Ocr audiance evaluation

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Transcript of Ocr audiance evaluation

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our target audience is mainly 16-24 year olds because of the morning slot 7-9 am most of ocr listeners will be travelling to and from schools/colleges.

We have tried to make all our news stories appeal to all backgrounds by making our news appeal to everyone in the local area

because of the morning slot 7-9 am most of our listeners will be travelling to and from schools/colleges. This is why we decided to try and make our news bulletin to the ‘college strand’

As you can see all of the people above are college students from different ethnic backgrounds we

try to aim our stories at all ethnic backgrounds

Even though our news bulletin is mainly aimed at the ‘college strand’ we also made our

bulletin attract regular/older listeners. This also ensures that our news bulletin will fit into the

rest of the strand