Norton Maintenance Folder 1930



Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

Transcript of Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

Page 1: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930
Page 2: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930




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Page 3: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

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. id"Àoixo.ton ntar:hinc.s ar.t , ful lr- acqurLint( 'cl u' i t l r tht ' t ' lentt 'ntary

detai ls for r f f ic i , nt l l l i . I i l t t t l l i l l rc{"

I tmustn<l tbci t 'sstr t t r t ' t l f t .c l t t l t l t t , f r l r . r - 'gt l i r rgr l r l r - t t l rct l t ' t l r i ls i l r th isInstruct ion I jooklct , . . , , ' , ]r . , ' , r t i" l l ' r . t ' l i i r i t ' rLl ^l tr

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ïli*ïigïï"'til-'r,Ïlxïilll,'ll':1,':lï.,11',,,ï:ï'ïlilxJ:'ïï"ËiÏriders to enlist our

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We now immed.iatcly pr'rc' ' ' t l t9 9n:' of the

fundamental instntctiorls, rvlriclr ts lt lbrlca't lolr '


Page 4: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

; \ t t l r r , W<-rrks, \ \ , i rkr . Í i . l t l ,s ( . i rstrr l Oi ls.r .xr : lusivt . ly ar t , used withlr iglly succcssfrrl r.srrlts. t.,,rt i,, i ; i ' i_',, is suita.blc ioi-iJur,r,gl).rposes for all r'rdcLs ; -Srr'urrt,r. .r. iVi,i,". gra.e should be usedas rr'<1uircd. 1'hc following lubricants--are also recommended assuitable. In Surnnrer

-_nnOïlfóil-ï i l ,t ro, O.H.V. and O.H.C.modets and MOBILSLI__,:gtlà. siO"e_vatve models; GOLDENSHELL, and pRICpS ltotorinï ,:iïY;:e Luxe are suitable forboth the O.H.V.. 9H_C. á-a'r ' la"_ïarr" models. In Winter_ÀroBr,-orl "r.T." ro.

'u -oáËr., ïiiiËie

'HELL, and pRrcE,SMotorine,, C" de r"".,

-Èài;iliá,; .CTt.or.,, F,,, r,o*"r"r,should be used for racing

"ra i, i."ïàààa"a uo,I, foi the c.s.r.,C.J., It.s.2. ana r.l. I["d"È'i;Ë;""ïï' ur". r,or this pumoseuotsrt-ort- ,,n.'' sHBLL.g;;;; ïilffi and pRrcE,S Motorine" B " d. Luxe are also suitabie A;;d", ;i àil. When changing gracesof

-oil, the crankcase should Ë"-á;;J

beforé repleni;hi;à.*" e'vuu uc urarnecl and thoroughly rinsed

LUBRICATIONAn engine will eive good service for many thousands of miles ifsatisfactorlv rubricateà, br; ;;t Ë ffi.d ilil;; ïi

.,.iiï"u.neglected. -Use

only #.t_;;"à;áiË.- '""

Refuse all others. .j^:i.*G::"ges supply the ,.j,,st

as good, sort,,from bulk, but disaopointment ànd eifeí." are almost certain tofoltow their use. di U".*i 9rly.;ilff; oil is sometimes kept,.and recommended forrcveryttring,from a ïi"cfion engine to a trio_strole. Avoid such. , OJtrei tha;ab;;;,;t is rmpossible to tay downany hard and fast rule for iuÈ.i."ïió'itàà_ou.,t of oit defendingentirelv up-on conditions,'Uufh sure ro grve enough. itQuantity. being safer. !o. err o' ifr"

-g..r"rous side and, óver_lubricate (which,,ecessltails iro." fr"qo.r,t cleaning ofthe engine or causes *'"tt"d_;;-,};t.iï;i**l

+* too spaiinsof oil, which means frequent re_bushing] nerï prston rings, etc., etc.,unsatisfactory running, ard, finailt;ïililo engine.Mechanical The following;s a briet a"rl.iption of the pump: Aoil pump. plunger i. ÁiaË à;;;;t"-ï; recrprocate in a sleevebv means of a-ll*, *\rq.trms part oï the plunger.The lug moves ií a fixed groovà, and sliáes'up ancr down a slot inthe sleeve. The rotary móvement i. i_p..t"O to the sleeve (and.plunger) by means of

1yo1m *h;;i ?iorïïftan rntegrar part of thesleeve) and rvorm driven. Instead "i

u"ti-rrl.r"s, there is a slot orlEt in the rotating sleeve, wrricrr reeijlË i^ïrï.ïij,,:,ïji,,i::"_,:fi: fr ::3fàïf-iiff":r *i" pi'ïgà.'*i ;ii"",rlÏo:,ïi3g Ë:ït ;i

The flow of oil is fesulated by turning the block in which tlre camgroo'e is cut. This Àás the efféci ái-"ii"ii,ig'tlr" ..riming,, or phaseof the plunger stroke i",retating:t-à'tfi"'ffirng and closing of thesupply and detiverv

"ortr, iÀ;."uiïáiïi_.rt rs found, the twoscrews_are tightenód, Ta the.seriatioir-in tfr" fixing plate arepressecl on to those in the cam Utoct,-fo"iing rt trmly in position.

4.:ab-._*À--q*_ s.*-

When machines arc tlesPatclrt ' t l ftottr t lte Works, the regulator is

set tá-áehver approximafelv two-tlirds of the maxirnut' supply-;

íÀ"n the running-in periocl of approrimately 500 miles is cornplett'd'

this should be "graáualy redircttcl until -only

er quarter of the

maximut.t-t supply is delivcrccl.

It is essential that the two small screws art tightened after the

adjustment has bt:en macJ.c ; thc object of. securing-tht'

this way is to prcvent frivolous or accidt'ntal .lteration of the


#""ii,"ï:P,'#Êiï,":ród',;?':'Jl':fll I'riïil'i3àfi.' ïyïi'^';Ï. Ïïi_. io.qá advisabl" ,n"orgïloo"r",ïrï,s,tt ins can be ,rctcrmrneq

MechanicalWhercthist lpeofpulnpisf i t ted,oi l isdel iveredOil Pump with to the timing panel, and then enters the crank

SÈnt f'eêd. case by wayóf two ports above the cam wheels'

f*_ The timing gear, thèreforc, is submerged in oil.

i ntv Sump This lubricating system is of the constant circulation

í Sv3t"*. ' typei aíd consists of a modification of the

[ -'

".í* ti.y símp system, differing from it in that the

I .rr*o. instead ol U.i"s "UrotuteiV

d.ry. containi a certain adjrrstable

\ a"ptn of oil, into which the flywheels dip'

\ itgt very fast work it will generallybe found'.fpossible,to use the

'. maxlmum quantity with ad.vántage, whilst for ordinary touring thet

.à"ti" position widpossibly giv,' tÈ,' bcst rt 'sults. tf with this setting

it" "nii.r"

still receives i^".*.."t of oil, the hole in the. adjuster

I should"be moved onc notch at a time (if necessary) to the lowest

I position.

, fnit adjustable splash is ad.ditional to the big end and timinggear feed,,'and. it is ïherefore impossibl., evcn when the levcl is at

t á minimum, for the engine to nur absolutely dry'



Page 5: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

. l l r t ' 1,r t t t r1r ts ol t l r r , r I r r r l r i l l r r . l rng 1r l r r11qr. t l \ ,1)r , . l l r t , r rpplr ( , l l ( l oft l r r 'Plrrngt ' r t l l rLu's oi l [ l , r r r t l r r . l : r r r l i r r r r r l i i , . l i r i , , i ' r t r r r r<l t , r ' l i r t .ssurctot l r . t inr i r rg g. . r . r r r l l r rg t ' r r<1, lx ' r r r - i l rg, [ r . r r r r rv l r r . r r t : t , i t i * ï t r ràwn tyc. , t t t r i f t tKlr l Jorc, . i r r lo l l r , ' r ' t . l i r r t l , . r - ; t r r r [ I r j<1,r11. Sr i rp l r rs oi l quickl ídrains to, thc sunrP, rLnd i i thr . r r r l rawir by th. io*" .

"nà'ái- i t i ,plunger through the lcvel regurator and. r.tírncd to the tank. Tht.level of the oil in the s'nrp is-controlled by the position of the returnhole in the regulator. On lat t : r modelq tho ni t l r r r rp l raorr lc lnr i .hole in the regulator ater models thc oil level regulator issituated on thc exterior of the pump panel.

{ filter, which shorrld be occasionally removed and cleaned, isembodied in the oil feed union, which is fitted at the base of the'oilbox. It is'most conveniently removed. when the oil tank ir-"t";t".To remove this, detach the oil feed pipe and unscrew the oil ïeËáunion by Tean: of the large hexagónal flange attached, to same,when the filter is readily detachablà, and caribe easily cleaned..

Excessive supply of oil to the engine is traceable to oil syphoninsrm the oil box to the crankcase when the machine is leff'sïanrtirifrom the oil boi-tó the crankcase

for any lengthy period. To overcome this, the combined,the machine is left-slandin!this, the combined control

and feed regulator tap fitted to the oil pipe from the tank i;aJru reeq regrualor rap ntteo to tne oll plpethe crankcase should be turned ofi. Thó r; tr€ crÍurkcase shoulcl. be turned ofl. l-he regulator can also be used,

; to control the oil feed to pump. This sÉould be set to d,eliverj Tf,'.:Iii"l:l{^lllt,"r lr,"_r,l*rt of the. ry"i1"*.s}pply; this canapproximately half, or even less, of the maximum supplv

gradually be reduced or increased, as is Íound adviàble.i approxrmately hatt, or even less, of the maximum supplv : this cant

Éradually be reduced or increased, as is found advisàble.-. Dry Sump System, The lubrication svstem has been desimed to

1930 Models, give the correct amount of oil to "ll"

o*"-CSI and CJ.

give the correct amount -of

oil to all parts,under all conditions, and no adjustmênt iénecessary. $_tap is provided in the feed pipe

with an "on" and "off" positionr_ Wnen tht eng_ine is running,iliiswrru dr uu arlLr url posrtron, wnen tne engrne ls runrung. thrstap should always-be-sef at the "o-n" position. only necËssary

l ll l:

to turn the oil off when the machine is left stationary for a lo"É the eve of the valve lifter arm'

rJ xirrull*'*,;"-.,

period. The oil feed' to the cylindcr bast: is controlled by a needle \

valve, which is situateá i""#aitfttfy bclow thc union to which the I. rocker box oil pip" irït*il;.'-ili]. should not be altered; but if

it is necessary to re-adi"tt, ifttft* iocknut' close needle valve' turn

, in an anti-clockwi."'ii..'t[" about two revolutions, and tighten

locknut. To check .ir"oiutio" of oil, open filler cap in oil tank',and

if oil is circulating Jà;;;;iË,^"-.iigittfv intermittènt stream of oil

will be flowing through the ieturn p-ipe inside the tank' Be sure not -'ilï* ,iiË'tiï"il'l;;È'i"11b.r;; rr'ai-way. rhe oil tank should be =-

emptied. and cleaneà àot "t

least once-everv 2'000 miles' When

emptving, be sure ," àiic,"t itàa pip" t"ion' so that the last drop

is <iráined. This is ;;t;ililtt""i ' rn" big en-d feed jet' which is

'held. in position by ih" ;;; in the bottom b&el chambèr cover and

ï';";r'J";iit tÍ"^à"i"rt uri, .tro" examined occasionally,

; and. any dirt or.foreiiï*áïlq't"À9"ta The same applies to the

, restriction peg m tË:';;;k;;àx feed' *rtlttt lt nltta inside the i,' banio union at th" ï;p ;;'ï;t

'*kt't box feed pipe' Fill up with l

fresh oil.

CAUTION. Do not forget to open regulator when machine rs

in use.

:: Lubrication of Use the- fl95i-{9n--grovided in the equipment

1 6;i;-p;;;;. U[9,tr.i"^!t"ul-D'.s cA sr RoL E ASE or


To Remove F-irst disconnect petrol pipe union at tank eird'

êJri"à"ï-i" l-oo'"n'.ilp iáinirig caruil':i:":.:^',"ïl*d":;;n""ËËËiïrï"iàr"g. c-arburettei can {ow pe *-oï1^ Ï:*'1ifl'lï;

To -;;;.;"

carburetter completely, . without

Remove compressioí tap with other end 91 :P*TI'^.-T.::'T:",:Remove compression tap with other enct ol spalrner' lu reuruvc

"*h;;;; tiite, àute, turn engine round' until the exhaust valve- is

Í.'1t., raicpÁ t'- trnnet-1ï""ïi-f tft" long plated arm a little more byffi '.i*ïuy t'pÉt, tI." iiri qe,lgls Ptg:$ i.:ï: tl*""H'"":X

Side Valve All 1930 sid.e valve models have a valve cover fitted'

il;t"*' -

;& tht. is retained'by means-of the centre screw' to

whlcn ls'áitátïàá a tnurled head' If this is with-

draw the valve cover can be removed'

removing control f"""tt, ^p"ll-

outer casing of Bowden cable until

it comes out of ,"""r.'ii io"ltof lever boày' The inner cable will

Ï#itp;il;ghitot ""i in !-t, and the riipnle can be slipped out

of the circular ,"."r. iï;;à"ríát of air oi ïhrottle lever' as the

".ru À"y u".

Next remove high-tension cable and sparking plug' Thl,]9:::i

valve caps, or remove same entirely, with special sPanner proudecl

in kit.n\

ilË#ïË ïil;ift;;;-'"'"-a'i""'""iPo"u under the arm' andtlrï"aii",iiiipJ union on crankcase. use screwdriver or tommy-lrar ac e lifter- fne intier Íià*à""

"tUle can then be slipped throrry-h

bar as a lifter'

ïilli' i l

Ij l


I 't


Page 6: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930


' l ' l r t ' lJ .w<[, r r : r r l j r rs l t . r s l r . r r l r l l r t ,sr . r . r . r r , , , r l , r r l . Í t l r t . r :y l iar l t : r wi thspt 'c ia l s l )a.nn( ' r Pr.r ' i< l t ' r l , arrr l l l r t ' < ' r r l r l t , s l iP1lr . r t t l r r t iugh slot incylindcr.

Remove oil llipt' fronr crankcasc union. It is not absolutelvnccessary to rcnovc cithcr r_ril. pipc or silencer, but is recommendeáto avoid possibility of bcnding the connecting rod when removingthe cylinder.

The valves are best rcmoved whilst the cylinder is on the crank-case. We can-supply a tool for this purpose,-but no difficulty experienced in obtaining one from a local dealer. This sÉould beplaced so that the hook rests on the valve head. The lever Dortionshould be placed under t[e valvc spring cup and the lever depressed ; .when the spring is lifted to its full extent, fix the ratchef arm inposition.gBoth hands are now free to remove the valve cotters. On Bie 4machlnes and all side valve machines manufactured. previous"to,1923 a .flat type valve -cotter i:" fitted, which may ble removedfrom the valve with pliers. On all Bl h.p. sid.e - valve mod.elssrJbse,quent to 1923, split type valve cotters

-are fitted, and, these

Tay bg. easily removed withJhe fingers. Remove valve lifter tool,then slip screwdriver unddf,ese oÍ the valve stem and lift; thévalve can then be removed,/àS'also can the spring.

Then remove the four nuts holding cylinder to crankcase, whenthe cylinder can bc detached.

Starrd astr ide the rnarhinc, l r f t the cl , l indcr gcnt ly, t i l t ing same back-sards. then rotar( . through lS0 deg. The connei t inËrod muit bc point ineto thr . rear of thc rrrachinr, . Assístancc should be"obtairred to Ëold rhËpistoÍr arrd conncct ins

-n, t - ï r l i ï ; l l pr ior to comptet"ty . , , -ór i"g

Stand astride the machine to lift the cylinder gently off crank-case ; at the same time, tilt it backwards,

-and then rotàte cylinder

.ttTo.ugh-tQQ de-g., the valve chest then being on the opporit" o,left-hand side of the machine. See that the coánecting ,od is point-i4g to the rcar of t lre machine.

. ( . )btairr l rssist lurcr , to hol t l l l r t , Pis lorr iur t l rwill find thc cylinclcr ca,. t,usily lr,, .,.,,,,rrr,,.1,]llll('ctr'g rod, and you

ffiqff ,,*?:ïJl,itïïi,0"?".il,".:'.ff f .i:l''.,iT;?:iff ll"Ë,,1"Lï;1

'i"'ï;:.i:*'-J,lJ j{lfu i-,!,;1ï'"ft1?i:x#Ti?:d:,ïïË',::: ?i'Jï1j'l?ïf.,':iEr.. in aia.''.*.'ir,T the gudgeon pin

!ËË;;iï'$ Hï .ï1 rre:{:niï,ïï iï 13fi ïiËÏ[ïïrorernger and thumb.

rh"G THIS' the rofl bcing helal"r*";ïïrl


t ,


Fll,'h.I ' :14

+*,uení',iirx**i*lr5ï-"ffi fr ïËÈÉ,,]#;";6".14+It is most lsrportant that particurar care is taken to see that the

;:ïlï1ï:ffi:3 n*;L[1l '"tr'.'.r'ïËt't,i't i:*.". during this opera-connectingil;ï;i,ïiJ.ï.*ïïJ*ïhilï,'#:iïÍtiiiÍ*CAUTIoN

,q:r::tl* to:rote which s,ge the sptit. cotter is fittedbackorpiston,'ffi ;':.ffJi""ï'"1#,""ïïff l"ï*ïi[tr.i';;'i;à

n"m,í;ïff i3iï5::::l .gudgeon. .pi n in to piston un tl i t comeslïl,p_s"eË;;"";il'àË'Npiï1*,"J"ffip{ï:"ïr""",ï:,$ffi*entered

-the small ênd bush and th;i tË^ iïïlnrï *:.*,ff1*,. Êent sprit ;"iló ;;::"J.i'."#,:ïH 5ir.",f:

\t/hile the piston and cylinder ar. 9S, pour about a pint of cleanparaïtrn. into the crankcase. ffri. *ifi, íJË.flywheers and crankcËe, wnihf yJu';; ï;."',;:#',1Ë "u rrom the

. - . . - I 'u. l - .* , . 1 ^ i* , - l/.!r.drt.f,pi-d Í,i


Page 7: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

l 'o r , ' t t tovr ' l r is totr t ' i t tgs, t l r tc l l l r i t r st l i l ,s oÍsay +in. wi t l t ' r 2 i t r . lorrg. ' l l r ls , s l tot t l r l lx 'r ings on( 'at a t i lnt ' , i r t r t t l r t ' r i r rg grqr, t r t t t l t l t t ' l tThe r ings can th( ' l t lx ' r t ' t -norrt ' t l ( 'asi ly.

this shoul<l bc rcrnovt'd. I'hc scr-t'wdrivcr can be used. for thisti l l all carbbn is scrap.'d off th.: rib;, ctc., insicle piston.

Take care not to let scrervclriver shank bump unnecessarily againstpiston ski4, or the latter may crack. Examine ring gróovËs forcarbon-. Should any be present, scrape out rvith an oÉ icnife. Therings should also be scraped at the back.

. P*tr pis-t9".and rings thoroughly in clean paraÍ1in. Refit ringseither by slipping them over th1 fiston or with thc three striispreviously described.

Polish valve heads with fine or used emery cloth, and give valvestems a light rub with the cloth also.. For grlndine-in theïalves werecommend a good quality grinding paste ór carbórundum powder.

Do not grind valvcs unnecessarily, but see that all pit rnarks areremoved from thc. valve facc. Finish off with a finc pàwd,er. Washcylinder, valve caps,__gg1r1prgsï9n tap, valves and. springs, etc.,in clean paraffin, TAKING GREAT CenB TO REMOV"E ALLTRACES OF EMERY OR GRINDING POWDER. Dry witha clean, smooth cloth. All is now ready for re-assembling.

. First drain dirty oil and paraffin from the crankcase by rneansof drain plug. Then pour in half-a-pint of clean oil, seeing thatplenty of it runs down the connectingrod into the bie end bárine.{See that drain p-lug is,screwed in beÍore pouring in óis oil.) Alósmear oil in small end bush.

Refit piston-as per previous instructions. Rings should. be spacedso that gap of. top ring faces front and gap of-bottom ring'facesreaÍ. Smear piston thorougtrly with oil. andsee that there iólentvbehind the rings. Wipe top of piston clean,

The cylinder bore should be smeared with oil, and then refittedto crankcase. If paper joint is torn, fit a new ioint. These can beobtained from the Works on application. The paper washer should,be smeared with Seccotine or gold size.

If any difficulty is experienced in getting pjston rinss to entercylinder, obtain assistance to ho14 thJcylináei while thë rings andpiston,are eased in. Screw down cylindér nuts, giving each á haff-turn alternatively.

Refit valves, first smearing valve stems with a little oil. F'itcompression-tap an_d valve càps; if necessary, fitting new copperasbestos washers. Screw in spàrking plug, refit exhauit lifter cïbleand.the exhaust- systlg. Aitach olipipe, carburetter, and high-tension wire to.plug. The work is now-cómplete. Start engine ádrul^g.eltly until warm. Then check tappet clearances (.00S éxhaust,.003 inlet), and checkcylinder holding-down nuts for'tightness.

If your engine. i"s fitted with an aluminium piston, the samelemalks apply,_with the exception that the gudgèon pin is of thefloating type. Take care to note which is front of pistón and whichway the gudgeon pin is removed,. and replace in same way. Do not

\l l

t r r r s l rot t l t l bt : crr t ,slrplx'r l l r t 'hincl ther'<lual lv spaccd out.

' *ïtr;i':ï';lilii ïi,lï;i*i:9"ïl "ïi"lfl'i:i,iïi"'ii',"f;''"'''."0?::ï illlí $,1:;'iË: x:"'.liTi',1ïo-:1,""ï,ï"""'

CAUTION. Remember which is top ring and' which is bottom,and also the top and bottom of each ring, and

replace in the same order.

All is now ready for a complete and thorough decarbonizing andvalve grinding.

The above sounds vcr\r compl'cated and' intricate, but we feelcertain that if even the veriest novice undertakes this work as setout, he will be agreeably surprised at its simplicity'

Decarbonizing. Thoroughness in decarbonizing well repays thelabour expended. To clean the cylinder head, the

best tool is a long screwdrivel, with which the carbon can be scrapedand chipped from the head, great care being taken to see that tlepolished

-part of the cylinder bore is not scratched. A useful

àccessory-for examining this part of the work is a cheap roundpocket mirror supported on a strip of bent tin.

The hand can quite easily be inserted in the cylinder whilst usingemery-cloth. Anbther spot where carbon lodges is in the sweePwherê the cylinder bore merges into the valve chest. Special toolsfor removing this can quite easily be made by an amateur from alength of fin. round or hcxagon steel, suitably bent, and ground.

The exhaust port should also be scraped and cleaned. Valve capsand compression tap should be cleaned and polished wlth emery- .cloth. The piston ht'ad should be scraped with an old knife, andwhen clean, polislu:rl with cmery-cloth. A lot of carbon is usually

),:{deposited on thc INSIl)li of the piston. It is most important that


Page 8: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

scrÍrpe ]11,11{ ol l ) l \ t ( ) l t \Vl t l t : r lool , l r r r l t ' r ' t t tovt ( ' i l . l lx) l l Wit l r l i t t t '( ' rnciJ-c loth; í i i r r t l ly l )o l is l r r r l ) l r l r r r I n ' i l l r 1r ( ' l ( ' : r l r r i rg soakc( l in


O.H.V. Enp,ine, X'Iany of thc particulars given previously forPush Rod modcls fitted with side-by-side valve enginesOperated. will operate in thc case of the O.H.V. model.-

Detach finned exhaust pipe locking ring, andswing the exhartst pipe arvay from thc cylinder head.

To Remove Rcmovc petrol pipc, loosen clip joining car-brrrr'ttcr to cvlinder head. and remove car-O.H.V. Head for burt'ttcr to cylinder head,

Decarbonlzing. burcttcr. It is also possible to faclitate thert'moval of the head if the sparking plug and ;:

compression plttg :r.rc lirst removed.

0 t , ' t




1t{rï '

I r r l l r i ' c l tst ' , r Í t ) . t1. \ ' . t t l i r r l t l ' r t l t t ' l t l t t ' í i l t " l rv i t l l t l r ' ' satLl l t '

t t '1r t .0{ tank, th is s l t , r . t t l t l l r | r t ' t t t r tv | r l . r i l ( ' r ( l i ' t . t ( l l i t t l t l t ' l " t t " i Pt l r ( '

i int l , r t l r , , r parts l l r r ' r ' i r l r ts ly t t l t l l t io l t t r [ . - l ' l t t ' l r ' t t - "1 r ' t ] l l l l ( ' ( t l ( ) l l l ' l l ) ' '

s l rorr l t l b, . , renrot j " , l apt l t ' l r t ' tat tk bol ts rv i t l tdranrt , u l t l t t t l t ' ' t ; r t lk

áon , l , , i t" reacl i lY bt ' l i f t t ' r1. l 'ht ' cvl inclcr- is t l r |n trtort ' ncct 'sst l>1' ' .

The trext opL,rat i()t ] i : to rt 'uroÍ ' thc. pLtslr rot ls. f l i is tnaV l le

d.gne by rcst ing. a scrL'u' t l t- ivt ' l - on th( ' r-ockt ' t ' st l t t ldl t ' t l <l ist i t t tct ' -1rt ' 'ct l

tubt : a i rc l l i f t i r rg tht 'ovr ' r l r t ' l r t l lockt ' r , r i - l t t r , 'a str- l t ig l r t 1) i I t t ( ' rn tyP( '

ui .o.f .". is hit , ' ,1. \ \ ' i t l r t l r | lLrclt t ' t l . l )att0rn Lttckt ' t l1 cr i l trk, 'd

tunln\ , -b1r,1. I t ' r . t . r . . l r9rr I l l t r ' r rst ' t l i1 rr s i t l l i rLr g ' l t l ' . I t is i r l r l l ( ) t ' tatr t

i , nÀt 'a ' t l rat t l r , l , r ts l t rot ls s l tot t l t l l lot l ) ( lorct ' r l too f l t r ot t t$ ' l l r r l '

othr.rrvise a broktirr ' t i r i ) l )( ' t l t t : l t rL I t t t t \- r t 'sult . l iorct ' t lx ' pttsh. r ' r ' l

retrtrn spring clou-nrvui-f ls. ' t ' l i i : u' i l l t l t t ' l t r | l t 'ast ' t l r t ' sPt ' i r t3- trolt l

the reqess i í t i rc PLrslr r , td rt ' t t tr l t sPt- i t tg st() l) . . I3r ' l roldirrg th'r

iurrpat-[ . .a t lorvl 11tl prr l l ing thg pLts[ rrrr l t tp, t l r is rt t l l ' t l r t ' t t l r tr


à;:ii;::iÏi',ï,ni :.;.ïi'fJ' : l:1ii:i'ï ili,lr.l'. ',11, '',, ',, u,,,,'i i . f i i i i t tg th. r ' )ck( r for puslr Í ( ) ( l rcrrr ' r r ' ; r l l ) r rsh rods

slt,>rtI l Ir ' ,t r '" f i ,. i '"a "i]:tï i '^', ' , t i ;: i i ." ' ' 'rr

t l l)r).t h(rad lvil l

Removal of Tht' push rods are enclosed in trrbt's, whicll are

i""tt noa" and sealed, both at the top and botto'. l'o retllor',r

ió"t"" so*, the 1;.sh rods, tht .nion nut, rvhich is f itted on

nnctoseO Type. to air adaptor in th_t' crankcase, should be un-screwed ;

- the panel cover of the rocker box

should. then be rgrnoved. If a stout open-ended;th; ià.t .t sha\t nuts at the rear of the rockcr box, and the nuts

i"i".a, the valve springs will be compresscd, and the push -rod


it""-Ël f."" fro'r ihe "ball end on thc rocker arm, and the push

ioàr. loe"tfter with covers' can then be pulled away from .the;;!f,:, #i, and tinally lifted clcar of the crankcas.. Tlr. rocker box

ir r"."t,a io the c-vlinder hcacl by four bolts, and this is quite

read.ill' detachcd whcn the bolts art: rctnovcd'\

t , )

Page 9: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

Model ES2Push Rodsprevious to 1930.

which may then bt:

(' l l r r ' l r t ts l r t . r l t . t t t l t t \ l l r i l l l {s l t t ' t ' t ' t ick ' 's t 'd ' t l t t :

t l , r ' rng ct,r ' , rs lx irrg scr( 'r , \ ' ( ' ( l to thc tappet

trr i t l t i* . ' l 'o rt ' r t tovt ' t l r t ' prtsl t rods, unscrtw t\e

spring cov('rs and slitle tht'm up the push rods,

withàrawn as instructions previousl.v given.

It is alu'ays ad.visable to rcmcmbcr, s'hen removing push rods,

\.hich is the-inlet and exhaust. This rvill then avoid unnecess,aryre-adiustments when re-assembling. The c}'lirtder head is bolted to

the bàrrel by means of four special sleeve nnts. These should next

be removed,-when the complele head may be detaclred' ,For-a-gas-proof ioint a good ground. seating on thè c)'linder barrel and head

it p.o'rli,l..l, "ia

it È important that the seating of the head should

noi be scratched against the studs in the barrcl'

R I-]IIO\"{L

RemovinÉ CYlinderBar ie l , O.H.V'


This is quitt ' a simple opcration' The in-

i1:tlnd"r for decaóonizing in the,case of the

side-by-side vah'e tnginÉ can here be usefully,empt^tytl^ l:,1:::i ide-bv-stcle vah:e tnglne can rlere uu usrruuy crrryruJLu'

tirï iJ"i .vit"á". nA"amg-down nuts at the base 9f .thg cylinder

structioni in . regar<l to the removal -of

cvlinder for decaóonizing in the case of the

;;;.;iï; ïii" ny*rt*rs'round until the piston is at the bottom of

the stioke (taking care to see that the'bairel is kept perpendicular

;;;à;;1" avoicl"any strain on the connectin-g rod);. the piston is

th"" i.=di11' .,'*ot"á after removing the gudgeon pin'

It is cssential that care is taken to see that the piston is marked,

.froiuite u'hich is tht' front and rear' This shóuld be replaced

;;;;ili:^t it is takt'n out ; to use a colloquial expression' do not

f i t "back to f ront ."

li:" ."'.íïr1r.t#)




Removal lhe valvt's should tht'n be retttor-ttl; a suitable toolof Valves. is included in the kit rvith each machine. In the case

of the straight type rockcrs, the portion of the toolrvith the rving nut attached should be insertecl in the sparking plughole of the cvlinder head. The u'ing nut should thtn be tighteneddown; the Ëridged portion of the tool should be placed over thevalve collar. Thc rocker arm should then be depressed by means ofa tommy-bar against the rocker standard tie rocl, 'rvhen the valvespring wltt Ue compressed and thc cotters and springs quite easilyremoveq.

With the arched patttrn type of rockt'rs a simiiar t1'pc of tool issupplied, with thc'addition <tf a spring compressor. fhe portion ofthis tool rvith the v'ing nut is uscd in preciselv the samt' way as inthe case of the straight pattern rockers; the spring compressorshould be inserted ir.r ihc comprt'ssion plug hole, and f1' placing theforked end over the valvt' collar ancl tightening tht' nut, the valvespring rvill be compressed.

,- With the enclosed push rod type of rockers, tht portion of thevalve-removing tool rvith the wing nut attacheti should be insertedin the position usualll' occupied by the sparking plug ;- this preventsthe vaive from fallin! into the cylinder head. The other Portion oÍthe tool included in the t'quiprnent of thc machine should then befitted to trvo of the cylinder head sleer'e nuts, a{ter having, of

tourse, previously removed the rocker box' fhe fork portion-shouldthen be^placed oi'er the valve collar, and if the nrtt is screwed down,the valvè springs u'ill be compre5sed and the cottt'rs rt'adily removed.

Removal and Detach tht: iocknut on the rocker pin, unscre'rvAdjustment pin, when the rocker shoulcl bt' lifted upw-ards.of the Over- The rocker operates on a roller bearing made uphead Rocker. of rollers in a special phosphc,r-bronze retaining

cage. Take care to see that the rollers are not lostin removal. A roller retaining washer is fitted each side to preventthese working out. The rocker standard itself is not like-ly torequire attenlion ; but should it be necessary to remove this, a.qriare tubular spanner rvill be required to remove attachment bolts.

\Anv end plaY in ixcess of .003" which mav have developed in the

rockeislcan-be taken up by means oÍ adjustment provided by thecentre bolt. Slack ofi dome locknut at end o{ centre bolt, unscrewbolt, say, one-quarter turn, and while holding bolt in this position,tighten-locknut. If excessive end play _stili exists, repeat theoóeration until same is removed. The rocker, hotte\-er, must notbind. on the bearing.

For overhead rocker lubrication a good heat rcsisting grease isessential. Castrolease, Mobilgrease, or Price's H.l{.P' grease aresrritable for this purpose


' j '

r 'r . iÈl : j .


Page 10: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

Cyl indCr ( , r r , ' l rorr l r I l r | l ; r l i , , t r lo : r ' r ' l l r ; r l l i t , , t t t t r l i , r t t . t l o l . l l . t r '

H-eat l . l t , ' r t , I t ' t t , r l r l ; t l t t l rq, r l . I l r , t l t , l l r rx l ; r , [ , r l r t l r I r t l t l r t ' \ \ 'ork '

o l l ro l r l t t ts t l t r ' l r t : r r I rv l t i l : l r [ t ' t ' l r r lu ' l r i t t t tg ts , lo [ ] , ; t

i i t 'x t rgotr st t t ' l l r : t t : ( l ( \ \ ' ( ( l i t t ( ) l l r ' I l l ( l i l l t ( ) t l l t : l " l l - l i l l ls 1.r1111 l l r t l r "

Tht, óyl incl t , r - | t 'ar l r r l ry t l r t , r r l r r ' l r t 'k l i r r i r ytc( l ) , \ ' . r t t t ' iy is of t l t t .s t t ' t l

bar. I f sucl i a l ; l rr is tr0t rLvui l ;Ll t l0, alI ol( l sl)arki l iS 1>lttg r l tr tkt 's a

ust ' ful suitst i tutt , . ' l { i : rvi l l f i ic i i i tatt ' tht ' opt 'rat ion consid( 'nt l) l \- .

Rtmovt 'car lx)n f r - r t r r r tht ' toP of t l r t ' l ) is ton, l loth insi tk 'ancl outs id(.

Cl t ,an thr . toP of t l r t .PistOn iv i t l r a I ) i ( 'cc of cot to l l $ 'ast( ' , an( l l )o l is l i\ ï i th vcry l i t j t ' t 'ntt ,rr ' .- l -ht ' skir-t . of tht ' piston shotr lcl not lx ' t()ucheel

Tht,rtah,l t 'stt 'nts t t t i iV l l t 'c l t 'al l t ' t i rvi t l i Vtr l i \ - Ir I \ I ' - or \ \ 'or l l t ' l . l l t ry

baseoftht 'valvcgui t l t " t l r t 'nt l l t 'u- t t t ' r r ta ia l ld( 'xt t ' I l la lspr ings' I t

iljtr"n*":ií":ï"1'á1,il'tl::'J,ïïiïJ'àï'ïl'i.":ï!:.ïI'i:sprins and,, ' t ' t io i i t?* ' - i 'n" tock..1t *" ! norvb'ref i t ted 10 thc

sïandàrd, ""d, *ith'i;t nt'ua compk'tehr assembitrtl' the cylinder

head may b" ..'ï;i;i'ïo tt"l t'uttËL-- ti is IIIPoRTANT To


CLEAN, and' free iroï a"tt pt'iitltt', 'lhesc should not be clcaned

with even n.," ..-.iy., but just ovt'r rvith a lxrfcctly clean

Piece of cloth'

If either seatlngs have bccn clarnagc<l in remolal' of thc head' it

rvill be t.."rr".y'lo tt-Ëti"Jirt"ie in'"in the samer mann('r as a valt'c

would bè. ro g.i;áirr"i'il.1,ti"air'n.uc1, the four studs,shorrlcl be

removed' t ' l ' ' t"] ' ' ï t '^;; i-;) ' screrving two nuts to the studs'

using one ",

. rotrtïitïgtinï 1É á.tn"t' ttt" holes Írom which the

studs have b".fi;it;; ïfi""iq tnt- be fillecl rvith greasc'-so that the

ài*trt':"*1"S,:.1*m:'.*;n',*-''"ïiï!:ïï'"rïËlA eood iuint *l|"È" Ààat bt'twet'n th'' h''aá ancl thc barrcl hv

smËarine a l itt le Scccotinc on thc laces'

ne'-fitting Thc piston shoukl thcn be irttcd' taking care to

PistÈn and t* ttt"t this is replaced' in the- same' position

F, à - assembring. il't.;ll,,l*':run:f,$, "'1ïl'.:Ï :l'::1titting thc cylincler on t-n" t;át-U1"ide valve 11Sint'' -t[:l.l"tt


t'e barrel th";lï;;';;;á*a *iitt a littlc gold size .or Scccotint"

paper washer, ïto,ria be usecl to ensurr a P.'rft'ctlv oil-proof ioint'

It is importantï" t"" that thc slecr'-c nuts hold'ing-thr'head to the

barrel are tight";d á;i".ïg"ry, Iteplact' thc sparking plug' 'lhe

push rods *.y'iË; b" rcfittia'. SËould tlx' push rods requrre

re-adjustment,tpr"tï.tp""t"lï" itt hcxagon at ihe bottorn end 'f

thepushrod,aïc l rv i t i ranot l rerSpann(,rr" . . ' l . ,aset l re lockntr tat t i r t :tc,p of the push rocl,,.acljust thc scft'T:, u'hichis,Ir";]tt*:Jtn n""

' Íor th ispurpose' ivnÁcorr tct ,acl . justmt ' r r t l iarsbt . t .nobtaint-d,tighten nut. iin"tt:'ii* u"tl"a tf ixirockcr gear is fltted' adiust-

mènt is. .a. .uíÀ"àniof thcsqtráie-hcacl t 'd;djust ingscrewrvhichis litted to thti"átk"t''

'f$'o sbanners ^t"

tttiiplic<t ivith thc tool

k i t for thepurposcofacl just ingth"," . -onctr t t ingthcsmal l -sqrraredii.*Jar,Ë.áïï*'.'Ï{:ii:à:,'l;'ln:'1-1Jl''.,ï']l;:,'l,",iïf i'i';Adjustment tsstraight Pattern rocK('i '

1' Decirbonizing 'fhe procethrrt' usuallv atloptt'd for dccarbonizing

I o.s.c. Engi'fe, tt;pïk;bËi' !h; ó'ri 'c' enginc' rvith detailed

à | Models CSI instructions in tn" follouin8-Pag::,^lttnou*n

' ! ;;ïó1. ::t"f1..,*f'r,"iJ"llilttï;Jii*'ffï:"i,ËÉi rvith aclvance q.tigilJilpriti1y.ii1tt" kcvnót'' of-r:very operatioa

! necessary lor tnt Ëmtl"nt maintenance of this machlne' i

\r-Y- 17


CYI- l \ t ) l l l< Hl : . \ l ) SHO\\ ' l \G COIIPO\EN'f I ' - \RTS'

cloth. Do not tlsr' coa,rsc grinding compound for grinding valves in.A little fint' pastt smeare-if'.'ery lightll' over the valve face is farbt'tter. \\'e àre unablt' to supply a special valve grinding tool forthis operation, but a small hand vice, which may be clamped overthe válve stem, will be found quite satisfactory. The head of thevalve should bc cleaned and polished, all deposit being removed.Care should bc' taken to avoid burring the valve stems, otherwiseunnecessary u,car lvill takc place i" t!. valve-guide' .Ttre,sameremarks applv also to the head itself. This should be polishgd,withverv fine óÀ.irv cloth, after the deposit has been removed. To refitthe-rockt:r stanclards and overhead gear, the details given for theremoval of thcsc slrould be reversed. Itefit the valves, Írrst smear-ing a small t l trantitv of oil on tht' stcms, Ítt tht' star washer at the

l ( i

í-to' *^

Page 11: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

' l ' l r t . C:yrrs l ;L l t l r t t , [ ( . t t t l \ ( ) l l l l l \ r ' l l Í ] l l l ( ' , l1(r ' l l t ' t \v i l l l l l l t ' ( ' : t l l l

rockt ' rs, Í r r ( ' ( ' l l ( ' l ( )5r ' ( l i t t l t t t l r l t t t t l i t t i t t t l t t rx l i l l ' l tor , r r ' l r t r ' l r l \ sr ' ( ' l l l ' t ' ( l

iá1i i " .y i i "at ' r l r t 'ar i l r ' forrr l l r l ts . ' l ' l r t ' <:rr t r rs l t ; t I t , is r l r ivcn t l r rqrrc l r

a hol low vcrt ical :hlrf t l r1, lr t ' r ' t , l Dirr ion* t111;111;1tr ' t l () l l s[] [ ln( 's.

For decarbonizir lg i t is quitr: l lnl l ( 'ct 'ssarv to disrnantle thc rocker

boi or remo\-r, th. ' i r- l indtjr barrt ' I . I i i t t ing-s such as exhaust Ptpt ' ,

."È", ""a

the oil


frorn surnp to rockt'r-box sho*ld be dctached.

i.t-.aaitio", ,",tt,ri'.i tht' l)ctrol tànk, rvhich is st'cttred by ïour bolts'

the petrol pipe, pt ' trol iap, and tank connecting,pipc,betnS 11;tdeta;hcd. TÍrc tànk should bt' raiscd at the saddl(' cnd and wrtlr-

drawn tou,ards tht saddle untii thc nost' of tht' tank is clear of the

tr""ài"-Uo. .tip.. It is advisabic to r('mov(' tht top bcvel gear

inspection cover to ascertain thc position of thc bclci plnrons' r ?"

onó on the lert ical shaft has on onc tooth a distrngu.tshtnC T,tt{ 'whereas the pinion oll the camshaft has t$'o tocth dlstlngutsne-G'

itt" ."gi"" s1'rr,rcki't shrlrld bc revolvctl until the narking on the

""iti."ititoft pinion coincid'c's u'ith the clistinguishinC.*1tkt, on

llecamshaít bcve l. This s'iil enablt the sctting to b( chccktrcl wnen tlle

rocker box is ronroulit.d in position. Thti four bolts securing the

rocker box shoult l h,rvi thdráu.n; i t is lr ls, a4visable to loosen the

i;;l.,.' checse-ht'aclt'd..scrt:*'s rvhich rt't.itr tlrt: craukcase and lower

bevel pancl c.r.- , .r . I t l ) quit t , r lnl tr .cr.ssiu-\ ' to cotnpletely ret iove

this, the objcr:t in l i ;ost 'ning this pant ' l clo\ '( ' r is to rel l love Pressurofrorir t l r t : r 'crt ical shlrf t tul lc s' l r t .r t l this t ' t r t t ts t l t t ' cast ' '

r h (' r' )rr k" r "'.,'l:;'il .)i"';;il'if ':1lo'á;:l. i};,1' Jil* n' ïi'i'ïllïl

etr t i rPI) l ' ) r cvl ln' bol ts s ' r iur l t lg r ' lckt r box should b| rentor-e<l ' the twcl\ 'c chf i ist-

hcade, l scrc\ ' j ' , t " i t t tkt t t t ' cor 'er ' i r r to rvhi t :h r?rt ical shaft tul)e

. i i i " i . . f t , r ' , f a b' l ' r ' rscrnl , l )ut I r ' ) t rcmo\ 'd ' ' fhe rocker l )oÍ

rv i th " , : r t ical

shatt calr be hodi l l ' ra iscd {- i r r ' to c lear the nuts

secrlr l t rg tnc r"ciet lnx platform' wht ' I r fhc rocker bt lx should

hc r() tatP, l t t rr ' r rr l i i tsr t dlg Carc should- l" qxercised i t r l i f t ing

the r()ckrF hrx ' i i r l r

srr f f ic i i lnt to clear roc-kr ' ! .Box.pla-t ïorm nuts'

othr ' rwi5. t t , ' ' . , ' i i i ' r l s \ t t s r l l I r ' c ' r r t r l l ' - tc lv rv i thdrawn'

IÍ the rocker box. togerlrr,r'rvith \.crtical shaft and housing, are

n"* Utailf i"rscd appósittratelv !". in order to clear the two nuts

,".,r. ir,* íock.r' h,rx' platf 'rrtrr '"ai ' l rotatcd- through T ,*gi" itlg0 degi, t lrc to1_r lr,.r-,.1 irrsrrr:ctlon cor.t 'r rvrl l tace th('cylrnqer neaq.

íSee il lustratir., ' .1 ,t ,rrt, sl i.,ul&lrt ' taken in i ift ing thc rocker box'

ffi#t.Ë',i..-..i,ri,r,.,i".:,'iil."i rnort, rvhich is ^

itidlng fit in the

Iorvt:r bevel. pinion,. wi ll l )( ) c(rnrl )lt : t(' l y w i t ll( lrlnvn'

""1$.ïlà:OJ;l:ïtO,í ï ' t " í" . i i i " ing disturb' ' t l ' \ \ ' i th c:u' t ' . th is.c

;'fi, ,i;'à";ffiiih;il;n]',"" iii"J.ation for rc-settins timing. )

The Íour set screws holding rocker box 'platform

shotlld next be

removecl, when the tyi;"d;;Ï";;lt" u" ai.t"tn"a Dt'carbonizing

^ïà " s, i;ai " *, y xY: : - ifl ;f l "ll.t;:'.:"'$l J,ï l'ï it, 3 ÏJJ'? jà

ïi::i:i:liffï|Ïi"if;;;rrer, the top onc oiit"l '*o trttts at the

base of the cylind'er ;;;ld Ë" unscràwed",when tht' s('cunng rod

rvhich passes tt,rougn'ïh.- tin* of the rnay bt' .*itlq:ill:^iï^Ï';.iï;t."a.'?v i;; i[" lower aná larger nut ttÏ#lï

ïï:Ï:ifrir"ào.'*,[n, lt stró"ta be held with-a sp

bonizetl and thoroughï)ï^tiliá the cylind& htatl"ttc'' lh'.-l'"igll':,"Ë;ï,ïil' ;-as'"mu"tà unJ trt* parts refittccl in th(' r('\-t rs(' orucr

from rvhich they s't're rumovect'

À/OTE.-Th" totop'*'ion plug nrust be Írtttd' beforc thc rockcr

uoï át í .'..tical shaft are placed in posttton'

Rocker Box, Tht' r'alve rocker ar[ls arc kcvecl to tht: tapercd

to Dismantle. "n..1 ;iï i"" ' táttt ' t.,trt"t shafts ánd' s' 'ctrr ' 'd'with' 'a

f o.f.à'ut.'^'f'fu I nrrts should h' 1c'rn'r'ed' -t".1ï]] : l:'

rockers.may u. ar"""'i.oÁ th" sha-fts. ?;.:;:;'_:;n.t:iïiii lïi:rockt'r box cover rn position' and if remo

exhaust valve liftt'r ^'ta

f'ofi' the cover is rletirclàblc' The caur

rockers rnay.bc *it;à;;'itÀ ttt" ptrosohor-brr-rnzt bttshcs.: a

reolacet.uent t.r"r, 1'tï"ï:'t;tty) ;^;'t bc'fittcd' to tht' original rocktr

arm at a \r€'ry small cost'

In order to removt tht' carnsha{t' it is. uectlssarv to dctach the t()})

b";;i;il";, which' f'5";';; ;; !" -ll'; ïï;tiï'i"t" ï:iï| lll;"1ioit".rt. When the locknut is rcmoveo'

drawn. It will u" ,,o't'J't^t ut-ihrce keywavs aic cut in thc piniott'

It is essential to nott' rvhich-keyway was Jmoloyc<J' originalll" altl

refit in the same poiition' If a'spaèing washèr is fitted behind th':

pinion, care should-t,. ' i"rt ' '" ' '" 'Ënt.tËit *h,'t ' ' '-"**t 'nrbling' Th"

èams are a slid'ing n;'";;;"'àmshaft' utd la'l ràalty b" dt'tach"l

Í*ï"..pi.""*ent"should be found necessary'

Dêcarbonizinp It w'rll facilitjLte accessibility if thc pctrol tank'be

tg30 Models tà-ái;''a' Remove carbuietter'" exhau'st' prpe'

CSl and CJ. t;;; i l ;; plug'.and remove the four totsgl Dt)x

nï ' ïà i ï* :aá* ibol ts 'and' takeawaythedrstanccpieces from U.t*t"oit'ïtlf i"a"t hcad bolts and rocker box' Unscr''rr'

itte vertical .t tit "àïlt"'t"r'"-g!"t9

tYï i;o or three turns' hnd

unscrew cylinder h;;J;"*' fn" -ioi"t

bti*.,"n cvlinder head and

barrel can now be ';ï;Ë;:" rr1Ë"-rt"ta is stuck trrmly to barrel'

a tap under th" i"l";;;;i; using al,t-1d"nt*t"r or interpostng a

piecé of wood, should ïoos"n same' but be careful not to rock the

êvlincler barrel, "t;Ë

;";;cq"q r'oa,13,v be bent-a most serlous

thine' Standing ""'ii" 'ia"

of tie machl'n" t*"y frorn the vertical

shafi, the roq]<er #*';;;* tilted' away abo"t 1;' so that'the rocker

adjuster is J'irst trJutt"ïï';È.'"''àg; or in" Àa l'r tn" valves' The


\""t n



Page 12: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930


et ' l inr l t , r lu, t r t l c i t t t I tor t lx ' r l t is l t l : t l rot t l 1" , rv l r r r l t t : : t t l l i r ' i l t t l l r r

. i "á i i t of t l t t ' l r i r r r t ' l s l l igol , at t t I t i t t t , t l t t t . forr" lx ' l r r r l l t ' t l ot t t .s i tL ' -

. | \uuV. n*^t . f r ( r rn t l r t ' r iu jk. ' r l rox. I t rv i l l lx 's( ' ( l t , t l l ( ' r ( ' for t ' , t l r l r t i t

i . ; ; - ; " ; i , r tary to ( [ is t r r r l r t l rc t i r r r ing, ( ) r ' ( \ ' ( r t t l t t ' rockt ' r l I ;s i tsc l f ,

other than t i l t ing rvht 'n r( ' lnovinÉí thi ' ht 'ad'

lf it is desired to remo\-(' the valvt's, this can bt' accor.nPlishcd by

tfre aia of the special tool provide<l in tht' tool kit ; but this can onlv

be usecl t'hcn ihe hcad and.barrel are in position'

()nlv erind in valvt 's u'ht 'n neclssarr ' , using f int v,alvt '-grinding

comp,rund mixt 'cl rvi th oi l or par.aÍï in ; onl] ' 1 small , quantl ty- l 's

,r"a"irr.ry'. Do not rt'r'olve tht' valvcs round and round' btlt glve a

(luartcr-i*rn back'r,ards ancl forwards, freq'ently raising the valv.e

íïom its s( 'at and dropping down in a dif fe,rt 'nt posttton' . ' \ small

hand vicr wi l l bt , íound a conveni t 'nt tool lor holdlng tne.\ 'a lve

stem, and vcrv great care ÍI'lust be taken after this oPcratlon to

remove all tralei.of valvc-grinding compound' t

Removin$ -ilt sin-rplest method is to detach the top- bcvel

housins ïrom tht ' rocker box, i t being attached toRocker Blox. housing ïrom tht, rocker box, it_ being-attached to

tht ' r ' : r lv t ' t i r r r i r rg s l totr l t l l r t ' t ' t t r r t ' t '1. . \ \ ' l r t 'n Í r t t ing on a new cam' i t

is :rclvisablt, t0'cht,ck tlrt, t iniing,':L.s t Ite fryway in. the respective

;^;; ;.y not bt' in t1t' positio' rclative to the cam profile'

The timing is acljustt'cl bv rtmoving the peg in the. camshaft

bevel, which'is held'in positión by the camshaft 1ut, and replacing

in thó respective holcs ln the bevel and camshaft which gives the

correct tiriring. For timing chart, see page 21'

Removin$ En$,ine Should it be nccessary to remove the complete

from Frame. engine tlnit, procccd as follorvs :-Remove

lbiamona Frame). caiburetter, c-xhaust s)'stem, e.xna,us-! lit,ter

cablc, and high tension u'ire as lor decarbon-

izing. Then rcmol'c front chain, nuts frorn thc front-enginelugà.,d'n"". brackrt bolts on thc sprocket side of the machine. Two

tomlil.-bars or sirnilar rocls shoulcl be obtainccl to facilitate removlng

the bólts ancl for s.'prrting t5e -enginc in the frame. TIt" engine

nr,it nor.v bc lorveiecl to the ground and removcci to the bench.

Removinp, Enp,ine Tlrt' cnginc unit complete wittr magneto in

from Frame. silrr rnay bc rermoved, it being qurte un-

Models CSl,ES2, nccessarv to dismantle the engine in any.way'

CJ and JE. 'l-hc instructions for <Iccarbonizing should bert'ft'rrt'c1 to, as it is necessary to remove the

exhaust pi1rc, calrbttrcttt'r cables, ancl also lhe pt:trol tank, togetherv.ith thc-cÉirin casc sccurccl by f..r bolts, also cngine driving chain.

Thc footrt'st ct'tltrc rocl serves as a rcar cngitre fixing bolt' Itemove

the nuts on eithcr end of rod, and withdraw, when the footrcst

hangers with ciistancc-picces will bccomc detachable. Thc front

".reíl. platt' shoulcl bJ completely detached by withdrawing-the

boÏt wnicn securt's it to the fràmc, iogc.ther rvith the two bolts whichI attach it to the crankcase. fhrcer bolts now secure the engine to

I tt. framc: two in the frame cradle at the base of the crankcase,', which should bc rvithdrau'n from the transmission side of the

i machinc, ancl thc third rvhich passcs through the combincd magnetoi olatform and r,,ar t,ngint' platós. ' l ' lu.s,. r.move'd, thc cngine can bei ïakcn from tlrt ' frarn,'. Takt. a l irrn holrl of t1c cngine and ti l t in

i a for*arcl clirectior-r ur.rtil thc magncto platforn.r is clear of the lugs

I of the fram.,, liÍting thc engi*e óut of the frarnc cradle from the

t transmission sidt' of the rnachine.


\\'e have prcvio.sly dealt rvith removal of theEngine. cylindcr and componcnt parts, and

-also with

. retnoval of the complete unit from the frame' So

far we have not interfercd with the timing in any way' To dis-

mantle the timing gear, proceed as follows :

Remove magneto chain cover, magneto sprocket se-t scÍew' The

sprockct hts oir a taper shaft. A long screwdriver sho'ld be usedtà force this off. fiemove the locknut of the camshaft sprocket(right-hand threacl), when this may then be removed in precisely

ihà r"-" manner as the magncto sprocket'

, /21

,u*,1 Ëu four nuts' The n.resh of ther bcl'els is

markecl, but it lvill be riecessary to sce that tht' contact breaker in,

in",*"e""to is in the same poritio., relativt. to the eamshaft rvhen

;;-;;Ë;ii"g as b.'fore. otherwise the sparking plug r'r'ill be firing

;;-ai-,".n,ig str.kt,, .nd the nïagncto-,rvil l tra'. to bt retimed.

Do not (l(,ta;h tht, vt.rt ical shaft,-vertical shaft bevels or bér'el

housings fronr tlrt' r'crtical shaft cover tubt"

Tr) rlisnrantlt, tlrt, rockt,r box, remorre the trvo rocker pivot bolts

unà--ttt.' lh,','s,'-lr't itd screws. Íh" cor'"r is thqn hcld. onll' t'tl.llt"

dou'els anri c:trnshitft roller ract'. Pull covtr out j", whcn lt \1' l l l De

f r t , t , i rnt l t . l r r r lx , t .prnpl1. l t ' ly r t 'movt 'd. ' fh( ' rockers cal l n()w be

pullt,<l 0ut. .[.o

rt,moi,,, c,,h, .rns..,,u' thc left-hand-threaded nut

;; ; i ; , l l . f f rht, rol l t .r r*c. and cam. ' fht. r . t ,r t ical shaft housings

a* t. . r t .mor.t ,d :rf t t ,r unscrt 'u' in! t1, ' fotrr hrr lding-dorvtt t t t t ts at

each t.nd ancl r:rising thc rockc'r b..-ox so that th(' holrsings are clear

of thc locating sPigots''fo acliust thc rockr:rs, slack tht' hexagonal nut afeu' trirns'and givt' tht' prcijecting scre\'\'-or this .nut if the s..",i h"ppcni tó Ue below the top of

RockerAdjustment,1930 Model,csr.


the nut-a sharP taP in


grip. It u'ill then be posïble to screw ln or out

as rcquirecl, thc ïclj.sting slt'eve nuts, thri flats oÍ which are 'rsÈle

Ët*Ë";ih" top .f ihr rcicker\boss ancl the hexagonal nut,s'hich has

;;;',;i";t b.ó loost'nt'rl. 6 rhc hcxagonal nirt thoulf ,thel b1previouslv b( '( ' l l loo:r 'n( r l . 1 I hc h( ' \agonal

I ignt..""a" ' '

af. t .r- rh. r(.qri i red amuunt oí adj.stment has been

.-a sharp tap in order to release the taperIt u'ill then be possible to screw ln or out



Timing 1930 ' l ' lrt ' t irrring <.'f thc cnginc is marked, and if the

ó5í ó-"C1""- t.itrks .tt the resp.ctii'r: bt'r'els coincide,' and the

lx'll rll tlrt' camshaft bevt'l is opposite the g,roov.e

on th. entl oí thi ' canrslraft, and the scratcht'd l ine on the bevel'

l t i ] : '


,.-:;dÀ." -.-


Page 13: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930



Next rcur<lvc t l t t ' scvt ' t t p l thcl ct tvt ' r s( ' l ' ( 'ws Not l ot t t ' ls c() l t l l t ( ' r -

sunk. This hts i., trr,. ' i"rir,í-,;;, ' t. lx,hii lr l t lrt ' ttr ltgrtt ' to chiritr.

The cover shoulci tlx'n bc t'ast'cl <.11ï, say,. { ' A long scrervdrtlrr

or other flat tnstrume"i- tho"fa be inserted betu<:en the cover and

the case to prevent tne cams beilg removed' Then remove cover'

which exposes the trminfgàtt T"ake out the rockers' taking note

which is-the inlet *d';f;; ""rt""tt',, one end of each shaft is

sround plain, the "th";'i;;'t

4"ntre" mark; ttrc'plain end of

èach shaft goes rn-tne i-titou"t' The cam wheels are not markecl

in any way, but n oo"tUïf"i;i;óitti;g them correctly' distinguish-

ing marks can be *"á"-"" both'the cáms and timing pinion'

Timing Gear, The cams fitted to this tvpe of engine differ

1930 Type. tt"t"ii"'átrt"itrtrttsh-tod''ooËratedengine'insofarAll ES2 Models *;;;;;;il"i"gor,'iith cam wheels' The

ilàïE-.^.-- ;#.#"-;*1J

á1 1" the shaft of the wheels ;


Shoulcl clilhculty bc expcriencc<l in partins the crankcase wheQ

,all nuts ancl bolts -"

-;';;;;, grip àne-haiÍ of the case in each

hand at the mouth, .;d';;p;'h8iàse gentty on {he bench, at the

A series of distinguishing muks

indicating correct valve tlmrng:

Mark "A" on mainshaÍt should

Doint in a vertical diÍection wittr

i '8" o^ l"rg. bottom level, Posi-

tioned on each side o1 "6"' which

will then be in line with "A" on

mainshaft. "D" on small bevel

pinion should be Positioned on

"ach side of "E." It is imPortant

that 'r F " is meshed witb " E'"

rH*. tpe pulling the case apart' -This will invariably part the

' - crankcase 1 oi,., t *' t nË o t"g'ff i]ti:,^ "ln' *Iï:::1ï iÏ*ï"liïÏÏq

t ..'eà "'

óase of the engine shaft

' .'.#.,r, : { .* ,' <. f- { '

To remove the front chain sgsclktt' rt'movc nut and locknut írom

sh af t.' Fin d p os iti o n " 1: k:; ";ï F'ii1:\'l ...,tt l: i f"E]'.,'"ï,''ll1i;ro re'ove Lrrt rrvrrLi'rtïïttàli"

tpi"ttt"t I{aving donc so' placeshaft.' Find Position o

end of pun ch or t o m r n ffi ÏSlt È -T.:"*:j' "uuiï. t " 3:" Jï:tff;+J

srrart. rlnq PUsrLrerr ";;ïJï.'Ëi"ïlro.r*k"t, bar io !e verticallyend of Punch or tomtrover keyway, ,.g', "'-'i{ni ""*i:'

t"l-sEi?tt^:l:il;."",iï l:Ï*t;

cranKcase JUrrrL wrr'v* pL""

"t óafety' -

Dó not under any clrcum-

:i*:ÏÏlJi,Iff iil"'or*n*o. rt is rar.ueiie. là ..t,"i these tottt" Wott t if attention is necessary'

"-#ï;F:';:lili,ï.Jffi :*fi '"ffi Ë'#'ïï"ii1'lï"'ffi5'Jài;r;Ïit"ï th" nut securing same is absolutely

ï,rnrrrU Enp,ine In the case of'some of thc Iater 1924 models a

( siil -Ër-- sra: +'f."ïX',,*.l;;Lg ;ltliïXliËf{iliï:H'ï,:."'-i-ii1.'.-.ï'x:'Ëi*:"'i',ï"ï:ru:::lgn*'f ï-,3ïï{;yfuËïiï;L.ïïrl*ï,H;-:ïr:;,*ït*:+r.,liiiiï:Models, set'

"*t *uy by setting tlie piston at the'top 'of

ffi',Ë' :li$H"i'il'1ï"'J,'ji#ï,êtu'iT*.t-:ïf :tï:i"f ïiri4:i'il;tïïf:ï.,.1ffi ïf:iii*'.f{"i:#;ff ffrocker so that the valve closes wrrrrr rrrt

,rso tvtrilrrxÍINc cEAR


shaft. Give tommY-

ilï1:Ëd-,r:'l^Ïliïmïlt;nffi ;'"t".ï;ïo'ï'ninl?;;"*tf.""l"|ái"wcr, horvt'vc:t :ltll1l:if obtainable. The crank-

.Ë"à; ;;; il làÁl'r"tó5' disma'tleiift Ë*:o+


after toP dead centre'


Page 14: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

During t l rc l92t i s( i ts()rr ; t < l i l l l r l r r l l \ '1x ' o l ( ' i t t l r \ \ ' i rs st lL l r t [ : t r t l iz . t ' t l lon al l models, and t l l 'st ' t l , ' t ' r t ' l t tr t t ' l t t '<l " W7."

The method oÍ timilrg thc t'trgirrt' rvith tlrt' " \\'7 " ty1.rc o{ camwheel is precisely thc samc as prt'vious modcls. lior correct timingsee chart. t


Finer To time really accurately, a timing stick is necessary-Timin$. This can be made from a compression tap and 12" rule

which is marked in tk". The movable parts of the com-pression tap arc remov{lgaving just the body with a hole throughit. A hacksaw cut is thelà\made in thc body, into which the rule isfitted, and soldered intoi"positiori. At the top of the rule, and atright angles to it, a nut is soldered on. Thc compression tap holeand the bore of the nut serve as guides for a sliding rod* To thisrod an adjustable pointer is fixed. The wire terminal from aK.L.G. plug makes a useful and cheap pointer. The compressiontap screws into the cylinder, and the sliding rod rests on the pistontob. It is obvious that all up and down movements of the pistonare communicated to the rod. The pointqr will thercfore registerthe amount of movement of the piston on the scale marked on therule. This is such a simple,and uscful fitting that any owner well repaid by making fti

Adjustment To adjust these for correct clearances, specialof Tappets. spanners are provided in the tool kit. With one

on the hexagon of the tappet and the other on thehexagon of the tappet head, unscrew locknut until correct clearance(approximately .005" exhaust, .003" inlet) has been obtained. Thenremove the spanner from the tappet stern and tighten the locknuLagainst face of the tappet head.

For adjust ing tappets, use correct spanners provided in tool k i t . Onespanrer should be l i t ted to the hexagon of the tappet and the other tothe taDpet head. Loosen locknut, and adjust to give ,003 inlet , .005exhaust-clearance, t ighten locknut against head oÍ tappet. Valve clear-ance CSI and tsS2 iuodels: Inlet .003 clearance, exhaust .006 clearance.

IGNITION.With, contact breaker fully advanced, the platinum points

should be commencing to open : (Big 4) |" and 3* h.p. (side-vdve.engines only) fr' before top dead centre on compression stroke'tRe-assemblinS,. Replace panel cover, making joint with a little

Seccotine or gold size.

A little clean oil should be put on the cam shafts and rocker.shafts before the cover is fitted.

Tapper clearance must be made after the timing gear cover isfitted, the cam shafts being then supported at both ends.

Secure camshaÍt sprocket on camshaft by means of locknut.

Refit magneto chain and magneto sprocket, fixing same with set€crew, but do not tighten.

Place contact breaker cam case in the " fully-advanced " position.

Set the piston so that it is at the top of the compressionstroke. To make sure it is on the compression stroke,test both tappets; both should revolve freely. Insert

a pencil or piece of wirè through compression tap hole. \Iak_e amark on ttre pencilor wire. Then measure carefully, and placemark on ttre pencilor wire. Then measure carefully, and placeanother mark

- t" above the first (aá h p. engine), or {" above

íRio 4). Ilotate engine sprocket backwards until the top mark(Big a). Ilotate engine sptocket backwards until the lop larkdccupies the place previously held by the bottom mark, the- pistonhaving obviously descended ;"o or !", as the case may be, then setthe contact breaker so that the points just commence to separate-

NOTE.-Accurate magneto timing is extremely important. Many:riders imagine that by advancing their timing they will get molespeed. Tliis is a fallacy, and it only throws unfair loads on^ the


' l 'Y

1:;il: l

Il rI(I



Page 15: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

engine, sPoil ing l l t 'x i l r i l i t l ' , r t t t t l cvt ' t t t t t rL l lv r iarrrrLei ts l r t

- throuÉhorrt.-

'-Di"-"ntling \Ài' havt' alrcadl' tlcalt rvith,rt'moval..oí. cyiinder!\i' havt' alrcadl' tlcalt rvrtit r('moval.-o1- cyrlncer

hea<L ior clccaóonizing. It will be-rccallt'd that for


. ' fh, i q91111111 p.oinl . : onl \ . l l l r r [ ;1r1j11,;111t{ , l l t at long intervals. To

3djy. . ! , turn tht i ( i ,u '11' t , , . t i ] , , ' , , i pnr i l rho points are seen tobe fuliy opened, thà slackenir...r"l[i;g nut anc]. rotate the contactscrew by its hexagon head until the gai b"i;;;; it lïà"ï".Ëi. *tto the sausc on rh(. ,ragn(,ro .p".,n."..' -{ri"i-"aj"it_."i, ïïgr,t."thc locÈing nut,

qrNTS F,OR THE DBTÈcTroN ANDREIVIEDY OF IGNITION NÀULTS' Ascertain whethe-r.the plug or plug lead is at fault. If the high_

. tension cable shows signi oi detàrio"ration, rt .trà"]á uï*"0.If a spare.plug is at halnd, it m"y u* ruurtltri"a i"rlË.".ffi.t.d. gne ; or if it is merely the. gafl that is .too large, if .iroriA U"adjusted.Should the engine ref,se to fire, thc following test should be' made : Remove tfe sparking pl"g, layit on its slde on the cylinder,and ob'serve whethcr. sparks otcui at- tn. poi ít..

*'ri'rp"ï"LiíË' a*ó

\$i.ift'"'#:f*#;rii,f-,ïJïii*:i-*L'ff :ffi'"'Jï?:i;-ïTIMING AND CLEARANCES

For Side-Valve En-gines,. "l*24

Models, where cams arew.,. marked .,90," and'ÍgjÉ $ide_Valve eróà"r*


í ïtig ,4.Ëxhaust valve commences to op;''""

-F-*') before bottom centre.Exhargrrralvc closes #" É&_zS.i on.. top,.à,.ïr"."Inlet valve comndÍnces to open e, iil',ts.j l.rï." í"o.i;;;".Inlet valve closes , i[, isO_is.j;;;;;;ër;i;ïr,.or"

lftii ó"tution the loier encl of the vcrtical shaÍt

*"t "àt

entirely withdrarvn.' This should nou' be

ào"". The ciankcase pancl cover should be

detached by remor''in g .the'twelve . cheesc-headed.' :t::ïï^ -?,", :,t^lI"-;ïïJd. ;;;;;;iil aÀt." bi tt'u panel cover or the oil level

adiuster. The lorver vertical .shaft bevól ancl self-aligning .bearing

Engine,.o.H.c. ,Model CSl.

. i - - Í í " :


adjuster. shaft bevól ancl self-aligning bearing

;ïil;d i" ""

a"."i"ium housing i rlmoYe the. two retaining pins

*tti"tr ..i"." this to. the crankcasé.' This is quite. a separate unit'

ii.:Ë*rl"S is secured in the housing by a slitablc locking- ring,, - r -L^--rr -^+ Lx : :^*^-+tol ovnpnÍ T^. r"newal nirrooses. wher i i tThe'beari4g is secured tn Íhe houslng Dy.a surraDre ruuKrrrË r,16' '

and should not bé dismantied, except ior ienewal purposes' wheri it

[-áà"l"ui. either to ;;til'this *to'the Works or to à firm of

competent engineers.

The oil pump driveremoved.

worm and worm wheel should then be

On the main shaÍt the bevel pinion is keyed, as algo is the engine

sorooket. Both are secured. by'a locknut,-and should be removed-

ií';;;; p*;tË io t.p"t"t". the crank case by,withdrawin-g-the

bolts. It is inadvisable to dismantle the flywheels. lt a rePlace-

á"* Utg U"t lng is neges-sary, it is advisable either to return

lÍ" nv*ï."fs, togethËr with the êonnecting rod' to the \['orks' or

i;;i"'"; ;il *o.Ë itt the hands of a competent repair works'

To reset the valve timing, revolve the flSrwheels until tit: -*qtk,, Á

t ;;-the main shaft is frointing in a vertical directionsith the

marks ., 8 " on the large bóttom bóvel which is fitted to the bottom

áitità vertical shaft fositioned. on each side oÍ mark " C"' It is

;i;rt"tt ihti tttit ."itittg is not disturbed in carrying out instruc-

tions which follow.

ihe rna.k ,,c " on the aluminium housing which carries the large

bottom bevel is now In line with the mark ón the main shaft' Then

iake hold of rocker box and vertical shaft asscmbly' turn the

vertical shaft until the mark " D " on the small bevel plnlon nttec-tg'

the top of the vertical shaft is positioncd betwecn the two marks " 11

"" tirïfàig;-L"nl"ipi"io" fittcà to the cam shaft. \\rith these wheels

t" iit-" p""ition, insert bottom of vertical shaft into lnrge bottom

t""í-"ia carefully note that the mark "F" on one of the^splines at

tt" Ultto- of theïertical shaft is meshed with mark "G" on the

."Ë ái tn. largc bevcl into which the vertical shaft fits. This

iË verv clearlv ilfustrated in the tinling diagram'

3t h.p.Exhaust valve commences to opln ;; before bottom centre.Exhaust valve closes top centre..".Inlet valve comrncnces .ro open i,, izó iÉ.i ï"il*;#Inlet valve closes '!" (50-55') rËcompêssion Jtroke

{9t .tqZ0 and subsequenr MàdeÍs.490 c.c. O.H.V. and

-S.V. Models.Exhaust valve commences to open !_', (55_60, before bottom cExhaust valve closes ;" itá àó.j

"Ít* t;t;;;;Inlet valve commences to open ï" iG áó"í before top centr

(55-60') before bottom centre.

(25-30") before tbp centre.)ses - fr" (40_45.) after botfom centre.Big 4 and 588 c.c. O.H.V. Models.

Inlet valve closes

náJïstrtent c,aus!. aïy trouble-, I".t.1-': :1 lllf::^l:tl*:(M.L.) tiiàtrla be'entrusted to a firm rvho spccialise inlthis

àiàrïJr work, or shc,uld be returned direct to the manufacturers.


Thc magncto is remarkably reliabk, and should notExhaust valve comnlences to open A" (55_60.) before bottom centre.Exhaust'vah'e closes *,1 iZS_S fj after top centre.Inlet vatve commences to open ry iiíáo"j u"ior" tàjc"iitru;Inlet valve closes *. +ï (iï;;"j after bottom ceítrà.



Page 16: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930





Inlet 'n 'alvt t1rt ' l ts

Exhaust t ' l t lvt l cIr ' r 's

Inlet valvtr r lPt ' t tsExhaust r-ah-t ' c|tstrs

I ( r . t0 ( lS | \ lor l t '1.

, l : i i l " lotr ' 1o1r ( ( l ) tn"

i , t ' , l ( l I l t l t | t ' t r t l t c( l l t r ( ' '

Moclels ( l . l : r r rd JE.

l l ' l i5 i l r i ' for t ' top (r( 'ntrc '

- ' l " :- l() l l tt 'r top c('ntrr) '


slrr [ r ' l r , r r rg \ ( ' t \o l l l i r l l l l l l \ l ' l ' r ' ' o l l ; ,ot ' t l l r t r ' [ r ' t - tcr l ' i t c l t t be

st ' t s l i { l r th ' ( ) l ) ( ' l l , \ ( ) t l r ' r t t l r r ' r ' l r l l l r t l l l l is r i t ' r ' t : r r i l l ' wi th th ' rot t le

Ievt 'r clost ' t i r iglrt t-r l l '

I { thc cnginc has lL t t ' t r t l t ' t tct ' t , : t01t $' lr t ' t i .nntrtn8 i l ï t tXàt:t l :

gan"oi f l ' a; indrr 'at iorr Í ' f : t \ \ ' ' ; r l i t t t i r t r t r"

ïa1.',t i n g :....' " 1 ll1ïi l;: i:t lï;' tl-ll, ;,:lï'ï'i :t j;'. ,(i "' li"n:1 ",,i;l:ï*l,Ï'ï:ïïi.ï";Ëili':ii' on'i t't^.'t ï"' ur''' "í"i'i;;;"

th" c xhóst'a rich mixtur., i. i''ttltcnt"ï,'"ttti';it" kttirrlccl screrv of prlot jtt should

b"';.;;;;;;cl iotti-cr',citi'until tht' .ngine trres regularly'

It should bc bornc in minti that if, thcrc is an air leak in the

'ftïïï [ï. il'l i;l: ji[.:r tn'tl ; ij l- : ï ilJ; i ;r",,1 l; Ji f,i' 1' :'Ïi:':slow running inrpossibk'

,ir,'Jf-1.. j1;ii";:'.;1,.:.[l'ïïl;i-i.s,f.,!*'liï*'i'Jrillïï; i l^;;; ' ;;; by lou't 'r ing talx'r n('t 'dle a sin*'ift"

-"lo jei shoul<1 be oÍ such a sizc that it enables full air to

u" t.i."ïitii t"il tniàttr" when all-out on the level'


With contact l l r t 'akt:r ful lv lr th'arrctt l ' Poit t ts (rol l l l l l ( ' l lc( ' to open :

í9ó'ó.iI.i:.1.,,;itt-r,,.1-,,iu'r-,,ti'tL"""l''\ 1;;'1rs-+rl'1' 1!iH 'i'.i' (?9 ?::)'Bie a l " (20-25") , .ss ' i l .F i . r t ' i " ( rs- i t i ) ' )LrrL ' l lSl i " (50-55') '

3aó c.c. {{ " 5( ) )



TAPPETSide-vah'c cngitrt's

O.H.V. (push rotl)

CSI and CJ

CLEARANCEF r l raust . (105"ln l t , r . ( )o l i " ' . í [Ët l r i t r t r t . (x)3" r)

InI , . r ' ( )0: i" i l

Ilxhaust .010"hilet .ff)6"


' \ l l 'pi lot acljustnrtrlts.slurld br' n'raclc 'u'ith t'ngitrt' rutrning :rlldq

bsCarburetters(Amal) . B.&8.(Also seeseparatcBooklt 't.)

To gt't iur ( 'asv start. frrlt.u colcl: Slightly f lood'

i l,rai chanrlx'r, clost' air ancl t lrrottl. ' l t:r ' t 'rs' retard

iuni l i , , t t l t l r , , t t t l t ;L l l - rv l t ' , l t - t t r l k t r 'k l l l i { tn l uvtr once

r ' r r t rVir ' . , 1|1, '11 rr i I l I t l t rot t l I l r ' \ ' ( r Al)() t l l i a 'ncr

, i , r8 l , t " g, ' , , r . , ta l l r ' .s tar ts Í l rst k ick \ \ 'ht 'n cnginc is

.v j r ' ,n i t is t tot l t t 'c t rssarv to l loocl

air lt'r','r on háncllt'-blrr fullv oPcn'

.I 190 j t ' t is htt t t l as st:rtr t lurd sPt'ci l ica"t ion to this t l t : t" : : : : : :

An\: s l i l t :k t tcss i t r t l r t 'col l t ro l u ' i r t 's s l tor t lc l l r t ' taki 'n l l l ) by t ln-

.. ; ; i" ; ' .*, , ar l l rrst irrg' i ;r*f , i ' . - , , i r s '** ' i . i t cl tr tr t l r t ' r crL', t l r t ' t l rott le

Irarticular att.ntio. l bi '-1i11i11 t. th' ' arl jtrst]]t: l : ï.f":11":"ff:

"":-Jtï 1"i"ï.i 1ii;iii.i;;"; ;; "''i.. r ; " ( t''l' as ttrt' tl i::.1', 111,., 11i:: :i.Ïi:ncct lL, ' ; t i i is s l rotr l t i Prt t t r t t t l t ' I 1 '6. . ( l l l t ' l ls t t t t , t

sliclcs). A 180 jt ' t "-À;;..: ' i ' i"; 'Ëig

1,m"..l ' ls' ir"utl thc tapcr necdle

r i t " , t f , ' i 1,r , , t r , , ' l ' ' l l " f r r r t r t l r r rs. r r [ : l i t l *


Page 17: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930


Amal. ' fhc <1ui{ i tv oí l l t l r r r ixr l r ( r5\ l r in i l l rot t t t l t t ' p i lot i l t . or t t -

\ let is èoIr t r -o l l t ' t l l ry t t t t ' : t l ls o l l l l t ' l i t t t t r ' l r '<| . c l tp <t t r t l r t ' l r r ix ing

chambeY sid.e, u'hich rt .grr irrt , ,* t l r , . :nnount of iLir i tclnt i t tcci to the

pi lot jet.

To wcaken the mixturt', tttrtr tltt' knurlcd cap :rnti-clockwise, and

clocklvise to enrich. This acljustmt'nt mltst bc rnade gradualll''

The approximate setting u'ili bc found bcu'tcen one-half and one

completê turn open, clepending on thc capacity of the enginc'

Main Jet. This is of thc subrnerged,typc, tht ' pt lrol being broken

up bv means of a spraiyer situattd jristtabovc the petrol

level. No. 37-máin iet is f i t tccl as standard specif icat ion.

Amal (Binks) This is a trvo-je.t Í)'Pe of carburetter : th('se con-(CSl and sist of thc PiLOf JIIT, u'hich r,vorks alone on firstÈS2 Modets). start ing t l r t ' t 'nginc, and gir ' , 's t 'as1' s lar t ing ald

slorv rttnning ; rvhcn thc tlrrottlt ' is opent'd theI\'IAIN JIiT, s,hich is thc longt'r of thc t'"vo, comcs intó opcration-The aii lcvcr opt'rates a plungtr situatecl ovt'r the main jet, andshould be set to r.r.rodifl' thc mixturt' n'lrt'n the t'ngine is cold'

To tune the Ilinks tu'o-jt't carpurettcr, the cngine )ÍUST qEWAItlI, u'hcn it is casilv tinctl by the Írtting of suitable jets' Toremove the jcts, looscn thtr screlv clamping the float chamber tothe carburetier boclr' ; the jcts rlav then be retnoved rvith the keyprovicled, but cart' shoulcl bc takcn when rcÍrtting that they arenot scre'n'r'd in firnrlv, but IrINGIIIi-TIGHT.

s'f uRMIiY-Altcl IEtt (NORTONTYPE)-C'S' Gearbox

l , r t , r ' i , 's t6 1926 t l r , ' ( i .S. t t '1x ' u i is strLmlarcl ist 'c l ; in 1926 this

was rcplact'cl b1' thc l- S f'o*t'i-tti1i a cliffercnt type' of gear box

ilt iil;;i;'a,'rp,'.iutt1' *acle for \orton 'rachi'ts'C.S. Gear Box Lrrc clutch consists <rf a.maih'boaY'\"Vtt1:-t1?

í;ï'Ï;.á m*::" ";:i,;,ï'.ïu,i''ï,lJ ;'Iï'Ïi3i:ï,"1|l"iiboxt's and stlds'

! r


.\--..n i

' l /

. r l


r cËA R uo"_'?Illï.' *o l'"ào,l;ï1,ï fï'J",ï#!; "ïg".iL'pe crutch )'

Clutch. The clutch sprocket and thrce plates are tongued ; thesevrsrv.'

"." *"prtaio o"" another by tongues and grooves on

the outer diameters'

The friction driving surÍaces consist of plugs inserted in plates''

The whole clutch may be readily dismantlcd by removing spring

bos screws.

Adjust the. The wire stop-;cr9r'y,;hould b1 acliustccl until there is

Clutch. aoout *' iJ]; of i<llc movt:m"niin thr-'clutch worm

Icver. Ilt ;i be nt'cessary to looscn thc clutch rvorm

lever from the rvorm to find a'morc convt'nic'nt operating position-

The only parts of the clutch liable to wcar- art: the friction plates'

u'hich are easily replactd'-ïË;lt*h -ío-Lrld be acljusted immediatelv

any sign of slipprng iJtfi' -

Shoulcl oil get on ihc clutch' as malr

occurwhennewlyasscmbted,thiswi l lcarrst 's l ipping;toor 'ercornc'inject petrol. A. surl tËt àlif ipping is givcn bv ihc i lutch becoming

very warm whllst drlvlng'

When fitt ing up the control rvirc.for the clutch' ease off the

bend.s as much as p.rrlri" 'i"

,rlrut" long lifc'and easy movement

of the inner wtre. . { :


Page 18: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

The Kick ' l ' l r t 'k ick st i t l ' t t l ( ' ( ) t r5 l \ l \

"1 l t t t l t t tk l t ' r ' t ' r [ lLst t ' t t t ' t l l ry

Starter. a taptr cot t ( ' r to i [ 5 l lot l : l r l t l t , $ l r i t ' l r is t t t l rc l t i t i t ' t l out

to r t icc i r .c . f r - t , t , - t r . l i t , t , l 1 'L* 1. ' l ' l i is colr i r r l r ln lc i l t . 's l l rove-

ment to a largc gear u. lr t , t , l in mt,sir \ \ : i th a sn'ral l pi ' iot-r, moyl:1

or "

tot". .cl"poit i . ,n of t l rc tnaitr axlt : ' \ \ 'ht 'n thc r( ' turn sprlng

; ; i ; t th; craik ba( 'k t , i1. t t r r r tnal r ' ' r t ical

'o: i t iorr '

a Proj( 'c t ion

on óe free-whccl pa\\-i collr('s into t'ngagtlll( nt \\'ltlr a fi\c(l caln

;;;i.í ir., tt,. g"à, b,x c,r..,r, ancl p-ositir'"lv dcprt'sscs thc pawl

out of act ion.


( ' ( )nn( ( l iorr l r r l l : r l ru l r r t t t l r r ' l l t t r , t r l t t l r ot t lotvt l t t l l t 'ngthen orslror ' { t ' t t t l r t ' t 'ot t l to l Ior l l IS . t ( ' ( l l l t r i ( [ . \ \ ' l r l l r t l r t ' f { ( 'ar is proper lyat l j r rst t 'c l , t l r t ' cot t t ro l l t ' r ' t ' t ' : l tot t l r l l l l ( ) \ ' ( ' lLI l ( ' ( lual amount ei thersir i t : of t l i t ' nt:utral trotclr u' i t l iorrt ( rrgagi l tg eitht 'r the middle orlo'w gt'ars.

Lubrication. Usc \\'akelicld's CastroL'asc or llobilgrease. Thesearc cqually sriitablc' for lubrication of wheel bear-

ings and cycle parts.

Do not lubricate the clutch, as this is designed to run dry.

L.S. Type This clutch consists of a main body which fits3-Platc Clutch. on to thc spl ined rnainshaft, and is secured by

a nut. Shoulcl it bc founcl ncccssary for anypurpos(' to t l isnr:rnt l t ' the clutch, t l r t ' t 'nd cap rvl i ich takes thc thrustof tht. push rod button should bt' rt'moved bv placing a tommy-bar'in slots providcd, ancl ta1>1ting sit t l t( ' sl táIr i) lv u' i th a hammcr. Theclutch rocl button nr:rv n()w lrt ' t ' i t l i t i r :ru' l t . Tht ' shaft nut shouldthcn bc rtmovlcl, togt;tht 'r u' i th tht ' spring ctrp u'asher. fhe clrrtchplatcs should bt' rernovcd st'p:rrzrtt'11', also tltt' s1>rocktt and rollerrace,

Whcn rc-asscrnbling, particular cnrt' shottltl bt' taken to replacethc platcs in the samt' ordcr as they rvt'rt' rt'I.ttovt'd. Thc backplate, which is a plain rnt'tal platt', tht' tongtrt's on u'hich are shallowerthan an1'othcr platc, should bc replacccl frrst, foilorved by the rollerracc anrl clutch sprockt't. \\ilrt'n fitting the forntt'r, notc that theroller re'taining ring should be ncarcst tht' rt'ar chain sprocket ; ifthis is not rt'plact'd corrcctly it rl'ili not rlr-olvt' frt'ely or givc a truebearing for tht ' cir-rtcl i sprockct.

Then fit tht' clishcd n.rctal platt, follou'cd bv friction plate (i.a.,Ír t tcd with inserts), a plain steel platt ' , antl a furthcr fr ict ion plate,and, f nal ly, thc ontt ' r platr with t l i t ' projcct ion rvhich rcgistcrs inthe hole in the spring cup. The spring cup should tht-n bc placedin position, together with mainshaft t'aslrrrs. Ihc spring, springcollar ar.rd rctaininc nut should thcn bt Íittccl. Thc latter shouldbe locked t ight wht'n thc thmst br.rt ton is in posit ion, f ix cnd cap,and the clutch is cotnplete.

Latest Type The instructious for clisnrantling thc early typeC.S. Gear Box. C.S. box prcviousl l 'givcn are appl icable to this

t1'pt' of box, and the instructions previously givenin regard to the L.S. clutch are appl icabh' to this type of clutch.

CHAIN ADJUSTMENTThc chains shouid be pt'riodically rran.rincd and adjusted. If

enclosed in chaiu cast's, thest' cart bt' r'xamincd through the inspection covers. Itevolvt' rear rviiet'l slou'ly, with top geàr in engage-ment, until the tightt'st pl:rct' is :rsccrtainccl in the front drivingchain. Tht. adjustnrt 'nt slrottl<l lrt: such that there is about {" upand down movetrtnt pos-siblt'. 'l'ltc it'ar cirain sirould be tested in

Cear It is important to sec that the gear control is kep!

Adjustment. properly adjusted, -and. this should be testes

occasroíailv io t"" that it 'is correct' Before pro-

.ceedins to adiust th" ;;;i;""1, ;ee that the nut of the rocking shaft

,,behindthe bóx is t ieht.


. \ ,

" 1-

( ;A' l l : cHAl\( ;L ( ;LÀtt coN'f l to l -

The acljusturt,nt of tlrc gear is c'ffected by removing the pin frorn

the iop ctnnt,ction on tltc t''d of the conlrol rod, and gil'ing the


- - u.- ,a {ir||f*r:*-:"-:


Page 19: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

. the-same rvay. To adjrrst- f r t r t t t t ' l r l r - i r t , ' l i t t ,s t ' l t t l t t ' f r l t t r r r t t ts l r r l l t l t t tg

.6e.t u"- tà u""ttt"t"-'ó" th. I3ig { rLncl 17C ltodt'ls a bolt is Providcd'for drawtng gear oo* bu"tt*utàt' This should be turncd until the

chain is correctly àa1ust"A, ancl the four nuts tightened Yp-;. th"

action of tightening'these nuts m-ay alter the adjustment of the

;À;i;. snoita this"be thc case, adjust until correct'

On 1926 and' subsequent l6H and -O'H'V'

Models' slacken the

four nuts of the g;i bàx studs, an4 adjust by turning the hexagon

.of the bolt mountËà;;-;h;;;". bracLet. io slacken the chain,

turn in an anti-clockwise direction'

The rear chain is ad'justed by loose.ning the rear wheel spindle

""it-.fightly, ..,d"g nuts on 'Íljusier

bolts fitted to wheel

ipi"af"." f.át" ....-ià giïe these-each-the samc number of turns,

àí'tïï *ft*r-*ilf É" itttË*n out of track tht" liglltgn.up spindle

.r"ti.- rfrr... ".,

int.irr"l expanding brake hub is fitted, it is also

n".à..".y to toot." itt" nut attachin"g the brake anchor plate to lu$

of chain staY.

'Chain ltemove chains and soak in parafhn for a felv hours'

iulrication. TÀit will remove all dirt' -

H-"tg them up to let

them drain thoroughly until dry' Then- melt

sufficient taltow to itut been ádded a co-uple.oï handfuls of

nut. g.^pttite, in a tin, in which the chains should be placed' so

that the mixture ioti Ëot'ttt them ; allow the tallow to cool off

and set, tt "n

.emoi..lit-r"in, ancl wipe off surplus lubricant- -.


well ..Crimsung"r"i'-also is suitablc and muèh nlore convenient for

chain lubrication. I iusty and' stiff chains' bcsides being'noisy'

- absorb an astonishing amount ot power'

\ ._FrontChainThcgcarboxishousecl int l refralnt 'andsecuredlàj""tÀ""i. ir1: ttïo bolts, at the head and basc l'o adjust the

Uda"t" CSt, fónt driving chain, t ire nuts of both bolts should

ËSZ. C.l u"á U. ;tu.t.n"ion. fhe d.esign is such that the gear

RE,AR BITAKIi ADJUSTMENTFor Bel t Drum ' f l t is t : r t t r l r t ' t iot t t ' r t t two points ' . The stud on

Íype Brake' rvhich lrrakt'...1rrxl..pivots slidt's in the brakeanchor lug. 'l'ir adjust the bottom end of brake

block, loosen the locknut aI th" whecl end of brake rod, and by

*."rN of a hexagon spanner provided in the tool kit the brake rod

mav be turned. ïntil'the coirect ad.justment is secured, the rod

beiig screwed with left and right-hand threads'

For Internal Ad,justment of the brake -tt T"g" by loosening,the

Expandin$ locknut on the wheel end of the brake rod" when

ivbe Hub-. the brake rod may be turned until the correct'rÉ- ---- -

"álotttttent is found, the rod being screwe.d with

rieht and left-hand thread,s. It is important to see that the locknut

is"again tightened after adjustment of the rod'

JE. box is ltivott'd on the lcíverbolt '\n- adjuster bolt

is coultit'cl to thc top anchor iug on the lorver bolt'

Turn mi l led nut in a clock* ' ise direct ion to take

up wí 'ar. To al teÍ posi t ion oJ. brake pedal pad'

slàck off mi l led r l i t and adjust stop to gi \ ' (

rcquired Posit ion of thc Pedal.


An at[ i t tst , ' r bol t i - r . ' . r r r1 '1 l . ' l to tht ' iop anchor l r rg t - r I thL' .gear box

,ï 'ar , . ' r . , " , : .

- t l . l , i . .hr , , l , l b. , t r r r* t ,d c locku- is, . i f i t i . dr .s i r t .d to

rà.f. . . the tcnsior] of thr. front chain, or anti-clock$' ist ' to t ightcn'

Having obtainc<I thc currcct t t 'nsion outhtc l ra in, tht ' nuts of

th; ;; os.'curing

bolts shoulcl bt' tightcnecl, up lhis method of

Áá..r-,tir-,g thc gór 5ox


instant ancl fine aclj*strnent. .

FIEAD ADJUSTMENTThis shoulcl be srtclr th:rt i t al lorvs pt 'r f t 'ct fr( l-( l() l l l rvrt lrrrrt t up

"rá ao"o ptol'. I'rt tt,sr t1is, sta'd aitrid" tht' inaclint' a'd grip .

b"r. . LiÍ t ihr: bars to t isccrtain i f anv mon'tnent is visiblc. Loosen

nut on bal l lx 'acl cl ip, t i lcn t ighten thc largc colunrn nut '





In ad.dition to provision for taking rtp normai \\'L'ar, an independentadiustrnrnt is pior-iclcd for altcri 'g th,' anglc of thc brake pedalp.'d .o that in áll positions of thc adjustable footrt'sts thc brake can

be cor1r',rniently' operated r,r'ithout rcinor-ing thc' foot from the rests.

The milled nut at the gcar bos t'nd of the brake should bc turr.redin a ciockwise dirt'ction io takt ui) \\'car. To alter the' anglc of thepad, procecd as foilorvs : Slack oft the n-rille'd nut, loosen the brake

iedaf stop locknut, and acljust thc stoP to gir.e the req-uired positiC!È-àt t5" pêa"t, t igttt"n thc-lo-ck'*t, and then tht'mil lt 'd nut unti l

the brakc is correcth' adjtrstt 'd.

.l{&.; :&r:-

Page 20: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930


FRONT WHEELHub Adjustment. Should thc ball path or indentations bc shown

on the periphery of the conc, this is an indica-tion that the bearings are too tightly adjustcd.

The life of hub bearings can be considerably lengthencd by carebeing paid to adjustment.

Three tvpcs of front hubs have been fitted: one has an ordinaryadjustmenf by means oÍ a flat on one of the concs; another typeoÍ hub has a i<nock-out spindle; both are plain type. In the case

To adjust, looscn locknut \r i th spanner providedin to() l k i t , renove slack fronr cable l ty- means ofadjustcr, and rc-t ighten locknut. fo removerrhccl , loosrn spindlè nuts aÍter detaching cable Ucl ip cot leÍ atrr l p in, ease slot t td plat f of brakea.chor rronr .ï'i.^ t"ll'r!Srl%tïil;..tuu''"u," ""'

of the hub rvith the knock-out spindle, the conts a." sc."*"à on toa hollorv slceve, through u'hich the spindlc passes rvhen one of thespindle nuts has been-removcd, this can be u'ithdrawn and thewheel taken out. Only one cone of either type of hub is adjustable ;the other fixed cone should alu'ays be locked up tight, whether o,nspind.le or hollow sleeve. Thc adjustable conc on all front wheelsshould be on the ncar or driving side of thc machine.


The cones of this hub require the same attention as the plainpattern. The brakc clrum and hub shell should never be detached-When these lcave our Works, same are trued up, and should it befound necessary at all to separate same, this should be returned'

' l l r t l r r r i r rgs of t l r , l r t ' i tk l i t r , ' r t : t r l t lv r t ' t t t r t t ' t l , iut t lc i t t t bc suppl iedtogct l r t ' r u ' i t l r r iv t ' ts for r r ' Í i t t i r rg. ' l ' l r t rnt ' thot l of dctaching thelrrakt' l ining is as follows : I-oosltt t lrt ' trvo spindlt nuts, after havingrt'ntot't 'cl t l i t ' cottt 'r and pin br, ' u'hiclr thtr " U " clip is attached to theoperating cam lev'r, ease the brakt' anchor plate,, a slot in which

"ngugtr á stud brazed to the forks ; the ll'heel can then be detached.

Itemól't' off-side spindle nut and distance-piece, when the plate andbrake shoes complete rr-ray be removed. To remove the shocs, turnthc opt'rating lever until ihe cam opens them to the fullest possiblcextent. and witn a screwdriver or chisel under the centre of one shoe,i.c., between the brake plate itself and the shoe, ease the latterau'ay f166 the plate until at right angles to it; shoes and springscan then be detached from both cam and pivot pin. The springscan then be detached, old linings removed and new ones Írttcd.

Acljustme'nt of the operating mechanism of the brake is providedon the Borvden wire adjuster, rvhich is fittcd in a lug brazed to.theforks. It is important io sec that the linings (before re-assembling)art thoroughlychan, and, unless.nerv l inings have becn fitted, itis alu'ays adr.'isable to " rough np " rvith a file or rasp.

REAR WHEEL ADJUSTMENTRear Internal I hrt 'e spincllc nuts are pror,iclcd : an outsicle nutExpandin$ on tht' brake drum side, an inside nut on thtl sameBrake Hub. side, and an outside nut on the transmission side.

fhe nuts should be slackent'd in thc order as men-tionecl, and it rvill be found that thc spindlc can thcn be turnedb1' means of the squared end. fo tightt'n the bt'aring, turn thesóincllt, in an anti-clockrvisc direction ; and to slacken, in a clock-rvist' cl irection. After adjustmcnt, it is important that the nuts aretightt,nt'd in the re\:('rsc ordt'r from that nrt'ntioncd previously.\!'hen tightt'ning or slackening the outside nttt on thc transmissionsirle of ihc machine, it is neccssarlr to holcl the spindlc by thesquared cnd, to prt:r'ent this turning.

Rear Hub Models fhe adjusting cone is on the driving side ofsubsequent to the u'heel, and is lockt'd in position by a lock-te2e ' ïi;'..,,hïï",ï:""'1ï" fri$ ..ÏË ,lïili "il:To a<ljust, slacken otr the l$Hle nut on the dri',-ng side-, insertspannér betrveen fork cnd and hub, and releast, locknÈt; the conecan then be either tightened or slackened ofi as desired, until thebearings are corrcctly adjusted. Loc$,-cont' by tJghtening locknutagainsi cone. ;*$

Do not slacken the ofi-sidc spintlle irut, this nut being tight willprevcnt the spindle from revolving if tÍft cone is at.pfl tight. .

' \ .^r '<.* !

Page 21: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

FORKSNorton-Webb The forks are lubricatt'cl by lnt'ans of greasePattern. nipples or oilers. Particular attention should be

pálit to lubrication. " Crimsangere " -should be

used. with grease gun. Adjustment of the linls is' thespindles, aád ani side-play which may develop may be taken upbï slackenine off all spindle nuts. The spindles should then beturned by méans of thê sq*art-d t'nd provided, either clockrvise oranti-clocÉrvise as necL.ssary.

Before an attempt is made to adjust the links, the shock absorbersshould. be completè11' slackcned o1ï. Whcn the- adj'stment is com-plete, up and àor.l'n-prt-ssure should be applied to the handle-barsio asceriain that thtJlink faccs arc not binding.

Shock Adjustable shock absorl)crs arc incorporated, rvhicllAbsorbers. are entirell' self-containe.d, and suspended from the

link n.rcchanism ; the adjustmcnt is entirclv se1)aratefrom the l ink adjusttnent.

l ] , 1,)r , ar l iust i l lg .h,)ck abjr)r i r ' rs, as(r ' r I l r l l t l )aIl , ) rk l inki ar , c,rrrect l ! ' adjustr l t l , i .c . , end plarl)ctw,r( r t i t l l l . r i l r r : , 's oi fork l i t rks arrd gir<ierl t rertrbcr. Spring star \ \ashe6 hold the fr ict iot tplates agl i l l i t d isr-r , adjust lnt l r t b| i t rg obtai tredb1' r 'arf i t tg lh(r tel ls iol l of thc star \ ' : [ i ' ( ted l ) \ ' r t*n," ' ï l ï ï , , ] , , : , . : l^ckenirrg thc l ratrd

It is ad,visable, bcftlrt 'adjusting thc shock absorb|r:, to asc|rtaittthat the links are corrccth'adjusted, so that practicalllr all end-pla1'is takcn up betrveen the fork iink faccs and thc girder cross tnembers.

Adjustment. Spring star wa^shcrs hold tlrt' friction or carrierpiatts'against the friction discs, and adjustment is

obtainc<l by vaiying thi' tension of the star u'ashcrs, this beingeffected by élackói'g or tighteni'g thc nuts rvh.ich are fltted betweenthe fork links and tht' star rvashers.

On the later t.uocltls tlrt'se nuts aic replaced by hand adjusters'

Stecr inf ; \ st l . t i r l r [ ; t t r t l r ' t t . i t t t , , l 1, , r t l r t . r l i t t Nr l r ton-Wtrbl lDamper. fo lks l i t t , ' r I to l t ) l ] t l t t t rxL' ls. \ ' , ' r r - l i t t l i ' at tcnt ion t r - r

th is l ) l l r t is t l ( ' ( t ( 'ss iu ' \ ' . ' l ' l t t ' f r i t ; t i , r i r p lat t ' consists of amctal r ing, to rvhiclr fr ict ion ir tst ' r ts lrr t ' Í i t tet l . The damper isvt 'rv cf l ic i t 'nt ancl t 'asi lr . oPt'r ' rLtt ' r l .

Norton-Druid In ordcr to takt ' t t l ) an)'sir l t ' -play rvhich may haveForks. dcvelopcd lr ' i th tht ' H.\\- . patttrn forks (oval

scction tubes), hardcned stt:el lvashcrs should bc

inserted betrvccn thc l ink ancl t l ic fact of the spindle housing.

In tht 'casc of thc H.l i . I . type of fork (round section tubes),s'hich has been standardised on lalcr modcls, adjustment is providedin the fork spindles. ln orclcr to takc up an] 'play, the spindle_nutsshould bt-' slackened. off and thc spindle turnt'd by mcans of theheragon head.. \\'hcn the adjustment is completed, up and dolvnpressure should be applit'cl on tht' handlt.-bars to asccrtain that thcl inks art ' not b indinc.

SteerinS, The later pattern H.l i . l ' . fork has a stcc'r ing d'amperDamper. incorporatcd. This is cxtrcmelv cffrcient and easy to

opcrate. Thc adjusting lvhccl needle need- only be

turned approi imatt ' lv $' ( in a ciockwise dirt 'ct ion) to bring thedamper into operation.

Shock To adiust. slacktn t lrc locknut on the bottom frontAbsorbers spinrLli and thr locknut on the bottom rt'ar spindlt:.(uherc f i t tecl). l f for highcr spteds, t ighten b1' turning,the front

and.rt'ar spindles in a clocku'ise dircction by means

of the hexagon heads; for normal sl leeds, turn spindles-in-an antt-

clockwise drrection. BOTH spindlt's must bc turtrt'd the satnr:

amount, thcn tightt'tr thc locknuts.

THE SIDECARl'he " Norfon " Siclecar is of particularll' sturdl' design, and when

httcd. to the machine is extremely rigid. Unlike so many sidecars,it i.s not prone to mal-alignmt-nt ; once correctlr' fitted, no furtheradjustment is necessary.

-Should, however, thc sidecar be removed

foi any purpose, procér'd to refit as follows : Piace the sidecar inposition, leáving ali attachment nuts slack. The sidecar wheelshoutd not turn parallel with the machinc rvheels, or there wouldbe a tend.ency foi the machine to constantly pull to the left. Thesidecar wheel should run in toward the machine -!-".

Àlignment is regulated by thc clip lug at the bottom of the centresidecar arm, which can be moved along tht: centre tube of the chassisto rvhich it is attached, and the clip lug of the rear arm which slidesalong the rear tube of the chassis. fo align correctly, two strai8ht-edgeÁ 6ft. long are necessarl,, rvhich should be placed on the floor,onó against tÉe u'heel rims-9f -thc machine, tht- other-against thewheel"rim of the sid.ccar. \àrï'nr,'asurc the distance between the




Page 22: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

' leclgcs immetliatt 'h' in frotit ttf t l tt ' Irottt rvlt lt ' l atrt l :rt t lrt ' rt ' :rr of

theï rear wheel; ih" ,litt"t't." bt'trvt't'n tht' t'dgcs shor'rlcl bc f " less

at the front than at the rear.

Lubricate sidecar wheel bearings and chcck alignment as necessarv.

If, after reading the íoregoing, every Norton owner ,feels capableof retaining the

'tune of his maghintl, our objec.t lvill have been

achieved. Íhe notes are intended to be cclualh' interesting to thenovice and the " man who does his orvn repairs " ; and shouldthe latter consider the detailed descriptions somewhat tedious, we

would ask him to bear in mind the dual purpose of the notes'

Runnin$ Instructions for theLucas Electrical E.quipment

' Í l r t ' t , l t .etr ical t ' r l r r iprrr t r r t l . ( ( l ru l . ( s vcr v l i t t l t ; r t t ( nt i ( ) r t , l tut rvc aclv isc r l rvtrers

to t t takt ' ; r t r occlLsi i r t ra l i t t :pcct io l t : t t t r l t ' r I r r l l , l ' r rLt t t l te i r l l t l r r ing suggL'strons

so:ts to ol t ta i t r thc l lest scrvict ' l r , ' t t t t l lc i l t r l t t i l l l l tc t t t .

- fhe iníornrat i t i l r at t t l i t rstr t tct iot ls give t t : r r t ' appl lcable to thc " I Íagdy-no"

St ' t , thc l ) t ïatrro Set : tnr l t l r t l tat : i r rg ' l ' r -Pe I làgr lcto, rvhich are ht ted to

t 'ar l ( ) i ls l l loOcls.

THE DYNAMO(Dynamo Unit of " Magdyno" and Type E3C Dynamo)

The regulation of thc rlvnamo output is eÍïected b-r' mcans of. the rvcll-

known th"ree-brush rtrethori. Ttrc twó mai. brushes lie across a horizontal

diameter, the positive insulaterl anrl the trt'gative earthecl to the tlrachitrc',

and the controi brush is on the u.tlerside of the conrntutator bracket.

The dvnamo t lots not require : r great c leal oI at tent ion, bt t t there:rrc a' few comionents rvhiclt shoulil be inspc.cte<l occasionallr- to ensurc satisfactorv





FIG. l . " ] Í . {GDYNO" WI- l ' t { covl ' lRs l tEl lovED'

A, Securing spr ing for contact breaker L' Cable to-head lamp ssi tch tcrmihal

co'er. marked " S."

B, Contact breaker coler. l I ' Cable to head lamp switch terminal

ó. f iUr" le"t . marked . t .

ó. Óotact points. \ ' Cable to spaÍki trg plug . .

E. Incking nut. P Spr i r rg leferholdi [gbrushinposi t ior t '

F. .\djustable contac-t porrrt. R: F?JlÏ;.b'"'nG. Contact breaker frritrg screrr. S. S""uritig spring for pick-up.H. Locat ing sPÍrng.

J. Nut securing brush e] 'elet

K. Cut-out.

' ' I . Cover.\\f. Cover lixilrg screu'f i . Earthi l lg termi l la l


Page 23: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

l l t , fofet t . t r toYi l tg t l l ( . ( r , \ ( l lot l l r ) \ ' t t i ts í ) | . t ! t ' t t , , , . r t l l l r r ( l ls(rr l l l l ( ( l l l l (

p()s i t ive lear l Oí t l t t l ra l l t . r | t0 rrVoi t l l l r t r l : rngt 1 ol r t Vt t : i t tg t l t t ' lxr l ; t r i l \ r ' f

i l ,e dy]atno (sc,e pagc.17i , , , r s l t , r r t - t i r tu i l ing 1l t ( l ) i r1t(r \ ' , c i t l t t ' t 'of t l t i t l t

nr ight cause ser i ( ) t ls ( lanl i r Í .J( .

I . f a l ant , l . ime thL ntct lor t t t l t ' ntusl l r r i t ldt t r i t , i lh lhe bul ler ies disrot t t tcr t td.

or in a.ny u)( .1, o l t l , , j s t t . t t t t , i1 l .s r .ssrr i / ia l lLt rut t i ( i l l r l l t ( s ' iu i . l .h in the " o F F "


Brushes. I t is verJ: i r t rpu: t ; r r r t t r r nrakt srrrc- t l rat the brushcs rvork í reelr

in their holc lers. ' f l t is ear l l r t t 'asi lv ascertaincd by holding bat 'k

the spr ing lever and gent l r - Pul l ing cach.f lcr ibk '_ lear i . r r 'hen the brush shoul<l

nrovË rv i ihout the s l i [htest r , rgg"r i i . , . oI s]uggis; . r 'ss. I t should also return

to its original positiàn directh: the lea<l is. lt ' t g,. \\ 'her.r tc-sting- the bruslr

in th is rày, re i lease i t g( ' r l t l \ - , otheru' ise i t l r lav get chipped. The brushes 'should be ciean anr l "be<i" , , . jer the Nholc sur{act ' ; that is , tht ' face in colr tact

rv i th the c() tnmutator s l roulr i appear uni ïornr l r - Pol ished. l ) i r tV brusht 's nrai ' i

lre cle:rtretl \r ith a cl.)th niritt"i, le'd rvith pt'trol l. ,t ( ) rc l ) l : rcc tht ru, t \

( ; ( ) tnmul i l t ( ) r . I l r t srrr l : r r ' r ' o l l l r r . r r r r r r r r r r l :Ltot r l rot t l r l l r t ' kept c l t ' ; rn. : lnd!r(( ' l ronl o i l i t . t t t l l t r t rs l r t l t ts t . t t r . Sl toulr l any grease or oi l

q6r l i i1s\ \ ' i r \ ' ( ,1t( , t l l ( ( ( ) l t l t t t l l t : t t ( ) r t l l r ( ) l lg l to l ' t ' r - l l t l r r icat ion, i twi l lnotonl t '( i r1s(.s l ) Ín l i ing. but in:rc l<l i t i< l r , ( íLrb(, l l iut( l t :oplr t , r r l r rst u ' i l l be col lected in1lr t ,groi ,vcs t r t : t lveett thc conl t r t t r l : r t ( ) r s( ' Í { l l t ( l )1s. I ' l lc best Yay to c lean thec()r)r inrÉat()r rs, tv i thout c l isconnect ing:r t t t - l t ' : r t ls , t ( ) r ( 'nove {rom i ts box onc<i f the nain brushes, and, insert tn€f a f int ' t l t ts t t r in the box, hold i t , bv nrcansof a suit:rtrlt'-shaped piece of rvootl, ;tgainst the r:ommutator surface, causingthe armatuie to be rótated àt the sànrc tint('. If the comnrutator has beenncglette<l {or long periods, it mav nced cleaning rrith fine glass-paper; butthis is mort' (liffiàult to do, anci should not be Itecessart' i{ it rcccivedrt grr lar i r t t ( 'nt iur l .

Terminals. The pusi t ive r lvt tanlcr t ( r ln i l r l l . t t rarktr l : . and t l le shurr t f ie ldternrlnal. rnarkecl "S, " are si tuated on ei ther side of the autoÍnatlc

cut-()ut. . To connect up, tht- cables mcrel)' have to be bared and clarnpedin their terminals bv rrx 'ans, ,{ grr tb scrt ' r rs. (For rv i r ing, see page 56.) t a

Electro-Magnetic lfhe cut-out automatically closes the chalgilg circuitCut-out. as soon as the dvnamo voltage rises above that of the

batterl'. When thc'dynamo voltage Íalls belbw that ofthe batterl-, the reverse aciion takcs lllace, that is, thg cut-out opens, andthercbY prevents the batter l - Í r 'nr t l ischarging i tsel f thrqugh the dt 'uatno'

'fh. cut-out is :rccttratell' set lleí.re leal'ing t1e \\'6rks, antl sSottlcl trot betanr l )ere( l rv i th or adjustei l . Slrorr l r l the cut-()ut ía i l to c lose the ci rcui t on

SCct,leratit.rg tht' engine, the cause ()t the (la.ntage is likcll' to bc._ïound. elsc-i ràerq, ,n t l le sïsteir . Tht ' t :Lblcs of possible fat l l ts t t t . l pages 52-5' l shou- ldt l r t , r t , Ior t ' lx ' r t ' ierr t t l t r t . ï

-I'hct<1ttt'stio:t is sotrtetitttcs 4skctl, rvhetht'r the operation irí. the cut-clut in.ul\' \\'a\- rlt'pcnds upon tht: state oÍ charge of the batter\'. I'here is no -suchrt,lirtirri bctivt'c' the t*'o; the sole íunction of tire cut-otrt is to srvitgh onthe t l lnarrrr rv i th r is ing engine sFrcd, : rnr l to t l iscontrect i t Nhen the engineslols dcirvn and stops. . tAbsence of Fuses. IIr ortler to simpliír- the svstt'trr as Íar as possible, no

fuse is providod. I f a l l tht connect ions are keptpl t 'an' r

ant l t igtr t , there is no possibi l i t r '<;{ an1- (xc( 'ss currel l t catrs ing t lanragc t t l

tlte apparatus

Lubrication. -{s all thc bearings and t}rc'ge;rr rvltcels are packed r-ithgrease beíorc leaving the \\'orks, lubricators are not provided'

-{íier the m<rtctr cvcle has run, sa1-, 20,00() miles, the machine shoulti bedismantled Íor cleaning, adjustment and repacking the bearings u'ith grease.l'his is carriecl orft, preferabl)', at th(' nearest Lucas Service Depot.

. BATTERYI t is of the utmost inportancé that the battcrr ' *hould receive r t -gr t lar

. attention to ket'p it in good condition.

. fhe Íollot'in! :rre the most important maintenance hints :

l . -Keep the acid level ] in. above thc . top oí t l r t 'p lates.

2.-Add onl1-tdistilled wqteÍ, never tap Nater.

3.-'fest the condition oí the battery bv taking readings. of the spccificgravitl' oí the acid rvith a ht'dronreter.

4.-The bat! : r1 ' t t rust nevet bc lef t in,a c l ischarged condi t ion'

Topping up, -{t least once a -mont},

the' !'ent plugs in -the lql 9t 1tt'

ï ' . battery should bé temove<!, and the level of the acid solution

exanÍinrc}. Ií necessarl:, rlistillèd.rvatèr, rvliich can be obtained at all chemists,".f

"io.rt noruees, shotlC be addetl to bring the level above the top oÍ the

ol"t".r b.,ï rve'll short .f the botttmr oI the vent plugs lf, however, acid

i.,ili i;" has been spille(1, it sloulcl be rcplace4 bf.a diluted sulphurlc acid,

t .

l f t l r t ' l r r r rs l t t 's bt-cotr le so l r l r t l l r - \ \ 'orn t l lat i t is : t tctssar l

t l r is c:Lt t t ' ; ts i lv l re t lot t t ' i ts Io l lous:

l r l ( ; . 2. I )Y-\ . \ - \10, | \ t 'L l , :J.

) la i | brush. I l . Cabletol : ra ' l laI4pst- i tc | t ( r l l r i t la l l l iarktd "F."( o 'r t Íol ï )rush. l ' . Cablt ' to hr ar l la l tp srvi tch ternl inal urarkecl f

S, i i i - i " "ut i t ig l ) r r rsh ( \ ' í l t ts . ( ; . SPri I tg l I r . r h ' ' l r l i r rg brusl tcs i r t |osi t iot t 'Cut-out.

I te leasc the t r -e l t t or . r t l re brt ts l t lead bÏ r tnscrc\- ing t l te hc'xagoual nut ou

thc ie iminal ; t i ren, holding back the spr i i lg levlr "P" ot t t of the $ ' : r .1 ' , rv i th-

tlrarv the bntsh {rom its holder.'Ihe brush springs should tre inspect-ed occasionalh' to see thert thel' haÏe

sulíicient tensiirn tó keep the brushes firntlr' presse<l against the conrn-\utator

*, l r tn the machine is 1in ' i19. I t is partrculatS' t lccessar ' t . keep this in

mind when the l t rushes l ravt ' l rec,n i t t t tsc a l í rng t inre and are verv much

rr-orn dou.n.Otvners art ,caut i t r rer l t l r i r t i t is t tnrv ise to inser l l r rushes of a gradc other

t l ran that srrPpl ier l rv i t l r t l t t , nr : rchine, or to ehange the tension sPrings. - Ihe

,rrrangentcnt ' t ) r ( , \ i ( l ( ( l l t : ts l r t ' t ' t t t t rade lml l ' a í ter t t rant- \ -ears exper ience, at l t l

rv i l l Ëe í , ,Lrn, l '1, ' l iv t ' l i r t ' l r 's t r t 'sul ts : r t l t l thc longt 'st l i Íe.

I. i

i l :



rlY\. \ t to, t \ l r l l l ' : l

* .1&.,


{ . )

Page 24: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

lest ing the Condit ionof the Batter) ' .

( ) f ( l )arg( () l t l l ( . l ) : r t t ( ' r ' \

s() lut i ( ) l l r ) l t l ) r ' \ t t (n! t l l I ls i I { r . r r l1, , , r l l l l l \ \ ' l l ( .1 ( . \ . l l l lnnr! l l rc r , , l l , t l r . i ll )a l ied I ig l t ts s l rorr l r l n, , t l r t . l rc l r l l l ( i t r ' t l r ( ' \ . ( l l t \ , ( , t r i t1.( . , ) l l l t t , ) t t l l ( ,1) , ) -s ib lo( l i lngcr ()1 igni t ing t l ) ( ' g l rs q. , l r r ing l r ( )ur t l r ( , l ) j i r t ( ,s.

Storage' I f the ct lu i l t t t t t ' r r t is l l r i t l l rv for sevcral r r rotr t l rs, t l rc l r : r . t terr . r l r rstbt g i r ' , l r ; r s l t t , r l l r l t . r l r . . : , . l r ' , ' r r r . r . r '1 ' , t1;q1, -( ,nr i , . , , f r . lc , t r . i r : rJ Fn(.r-X\- , r l ) , , ,uoncc a lor t t t ig l t t , i t r orr lcr to olrv iat t ,Anv l lcrrn: lnont srr l l t l rat iorr o1 t l tc l r latr- .I t t t to c i t t t t t l ls táLl lccs t l )ust t l r t ' t ' l r 'c t ro l l t t 'bt , rcntovcr l f ror t r t l r t 'b:r t t r . r i r - arrr ll l r r . I , l ; , t ' . - i r l l i ' \ \ ' r ' ( l ïo r l l r ' , . r - | ( . r ' t , r rn r i r ; , r rg, . - 1;1| , , . 1r l : r , r . * . l r i , . l r r r . - l l1 rn l , , i \of caI i rc i t r ' .

I t is i i ( lYi : i r l ) l ( . t ( ) ( - ( ) I r l ) l ( ' t ( ' t l tc inslx 'ct iorr l r r .t re i tsLLl i r rg t l t r ' :pt .c i l i r . gr i r r . i t r - of t l r t ' : r r : i r l , ; rst l r r .

- i r , . : . r \ , . r \ ' ,<, , , ' ,1 rrr , l i , , i t r i ,n ' , f r l r , . \ r . r t r .

. \n i l )st lunl( ' r ) t l i r rourr i r . : r " l l \1 l r - ( ) r ret( , r ' " is t ' r r rp lor .er l for t l r is l ) l l r l ) ( ) i r , ,a.r t , l

' l r , , r r l . , l l r l r ' f 1111 t) l l t ' i l lustrát t ( ' r l . ' l ' l r ts t c i rn l r t : l r r iLrglr t at anr- i r f Lur. : rs5( ' r ' \ ' r , ( . l l . l ' , '1 . , t l r , . r , l , l r t 's .e*

' f * l r ic l r ar( , s i \ . ( , ' ( ) l r l )ago iS. \ ' . l t ' t t . ter

r t ' ; t t l i t tgs r , I t ' : tc l l c t ' ] l r lo t tot pror- i r l t ' i r r ( ' l i i l l ) ie i r r r l icat ion ol t l tc cglr l i t iqp 6ft l r ( ' l ) i l t tcFv, unloss s l ) rc i : r l I ) rocu:r t i ( ) l rs art ' t : rkcrr u- l r ic l r r r r : rkr srrc l r : r testt tnst t i t i t l r l t ' { r r r l l t t 'z t r . t ' r : tg( ' ( } \ \ . l ler , a l l ( l ( ) r t i l l i l t : lcc() tu) t t t ,c r lo not recgttyt tet t t lt l l1s t ( 's t .

How to Use the I ie for t rnc; isrrr- ing thc s l tcci Í ic gra\- i t \ - oÍHydrorneter. t l r t ' c lcctrolr- tc br- nrcans of t l ie hr- i l ro-

nloter, s( ' r , t l lLt thc acir l is : r t i t , e, , r rectI t ' r 'e l . I tear l ings s lxrrr l r l l rc ta l ic t r a{ tcr i [ r l ln () l l t l r t , r r rachine,l - l rcrr the electrol t ' tc is thoroughlr . t r r ix t ' r l . ' I 'he ht . t l rotnetershorr l r l be assenbie( l as shou.n' in _fr ig l t Thcn, holdgrg theinstnllncnt verticall l-, c()mpress thc bulb and insert rihó re,.lrubl ;er_ tubc as far : rs possible into the t lectrolvte, thengrar lualh- lesscn the pressure on the bulb unt i l thc, solut ionr ises i r r the barrel to l r l t thc hr.c l rorncter f lo:r . t abr>ut l in.Rcnroving tho hrr l ro l r rcter f r , r ln t l tc ccl l , notc t j tc scalc reading:r t t l tc surface of the c lectroh-te ; th is gir .cs thc r ieusi t r . o ispt 'c i Í i r t gra\- i t \ ' . Clarc nrust bc taken that t l r t : sterrr of thcf loat r loes not to l tc l r áur\ . I )ar t of t l re l tarrel or bnl l t r i t i le tht ,reading is actrr : r l lv bcing takcn.

I laving takcn t l re r t ' : r t i ing, return thc : lc id solrr t ion to tht ,cel l : r r r r l proceer l to ta l io rear l ings of the othcr ccl ls. Therc;rr l ings shoukl bc al tpror inratelr- thc sartrc. I f one cel l g ives;r r , . r , l i r rg vcr-r ' , l i i l , i r , . r r t Í r ,ur t r l r t ' r , .st , i t tnav l r t l ra i t l r , .: rc i t l has bccn spi l lcr l or l ras Ie lkcr l f rorrr th is part icular cel l ,or t l rere rrrar ' l t t 'a s l ror t bctrvrcn t l r t .p latcs. in th is case ut ,ar lv isc the <iutcr to l ravc hi : l ) : r t tcrv exalr iuet l bv a ServiccL)epot to t race the c:Lusc and prcvrnt ïhc t r , ruble Í ronr develop-ing. The spcci f ic gravrty l igures arc : 1.285-1.300 whénful l r - c l targed, about 1.210 tvhen hal l r l ischarged, and aboutl . l5() sf ien fu l lv d iscl i4rgct l . Thcse l igurcs aó gi \ -en assunr-ing the t tnrpct 'ature of thc solut ion is about 6() 'F. For fu l ler

l l l ( , l ) i r t t ( .1, \ ' rn lst nr .vr ' t lx ' lc l l r r r : t l r r l ly r l rst : l r r r rgt . r l conr l i t ion; and unless5r, t r tc l r r r rg r , , , r - , r , , '1, , lx . t rL l i r . r r . r l is .ur lvrs.r l r l r . r , , l i lv t . t l rc battáry removedírort t t l rc rnaclr i r rc turr l t : luLrgt . r l up f rorn i r r r int l t :pt 'nr lcr . r t e lectr ical supply.

First Fil l ln$ and ll:rttcrics :rrt ' sorrrtt irrrt 's supl)l i(rl in a dry, unchargedCharging of New condition. 'fhc t:t ' l ls should be fi l led with dilutedBatterles. sulphur ic aci( l to a r l t 'pth of f in. above the top of the

plates. The sulphuric acid used must be quite pure andof the corrcct rlensitr. (1.285 at 60'F. for battcrics t1'pes LUWTE). Particularsregarding.f i rst anr l subsr.qucrr t chargc rat t .s rv i l l be iound moulded on the sldeof the battery. Further tlet:ril instructions are given in the Lucas " FirstCharge " instruct ions, a r i ) l ) ) . ( ' f u l r ich can be obtained on appl icat ion.HEAD LAMP This lamrr is littecl with a double Íilarnent bulb. the one(Type H52). l i lament provi( l ing the normal dr iv ing l ight , whi le the

sccr>nd one gives an anti-dazzle dipped beam. The changeover ftom the norrnal driving light to thedipperl bear:r is made by a handle-barswitch. A small pilot bulb rs provitlcd for use when the rnachine is stationaryor when dr iv ing in town.

.\n amnreter is incorporated in the lamp, which gives the driver au indicationoÍ the amount of current in ampères by which the battery is being charge<lor discharged under the various conditions governed by the particular positionof the srvitch. \\'hen the lamp is switchecl on, the ammeter is illuminated


lxrr t iculars rcgarding tc ln l )cratrrrc corrcct ions, see the J-ucas "First Charge"instruct ions, a copt- of which can bc obtainecl on appl icat i , ) l l

Per iod for which I t is d i l l icul t to lav dorur r ig id instruct io l ts on thisthe Battery sulr j rct , as thc c, ,n( l i t ions undei r .h ich nrotor cycles areshould be Char$ed. uscr l r -arr- consic lerabh' , and obviousl l - the ar l r tupt of

charging a batterr- wi l l recluirc is direct lv dependenton the extent t ' * 'h ich thc larrr l ;s are used. The íolkxving suggost iàns rv i l lserve as a r()ugh guic le:

' l 'hc s l - i tch shr>ukl l rc lcf t in thc " c " posi t ion for a lx l r t ,ng l r r>ur dai l l - .l 'h is t inre shorr l r l onlv bc incrcascr l i f the per iot l o{ n ight r r r r rn ing is con-sidcrablc, or rv l r t r r t l r r l r i r t terv is found to l rc in a lou' statc of charge í i ft l r t 'sptc i Í ic gr iLvi tv ol thc acir l solut i rxr is 1.210 or belol . ) .

A. Switch,B. Fixing screw.C. Ref lector supports

by indirect lighting. This is arranged by means of two small apertures " D "(Fig. a) in the reflector, from which light is reflected across the dial, throughslots in the ammeter case. A special mask is placed across the ammeter clialto prevent any glarc that woulcl tend to rlistract the rider's attention frornthe road.

Switch Positions. the switch housetl at the back of the lamo has theíol lowing posi t ions:

" Off ." Lamps of f , and dynar i ro not charging." C." Lamps off, and dynamo giving half its normal output." H." Hcad lamp (driving light), tail lamp and sidecar larnp (u'hen

f i t ted) on ; dynamo grving maximum output." L." \Á/ith the exccption that thc pilot light is in thc place of the

clr iv ing l ig-ht , . thc condi t ions are exact ly thersame as inposi t ion " H."

Removing the Larnp To rcmovc tht lanrp front, h<;lcl the sides oÍ theFront and Reflector, lamp u'ith tht' liugers, press the front rim evenly

u'ith the thunrbs atr(l palms of the hands, and thenrotate to the left (looking at thc íront rtf tlte lanrp) as far as possible, whenthe front rnav easilv be u'ithdr:r.rvn.

D. Apertures. through which lightpasses to iuuBinate ammeter.

.E. Slots in reflector rim.

FI( ; .3.LUC-{S

H Y l)l{olt.E'.t .li It


Page 25: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

I'he reflector can be easily rt'tttovetl Irotrr I ts tllrce sttlrports ' ' (l " I'o replittrt:the reflector, locate the slot markecl " TOP " in the rim, rvith tltc top support,antl then fit the rim over the other two supports.

Focussin$ Head To ensurc that thc main bulb Íilamcnt is apploximatcl)'Larnp Bulb, at the focus of the reflector, thc bulb holder is arranged

so that it can be acljusted. By turning the blub in aclockwisc direction it is movetl inwartls, an(l by turning it in an anti-clock$'ise<lircction it is moved outwards. The best position ca,rl readily be found bytrial. The normal driving light should, of course, be srvitched on whilefocussing is being carried out.

In adjusting the bulb, it is important that it is given a cornplete turn ata time, so thàt the filaments aré in tlie correct position. A spring stop isincorporated in the holdcr, rvhich indicatcs cvery tirnc the bulb has beengiven a complete turn by a click action.

The best way of Íocussing an<l settiug thc lamp is to take thc nlotor c)'('lcto a straight, lóvel road, finà the correct bulb adjustment, ancl then move thelanrp on 1ts acijustable mounting, until the beÁt road position is obtained.Thcidriving lighi should be switched on when focussing is carried out.

Sidecar Larnp. To enablc the bulb to be correctly focussed, there are trvoor three altcrnative Positions in the holcler. Try each

position Íor the best result.

WIRING OIT ' fHI' EQUIPMENTIlefore rnaking any altcr:rtion l() the wiring' or removing , the

switch from the back of the he:rtl l:trnp, disconnect the positive leadat the battery to prevent the possibility of short circuits.

' l 'hc cablcs rcqrt i r t ' r l íor rv i r i r tg t tp t l t t ' t ' r l t t ipt t tcnt are assembled in thecorrcct ordcr bcíirre fitting to thc Irt:rcltittt', zttt<l :rrc then braided togcther toform a compltte cable assenrblv or h:rrltess. I'his method of wiring allowsthr càbles tÁ be r':rsr11' clippcd to thc ír:rnre, zrrtrl, i{ it is necessary to take thecler:trical cquipnrcnt ofi the machinc :tt anv tinre, the cables may be removcd

, a,s a complcté cablc assenrblv. Anothcr atlvantage is that the sheathingprotects thc cables against abrasirtn through vibration. This is irnportant,as tlrt: equipmcnt is wirctl on the "c:rrth rcturtt " system, and any injury toth,-' insuÈtion is liablc to cause a short circuit, which will Quickll' tlischarge

1 antl serior.rsll' clanrage the battcr-v. I-he t'arthing learls from the head lamp- and thc' n..gitive báttery tcrminal ntust be. in goocl electrical contact with

thc frzlnre oÍ thc machint'. An earthing termin:rl " tr" (Fig. l) is provided onthc M:rgcl1'no, to rvhich thcsc leads can usually be conveniently connected.Alternatively, the lcads may be solclered to an eyelet, which, in turn, mustbe securcd b1' a bolt; care must be taken'that the enarnel where the eyeletmakes contact with the frarne is removed. In the same rvav it is importantto see that tlte base of the tail lamp and of the sidccar lanrp (when fitted)are in good contact with a metal part of the machine.

All cables to the heacl lamp are taken directly irtto tlrc srvitch, rvhich cànbe easilywithdrawn from thé lamp body when the two fixing screw-s "I3"(Fig. a) arr: removed. Care must be taken that the Precaution of discónnect-ing the positive lead at the battery is taken beíore this is done.

The encls of all the cables are identified by means of colourcd "tA!$illg".The colour sclreme and the diagrarn of connections are given at the end oÍ

the booklet, and a small diagran"r is also fitted inside the lamp, and can beseen when the reflector is removed. When making a connection, proceed asfollows: Bare about $in. of the ca6le, t\il ' ist the wire strands together, andturn back about +in. so as to Íorm a small ball. Remove the grub screwfrom the appropriate terminal, and insert the wirc so that the ball fits inthe terminal post. Now replace and tighten the grub screw ; this will compressthe ball to make a good electrical conncction.

The cables to the battery are sweated directly to the battery terrnin:rls,thus obviating all chance of corrosion. The lead from the positive battt'ryterminal is cónnected to the switch by means of a brass connector. Caremust be taken that the rubber shield is pulled over the connector after ithas been tightenecl up. This.cbnnector is a very convenient place for wiringup an electiic horn. Opcn out the hole in the connector to |in., when itwill be possible to get two wires in. They should be twisted together tomake a secute connection.


Although every precaution is taken to eliminate all possible causes of trouble,failure may occasionally develop thr.ough lack oÍ attention to the equipmcntor damage to the rviring. The most probable faults arc tabulatcd, accordingto the symptoms which are displave<l in the fault-finding tables at the crl(lo{ the booklet . l .

We give a few hints on the bcst rval to make use o{ thcse tables, as thes()urces of many troubles are by no ntc:rns obvious.

Much evidence can be gained Íron observation of the ammeter. If, forinstance, no rea<iing is intlicatecl, whep tlie cngine is running at, say, 20 milesper hour u'ith the srvitch in the " C " position, thc dynamo is failing to charge.



Ii . ' l





370.-Thc Íront, togethcr with the reflector, can be withdrawnÊxing screw is removecl. The bulb holder can then be withdrawn

from the back of the reflector.

Tail l.arnp. This lamp is usually mounted directly on the number-plate.It displays a red light on the rear, and through the side

windorv illuminates the number-plate.

The bulb holder is mounted on a rubbel diaphragm, v/hich prevents roadand engine vibration from being transmitted to the filament, thus greatlyprolonging its liÍe.

The rear portion of thc lamp is removed for bulb replacements by givingiJ a halÍ-turn to the left, when it becomes detached from its bayonet fixing.

Care of the LamPs. The reflectors are protected. by a transparent andcolourless covering, which enables any accidental

fnger marks to be removed with a soÍt cloth or chamois leather, withoutaffécting the surÍace oÍ the reflector. On no account should any metal polishesbe used on Lucas reflectors, If the ebony black oÍ the outer body becomesdull in service, the original frnish can be restored, no matter how neglectedit may be, by a good furniture or car polish.

Replacement 'When the replacement of any bulb is nècessary, we strongly

bodyrbyTvoes R440S ancl R330S.-The front and reflector are secured to the lampdíbv mean. of bayonet fixings. To remove, simply <lepress the rim evenly,of bayonet fixings. To remove, simply depress the rim evenly,

; as far as possible, and withdrau'.turp. to the left as far as possi

of Bulbs. recornmend that I-uca^s offcial bulbs are used. The filamentsare arranged to be in focus, and give the best results with Lucas reflectors,When it iè necessary to replace thc main heacl lamp bulb, screw it out twoor three turns in an anti-clockrvise direction. This will release the pressureon the bulb contacts and enable the bulb to be withdrawn easily. Careshould be taken that the bulb is fitted the correct way round, i.e., with thedipped beam filament above the centre filament. Particulars of replacementbulbs are given belou'.



F-or.- - - -

* . -

Watts Remarks

l-Icad Lamp (driving :urtl 1 I.ucas 624dipped beam l ights. DV MC.

I iead Latnp (pi lot l ight) , B.A.S.Sidccar ancl 1'ail Lamps. No. 8S.



Gas-filled bulb, doublefilament.

Centre contact, vacuurnbulb.

'0:46 47

Page 26: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

' Io ensure that the ammeter is not at faul t , the t t tg i t r t 's l toul ' l bq.5to|per l

urra trt" switch turned to the "H" position, rvhgn _a rcading or thc tlischargtr

.ia" ái-ttr" scale should be observeà. Again, if the needlc fluctuatcs rvhett

the engine is running steadi ly, an - jntc-rnr i t tent d1-nartro,

"u. t l i l , : - . .?t ;susDectód. The dtmamo may have becl l neglected, and t l lc t rouDle coul í l

be àaused by, say,-worn brushes or a dir ty conlmutator '

n possible cause of the dyrramo fai l ing t" charge is thc rcversal . r r f t ts

Dolar i tv, due ei ther to the head lamp bcing inef tectrvely oartned or to rnc

ái.iá"ít"r ;'shorting" oÍ a terminal àr "live" part of the cut-out' perhaps

with a screwdrivei when making a<ljustments, witho't having taken the

ptecaution o{ removing the positive battery lead'

Examine the connections oÍ the "carthing" lead írorn thc head lam_p

switch to the earthing terminal on the llagdyno or to some p-ar.t o{ the cyclt

f rame. Thc bol t on " the

Í ramc which clanrps the one end oÍ t l rc cabl l mar '

have become loose, or the cable end may not be nraking gooíÍ c()ntact' dtld

to dir t or enamel.

Uavï i ïg examined al l cable connect ions, the polar i ty , ' f t l te,rr tacl t , inc. .can

be correóted by running the engine slowly, putting the switch in, the "L '

posi t ion, and then pressing the cut-out contacts n)on)cntar l ly tog( ' t l lcr ' wnee

ihe machine should begin to generate again.

If the dynamo still cloes not lunction satisfactorily, l<xrk íor the trouble


Should the intensi ty oí t l re I rghts var)-or s l r0ul t l tJrcy fa i l cnt i rc l l " , i t , r '

orobablv due to the'batter l ' terminals beir tg al l ' r rvcd to corrod(" a l lct t l r (

;;;;;Ë"; b;"tt ing ot a co;nection, or to a-deÍective earth conuection' I-f

;Ë-; . ï r ; oÍ the rroïble is not located at the battery, the

be examined to see that al l the terminals arc t ight l f one. part icular laml '

does not light, look for a broken filament, a broken connectlon between tne

i.Àp u"a lïe iwitch, or a defective electrical contact between the lamp. body

and' the machinc {rame. When the engine is not running and the lamps

light when switched on, but gradually go out, the battery rs probably

eihausted, due to excessive use;f lightólvhen stationary, or to the dynïlo

fai l ins to charge. l f i t is found that thc battery is the cause ot the t rouDlt '

ir"".Ït-i"á."!à f.á- tn" machi.e and examinécl. If the battery is- merely

"*ft"""t.a, have it charged up {rom an independent electrical suppl-v'

THE MAGNETO(Magneto Uni t of the "Ma$dyno" and Type KRI

Racing Ma$neto)

Cleaninp. Remove the pick-up occasionally- - Ihis is accomplished by

.*i.tsi"ó.i4" the flat hoLdi'ng-on ipring. The iict<-up rr' thcn. easily rcmo^vcd

bv eántív pul ing i t away ; i t should bc wipcd clean and polrsned wrtn a nne'

;i'"'ïà;Ï. "ê;il;iii';u.".t' *o'L' freelv in its holder'-and clean the brush

ïii";;-*;;i*,lt "-.rotrt

moistened witÉ a few dro,ps of petrol. With,the

ài"k-up stilÍ removed, carefully cican the slip ring track and flanges Dy nolqlng

5'.àri'.i.ïii ;;'tÏ;;i;t by ríeans of a suiïabl1;-shaped piece of wood' while

the engine is slowlY turned round.

The contact breakcr should then bc examineci srving aside th-e spring "A"

í I i rs. I ) and remove t l te covor "8,"w'hen the contact breaker wl l t De exposcd

l ; ' ï i#. ' " I t - ; " r="" l i " t

t6ar the lat ter is kept spottcssly c lean.; . l ,

the contact points thcmscives must be free lrom all traces ot orl want oI

á1á"iià" táittii precattion may not only be the cause of misfiring' b.ut mlY

i"r"if i" the destruction of tÉe contacis. Instructions for removing the

co*l"t breaker (should this be necessary) are given on page 49'

l l r t Í . r .g ' r r rg l r r r r ts rrrr r l . sarrrrr ; r . r ' rsr . r l r r r r r l r . rv rv ' r r ls : r rcglect rs sure toI t ;Lr l to t rorr l r l t . i t r t l r t : cnr l . l ) i r . t , <: ; r . r . l r r r r or rnctal r lust , ancl"wat"r in à"u[ . r r r :Lrc t l r t 'e ' .* i t 's . I grxrr l i .srr l r r t i . r r ; t l r r . rcf . rc, kcep the

-"á"tá-tr"" iaIr I t l rv-

+diustrneT!- of lhe ptug clcctrorlt.s are bouncl to burn a\ryay slightly,Sparking_Plugs and and thus, i, ti 'rc, the gap length increaies ;" ii iiContact Breaker. a goofl plal to cxamine irà cteaï them at intervals.

. adjust ing t l r t . r r r i f necessary to the r ight set t ing:tnrs snould bu about 20 th6u52rd1hs oI an inch. This gap is ábout twióethat to rvhich thc contact breaker points shourd be atljuitea, f-."lhri;which a gauge of about 12 thousandfhs thickness is provi'ded

"" irr" .ià" á?

the magneto sparlner suppliecl rvith thc magneto.

- Prov:ding thc contact brt.aker points arc kcpt clean, ant.l above all {re,.

f rom oi l , t l : t .y rv i l l . probably ne(.d adjustment only at Íong interv; ls. í ; .rraoer ts s.arncd that lt is not desirable to alter the setting unless the gapvaries considerablv from that of the gaugc.

vicw t,Í Lorrtrct oÏl.Ïu"i:,,"*.,,,* rrrrtho(t ofrcmoving l lucker . { rnr for c lcaniÀg conracrs.

I í adjustment is necessary, tur . thc e 's i 'c rouncr s lowly u. t i r thc pointsare,seelr to be {ul ly opcncd,. tht . r r . usirrg tht ,magncto spanr)( . r , s lacke'n thelucklng nut and r() ta le t l le l ixcd contact screw 6; . t l t t . i rexagon hcad unt i lt l is set to the t l i ickness of the gal lgc; their scrcw up"the nut againunt i l i t is f i rmly locked.

Care should bc takcn that _ thc gair rs nut :rppreciabll, grcater than thestandarr l anoqnt, as a. undur l ' \ \ ' i ( r ( . , )pcning wt iu ld not"oi ly be a possiblecause of misf i r ing, but woulr l a lso b, . iqr t to 62959 un<lue wdar.

, If, rvht.n,the,corrtac.t P,rints zrre ex:rmined, it js found that ilrey have been

burf t 'd r)r b lack( ' l r ( ' r l (ouing, l r robablr ' , t ( ) t l ) ( 'pr( 'scncc at sonle t ime or otheruI oll or tltrt), thr'1'nray be cleancrl rvith very line cmery-cioth, and afterwardswith a cloth moistcnt:cl rvith petrrl. carc must be tàken tLat all pa.ticr"iof dirt ar.rd netal dust are rvipecl arva1..

, To rcndcr the points accessiblc_í , , t . r l r . i ' r : 'g, cte. , i t is neccssary to wl th-tlraw the cóutact breaker frorn its-h,.rrrsirrg b,r.rinscrcwing the hexagtn-headedscrew "C " ( l iS . t t by. .mcan" oÍ t l r , . r r r i rgr i<. t r ipa,r , r . r . . l ' l re

whir ic contactD'r 'aKer can tnen D( 'pui lcd__of l i l ) r ' ta l )crcd s l ra{t un rv l r ic l r i t Í i ts . Now pushaside,thc locating spring "H" anrl prise the rockcr arm off its bcarings, ivtreni t wi l l bc possible to begin c leaning thc points.

\\rhen replacing the contact broakcr, carc shoukl bc taken to ensure thattlrt' projccting key on thc tapcrt'rl portirrr ol thc co't:rct breakcr base engages


.t .';

. ...11r, .l('irrtb,-, rgr',rffSË-

À/ ' . RocKER aRM



Page 27: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

ïïFiÏ"{Tï:;:f *:,'Jïiiii:lrl;;l#i:*ii![ï.- Ï;"'il jÏ;'11

" ii;;

Retarded rsnition. L*';E:,":,.':ïà;ï'Jt,i".ïil1.,tïÏ"i:Ji'+iïl:ï?ïj:istar t i n s an ci ror r' il - " r i -

íïl! l' ;$:"li ::** #i n Jn; i.Ui "',:t ï' ï:ili::

more pówer to bt 'develope" -" " l

' : ;^ , . - , ; ; ; : "^. . be{ore leaving the works,

Lubrication. llï li";HËïfiï,Ï:'ji*ï"n *'""*



,n1"3.'3à1.""",Ï:ilï,fl:::ïiïïïï.":::ilJ#lÏli'i"'ïÏi';iËï:ï'ïïfÏ3iil'l'ing routine' which snourl

'àï'trJi"""áÉr" him to locate tlre trouble'

"k*;rr**31"Ë5ï'.ï:ï:*ïË4i'ïï?'?:iiï, jï\lttl*"ïï-:'lr'ïï#:i'ii"'ïTï,ï-..''11$ift i]1Ëïiï;;1:;lï:"ïïlliir'.ullÍ1[.inthat is too large, it.may D",11]Y:"*t::-'-";:;

;iá". Ba<. -plug insulatiott.ts

i*ïï;l:ÍiïlÍ:',"'.1},ïË':5,r'ï'-:fu 9-"xx-"xl::fl*lll"tutl"**ï,sïr.u::fls;ï:#ï{,ï:!!,:lli:*ïïtiïxïrïi:*ffi ir'ï,iïr."ïïí:t[::,:ï:í:1,ïïH,3i tl:,',ïi:'ï.ïïiï :"'".:Ëfr'ï.r; JiÀce'it-is_possibre

s?iffi ""J.:J.ïtrË"+hi,'Jï"tïÏ:ï,:ï"-riïit:'l:l;l::ryï:-:ït5i'i'J"J."#:"iiïiJf ï"rï:l'Ë"ÏÏïl,1ïlii'f q;in:':ÏJ.'iïf l!"":diliï5'"r"rh:lï*fu "-.*rrËïiii1iffi ffi f Ëjï",:,j#lï$iiqïi{::::ï:' l"t-'Ï i8".ïïl à' ;;; i n g, à ''' t i "' T-'l'l l lïàiïilaïrs1e"op"31l:i'fï:,";;',""\""".ïi5,if [ii;iy:t!:li.*11'ftIil:Dressure with the fingeioints readily op-*.'naï*ï

'1i in"v'"" ut àiï''i'l!'gi't': push- aside the

í"-"ïtrïáip,iíq::tI,,::{lti"'':,'X*í,',*rlru*i':Ï;i,'*S*;f H:f,steel pin ón which it,y:ll: '^t3Ï'lï.ïÏi;J'.^r'"=ii" Jitr' oil before replacing

cloth, wiping awav arr grit' and moistening :t:gÏ;'; 'ï;: ár^áií.t'ó"ta *

the lever. \Me need "i'àiyïu"'

the reaáer 11àt "o trace of oil shouro

left anvrvhere """t

tnJ'ii';;ï';";;i' aÍter this has been done'

If the "Magdyno" or magneto- has recently-.been replaced on the motor

cvcle, it is possible tnlt iï-il"J"nave been-tímed incoirectly' Instructrons

fórt imingaregrven"Ërt* 'u" iunlessthe'"oaài i t - i i "ato ' i t ' ret iming' themameto is by no


matter'-and it"-*t"ta be well advised to

it"ï";';hi"-á;í" Íor him at his nearest garage'

IÍ. after exháustrng the above scheme of examination' the reader is still in

doubt or difficulty auouirtitig"ition system' ii ' lt iittt" use continuing the

examinatioo, tno n" ""ïi'àffi'táá9"i-tt^1t1sult

the nearest Lucas servtce

Depot, the 4ddresses ;i;hi;É are given on page 55'

FttttnE of Hi$h- The method of rewiring,the pick-up is as follows^: The

rensróncabre.f ïÏ$,ïS,::l#tlX'IïàX$^:ï::"-'"'ï'1"i;an d sprin g''o9".--" i^f

;.'fi ::;ïIÏ.:T i"'H"Td

cabr e sec u r i n g screw' Kemove

this screw ancl Pusn






. iT:l r

l l í


ïrilt ' l


' t '

' i ttf,

l l r . l r l iLrr . i r r r r l l rg l r t r . r r t l t r ' \ { r ( . \ \ ' , rv l r r r l t r r r l l r .crrrr . t l r r . , lL l t l t . l i r r r r l l . anr l_att l r t s; t tn, t i l t t t ' t t ta l<r 'goor l cot t l : r r : ! rv i l l r r l : , , r r r ' . l ; i r r : r l l ) ' , r , ,p lae, . t i re brf isharrr l spr i r rg i r r r r l r t 'p lact ' t l re pick-rrp.

NOI ' f i . . -With " l lagdyno" pick-ups, ust ' orr lv 7 nrm. cable, and with lLacingMagnetos, Type KRl, only 9 nrnr. c i tb le. I )o not at tempt to use a th ickercable pared down to fit.


Remove the screw at the bottom of the control, then, without dismantlingany part oÍ the control, thread the lSowdeir cable through the cable stop.Pass rt through the control until it emerges at the hole left by the screw.Norv solcler tlie bra^ss nipple to the end of the cablc, ancl then -pull it íromthe othcr end until it is felt that the nipple Íits into the end of the main bodyoÍ the plunger, when the screw should tre replacecl.

It will be seen that on applying a tension to the Ilowden cable, the plungerwill move the can ring antl so alter the tinring of the magneto.

Instructions cannot be given {or íitting thc cable to the ignition controllever, as the tylpes of these vary rvith diffcrcnt Inakes of machines. It shouldbe noted, however, that the cable stop can be adjusted (if necessary) to takeup any slight slackness o{ the cable covcring the magneto and the lever control.

Should it become necessary at any time to dismantle the spring controlancl Bowden cable, proceed as follows :

First remove the metal cover c,rf the contact breaker, which is held inposition by a spring arm, and then withdra,w the cam ring. Next unscrewthe fixing screw, rvhich is sunk flush with the surface of the entl-platc. Thenpull the Bowden cable, and this will come out, together with cable stop"8" (which screws into the end-platc), lock nut, end-plate and plunger.

These operations should, of course, be reversed when assernbling,


',,,r 'r.r,fU*llr-* r b rr-e--r.--.,,. .,-"iÉlU-a

l j j



..-:.[| '--., d&,;ilxu-,.-ÈÀ*;,

Page 28: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930


Lamps give dim,

flickering, or no

light when the

engine is not run-


t , -0, . .&ri,!liii::: -ij i4- - -





, , r \






Bulb filament broken Replace with new bulb

Bulb discoloured with use Replace with new bulb

Bulb out of focus Focus by turning thebulb until the bestillumination is obtained(see page 46).

Dirty reflector or bulb. Clepn dirty reflectorwith chamois leatheror a soÍt cloth.

Severed or worn cable,or loose connections athead lamP switch,dynamo or battery.

Tighten loose connec-tóns a.nd replace faultY


Faulty earthing oÍ headlamp.

The -cable from switchterminal E must besecurely connected tothe earthing terminal on" Magdyno."

Faulty earthing of bat-tery.

The cable.Írom the nega-tive batterY terminalmust be securelY con-nected to the earthingterminal on "Magdl'no."

Tighten loose connec-tóns and replace faultYcables

Tiehten loose connec-tóns and replace ÍaultYcables.

Batterv exhausterl. Takehy<lrómeter readingswhen acid level is cor-rect ({in. above Platcs)and after a run whenelectrolyte is thoroughlYmixecl. When halÍ dis-chargccl, readings areaboul 1.210. When ful lyclischarged, readings areabout 1.150.

Machine shoul<l be takenon the road Íor a iongdavtime run witb theswitch in "C"pos'tion,or battery chargedfrom independent elec-

. trical supply.




Dynamo not charging, orcharging intermittentlv.Ammeter should give -a

reading on the àhargeside when the machinelsrunning at, say, 20 i th switch in , ,C' ,position. Possible causesof dynamo trouble are :

After carrying outexamination onTable l, & lampsstill give dim,flickering, or nolight when theengine is running.

'Worn or dirty brushes. Clean dirtv or greasvbrushes ri,ith a*clotÉmoistened with petrol.Badly worn brushesmust be replaced.

Dirty commutator. To clean dirty commu-tator, remove one oÍthe main brushes fromits holder and insert afne duster, holding itpressed against -the

commutator surface bymeans of a suitablíshaped piece of wood,at the same time slowlvturning the engine. Ífcommutator has beenbadly neglected, cleanwith very fine glass-paper.

Reversed polarity oÍoJmamo.

To correct polarity ofmacnrne, run engineslowly, put switcÈ in"C" position, and thenpress cut-out contactsmomentarily together.

Page 29: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930

HOW TO LOCA'|E ANI) ITI IMT'I)Y ' I 'ROUBI, I '' l 'abie No. 3 ( Igni t ion)



I ,

, , t .,

I ,OSSI ] JI- I . ] T] , \USI]SA-\ l ) \ l l , ' fHOI)S()F t ) t t : l 'Ec ' l ION.

I l t r r rovc plug and i l l lo* 'to rcst on ct ' l indcr heat l .I f a spark occurs at p lugpoints lvhen enginc isslo* ' lv turncr l ovcro thr .igni t ion cquiprncnt iso.K.

I t l , l \ l l !D Y.

I -ool i for t 'ngine <lcícctslu"ut l cht ck igni t ion t i rn-l r lg.

I t , 'pl iLct. n. i . .ufrf", l ipcr isher l or cracked. '

Clcau plrrg electrodes,acl just gap to about20 thousandths of aninclr .

Clearr r l i r ty or pi t tedcont:rcts rv i th f inecnrcrv c loth, and af ter-warrls rvith a clothmoistened rvith petrol.

fo adjust gap, turncngine slorvly until thepoints are seen to beIul ly openecl , thenslacken locking nut androtate fixed contactscrelv by its hexagonhea, l unt i l the gap isset t, r thickness ofgauge. After the ad-justruent tighten lock-ing nut.

I I,UCAS SERVICE DEI,oTSI t t t l lc cyctr l of ; t t t . , - - r l i f f ic t t l t l ' rv i th :ur1 ' part of t l rc cqrr iprrrcnt , Í lo mattcr

l ro l ' t r i l ia l , l t s l t r t i l . lx ' tn l r - too- plcascr l Lr g ivt ' t 'vcrr j a is ist : r r rct ' possible.- l ' l te txrst cot t rst ' to : t r loPt is to c:r l l at tht . r r , ; r r tst J-rrca. ScrrrLr I )epot ( thear l t l r tsst 's oí r ih ic l r i i r t g ivt 'n l r r ' lorr ' ) , u 'hcn t l rc ' r ' r lLr iprrr tnt ca. l l re c 'xamineclas;r wl to l t ' . I ' l rc t lc l rots: t r ( t )o i ot t l t ' rLt r - , "n ' l i r1 ' , ,s,r l f , , r ' rupair . , ovcr.hatr ls:rnr l adjrrstrrrcr l ts, l )ut t ( ) g i \ ' ( f r t ' r . : r r lv i t t ' . l l i t is r rL.r .cssaiy, l rog,evcr, t6colnrnunrc:Ltc, or rvht 'n orr l t . r j r rg s l )a l r ( . 1) i r r ts, a l t r ; r r .s gir . t , t l r ( , t l -pe ant l nt t r t rbr . rof l l tc r rn i t i t r q l tcst iotr , thc t t t : tkt ,Cr.rr l ( i1 l rossi l r lc) t ) r t r l rLt t o l t i re nrotor c1.c lcon u'hich i t is l i t tc t l .



. l.?


. l



' t

. l,.|:1,

r lfl' tI, i)II. ' {I

' i iirIIs

I f no spark ocours ártpoirr ts, rcmove lea( lp lug, replace \ \ - i t l r

about | in. í rornpa.r t of engine. I fleto sparks, H.1' .or p lug is faul tv.


plugen cl

metalm:rg'lc :Lt l

BELFASTle lephorrr ' : I l l l fast 7017

BIRTIINGHAI\T' I 'e lophonc: Ccntral t i l í ) l ( l f r l r r r rs)

BRIGHTONTelephone I I rr6ton 30í l l (4 l incs)

BRISTOL1'elephonc: Bl jstol 8,100 ({ I i t r ( .5)

CARDIFFTclcphone ( lardi Í f 4603 (.1 l ins)

COVENTR\'Tclcphonr ' : Cí) \ ' ( ,ntry iJ{r l j f i r l ( l - iaJl

DUBLIN - ITelephone: Dubl in 143!7 (13 l i r r r .s)

EDINBURGH (opening short ly)' fe lephone: Edinburgh 69921 ({ I i r rcs)

GLASGOWTelephone: Douglas 1i075 (5 t in( , r )

LEEDSIe lcphone: Lecds 2t t59l ( .5 l in( ,s l

LIVERPOOLTelephone: Old Srvan l1í)S l : l l i t res)

LONDONTelephone,: Shcpherd's l t r rsh 1i l ( i í r í l i , I incs)

LONDON' fe lephoue : lVal t i ramst,) \ ' 2 l t i l ( l i l i rLr-)

LONDON r55,Telephouc: Putnf l '513t ({ i l in.s) i l rd . i5í l l

MÁNCHES'I 'ERTelephone I LongÍorr i l l0 l (5 l i r r ( . .1

NBWCASTLE-ON-TYNETelephonc: Ceniral iJ57l ( :J l ines) . .

3i5, Calv in Street, Mountpott inger' Ic l lgrarrrs

: " Scrvdcp, Bel fast , ,

- ..1 - (;reat Hampton Street' Í e l |granrs : , , Lrrcas, Birnr ingham ' ,

- Old Shoreharn Road, Hove' l l l lgrarns : , , I_userv, Br ighton,,

- 345, Bath RoadI ( . i í grams :

; I i ingly Bristol"

54a, peàarth Road' l í lcgrams : , , Lucas, Cardi f i '

- priory Streett i t , LrJrns

fÉ", ^. . Co\.enrrv, ,

- 41, N{iddle Abbey Street' I tJ lgrams: , ,_{utol i te,

Dubl in "

- 32, Stevenson Road, Gorgiel c l .grams : , ,Luser\ . , Edinburgh "

- 227 i229, St. George's Roadlc l lgrarns : . ,Lucas, Glasgow',

- 61, Rosevi l le Road- l 1 l í j j r rms : , , Luserdep, Leeds "

4SOi4S6, FldÉe Lane, l ' ( i rgrar[s: ' ,Lusr:rr . , L iyerpool"

Dordrecht Roaà, Acton Vale, W.3- l - r lcgranrs : , ,Dyrronagna,

Act. , London, '

- 759, HiSh Road, Leyton, E. l0- I r : l r :grarrrs : " Lusfrdcp, \ \ 'a l t . , London "

.Nlerton Road, Want lsworth, S.W.f g' fcr l rgrrrrrr . : " I -uscrt . , \ \ 'ands., London , ,

- Talbot Road, Stretford. l -e legÍams: , ,Luca,

Stret ford ' ,

64, '66, St. Mary 's place: rarns . \JuLul i tn, N,.r cret le-on-Tyne ' ,


, I" t

i t

Engine rv i l l I rot

fire or lires

erratical lY.

I f n lagl leto docs notspar l { , I )ossible causes oft roublc ; r re :

Contact brcalitr llap outof adjrrstrnent an( l con-tacts t l i r tv.


Contact breakcr rockcrarrn st icking.

Itcnrove contact bteakerand prise rocker arnlofi its bearing. Cleansteel pin (if necessary)w-ith fine emery-cloth,and then, having re-rnoved all grit, moistenwith a few drops oÍ oilbeíore replacing thelever. fi.q


"tPick-up brush worn orbroken.

Fit new brush. Beíorelitting, clean slip rinttrack.


- , , À. . , , . . .e!Èr l i - : .

55l i

Page 30: Norton Maintenance Folder 1930


LIII[ -Li"-:.i" ',*l




WIRIN(; DIA(; I IAM OIT I ,TJ(;AS I \ IA(; I ) \ N() &SEPARATE DYNAMO I, I ( ; I I ' I ' IN(; SYS'I ' I , ] IVIS

- -

Ov,r ÍHrg ! :AO AfrO íPIECE WÍh SelQ MACanES





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r,,:t' '

, t: l i l


ïo ÍERMi4 r OÀHCAO!^MÉ swrïCH

cArx€c dE6AÍrv: ePUsH sPrnsÊ


ir, "''o' '*u


raioLE - aÁi

I joï"."-,o" oF RoÍaÍ,on?



l t ,OSo , .Á

lsl sHUnÍ rAO ÍEtSrtA-Êotr?lYc F9* soLE


I ) iaar.rm-<hósc srrnch rrr . .L ' pci t ion, providing eertcevfrr l l r l tn.rmo charg. , lorr [ ignt and tai l ,

Wrth srvi tch in "H" posi t ion, { ' ,D" is connected to . .H," g iv ing fu l l dvnamocharge, 'h igh l ight and tai l , rv i th control oí main and dipbed Í lanreni buibby operat ing handle-bar srv i tch.

With srvitch it '19". positirxr, thc resistanct is inscrtccl in the dl,namo fieldcircui t , g i .v ing hal f dynamo charge and l ights 'àf i .

l,Í'itch in "OF.F" posrtion, the clvnanro iield is broken, giving dynamenot chargirrg and l ights óf f .




l , '

