Notes Cell Organelles

2009-2010 AP Biology Cells & Cell Organelles Doing Life’s Work

Transcript of Notes Cell Organelles

Cells & Cell OrganellesDoing Lifes Work

AP Biology


Cytology Study of CellsCell Smallest unit of life that can carry out all functions of living things.

Regents Biology

Cell Size Small cells function more efficientlythan large. Why?

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Cell SizeAdvantage of many small cells exchange substances more readily - higher surface area-to-volume ratio Substances do not need to travel as far to reach the center of a smaller cell. Cell Races Activity

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Cell Size

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Discovery of CellsRobert Hooke- 1665 Looked at cork under microscope Coined the term cells Later, scientists would discover cells contain living matter

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Anton von Leeuwenhook 1670s Used glass lens to magnify Simple microscope with only 1 lens

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The Cell TheoryContributors 1. Matthias Schleiden 1838 (botanist) All plants are made of cells 2. Theodor Schwann 1839 (zoologist) All living things are made of cells

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The Cell Theory Contributors (cont.)3. Rudolph Virchow 1855 (physician) Cells come only from other cells (Biogenesis) Before this, spontaneous generation was the accepted ideaHeyMice are always coming out of the hay!

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The Cell Theory States1. All living things are made of one or more cells 2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in organisms 3. All cells arise from existing cells

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Other discoveries made using microscopesLouis Pasteur 1862. Microscopic organisms cause disease.

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Other discoveries made using microscopesWalter Fleming 1882. First to see chromatin in nucleus and watch cell division.

Q: Explain the statement- The progress of biology often depends on advances of technology.Regents Biology

Types of Microscope1. Compound Light Microscope 2 lenses. (We use these in class)* - magnification up to 1000x 2. Electron microscopes use beam of electron to map the specimen. Used since 1950s. -Magnification up to 1,000,000x -Specimen is fixed and vacuum sealed, must be dead

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Types of cells

bacteria cellsProkaryote- no organelles

Eukaryotes- organelles

animal cellsRegents Biology

plant cells

Cell size comparisonAnimal cell Bacterial cell

most bacteria 1-10 microns

eukaryotic cells 10-100 microns

Regents Biology

micron = micrometer = 1/1,000,000 meter diameter of human hair = ~20 microns

Why study cells? Cells p Tissues p Organs p Bodiesbodies are made up of cells cells do all the work of life!

Regents Biology

The Work of Life What jobs do cells have to do for an organism to live

breathe gas exchange: O2 in vs. CO2 out

eat take in & digest food

make energy ATP


build molecules proteins, carbohydrates, fats, nucleic acids

remove wastes control internal conditions homeostasis

respond to external environment build more cells

Regents Biology growth, repair, reproduction & development

The Jobs of Cells Cells have 3 main jobs

make energy need energy for all activities need to clean up waste produced while making energyOur organelles do all these jobs!

make proteins proteins do all the work in a cell, so we need lots of them

make more cells for growth to replace damaged or diseased cells

Regents Biology

Organelles Organelles do the work of cells

each structure has a job to do keeps the cell alive; keeps you alive

Theyre like mini-organs!

Regents Biology

Model Animal Cell

1. Cells need power! Making energy

to fuel daily life & growth, the cell must


take in food & digest it take in oxygen (O2) make ATP remove waste cell membrane lysosomes vacuoles & vesicles Mitochondria Chloroplasts (plants)

organelles that do this work

Regents Biology

Cell membrane Functionseparates cell from outside controls what enters or leaves cell

phosphate head

lipid tail

O2, CO2, food, H2O, nutrients, waste

recognizes signals from other cells allows communication between cells


double layer of fat phospholipid bilayer

receptor molecules proteins

Regents Biology

cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place

cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals Regents Biology

Vacuoles & vesicles Functionmoving material around cell storage

small food particle


membrane sacvacuole filled w/ digestive enzymes

vesicle vesicle filled w/ Regents Biology digested nutrients

Food & water storage plant cellscentral vacuole food vacuole

animal cells

Regents Biology

contractile vacuole

cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage

cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals Regents Biology



digest food used to make energy

clean up & recycle digest broken organelles



membrane sac of digestive enzymes digesting broken organelles

small food particle


digesting foodRegents Biology

A Job for Lysosomes6 weeks

15 weeks

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cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage

lysosome food digestion garbage disposal & recycling

cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals Regents Biology

Mitochondria Function

make ATP energy from cellular respiration sugar + O2 p ATP fuels the work of life



double membrane

in both animal & plant cellsRegents Biology

cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage

lysosome food digestion garbage disposal & recycling

mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals Regents Biology

Plants make energy two ways! Mitochondria

make energy from sugar + O2 cellular respiration sugar + O2 p ATP make energy + sugar from sunlight photosynthesis sunlight + CO2 p ATP & sugar ATP = active energy sugar = stored energy





build leaves & roots & fruit out of the sugars

Regents Biology

Mitochondria are in both cells!! animal cells plant cells

mitochondriaRegents Biology


cytoplasm jelly-like material around organelles

central vacuole storage: food, water or waste cell wall support

mitochondria make ATP in cellular respiration cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals Regents Biology

chloroplast make ATP & sugars in photosynthesis lysosome digestion & clean up

2. Cells need workers = proteins! Making proteins

to run daily life & growth, the cell must read genes (DNA) build proteins structural proteins (muscle fibers, hair, skin, claws) enzymes (speed up chemical reactions) signals (hormones) & receptors

organelles that do this work

nucleus ribosomes endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Golgi apparatus

Regents Biology

Proteins do all the work!one of the major job of cells is to make proteins, because proteins do all the work!structural enzymes signals receptors DNARegents Biology



Nucleus Functioncontrol center of cell protects DNA

instructions for building proteins

Structurenuclear membrane nucleolus

ribosome factory

chromosomes DNA

Regents Biology

cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage

lysosome food digestion garbage disposal & recycling

nucleolus produces ribosomes nucleus protects DNA controls cell chromosomes DNA

mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals Regents Biology

Ribosomes Function

protein factories read instructions to build proteins from DNA some free in cytoplasm some attached to ERRibosomes on ER


Regents Biology

cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage

lysosome food digestion garbage disposal & recycling

nucleolus produces ribosomes nucleus protects DNA controls cell

mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals Regents Biology

ribosomes build proteins

Endoplasmic Reticulum Function

works on proteins after ribosome builds them

makes membranes rough ER ribosomes attached works on proteins


smooth ER makes membranes

Regents Biology

cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage

lysosome food digestion garbage disposal & recycling

nucleus protects DNA controls cell

mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals Regents Biology ER works on proteins makes membranes

ribosomes builds proteins

Golgi Apparatus Function

finishes, sorts, labels & ships proteins like UPS headquarters shipping & receiving department

ships proteins in vesicles UPS trucks

vesicles carrying proteins


membrane sacs

Regents Biology

transport vesicles

cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage

lysosome food digestion garbage disposal & recycling

nucleus protects DNA controls cell

mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals Regents Biology ER helps finish proteins makes membranes

ribosomes builds proteins Golgi apparatus finishes, packages & ships proteins

nucleus DNA RNA

endoplasmic reticulum

protein on its way! vesicle




vesicle ribosomesTO:

protein Golgi apparatus Making ProteinsRegents Biology

finished protein

nucleus control cell protects DNA cytoplasm jelly-like material around organelles Golgi apparatus finish & ship proteins mitochondria make ATP in cellular respiration cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals Regents Biology

nucleolus make ribosomes

endoplasmic reticulum processes proteins makes membranes ribosomes make proteins central vacuole storage: food, water or waste cell wall support

chloroplast make ATP & sugars in photosynthesis lysosome digestion & clean up

3. Cells need to make more cells! Making more cells

to replace, repair & grow, the cell must copy their DNA make extra organelles divide the new DNA & new organelles between 2 new daughter cells

organelles that do this work nucleus centrioles

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Centrioles Function

help coordinate cell division only in animal cells


one pair in each cell

Regents Biology

cytoplasm jelly-like material holding organelles in place vacuole & vesicles transport inside cells storage centrioles cell division

lysosome food digestion garbage disposal & recycling

nucleus protects DNA controls cell

mitochondria make ATP energy from sugar + O2 cell membrane cell boundary controls movement of materials in & out recognizes signals Regents Biology ER helps finish proteins makes membranes

ribosomes builds proteins Golgi apparatus finishes, packages & ships proteins

Cell Summary Cells have 3 main jobs

make energy need food + O2 cellular respiration & photosynthesis need to remove wastesOur organelles do all those jobs!

make proteins need instructions from DNA

need to chain together amino acids & finish & ship the protein

make more cells need to copy DNA & divide it up to daughter cells

Regents Biology

Any Questions?

AP Biology


Cell Study Lab #4: Due Monday

Cheek stained w/ Methylene blue

Elodea cells - unstained

What organelles can we see in each?

Regents Biology stained w/ iodine Onion cells

Cork cells - unstained