OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001

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Transcript of OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    Protects Privacy ....Ensures Safety ....and, Supports the Ruleof Law....because it's .... NLETS

    ''''':':'In:troduction:The following document is intended to provide a brief tutorialregarding both the emerging use of License Plate Recognition and the Non-Invasive uses of that technology controlled by Law Enforcement. This isalways and only a direct extension of Law Enforcement. Only anOklahoma-Certified Law Enforcement Officer can provide a final review andapproval of a citation for "No Proof." This is nothing other than providing anextension of Law Enforcement at roadside. The only difference is that it isfar more efficient. InsureNet technology and our use of License PlateRecognition does not support or even permit the use of "red light or speedcameras." This is not only NOT some "Big Brother" technology, but isexactly the opposite ... a method to eliminate current requirements in

    . Oklahoma-and elsewhere to use names and addresses to identify vehicles.

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    wSllreNetThis system has no names and addresses. In fact, it cannot accept themand certainly cannot maintain and use them.~'the,urrent system in Oklahoma is designed to use a person's name andaddress whenever there is no clear link in the existing database to aparticular vehicles, to then "broadcast email" those personal details out tohundreds of insurers over the internet with only PGP, (Pretty GoodProtection) encryption. This system has the support of privacy advocatesand even then Nation's largest chapter of the NAACP, (Detroit). It cannotidentify any person, group of neighborhood. It is the only possible means toensure against current and potential Federal agendas and other efforts toidentify vehicles using data that clearly violates the DPPA, (Drivers PrivacyProtection Act), and State Law. Please see the attached "LegalConsiderations" document prepared for DMVs.

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    This system has one goal: identification of objects, (in this case, vehicles),and to determine with total accuracy if those objects are in full legal"compliance. It does not matter who is driving the vehicle. If it is on a public-- . .. - .roadway and uninsured, it is there illegally and is a threat to every personin every other vehicle on that same road.This system can identify vehicles from every State, every CanadianProvince and Mexico, (Mexican commercial vehicles only at this time).The founders and management of this Company are, without exception,Conservative Republicans. Our passion for privacy protection is the resultof an acceptance on our part that government systems and those entitiesthat purchase privacy-laden data from them, cannot be trusted to properlyprotect the Public. This system fully supports the rule of law.... but takesdangerous decisions away from those that have demonstrated little regard


    for the rights of Citizens.

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001



    .~. This is not about penalties and fines,it 's abo ut p rotectio n .....

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  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


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    providing"~~somplete NLETS-based solution with dramaticadvar1i~ges.... but. .. without funding requirements:...}}f

    Ail Additional Revenue Center and theBest;'Possible Privacy Protection ....:7"Using,Thiri;'5ystemWhich Has No Names and Addresses

    Eliminates the Need for DMV and Other Government Entities toN/;ls$Bro-adcast Names and Addresses via email.

    ":: izt:;~7'~:.;;" Jh j,~ ~ g

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    ,~.. . -- '-;'':- .. - ----,- -.:;--

    Belbw is a very ;;~~i~"list of potential benefits planned. Because this is notin tended as a "benefits and costs" docum ent, w e have in tentionally providedlittle details herein-but you will fin d wh ate ve r a dd itio na l in fo rma tio n you maynee~ at oklahomaihsur~:,~et

    . , " : ' /

    Fihanci~1 benefits to.\~ldahoma:.. . . . ~;~, ' -- . .'. : . ,'. ~'. . .- ' . " - ...,.> . , d i . "' :; .? ; ~ >

    > ""E'stirnated savings~and p ro jected add itio na l in come ::-ACJlli:ft'iohaL~i~21tionRevenue from "No P ro of o f In su ra nc e", (R oad side : $22.4O1iHTon,~~.ri6ni'ate(l:235.7 m illion) for a to ta l of $258 million

    , . < : . . . . . )./;,,~Aqdi.!ion.~.I~.it?tionRevenuerom "No o r Imp ro pe r R eg is tra tio n", (R oads id e:3Y?;'~;.~f~~'$:~m'1)~i'p;.p,Rolice'Multiplier:55.2 m illion) for a to tal of $63 m illion.'~;fr~tResponders/Emergency R oom s - Governm ent: $62.6 m illioni < ~ ' ; I D A s a n C f oth er P ro sec uto rs S aving s to G ove rnment: $1.6 m illio n;';'!'~AdditfonalFines - Insurance C omm issioner - Incom e: $640,000.-Savinqsfor L a w Enfo rc ement: $2.6 m illio n-Savinqs 'fo r all C ou rts In volve d w ith T raffic M atters , in cl. b oth Sub ro ga tio n andRespcnslbility Is su es , $ 4 m illio n-Vehiclelnsurers - Addition al In come ove r $1.5 billion

    ~1~~ri~:~WEl:i'"f~~~'ifiij~.:i,~':~!:~~~:~f~~~~~~i41:;~~~~~~;"~:~~~~;rt*~~;~~fif~~~*~!Y~~~l~:~~~~~?-:~14~f!~~~~=~~1~~~~i~~~~~~~~:W IS = r l' 1 f 4 :- ? J J t w ; ? ; ri'. F''iJiF:~\-rWQ[~ l ! i; ~th.t ;l"wcwm'l!;mQ!'tm~ i.YeTlr~OO~~ ~C\.1r 1.,,'-."l;';" 1,\;."/,' ~"'tin,:, ,~:i~,!,{,.",' '*l "'.''';-''''''.,. .",~,"'1\':' '>'ji" : ~l'aV u~ ~f'ID'Y(l.~jl\\~;oo,I:l' i!/!i~;!"~ !~ . -,'?;;-~~;~,;'": ; : t ' .- _ , , ; " ~ . ~ " (:'

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    - .. ;~: ~~ ~. ~ ) . ,- : : \..:.:,~ ; ."

    - Vehicle Insurer~i;c'iNew Savings: over $400 million- Healthcare Ins~u~~~fSSavings: $48 million- Additional Premium Tax, Income to Government: $30.2.. ..We caution thattheseare only estimates that represent the maximum possible. -the first full year ofoperation once implementation is complete and as peoplewill rush to' purchaseinsurance, the revenue levels will quickly fall, (approx-imately 42fi) ' affer just the first full year). See "lnsureNet Presentation to

    Sjt~ll~'DQma"or more details,F~f.gre8't~~Kep)riva'Cyrotection, this is a totally non-invasive system. No abuseis possible because no privacy details are accepted or maintained. Free'po;q~.I;~/,Jgr;mpnitoriug and oversight are provided to any/all privacy protectionJgi~~;@M:i~~,)i~n';ft0atequests them.

    1~:2.,;ldentificationf:.. < ~ .:' , . , , ", . , " ",uf. -Undocumented,

    pnreg.ist~red and-Unlnsured Vehicles from Oklahoma and,, -every other State in the US and,~&~:{~~~~?~1iW:::f;;:}~;f~~~~1f~tf~f~~~~:!.~

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    _:. '. _~ ,." _ _ .-_ ' .~~'~ ' .;~",~ '_ ~ /_ :~ \I', : -~,~: . :'t~~~:~'~'~J~'~~~~t~H:"~ _ -"_~-~":~-f'~\~ .. >,"r~V~:'~:~:_~\~~~J~'I,'r:~~~~~;::~\ "'> ~ - ~ ' ~ ' ' ' ~ - = } ~ ' ' ~ : > ~ ' . ~ : I - ' ( ~ ~ : ~ - < " < . ' " W

    every Province of Canada and, Mexican vehicles, (commercial only at this time, no passenger vehiclefiles are yet available)~Silve~'Ale'rtsJSafety"'~-et-'In 2007, 114,288 people at risk were reported-missinq. By2059,y'16-frlillion Americans are expected to have Alzheimer'sdisease. Autism affects 1 in every 150 children. Through both ProjectLifesaver and CMEC, (Amber Alerts), both supported by Nlets, we will provide

    ' . _ ' _ p , ' : :: . : ,: l: S . , . : : - " _, "~:o:iY :, -"~ ~ '( .%/. "; ' : '. .SiJ.{~tlSaf~~~~jXrertystem linked to all scanner units in the system; ' _-~: '! . ; ~ ; / ~ t ; g ~ ' ~ C "-~AmberAlerts - Full Amber Alerts are carried now via Nlets)'~"f1I(Dt~~f~;ri'~~S~6u~ity/lCElerts - Again, Nlets handles all such data traffic'J;~:~'ational"

    j : { \ - - - - :- ~ , . : ! ; ~ . ?

    H ot List, {Stolen Vehicles) Alerts~Traffic'fllonitoring/warning, (ITS))r>Smog:~lerts, (C02 Emission Sensor Stations)

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    " : ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ' , ' , ' . ~ - j ~ _ " ' : " ' h " ~ : " - \ ' ; _ "~'>:j~~~~:.:'.\/-:~-~~,,\t.;}"':t~.",-,t,l";~ Traffic Signal Coordination~ R e a l time vs. trip time arterial and main road measurementsy ,"~ p6IiGe /~ ili l f ipner"extension of Law Enforcement..under their direct control

    /~~~,.~~gsystemc~'rfiere'~%nocost of any kind to any government entity or to any insurer for use:;~;:';bfhis 'system. It is paid for by a percentage of new revenues. This is provided. asasirnple "turnkey" solution.

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    " ~ ~~~ , ~ , '/"' ","" " > "1".'.', :''":':'.~:'" ,J -!~""~~~r

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    ~ - , , l K_ A, , . ~ " _ ~ L ~ ~ . _ ~< " :" ~ ~ ~ .~ - - < > " '. " , . - '; : _ - . : - ~ " ~ ~ ~ _ ' ~ . _ _ _ ~'" _ " ,_ , ~ , >~ .,

    . : .- ~ " ~ , - "- ~ ," ' < . , . _ '

    Only Codes ldentifythe V ehicle and R eport C urrent Insurance S tatus"' ,The only file e lemen ts recorded are: 1 ) th e complete p olicy number, includ in g

    , - . . .~NAfc Code which shq~ld be part of the transm ission 10, 3) Effective and/or:: ~ ; " ', . .. , : ' , rr " > C ' , , ' , '\ :'..Term inationO ate, 4f\1IN :O (V eh ic le Id en tifica tio n Number o r if a c omme rc ia l

    ""-"" '- "v~hicle 'and recorrfed,~theAsset 10 or OOT#), 5) ZIP Code, 6) Make/Model/Year,'.'7);~tJ.enHol&t~r.IONum ber and Policy levels for C om prehensive, C ollision, UMI,,'~~;PI~~~~~H9pble, but again ..no names or addresses.

    :.~J~.i~~faUlt:his system shows respect for everyone. No vehicle can be"i~~~~Htlfieds uninsured unless the insurer of record specifically indicates that thevehlcle w as insured, is no longer and no insurer currently provides coverage. No"thallenge" or random sam pling program is necessary. The status of a vehicle'sInsU rabce is alw ays and only exactly w hat the insurer of record indicates for, intrastate and in te rs ta te veh ic les .... equal p ro tection and enfo rcemen t.

    d2dbC,";,'< '

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    ~_ ,_ ' , h ,~ _ ~ ~ ~ _ , _ , \ _ '~

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    What I s Don,~,:Ni~Mt:Ve,hicleldentification by License Plate. ";., .,:

    . l:} '.,. ,-"::";_;~:

    The 'Sf~te has use.d;I'~utomated vehicle id en tific atio n sy stems fo r many......years. Unitsin~lic~vehicles monitor and recordtraffic stops all day__

    ' e v e : h ! Y ' day. ~:PlJchsystems protect both those stopped and the officer(s)i~\f~lveGl~~~~n~t.iringhere is a record of the incident. The licenseplate


  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    ; ... ,-., ' -:.~-'..~.-:. , ..,~.;-,

    Wha:t Is.;pone,Nqw:iVehicle Identification by License Plate- '- ' :;" ,

    All across the State, automated vehicle identification systems are usednow. iT'~ese inehrdellcense plate scanners for commercial trucking;, "> :.

    purposes at'weigQ:.st~tions and also includes checking for insurance and~ .. > , " " . \; ;; : : ; ~ : . ; :: ':' , : ' / ~ i . : "

    registration at those sites. The State has been doing this for years. The: , . 't f , i % ~ ~ ~ f 3 ? :s t, : f ,~ : < t - - , . ' : t r - ~ ~ - : ~ @ : : : ~ ' ~ ~ : ~ ; ; -' : ~ ? : ' : ' : : " ' :: ~ " ,' t" ' : " ', : i' " . : .',sys~eFh'prop'used is simply adding that ability regarding other vehicles and,

    as with 'commercial trucking, ensuring there is equal protection and::.8~l~-:';e~:f~~1l~rrl\e:fl~ :" '1DYdentification of non-compliant vehicles from alli~ _j~~7~ 'i,s.hat is proposed is simply a logical and natural extension ofijhal1 si~ place now but also ensuring proper protection of the privacy ofeve:~yperson. The 'question is not if automated enforcement will be usedbut how to use it efficiently and provide proper privacy protection .... thissystem i s that answer and it is an answer that treats all vehicles equally.

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    P~L;CEMULT I;'~ j~~S:\ < "> ' . ;: . ~ / : ' .' ~ ".

    A young officer pulls up behind a vehicle on a cold dark night and tries to;

    deterrhine if the driver's

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    . . J" "~ '" go" """ > " ~ - ~ ., , t;h .Hr":t"),\\~"q,,,>".~ ',> - '" X" K~1c(1}t!t,.,.:-,','; ~~{~"':'~'?"~~'?'0/~--::;''1i>'"~ .r ,". ,~- ~:'

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


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  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    ' I " ~ , . .~ :, J " , : - ,j " , " .'" "~ '. , - :~ , t,~ ; 1 . ? ! J t ; ; , \ t~f.:,'.;,i .~...::."'~~~~:"t;~- :~:.1$.;:L~'::h:";'~'!:'~""ilr""'>\I;.~:"bttJ~,~';:::~:}l:~\',J~~,~::M,,:11f .f:}.A~:l;}.,lWh'&.:~~"' ~" ~"" ' . ' " , . - : l y~~~(~~t\'}*{,,'~it!;,r-.;~\., ~...~ ,, ~,. ~

    Police Multipliers Do Nine Things, continued:The system will read only about 9 0 % of Intrastate license plates. It isleft to other units to see a vehicle that was missed. It is our goal toidentify 80% of all vehicles sometime during the year. If system doesnot identify the vehicle as intrastate, it is assumed to be interstate.Character recognition software on-site will, about 9 0 % of the time, thendetermine by text, shape, colors, reflection levels and much else, thejurisdiction and read the number of those interstate/other vehicles.

    7. If the vehicle is from a jurisdiction served by InsureNet, the insurancestatus will be known and if non-compliant, status will be recorded in theon-site system. Images of those interstate vehicles known to be non-compliant will be held for transfer, If compliant, the query is instantlypurged to be over-written. As with intrastate vehicles, no such recordis maintained past 1 second.8. For this approximately 10 % of non-Oklahoma vehicle license plates notfully read by the system, those images will be held for transfer.9. Each time the on-board chip based server reaches 5 0 % capacity, itinstantly sends all files held for transfer to the Central NLETS-compliantInsureNet Servers for processing.

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


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  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    SmartTownActual PIPS Camera... identical tothose that will be used

    Computer processing works on the global information(the entire image) for detecting the plate, then zoomsinto the data in order to handle the small details andfinally extract the license plate characters.The end result of the recognition process is a dataString which is the license plate number. The trans-formation of the image data into a result string isactually a very large compression of the,originalraw data (1:31600 ).

    The typical format, is composed of 256 grey levels ranging from black (greylevel 0) to white (grey level 255). For a typical format there are 768 X 288 pixels(PICture ELements), or about 0.2 Million elements. This vast amount of informationis processed by the recognition software in order to automatically locate and readthe plate. The initial image starts from the raw data, then repeatedly zooms up,(with factor x2) until the pixel level is reached.~?~ ;,'~~-~~!~'~~'~'I:," "'~~~~~~"~W'~~~~~~I~.~'~~~~.~_-ft~~ ~~~.. '1'1 ,,;W:'AfJ(!< ~~l[ ,h.~,;..;:L~I;:~V~~":'Y.f~ m'a~~Jt'!W-~;~y~~~\,Il4,HJi,r ;,,~~"~~!"';,!.~:r~~ ~~l~)' 1>1:: ; :. < ,'cl/:/f:;A;--'~if~~I".~"". ";: '2 ~~'~1~::.::\~.~:..'-::"-.;!:~S:::;4U' nQ~g'~~ OQjfWreo~,~1:1l~~:'IJCI~< ,,,, ;',,,, ",, ,: " , ,,~ '. . '" -r. ,,',~;.. """ '" " , ,' " ,' ." d,~.>i>.,~~",~.",,,-,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,ii'.\8""" '~4 ' t " " " " , ; : ; , w< , , , , , , ,, , , " * , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - , , ,, ! ,, > . ~ - " ' ~ " I i ~ ' h , ,, , ," . > " ' > * " w f o " " > ~ - " ' ' '' ~ .t~' '"$""'J"',">~""WV'~'~"""O'"~"s !!,,~ '" "".' "",,,', ",' e.~, ,

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    < ~ " ~ ". ~. ~ : I ~ , , ' ~ - '1 - ' , _ ~ . _ . , .'::.~t:.o..';':..'7tfi;;:~\{)~~Yi:jr'2~':""'!':;"'~;:~~:"".'"fr;"-';;",j;;~.?~;,-'. :.'.:s:~,,.1F"f::-:;~":; ~").-f' .'~ .., l r12 ,+~( ~ ,~, t ' ..,; t..i-"-. !~ri;1..t: .;,""1"1'~:;~.J~)r.};iS: ':,~ .,~~"_:.,,,,,,_,!:ln.!;i:"'rl~'_"':; '~-."""~: /:l" _ ~ - ~_ -~ _ ~ - " - ~ - -_ - - ~ - .~ - _ . - - __ < ._ _~ __ _ ._ u _

    , Smar tT own~

    , (The current sy\trncan very inaccurately' . , or " :N > : ' ; :: ~ " :: ': ~ .

    and invasively identify about 3% of ...', '

    ~I I K L A I I I A vehic lesNA TIV E AME RI CA ~0"-

    But ,... INSURENET can NON-INVASIVELY id en tify a t le as t 80% o f all~~i .-

    O I L A l l i l i. vehicles from: ~ NAT IV E A MER IC A '~

    and also at least 9 0 % of a ll veh ic les from .....

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


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  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    ck > 6E."~t~'~ http://ncicweb,8!I.lU rr--------------e ife l . ..~:,::-:-:'

    t ~ ? : :1 '\w~ 10~ -"] .>. -' >Xi ! ~ ( . , , ' ) L, Search ,.}'.>' Favorites ~}L-iJ -~J ...........: ~""' ~T ! fj.'::)1\~~ t::~.~d.~~e~s_~-C:\Documents and Settings\AIIUsers\Application D~~rt~~-OOW~I;;;W;\OOOOOOo3.;;---~:~.~. G~_." :inks Go.?gle f~ ...~ Go ~~ !! & J lt J} e ...f:l Bookmarks... I E 4 2 blocked : A~ Check T. Q Settings.... ,~.r " " " ' ' ' ' . .- " . , , , . . O , " -" O - O , ." , ~ , " , "O - v ..-.. .. c.._. .,..O - - AI .] Information Scr] Log OffI Most CommonI Administrative

    I ArticlesI BoatsICanadianI Caution ~1essaJ Criminal HistoryI Gangs1Gun FilesImages! NL ET SIORII OtherISecurityI Vehicles j VehiI Person FilesIinks

    --NLETS--RR.NLINSRNET13:48 10/04/2007 9188313:48 10/04/2007 83694 DEDSPOOOO*00287039601XTInsurance Status: VALIDInsurer: Nationwide General InsuranceDate of Last Update: Thursday, OctoberVIN: 1HGCM56705A192297Policy Number: 52 07 G 104885Physical description of the vehicleConfirm if included:VMA (Honda)VMO (Accord 4D)VYR (2005)--END--

    NOT\CE TH AT N OR EC O R D fO R p.N "l~ ~ ~ a~ ~ H 'C L E fRO M p.N" l


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    Go links~T


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    ( 2 J . 1.,. J



    RR from InsureNet @ NLETS from RQ 251450

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    , ; ; : ,

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  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    A total o f 20.07% , (the approxim ately 90% identified of the 2 2 . 3 %wh ich is in te rs ta te ), w ill b e transm itted.

    S m a r t T o w l J..A total o f 2 2 . 3 % n et, w ill b etra nsm itte d. N in ete en p erc en trepresents non -comp liant and"no reco rd s found" in tra sta tev eh ic le s. A ll o th ers re ga rd in gin trasta te v eh ic le s a reimmed ia te ly purg ed .

    O ver tim e, as the uninsured vehiclera te fa lls , fewe r file s w ill b ereview ed w ithin the ones econd/o ne m in ute d eadlin e.Rem em berthat each PoliceMultip lie r h as a lis t o f lic en se p late siden tif ying on lynon -compl ian t veh ic les .T his s ta rts a s a h ig hly -e ffic ie nt s ys temthat then becom es even m ore so .

    A total o f 3.3%,( 3 % of w hich isnon-compliantand 0 3 % which is" no reco rd "), o fin terstate t raf ficw ill b e tr ansmitted

    And all this happenswithout a name oraddress

    . , ~ t " , j t " , , ,, , " ,,, }\-:,);,t ;)c;' ~ ~ . " ~ " " " " ' w , ' ' ' ' '. ;iI? ~"--; \ : { : : : . : ~ ; q , ~ ; q ;~'~~~'?i.;[.;f,d,(.S"'0i~'~r~{'t~7;~fi:':""j.f~~;:;,'i:~\;:::~;.J;;"~J;rj', n > ~ " ,- - f" ~." '.," I\lt" (j\j'", t~ ~,r;l!:I!nl~lllt

  • 8/4/2019 OK Phase2 Natl Insurance Verification System 20090001


    Sm a rt Tow lJ


    Citations for "No Proof' are processed as vehicles are fully andaccurately identified as non-compliant. Only a vehicle on which theactual insurer of record and its government of registration show noinsurance will be listed as requiring a citation be sent to the owner.Once this happens, only a Certified Law Enforcement Officer can reviewthe vehicle description from the DMV file along with the photo of thevehicle, see the status report regarding insurance, (and/or registration),and approve the citation. Once the citation is sent, a period of not lessthan 45 days is provided to show proof. Over forty net sites have beenorganized to assist that process. "800" numbers supporting threelanguages, fax lines and a 'live" Help Desk are also available. Thissupport system operates '24//7" and its role is to ensure that everyperson is treated with upmost respect and courtesy. Letters to eachvehicle owner cited will include a photo of the back of the vehicle, aclose-up of the license plate, a date and time stamp of the incident, aprivacy statement detailing that no use of personal data was involvedprior to the vehicle being identified as uninsured by previous insurer andgovernment, a code reference and fine amount.

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    S m a r t T o w nThe citation letter also contains details of any/all additional code/statute references along with penalties and/or possible penaltiesprovided for in the State involved if this was an interstate vehicle.Additionally, references to the National Offender Clearing House,Interstate Compacts and more will explain how and why the fact thatthis is an interstate vehicle is not relevant. ..the owner must comply.All funds collected go directly to a government bank account fordistribution, never to InsureNet. The government has no cost of anykind. InsureNet is the sole entity with which the State deals. It alonestands responsible and will bond to secure the contract. Its partners,(Federal Signal, Adesta and liS), have operations in almost everyState, including this one.This system is already the National Law Enforcement Standard andwill be used at roadside in vehicles by all Officers. Does it not seemlogical to use it also for intrastate use and both protect the public andgenerate far greater revenue?