No 4 UKAFN ·...

UK Association of Forensic Nurses & Paramedics Issue 4, Summer 2015 No. 4 UKAFN NEWSLETTER Summer Time Consent, Capacity & Sexual Activity NMC ? Revalidation RCN Congress Hello and welcome to UKAFN’s Summer edition of the newsletter. The weather is certainly changing for the better and we have just had the hottest day in July. Summer time can be very busy for all forensic practitioners, both in Custody and Sexual Offences. In this edition we have an interesting article written by Julie Tekin on Consent, Capacity & Sexual Activity in children. I think this article is ideally timed with the upcoming six?week holidays. We have also included an update on the NMC’s Revalidation which is expected to be introduced later this year. The process is still being piloted so further updates will be provided for all Nurses. It is an exciting time for UKAFN. We have recently announced the details of this years Conference. We highly encourage you to attend. The Conference is an ideal opportunity to network. The Royal College of Nurses (RCN) recently held their annual Congress in Bournemouth. During which the RCN Devon Branch raised the issue of Custody Nursing. To see the full debate go to: . Take care and enjoy your holidays. UK Association of Forensic Nurses UKAFN

Transcript of  No 4 UKAFN ·...

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!






Hello& and& welcome& to& UKAFN’s&Summer&edition&of&the&newsletter.&&The&weather& is& certainly& changing&&for& the& better& and& we& have& just&had& the& hottest& day& in& July.&&Summer&time&can&be&very&busy&for&all& forensic& practitioners,& both& in&Custody&and&Sexual&Offences.&&In& this& edition& we& have& an&interesting& article&written& by& Julie!Tekin& on& Consent,! Capacity! &!Sexual!Activity! in&children.&&I&think&


this&article&is&ideally&timed&with&the&upcoming&six?week&holidays.&&We& have& also& included& an& update&on& the& NMC’s&Revalidation& which&is&expected& to&be& introduced& later&this&year.&&The&process&is&still&being&piloted& so& further& updates&will& be&provided&for&all&Nurses.&&It& is& an& exciting& time& for& UKAFN.&&We& have& recently& announced& the&details& of& this& years& Conference.&&


We& highly& encourage& you& to&attend.&&The&Conference&is&an&ideal&opportunity&to&network.&&The&Royal!College!of!Nurses&(RCN)&recently& held& their& annual&Congress&in&Bournemouth.&&During&which& the& RCN! Devon! Branch!raised& the& issue& of& Custody!Nursing.&&To&see&the&full&debate&go&to:&!

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!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!



So& here& we& are& racing& through&another& year,& working& hard&towards& Conference& and& other&goals&we&have&set&for&ourselves.&&&

So& by& now& you& will& all& have& seen&our& flyer& for& Conference& in&September?& & We& always& receive&excellent& feedback& about& our&conferences&and&hope&this&will&not&change.& & Clearly& when& we& look& at&conference&we&need& to&make& sure&we& appeal& to& both& sides& of& our&discipline& and& we& hope& we& have&achieved&this&again&in&2015.&&&

It& seems& a& long& time& since& 2013&when&we&held&our& last&conference&and& I& am& really& looking& forward& to&seeing& you& all& there.& & It's& a& great&opportunity& to& meet& your&colleagues&around&the&country&and&I&love&meeting&our&membership.&&&

Our& custody& members& will& have&now& also& seen& the& impact& of& the&changes& to& the& Road! Traffic! Act&and& the& removal& of& the& statutory&



Jennie& Smith& the& president& of&UKAFN& gives& an& update& on& the&progress& to& date& of& the& work& the&steering&group&has&been&doing.&

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option,& but& it& flags& up& the&question&how&do&we&continue& to&maintain& venepuncture& skills&when&we&are&not&performing&the&task&as&often&as&we&were?&&&

I& also& have& noticed& a& rise& the&‘drug& driving’& cases& coming&through& custody.& & I& know& in& my&local&force&on&some&days&they&are&now& having& three& or& more&specific& drug& driving& cases.& & & So&it’s& clear& to&see& the& impact&these&changes&are&having.& &Has&anyone&yet&been&asked&to&perform&a&Field&Impairment& Test?& & There& seems&to& be& some& confusion& in& my&locality&about&who&is&doing&these&tests,& so& for& now& its& not&something&we&are&doing&locally.&&&

We& recently& sent& out& a&questionnaire& to& our& members&asking& them& what& they& think& of&UKAFN& and& what& we& are& doing.&We& got& some& great& responses,&and& valuable& information,& but&only&about&a&fifth&of&the&members&responded.& I& have& attached& the&link& again,& and& would& be& so&grateful& if& you& would& take& the&time& to& complete& the&questionnaire.& & It& gives& us& such&insight& into& what& our&membership& wants& and& expects&for&the&future.&&!&

What& about& goals& have& we& set&ourselves& –&well&we& set&a& couple&actually.&&As&you&know&we&have&a&Facebook&page&and&also&a&Twitter&feed,& which& have& been& largely&managed& by&Dave! Tremlett,& one&of& our& Steering& Group& Members&in& more& recent& times.& & Dave&clearly& has& a& forte& for& social&media& as& our& followings& on& both&are&growing&and&growing,&which&I&am& really& excited&and&grateful& to&


Dave& for.& &We& hit& 300& likes& on&Facebook& in&June&so&the&goal&is&to&hit&400&by&the&1st&September.&On& Twitter& we& have& 299&followers,& so& the& same& goal&applies& –& 400& followers& by& 1st&September.&&&

We& also& have& a& membership&goal& –& to& double& our&membership& in& 2015!& I& think&this& is& a& really& achievable& goal.&&If&every&single&member&got&one&colleague& to& join& we& would&double! in! size! overnight…..& So&here’s&were&you&come&in….&Get&on&Facebook,&Twitter&get&liking&our& pages,& get& spreading& the&word& about& UKAFN.& Find& one&colleague& who& isn’t& a& member&and& tell& them& the& great& things&UKAFN& are& doing& to& raise& the&profile&of& Forensic&Nursing& and&Allied& Health& professionals& in&the&UK,&get&them&to&join&us.&&&

The& profile& of& UKAFN& is& being&raised&month& on& month& which&gives& great& scope& for& your&Steering& Group& to& have& a& say&on& the& National& platform,&representing& your& views& and&opinions.& So& please& get& the&word&out&there,&and&lets&grow!&&

That's&it&for&me&this&time,&short&and&sweet.&&Summer&is&upon&us,&a& time& for& holidays,& relaxing,& a&little& too& much& sangria& and&some& time& with& family& and&friends& away& from& the&workplace.&&Enjoy&your&summer&and& really& looking& forward& to&seeing& as& many& of& you& as&possible&in&September.&&&


Jennie &

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!



What!did!you!do!before!working! in!custody?!!I’ve& always& been& a& Nurse.& & I& have& worked&mostly& in& acute& medicine& on& a& Admissions&Unit.&&I&did&a&short&stint&in&A&E&and&ICU.&&I&also&worked& overseas& in& Australia& for& a& while,&before& getting& home& sick& and& coming& back.&&My& last& job& before&working& in& custody&was& a&surgical&ward&in&a&private&hospital.!&

How!did!you!come!about!working!in!Custody?!!I’ve&always&had&an& interest& in&crime,& forensics&and& offender& healthcare.& & I& saw& a& job&advertised& in& a& RCN& bulletin,& and& here& I& am&three&years&later.&&!&

Where! are! you! currently! working?! ! I& am&working& as& Custody& Nurse& for& Leeds&Community& Healthcare& NHS& Trust.& & Covering&the&West&Yorkshire&Police&force&area.!&

What! is! it! you! enjoy! about! working! in!Custody?! ! I& enjoy& it& all.& & I& like& the& mixture&between& seeing& those&with& physical& illness& or&mental& illness/distress.& & I& like& dealing& with&people& across& the& age& spectrum.& & I& like& not&knowing&what&you&are&going&to&do&or&see&next.!&

How! did! you! get! involved! with! UKAFN?! ! I&started&doing&the&newsletter&for&UKAFN&about&one&year&ago.&&I&noticed&that&there&had&been&a&drop&the&number&of&newsletters&and&I&wrote&to&Jennie&asking& if&I&could&get& involved&preparing&them.& & Then& last&month& I& was& invited& to& join&the&Steering&Group.!&

What!projects!are!you!currently! involved! in?!!I& am&undertaking& the&MSc&Advanced& Forensic&Practice& (Custody).& & I& have& almost& completed&the&second&year.&&On&top&of&this&I&am&working&&to& get& an& article& published& for& the& Nursing&Standard& on& assessing& Fitness& to& detain& in&police&custody.!&

How! did! completing! the! PgC! in! Advanced!


Forensic! Practice! (Custody)! influence! your!practice?! ! I& really& enjoyed& doing& the& PgC& in&Advanced& Forensic&Practice& (Custody).& & It&was&great& to& meet& and& link& in& with& custody& and&SARC&nurses& from&across& the&UK.& & The&course&has& improved&my& confidence,& knowledge& and&competence.& & It& was& hard& work& but& I& would&highly&recommend&the&course&to&anyone.&&As&I&said,&I&have&almost&completed&the&second&year& also.& & I& have& really& enjoyed& the& Physical&Assessment&module,& and& it& is& really& useful& to&have& for& work.& & I& also& chose& to& do& the& non?medical&prescribing,&which&I&passed.&&I&can&see&a& real&difference& in&my& practice&as&a& result&of&these.!!

How!do!you!see!the!future!for!forensic!HCPs?!!I& think& the& profile& of& nurses& && paramedics&within&both& sexual&assault&&&custody&arena& is&going& to& improve.& & I& think& nurses& (from& all&disciplines)&&& paramedics&are&perfectly& suited&to& lead& the& delivery& of& care& for& this& group& of&individuals.!&

Hobbies,!Pets!&!Family?&I&live&with&my&partner&and& 4?year?old& Cavalier& King& Charles.& & In& my&spare& time& I& enjoy& travelling,& reading& and&eating&out.&&

Matt&is&on&Linked]In&&&you&can&be&emailed&at:&[email protected]!!!&

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses! UKAFN!

In! the! second!of! our! new! feature!“Get! to! know…”!we!meet!and!quiz!another!member!of! the!UKAFN!Steering!Group,!Matt!Peel.!!If!you!have!any!questions!you!would!like!to!ask!any!members!of!the!UKAFN!Steering!Group!please!email!them!to;&[email protected]!.!

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!



I& am&a& senior&nurse&working& at& the&REACH! Sexual!Assault! Referral! Centre& (SARC),& which& covers& the&Northumbria& Police& Force.& This& is& a& nurse?led&service,& commissioned& by& the& police& and& clinical&input&provided&by&Tascor!Medical!Services.&&I&have&been& in& post& for& over& two& years& as& a& Senior!Forensic! Nurse! Examiner.& & I& have& had& a& varied&career,& but& have& found& this& role& both& challenging&and&rewarding.&&During&my&training&to&become&a&forensic&examiner,&I&was&alarmed&at&the&number&of& clients&we& saw& in&the& SARC& as& a& result& of& rape,& who& were& aged&between& 16& –& 25& years& old.& & They& were&predominantly&women&or&young&girls&and&in&a&large&proportion&of& cases& there&had&been& issues&around&consent!and!capacity!to!consent.&&Within& my& current& role,& I& am& very& keen& to&proactively& promote& the& work& of& the& SARC,&including& the& choices& available& to& clients& who& do&not&want&to&report&tom&the&police&initially.&&The& issue& of& consent& then& sent&me&down& another&avenue,& in& terms& of& awareness! training& about&consent.& & This& was& looking& at& awareness& training&for&young&people,&predominantly& in&schools.&&After&looking& at& the& Government& agenda& and& policy&drivers& to& tackle& these& issues,& which& quite& clearly&state& the& need& for& sex& education& during& the&


Personal&Social&Health&&&Economic&Education&(PSHE)&lessons.&&&The& Campaign4Consent& have& long& been& asking& for&consent& education& to& be& placed& in& the& National&Curriculum.& &They&have& tirelessly& lobbied&parliament&for& all& funded& schools& to& provide& sex& education& to&end&Violence!Against!Women!and!Girls&(VAWG).&&&After& looking& at& the& policy& drivers,& I& then& looked& at&how& I& could& engage&with& schools& and& provide& some&input&around&consent&and&capacity&during&their&PSHE&lessons.&&Firstly,& I& contacted& all& head& teachers& in& specific&demographic& locations& and& offered& to& meet& with&them& to& discuss& the& aims& and& objectives& of& the&sessions&as&well&as&letting&them&look&over&the&content&of&the&sessions.&&&&The& initial& uptake&was& very& small,& but& some& schools&acknowledged& the& relevance& of& what& we& were&proposing.&&The&schools&that&did&engage&have&signed&up&to&the&whole&consent!and!capacity&teaching,&and&have& pledged& to& embed& it& in& the& PSHE& sessions.& & It&was& really& vital& that& we& stressed& that& the& teaching&would&be&irrelevant&if&it&was&a&one&off&occurrence&and&that& we& needed& to& target& and& include& future&students.&&It&has&been&a&real&trickle&effect&on&schools&coming& forward& and& engaging& and& word& is& slowly&

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getting& round& and& with& more&pressure& from& the& political&arena,& hopefully& this& will&encourage&more& schools& to& sign&up& in& the& future.& As& they& say&“Rome&wasn’t&built&in&a&day”.&&The& age& group& we& are& involved&with&at&present,&are&16&–&18&year&olds.& We& have& recently&successfully&pitched&our&bespoke&teaching& to& all& head& teachers&throughout& the& Northumbria&Force.& & Only& time& will& tell& as& to&how&many&schools&will&sign&up&in&the& future,& but& I& remain&optimistic.&&&We&have&also&been&involved&with&local& Universities& fresher& week.&Through& collaboration& with&Sunderland! University& drama&and& media& students,& we& have&produced& a& TV& documentary&style& production.& & Wholly&produced& and& created& by& the&students& following& a& brief& from&REACH& around& consent& and&capacity.& This& has& now& been&rolled& out& & & and& is& now& used& as&part&of&the& induction&for&all&new&students& across& the& local&Universities.& The& DVD& is& also&used& as& part& of& the& school&teaching&sessions.&&AT&REACH,&we&feel&very&strongly&that&we&have&a&duty&of& care&not&only& to& potential& victims,& but&also& to&potential&offenders.& &We&aim&to&give&information,&so&these&young& people& can& make&informed& choices,& which& may& in&the&future&also&protect&them.&&&The& sessions& are& delivered& in& a&non?judgmental& and&


professional&manner,&and&so&far&have&been&really&well&evaluated&by& both& students& and& teachers&alike.&&I&strongly&believe&at&present,&the&National& Curriculum& is& failing&students& when& it& comes& to&teaching& consent& and&contributing& to& a& culture&where&rape& and& sexual& assault& is&treated& as& part& for& the& course,&irrelevant&whether&you&are&male&or& female.& We& need& to& move&away& from&a&blame&culture&and&change&people’s&attitudes&about&sexual& violence,& and& in& my&opinion& schools& are& the& perfect&starting&point.&&&Julie!Tekin!Senior!Forensic!Nurse!&!UKAFN!Steering!Group!Member!!!!!!!!!If! you!would! like! to! share! any!interesting! aspect! of! your!work,! any! special! interests! or!have! any! ideas! for! future!articles! please! do! not! hesitate!to! get! in! touch! with! us:[email protected]!!!&&&&&&&

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses! UKAFN!

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!



The&NMC&is&moving&to&a&process&of&Revalidation&for&nurses& && midwives& this& year.& & The& Revalidation&process&has&been&chosen&because&it&will&strengthen&the&renewal&process.&&Whilst&improving&confidence&to& the& public,& employers& and& professionals.&&Revalidation& is& about& promoting& good& practice&across&the&professional.&&It&is&NOT&an&assessment&of&a& practitioner’s& fitness& to& practice& and& it& is& not&intended&to&be&used&to&address&bad&practice.&&

The& final& decision& about& how& Revalidation& will&work&will&be&released&in&October&2015.&&But&below&is&&a&quick&guide&on&what&we&know&so&far.&&

Step! one:& Nurses& && midwives& will& need& to& meet&several& requirements& for&Revalidation.& & These&will&demonstrate& to& the& NMC& that& the& practitioner& is&keeping& up?to?date& and& actively& maintaining& their&fitness& to& practice.& & This& will& be& achieved& by&maintaining&a&portfolio&of&evidence,&that&includes;&• Practicing&a&minimum&number&of&hours&• Evidence& of& continuing& professional&development&

• Feedback&from&others&about&your&practice&•Reflections& on& ‘The& Code’,& CPD& and& feedback&received.& & Discussing& these& with& other& NMC&registrants&

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses! UKAFN!




Step! two:& & Registrants& will& need& to& obtain&confirmation& from& a& third& party& that& they& have&met&the&NMC’s&Revalidation&requirements.&&

Step! three:& Revalidation& will& be& required& every&three& years.& & The& NMC& will& be& undertaking&verification&checks.&&

Keep& up?to?date& with& the& latest& news& and&information& on& Revalidation& by& using& the& link&below.&!!The& RCNi& have& produced& an& animated& guide& to&revalidation&for&nurses&and&midwives.&&&The&RCNi&is&also& developing& an& on?line& Portfolio& for&practitioners& to& use& to& keep& their& Revalidation&requirements& in&one&place.&The&site& is& currently&a&beta&site,&but&is&open&to&all&RCNi&subscribers.&&The&portfolio&can&be&accessed&using&the&link&below.&&!&

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!

& &

The& Novel& Psychoactive&Treatment& UK& Network&(NEPTUNE)& have& published&‘Guidance! on! the! Clinical!Management! of! Acute! and!Chronic! Harms! of! Club! Drugs!and! Novel! Psychoactive!Substances’.&&The&document&has&use& for& all& practitioners& in& the&custody&or&sexual&assault&arena.&&

NEPTUNE& gives& an& overview& on&the& use& of& ‘club& drugs’& along&with& the& effects& of& harms& of&these.&&There&is&useful&section&on&the& psychosocial& interventions.&&Custody& can& be& an& ideal&opportunity& to& undertake& some&low?intensity& psychosocial&intervention.&&&

The& guide& then& outlines& the&acute&effects&and& the& long?term&health& risk& associated& with& all&the& club& drugs& and& novel&psychoactive&substances.&&&&


&&Substance! Misuse!Management! in! General!Practice& (SMMGP)& are& offering&two&free&e?Learning&modules&&

Naloxone!Save!Lives!The& naloxone& training& e?Learning& module& provides&education& about& naloxone.&&Sections& include& how& to& use&naloxone;& who& should& be&prescribed&it,&training,&and&what&information&people&need.&&

Community! Management! of!Alcohol!Use!Disorders!This& e?learning& module& is& open&to& anyone&who&wishes& to& learn&more&about&the&management&of&alcohol&use&disorders,& including&how&the&commissioning&process&works.& It& will& be& of& particular&interest& to& GPs,& nurses& and&paramedics& and& other& primary&care&practitioners.&&

• Both&are&free,&open&to&all&and&take&approximately&an&hour&to&complete.&&&

• Gain& CPD& learning& credit& && a&personalised& Certificate& on&Completion&


Club! Drugs! &! Novel!Psychoactive!Substances!SMMGP!e]Learning!

The&Home!Office!has&published&an& information& guide& on&Adolescent! to! Parent! Violence!and!Abuse&(APVA).&&

There& is& no& current& legal&definition& of& APVA.& & It& is&however,& recognised& as& a& form&of& domestic& violence& && abuse.&&It& includes& verbal& or& physical&abuse,& controlling& behavior.&&Creating&an&environment&where&parents& live& in& fear& of& their&child.& & While& practitioners& may&respond& to& a& single& incident& of&APVA,& it& is& important& to& be&mindful& that&AVPA& is& a& history&of& a& pattern& of& behavior& that&should&be&established.&&

AVPA& is& a& pattern& of& behavior&within&the& family.& & Siblings&may&be&abused&or&be&abusive.&&There&may& be& a& history& of& domestic&violence.& & AVPA& affects& both&the&parent&&&the&young&person.&&

The& guide& gives& advice& on&responding&to&cases&of&AVPA&for&all& practitioners,& followed& by&specific& advice& for& those& in&healthcare,& policing& and& youth&justice.&&

The& guide& can& be& accessed& in&full&using&the&link&below.&&!

&Adolescent! to! Parent!Violence!and!Abuse!




!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses! UKAFN!

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!


This&free&course,&available&online,&is& delivered& by& Future! Learn& in&Conjunction& with& the& University!of! Strathclyde.& & The& course&addresses& four& major& evidence&types&over&a&period&of&6&weeks.&&

The&course&starts&on&the&8th& June&2015.& & Applicants& can& apply& to&start&before&or&after&this&date.&&

Future! Learn& offers& a& diverse&selection&of&courses&from&leading&universities& around& the& world.&&Courses& are& delivered& over&weekly& periods,& one& step& at& a&time.& & Future! Learn& can& be&accessed& on& a& mobile,& tablet& or&desktop&PC.&&Courses&are&free&for&all.& & If& participants& want& a&personalised& certificate& of&completion& these& can& be&purchased.&&




This& hardback& book& is& an&excellent& resource& && would& be&suited& as& such& in& any& clinical&setting.&&The&book&is&written&by&a&Nurse&(USA)&&&applicable&to&both&Nurses&&&Paramedics.&&

The& text& covers& all& the& usual&aspects& of& examination& of& bodily&systems.& & But& also& covers&situations,& such& as& domestic&violence&&&substance&use.&&&

The&book&has&hundreds&of&photos&&& colourful& diagrams.& & The& text&covers& the& lifespan& from& infants&to& the& elderly.& & Information& is&clearly&&&logically&presented,&with&abnormal& findings& clearly&explained.&&

Chapters!include;!•The&Complete&Health&History&•Mental&Status&Assessment&• Substance&Use&Assessment&•Domestic&&&Family&Violence&Assessments&•The&Complete&Physical&Assessment:&Infant,&Child&&&Adolescent&• Functional&Assessment&of&the&Older&Person&







The& latest& FFLM!‘Recommendations! for! the!collection!of! forensic!specimens!from! complainants! &! suspects’&–&Are&expected&soon.&


!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses! UKAFN!



&&G.&Smith&!Wiley?Blackwell&&!112&Pages&! !£20&! !2014&


To& enter& the& prize& draw& to& win&the& above& book,& email& your&name,&role&and&employer&to;&&

[email protected]!&







!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!


It& is& often& banded& about& that& you&do& not& die& from& opiate&withdrawal,&instead&considered&by&most& as& rather& benign.& & Unlike&alcohol& withdrawal,& which&receives& a& heightened& level& of&respect.&&

The& authors& in& this& case& report&highlight&the&case&of&a&54?year?old&female&who&was&treated&with&4mg&naloxone& subcutaneously,& having&been& found& less& responsive& at&home&by&family.&&Her&past&medical&history& included& AIDS,& HCV,&Bipolar& disorder& && a& recently&fractured&hip.&&Regular&medication&included& 150mg& Methadone& &&sustained& release&morphine.& & She&was& transported& to& hospital& and&noted& to& be& alert,& diaphoretic,&tachypneic& (RR& 30)& && tachycardic&(HR&150).&&

Physical& examination& was&unremarkable,& except& for& pain& in&her& hip.& Facial& and& upper& limb&fasciculation& (twitching)& and&tremors.& & She&was& taken& for& a& CT&scan&to&rule&out&a&PE.&&

Here,& she& deteriorated& and& went&in& into& spasm.& & & Followed& by& a&cardiac& arrest.& & She& was&successfully& resuscitated& after& 25&minutes& and& 3& shocks.& & Cardiac&arrest& was& attributed& to& the&severe&respiratory&alkalosis&caused&by& hyperventilation& from& opiate&withdrawal.&&&&&

& &



&&J.&Rutt?Howard&&&D.&Nuttall&!2011&! &Wiley?Blackwell&

368&pages&! !£29&&

To& enter& the& prize& draw& to& win&the& above& book,& email& your&name,&role&and&employer&to;&&

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!SMMGP!Addiction!Masterclass!SMMGP& (Substance& Misuse&Management& in& General&Practice)&present&their&popular&&&intensive& Masterclass& training&days&on&addiction.&&

Aimed&at&GPs&and&other&primary&care& practitioners& including,&non?medical& prescribers& and&drug&workers.&&&



Sexual!Violence!Conference!The&one&&&a&half&day&conference&will&bring&together&practitioners,&policy& makers& and& academics&who& work& in& the& sexual& assault&arena,&to& share&their&knowledge&and&understanding.&Date:&17?18th&September&2015&Location:&London&Cost:!£&60?180!Link:!!

CASE!REPORT:!Opiate! Withdrawal! Complicated!by!Tetany!and!Cardiac!Arrest!

Courses!&!Events! We!have!ONE!copy!of!‘The!Textbook!of!Non]Medical!Prescribing’!to!


Terms!and!Conditions!1. UKAFN!members!only!2. Only&one&entry&per&member&3. Prize&as&stated,&no&cash&alternative&4. Winners&will&be&notified&by&email&5. Winners&will&be&announced&in&the&


Kigasia,&I.&&&Shabarek,&N.&(2014)&Case&Report;&Opiate& Withdrawal& Complicated& by& Tetany&and& Cardiac& Arrest.& & Case" Reports" in" Critical"Care.&&2014.&pp.&1?4.&

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses! UKAFN!

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!


The&Royal!College!of!Pediatrics!&!Child! Health& is& association& with&the& American! Academy! of!Pediatrics,& the& Royal! College! of!Physicians! of! London& && the&Faculty! of! Forensic! and! Legal!Medicine& has& published& the&Second& Edition& of& The! Physical!Signs!of!Child!Sexual!Abuse.&&

The& book& was& first& published& in&2008.& & The& 2015& book& updates&the&evidence&of&the&physical&signs&of& child& sexual& abuse& from& the&2008& publication& and& includes&three&new&reviews&on:&•Anogenital& signs& of& accidental&injuries&in&girls&and&boys&•Genital& bleeding& in& prepubertal&girls&•Healing&in&anogenital&injuries&&

The& book& is& for& use& by& health&professionals& working& in& the&field& of& child& protection& and& in&the& examination& && assessment&of&children&who&may&have&been&sexually&abused.&&



& &

Adolescent’s& account& for& an&estimated& 29%& of& all& rapes& and&41%& of& all& sexual& assaults&reported& to& the& police.& & Using& a&prospective& longitudinal& cohort&study,& the& author’s& to& describe&the& characteristics& of& early&mental& health& sequelae& in&adolescents&presenting&to&a& large&inner&city&SARC.&&

Adolescent’s& experienced& vaginal&rape& (72%),& oral& rape& (40%)& and&anal& rape& (13%).& & Alcohol& (29%)&and& drugs& (14%)& were& involved.&Attackers& were& mostly& known&(64%)&to&the&victims.&&

Early! (within! six! weeks)!psychological!outcomes;!•73%& significant& depressive&symptoms&•90%& high& likelihood& of& post?traumatic&stress&disorder&•69%& met& criteria& for& panic&disorder&•60%&met&criteria&for&generalized&anxiety&disorder&


Clarke,& V.,& et& al.& (2015)& & Baseline&characteristics& and& early& mental& health&sequelae&in&Adolescents&presenting&after&sexual& assault.& & Archives" of" Disease" in"Childhood.&&100(Suppl&3).&&Pg&A1?A2.!

RCPCH! –! Physical! signs!of! child! sexual! abuse,!2nd!Edition"

Crime! Statistics,! Focus! on!Violent! Crime! &! Sexual!Offences!2013/2014!



RESEARCH:! Sexual!Assault! and! Mental!health!in!Adolescents!

The& Office! for! National!Statistics& has& released& it’s&annual& report& into& the& statistics&for& Violent! Crime! and! Sexual!Offences&for&2013/14.&&&&

Violent& crime& rates& have& fallen&by& over& half,& from& the& peak&levels& seen& in& the& mid?1990s.&&Falling& from& 4.8%& in& 1995& to&1.8%&in&the&2013/14&survey.&&

During& this& time& there& were&64,205& reported& sexual&offences.& & This& is& the& highest&recorded& number& since&2002/03.& & The& increase& in&reported& offences& is& thought& to&be& related& to& improvements& in&recording.& & As&well& as& a& greater&willingness& of& victims& to& come&forward.& & The&Crime! Survey! for!England!and!Wales&suggest&that&rates& of& sexual& offences& have&fallen&compared&to&the&previous&year.&&

The&statistics&demonstrated&that&women& were& more& likely& to&experience& sexual& assault.&&Women&were&also&more&likely&to&experience& domestic& violence&(8.5%).& & It& is& estimated& that& 1.4&million& women& experienced&domestic& violence& in& 2013/14.&&While& there& was& an& estimated&700,00&males&victims.&&!!

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses! UKAFN!

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!


Staffordshire! University& has&been& funded& to& develop& an&assessment& for& Custody&Healthcare& Professional’s&induction& training.& &Meeting&the&educational&&& training& needs& of&the& service& and& facilitating&transfer&of&commissioning&to&the&NHS.&&The& University& is& working& with&service& providers& and& NHS!England& to& agree& on& core&elements& of& in?house& training&packages.& & Employees,& who&wish,&can& then&gain&a&University&certificate,& which& will& be&recognised& by& all& service&providers.&&As&well& as& being& open& to& newly&employed&custody&practitioners,&the&accreditation&can&be&offered&retrospectively& to& employees&who& have& already& completed&their&induction&training.&&Benefits& include& that& all& those&working&in&custody&will&be&able&o&receive& a& nationally& recognized&qualification.& & Ensuring& that&quality&standards&are&met.&

& &

Her! Majesty’s! Inspectorate! of!Constabulary! (HMIC)& published&report& into& their& thematic&inspection& on& the& welfare& of&vulnerable& people& in& police&custody.& & In& particular& (but& not&exhaustive);&•Black&&&ethnic&minority,&•Those&with&mental&illness,&•Children.&&

The& inspection& reports& that&many& people& taken& into& police&custody& are& vulnerable& in& some&way.& &Detention& in&custody& itself&can& be& detrimental& to& the&welfare& of& the& vulnerable.& & The&HMIC& list& the& following& as&vulnerabilities:&• !mental!health!problems,!• learning!difficulties,!•physical!illness!or!disability,!•alcohol!or!substance!misuse,!•age!(children!&!elderly),!• race.!&

The& inspection& notes& that,&vulnerable&people&are&taken&into&custody&as&a&way&of&getting&them&help.& & The& full& 212?page&document&can&be&accessed&using&the&link&below.&&!

University! accreditation!for!in]house!training!

The! welfare! of!vulnerable! people! in!police!custody"!

CLINICAL:! ‘The! Fight!Bite’!!


The&‘fight!bite’&is&also&referred&to&as& a& ‘clenched! fist! injury’,&‘reverse!bite! injury’&or&a& ‘closed!fist! injury’.& & It& occurs&when& one&individual& punches& another&individual&in&the&face.&&The&fist,&in&particular& the& knuckles&(metacarpophalangeal& joints)&&&are& cut& (lacerated)&or&punctured&by&the&teeth.&&

Clinicians& should& suspect& a& fight!bite& injury& in& anyone& who&presents& with& a& laceration& or&puncture& wound,& particularly&over& the& 2nd& and& 3rd&metacarpophalangeal&joints.&&It&is&not& uncommon& for& an&alternative& history& for& the&mechanism&of&injury&to&be&given.&&

Despite& the& rather& innocuous&appearance& of& the& wound,& fight!bites& can& cause& considerable&damage&to&underlying&structures.&&This& includes& tendons,& joints,&bones& and& tooth& fragment&foreign& bodies.& & They& are&particularly&prone&to&infection&!See& the& FFLM& guidelines& on& the&management&of&bite&injuries.&&!

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses! UKAFN!

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!








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! !



!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses! UKAFN!!




UKAFN& still& needs& YOUR&help& in& recruiting& more&members& and& reaching&Jennie’s& goal& of& doubling&membership&this&year.&&&&

The& bigger& our&membership,&the&bigger&our&voice&and&greater& influence&we&can&have&on& issues& that&directly& effect& Nurses& and&Paramedics& working& in&these&specialist&fields.&&

Please& encourage& all& your&nursing& or& paramedic&colleagues& working& in& the&forensic& field& to& join&UKAFN.! ! If! every! member!recruited! just! ONE! new!member! we! would!immediately!double!in!size.&&Just&think&of&the&potential!&Additionally&we&urge&you&to&


share& the& work& of& UKAFN&with& your& associates.& & We&offer& ‘Associate&Membership’,& aimed& at&colleagues&working&in&areas&such&as;&&•Victim&advocates&•Crisis&workers&•A&E&forensic&link&nurses&•Custody&Sgt/Insp&•Forensic&scientists&•FMEs&•Major&investigation&teams&•Safeguarding&teams&•Police&CSI&or&SOCO&teams&•Liaison&&&Diversion&teams&•Mental&heath&teams&•Child&&&adolescent&mental&health&services&(CAMHS)&•Local&academic&lecturers&or&schools&of&healthcare&&

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!



!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses! UKAFN!

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!


2015!ANNUAL!CONFERENCE!Confirmed!conference!details!!We&have&well&respected&speakers&covering&a&range&of&subjects&relevant&to&the&recent&changes&experienced&in&both&Custody&and&SARCs.&• The!Road!Traffic!Act!• The!Care!Bill!• NHS!Commissioning!of!Services!• The!Forensic!Regulator!• More!speakers!to!be!confirmed!











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!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses! UKAFN!

!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses!&!Paramedics! Issue!4,!Summer!2015!!


!UK!Association!of!Forensic!Nurses! UKAFN!


We are currently recruiting for a new cohort starting in September 2015. In order to qualify you must have been a Registered Health Professional for at least 4 years (2 years for Paramedics), 2 of which must have been in an associated profession. You must be currently working at an Advanced level within a Custodial or Sexual Assault setting and be able to identify a Preceptor as per the criteria. We must receive the original hard copy of the signed Preceptor Form before we can confirm your place.

The Postgraduate Certificate Stage of the award is professionally badged by the United Kingdom Association of Forensic Nurses & Paramedics (UKAFN) in that it meets their criteria for Advanced Practice in Education and Training (ASET) in Forensic Practice and successful PgCert Students will also receive a UKAFN ASET Certificate.

Although you do not have to have a degree to enrol on the award, you will have to demonstrate recent academic achievement at that level or above. If you would like some advice on this please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Please follow links for course information, Preceptor Criteria and a separate Reference Request Form. The University is now using an online application system for admissions.

• Custody; • Sexual Assault;

You must include the following documents with your application: • Two references • Academic Certificates • Transcripts • Evidence of English Language Qualification (if required) • Original hard copy of the signed Preceptor Form (This will have to be sent by post)

Your referees can complete and return the attached blank reference forms or they can send a letter (on letter-headed paper) to [email protected] . Alternatively, they can be sent to The Lifelong Learning Team, Faculty of Health Sciences, Staffordshire University, Blackheath Lane, Stafford, ST18 0AD, England.

If you would like more information please contact me the award leader on the numbers below

Margaret Bannerman SFHEA MSc BSc (Hons) RN Dip HE Cert Med Ed PgCert RM Associate Professor of Enterprise and Education Development Faculty of Health Sciences Staffordshire University Tel: 01785 353 852 Blackheath Lane Mob: 07766 520 323 Stafford Fax: 01785 353 676 ST18 OAD eMail: [email protected]

Faculty of Health Sciences PgC\PgD\MSc in Advanced Forensic Practice The Award This award has been designed by nurses for those who work in the field of forensic medicine, is a long awaited innovation and is the first forensic qualification, professionally badged by the United Kingdom Association of Forensic Nurses (UKAFN), providing recognition in this specialist field, as it meets UKAFN’s Advance Standards in Education and Training (ASET) in Forensic Practice. Features of this award include

• Successful Pg Certificate students will also receive a UKAFN ASET Certificate. • This course has been developed in collaboration with the Faculty of Science and the Law School

and utilises their unique resources of a full size court room for assessments by qualified legal experts in providing oral evidence in court, along with a fully refurbished Crime Scene House, complete with CCTV and an observation room, where you will be assessed by forensic experts and experienced ex-police officers.

• The award is aimed at all nurses and healthcare professionals working in a custody, or sexual offences role. The course will be competency assessed and has been developed with consideration to the Department of Health core elements of Advanced Practice.

• This award will underpin the legal, forensic and clinical knowledge to ensure practitioners work in an evidenced based manner and will fulfil the requirements to be a competent witness in court.

• The course will embrace the principles set by the FFLM, UKAFN, NPIA, along with other regulatory and professional bodies and for those following the custodial pathway.

• The content will include PACE, Safer Detention and Handling, along with the Road Traffic Law. • For those following the sexual assault pathway, this will include competency in assessing victims of

sexual assault, aftercare needs and understanding the evidence base related to sexual assault. Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Forensic Practice in Custody or Sexual Assault depending which clinical module is undertaken - 60 Level 7 (Masters Level) Credits

Introduction to Forensic Practice Core

15 Credits at Level 7

Professional Legal Skills for Non- Lawyers Core

15 Credits at Level 7

Clinical Competencies in Forensic Examination in either Custody or Sexual Assault Core

30 Credits Level 7

Postgraduate Diploma - 60 Level 7 credits or maximum 45 Level 7 Credits and 30 Level 6 (Degree Level) Credits

Option Module

15 Credits at Level 7

Option Module

15 Credits at Level 7 or Level 6

Physical Assessment


15 Credits at Level 7

Research Methods and Methodologies

(Pre-requisite for Dissertation and PBC)

15 Credits at Level 7

Masters level – 60 Level 7 Credits

60 Credits – Dissertation/Project Based Change(PBC)

How will I study? Option Modules on the Postgraduate Diploma level can be taken from a list of approved modules, depending on the award pathway of the student. For example, those undertaking the Sexual Assault Pathway may choose modules such as: The Law and Sexual Health; Sexual Health Advising; Managing those with HIV. Those working in a Custody setting may choose modules such as: Diabetes; Triage; Managing those with minor illness or injury; Alcohol use, referrals and treatments. There are also a number of choices open to students on both pathways; Independent prescribing, Mental Health Assessment of clients, Counselling skills, are just a sample of modules available. Students working in a dual role of both Custody and Sexual Assault settings and are able to gain competencies for both clinical competencies will be able to use the two option modules in the postgraduate Diploma to undertake the second clinical element thus obtain a dual award of both custody and sexual assault. The Postgraduate Option modules are also an opportunity for those students who already have academic credits of Level 6 (Degree Level) or above, which have not been used on another award and less than 5 years old, may be able to utilise them on the Postgraduate Diploma, provided the content matches the Award Learning outcomes. This will have to be approved by the Award team before being accepted as being able to contribute towards the award. Selection and Access

• Students will be have been a registered nurse for at least 4 years, or a registered Paramedic for at least 2 years

• Students will normally be required to have a first degree or above. Individual cases will however, be considered to determine whether professional qualifications or experience in the workplace can be accepted as equivalent for non-graduates.

• However, students should have evidence of recent academic work at Level 6 (Degree Level) or above. It is advised if students who have not undertaken any academic work for some time, consult the award leader for advice on undertaking an academic module before being accepted on to the award.

• It is also essential that students be employed within a Custody or Sexual Assault Arena as students will have to identify a clinical assessor in their workplace. Suitability for admission will be judged by the application form and references and where necessary, an interview.

• Those whose first language is not English need to demonstrate a minimum of: a minimum score of 6.0 in IELTS (International English Language Testing System) as administered by the British Council in most countries

a minimum score of 550 in TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or 213 in the computer-based test. [TOEFL results must include a minimum score of 4.5 for the TWE (Test of Written English) Cambridge Proficiency Grade C

Accreditation of Prior Learning: Students may apply for APL/APEL. Guidelines are available from to explain how this can be done. Cost: £32 per credit although some modules you may choose for your option modules may have a difference in price. Total cost for the Postgraduate Certificate £1,920 Attendance for PgCert is 10 study days; 28th & 29th of Sept, 2015, 7thth & 8th of Dec, 2015, 14th & 15th of March, 2016, 25th & 26th April, 2016 and 6th & 7th of June, 2016. These are all Mondays and Tuesdays in order to facilitate travel. The remainder of the course is delivered by distance and work-based learning. Course Enquiries Award Leader – Margaret Bannerman T: 01785 353852 Faculty of Health Sciences, Staffordshire University E: [email protected] Blackheath Lane, Stafford, ST18 0AD Further information is available from: Lifelong Learning Team T: 01785 353766 Faculty of Health Sciences, Staffordshire University E: [email protected] Blackheath Lane, Stafford, ST18 0AD The Faculty reserves the right to cancel any module/course/programme or to alter venues, times or cost. Final confirmation will be given at enrolment. Please contact the Lifelong Learning Team one month prior to confirm the dates and times of the course before booking travel or accommodation.





Is this course for you?Mental health issues affect one in five of the population, yet little information and education is available for non-health professionals to help them support people with mental health problems. In your everyday work do you have the tools to help you understand these issues? If not this module is for you.

About this course? You will study and learn with others who work in a wide range of public/private sector environments. For example; fellow students may be working in Occupational Health, Human Resources, Housing Associations, Healthcare Support Workers, Youth Workers, Primary Care Nurses, Prison Officers, Nurses in A&E, Custody or Sexual Assault, Police and Fire Officers. This module will provide students with a basic awareness of mental health issues, how to make an assessment appropriate to your role and identify referral pathways. You will be introduced to a variety of tools and techniques which will help you recognise and understand when someone may be experiencing mental health issues.

This will include;

Key features■ Mental Health Assessment Tools

■ Mental State Examination

■ Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and its use in assessment

■ Assessing Mental Capacity

■ Assessing the Older Adult

■ Learning Disabilities

■ Physical Considerations

■ Autistic Spectrum Awareness

■ Personality Disorders

■ Physical Health in Mental Health



Key Facts Cost for the module is only £480

For more information contact:

Module Leader: Paul Anthony

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 01785 353766

Staffordshire University College Road

Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire ST4 2DEt: +44 (0)1782 294000 visit:

Connect with us:

You will study via Blended Learning, which means you will attend 3 face to face study days and utilise the University’s on-line virtual learning environment, for which you will need access to a computer with internet access.

Study Days are – 21st, 22nd September and 23rd of November 2015

On successful completion of the module you will be awarded 15 credits at Academic Level 5, 6 or 7. For advice on which level is appropriate to your needs then please contact the Module Lead who will be able to advise you

Cost for the module is only £480For more information contact:Module Leader: Paul Anthony E-mail: [email protected]: 01785 353766