Nuclear Transfer to Eggs and Oocytes - CSHL...

Nuclear Transfer to Eggs and Oocytes J. B. Gurdon 1 and Ian Wilmut 2 1 Wellcome Trust Cancer ResearchUK Gurdon Institute, Cambridge CB2 1QN, United Kingdom, and Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1QN, United Kingdom 2 MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine, Edinburgh EH16 4SB, United Kingdom Correspondence: [email protected] We review experiments in which somatic cell nuclei are transplanted singly to enucleated eggs (metaphase II) in amphibia and mammals and as multiple nuclei to the germinal vesicle of amphibian oocytes (prophase I). These experiments have shown the totipotency of some somatic cell nuclei, as well as switches in cell type and changes in gene expression. Abnormalities of nuclear transplant embryo development increase greatlyas nuclei are taken from progressively more differentiated donor cells. The molecular changes that accompany the reprogramming of transplanted nuclei help to indicate the mechanisms used by eggs and oocytes to reprogram gene expression. We discuss the importance of chromosomal protein exchange, of transcription factor supply, and of chromatin access in reprogramming. C ells of the female germline are unique be- cause they form eggs that are the direct ancestors of all cells of the body including the future eggs and sperm. After normal fertiliza- tion, 100% of eggs can form complete fertile individuals. Even when not fertilized, activated eggs of most species, especially when made dip- loid, can develop into remarkably complete organisms with nearly all somatic cells though usually not the germline. In accord with this totipotency, eggs of many species can also develop entirely normally when provided with the nucleus of a somatic cell in place of egg chro- mosomes or a sperm nucleus. Somatic cells do not have the ability to generate a complete or- ganism and the nucleus of a somatic cell must be reprogrammed if it is to participate in nor- mal development with an enucleated egg. We re- view the extent to which a transplanted somatic nucleus can, in combination with an enucleated egg, generate a normal individual. We first de- scribe the extent to which normal development results from somatic cell nuclear transfer. We then discuss the extent to which this does not happen, especially when nuclei from differenti- ated somatic cells are used. Finally, we discuss possible mechanisms by which the reprogram- ming of the somatic nucleus is induced after transfer to eggs or oocytes. The original reason for wishing to carry out nuclear transfer to eggs was to determine whether the genome of somatic cells is complete in the sense of containing copies of all genes in the genome. Up until the 1950s, it was thought possible that genes could become lost or perma- nently inactivated in those cells that follow dif- ferent lineages in which certain genes would never normally be required. Over the last half Editors: Paolo Sassone-Corsi, MargaretT. Fuller, and Robert Braun Additional Perspectives on Germ Cells available at Copyright # 2011 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a002659 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2011;3:a002659 1 on February 3, 2020 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Downloaded from

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Nuclear Transfer to Eggs and Oocytes

J. B. Gurdon1 and Ian Wilmut2

1Wellcome Trust Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute, Cambridge CB2 1QN, United Kingdom,and Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1QN, United Kingdom

2MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine, Edinburgh EH16 4SB, United Kingdom

Correspondence: [email protected]

We review experiments in which somatic cell nuclei are transplanted singly to enucleatedeggs (metaphase II) in amphibia and mammals and as multiple nuclei to the germinalvesicle of amphibian oocytes (prophase I). These experiments have shown the totipotencyof some somatic cell nuclei, as well as switches in cell type and changes in gene expression.Abnormalities of nuclear transplant embryo development increase greatlyas nuclei are takenfrom progressively more differentiated donor cells. The molecular changes that accompanythe reprogramming of transplanted nuclei help to indicate the mechanisms used by eggs andoocytes to reprogram gene expression. We discuss the importance of chromosomal proteinexchange, of transcription factor supply, and of chromatin access in reprogramming.

Cells of the female germline are unique be-cause they form eggs that are the direct

ancestors of all cells of the body including thefuture eggs and sperm. After normal fertiliza-tion, 100% of eggs can form complete fertileindividuals. Even when not fertilized, activatedeggs of most species, especially when made dip-loid, can develop into remarkably completeorganisms with nearly all somatic cells thoughusually not the germline. In accord with thistotipotency, eggs of many species can alsodevelop entirely normally when provided withthe nucleus of a somatic cell in place of egg chro-mosomes or a sperm nucleus. Somatic cells donot have the ability to generate a complete or-ganism and the nucleus of a somatic cell mustbe reprogrammed if it is to participate in nor-mal development with an enucleated egg. We re-view the extent to which a transplanted somatic

nucleus can, in combination with an enucleatedegg, generate a normal individual. We first de-scribe the extent to which normal developmentresults from somatic cell nuclear transfer. Wethen discuss the extent to which this does nothappen, especially when nuclei from differenti-ated somatic cells are used. Finally, we discusspossible mechanisms by which the reprogram-ming of the somatic nucleus is induced aftertransfer to eggs or oocytes.

The original reason for wishing to carryout nuclear transfer to eggs was to determinewhether the genome of somatic cells is completein the sense of containing copies of all genes inthe genome. Up until the 1950s, it was thoughtpossible that genes could become lost or perma-nently inactivated in those cells that follow dif-ferent lineages in which certain genes wouldnever normally be required. Over the last half

Editors: Paolo Sassone-Corsi, Margaret T. Fuller, and Robert Braun

Additional Perspectives on Germ Cells available at

Copyright # 2011 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a002659

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century, nuclear transfer and some other proce-dures have established the general principle thatthe genome is conserved during development,so that almost all somatic cells contain a com-plete copy of the original zygote genome (Gur-don and Byrne 2003). In more recent time thissituation has been used as a basis of proceduresfor cell replacement. It has become possible toderive all kinds of cells of the body from asomatic cell already committed to a particularlineage (Takahashi and Yamanaka 2006). Thisability has opened up the possibility of provid-ing replacement cells of many different kindsstarting from a specialized somatic cell. In thisway it is, in principle, possible to provide anindividual with replacement cells of their owngenetic constitution, thereby avoiding the needfor immunosuppression in any cell replacementtherapy.

We have not attempted to give a detailedreview of the nuclear transfer literature, butrefer to several other reviews for different as-pects of this problem (Kikyo and Wolffe 2000;Cibelli et al. 2002; Morgan et al. 2005; Collasand Taranger 2006; Meissner and Jaenisch 2006;Yang et al. 2007).


The basic procedure, by which a living cellnucleus is transplanted to an egg or oocyte,was established by Briggs and King (1952).They used Rana pipiens and sucked a blastulacell into a micropipette so that the cell wallwas broken but the nucleus remained intactand covered by cytoplasm. The whole cell wasinjected into an unfertilized egg in second mei-otic metaphase (M2). The egg was enucleatedmanually by removing the metaphase spindlewith its chromosomes from the surface of theegg. The same procedure is used for eggs ofXenopus, except that the egg chromosomes aredestroyed by ultraviolet irradiation; the largeegg size of amphibia and the low penetranceof ultraviolet irradiation ensures that no sig-nificant damage is done to the rest of the egg.A key characteristic of early Xenopus egg nucleartransfer experiments was the ability to makeuse of the one-nucleolated mutant as a genetic

marker to prove that development resultedfrom the implanted nucleus and not from afailure of enucleation (Elsdale et al. 1960).Amphibian eggs do not need activation whenthey have been penetrated with a nuclear trans-fer pipette. In nearly all mammalian nucleartransfer experiments, unfertilized eggs in sec-ond meiotic metaphase are used as recipi-ents. Nuclear injection in mammals is usuallyachieved manually or by cell fusion with amicropipette as in amphibia, but in some spe-cies piezo-electric needle penetration is used.Enucleation is achieved by removal of the fe-male pronucleus in second meiotic metaphasewith a microinjection pipette. Activation is byprocedures that differ between the species, andin the mouse is usually performed by the addi-tion of SrCl2 to the medium. Activation is nor-mally performed within a few hours of nuclearinjection and enucleation.

An altogether different nuclear transfer pro-cedure is to use growing eggs in first meioticprophase (M1); in amphibia, these cells (usuallycalled oocytes) are present in huge abundancein the ovary. Somatic nuclei can be injectedinto the specialized and enlarged nucleus (ger-minal vesicle, GV) of the ovary (Byrne et al.2003) the contents of the GV are essential fornormal development (Gao et al. 2002). Injectednuclei remain in the germinal vesicle for manydays; there is no cell division and no DNAreplication but intensely active transcription.The advantage of this experimental system isthat it is useful for analyzing the changes under-gone by transplanted nuclei as they becometranscriptionally reprogrammed. Twenty-fivethousand oocytes per frog, and up to fivehundred injected nuclei per oocyte, makemolecular analysis of transcriptional reprog-ramming practicable. In contrast to oocytes,eggs are primarily active in DNA replication,and transcription does not start until the fourthousand-cell stage of the amphibian blastula(5 h) or until the two-cell stage in mouseembryos (20 h). The immediate responses ofsomatic nuclei to injected eggs (M2) are there-fore more likely to be associated with the induc-tion of DNA synthesis than with transcriptionalreprogramming.

J.B. Gurdon and I. Wilmut

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The background to the field of somatic cellnuclear transfer has been outlined by Gurdon(2006). Following the initial success of Briggsand King (1957), subsequent work with Ranapipiens found that nuclei from postgastrula cellscould no longer support normal development(Briggs and King 1957). Xenopus experimentson the other hand continued to give entirelynormal development in some nuclear trans-plant embryos even with nuclei from differ-entiated intestinal epithelial cells of tadpoles.The sequence of events in mammalian nucleartransfer has been summarized by Meissnerand Jaenisch (2006) and others. The findingof McGrath and Solter (1984) that even nucleifrom eight cell mouse embryos did not supportnormal development was later attributed to theuse of fertilized eggs as recipients rather than ofunfertilized eggs as used in earlier amphibianexperiments and in most subsequent mam-malian work. Initial success was obtained withembryo nuclei transplanted to eggs of sheep(Willasden et al. 1986) and to those of cowsand pigs (Prather et al. 1989). A major advancetook place when adult sheep were obtained fromnuclei of a cultured line of cells grown fromsheep embryo cells (Campbell et al. 1996) andthen from nuclei of an adult sheep cell line (Wil-mut et al. 1997). Since then a wide range ofmammalian species has been cloned (produc-tion of fertile adults). Nuclear transfer, andhence evidence for nuclear programming, hasbeen successful in fish, chickens, and Droso-phila within the invertebrates. However, nucleifrom fully differentiated or adult cells have notyielded normal adults in these latter species.

The reversal of the differentiated state is seenin experiments other than nuclear transfer toeggs. For example, switches in gene expressionfollow fusion of somatic cells (Pereira et al.2008; Zhou et al. 2008; Cowan et al. 2005), theoverexpression of transcription factors (Wein-traub et al. 1989; Graf 2002; Takahashi andYamanaka 2006) and at least temporarily afterthe resealing of permeabilized cells incubatedin cell extracts (Collas and Taranger 2006).Induced pluripotency by transcription factor

overexpression has the great practical benefit ofderiving proliferating ES cells, and hence all othercells types, from accessible adult cells without theneed to use eggs which would be hard to obtainin humans. Nuclear transplantation into eggsor oocytes is of interest because it uses the naturalreprogramming activity of eggs on the spermafter normal fertilization without the need forinduced gene overexpression, and because it givesa relatively high efficiency of transcriptional acti-vation. Eventually, it may be possible to identifythe molecules and mechanisms of nuclearreprogramming used by eggs, and hence to usethese molecules to enhance the efficiency ofreprogramming by other procedures.



The ultimate test of reprogramming of a trans-planted somatic cell nucleus is to ask if it canyield a normal fertile sexually mature adultwhen transplanted to an enucleated egg. Thiswas performed in Xenopus when a considerablenumber of fertile males and females were grownfrom enucleated eggs injected with nuclei fromintestinal epithelial cells of feeding tadpoles(Gurdon and Uehlinger 1966). The demonstra-tion that the nucleus of a cell in an adult animalcan yield, after nuclear transfer, a complete sex-ually mature adult was achieved with sheepnuclear transfers (Wilmut et al. 1997). Dolly,the sheep, lived for 6 years, a life span withinthe normal range of sheep reared indoors. Dollywas as fertile as a normal sheep raised indoors.Since that time, a somatic cell nuclear trans-fer has been successful in a wide range of mam-mal species (Lanza et al. 2001b; Wakayama et al.1998). In some cases, technical maneuvers suchas the timing and type of activating stimulus areneeded to give the best results. In a few mam-malian species tested, a small proportion ofnuclei from differentiated or adult tissues havegiven normal adult nuclear transfer develop-ment (terminal lymphocytes [Hochedlinger andJaenisch 2002]; postmitotic neurons [Egganet al. 2004; Li et al. 2004]). In these cases tet-raploid rescue was used, but Inoue et al. (2004)

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obtained adults from postmitotic neurons with-out tetraploid rescue. In conclusion, at least1%–3% of both differentiated and adult cellscontain totipotent nuclei. Embryonic stem celllines have been derived in the mouse, cow, andmonkey (Munsie et al. 2000; Wakayama et al.2001; Byrne et al. 2007). A claim of humanES cells derived from nuclear transfers wasretracted (Kennedy 2006).

There is one exception to the results sum-marized above, and this is the particular caseof antibody-forming cells, in which gene rear-rangement accounts for the huge diversity ofantibodies that cells can make. Nuclei trans-planted from T-cells form normal mice exceptthat they make only one kind of antibody(Hochedlinger and Jaenisch 2002).

We can conclude that, with the specialexception of cells in which genes are known toundergo rearrangement, the genome is con-served during cell differentiation.

Switches in Cell Type

From most points of view including the pros-pect of cell replacement therapy, we are muchmore interested in the extent to which one par-ticular type of cell can be derived from cells ofanother unrelated cell-type, rather than in toti-potency. For example, can brain or heart cells bederived from skin or blood? The efficiency ofreprogramming at this more limited level ismuch higher than when assessed by the produc-tion of fertile adults. In Xenopus nuclear trans-fer experiments from intestinal epithelium, wecan ask with what frequency functional muscleand nerve cells are obtained, as judged by theformation of embryos that make muscularmovements when stimulated with a needle.We can take into account those embryos thatresult from serial nuclear transfer after takingdonor nuclei from the normal-appearing cellsof an otherwise defective nuclear transplantembryo, as well as muscle and nerve cells result-ing from the grafting of such abnormal embryo-derived cells to fertilized egg-derived recipients.GFP-marked donor nuclei in the combinationof these experiments give an overall efficiencyof about 30%; that is to say, nearly one third

of all intestinal epithelial cell nuclear transfersproduce functional muscle and nerve cells. Inother Xenopus work, nuclei from a range ofadult tissues including foot-web skin, lung,heart, etc., yielded normal feeding tadpoles(Laskey and Gurdon 1970; Gurdon et al.1975). Although the proportion of total nucleartransfers that developed to feeding tadpoles wasvery small (2%–3%), these results establishedthe principle that the nuclei of differentiatedand adult cells can be reprogrammed to gener-ate a wide range of unrelated cell-types. Thesame conclusion is probably true of mammals,because ES cells, and hence a range of somaticcell types, can be derived from many adultmammalian tissues.

Early Gene Expression

It was found long ago that embryos derived fromtransplanted muscle nuclei discontinue musclegene transcription soon after nuclear transfer,but recommence muscle gene expression inmuscle but not in other cell-types (Gurdonet al. 1984). Microarray analyses give an approx-imate measure of transcription of many genes;these conclude that over 95% of several thousandgenes assayed are correctly transcribed in earlymouse nuclear transplant embryos (Humpheryset al. 2002; Beyhan et al. 2007; Vassena et al.2007). We can conclude that nuclear transfer toeggs causes a major reprogramming of the greatmajority of genes. The genes that are not reprog-rammed correctly may account for some of theabnormal embryo development always seen innuclear transfer experiments.

Cancer Nuclei

Nuclei transplanted from the Herpes virusrelated frog Lucke adenocarcinoma cells yieldedtadpoles with a wide range of normal cell types(McKinnell et al. 1969). Blelloch et al (2004)transplanted nuclei from mouse embryonal car-cinoma cells to mouse eggs; the resulting blasto-cysts gave rise to embryonic stem cells that,when transferred to hosts, displayed the samerange of abnormalities as the donor embryonalcarcinoma cells. There is therefore no evidencethat nuclear transfer changes the genetic state

J.B. Gurdon and I. Wilmut

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of donor cells. We can conclude that a cancerousstate is compatible with normal early develop-ment and with some kinds of somatic celldifferentiation.

Cross-Species Nuclear Transfer

An appealing idea is to generate human EScells from a human cell nucleus transplantedto enucleated eggs of cows, pigs, rabbits, etc.The earliest nuclear transfer experiments acrossrelated species within the genera Rana or Xeno-pus always resulted in embryo death (Moore1960; Gurdon 1962b). In mammals, most suchexperiments have not been published, but it isgenerally agreed that nuclear transfers betweenmammalian species (defined as ones in whichcross-fertilization gives no survival) die at closeto the stage when zygotic transcription starts;this is at the two-cell stage in mice, at the 8–16cell stage in cows, pigs, and humans. In spiteof this, very early postnuclear transfer eventsmay succeed in cross-species combination,such as sperm demethylation (Beaujean et al.2004b). A report of proliferating ES cells froma human-rabbit nuclear transplant combina-tion (Chen et al. 2003) has yet to be confirmed.


Increase with Progressive Cell Differentiation

It has been known since the earliest nuclear trans-fer experiments that the normality of nucleartransplant embryo development decreases dra-matically as nuclei are taken from increasinglydifferentiated cells (Briggs and King 1957; Gur-don 1962a). The same is true of mammalianexperiments (Hochedlinger and Jaenisch 2002).

A question of great interest is whether thetype of nuclear transplant abnormalities isrelated to the type of donor cells. In amphibia,nuclear transplant embryos die progressivelythroughout development and there is no mor-phological indication of any particular typeof developmental abnormality in relation todonor cell-type. In mammals, the most obviousdefects all relate to the placenta and it appearsthat reprogramming is much less successful in

the trophectoderm than in the inner cell mass.Commonly observed abnormalities includeshorter life span, enlarged placenta, obesity,respiratory problems, and large offspring syn-drome (Yang et al. 2007). It was suggestedthat developmental abnormalities observed inamphibian nuclear transplant embryos mightbe inversely related to the cell-type from whichnuclei were taken (Briggs and King 1960). How-ever, the numbers in this experiment were toosmall to be significant, and subsequent exper-iments with Xenopus neural cell nuclei failedto show any morphological correlation (Sim-nett 1964). When assessing the developmentalabnormalities of nuclear transplant embryos itis important to appreciate that such embryoshave had their zona layers removed and theirdevelopment should therefore be compared tothat of ICSI embryos (intracytoplasmic sperminjection), because the culture medium ofzona-free mouse embryos can adversely affectthe normality of their development.

Epigenetic Memory

An entirely unexpected result was encounteredwhen a transcriptional analysis was made ofXenopus nuclear transplant embryo develop-ment (Ng and Gurdon 2008). In this case,nuclei were transplanted from a defined celltype such as somite muscle, neural cells, orfrom the endoderm (future intestine). Whenthe resulting embryos reached the blastula stage,they were divided into future neurectoderm,mesoderm (including) muscle, and endodermregions and the embryo parts were culturedfor another day until they reached a stage oflineage-specific gene expression, when they wereanalyzed for marker gene expression. The sur-prise was that, in about half of all embryosanalyzed, an excessive abundance of transcriptscharacteristic of the donor cell-type was ob-served in an inappropriate lineage. For example,the neurectoderm and endoderm parts ofembryos resulting from the transfer of musclenuclei had expressed muscle genes to an exces-sive extent, even though the same regions ofcontrol embryos grown from fertilized eggsshowed no such aberrant transcription. This

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memory of a former state of gene expressionwas especially remarkable because Xenopus em-bryos, whether from fertilized eggs or fromtransplanted nuclei, are inactive in transcriptionfor their first 12-cell cycles. This example ofepigenetic memory is therefore able to persistthrough multiple cell divisions in the absenceof transcription. This effect is seen in genesthat mark lineage determination, such asMyoD, and not in those that represent terminaldifferentiation. A somewhat related phenom-enon has been described in mouse musclenuclear transfers when the culture of these inmyoblast culture medium promotes a contin-ued expression of muscle cell markers (Gaoet al. 2002). We can conclude that, judged bygene expression, reprogramming by eggs isabout 50% efficient, at least for nuclei of cellsthat are undergoing, but have not yet com-pleted, differentiation. Incomplete reprogram-ming may account for some of the nucleartransplantation abnormalities observed.

Early Gene Expression

Most attempts to estimate the normality ordefects in early gene expression of nuclear trans-plant embryos have used a microarray technol-ogy. The general finding is that the vast majorityof genes, which are active in early developmentbut not in adult cells, show clear evidence ofreprogramming. Humpherys et al. (2002) sawabnormalities in 4% of the genes tested. Smithet al. (2005) report that 99% of genes tested ap-peared to be normally expressed and thereforepotentially reprogrammed. The methods usedare not very quantitative and an incompletereprogramming of a gene would not always beseen. For genes in which the amount of productmay be critical for early development (e.g.,Oct4) incomplete reprogramming may be dam-aging (Boiani 2002; Bortvin et al. 2003).


Somatic Mutation

Assuming a gene mutation rate of 1026 per geneper cell, a mouse embryo containing 109 cellsmight have accumulated 103 mutations in its

cells. Most of these are unlikely to be in genesneeded for early development, and most mu-tations are also unlikely to inactivate a gene.Furthermore, even nuclei transplanted fromembryo cells, with a theoretically much lowerload of accumulated mutations, result in asubstantial number of early developmentalabnormalities. We conclude that naturally ac-cumulated mutations in donor cells are veryunlikely to account for the majority of nucleartransplant embryo abnormalities.

DNA Methylation

It is well established that the control regionsof genes that are wholly inactive in most so-matic cells undergo methylation, and that thiscontributes to the silencing of those genes. Agood example is the promoter of Oct4, a genethat must be expressed soon after nuclear trans-fer to eggs if development is to proceed (Niwaet al. 2000). DNA demethylation hardly evertakes place in differentiated somatic cells, buttakes place to some extent, though not effi-ciently, in nuclear transplant embryos (Beau-jean et al. 2004a; review by Morgan et al. 2005).DNA demethylation is known to be imperfectin some embryos as judged by antibody stainingof transplanted nuclei (Bortvin 2003; Boiani2002). Because the level of Oct4 expression iscritical for early mouse development, it is likelythat incomplete Oct4 DNA demethylation mayaccount for abnormalities of development innuclear transplant embryos. Because demethy-lation of the Oct4 promoter is seen in nucleitransplanted to nondividing Xenopus oocytes(Simonsson and Gurdon 2004), the process ofdemethylation cannot depend on loss by non-replacement in dividing cells as it is supposedto do for the mammalian female pronucleus.A candidate facilitator for DNA demethylationthat has been proposed is Gadd4a (Barretoet al. 2007). Other candidates include compo-nents of the DNA repair process (Niehrs 2009).

DNA methylation is believed to be involvedin mammalian female X chromosome inactiva-tion, and in mammalian imprinting. Althoughsome degree of X chromosome reactivation hasbeen reported in transplanted nuclei (Nolen

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et al. 2005) the efficiency of this process is notclear and an incomplete reactivation of Xi prob-ably contributes to the abnormal developmentof nuclear transplant embryos.

Telomere Replacement

The low expression of telomerase in mostsomatic cells compared to the high level inembryo and embryo stem cells leads us to expectthat normal nuclear transplant embryos wouldcontain an increased content of telomeres ontheir chromosomes compared to the somaticcells from which they are derived. The terminalrestriction fragment of DNA (that containstelomeres) was smaller in all three nuclear trans-fer sheep analyzed than in age-related controls(Wilmut et al. 1997). On the other hand, sixcalves had a higher level of an age-related genetranscript than controls of similar age (Lanzaet al. 2000). The fact that the serial transfer ofnuclei in mice is successful for seven generationsargues against an irreversible shortening of telo-meres (Wakayama 1998). In general, telomerelength seems to be restored in cloned fetuses.However, it is not possible to determine thetelomere content of a single cell that is used todonate a nucleus for successful nuclear transfer;the telomere characteristic of that donornucleus must be assumed to be like the averageof the donor cell population. We can thereforeconclude that some telomere replacement prob-ably occurs after nuclear transfer.

Epigenetic Modification

Modifications to histones in transplanted nucleihave been studied in both mammals and frogs(review by Morgan et al. 2005). The most com-monly used procedure is to stain transplantednuclei with antibodies specific for particularhistone modifications. This type of assay hasrevealed variable changes in nuclei transplantedto eggs (Wang et al. 2007). For example, H3K9is deacetylated but later reacetylated but otheracetylations show no change. H3K9 is demethy-lated in some cases, but not in others.

A general observation is that these changesare seen in nuclei transplanted from differen-tiated cells. These then come to resemble, in

this respect, transplanted ES nuclei, which donot themselves undergo these changes. It hasto be assumed that these changes are made onhistones that are components of chromatinrather than in the nucleoplasm of transplantednuclei. These changes are seen in nuclei trans-planted to both eggs and oocytes, and are nottherefore correlated with transcription ratherthan DNA replication. In future it will be im-portant to know whether these are globalchanges to the whole chromatin or are localizedto those particular genes that undergo repro-gramming. There is some evidence that tri-chostatin A treatment of nuclear transplantembryos can improve their survival (Kishigamiet al. 2006).

It is interesting that some of the chromatinfeatures of embryo nuclei are already seen insperm (Hammoud et al. 2009). Because trans-planted somatic nuclei are not exposed to con-ditions that prevail in sperm, it may be hard forthese chromatin characteristics to be correctlyimposed by eggs.

Chromatin Decondensation and ProteinExchange

The most obvious first response of transplantednuclei to eggs and oocytes is a huge increase involume. In frogs, this can be as much as 30-foldin 1 h for eggs and similarly for oocytes on aslower time scale. The same effect is seen inmammalian eggs, but more slowly. In Xenopusoocytes this enlargement includes the disper-sion of chromatin and is correlated with tran-scriptional activation (Gurdon et al. 1976). Amassive nuclear volume increase is also seen insperm soon after fertilization in mammals andfrogs. Nucleoplasmin is present at an enormousconcentration of 7 mg/mL in Xenopus eggs(Leno et al. 1996), and is in part, but not wholly,responsible for chromatin dispersal (Tamadaet al.2006).The major functionofnucleoplasminis to act as a chaperone for histone H2a and b.N1 and N2 serve a similar function for histoneH3 and H4. The oocyte-specific linker histonesare also present in a very high concentration ineggs and oocytes. The loosening or decompac-tion of chromatin is a primary event in nuclear

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reprogramming, and seems to set the stage forensuring transcription or DNA replication.

It has long been known that somatic nucleitransplanted to eggs and oocytes of Xenopussoon exchange proteins between nucleus andcytoplasm; about 80% of the proteins broughtin with a transplanted nucleus are lost withina few hours, and there is an obvious immigra-tion of cytoplasmic proteins into transplantednuclei (Gurdon et al. 1976). This may reflectthe normal rapid exchange of proteins betweennucleus and cytoplasm in most kinds of cells;the very large volume of eggs and oocytes willresult in loss being much more evident thanuptake. The abundant proteins of oocytes areamong those taken up by transplanted nuclei;labeled histones present in oocyte cytoplasm,whether by protein or mRNA injection, becomeintensely concentrated in the germinal vesicleand in transplanted nuclei. The rapid replace-ment of the mammalian linker histone H1foomay be related to chromatin decondensation(Teranishi et al. 2004). There is, at present, noclear evidence that the loss or gain of a particularprotein is causally connected with induced tran-scription or replication of transplanted nuclei.

Cell Extracts

A preferred route by which to identify func-tional components of cells is to use extracts ofcells that have a desired activity. Depletion ofan extract by antibodies or by other means canidentify components of the extract that makea necessary contribution to the activity beinganalyzed. This experimental design has been

particularly successful in identifying compo-nents of Xenopus eggs that are required forDNA replication (Gonzalez et al. 2005). How-ever, a substantial problem is that, so far, noone has succeeded in making an extract of cellsthat can carry out transcriptional reprogram-ming in vitro. Three types of experiment gosome way toward this objective.

One is to use a cell-free extract derivedfrom eggs or oocytes to describe changes thattake place in nuclei or permeabilized cells, eventhough these changes do not include new tran-scription. Important work within this categoryis that of Kikyo and Wolffe (2000) who describedthe ISWI-induced loss of TBP (TATA box bind-ing protein) from Xenopus cultured cell nucleiincubated in Xenopus egg extracts. Subsequentwork found that FRGY2 in egg extracts causesa reversible disassembly of nucleoli in somaticnuclei (Gonda et al. 2003), and that nucleoplas-min in eggs is required for chromatin dispersal(Tamada et al. 2006). These and other changesare listed in Table 1.

A second route based on cell-free extractsinvolves the addition of extracts to lightly per-meabilized cells, which are then resealed byCaþþ and cultured until transcription starts(Teranger et al. 2005; Collas and Taranger2006). With this experimental design, Hansiset al. (2004) found that Brg-1 is needed topermit reactivation of Oct4. All these experi-ments analyze extracts of eggs, and may there-fore identify components needed for DNAreplication as opposed to transcription (seeabove). Extracts of porcine oocytes show theentry of linker histone B4 and lamin III into

Table 1. In vitro culture

Donor nuclei

Extract of eggs or

oocytes Duration Responses Reference

Xenopus XTC cells Xenopus S phase 2 h Tata protein release by ISWI Kikyo and Wolffe 2000Bovine fetal

fibroblastXenopus egg or

oocyte3 h Lamin A/C removed; PolIþII

transcription maintainedAlberio et al. 2005

Xenopus embryofibroblasts

Xenopus S phaseegg

2 h FRGY 2aþb; nucleolusdisassembly

Gonda et al. 2003

Xenopus embryofibroblasts

Xenopus eggs 2 h Chromatin decondensation; H3histone phosphorylation þacetylation; nucleoplasmin

Tamada et al. 2006

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permeabilized fibroblasts, which when resealedand cultured, can activate pluripotency genes(Miyamoto et al. 2007, 2008, 2009). An extractof axolotl oocytes is able to demethylate DNAto reduce H3K9Me3 and to increase H3K9Acso that nuclei of differentiated cells becomelike those of ES cells (Bian et al. 2009). These lat-ter changes are seen in extracts of oocytes, andare therefore likely to be relevant to transcrip-tional reprogramming. See Table 2 for a list ofthese results.


The aim of this section is to discuss possiblemechanisms by which eggs or oocytes cansuccessfully reprogram somatic cell nuclei tobehave like embryo nuclei. In view of the slowor nil division rate and specialized gene ex-pression of most somatic cells, it is remarkablethat normal development ever results from nu-clear transfer. However, there are two respects inwhich reprogramming does not succeed well.Compared to fertilized eggs, almost all of whichdevelop normally, only about 30% of even blas-tula or blastocyst nuclei elicit normal develop-ment, and with the nuclei of differentiatedcells only about 2% of total transfers becomeadults. The incomplete functioning of any ofthe mechanisms we discuss could help to ex-plain developmental defects in nuclear trans-plant embryos.

The Initiation of DNA Replication

In amphibia, the first cell division takes place1.5 h after fertilization or nuclear transfer, andDNA replication of transplanted nuclei in GIneeds to precede this. Eggs have a strong DNAsynthesis inducing activity (Graham et al.1966). This is brought about by a great decreasein the spacing of origins of replication(Lemaitre et al. 2005). Even nondividing adultbrain nuclei respond to egg cytoplasm by ini-tiating DNA synthesis, but chromosome repli-cation is sometimes incomplete by the time ofthe first cell division, and partially replicatedchromosomes are pulled apart leading to dam-aged cleavage nuclei and defective cleavage (DiBerardino and King 1965). In mammals, thelong (20 h) first cell cycle gives no reason toattribute the 50% of nuclear transplants, evenfrom cumulus nuclei that fail to reach the two-cell stage, to failures of DNA replication.

Chromosomal Protein Exchange at Mitosis

An interesting idea that has surfaced overmany years is that the exchange of chromoso-mal proteins that takes place in chromosomesduring mitosis may facilitate changes in celldifferentiation, and these could include nuclearreprogramming. There is indeed a generalrelease of chromosomal proteins at mitosis. Inthe course of normal development, it is sup-posed that cells remaining in the same lineage

Table 2. In vitro culture followed by resealing of cells

Extract source Nuclei Duration Responses Reference

Xenopus eggs oroocytes

Human 293 T andleucocytes

30 min, then 7 d Oct4 and GCAP; Brgrequired

Hansis et al. 2004

Xenopus egg Porcine fibroblast 2 h, then 10 d B4 histone and nuclearlamin uptake; Oct4 &Sox2 activation

Miyamoto et al. 2007

Porcine oocytes (GV) Porcine fibroblast 2 h, then 10 d Nanog activation &demethylation;histone acetylation

Miyamoto et al. 2009

Axolotl oocytes (GV) Mouse embryofibroblast

5 h, then 3 d H3K9Me3, HP1a &DNA methylationreduced; Oct4 andNanog activation

Bian et al. 2009

Mouse oocytes (GV) Cumulus cells 45 min, then 4 wk H3K9Me reduced; Oct4activation

Bui et al. 2008

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pathway will lose regulatory chromosomal pro-teins as they enter mitosis, but will regain thesame kinds of proteins as they progress to inter-phase with no change of gene control. In thecase of nuclear transfer to eggs, the proteinslost at the first mitosis will be massively dilutedin the huge volume of an egg, and will bereplaced by proteins that represent the maternalcontent of the egg, and a change in gene controlwould result. In amphibia, the egg is 100,000times larger than a somatic cell, and a mouseegg is 350 times larger. Because there is no tran-scription for the first cell cycle in the mouse, norduring the first 12-cell cycles in the frog, chro-mosomal proteins of a transplanted somaticnucleus should be diluted out. This concepthas been most recently presented by Eggan(2004). We point out that mitotic exchange ofthis kind cannot be the only mechanism ofnuclear reprogramming, because the lattertakes place efficiently in nuclear transfer tooocytes (no DNA synthesis of mitosis) and inheterokaryon cell fusion experiments (no celldivision), as explained above. If chromosomalprotein exchange in eggs worked perfectly,nuclear transplant embryos should all developnormally and the phenomenon of epigeneticmemory (above) would not exist. It is likely,nevertheless, that mitotic chromosomal proteinexchange is a contributory factor in reprogram-ming when this takes place over multiple cellcycles and in iPS and other transcription factoroverexpression experiments.

Transcription Factor Supply

An obvious explanation for a dramatic switch ingene expression is the provision of new tran-scription factors. As noted above, the overex-pression of transcription factors has long beenknown to be able to activate genes in inappro-priate cell types. The remarkable results ofYamanaka (Takahashi et al. 2006) and Melton(Zhou et al. 2008) illustrate this effect veryclearly. This would provide a simple explana-tion for the transcriptional activation of pluri-potency genes in nuclear transfers to eggs oroocytes; for example Xenopus oocytes that candirectly activate transcription of Sox2, Oct4,

and Nanog might contain a maternal contentof transcription factors required for these genes.Because these factors are not yet identified forXenopus, this proposition cannot be testeddirectly. It has, however, been possible to testthis idea in respect of the very well studied myo-genic gene MyoD. This gene is, surprisingly,strongly expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and fur-thermore it is strongly induced in nonmusclenuclei transplanted to oocytes (Biddle et al.2009). MyoD and other myogenic genes areactivated in normal development by MyoD pro-tein itself, of which there is a maternal contentin Xenopus oocytes. It is possible to eliminatethe function of MyoD in Xenopus oocytes byoverexpressing the inhibitory protein Id.When this is performed, it has no effect at allon the transcriptional activation of MyoD orother myogenic genes in nuclei transplantedto oocytes. This suggests that gene activationin nuclei transplanted to oocytes may not beachieved by transcription factor overexpression.

In contrast to this result, the overexpressionof TPT-1, an oncogenic factor, does enhanceOct4 activation in somatic nuclei in oocytes(Koziol et al. 2007). However, the genes imme-diately downstream from TPT-1 are not known,and the TPT-1 effect may be indirect.

We conclude that the maternal provision ofgene-specific transcription factors may not be ageneral reprogramming mechanism in oocytesand eggs. At present, it seems more likely thatoocytes (and perhaps eggs) cause a global dere-pression of genes, so that most genes becomeavailable for transcription by a nonspecific tran-scriptional apparatus. This would be consistentwith the intensely active transcription of mostof the genome during the lampbrush phase ofamphibian oogenesis (Davidson 1986; Albertset al. 2008).

Chromatin Access

It is generally believed that, as cells differ-entiate, an increasing proportion of genes be-come transcriptionally inactive, compared toembryonic cells. In concert with this, chromatinbecomes increasingly condensed and compacted.An especially obvious effect of transplanting

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somatic nuclei to eggs or oocytes is that thenuclei undergo a huge volume increase that isaccompanied by an increased dispersion ofchromatin in the transplanted nuclei (seeabove). This could be interpreted as a generalloosening of chromatin structure that mightgive the transcriptional apparatus of the cellmore ready access to repressed genes.

FRAP provides a valuable technique fordetermining the dynamics of nuclear proteinmobility (Hager et al. 2009). It has not yetbeen possible to apply this method to singlecopy proteins bound to individual genes; multi-ple fluorescent proteins need to be present atone point on a chromosome for fluorescenceto be strong enough to detect loss and replace-ment of a protein. This technique has thereforebeen used when multiple copies of a protein,such as histones, HP1, etc., are associated witha gene in chromatin. In all such cases, the resi-dence time of proteins has turned out to beremarkably short, in the order of seconds orminutes. If this is also true of repressor com-plexes such as components of the polycomb ser-ies, we would expect such complexes to berapidly replaced in transplanted nuclei, whichwould then be rapidly derepressed. As explainedabove, nuclei from differentiated cells areremarkably resistant to reprogramming com-pared to nuclei of embryonic cells.

One explanation for this, in terms of chro-mosomal protein mobility is the following(Gurdon and Melton 2008). We suggest thatthe numerous proteins that comprise a repres-sor complex like PC1 are only loosely connectedto chromatin in embryo nuclei. Each compo-nent of the complex would have a short dwelltime, and so, in a limited time, all such compo-nents would have dissociated from chromatin;being only loosely associated with each other,the gene region that they occupy would soonbecome vacated, allowing access of the cell’stranscriptional apparatus. In contrast, the com-ponents of a repressor complex in a differenti-ated cell are supposed to be extensively boundto each other in a compact structure. Each com-ponent of the complex would partially dissoci-ate, but would not be fully released becauseof its association, at the same time to another

member of the complex. As a result, a completevacation of the site would require a far longertime before the transcriptional apparatus wouldhave access to this site. It would therefore beunderstandable that a gene in a very specializedcell with highly condensed chromatin wouldneed a very long time, compared to the samegene in an embryonic cell, before it could betranscribed. This concept seems to be in agree-ment with the results of somatic cell nucleartransfer and with iPS experiments.


J.B.G. thanks the Wellcome Trust and MedicalResearch Council of the UK for having sup-ported much of his work. I.W. thanks BBSRC,DEFRA, and EU-FP4 for supporting his work,and Jane Taylor and Keith Campbell forcollaboration.


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9, 20112011; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a002659 originally published online MayCold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 

 J. B. Gurdon and Ian Wilmut Nuclear Transfer to Eggs and Oocytes

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Developmental Control of Oocyte Maturation and

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Recognition Proteins in Marine InvertebratesSelection in the Rapid Evolution of Gamete

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Nuclear Transfer to Eggs and OocytesJ. B. Gurdon and Ian Wilmut For additional articles in this collection, see

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