NL Jan19 Web

1 [email protected] 864-656-4762 January 19, 2016 the From the Once every four years, it seems as if the enre American polical sys- tem revolves around South Carolina. In what is by now a tradion, our state holds the second set of primaries in the naon--this year, on February 20 (for the Republicans) and February 27 (for the Demo- crats). We've already begun a series of Honors College events centered on this year's presidenal elecon. We had a great turnout to watch the State of the Union Address last week. We're planning a discussion on the Tuesday in-between the two South Carolina primaries (February 23, 9pm, Holmes Basement) to discuss "What Just Happened? What's Going to Happen," co-hosted by myself and Dr. Jeff Fine of the Poli- cal Science Department. In the Fall, Dr. Fine is will be offering a special Honors seminar on "The 2016 Elecons," and we're already making plans to watch the November elecons in our wonderful new build- ing! Between now and late February, you may see various candidates on campus for rallies or speeches (these things are notoriously hard to predict, and are oſten scheduled on short noce). I encourage you to aend one or more of these if you can--there's nothing like seeing the campaign process up close and in person. And if you haven't already registered to vote, I urge you do do so as soon as possible. As they say, anyone who plays the loery can't complain that their vote doesn't maer. This year's elecon may be one of the most consequenal in a very long me. It also promises a lot in the way of entertainment value. Pay aenon, have fun, and don't forget to vote! -- Dr. Lasser Thoughts Worth Thinking Lecture Date: Wednesday, Jan. 27 Time: 7:00pm Locaon: Academic Success Center, Room 118 Speaker: Professor Vladimir Mac, Department of Polical Science



Transcript of NL Jan19 Web


[email protected] 864-656-4762 January 19, 2016


From the

Once every four years, it seems as if the entire American political sys-tem revolves around South Carolina. In what is by now a tradition, our state holds the second set of primaries in the nation--this year, on February 20 (for the Republicans) and February 27 (for the Demo-crats).

We've already begun a series of Honors College events centered on this year's presidential election. We had a great turnout to watch the State of the Union Address last week. We're planning a discussion on the Tuesday in-between the two South Carolina primaries (February 23, 9pm, Holmes Basement) to discuss "What Just Happened? What's Going to Happen," co-hosted by myself and Dr. Jeff Fine of the Politi-cal Science Department. In the Fall, Dr. Fine is will be offering a special Honors seminar on "The 2016 Elections," and we're already making plans to watch the November elections in our wonderful new build-ing!

Between now and late February, you may see various candidates on campus for rallies or speeches (these things are notoriously hard to predict, and are often scheduled on short notice). I encourage you to attend one or more of these if you can--there's nothing like seeing the campaign process up close and in person. And if you haven't already registered to vote, I urge you do do so as soon as possible. As they say, anyone who plays the lottery can't complain that their vote doesn't matter.

This year's election may be one of the most consequential in a very long time. It also promises a lot in the way of entertainment value. Pay attention, have fun, and don't forget to vote! -- Dr. Lasser

Thoughts Worth Thinking Lecture

Date: Wednesday, Jan. 27

Time: 7:00pm

Location: Academic Success Center, Room 118

Speaker: Professor Vladimir Matic, Department of Political Science


[email protected] 864-656-4762 January 19, 2016


[email protected] 864-656-4762 January 19, 2016