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'' ". · ; . · J . • · , nw FJU=DA;;.:;'f::,=== ::=::;. :;_ .==_:;r;:;_;:_ =========· =·= S :.. -ri: bd ·. ·· "" •! : ;, '" .. , " ! , '"!, ! ; ! 1 ., , 9, ··!!!!!!!!!.!!!!! .. = '' ay P::atty :..A r ),1; uow- . t'T Hf' . . > •• . > - ,_; ; .... ;;; ! .. ' !! : . was -Primaries lnd cate: I "W· , · tbl) 'Flaa o( the • Mr2. Cbatlea Hodgin bonl)red . W'f,QJJesdny ,,_fie rode his bi·' · · · · · ' ,. . ·· · b•r JQl'pri§e birth· cycle fuU tilt a trUI,!lt driven p ·p I ' •t• . i ' f Statta of America, Pll the Republic tor l1fl\l,mlt •t.nd" ollfl Nation day p•rtr. l•!lt Cn•nett at tbe corner.by . . . 0 •. u . art Y:\' >; Cornmgt)tty El " Arthur autt red · enjoy. askullfrac.turo .f,l.Ud on his .• Demqc_ . ' ' ll1divlllibJt, with ant\ · .TUitlet for. all," by took bun to the . . . . · received 1DIIUY useful gifts. A 1'utner hospital where be is sliBbf;. . . . '< v . •. 1 ;. " I lovaly. was $etved by improved. _He was unconsc- When,:a cupdidnte did l;lill in tlip. adjoining state. the bosteilll. . _,/ . . from the time t>ftbe Qccident for a ae-a.t Jn New . ! .-· ., .... _ - · at wbicb time be York won n maJority l!.'$!3 t _heard much nbout reeogruzed his father. 1 tba_. normaltt wa.s htdled b;v t\tQ ·the , t rend<l' smee these bappex!· Chief ·Petty Officer and Mrs. · R.eRublicniiS as -a-definite indi- 'inga there hns been a eom-pfew B ca.tion of tl>e surging of a1,1 anti• abafidonment.of tho GOP tbeoey m• of lt1l·Paso were the MRS. ELISHA LE!)LIE adminstrailon trend.. Li'·ew: 6 .... that.they would get a maJ"oritv in ••• autUJ of .Mr. and Mrs Carl 0 J!. " · ., last week. Funeral services for Mrs. }!llisbo when the minority party tbought tho in November. a -- ·( Leslie were held llt 2 o'cJor:k Suu- it had a chance in an OklahdQla · day from 'the .. White by·election it pointed out>tha.t the the -of 'df.e re11idtmce, followed by cotn· revolt against the New Deal bad traetion is g(ling on, The oppoai· , mat tal at Ccdar\'ale Cemetery. aouthwar<t Tile Pemo• t.iop: apolieomen bave littl(l to llll7 ,,; The Rev. George C. Benson cratu! candidate won bnndlly, Wo their prospective candi· t I he(llr.._. of Cnl'rizozo Church got..no comment from tho trend though those newspapers I want «-re offlcta.ted, Mro. Leohe pneied dctectoro, so they turned to the th•t/lnveigbed against Mr. Dewey to thank tbl Dtmotratic YOttfl Spcclal to tho U.co!n OoiUlty Newa: - . . Tburoday, June lot, 1944 of deep ooutb. Ira Alabama and bavcl discovered ex· for •pJendid au,port Qf rny can- Sgt. Pro-.ino of Clapiln .;JfY heart · attack. Cnoket benrert! Flor_ida they in tbe Detno- ccllcncieo in the make-up of the ldacy for lheriU in the primary Hiabllt llankillg Non-Com R. A. Walker, Mgr. Mt:ssrs. Marshal Atklncon, primaraea D de tin ito indi· Governor of New York since bie election, wklth reaultN Ia my Ia BiB Squadron - Sum Dillard. J. C. Hutchinson, .that .it wao pr<ljpecUvc nomination · · · . .:-.. FJUDAY a aATUJlDA": It L. Fulmer, Jot Ruotin and on trial. asl!tlred. Mcanwbire, th11y are · , AN EIGBTJI AAJ' BOMB!la A•DOUBLE FEATURE . Roley Wnrd' . Senator pUteulng tho theory that what- In ,ordtl t• CU' rour STATION, llngland-Firt' Str Dick Foran -Ia- .. Guns of The Pecos" -Pl..US-.. () ' Mra. le!3Ue, nee, Ruby BooPI Ltstl'r a PDNIY Domocaatic the adminiotrntion doea Ia 1 feel sure tnt •anr of JOU 11c- cent Jamea R. ProviDe, 29, of was born May 30th., 1891 WJtb all the empbnsiund wrong. Just now they aro vcbc• r&flced valuable time from you Claoitaa, N. Mcx., u tbt higbe1 Hartford, Connecticut., wbcre and fervor, .•nd. with money they ovor the tolting over by tbu work and IJJttJaing to ra•toe ranking non-commluiontd offim Ghi was educated. Sbo cama to wou!d ordmar!lY expgpd a Govornment of Montgomery b:OadeasU.g the proar• of our in bit 1quadron at tbla Eighth Air New ·.Mexico 20 ago, In Nottonal .electiOn. In F!or,da Ward duo to the btg strokt on tlat lnvaalon freat Force ban from wblth flJina she united in murriago they tl: tbo entry Jntfi reruonl of tbut institution to obeJ where tht prutatt of .•••r tf fortrtllt'l constantly attaek _mil• to Elisha Leolie. pramary fight of four candi., tbo nge!lcy charged with treating oqr boya _hell! a YltU latll'tlt to ital'J and laduatrial targetJ in Sho woo. a momher of thQ dates to oppmo Senator Pepper labor dloputco. If the President all AmerttUL Tnnkl apia. Nuij!1ll'tlpo il ln tbarge or all en· Prrohyterian Chureb. Beoides her with tbr hope thit the sggregate had not tnken tbat otep tboy liated ••n in bli organization. BUNDA Y, MONDAY, TVB8DAT buab::md Dho io survived by a sis· vow of the four wonld fore• a would be abusing him as being •• -L. S. -Do .. C.nltr.- 'l'ht fil'll tergcant ia tho admln· · terin Connecticut. rc._n;off .race,.as under tho Florida afraid to enforce the law. illratlvt bead of tho squadron Nellbn Eddy, Smanoa law nomination requircatbat tho . , • • trorkinl with tht adjutant ln '"Tne Deerslayer" Claude Rains . . candidate must havo a 1najority . · M. 0 .. LoqltJ Wl lu' aupervlitng tho preparation of aU - ia- QA:t:D OF TBANKS of all tho votes. 6 . When ht goca on a vacation, u forltll.mta.. nporta eoneetnins dutiea, Ulna•, ? Wo w1sh to thank, our 1 . , • . _ he bB!l wb:novcr be needtd aceount o! tb NlcJ actlvitiea f•f men in his unit. ·· -o(The O,Pera'• for .thn Jn .Al'ahama . the. F 0 campaign mothll'. iJ ruponaiblo for b a v i n a It's h"s ltivrngSQil(• .. U(}a.AnJJ.UUpnQw. campaign »WJl mamtainql. •· · at.the .tflmnandmg cffi(>el' lhrilling, and, all in Tcebnicelor tho death of our beloved wife tho od b. p '!/ and Is euffrrang u·.- lllrild out by lbt enlisted ..... , and mother. · voc&cy Y eppcr of t b o every from houcimaid's · ., .. r too. New Deal principles and bio loyal· 1m 1 Mill HtltD 1 .. Kti& ntarDtcS IOIDtJ, ltes that the aqnadron ··Tho Elioha Lc.:Jiio family ty to tbo adminiatration'e policies toll to cJty. from Santa ft Seday wllNt alai are propt>rly boueed, -ALSo- 1'bo oppasition candidate roared hu dec• vilithlalltl lil&w, Jlrt. ftd ud dothed, and is tht "filO News-& Mra Roy Hormon arrived borpo and . r'aied over "burcancraey." Theso nro tho ordinary Jack S&ritnL for commiisinneu BOd "The,Truck That Flew' JllBt Frldny night from Jill Paso tho other familiar phantoms iPnta of n party that bao no pol· a •• abahtl peraonntl of tllo oraanis· wbere abo recently underwent an mvok!d againat tho conduct of icifo of its own to advocate, and aUon. !ct. Provlno a lao eee. that . tho war by tho Democtlltic "'OV only difioro from the u e u 11 1 Lt. nd Mra. W, E. JltKinlQ the men uder his supervleton are opernt1on. o " b 8 1 ! ed 1 h -..-. _ cmment and confidently predicted quodrenniol whoop-up of the Outs avo a new 1·2 pound IOD, born llfOPfl' V P IC: n t e section for Jah.D , Wayne, D•noia O'Keefe, Mrs. Ettn Bell word tbnt. the administration would be ago loot tho Ina, in that it b&3 June lat. 19''- a' 'ktlr hoat in whieh they are aulted, and It StW&n Hayward tba(ber protber, Mr. N. Jobnoon castigated and tho "rovolt" c.! tbo otartcd earlier than onoal. Ordl· Van Nuya, Calif. _Tilt Norma• illlil rMllODiiblttty to know tbt ·- ta- pa!:Sl'd away in Fort Worth, Tex· South would bo dcmonotrated by nnr•ly th!J bunkum bE>gins with grandparcntlare nq preud. Wb!rtabouta of pE>rennnel I ortier WEDNESDAY • TUURSDAT "Tiie F:' h , ll!l Monday. tbe deicat of tbeat two Senators, thE> National conventions, but . .... that. tbq ml)' be speedily located tg tlng Seabee! and won aa dtfinitoJy as thin timo tbey could not t1ait. Mr. anb Mra. Mallirt and daa&ll and noUfttd when it Ia. ilmP for U. S. Navy Comtruction tcr, Misa u•--& lluirt an• thti'IJillg Forti to q "" u •Qlnttra in a &tory big and im· Mr. and Mro. C. E. Degner and ·· -- - · - -- ·· - -- W F -;;.•y• Loudia bomblna attack agatnat tt, r'o portl.ttJ, by atbiove- family hnve moved to tho Spence Mro Nora went to l .. - Roswell :ltonii.O:::' WU maehlne-or for ar ,, l.l'r aunta b .. cd on actual adventore. old boone rc:ently vacawd by tbe Clo'tio 'l'u"a.dsY· to vtstt bcr daug·l WourDar Bond 1 du,y. , -ALSO Barnett familY. bter .Mrs. Pterc · HumbJQ. 1 .. tm t 0• Sat. Provme, tbe son of Mrs L _ ...... . .nves. · en •B Mr. and Mn. '8. E. Karlia and Ht!an 0. Provine of <:apltan, en· "JiopJ»tt iioUS'wood" & "In the Ro:::lleo of Oom· . • . • I Your daughter, Kay, qen' lan •uk li•tt•la tht A.hF on Stptem.bGr Gardent• inc is a gnat of b9r ol!lter, Mrs. Conmderable unprov?ments nrel In AmerietJ ., viaitin1 Mr. Karlin'• •ollttt Mrt 10 1942 and rteeivrd bl! baa'' Carl Hoagland. being made oi! our ctty otrcet" · Eva Karlnn. Mr. Karlill • U:Wwg' a 1 Rcswall, N. Me•x Wanted UJidgram The Tita1Jortb eo. Ine. YES I Wo Do l·A Job Work. '<• BANKS AND THE J.VAR *' Must Presarve ........ - . bon tb_ 9 11 of · - High SebtloJ cnath at Hatcla Prior to bt. enliUmEJnt, bt wu wh1c rcc01veu a CO!h (h ot · Miss Josephine Dow arrived empioJtd u an aircraft meehanit from 1:1 PMo lnst W crlneaday to hT yarfou ab:mft indutrlu lD . vioit ber parenta and her brother Mr. Pink Robtnl f.l bm from Ginda!t, California. Hope ana Glen Snow were tll Arthur, who wao injured when his Oakland, California te Yiai' biJ o f meule• tbe week. 1 bicyele and a truck collided. m!Jtber, Mn. AU• Ra'butl, IDd h13 two siatm, ?llrJ, Anna Rob- lat. Pa'lll H. Jonu, ana of Mrs. tttl!, a11d Mn. Ada asuton.. 01& C. Jonca bu bten promoted AMERICAN HEROES . .. BY LEFF' . t 2 . i I Stzt. Albert &oHdl waa t• 8tcoad ill th• Cavalry. • a en lie freedom To A(bieve" Monday. •• .. bfJ Clat Wood. S 2·• arrivld •om• . Mr. Plitt B•ltedl ftlhD AI· Taetdat afgbt to yiJit b[a Jill'· " A.I.t. WIGGINS, PRESIDENT; . AMERtCft.N BANKE!RS ASSOCiATION .. . lndiriduil blitiatiYe, under the. rrco enterpriso · Am.etiCJa grtat. It i!l.our guarantee <ot con .. · tiPW!Cl prQiftlf; t)f Job• for aU,• of tun produetioo in foture. .FtH ballkirtg jj, th& natural ally ot rte'e lrnsirteM• uablmPtrt4 by polltiqal domination and eon ttoJ, they lloid the. pro•ite of a be ttet tomorrow. "' I . . PJ:•••rr• TH£ AMi)ttlCAN WAY! ' . .. . i ' . .nd 1itlillttt fire, Ettl ·Sit tt.!PJ· W. . llit lMt'k lit .11!$id IJ ttt?r fftiltllf. 'he dittdtif ftl!f. •ehlt!tt ,_.-. . .utiU!!t! t• &re. He'liti'f<'t*"' .... H.f-1HOt'l ... .lhftlt .... . .·. V.$. 'frdlilriDi#lfMfitjl ., buquerqut. nta, lrlt. and Mra. Albfrt \VOid ; SILVERMOON CAPE. . . ·We in.lt. the public .. ' .. . ,, •·•to visit our cafe · •... Atlrft. - . ... -" . I \I ' ' ,,

Transcript of oj-, ' • • j d' '' ' fO 0 nw f ' -. •• 0 -:.:.. =========· :· =·= -~ l9U...

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. . ' . ' ' . . '.!"~~---- . . ' ' ". vqttm:ll'·xyxn"-rQ~~ :t~ · ; . · J . • · , • nw FJU=DA;;.:;'f::,=== ::=::;. :;_ .==_:;r;:;_;:_ =========· :· =·= S

:.. -~ -ri: bd ·. ·· "" •! : ;, '" .. , " ! , '"!, ! ; ! 1 ., , 9, l9U~. ··!!!!!!!!!.!!!!! .. !!:.!..-!!!!!!~---~!!!!!!!•!!!!!!! = ~~!!!!! ~~-c~._.!!•!!!!!!l!!!!!!!:!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!NU!!!!!!·. M-~!'!!!EeR=·~3~'l= '' urptJ$.e·~·rt ay P::atty ·:c'~· :..A r ),1; uow- . t'T Hf' otr.~Qd·-Mrs~L ,· . . > • •• . > • • - ,_; ;....;;; ! .. ' !!

: . ~ "no.~ was ~,riror•,.) UIJUr.dJa~t -Primaries lnd cate: I "W· ~ Jili11d~ All~.at•e• ,

· ~o tbl) 'Flaa o( the • Mr2. Cbatlea Hodgin bonl)red . W'f,QJJesdny w~." ,,_fie rode his bi·' · · · · · ' ,. . · · ·

b•r bUJb~nd-witb. JQl'pri§e birth· cycle fuU tilt it.\~0 a trUI,!lt driven p ·p I ' •t• . i o· ' f V~ted Statta of America, Pll ~!) the Republic tor l1fl\l,mlt •t.nd" ollfl Nation

day p•rtr. l•!lt Frl"jl)\\~igb.t ~t by!)l~acl Cn•nett at tbe corner.by . . . 0 •. u . art Y:\' >; Cornmgt)tty Cent~r~~~\ ~e.hgbt· El 0Jbol~ " ~~1. Arthur autt red · fuhvenin&i)t(jan(lir~~j. enjoy. askullfrac.turo .f,l.Ud e~ts on his .• Demqc_ ra~ic.~Party

. ' •

' ll1divlllibJt, with lAber~:v- ant\ · .TUitlet

for. all," •

t~ by tb~ ~6 gu~~ ~Hodgin .he~d. Bra~k took bun to the . . . . · received 1DIIUY useful gifts. A 1'utner hospital where be is sliBbf;. • . . . '< v

. •. 1 ;. " I

lovaly. luncb~on was $etved by ~Y improved. _He was unconsc- When,:a De~ocratic cupdidnte did l;lill in tlip. adjoining state. the bosteilll. . _,/ . . tou~ from the time t>ftbe Qccident for a Congre~ional ae-a.t Jn New . ! .-· .,...._ -

· u~t•l y~sterd<l~, at wbicb time be York won ~1th n maJority l!.'$!3 ".~! hav~n t _heard much nbout reeogruzed his father.

1 tba_. normaltt wa.s htdled b;v t\tQ ·the , t rend<l' smee these bappex!·

Chief ·Petty Officer and Mrs. · R.eRublicniiS as -a-definite indi- 'inga .~nd there hns been a eom-pfew ~ B ca.tion of tl>e surging of a1,1 anti• abafidonment.of tho GOP tbeoey

m• utle~ of lt1l·Paso were the MRS. ELISHA LE!)LIE adminstrailon trend.. Li'·ew:6 .... that.they would get a maJ"oritv in

••• autUJ of .Mr. and Mrs Carl 0 J!. • " · ., Ho~il~nd last week. Funeral services for Mrs. }!llisbo when the minority party tbought tho ~eoate in November. a

-- ·(

Leslie were held llt 2 o'cJor:k Suu- it had a chance in an OklahdQla · day af.tl'I~Oon from 'the .. White by·election it pointed out>tha.t the abwev~r' the c~mpaign -of 'df.e O~ka re11idtmce, followed by cotn· revolt against the New Deal bad traetion is g(ling on, The oppoai· , •

**~~ mat tal at Ccdar\'ale Cemetery. spre~d aouthwar<t Tile Pemo• t.iop: apolieomen bave littl(l to llll7 • ,,; • "~.l. ~~ The Rev. George C. Benson cratu! candidate won bnndlly, Wo ~bout their prospective candi·

t ~f1." I he(llr.._. ~ of .t~e Cnl'rizozo Bnptib~ Church got..no comment from tho trend dat~/ though those newspapers I want te~rtake,tbfa!otcuion ~J ~**' «-re offlcta.ted, Mro. Leohe pneied dctectoro, so they turned to the th•t/lnveigbed against Mr. Dewey to thank tbl Dtmotratic YOttfl Spcclal to tho U.co!n OoiUlty Newa:


~ . ~~~ . aw~y Tburoday, June lot, 1944 of deep ooutb. Ira Alabama and bavcl discovered ungue~ed ex· for •pJendid au,port Qf rny can- Sgt. Pro-.ino of Clapiln .;JfY ~ ~ heart · attack. Cnoket benrert! Flor_ida they ~aw in tbe Detno- ccllcncieo in the make-up of the ldacy for lheriU in the primary Hiabllt llankillg Non-Com

R. A. Walker, Mgr. were~ Mt:ssrs. Marshal Atklncon, era~c primaraea D de tin ito indi· Governor of New York since bie election, wklth reaultN Ia my Ia BiB Squadron - Sum Dillard. J. C. Hutchinson, catt~n .that .it wao tl~.~,-Nationat pr<ljpecUvc nomination · · · . .:-..

FJUDAY a aATUJlDA": It L. Fulmer, Jot Ruotin and admm1stratt?~ tba~ w~s on trial. asl!tlred. Mcanwbire, th11y are · , AN EIGBTJI AAJ' BOMB!la A•DOUBLE FEATURE . Roley Wnrd' . T~ey eamp~1gned ~gamst Senator pUteulng tho theory that what- In ,ordtl t• CU' rour STATION, llngland-Firt' Str

Dick Foran -Ia-

.. Guns of The Pecos"

-Pl..US-.. () '

Mra. le!3Ue, nee, Ruby BooPI Ltstl'r Hll~m a PDNIY Domocaatic eve~ the adminiotrntion doea Ia 1• feel sure tnt •anr of JOU 11c- cent Jamea R. ProviDe, 29, of was born May 30th., 1891 a~ otruggt~ WJtb all the empbnsiund wrong. Just now they aro vcbc• r&flced valuable time from you Claoitaa, N. Mcx., u tbt higbe1 Hartford, Connecticut., wbcre and fervor, .•nd. with money they ~cnl. ovor the tolting over by tbu work and IJJttJaing to ra•toe ranking non-commluiontd offim Ghi was educated. Sbo cama to wou!d ordmar!lY expgpd il~ a Govornment of ~ho Montgomery b:OadeasU.g the proar• of our in bit 1quadron at tbla Eighth Air New ·.Mexico 20 y~aro ago, In Nottonal .electiOn. In F!or,da Ward et~tabliohment duo to the btg strokt on tlat lnvaalon freat Force ban from wblth flJina 193~ she ~ll!l united in murriago they c~nmvcd tl: tbo entry Jntfi reruonl of tbut institution to obeJ where tht prutatt of .•••r tf fortrtllt'l constantly attaek _mil• to Elisha Leolie. th~ pramary fight of four candi., tbo nge!lcy charged with treating oqr boya _hell! a YltU latll'tlt to ital'J and laduatrial targetJ in

Sho woo. a momher of thQ dates to oppmo Senator Pepper labor dloputco. If the President all AmerttUL Tnnkl apia. Nuij!1ll'tlpo il ln tbarge or all en· Prrohyterian Chureb. Beoides her with tbr hope thit the sggregate had not tnken tbat otep tboy liated ••n in bli organization.

BUNDA Y, MONDAY, TVB8DAT buab::md Dho io survived by a sis· vow of the four wonld fore• a would be abusing him as being •• -L. S. -Do .. C.nltr.- 'l'ht fil'll tergcant ia tho admln· · terin Connecticut. rc._n;off .race,.as under tho Florida afraid to enforce the law. illratlvt bead of tho squadron

Nellbn Eddy, Smanoa Fo~tcr, law nomination requircatbat tho . , "· • • trorkinl with tht adjutant ln

'"Tne Deerslayer"

Claude Rains . . candidate must havo a 1najority . · • M. 0 .. LoqltJ Wl lu' aupervlitng tho preparation of aU - ia- QA:t:D OF TBANKS of all tho votes. 6 . When ht goca on a vacation, u forltll.mta.. nporta eoneetnins dutiea, Ulna•,

• ? Wo w1sh to thank, our f~icnda ~ 1

. , • . _ he bB!l dop~ wb:novcr be needtd aceount o! tb NlcJ actlvitiea f•f men in his unit. ·· ~!'hantom -o(The O,Pera'• for .thn m~?a~~~:~P-~_I;l!~.and ~.M Jn .Al'ahama . the. F

0 o~tl • wbtSpc~s campaign mothll'. iJ ruponaiblo for b a v i n a

lttaa~t· It's tomanti~ h"s ltivrngSQil(• .. U(}a.AnJJ.UUpnQw. campaign wuwa~d-''cntiro} r~:~-'lt-~ »WJl mamtainql. ~; ~ •· · at.the .tflmnandmg cffi(>el' lhrilling, and, all in Tcebnicelor tho death of our beloved wife tho od b. p '!/ bnscolla~ed and Is euffrrang u·.- lllrild out by lbt enlisted ....., •

and mother. · voc&cy Y eppcr of t b o every d~eace from houcimaid's · ., .. r too. New Deal principles and bio loyal· 1m • 1

Mill HtltD 1 .. Kti& ntarDtcS IOIDtJ, ltes that the aqnadron ··Tho Elioha Lc.:Jiio family ty to tbo adminiatration'e policies toll to ~ppop cJty. from Santa ft Seday wllNt alai peno~~nel are propt>rly boueed,

-ALSo- 1'bo oppasition candidate roared hu dec• vilithlalltl lil&w, Jlrt. ftd ud dothed, and is tht "filO

~tll'Amount News-& Mra Roy Hormon arrived borpo and . r'aied over "burcancraey." Theso nro tho ordinary ~ped· Jack S&ritnL bet~HB" for commiisinneu BOd "The,Truck That Flew' JllBt Frldny night from Jill Paso ~ tho other familiar phantoms iPnta of n party that bao no pol· a •• abahtl peraonntl of tllo oraanis·

wbere abo recently underwent an mvok!d againat tho conduct of icifo of its own to advocate, and aUon. !ct. Provlno a lao eee. that . tho war by tho Democtlltic "'OV only difioro from the u e u 11 1 Lt. nd Mra. W, E. JltKinlQ the men uder his supervleton are

opernt1on. o " • b 8 1 ! ed 1 h -..-. _ • cmment and confidently predicted quodrenniol whoop-up of the Outs avo a new 1·2 pound IOD, born llfOPfl' V P IC: n t e section for Jah.D , Wayne, D•noia O'Keefe, Mrs. Ettn Bell rc~eived word tbnt. the administration would be ago loot tho Ina, in that it b&3 June lat. 19''- a' 'ktlr hoat in whieh they are ~at aulted, and It

StW&n Hayward tba(ber protber, Mr. N. Jobnoon castigated and tho "rovolt" c.! tbo otartcd earlier than onoal. Ordl· Van Nuya, Calif. _Tilt Norma• illlil rMllODiiblttty to know tbt ·- ta- pa!:Sl'd away in Fort Worth, Tex· South would bo dcmonotrated by nnr•ly th!J bunkum bE>gins with grandparcntlare nq preud. Wb!rtabouta of pE>rennnel I ortier


"Tiie F:' h , ll!l Monday. • tbe deicat of tbeat two Senators, thE> National conventions, but . .... that. tbq ml)' be speedily located tg tlng Seabee! and P~.r.ller won aa dtfinitoJy as thin timo tbey could not t1ait. Mr. anb Mra. Mallirt and daa&ll and noUfttd when it Ia. ilmP for

T~t U. S. Navy Comtruction • tcr, Misa u•--& lluirt an• thti'IJillg Forti to t~lt~ • q "" u •Qlnttra in a &tory big and im· Mr. and Mro. C. E. Degner and ·· -- - · - - - -~-- ~- ·· - -- W F -;;.•y• Loudia bomblna attack agatnat tt, • r'o

portl.ttJ, Vit~lU:ed by atbiove- family hnve moved to tho Spence Mro Nora Pbip~s went to l .. - Roswell b~la• :ltonii.O:::' WU maehlne-or for ar • ,, l.l'r aunta b .. cd on actual adventore. old boone rc:ently vacawd by tbe Clo'tio 'l'u"a.dsY· to vtstt bcr daug·l WourDar Bond

1 du,y. ,

-ALSO ~ Barnett familY. bter .Mrs. Pterc · HumbJQ. 1 .. tm t 0• Sat. Provme, tbe son of Mrs L _ ...... . .nves. · en •B Mr. and Mn. '8. E. Karlia and Ht!an 0. Provine of <:apltan, en·

"JiopJ»tt iioUS'wood" & "In the MiF~D Ro:::lleo FrMC~, of Oom· . • . • I Your lnvest~nt daughter, Kay, qen' lan •uk li•tt•la tht A.hF on Stptem.bGr Gardent• inc is a gnat of b9r ol!lter, Mrs. Conmderable unprov?ments nrel In AmerietJ • ., • viaitin1 Mr. Karlin'• •ollttt Mrt 10 1942 and rteeivrd bl! baa''

Carl Hoagland. being made oi! our ctty otrcet" · Eva Karlnn. Mr. Karlill • U:Wwg' a 1 Rcswall, N. Me•x

Wanted UJidgram ha~a. The Tita1Jortb eo. Ine. •

YES I Wo Do l·A Job Work.



'~We Must Presarve........-.

an~ bon tb_9 ~Jghwa~s, 11 8~fe of · - High SebtloJ cnath at Hatcla Prior to bt. enliUmEJnt, bt wu

wh1c rcc01veu a CO!h (h ot · Miss Josephine Dow arrived empioJtd u an aircraft meehanit from 1:1 PMo lnst W crlneaday to hT yarfou ab:mft indutrlu lD

• ~ • . vioit ber parenta and her brother Mr. Pink Robtnl f.l bm from Ginda!t, California. Hope ana Glen Snow were tll Arthur, who wao injured when his Oakland, California te Yiai' biJ

o f meule• tbe p:~st week. 1 bicyele and a truck collided. m!Jtber, Mn. AU• Ra'butl, IDd ..:::;;:::;===~=======~========= h13 two siatm, ?llrJ, Anna Rob- lat. Pa'lll H. Jonu, ana of Mrs.

tttl!, a11d Mn. Ada asuton.. 01& C. Jonca bu bten promoted


t 2 . i I

Stzt. Albert &oHdl waa

t• 8tcoad Litntenan~ ill th• Cavalry.

• a en

lie freedom To A(bieve" Monday. •• .. bfJ Clat Wood. S 2·• arrivld •om• • . Mr. Plitt B•ltedl ftlhD AI· Taetdat afgbt to yiJit b[a Jill'·



.. . lndiriduil blitiatiYe, under the. rrco enterpriso ayeteill.~

· ml~t Am.etiCJa grtat. It i!l.our ~at guarantee <ot con .. · tiPW!Cl prQiftlf; t)f Job• for aU,• of tun produetioo in ~hi foture. .FtH ballkirtg jj, th& natural ally ot rte'e lrnsirteM• ~Oitilitt, uablmPtrt4 by polltiqal domination and eon ttoJ, they lloid the. pro•ite of a be ttet tomorrow. "'

• I . ~ . ~

PJ:•••rr• TH£ AMi)ttlCAN WAY! ' .

.. . •

i '

• •

. .nd 1itlillttt fire, Ettl ·Sit tt.!PJ· W. • . llit lMt'k lit .11!$id IJ Wllt!ll~ ttt?r

fftiltllf. 'he dittdtif ftl!f. •ehlt!tt ,_.-. . .utiU!!t! t• &re. He'liti'f<'t*"' .... H.f-1HOt'l ... .lhftlt .... .

.·. V.$. 'frdlilriDi#lfMfitjl


buquerqut. nta, lrlt. and Mra. Albfrt \VOid •



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·We in.lt. the public .. ' ..

. ,, •·•to visit our cafe

· •... Atlrft. ·4R.na.~.,

- . ... -"

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"Clean Comics That Will Amuse ·<Both Old· a~d Young

LALA PALOOZA -A Buaine~t Stroke Mit. 'DAM, 014, O'i:t>.R-'POCia VIHCt:MT THe fiGHT CAUGHT COLD IN H\S' PROMOTER THR6t>.i MO CAlii"T

IC. HER£3 UTTER A. Vi/ORO-SUT TO TA\..K TO 1-(e'LI. HA.~6 TO CHJU M15TSR .~~ THE MAN I GUESS VINCENT ',t.~~~~---"'---.-"',1

REG'LAR FELLERS-Douhle Duty Idea • r---~-----------------OOY-!


THit:ll eooK AN' WATCH \:;[!~ Al~PLAN£.5 AT

'f+o( SAIVlE' TIMe.!

POP-And Pop Coea Off in a Cloud


r---------------------OOE:S ~IG POWDER NO f IT 601::5 ON WITH A

t>UFF I 00 01=1= WITH

A 6ANC3?



ttra ltwis


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r~ay ACT r.1 tt0 f1.4C!vt7 ~~cs::r~

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THERE Ja u sno~ae 9hoe~td curtain :fods;"Y')Hot twb geu·

erations we . hnve . ntl~ s~en such elaborate window tre~tm~nJ$,. 'J.Ihe formal awags, Cas.cndea- ah4 la®ts so dear to our grandmiJthera seem to l>e e~nctly rJcht with the Victorian furnitut~ ~Jl.tl.t. i(l g~ltllng w popularity all th~ ti,mc. ··

Each piece of th~ qrpped vnlance sho~ here fa ~t .sepa-


rately. The diagram at the left

I gives the dimenaion:.J ot the eq. jabots. The olde owllgs .s::_ross .-

1 the middle ond a center owaa overlaps them. The menn!U'cmcnts ot thlo center owog Ql'e· given here, but these ll'lill V,Q'tf OCC,Ord• lng to tho opace the IJWO[l lD to f\11. Each nwaa to cut bfaa at tho endo and pleated and tncl::ctl pvcr the pole, ao shown ot the tower left. The method of taldna measurements to obowu ot tho rlaht~

• • • tJOTE-·Tblo Ill tho th!rd ot A ccrlco al

modem adaptntlcrus oJ p~rlad curtnln fnW­IaruJ. Vormlll 0\'IOG volmlCCll ~r.cuotro c;a a volllnco bmud oto lllll!ltratcd mttl e~ b,v·atcp dlrcdlallll Ill I!OOit 1. Tl:D tea formnl lYlW 11rnpcl3 !.'l cno ll!= l!r tllowll In OOO!t ~ llooha oro 1!l c-..nta oacb. Order !Ure<:Uy Uom: •

Mnn. n\JTD WYE'nl SPC&n.S Ik<llord DWD t-low York

Dr<>wer tQ Encln::o 1!l ccnta I:Jir ce~ch 'bc.:JII. !!o­

~rc<t rJcroo .• f •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

~~rCCJ ··········~··!*•••••••••••••



lltatateetl'lte ef ctllt qotkl#o r~:~hlter '!:lata ofta' ,..,_ _., •• "• m~r lm~ ~t!lcy" Ia •baarteil hy lc¢~dtl:t:J rW­Ioar curtkrtllo~e ~key ho!.tl tkt tlae u.s. CUfll!lct loe otkq:.rat.t1 ,...,. ........ u ...... t• • fen Ita ll:ltZoasl ll!l'filrclit -lau h Ia ftu ffCifft tU ,.,.... of • rt~lo1utr akcrta• a, • h.4-lq atluttihed te hy ...-t

. tlstaklq A!Hr~tut. .

\'lc:ld c:::;c::::u f::rr ~ r::::-.::ol c:-.d ryr.~~ r.;!:bet clt« f!;e Wet •::1 c;;:tc:;tc!e r.tcf.t 2,8CO,cn~ t:;a 't='it• psaC.dt l::M 1.. ~1, p:&:!e::t cf J.l' • Goc:!ri;:l,. Th!ll [, =:e ~ r.,::,. CJ 1:'~ CJ 1!-A ~l;f b rtl/ir

'e-.ed In c:ry Ct:e yael' •


0~ ftlto A~tion fw full Vl-:t6~Vi

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Over at the Brltbh Emb:u::!JY they enjoy telling the one .oOOut tho palr of Gurkh!lS (noted oo Indill'o bravcot tribe) wb.D volunteered for tho In­d.lon Army's sky-troopo. Th~ nol!cd the British officer: "Frqnt what helgbt 01'0 W~ SU!Ppt~:Jed to jump?"

"Five bundtc11 feet." they wcro in-formed.' · ·

"Nnth!ng doing," ono complnfned, "that' a. too high. Cllhn't we try from 200 feet, o!lll chop?" ·

"t1o," salt!! the officer, "from •ttch a low height thoro !3 p-eat d~mga the panebuto wcn't opem In limo."

"Yw mcnn." they mreltllmed. ''Thnt we got p::trocbutc!l?"

------...----------~,-~··-···. " "

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Efli~ieJtt F ee~ling Geb Better Rewlta

Careful Management Needed to Meet Go~

. ' ..... ----~ ..


. . ;:


. '

,. .

._ ' '" ,.


. •'·


llle:r<!P.!i!id effic:{enc::y can Jolv• part ()f the 1944 liveotock and poUltcy feeding problem, accord.ing to War Fog1i nchninlstratl.on offlclolo.

' ' ;- ., j t," '.,

Duting 1942-43, ~bout 2.6 ,per cent more feed concentrates was exn­ployed than ~~='ns 194142, but out.­put of livestoCk pro1iucts inc,;~aood by only 1'3 per cent.

Officials point out that lf tbo ratt of fccdjng con be held midw:oy ~ tween the t\VQ-thirdo of o ton of con­centrates per livestock unit fed dur­ing 1941-42 and the three-fourths of • ton fed during 1942-43, production goals of 1944 should be achieved with ' uoo of only'140.7 mllllon tono of feed conccntrotco. ThlD would be about 'l rnlllJon tono less than lost year·~ feeding. · '

SuggeoUano made by departmcn\ of ngrlculture officlnlo \'lith rogar4 * to feeding cffic£cncy include: ,Llgb~ ' · ·: hoiJG can be produced with led feed ~cr pound than heavy bogo; more esoo can ~? produced with Ieos feed by culllnl! out mQJ'P of the non·lnyera nnd keeping- o. lnrsct per­centage of pulleto; beef cattle c.hould be fed ohorter and Uahtcr; and ' more dependence ohould be placed on rouohaae for cattle and ohcep.

1964 \34AI

. ~ .


Exparto urge OllinlnoUon of crowded form condlUono whorocvcr pO!:!liblo. With many farmern rol.tJ. Ins moro corn qnd coybeano, tor c.uromple, lees pnoturQ !D avaJloble and TaoulUng crowded c:ondlUIIna contrlbuto to dlccnoe and to death lo!lo among anlmam o,nd poultry.

Farmoro 1n feed smplus nretu hove been urged to pro1lueo tbe commodlUcB they con produe~:~ best and to adjUDt their Uvcotaek dpcra· tiona to a level thn\ wi1J enable the oblpment Gf come tsutplU/3 fo~ to the farmers ln deflelt.-fccd areas.

A GRACEFUL, dlgn}Qcd frock to be demo In soft cheer royon

c.rcpcs and cottDn!l. Tho lop-over aide clo:JlnS maltp.D It an cooy frock to sUp Into.

• • • Bartan ~n Pattam No. ~· b c!o. ~ ~ m!!U Ct. :tl, 1111, to. t:l. U, .. ~ 4L f:lU ~ •':~rt a!tovC3, r«!ulre3 ·~ rardJ c1 ~L"l::b rna tcrtat. L

Shouldt~ Rulllea

olcndor tlauro, lt will look lovcl,) dono In om art, rayon ollli taffeta otrlpes, In br~lt cotton!l, 1n own· mor porcolco.

• • • Pattern Uo. C~lO 1:1 l!l oll!.co U. Ill, Ul,

11 .and lll. fl1z:o t:l. rufficd vcnrton. -qulrcD 4 ;vnrd:l c! P·lnch mtltcrtoll wtfb. ou\ rum~. llli yaron: ~~ rllld c:cotrut • fer collAr,

Duo 'b an um.unmlly tari!Q <lcman:! &Oil.J currcot wu condltl.!lru:J, ttUabllY ll:!ml Ulll:f' 1:1 ~ke<l tn Oll!:la ordcn~ tor a lCVI Cit li'.O mcsl pc;mllll' p.sUoro ouml>c:JI.

c.:r-1 )O'~"T c:<!.et to:

BCWI!'10 c:t•CLll PATmaN ll&S"r. 1118 B::~CI Wtlls !l!. Ctl!t:&JG

Er.dc:o t!l ccntll b co!::S !nr ucl!. t:3ltao ac:m-c::1. • Pattcra Uo.. .......... •• ••• &lto •• •••• •• TliEl vogue tor pUmto.re ''rut·

f!c.o.., hal t.n.nplrcd thia smart. tlea.tnO ........... .,. ...................... . ovar-tho-ahotddcr JUffie<ttw-/)!Plleetrt-'1 "~ .............................. .


•'Jlave 100 ootked a dlaerence ID thb clover cloce the !J()Sa !!larkd gg!o~ pho:rphak3 &IllS Ume'i"

• ·YearlinG Heifers Thrive

On Plenty of Rout;hnr;e Bc!fcrn, like otdcr co'W'!l, oro copa·

b!o <d utlllzinn larao amm.mtn of rough.ane. Dr. Gcorco E. Taylor, mrtcnnlrm cloirymon at nutacro u., co.yo that Ccc!ling hdfcrn aU the WJChogc th-7 will cut io a litl'Oln­oovinlJ procUco worth coooidcrln[J.

"Ycorlfn3 llaifero con oo cuccc:oD­Iiully ta~~ on roughage alano from anc yeo!!' a1 aae to two montll.!J prior to fronne1lina," Dll'. Taylor rozmtta. "Daring w..tmmor, hcifcrn fflt!!jt ba pro-vllicd almnllnnt pC!lture in order t!J molto cood aoir.!l an pOJrturo otanc. "lhl!l con lK!ot be d::rno by o eyctcm c1 rntaUan arozma. A tarao group ol Ho!nteln owl Gu:!li'T'~cy hoitaro at U10 t:Jow Jcrozy Dairy Ret:corch form, Su~c:tt county, avcYat:~d a cram d cnc oml o Olth pt;'.Jndn per do~ en s::anture alone. Holntolr.n aomcd on nvcroae cd <me and o bnl!l pm.m:iln on:! Gucrn!:cyn ano ~;m'!.ll'lll.

"In winter, tho c.amo ar(I'Jp o2 ltclfcro on hoy on!l oUano tllono gained fram a Oftb of a pt>'.md to !llla pmm:l a dny. Durin(! tho enUre JilOT:f«i, tha lteifcrn wore normol and cDrrlc<l plenty of fleoil." .

Hci.fero under cne year ot $go munt tm fmll cuma crnfn. tti grow nommlly. Tho roquirod amG1tnt do­p:!mlo upon tho qualn;' of roughage !:£:4. llOWiJVOf, buby ~OW~ <!a~ he!. rDioed on a tnlnlmum am!)1Jnt of milk 0111d ehoncrcd to dry feed ot flvo to oilit wcc'IW of ogo, rcnultlng !n a mwing ot both milk aml ,gralri.

.. Stlmo dolrymcn may bo wmptcd tb d!ccontinus raining boifora ·in ot­a()J!' to conootvo grain," Dr. Ttlylut sa~. ''but tills would be' a ISMrt­ll.iahtcd program from tho 15Wtd· point of llio luturo daley it4tJs!ey. However, dt1 not waota tee:! bt rais­blg pnor Mlfora. So!aet -o11Ip, the \lost heifera tor reptaecmcnt$. '


drcS3. Pc'kfc~t for tho youna Pd

nose wllo wu~ llu.se5'0f COl• glCD know bow dWtrcC3ing It 1J to llavo J}lo le:ncco became clxnuiy and blurred. U they nrc elcnncl every morning wllh coop nnd lwt water thoy will coidom need clean· fng durica the dey. ronco them wcll ond dey with UC;uo p:Jpor cr n con clean ab::nrbcnt clfrl.b.

• • • To remove tbo mark modo from

mlhlna a match on p:1ln\Cd 6111'­fllco1 rub a cut loman over tho mnrli ruu1 waoh an re;ua.l.

• • • lf the lron be~:c91cs f(lt!J:b GD tho

bottom, rub vicorouoly with ooJt drunpcncllln cold 't:lotor. Apply lt with el'tl!lhcd newup::~por, then rub tho Iron on a clean cloth nn:l it wW bo mur:.b Improved.

• • • Tfle best,wa1 to wuh walls or

woodwotk 1.!1 to l:maln ot tml bot­tom and worll: to tho top. 'l'hi!J I"Wid!J olrcaltlng whoro tho dirty wato= wcn!d run down unll pro­vcntn ll dlmcult Job o1 rcmovlni sucll otrcoim.

• • • Wt:w was!llnc llab)''s b:::D!ld,

dey U over on fn-;nrtcd ml%iog bm71 Gt tho pr~cr oizo. TOo lacy olmll c:np:~ cf tho tcCD>oacm eon ho n::nhnp::d tho r:mmo wey. A plnto l!l aooo fer rcnhapmg thJ' hcrot ot)llc.

••• tnean chl!11rcn•s ~ay tle!ln tm4

lilio teys by ruhbmg {!)em wiili cam~eb.

Americnn Storks Observe Etiquette When Feasting

Amcrtcnn stort-m Cwml'll lbl5> a~ cfficicnf Md polito. Wilen • ftnek dcr:cerula en a o&llow prmd, tbelln tiraa ~a 11 sort Gf dance to rilo the water and Ioree tad­polct~ nntt smnn $bb to tho GUt• taco. M tl~oco rita to tho top, they ara kffit!l by t~& ncnrcst birds. Dut ~ Whtn tinougb fOoo Is l!otlting n:o the wntcr for th~ en. Ute flock do the l.ilrds begin to ~lUI.

,. -U

\ • .


A sm.an ~maw or p:'ld botween tho tmeco of a clclt poticnt oo he Ucs on 1ilit oltio eon givo creal roll of.

• • • Bcwm. maehloes that u..,

clconcd, ollcd and ndjualcd rcgu. lady celdam wear ouL Tho t:mt of diroctiore tho\ eomco wl\b the moduno tnD help glvo a moehl.ne long llfo.

Priscmen at War Over lllO,Oill.l rcbnbill\ntcd u.

cunviets oro now In tho U. I. army.


Ta:tA7 p::·A r,.. b.,~~"' ••!fro y.., =~Iii w::lJ c:!t ~ t;1 C::¢8 ar4 '-', ... t;::> • ., bot~ \'c:o 0111 ~ ~ ... &::J. a::"*'......, .ta::a d ~d .... ~ rot """' ~ e:t t~7 .... t.~ ~ \oell.l

fl:a f;p ~~;. ~ ~ell'r::hfstfr::e• tn".::sr r:O::t r;;:o ~ .:U..~~o\-u nr...~• rw Ue;n 'I"" !>ow f:> &ol• o!"~at:r ef a-a;~f09WiilM~!aa4 -~bba.

fREE ..,.. rd,$$r ,,.. c:p,

et ·~ e1 Vt:.:lt fetHetu s .. :::;"~ d~\~• tl.:fin ..W 'P'IfWI~ ~·­t.!.t ll:rtt• W•'i!.a t~h­• .,., c.stl v.~ ....... ,. .......

• • I


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-.-..... ~ ...... ~.,.. ··. · · · "'o.u 1111 · • · · I I • • • · • I · · • • ," A-nno~nce~ent' · TO oAil!.M. QA'.c.~..~ .. 11·A~Icl.uAiTi-. 7 - · .. ~~~~~r-~!!!1~::- WAR BOI\f·D·S · · · · · .Collector of Intermil Revenue, · · ""· .~.··. ; .. ·

•. ndor tlllt Act ot M•ueb a. ttm. · . ··. l · · , .,. · · ,·, ...;"-- :. . . · · _.- · · ~~1;~:17 • . . '· · Tfie~ ~~~~!~$_}~~·~. ~-.-.·~· : · ·. ·.· · .· · · · M t¥ t. be~t. ... ..,.}.J • 'I ~---............... - ' I ' ' r B .,,, . w~ ' 1

. . ... ~ .. ( . . . ' . . ee mg 0 ·... .... u~ :'!'· Ut ' . tSuh~nJtzllwa.la.~~~.s:wo-f',..'~~r'-'··· .. :........ .'....... .. P~ IJ,:;__ m .. :. - t ·-·--• ' . . '0-'1;'7®. Cd~rUtffr LinfiW®ii'· . . IU1~mAugu$tl5~b ilf.the d~ttJ. dqo each Precinct Ju.n'e 8~1944 ·,ud •

'Who):I.TQp~n t.\ttocltcd at Pearl Har- '· . . ~ · • for Jn~prmatioti :re,turna . to. be also a Connty Convention • to be 4<hcrt ..... ~~<~••• ,~.., o• a.._.. ' bor we had 17 baUleshlpa in oc.rviC.Q ' • filed by ta$-exempt i'>rgantzattons held June 17, 1944. 3~ 1:80 P.:,M •.. ~-··· - ------- ------ and lti bulldiii(I. We were m!.llrinG Evory.,timQ L9m Milrt.in h;.>.arJ Frop nhcrt~ ][ .ftit, hcrc'a l!1~ , i

1 .1: '·~ . . ,

li'RIDAY, June .'9, lU44 v:reyaratibnl.l but th.o ·wnr diil. not ~bot;ttf!!totful~J~vbuttle;~llfub~· w.oy it io ••• It'a np 10' everyone ~ur I !lea ~ars- -en.nng. v -or~ in Grade Schciol Gym., Capitan wait. T.hcoc. 3ll battle WP,gona cost ln1 bt~h-of~Mhcr Nq~ cjty of ns ,, llUt no& o:dy 4lttr ~p;uo April1,1944. This"dlle date has New M.exieo. • ·

. -·- ·-· ·- .. . ,, .•. ·--- AmcrJcan taxpayero three billion b:J .Jll!!~.Mfldlrl:edd;,..,.Lt!m tfl:'il;p .bb IIIOlltlJ! into War Eondll, but Ja _been P. oat.P. on_ ed from' april 15. The p'urpos'e of' •·be·. "•a_· ..... ·.n,• ftra. E111 0, 6rnllh, fi~III1Ull4 P"-ll•ll•r doll~ra fpr a two OCeiDl MVY. Tb1) , t~t l, en · izo into hlP Pl>C!wt iir,nre out1new w~yo ot nuvln'" etJ b "' r .. .,.. "" · wu seemed tar ~·way then. for tnore War Bond money. v · that we'IJ l1ave ntill"mo~~ m~~~r Organt~attons s~cb \lB Cham era Meetini!s will be to elect. Chair·

~-- .... ·M. ~~otic".· ... '' :---- " . Wilh our MI!Iicro ()V(!J" ln"'f:J) io inveat in VictOI/1'• . of·. Commerce, Labor Unt01'8, d v· Ch . .... -~ ·d· to 4""" "" • '' • .-r• 1 ' b "' • . . · ch h , 1.. men IUl 1ce· •.trJQ~~ a_n

::O::n'.~t~U:n~~!':;f~t ~~~:~ ·!>l~ r:f!c~r~!~::a·~~~:! Conur~urn.ty ~bests and " select delegates. to t h ~- ,.Coun.ty ..... ~j

The · Dally Vacation Bible School nt the Baptist Cburcb bno been pootf.oned indefhnt~ly. New dateo will be annQunctd later.

Do Ht or Don't Ht? -Wbero Dewey atanda-on any· 'blng-ia blank mya,try, His is a c11ndibaey without n eandidate on a platform wi~bout fl plank. Tho Republiann Port.v might a1 well propose winning tbt war by armic• without gen~md1 a n d aoldlors without guna-PbJia­dolpbia Record (Ind.)

WANTilD Uegd grata baga

Tlw T1toworth Co, Inc.

To the People of thin Community

Ttlt>rc arc many urr::cn\ rllocnno tur buyh•ll War lJondo. I~lrnt. tho uwunlun r~t•cdn money nondo puy tor plauco and GU11D ond munlllona

with which to boot th11 AII!o. our flabunn mon muot hove tllo bc;nt pooolblo equip. rncnt and H Jo u.o to u~ to lot our rnono.v pro. vide lhlo.

A occonll rcooon lo thlo: Thoro lo. o

ohortnr.c of czooda now. Later on Utero wlll be plenty tor clvlllon dt­otrrn Mnnoy put lf\lll War llondo nuw will bo ovollnblc l!iell. Ouol· """o <•"l"•rtunlllco will be oprn Ulcn, 1{111, and tho "neat caa" onQcd -floW ruov h<>trh out eommcrt'loll:l then.

Mnncy rout Into \'lor Ilnn!!o now will be dqmvcl Ql ito 1.!1ll'rdlt pu­t..r•ttollly oa a port Of 1.110 COU0('0 Of lnfi,l tlan 'l{ llU Wlli ba dolllO YOUI:' V3 rt Inward otoblUdna tllo m011cy n~•wlt•on by buylntl ilondo lmtt~fl ht d~\_lndllna otodto. Tbolltl o !SlLr:3. rC'o r.h:ll

nut uw t<rr.t rroollll ttom o cct::.ll viewpoint lo thin· IIlah I now lhrro to M brltcr lnvcatmcrlt Ulnn Wor Unndo Thrr<> to no oafcr rqmoitHfY tor :;oour mnnry. n.v buytncr I.Jundo you IJ<'•·un•r o olncl.•holdC'r In Uw otr<nHlc-'t "auJntf' Cmtt~rn 111 l,ho ~'tJit1 l•..toy, tho United f:l!nloa o1 Amerlcn TilE ED1T011.

'_, \l


J.ennmteltfil Ar.o Now Deiog Given


' Beauty Shoppe Popular Pricco: _

$10 to $25" EJTperienced Operator •

• --..-..---. '

The l\lorc Follis You Tell The M()fe Gooda You Sell


' '

Cl.ln d() tbc flume t~t home.! · • gcWnait.Allovertbeworldour ta~le msta~.uttons are to~ ones re- Convention June l'l, at whi~g It'o easy to tllinir that if ill9 .nrn l·.w() gnc them Axis folfoo QUired to fde these re,tuns. . time ten delegatelil'will be select'd

t l 11 £T d on f • ,:, r.m. I~t'a Bael: the At. Bl k t ' 990 111 1· e war 1D go n~.we • w.'l f'a'll.nwJt lr. • h '" B an re urns; torm , w v to "ttend t ... e~ta""" Dtmon•a~ic to let down JWlt n Jtttle mstead tac "'rnt •:ar ondp." 'I bl h b thh tf' f tb "' t" · ""' "''' • cl rcalizinr, that the bigger our nval 8 e ~ rou~ 0 Ice 0 e Convention. . ; buquerque, 'Hiah ·

1 offennivor,ctstbomoroourb•'l~·o /1 /l · Collector of .Internal Revenl;le. School Audl _m, June 26, 19-u I ' . to d . J L -1 .) ( l.'t Alb "" ..... • ~ ¥:::::JtloiiB.nce ., CC}Uii;;..;>Jnt v(.'c ol.:.~~.~ uquerque. at 10:00 A. M. I

. @I DllEWING INDUSTRY fOUNDATION Room 4 flrtt Noll>r' al tlulldin(l ALlliJQU~IlQUll

Joh1;1 I~. lloll, . Cnn'lzu::o, Now Mollieo . Attorney lor Executor. Mill JO

- - - ..

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No patriotic American needs tQ be reminded chat, io the Nation's interest and in his own, he must 'kWe his mr.

He known that no new CIUS have been made for more than two years • • • that the average car is

· now seven years old , . . that one out of every (our ClU'S now in use b ten years old or older!

Plainly, every single ru must be kepr tolling, becnlll!e in a total war, every car nnd truck is a weapon of war.

To conn every Ll,t bit of usefuln~s from the aging engine, ~M5IJ, ~d iliell of y~ur 0\C, you must have effiaent mamten11nce tuvtce •.• the · kind of dinlnguid::d tm:i(ll available at your Phillip~ 6G Sctvicc Smtion.

Phillips 'l"uc-S:lving Smricc includ~g

3 ' ~11!. ~

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. . !I ' ! 'II' , .• • 1 ·- '"··

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. ·~l .. __ ,

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,--, (lit pr~sures at least once a week • • • inspeCting for nail holes, CUts and bruises •. , examination of tire carcass to warn you when re-capping is advis­able and sdll possible • • • and aissaossing with the spare eve:y.,3,000 miles.

Phillips Car-Saving Smicc includes inspe(tion of battery, air filter, and caollng system .•. regular lubriCBdon of every £dc:tion point speci!ied by the maker of your car • • • iU¥1 seasonal or rcebm· mended evety•SWy·day oil change.

Remember, it .is 1:11, qr1 l!ut it is Amef/ca'z roll~gc which you are guaralog, when you qrivc in fcfPh.lllips war.dme Cu·Stving and Tire-S.iying Setvice ~t die Ohmic and Dl1ck 66 Shield .• '":'the sign of Camous P ps 66 GuoUne and Phillips G6 MotorOIL '

. •·. '

. . ' . . '


•. . •

FOR VICTORY~·. Buy· u.· S. War Bonds and Stamps



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. - ,-

Can Gtanclmotliors join lhe Elves, Leprec.hauns, Gnc.nes,anJ Litfle · Chowder and Marching Socirety, Mr. 0 1Mt111ty?


' ,_, /,


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Bat ••• to tht war' welbann•tr•ermiabla to ba7 07 prmtllt lqen ftr dlo ,..t few ••th•. ,., 10ppJr J• ao• .. ~·~••••· KIt btpctt •tctltltf to atk rw te brta1 c .... ba.,1tt• ,)u. ••cb· cltalli~•

I[ traer. A1Jiutru r••c!al ~Ptre wiD- be &JprcdaW. ft11b. 1;7

NU-WAY .. CJ:EANERS PJaone 81 .,



WllJTil it -~ • Y ouraelf?

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lN •• W.., · ClfHUtfJ'I c: •• , .. , ... ~'''"' limit

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UNCLE BAl\1 , PLAYS SA.N'lA CLAV. , · ·· • UNCLE SAM 1.8, playb)J inw~

tlonal Santa Claus in • blJ way1 many tlmes greater Ulan In W«1tl11 Wor I. Aside from the bllllon~a Sen. a tor Butler says ·we hl'.lvo donated tG our South Amertcqn cous!nB, we ate 11llted to give an oU development to Canada that boo cont American tax· poycro clooe to $160,0{)0,000. In Icc· land we Qte w· pull out tba day tho war cnl)(j. nnd len ve olrficldn and other dcvelopmento that have cont uo many mlliJono. Thnt oomc tbinfl 1s true In Frcnc;h and Euyptinn Af· rtca. Ill tbe Nenr Eoot wo havo built alrfloldo, roodD and rollroodB. all to be donated to forcinn govern­menttJ when the war 'in over. Tho Sontn Clouo acto of World War I were but plher ntuff an compared wllh what merry old Uncle Sam to doing thlo time.


THE MINER WHO DIGS the fue. ..or the min.crol from tho earth, the rollroad "mployoo who trnnoporto war material, tho worlunon In tbc ctccl mlUa and the foctorloa wno tranaforrrw motorlolo• Into p\on£'0, tankn, (!UIU'l, ohlp:1 and o.ll tho equip­ment needed for war, and tho pro­ducor of food that malt eo the \~ 11r effort poontble, oro all aoldloro In the common cauoc of prcoorvlna American freedom. Our nnncd forccn hove done, and nrc doln!lt thl'lr job. Thooe who prorluce fooel hove dono their full port. Tho numo cannot bo oold for all of tho othcn who ore eooentlol to wlnnlns o war, the purpo:~c of which to tho prcocr· votlon ol tholr llbcrtlco. It Is bard tor thoco who oro doing their part to oco why tho::lo who, for pcrconal gain, would block or retard tho war effort. ohould bo coddled and porn­pored no lltrUting labor has boon.


WE MAY NOT REAP pcrcoptlbl& now ldoolll from wnr, but each ono In which we ongogo changes, to a porcoptiblo extent, cur roclol ldcaa. Tho rccult of thd preccnt war will slvl' to women o radlcnUy onlnrscd place In lnduotey. The notlon'e de­mand for women workers in war in­ductrleo wUI mean woman's do­mondn for lnduotrtol Jobo when war productlcn b over. A crurvO}' made by tho Family Economic bureau of tho Northwcnt.crn ,. Lifo illfluronco comp:1ny. ohown two out of coch tbroo women who now hnvo jut:J tn war lnduatrloo tnDLot on cont1nutng en en lnduntrtol payroll when pooee com"a. Sbcty-nlno per cC!Ilt of the married t"..omcn now ho\dlns war Sobtl, nay thoy t"..DDt po::~twor Joll:~ • h oU oddo up to a need tor more factory job:! than wo hovo ever knol:lll bdore, and moro compotltloa for mon worltE>ra.


ol Monoachucotts, cquaobod a pollco o\riho In D!l!Jt(ln DB E1 ottlk~ O~Glr.!lt tho aovommenL 'rho\ Get!oo modo CAlvin Coolldt.e Prcllld!ent o~ tho United §tatco. In war tlmo whet Ja a otrUto of coal mlnon, raU1'oot'l cmployoco. workcn In an Glflll!Ule tac:t.cry, ahlpyord or other plan l or lnduatey engaged 1n produeUan Wr war purpn::coT 'fhoy aro otr!kcs ocaiMt tho ad~~mmon\ 111 a crnclal Utru.~. 'l'bt!y mlaht ba the caw:.a ct dcloot for our armed force:~ 11M bG thg c•uco of a heavy mss cf SD1tllcrs and nal111ro Uvea. "fut~ mnn 9<to, blt droottc moaoUl"<'.s U nocCS31ley, will put e crop to sucll strikes In Wbt Umo will crulhriM ~~ in the l:oorttJ c1 ell tnyal Amorlenn cJ\lzcns,

.. • 111


THAT 'HIE11B 1t1 A rontt &.\ v.Altdt htgt l.ne<>mo nm1 lnl'ledtant>e trutcii can t;folfm:e • I!IIDi~t tu return far Ulc sovomt~etlt Wl!lt!Dm­cmtratod tn tit~ carty tnrt~L In l02ll, Prcs!dcn\ COOThlao recommcn!fo. cA to ~fflU \hat th& th!n mul-.. mutn rate! of 48 ~r cent ho re1lucecl ta a maximum of 2l wr 1:ent. CM< src!Zt acted on that tecommcudt."' tbu~t Wlthln tbrte years ·t!w \otal ct~lfoctcd had materiallY ~nc:relll•e.tl .

, " ' '

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' . ., -, .\. •·,

Edtausted·¥anks Bunk Like· ThJg · · · Itali ·... · If · · . • ~ \ • . i . . . • • , . on. · · . . B;U. .· me ·

' ' • ~ • I . . .

Exbausted Jlanb ca~cb brief nap•, as opportunity offers, 'op]y about tOO yard!! behind ttie battle llslc 11 italy. Even blr f&ID.S don t wake •em. Lyin1 aml4\ b\'Ul!h an4 wild flower~. they grab a few wink$ before tlv DUt a4vllnce. Four vlew1 showtnr flow our doughboys sleep whiJe.tbelr bUddies Jpul the Germans b;1ek. -. - .. ~~--~ - ... - --- ·----- ·~--'- ---- ~-"""=- ~--- -- _ _____,._,. ___ _

West Point Cadets in Final Phase of Training


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Tb~ plctuzea .tlow ftnal p&asd of the ftrat eiau Cra.talq at West Point before .:raduaUon when t!le ll4ds become •eeond Uctrlellanu and entu adlve senlee. In pJctiD'e at upper left two c:adeb dean tb• ~unle ol a l05ooun. howltur foUowlDJ tlie 11Je of aenlce ammunJUan In the rou&b ttm-aln of West Point'• aewl7 develop~ tralnlllr r.rea. Lowe1' tett2 'lbree ellt1eb wko rode the General Shennan tank op and dOlm a tarrct coune polnt to where the !1-callbtJ' atllDlnnlflon fouru'Jll!l mark en the tank, Blzht: C::u!ets .,uate thll ttu.~ 11~~ llowitzers.0 Tbe tature Uentttwl\'5 nstd Uve ammuni.Uon as tht7. fltetl the (t!Jl!.

_ _...._._ ..

RAF ·With Tito's Partisans Must Wear Beard ·

. - ·,

' ;

tt, . . ·_·, -.-•. '. '. " !

.t ., ' '

wasblnrton, p •. c. fi'.ASSEN·DEWlil'£ POUBLE · · mrrc.-t ,

.,.,.,., .qJ.lict moves have beep

l&~:::~~c~rc~~ee:ntly by the Dewey and Sl . to get' to~;ethe.r m ad· -tbe ChicagQ, convention.

· was made through a close ~>f Governor Stassen Who Cllme to see Gpvernor Dewey

oUter day end sugg~ed that he couldn't opea.k outright for

S~~~j the Stassen forces might be " uet on tbe Dewey band­

Stnssen could be assured No. 2 spot on tbe Repu~

replied that he bad P fe.rred Warren of C or­nla. but he would ccrtniniy be glad to conqldcJ' Stassen for vice presi­dent providing, of course, the Mln­bccota governor withdrew from•the race for President in odvencc.

lt was left tltut Stassen'o friend, would write to him asldna him cat~: gorlcnlly whether he would with­draw frdm tlie presidential race ifl ilven tbe No. 2 place on tbe ticket,~ and alao whether hi? torcell would coopcrute to nominate Dewey. There boo not been time no yet tol receive a reply. I

Whot the Dewey forcco went to' prevent ID any remote chllnce of a' deadlock at Chicago which ml~b.t, flWing the nomination to Starman, 1

Juotice Owen b. Roberto or to Will­Jdc, Wbile they hove eo many dol~ goteo they don't believe thero Is much chance of tblo. Novcrtheleoo, they know that Pcnnoylvonlo'n Joe Pow boo been hoping f(Jr a deadlock which would throw the convention tt\ Juntlco Robcrtn.

NOTE-Frlendo ot Rooeevelt ~ frank ln admitting they would much 1:athcr b.t\vc Dewey aa an ollPoncnt thm1 Roberto. Tho Supremo court J~Uco hoo cooperated with the Preoldcnt nt Pcorl Harbor, boo an even better rcco1d than Dcwcy'o In breokiDg up grllft oo pro::ccutor ot tho Teapot Dome 41oandolo, lB tall, handcomo, a powerful, brilliant ,speaker. However, GOP diehard!! cofl!rldtlr Wm too much In favor oJ tnt.ernotlonal cooperation.

...... , .11.rtt!l .


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Alit· _· .. _ •.•.. ·•- ·? .. ANIJ1111R ••:~

· A General Qvi~ · · . · - .

1. How does the ~ of Afu~ compare with the sl2:e .of 'l'e~f

2. AJ-lington Nau<mal Shrm~ WN originally part of ·tb.!! ~w ·· tJf what prominent A.medc~t

. . ·f· "'

3. What well-knoWJl ~aractel' ·~ ftction tilted at windmill?T .

4. Wby cild IPng . Artbw• Jmighta ~>it at a round tablet ·· ·

5. Waa absentee 'voting ever be­fore permitted· to soldierJJ of tht United States? .

6. Off what shores are t1ut Grand Banks? ·

7. What is zveant by the .. dot. drums"1 ·

0. What is thJ' ~erence be-tween a patrlot JlAP patrtarcht' •

TheAmwer• 1. Alaslm is twice as large. 2. Gen. Robert E.. Lee. 3. Don Quixote. 4. To avoid any EJ!Dtlnctlon ol

rank. . ~·-_I 5. Yes. Union soldlero in \001

field duriJig tbe ClvU wm- were! permitted to vote .

0. Newfoundland . 7. Tllose tropical zone3 o1 the

oceen where calmo or bnillln& windll prevaU, n becalmed t'ltate.

0. A patriot lo one who loves and lo devoted to l)lo country. A Pt\tri• orch is the founder or bead of a faxnlly-or on aged mnn.


HELP WANTED FmBT.CLAilS MECDA!'lJCtl "".:! bol,\y ani\ tondbr man for c=ntlaJ aut=bllo 'fnd!UO lr7 rolb n ftoOO poe\ wnr tu\uro II) G U\W nod pl<>o~nt commui of CJ,OOO ~ tlon. lf'lrnklne~ r.:tlnr , Ii'ar p:uOculnn wrlto £, Q, PI.IICF: OTOI& COIIl>ANY. 11l8 D liT., 1/IJC D~OI'fAIUlrNO, C."U.b'.

-----------------· LIVE STOCK

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· DOMFf U1'


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· l'at«:m m cont;ll!ls trAIW('~ p1'4Ucrll Ill ll bibs, ~l;ll~•~ 'j)a\~ pltm ~Of l.llllll , ln rmc• 1. II, '3 or • (!All Ill o~e pattem)a dlrccttona. , · ~o to. 1111 unusuru!1 tarl'O dctmtn4 Gil

current w;~r condlUO{Io, eU(lhtl.Y molfl Ume 11 ftQUircd l.n ftUins ordcn~ 'or a few Ill Ulo most lll!Pul!lr pllt\cfll numbmt. ~nd your Ofdor tQ; ·

semo1 Cllrt:le Ne~ecean DepC. $fl W. ~dolph SL ' Qlcaro &II, IlL

Encloso lG C(:l\tll '(p\11$ <11\11 ~t to covel' cost of m11Qlill:) tor Pattefll

·No .• ; •• ·-···••••• Name ··~·••••••••••••••••••··-···••• Add.re3s •• , • ; •••• , • ,, ,,, •• , •• , ••• ,., •

But 14 of Our States \lse · .

Party Symbols on Ballota

A SUNSUIT for :sister,· glvlng tho mm a chance, blo:JSome ou\

into a sunflower, and brother's 10cs monnlob with Us chu-cbu blb In goy color. Tho tots will love

Only 14 ctates employ polltical party cymbolo on theft lr.illotl, mx uablg the reenter and elnht the star for th~ Democratic «:llll­didotco, ond six tho elephant and eight tho. eagle for tho RepubUcnn candidates, oaya Collier's. Nor are oil ballots marked IP the same wo.y, ns in ccvcral Southern statca tho voter, lrurtcod of puH!ng a crO!lo beoldo tho nomeo of the perw conB for whom he is votlnl. marks out oU tho other names. themt


Sidewbeel River Boat To Be Turned Into Dock

ST. LOUIS, - Tho "City of SL Loul!.l," a oldot?heclcr river otcamcr ~hlch Gttco woo tho bello of tho Mto­obolppl Rlvtlr trade, ID going to ·wind up ao o.n WJL!Iomoroun donlt.

Her cupcrotruclure colfi"eur iD go-­ing to bo ccropped. Tho hull t'JiU bo eonvcrted into o doch by the on evmpany that bou!J}lt her.

Built in lll1Y1 at a co:Jt of $1"..5,{)00, tho excuroion croit ";no tt:ed by 111& rnunlcipolity of SL Loui!J ot1 o b(lr­bOr boot before it wan, put C1l tho b!ndt \n 1032 onl:l cold for t3,100.

Tho bcUe'o mo:Jt rpcen\ claim to fame wan o race that never como ell. . In 1030 wmohody propn:Jed o roco hcltween !he o!d oidewheoior and fun Cnlliornio oU bumo.r, liDclta (luecn," nome to be run from 't1ow Otlcoru to St. Louin 1n tho "Robert E. Lee" atylo, with S!Ctmant$ otraomtna, bondn plnying.

But they conceDed tho roco. 'I'll!! piamatern lmd ov<!rloo!tcd the Uttld ttam of tron!!PDrtoUon cn..."i to get the Cptifomla croft to the Ml!rii&­otppi. Rivet boo.ta dl"<:~ not moved. troru:contlnentolly for pcanuta. ·



te • Jnrst Sol,lllll

Attomoy-\V'ell, "your honor, wbat dd you thlnh cJ! my o.rau· mont?

Jud{!e-lt'o cound ••• moot ccr· tolnly coWld, clr,

Attomey-Yco, and whot olno, your honor7

Judge-Nothing clce. 0

In accord with the eternal fit· ness oJ things, a girl with teeth Uke pearls -ofkn will be as dumb all an oyster.

ln Ulc G~me Sonny-Mother, wc'ro s'ina to

ploy olcpbont!l ot tho zoo and we wont you to help uo.

Mother-What on earth can J do7 .

Snnny-You can be the lady t"Jho g.lvco t11cm peanutil and candy.

l\larveloas Aj 11><~ fond 7CIWI/I mo:hu ~~.:n c%/nb­

ld."l!J hct {11'11 bam tho &.'hllor OJ!m;J ~ms~~ ·

"So thl• u rh<1 new baby p• ·y~" cald the molha pro:~dln ;,un'e

hs lot:f2lyi"' .. lr.cl"d he bf" aarct& lhe rldtor. • And w britthr. tm:J,.. rho mo:har ~ c."l. "Led: brrJJ i::~Ulgcntly ho brcoth11d ..


Spon~ea Rench Immensb Size Gatberin~ Difficult In their natural etnto some

apangen araw to glcont!c mco. Ono rocenUy Dobcd trom a grcot £POnao bed oil tho Bahalhoo mcanurcd ten feet in @rth and ~elahcd lGO IHJU!ldD wMn dried. Capturina ouch a tnonotcr fa hard v;orlt. Tho flnhcrman hoo to dc­tocb ltD root with bin bprpoon, o 1:.01lhcd bamboo roo from ::!) to ~0 teet lona, omJ then callo in JJumcroun ltclpcrtl to o~:J!D\. 1n tho catch. When tho aotnlliloto tna!l!l !COchco tho ourloce, a diver otrip3 t of ito 0trimmings,


Ouldoorn !'Ibn Employoll-Arc you Iii clock

watcher? Pro:Jpoctivo Employco-No, I

don't lllto indoor work. I'm a whloUo litltcncr.

A man In . our town rot word tho other day that hJa unde wa1 ntl unstrung-, ao be, aent bls noel• a wire.

::; -~ ""'= --.. - --·-·

Soldiers• nac-carel Sovcn and onc-holf tow c!

equipment accompany each flgh~ ina American cent overc:cO!l.

Invest in Liberty cf:t i::f ~ Buy War Bond!

'-, I I I

' ' : I ..... ~-•H. ~- t i~J , a';.a-.JI~Jt;'d:ut('Ji¥.' :· - ,. ; I

,, .

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Page 8: oj-, ' • • j d' '' ' fO 0 nw f ' -. •• 0 -:.:.. =========· :· =·= -~ l9U ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-12-19 · Flor_ida they ~aw in tbe


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•• , from juneart to Jacksonville ~ .

In Aln~ka, 11a at home, lho AmcnC!U) ooldlc.r finds chaf r.o JJIY H4w

tJ .. Cok11" mnkca Dtrllnncnlnto !rlcllda. Around tM glob«), Coca-COla

sr.aodu CorlhD pamD that r6/rci'/:J;;_ltJ 1h~ bJgb-slgo bccwceo Cricodf. ·


Magnolia Coca·Cola Bottling Company "


Coa·Cola Dutldlns: Ynndoll Blvd. at Birch EJ Paso, Tent . , . ------------

: . . .


There Isn't Any Priority '

on Advertising •

• • THERE are a lot o{ thlnf(o you cnn tell t.bo public

through tbo colum11 of thio now~>papor.

In these gaelcon, tlrcleso doyo and with bmiocas bouse• 10 abort bandod ndvcrtioinu Ia your on1y 1afe be.t. Phono tho Lincoln County Nowo ond .Mra. Hcmpbill will nil for your copy.

.• •'a -•

Office Phone 14 Residence Phone 35

M ls.e GcmoviE~ve A a uno trans­frrrtd to H Q !Pift't i Vf' P€'fVic€l in Soccorro loot Wednradoy.


-- •

Sick lay

Sn thlo war our wounded flahtlng men hnvo tl nrcatcr chance tor re­covery than in any prcvlouo con­filet bccauno of tho medical aida and corvlcco that have been devel­oped by tho Wor ond Navy Dcparlt men to •

One of tbcoo aldo iD tho llo:JJ>Itnl TrOJl!lport Plano ocrvlco that han .been brlnnlng our t•,-ourulcd back from Afrlca.




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OM .. <:titnbt.t


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473 Peter•



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• •_. : .

• .-.,.

. THf TtUWO~TH· (O.,·Ift(.· ~ ,,

· .. we Have ln. Stock

' •• •

Screep doora Fly Spray •

FJy twattera Blackleg Vaeeine Chicken Wire Barb Wir~;~ "

• •

· Araenatepf lead . . . Wool bagl

'Deborner.s DebQrnlng Paint Screw worm medtct••


Our Price• Are Reaionable

The Titsworth Company, Inc.

, ' WE now have for SALE



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PETTY'S GENERAL MD$£ .. ---- PHOK&fl --

--Ol'!!I:Ur.ll1! lit -­


Out Lilt Includt•: RiWnt,Jamal, Zotot, Dutt

'Wl'ttt l'JUCII:S ll.UfGUfG no!t $5.00 TO $12.50

·tae Cirrizezt lt••tJ SliJJt notoroui tlo!tldt

. . . QP1CK4'l'Qk _


• . .

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