NSGRP II - tzdpg.or.tz · aligned to implement the NSGRP II) ... (TUCTA) • No consultations ......

NSGRP II Consultative Meeting 7th May 2010 RECAPITULATION

Transcript of NSGRP II - tzdpg.or.tz · aligned to implement the NSGRP II) ... (TUCTA) • No consultations ......


Consultative Meeting

7th May 2010


Mama Mwasha

(Director- Poverty Eradication and

Empowerment Division )• Welcome

• Participation

• Sense of ownership

• Fill in gaps

• Sharpen the strategy

• Build legitimany

• Prioritize the interventions

• Process of discussion in groups

• Call for effective participation

• Special thanks for MUKUKUTA consultation coordinations: FCS, Policy Forum, UNDP, DPG, NSA

Chairperson Dr. Likwelile

• Welcomed statements

from stakeholders

Foundation for Civil Society (John

Ulanga)• FCS entrusted to coordinate the

process of consultation for the whole country

• Beliefed on participatory consultation, and use of regional networks

• 1600, 600 participants and organisations espectively were involved

• Guiding principles (, national ownership, & people-centered monitoring, political will & leadership, national manifesto aligned to implement the NSGRP II)

• Emphasised on quality of eduation and not


• Emphasised on hard working

• Need of effective government and NOT

very powerful one, and more informed civil

society (empowering citizens)

Policy Forum (Moses Kulaba)

• Partinership bwt govt and civil society is possible

• Appreciated the coordination done by directorate of poverty reduction

• 2000 participants reached

• Meetings at the district, regional and zonal levels

• Pro poor, pro community, just and equitable NSGRP II

• Focus on agriculture modernizaion (target on small scale farmers)

• Value added products

Policy Forum...

• Productive foreign investments

• Focus on small entreprenuers

• Infrastucture improvement

• Quality education

• Health services deliverly

• Need of transparency as a key issue to be strengthened

• Involved stakeholders members of policy forum, steering group, consultants, zonal coordinators(UNA, HAKIELIMU, HAKIKAZI, TYC, SPW)

Workers (TUCTA)

• 14 sectoral unions (TUCTA)

• No consultations were coordinated among workers

• While economy is growing, poverty is still an issue,

• Unemployment (job creation and decent jobs)

• Income poverty - no concrete measures to improve this area

• Economy growth should focus on the people not statistics

• Social Security for all Tanzanians (in formal and informal sectors)

• Taxation issue

Association of Tanzania Employers

(Akida)• The role of ATE in poverty


• Appreciate the govt coordination of the NSGRP II review process

• Need for the stakeholders commitment and increased productivity

• Narrated the achievements of NSGRP i.e GDP growth, healthy forex reserve, increased govt revenue, less govt borrowing etc.

• Commitment of ATE to collaboarte with govt for sustainable economic growth

• Emphasised on collaborative and consultative dialogue among stakeholders.

Development partners group (co-

Chair Alberic Kacou)• Appreciated the Govt Leadership on the

review of NSGPR II

• Noted the fresh insights on pro poor and inclusive growth in NSGRP II

• Raised the need to address ineadequency and inequity in service delivery

• Population growth - shift in population policies

• Role of the private sector- as engine of economy

• Climate change adapation and mitigation

• Core reform programmes for implementation effectiveness

• Assured support of the DP- and called furhter discuss on main challenges:

• Private sector as the engine of growth- Role of private sector and provide incentives for increased private sector investment

• PPP – Why PPP has failed

• Agricultue reforms and linkages to markets

• Corruption: need to be addressed head-on

Guest of Hon.( Ramadhani Khijjah)

PS – Ministry of Finance• Saluted and Welcome participants

• Noted good participation as an indication that people hate poverty (people participation as the pillar of good governance)

• Ownership of the development agenda

• Narrated the process of preparation of NSGRP II (technical commisioning of studies and consultation with stakeholdrs)

• Called participants to erich the process towards the final vesion of the NSGRP. II

• Assured the readness of the govt to take up people’s opinions on board

• Talked on gains and challenges encountered during NSGRP I & anticipated in NSGRP II

• Called all stakeholders, in prearation, impementation and monitoring NSGRP II

• Regular and coordinated evaluation of NSGRP II which will involve all stakeholders

• Need for broad-based economy


• 8-10% ecomony growth is critical for poverty reduction

• Which priority areas can stimulate that growth?

• Low productivity

• Economy growth does not tanslate into income poverty reduction.

• High population growth and low agriclutural growth

• unemployment is time bomb

• Focus on the improved quality of service deliverly

• Well established functioning institutions to support NSGRP II.

• Economic governance

• Social protection funding in a holistic manner

• Expect to have a complete comprehensive NSGRP II document.

• Documentation to be done in Kiswahili and English.


NSGRP II Presentation(Prof.


• Review Process

• Assessment of NSGRP I

• Stakeholders consultations process

• Key structures of NSGRP (similarities and

strategic shift)

• Thrust of NSGRP II

Prof. Mabele (vote of thanks)

Consultative meeting

Representatitive Participants• Participants from all

regions in Tanzania

• Youth organisations

• Children organsations



• The Elderly

• Govt

• Academic institutions

• Disabled organisations

Reflections on the Presentation of

Draft NSGPR II• What strategy is in place to ensure that NSGP II is disseminated

down to the vIllage level

• The elderly are forgotten

• What about pension for farmers?(Ruvuma)

• NSGRP should be prepared by Kiswahili right from the beginning

• Leadership issue (need of workers, capital, innovative leaders) Mwansasu

• Minja (Arusha) Why youth are kept in vulnerable group?

• Saul Pater Kilimanjaro- Ignorance is the main problem-menta –poverty. Need to address issue of mental poverty

• Manyara- Education for peasants is key for modernisation of agriculture and cattle keeping

• Need of Self – employment curriculum in the education sytem


• Mtwara –Nyakiliga- page-- dependecy is increasing, ca’n’t we change this??

• Tanga- Restituta -Kilimo kwanza is more inclined on artifcial agricultural inputs sell (bussiness), What about organic manure??

• Arusha –Petro Aham- The NSGPR II should also focus on regional integation (East Africa)

• Come 2015 need of private candidate in elecion enacted

• Mongi- World Vision- when will the monitoring indicators be developed and how will stakeholders be involved???

• Youth- of today- big section of youth are not informed on NSGPR II

• Moro-Samson raised the issue of eligibilty of the elderly

• Mtigala-Disabled- Education for people with disability is very low- enrollment of children with disabilities at early schools should be increased, friendly infrastructure ( schools, offices, even at election polls).

• John –Arusha Viziwi- Need for NSGRP II to exciptily ensure that people with disabilities have access to information. Informaion is their rights

Written Comments

• Empowering of communities on cost sharing on various social and economic services and tax paying ethics is critical

• Creating conducive enviroments for self- employment of youth and access to affordable financial credity facilities

• Deliberate measures to elimination of child labour

• Availability of agriculural inputs

• Respect of the rule of laws

• Towns and cities environment cleanliness (towns and cities in anzania are dirty

• Leaders at all levels to be availed with the Constitution of the country when they assume offices

• Strengthen monitoring and follow up of NSGP II implementation

• Self-reliance education to be reintroduced in school curriculum