NOTICE SPECIAL Sentinel Leader/1959/The... · The...

THE SENTINEL-LEADER SPARTA, MICHIGAN SPARTA LOCALS MBS. DAISY UOLBEN, Correspondent - Phone T1M-7S51 Clare (Toby) Wilson Is spending the summer with his grandmother, Mrs. J. H. Gllddon at her cottage near Petoskey. The past week they spent In the Copper Country vis- iting Eagle Harbour and other points of interest. Mrs. Broad of Evanston, niinols and Mrs. George Cripps, and son, Oeorge, of Grand Rapids, accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wilson hope to go to Petoskey for the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. Dale. Allison are living at 3204 Chestnut St., S.W. Grandvllle. Dale has a position as Cost Accountant for the G, R. Brass Co., Division of Crampton Manufacturing Co., 420 50th S.W., Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Atheam went with their son, Wayne and family of Grand Rapids, to Ludington last Saturday. They were met at the State Park by Mrs. Lenna Murphy of Ludington, her nephew, Dallis Lehman and Mrs. Lehman, and her niece, Mrs. Geneva Oden, all from Scottville. A picnic dinner and afte-noon of visiting were enjoyed. Johnny Buege of Midland Is spending a couple weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Buege. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reed and children have moved from Grand Rapids to the Willard Amidon home on Nash St. Mrs. H. H. Koopman of Colum- bus, Ohio, Is staying with her mother, Mrs. Eva Anderson while Mrs. Anderson is convalescing from a fractured hip. Mr. Koopman will join them for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Klenk have purchased the Leonard Vaughan home on Harper Drive, and are living there now. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Berg have moved from Har- per Drive to the house vacated by the Klenkfi on River Rd. Mrs. Paul Nicolia and children of Inkster, Mrs. Merlin Shears and children and Miss Iris Shears of Coopersviile, were Thursday evening supper guests at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. G. L, Taylbr. Mrs. Rosalind Goodpaster and daughter and son-in-law of Battle Creek, were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests of their grand- father, Archie Light. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berg and family are vacationing at Mar- quette and Copper Harbor this week. Central Circle of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church are having Us summer picnic at the home of Mrs. F. G. Field, 57 Centennial, Tuesday, July 21, at 12:30. Food will be prepared by the committee. Guests are welcome. The hostess should be notified, as to the number of guests planning to attend. Mrs. A. W. Jernberg of Tujunga, California, arrived Sunday evening to spend a week with her sister, Mrs. Joe Gass and family. Mrs. E. Klrchner, another sister, and family of Ludington, are also vis- iting this week at the Gass home. This is the first time in fourteen years that the sisters have been together. Word has been received that Mrs. Lenna Murphy, a former resident of Sparta, passed away In Luding- ton at 12:20 a.m. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rossell of Flushing spent Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kurtz and left Wednesday for the Upper Penin- sula where they will vacation for two weeks at Rice Lake, near Lake Linden. On Monday, July 20, members of Sparta Garden Club will enjoy a picnic at the Lake Michigan cot- tage of Mrs. Howard Reynolds. For transportation, call Mrs. Leon Norrls. Mr. and Mrs. John Ridgely and family are spending a few days visiting relatives and friends. The Rldgclys are residents of Indian- apolis, Indiana, and their address Is 151 W. 47th St.. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tuttle with their daughter, Vlckl, have been visiting their parents, Mr, and Mrs. V. Y, Tuttle and Mrs. Roy Kenyon ' VOTE F O R — MARTIN D. BOTH State Representative PRIMARY - AUGUST 4th HE WIU, TAKE A Fresh Vigorous Business Like APPROACH TO THE MICHIGAN LEGISLATURE of Grand Rapids for the past three weeks. They left Monday morning on the Clipper. Lt, Tuttle Is to attend the U, S. Naval Post-grad- uate School at Monterey, Califor- nia for the next two years, Mr. and Mrs, David E. Price of 3-Mile road, anounce the birth of a 7-lb., 13-oz, daughter, Lesa Joy, at Blodgett Hospital July 4th. Mrs, Price is the former Joyce Andrus. Mr, and Mrs, Floyd Buege, Jack and Larry and Gall Robinson left Sunday for a two-week western' vacation trip. They expect to go to Yellowstone Park and visit other interesting places. Bob and Don are staying at the Melvin Robinson home during their parents' ab- sence. Ross Williams received the sad news of the death of his sister, Mrs, Lora Whitney of Muskegon Hts,, who passed away on Saturday, He attended the funeral on Tuesday. W. P. Siegel of Harper Drive entered St. Mary's hospital Monday for observation and treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boyer of Lawrence and their son-in-law and daughter, of California, were Tues- day dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Buege, o HOME TOWN FLEET NEWS NORFOLK, Va, (FHTNO—Rob- ert C, Baker, bollerman third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs, Carl Baker, was promoted to the pres- ent rate June 16 while serving aboard the store ship USS Hyades operating out of Norfolk, Va, . o HOME TOWN ARMY NEWS LADD AIR FORCE BASE, Alas- ka (AHTNC)—Army Pvt. Gary 1. Ferguson, 17, recently arrived In Alaska and Is now a member of the Yukon Command. Ferguson, a mechanic In the com mand's Headquarters Company at Ladd Air Force Base, entered the Army in December, 1958 and re- ceived basic training at Fort Leon ard Wood, Mo. He attended Grant High School. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ferguson, live on Route 2, Grant, His wife. Sandra, lives at 47 Grand Ave,, Casnovia. WORTH LOOKING INTO... M e m the teffije^fot you buy has $ im FOOD FREEZER SECTION DONT GET ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER IT WILL SAVE YOU TIME, WORK AND MONEY AS YOU EAT BETTER! eomnme Yea, the wonderful new Refrlgerator-Preezer combination is a 2 in 1 appliance . . . a fresh food compartment and a food freezer in one space-saving cabinet, A true freezer compartment gives so much convenience. Foods keep for months ... Ice cream stays firm the way you like it even in the hottest weather . . , and you can save money by buying In quantity. The compact new Refrlgerator-Preezer gives you maximum storage in minimum kitchen •pace. M D UTrlft A refrigerator-freezer gives you more for your money- $EE YOUR DEALER Pubiithed in cooperation with Refrigerator Deaiert by Coniumeri Power Company. MOST USED CARS LOOK ALIKE TO ME. WHERE CAN I BUY WITH CONFIDENCE? AT YOUR FORD DEALER'S, OF COURSE! r <m m t* f Alpine Township News MBS. WM. C, ANDREWS Correspondent Phone EM 1-4982 Ted Razmus has been a neighbor for a year now, and my, how he has grown! The new garage Is waiting for a paint job, but Ted Is already busy inside with grease jobs, installing brakes, mufflers, tailpipes and general repair. The restrooms are very clean —• I checked. Bags of cubed Ice are the new feature available , at the store. Ted Isn't new at his business either, having managed a gas station for a few years, and also helped a brother at his trading post for a year. There are five future clerks, with Jim, 14, and Elaine 12, help- ing out now. Bonnie and Betty, 11, are the twins you just can't tell apart, and the eyes looking over the counter belong to Linda, just 8. Mrs. Razmus Is a busy gal with the housework and all the hours she spends at the store. Now with Ted, whether you're buying out the store or Just getting a gum ball, you'll always get a wonderful smile. Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Rozema of 7-Mlle Rd., spent a recent weekend at the Hotel Astor in New York City while attending the 15th re- union of the 749th Tank Battalion, There were 200 couples present and a great deal of reminiscing was sandwiched between seeing the town and entering Into the group activities. Birthdays, birthdays—The Frank Brechtlng clan celebrated with a dinner at the Brechtlng home on Alpine for the birthday of Mrs. Francis Flowers last Sunday. And Rolland DeWlnter was just cut- ting into his cake when his par- ents, the Lee DeWlnters of Com- stock Park, drove In from a north- ern vacation Friday evening. There was home-made Ice cream, too. The row of Rozemas on 7-Mlle road, went to the Charles Wager home in Grand Rapids on Sunday and helped Sandra celebrate her 7th birthday, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Poel- man, Gary and Tommy of Standale were there, top. Sandra's real birthdate Is the 4th, but she de- served a quieter day all her own. Suddenly quiet around these parts with the little gals gone. Camp Vlnlng is sheltering a group of girls from the Alpine Eagles 4-H club. All packed for a week, and leaving last Sunday were, Theresa 1 Alt, Marilyn Alt, Mary Boonstra, Pamela Dunneback, Mary Dooren- bos. Patsy Boucher, Mary Lamor- eaux, Mary Jo Alt and Catherine Jost. Jim Hunt was fishing, swimming and just being lazy for two weeks at 16-Mlle Lake near Munlslng, Jim is the son of the Melvin Hunts of Vinton Ave, Mrs, Margaret Wallace and Mlsr Thelma Avery of Boyne City spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Crevellng of Vinton Ave. A color TV set will be the grand door prize at the Holy Trinity church festival this coming Sun- day, July 19. The annual affair will be held in the church basement from 1:00 to 10:00 p.m. There'll be a cake booth, also booths of candy, toys, fancy work and a fishpond besides many other attractions. A popcorn machine, pop and paddle pops, bar- becues, hotdogs, pie and coffee will also be available. A cool place to spend some time, come and see, Richard Williamson is chairman, with Mrs. James Smith, Jr., In charge of the guild's booths. The Westgate Association enter- tained their teen-agers on this Wednesday with a wiener roast on the home grounds, and then an evening of roller skating at a big rink in town. Mrs, Bernard Dood has full command of the affair with a peppy committee of young ones, Jane Thiefels, Judy Rodgers, Diane Dood, and Phyllis Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brechtlng and Bob spent a recent weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Walter Fenske at their cottage on the Little Man- istee, The children of Mr, and Mrs, John Rozema came home to help their parents observe their 36th wedding anniversary recently, John A. and his bride, the Dale Rozemas with Douglas, walked over, while from Standale came the Joe Poel mans with Gary and Tommy, and Mrs, Charles Wager drove In from Grand Rapids with Sandra and Stevle. Donald Hunt, son of the Dale Hunts of Sparta was afraid that his 8th birthday was forgotten, but there was a party planned for him at his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Hunt of Vinton Ave, Cake and trimmings were served to all the family and the Donald Vanden- bergs of Larnoreaux Dr. also came, 5.20 a.m. Saturday, July 11, an 8-lb,, 12-oz, boy for Mr, and Mrs. Louis Cordes of Bristol Rd. Mrs. Cordes Is the former Carol Plccard of Peach Ridge Ave. The Great Lakes Polka Band will again be at the Crevellng barn this Saturday, July 18, with the Mother's Club of Colton school sponsoring the benefit dance. Mrs. Evelyn Zlellnskl and Mrs. J. Henry Muli are co-hostesses. Dancing from 9 to 1, So very young, and she can cook a little. So Marie Swope became the bride of Marvin Corner on Sat- urday morning, wearing such a pretty gown. The lace bodice with mandarin collar and long sleeves flowed Into wide panels of the full skirt of net, Ruffles of net out- lined each Insert, and flowers of lace centered the floor-length gown. A Juliet cap hold the fin- ger-tip veil, and the bouquet was white carnations with satin stream- ers. The attendants in pink car- ried blue carnations, and those in blue carrying pink carnations, wore r.o.A.f. •See your DEALER'S USED CAR VALUES ON PAGE 6 I , - I Don't miss next week's big issue of the Sentinel-Leader which will carry ads by local merchants, car and implement dealers, featuring real Old Fashioned Prices on everything imaginable! Make plans now to attend this Annual Sparta Sidewalk Sale! Sparta Chamber of Commerce Identical ballerina length gowns. The strapless bodice topped with ruffles of net, and a collared, short sleeve bolero covered well. The full skirts had alternate layers of net and lace ruffles. The braided net and velvet headbands held short veils, and they wore glass slippers. Two tiny flower girls had dresses styled exactly as the at- tendants and they carried old-fas- hioned mixed bouquets. When school planners go over- board on taxable "frills", perhaps the need for a consultant wise in the ways of doing with little such as a mother of ten, caring for her brood In a two-bedroom, basementless house? o WEDNESDAY, JULY 15. 1959 VILLAGE OF SPARTA Council Proceedings Regular Meeting of the Sparta Village Council, July 13, 1959, 8:00 p.m. Council Rooms, 156 Division St., Sparta, Michigan. Meeting called to order by Pres- ident Johnson. All members present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Moved by Titus, and seconded by Jaeschke, that the bills In the sum of $22,986.01, as approved by the Finance Committee, be paid. Aye: Rambow, Carlson, Field, Colby, Titus and Jaeschke. Nay: None. Report by Clerk and Supt of Public Works. Chief of Police, Heugel, report- ed 11 arrests as follows for tho month of June: Excessive noise, 2; No operator's license, 5; Driving while license revoked, 1; Speeding, 1; Disorderly. 1; Driving without due caution, 1. 4 accidents were investigated and 310 drivers' li- censes were issued. Moved by Field, and seconded by Carlson, that the Bekman bid for blacktop work on Village Streets be accepted. Aye: Rambow, Carlson, Field, Colby, Titus and Jaeschke. Nay: None, Moved by Titus, and seconded by Jaeschke, that the -purchase of a new Police Car be referred to the Safety Committee, with power to act. Aye: Rambow, Carlson, Field, Colby, Titus and Jaeschke. Nay: None. Moved by Titus, and seconded by Colby, that C. Emelander be given the S, Union St, sidewalk job. Aye: Rambow, Field, Carlson. Colby, Titus and Jaeschke. Nay: None. Upon motion, meeting was ad- journed by President Johnison. •—Roy C, Burgett Village Clerk o USE SENTINKL-LEADBB CLASSIFIED ADS Sparta Township Registration NOTICE For SPECIAL ELECTION Monday, Aug. 31, '59 TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE TowniSip of Sparta COUNTY OF KENT, MICHIGAN Notice is hereby given that in conformity with the "Mich- igan Election Law," I, the underuigned Clerk, will, upon any day except Sunday and a legal holiday, the day of any regular or special election or primary election, receive for registration the name of any legal voter not already regis- tered who may Apply To Me Personally for such registra- tion. Provided, however, that I can receive no names for registration during the time intervening between the Thir- tieth Day before any regular, special or official primary election and the day of such election. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I WILL BE AT MY OFFICE Saturday, Aug. 1,1959 LAST DAY FOR REGISTRATION From 8 o'clock a.m. until 8 o'clock p.m. on said day for the purpose of Reviewing the Registration and Registering such of the qualified electors as shall Properly Apply therefor. In any Township or City in which the Clerk does not maintain regular dally office hours, the Township Board or legislative body of such Township or City may require that the Clerk of such Township or City shall be at his office or other designated place for the purpose of receiving appli- cations for registration, on such other days as it shall desig- nate prior to the last day for registration, not exceeding five days in all. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN. THAT I WILL BE AT MY OFFICE (Former People's Slate Bank Bidf.) ANY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY FROM 8:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. AND ON SATURDAY, AUGUST I FROM 8:00 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M. The name of no person but an ACTUAL Resident of the precinct at the time of said registration, and entitled under the Constitution, if remaining such resident, to vote at the next election, shall be entered in the registration book. -FLOYD BUEGE Clerk, Sparta Township 7-15

Transcript of NOTICE SPECIAL Sentinel Leader/1959/The... · The...

Page 1: NOTICE SPECIAL Sentinel Leader/1959/The... · The new garage Is waiting for a paint job, but Ted Is already busy inside with grease


SPARTA LOCALS MBS. DAISY UOLBEN, Correspondent - Phone T1M-7S51

Clare (Toby) Wilson Is spending

the summer with his grandmother, Mrs. J. H. Gllddon at her cottage near Petoskey. The past week they spent In the Copper Country vis-iting Eagle Harbour and other points of interest. Mrs. Broad of Evanston, niinols and Mrs. George Cripps, and son, Oeorge, of Grand Rapids, accompanied them.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wilson hope to go to Petoskey for the month of August.

Mr. and Mrs. Dale. Allison are living at 3204 Chestnut St., S.W. Grandvllle. Dale has a position as Cost Accountant for the G, R. Brass Co., Division of Crampton Manufacturing Co., 420 50th S.W., Grand Rapids.

Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Atheam went with their son, Wayne and family of Grand Rapids, to Ludington last Saturday. They were met at the State Park by Mrs. Lenna Murphy of Ludington, her nephew, Dallis Lehman and Mrs. Lehman, and her niece, Mrs. Geneva Oden, all from Scottville. A picnic dinner and afte-noon of visiting were enjoyed.

Johnny Buege of Midland Is spending a couple weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Buege.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reed and children have moved from Grand

Rapids to the Willard Amidon home on Nash St.

Mrs. H. H. Koopman of Colum-bus, Ohio, Is staying with her mother, Mrs. Eva Anderson while Mrs. Anderson is convalescing from a fractured hip. Mr. Koopman will join them for the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs, Robert Klenk have purchased the Leonard Vaughan home on Harper Drive, and are living there now. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Berg have moved from Har-per Drive to the house vacated by the Klenkfi on River Rd.

Mrs. Paul Nicolia and children of Inkster, Mrs. Merlin Shears and children and Miss Iris Shears of Coopersviile, were Thursday evening supper guests at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. G. L, Taylbr.

Mrs. Rosalind Goodpaster and daughter and son-in-law of Battle Creek, were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests of their grand-father, Archie Light.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berg and family are vacationing at Mar-quette and Copper Harbor this week.

Central Circle of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church are having Us

summer picnic at the home of Mrs. F. G. Field, 57 Centennial, Tuesday, July 21, at 12:30. Food will be prepared by the committee. Guests are welcome. The hostess should be notified, as to the number of guests planning to attend.

Mrs. A. W. Jernberg of Tujunga, California, arrived Sunday evening to spend a week with her sister, Mrs. Joe Gass and family. Mrs. E. Klrchner, another sister, and family of Ludington, are also vis-iting this week at the Gass home. This is the first time in fourteen years that the sisters have been together.

Word has been received that Mrs. Lenna Murphy, a former resident of Sparta, passed away In Luding-ton at 12:20 a.m. Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rossell of Flushing spent Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kurtz and left Wednesday for the Upper Penin-sula where they will vacation for two weeks at Rice Lake, near Lake Linden.

On Monday, July 20, members of Sparta Garden Club will enjoy a picnic at the Lake Michigan cot-tage of Mrs. Howard Reynolds. For transportation, call Mrs. Leon Norrls.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ridgely and family are spending a few days visiting relatives and friends. The Rldgclys are residents of Indian-apolis, Indiana, and their address Is 151 W. 47th St..

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tuttle with their daughter, Vlckl, have been visiting their parents, Mr, and Mrs. V. Y, Tuttle and Mrs. Roy Kenyon


— V O T E F O R —

MARTIN D. BOTH State Representative


Fresh Vigorous

Business Like APPROACH


of Grand Rapids for the past three weeks. They left Monday morning on the Clipper. Lt, Tuttle Is to attend the U, S. Naval Post-grad-

uate School at Monterey, Califor-nia for the next two years,

Mr. and Mrs, David E. Price of 3-Mile road, anounce the birth of a 7-lb., 13-oz, daughter, Lesa Joy, at Blodgett Hospital July 4th. Mrs, Price is the former Joyce Andrus.

Mr, and Mrs, Floyd Buege, Jack and Larry and Gall Robinson left Sunday for a two-week western' vacation trip. They expect to go to Yellowstone Park and visit other interesting places. Bob and Don are staying at the Melvin Robinson home during their parents' ab-sence.

Ross Williams received the sad news of the death of his sister, Mrs, Lora Whitney of Muskegon Hts,, who passed away on Saturday, He attended the funeral on Tuesday.

W. P. Siegel of Harper Drive entered St. Mary's hospital Monday for observation and treatment.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boyer of Lawrence and their son-in-law and daughter, of California, were Tues-day dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Buege,



NORFOLK, Va, (FHTNO—Rob-ert C, Baker, bollerman third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs, Carl Baker, was promoted to the pres-ent rate June 16 while serving aboard the store ship USS Hyades operating out of Norfolk, Va,

. o


LADD AIR FORCE BASE, Alas-ka (AHTNC)—Army Pvt. Gary 1. Ferguson, 17, recently arrived In Alaska and Is now a member of the Yukon Command. Ferguson, a mechanic In the com

mand's Headquarters Company at Ladd Air Force Base, entered the Army in December, 1958 and re-ceived basic training at Fort Leon ard Wood, Mo.

He attended Grant High School. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ferguson, live on Route 2, Grant, His wife. Sandra, lives at 47 Grand Ave,, Casnovia.


M e m the teffije^fot you buy has $ im






eomnme Yea, the wonderful new Refrlgerator-Preezer combination is a 2 in 1 appliance . . . a fresh food compartment and a food freezer in one space-saving cabinet,

A true freezer compartment gives so much convenience. Foods keep for months . . . Ice cream stays firm the way you like it even in the hottest weather . . , and you can save money by buying In quantity.

The compact new Refrlgerator-Preezer gives you maximum storage in minimum kitchen •pace.

M D UTrlft

A refrigerator-freezer gives you more for your money- $EE YOUR DEALER Pubiithed in cooperation with Refrigerator Deaiert by Coniumeri Power Company.



r <m m t* f

Alpine Township News MBS. WM. C, ANDREWS Correspondent Phone EM 1-4982

Ted Razmus has been a neighbor for a year now, and my, how he has grown! The new garage Is waiting for a paint job, but Ted Is already busy inside with grease jobs, installing brakes, mufflers, tailpipes and general repair. The restrooms are very clean —• I

checked. Bags of cubed Ice are the new feature available , at the store. Ted Isn't new at his business either, having managed a gas station for a few years, and also helped a brother at his trading post for a year. There are five future clerks, with Jim, 14, and Elaine 12, help-ing out now. Bonnie and Betty, 11, are the twins you just can't tell apart, and the eyes looking over the counter belong to Linda, just 8. Mrs. Razmus Is a busy gal with the housework and all the hours she spends at the store. Now with Ted, whether you're buying out the store or Just getting a gum ball, you'll always get a wonderful smile.

Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Rozema of 7-Mlle Rd., spent a recent weekend at the Hotel Astor in New York City while attending the 15th re-union of the 749th Tank Battalion, There were 200 couples present and a great deal of reminiscing was sandwiched between seeing the town and entering Into the group activities.

Birthdays, birthdays—The Frank Brechtlng clan celebrated with a dinner at the Brechtlng home on Alpine for the birthday of Mrs. Francis Flowers last Sunday. And Rolland DeWlnter was just cut-ting into his cake when his par-ents, the Lee DeWlnters of Com-stock Park, drove In from a north-ern vacation Friday evening. There was home-made Ice cream, too. The row of Rozemas on 7-Mlle road, went to the Charles Wager home in Grand Rapids on Sunday and helped Sandra celebrate her 7th birthday, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Poel-man, Gary and Tommy of Standale were there, top. Sandra's real birthdate Is the 4th, but she de-served a quieter day all her own.

Suddenly quiet around these parts with the little gals gone. Camp Vlnlng is sheltering a group of girls from the Alpine Eagles 4-H club. All packed for a week, and leaving last Sunday were, Theresa1

Alt, Marilyn Alt, Mary Boonstra, Pamela Dunneback, Mary Dooren-bos. Patsy Boucher, Mary Lamor-eaux, Mary Jo Alt and Catherine Jost.

Jim Hunt was fishing, swimming and just being lazy for two weeks at 16-Mlle Lake near Munlslng, Jim is the son of the Melvin Hunts of Vinton Ave,

Mrs, Margaret Wallace and Mlsr Thelma Avery of Boyne City spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Crevellng of Vinton Ave.

A color TV set will be the grand door prize at the Holy Trinity

church festival this coming Sun-day, July 19.

The annual affair will be held in the church basement from 1:00 to 10:00 p.m. There'll be a cake booth, also booths of candy, toys, fancy work and a fishpond besides many other attractions. A popcorn machine, pop and paddle pops, bar-becues, hotdogs, pie and coffee will also be available. A cool place to spend some time, come and see, Richard Williamson is chairman, with Mrs. James Smith, Jr., In charge of the guild's booths.

The Westgate Association enter-tained their teen-agers on this Wednesday with a wiener roast on the home grounds, and then an evening of roller skating at a big rink in town. Mrs, Bernard Dood has full command of the affair with a peppy committee of young ones, Jane Thiefels, Judy Rodgers, Diane Dood, and Phyllis Phillips,

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brechtlng and Bob spent a recent weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Walter Fenske at their cottage on the Little Man-istee,

The children of Mr, and Mrs, John Rozema came home to help their parents observe their 36th wedding anniversary recently, John A. and his bride, the Dale Rozemas with Douglas, walked over, while from Standale came the Joe Poel mans with Gary and Tommy, and Mrs, Charles Wager drove In from Grand Rapids with Sandra and Stevle.

Donald Hunt, son of the Dale Hunts of Sparta was afraid that his 8th birthday was forgotten, but there was a party planned for him at his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Hunt of Vinton Ave, Cake and trimmings were served to all the family and the Donald Vanden-bergs of Larnoreaux Dr. also came,

5.20 a.m. Saturday, July 11, an 8-lb,, 12-oz, boy for Mr, and Mrs. Louis Cordes of Bristol Rd. Mrs. Cordes Is the former Carol Plccard of Peach Ridge Ave.

The Great Lakes Polka Band will again be at the Crevellng barn this Saturday, July 18, with the Mother's Club of Colton school sponsoring the benefit dance. Mrs. Evelyn Zlellnskl and Mrs. J. Henry Muli are co-hostesses. Dancing from 9 to 1,

So very young, and she can cook a little. So Marie Swope became the bride of Marvin Corner on Sat-urday morning, wearing such a pretty gown. The lace bodice with mandarin collar and long sleeves flowed Into wide panels of the full skirt of net, Ruffles of net out-lined each Insert, and flowers of lace centered the floor-length gown. A Juliet cap hold the fin-ger-tip veil, and the bouquet was white carnations with satin stream-ers. The attendants in pink car-ried blue carnations, and those in blue carrying pink carnations, wore

r .o.A.f.


I , — -


Don't miss next week's big issue of the Sentinel-Leader which will carry ads by local merchants, car and implement dealers, featuring real Old Fashioned Prices on everything imaginable! Make plans now to attend this

Annual Sparta Sidewalk Sale!

Sparta Chamber of Commerce

Identical ballerina length gowns. The strapless bodice topped with ruffles of net, and a collared, short sleeve bolero covered well. The full skirts had alternate layers of net and lace ruffles. The braided net and velvet headbands held short veils, and they wore glass slippers. Two tiny flower girls had dresses styled exactly as the at-tendants and they carried old-fas-hioned mixed bouquets.

When school planners go over-board on taxable "frills", perhaps the need for a consultant wise in the ways of doing with little — such as a mother of ten, caring for her brood In a two-bedroom, basementless house?


WEDNESDAY, JULY 15. 1959 —


Council Proceedings

Regular Meeting of the Sparta Village Council, July 13, 1959, 8:00 p.m. Council Rooms, 156 Division St., Sparta, Michigan.

Meeting called to order by Pres-ident Johnson.

All members present. Minutes of the previous meeting

were read and approved as read. Moved by Titus, and seconded by

Jaeschke, that the bills In the sum of $22,986.01, as approved by the Finance Committee, be paid.

Aye: Rambow, Carlson, Field,

Colby, Titus and Jaeschke. Nay: None.

Report by Clerk and Supt of Public Works.

Chief of Police, Heugel, report-ed 11 arrests as follows for tho month of June: Excessive noise, 2; No operator's license, 5; Driving while license revoked, 1; Speeding, 1; Disorderly. 1; Driving without due caution, 1. 4 accidents were investigated and 310 drivers' li-censes were issued.

Moved by Field, and seconded by Carlson, that the Bekman bid for blacktop work on Village Streets be accepted.

Aye: Rambow, Carlson, Field, Colby, Titus and Jaeschke. Nay: None,

Moved by Titus, and seconded by Jaeschke, that the -purchase of a new Police Car be referred to the Safety Committee, with power to act.

Aye: Rambow, Carlson, Field, Colby, Titus and Jaeschke. Nay: None.

Moved by Titus, and seconded by Colby, that C. Emelander be given the S, Union St, sidewalk job.

Aye: Rambow, Field, Carlson. Colby, Titus and Jaeschke. Nay: None.

Upon motion, meeting was ad-journed by President Johnison.

•—Roy C, Burgett Village Clerk



Sparta Township



SPECIAL ELECTION Monday, Aug. 31, '59



Notice is hereby given that in conformity with the "Mich-igan Election Law," I, the underuigned Clerk, will, upon any day except Sunday and a legal holiday, the day of any regular or special election or primary election, receive for registration the name of any legal voter not already regis-tered who may Apply To Me Personally for such registra-tion. Provided, however, that I can receive no names for registration during the time intervening between the Thir-tieth Day before any regular, special or official primary election and the day of such election.




From 8 o'clock a.m. until 8 o'clock p.m. on said day for the purpose of Reviewing the Registration and Registering such of the qualified electors as shall Properly Apply therefor.

In any Township or City in which the Clerk does not maintain regular dally office hours, the Township Board or legislative body of such Township or City may require that the Clerk of such Township or City shall be at his office or other designated place for the purpose of receiving appli-cations for registration, on such other days as it shall desig-nate prior to the last day for registration, not exceeding five days in all.


The name of no person but an ACTUAL Resident of the precinct at the time of said registration, and entitled under the Constitution, if remaining such resident, to vote at the next election, shall be entered in the registration book.


Clerk, Sparta Township


Page 2: NOTICE SPECIAL Sentinel Leader/1959/The... · The new garage Is waiting for a paint job, but Ted Is already busy inside with grease


KENT CITY mUkCL W. FULKEBSON, Corrcupondent - Phone OB-R-JlOl

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Emmory

spent the weekend at Torch Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Schwander of New-

aygo spent the weekend with her brother, Glenn Sorrlck.

vi: ; '

It Is reported that Mrs. Margaret (Seites) Surdam expects to open a beauty shop about August 1.

Elsie and David DeVries spent last week at the Youth for Christ International Conference at Win-ona LUce, Indiana.

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Palmer of

Hart called on a few friends here Tuesday. They now live in Hart part ot the year and also in Florida Mi's. Palmer is in better health than she has been for several years.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Freeland an-nounce the birth of a son, Calvin.

Mr. and Mrs. John Byle have a new telephone number, OR 8-7135.

Mrs. Eve Wabeke returned home Saturday from a Grand Rapids hospital. She is getting along nicely.

Mrs. Marilyn (Krlger) VanHou-ten and little son, Mark, of Tor-rance. Calif., are with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kriger for a time,

until Mr. VanHooten, who is in the Navy, returns home from Oki-nawa.

Kenneth Ransom, a brother of Mrs. Reyburn, is slowly recovering from a serious operation.

Mrs. Ruth Yerrick has returned to her home from the hospital where she had undergone surgery.

Lawson Brown has returned to his home from Butterworth hos-pital and shows improvement

Mr. and Mrs. Elton Burgess and family of Brown City, spent Sun-day and Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnson. Mrs. Bur-gess is the former Virginia Hol-brook whose father was pastor of the Baptist Church here a few years ago.

The Melvin Saur family spent the weekend at the lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saur and Mrs. Mable Saur were in Kalama-zoo Sunday the guests of Mrs. El-sie Johnson, who is now manager of the new Senior Citizen's Res-idence there.

Mrs, Althea Ward of Minneapo-lis, Minn., returned to her home Sunday after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Nancy Mc-Clurg, and family,

Dr, and Mrs. Karl Krauskof- of Athens, 111., have come to "The Lakes" for the remainder of the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Wylie and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wylie spent Sunday In Saginaw with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Asa Walcutt.

Mrs. Arthur Jacobson, her sister and a friend are on a Western trip. They have visited Yellowstone Park and many other interesting places; also San Francisco. They are expected home soon, having been gone a month.

Mrs. Ralph White and Barbara Johnson are home from Camp Warren (near Benton Harbor) for this week.

It is reported that Mrs. Edwin Hawkins Is In Butterworth Hos-pital where she will undergo sur-gery.

Mr, and Mrs. Orlo Carter, Del-sle and Monica Lyons of Fremont, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, Ray Richardson,

Mr. and Mrs. Myron Emmons, Mr«. Florence Robinson, Calvin, Alvln and Carol, spent a few days last week at Loon Lake.

Mrs. Jennie Bush o*. Reed City Is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. John Coalter, Last week they visited Mrs. Coalter's sister-in-law, near Gay lord, who is 90 years old, very active, lives alone and does all her own work,

Don Peterson and Vincent De-Young were camping last week at Twin Lakes.

Earl Barrel of Baltimore, Mary-land Is visiting his sister, Mrs. Wm. Munson, and Mr. Munson; also Mr. and Mrs. Keith Afton.

Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Potter are visiting Mr. Potter's son and fam-ily of Albion.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Rider and Char-les spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Leon Rider of Coopersviile,

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnson und daughter Sharon of Fremont,



Look what happens when you buy a Lark Play Wagonl You start by saving on prlce-Ht'i America's lowest priced station wagon with a full sized interior. And then you keep right on savingl For example-economy. Just recently in the South African Mobilgas Run, The Lark "6" led a//American caw with an amazing 24.09 miles per-gallon. Classic Lark styling is designed to minimize year-to-year depreciation. Intcrionare upholstered in handiome, easy-to-care-for vinyls and fabr i ta ,^^ ' Fun drive The Lark at your Studcbaker dealer's today— and IOOK at all models. You'll see why it's winning friends cverywherel

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were Sunday and lunch guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson. John V. Johnson was also present,

Sunday guests of Mr.' and Mrs. Ernest Krlger were Mr. and Mrs, Kyler Playter of Bailey,

Mr. and Mrs. Abner Ellison ac-companied Mr. and Mrs. George Cupp on a Northern Michigan trip last week. They crossed the Big Bridge into the U.P. where they visited many interesting places, In-cluding the beautiful Tahquame-non Falls.

David Zimmerman, Mrs. Zim-merman and two of their children, were weekend guests of Mrs. Thompson and Ruth Zimmerman.

Ricky and Rindy Roloff spent the past week with an aunt in Vas-sar.

Mr. and Mrs. Abner Ellison and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyrnburner of Sparta were in Grand Rapids Sun-day to attend the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Har-rie Crowley.

Mr, and Mrs, Norman Weston spent the past week in the East or. a combined business and pleas-ure trip. They were in Winchester, Va., on business with The National Fruit Products Co., who are locat-ing a plant in Kent City. They visited Washington, D, C,, Alexan-dria and other interesting places and also visited a niece,

Mrs, Don Bjork was hostess for a miscellaneous shower, Saturday, honoring Lois Zoet, whose mar-riage to Robert Freeland will be August 1st, Miss Zoet received many beautiful gifts,

Mr. and Mrs. Barth Freeland an-nounce the birth of a son, Todd Matthew, last Thursday,

The Garden Club will meet at, the home of Mrs. Sanford Deyo on Friday, July 17 at 11 a.m. for a garden tour In Muskegon,


C A S N O V I A Mrs. H. O. Brott, Correspondent Phone 0 8 6-2751,

Marilyn lone is the name of the new daughter born July 8 at St, Mary's hospital to Mr, and Mrs. Ray Loomis.

Carl W. Brott came Wednesday from Amarlllo, Texas for a two weeks' visit with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, H. O. Brott, He spent the week-end at Long Lake near Fremont with his sister, Mrs. Fred Coburn and Mr. Coburn and plans to attend the school reunion at Kent City village hall next Sunday.

Mrs, Daisy De Groot ot Grand Rapids was the guest of Mrs. H. O. Brott and Mrs. Bess Robblns from Tuesday until Thursday afternoon. They all si)ent Thursday with friends at Newaygo.

The Women's Society of Chris-tian Service of the Methodist Church is sponsoring another bake sale on the lawn at Mrs. Will An-derson's Saturday, July 18 at 10:00 o'clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Nyblade and family from Hamilton Square, N. J., und Mrs. Hilda Nyblade from Chicago are spending their vaca-tion with Mrs. William Gates und Bill.

Rev. and Mrs. Orviile Nyblade and family, JuiJt returned from Af-rica, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riley of Chicago are guests of Mr, und Mrs. Russell Nyblade,

Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Butler were Mr. and Mrs, John Slmcoe and daughter, Karen of Cedar Springs, After-noon callers were Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Burgman of Sand Lake,

The Norih Chester Farm Bur-eau picnic will be held at Half Moon Lake park Sunday, July 19. Ice cream and cold drink will be furnished.

Mrs. Caddie Henderson of Detroit spent the week-end with her cousin Mrs. Jane Harris and attended the fun woll party at Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Anderson's In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Btarn, who left Sun-day morning for their home in Florida. A 5:00 o'clock dinner was served on the lawn for tin* guests.

Lt. Col. und Mrs. Walter Nyblade ond family from Falrborn, Ohio, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zufelt.

Mrs. J. E. LHUe entertained at dinner Sunday a party of relatives in honor of her grandson, Kerry Parcel's 8th birthday. Those at-tending were Dr. and Mrs. Par-cels, Nancy, Carol und David. Mrs. Sarah Parcels and Caroline Parcels of Grand Rapids, Mrs. Don Llliie and the honor guest, Kerry.

Mrs. Clyde Eltel attended the funeral of a friend, Mrs. Jean Rob-ertson in Grand Rapids. Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Afton and Mr. and Mrs, James Afton had a»4 their guest over the weekend a war buddy of Lawrence's when he was serving in the Korean War. He Is Chong Jin Kon from Korea

and recently graduated from a college in Virginia with a Diesel Engineering degree. He is leaving Monday or Tuesday from Chicago for his home in Korea.

The 5th annual Nyblad reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nyblad on Sunday, July 12, with 85 relatives present with members coming from Africa, New Jersey, Ohio, Chicago, 111,, Milwaukee, Wis.; Lansing, Grand Rapids, Muskegon and Holland, A pot-luck dinner was served on the lawn, after which a business meet-ing was held followed by pictures shown by Susan Nyblad of relatives in Sweden and her trip to Den-mark; also pictures of the last re-union and pictures taken in Africa by Rev, Orviile Nyblade.


CLARK SCHOOL Mra. LoweU Anderson. Oorr.

Mr, and Mrs. Jack Soderstrom spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Anderson.

Mr. and Mrs, Robert Wagner and family, Mrs. Hildur Holmgren and Mrs. Pauline Sanders and Jane spent part of last week at their cottage at Campbell Lake,

Mr. and Mrs, Herman Nelson and Mr, and Mrs, Lowell Anderson enjoyed a picnic dinner at Bass Lake near Gowen on Thursday. They also called on Mr, and Mrs. Howard Burnett and family and Mrs. Keith Stream In their new home.

Mrs, Ethel Anderson, Mrs. John McGlnley and Sharon, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Anderson. They enjoyed a picnic

supper at Hess Lake. Saturday eve-ning.

Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Anderson, George Rusco and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Anderson, spent Friday eve-ning with Mr. find Mrs. Melvin An-derson.

Little Donald Burnett was with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-ward Stream a few days while his parents were moving Into their new home on Algoma Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Anderson with Mrs. O. J. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald and Marilyn were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Oscar An-derson and family of Coopersviile.

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Anderson spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nelson,

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stream and Harold Stream helped Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burnett with their

moving and getting settled a couple of days last week.

G. A. Nyblad and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Stouten and sons, returned from several days vacation to Min-nesota and other interesting places in the west. They spent one night with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nelson and family at Hortonvllle, Wis,

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Anderson were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Anderson and fam-ily.

The Wagner Family Reunion was held on Sunday.


Mr, and Mrs. Norman Davenport spent from Monday to Saturday in Grand Marais in the Upper Penin-sula, fishing.

Mr, a^id Mrs. Larry Pratt drove to Saugatuck on Sunday and at-tended the antique show there. They had their dinner in Holland.

Mrs, Nelson Mullennix spent two weeks recently at Jacksonville, Florida, at the home of her son, Charles, as his wife was in the hospital undergoing a major op-eration. She is home again and Mrs. Mullennix returned home last Tuesday.

Sunday supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Nordhof were Mr, and Mrs, Richard VanRyan and Mr. and Mrs. John Vogel of Grand Rapids,

Mr. and Mrs. Milo Wheaton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lee DeLIne at St. Louis.

Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Allison and Mr, and Mrs. John Vacaron spent from Friday to Sunday in the Up-per Peninsula going as far as Mar-quette.


1:00 p.m. to 8:00 Door Prizes Favors

Coffee will be served We're quite proud of our new building and equipment and invite everyone to stop in and see us during our open house.

JOYCIfS BEAUTY SALON 327 S. Union Street Sparta. Mich.

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