Official Publication of the Wood Glen Property ……Official Publication of the Wood Glen Property...

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc. Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - June 2012 1 Official Publication of the Wood Glen Property Owners Association June 2012 - Volume 6, Issue 6 As I write this (in mid May) we have just received some very substantial and very welcome rainfall. Lawns are greening up and filling out nicely and our neighborhood is really looking great! Hoping we get a few more rain showers like this to set us up for what we know summer will bring. e “Rasberry Ant” project is in progress with initial baiting occurring on April 4th at various locations throughout the neighborhood. It will take a while to determine if the baiting is having an impact and please don’t be alarmed if you see Wizzie Brown and her team walking through yards monitoring their test sites. As the weather gets warmer the ants will become more active and start increasing in numbers so it will be a couple of months to figure out if the population has actually decreased. Again, please support this team by allowing them access to your yard if they find a resident ant population. I really feel like our neighborhood is at the forefront of tackling this problem so let’s be the first to beat these little guys! Wizzie advises that crazy ants can usually be found under things like rocks, landscape timbers, flowerpots, etc. If found, she recommends treatment with a pesticide spray or for naturally derived solutions look for spinosad or azadirachtin on the label. Otherwise, try something that contains a pyrethroid. I guess that means we should be reading labels which is like reading directions which is totally counterintuitive to my being. But I’m going to have to do better in this area myself! BOARD UPDATES: e 2012 budget has been approved after much research, forecasting, and fine tuning. It is, of course, a balanced budget and one I feel will allow us to continue to maintain and improve neighborhood assets. Better yet, this means no annual assessment increases on the horizon! e Board voted to adopt the last 63 feet of fence on Plantation Dr. (across from the Amenity Center). is action will insure continuity of all fences along the primary thoroughfare in the neighborhood. Karen Fischer has been working hard in the Greenbelt. Contractors have finished repairing low spots in the trails by filling in with crushed granite. She has also completed inventory of residual damage from the drought; 70 trees lost. Measures are in progress to remove those trees close to the trails to ensure public safety. Residents whose property backs up to the Greenbelt will probably hear activity for the next several weeks while this takes place. Please don’t be alarmed, this is a planned activity. e Board voted unanimously to terminate the existing contract with Goodwin Management and entered into a one year agreement with CMA of Austin who will be our new property management partner for at least the next year. e change is effective beginning June 1st. e Board is anticipating a more thorough inspection process, more focused on site management, and a better technical infrastructure managing Association data. We appreciate our previous partnership with Marilyn Childress and Goodwin Management and wish them well in future endeavors. Jennifer English has been named as our new property manager. Contact information for CMA is 512-339-6962 and the email address is [email protected]. A safety concern to pass along from a neighborhood resident regarding child safety. e concern was prompted by her child’s bike being backed over by a neighbor who didn’t have the courtesy of even stopping to determine the extent of the damage or determining ownership (the kids were playing in the street and sidewalk area adjacent to her home). Regardless of fault, the resident’s point was that this could very well have been a child resulting in tragic circumstances. I agree. When the school term ends in May we will have increased activity of children playing in the neighborhood. ey will be on the sidewalks, Amenity Center, Greenbelt, streets, and in the yards. Kids will be kids and they don’t always pay attention. We must exercise caution as we back out of our driveways and drive on our neighborhood streets, especially in areas where kids tend to congregate. e conversation at the Board meeting expanded those concerns to include kids trying to cross Plantation Dr. to get to their school buses in the mornings. e conflict centers around people trying to get to work and children trying to get to their bus stops before the bus gets there during the high traffic morning hours. We don’t have crosswalks and drivers aren’t always giving pedestrians the right of way. And then there’s the ever present issue of drivers running stop signs. If you want (Continued on Page 2)

Transcript of Official Publication of the Wood Glen Property ……Official Publication of the Wood Glen Property...

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc. Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - June 2012 1

Wood Glen

Official Publication of the Wood Glen Property Owners Association June 2012 - Volume 6, Issue 6

As I write this (in mid May) we have just received some very substantial and very welcome rainfall. Lawns are greening up and filling out nicely and our neighborhood is really looking great! Hoping we get a few more rain showers like this to set us up for what we know summer will bring.

The “Rasberry Ant” project is in progress with initial baiting occurring on April 4th at various locations throughout the neighborhood. It will take a while to determine if the baiting is having an impact and please don’t be alarmed if you see Wizzie Brown and her team walking through yards monitoring their test sites.

As the weather gets warmer the ants will become more active and start increasing in numbers so it will be a couple of months to figure out if the population has actually decreased. Again, please support this team by allowing them access to your yard if they find a resident ant population. I really feel like our neighborhood is at the forefront of tackling this problem so let’s be the first to beat these little guys!

Wizzie advises that crazy ants can usually be found under things like rocks, landscape timbers, flowerpots, etc. If found, she recommends treatment with a pesticide spray or for naturally derived solutions look for spinosad or azadirachtin on the label. Otherwise, try something that contains a pyrethroid.

I guess that means we should be reading labels which is like reading directions which is totally counterintuitive to my being. But I’m going to have to do better in this area myself!

BOARD UPDATES:The 2012 budget has been approved after

much research, forecasting, and fine tuning. It is, of course, a balanced budget and one I feel will allow us to continue to maintain and improve neighborhood assets. Better yet, this means no annual assessment increases on the horizon!

The Board voted to adopt the last 63 feet of fence on Plantation Dr. (across from the Amenity Center). This action will insure continuity of all fences along the primary thoroughfare in the neighborhood.

Karen Fischer has been working hard in the Greenbelt. Contractors have finished repairing low spots in the trails by filling in with crushed granite. She has also completed inventory of residual damage from the drought; 70 trees lost. Measures are in progress to remove those trees close to the trails to ensure public safety. Residents whose property backs up to the Greenbelt will probably hear activity for the next several weeks while this takes place. Please don’t be alarmed, this is a planned activity.

The Board voted unanimously to terminate the existing contract with Goodwin Management and entered into a one year agreement with CMA of Austin who will be our new property management partner for at least the next year. The change is effective beginning June 1st. The Board is anticipating a more thorough inspection process, more focused on site management, and a better technical infrastructure managing Association data. We appreciate our previous partnership with Marilyn Childress and Goodwin Management and wish them well

in future endeavors. Jennifer English has been named as our new property manager. Contact information for CMA is 512-339-6962 and the email address is [email protected].

A safety concern to pass along from a neighborhood resident regarding child safety. The concern was prompted by her child’s bike being backed over by a neighbor who didn’t have the courtesy of even stopping to determine the extent of the damage or determining ownership (the kids were playing in the street and sidewalk area adjacent to her home). Regardless of fault, the resident’s point was that this could very well have been a child resulting in tragic circumstances. I agree.

When the school term ends in May we will have increased activity of children playing in the neighborhood. They will be on the sidewalks, Amenity Center, Greenbelt, streets, and in the yards. Kids will be kids and they don’t always pay attention. We must exercise caution as we back out of our driveways and drive on our neighborhood streets, especially in areas where kids tend to congregate. The conversation at the Board meeting expanded those concerns to include kids trying to cross Plantation Dr. to get to their school buses in the mornings. The conflict centers around people trying to get to work and children trying to get to their bus stops before the bus gets there during the high traffic morning hours. We don’t have crosswalks and drivers aren’t always giving pedestrians the right of way. And then there’s the ever present issue of drivers running stop signs. If you want

(Continued on Page 2)

2 Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - June 2012 Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Wood Glen

BOARD OF DIRECTORSPresident: Eric Boren ....................... [email protected] President: Julie Cowan ...................... [email protected]: Wayne Solum ............................. [email protected]: Lela Solum [email protected] 1: Eric Boren ........................ [email protected] 2: Sean Copeland [email protected] 3: Julie Cowan [email protected] 4: Mark Murray [email protected] 5: Donna Tucker ............... [email protected] 6: Rod Kerr [email protected] 7: Christopher Loft [email protected] at Large: Wayne Solum ................ [email protected]


Modifications: Sam Myers ................. [email protected]/Amenity Center Julie Cowan ............................................ [email protected] / Greenbelt: Karen Fischer ..............................................kfischer4@att.netSocial Events: Gloria Gomez ....................... [email protected]: Donna Tucker ........................... [email protected] ..........................................................donnate@austin.rr.comAnt Bait Control Program: Leslie Myers [email protected] Care Calendar: Denise Ferguson ............................. [email protected] Committee: David & Elaine Lloyd [email protected]


NEWSLETTER INFOEditor Donna Tucker [email protected] Peel, Inc. ......................, 512-263-9181 [email protected], 512-263-9181

Goodwin Management, Inc.11149 Research Blvd. Suite 100

Austin, TX 78759-5227, Tel: (512) 502-7509Fax: (512) 346-4873, Cell: (512) 750-2883

Greetings...(Continued From Cover Page)


to see how bad the problem is just sit at the three way stop in front of the Amenity Center. If you can count even 50% of drivers who actually stop at that intersection you’re lucky.

The Board will be looking to work with the City of Round Rock to identify critical intersections where crosswalks should be installed. Hopefully those locations will include the intersection at the Amenity Center and key areas along school bus routes.

In the interim, we ask that everyone keep an eye out for the little ones, stop at the stop signs, keep to the speed limits, and be vigilant for kids in the area. All it takes is for one child to chase a ball out into the street for tragedy to happen. I don’t think anyone wants to be the driver involved in that kind of accident.

On to dogs yet again. Increasing complaints about constantly barking dogs being left outside during the day and at night. We seem to have two competing interests here; pet owners who have the right to have dogs and property owners who have a reasonable right to privacy and enjoyment of their property. Enjoyment of their property includes their ability to sit on

(Continued on Page 3)

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc. Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - June 2012 3

Wood Glen

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their back porch in relative peace and quiet or to sleep at night without a dog barking outside their window.

Reasonable enjoyment of property is supported by CCR Article X, Section 2. Reasonable Enjoyment which states “No nuisance shall ever be erected, placed, or suffered, to remain upon any Lot in the Property and no Owner of Occupant of any Lot in the Property shall use the same so as to endanger the health or disturb the reasonable enjoyment of any other Owner or Occupant.”

Incessantly barking dogs fall under this guideline and also are covered under City of Round Rock noise ordinances. The bottom line here is that the “Reasonable Enjoyment” clause trumps barking dogs. Dog owners who allow this situation to occur are not only being inconsiderate of their neighbors but are in fact in violation of the CCR.

As in most situations this boils down to being a good neighbor. Most of us are dog lovers and I’m no exception but dog owners have a responsibility to insure that their dog’s behavior is not disruptive

and that they aren’t allowing their pet to fall into the “nuisance” category. Let’s be reasonable here. Dogs will bark occasionally and that is to be expected. What we are focusing on here is dogs who bark incessantly over an extended period of time. We are asking dog owners to please be considerate and tend to your pet to prevent hard feelings between neighbors.

A small plea especially from those folks who regularly take advantage of the activities the Social Committee sponsors. We need help. We need some volunteers to assist with coordinating and setting up these functions. During the Easter Egg Hunt our two Co-Chairs ended up using family members to assist them to pull off the function. That’s not right.

Volunteers for Social Committee events should expect only a few occasional meetings associated with each event and maybe 8 - 10 hours of actual support work. It’s not a lot. Even volunteering for one specific event each year would be helpful.

We’d like to keep these events going but need more help to do it. If you are willing to volunteer a small amount of time please contact

Gloria Gomez or Darlene Snow. Their contact information is on the Wood Glen website

Finally, we have a new alarm system being installed at the Amenity Center. The project starts at the end of May and will probably last through the end of June. Our contractor will be on site at various times installing wiring and conduit so please be aware of that activity if you happen to be at the Amenity Center.

Part of that project will include replacement of the current key system with an electronic card reader for resident entry. This will allow greater control of non residents using those facilities. Too many keys have been stolen or duplicated over the years and we have had our share of vandalism.

More information will be disseminated in June as we make the actual transition from keys to cards. Please watch your email for those updates.

As always, thanks to all our residents for all they do to make this a great neighborhood! Wishing you all a very happy Memorial Day and a great summer!


Greetings...(Continued Page 2)

4 Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - June 2012 Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Wood Glen

Bring the whole family. Friendly dogs welcome too! We’ll have treats! Bring this ad to enter the weekly drawing for coupons to use at the market.

We look forward to seeing you!

Local and seasonal Texas produce, beef, lamb, chicken and pork, fresh farm eggs, Texas gulf seafood, bakery,

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Sundays, 12:30pm-4pmSt. Richard’s Episcopal Church

1420 E. Palm Valley Blvd, RR 78644just west of HEB plus on Hwy. 79

At no time will any source be allowed to use The Wood Glen Newsletter's contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in the Wood Glen Newsletter is exclusively for the private use of the Wood Glen HOA and Peel, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser.* The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising.* Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction.* Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.


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PEEL, newsletters

WOOD GLEN CARES!We Care Calendar for Wood Glen.  What is it:   The Care Calendar

is an online calendar.  If you have a special need (for example, you have a new baby and few meals would be very helpful) you would contact me either by phone (671-8467) or my email [email protected].  I would then set up the calendar with your needs (meals) and the times/dates that the meals would be needed.  Families in our neighborhood would be made aware of your need.  Families who are able to help would then go online, pull up the calendar and fill in the date and the meal they would be providing.  Or you could call me with the information and I would be happy to fill in the calendar with the information.  Very easy!  If you have any questions please call me.

Denise Ferguson

Business ClassifiedsBUY-SELL-TRADE Need a new or used car or truck?  Considering buying versus leasing? Mike Cuming (512) 970-3143 Don Hewlett Chevrolet Buick. Wood Glen resident since 1999. Pick up, drop off deliveries, shuttle service and loaner vehicles IH-35 and Westinghouse road (exit 257) North of the outlet mallSPREAD THE NEWS: The Wood Glen News is paid for by advertisements. If you are a business owner, please consider placing an advertisement.

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc. Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - June 2012 5

Wood Glen1. 950 West University Avenue, Suite 104 Georgetown, TX 78626

Family Medicine • (512) 869-8500Raju Kurunthottical, DO

2. 301 Seton Parkway, Suites 302, 401, 402 Round Rock, TX 78665

Cardiovascular Care • (512) 324-4812Mary J. Borses, MDKristopher M. Heinzman, MDGerardo Kalife, MDMichael F. Lenis, MDDan Vaisman, MDSeton Heart Institute

Family Medicine • (512) 324-4813Saswati Chaudhury, MD Anuradha Rangarajan, MD

General & Bariatric Surgery • (512) 324-4818Jinnie A. Bruce, MDPatrick C. Dillawn, MDMario A. Longoria, MDDrue N. Ware, MDSeton Surgical Group

Infectious Disease • (512) 324-4819Fida Ali Khan, MD

Movement Disorders • (512) 324-4817Mariana “Georgeta” Varga, MDSeton Brain & Spine Institute

Neurology, Neuromuscular • (512) 324-4817Muhammad Munir, MD, PhDSeton Brain & Spine Institute

Neurosurgery • (512) 324-4816Robert J. Buchanan, MD Glenn E. Harper, MDSeton Brain & Spine Institute

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation • (512) 324-7131 Srinivason Roger Parthasarathy, MDSeton Brain & Spine Institute

Reconstructive & Plastic Surgery • (877) 977-3866Nabil Habash, MDSeton Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

3. 4112 Links Lane, Suite 200 Round Rock, TX 78664

Internal Medicine (Adults Only) • (512) 324-4870Ksenija Corak, MD Yen Kim Dao, DO

4. 1512 Town Center Drive, Suite 100 Pflugerville, TX 78660

Family Medicine • (512) 324-4875Urmila Parthasarathy, DO Enas Pruitt, MD

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Call today to make an appointment with one of our board-certified primary care

physicians or specialists.

6 Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - June 2012 Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Wood Glen

PILLBUGSPillbugs, or roly-polys, are crustaceans, closely related to crayfish and

shrimp. These terrestrial creatures must live in moist environments to be able to survive on land. While they may sometimes invade homes in large numbers, they are a nuisance pest and do not bite, sting, transmit diseases or cause physical damage to the home or its contents.

Pillbugs are ¼- ½” with dark grey coloring. Their oval bodies are convex above and either flat or concave underneath. Pillbugs have seven pairs of legs and two pairs or antennae and roll up into a ball when disturbed.

Pillbugs are scavengers, feeding mainly on decaying organic matter. They may occasionally feed on young, tender plants, but damage is typically not significant. They can be found under mulch, flower pots, compost, stones or other items resting on the ground.

They often invade crawl spaces and homes at ground level with common points of entry being door thresholds and expansion joints. When these pests are seen indoors, there is usually a large population breeding on the outside of the home near the foundation. Since pillbugs require moisture, they do not survive indoors for more than a few days unless there are very moist or damp conditions.

To manage infestations of these home invaders, rely on sanitation and exclusion techniques. Repair or replace door thresholds and seal expansion joints where pillbugs may be entering the structure. Move any piles of debris away from the foundation of the home. If there are flowerbeds by the foundation, turn the mulch to allow it dry out to make the area uninhabitable. Any leaky faucets or air conditioning units should be repaired to eliminate moisture buildup near the foundation.

Pesticides are not usually needed indoors to manage these occasional invaders. They soon die on their own from lack of moisture. The pests can be swept up using a broom and dustpan or a vacuum and disposed of. Outdoors, you may choose a pesticide to treat mulched areas or other areas that may be harboring large populations. Look for products labeled for pillbugs, sowbugs or isopods.

For more information or help with identification, contact Wizzie Brown, Texas AgriLife Extension Service Program Specialist at 512.854.9600. Check out my blog at The information given herein is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understandingthat no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Texas AgriLife Extension Service or the Texas AgriLife Research is implied.Extension programs serve people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability, or national origin.


Submitted by Sugandha Jain

The impact of a high creativity quotient (CQ) is evident even among the top management in business. Results from 2010 IBM Global CEO study reveal that highly effective CEO’s place the greatest emphasis on creative leadership. In order to achieve top results, CEO’s are not fearful of experimenting. These CEO’s lead the new generation by continually thinking of new ways and fresh approaches. However, the sad reality is that creativity scores have been decreasing in children since 1990. In their book, The Creativity Crisis: New Thinking about children, authors Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman, cite evidence on how creative quotient in children has plummeted.

As parents, we have to ask ourselves some tough questions. Is our education system so hyper-focused on testing that we are squeezing out the innate creativity of our children? Are we pushing our children so hard that we are leaving no room for creativity? What can we do to turn things around? The good news is that creativity can be nurtured and learned. Exposing children to a creative environment can assist in enhancing their CQ. Creativity training actually changes brain function. It creates new neurons in key parts of the brain and builds new connections between these neurons.

So, what is the recipe for sparking creativity in children? The right amount of sleep, nutrition and avoiding pessimism can work wonders. Positive thinking is so powerful that it can attract unimaginable successful results in a person’s life. Teaching children to trust themselves is a vital ingredient as creativity comes from trusting your instincts.

Asking ‘What if ’ questions to your children can increase their CQ. Leo Burnett says that curiosity about life in all of its aspects is the secret of great creative people. Solving open-ended problems also nurtures creativity. Parents and children who work together to solve challenging problems gain understanding on mastering uncomfortable feelings that  these problems present. Families that create together stay together!

Sugandha Jain is a Master Registered Texas Trainer& Director of Accreditation at a local preschool

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc. Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - June 2012 7

Wood Glen











JuneColin’s Hope Upcoming Events Calendar

June: Water Safety Walk - Packet Stuffing and DistributionJune 7:

June 16:

Eat, Drink & Shop for Colin’s Hope atPoint of Origin Gift Boutique in Lakeway, 5-7pmColin’s Hope Got2Swim the Pure Austin Quarry

July 21: UltiFit Challenge #2 at Reveille Peak RanchSeptember 16: Colin’s Hope Kids Triathlon - registration opens June 1st

VolunteerSignup - Register



8 Wood Glen Property Owners Association Newsletter - June 2012 Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Wood Glen




308 Meadowlark St.Lakeway, TX 78734-4717