Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspaper4/Sayville NY Suffolk County...

ANT ADS ~ LT 9-6200 THE SUFFOLK COUNTY NEWS/ SAYWLE, L. ?., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15/1962 PAGE FIVE :OWN TALK AWON h. HOAG and MARION HUNT NEWS AROUND THE COMMUNITY OF SAYVILLE . XT 9-6200 ,Ir. and Mrs. "Wlnfleld J. Lewis St. Jame3, formerly of West wille, were the guests of honor a surprise, party in celebration their wedding anniversary at the ne of their son-in-law and lghter, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Har- >erg of High Street, on Saturday, jruary third. Other guests were . and Mrs. Winfield J. Lewis of Bayport, Mr. and Mrs. Lof- Long of Northport, Mr.'. and s. William Ogden of Bellmore, :s Sharon Lewis of St. James, ink Lewis and' Miss Mary • Ann larummo of East Northport, hard. Lewis and Miss Charlotte lley of Smithtown. During.the nlng a. telephone call of con- tulations came from Mr. and ;. Leslie Lewis and their family Oceanside, Calif. - &si Wednesday, Den 1 of the ville Cub Scouts with their Den ther, Mrs. David Parrott; visited News Office arid.' saw. one sec- The fourth district breakfast of the Loyal Order of Moose was held Sunday morning at the Lindenhurst Lodge. Members of the Oakdale- Sayville Lodge who attended were Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, of Sayville, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brady, of Patchogue, Mr. and Mrs. William McCue, of West Sayville, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray, of Oakdale. The breakfast Is hold' at a different lodge each month. It will be held in Ronkonkoma in March and in Oakdale in April. There will be a meeting tomor- row evening at 8:30 of the Woman's Club of Patchogue at the Sorosls Room with Mrs. Ethel Lantis of Sayville as the speaker. Charitable awards are to. be made to various organizations. ' Do you know that you can buy a 1962 Falcon, 2 door sedan; with heater for only $1875 at Sayville Ford? ' .'; "totf Eric Joseph Klug, infant son of I of The Suffolk County News Sir. and Mrs. Peter Klug of Karen tig printed. The boys, in the Drive was baptized Sunday with ty were David Parrott. Thomas his ccusin Maureen Ostermaiin, reiber, Clyde VahEmmerik, (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James er Charpentier, and Tomrnv hnan, and Jimmy Parrott, just ittle too young to be\a.Cub.. ank your savings at Oyster- I'S for highest. Dernilssible in- ist rates and future security. i only thing we anticipate Is pleasure of serving you with ie Stop Banking" at its best. 83tf falter Greene, local Dostmaster, tit the week end in Binghamton fi his twin brother, Howard, who rhursday underwent surgery at ghamton General Hospital. He lolng nicely now: he Sayville Home Extension t held its meeting last Wndnes- at ,the firf house. New officers e elected for the coming vear: jhalrmen Mrs. Edward Davis Mrs. Edward Matvlasik: Vlce- irman Mrs. Rlchnrd Downing; retarv, Mrs. Roy Hoffman: Trea- ;r. Mrs. John Poole. Prelim In a- on "V^etabli Conkerv" were in bv Mrs. Kenneth Weavpr. > lesson wi'l ha given on Feb- •y 21st and 28th. o vou know that you can buv )62 GalaxiR. 2 dnnr sedan with er for only $2175. at Savvlllp. U ' 70tf r. and Mrs. Alex Schultz and and Mrs. John Winter returned erday from Buffalo where they been since Friday while the i attended the convention of •Fire Districts Association of State of New/york..':. -•: -, iss Josephine Ostrowskl. daueh- of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 6s- /skl of Lincoln Avenue, played ind violin in the* concert on day by the .Fredo'nia Chamber' fiestra at the State University ege of Education. or fire, auto, liability or anv ranee see Henry Paniienback- 186 Main Street. LT 9-0450. 7tf r. and Mrs. William Collins on Sunday to drive to Miami. , where they expect to spend A'eeks or two months. tie Ladies Aid Society of St. Vs Lutheran Church will hold Jessert swap party tbnieht irsday) at eight" o'clock. The ation Is 50c with a limit of two :cts to exchange. It. tiomas Donovan has returned to home on Greene.Avenue after ing spent three weeks at Key ayne, Fla. iffrey Morris, son of Mr. and Kenneth Morris of Fairway , and a sophomore at Union ege, Schenectady, has just been noted to the cadet second class : in the ROTC Air Force unit. # » r. and Mrs. Richard Walker of iley Avenue left Friday for a to California, intending to be f about three weeks. )r real estate and insurance is C Bogel, 280 Main Street. )-3600. 12tf Ostermann of Blue Point. The ceremony took place at Our Lady of the Snow R. C. Church in Blue Point and Eric's godparents. are his grandmother Mrs. Charles.Yax and his uncle Robert Yax of Pat- chogue. Mrs. Klug is godmother for Maureen and Henry Ostermann of Blue Point is her godfather. A party, followed at the Klug home for a large group of relatives i-Vf The Episcopal Churchworoeri are holding a covered dish supper next Wednesday at six o'clock in the parish hall. The Rev. Charles Van Tassel will be in charge of the program following the supper. ^. For knitting yarns, croohet cot- ton and accessories stop in at the Floralll Knitting Nook/ 75 Rail- road Avenue, Sayville. 58tf . Mrs. Albert Paganini of Greene Avenue was one of the judges at the annual health poster contest last Wednesday held at the Islip Elementary School and sponsored by the Suffolk County Medical Society Auxiliary. • '' Friends of Mrs. Paul Closius of McNeil Street met at her: home Saturday evening to celebrate.her birthday.. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Myron Seaman, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trovato, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sheehan, Mr. and Mis. Byron Heihecke all of Lowel Road'and Mrs. Closius. ' Personal loans for all worthwhile purposes at Bank "rates are just one of many banking; services at Herbert William Wypler, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wypler of Lincoln Avenue, was baptized Sunday at St. Lawrence's R. C. Church. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur El- wood of New York, his great uncle and aunt, are godparents. A party following included Mr .and Mrs. Lawrence Stevens of Cresskill, N. J., maternal grandparents and their son Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stevens of Englewood N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wypler Jr. of Weston Mass., and their daughters Elizabeth and Martha, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vetter of Babylon, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur El wood of New York and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ep- peleln of Sayville. Modern Home Owner combined package insurance policies can save you money. See Charles P. Dlckerson, 31 Main Street, Say- ville. 27tf Mr. and Mrs. William Kime of Johnson Avenue returned last Monday from Sarasota, Fla. after a stay there of three months. They are at present selling their home here and expect to build a house in Sarasota and will live there per- manently. Dr. and Mrs. Roland Strong of Collins Avenue returned last Wed- nesday after spending; a week vlsit- ihg their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Humphreys of Nutley, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hoyer.of Lincoln Avenue entertained for dinner on Saturday Edgar Woodard and Miss Lillian Hollman of Henu> stead. On Sunday their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Locker of Oakdale and . Mrs. Hoyer's sister Mrs. Jeanette Hallock of . Lake Grove. l .:./ -: Personal loans for all worthwhile purposes at Bank rates are just one of many banking services at your "One Stop Bank"—Oyster- men's. . 83tf Metlakhatla Chapter 0. E. S. held its Obligation Night on Tues- day with the celebration of its 53rd birthday. Miss Belinda L. Ed- wards was presented with a large bouquet of red carnations in recog- nition of the facts that she is a .charter member, has held office for all of the 53 years and that 25 years ago she served as District Deputy Grand Matron. , The Sayville Women's Republi- can Club is having its regular monthly meeting Monday at eight p. m; at the clubhouse., •; Mrs. Margaret. McGarty of Ben- son Avenue entertained her bridge your "One Stop Bank"—Oyster- c iubTuesday, evening. men's. .---, - \: . - : , 83^ Ann Marie Winch, daughter of Mr,, an? Mrs. Richard Winch .of Rus?e n Bonfield of Lincoln Avenue Alfred Street; was baptized Sunday afternoon at St. Lawrence's R. C. Church with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gilmartin of New York as god- parents. Following the ceremony there was a buffet supper at the Winch home for a large group of friends. '•-•". Madeline Domingue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emlle Domingue of Cleveland Avenue, celebrated her 12th birthday Saturday with a buf- fet dinner party, for Joan Gallo, Barbara. Wollert, Debra Ezzone, Pa- tricia Madigah, Theresa Walker, Susan McCoy, Patricia Gianquinto, Susan Smith and Regina Haefieli. For custom weather stripping of doors call Al Zlgrosser at .Hi! 2- 1514. Also no odd carpenter job is too small. Estimates arc cheerfully given. 14 Charles Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Stuart Holmes of Hampton Street held a meeting in his home Wednesday of the T. K. B. a group consisting of various college stu- dents, home on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prester and their children Robert arid Jan of Farmingdale, N. J. spent, the weok end visiting er v and sister Weert Hun v jrson of Colton Avenue Mr. and Mrs.. William Long of Johnson Avenue and Mr. and Mrs. were the guests of the Long Island Lighting Company at a dinner- dance Saturday evening given for the plumbing and heating contrac- tors'at the Stewart Manor Country Club. Mrs. Bonfield was the win- ner of an electric blanket. . You plan ahead when you plan your home modernization with a low cost loan from Eastern Federal Savings. Call your nearest office for details. 'it • Frank Anthony Bellavia, infant son of Mr: and Mrs. Frank Bella- via of SeviHe Boulevard was bar>- tized Sunday, at St. Lawrence's R. C Church. Mrs. Walter Johnson also of Seville Boulevard is the podmother and Salvatore Delavan. his uncle, from Ronkonkoma is the godfather. Jhere was a buffet sub- per for a large group of friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Munkel- witz soent the week end in New- ark. N. J. attending a convention of the New Jersey Laundry and Cleaning Institute. Mrs. Munkel- witz is office manager of the Blue Point Laundry. Mr. and Mrs. George Skinner of Johnson Avenue have returned from a trip to Montgomery! Ala"/ where they spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Skinner. Mr. Skinn?r is suffering frorii Ber-; ger's Disease, a circulatory^ condi 1 tion for which he has recently "Un- dergone several operations,- hoping to remedy the trouble. He would be glad to hear from any of his friends in Sayville. '•> v'jVj^i^I Mrs. George Skinner is leaving today to spend a week in New Jer- sey. As a past presideht'of the P.-T, Associations of the elehientaryand high schools in Kearny, she" will be} honored at the Founders' Day pro^ grams. She 'will visit friends of Caldwell,* Dover, and Pompton' Plains. ' • " / • . '' \'•'" i* ; :^^ The best dividend In town? that's easy. Of course it's Eastern Federal Savings'; 4*4 % ; dividend from date^ of deposit. V / '; • : It Mr. arid Mrs. Edward DoUahd. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morris went to Lehighton,' Pa. on Saturday* to^re- main until Monday. They attended the golden wedding of Mrs. Doll's parents. •-'['-"•'.•• : V : The Sayville Garden" Club will rrieet at two p. m. next Monday In the Cdrnriiuriity, House, t h e pro- gram, on conservation will be urn der the direction of Mrs. Wiliiarri TraUtwelri of Oakdale. Members are asked to take'/arrangements us- ing fdrced branches. The,speakers will. be August A. Guerrera on "Water Conditions of Long Island"/ Mrs. Sheila Alleft on ^'Underwater at the New National Park in x Flpri.-: da", and Miss Eleanor Hester on "Girl Scouting". ;7 ; __;•;;'-'. /•;-•• ^ Make your next party a memor- able occasion at Land's End, where; you will find an unsurpassed at- mosphere, cozy and ^relaxing. They! are. open : for, lunches and dinners with" a special rate for parties." Lunches are from $1.00 lip and dinners $2.75 up. On the Bay. Tel-, LT 9-1888. Otftf ' Metlakhatla Chapter O. E^S. was represented by 30 members who Went, to Bay Shore Wednesday evening to attend the official visits of R, W. Mildred E. Fortunato. D. D. G. M. and R. W.' Edmund F. Munkelwitz. D. G. L. to Bay Shore Chapter O. E. S. .* Mrs.Helyn Geoghan and Mrs. Ethel Pagels of SayvillR and M'-s. Veronica Windish arid Mrs. Helen Fredericks of Garden City sail to- morrow night aboard the S. S. At- lantic on'a 14-day Caribbean .'cruise making stops at Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Antigua, Curacao, Haiti and Jariiaica. Beers sells Ice cream by the half gallon at $1.75, and ice cream cakes for $2.50 or $3.75. 98tf —Mr.- and- Mrs. Kenneth Morris returned on Sunday after a trip to Florida.- They spent'more than two weeks driving around the state and visiting a number of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sheets of Baldwin spent the week end at the home of their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs." Joseph Mel- lor of Greene Avenue. . Mr. arid Mrs. John Sheehan of Seville Boulevard entertained for dinner Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keryc of Wantagh. Marine Pvt. James P. Bese- t riier, son of Mr. : arid Mrs. C.-P. Besemer of 20Case Court, who completed recruit training last Thursday at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in Parris';"lsland, S. C. He has since reported to Camp Lejeune, N. C," for com- bat infantry training. .iThrough the Geoghan Real Estate Office Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gray of Sayville have bought the home of William Fragio of Woody Lane, Oakdale and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent O'Reilly of Queens have purchased a large waterfront plot at the foot of Handsome Avenue and intend to'build in a few nionths. . ; :Scott Gordon, son of Mrs. Ruth Gordon of Indian Head Drive, cele- brated his sixth birthday Tuesday afternoon with a party for Philip and Vincent Notaro, Richard Helm. Craig Martin, Stephen Burke and Ronald Bender. '.For fast free pickup and de-_ livery of prescriptioris, drugs* or cosmetics call West Sayville Phar- macy, Main Street, West Sayville. LT 9-0083 Or LT 9-9848. 8tf •• The Open Circle of St. Ann's Episcopal'Church met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Charpentier: on Candee Avenue, Wednesday after- noon. Those present were Mrs. John Obrig, Mrs. Paul W.esterbeke, Mrs. Courtier Parsons, Mrs. Harry Palmer, Mrs. Jack Travis, Mrs. John Whitehouse, Mrs. Kenheth Miller and Mrs. Ernest N: Munkel- \yitz. Next week the' group will meet at the home of Mrs. Edmund Munkelwitz on Pine Street: Bank your savings at Oyster- men's for highest permissible in- terest rates and future security. The only thing we anticipate is the pleasure, of serving you. with '[One Stop Banking" at its best. 83tf J Mrs. Yvonne McLaughlin of New i'ork and just recently returned from a -cruise to the Bahama Is- lands spent last week end with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones of McNeil Street. '. House hunurig, selling or rent- ing?-See Fred W. Merdes, 340 Main -Street LT 9-0504. 94tf On Monday evening the follow- ing girls, were initiated into the Evelyn Theta Rho .Club: Kathy Ris- ley, Joyce Hartley, Lucy Kinkaide, Virginia Van Schaick, Frances Kle- cak, Margaret L'Hommedieu, Betty Jean Thompson, Karen Newman, Laura L'Hommedieu, Janet Hart- ley, Karen Dacek, Lorraine De- Mott, Maureen Jones, Carol De- Mott, Evelyn Chandler, Donna Les- lie and Joan DeRoo. On Saturday |fj| at eight p. m. there will be open house at the Odd Fellows Temple Foster Avenue, when they will be instituted and installed into the Cleo Theta Rho Club. Everyone is invited. < . •'.- : . For children's portable play yards ^— kennels — fence wires — gates — posts and fittings — see AnviJ Bell Fence- Co. Inc., 192 Waverly Avenue, Patchogue. Phone Grover 5-1917. . •, :* , 67 V : List your, home for sale or rent with the Virginia 0. Srriith Agency, 79 South Main, 'Sayville. Clients *re waiting. Call LT 9-2425. 86ti The Virginia O.- Smith Real Es- tate agency has sold the house of Paul Dayton on Hauser Street, Bo- hemia, to Mr. and Airs. Philip Su dano, the house of Mrs. Marion Childress oh Falrvlew Avenue, Bayport to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crouch, the house of Mrs. Ann McCarthy on Danes Street, Blue Point to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker and they have rented the A. Dinko house on Johnson Avenue to 'Mrs Mary Stradtner of Holtsville. Eugene Fouant of Laurel Drive left Tuesday and is returning to- riight from Baltimore, Md., where he went on.a business trip for the First National City Bank "of New York. Mrs. Louise Ortega of South Ozone Park spent the holiday week end visiting her daughter Mrs. Marita Brown of Bohemia Park- way. • ... 'X\;(. Joseph Gran of Foster Avenue is returning Saturday after a two- weeks vacation trip to the Virgin Islands. - •»••,*• C Mr. arid Mrs. Richard Downing of Johnson Avenue entertained for" the week end Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zivny and their sons Stephen; and James of Glendale. ;4iMr^ : :ODit^ '.Schwedersky of Foster Avenue, Sayville, sh^^yiOrig^'a'ired dachshund brace of motherland son WhicfeVbhthe best of variety in. their breed at West- minisleh;Kennel Club show at Madison Square Garden '. ti^S;.:\vqek. The mother, Herr Volkman's Aphi-odite", is ihiteforeground. At the rear is Sotithbay Robin Hood . wbich.'alsd placed first in his class. ' '.•ViV'-:'.'. Wo Recommend . . . IN S ..You.; Carry ;.* £ OW N E k § 0' HANCE With ?80 Main St,/Sayville LT 94600 &isBiitto0Q0&0g/&t&/&& Barbecued Chickens Turkeys - Ducks Fresh Baked Fruit Pies Westbrook Farms JUnlper 1-2920 1 TAX OFFICE MOVED Bay Shore—Dedication ceremo- nies will be held tornorrow iri the hew U. S. Internal Revenue Service office at 1265 Sunrise Highway, District Director Thomas E." Scan- Ion announced yesterday. The of- fice was previously located at 34 Park Avenue.' ' hn's Bakery PIES —PASTRY — COOKIES POUND and LAYER CAKES . ROLLS - i BREAD LT 9-0808 : 25 MAIN ST. SAYVILLE, L. I. •w,''»'-£ I " I " M " 1111111111 " I,lll »"»"» .NMM.mimmm, ^imi^ && ANNUAL FEDERAL and STATE INCOME TAX REPORTS PREPARED IN THE PRIVACY OF YOUR HOME OR OFFICE INDIVIDUALS SMALL BUSINESSES — PROFESSIONS —LOW RATES— J. J. SOLLIMA BOOKKEEPING & TAX SERVICE LT 9-7056 = THE FUN — PRIZES REFRESHMENTS ENTERTAINMENT DOOR PRIZES WINTER HOURS: Monday through Friday 10 a. m. to nln» p. m.; rurday 9:30 a, m. to flva p. m.; Cloted Sondayi and legal holidays ibruary Is a month In which ir the birthdays of three fam- Americans. Legal holidays are jrved for both Abraham Lln- and George Washington but mas Edison's birthday on Feb- •y 11th goci relatively unnotic- Edison's inventive genius gave triclty td America thereby ilng the door for the develop- t of a brighter world. A world I LAS VEGAS NITE = WITH AN "ALL HAWAIIAN REVIEW" s _..„... Sponsored by | The Sisterhood of the Sayville Jewish Community Center 1 Saturday, February 24, 1962 5 , 8:30 P.-M. | A t Temple Shalom, Greeley Ave., Sayville ^ Donation: $1.25 Per Person actly as they say)". The effects of Struchl In "East Asia In Danger". 5 - This book is the result of a fact- s finding tour, the author's third. 5 along the tension ridden borders of S Red China. l^atln Amcrlcjin problems are presented by William Benton In "The Voice of Latin America". ,• , , •/„ ,.,i This first hand report is also the :h now Is torn by strife find I u of ft recCnl loup He |U({ . ension while wo are striving mt$ ^ {h& wlde . sprcad povcrly peace fhc Peace Race" by Seymour man was written «s an effort ;top the drift toward war by >oslng polkas which the author ns superior to the arms race. Melman, as an expert on tlnit- States Industry, foetiseS hlu at- ion on the problems of war peace In the 60's and presents ollcy for the West winning a tical victory for freedom in so- y. an we believe that the commu- s are slncera In their avowed re for peace, Fred Schwan; •s tho Inside facts about com- ilsm In his book "You Can st the Communists (to do ex- THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH WELCOMES YOU To attend a serlos of adulf classes on the basics of the Christian Faith REMEMBER! ANNUAL FEBRUARY SALE Old and New Books - 20% Discount The BOOKCASE 40 South Main Street, Sayville LT 9-1500 COMfViUNITY MEAT MARKET 2^5 RAILROAD AVENUE, SAYVILLE LT 9-1010 We Deliver To Your Door WEEK END MEAT SPECIALS Open All Day on Washington's Birthday rWLECREST HENS 43c lb. TOMS 39c lb TURKEYS ,2 - 14 lb - Av »- 18 - 22 ' b - Avg. CHOICE Flank Steaks FOR LONDON BROIL 89c lb. there points up the need for eco- nomic development. Mr. Benton makes specific proposals as to the = way we can help those, countries achieve political maturity and pros- perity. Peace would mean the end of the Cold War which D. F. Fleming describes so graphically In two vol- umes "The Cold War "and Its Ori- gins 1017-10G0." Washington and Lincoln helped to bring peace to an isolated America but the jet and rocket age has brought the. world to our doorstep. Picture Book Story Hour Fridays 10:0(M0:30 ft. m. Closed all day Thursday, Feb. 22, George Washington's birthday. JOURNEY IN FAITH I — A NINE WEEK COURSE OPEN TO ALL — Begins on Sunday, February 18th an Tuesday, Feb- ruary 20th at 8:00 P. M. In the Parish Hall of Saint Ann's Episcopal Church, South Main Street, Sayville For additional Information call the Rev. Peter MacLean LT 9-6522 or LT 9-0745 Jones Little Linfc Sausages 79c lb, * >f$,-J-!:--J/^*^:k<;^^.-;':^/. : :^^7',Vi'?/; -3^' •-1v >A ^ V^ ) VJi •:';', ;•*•»"- - ! .lc^»-:: v,c: 1. «Is 01 Aw.': IL-dx uztl.-1 ~ u I. - :^=.* - - A > based on continued favorable earnings anticipated as of January 1, 1962 * COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY 'FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT HIGHEST DIVIDEND ON LONG ISLAND! Fresh Killed Chickens I FRYINO OR ROASTING 3!4 lb« ave CHOICE SMALL LEGS OF LAMB 65c lb, FRESH KILLED FOWL 5—5Vi LB. AVO. 49c lb. i and Loan Association of Sayville Dandee Sliced Bacon 3 lbs for $1.19 VEAL CUTLETS 3 lb. box $2.69 Sliced Boiled Ham 99c lb i«4jia*«aMH»Bmtw>«im««|wt»Hinmiu<M!»iiaEa CtHTCAl UUP SHOPPINO PUZA & NVh.tUn Hood C*ntrol l»t?p, U, I, CE 4-3J72 —NVMltrfoyi P 4 fn.tv«. fc30 8=30-Sc».V- I MAIN ornct 160 MAIN STRUT $4r»;n», L I. IT ?-SW)0 MonJoy Iv#. 7*9 CINTtR MORICHtJ 500 M*IN smrr Ctnfff Mew'tKtt, L I. AT 4-1182 Wp*Vrfayi 9-3 FrMoy ET#. A30-*30 ASSETS EXCEED $50,000,000 0 I >5 m Hi i Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspaper4/Sayville NY Suffolk County...




,Ir. and Mrs. "Wlnfleld J. Lewis St. Jame3, formerly of West

wille, were the guests of honor a surprise, party in celebration their wedding anniversary at the ne of their son-in-law and lghter, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Har->erg of High Street, on Saturday, jruary third. Other guests were . and Mrs. Winfield J. Lewis of Bayport, Mr. and Mrs. Lof-Long of Northport, Mr.'. and

s. William Ogden of Bellmore, :s Sharon Lewis of St. James, ink Lewis and' Miss Mary • Ann larummo of East Northport, hard. Lewis and Miss Charlotte lley of Smithtown. During.the nlng a. telephone call of con-tulations came from Mr. and ;. Leslie Lewis and the i r family Oceanside, Calif. -&si Wednesday, Den 1 of the ville Cub Scouts with their Den ther, Mrs. David Parrott; visited News Office arid.' saw. one sec-

The fourth district breakfast of the Loyal Order of Moose was held Sunday morning at the Lindenhurst Lodge. Members of the Oakdale-Sayville Lodge who attended were Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, of Sayville, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brady, of Patchogue, Mr. and Mrs. William McCue, of West Sayville, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray, of Oakdale. The breakfast Is hold' at a different lodge each month. It will be held in Ronkonkoma in March and in Oakdale in April.

There will be a meeting tomor­row evening at 8:30 of the Woman's Club of Patchogue at the Sorosls Room with Mrs. Ethel Lantis of Sayville as the speaker. Charitable awards are to. be made to various organizations. '

Do you know that you can buy a 1962 Falcon, 2 door sedan; with heater for only $1875 at Sayville Ford? ' .'; "totf

Eric Joseph Klug, infant son of I of The Suffolk County News Sir. and Mrs. Peter Klug of Karen tig printed. The boys, in the Drive was baptized Sunday with ty were David Parrott. Thomas his ccusin Maureen Ostermaiin, reiber, C l y d e VahEmmerik, (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James er Charpentier, and Tomrnv hnan, and Jimmy Parrott, just ittle too young to be \a .Cub. . ank your savings at Oyster-I'S for highest. Dernilssible in-ist rates and future security. i only thing we anticipate Is

pleasure of serving you with ie Stop Banking" at its best. 83tf falter Greene, local Dostmaster, tit the week end in Binghamton fi his twin brother, Howard, who rhursday underwent surgery at ghamton General Hospital. He lolng nicely now: he Sayville Home Extension t held its meeting last Wndnes-at ,the firf house. New officers

e elected for the coming vear: jhalrmen Mrs. Edward Davis

Mrs. Edward Matvlasik: Vlce-irman Mrs. Rlchnrd Downing; retarv, Mrs. Roy Hoffman: Trea-;r. Mrs. John Poole. Prelim In a-on "V^etab l i Conkerv" were

in bv Mrs. Kenneth Weavpr. > lesson wi'l ha given on Feb-•y 21st and 28th. o vou know that you can buv )62 GalaxiR. 2 dnnr sedan with er for only $2175. at Savvlllp. U ' 70tf r. and Mrs. Alex Schultz and and Mrs. John Winter returned erday from Buffalo where they been since Friday while the

i attended the convention of •Fire Districts Association of State of New/york..':. -•: -, iss Josephine Ostrowskl. daueh-of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 6s-/skl of Lincoln Avenue, played ind violin in the* concert on day by the .Fredo'nia Chamber' fiestra at the State University ege of Education. or fire, auto, liability or anv ranee see Henry Paniienback-186 Main Street. LT 9-0450. 7tf r. and Mrs. William Collins on Sunday to drive to Miami. , where they expect to spend A'eeks or two months. tie Ladies Aid Society of St. Vs Lutheran Church will hold Jessert swap party tbnieht irsday) at eight" o'clock. The ation Is 50c with a limit of two :cts to exchange. It. tiomas Donovan has returned to home on Greene.Avenue after ing spent three weeks at Key ayne, Fla. iffrey Morris, son of Mr. and

Kenneth Morris of Fairway , and a sophomore at Union ege, Schenectady, has just been noted to the cadet second class : in the ROTC Air Force unit.

# » r. and Mrs. Richard Walker of iley Avenue left Friday for a to California, intending to be

f about three weeks. )r real estate and insurance is C Bogel, 280 Main Street. )-3600. 12tf

Ostermann of Blue Point. The ceremony took place at Our Lady of the Snow R. C. Church in Blue Point and Eric's godparents. are his grandmother Mrs. Charles.Yax and his uncle Robert Yax of Pat­chogue. Mrs. Klug is godmother for Maureen and Henry Ostermann of Blue Point is her godfather. A party, followed at the Klug home for a large group of relatives i-Vf

The Episcopal Churchworoeri are holding a covered dish supper next Wednesday at six o'clock in the parish hall. The Rev. Charles Van Tassel will be in charge of the program following the supper. ^.

For knitting yarns, croohet cot­ton and accessories stop in at the Floralll Knitting Nook/ 75 Rail­road Avenue, Sayville. 58tf . Mrs. Albert Paganini of Greene Avenue was one of the judges at the annual health poster contest last Wednesday held at the Islip Elementary School and sponsored by the Suffolk County Medical Society Auxiliary. • ' '

Friends of Mrs. Paul Closius of McNeil Street met at her: home Saturday evening to celebrate.her birthday.. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Myron Seaman, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trovato, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sheehan, Mr. and Mis. Byron Heihecke all of Lowel Road'and Mrs. Closius. ' Personal loans for all worthwhile purposes at Bank "rates are just one of many banking; services at

Herbert William Wypler, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wypler of Lincoln Avenue, was baptized Sunday at St. Lawrence's R. C. Church. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur El-wood of New York, his great uncle and aunt, are godparents. A party following included Mr .and Mrs. Lawrence Stevens of Cresskill, N. J., maternal grandparents and their son Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stevens of Englewood N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wypler Jr. of Weston Mass., and their daughters Elizabeth and Martha, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vetter of Babylon, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur El wood of New York and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ep-peleln of Sayville.

Modern Home Owner combined package insurance policies can save you money. See Charles P. Dlckerson, 31 Main Street, Say­ville. 27tf

Mr. and Mrs. William Kime of Johnson Avenue returned last Monday from Sarasota, Fla. after a stay there of three months. They are at present selling their home here and expect to build a house in Sarasota and will live there per­manently.

Dr. and Mrs. Roland Strong of Collins Avenue returned last Wed­nesday after spending; a week vlsit-ihg their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Humphreys of Nutley, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hoyer.of Lincoln Avenue entertained for dinner on Saturday Edgar Woodard and Miss Lillian Hollman of Henu> stead. On Sunday their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Locker of Oakdale and . Mrs. Hoyer's sister Mrs. Jeanette • Hallock of . Lake Grove. l . : . / -: Personal loans for all worthwhile purposes at Bank rates are just one of many banking services at your "One Stop Bank"—Oyster-men's. . 83tf

Metlakhatla Chapter 0. E. S. held its Obligation Night on Tues­day with the celebration of its 53rd birthday. Miss Belinda L. Ed­wards was presented with a large bouquet of red carnations in recog­nition of the facts that she is a .charter member, has held office for all of the 53 years and that 25 years ago she served as District Deputy Grand Matron.

, The Sayville Women's Republi­can Club is having its regular monthly meeting Monday at eight p. m; at the clubhouse., •;

Mrs. Margaret. McGarty of Ben­son Avenue entertained her bridge

your "One Stop Bank"—Oyster- ciubTuesday, evening. men's. .---, - \ : . - :, 8 3 ^

Ann Marie Winch, daughter of Mr,, an? Mrs. Richard Winch . o f R u s ? e n Bonfield of Lincoln Avenue Alfred Street; was baptized Sunday afternoon at St. Lawrence's R. C. Church with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gilmartin of New York as god­parents. Following the ceremony there was a buffet supper at the Winch home for a large group of friends. ' • - • " .

Madeline Domingue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emlle Domingue of Cleveland Avenue, celebrated her 12th birthday Saturday with a buf­fet dinner party, for Joan Gallo, Barbara. Wollert, Debra Ezzone, Pa­tricia Madigah, Theresa Walker, Susan McCoy, Patricia Gianquinto, Susan Smith and Regina Haefieli.

For custom weather stripping of doors call Al Zlgrosser at .Hi! 2-1514. Also no odd carpenter job is too small. Estimates arc cheerfully given. 14

Charles Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Stuart Holmes of Hampton Street held a meeting in his home Wednesday of the T. K. B. a group consisting of various college stu­dents, home on vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prester and their children Robert arid Jan of Farmingdale, N. J. spent, the weok end visiting er vand sister Weert Hunvjrson of Colton Avenue

Mr. and Mrs.. William Long of Johnson Avenue and Mr. and Mrs.

were the guests of the Long Island Lighting Company at a dinner-dance Saturday evening given for the plumbing and heating contrac­tors 'at the Stewart Manor Country Club. Mrs. Bonfield was the win­ner of an electric blanket.

. You plan ahead when you plan your home modernization with a low cost loan from Eastern Federal Savings. Call your nearest office for details. ' i t • Frank Anthony Bellavia, infant

son of Mr: and Mrs. Frank Bella­via of SeviHe Boulevard was bar>-tized Sunday, at St. Lawrence's R. C Church. Mrs. Walter Johnson also of Seville Boulevard is the podmother and Salvatore Delavan. his uncle, from Ronkonkoma is the godfather. J h e r e was a buffet sub-per for a large group of friends and relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Munkel­witz soent the week end in New­ark. N. J. attending a convention of the New Jersey Laundry and Cleaning Institute. Mrs. Munkel­witz is office manager of the Blue Point Laundry.

Mr. and Mrs. George Skinner of Johnson Avenue have returned from a trip to Montgomery! Ala"/ where they spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Donald V. Skinner. Mr. Skinn?r is suffering frorii Ber-; ger's Disease, a circulatory^ condi1

tion for which he has recently "Un­dergone several operations,- hoping to remedy the trouble. He would be glad to hear from any of his friends in Sayville. '•> v'jVj^i^I

Mrs. George Skinner is leaving today to spend a week in New Jer­sey. As a past presideht'of the P.-T, Associations of the elehientaryand high schools in Kearny, she" will be} honored at the Founders' Day p r o ^ grams. She 'will visit friends of Caldwell,* Dover, and Pompton' Plains. ' • " / • . '' \'•'" i* ;:^^

The best dividend In town? tha t ' s easy. Of course it's Eastern Federal Savings'; 4*4 % ; dividend from date^ of deposit. V / '; • : I t

Mr. arid Mrs. Edward DoUahd. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morris went to Lehighton,' Pa. on Saturday* to^re­main until Monday. They attended the golden wedding of Mrs. Doll's parents. •-'['-"•'.•• : V:

The Sayville Garden" Club will rrieet at two p. m. next Monday In the Cdrnriiuriity, House, t h e pro­gram, on conservation will be urn der the direction of Mrs. Wiliiarri TraUtwelri of Oakdale. Members are asked to take'/arrangements us­ing fdrced branches. The,speakers will. be August A. Guerrera on "Water Conditions of Long Island"/ Mrs. Sheila Alleft on ^'Underwater at the New National Park inxFlpri.-: da", and Miss Eleanor Hester on "Girl Scouting". ;7;__;•;;'-'. /•;-•• ^

Make your next party a memor­able occasion at Land's End, where; you will find an unsurpassed at­mosphere, cozy and ^relaxing. They! are. open : for, lunches and dinners with" a special rate for parties." Lunches are from $1.00 lip and dinners $2.75 up. On the Bay. Tel-, LT 9-1888. Otftf ' Metlakhatla Chapter O. E^S. was represented by 30 members who Went, to Bay Shore Wednesday evening to attend the official visits of R, W. Mildred E. Fortunato. D. D. G. M. and R. W.' Edmund F . Munkelwitz. D. G. L. to Bay Shore Chapter O. E. S. .*

Mrs.Helyn Geoghan and Mrs. Ethel Pagels of SayvillR and M'-s. Veronica Windish arid Mrs. Helen Fredericks of Garden City sail to­morrow night aboard the S. S. At­lantic on'a 14-day Caribbean .'cruise making stops at Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Antigua, Curacao, Haiti and Jariiaica.

Beers sells Ice cream by the half gallon at $1.75, and ice cream cakes for $2.50 or $3.75. 98tf —Mr.- a n d - Mrs. Kenneth Morris returned on Sunday after a trip to Florida.- They spent'more than two weeks driving around the state and visiting a number of friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sheets of Baldwin spent the week end at the home of their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs." Joseph Mel-lor of Greene Avenue. . Mr. arid Mrs. John Sheehan of Seville Boulevard entertained for dinner Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keryc of Wantagh.

Marine Pvt. James P. Bese-triier, son of Mr.: arid Mrs. C.-P. Besemer of 20Case Court, who completed recruit training last Thursday at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in Parris';"lsland, S. C. He has since reported to Camp Lejeune, N. C," for com­bat infantry training.

.iThrough the Geoghan Real Estate Office Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gray of Sayville have bought the home of William Fragio of Woody Lane, Oakdale and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent O'Reilly of Queens have purchased a large waterfront plot at the foot of Handsome Avenue and intend to'build in a few nionths. . ; :Scott Gordon, son of Mrs. Ruth Gordon of Indian Head Drive, cele­brated his sixth birthday Tuesday afternoon with a party for Philip and Vincent Notaro, Richard Helm. Craig Martin, Stephen Burke and Ronald Bender. ' . F o r fast free pickup and de-_ livery of prescriptioris, drugs* or cosmetics call West Sayville Phar­macy, Main Street, West Sayville. LT 9-0083 Or LT 9-9848. 8tf •• The Open Circle of St. Ann's Episcopal'Church met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Charpentier: on Candee Avenue, Wednesday after­noon. Those present were Mrs. John Obrig, Mrs. Paul W.esterbeke, Mrs. Courtier Parsons, Mrs. Harry Palmer, Mrs. Jack Travis, Mrs. John Whitehouse, Mrs. Kenheth Miller and Mrs. Ernest N: Munkel-\yitz. Next week t he ' group will meet at the home of Mrs. Edmund Munkelwitz on Pine Street:

Bank your savings at Oyster-men's for highest permissible in­terest rates and future security. The only thing we anticipate is the pleasure, of serving you. with '[One Stop Banking" at its best. 83tf J Mrs. Yvonne McLaughlin of New i'ork and just recently returned from a -cruise to the Bahama Is­lands spent last week end with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones of McNeil Street. '.

House hunurig, selling or rent­ing?-See Fred W. Merdes, 340 Main -Street LT 9-0504. 94tf

On Monday evening the follow­ing girls, were initiated into the Evelyn Theta Rho .Club: Kathy Ris-ley, Joyce Hartley, Lucy Kinkaide, Virginia Van Schaick, Frances Kle-cak, Margaret L'Hommedieu, Betty Jean Thompson, Karen Newman, Laura L'Hommedieu, Janet Hart­ley, Karen Dacek, Lorraine De-Mott, Maureen Jones, Carol De-Mott, Evelyn Chandler, Donna Les­lie and Joan DeRoo. On Saturday

| f j | at eight p. m. there will be open house at the Odd Fellows Temple Foster Avenue, when they will be instituted and installed into the Cleo Theta Rho Club. Everyone is invited. < . • •'.- : . For children's portable play yards —̂ kennels — fence wires — gates — posts and fittings — see AnviJ Bell Fence- Co. Inc., 192 Waverly Avenue, Patchogue. Phone Grover 5-1917. . •, :* , 6 7V : List your, home for sale or rent with the Virginia 0. Srriith Agency, 79 South Main, 'Sayville. Clients *re waiting. Call LT 9-2425. • 86ti

The Virginia O.- Smith Real Es­tate agency has sold the house of Paul Dayton on Hauser Street, Bo­hemia, to Mr. and Airs. Philip Su dano, the house of Mrs. Marion Childress oh Falrvlew Avenue, Bayport to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crouch, the house of Mrs. Ann McCarthy on Danes Street, Blue Point to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker and they have rented the A. Dinko house on Johnson Avenue to 'Mrs Mary Stradtner of Holtsville.

Eugene Fouant of Laurel Drive left Tuesday and is returning to-riight from Baltimore, Md., where he went on.a business trip for the First National City Bank "of New York.

Mrs. Louise Ortega of South Ozone Park spent the holiday week end visiting her daughter Mrs. Marita Brown of Bohemia Park­way. • ... 'X\;(.

Joseph Gran of Foster Avenue is returning Saturday after a two-weeks vacation trip to the Virgin Islands. - •»••,*• C

Mr. arid Mrs. Richard Downing of Johnson Avenue entertained for" the week end Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zivny and their sons Stephen; and James of Glendale.

;4iMr̂ ::ODit̂ '.Schwedersky of Foster Avenue, Sayville, sh^^yiOrig^'a'ired dachshund brace of motherland son WhicfeVbhthe best of variety in. their breed at West-minisleh;Kennel Club show at Madison Square Garden '. ti^S;.:\vqek. The mother, Herr Volkman's Aphi-odite", is ihiteforeground. At the rear is Sotithbay Robin Hood . wbich.'alsd placed first in his class. '

' . • V i V ' - : ' . ' .

Wo Recommend . . .


. .You. ; Carry ;.*

£ OW N E k § 0' HANCE


?80 Main St,/Sayville LT 94600


Barbecued Chickens

Turkeys - Ducks Fresh Baked

Fruit Pies Westbrook

Farms JUnlper 1-2920



Bay Shore—Dedication ceremo­nies will be held tornorrow iri the hew U. S. Internal Revenue Service office at 1265 Sunrise Highway, District Director Thomas E." Scan-Ion announced yesterday. The of­fice was previously located at 34 Park Avenue.' '



LT 9-0808 :


•w,''»'-£ I "I"M"1111111111" I,lll»"»"» .NMM.mimmm, ^ i m i ^





— L O W R A T E S —



WINTER HOURS: Monday through Friday 10 a. m. to nln» p. m.; rurday 9:30 a, m. to flva p. m.; Cloted Sondayi and legal holidays

ibruary Is a month In which ir the birthdays of three fam-Americans. Legal holidays are jrved for both Abraham Lln-

and George Washington but mas Edison's birthday on Feb-•y 11th goci relatively unnotic-Edison's inventive genius gave triclty td America thereby ilng the door for the develop-t of a brighter world. A world

I LAS VEGAS NITE = WITH AN "ALL HAWAIIAN REVIEW" s _ . . „ . . . Sponsored by | The Sisterhood of the Sayville Jewish Community Center

1 Saturday, February 24, 1962 5 , 8:30 P.-M.

|At Temple Shalom, Greeley Ave., Sayville ^ Donation: $1.25 Per Person

actly as they say)". The effects of

Struchl In "East Asia In Danger". 5 -This book is the result of a fact- s finding tour, the author's third. 5 along the tension ridden borders of S Red China.

l^atln Amcrlcjin problems are presented by William Benton In "The Voice of Latin America".

,• , , •/„ , . , i This first hand report is also the :h now Is torn by strife find I u o f ft r e c C n l l o u p H e |U({. ension while wo are striving m t $ ^ {h& w l d e . s p r c a d p o v c r l y peace fhc Peace Race" by Seymour man was written «s an effort ;top the drift toward war by >oslng po lkas which the author ns superior to the arms race. Melman, as an expert on tlnit-States Industry, foetiseS hlu at­ion on the problems of war peace In the 60's and presents

ollcy for the West winning a tical victory for freedom in so-y. an we believe that the commu-s are slncera In their avowed re for peace, Fred Schwan; •s tho Inside facts about com-ilsm In his book "You Can st the Communists (to do ex-


To attend a serlos of adulf classes on the

basics of the Christian Faith


ANNUAL FEBRUARY SALE Old and New Books - 20% Discount

The BOOKCASE 40 South Main Street, Sayville LT 9-1500


We Deliver To Your Door

— WEEK END MEAT SPECIALS — Open All Day on Washington's Birthday

rWLECREST HENS 43c lb. TOMS 39c lb TURKEYS ,2 - 14 lb- A v »- 18 - 22 'b- Avg. CHOICE


89c lb.

there points up the need for eco­nomic development. Mr. Benton makes specific proposals as to the = way we can help those, countries achieve political maturity and pros­perity.

Peace would mean the end of the Cold War which D. F. Fleming describes so graphically In two vol­umes "The Cold War "and Its Ori­gins 1017-10G0." Washington and Lincoln helped to bring peace to an isolated America but the jet and rocket age has brought the. world to our doorstep.

Picture Book Story Hour Fridays 10:0(M0:30 ft. m.

Closed all day Thursday, Feb. 22, George Washington's birthday.


Begins on Sunday, February 18th an Tuesday, Feb­

ruary 20th at 8:00 P. M. In the Parish Hall of Saint

Ann's Episcopal Church, South Main Street, Sayville

For additional Information call the

Rev. Peter MacLean LT 9-6522 or LT 9-0745

Jones Little Linfc Sausages 79c lb,


>f$,-J-!:--J/^*^:k<;^^.-;':^/.::^^7',Vi'?/; - 3 ^ ' •-1v >A ^ V̂ ) VJi • •:';', ;•*•»"- - !.lc^»-:: v,c: 1. «Is 01 Aw.': IL-dx uztl.-1 ~ u I. - :^=.* - - A >

based on continued favorable earnings anticipated as of January 1, 1962



Fresh Killed Chickens I FRYINO OR ROASTING 3!4 lb« ave


LEGS OF LAMB 65c lb,


FOWL 5— 5Vi LB. AVO.

49c lb.


and Loan Association of Sayville

Dandee Sliced Bacon 3 lbs for $1.19

VEAL CUTLETS 3 lb. box $2 .69

Sliced Boiled Ham 99c lb

i«4jia*«aMH»Bmtw>«im««|wt»Hinmiu<M!»iiaEa CtHTCAl UUP

SHOPPINO PUZA & NVh.tUn Hood C*ntrol l»t?p, U, I,

CE 4-3J72 —NVMltrfoyi P 4

fn.tv«. fc30 8=30-Sc».V-— — I


$4r»;n», L I.

IT ?-SW)0

MonJoy Iv#. 7*9

CINTtR MORICHtJ 500 M*IN s m r r

Ctnfff Mew'tKtt, L I. AT 4-1182

Wp*Vrfayi 9-3 FrMoy ET#. A30- *30

ASSETS EXCEED $50,000,000

0 I


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