˜ancti˚cati˛n WOMEN GROWING IN · ‘Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for...


Transcript of ˜ancti˚cati˛n WOMEN GROWING IN · ‘Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for...

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Our Christian Women’s Fellowship (CWF) program meets four times a year and provides

the opportunity for some hundreds of women of all ages to enjoy live and original music, inspirational speakers and generous hospitality.

Our CWF program aims to help women apply God’s word to all of the challenges that life brings. Our vision is to see every woman at the heart of church and family life, sharing and finding genuine friendship together.

Visitors are always welcome.


OUR NEXT EVENTFRI 9 November (6.30pm - 9.30pm)

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Word summary – ‘A woman and her husband in the will of God’

Life in song – Amy Sweet

Testimony – Joy Feilla

Music – ‘Having Done All, Now Stand’

Report – 2012 Devonshire Tea in the Park event

Report – 2012 International Bible Seminar

Tips and resources

Recipes – Lemon crumb squares & lamb curry

A final note

Upcoming events (back page)

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Welcometo the Chapel and Conference Centre

of Brisbane Christian Fellowship.




worship hostKAYLENE HALL

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Our 2012 study series is entitled ‘Women

Growing in Sanctification’. In four events

throughout the year, we are considering what

God has named and purposed for us as women

and how this applies to each of our lives today.

Tonight is our third event in the series and is

themed, ‘A woman and her husband in the will

of God’. Julianne Hamilton and Kath Johnson

will be sharing about finding the will of God in

our marriages and families.

We look forward to hearing original songs and

a ladies choir, followed by a delightful sweet

supper served with tea and coffee.

If you are visiting with us this evening, we

warmly welcome you!

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Door hosts and ushers

To help you while you are in our

venue, please cooperate with our

door hosts, ushers and the team

of men caring for us this evening.

They are the friendly teams

wearing coloured vests. They will

happily assist you with any practical matters.

Leaving the property

At the end of the meeting, after the supper

service has concluded, we ask that you move

into the Chapel so that teams can begin to

pack up. To aid in our preparation to lock up,

please begin exiting the building by 9.15 pm

and the property by 9.30 pm. Please do not

linger in the car parks.


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Hearing aid loop

For those needing to use the hearing aid loop

in the Chapel, please sit in the middle bay of

seats immediately in front of the sound desk.

The ushers can direct you to these seats if you

let them know of your need. If you require

further assistance regarding the loop, please

ask one of the sound team personnel.

Mothers with babies

Mothers who have babies with

them tonight are most welcome to

make their way into the Chapel from

6.30pm, to set themselves up before

the meeting. A sound check rehearsal

is conducted during this time in the

Chapel, however two ushers (Judy Watt and

Jo Johnson) will be on hand to assist mothers

in finding a suitable seat, setting up prams

and help with any other needs in settling their

children. The crèche will also be in operation

and available from 6.30pm on the night.

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AWoman her Husband&IN THE WILL OF GOD

Julianne Hamilton & Kath Johnson

ur series theme continues as we consider what it means for a Christian woman to grow in her sanctification, toward comparability as a wife, who is a helper comparable to her husband.1 In addressing this subject, it is important that we build upon the progression of our study so far in this series.

We began our series – ‘Women Growing in Sanctification’ – by studying what it meant for a woman to be called ‘a son of God’. We noted that God has created mankind as male and female, in this earthly life.2 Just as God is ‘no respecter of

1 Gen 2: 18 - 192 Gen 1:27-28


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persons’, He is no respecter of male or female, for He predestined them both to be sons of God for eternity. He predestined them both to be fellow sons and heirs together of the grace of life in THE SON, our Lord Jesus Christ.3

Building upon this, we then considered how we are to grow in our sanctification as a ‘son of God’, to become ‘a sister to many’. This is the will of God for every woman who believes. This is our charge, according to the Scriptures. We are to grow in our sanctification, as ‘daughters of the culture of godliness’, to become a sister to all those who are the ‘brethren’ of Christ!

Christ defined His sisters as women who do the will of the Father in heaven.4 A sister of Christ is a ‘sister-helper’ to her brethren, seeking to fulfil with them, what is the will of the Father in heaven, in every situation.

As a ‘sister of Christ’ and a ‘sister-helper’ to her brethren, a woman then matures toward marriage.

3 1 Peter 3:74 Matt 12:50

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She grows in her sanctification toward comparability with one brother who offers her marriage, and whom also, she has chosen in faith, as a partner for life.

As ‘sister-helper’, she then gives herself to be ‘wife-helper’ to her chosen husband, being sanctified to him in marriage, under the headship of Christ.

God created Eve as this helper, comparable to Adam.5 The apostle Paul, in the New Testament Scriptures, also spoke of the believing wife, to whom he referred as ‘a sister, a wife’.6

The believing wife is firstly a sister-helper, learning to be of the same ‘paracleting’ mind of Christ toward her brethren. As a wife, she then offers herself to her husband, to be his wife-helper, comparable to him only. She is comparable to no-one else except her husband in this way.

In a marriage such as this, both husband and wife are joined together, as the brethren of Christ. They are joined by God, to become one flesh and one spirit.

5 Gen 2:186 1 Cor 9:5

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This ‘three-fold’ relationship is the ‘three-fold cord not easily broken’, of which we read in the book of Ecclesiastes.7

A marriage such as this is a strong marriage, able to stand in the evil day.8 Such a couple as this knows the ‘mind of Christ’, as ‘heirs together of the grace of life’.

They know the power of answered prayer, being like-minded in all things, fulfilling the Scripture which says:

‘Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous, not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.’9

7 Ecc 4:9-128 Eph 6:10-139 1 Pet 3:7-10

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T here is a verse in the Psalms that

says, ‘Your statutes are my songs’,

and this is certainly the case with ‘Having Done All,

Now Stand’.

This song was inspired out of discussions around

the word for tonight’s CWF meeting. Julianne was

expressing that the Lord was saying to us ‘having

done all, now stand’.

These words lit up to me and, not knowing how it

would happen, I offered to write a song about it.

Amy Sweet

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The Lord then provided as I heard back from

Julianne how the song would sound, its heart, and

what it would minister – an uplifting, joyous song

that would encourage and call us to stand in the


With this brief in hand, the Lord provided again

over the next week. After studying the Scripture

and a session at the piano, ‘Having Done All,

Now Stand’ was a song that was uplifting and

encouraging me as I played it. His word was now

in song.

The Lord is faithful, and when His Spirit stirs us to

offer, He surely sends the provision to do so as

we fellowship together.

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Joy Collins

I t is a joy to sing this song, ‘Having Done All, Now Stand’, as every

word has been ‘yes and amen’ in my life as a newly married woman.

The Lord has led me on a journey and revealed to me that I will only find true contentment and happiness in my marriage by putting Christ first.

I have struggled, like all women, with my own expectations and demands on my husband, which have only left me disappointed, discontented and unhappy.


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As a result I would grasp for life and answers apart from the word that God was bringing to me through my husband. By God’s mercy, and through a word from a messenger, my eyes were opened and I knew that change was possible through simple repentance.

I was so excited to hear my husband’s words recently, ‘I have never seen you so content, with a new quietness in your spirit.’ Hallelujah! The Lord is doing a work in my life! It wasn’t because everything was now right and good, but because I had found a new place as a sister, a friend, a wife.

I began to, ‘having done all, stand’ in my own accountability, which no-one else could do for me. I had to stand. I didn’t need my husband to hold my hand. Every day there is temptation to draw back to that old way. But it’s far better to be one with my husband and to see our prayers answered.

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A great highlight of our August season at BCF is our annual Devonshire Tea to celebrate Seniors

Week. Devonshire Tea in the Park is a free outdoor café style event for seniors and the whole family.

devonshireTEA IN THE PARK 2012

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devonshire This family fun day includes free tea, espresso coffee, hot scones, live music and activities for all ages, and is hosted and funded by the youth of Brisbane Christian Fellowship. The aim of this event is to honour the seniors of our local community, including the seniors group of Brisbane Christian Fellowship, and to provide a context for families of all ages to celebrate and be together. This event coincides with Queensland Seniors Week 2012.

This year, our invited guests included Peter Dutton MP (who was unable to attend), Dale Shuttleworth MP and Councillor Bob Millar. We also invited four local retirement villages, as well as the Samford Over 50’s Club. Many local Samford businesses were also invited to help supply the various materials towards the event, and were recognised for their contributions on the day. We were overwhelmed by their support of our event!

We extend our thanks to Luke Pomery, and the many youth and members of our BCF congregation who gave of their time and energy to honour the seniors of our local community.

A wonderful time was had by all!

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ugust at BCF is a busy time for women! The month begins with our annual International Bible Seminar. The whole congregation is gathered up together in the one heart of hospitality, as we open our homes to billets, and prepare our ‘fridges’ for the many opportunities for friendship and fellowship together over a ‘cuppa’ or a warm and hearty meal.

We look forward to catching up with our friends from across the nation and across the seas, too. As a church, we maintain fellowship with other international churches in Singapore, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and the United States of America.

internationalBIBLE SEMINAR 2012


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This year, we were also very excited to welcome friends from Switzerland, who are not always able to attend.

The International Bible Seminar has become for us the great high point of the year, as we fellowship together in God’s word of present truth for us, today.

This year, we were very blessed to receive the written volume, This is the Message – The Gospel of Sonship, by Victor Hall, David Falk, David Baker and Murray Wylie.

Our many thanks to the Toowoomba congregation and their leadership team who facilitate the written word for us, for each of our seminars!

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Visitors are always welcome at our Sunday gatherings and our other events held throughout the year.

We warmly invite you to come and hear the Gospel at our communion service every Sunday at 9.30am.

Visit the BCF website to find out more.


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A host of wonderful resources is available to you on our CWF pages of Lampstand, ranging from supper recipes, to musical item MP3s, to study notes from our meetings.

You can download the notes that relate to this theme, ‘A Woman and Her Husband in the Will of God’, on Lampstand.

Go to the CWF page, click on the tab ‘Current Devotional Word’.


DOWNLOAD MUSICDownload musical items from our CWF meetings to create your own compilation of songs from the many items available on the CWF page. You can also download a PDF of the music.

Go to the CWF page, click on the tab ‘Song Items’ for a list of song resources.

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1. Place rolled oats and flour, salt and baking powder in a food processor until fine crumbs. Add brown sugar, then butter and mix until just combined.3. Press just over half of the crumb mixture into the bottom of prepared pan – ensure there is a solid base.4. Mix together condensed milk, lemon juice, and lemon zest in a small bowl until smooth and combined. Spread onto the crumb base. 5. Sprinkle the remainder of the crumb mixture on top and press gently.6. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.7. Allow pan to sit on counter for 30 minutes after baking. Cut into squares and refrigerate until chilled. Serve with strawberries and whipped cream.

Makes 35

1 can sweetened condensed milk½ cup lemon juice + zest of one lemon1 punnet strawberries300 mls thickened cream

110g plain flour, sifted1 pinch salt¾ teaspoon baking powder115g butter, slightly softened2/3 cup brown sugar, lightly packed2/3 cup rolled oats

recipeslemon crumb squares


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1. Heat oil in a deep frypan over medium-high heat. In batches, cook lamb, turning for 2-3 minutes until browned all over. Remove the lamb from the pan and then add onion and a little more oil if necessary and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3-4 minutes until softened and golden.2. Return the lamb to the pan with chilli, garlic and ginger and cook for1 minute until fragrant. Stir in the korma paste and cook for a further minute.3. Stir in the coconut cream and stock, reduce heat to low, then simmer, stirring occasionally, for 45 minutes or until the lamb is tender.4. Add beans, then cover and cook for a further 3 minutes until the beans are tender. Season with salt and lime juice to taste.5. Serve with basmati rice.

Serves 4

1 tablespoon sunflower oil500g diced lamb1 onion, sliced1 green chilli fresh, large (seeds removed, chopped)2 cloves garlic, sliced3cm fresh ginger, finely grated4 tablespoons korma curry paste (mild)

400 mls coconut cream1 cup beef stock liquid (heated)200g green beans, trimmed and halved5 teaspoons lime juice2 spring onions, sliced

lamb curry

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CWF devotional word The mandate for the overall direction of the word content for our CWF events is laid down by the presbytery, to a word deaconing group. This mandate provides a focus in the word for the season ahead, and forms the basis of the word content to be studied and facilitated for each CWF event. The word deaconing group exercise themselves towards the work of studying and facilitating this word mandate.

Each new planning season sees nominated event speakers and hosts join with the fellowship of the word deaconing group, to see them equipped in the ministry content of the word. In this way, the compilation of the group changes for each planning season, depending upon who are the appointed speakers and hosts.

Hospitality Our fellowship together begins in the Courtyard and Function Room of our Conference Centre, where we will enjoy a savoury ‘meet and greet’ time of light refreshments.

Following this, we will be hosted into the Chapel for our worship program of inspirational word and song. Afterwards, there will be further opportunity to enjoy sweets and fellowship to conclude the evening.

final NOTE


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Prayer requestsWe allow time to gather together in prayer to uphold those in need. Please submit all prayer requests to the BCF office.

Offering At each of our CWF meetings, a voluntary offering will be taken, and directed towards the running expenses of our meetings and special events. We encourage you to be prayerful towards your givenness in this area.

Rosters All participants can view their roster on the Lampstand website (http://lampstand.bcf.org.au). Relevant ‘Team Briefs’ are also available for download from Lampstand, under the ‘CWF’ Tab.

Final thought Finally, over the years, we have come to understand that each member’s full offering of service at every level of the planning process culminates in the vibrant sense of community that we feel in each of our gatherings.

Door hosts and ushers Throughout the evening, you will be assisted by our faithful door hosts and ushers, who will direct you, help with prams or wheel chairs and provide any other assistance required.

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Women of all ages are invited to join us at any of our upcoming women’s events. All of our events are held in The Chapel at Brisbane Christian Fellowship.

Throughout our four events in 2012, we will look together at what God has named and purposed for us as women. We will be considering how this applies to our lives today.


FRI 9 November (6.30pm - 9.30pm)

Brisbane Christian Fellowship Inc.40 Burton Lane, SamfordPO Box 240, Samford Q 4520Ph: (07) 3289 2888 Email: [email protected]


your invitation