Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-10-22 [p...

I OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY OCTOBER 22 1S03 THREk 4 + f + 4 t tt 44+ + + 4++ + +++ + 01 T IUi n I- c 0 WIbut fj < t 1l 1- VJ how groI K H s 1 that every one LII4 1 i 101 in l mi candy O J he old wyng that a man is judged lay the csnly he gvts b hold pond vday same as always Buy the be <t u nt take the jUit f ai pood kind > Nothing qLle equals 1 famous Bon Bon and Chocolates They are in a distinctively exclu- sive class to th mielves J Orders receive prompt and care I ful attention Just give us the name I and address and Uiclc Sm does the rot T W TROXLER I 24 MAIN ST Mrs M E Wallace of Calvary is now at home with Mrs Laird South Fourth street Mrs Wallace lived at Calvary for t lrtynhH years and prior to tlifit oh corning to Florida from Canada resided two or three years at Fort Gates on the St Johns river October 28th Is named as the date when the Marlon Baptist Association will hold ftH session at the Oklawaha Bridge church across the river It will be the occasion of a large gather- Ing Xunnallys After Dinner Mints 25 cents the box at the Postoffice Drug ¬ store- Souvenirs of Ocala for 15c at the I Ocala News Co R C Dqvls K > Co of Jacksonville handle typewriter ribbons jijc each 7fiKper doe- nWANT uo LANDI- F YOU HJ iyE SOME LAND IM ¬ PROVED UNIMPROVED THAT YOU WANT TO SELL CHEAP WRITE ME STATING PRICE LO ¬ CATION AND AMOUNT OF ACRE ¬ AGE ADDRESS A F BOX 517 OCALA FLA ACT AT ON- CEOYSTERS j I I rpO- ysters t ire good and we are serving them in all styles Wo keep a first class cafe and short order house and nerve nil of the delicacies of the sea- son l as well as nIt plain staple dishes d at moderate prices Good coffee and something good to eat at anVjhour up f to 10 oclock at night Dar in con- nection ¬ I where you can get anything- to to drink of smoke that you may- S wish j HOGANS CAFE j Short Order and Oyster House West- Side Public Square OCALA PRESSING CLUB- J J FORT Proprietor ii Rates reasonableAll goods Pressed and Cleaned on Short No ¬ tice and Delivered Promptly All transient work not called for in 30 lays wil be sold for charges W C BLANCHARD CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plans furnished- on application- PO Box 46 Ocala Fla JI FALL AND WINTE- RTAILORING I HAVE MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF PIECE GOODS An elegant exclusive line and will be pleased to show you the goods and make your fall or winter suit or trous- ers ¬ You dont have to wait Pick out your goods and the suit is made and fitted at once and guaranteed as to workmanship fit and quality of goods- I also have an elegant line of sam- ples ¬ so that you are sure of finding what you want Respectfully Jerry Burnett The Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building- Fort King Avenue FRESH BREADFR- EE DELIVERY- Vc have put on a wagon for our bakery and will deliver you Fresh Bread Pies and Cakes to any part of the city upon short notice We bake every morning and only the best and have had many years exp riente in the business We will appreciate a share of your tradeWOLF HEINTZ BAKERS North Magnolia Street OCALA OCCURRENCES Masons meet tonighi FOR SALE Second hand furniture for sale cheap Apply to F W Ditto Jim Harder returned today from a business visit to DeLand Get your school supplies tat the Ocala News Co Two secondhand wagons for sale cheap Apply to F W Ditto- T B Walker Florida passenger agent of the L N is in town today Tents for rent or sale The Ocala Furniture Company FOR RENTA splejididly furnish- ed ¬ room Inquire at 78 AVatula street Mr Grandy of Island Grove is here- to prove up his homestead tomorrow Furnished rooms for rent Apply at No 34 Oklawaha avenue Flower seeds all kinds for fall plant ing at Tydlngs Co fol R F Rogers the Lynne tur- pentine ¬ operator was in town today Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran- teed ¬ Price 25c Sold by all druggists- A new line of renting wheels 15c per hour B F Condon Buy a highgrade standard wheel 10 down and 2 per week B F Con lIon We understand a sensational case will he heard tomorrow morning in the mayors court One pound of paper and two packs f envelopes very best grade for 50 cents at Tydings Co Mr D W Tompkins 801c11he calico pony he recently brought from Atlanta today to Jessie MacDuffy P > Have you seen the new visible Fay Shoes typewriter R C Davis Jo general agents- Mr Jack Mcintosh the athletes has gone to Colorado where h ° will spend the winter Nunnallys After Dinn r Mints 25 cents the box at the Postoffice Drug- store ¬ Miss Emma Tucker the successful evangelist will hold a meeting at Reddick next week I Really line stationery In fancy boxes I at greatly reduced rates at the Cor- ner ¬ Drugstore- Send us your prescription business We are thoroughly prepared to handle- It j Tydlngs Co Mrs C E Herrick and little daugh- ter ¬ of Crystal River were in town today shopping- We I lead the city on stationery tab- lets ¬ and school supplies of all kinds The AntiMonopoly Drugstore The KnightMartin Coinpany has- h t received a carload of sash doors and blinds I I Now is the time to plant your gar- den ¬ I We have all kinds of garden I seed for fall planting Tydlngs Co r I Call in and see the pretty line of fancy Imported China that we are displaying The AntiMonopoly Drug- Store I Miss Daisy Bell the efficient assis- tant ¬ In her brother Judge Bells office has returned from her visit to Green Springs I MEN Our illustrated catalogue ex- plains ¬ I how we teach barber trade in I few weeks mailed free Moler Barber I College Atlanta Ga WANTED teacher to teach three children at night Must understand Chesterfield Apply to Dr D M Bon ey2 and 4 Gary building- Miss Jewel Wicker a very charm- ing ¬ young lady of Montezuma Ga who has been visiting the Misses Walters left for her home yesterday We have a most exquisite line of fancy imported china in many dif- ferent ¬ pieces The AntiMonopoly Drugstore- Mr I and Mrs J L Parramore who recently returned from Moss Bluff have taken rooms with Mr and Mrs Fred LaSuer We carry the best line of toilet ar- ticles ¬ soaps perfumes etc in the city Come in and be convinced Ty ¬ dings Co Foleys Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly strengthens the lungs and expels colds Get the genuine in a yellow package Sold by all dealers I H H Petteway general manager of the Home Naval Stores Co at Homo I sassa was In town today and made the Star an appreciated call You dont have to take your pre cription to the druggist whose name- s printed on the blank Take it to any rugstorethe best drugstore Bring- t direct to us The Corner Drugstore- R C Davis Co of Jacksonville- will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms if desired Jim Nelson employed nt the Ocala Gas Engine Works is on the sick list today Mr Joe Oelegin a machinist from Jacksonville is a new acquisi- tion ¬ at the gas engine works FOR SAXE 160 acres good land 30 of which Js cleared and been cultivat- ed ¬ has good sixroom house barn stables work shop cistern balance 130 acres pine timber been cut over but has good crosstie timber and plenty good wood and heart post tim- ber ¬ Price 500 half cash Apply to F W Ditto Mr Snelling of Reddick Messrs J B Gore and Jessie Stevens of Conner- Mr Gillis of York and Mr Seckinger of Martel all representative citizens- of their respective communities were visitors to tin city today We want a resident representative in Ocala to handle our line of paper and paper bags on a commission lbasls Age nationality race and rec- ommendation ¬ required The Westov er Paper Company Richmond Va r COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION MEETING There was a well attended meeting- in Sheriff Galloways office last night- to hear the report of the soliciting committee Mr Jake Brown made the report for Messrs D E Mclver and t Harry Clarkson who did mot of tlw I soliciting They said the committee had 900 pledged but as they had been I unable to see man of our business I met ad biliewd that if further i time were granted that 600 addi- tional ¬ could be raised and with this I sum the association felt warranted in holding the first county fair at the fall association grounds D E Mclver who is an enthusiast- in the cause made some interesting remarks A subscription was then I called by those present who not pre- viously ¬ signed namely Will Lucius- Dr I Walter Hood Sheriff Galloway- and Mr H A Fausett On motion of this reporter the solic ¬ I iting committee was given until Mon- day ¬ night October J6th to make their lanaI report anti it is hoped they will succeed when the actual work of get- ting ¬ up the fair will b gin There vas some informal talk about the nature of the buildings in which to U > lace the exhibits but in the language- of Jake Brown that was all prema ¬ ture The only question In hand now and paramount to all other considera ¬ tions is the getting in hand of the 1500 for numerous temporary build- ings ¬ and when the cash is in hand the way to spend it will be up to the proper committee Those present were President Geo- K Robinson Secretary D S Williams Baxter Carn Will Lmius H A Fausett Dr Walter Hood Dr Hulbert Will Marlow D E Mclver Sheriff Galloway Harry Clarkson Will Knight Jake Brown and C L Bittin ger A telephone regret came from Mr Chambliss saying he was on the sick list- There has been considerable interest aroused in the fair question and if our people will only get together and act as a unit it will be a pronounced- success Remember Ocala is looked to to get- up the sinews of war therefore let ev- ery ¬ man woman and child in the town who can make a cash contribution If you cant give 100 or 550 or 25 give according to your nitans if it is only- a dollar There should be revQral hun rpeople in the Brick City win could give 1 apiece So let them come forward Dont wait oh the com- mittee ¬ he a committee if one your- self ¬ and chip in the coin This is a deserving institution an institution that will be of benefit to the whole county Let ys have county pride and be in the procession Let every fin mer determine to make an exhibit If it is nothing more than an ear of corn a sheaf of oats a pig a colt a cow or calf a chicken turkey etc Be up and doing Tilt same may be said of the good women Let them comp to the front with a glass or jar oV jelly pnserves or some canned goods- all of which it takes to make a suc- cessful ¬ fait Let us quit talking county fair and get down to having One It will be stimulating profitable and a erown of glory to Marion tilt banner county of the state MEETING W C T U The W C T U held a very im- portant ¬ anti well atten led meeting yesterday afternoon in the iethodtet church to plan and appoint committees to carry out the program for the 2 th anniversary meeting of their order whhli will con vne in Ocala Nov 11th to 13th At this gathering MrsMaVy Harris Armour of Georgia will be one of the principal speakers She vas instrumental in eariying the state of Georgia dry last year in tIme memora- ble ¬ ctmpiign for prohibition there SIte is known throughout the Empire State of the South as the Female Cyclone Orator and the ehautauquas of the west where sue has been in great demand tilt pat season say she is one of the most entertaining and captivating speakers that ever appeared in that section Tin re is a genuine treat in store for the people of Ocala on that occasion The com initte appointed to secure homes for the delegates to the convention is composed of Mrs E Van Hood Mrs- E P Rentz Mrs J W Pearson Mrs- T M Moore Mrs F R Bridges and Mrs John Hopkins Another meeting of the V C T U wilt be held next Wednesday afternoon at the same place Misses Edna Dozier Louise Harris Jennie Mayo and Mary Bogie are Ocala young ladies who are receiving many votes in the Jacksonville Me- tropolis ¬ coupon contest- Mr P R Tester the Ocala sawmill- man is now the proprietor of the Al meria Hotel Tampa He will move his family to Tampa shortly Ocala re- grets j to lose these excellent people but wishes them abundant success Mr and Mrs R A Green who ar ¬ rived from Ohio yesterday and were the guests of Mr and Mrs J J Gerig I left for their home at Clearwater where Mr Green owns a very fine or ¬ ange grove I The revival meetings rt time Meth- odist ¬ church which have been in pro ¬ gress for ten days closed last night Rev Sam Scott of Brooksville who I assisted Rev Barnett went up to Mic anopy Sunday today to visit and preach there j ARMORY THEATER III A Magnificent Production of New Yorks Present Sensation The DevilWI- TH JOHN BWHITEMAN I In the Title Role Supported by a Ca- pable ¬ Company Under the Manage- ment ¬ of C V Richie Saturday Night Oct 24 Greatest play of the centuryNew I York Herald- An instantaneous success Xew York World There is no longer any question about the greatness of the play Florida TimesUnion SPECIAL STAGE SETTINGS HANDSOME COSTUMES Prices 25 50 and 75 cents seats on sale at OCALA NEWS CO Cranberries Egg Noodles Prunes Peaches I Honey in Comb Shredded Codfish and 2 lb boxes Boneless Cod fish Cracker Meal 1 lb pkgs Pop Corn 5 lb can Fruit Cake at TEAPOT GROCERYT- he Legend of a Ghot at the Berlin theater last night was very fine and The June Bug and The Devils Three Sins were almost as good The Consequences of a Curse which will be given this evening is a thrill ¬ ing subject and all the others are ex- cellent ¬ particularly A Highly Scented Bouquet which is natunl enough to mell Be sure and take them in A stenographer rapid accurate and with considerable experience wants a situation Address Box ISO Ocala Fla Mr R K Hall went to Salt Springs- this morning to visit his turpentine business there Mr R R Carroll of the Star accompanied Mr Hall to I inspect the place look over the con- vict ¬ camp and spend the night The Star has beenrequested to sug- gest ¬ that tilt laying of the cornerstone of the new government building should be observed with appropriate ceremon- ies ¬ The question is respectfully re ¬ ferred to the board of trade and our enterprising citize- nsBERLIN ELECTRICAL THEATER Xorth Magnolia Street Opposite I Mclver MacKays I IIL WOOD Proprietor I CHANGE Of PROGRAM D4ILY Program for this Evening CONSEQUENCES OF A CURE A HIGHLY SCENTED BOUQUET- A I STUDENTS RANSOM TOUAREGS IN THEIR OWN LAND FORSAKEN Oren Promptly at 330 P M Admission 10 Cents I Children 5 Cents I OYSTERS SERVED IN ALL STYLES I Fresh Crystal Rivr oysters receiv id every day and served in all style I a till Elks ife opposite the A C L depot I PUTTING IT OFF TAKING YOUR TIME- In the matter of eye trouble is dan ¬ gerous indeed WHY DELAY- In So Important a Matter Children whose eyes are hot exactly right should be ent to me at once Dont wait The little fellows are de- pending ¬ upon YOU They dont know these things themselves DR D M BOXEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Fla Office Hours S to 12 a m and 130 to 4JO p m Optical office and laboratry rooms 2 and 4 Gary bl- ockCASTORIA For Infaats urd Children The Kind Yea Have Always Bought Bears The ASt- gilatL cr JI rtc U The Ocala Library is being moved today to its new quarters In the old Martinet building The upper floor of thi building has been renovated and made especially adaptable to the li- brary ¬ to which the members of the- O ctoln Athletic Association will have fr e access in return for which the library association will have no rent- to pay We are displaying the largest and best selected line of perfumes toilet powders toilet waters soaps etc in Central Florida and will take pleas- ure ¬ in showing you the line The AntiMonopoly Drugstore Mr mi th of the turpentine firm of Smith Johnson Reddick greatly surprised his many friends by return- ing ¬ home from Alachua Ian week and bringing with him a brid > Miss Rubie Hawkins a graduate of the Reddick High School The new school building is receiv- ing ¬ its iinishing touches lut will not be ready for the primary department- of our high school until Monday a 1 week when it will be occupied I I FOR RENT by January it 1909 a new fourroom house in colored neighborhood near Magnolia street Good well of water See Gillen at No 1 South Fifth street or at Star office W L Dougherty of Lake Bryant went down to Lakeland today He said Harry Clarkson and Shep Scott were over at Lake Bryant fishing Saturday- and landed fortyfive fine trout r BAND CONCERTTOMORROW NIGHT The following program will be ren- dered ¬ by the Metropolitan Band Fri1 day evening at S oclock March High PrideJ C Heed Overture PeerksF H Losey Baritone Solo Fascination J E athcwsc L Barnhouse Medley Remicks Hits Xo 4Jo- dewalt Lampe In this selection in laying Im Afraid to Come Home in the Dark there are four measures that it is intentional to pe played dis oordantly- Sehottische Four Little Blackb- erI ¬ I L B OConnor March Old Faithful Abe Holz mann Medley Remicks Hits No 1 J- Eodewalt Lampe Song March Just Take Me Down- to Wonderland Dalley A E Gerig Director BRIDGES BUYS OUT KNIGHT- Mr Allen W Bridges has bought out Mr James L Knights stock in the Knight Iartin Hard are Com- pany ¬ The trade which has been pend- ing for some time was consummated yesterday- Mr Knight will devote his time to other interests he being largely inter- ested in the production of naval stores and Mr Bridges will manage the store in person and will give the business- his personal and undivided attention- Mr Bridges is a good business man and has a thorough knowledge of the hardware line He has a wide ac- quaintance ¬ over the country and will get a full shaiv of the business The store has recently been moved into the Delouest buiHing one of the hand ¬ somest stands in the city and the stock i < now straightened out and in good shape The firm has been holding off for some time awaiting the removal to a better stand before increasing the stock which will now be lone Mr Bridges will double the present stock and when the new goods that have been ordered arrive the store will bo- one of the best stocked general hand ware stores in the country There will be quite a number of specialties- and novelties in the new goods Mr Bridges is full of good ideas I and the big store room gives him I space to display both his stock and ideas TIt name wit remain tho same the KnightMartin Hardware- Co Mr Bridges has been the acting manager of the store for the past six months so that he has a thoroough grasp of the business Success to him ORGANIZED AN AERIE Eagles Held an Enthusiastic Meeting- and Elected Officers The members of till newly institut- ed I Aerie of Eagles held a well at- tended meeting in the K of P hall last night and elected time following officers Past Worthy President Sydney llaile Worthy President C O lIar rls Vice President G D Hogan Sect rtaiy W R Ptdrick Treasurer F G B Weihe Conductor John T Moore Inside Guard C A Fort Out side Guard Taylor Stroman Chap- lain W H Moore Electrician II W Ticker Physician II C Dozier Trustees A Harris John T Moor < A M Dudley Member elected at the meeting j ar F G B Weihe John T Ioor M L Reynolds A Frank W W Bush A M Dusk > C O Harris P E Fort J O Lucius Alf E Owens V cEvw Jts SEngesser J C1 iillaIl C W Goff wTirTPdriek I I G D Hogan C A Fort W E Brad- ley W J Gorham T L Dekle J F Hall W TStroman II W Tucler Henry Gordon W A Kallenberger- Otto Sob wary Gorge W Davis N H Thomas F W Ditto Sam Leonard S Haile M Nolan A S Burgess Dr H C Dozier J A Morris Jr J H Ben- jamin ¬ F E Vogt F W Ellison T L- Neely M D Wilson X L Williams Pat WSnford O W Cordero L M Raysor J W Fort J M Peterson S L Bitting W S McLaughlin WI F Adam w H Moore H E Leaven good W e Bull fiftytwo in all Besides there are tO aprHoations to be acted on at the next meeting which will be about a week later when the Aerie will be instituted with all of the solemnity and impressive rites of the order A team will probablv come from Jacksonville Tampa Fernandina or St Augustine to aid in time y orK1 The Ocala Aerie hopes to be one of i the leading organizations of the city and of this there will be no doubt when the real object of tile order Is understood I EPISCOPAL CHURCH BAZAAR- The t t ladies of the Episcopal church- ill hold their annual bazaar of fancy work and supper at the Central Na tional Bank building on Wednesday the 2nd of December I SOME HANDSOME FIRE SETS The KnightMartin Hardware Com- pany will have in a few days the pret- tiest t line of fire sets tire screens etc j that you have ever seen The ladies- are requsted to wait for them ji When you want stationery go to a stationery store The Ocala News i Company has the best and most up todate line in Ocala VANTED Bookkeeper and clerk j Young lady thoroughly capable to write up set of books and act as sales- lady I at other times S R F care St a r- ON i THE CORNR Visit our new store It is modern and uptodate and i some say as pretty as can be Some of our new goods are in DRIED APPLES 15 i DRIED APRICOTS 15 DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25 DRIED PRUNES 15c two for 25 NEW MACKEREL 10 FRESH ASSORTMENT CAKES AND CRACKERS- Try our famous Hudnuts Pearl Grits and MeIwhite as snow CRANBERRIES Two QUARTS 25c O K GoctyCl- ark Bros ProprietorsP- HONE I 175 i w iE Why Do You L- i 0 f Read This Because the Ad Writer made it attractive to your eye It is just so with Fred Kau- ffmannTAILORING j The cutting the fit and the style make them attractive to the eye You need not dress loud t The beauty of Fred Kauffmann Tailoring aeates attention and improves every mans appearance Ve show almost 500 Fall Patterns priced from 1250 the SiSt up to 5000 The Most Perfect Tailoring under the sun A FRANK at the BOSTON STO- REHANTDSOIVIE I I Fall Stock of Jewelry I I am getting in one of the handsomest and most i complete stocks of Jewelry for the trade this fall and- i winter that I have ever carried Many of the goods J have already arrived There are many 4 PRETTY THINGS j in Watches Chains Jewelry of all kinds Diamonds Cut Glass and Silverware Fine China Novelties etc i j 7 and many others arriving each week- I I i i t t p am agent for and carry a very kti c t 4 large stock of Edisons Phonographs I IiI and Records Nearly j 1 IL I i 2000 DIFFERENT RECORDS CtSIEnnob l1I40fl- I to select from We will be pleased 1 = J r i to have you call and see the goods 6 Respectfully j i I A EB t j urnee Zi t j OCALA THE JEWELER FLORIDA I j Washington Seminary CORNER NORTH AVENUE AND PEACHTREE ATLANTA GA For girls and young ladies established 1S78 Number boarding stud ¬ ents stricttyil insure refined home life Classes divided Into small sections personal attehlinolo each pupil Faculty of 18 specialists Con- servatory ¬ v advantages in MUSIC AKTELOCCTIOI Cc UiluiU g Vassar Wellesley etc Catalog free- L f- o 1 D SCOTT EMMA B SCOTT PRI NCIPALS l II BOUGHT THE MULES- Mr C A Wilson of Brooksville was in the city today and purchased all of Cobb Tompkills mules for the Ari- neka Lumber Co They were as fine a lot of mule flesh as ever came to Ocala Mr Wilson also purchased a pair of black mares matched for the same firm- Xunnallys I After Dinner Mints 25 cents the box at the Postotfice Drug- store ¬ Mrs Louis of Pittsburg and Mrs Packard daughters of the late T J Owen who spent the past month in Ocala left for home today N H DfLane of Eastlak was in the city today Mr and Mrs DeLane ar- rived ¬ from Massachusetts Sunday to spend the winter Mr DeLane sold his handsome grove but reserved a lot on which he will erect a cozy win- ter ¬ home He was Here 10 purchase the lumber Wiley Nelson a young negro from the Shady section was tried In Judge Bells court today for stealing and carrying concealed weapons and fined 100 and costs or sentenced to six months on ih < hard road Mr J L Smoak with his charming daughter Miss Eloise and Miss Fan- nie ¬ Cook the accomplished saleslady at Klein Hoffmans store spent Sunc1a at Homoso tile guests of Captain and Mrs E B Richardson Mrs Jak Brown Mrs T H Wallis arid Mrs X I Gottlieb are having their kitchens fitted up with gas ranges The gas supplied by the gas comuany now makes cooking by this method a pleasure instead of a drudg- ery ¬ The Baraca class of the Baptist Sunday school will meet tonight at the residence of Mrs S A Standley A full attendance Is desired and a pleas- ant ¬ time is assured DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills are jut whnt you need and what you should get right away for pain in the back backache rheumatic pains and all urinary and bladder troubles Thousands of people suffer from Kid- ney ¬ and Bladder trouble and do not know it They think it is a cold or train Dont take any chances Get DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills Thy are antiseptic and promrtly soothe the pain Dont fail to insist upon DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills We sell them Sold by Anti- Monopoly Drugstore- Mr Frank Drake while playing ten- nis ¬ yesterday afternoon on the Camp t nnis court fell and fractured his wrist We wish him a speedy recov- ry Mr George LoU of Leesburg is in the city to spend a few days visiting- his brothr Dr Fred Lovell manager of the Hunter Drug Company I FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE- I am a candidate for justice of the peace of the Ocala district at the coming November election If elected- I will endavor to so act as to meet your confidence Respectfully- J W Lyles FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE I I wish to announce to the pujllc hat I am a candidate for the office of ustice of the peace for district No I o be voted for at the general election uesday November 3rd 1908 In place- f the regular democratic nominee Mr ishop removed by death I respect ully ask the support of the voters Respectfully Hal G Eagleton FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE r hereby announce myself a candi- date ¬ for justice of the peace for dis- trict No1 and your support will be highly appreciated I C M Livingston- A OJ TON AND A HALF BEAR Capt Buck Williams conductor of the Homosassa train had a large bear tale to exploit today o He said En ¬ gineer Scott was aroused out of his ixaceful slumber this morning by a I Urrible commotion at his pig pen and the loud barking of his dog Making a hasty toilet he jumped out of bed antf soon discovered the cause of theup- roar It was the presence of a tre- mendous ¬ bear that looked as If it would weigh a ton and a half The community turned out and drove bruin- to his lair What do you think of a guaranteed- razor and strop for 1 Well the KnightMartin Hardware Co will have a window full of them In a few days If the razors are not just as represented you can get your dollar back S Mrs D A Miller is with her mother Mrs Fhtch at Dunnelion who Is quite sick Mrs Fletcher is seventy eight years of age and very feeble Homer H Dean who has been in the employ of Mr Bake a turpentine operator at Campville in town He has been suffering from the dengue and- i now a victim of chills He Is here- under the doctors care I SCHOOLBOOKS SCHOOLBOOKS either new or secondhand at the 1 Ocala News Company 1 ROGERS LIVERWORT- TAR AND CANCHALOGUA For the complete cure of coughs colds asthma and bronchitis and all lung complaints tending to consump- tion ¬ Liverwort Tar and Wild Cherry have for ages maintained an estab- lished ¬ reputation as a standard cough remedy It contains no opium or iIJ harmful drug Can be given with << > 4 safety to children Price 1 Sold byy druggists Williams Manufacturing Co Props Cleveland O Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore tt I

Transcript of Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-10-22 [p...



4 + f + 4 t tt 44++ + 4++ +++++





WIbut fj< t

1l 1-

VJhow groI K H s


that every one LII4 1 i 101 in l micandy O

J he old wyng that a man isjudged lay the csnly he gvts b

hold pond vday same as alwaysBuy the be< t u nt take the jUit fai pood kind >

Nothing qLle equals 1

famous Bon Bon and ChocolatesThey are in a distinctively exclu-sive class to th mielves

J Orders receive prompt and careI ful attention Just give us the name I

and address and Uiclc Sm doesthe rot


I 24 MAIN STMrs M E Wallace of Calvary is

now at home with Mrs Laird SouthFourth street Mrs Wallace lived atCalvary for t lrtynhH years andprior to tlifit oh corning to Floridafrom Canada resided two or threeyears at Fort Gates on the St Johnsriver

October 28th Is named as the datewhen the Marlon Baptist Associationwill hold ftH session at the OklawahaBridge church across the river Itwill be the occasion of a large gather-Ing

Xunnallys After Dinner Mints 25cents the box at the Postoffice Drug ¬


Souvenirs of Ocala for 15c at theI

Ocala News Co

R C Dqvls K>

Co of Jacksonvillehandle typewriter ribbons jijceach 7fiKper doe-
















ire good and we are servingthem in all styles Wo keep a firstclass cafe and short order house andnerve nil of the delicacies of the sea-son

las well as nIt plain staple dishes

d at moderate prices Good coffee andsomething good to eat at anVjhour up

f to 10 oclock at night Dar in con-


I where you can get anything-to to drink of smoke that you may-


Short Order and Oyster House West-

Side Public Square


J J FORT Proprietorii

Rates reasonableAll goodsPressed and Cleaned on Short No ¬

tice and Delivered Promptly Alltransient work not called for in 30lays wil be sold for charges



Plans furnished-on application-

PO Box 46 Ocala FlaJI




An elegant exclusive line and will bepleased to show you the goods andmake your fall or winter suit or trous-ers


You dont have to wait Pick outyour goods and the suit is made andfitted at once and guaranteed as toworkmanship fit and quality of goods-

I also have an elegant line of sam-ples


so that you are sure of findingwhat you want Respectfully

Jerry BurnettThe Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building-

Fort King Avenue



Vc have put on a wagon forour bakery and will deliver youFresh Bread Pies and Cakes toany part of the city upon shortnotice

We bake every morning andonly the best and have had manyyears exp riente in the businessWe will appreciate a share of your


North Magnolia Street


Masons meet tonighi

FOR SALE Second hand furniturefor sale cheap Apply to F W Ditto

Jim Harder returned today from abusiness visit to DeLand

Get your school supplies tat theOcala News Co

Two secondhand wagons for salecheap Apply to F W Ditto-

T B Walker Florida passengeragent of the L N is in town today

Tents for rent or sale The OcalaFurniture Company

FOR RENTA splejididly furnish-ed


room Inquire at 78 AVatula street

Mr Grandy of Island Grove is here-to prove up his homestead tomorrow

Furnished rooms for rent Apply atNo 34 Oklawaha avenue

Flower seeds all kinds for fall planting at Tydlngs Co

fol R F Rogers the Lynne tur-pentine


operator was in town today

Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran-teed


Price 25c Sold by all druggists-

A new line of renting wheels 15cper hour B F Condon

Buy a highgrade standard wheel10 down and 2 per week B F Con


We understand a sensational casewill he heard tomorrow morning inthe mayors court

One pound of paper and two packsf envelopes very best grade for 50

cents at Tydings Co

Mr D W Tompkins 801c11he calicopony he recently brought from Atlantatoday to Jessie MacDuffy P >

Have you seen the new visible FayShoes typewriter R C Davis Jogeneral agents-

Mr Jack Mcintosh the athletes hasgone to Colorado where h ° will spendthe winter

Nunnallys After Dinn r Mints 25cents the box at the Postoffice Drug-store


Miss Emma Tucker the successfulevangelist will hold a meeting atReddick next week I

Really line stationery In fancy boxes I

at greatly reduced rates at the Cor-ner



Send us your prescription businessWe are thoroughly prepared to handle-It


Tydlngs Co

Mrs C E Herrick and little daugh-ter


of Crystal River were in towntoday shopping-


lead the city on stationery tab-lets


and school supplies of all kindsThe AntiMonopoly Drugstore

The KnightMartin Coinpany has-h t received a carload of sash doorsand blinds I


Now is the time to plant your gar-den


We have all kinds of garden I

seed for fall planting Tydlngs Co



Call in and see the pretty line offancy Imported China that we aredisplaying The AntiMonopoly Drug-Store


Miss Daisy Bell the efficient assis-tant


In her brother Judge Bells officehas returned from her visit to GreenSprings


MEN Our illustrated catalogue ex-



how we teach barber trade in I

few weeks mailed free Moler Barber I

College Atlanta Ga

WANTED teacher to teach threechildren at night Must understandChesterfield Apply to Dr D M Boney2 and 4 Gary building-

Miss Jewel Wicker a very charm-ing


young lady of Montezuma Gawho has been visiting the MissesWalters left for her home yesterday

We have a most exquisite line offancy imported china in many dif-ferent


pieces The AntiMonopolyDrugstore-


and Mrs J L Parramore whorecently returned from Moss Bluffhave taken rooms with Mr and MrsFred LaSuer

We carry the best line of toilet ar-ticles


soaps perfumes etc in thecity Come in and be convinced Ty ¬

dings Co

Foleys Honey and Tar curescoughs quickly strengthens the lungsand expels colds Get the genuine ina yellow package Sold by all dealers

I H H Petteway general manager ofthe Home Naval Stores Co at Homo

I sassa was In town today and madethe Star an appreciated call

You dont have to take your precription to the druggist whose name-s printed on the blank Take it to anyrugstorethe best drugstore Bring-t direct to us The Corner Drugstore-

R C Davis Co of Jacksonville-will sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms if desired

Jim Nelson employed nt the OcalaGas Engine Works is on the sick listtoday Mr Joe Oelegin a machinistfrom Jacksonville is a new acquisi-tion


at the gas engine works

FOR SAXE 160 acres good land 30of which Js cleared and been cultivat-ed


has good sixroom house barnstables work shop cistern balance130 acres pine timber been cut overbut has good crosstie timber andplenty good wood and heart post tim-ber


Price 500 half cash Apply toF W Ditto

Mr Snelling of Reddick Messrs JB Gore and Jessie Stevens of Conner-Mr Gillis of York and Mr Seckingerof Martel all representative citizens-of their respective communities werevisitors to tin city today

We want a resident representativein Ocala to handle our line of paperand paper bags on a commissionlbasls Age nationality race and rec-ommendation


required The Westover Paper Company Richmond Va



There was a well attended meeting-in Sheriff Galloways office last night-to hear the report of the solicitingcommittee Mr Jake Brown made thereport for Messrs D E Mclver and

t Harry Clarkson who did mot of tlwI soliciting They said the committeehad 900 pledged but as they had been

I unable to see man of our businessI met ad biliewd that if furtheri time were granted that 600 addi-tional


could be raised and with thisI sum the association felt warranted inholding the first county fair at thefall association grounds

D E Mclver who is an enthusiast-in the cause made some interestingremarks A subscription was then

I called by those present who not pre-viously


signed namely Will Lucius-DrI Walter Hood Sheriff Galloway-and Mr H A Fausett

On motion of this reporter the solic ¬I iting committee was given until Mon-day


night October J6th to make theirlanaI report anti it is hoped they willsucceed when the actual work of get-ting


up the fair will b gin Therevas some informal talk about thenature of the buildings in which to

U > lace the exhibits but in the language-of Jake Brown that was all prema ¬

ture The only question In hand nowand paramount to all other considera ¬

tions is the getting in hand of the1500 for numerous temporary build-ings


and when the cash is in hand theway to spend it will be up to theproper committee

Those present were President Geo-K Robinson Secretary D S WilliamsBaxter Carn Will Lmius H AFausett Dr Walter Hood Dr HulbertWill Marlow D E Mclver SheriffGalloway Harry Clarkson WillKnight Jake Brown and C L Bittinger A telephone regret came fromMr Chambliss saying he was on thesick list-

There has been considerable interestaroused in the fair question and if ourpeople will only get together and actas a unit it will be a pronounced-success

Remember Ocala is looked to to get-up the sinews of war therefore let ev-


man woman and child in the townwho can make a cash contribution Ifyou cant give 100 or 550 or 25 giveaccording to your nitans if it is only-a dollar There should be revQral hunrpeople in the Brick City wincould give 1 apiece So let themcome forward Dont wait oh the com-mittee


he a committee if one your-self


and chip in the coin This is adeserving institution an institutionthat will be of benefit to the wholecounty Let ys have county pride andbe in the procession Let every finmer determine to make an exhibit Ifit is nothing more than an ear ofcorn a sheaf of oats a pig a colt acow or calf a chicken turkey etc Beup and doing Tilt same may be saidof the good women Let them compto the front with a glass or jar oV

jelly pnserves or some canned goods-all of which it takes to make a suc-cessful


faitLet us quit talking county fair and

get down to having One It will bestimulating profitable and a erown ofglory to Marion tilt banner county ofthe state


The W C T U held a very im-portant


anti well atten led meetingyesterday afternoon in the iethodtetchurch to plan and appoint committeesto carry out the program for the 2 thanniversary meeting of their orderwhhli will con vne in Ocala Nov 11thto 13th At this gathering MrsMaVyHarris Armour of Georgia will be oneof the principal speakers She vasinstrumental in eariying the state ofGeorgia dry last year in tIme memora-ble


ctmpiign for prohibition thereSIte is known throughout the EmpireState of the South as the FemaleCyclone Orator and the ehautauquasof the west where sue has been ingreat demand tilt pat season sayshe is one of the most entertainingand captivating speakers that everappeared in that section Tin re is agenuine treat in store for the peopleof Ocala on that occasion The cominitte appointed to secure homes forthe delegates to the convention iscomposed of Mrs E Van Hood Mrs-E P Rentz Mrs J W Pearson Mrs-T M Moore Mrs F R Bridges andMrs John Hopkins Another meetingof the V C T U wilt be held nextWednesday afternoon at the sameplace

Misses Edna Dozier Louise HarrisJennie Mayo and Mary Bogie areOcala young ladies who are receivingmany votes in the Jacksonville Me-tropolis


coupon contest-

Mr P R Tester the Ocala sawmill-man is now the proprietor of the Almeria Hotel Tampa He will move hisfamily to Tampa shortly Ocala re-grets


to lose these excellent peoplebut wishes them abundant success

Mr and Mrs R A Green who ar ¬

rived from Ohio yesterday and werethe guests of Mr and Mrs J J Gerig I

left for their home at Clearwaterwhere Mr Green owns a very fine or ¬

ange groveI

The revival meetings rt time Meth-odist


church which have been in pro ¬

gress for ten days closed last nightRev Sam Scott of Brooksville who I

assisted Rev Barnett went up to MicanopySunday

today to visit and preach there j


A Magnificent Production ofNew Yorks Present Sensation

The DevilWI-



In the Title Role Supported by a Ca-pable


Company Under the Manage-ment


of C V Richie

Saturday Night Oct 24

Greatest play of the centuryNew I

York Herald-An instantaneous success Xew

York WorldThere is no longer any question

about the greatness of the playFlorida TimesUnion


Prices 25 50 and 75 cents seats onsale at


Cranberries Egg Noodles



I Honey in Comb

Shredded Codfish and

2 lb boxes Boneless Cod fish

Cracker Meal

1 lb pkgs Pop Corn

5 lb can Fruit Cake



he Legend of a Ghot at theBerlin theater last night was very fineand The June Bug and The DevilsThree Sins were almost as goodThe Consequences of a Curse which

will be given this evening is a thrill ¬

ing subject and all the others are ex-


particularly A Highly ScentedBouquet which is natunl enough tomell Be sure and take them in

A stenographer rapid accurate andwith considerable experience wants asituation Address Box ISO OcalaFla

Mr R K Hall went to Salt Springs-this morning to visit his turpentinebusiness there Mr R R Carroll ofthe Star accompanied Mr Hall to

I inspect the place look over the con-vict


camp and spend the night

The Star has beenrequested to sug-gest


that tilt laying of the cornerstoneof the new government building shouldbe observed with appropriate ceremon-ies


The question is respectfully re ¬

ferred to the board of trade and ourenterprising citize-


THEATERXorth Magnolia Street Opposite

I Mclver MacKaysI IIL WOOD Proprietor


Program for this EveningCONSEQUENCES OF A CURE





Oren Promptly at 330 P MAdmission 10 Cents

IChildren 5 Cents



Fresh Crystal Rivr oysters receivid every day and served in all style

Ia till Elks ife opposite the A C Ldepot



In the matter of eye trouble is dan ¬

gerous indeed

WHY DELAY-In So Important a Matter

Children whose eyes are hot exactlyright should be ent to me at onceDont wait The little fellows are de-


upon YOU They dont knowthese things themselves

DR D M BOXEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala FlaOffice Hours S to 12 a m and

130 to 4JO p m Optical office andlaboratry rooms 2 and 4 Gary bl-

ockCASTORIAFor Infaats urd Children

The Kind Yea Have Always Bought

Bears The ASt-gilatL

crJI rtc U

The Ocala Library is being movedtoday to its new quarters In the oldMartinet building The upper floor ofthi building has been renovated andmade especially adaptable to the li-


to which the members of the-O ctoln Athletic Association will havefr e access in return for which thelibrary association will have no rent-to pay

We are displaying the largest andbest selected line of perfumes toiletpowders toilet waters soaps etc inCentral Florida and will take pleas-ure


in showing you the line TheAntiMonopoly Drugstore

Mr mi th of the turpentine firm ofSmith Johnson Reddick greatlysurprised his many friends by return-ing


home from Alachua Ian week andbringing with him a brid > Miss RubieHawkins a graduate of the ReddickHigh School

The new school building is receiv-ing


its iinishing touches lut will notbe ready for the primary department-of our high school until Monday a 1

week when it will be occupied I


FOR RENT by January it 1909 anew fourroom house in coloredneighborhood near Magnolia streetGood well of water See Gillen at No1 South Fifth street or at Star office

W L Dougherty of Lake Bryantwent down to Lakeland today He saidHarry Clarkson and Shep Scott wereover at Lake Bryant fishing Saturday-and landed fortyfive fine trout



The following program will be ren-dered


by the Metropolitan Band Fri1day evening at S oclock

March High PrideJ C HeedOverture PeerksF H LoseyBaritone Solo Fascination J Eathcwsc L BarnhouseMedley Remicks Hits Xo 4Jo-dewalt Lampe In this selection

in laying Im Afraid to Come Homein the Dark there are four measuresthat it is intentional to pe played disoordantly-

Sehottische Four Little Blackb-erI


I L B OConnorMarch Old Faithful Abe Holz

mannMedley Remicks Hits No 1 J-

Eodewalt LampeSong March Just Take Me Down-

to Wonderland DalleyA E Gerig Director


Mr Allen W Bridges has boughtout Mr James L Knights stock inthe Knight Iartin Hard are Com-pany


The trade which has been pend-ing for some time was consummatedyesterday-

Mr Knight will devote his time toother interests he being largely inter-ested in the production of naval storesand Mr Bridges will manage the storein person and will give the business-his personal and undivided attention-Mr Bridges is a good business manand has a thorough knowledge of thehardware line He has a wide ac-quaintance


over the country and willget a full shaiv of the business Thestore has recently been moved into theDelouest buiHing one of the hand ¬

somest stands in the city and thestock i < now straightened out and ingood shape

The firm has been holding off forsome time awaiting the removal to abetter stand before increasing thestock which will now be lone MrBridges will double the present stockand when the new goods that havebeen ordered arrive the store will bo-

one of the best stocked general handware stores in the country Therewill be quite a number of specialties-and novelties in the new goods

Mr Bridges is full of good ideasI and the big store room gives himI space to display both his stock andideas TIt name wit remain thosame the KnightMartin Hardware-Co Mr Bridges has been the actingmanager of the store for the past sixmonths so that he has a thorooughgrasp of the business Success to him


Eagles Held an Enthusiastic Meeting-and Elected Officers

The members of till newly institut-ed


Aerie of Eagles held a well at-tended meeting in the K of P halllast night and elected time followingofficers

Past Worthy President Sydneyllaile Worthy President C O lIarrls Vice President G D Hogan Sectrtaiy W R Ptdrick TreasurerF G B Weihe Conductor John TMoore Inside Guard C A Fort Outside Guard Taylor Stroman Chap-lain W H Moore Electrician II WTicker Physician II C DozierTrustees A Harris John TMoor < A M Dudley

Member elected at the meeting j

ar F G B Weihe John T IoorM L Reynolds A Frank W WBush A M Dusk > C O Harris P EFort J O Lucius Alf E OwensV cEvw Jts SEngesser J C1iillaIl C W Goff wTirTPdriek I

IG D Hogan C A Fort W E Brad-ley W J Gorham T L Dekle J FHall W TStroman II W TuclerHenry Gordon W A Kallenberger-Otto Sob wary Gorge W Davis N HThomas F W Ditto Sam Leonard SHaile M Nolan A S Burgess Dr HC Dozier J A Morris Jr J H Ben-jamin


F E Vogt F W Ellison T L-

Neely M D Wilson X L WilliamsPat WSnford O W Cordero L MRaysor J W Fort J M PetersonS L Bitting W S McLaughlin WIF Adam w H Moore H E Leavengood W e Bull fiftytwo in all

Besides there are tO aprHoations tobe acted on at the next meeting whichwill be about a week later when theAerie will be instituted with all of thesolemnity and impressive rites of theorder A team will probablv comefrom Jacksonville Tampa Fernandinaor St Augustine to aid in time yorK1The Ocala Aerie hopes to be one of i

the leading organizations of the cityand of this there will be no doubtwhen the real object of tile order Isunderstood





ladies of the Episcopal church-ill hold their annual bazaar of fancy

work and supper at the Central National Bank building on Wednesdaythe 2nd of December



The KnightMartin Hardware Com-pany will have in a few days the pret-tiest


line of fire sets tire screens etc j

that you have ever seen The ladies-are requsted to wait for them


When you want stationery go to astationery store The Ocala News i

Company has the best and most uptodate line in Ocala

VANTED Bookkeeper and clerk j

Young lady thoroughly capable towrite up set of books and act as sales-lady


at other times S R F careSt a r-




Visit our new store It ismodern and uptodate and i

some say as pretty as can be

Some of our new goods are inDRIED APPLES 15 i



Try our famous Hudnuts PearlGrits and MeIwhite as snow


O K GoctyCl-ark Bros ProprietorsP-


175 i

w iE Why Do You L-

i0 f Read This

Because the Ad Writer made it attractive to your eye

It is just so with Fred Kau-ffmannTAILORING


The cutting the fit and the style makethem attractive to the eyeYou need not dress loud

tThe beauty of Fred Kauffmann Tailoringaeates attention and improves everymans appearance Ve show almost 500Fall Patterns priced from 1250 theSiSt up to 5000 The Most PerfectTailoring under the sun




Fall Stock of JewelryI I am getting in one of the handsomest and mosti complete stocks of Jewelry for the trade this fall and-i winter that I have ever carried Many of the goodsJ have already arrived There are many 4

PRETTY THINGSj in Watches Chains Jewelry of all kinds DiamondsCut Glass and Silverware Fine China Novelties etc


j 7 and many others arriving each week-


i it

tp am agent for and carry a very

kti ct4 large stock of Edisons Phonographs

I IiI and Records Nearlyj




CtSIEnnob l1I40fl-I to select from We will be pleased1 = Jr i to have you call and see the goods




I A EB t

j urnee Zi




For girls and young ladies established 1S78 Number boarding stud ¬

ents stricttyil insure refined home life Classes divided Into smallsections personal attehlinolo each pupil Faculty of 18 specialists Con-servatory

¬ vadvantages in MUSIC AKTELOCCTIOI Cc UiluiU gVassar Wellesley etc Catalog free-





Mr C A Wilson of Brooksville wasin the city today and purchased all ofCobb Tompkills mules for the Ari-neka Lumber Co They were as finea lot of mule flesh as ever came toOcala Mr Wilson also purchased apair of black mares matched for thesame firm-



After Dinner Mints 25cents the box at the Postotfice Drug-store


Mrs Louis of Pittsburg and MrsPackard daughters of the late T JOwen who spent the past month inOcala left for home today

N H DfLane of Eastlak was in thecity today Mr and Mrs DeLane ar-rived


from Massachusetts Sunday tospend the winter Mr DeLane soldhis handsome grove but reserved alot on which he will erect a cozy win-ter


home He was Here 10 purchasethe lumber

Wiley Nelson a young negro fromthe Shady section was tried In JudgeBells court today for stealing andcarrying concealed weapons and fined

100 and costs or sentenced to sixmonths on ih< hard road

Mr J L Smoak with his charmingdaughter Miss Eloise and Miss Fan-nie


Cook the accomplished salesladyat Klein Hoffmans store spentSunc1a at Homoso tile guests ofCaptain and Mrs E B Richardson

Mrs Jak Brown Mrs T H Wallisarid Mrs X I Gottlieb are havingtheir kitchens fitted up with gasranges The gas supplied by the gascomuany now makes cooking by thismethod a pleasure instead of a drudg-ery


The Baraca class of the BaptistSunday school will meet tonight at theresidence of Mrs S A Standley Afull attendance Is desired and a pleas-ant


time is assured

DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pillsare jut whnt you need and what youshould get right away for pain in theback backache rheumatic pains andall urinary and bladder troublesThousands of people suffer from Kid-ney


and Bladder trouble and do notknow it They think it is a cold ortrain Dont take any chances GetDeWitts Kidney and Bladder PillsThy are antiseptic and promrtlysoothe the pain Dont fail to insistupon DeWitts Kidney and BladderPills We sell them Sold by Anti-Monopoly Drugstore-

Mr Frank Drake while playing ten-nis


yesterday afternoon on the Campt nnis court fell and fractured hiswrist We wish him a speedy recov-ry

Mr George LoU of Leesburg is inthe city to spend a few days visiting-his brothr Dr Fred Lovell managerof the Hunter Drug Company


I am a candidate for justice of thepeace of the Ocala district at thecoming November election If elected-I will endavor to so act as to meetyour confidence Respectfully-

J W Lyles


I I wish to announce to the pujllchat I am a candidate for the office ofustice of the peace for district No Io be voted for at the general electionuesday November 3rd 1908 In place-f the regular democratic nominee Mrishop removed by death I respect

ully ask the support of the votersRespectfully Hal G Eagleton


r hereby announce myself a candi-date


for justice of the peace for dis-trict No1 and your support will behighly appreciated

I C M Livingston-



TON AND A HALF BEARCapt Buck Williams conductor of

the Homosassa train had a large beartale to exploit today o He said En ¬

gineer Scott was aroused out of hisixaceful slumber this morning by a IUrrible commotion at his pig pen andthe loud barking of his dog Making ahasty toilet he jumped out of bed antfsoon discovered the cause of theup-roar It was the presence of a tre-mendous


bear that looked as If itwould weigh a ton and a half Thecommunity turned out and drove bruin-to his lair

What do you think of a guaranteed-razor and strop for 1 Well theKnightMartin Hardware Co willhave a window full of them In a fewdays If the razors are not just asrepresented you can get your dollarback


Mrs D A Miller is with her motherMrs Fhtch at Dunnelion who Isquite sick Mrs Fletcher is seventyeight years of age and very feeble

Homer H Dean who has been inthe employ of Mr Bake a turpentineoperator at Campville in town Hehas been suffering from the dengue and-i now a victim of chills He Is here-under the doctors care I

SCHOOLBOOKS SCHOOLBOOKSeither new or secondhand at the 1Ocala News Company



For the complete cure of coughscolds asthma and bronchitis and alllung complaints tending to consump-tion


Liverwort Tar and Wild Cherryhave for ages maintained an estab-lished


reputation as a standard coughremedy It contains no opium or iIJharmful drug Can be given with << > 4safety to children Price 1 Sold byydruggists Williams ManufacturingCo Props Cleveland O Sold by theAntiMonopoly Drugstore tt