ODDUP › brandcapitalus › wp... · that Ajit Pawar could get into tro-uble with the law ‘any...

Samanwaya.Rautray @timesgroup.com New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday cited the Sabarimala ver- dict to issue notices to the govern- ment and several Muslim bodies on a petition demanding equal rights to Muslim women to pray in mosques. A bench led by Justice SA Bobde as- ked the Centre, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board and the Central Wakf Board to submit their views to the court in four weeks. “Is a mosque, or a temple, or a church, ‘state’ (as defined in the Constitution)? Can you seek your fundamental rights against indivi- SC Notice on Women’s Mosque Entry Pune Muslim couple’s plea admitted citing Sabarimala verdict, notice issued to AIMPLB & Wakf Board too 7 Parl Seats in 3 NE States to Go to Polls Bikash.Singh @timesgroup.com Guwahati: In the crucial second phase on April 18, seven parliamentary seats in three states of the North east will go to polls. About 90, 97,159 voters in the three states will decide the fate of 71 candidates in the fray. Apprehending breach of peace and tranquillity, the Hailakandi district ad- ministration in Assam has been clamped Section 144 of CrPC in the entire district. In Assam parliamentary constituencies of Mangaldoi, Silchar, Karimganj, Autono- mous District and Nagaon will vote in the second phase. While Mangaldoi and Naga- on seat were won by BJP in 2014, Silchar and Autonomous District (comprises two hill districts) seat is held by Congress. All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) had won the Karimganj seat in 2014. In Tripura, East parliamentary seat and Manipur’s Inner Manipur parliamentary seat will cast ballot on Thursday. CPI (M) MP Jitendra Choudhury had won the seat in 2014. Maharaj Kumari Pragya Debbur- man, daughter of late Tripura king, Kirit Bikram Kishore Debburman is contesting from this seat as Congress candidate, ru- ling BJP has fielded Rebati Tripura. Cong- ress is seeking reelection from Manipur’s Inner Manipur seat. Hailakandi comes under Karimganj par- liamentary seat. # Main Bhi Voter About 90, 97,159 voters in the three northeast states will decide the fate of 71 candidates tomorrow tion in irrigation projects invol- ving the NCP, the PM in all his ral- lies this time around has referred to corruption within the NCP just twice. Once in Gondia, where he spoke of how a certain NCP leader was sweating because of the BJP, and on another rally, the PM spoke of how the Congress and NCP were involved in corruption in irriga- tion projects. But the farthest he has gone to attack Pawar was when he talked about his diffe- rences with his nephew, Ajit Pa- war. In his speeches, Modi has inste- ad been questioning on how Pa- war could still stick with the Congress. In Latur, he said, “Does it suit a man of Pawar’s stature to stand with such divisive political parties?” In Ahmednagar too, he tried to paint Pawar as a nationalist by sa- ying, “When there is a talk of two PMs in J&K, how can you be si- lent? After shaking hands with the Congress, you have been see- ing the country from the eyes of a foreigner -- how can you sleep in the night?” Modi has also cancel- led a rally in Baramati – Pawar’s bastion -- on April 10. Baramati is where Supriya Sule, daughter of Pawar, is contesting from. In 2014, a Rashtriya Samaj Paksha candi- date, riding on the Modi wave and backed by the BJP, gave Sule a sca- re in Baramati. “This seems to be an attempt to stay in Pawar’s good books. Also, one has to remember that the BJP has not acted against Ajit Pawar in the irrigation scam these past four years in spite of naming him. If they had arrested Ajit, it would have hurt Pawar Sr. This way, there could be back channel talks,” said Prakash Joshi, a poli- tical analyst. Incidentally, for the past two months, Maharashtra Cabinet Minister Chandrakant Patil, known to be close to BJP presi- dent Amit Shah, had said publicly that Ajit Pawar could get into tro- uble with the law ‘any time soon’. The BJP and the NCP have been fighting publicly, with the BJP charging the NCP of being invol- ved in irrigation project scams during the 2014 parliamentary and assembly polls. The NCP surprised many when in the 2014 assembly polls it unila- terally supported a BJP minority government in Maharashtra when it didn’t have the numbers and hadn’t even sought its sup- port. Modi Brings up Pawar in Maha Rallies, Questions NCP Chief ’s Ties With Cong NCP HAD GOT FOUR SEATS IN 2014 BJP insiders feel if party fails to have requisite numbers to form govt then equations with NCP can help INDIA VO TES 2 0 1 9 Krishna.Kumar @timesgroup.com Mumbai: Prime Minister Na- rendra Modi’s rallies in Maha- rashtra had a recurring theme: Sharad Pawar. The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief has found a mention in all his spee- ches, leaving even those in the NCP somewhat bemused. This isn’t without reason tho- ugh as BJP insiders believe that NCP, which had got four seats in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, is likely to increase its tally this ti- me. A conservative estimate puts the NCP tally at nine seats (mini- mum), and in a post poll scenario where the BJP doesn’t have the re- quisite numbers to form a go- vernment at the Centre, then equ- ations with the NCP can come in handy. While the BJP in 2014 had gone to town talking about the corrup- 3 THE ECONOMIC TIMES | KOLKATA | WEDNESDAY | 17 APRIL 2019 | WWW.ECONOMICTIMES.COM Pure Politics duals? When entity concerned is not state, can we issue directions? Can we ask police to help you if you want to enter somebody’s house,” Justice Bobde, who is slated to succeed Ran- jan Gogoi as the next Chief Justice of India later this year, asked. The SC response came on a public interest litigation filed by Yasmeen Zuber Peerzade and her husband Zuber Ahmad Peerzade, a Pune cou- ple, through their counsel Asutosh Dubey, demanding equal access for women in mosques and equal rights to pray under the Constitution of In- dia. Currently, women are allowed to enter and pray in separate enclosu- res in some mosques of particular PROTECTING RIGHTS Separate enclosu- res for women in mos- ques violate Mus- lim women’s fun- damental right to dignity, says plea separate enclosures for women in mosques were a form of discrimina- tion which violated Muslim wo- men’s fundamental right to dignity. The court demanded to know from Dubey whether the couple had at- tempted to enter mosques but disal- lowed. Dubey said the couple had, without success. Justice Bobde then cited the majority verdict in the Sa- barimala case to issue notices. A Constitution bench in a 4-1 verdict had ruled last year that religious practices would have to be tested on the anvil of the Constitution in mo- dern day India, while striking down the Sabarimala tradition of barring women of reproductive age from en- tering the shrine. denominations of Islam, while they are not allowed entry to Sunni mos- ques. The petition said there was no gen- der segregation in Islam and alleged of Northeast India Sanjay Ba- hadur held a meeting with of- ficers of the Investigation Di- rectorate to deliberate strate- gies for further tightening election expenditure monito- ring process in the upcoming second and third phases of polling. “All the 12 AIU functioning under joint director Mrinal K Das will remain ac- tive across the North East till April 23, the last polling dates in the region. AIU is also monitoring uns- cheduled and chartered pri- vate flights at airports and In- come Tax surveillance teams have asked state district aut- horities to alert them of heli- copter landings in districts. A Special Task Force is being constituted to investigate su- spicious bank transactions involving high value cash de- posits and withdrawals,” the communique added. NE Cash Seizures Jump Over 500% Since 2014 Poll Our Political Bureau Guwahati: The Investiga- tion Directorate of Income Tax, North East Region, has so far seized Rs 7.33 crore from the date of announce- ment of polls by the Election Commission of India. “This massive haul during the last one month far exceeds cash seizures of Rs 1.21 crore made during the 2014 general elections and is already 505% of the total amount seized in the previous election. Nearly 75% of the seizures have ta- ken place in the past two we- eks and include operations based on independent in- telligence against moneylenders and interceptions at airports by the Di- rectorate’s air in- telligence units (AIU) across the se- ven states of the North East,” an of- ficial statement sa- id. Principal director Cash worth . `7.33 cr has been seized so far against . ` 1.21 cr before 2014 polls R FINITIV PARTNERS WITH ODDUP For improved digita l ledger asset data transparency REFI N ITIV oddu p 13 o r. . =` ja ;q #WeAnalyse www.oddup.com Captain Kohli? D b s fj ! b FJ /, 0 1 n.., b 1 rte . 1 _ L - ms s Amul selects itself! 0 API"L AGARWAL PACKERS AND MOVERS LTD. p ; WI L ( . 1 I 1 I I 1 1 com

Transcript of ODDUP › brandcapitalus › wp... · that Ajit Pawar could get into tro-uble with the law ‘any...

Page 1: ODDUP › brandcapitalus › wp... · that Ajit Pawar could get into tro-uble with the law ‘any time soon’. The BJP and the NCP have been fighting publicly, with the BJP charging

[email protected]

New Delhi: The Supreme Court onTuesday cited the Sabarimala ver-dict to issue notices to the govern-ment and several Muslim bodies ona petition demanding equal rights toMuslim women to pray in mosques.A bench led by Justice SA Bobde as-ked the Centre, the All India MuslimPersonal Law Board and the CentralWakf Board to submit their views tothe court in four weeks.

“Is a mosque, or a temple, or achurch, ‘state’ (as defined in theConstitution)? Can you seek yourfundamental rights against indivi-

SC Notice on Women’s Mosque EntryPune Muslim couple’splea admitted citingSabarimala verdict,notice issued to AIMPLB & Wakf Board too

7 Parl Seats in 3 NEStates to Go to Polls

[email protected]

Guwahati: In the crucial second phase onApril 18, seven parliamentary seats inthree states of the North east will go topolls. About 90, 97,159 voters in the threestates will decide the fate of 71 candidatesin the fray. Apprehending breach of peaceand tranquillity, the Hailakandi district ad-ministration in Assam has been clampedSection 144 of CrPC in the entire district.

In Assam parliamentary constituenciesof Mangaldoi, Silchar, Karimganj, Autono-mous District and Nagaon will vote in thesecond phase. While Mangaldoi and Naga-on seat were won by BJP in 2014, Silcharand Autonomous District (comprises twohill districts) seat is held by Congress. AllIndia United Democratic Front (AIUDF)had won the Karimganj seat in 2014.

In Tripura, East parliamentary seat andManipur’s Inner Manipur parliamentaryseat will cast ballot on Thursday. CPI (M)MP Jitendra Choudhury had won the seatin 2014. Maharaj Kumari Pragya Debbur-man, daughter of late Tripura king, KiritBikram Kishore Debburman is contestingfrom this seat as Congress candidate, ru-ling BJP has fielded Rebati Tripura. Cong-ress is seeking reelection from Manipur’sInner Manipur seat.

Hailakandi comes under Karimganj par-liamentary seat.

#Main Bhi Voter About 90, 97,159 voters in the three northeast stateswill decide the fate of 71candidates tomorrow

tion in irrigation projects invol-ving the NCP, the PM in all his ral-lies this time around has referredto corruption within the NCP justtwice.

Once in Gondia, where he spokeof how a certain NCP leader wassweating because of the BJP, andon another rally, the PM spoke ofhow the Congress and NCP wereinvolved in corruption in irriga-tion projects. But the farthest hehas gone to attack Pawar waswhen he talked about his diffe-rences with his nephew, Ajit Pa-war.

In his speeches, Modi has inste-

ad been questioning on how Pa-war could still stick with theCongress. In Latur, he said, “Doesit suit a man of Pawar’s stature tostand with such divisive politicalparties?”

In Ahmednagar too, he tried topaint Pawar as a nationalist by sa-ying, “When there is a talk of twoPMs in J&K, how can you be si-lent? After shaking hands withthe Congress, you have been see-ing the country from the eyes of aforeigner -- how can you sleep inthe night?” Modi has also cancel-led a rally in Baramati – Pawar’sbastion -- on April 10. Baramati iswhere Supriya Sule, daughter ofPawar, is contesting from. In 2014,a Rashtriya Samaj Paksha candi-date, riding on the Modi wave andbacked by the BJP, gave Sule a sca-re in Baramati.

“This seems to be an attempt tostay in Pawar’s good books. Also,one has to remember that the BJPhas not acted against Ajit Pawar

in the irrigation scam these pastfour years in spite of naminghim. If they had arrested Ajit, itwould have hurt Pawar Sr. Thisway, there could be back channeltalks,” said Prakash Joshi, a poli-tical analyst.

Incidentally, for the past twomonths, Maharashtra CabinetMinister Chandrakant Patil,known to be close to BJP presi-dent Amit Shah, had said publiclythat Ajit Pawar could get into tro-uble with the law ‘any time soon’.

The BJP and the NCP have beenfighting publicly, with the BJPcharging the NCP of being invol-ved in irrigation project scamsduring the 2014 parliamentaryand assembly polls.

The NCP surprised many whenin the 2014 assembly polls it unila-terally supported a BJP minoritygovernment in Maharashtrawhen it didn’t have the numbersand hadn’t even sought its sup-port.

Modi Brings up Pawar in Maha Rallies,Questions NCP Chief ’s Ties With Cong


BJP insiders feel if party fails to have requisite numbers to form govt then equations with NCP can help



[email protected]

Mumbai: Prime Minister Na-rendra Modi’s rallies in Maha-rashtra had a recurring theme:Sharad Pawar. The NationalistCongress Party (NCP) chief hasfound a mention in all his spee-ches, leaving even those in theNCP somewhat bemused.

This isn’t without reason tho-ugh as BJP insiders believe thatNCP, which had got four seats inthe 2014 Lok Sabha elections, islikely to increase its tally this ti-me. A conservative estimate putsthe NCP tally at nine seats (mini-mum), and in a post poll scenariowhere the BJP doesn’t have the re-quisite numbers to form a go-vernment at the Centre, then equ-ations with the NCP can come inhandy.

While the BJP in 2014 had gone totown talking about the corrup-


duals? When entity concerned is notstate, can we issue directions? Canwe ask police to help you if you wantto enter somebody’s house,” JusticeBobde, who is slated to succeed Ran-jan Gogoi as the next Chief Justiceof India later this year, asked.

The SC response came on a publicinterest litigation filed by YasmeenZuber Peerzade and her husbandZuber Ahmad Peerzade, a Pune cou-ple, through their counsel AsutoshDubey, demanding equal access forwomen in mosques and equal rightsto pray under the Constitution of In-dia. Currently, women are allowed toenter and pray in separate enclosu-res in some mosques of particular


Separateenclosu-res for

women in mos-ques violate Mus-lim women’s fun-damental right todignity, says plea

separate enclosures for women inmosques were a form of discrimina-tion which violated Muslim wo-men’s fundamental right to dignity.The court demanded to know fromDubey whether the couple had at-tempted to enter mosques but disal-lowed. Dubey said the couple had,without success. Justice Bobde thencited the majority verdict in the Sa-barimala case to issue notices. AConstitution bench in a 4-1 verdicthad ruled last year that religiouspractices would have to be tested onthe anvil of the Constitution in mo-dern day India, while striking downthe Sabarimala tradition of barringwomen of reproductive age from en-tering the shrine.

denominations of Islam, while theyare not allowed entry to Sunni mos-ques.

The petition said there was no gen-der segregation in Islam and alleged

of Northeast India Sanjay Ba-hadur held a meeting with of-ficers of the Investigation Di-rectorate to deliberate strate-gies for further tighteningelection expenditure monito-ring process in the upcomingsecond and third phases ofpolling.

“All the 12 AIU functioningunder joint director Mrinal K

Das will remain ac-tive across theNorth East tillApril 23, the last

polling dates in the region.AIU is also monitoring uns-cheduled and chartered pri-vate flights at airports and In-come Tax surveillance teamshave asked state district aut-horities to alert them of heli-copter landings in districts. ASpecial Task Force is beingconstituted to investigate su-spicious bank transactionsinvolving high value cash de-posits and withdrawals,” thecommunique added.

NE Cash SeizuresJump Over 500%Since 2014 Poll

Our Political Bureau

Guwahati: The Investiga-tion Directorate of IncomeTax, North East Region, hasso far seized Rs 7.33 crorefrom the date of announce-ment of polls by the ElectionCommission of India.

“This massive haul duringthe last one month far exceedscash seizures of Rs 1.21 croremade during the 2014 generalelections and is already 505%of the total amount seized inthe previous election. Nearly75% of the seizures have ta-ken place in the past two we-eks and includeoperations basedon independent in-telligence againstmoneylenders andinterceptions atairports by the Di-rectorate’s air in-telligence units(AIU) across the se-ven states of theNorth East,” an of-ficial statement sa-id.

Principal director

Cash worth .̀ 7.33 crhas been seized sofar against .̀ 1.21crbefore 2014 polls

CCI NG 3.7 Product: ETKolkataBS PubDate: 17-04-2019 Zone: KolkataCity Edition: 1 Page: ETKCPG3 User: kathakali.nandi Time: 04-16-2019 21:51 Color: CMYK

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