NIIs - 11....

I , ., it ? " ( II. {i Lions Club Sets Lioness Charter Nite . . January 11. Viill be the charter night for the eommWlily" newest eivic organization, the Carrizozo Lklaetl CIti1. Formed this past faU oodtt the '0£ Lioo's Club Pt8kIeslt Willie Silva and Uooess Club UI.oa Ernest .PitUUo the Club \lriU gtt official slart during evening Cftaitonies «l the 17th1Guests and cXgnitaries trorn an OVes' the SoUth Central New !\texico Ita are expected at the OCC4lSKln. (0 be .tUle! F()Ut Yt1nds Restaurant. scliedtftd will be. It 1 p.m•• 1ItiUf donet to- be RtVed at 1:00, fjUowid by a£ter-dinner tenlnD b1 Additiooit details may be ob- tained by tCiotactirtg Lion £rnest ?ittiUo. -Dome Wilderness, 5.200 in the santa }I'e National FtlfUl, ..t.atir Peak WiJdmltM. 20,000 in the Carton N.UMtl Fotest. ... v.bftIf.or Pm Wildetneu ditf.od; 14.too acres in the Carson NatiMu Forest. ..('apitu Muwtalns Yf1IdemKI. :lUOO 111 the LIncoln Natlona. foarm. ... White Mountain \\1Jdtmeu ... dilioo. 1• .- acres in the lJReom Slldonal ForKt. ··WiUlinglOn Wilderness, UMiOO ltel'tf in the Cibola National Forest. ... Pecot VtUderness additions. atresm 00th the Carson atldsanta F4! National Other additions to the Gila National Foi'est include 140,000 acres. nomenK:i Aid. HEY KIDS! SANTA IS ., C" ,,,,r '-'"' ... Two liell ot thee .unooin Nation'f' .. AJdO Leopold WlIdmlta, lo"'ol'tst: capitan Mountains Wilder- leM in the GUa NationaJ rorett, nell a.Od White Mountain Witdern£'SS ..Apache Kid W1Idemeu, additloo- ine1utllng more than 50.000 ICt8 in the Cibo1a National Forest. acres. baWl been included in n bill -Blue.Range Wildtinesa 30 000 approved by the Smate and WIt to, . . I , Prelddent Carter which would aens in the Gila NaUoiial Fortst. designate 610,000 acres in New Mexico u protected \ii1tdmess. 1be bill Wi! approved by the House ar!It!t'. The bill adds the hl1ld to the Nl1i/lOU ViiJdemess Pte5€n'aUon Systlm. ta'ederal land designated as wildemesa unoot be developed. and tra.. the area is to root and horseback. The Wl directs the U.s. ForEst Service (0 study another 111.(0) acres of ftdetal JIfid in New Mexioo lor pouibIe inclusion in the y,i1demess S}-stem. That land \iiilJ be protected deveJopne:lt until CMgress makes a rmal dedsiOD. Forest Semce lJlild not designated as \ltitdm1es1 or reserved Cor Cttttber study is te1el1ed by the bill foc management, mcltJding logging. minitig IDd rteteation. senator JJomemci. said in a news rtleue that the areas as wilderness are: .' Senate Approves Lincoln I .M9.n(JayI the fir,t item of,. businel. fol' C!lrrizQzQ's may/)!,', will be U1e con. dU¢tin$'Qf public bearing IllI part Qf the town'. effort to obtain a grant. During 'Ulia (In DecemJx!r 8. the town ,will select a cpm- mimity project'in preparation for the ofa The town 11 eligible to apply Cpr the grant , from tb;e ,.of Housing llnct Urban J)evl'lopment (BUD). '1be trustees' decisions will be . guldEid by citizen input from two previous HUD, hearings. Their ae1ection will be determined ,by audience participation at Monday's 7:00 p.m. meeting at the town ball. Hclmandez pya the mOfSt important thing for to keep in mind is \ that the way that they can help the community II to come to the meeting and pretent commu,n1ty needs. HUD fundi lite available to deal with serious problems with housing needs or economic coodiUoos or public CaclliUea which affect the public health and wety, Hubert Quintana, community developmmtPpJanner with SNMEDD bu been all1lUng the town with the grant advance work througb the .I' wood paneling, exterior siding and hi!a1 pumpS. In addition to the ccnservaUan erMit. a lUpaytt may receiVe a maximum reduction or $2,200 in tax liability if solar. \iiiJ'ld or geothermal energy equipment is installed in the taxpayer's principal rtsidence. 'I1te installation must contain' new equipment, have a tt.sefw lite or five )'em, and meet cutain pertorrtlatu!e standatds. " Wtst or C.rrlutto on A1rport R.d,; home o.f Sharon and Jack Ifefktt, .. ·dot Olt 'US3M, drMng toward the Valtey of Fltn State Park; tke Charlotte Ridgeley home on the- comer of 11th St. an4 "II' AVt1ute: and the CUll Mabel Apartment Complex. with Le\- ..da Forbis liS the host. -Automatic furnace ignition S)'Stems ....hicb replace gas pilot lights -Devices to improve flue openings ..f.'urnace replacemmt burners t6 reduce fuel use -Meters \\lIich display energy· usage cost AU these must be new equipmenl. willi a life expectancy or three years, hems of interest which do not quality include carpeting, drapes. TlIE CARRIZOZO WOMAN'S CLVB sponsored '1I01l1tl 'four' on SUnday, t>tc. 7, wlU lnch.cle totua or the above pictured homes (Top), the Margartt and JohnlOl'l home In Citr!zoto, at ... 'G' Avenue; and (bottom) the solar home ot Ruth Armstrong, comer of 'U' Avttlue anet I{h St. Other area homellncluded In tbe . 'tour' are thehonte of Mary and SUrllng Spttlcer. 2-mlles Otero County Cooperative, Inc.- Electric Power Prices Escalated Electric power tonsumers served by Otero County Electric Cooperatwe, Inc. are seeing hefty increases in their electric bills Cor the month of November. Those being served by the Co-op received a notice with their November billing that Plains Generation and Transmission C0- operative, the power supplier (or the Cloudcroft based co-operaUve. that It has raised' its rates 2:3 percent ef· fective November 1'. 'unus increase is teI1ected in your purchased power co$t adjustment In District Attorney Race-· beginning with this billing," custorftm were adVised. S J D·" d tr1' Man.ger of the otero Cotmty . anUers eeJare' ff "nner Electric Cooperative, C.L. Brown, said the 2:3 percent increase in put. The state canvaSSing Board, in for Weldon. chased power will be passed on tb certitying tfle resUlts or the November We1dod said be would appeal the Cl1stOnlers, but Will bot. renect ail 4 generale1ectioD; has .geclared in· decision to district ctlUrt, He said he theboatd h1crease .that ewnberil Steve Sanders the view't in would be a complaint to be .amount to the 8,000 customers the Lincoln-Otero county district filed as 1000 as the certificate or plied by. the «>operative. The rate attorney's race., election iai$sued to Sanders. i11c:!tease applied to each indMdu'al "You cean't very wed the Mrs. Hooper sent Ii memorandmti user Will depend tina llU1nber o( rulentteryou statt the voting," said to the mmty clerks prior to 1M factors, includingthesmount used, he Gov. BtU<» King, whtfiltoved that the e1ectiott, establisltiDgtbe gqidelines to said.. '' stilte board apProve sanders 'as Ute 00 toUowed iIi tabtilatiilg write-in lJicl,uded With stateJi1entssent out wiiuiet. VbteS.1his was done in anticipation or by the (J().()pwas ali iDforma:tiOh card }{irtg's motion was accflpted abeavy write-in vote iIi the 2fid bn mcOOle' tax credits for installation 'tUesday by the oth,er- two board Q)ngte#ioIiaJ. Oistrict. or qualUying. items in members, Supreme Coort Chief 'The 8Uiddities specified that to be the home. ,Justace nan Boss, .11'. and secretary C!OUfited fOt a specific cattdidafe, a Under the 1978 Energy 'fax. Act,. of State Shirley lIooperj was a Mi(e-iit vole mlJ$UtiClude sUeast the owners and tefiters or primary UnanimollS deciliol1.. 'fil'stafid lastnainesolthe candidate. residences l:ai1 l'eceive $300 lor The boat'dde'Voted most ()f its time S116rtly alter the election, Mrs. itemsand.:or $2,200 tM dwibg the brief meeting to a HoOper' advised the co\i\ty clerks m in credit diicuuion bt the district attorney's Unce)m and otero tMiDties ilia! five . againSt fe4etilincoirte tax. in Ute 12Ui JUdicial Distri¢t. Viiriatioo « Jame. Weldon ' s name It is' not a refund, but the amount Sanda1, a Deinocral. Was the cmly COUld c:owted as \totes: tor him. candidate li1t«i on the' ballot.. lte 'Ihe varl.tiOfiI were James J. and anyexceu cart be carried over (b . JoUgbt e1ectiOl1lOtbe poI;t to Which he Weldon, J.J. Weldoit" James WeJdoo, the next yelt. ,was appointed thiS year by the Jim' Wtldoa and John WeJdoll. whiclJ qUant)' for (:Oi1w governor. . 1Irt, presented the state RrVjtion «edit' (compoted at 15 .. James.J. WelOoi:l J• &ltd. 'rueJday with two (If the cost. uP"w .. or an ilternatNel,OQemlkingSandets the '$%,000 lot the· $3OOcmhU InclUde: Wtitc: m . Wina'ltr aDd the other making Weldoo '""'1J1jU1ltiOn. material' .. , . A: COt1flict deteIoped over which DE the' Wimet. ""Automltic telblickUtertnoslafS lbe many vKiatlons or write-in vOles - ..' .. ". .. . ._ . -.Qotm and dOOtif wt in the elec:tiOn COUld be CCUtted ·«.'ONT'D. ONP. Z) Need an ouUet Cor some one stop shopping for Christmas'? Want to help a local Social service agency make money lor It's special projects7 Want to help some local artisans· craCtspersons get ahead? Have we gal a deal for you - aU your nt!eds met under one rooC at the lst AtmuaJ New Horizons Arts and Crafts Bazaar. The bazaar will be Thursday Dec. 11 from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. It will take place in the Activities center at 804 'E' Ave., Carrizozo. We will feature all nature of handmade arts and crafts Items appropriate for gilt giving, plus many items unique to the SEaSOl'l. There will alao b6 plants, Christmas eatds and WfAppingpapers. Plus food, rattles for donated crafts items. Come join in the fun and share the joy of the geason! ! We will also have fresh cut Christmas trees, several hundred law volumes, a telephone emd legal c,ase ftles were destroyed in a fire at the law offices of Payn.e, Mitqhell and Q'tlgley in Ruidoso ThankBgiving, night, The fire, which was "definitely th" work of arsonists, ". according to Gary Mitchell, was confined to the law library at the office. The fire died out after consuming most of the books on one wall of shelves, Entry was attempted through a door, and When that attempt failed, a window was broken at the rear of the building. Kerosene or diesel ruel was thrown into the room, along with a matchboOk attached to a lighted cigarette "fuse." The Criminal Investlgatlon Division of tbe Ruidoso Pollee Department II investigating the In: eldent. NII"s Briel s ••• Thursday, December 18, 1960 will be the sewnd annual Retired School Employees Day at the Carrizozo Schools. HlghUghta of the day will include a tour of the classrooms following lunch in the school cafeteria. Aturkey dinner with all the trltnmings will be oUered at ltllcb Ume for retlrtd lChool employeet ':15 p.m. the 'DistriCt and me Carrirozo Teacher'. AIsodatiOD will host a O1ristmas reception for school em- ployees palt and present. For ad- ditional details, contact Dr. Jim Muter at the Superinlendent's office. . ' . .. '. Capitan Zia .. Senior Citizens Van .going tQ RoBwellon a shoWing trip 8th. Those wlshlng w go be at the Fair , Building promptly at 9:30 a.m. senior Citizens of Capitan will , hold their PoUuck dinner Wednesday December loth Ilt 12 o'clock noon. There will be a door prize! - Come you may be surpri§ed. For information call Frank Miller - Capitan N.M. - 854-2700. December 9th, Ventriloquist, Michele Perry1 with Cl}{oo":Koo" t her dummY at the FelloWship sInging with 'her Will bet' tWd daUghters, Diana De Ama 5. ,Mrs. Perry became a trildqUiSt twelve years agoaIter' j- ndin it a miner learning. the pe & l.' = a '. under a professional at (lKiu .•. des". With "Koo-. '.. 1(00''. she won the ideol "MiSS Ne.wMexico &auty Salem as Ii music major in college, she elimooexpenses With ha< i:lUtnin)' .. She bas taught classes in \Fen" ttUdquistieta and pUppetrY as welt as has held many "Kid's CrusadeS}' The· Women's Christian Fell'owsbip inviteS landllelf W a' ,potluck i'.limier at $:00 pJii. ThutsdaY, 9th at the Club, bUUding. ". •. judy Villescas of. Will pro'Vide' .peclatmUSlc \Vtth ae-- ' , . f .

Transcript of NIIs - 11....

Page 1: NIIs - 11. Viill be the charter night for the eommWlily" newest eivic organization, the Carrizozo

I, .,it ~;' ~': ?


(II. • {i

Lions Club

Sets Lioness

Charter Nite..

January 11. Viill be the charternight for the eommWlily" newesteivic organization, the CarrizozoLklaetl CIti1. Formed this past faUoodtt the~n '0£ Lioo's ClubPt8kIeslt Willie Silva and UooessClub UI.oa Ernest .PitUUo the~Club \lriU gtt i~official slartduring evening Cftaitonies «l the17th1Guests and cXgnitaries trorn anOVes' the SoUth Central New !\texicoItaare expected at the OCC4lSKln. (0beh~d .tUle!F()Ut Yt1ndsRestaurant.~tM.eoc. scliedtftd will be.~~i.l1lo\S'~g It 1p.m••1ItiUf donet to-beRtVedat1:00,fjUowid by a£ter-dinner tenlnD b1.DiitrldL_~tMiReWoUsey.

Additiooit details may be ob­tained by tCiotactirtg Lion £rnest?ittiUo.

-Dome Wilderness, 5.200 lct~ inthe santa }I'e National FtlfUl,

..t.atir Peak WiJdmltM. 20,000~ in the Carton N.UMtl Fotest.

...v.bftIf.or Pm Wildetneu a~

ditf.od; 14.too acres in the CarsonNatiMu Forest.

..('apitu Muwtalns Yf1IdemKI.:lUOO ll~rt'5 111 the LIncoln Natlona.foarm.

...White Mountain \\1Jdtmeu ...dilioo. 1•.- acres in the lJReomSlldonal ForKt.

··WiUlinglOn Wilderness, UMiOOltel'tf in the Cibola National Forest.

...PecotVtUderness additions. ~5,OOOatresm00th the Carson atldsanta F4!National lt~.

Otheradditions to the Gila NationalFoi'est include 140,000 acres.nomenK:i Aid.


., ,'1~~, C" ~-~ \,::~ ~~_: ~~ ~~~ ,,,,r '-'"' ...

Two liell ot thee .unooin Nation'f' ..AJdO Leopold WlIdmlta, 2n\~lo"'ol'tst: capitan Mountains Wilder- leM in the GUa NationaJ rorett,nell a.Od White Mountain Witdern£'SS ..Apache Kid W1Idemeu, ~,OOOadditloo- ine1utllng more than 50.000 ICt8 in the Cibo1a National Forest.acres. baWl been included in n bill -Blue.Range Wildtinesa 30 000approved by the Smate and WIt to, . . I ,

Prelddent Carter which would aens in the Gila NaUoiial Fortst.designate 610,000 acres in NewMexico u protected \ii1tdmess.

1bebill Wi! approved by the Housear!It!t'.

The bill adds the hl1ld to theNl1i/lOU ViiJdemess Pte5€n'aUonSystlm. ta'ederal land designated aswildemesa unoot be developed. andtra..~l tbro~ the area is restrict~

to root and horseback.The Wl directs the U.s. ForEst

Service(0 studyanother111.(0) acresof ftdetal JIfid in New Mexioo lorpouibIe inclusion in the y,i1demessS}-stem. That land \iiilJ be protected~ deveJopne:lt until CMgressmakes a rmal dedsiOD.

Forest Semce lJlild not designatedas \ltitdm1es1 or reserved Cor Cttttberstudy is te1el1ed by the bill focmultipl~ management, mcltJdinglogging. minitig IDd rteteation.

senator p~ JJomemci. said in anews rtleue that the areas~atedas wilderness are:


Senate Approves Lincoln

I Mtbe~wn'.8reguIafm~ting#lis~mtng .M9.n(JayI the fir,t item of,.businel. fol' C!lrrizQzQ's may/)!,',MJP1u!'1lJe~dez will be U1e con.dU¢tin$'Qf • public bearing IllI part Qfthe town'. effort to obtain a grant.During 'Ulia m~ing (In DecemJx!r 8.the town 'trust~ ,will select a cpm­mimity project'in preparation for the'~uest ofa ~,OOQ.OOgraJ)t. Thetown 11 eligible to apply Cpr the grant

, from tb;e~ent ,.of Housing llnctUrban J)evl'lopment (BUD).

'1be trustees' decisions will be.guldEid by citizen input from twoprevious HUD, hearings. Theirae1ection will~ be determined ,byaudience participation at Monday's7:00 p.m. meeting at the town ball.Hclmandez pya the mOfSt importantthing for clt~ to keep in mind is


that the way that they can help thecommunity II to come to the meetingand pretent commu,n1ty needs. HUDfundi lite available to deal withserious problems with housing needsor economic coodiUoos or public

•CaclliUea which affect the publichealth and wety,

Hubert Quintana, communitydevelopmmtPpJanner with SNMEDDbu been all1lUng the town with thegrant advance work througb the


wood paneling, exterior siding andhi!a1 pumpS.

In addition to the ccnservaUanerMit. a lUpaytt may receiVe amaximum reduction or $2,200 in taxliability if solar. \iiiJ'ld or geothermalenergy equipment is installed in thetaxpayer's principal rtsidence. 'I1teinstallation must contain' newequipment, have a tt.sefw lite or five)'em, and meet cutain pertorrtlatu!estandatds.


Wtst or C.rrlutto on A1rport R.d,; home o.f Sharon andJack Ifefktt, 2~·mlt~ ..·dot Olt 'US3M, drMng towardthe Valtey of Fltn State Park; tke Charlotte Ridgeleyhome on the- comer of 11th St. an4 "II' AVt1ute: and theCUll Mabel Apartment Complex. with Le\-..da ForbisliS the host.

-Automatic furnace ignitionS)'Stems ....hicb replace gas pilot lights

-Devices to improve flue openings..f.'urnace replacemmt burners t6

reduce fuel use-Meters \\lIich display energy·

usage cost

AU these must be new equipmenl.willi a life expectancy or three years,

hems of interest which do notquality include carpeting, drapes.

TlIE CARRIZOZO WOMAN'S CLVB sponsored'1I01l1tl 'four' on SUnday, t>tc. 7, wlU lnch.cle totua or theabove pictured homes (Top), the Margartt and JohnlOl'lSteatn~ home In Citr!zoto, at ... 'G' Avenue; and(bottom) the solar home ot Ruth Armstrong, comer of'U' Avttlue anet I{h St. Other area homellncluded In tbe .'tour' are thehonte of Mary and SUrllngSpttlcer. 2-mlles

Otero County Cooperative, Inc.-

Electric Power Prices EscalatedElectric power tonsumers served

by Otero County ElectricCooperatwe, Inc. are seeing heftyincreases in their electric bills Cor themonth of November.

Those being served by the Co-opreceived a notice with theirNovember billing that PlainsGeneration and Transmission C0­operative, the power supplier (or theCloudcroft based co-operaUve. that Ithas raised' its rates 2:3 percent ef·fective November 1'.

'unus increase is teI1ected in yourpurchased power co$t adjustment In District Attorney Race-·beginning with this billing,"custorftm were adVised. S J D·" d tr1'

Man.ger of the otero Cotmty . anUers eeJare' ff"nnerElectric Cooperative, C.L. Brown,said the 2:3 percent increase in put. The state canvaSSing Board, in for Weldon.chased power will be passed on tb certitying tfle resUlts or the November We1dod said be would appeal theCl1stOnlers, but Will bot. renect ail 4 generale1ectioD; has .geclared in· decision to district ctlUrt, He said he~i'OU theboatd h1crease b£ .that ewnberil Steve Sanders the view't in would be~ing a complaint to be.amount to the 8,000 customers su~ the Lincoln-Otero county district filed as 1000 as the certificate orplied by. the «>operative. The rate attorney's race., election iai$sued to Sanders.i11c:!tease applied to each indMdu'al "You cean't very wed cban~ the Mrs. Hooper sent Ii memorandmtiuser Will depend tina llU1nber o( rulentteryou statt the voting," said to the mmty clerks prior to 1Mfactors, includingthesmount used, he Gov. BtU<»King, whtfiltoved that the e1ectiott, establisltiDgtbegqidelines tosaid.. ' ' stilte board apProve sanders 'as Ute 00 toUowed iIi tabtilatiilg write-in

lJicl,uded With stateJi1entssent out wiiuiet. VbteS.1hiswasdonein anticipation orby the (J().()pwas ali iDforma:tiOh card }{irtg's motion was accflpted abeavy write-in vote iIi the 2fidbn mcOOle' tax credits for installation 'tUesday by the oth,er- two board Q)ngte#ioIiaJ. Oistrict.or qualUying. enetgy~vmg items in members, Supreme Coort Chief 'The 8Uiddities specified that to bethe home. ,Justacenan Boss, .11'. and secretary C!OUfited fOt a specific cattdidafe, a

Under the 1978 Energy 'fax. Act,. of State Shirley lIooperj a~ was a Mi(e-iit volemlJ$UtiClude sUeast theowners and tefiters or primary UnanimollS deciliol1.. ~ 'fil'stafid lastnainesolthe candidate.residences l:ai1 l'eceive $300 lor The boat'dde'Voted most ()f its time S116rtly alter the election, Mrs.~ation itemsand.:or $2,200 tM dwibg the brief meeting to a HoOper' advised the co\i\ty clerks mr~ewabteeDe1'gyequipment in credit diicuuion bt the district attorney's Unce)m and otero tMiDties ilia! five

.againSt fe4etilincoirte tax. i'~e in Ute 12Ui JUdicial Distri¢t. Viiriatioo « Jame. Weldon's nameIt is' not a refund, but the amount Sanda1, a Deinocral. Was the cmly COUld~ c:owted as \totes: tor him.

cmf)ededoct~IromtheUlxesowect candidate li1t«i on the' ballot.. lte 'Ihe varl.tiOfiI were James J.and anyexceu cart be carried over (b .JoUgbt e1ectiOl1lOtbe poI;t toWhichhe Weldon, J.J. Weldoit" James WeJdoo,the next yelt. ,was appointed thiS year by the Jim' Wtldoa and John whiclJ qUant)' for t~ (:Oi1w governor. . 1Irt,~ presented the state

RrVjtion «edit' (compoted at 15 .. James.J. WelOoi:lJ • AJa~caJiV~ &ltd. 'rueJday with twopercen~ (If the cost. uP" or '.at~,e.r'.'~~ an ~ve ilternatNel,OQemlkingSandets the'$%,000 lot the· $3OOcmhU InclUde: Wtitc:m .~peIgI1. agairilt~, Wina'ltr aDd the other making Weldoo

'""'1J1jU1ltiOn. material'.., . A: COt1flict deteIoped over which DE the' Wimet.""Automltic telblickUtertnoslafS lbe many vKiatlons or write-in vOles - . . ' .. ". .. . ._

. -.Qotm~ and dOOtif wt in the elec:tiOn COUld be CCUtted ·«.'ONT'D. ONP. Z)

Need an ouUet Cor some one stopshopping for Christmas'? Want to helpa local Social service agency makemoneylor It's special projects7 Wantto help some local artisans·craCtspersons get ahead? Have we gala deal for you - aU your nt!eds metunder one rooC at the lst AtmuaJ NewHorizons Arts and Crafts Bazaar. Thebazaar will be Thursday Dec. 11 from10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. It will takeplacein the Activities center at 804 'E'Ave., Carrizozo.

We will feature all nature ofhandmade arts and crafts Itemsappropriatefor gilt giving, plus manyitems unique to the SEaSOl'l. There willalao b6 plants, Christmas eatds andWfAppingpapers. Plus food, rattlesfor donated crafts items.

Come join in the fun and share thejoy of the geason! !

We will also have fresh cutChristmas trees,

several hundred law volumes, atelephone emd legal c,ase ftles weredestroyed inafire at the law offices ofPayn.e, Mitqhell and Q'tlgley inRuidoso ThankBgiving, night,

The fire, which was "definitelyth" work of arsonists,". according toAttom~y Gary Mitchell, was confinedto the law library at the office. Thefire died out after consuming most ofthe books on one wall of shelves,

Entry was attempted through adoor, and When that attempt failed, awindow was broken at the rear of thebuilding. Kerosene or diesel ruel wasthrown into the room, along with amatchboOk attached to a lightedcigarette "fuse."

The Criminal InvestlgatlonDivision of tbe Ruidoso PolleeDepartment II investigating the In:eldent.

NII"sBriel s •••

Thursday, December 18, 1960 willbe the sewnd annual Retired SchoolEmployees Day at the CarrizozoSchools. HlghUghta of the day willinclude a tour of the classroomsfollowing lunch in the schoolcafeteria. Aturkey dinner with all thetrltnmings will be oUered at ltllcbUme for retlrtd lChool employeetatttn:l~~daY'longeven\;.At ':15p.m. the 'DistriCt and me CarrirozoTeacher'. AIsodatiOD will host aO1ristmas reception for school em­ployees palt and present. For ad­ditional details, contact Dr. JimMuter at the Superinlendent's office.

. ' .,~ ..

'. Th~ Capitan Zia ..Senior CitizensVan willb~ .going tQ RoBwellon ashoWing trip O~ember 8th. Thosewlshlng wgo plea~ be at the Fair

,Building promptly at 9:30 a.m.senior Citizens of Capitan will

,hold their PoUuck dinner WednesdayDecember loth Ilt 12 o'clock noon.There will be a door prize! - Comeyou may be surpri§ed.

For information call Frank Miller- Capitan N.M. - 854-2700.

~December 9th, Ventriloquist,

Michele Perry1 with Cl}{oo":Koo" t herptecofiiou~ dummY ~OgJ at theWomen~sCbristian FelloWshipsInging with 'her Will ~ bet' tWddaUghters, Diana ~,and De Ama 5.

,Mrs. Perry became a vetl~

trildqUiSt twelve years agoaIter'j- ndinit a miner learning. thepe & l.'

=a '. under a professional at (lKiu.•. des". With "Koo-.'.. 1(00''. she wonthe ideol "MiSS Ne.wMexico &autySalem ~ueen'f as Ii music major in •college, she elimooexpenses With ha<i:lUtnin)'..

She bas taught classes in \Fen"ttUdquistieta and pUppetrY as welt ashas held many "Kid's CrusadeS}'

The· Women's ChristianFell'owsbip inviteS landllelf W a',potluck i'.limierat $:00 pJii. ThutsdaY,Decem~r 9th at the Womeli'~ Club,bUUding. ". • .

judy Villescas of.~, Willpro'Vide' .peclatmUSlc \Vtth 1I~ ae--mt~~. '

, .f •.

Page 2: NIIs - 11. Viill be the charter night for the eommWlily" newest eivic organization, the Carrizozo

", .; .', "'... ', ,- :\ '. ,,'-:'

, , 0





Alrmln OrIIDdo samora, &OJ) 01AIlIeJllo '5amera 01 c:nrrtzozo. N.M.•baa beeIl easl8lIed '" Qll1llllt. AirForce Base. m.. an... compl.tlng AirForce beal. h'1IlI1ng.

DurlJlg lhe Iia w__ 01 LaolclllJldAIr Foree Base. Texos, the oltman.tudled tho Air Forte mlllsion.orgnlutloD and customs ondreo<lVed spadal h'aInIng 10 humCll-..

1D addJUon. alrmua who complelobasic training eam cmfilo to'Runi on_te~ In opplled &dom:,lhmogblheCemmlllllty CeU.geelth.Air Foree.

no afrnutn Will fttr.\' reet'i\'o~lJllttd iJutn:tetiM 1ft the M'crcw""'''''U... Odd.

'CON"'I!.. 1'1101\1 P. I)

" i 'll>o Illiil allll'i!lidve, wl>lch Wa.'ii!>pted b~Abe /ioIIrd. l1OIloled the1itftes @IIHpr Wtll4Qi'i'>in ,Accordanc~wl,th' .. Mr~. )1~o.PQ"~' b:l'tginal'"i~<' ...... :~ ,",ThelJr.1 e)_lIVe Ollptlllded thellvovl!tlolilm"" W<I(lon'.....,,,,14,'Ibis al~Uve ga~ -S~nden -5,769~tN IndW'}Ioon 5,47a: an'«!Se of 200\'O~. for SlIuf;lers. -, 4

_ The~ .II1ternativt (oU.-wed the• ~UOfMY &~f:lraI18 oplnioh. tt gave

W_doO $,909 v~ullod Sanders 5,769:41 lto-v(¢(1 ejJ,ge for Weldon.

Mrs. "Ho(lJleJ' mseoled the bo/,lrdwith..*'of 102 v.ari"tiooa 1Mt wouldbave to be'~unted for' W,IdOl1 if Lheattorney 'general', opInion wasfollowed•

on . ·"As 11QOk overt,l)e list, I see many.munes that ein1f1lnly donIt spell 0111tbe ,name of James Weldon," K1nilsaid.

'11le governor moved that the boardaec:ept the fir.t a1tefnatlve glvlng thevictory" to Sanders becaJ1&,e the­regulations lor cpunUng .write-invotes were -.ab~ed beCore theelt=Ction.

Sasa asked ir the auomey general'soffice assisted Mr&. Hpppet' indrawing up tbe pre·eJectionguldeJlnes. Mrs. Hooper lial,d NoelleSchoen, 8&8ist(Q)t attorn•.)' general.bad helpedte develop the getdelin;S:-~ ~

"For aU pI'flcth:al purpolies. we willIn,e/leet be aamlng tb. plalnUff who.wID cballenSQ die de'C15I011 01 I~

canvassing board," M1'5. Hooper said,She said she WilS certilln thai po

matter what dee15lon WiI& made bythe boiIrd. the loser o,\ould lilke Ibemalter \0 court.






"liliii'i ~000IlbJ.••Our ChIcken FrIed Steaks

are ntllde fresh. dally -fromChO'~. Bottom ,. Rounds, WeQuarantee "No I"at and NoGristle". ',Our ROlIst Beef Is from '1'llpQualify ChoIce Beef also, THE!BEST MONEV CAN BUY!

4·WINDSReit!llWJlnt 6- Lounge

Pfl.Oftt 6410991\ CARll120Z0

UHCatH a-utllbfled Met')' ThandG1 al:tOO(·mltal An.. l"arrlwm. NfW

.COUNtV NEWS ",.,'" 1OI,:nVAP.8.:ta460

Sfcond Qau Postage paid at Catrboto. Sew ~Iwto.!idhmofptloii i'atn.tI pu:rear It) LIncoln Co:nity. "Lpn~"t f'fSflliflere. •etU',~flar •..•. , ................• ,. , PablflhE'i"

1edtltvtgU ..••.....•.......................Uo~Q"rtJ(flo Saea •••••.••••.••••••••••••••••••••.•t'<lmtlO:Jitkm

Ily t1l" ~ .•..... ~ ~ ...•SWIWlllel'......... , •••••••••••••••..••Hwlogtapb",


D~mmmm~[B13lot ..... ,,,,,,,,,., "*'tJI. I IIIt/tfnM tu,"

Slf'IJlffgLltu:tJlff COilfflj! Slffc, 1948''WlAcceti



The Carrlzozo Chamber 'Or Com·merce beld Ita regular monthlyrneetlJ1l; !XI Tuesday, Dec. 2. atIll' Rae CeIller. Hlghllghllng themeeting was 8 report by the Mem·berIbIp Committee, polnting,out Utat!be recent memberallip drivo hildbroeghl Chamber membershlp 10 56.

111e MemberlJhlp Drive toamheaded by lIulll Annlltnlng wa.declared the "Winner' In Ute com·peUtioDlor DeW members. 1'ho Joslrlgteam will be providing a Sleak dinnerto the wfnDen later thls month.

Prelldent Scott Shafer rec:eJ\ledother reports 1rom tte AIrport ondReafonalAlrpen ..mml.....A briefd1Ic\aUloa or lbe Kovembet 14 StateBoard of Economic DevelopmMImeellnghdd III Jloe\\~U loUowed Withlb. _Iloo ihal c:nrrtzozo ho8laucll • meeting al ..m, dalO '" bedelermllled. lluring 11l8l.

FoUowlllg theb_....Ioa olldIllI1ch. QllDlber membmeed g.....hwd • _lalloo by Dr. Jim

~i, !tIWerollbe ClI'I'Izow Schools on Impa<l ollJ'encls III _IearoUment oa the loeaIle 'eI. MOler~ WI _ Urn..1 hideC1Jnlng. and v.ID do 80 lor tltf! nE!Jtlive )...... He added Uull thoDIstrtd.'. mUlues bente. monO)'ovoJlabl'lOspendln<ally. will c!e<l11O.-giy.

e .•


THE 1I0ME 01' Ii_RIlII...~I."".elth....h.........Ich., fl.' Ute -elr#l"1Ct Wonam'."OIab



'~,' ~uAn apple a-daylJ bu bee~~;o~I"adyJ~tor more tban


00 "el!'-'llC! tblJ emp, dellclau. f'rult I••tol Amerlc."varUe.Flaky APple 'oldov.ra are.n exCC!lIen~way to ..VOt the

&IIR, tana:)' loodl'lrH or iIIe leuan'. treab apple.. 'lbeDaky turnovora are lood warm or cool, 10 you Cln I&1Mlthem tor deJlCn, then enjoy any lerc.ovon u .nlckt. V.lnantrJ,erakd blJCIIIt. dauab tor the crun makel lhC!IDClQIoclanyell)' lo make.

Cllorl. couatera wID abo be dc!llahl4!d to learn that thll.ppl. trut- b.. only 107 ealor1ea. I.. than halt thenumber tor I plleO'at rqullr .pple pit.


10«. rinHu6~"tel drrr,.,.tad Qlik)o b1leultt·2/3eupIUPr3/-4 teupoon dmlamonII' teUPOOJi nutal,.

11/-4 euprtintly d1opped, peeled Ipplu1/4 cup~ or bulter, melled

nut ottn to a.,s~r. Btpuat.t don'" Into to b1lcu1ta.Prea or roD .kIt. to • elide. In small bowl,cambia. Idttr, clMamOl'J and nuUn.,. Spoon about 2 .tabJUPOOD& IPplu onto ct!nter of neb Oattened blle.ulLSpoon 1 &e&llPOon MIlar mlJtlun OYer appl..

Fold douah Ib baitom- tntlngl pma edjU with tork toau!. Dip bOth aida or e.aeb In mlllarine. then 10nma1nbl. auIU mlJttura. lllau In uawreblld IGdo-lnehjelly rotJ ,m or 13x9-1ftC!h para.

Bak. a1. 3'15"P. tor 16 to 20 mhmw or unm roldenbrown. Remove from po to cool Serre warm oreGO!. 10turam.,.,

'Recipe oj the .Week', ..

- - In Memory of--

. CQ""er.ol8th S,. iT 'If! Aw....•, .


(l1lOll1l1l 1'. lA"'.,

.0- 'I'rlIlIIll Ji3IIlIo ,. 011IlIbo $IW~ Niwl!ltlbW

" -,. ...,_:, un 7"$

_ CillIIIlI . .11O,e'teU:ll_

NOtre,,-. Country Milt, ,.... .. oa..........elf'M.

_b ~..lIr Ptlcly-l.ft•....,~





Th, l'lnl BapUsl QlllrdI aduUchoIJ'membero have been bllay lOI1lOgiliaii' vocal ""'cia lor their Qlrlltmea<:oatata. I) Belleve be', the Son OfGed.' The holiday event wiD be hddODStmday, Dec. 14 It 7:00.P.m. at theBapUsl ClWrah. Th, Bapllal algJlIlIgroup VIJIJ alae be lealurecl Ialel' thl.monlb at Carrlzom', CommuniI.)'Coo.....

1beltecCeaIer wu the lite 01 thetoWD', second pubJlc hearJng whereeltlzen partldpaUon and input wasgothtreellll hopeaeltrylllg lor , /11"0'&om the deplrtmeat 01 HaUling andUrblb Developmeal eHVOI. Ex·leallon Comnlunlty DevelopmentSpec1I11at, sm Gamn \\llB puctli illlb. Nov. 20 m'l'lfll, to lIbo... In·ts'eJUd eltlurl.a .Ude pre&mlollon ~

of La Cr\IeaI realdenoea lila' hadundergone rebabl1ltatJon. C;On'lCl.\dID V,lIrb rorQ!opetaU\'eKxlfnllonservI.e willll'OMSU apl81J1ed wbalCllrriurto oeuJd 110 In the erea 01bo..lJIg U IhIa II the aeed end II Ill.IoWD II ou_et III ,bIolOlJIg 0


'IlIia CSlmlng Monclay Ill, te,,,,mfalll8 will.pen With cIIllOl1!Sloa ,Iwlilch type 01 grllll or Ill8Il thodtizena w~"'d Uk. ",try I... II CSletdbe ......ter and' kMU; street pa\'ingIIId <Url>1ag or bolltblg. The liralhearf1Ig UI held at Santa JUta'sporish ha1Il<>ellPiaillllCD 8IlII wbetit does. Some eomtnuail)' needs Wt!l'ebroeghl up. Th. /lee c.m... hoarfllgw.. devoted to hdUJlng a_1IJlalieJl. Al the /IlIaI hearing elllIelOWllha1lthll-mg Monday thett'UiUd 'WJ11 gi\'t their 'S)" ell" -nay.let .. ptNppllealloe lr)'.




PhWp Payne wal lbe lucky_ of Ihe 'lblllklgJvlllg groaerybasket __ by the (lrlzzlyVal'l1ty QletI1eadero.

VIIltc1n dllrlog the ThaakIgJvlngboUclaYI If. the Lane, Moore andliIIettIII _da were Mr. andMl'I.l'errooClImmllllol5an Aot..I••T..... (lin. CUmmllllIa a alece alIll, LaD, 818-., Other h.UdayvlIltori were Mr. and Mrs.. WadelAM IIld chUcIreJl. La CnIees. IUldMr. IIId 1oIJ'I. Joe Lane IIId beya andMr. Allred LaDe IIId ... olllulllo .

Bill and Miry ED.. Poyne .


Nt.IIIld!dtl, J.b H wi..... _ tho tftmla&' of theltdOogb _e H. 11...... tow_ c. 0.._ or Sat! DUjo.CoIlIomIa.

The _s< IeIlk plO4ll II E11'.... _ lIi1 N,_bOt 10. 1DllIl.

'I1iiJ_Mt.IIIldMtLw_c.ow... 'tiIlI Il6 Rvlllg .t I'l. Slll,~Oidabolll., _ Mr, uw... II...-.


8eDny Coker of CspJlan and Mr,and Ml'f. a.A. ',iBud'" Crenshaw dtWhite Oake enjoyed T~lIka8lvlnfQay with Ilebby Dill and Mar!'Crenatutw, their fanilly. and WaddyHobbo. a lamUy /,riend.

.- ~

--~DURHAM'SUIC8UlIIEHRY..,.. ............&23·2830

101 S. Main ~w.1l

DoDy and Role)' Ward, haOlereturned rRml • weeldong vlstt wuhtheir 8l'IlIddaUpter and 1amUy, whoIlYeA~r H~Jocated by Deming,WWJe 011 tho triP, Roley and reJaUv1!8wens bllltlns and Roley rc(urned toc.~with.deer. It Wiit'here althe· bome 0.( Gene 8~d GingerYtbea1ten and 100 lbe Wardi wereJoJOed by ether n:JaUvea lor a bigThlllklglving g_ather.

, - .MargmU.. I'r"" vlliled withMI!tle llrtlz lo< Ill, ThanklgivlnghoUday••M.rlom.1 her allll, alrporI

~uquerque abo flew In

flo Loll oII!Id... N..... ~lario·a

moth r. tlccomplJlled MIls.rrlta

CarrllozoWoman', Club Bazaar

It Rummage SaleDEC.6TH/9:30A.M... ':OO PJIIl.


. DEC.7TH··TOUROFHOMES-Ftom 2:00·4:00 P.Mt-



will COIltlaueCO1t.rYfuaU ofLIO..1to C<Mm11

PHONE:Day or Night




Page 3: NIIs - 11. Viill be the charter night for the eommWlily" newest eivic organization, the Carrizozo

:. '.


. . 14.7,j7.~ ITHE INK WEU. INC.




Z8Dta WoIdaD .ooomponied theMIl.. WoIdaDa 10 Coni_lor_or'Illn.y wllb the Relit.....

!'!'. and Mro. Col... Y!"'COl' ale

Me. ond Mrl,llobby CBm!lI .lIdTed sp8lI' tbe loag ...._ ID

•HoaweUllIId .topped by !lie v.vId$Ilranch &ulday OD their WlIl' i>timl> toSaota Fe. •


Buford Harris. NMSU, bas beephere (or a (ew'days 1.0 hunt with LonHoUeym~


Mr.aud Mrs. Jolin D. Honeyman,Mr. lind Mrl. John Allen H1gIItowerand Barbara Harkey were in LasVegas Sunday afternoon to attendordinaUon services for Henry SeayRodiero. 'Ille Hodg...' daullhler JillRQdgeri Cta'l:l'8fl gave tbe can toworoblp om! Ibe Reveeeacl A.R.Juterbocb gove the <b.rge. Me.Rodgera'mother came from Clovis toattend services. and hls SOD, Jack, orSapt!11o was present. After the or- ,... .:... - ....,

diaaUon tho cOligregaUOn enjoyed a'Iblllllc'lliviog _or hosted b, IbeFiI'It UDlled'lerl.. 01_ InIbe FeD_hip I!JJI.

Mr. and Mrs. Waymnn Halsell.Balcersfielcl, CA, were guo.1lI I...week or tho Leon Erramouspcs.

Weol<end guesta 01 the Win·ebesters lor a bUlttlllg weekend wereMr, and Mel. stan Clark, Lubhock.and Mrs. Pete Brady and I&Oft. 1'1'0,)'.Sacramento.

Santa Rosa; Dr. Fred R. Hollworth.Clovis; Scott. Jackson, TucUmcari:Nick P.ppas. Hoawell' \Iobert 8.Finley. ,Sr.. Alia: Bob Gallagher.Habbl; and Leland TlUmon. CluJ•.

''''''.' ,,:!.:':' ,"


CfltUeman',Bride"and decUeated'thePO'" to Dla.. Galee. the bride 01Tom Gales~ Ihe Jumplag J IlMcb.

.The next meeting wi1l be

Decembe••th a1th. Lovel... IlM<bwith HoeUvelaco lUld BoDDIe Crlal'CO-bdBleIHI.

',,', ,-', "

Y~.'Ille promlaed l'I'dl_utous bar­

ayard mIDI-de.... was pmentoclL1VIl ••wrl'teD lUld cllrecte<l by Mro.BeU. 'Ib_ lIeWIy <1_ ora.....played Ib- cIIo••etee porto, .nd theploy.....ecIto lie il opiIIoH~Dullus.

'lhe Jedet:ar:v .real! ·'To tho

Board to Review EMS Regional PrioritiesRoIwollllthe oIte roe the_. 01..... Quay. _v.14 ..d Unloo.

New MexIco Em"'ll"'CY Mrdlc:II RegIoa III EMS Iloaed membero_ CoIpOl'alfoo _ meellng "'bllle \Iobert G. Beool<B. Clll'lla;Dee.10,_.I1:00p.... 'Illepabllc Ia LowIa Spero, Alamogordo: GI...1Dvlte4 to U1e meettns at the Clown Jonel, Arteda; ADdreI Hernandez,Reiliurat, 1301 SB Molo St.,RoewelL

()Q tho qmda lor d1Iw5sIon 18 0mleWatEMS pIanulog prlorlll<s lor1l<IIOD m. ."~ NJ£ EMS CorponlUoa 15 SOl No. Main· Be1fn. N.lI!.

th........ctiog._ cborged with ...1'1'00•• _

Ihe nopolllibllUy Ill< devrIoplng • 01 t......01 .Y.'tID 10' em.esency S rlbufors of •mrdlc:ll_. CauIlU....mblaed BUILDING hlATERIALS + FARM AND IlANCH SUPPLIES +lA>/oI'mN MexIco••EMSJIeilanIU FENCIIo'G + srOCK TANKS + PIPE + WhlBER + ROOFING +ItO Cblv QIrry, _ ... Eddy. UlON RooPlNG + WINDOWS + PL'l'WOOD + CEhlE~'T + REBAR.Guallolupe, Ilan!llW. Ia. U.rolo. ~..SIX_AHCRES_HOF_Il...UWl....~IN..·G....!M...T..ElUAL'l....·......Ql;o.N..1IANH;;D;,,;"..THALL......T1HhlES....!;;!oM

, .


Lee Sultemeiet is Ptesident-


9rown Cowbelles Elect Officers'Ib_November meetlngol C<own

CowJ>eIIeJ w.. Ileld 'Ib......y .'thehomeonm. ftOllltW. SUlI"",ele. J•.

~ Kay Sui_ie< IOd Pel 11."dsonweree<>boo'.....lo.lhe_dIshluncheon wbtcli leatured beet en­<bUadu. GlleIlI were PaJUe 11!sh·mUl, Eva Sinebez "'d'Dlane Gates.

Prelldent Betty Ann Bellpmlded .'Ihe buJiI"'" meeting llIIdread' an Indlu plC1llre atoty, IIAHipPY OIY wltb Grandmotber"wIIlcb _ llad _ lfl'Ing tocIecIpboe.J\IIDfIaSuIl...eleeread ther<porl ollhe .._ling oommltlee

••Iped a1Io by JolmaY IlCIOd ondErma Br;yan. _ repon was Be­

~"dudthe~lInwWg~fi~wereel..leCl, __ Lee Sultemelce.lim WlOjll'tlldmI LInda POIld .....ndvI~ Jodie Bog....aecretIr)l _ llyrd, ..........Katie Sultemller. lIIJtorlan llOII¥Ruuen. parIlIm~_ IldIy AmIIlclI and npcnIer. G<rllclln. D.PeeldDl.'Ihe_wlIlllelm1alIedby IlalOIlftOId<ul,__CollIns,aIlheDmm..lfnI, C<o..llCowbl'll..\~tocI to _ Ihe 1lIlIII1D_ .1IlomlI\Y VIlI&bID lorCowbtU.~ the

Interest on CheckinglIntIOltuclng~a e1teddngaccount tbatearns Interest. For the first time ever. we'll be paying1nteteet0ll~C!WItIngnceounts startingJIIIlWirY 1.-


.. -_ .....

. IICITIZENSSTATEBANK\qhn Catri1iltd I!sIaIttia

, A8Sl1lANK MetIlJjej FDIC

,- -



• .• - _~ .•_ - __ ,_r ._~ _~,_~. ", __ . • ••

~_ ..._~_--.. .._..... _rs.... it.


.... . '- -- -~.......,....""'..

Page 4: NIIs - 11. Viill be the charter night for the eommWlily" newest eivic organization, the Carrizozo

t m




W'<l' Sst tIo........ usCAIUi!D'tO


Fd • 'l'bII_.... 110I1



, .IleIi • 'l'l\. Ilo........ 741



bit. flU MANCHU'I'GI

'8... ; s

Lafe Owl ShowSiI._......1IIo


Some people,

go lbmulhlifewitbouleverb.vlng a rainy day.Bul mOil people ron intoa stonn noll' and Iben.

So itpa)'S II'plan fl.r, • ".nn and tbUn bnpe

II .",'Orbappen"The Pal'mD Sa\ingl

Plan III Clnu surc.,we•eal)' WIl}' to roi'ce}"Ounn:lftoatart .11\-lng.And so\ings arc D mUllto kt:cp un)' financialpion fn)m guing '10Ih. skidl.

The Iilll.}"u 1.1 noid.ou.h pa)'dar for U.S.S.dngl Bnncls willIlhn\. And h.lp .crlu:oplUU cfn'Cn.od cornu rainurcumulhinc:.

And ifl"u..... lu.k)·entJu~ to miulhe mi t help )'ou plant 0few I ad.: trees,

Her GraudioDi ud gnal­II'lOcIIono wID ..... u pal1Ilwm.

""'''''''''''" are by Clatk'iCIIepII 0/-. Ruldo1o. NoM.




Sl!d 9012a....._(/lQ5)-

@ COilltIII A....COrif>OzO,NM


Rent'Call 648·2333

. - _. .. .

MAllY EI,IZABBTH~,oIClplta••N,M. pe'1IIedawlY 6elm'dIl', NOVJIiI1ber il2, IIIIlO InIho I\lIldoIo If..di> 1/'a111l' 1/oIp1la1.

:un. ~1lO1IIIIl WII hom Sop­tember I, 1186 ID IIlIIoo CoIIIll'Tlu.. Sb. married ChlrJe._III In EeIl Co\Illl' 'l'eJ<a1 ..,JWy 7. \100. In 1118 obi IIId h...bUlbud 110m_dod In LbloolDCotmll'.- obIbJd UvedWIlU b...dIaIIL Har hUIbIIId pnceeded h... IndeaIh, Ii well Ii 8 ICMII aod adaotblln, lllla WIll member oflh.ClpllaoQl_oIlbeN_lncIwu • ~. of Nature, a Scholar.AutbIr,Ilan_aod I \llbuleJo h.........,lIIl1y.

SUrvJ\WI lIIc1udo her IOU, G.H.ISborlY) _1IIIIl oIllUldolo, NoM.,IDd her dau,lhtet. Mn. AmiIloUUllld ., B..wnIleId, 'l'eJ<a1; h...Slat.., 1&100 MarUn or Lubbodc,tau: ber _ .... Hom)' BUbmy.J,. or Colorldo CilY, TftIa. AIIo 23GrudcblldreD. 81 Grut­1l'1.DdcIdlcJ;na, and 51 Gl'fttlJlUt­11'-.

Flma'a1ServlwwID IIBheld 1:00PJI, 1IoodI1.liOV"",ber II. Ill1O, h>Clatlll..Cllepll or 110.... W11h Ilov.

- - J.A.1IkI oCJIcIIlIllI. IllIeml"'1 wIDbeIDIhaWhlteOOkaC<metay. WhIteOella, N.lI•


., ,".",~



Sditdltter...u....lnlll......Il£AL7H OFFICE

'.' 'i "' ..... ,

':'4' ,·8····, NE·. ·ws':,. --", ;'..,:,." ... , '.'-'

z .', '

Gretchen Annala

St~ies Physical'Therapy At UNM


FiliI(! .

.. '.

WA'llalWlIlUB .-­~HJIL

PI"y~~J8I'IOl'lIInRoaweJl. W"!'I'lIl'tl_~ODd •..-.I_Iloodoy.

" "·L.

,", .

Rbooda aod MoUnds S1rIcldaodooI.bralO<llhelr blrlhdsl" lleoemberSl'daod1Ih, '!beyWII'IIOaod Tyeo..old, 1wIIII_ YOUOI!aIU" mlnymore very HoPP1~

Mr.aod~ G 100'IDlllY of Dlmmll, T I wer.'l1wII<q\vIo, JIoIIdiy 1_ 0/ herbrothel' Mr. .ad Mr.. TerryShlolcJaod IIId lomlly, All flljoyed'lb8Dllql\'lllfl dlnllo1' II Ih. hom. 01l\Il:. aodloln. l/OWerd Wl'l(hl.

Mr. ..,i l\Il:l. Bud Payne 01CltriIoJIJ '_, til•. TI1eIikIllIviD(HoIld1l'l W11h hilbriItb... IhaVemmPaYllOlomllyaod _ hillIQ y... old1JlOlb... Mn. W. \I, Payne•



there.. dad f.O" turd back. 'lbere~mlUl)'~ of them. 1be reeldentsUlUadlbl.CIll'HoU end told lIlem bntI dO DOl lIB.. 'Iho boWiDdIlll_erIha oaoitr_ .... 'recolved word.1IeaUjI' jl _d be _. 'lb.eIt!l> oeedIto bo tum.d mo.. to Ihah1BhWIl' lhey"'aollhe pIlbIIc to Ilk••

. WaYne IIobbe _ad lrom hll....lloD to hiI duttio wUh Iha Clll',He WII DDt the luc:ky deer hunter butdi(I 'bave a moat eajoyable vacation.

Mr. and MrI. Wayae Hobbl had'lblllkql\'lllfl. dlnllOl' wllb Mr. Indl\fn. AIloo SbOliU, Loll 01 sood loodwUb home srown turkey,

Mr. aod Mro. Randy Lyk1DllOOtwo _ 01 A1buqnerqne vilitedtrteadl III Capltaa whU, enroute toIh.... bom••



Basketball Schedule1980-81


The Seator Cltizenl metNovember 19th at tbe Fair Bul1d1ng Matt aad QU,la Cook lnewfor theirmonthly pot luck dinner with own... of the ClplWt Hardware)a' Hood attendance. Some of the really. ·enJuyed their tlrltSenlon Crom CIrrJ_ joined Ihem. 'IllIn1u1l1vl1lfl In CoplllD. JoInIIlfIWe apprectated that 10 much. 'DIe them for 'I'bIaIrqlv.bta dinner werenext meetlnl will be December 10th. ~vll'l motber'hanc:et VfII1; miter

EllaVfaIloCA1~., Bomadell'Sbaul or ladll.l, their -luntMarprllySo1ual'orLblcolD,300IOOColleen S.lazar and tbelr twodaulbten, Doria and Laolne,BYIl')'OIlOoajo,ed Ih. ,ood Cood, ,ood_pa", aod I Jot or ,ood mUll••

Monday niBbt-November 24th. WeJ'FfIived OVlilf six mdl.·of wet snowapd it lasted several days. It was Colda,pd icy, The moisture wall: great.

The Capitan Athletic ClubsPoneored a Bleak dinner al the SilverOollar honoriDH OUf tootbaU teamiu~l November ~th, Severalbusinme& and invididuals ton­trt~10'1h, dluner.

'lb. Snwl<"l' lleo' _ hid1182 ,vilitora for the month ' ofNovember. LPt SWilley there werevisitors from A.-trieU•• It wall: closed1burlday aDd FrIday:

'lb. Hlgbwll' b,1iI1lll m HI(hway... m. mU. waI of ClpllID whichlhey lie W1dfniD( to a Co.. Ian> bl(h.way b.. OlUNd Job 01 conlternatlonOD the part: 01 the tourIItI and I cannatb1am.lhem.'Ib~ III deto.. II..onthe west endguiding travel but JI wal\>OlnliDB to Ihe ,..d on Ih. riflbl aodmany during the snow atormI took Itand lollIld tbemJelva JOIl, Came todead eudand Ioqllired 01 the mldeatl







, '.1· .,.,

· '{, ,


, .

Non_bel'18 .... Tularoaa R... ~.CO Ilo)'l-JR O1rla-JB


....5-6 T_r.s LAkE AR'rBOR IlfV1!A'tIO!fAt A_ Tb 1lo)'l.A1IA0ERlWI Iff'IITATlORAL Avar TIlA OI>llI.A

5-6 r-a RUlllOi!O II01JItD ROB1If A_ TIlA !lO)'I""R OI.llI·JR9 .... hidela Avar ~'CO !lOr'''''" 01J'1lI"""

11-12-13 T-F.s ORIZZL'£1 ImtdIottAL lVII' . TllA !lo~JI' Gl'tla-818 Tbura llOdllud Avar "CO Ilo)'l.a 01.111.819 Fri Ihddo.o .. A_ "30 01>11·..8

J..""7~'3O 01.11-..86 .... 1lu1d... !!oa. 1lo)'l.A

8-9-10 T..r-s SHOm EAR IIiVI1'Wo.lfAt. - TIlA I!o)'o-' 01J'1lI·'15 .... llood. A"*1 )dlO I!o)'o••-a O1rbi-A-815 Thu.. 1lu1d... Roe. ~,oo I!o)'o-.lll GIJ'1a-JR

15-16-17 T-,-a II1VrrAtlOIlAL ..., T&\ I!o)'o" Clrllt..A20 "'.. _...

1"*1 ~100 \101t-.lll 0I>1lI-.lll2) Fri teI;o ArtbuJo - .'30 \101t.A O1L'1o-A-a24 s•• •• Can1lOSO A"" ~'3O 107*..,1...1 O1r\ilooA27 .... 'I\r1ar... =.,00 lo1o-Jll 01.1lI-.lll30 Fri .. mou4C1'Oft 2:00 \101t·.·a OI>llI.A-a)1 ... •• HaJtl'U.Zl - ~'3O \101t•• all"la--A..!5

rebruar1%'00 !lO~ Qirlo-.lll.- ) "'.. CarT1IGaO S..... ' 6 Fri •• 8oDdo R_ 2.30 ,.,...... .. Gb'1iI..A...:ts.,

7 Sl' •• ArtbUJ' 1"*1 "00 Ilo)'l-..a Gi"l....1-10 "'.. Coniso.o roe. .'30 10,...." 01.110.10081) J'Ioi •• Wllld ...., %.:lC! 110)'1-"8 01>10-.1~ Sd CoJo... I ..., 6'00 01.11-..820 I'd eo..- 8_ 6,00 1O)'I...a .21 S•• '1'e'" ..., 6'00 116......

11-18-19 ......T GIRL'S DISTRIct t(Xnuc~ at- 1l0l140'

26-27-28 'l'..r~ IIOr's DISTRIct _lRlIH1' at aam._"

~_...~~____..,--~.__,,~"_____._._~"."_.~.~.~.M~~~ ..~.~~~~.•~_.·........,

Page 5: NIIs - 11. Viill be the charter night for the eommWlily" newest eivic organization, the Carrizozo



~. ,,

G\IeItI a' Ule JobnlOll StelU'ftShom. lor 'l'hIIIl<I/llvlos dinner w.reJIl'. endMn. J.B. Howell.Mn.lloyd_" JIl'.end Mn. R"1 $boIer. endIl1rIIm Kelley.

~-'l1Ie ...1 ....lIoi '1 lb. .dul'

cIoUIIoI collIlrudIoD cIuI will be_ 'l'lIoIeloJ.ltom 710 0 p.m. IDlb.bam' ecooatnlCa room. MI'Io Helen·LoeI< .Ioger_IOW"''''_ ind MI'L1l.E.La.....wllldemollllrlle ironing• _ flI !otr ..IDItOl.

1b. loUowloS pupllo are 01\ lb.com_1IfBh SdIlJolIMiclar IOU lerthe_IIl_, AHonor 1llID •Wqlond llol>IIo "'" J.... __; 1lel1Y~.junior; ll<IbuJLtmI, IDJlb, IfJb Vou. lreIbniea.


Driving II new RIImbler, RoleyWord nlUmod 110m IJI'lIding lb.1b1ll!cJll.... lIoIIdaII ID TulIa.

l'vI. Toll1llellr.. 10 h.... lromFo'rt Ord, california 011 ISodB)'1urlouSh,

.. '0' ••• ••••• • ,..••••• ,•• '~'J;'" oH o. • ...,'••.'" ..n. 11,11 .f. U] \-

................ u,," un' :ttn••uu u ., • " • , ,1Q

.~n""."".' .. 1 I. • 4 j.

... ,: ,. u..... ....~ ,.u .M ~ d ~ ~

NAME:ADDRESS: . _.,CI'1'f: ........STATE:_·__111'__

____.~~__~.~__~.b..•~__.....__.~~~.~' - .~

USE THIS FORM TO IUCE youa AD-'WAh., AD llA'l'£S, 'ill ...,.1.l.lIi... Cool, H _I " ft.1t ......oetIlo•• _ aIa .. III 11111 _ Ie'''lib. Fer fa"" II at1dlllloll ....... II.1......lIr...Icll_.....,..,"~ADala m,", iii ..taollf<4 .. 1ft ........ CHoIyN....oIIl...'"'.......·W_,_....AD.,.,t!lIedlIm.anaPAlIJ IN ADV4HC&



Lincoln County News'.0. DRAWER,;f" ,.OARRIZOZO, N. M. 8830'


'forFASTACTIONuse the



PAM /lEL11lANlIlI ..l..e1 .,._ _JIlllloM_ pl. lest I" pm••1 .....llttaJcet lit WftlS SltlU'dl)' aiPt. by elN! paflL



1b.8lIbtbIIlpmelNilb corona... Ile<:ember 0 hat ..... mhc:edlllod10be pII,)'Od In CIn'irllr&boBfDnIDs at&p.m. QlppOrt GdDIy bukethaIJ IDIhIo II>t Year et IIle GtlIzIlelll

1be CmWw> PTA wi! b•..~ ...1b~. lleeember u.1OlO AI?'" p.m. 10 lb. c.nt.......Room. AD _" .... urged 10 at·Jell'.

'l1Ie llIdd<l bOa a<qUlttd •pou.r'.ldlIIltIl' ... IDlba Mld.scl1ool... lIIah Sdlo;Ia AtlI ..d Cra/Io......... !It tddllkollb lbe, drawingW pololIng 1IlIIrU<lfo. e""""tIyIOfI!IOU!lt theArt p<ogr.... Mr. Joe1lIl'tvJj, Art !tlImJcW. WID belUehbia lI"deat. poltery .DdIQUllllutI.~ Idbt bU _ dooatedto l/l<l DlMtkI b1 the Aibuquetq\l.MIleSdlo;Ia.

l -II




_ ............ ioio••" .....

, ,,


,. .-001-.

,HALl'lI DELGADO (!til lelt/ljl .,1Ib • """.... "" _

'throw line In Ipl8a~url1ly 111Jb&'••dloa In. tbe OdDlyv , Cbo,.••leallOft opener It )Vee(!. CarrtzolO "I' unable to Mme-It, _ ilium '.otrenseallddropped tIIdr flnt IlIQe althe lfII~tothe 11.1)'1~&b8ullllogl.

, 'i,' '" -", "\'.:_ "/,_.>,,,',.'. ",

" .

".,' ,,,""






Our oulO lKIU'.o.cuov....every•.thlno from ltfllI'n16 1li1i6nll/ (idbll.Ity. Pili)' jjjf'••••Inlu,* wltlt ull



'For till~OUl' IftltWiflU_ ..IN1I'UMtlLN CO.I" ll'-CE. ...Cy.




Ph:"m.UOll "257~mlRuiclOSo, N.M. IU4S .


Mi.· 1N.Hif_-ttl .....





. .



.. ,-.',


\- ~; <"


Page 6: NIIs - 11. Viill be the charter night for the eommWlily" newest eivic organization, the Carrizozo




'~.Phone,, 847~2$21


.••••• ' t' " t! • ¥ 832-4483

'EmergenQY' Numbers"(lunla-hlalr & Willard:

Lincoln. CountyNews

P.O. Drawer 459CarriZOZO, N'.M·.

88301(505) 648·2333


* Friends

* And Former Residents

N~ Wrapping • No Parcel Post

Send Subscriptions To

-- ORDER NOW --"

Do Your Christmas Shopping FromThe Comfort Of Your Home•..

An extra special little gift to top off their Cllristmasstockingwill \bring an extra smile!

The Lincoln County News To:*Relatives

YbUknow the pleasure and information you get from each issue of theNSWS.

SavebDtime and money, yoU do nothave to take lime Lo wrap, or mailIi card, wewill do thatror you. Eacltgitt sUbscription will be acC()mpaniedby a Cbrlst1I1as.()l" gUt card. '

The NEWS 'Will be Ii Christmas gUt to be reminded. of your \hought~

rulItess thrOughoUt the COll'iing year, 52 weeks...-~~.~-~~.._....~_..~..~_._.-_ ..!SUBSCRIPTION qOUPQN i• . II Please find enetO$ed $h flU' a 1I1ibscripti~-to •

I II The Lincoln Comly NeWs to be mailed starlih~............................. •I . iI To: •f N~. j• Address f~' ,.... , • " •

i City., f' I: Statet I . rl .:

• •.- .. ' ~ . ." $lr.fiil per year in Llnc:otn County $Il.per year outside Lfficolfi CourtlY I,f I....~ .. _ ..... .iiIiI __._....~.-..._._....iI





• ~ ,f\ '

. Legal Notice



.~ij~lSAll~'~09n'oP«1~I!' .llta~~~i4~,: .P,J.i~.tlon,tQ'~'J)eMrt~~lDt~t'4~~e" diew :llU'se 'n"m~15 ;of hunte/;$,".,' "'.... ,D~e~~~ 6i ,~u.()wed 11. w~Jt.l~t~r~"n<:l .• r18ij;"wltb,·.. phys1cl,.n·~ .• cel'~ .. ~r{lPQl;'tedthatluu:veatmAy,l)edQwn In'

followa: BiU G, PAyne. P.AYN1!:, (D~,l~)-.~tth~ OPetlWg.Of·,A ,tlll'ee-. tificlltlonQt bllPdicap, NOl\"."id~n~' "~e'qt)~~~tthl' YeAt., .... '. "> ..:MITCHELL & QUIGLEY, P,A., ~~ p~ail;le. CblC~k~ s~eon ,~n,·.ij)e may Purchase ~ ,lS~all game licen~e '. , ... ,'. . , .', " ."'. . ','. . ,'.Drawer ~9, ..carrizozo, :New Me8lco, SQl,lth~stern,"poru~m 'of 'the!!t$.te.aH36.' .~ ',' ,.,.' . " ," .•.• Game. Manager.,'Br~e MQrrlson, .lI839~,'. . '. '. . QuaU 1$llI)n ,~~n~d~t~t~wid~(m,·.~eStll';"'Clapons:.fQr,,;,<l)unthtgi,~Ro!SWen,satd fiel~ ¢b~ck~ltnd J'Qafl

fublished iii tbeLlJt~oln.·County , Nov,~a.W~.. ~~Ur,Jl1e tlU:OlJgQ ',pijea$$i)r, prlU1ie,mi~e».and:quaii . ~lotkre~rd$1nd.c~t~,.,a,cb:()~ i1ltheNews for four (4) conSecutive weeks Jan!,1!lry 25." . . ...r~ub0t8~ f~ from, th~ sbotd<ler ..,' ,Qn.~ .s~~, r~te"and ~mpM.e .

I Db' , .', .' '. 'or' any> Jx)w '. agd'arrow ~ce t figure~WUl not .btl ,,,Yanab'~ uptllon y, November 20, 27, , ecem er 4, Baglim,t 0,0 aU ()f,~peas~nt··~~~w: ",>' (:;.' ., .. '.. .... PCQmpUati~nof't~e d,epartment'lland 11.. 1980. Ddudltg. betbe fO~~..a..Y, sea~e,.~ ..~..,.cil.ns .. $hooting' hoursareon~halfhour aran,l,UI.I m~ !ltu.'Vey·of.', dee,r.license

.ece~ ~~.-~' thf~ CQq\. J1~r day~ , ~li . .": l' to' . t ." . ho{(~flS, .. '. .' .', "Llmlt on all species ofqUl1UJs IS·per., ,9reJ,~ue slUl8e. . . 'Harv~t W8.$repqrted JigbUn the

- day, ao mJ)9s/JeasioD.singly o;r- Sn.the . ,' .• ~'S~llOn came to ~ quiet ~lose Nortbw"t A.te8; wiUfielaUvely smalla8g~egate; of, all,IJp.ecieJl,·Limit. on , 25). as a ""mter p~m~rll, ot hWlters ari~ld in thatpraIrie. chicken!! is tJtree ~r daY. . 8torm~ moved throlJgh the. stat~ ~nd ,.~ea, '.l1te 'Nottheastj\rellr~PQrts

" Allhuntel:s, regar(lle$!H)(age, must .. c;IrO\'e most of the few remaimug, "W~~of~ harvest rat4lJI~tnilar to last.have in po~essl()n ~Ilicenie vali4 f()r~~nt~,I,I fl'Qm. the field. :Y~fU' 8,ors~t1y ~Pl. ~nd reportshunting pheasant. llrllirie,ch.lcken {lr lW,po~ from the' Game and Fish fro.mtJ1~ Southwes~. w~~e of. ~ g()Odquail d!Jl'lng the ~SOP" iuJd M1Qitep~artmmt •.8area!>ffices .ndicate ~~est In. the GlenWobl;l ar~ an theunder the age ()f 18 .IJlust hl;lve .'I}Uc- tbat: hl,Ultm: .numper~ were probably .~I!st bunt l an avera~e h~rvest by' acessfullvcompleted a hunter trainind. ":ghea,t dm,IMS the. "e.cond.nC the ·thr·ee bi,Sb nurn.... ~r()fbun. tersthroughout

'f ~"Q Ilf ....,.... ~ ..,,., 'the AM t· d in ~h d h .. •" .•. ~'~ f"- f , , ; • , • : •• • ••••• 841-2522course and have certification prior·to ~hunt~ods aril;l droppedoffsharply qua~an. ur S t e s~Olt . unt, \'auglll1. & ('orona: .purcbaseof a Ucen~e f~lJ for dUring the tbird"u.nt. .and,a drop number .~, of deer t8k d the th d h t .. , •••. , •• , , ., •• ;8-IS-I"11 or 1141-1211residents are $8.50forsmaU gah\e, llarVeat lind violation rates tended' . . en ~mg 11' .un . :\IClI'lIlr.t~· lie "=stanchl:$15.50 for gener&l b,unting" '21 for· to (ollow the ~ttem'of hunter OV,eriUl, however, it ap~ars the , or 832-14114general bunting and fi~hing or ItO/SO •pfessure. • ' statewide harveSt will remain close to ,,":dJ(4'\\1ICpd & Sandia Knolls: J

for senior general hunting, (65 years The". Southeast Area, where the thelasttbreeye!U'·saverage. That is, .and older) or handi.cappedgeneraJ P9pular Guadalupe, Sacramento, . about one h~ter out of five bagged.~ '-----------.1bunting, available throu~h ~p' Ctapitan Md Gallina mountain areas deer,






1.1 Limited to one nominee.2.)Slned by at least eligible

voters in the county.3.) Include a certification that Ute

IiOminee is willirig to serve if elected.4.' Participating in county

meetings as necessary.5.) Performing other duties as

assigned by the Stale Committee.ASCS Committee electionsate open

to all eligiblevoterg Without regatd tor~ce, color, religion, sex, or liatioflal "()rigm.


You and each of you, are herebynotified that GEORGE A. SANCHEZ,the Executor oC the Estate orABRAHAM B. SANCHEZ, deceased,has filed with.!his Court his FinalReport and Account and Petition forDecree or Distribution. You arcfurther notified that this Court hasordered that a hearing Ghall be heldherein at the hour 0110:00o'clocka.m.on the 30th day of December, 1000, inthe District Court in the LincolnCounty Courthouse, Carrizozo, NewMexico, in order to hear objections tosuch Final Account and Report. toseLtle the estate, to determine theheirship of the decedent, theOVtllership of the eSUlLc, and Ihe in­terest or each respecttve claimantthe.teto Md therem, and to determinethepa-sollS enULted to the distributionthereof.

The name and addrcm; or UI(?atl.Orney for the Executor IS, ArchIeA. Wttham, P.O, Box 546. Carrizozo,NM 88331.

DATED thIS ith day of Non'm·be.r, 1900.

The ASC Counly Commilleeelection lIris year V.;n be held on~mber I, 1980. Ballots will b~

mailed to 'J'Oters about 10 days beforethe election. The voted ballots mustbe maUed or returnl!d in person notlaLer than December I, 1980.

Aslateof at. least 4nominees will bedevelo~ for the eotinty. J( you needpetitiOltS, you can oblclin copies at theLihcom County ASCS office. Eachpetition submitted must be:

Margo 1-:. LIndsay('lerk of the Distflcl ('ourt

B) Jo)' l.eslieDeputy

Publishl!d In the Lincoln ("mmlyNe-w"S (OT four '4J consecull\(' \\('('kseml)'. t\o'iember 13. :roo 'D. andDecember 4. 19&0.

TRACT I:Beginning at a point on an

irrigating ditch which bears East andWest 1chain and 43 links South of thestone set for the Southeast corner ofLot 4, of Section 4. in Township 11South, Range 17 East; thence South 18chains and &7 links, .to the Southeastcorner of the SW-4 NW-4, Section 4 ofsaid Township and Range which Is astone set in bank of irrigating ditch:thence West along the South boundaryof the said SW-4 NW-4, Section 4. 4chains and 20 links to Southwestcorner of this tract, from whence adouble walnut tree bears West 67links, and a clump of three walnuttrees bears South 42 links: from thiscorner North 36 degrees East 4chainsand 'Zllinks to center of an irrigationditch. bearing North and South at the(oot of a cottonwood tree; thenceNorth 17 chains and 76 links to abridge over same dilcll; thence West52 1Ink5; thence North to the publicroad between Hondo and SanPalrtcio; rbence East 52 links , thenccSouth to a poUlt 2chains Wcst of placcof begmnlng at the North end ofaforesaid bridge; thence East alongan Irrigaung dlteb 2chams to place ofbeginning.


GREETINGS:You 'and each of you are hereby

noUfled that ELMO BRADY andGERALDINE BRADY, his wife, asPlaintiffs, .have filed an action in theDistrtct Court of Uncoln County, NewMexico, Civil Docket No. CV-285-80,Division II, whereiJ'1 you are named ordesignated as Defendants andwherein. tbe-sald Plaintiffs seek toobtaln'constructive service of processupon you.

The general object of said actionis the establishment of the interests ofthe Plaintiffs in fee simple in and 10the property described In the Corn·plaint in said cause against the ad­verse claims of the Defendants.' and~ch of them, and everyone clttimlngby, through, or under them, and thatthe Defendants, and each of them andeveryone claiming by, through, orunder them. be barred and foreverestopped from having or claiming anylien upon, or any right, title Dr interestin or to the said real estate adverse tothe Interests of Ute Plaintiffs, and thatthe title of the Plaintiffs thereto In feesimple be forever quieted and set atrest. said property being lhat certainland situate in Lincoln County. l"ewMexico, described as follows;

TM<:r 11;A~ertaln tract of Innd devised 10

William E. Brady in the Estate ofHob&t'Brady,deceased, beitlg r~useNo. &40 in the Probate ("ourt of Lin·coh\ Coonty, Ntw.' Mexico. and moreparticularly described as foUlmS '

The Sooth portion of a Iract 01land located In the sE-4 NW-4 01section 4, Township 11 South. Range17 East.. fl;.M.P.M. formerlybelonging to Manue1ita Brady. thesame being bounded cn U1e fl;orth by atract of land devised to Mabel Brad)'Bower lfl;eubauerl. the grand·daughter or Robert Brady. said cause number &W, and on theSoutb by a ditclIf and em the East by afence, said tract being approximatel)'505 feet in length east and west on theII.orth. 480 feet 10 length l'asl undwest on the SOuth, 618 feel in widthnorth and south 011 the West side and509 feet in width north and south onthe East side.

Together Wil1 aU water rightsappurtenant thereto.

Refrigerators for Sale:Kelvinator $50. Small frlg. W·Freez.eri9S. (0'. Thorpe 648-2478. IIp

I-UH. SALE: Iln9 Datusn King CabpIckup. 648-2106. H-c


Three Bedroom eme bath home$23,000. Assumable mortgage of$15.000 at 9~,/ Percent. BEdrooms andhvtnR room carpeted 141 knchr/lseparate dining room and utlillt)'room. Central beat and arr thru mostCaD 643-2323 weekdays betWet'1l 8a.m. andSp.m, Ask for Mike Un


HELP ,\ AlWED"H.etired, ~rni·Hetired? Com·

plete residenual dwelling inspectionsand other related inspections forInsurance coni panies only forCarrizozo, Uscuro. Nogal. Capitanand surrounding areas, No ex­pertence necessary. Work on in­dependent contractor basis. l\luslhave reliable car and ;l5mm or 126camera. \\ rite co P.O. Box 13027.Albuquerque, I\C\\ l\ll'XIl'll 87!!l2.":!pt-12-4,

FOR SALE; by owner··Attractive 1bedroom house in Carrizozo's mostprestigious neighborhood, wall towall carpet, fireplace, near school.648·2502 after 5p.m, Hc

TV REPAIR: John's TVService at Nogal· Phone 354-2777.


~ ~

Firewood for Sale; Cedar ~nd Pinon.Call648-2576. tfn


card holdersare a good groupjoin them now

New Horizons has Poinsettias forsale. Prices are $2.&0 for a 4" pol.55.75 for a 0" pot, and $6.2& for a 6"pot. Order by Calling 648-2379.QuinUties are limited. In addition toRed. White Poinsettias are availablein the 6" pot only. Plants will bedellvereU as soon 115 possible.


*Jaani*Shlrta .~k'... ,pullovers *Pajama. ~

--GJrI.·j Boys,'T.eni--

You aDd eiCj:t of you are furtllernotified that mf~ you tln~t yourappearance in the said cause on orbefore the 6th day ()( January. 1961,judgment wilt be rendered againstyou and each of you by detaqIt, andthe 'relief prayed for in tlle Complaintwill be granted.

The'whneand post office addressof the attorney for tne Plaintiffs is as


"Shop for Back to School Clothes at

Helen's Outlet Clothing






Page 7: NIIs - 11. Viill be the charter night for the eommWlily" newest eivic organization, the Carrizozo

,.,- ,


l{··~~I.·_ ;,s$OR1'ED~ 1kS!'.- " . lIfFwtTlfC8dl'1IfI__ ~UIt-8AV . __



7-070. PKG. .0'








REal ORHOT•••15·oz.

•GAAVYTRAIN 50·lb. BAG. $ . 0 4 9DOG FOOD ..... 11~mD~. '. ..... . $ .9


CLE"A . R' '1 09• o·~"·"".NE 12~Z O. . "..•

WINDEX ..; ,.., 8g~.. ".

• ,,!",.. "<3 i1

r ,,,It,, ~--....:-!ij" ..... h ~~,,\.. '{itr






4 ~• . . ·tt 7 ••

•t. .. ...._____ .~ ..::.~..,",.,,--,-,-~._.·....w ......"""....__ -=-- ~ . __--'_............__il> ........0..-..... _ ••• - ~


Page 8: NIIs - 11. Viill be the charter night for the eommWlily" newest eivic organization, the Carrizozo



12-02.CAN6PAOK... $1.79



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