NSGRP II Consultative Meeting 7th May 2010 RECAPITULATION.

NSGRP II NSGRP II Consultative Meeting Consultative Meeting 7th May 2010 7th May 2010 RECAPITULATION RECAPITULATION

Transcript of NSGRP II Consultative Meeting 7th May 2010 RECAPITULATION.

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Consultative MeetingConsultative Meeting

7th May 20107th May 2010


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Mama MwashaMama Mwasha(Director- Poverty Eradication and (Director- Poverty Eradication and

Empowerment Division )Empowerment Division )• Welcome• Participation• Sense of ownership• Fill in gaps• Sharpen the strategy• Build legitimany• Prioritize the interventions• Process of discussion in groups• Call for effective participation• Special thanks for MUKUKUTA

consultation coordinations: FCS, Policy Forum, UNDP, DPG, NSA

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Chairperson Dr. LikwelileChairperson Dr. Likwelile

• Welcomed statements from stakeholders

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Foundation for Civil Society (John Foundation for Civil Society (John Ulanga)Ulanga)

• FCS entrusted to coordinate the process of consultation for the whole country

• Beliefed on participatory consultation, and use of regional networks

• 1600, 600 participants and organisations espectively were involved

• Guiding principles (, national ownership, & people-centered monitoring, political will & leadership, national manifesto aligned to implement the NSGRP II)

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• Emphasised on quality of eduation and not quantity

• Emphasised on hard working

• Need of effective government and NOT very powerful one, and more informed civil society (empowering citizens)

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Policy Forum (Moses Kulaba)Policy Forum (Moses Kulaba)

• Partinership bwt govt and civil society is possible

• Appreciated the coordination done by directorate of poverty reduction

• 2000 participants reached• Meetings at the district, regional

and zonal levels• Pro poor, pro community, just

and equitable NSGRP II• Focus on agriculture

modernizaion (target on small scale farmers)

• Value added products

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Policy Forum...Policy Forum...

• Productive foreign investments• Focus on small entreprenuers• Infrastucture improvement• Quality education• Health services deliverly• Need of transparency as a key issue to be

strengthened• Involved stakeholders members of policy forum,

steering group, consultants, zonal coordinators(UNA, HAKIELIMU, HAKIKAZI, TYC, SPW)

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Workers (TUCTA)Workers (TUCTA)• 14 sectoral unions (TUCTA)• No consultations were

coordinated among workers• While economy is growing,

poverty is still an issue, • Unemployment (job creation

and decent jobs)• Income poverty - no concrete

measures to improve this area• Economy growth should focus

on the people not statistics• Social Security for all

Tanzanians (in formal and informal sectors)

• Taxation issue

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Association of Tanzania Employers Association of Tanzania Employers (Akida)(Akida)

• The role of ATE in poverty reduction

• Appreciate the govt coordination of the NSGRP II review process

• Need for the stakeholders commitment and increased productivity

• Narrated the achievements of NSGRP i.e GDP growth, healthy forex reserve, increased govt revenue, less govt borrowing etc.

• Commitment of ATE to collaboarte with govt for sustainable economic growth

• Emphasised on collaborative and consultative dialogue among stakeholders.

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Development partners group (co- Development partners group (co- Chair Alberic Kacou)Chair Alberic Kacou)

• Appreciated the Govt Leadership on the review of NSGPR II

• Noted the fresh insights on pro poor and inclusive growth in NSGRP II

• Raised the need to address ineadequency and inequity in service delivery

• Population growth - shift in population policies

• Role of the private sector- as engine of economy

• Climate change adapation and mitigation• Core reform programmes for implementation

effectiveness• Assured support of the DP- and called furhter

discuss on main challenges:• Private sector as the engine of growth- Role

of private sector and provide incentives for increased private sector investment

• PPP – Why PPP has failed• Agricultue reforms and linkages to markets• Corruption: need to be addressed head-on

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Guest of Hon.( Ramadhani Khijjah) Guest of Hon.( Ramadhani Khijjah) PS – Ministry of FinancePS – Ministry of Finance

• Saluted and Welcome participants• Noted good participation as an indication that

people hate poverty (people participation as the pillar of good governance)

• Ownership of the development agenda• Narrated the process of preparation of

NSGRP II (technical commisioning of studies and consultation with stakeholdrs)

• Called participants to erich the process towards the final vesion of the NSGRP. II

• Assured the readness of the govt to take up people’s opinions on board

• Talked on gains and challenges encountered during NSGRP I & anticipated in NSGRP II

• Called all stakeholders, in prearation, impementation and monitoring NSGRP II

• Regular and coordinated evaluation of NSGRP II which will involve all stakeholders

• Need for broad-based economy

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• 8-10% ecomony growth is critical for poverty reduction• Which priority areas can stimulate that growth?• Low productivity • Economy growth does not tanslate into income poverty reduction.• High population growth and low agriclutural growth• unemployment is time bomb• Focus on the improved quality of service deliverly• Well established functioning institutions to support NSGRP II.• Economic governance• Social protection funding in a holistic manner• Expect to have a complete comprehensive NSGRP II document.• Documentation to be done in Kiswahili and English.• OFFICIALLY OPPED-11.30AM

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NSGRP II Presentation(Prof. NSGRP II Presentation(Prof. Mbelle)Mbelle)

• Review Process

• Assessment of NSGRP I

• Stakeholders consultations process

• Key structures of NSGRP (similarities and strategic shift)

• Thrust of NSGRP II

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Prof. Mabele (vote of thanks)Prof. Mabele (vote of thanks)

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Consultative meeting Consultative meeting Representatitive ParticipantsRepresentatitive Participants

• Participants from all regions in Tanzania

• Youth organisations• Children organsations• TUCTA• ATE• The Elderly• Govt• Academic institutions• Disabled organisations

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Reflections on the Presentation of Reflections on the Presentation of Draft NSGPR IIDraft NSGPR II

• What strategy is in place to ensure that NSGP II is disseminated down to the vIllage level

• The elderly are forgotten• What about pension for farmers?(Ruvuma)• NSGRP should be prepared by Kiswahili right from the beginning• Leadership issue (need of workers, capital, innovative leaders)

Mwansasu• Minja (Arusha) Why youth are kept in vulnerable group?• Saul Pater Kilimanjaro- Ignorance is the main problem-menta –

poverty. Need to address issue of mental poverty• Manyara- Education for peasants is key for modernisation of

agriculture and cattle keeping • Need of Self – employment curriculum in the education sytem

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• Mtwara –Nyakiliga- page-- dependecy is increasing, ca’n’t we change this??

• Tanga- Restituta -Kilimo kwanza is more inclined on artifcial agricultural inputs sell (bussiness), What about organic manure??

• Arusha –Petro Aham- The NSGPR II should also focus on regional integation (East Africa)

• Come 2015 need of private candidate in elecion enacted • Mongi- World Vision- when will the monitoring indicators be developed and

how will stakeholders be involved???• Youth- of today- big section of youth are not informed on NSGPR II• Moro-Samson raised the issue of eligibilty of the elderly• Mtigala-Disabled- Education for people with disability is very low- enrollment

of children with disabilities at early schools should be increased, friendly infrastructure ( schools, offices, even at election polls).

• John –Arusha Viziwi- Need for NSGRP II to exciptily ensure that people with disabilities have access to information. Informaion is their rights

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Written CommentsWritten Comments

• Empowering of communities on cost sharing on various social and economic services and tax paying ethics is critical

• Creating conducive enviroments for self- employment of youth and access to affordable financial credity facilities

• Deliberate measures to elimination of child labour • Availability of agriculural inputs• Respect of the rule of laws• Towns and cities environment cleanliness (towns and cities in

anzania are dirty• Leaders at all levels to be availed with the Constitution of the

country when they assume offices• Strengthen monitoring and follow up of NSGP II implementation• Self-reliance education to be reintroduced in school curriculum

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