North News - Perth North Church · Welcome to the first edition of North News in 2016. This is the...

North News February 2016/March 2016 Perth North Church

Transcript of North News - Perth North Church · Welcome to the first edition of North News in 2016. This is the...

Page 1: North News - Perth North Church · Welcome to the first edition of North News in 2016. This is the first of the new bi- ... favour! When Jesus left the desert He was quite clear about

North News February 2016/March 2016

Perth North Church

Page 2: North News - Perth North Church · Welcome to the first edition of North News in 2016. This is the first of the new bi- ... favour! When Jesus left the desert He was quite clear about


God calls us all To know Christ and make him known

Within our congregation

In our parish

Throughout our city

And beyond

By Worshipping God

Building faith

Spreading the Good News

Serving in Christ's Name

Bringing help and healing and hope

That God may be glorified

Christ's Kingdom advanced,

and lives changed.

“Go... and make disciples”



Please give details below, cut out, and leave in the box on the Welcome Desk,

or if preferred, telephone or send an e-mail to the Church Office.

Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Phone Number …………………………………………

Referred by ………………………………………………

Phone Number …………………………………………

A visit will be arranged and made by our Minister or one of the Pastoral Care

team members.

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Dear Friends

Welcome to the first edition of North News in 2016. This is the first of the new bi-

monthly issues and covers February and March. This means that it covers the period

of Lent and Easter.

We as Presbyterians are not as hot on marking Lent as some other Christian

denominations, however, the choice of 40 days for Lent is quite deliberate. Before the

start of his 3 year ministry, Jesus went out alone into the desert for 40 days. You

might ask with no mobile phone, computer, iPad, or friends what he did with all that

time. With no distractions, Jesus had time to give careful consideration to his life and

its direction – He, of course, knew fine well where the next few years were to finally

lead. Once he had spent this time in contemplation he began his ministry of preaching

– “The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel.” The Church

calendar, in Lent, provides us too with the possibility of a time of reflection and

contemplation. What do we like? What do we not like? What are our real priorities?

In what direction are we going? Is it a good direction? Does it need some

revision? Is a complete overhaul or re-evaluation needed? Where is God in all of

this? The extended period of 40 days helps us to avoid any hasty conclusions and

encourages us to involve God in our thinking through prayer, study and listening for

His still small voice. With contemplation, we might be able to determine if what we

believe is truth rather than simply our perception – which is normally biased in our

favour! When Jesus left the desert He was quite clear about His direction and

message. He gathered folk around Him, went out and spoke boldly and without

apology. Lent, if we use it properly, could lead us to greater clarity, from which we

can begin to live the message, live the Gospel and not just be a bystander or even

pretender. So are you ready for this time of Lent? What will this time reveal? Will

you obtain the clarity from which to move forward? My prayer is that you do. We

at Perth North Church are joining with neighbouring congregations in a series of Lent

studies – more details inside this edition, however, the event at the North Church is on

Monday 22nd of February at 7.30pm. Come along and join us.

Finally, Valerie, Scott and Caitlin join me in thanking all who sent us Christmas cards

and for the lovely presents that were received. We very much appreciate these and the

affection that lies behind them.

Your friend and minister


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Prayer Opportunities

There are regular prayer meetings in the North Church.

Prayer Time - Mondays 8 - 9pm in the Ministry and at home a few minutes before going to bed Prayer Drop-in - Thursdays at 11.30 am to 12.30 pm in the Upper Room Prayer Breakfast - First Saturday of each month 8.30 am to l0 am in the Tryst Prayer Corner - after the 11am service where people can be prayed with individually.

You are encouraged to attend any of these, however you may also leave a prayer request with any member of the groups. Alternatively, send an e-mail to: [email protected] with your request also stating whether you wish to remain anonymous. The items will not go further than the groups unless so requested. If anyone would like to have prayer points appear in the Prayer Diary, please e-mail [email protected] with your request.

Holy Communion is celebrated on the last Sunday of each month at the

services detailed below: -

At 9.30 am service : January, April, July and October

At 11 am service : February, May, August and November

At 6.30 pm service : March, June, September and December

After the lunchtime service on the following Thursdays : Last Thursday in January, Maundy Thursday (Holy Week), last Thursday in August and

Advent Thursday.


Pact Lent faith studies

The three Lent studies for 2016 will take place as follows:

Monday 15th February 2016 at 7.30pm in St Ninian’s Cathedral

Monday 22nd February 2016 at 7.30pm in Perth North Church

Monday 29th February 2016 at 7.30pm in the Salvation Army Citadel

The theme this year is Pilgrimage

Everyone is very welcome

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Colossians Bible Study Notes – Rev J Colin caskie

Colosse was one of three cities in the Lycus Valley, about one hundred miles inland from

Ephesus. Although Paul had not visited the place himself he was given a full account of the

situation from Epaphras, who had planted the churches.

Like Churches today there was cause for thanksgiving, but also grounds for concern because

of plausible false teaching which presented itself as a higher form of Christianity.

Thanksgiving – chapter 1 verses 3-5 – your faith, your love your hope, and chapter 2:5 – how

firm is your faith in Jesus Christ.

Concern – 2:8, no one should make you captive through hollow philosophy, human tradition

and this world’s principles.

The thanksgiving suggests a dependence on biblical psalms, rather than contemporary

literary conventions. The tone of Paul’s thanksgiving is worshipful, and fashioned as a prayer.

It is offered to his readers – and by extension to us – much as an invocation at the start of a

service, calling the congregation to worship.

Paul’s purpose in thanking God is to locate his instruction in a setting of worship.

He remains a pastor at heart seeking to nurture his flock. His letter is not composed in a

scholars study in an ivory tower; his prison cell is a pastor’s study, and as he writes his concern

for the people weigh heavily on his heart and mind.

Paul’s thanksgiving and concern lead on to prayer – chapter 1 vv 9-11. Note the emphases –

That God would fill you with a knowledge of His will.

Live a life worthy of the Lord

Bearing fruit in every good work

Growing in the knowledge of God

We too see a Church with grounds for thanksgiving and a cause for concern.

As we read these verses, and note the items in Paul’s prayer, ask yourself in which of these

directions do you most desire or need to make progress.

Knowing God, the product of an active spiritual life, sparks obedience to Him in all aspects of

life. A mature knowledge of God’s word always yields a public and practical result – behaviour

which conforms to the will of God. At its root, the crisis at Colossae, as in the Church through

the centuries, is a crisis of knowing God. When we know Him by faith we become like Him.

That is the work of grace.


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PKAVS £500








TOTAL £7,812

As you will see from above we have once again been able to help a wide variety of

charities and also donated to our own church.

A highlight last year was having two classes of Robert Douglas Memorial School who

came to the Open Door to learn about running a café, as they were preparing to have a

café event at their schools. The questions were very varied and entertaining and the

children were a credit to their families and school.

What has struck me most over the past year has been the conscientiousness and

dedication shown by the helpers and bakers of the Open Door who despite facing

difficult times in their personal lives have continued to serve. A special thanks to you

all and may you know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Margaret Nicolson ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Used stamps – The Tuesday Club would like to remind the congregation that they are still collecting used stamps. The current project is for HIV and will benefit Scotland as well as other countries. Thank you all very much, from Sheila Wyles

Christmas Gift Service

Sincere thanks to everyone who donated such lovely gifts on Sunday 13th December

which were distributed to the following places:

Skinnergate, Anchor House, Greyfriars Hostel, 5 Syrian Families, Tulloch School,

Fairfield Community Centre and to some other people in our own congregation.

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Walking Club

Sat 13th Feb Sat 12th March Tayside Woods to Stanley Mill Comrie. Glenlednock Circular Walk

5 miles – Riverside Path 4.5 miles – Undulating Paths

Mon 29th Feb Mon 28th March

Almondbank. Dalcrue to Lyndoch Collessie to Lindores Loch

5 miles - Undulating paths 6 miles - Hilly tracks

Annual General Meeting – Church – Tryst at 7.30pm

All walks meet at Broxden Park & Ride car park leaving at 9:30 am.New members are always welcome.


Tuesday Friendship Club

2016 meetings began on 19th January at 2pm. We meet weekly to enjoy fellowship,

worship and interesting talks or activities. If you are retired then this could be for you. We

have meetings until the end of March and we look forward to seeing you there.


Rainbows – Under the leadership of Laura Sinclair this unit is planning a fun term ahead

with a mix of games, crafts and learning activities. After Christmas two girls moved on to the

Brownies and we wish them well on this new adventure.

Brownies – As I write this, I know some of our girls are getting very excited as they and

three leaders are counting the days to a sleepover at the Science Centre in Glasgow in a

venture called Space in the Place.

The girls have a lot of things planned this tern under the leadership of Rhona Jamieson. We

also welcome Annie Dewar onto our leader team.

Guides – We would really like to thank everyone who supported our December Coffee

Morning helping us to raise over £300, giving our funds a great boost to help us with all our

weekly activities, projects and camping. We have a busy term ahead doing our Go for It


Rangers – We are very excited as we approach the beginning of the Senior Section

Spectacular to mark our 100th Anniversary. We are all kitted out in the special hoodies

designed for the occasion. A year of exciting activities lie ahead. Kathleen Ogilvy – Ass.


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Church Services throughout February and March 2016

9.30am service


07 SCRIPTURE UNION Thanksgiving and service with retiring offering.

Mr Gordon Roy

14 Essential Jesus 6: Hard Sayings of Jesus

21 EJ 7: The friends of Jesus

28 [Breakfast service in Main Hall]

EJ 8: The invitation of Jesus



- celebration of the Church, its Lord and its people

13 EJ 09: The healings of Jesus

20 Palm Sunday - EJ 10: The cross of Jesus

27 Easter Day - [Breakfast service in Main Hall]

EJ 11: The resurrection of Jesus


03 EJ 10: The Living Word


11.00am service


07 SCRIPTURE UNION Thanksgiving and service with retiring offering.

Mr Gordon Roy [Fellowship lunch following service]

14 Essential Jesus 6: Hard Sayings of Jesus

21 EJ 7: The friends of Jesus

28 EJ 8: The invitation of Jesus

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- celebration of the Church, its Lord and its people

[Fellowship lunch following service]

13 EJ 09: The healings of Jesus

20 Palm Sunday - EJ 10: The cross of Jesus

27 Easter Day - EJ 11: The resurrection of Jesus


03 EJ 10: The Living Word


6.30pm service


07 Living a life of service

14 Living a life of worship (Worship and Praise Service)

21 Evening Worship - Mrs Anne Stewart

28 Evening Worship – Rev Hugh O’Brien


06 Evening Worship – Rev Grant MacLaughlan

13 Evening Worship – Rev Hugh O’Brien

20 Evening Worship – Mr John Banks

27 Holy Communion – Rev Hugh O’Brien and Rev J Colin Caskie


03 Evening Worship – Rev J Colin Caskie


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News from the Kirk Session

The Kirk Session has expressed its thanks to 7 Elders who stood down from active eldership

at the end of 2015 and they are as follows:

David Chalmers, George MacDiarmid, Margaret and Ron Nicolson, Iona Pringle, Charlie

Stewart and James Young.

Their period of service as an elder stretches back for up to 43 years. They join our roll of

Elders Emeritus who now number 34.

We now have 56 active Elders who hold the position of Trustees of the registered charity

that is our local congregation - Perth North Church. That responsibility as Trustees is

brought into focus each February when we approve the Trustees Annual Report as required

by charity law. That report contains detailed annual accounts, but also a record of the

congregation’s objectives and achievements during the past year. As in previous years it

will be made available to members and others on our website, and in print on request from

the Office and I would commend it to – a good read. Extracts from that report will be then

be presented at the congregation’s Annual Stated Meeting which this year will be held at

the end of the 11am service on Sunday 20th March. I do hope as many of you as possible

will be able to stay behind for this short meeting.

We start a new pattern of meetings this year with just 6 formal meetings in place of 10,

with more time set aside to meet in our smaller “Area of Ministry” Groups. Our annual

conference has been arranged for 19th March 2016.

As always, if you would like any more information on any of the above, please do get in

touch – contact details can be found in North News.

Brian Swan, Session Clerk


February/March Reminders

Deadline for April/May edition

North News

Sunday 20th March at 12 noon [email protected]

unday 20th March 2016

Traidcraft Stall Second Sunday of each month in the New Hall between morning services and after 11 am service

KIRK SESSION MEETING There will be a Kirk Session meeting in the New Hall at

7 pm on Tuesday the 23rd February 2016.

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We are most grateful to the following for supplying

the flowers in church Feb/March and to all

anonymous donors.

Date Name Date Name

07 Feb Janice Taylor 06 Mar Kathleen Ogilivie

14 Feb Moira Stewart and 13 Mar Susan Tulloch

Marian Ramage

21 Feb Bessie Ingram 20 Mar Gil Forbes

28 Feb Mary Cairncross 27 Mar Margaret Wallace

Please contact the Church Office if you require into the church to

arrange flowers. Please note the times for the Church Officer being

available on a Saturday morning are now 8.30am to 10.30 am.

Boys Brigade Report

January 8th saw the start of this session with the boys coming back for more fun and training;

The usual Friday night will continue with some chess as the annual Brigade Competition is at Scone on Sunday 24th January;

We will be having a walk in the Dunkeld/Pitlochry area on Saturday 27th February but this will only be for the Company boys and the Juniors;

On Sunday 28th February we will have our annual Fun Run on the North Inch for all the boys. We had the largest turn out of any Company last year so we hope to keep that up this year. The funds from this go to World Mission and other charities.

We did so many visits to so many different places last year that I am looking for new places to take the boys for a day or an evening visit. Any ideas greatly received!

We are going to be sitting the test for the World War 1 badge and the Young Navigator badge too before the end of the session so good luck to the boys!

Kenneth Simpson, MBE


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Church Register


28th November 2015 Mrs Margaret Crawford 28th November 2015 Mr J. Maxwell Small 5th December 2015 Mrs Jessie P.K. Truscott 12th December 2015 Mrs Jean McAulay 10th January 2016 Mrs Dolina J. McKenzie 17th January 2016 Mrs Elizabeth Garvie

Roll Keeper: Mr. Alex Boyd

The next big Scripture Union event will be the Perth,

Kinross and Fife weekend away for young people in P5-S6.

As usual, this will be at Lendrick Muir from 5-7th February.

Transport is available from Perth if required. This is always

a popular event and places are limited. More information

can be found at:

Gap year: SU Scotland runs and excellent Gap Year programme and the next intake will

commence in August 2016. For more information visit:

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Lazers Ceilidh Fundraiser, 9th January 2016 was a great success!

Thank you very much especially to all the young people for a truly

fantastic evening and also a big thank you to the leaders and helpers

who made the whole thing possible.

Pact World Day of Prayer – Friday 4th March: Services will be held as follows: 11:00am in St. John’s Episcopal Church; 2:00pm in various Care homes in Perth 7:00pm in the Congregational Church. Everyone will be most welcome. The Speaker in the morning will be Stuart Laurie from ‘Action for Children’ and the theme is “Receive Children, Receive Me” There will be three Bible study meetings in preparation for the day which are being held in Perth Methodist Church (schoolroom) on Thursday 4th. February, Thursday, 11th. Feb. and Thursday 18th. Feb. from2-3p.m. (cup of tea after) again everyone welcome. Even if you can only manage one of these dates we’d love to see you! (From Marcia Mackenzie)

Please come along and support our North Church

Family/Fun Quiz Night

Wednesday 30th March

From 7-9 pm in the Hall

All ages welcome from 5years-105!

Light refreshments during the evening

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2015 Shoebox Appeal

Thank you to everybody that supported the 2015 Appeal with the total number of

gift filled shoeboxes donated throughout the UK reaching over 116,576 which is

about 10,000 up on the number received in 2014. This is a great result taking into

account all the appeals to help refugees etc. during 2015. Every gift filled shoe

box donated to Blythswood “Give a Gift and bring some Joy” to needy people

in Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine

all brought laughter to many faces at Christmas. Shoe boxes have also been sent

to Pakistan and will be distributed during January and February.

Donation from Open Door Volunteers

We would like to thank all the volunteers that help at the Open Door and for the

£500 donation given to the Support Group for the work of Blythswood. I would

also like to thank the Open Door volunteers with the help given during the shoe

box appeal.

Blythswood Collection Lorry

Please note that the collection time for the lorry at ASDA has been changed to

11.30am to 13.30pm with the next visit on Tuesday 2nd February (see below).

Thank you for your continued support

Blythswood Perth Support Group

Christian care for body and soul

Blythswood is a Registered Charity (SC 021848)

Next Blythswood collection

Asda car park, Dunkeld Road, Perth

Tues 2nd February 11.30 pm – 1.30 pm Please note that it is now the first Tuesday of the month with a new time in 2016

Please ensure your goods are clean and labelled prior to delivering to the lorry.


Perth Support Group

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Fresh Sounds Rehearsals are in full swing for our evening at Letham St Marks Guild on 29th

February. We have sung there a few times already and are looking forward to a

happy evening. We plan to sing in the North at some stage before we finish at

the end of March.

Christian Aid As usual we will be contacting our collectors shortly to check availability for

Christian Aid Week which, this year is 15-22nd May, with the Coffee Morning

on Saturday 14th. As we say every year, there is such desperate need in many

parts of the world and, as Christians, we should be putting our faith into action

and our hands in our pockets to help those living in desperate conditions. The

North has always been generous in its giving and we are lucky to have such a

dedicated band of collectors - BUT we can always use MORE! Further details in

the next North News.

Urgent – please read on and please pray about these requests We urgently require leaders to help with the youth in our church.

The Lazers group which meet on a Sunday evening is a group where the youth of the

church can get together and chat and participate in various activities. Last year the

stalwart team of the last 8 years gave up and we have had John Banks and Ian Parker

keeping it going over this year however we need other people to commit to this group

of youngsters. For more information please contact the minister or Joh Banks.

The Boys Brigade have a vacancy. At the end of this year’s session Margaret Rose

will retiring as Officer in Charge of the Anchors. She will be extremely missed by

both the boys in the anchors and the other officers. We need to look for someone to

take over her duties and we would like someone to take over from her as soon as

possible. Assistance is given and if you think you can help or know someone who

might be able to help please contactme via the church office.

Kenneth Simpson, MBE, Captain of the Boy’s Brigade

Guild Programme for this session. Everyone will be made very welcome whether you can come to one or all


February 10th - Countryside Rangers - John McGomery

February 24th - Hope Project - Amanda Johnston

March 9th - one of our Partner Projects - Prospects "All Friends Together"

which helps churches to welcome and include people with disabilities.

March 23rd - AGM

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Mill Street/209 High Street Perth, PH1 5PB

Services on Sundays at 9.30 am, 11 am and 6.30 pm (Breakfast at 9.30 am service on the last Sunday of each month)

Thursday lunch times – 1 pm to 1.15 pm (snack lunch in the church from 12.30 pm)

Church Office - Tel. 622298

Open 10 am - 12 noon Monday to Friday (a telephone answering service is available outwith these hours)

E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

Minister: Rev Hugh O’Brien Ministry Assistant (Young Adults & Families): John Banks Ministry Assistant (Pastoral Care): Rev J Colin Caskie Session Clerk:

Brian Swan Treasurer: David King Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Janice Taylor North News Editor Carol Kynaston All of the above can be contacted by email: [email protected] Or a messagemay be left at the church office: Telephone (01738) 622298