u n the longent in yearn, po»»ibly for h a lf a cen tu ry .


SCHOOLFaculty Is Complete and Every­

thing Ready for Good Start Next Monday Morning



Ea»t Side S eventh and E ig h th Grade« T ran s fe r red to F ram e Build ing to

Oive More Room to Domestic Science D epartm en t .


HO year old P ioneer of C ottag e Orove P ro tes ts and Hay» H e Deserve»

B e t te r T rea tm en t .

Now Has Three V ictories to It« C red it W ith No D efea ts and 1» in Line

for the Championship.


I*r. Hntrliffi*. who n«t«l* |««*n<*b11111111* (tin* fru it v a r ie ty ) to hi* iiiuny

itlìiT <|itfi Ilf ii’utioiiH tiri«! t i i lt*n t * t j mi f ih r fir*t Kll»«*rtn* mi tin* n m rk i t yi** «•rtlujr urul <lnhuh thu t tin* i* tw o or hr*»«* w«*«*k* uh«*u<l o f tin* *i*u*oi». Hi*

l««*nrh<** t hi* y«*ur un* of fin«* «piulity, il though not f|iut«* no p len t ifu l a* in punt year*.

L oaning $1000 a Day.(««•urge M«*lvin Miller, *er«*etnry-

treuNiirer of tin* Kir*t N ntionnl Kurinl.ouii n**«M*intiofi *»f U n f i*«utity, write* | for tboae m enta lly in f irm .

Me prot<‘*t«'«l on Iteing t nken to

»1. M. Shnrp, Oregon pioneer iivmI min ing muri, known throughout the Wil lnm •*tt<* volley a* * * Bohemia ’ * Shnrp, hit* heeri «•«»rnmitte«l to the *tute in*une a*v linn ut Hnlem. Shnrp, who i* nenring hi* eight i i ' fh yeiir, ero**«*il the J*thuiu* of I 'uiiumu ami curoe to Oregon in the enrly «»<*’*. h u n u g hi* enrly r«**i<l«*nee here In* engjigerl in *to«kruining nml Inter IxMurne u miner, leung nmong the fir*t pro*p<*etor* in the lh»h«*min min* ing <li*tri<*t. S h n i p ’* ere«*k i* tin met I for him, it ii «1 In* ».i i . It tin* fir*t r«*tt«l into the • l intr irt fol lowing thi* r r e ek . He eluiine«! thut thi* «•«Minty never M*ttl«'«l with him for thi* work.

Shnrp i* wi thout r«' lntive* nml hu* bei*n down nml «»ut f«»r ymirn. l i e long r<'ftt*«'«l t«> go to t he p*M»r fnrm nml for u l«»ng t ime wu* e i im l for her«» by friend*,

Kiunlly, alwuit n yea r ago, he wu* com unt i ed to t he l.urie eoiintx poor fnrm, from w hieli In* now go«** t«» th«* n*yluin

•hut former* are In 'g inning t «* trike ml \u r i tuge o f th«* rura l «r«'«lit* law nn«l ‘ lint thi* u**«»rintion i* loaning nt the ra te of nlruut >« dnv, hav ing nlendy plnred nlwMit fiiOJtfM).


n*y Iti ni ami urinouneetl thu t npp«*nl to th«* governor .


w mi hi

Salem, Ore., S«*pt. 11. «V law pi***«*«l bv th«* |u*t Oregon legi*lntur«* deb 'gnt m g to countuld«'rt th e tu*k of ««dleeting • log lieen*«** wnn d«*elnre«l uiiroimtitu ionnl tcnlny by th«* *tute *uprenie court ,

('«»rintiild«** in \n r i# u n part* o f the Mute lind prot(‘*te«l ugnili*! enfwri’ing th«* law.


• 'lumi Kiiuc claim» the honor of being he fir»t person to il rive e i th e r a Ford ir an au tom obile an fnr as the Jo h n Murker p lace on Mushy creek, vvhieh he .1 i*l ln»t week. The fur l bent a c a r had ever gime b e fa re « u n t o the .li*hn Faliner place. The tr ip , even In th e I 'a lm er place, in ii rough one nt th a t end u f ihe rund.

Will C e leb ra te A nn iversa ry .The Kebi'kuh bulge will nbnerve its

» m y sixth a n n iv e r sa ry S a tu rd a y even ing, S ep tem ber 22, lit the name tim e th a t the I tibi Fellow» will e n te r ta in fur th e i r grumi m as te r . The l iebekuhs orig inal ly p lanned th e i r re leh ra t io n fur th e e v e n ­ing u f th e tw e n ty - f i r s t bu t changed tu the t w entv »eeiind when it was learned tha t the g rand m as te r « a s v*t be bere th a t night.

Furt Mtevenn, Ore., Hept. ti.— (Specia l tu The M eutinel.)— Mixth company «un its tbird game uf buse ball yesterday a fienioon and bus not yet met defeat. Tlu* game yesterday « a » u ith thè band, thè scure bcing !l tu ». The ehumpiuri »hip N*'*m* tu Ile bet « ceti Mixth com­pany ami X in th company, fum i Asturia. Mixth company «<*ii frurn T liird com­pany, uf Kugeni-, !t tu 7 and from Fourth eum paar, <*f Kuseburg, » tu 2.

Th*' band team won a game from | K igh ili com pany, o f Fo rtlinu l, 7 tu 3. i Tvvu uf uur meli— N u rva l l ’owell, center I fie lder, and Buyer, firs t baseman— «*'r*' ¡girne fnr thi» game. Tw u mcn uf thè ban*l t*'am— T ick c ll ami Murebnek — are ¡issiglieli t*> our\ eumpiiny and are e lig ib le tu p lay vvith uur team.

Th*' liiieiip fa r yesterday 'a gain*' «a » a» fo llo «» :

Mixth Com pany— Kuhlm an. »»: D.W immI», 21»; Hemlersun, If ; l ’*dill. 3b; W hi'e ler, I I I ; Ferguson, r f ; V. Itundal, e f ; .1. Ketitle, I*; W itherw ux, c.

Hund- T iek e ll, ss; Hartun, 2b; W i'iger, I f ; Henne»sy, 111; l'addi-n. 3b; B ru iik . r f ; B la ck , e; Muri-buek, ef ; i'au l, p.

The t**i*in that « in » thè ebampinnahip « i l i get a $2tt s ilve r eup, thè git't uf \\ tight \ Ditsuti, uf l'u rtland .

A fte r thè serie» uf game» i» cnmplet-

The fact th a t this c o u n try is a t w ar i« forced upon C o ttage Grove people by the pass ing of troop truitis in both di- rei-fions nlmust daily . Mume of the trunpN are going to A m erican Lake, while o thers a re being tak en from American J j ik e to sou thern t r a in in g crimp».

Owing to th e l ibera l i ty o f the o f f i ­cers in g ra n t in g leave» of absence, one or more of th e boyn from Fort Mtevens a re home each week, and as th ey must w ear th e i r soldier dress ut all t imes, th*- khaki un iform ¡.« becoming q u ite fam iliar .


The can n ery has been d o in g a tremen- don« business in b lack b e rr ie s th is week. ÓIMMI pounds being put in to cans on T uesday alone. A lto g e th e r nearly 20 tmi*» o f thi-se berr ies hav e been canned. With p len ty of m oisture t*> b r in g on flu­íate berries it is though t th a t the re <-*‘ip ts d u r in g the "next tw o or th ree we ks will con tinue heavy . A to ta l of nearly *1500 ha» been paid to «om en and children for th is one product alone.

The can n ery has found it necessary to accep t b e rr ies every day , in s tead of «•very o ther day, as was done for awhile.


ed. a po ked team is going to l 'o r t lund to play a gam e with th e Fortlum l Fa eific Coast league team .

Kegurds from all th e boys o f S ix th company.

L E E ROY WOODS, JR . , Nergt.. S ix th Company.

Koseliurg, Ore., S*-pt. 11.— Jo h n Cool, cashier of thi- Bank of D rain , a t Drain, i lr<-.. 17* mile« north ot nere. killed him self today , accord ing to te lephone me» sages received here. The reason and d e ­ta i ls were not given. Cool is survived bv hi« w ife and child.


Work on Bad H ighw ay to S t a r t W ith in F if te e n Day».


C J H ow ard . F orm er Grove Man, I» H eav y Loser in Fire.

Tin- II. and II. »Iiingb* mill at Glen adn, owned by •'. J . H ow ard ami Charle« llnrw ood, was com plete ly des troyed by fi re F r id ay . Almut ten men will lie th rown out of em ploym ent.

The f i re b roke out shor tly l i f te r 12 »'clock nml in ii few moment» th e pinnt i ml bu ild ing un» a iiiiin n of ruins.

It i» supposed th a t the f ire s ta r ted from a Npark ca tc h in g in the light, dry «nw'dust th a t hud lodged close to the . oof ov er th e boiler.

Fas» r r eek ran v o n , which has caused so mm-h p ro fa n i ty from to u r is ts , will • >«- im proved Uu« fall. C o n trn c ts for the g rad in g of 17 mile» of roml w ere iiwurd ed last week bv th e s t a te highvvav rommission. The to ta l ro»t o f th e grnd ing will he ♦ IMl,IMS, und th e wurk was let in th ree iniits.

The f i rs t Uteit o f 2*-j miles will be improved bv M. M. Mchelt, o f Medford , on n hid of i'2t!,7''7. T he second unit of -ILj miles will be im proved bv Hall

Muleim, o f Eugene, vvho hid «37,11111, i and the tliird un it , com pris ing the Id miles betw een Yonealla nnd O akland. will be im proved bv th e W arren con- » truetion Company on u bid o f i«!ll,!t05. The W arren Company hid on all unit» of th e work. Work must begin on the cnntruct» vv it Iiiii 15 davs.


Lane coun ty , the most p a tr io t ic cr.un ty in th e union, has f ina lly received some w ar o rders for f i r Ilimiter for use at c an to n m e n ts at A m erican Lake and at De» Moines. The Booth-Kelly I .um­ber com pany , at Eugene, received an order for 1,121,112 fee t , the Brown and C ham bers mills here were each aw ard ed order« for 25,1100 fee t , and th*- Coast Range L um ber com pany , a t Mabel, was given an o rd e r for »5,000 feet .

The Leona mills, iu Douglas county , received an o rd e r for 220.112 feet .


A b enefi t concert for th e Red Cross fund vvill he given a t th e high school F r id ay even ing , S ep tem ber 21. under the d irec t io n of Mrs. Ora Read Hemen wav and Mrs. Leon Desl.arzes. Mrs. S u tc l i f fe vvill be the accom panis t . All th ree are well known teachers of the i r respective ar ts . A com ple te program will bo published la ter .


Food Cam paign A u th o r i t ie s Call Upon Lane County fo r L a rg e P lan t in g .

Send C hickens to Soldier Boys.Follow ing ou t the suggestion made by

Cnpt a ill Woods in his le t te r in The S en tine l last week, fa rm e rs o f Delight Valiev have shipped a c ra te o f th ree dozen ch ickens to the so ld ier hov» at Fort S tevens . Ttie Delight Valley farm

the Mammie».

T here was no insiiriinee, owing to the ,, . i i er» th ink there is no th in g too good forHeavy prem ium . I he p lan t rep resen ted | . "

an in ves tm en t o f ap p ro x im a te ly «5000.Besides thi ' Ions o f th e p lan t , there was b e t te r th a n «7011 w orth o f shingles in ihe sheds ad jo in in g the mill.

This mill was the p ioneer shingle mill of the Mi u si aw co u n try and hail enjoyed an excellent trade .

Mr. H ow ard , one o f thn owners, is a fo rm er C o ttag e (trovi' new spaper man.

George D ibble Dies.G eorge Dibble, o f Leona, died nt a

FortInn*l hospi ta l S a tu rd a y o f n r te r lo schierasi» anil was buried here Sunday. Mr. Dibble was born in Ruine, W iscon­sin, «fl yearn ago. l ie leaves a w ife and four ch ild ren . The Dibbles moved to Leona from here.

Dr. F ro s t A rr iv es a t Long Is land.Mis. 0 . E. Fros t has received word

front her husband th a t he has a r r ived at G arden City , Long Islaiul, and th a t th e i r cam p is next to th a t o f an a v i a ­tion corps, so th a t th e y w ere escorted to cam p by aeroplnnes anil som etimes 15 or more nre f ly in g abou t them.

Those who adv er t ía» in The Sentinel deserve y o u r busines» because th»y tell

Red Cross Notice.The reg u la r Red Cross m ee t in g for

this week will be held F r id a y nt the high school, as usual. The Red Cross lins been o ffe red the use o f the do­mestic a r t s room even a f t e r school s ta r ts , no*l th e o f f e r mnv be accepted.

The m erch an ts who ad v e r t ise m ake it possible fur you to hav e a good news-


The g ran g e vvill h av e an all d ay scs sion S a tu rd a y and M as te r M cF ar land uvgos all m em bers to a t t e n d . County A g i icu l tu r is t Robb will be p resen t und may b ring a can n in g d em o n s tra to r vvith him. T h ere will be an open lecture hour nt I o 'c lock , to which th e public genera l ly is invited .

F .n te r ta lnn ien t a t M ethodis t Church.An e n te r ta in m e n t will be g iven : t

th e M ethod is t church F r id ay evening by tw o o f th e S u n d ay school classes, mem bers o f which will p resen t " O l d Pen body F e w . " a p lay le t by K ate Douglas Wiggin. Musical num bers mid p an tom im es will precede the p layle t. The adm ission is 15c nnd lfle. sp t 13c

------------- 1------------R oads Postponed.

The cou n ty court has en te red *ho fo l ­lowing o rd e r s concern ing roads in th is v ic in i ty :

W. W. H awley road, con tinued a w a i t ­ing p ay m e n t of damages.

O. II. H eine road, con tinued for re port .

J . II. C ham bers road, continued.W arren Kelly road, pe t i t ion presen ted .

School Opens a t The C edars Sept. 2LSchool will open in The Cednrs d is ­

t r ic t M onday. Sep tem ber 2L V i th Miss L a v ir in H am il to n , o f th is c ity , as teach e r .

yon that they want it, and name prices , P«p«r, reason alone theythat should get It. ••• deserve your consideration.

N. M. Robb, county ag r icu l tu ra l agen t, has jus t re tu rn ed from a conference of thi* western Oregon co u n ty ag r icu l tu ra l ag en ts held in P o r t lan d . This co n fe r ­ence was called by F. V. Maris, s ta te lender o f coun ty agen ts , fo r th e purpose o f d iscussing the increasing of th e w in ­te r w heat acreage .

The U nited S ta te s d e p a r tm e n t o f ag r icu ltu re has canvassed th e s i tu a t io n very thoroughly and f in d s th a t the conn t r y must exe r t i tse lf to th e very limit to meet th e food shor tage . In o rd e r to meet th e cris is there must be an in ­crease o f Is per cen t o f th e w in te r .wheat acreage of the United S ta te s as a whole. The s ta te of Oregon is asked to increase i ts w in te r w hea t ac reage 50 per cent. T h is is g re a te r th an in any o f the o ther n o r th w es te rn s ta tes .

Frof . Hyslop, of the fa rm crop d e p a r t ­ment of Oregon A gricu l tu ra l college, s ta ted th a t it is adv isab le to p lan t w in ­te r rye on land w here w heat will not y ield well. He also s t a te d th a t y ie lds of 50 bushels an acre o f w in te r rye had been a t t a in e d on good g round a t the experim en t s ta t io n . Prof . I iys lop a d ­vises th a t not only a la rg e r ac reage of w in te r w heat be p lan ted b u t th a t the bes t w in ter w heat lie used for seed. He recommended for Lane co u n ty the Gold i'll or Red C h u ff ns being th e best w in ­te r v a r ie ty of wheat.

All p lans are complete fo r the o pen­ing of school next M onday. Miss M a r ­g a re t McDonald, of P o r t lan d , has been elec ted to f ill the vacancy in the high school s t a f f and to hav e charge o f the g i r l s ’ a th le tics . A coach for th e b o y s ’ a th le t ic s is also being a r r a n g e d for.

J . F. ( iodard will have charge o f the m anual t r a in in g work.

The seventh and e igh th grades on the east side will occupy rooms in the fram e bu ild ing an*l will be conducted on the d ep a r tm e n ta l p lan . S tu d en ts in these grades will reg is te r there M onday m o rn ­ing.

The room vaca ted by th e seventh grade will be occupied by th e domestic art d ep a r tm en t , and Mrs. B*-rison will be able to accom m odate all the girls wishing to ta k e work in domestic a r t .ind domestic science.

Children who will be six y ea rs ot age before J a n u a r y 1 should lie sen t to school a t th e b eg inn ing o f th e school year .

F lans a re under w ay to prov ide every ac t iv i ty o f s tu d en t life.

Following is the fa c u l ty and th e i r ass ignm ent»:

H ig h School.Roy NY. (i lass. su p e r in te n d e n t—T each ­

e r s ' T ra in in g . Mcionre.Alfred Mkei. p r inc ipa l— Mcicnce ami

M athem atics .Mi«s Lulu C urr in— L atin and English.Mi.«« Georgia K insey— E nglish and

H istory .Mrs. B ea tr ice Beebe— M ath em at ic s

and .'«punish.Miss M arg a re t McDonald— English ,

History and Science.Mrs. Orpnh Benson— Domestic Science

and Art.J . F. G odard— M anual T ra in in g .

East Side Grades.Firs t G rade— Miss Carolyn Schell ing.Second Grade— Mrs. Lena Godard.Third t i r a d e — Mi«s B e r th a Stephens.Fourth Grade— Miss Eunice VanDen-

hurg.F if th G rade— Mrs. Mabel Sm ith .S ix th G rade— Miss H es te r Bemis.S ev en th G rade— Mrs. Merle Powell.E igh th G rade— Miss Adelle White.

W est Side Grades.S even th and E igh th Grades— Mrs. 11-

ina Beager, principal.F i f th and S ix th G rades— Miss Lena

Bureham.T h ird and F our th G rades— Miss

Blanche Groom.First and Second G rades— Miss F e rn


L is t Seed W ith C ounty Agent.The w in te r g ra in a v e rag e should be

increased 5« per cent in Oregon, acco rd ­ing to th e na tio n a l g o vernm ent . This request is made in o rder t h a t the food shor tage may be handled successfully during th e coming year .

This increased p lan t ing will dem and a la rger am oun t o f fall seed g ra in th an ever before. A lready tniiuy in q u i­ries have been received by N. S. Robb, county a g r icu l tu ra l ag en t , Eugene, fo r w in te r b a r ley and oats.

In o rder th a t these requests fo r seed may be located, all p a r t ie s h av ing good fall seed g ra in of w heat, o a ts and liar- ley for sale should list th e i r seed with N. 8. Robb, county a g r icu l tu ra l ag en t , Eugene, Oregon.

These lists will in t im e be in co rp o ra t ­ed in to a s t a te list an d grow ers in Lane coun ty will then be placed in touch vvith buyers ou ts ide the county.

There vvill be a large dem and fo r f a l l seed' g ra in south of here a n d i f p a r t ie s will list th e i r seed for sale, to g e th e r with the price, prom ptly , it vvill en ab le the Lane county list to be one o f the f i rs t on th e ground .

P a t ro n iz e those who ad v e r t ise in TheSentinel,

M ay Send Chickens to Soldiers.The proposition of m a k in g regu la r

sh ipm en ts of chickens tv» our soldier ! boys at F o r t S tev en s w ill come up nt 1 tho g ran g e m ee t in g S a tu rd a y . The pro. ! posal will be fo r each g ra n g e r to b r in g

a chicken to each grnnge m ee t in g and for th e comm ercial c lub to p ay th e ex ­press charges. The m a t te r has not ye t

I been b rough t befo re th e club.

Telephone W ires Now Out of Danger.When C. II. Corson, H iram Griggs nnd

L. L. H arre l re tu rn ed last week from f ig h t in g f i re in the Shoestr ing country , th ey slept a t home for the f i rs t t im e in th ree weeks, and are m ighti ly pleased th a t the wires o f the P n r i f ie Telephone A Telegraph com pany, which th ey were guard ing , a re now out of dan- gor from fires. C arefu l w atch had to be kept n igh t nnd d a y fo r severa l weeks to keep th e service in ta c t . The wires a re the th rough ones between P o rt lan d ami San Francisco .