NG2 01 a - Here Comes the Bride 1 Make your own sentence ...

NG2_01_a - Here Comes the Bride 1 LESSON OBJECTIVE Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to express congratulations to a newly married couple. Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description Describe the situation in the picture. Key words : wedding / glasses / reception / celebrate Step 2 Useful Expressions 1. big day : the day something important happens e.g.) So, when is the big day? = When are you planning to get married? Make your own sentence with the useful expression. 2. floating on air : the feeling of extreme happiness e.g.) I was floating on air the whole time. = I was extremely happy the whole time. Make your own sentence with the useful expression. 3. tie the knot : get married e.g.) The couple tied the knot after a 13-year romance. = They finally got married after dating for 13 years. Make your own sentence with the useful expression. 4. joined at the hip : closely connected; always together e.g.) My grandparents have been joined at the hip since the beginning of their relationship. = They have been inseparable since they met. Make your own sentence with the useful expression. 5. on cloud nine : a state of elation or great happiness e.g.) When my baby was born I was on cloud nine. = I was very happy when I saw her. Make your own sentence with the useful expression. 6. in-law : a person you are related to because of your marriage e.g.) He’s spending the holidays with his in-laws. = My husband’s parents will be spending the New Year with us Make your own sentence with the useful expression. Step 3 Key Conversation Act out the role play with your teacher. Susan: Aww, you look so beautiful, Jane! Congratulations on your big day! Jane: Thanks so much for coming! It’s great to see you and everyone. Susan: The whole ceremony was just so perfect, and the food is divine. Jane: Well, I’m absolutely floating on air. Nothing could make this day any better for us! Susan: So, you’ve finally tied the knot after all this time. I always knew you and Ashton were perfect for each other. Jane: My parents would have been shocked if we hadn’t after all these years of being joined at the hip! Susan: Well, Alex and I wanted to give you a little something. Jane: You didn’t have to! Wow, cruise tickets? Susan: It’s not every day my best friend gets married, right? Jane: Well, thanks so much! This is incredible. Susan: I know you’ll have fun. Wishing you many years of happiness! Step 4 Cultural Question Talk about the question in detail. How do wedding guests typically express their congratulations? Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact Why Does the Bride Throw the Bouquet at Her Wedding? Dating back to the 14th century, wedding guests in Western Europe tried to tear off bits of the bride’s dress with the desire to take home a piece of the bride’s luck. It was believed that the keepsake would bring good luck in love. People would chase after the lucky woman in the hope of a scrap of cloth or ribbon. Of course, brides were opposed to the idea of being chased and having their wedding garments destroyed. As a result, the idea of distracting the crowd by throwing the bouquet emerged. It became traditional for the bride to throw her bouquet at the reception and for all single women present to compete to catch it. The woman who catches the bouquet is said to be the next who will marry.

Transcript of NG2 01 a - Here Comes the Bride 1 Make your own sentence ...

NG2_01_a - Here Comes the Bride 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to express

congratulations to a newly married couple.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : wedding / glasses / reception / celebrate

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. big day

: the day something important happens

e.g.) So, when is the big day?

= When are you planning to get married?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. floating on air

: the feeling of extreme happiness

e.g.) I was floating on air the whole time.

= I was extremely happy the whole time.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. tie the knot

: get married

e.g.) The couple tied the knot after a 13-year romance.

= They finally got married after dating for 13 years.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. joined at the hip

: closely connected; always together

e.g.) My grandparents have been joined at the hip since the

beginning of their relationship.

= They have been inseparable since they met.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. on cloud nine

: a state of elation or great happiness

e.g.) When my baby was born I was on cloud nine.

= I was very happy when I saw her.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. in-law

: a person you are related to because of your marriage

e.g.) He’s spending the holidays with his in-laws.

= My husband’s parents will be spending the New Year with us

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Susan: Aww, you look so beautiful, Jane! Congratulations on your

big day!

Jane: Thanks so much for coming! It’s great to see you and


Susan: The whole ceremony was just so perfect, and the food is


Jane: Well, I’m absolutely floating on air. Nothing could make this

day any better for us!

Susan: So, you’ve finally tied the knot after all this time. I always

knew you and Ashton were perfect for each other.

Jane: My parents would have been shocked if we hadn’t after all

these years of being joined at the hip!

Susan: Well, Alex and I wanted to give you a little something.

Jane: You didn’t have to! Wow, cruise tickets?

Susan: It’s not every day my best friend gets married, right?

Jane: Well, thanks so much! This is incredible.

Susan: I know you’ll have fun. Wishing you many years of happiness!

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

How do wedding guests typically express their congratulations?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Why Does the Bride Throw the Bouquet at Her Wedding?

Dating back to the 14th century, wedding guests in Western Europe

tried to tear off bits of the bride’s dress with the desire to take

home a piece of the bride’s luck. It was believed that the keepsake

would bring good luck in love. People would chase after the lucky

woman in the hope of a scrap of cloth or ribbon.

Of course, brides were opposed to the idea of being chased and

having their wedding garments destroyed. As a result, the idea of

distracting the crowd by throwing the bouquet emerged.

It became traditional for the bride to throw her bouquet at the

reception and for all single women present to compete to catch it.

The woman who catches the bouquet is said to be the next who

will marry.

NG2_01_b - Here Comes the Bride 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to express

congratulations to a newly married couple

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below..

1. What is the busiest wedding season and why?

2. What are the best honeymoon destinations?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. honeymoon period

: a vacation or trip taken by a newly married couple

e.g.) I don’t expect we’ll be hearing much from them during their

honeymoon period.

= I don’t expect we’ll be hearing much from them during their

wedding trip.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. match made in heaven

: two people who are perfectly suited for each other

e.g.) Everyone had thought that Bill and Marge were a match

made in heaven; but they broke up in the end.

= It was clear that they were not meant for each other.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. lovebirds

: two people who are obviously very much in love with each


e.g.) Those two lovebirds are inseparable these days.

= They are very much together all the time.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. whirlwind romance

: passionate affair that happens very quickly

e.g.) After a whirlwind romance, they married in Paris last summer.

= I can’t believe they already got married, it’s all so sudden!

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. take the plunge

: commit yourself to doing something after thinking about it for

a long time

e.g.) I think they are going to take the plunge this year.

= I think they will decide to get married this season.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. seventh heaven

: a state of great joy and satisfaction

e.g.) Peter was in the seventh heaven because Felicity had given

him a present.

= He was extremely happy that he received a gift from her.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

What are the costs involved in getting married in your country?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that money is the number one recommended

wedding gift?

2. Did you know that, in the US, many couples register for gifts at a

retail store? An expensive item from their registry would be

considered a dream gift.

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Bridal Shower & Bridesmaids

A bridal shower is a gift-giving party for a bride-to-be before

her wedding. Traditionally, the bridal shower is attended by

bridesmaids, but today, a mixed “Jack and Jill” party attended by

both men and women is also common.


The bridesmaids are members of the bride’s party in a wedding.

A bridesmaid is typically a young woman who is a close friend

or sister of the bride. Bridesmaids customarily host the bridal


NG2_02_a - A New Arrival 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to express

congratulations for the birth of a new child.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : mother / newborn / joy / adorable

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. cute as a button

: something small and adorable

e.g.) Janna’s baby is as cute as a button.

= Her baby is so adorable!

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. up all night

: stay awake the whole night

e.g.) I was up all night because my baby keeps crying.

= I was awake all night because my baby keeps crying.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. maternity leave

: a leave of absence for an expectant or new mother for

the birth and care of the baby

e.g.) It’s ridiculous that my company doesn’t offer the

benefit of paid maternity leave.

= It’s absurd that my company doesn’t grant the benefit

of paid leave of absence to a mother before and after

giving birth.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. mother’s touch

: the seemingly natural bond a mother feels towards children

e.g.) I guess I don’t have a mother’s touch.

= I think I don’t have any motherly instincts in me.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. welcome to the world

: a statement people say to newborn babies

e.g.) Welcome to the world, little one!

= Welcome to the family, baby!

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. help out

: offer a helping hand

e.g.) I got my hands full. I need you to help me out here.

= I got my hands full. I need a helping hand.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Angie: Hey Mom. Would you mind helping with the baby?

Carol: Not at all. He’s as cute as a button. Who could resist

such a cute little baby?

Angie: He seems to like you.

Carol: It’s a mother’s touch, I guess. Speaking of which, how

are mother and baby doing?

Angie: Busy and exhausted. He keeps me up all night. At

least I have Paul here to help out a bit.

Carol: Well, that’s good. Paul is such a good man for you.

Angie: Yeah, I think so, too.

Carol: Welcome to the world, little one. Oh, look! He’s

smiling! How adorable.

Angie: He has his daddy’s smile.

Carol: You know? I think so, too – but he has your eyes.

Angie: You think so?

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Is it common in your country for women to have a baby

shower before they have a new baby?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

How to Be a Good Parent?

• Express your love & affection

Tell them you love them every day and give lots of hugs

and kisses.

• Praise your children

Avoid comparing your children to others.

• Be consistent

If you give them a punishment, be sure they understand the

reason and the fault.

• Be a role model

Young kids are like sponges: they notice everything. Do not

forget you are your children’s first role model.

• Eliminate bad habits

Pay attention to what you say or do around them and think

about what kind of example you are setting.

NG2_02_b - A New Arrival 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to express

congratulations for the birth of a new child.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below..

1. Do you have any children? What were they like when they were


2. How do you react when someone else brings their baby into the


Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. bundle of joy

: a newborn baby; source of happiness

e.g.) He is such a bundle of joy!

= The house became cheerful as it welcomed its new source of


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. baby shower

: a gift-giving party to a pregnant woman

e.g.) Sally plans to throw a baby shower for her friend.

= She’s going to throw a party for her friend’s baby.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. with child

: pregnant

e.g.) We’re thrilled to announce that we’re with child.

= We’re going to have a baby soon!

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. stillborn

: a baby that was born dead

e.g.) I can’t imagine how heartbreaking it is to have a stillborn


= I’m so sorry for your loss. There are no words.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. maternal affection

: the love of a mother for her child

e.g.) Maternal affection is important because children need to

feel loved.

= A good maternal bond is necessary for children to develop

healthy relationships with their parents.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. genes

: hereditary traits

e.g.) Your daughter is so cute. Good genes obviously runs in the


= Your daughter is very adorable. She certainly got it from your


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Do you think it’s okay to breastfeed a baby in public?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that a two-day-old baby can recognize their

mother’s voice from a recording?

2. Did you know that babies do not cry tears for at least three

weeks after they are born?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

How Fast Does a Baby Grow?

• birth, 3 month, 1 year, 4 years

The term “baby” refers to any child from birth to age four. A

“newborn” is a baby that is less than three months of age.

“Infants” are babies from three months to one year old.

“Toddlers” are babies from one year to four years of age.

NG2_03_a - Moving Up in the World 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to talk about

professional achievements and promotions in the workplace.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : department / happy / office workers

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. corner office

: an office that is reserved for people who have higher

positions in a company

e.g.) I would like to have my own corner office someday.

= I would like to have my own fancy office someday.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. bigwig

: an important person

e.g.) So, you’re one of the bigwigs now.

= So, you’re one of the bosses now.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. big bucks

: a large amount of money

e.g.) I guess you’re making the big bucks now.

= I guess you’re earning more money now.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. corporate ladder

: a conceptualized view of a company’s employment hierarchy

system in career advancement

e.g.) You’re climbing the corporate ladder quickly.

= You surely are on a promotion streak.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. colleague

: a fellow worker or professional

e.g.) I’m glad that my colleague and I get along well.

= I’m happy that my co-worker and I are on good terms.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. put in a good word

: recommend someone for their performance and capabilities

e.g.) I heard you’re applying for that IT job here. I’ll be sure

to put in a good word for you.

= I heard you’re applying for that IT job here. I will definitely

recommend you for the position.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

John: Did you all hear the fantastic news about Mr. Daniels?

Joyce: What are you talking about, John? What’s this

fantastic news?

John: I can’t believe you haven’t heard. Mr. Daniels has been

promoted to Division Head.

Lynn: Ah.. Why you didn’t tell us, Mr. Daniels?

Mr. Daniels: Well, I just heard about it myself.

Lynn: Well congratulations, Mr. Daniels. Nobody deserves it

more than you.

Mr. Daniels: Thank you very much. I have all of you to

thank for it. Without you, it would have never happened.

Joyce: We all need to go out tonight to celebrate Mr.

Daniels’ promotion.

John: Most definitely.

Mr. Daniels: I had better get back to work, or they will take

that promotion away from me. I leave the plans in your

capable hands, ladies.

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

How do you celebrate someone’s promotion in your country?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Moving Up the Ladder

While it is not realistic that you will be promoted as quickly as

you hope, there are some tactics you can use to improve your



Dress neatly and professionally.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you are unsure of something.

Dare to be different – strive to stand out.

Keep a positive outlook.

Do not whine, complain, or blame others.

Make a name for yourself in your industry.

Do not be a clock-watcher.


Focus on solutions, not problems.


Knowing the right people can give you the edge to the

information around the office.

Have a mentoring relationship with someone higher in the


Do you think promotions should be based on ability or time

served at the company?

NG2_03_b - Moving Up in the World 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to talk about

professional achievements and promotions in the workplace.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below..

1. How difficult is it to get promoted at your company?

2. What position do you want to reach at your company?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. head honcho

: an important influential person

e.g.) I guess you are the new head honcho of the department.

= I heard that you are the new department head.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. mailroom

: the room in an office where mail is handled

e.g.) You started with this company in the mailroom, and now you

are the CEO.

= You started in the company as a clerk, but now you are the CEO.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. tenure

: the amount of time that a person holds a job, office, or title

e.g.) You have to have at least five-year tenure before you have a

chance of getting promoted.

= You have to work for at least five years in the same position to

get promoted.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. well-deserved

: justly or rightly earned; merited

e.g.) Your promotion was well-deserved for sure.

= You definitely earned this promotion.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. mentor

: someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less

experienced and often younger person

e.g.) He had been a really good mentor to me.

= I look up to him for being a good example.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. go-getter

: a person determined to succeed

e.g.) Don’t be afraid to be a go-getter.

= Don’t be afraid to strive for the best.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Do men get promoted more often than women in your country?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that, in the education sector, women often

have to work in a teaching position longer than their male

counterparts to be promoted to principal?

2. Did you know that the #1 strategy for getting promoted is

mentoring with someone higher in the company who can help

to spread the good word about you?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Where to Sit?

• Save the best seat for your boss in a taxi or private ride. A

hierarchical seating plan shows the best seat behind the

passenger. If your customer is driving, the highest-ranked

person must sit alongside them to show respect.

• China places great emphasis on seating hierarchy. If there

is a meeting, your boss will sit far from the door. The seat to

the right of your boss is the position of honor.

NG2_04_a - In the Hospital 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to convey

warm wishes to people who are hospitalized.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : visit / care / doctor / nurse

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. diagnosis

: investigation or analysis of the cause or nature of a

condition, situation, or problem

e.g.) So, any news on the diagnosis?

= What did the doctor say about the result?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. back on (one’s) feet

: in good health again after a period of injury or illness

e.g.) I hope you are back on your feet again soon.

= I’m hoping that you get well soon.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. mediocre

: ordinary; so-so

e.g.) The food is mediocre at best.

= The food is so plain that I could barely taste it.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. speedy recovery

: the process of recovering quickly

e.g.) I wish you a speedy recovery.

= I’m looking forward to seeing you healthy soon.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. get well soon

: a statement that expresses hope that someone will

recover soon

e.g.) I really hope that you’ll get well soon.

= I really hope that you’ll recover quickly.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. inpatient care

: the care of patients whose condition requires admission

to a hospital

e.g.) I heard that Mark’s condition requires inpatient care.

= I heard that Mark has to be admitted to the hospital.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

David: Good morning, sunshine. You are definitely looking better

today than you did yesterday.

Rose: Hi, David. Wow, thanks for visiting me.

David: I came as soon as I heard. How have they been treating you?

Rose: It’s been all right, I guess. The food is mediocre at best, and

this bed is killing my back, but what can I do?

David: Can I make you more comfortable?

Rose: Well, I could use another pillow. Thanks.

David: Do they have any idea what’s wrong with you yet?

Rose: They’re running a few more tests this morning on my

stomach, and I should know something by the evening.

David: The guys at the office hope you have a speedy recovery and

are on your feet again soon.

Rose: Please tell them I appreciate their kind thoughts.

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

What are good topics of conversation when visiting

someone in the hospital in your country?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Three Delicious Meals to Feed Guests

If someone looks white because he/she is ill, frightened, or shocked,

we usually use the phrase “as white as a ghost” to describe the


NG2_04_b - In the Hospital 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to convey

warm wishes to people who are hospitalized.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below..

1. Have you ever visited someone in the hospital?

2. What kind of things might be good to bring to a friend in

the hospital?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. on the mend

: recovering one’s health

e.g.) I’m so glad that you’re on the mend at last.

= It’s good to hear that your condition is improving.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. discharge

: release from confinement, custody, or care

e.g.) Do you know when you’ll be discharged?

= When will you be released from the hospital?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. take a turn for the better

: improve in condition, especially quickly or suddenly

e.g.) I’m happy to see your health has taken a turn for the


= I’m glad to see your health is improving.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. clean bill of health

: a doctor’s report that a patient is in good physical health

e.g.) The doctor has given me a clean bill of health.

= The doctor said that I’m in good physical health.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. runs in the family

: a hereditary trait or a characteristic frequently exhibited by

members of a family

e.g.) Unfortunately, diabetes runs in the family.

= This disease is in our family’s genes.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. on the up and up

: improving continuously

e.g.) You look like you’re on the up and up.

= Looks like you’re recovering well.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Is it appropriate to ask specific questions about a person’s

medical condition in your culture?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that in the US it is considered best to limit

your hospital visit to 20 minutes?

2. Did you know that in the US gifts such as flowers, robes,

books, movies, and lip balm are preferable gifts for

hospitalized patients?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

How to Deal with Sickness?

• Take a Pill

A pill is a small, round substance with a specific dose of


• Get a Shot (Injection)

An injection is the insertion of liquid into the body with


• Intravenous (IV) Therapy

Intravenous therapy or IV therapy is the infusion of liquid

substances directly.

• Disinfect

To disinfect is to cleanse (rooms, wounds, clothing, etc.) of

infection or to destroy germs.

NG2_05_a - The Monday Blues 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to talk

about your past weekend in detail.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : routine / notes / stress / office

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. Monday blues

: the feeling you get when you wish you could stay in bed or

have just one more day for the weekend

e.g.) A: “How are you feeling today?”

B: “Not so good. I got the Monday blues.”

= I always feel tired on Monday mornings.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. homebody

: a person whose life centers at home

e.g.) She is a homebody who hates parties.

= She likes to stay at home and hates parties.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. there’s nothing like

: something is exceptionally enjoyable

e.g.) There’s nothing like unwinding at the beach on a sunny day.

= Going to the beach is much better than staying at home.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. keep (someone) posted

: keep someone informed of what is happening

e.g.) Please keep me posted about you. We never talk anymore!

= Let us catch up more often.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. couch potato

: a lazy and inactive person who spends a lot of time

watching television

e.g.) You should stop being a couch potato, it’s not good for

your health. = Lazing around is bad for your health.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. day off

: a day when you don’t have to work

e.g.) I badly need a day off.

= I am longing for another holiday.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Lisa : Hey Raj.

Raj: Oh, hi Lisa.

Lisa : How was your weekend?

Raj: Oh, my weekend was pretty casual. What about you?

Lisa : The same. I was basically a couch potato all weekend.

Raj: Really? I thought your sister was in town.

Lisa : Yeah, but we just hung out at home. She’s kind of a


Raj: Ah, I see. Kind of like me, then.

Lisa : Really?

Raj: Sure! There’s nothing like spending a day at home with a warm

cup of tea and a good movie.

Lisa : Maybe I should introduce you guys.

Raj: Keep me posted. I’m game for anything.

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

How do most people in your country spend their weekends?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

How to Beat the Monday Blues?

• Listen to happy songs — a tune can affect your mood.

• Complete as much work as you can.

• Make a list of why you are having the blues.

• Make positive statements — today is a great day.

• Buy something new for Monday — it doesn’t have to be big and


• Drink coffee or another caffeinated beverage.

• Do not get distracted by YouTube, Facebook, or personal e-mails.

• Take short breaks to recharge.

• Wear your best clothes or the cheeriest color from your wardrobe.

NG2_05_b - The Monday Blues 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to talk

about your past weekend in detail.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below..

1. What is your busiest day of the week?

2. What do you usually do on the weekends?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. out of the blue

: something totally unexpected

e.g.) I was caught off guard by what he did. It was totally out

of the blue!

= I was totally surprised by what he did. It was unexpected!

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.


: abbreviation of “Thank goodness, it’s Friday”

e.g.) TGIF! I’ve been so exhausted this week.

= Thank heavens it’s almost the weekend.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. take it easy

: relax

e.g.) This weekend, I’m going to take it easy. I’ve been

working hard all week.

= I shouldn’t push myself too hard this weekend because I’ve

been working hard all week.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. feeling blue

: feeling sad or depressed

e.g.) I’ve been feeling blue ever since we broke up.

= I’ve been feeling melancholic these past few days.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. Sunday best

: one’s finest clothes

e.g.) If we want to go to this party, we should wear our

Sunday best.

= We should wear our best clothes to go there.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. long weekend

: an extended holiday

e.g.) What are your plans for the long weekend?

= Where are you going on the holidays?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

How do you feel about working on the weekend?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that the first TGI Friday’s restaurant opened in

New York City in 1965?

2. Did you know that the average Canadian has 4 hours of

leisure time on weekdays and 7.5 hours on weekend days?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

The Happiest Day of the Week

In a survey, participants were asked what they thought their

mood was for each day of the week.

• 65% believed their worst moods were on Monday


• 35% believed their worst moods were on Monday


• 43% believed their best moods were on Friday evenings.

• 45% believed their best moods were on Saturday


NG2_06_a - Hump Day 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to talk

about a tough work day.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : desktop / stress / nap / tired

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. hump day

: Wednesday; regarded as the midpoint of a typical working week

e.g.) Hump day is the toughest day of the week for me.

= Wednesday is the most challenging day for me.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. downhill

: involving fewer challenges or less difficulty than before; easier

e.g.) The rest of the week is all downhill from here.

= Don’t worry, the weekend is almost here.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. cushy

: very easy or pleasant and not involving a lot of work

e.g.) What a cushy day!

= Today was very boring because there was no work to do.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. in the mood

: feeling a desire for something or to do something

e.g.) I’m in the mood to go home early.

= I feel like clocking out early.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. knock off early

: stop working, usually at the end of the day

e.g.) I feel like knocking off early today.

= I want to go home as soon as possible.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. keep your head up

: be positive about something

e.g.) You know, we all have those days. Keep your head up.

= Don’t lose hope. I’m sure you’ll be alright.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Sally: Oh, hi Sherman. How’s your day going?

Sherman: Well, considering it’s hump day, it’s not going too badly.

How’s your day?

Sally: Not as good as yours. I can’t wait for this day to end.

Sherman: What’s happened to make it so bad?

Sally: My boss is getting me to do one thing after another.

Sherman: You know, we all have those days. Keep your head up.

Sally: Yeah, I know. I just wish I could knock off early and end this


Sherman: Hang in there. Hump day is almost finished, and it’s all

downhill from here.

Sally: I can’t wait for the weekend.

Sherman: Neither can I.

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Do you think companies should let employees have a more

flexible work schedule?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Your Energy Levels

Look at the graph of Michelle’s energy levels at different times of

the day. Show how you feel at different times of the day.

NG2_06_b - Hump Day 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to talk

about a tough work day.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below..

1. Do you feel weeks go by fast or slow nowadays?

2. What is the toughest day of the week for you? How about the

easiest day?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. payday

: a regular day on which wages are paid

e.g.) Let’s go shopping after work as it is payday!

= Let’s go shopping because we’ll be receiving our salary today!

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. on the bright side

: used to refer to the good part of something that is mostly bad

e.g.) Let’s always try to look on the brighter side of things.

= It’s beneficial to have a positive outlook on life.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. carpe diem

: the enjoyment of the pleasures of the moment without

concern for the future

e.g.) Life is too short to waste so I decided to make carpe

diem my life’s motto.

= We only get one shot on life so it’s better to make the

most out of it.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. bank holiday

: an official holiday when banks and most businesses are

closed for a day

e.g.) Bank holidays usually land on a Monday

= Holidays that fall on Mondays make our weekends longer.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. fingers crossed

: a hand gesture commonly used to wish for luck

e.g.) I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.

= I am hoping for you to have the best outcome.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. a day of rest

: a day which is set aside for rest or on which one departs

from a normal or usual routine

e.g.) Most people consider Sunday a day of rest.

= On Sundays, people usually just relax to prepare for

another work week.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Do you think the work week should be shorter? Explain.

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that June 21st is considered the longest

day of the year?

2. Did you know that Tuesday is considered the cheapest

day to buy airline tickets?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Are You An ‘Early Bird’ or a ‘Night Owl’?

• “Early bird” may refer to a “morning person” who usually

gets up early in the morning, at the crack of dawn.

• “Night owl” may refer to an “evening person” who tends

to stay up until late at night.

NG2_07_a - Thanks, But No Thanks 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to decline

an invitation without hurting other people’s feelings.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : tennis / decline / invite / hang out

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. not into ~

: something one doesn’t like to do

e.g.) I’m not really into that, sorry.

= I don’t find those things enjoyable.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. take a rain check

: means that you cannot accept an invitation now, but would

like to do so at a later time

e.g.) Can I take a rain check?

= Can we do this some other time?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. decline

: refuse something; to withhold or deny consent to do

e.g.) I find it hard to decline invitations when someone asks me.

= It’s hard to reject someone’s invitation.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. my bad

: a way of admitting a mistake, and apologizing for that

mistake, without actually apologizing

e.g.) Oops, my bad! Why don’t I take you to dinner to make

up for it tomorrow night?

= Alright, it’s my fault. Let me take you to dinner tomorrow

to make up for it.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. have (something) going on

: means that you have already made plans for a particular time

e.g.) I hate to say no, but I have something going on.

= I’m sorry but I have other plans.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. ditch

: leave; get rid of or not continue with something or

someone that is no longer wanted

e.g.) Are you seriously ditching me?

= Do you really intend to leave me?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Laura: I wanted to touch base with you about Julie’s party.

Dylan: Oh, that’s this weekend? I totally forgot, sorry.

Laura: Are you seriously ditching me? We talked about this weeks ago!

Dylan: My bad. Hey, why don’t I take you to dinner to make up for

it tomorrow night?

Laura: I don’t think so. I’ve got something else going on, and I can’t

get out of it.

Dylan: Well, what about Sunday? We could go hiking over at Stone

Mountain Park.

Laura: Nah, I’m not really into that, thanks.

Dylan: OK, how about you call me after the party, and I’ll see if I

can swing by your house for a bit?

Laura: How about another time? I think I’ll be getting home pretty late.

Dylan: Well, there’s just no pleasing you today, I guess.

Laura: You’re right. I thought I was more of a priority to you.

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

In your culture, is it acceptable to be direct about rejections?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

How to Say “No” Nicely?

Sometimes you need to say “no” when someone makes a

suggestion, offers you something, or asks you to do something for

them. Of course, just saying “no” can be rather rude. Here are some

of the most common ways to say “no” nicely- or at least not rudely.

• I’m afraid I can’t go out tonight. I’ve got a test tomorrow.

• Sorry, but I don’t particularly like Chinese food.

• I’d really rather not take a walk this afternoon.

• Thank you, but it’s not my idea of a fun afternoon out.

• Sorry, I’m not really fond of driving for the fun of it.

• That’s very kind of you, but I really have to get back to the city.

NG2_07_b - Thanks, But No Thanks 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to decline

an invitation without hurting other people’s feelings.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below..

1. How do you feel when someone declines your invitation?

2. What are the worst excuses you have heard for declining

an invitation?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. flake out

: go back on a promise or commitment

e.g.) I hate to flake out on you, but something came up.

= I don’t want to disappoint you, but I can’t make it tonight.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. cup of tea

: something one likes or excels in

e.g.) Sorry, but kayaking is not exactly my cup of tea. What

about biking instead?

= I’m not into kayaking that much, how about we try some

other activities?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. leave (someone) hanging

: keep someone waiting for your decision or answer

e.g.) Don’t leave me hanging — I need a definite answer by


= Well, don’t make me wait for your answer. You need to

RSVP by tonight.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. (whatever) floats your boat

: do what makes you happy or comfortable

e.g.) We’ll do whatever floats your boat. I’m flexible.

= Whatever works for me as long you enjoy yourself.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. alternative

: an alternative plan or method is one that you can use if you

do not want to use another one

e.g.) How about you suggest an alternative instead of simply

rejecting our ideas?

= If you’re not interested, can we make other plans?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. make it up

: do something good for someone you have upset in order

to make peace with them again

e.g.) I’ll think of something to make it up to you.

= I promise to do something that will make you forgive me

for what I did.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

When you have to decline an invitation, what can you do to

avoid hurting the other person’s feelings?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that there is a fake phone number you can

give out to say “no”? When the person calls the number, they

will reach the Rejection Hotline, not you!

2. One of the most common dating rejection lines in the USA is

“You’ll find someone else”.

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Rain Check

The term comes from baseball, when in the 1880s, it became

the practice to offer paying spectators a rain check entitling

them to future admission for a game that was postponed or

ended early owing to bad weather.

1. If you go to a water park and it starts to rain, they will usually

give you a rain check. It’s a free pass to come again at a later

time (when it is not raining).

2. If you go to a store and want to buy a sale item that is out of

stock, you can request a rain check to buy it in the future for

the same price.

3. In everyday English, it is something that you say when you

cannot accept someone’s invitation to do something, but would

like to do it another time.

NG2_08_a - TGIF 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to express

excitement about the weekend.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : excited / hurry / rain / umbrella

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. endless

: being or seeming to be without end

e.g.) This week has seemed endless.

= This is the longest week of my life!

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. counting down the minutes

: to be waiting eagerly for something to happen

e.g.) She’s counting down the minutes to her birthday.

= She’s eagerly waiting for tomorrow to come.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. getaway

: a vacation especially of brief duration

e.g.) We’re planning a weekend getaway to the mountains.

= I want to go somewhere far from the city.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. head (somewhere)

: proceed or move toward someone, something, or someplace

e.g.) Where are you headed?

= Where do you plan to go?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. pick up ~

: get or bring someone or something from somewhere

e.g.) My boyfriend is picking me up after work.

= He will meet me after work.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. change of scenery

: a change in one’s usual surroundings, perhaps precipitating

a change in one’s life

e.g.) This is becoming too much for me. I need a change of


= I want to go somewhere relaxing for a vacation.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Lisa : Hey, how‘re things?

Larry: Not too bad, now that it’s finally Friday.

Lisa : I hear you! This week has seemed endless.

Larry: I can’t wait for this day to be over. Are you going out tonight?

After all, we deserve a bit of fun!

Lisa : My boyfriend is picking me up after work, and we’re going

out for dinner and a movie. How about you?

Larry: I can’t wait to knock off early and hop on a train to get away

from it all!

Lisa : Great! Where are you headed?

Larry: Anywhere ― I need a change of scenery. Hopefully, I’ll be out

of here by four this afternoon!

Lisa : Sounds good!

Larry: Yeah, I’m counting down the minutes until the time I can


Lisa : Have a great weekend. See you on Monday!

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Do you think most people look forward to the weekend?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Black Friday

Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United

Stated (4th Thursday in November,) traditionally the beginning of

the Christmas shopping season. On this day, most major retailers

open extremely early, often at 4 a.m. or earlier, and offer

promotional sales to kick off the shopping season, similar to Boxing

Day sales in many Commonwealth Nations. Black Friday is not

actually a holiday, but some non-retail employers give their

employees the day off, increasing the number of potential shoppers.

NG2_08_b - TGIF 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to express

excitement about the weekend.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below..

1. Do you plan your weekend activities?

2. Do you enjoy spending a “lazy weekend” at home, or do you

prefer to “get away from it all”?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. take it easy

: avoid stress and remain calm

e.g.) She’s hoping to relax and take it easy this weekend.

= She is looking forward to unwind this weekend.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. just around the corner

: not far away, or going to happen soon

e.g.) She was happy at work on Friday knowing that the

weekend was just around the corner.

= She is so excited because the weekend is drawing near.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. Girl Friday

: a female assistant (as in an office) entrusted with a wide

variety of tasks

e.g.) The only job the company was offering was for a Girl Friday.

= The only open positions available are for secretaries and


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. chomping at the bit

: be impatient and/or eager for something to happen or over

some delay

e.g.) She was so excited about the weekend getaway that on

Friday she was chomping at the bit.

= She was eager to finish all her work on Friday for her

weekend gateway.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. watching the clock

: often notice the time and wish that it was later, especially

when you are doing work that you do not like

e.g.) Mary was watching the clock to get out of the office on

Friday afternoon.

= Mary wanted to end her work as soon as possible on

Friday afternoon.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. bouncing off the walls

: be too excited and have a lot of energy

e.g.) As the weekend drew near, the children were bouncing

off the walls.

= The kids were very excited for the weekend.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

What kind of activities do most people do on the weekend in

your country?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that the term TGIF was originated by Jerry

Healey, an Akron, Ohio disc jockey on radio station WAKR in the

early 1970s?

2. Did you know that some people refuse to go to work on

Friday the 13th, while some will not eat in restaurants and many

would not think of setting a wedding on the date?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th is a date considered to be bad luck in

Westerns superstition.

An estimated 17 to 21 million people in the US are affected

by a fear of this day, making it most feared day and date in

the history. Some people are so paralyzed by fear that they

avoid their normal routines in doing business, taking flights,

or even getting out of bed. It has been estimated that $800

to $900 million is lost in business on this day.

NG2_09_a - What Should We Do? 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to make

weekend plans with a friend.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : plan / hang out / bed / laptop

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. be into ~

: be interested in something

e.g.) Are you into doing something this weekend?

= Would you like to do something this weekend?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. be up to ~

: want to do something

e.g.) Would you be up to seeing a ball game?

= Do you want to watch baseball game?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. let (one’s) hair down

: allow yourself to behave much more freely than usual and

enjoy yourself

e.g.) I just want to let my hair down this weekend.

= I want to relax and have a good time this weekend.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. go for a walk

: walk for pleasure rather than for practical reasons

e.g.) Let’s go for a walk before it gets too hot.

= Let’s go take a walk before it gets too sunny.

= How about letting me cook you dinner on Saturday?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. how about…?

: used to make a suggestion

e.g.) How about catching a movie instead?

= Why don’t we watch a movie instead?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. kind of

: in some way or to some degree

e.g.) I kind of figured you’d say that.

= I had a feeling you’d say that.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Richard: Good morning.

Cara: Hey. Good morning.

Richard: Are you into doing something this weekend?

Cara: Sure, I’m open to the idea. What did you have in mind?

Richard: Well, would you be up to seeing a ball game? I hear that

your favorite team is playing today.

Cara: I don’t really feel like baseball. How about catching a movie


Richard: Oh, that sounds good, too. What’s playing?

Cara: Well, I really want to see The Lucky One… or there is the new

X-Men movie.

Richard: Let’s go to the X-Men movie.

Cara: I kind of figured you’d say that.

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

How do you usually feel on the day before the weekend?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Do Not Stay At Home!

What do you usually do on the weekend? If you don’t have much

time to exercise on the weekdays, try to go out and do some

physical activities on the weekend.

Do you know that more than 50% of people are physically inactive

in their daily lives?

NG2_09_b - What Should We Do? 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to make

weekend plans with a friend.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below.

1. Do you prefer making plans before the weekend, or deciding

on that day what you will do?

2. What are the things that you do every weekend?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. make a day of it

: spend the whole day, instead of just part of it, doing

something enjoyable

e.g.) I was thinking we could drive to town, do some

shopping — you know, make a day of it.

= Let’s make this day worthwhile by driving to town and

going shopping.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. hang out

: spend a lot of time in a place or with someone

e.g.) Do you have time to hang out on Saturday?

= Do you want to spend time with me this weekend?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. catch ~

: see or listen to something

e.g.) I don’t have plans, how about catching a movie?

= I don’t have anything to do, why don’t we watch a movie?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. have in mind

: intend or be inclined to do something

e.g.) What did you have in mind?

= Do you have any suggestions?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. be open to ~

: be willing to consider something

e.g.) Sure, I’m open to the idea.

= I’m willing to try that.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. feel like ~

: have a desire to do or have something

e.g.) I don’t really feel like watching baseball.

= I’m not in the mood to watch baseball today.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Which is better: weekends now, or weekends when you were


Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that Labor Day was originally meant to

celebrate labor unions and worker solidarity?

2. Did you know that Labor Day in Canada and the US is on the

first weekend of September?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

National Sandwich Day

It is a celebration of one of America’s favorite foods: the

sandwich! It is coincidence that November 3rd is also the

birthday of John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich. This

18th-century English noble wanted to his meal one hand

during a 24-hour gambling event, so he instructed his

servants to serve him his lunchmeat between two slices of


To commemorate the birth of the world’s first sandwich-

maker, November 3rd is now National Sandwich Day!

Sandwich Day: In some countries, a day between two

holidays is called a sandwich day. When a sandwich day

comes between two big holidays, then we usually take it off.

NG2_10_a - I Need to Cancel 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to cancel a

pre-arranged plan.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : wait / late / suit / appointment

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. reschedule

: arrange something for a different time

e.g.) Do you want to reschedule our appointment?

= Do you want to move our meeting?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. notice

: notification or warning of something

e.g.) You must give 24-hours‘ notice to cancel the appointment.

= We need to be notified ahead of time if you’re going to cancel.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. running late

: doing things or arriving in places later than planned

e.g.) I’m running late. Go ahead without me.

= I don’t think I can make it on time.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. something came up

: something very important has happened which you need to

deal with

e.g.) Something came up, so I can’t make it to our meeting.

= I have to cancel because of an emergency.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. no problem

: used to express one’s agreement

e.g.) It’s no problem. Do you want to reschedule?

= It’s okay. What time should we meet then?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. mind

: used for getting someone’s permission to do something

e.g.) Do you mind if I come in a little bit late?

= Is it okay if I arrive late?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Jeremy: Hi Michelle. Could I talk to you for a minute?

Michelle: Sure, Jeremy. What’s up?

Jeremy: I’m really sorry, but I have to cancel our appointment.

Michelle: It’s no problem. Do you want to reschedule?

Jeremy: Please, if you don’t mind.

Michelle: How does next Monday at 2:30 sound?

Jeremy: Is it possible to meet earlier than that?

Michelle: Well, I have a few minutes before lunch, maybe at around


Jeremy: Hm. I think I’d better stick with 2:30 then.

Michelle: Alright. I’ll see you on Monday then.

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

In your culture, is it better to arrive early, on time, or a little

bit late for a meeting?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Cultural Differences Related to Appointments

Next Friday? vs. This Friday?

• If today is Monday, December 28th, and I refer to “this Friday”,

most people will understand Friday, January 1st. The trouble is that

not everyone would use the words “this Friday.” Some people would

refer to Friday, January 1st, as “next Friday.”

01/12/2015 vs. 12/01/2015

• You need to pay attention when writing numerical dates. If you

have an international audience, it is much wiser to spell out the

relevant month. Instead of writing either 01/12/2015 or 12/01/2015,

use either 12 January 2015 or January 12, 2015. Most online forms

have now solved this problem. The confusion today is related to

people not being aware of their global audience.

NG2_10_b - I Need to Cancel 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to cancel a

pre-arranged plan.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below..

1. Have you ever had to cancel an appointment at the last minute?

2. What would you do if you forget an appointment?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. kill time

: occupy oneself with some activity to make time pass quickly

e.g.) While I was waiting, I killed time by counting the cars on

the freight trains.

= While waiting, I kept myself busy by counting cars.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. in the nick of time

: at the last possible moment

e.g.) We got there just in the nick of time.

= We almost never made it.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. urgent

: needing attention very soon, something important to do

e.g.) Will you please come on time? We need to talk about

an urgent matter.

= Please be on time for our meeting because we have to talk

about something really important.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. run out of time

: have no more time available to finish something

e.g.) I ran out of time before I could finish the test.

= There was no time left for me to finish the test.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. fix another time

: arrange or agree on another time

e.g.) Should we fix another time for the meeting?

= Should we meet some other time then?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. make time

: have time in order to do something you think you should do

e.g.) It’s important to make time for yourself once in a while.

= It is necessary to give some time for yourself to relax and


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

If you need to cancel an appointment, what is the proper


Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that the top 5 destinations for international

meetings are the US, Japan, Singapore, France, and Belgium?

2. Did you know that the top 5 subjects for international

meetings are medicine (18%), technology (14.5%), science

(13.4%), industry (6.9%), and education (5.8%)?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Time Management Matrix

The following chart is the time management matrix which is

suggested by Stephen Covey. It will definitely help you to

take control of your schedule according to importance and


NG2_11_a - The Big Game 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to predict a

future outcome.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : anticipate / pub / hope / cheer

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. squad

: a team in sports from which the players for a match are chosen

e.g.) I think the Spanish squad is going to win today.

= It looks like their team is going to win this game.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. take it all

: dominate and win a game

e.g.) I’m picking Spain to take it all.

= I’m betting that no one will be able to beat Spain in

today’s game.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. get creamed

: be defeated overwhelmingly; outscored

e.g.) My team is getting creamed today!

= It seems that we have no chance to win against them.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. school ~

: teach someone something, usually as a demonstration of power

e.g.) The Argentines are going to school them today.

= The Argentinean team is going to show them how to win the


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. off to a rocky start

: seems likely to fail; discouraging or disappointing

e.g.) The game’s off to a rocky start, but we’re going to take you.

=They may be on the lead now, but we’ll be able to outrun them.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. mop up

: bring to an end; defeat completely

e.g.) Atlanta mopped up the field with them.

= It was an embarrassing blow for their team to get defeated

by Atlanta’s rookie team.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Miranda: Ooh! Score! Your team is so going down!

James: Yeah, well, the game’s off to a rocky start, but we’re going

to take you. Just watch!

Miranda: I don’t think so. You guys are getting schooled today.

James: Nah, this game’s going to be tight. Both teams are strong,

and there’s no point in crying about it yet.

Miranda: Yeah, it’s going to be a close match, for sure. But I’m

picking Spain to take it all.

James: I’d love to. What time on Saturday?

Miranda: Really? I think Argentina’s got a stronger lineup this year,

and they were awesome in the semifinals.

James: Shh, we’re missing the game. What? Why did he get yellow


Miranda: Yeah, didn’t you see that foul? It looked like he interfered

with number 6.

James: Well, if your team keeps playing like that, we’re going to be

getting a lot of penalty kicks.

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

What do you think of betting on sporting events?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

You Know What?

• A baseball has exactly 108 stitches.

• A soccer ball is made up of 32 leather panels.

• The tennis term “love” is derived from “l’oeuf,” the

• French word for “egg,” symbolizing zero.

• The longest tennis match took place at

• Wimbledon 2010. It lasted 11 hours and 5 minutes.

• Golf is the only sport played on the moon. On 1971, Alan

Shepard hit a golf ball on the moon’s surface.

• Boxing became a legal sport in 1901.

• Fishing is the most participated-in sport in the world.

NG2_11_b - The Big Game 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to predict a

future outcome.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below.

1. Do you enjoy playing or watching sports?

2. Which do you prefer, individual or group sports?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. down to the wire

: having a result that is not known until the end

e.g.) It’s getting down to the wire, and there’s no telling who’s

going to win. = It’s going to be a really close game.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. on the edge of (one’s) seat

: to be very excited and giving one’s full attention to something

e.g.) The game was so exciting! I was on the edge of my seat

the whole night!

= This match is very interesting because you can’t predict the


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. a toss-up

: a situation where either of two possibilities is equally likely

e.g.) It’s really a toss-up as to who’s going to take it today.

= It’s impossible to say who’s going to win today.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. throw in the towel

: admit that you are defeated or cannot do something any more

e.g.) He should just throw in the towel and give up. There’s

no way he’s going to win.

= His situation is hopeless. If I were him, I would just give up.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. neck and neck

: very close or equal; has an equal chance of winning

e.g.) The race is neck and neck, but I think Murphy is pulling


= It looks like a tight race, but Murphy is gaining speed.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. lineup

: a group of people that has been brought together to form

a team or take part in an event

e.g.) I think Argentina’s got a stronger lineup this year.

= Argentina’s team getting stronger every year.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Who are some of the best athletes from your country?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that, according to an ESPN survey,

approximately 188 million Americans gambled on sports in a

recent year?

2. Did you know that baseball is the most popular sport in

the US, followed by football, basketball, and motorsports?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Food and Sports Matching

Certain foods go with certain sports. Take a look at what we

think are the best foods.

• Basketball and Baseball: Buffalo chicken wings and beer

• Tennis: Summer high tea ― Strawberry cream cheese


• Sailing and Rowing: Fish supper is a necessity Chili crab and

prawn tarts

• Rugby: Male and hearty fare ― Potted ham with mustard

• Football: It has to be meat ― Ultimate beef and cheese


NG2_12_a - Planning a Potluck 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to plan a

potluck dinner among friends

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : party / outdoor / potluck / toast

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. potluck

: an informal meal where guests bring a different dish that is

then shared with the other guests

e.g.) Have you been to a potluck dinner before?

= Do you have any experience attending a potluck party before?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. feed an army

: have a lot of food prepared

e.g.) We have enough food to feed an army.

= We have so much food to eat.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. assortment

: a group of different types of something

e.g.) We have a real assortment of food here.

= There are so many different kinds of food to try.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. eyes bigger than stomach

: take more food on one’s plate than one can eat

e.g.) My eyes are bigger than my stomach at potlucks.

= I usually take so much than what I can handle at potluck


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. sink teeth in ~

: take a bite of something good to eat

e.g.) I can’t wait to sink my teeth into all of this delicious food.

= I’m so excited to try all the delicious food we will be


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. be short on ~

: not having enough of something

e.g.) We might be short on desserts.

= I think there’s not enough desserts for all of us.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Lucy: So Carol, we have about 30 people coming to the annual

summer potluck on Saturday, so we need to organize the food.

Carol: That shouldn’t be too hard as most of our friends are good


Lucy: Would you mind bringing your homemade chili? I hear it’s

really good.

Carol: Sure, not a problem. I’ll make up a double batch.

Lucy: How about we ask Mary to bring her Southern fried chicken?

I’ve had it before, and I’m sure everyone will love it.

Carol: Let’s ask Wendy to bring her Caesar salad.

Lucy: I wonder if Karen could bring her chocolate cream pie.

Carol: I’m sure she will. I just know my eyes will be bigger than my

stomach at this potluck.

Lucy: I’m sure we’ll have enough food to feed an army.

Carol: I can’t wait till Saturday so I can sink my teeth into all of this

delicious food.

Lucy: I know! It’s going to be so good.

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

What kinds of food would people from your country bring if

they were invited to a potluck?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Tips For a Potluck Party

• Easy to Transport

Dishes should be to transport and no more prepare at the party

than perhaps reheating.

• Disposable Container

Remind guests to bring their dish in a disposable container. If this is

not possible, ask them to mark the dish somehow so that you can

get it to them.

• Easy to Eat

Since potlucks usually include a large amount of people, not

everyone will have a place to sit at a table. If this is the case with

your potluck, make sure that you suggest that foods that do not be

cut with a knife that are easy to with one hand.

• Food Allergies

Be mindful of guests who may have allergies. Be sure to ask about

food allergies and ask guests to put a list of ingredients on their


NG2_12_b - Planning a Potluck 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to plan a

potluck dinner among friends.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below.

1. Have you ever been to a potluck dinner before?

2. Do you feel comfortable eating food made by someone


Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. leftovers

: food remaining after a meal

e.g.) Example: The only problem with a potluck meal is we

always have so many leftovers.

= The only problem with a potluck meal is we always

have some food left uneaten.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. a piece of cake

: something that is very easy to do

e.g.) Example: Organizing a potluck dinner is a piece of


= It’s so easy to organize a potluck party.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. all-you-can-eat

: used to describe a meal at a restaurant where people

can serve themselves as much food as they want

e.g.) Example: A potluck dinner is like a buffet —it’s all-


= You can eat as much as you want at potluck parties.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. chow down

: eat, especially in an informal situation

e.g.) Example: I can’t wait to chow down at this potluck


= I am looking forward to eating a lot at the potluck


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. buffet

: a meal where people serve themselves different types of


e.g.) Example: When was the last time you went on a


= How long ago was it since the last time you’ve had an

all-you-can-eat meal?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. batch

: a group of things that are dealt with or produced at the

same time

e.g.) Example: I’ll make a double batch.

= I am going to double the portion so we’ll have enough

for everyone.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

What kind of occasions would be

good to have a potluck meal?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that one of the most popular desserts to

bring to a potluck are brownies?

2. Did you know that having a potluck meal is the best way

to bring people together at a low cost?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Get Together!


A party most commonly held by children or teenagers,

where a guest or guests are invited to stay overnight at the

home of a friend, sometimes to celebrate birthdays or other

special events


A party held within approximately 90 days of moving into a

new residence. It is an occasion for the hosts to present

their new home to their friends and for friends to give gifts

to furnish the new home.


A gathering of people where each person or group of

people contributes a dish of food prepared by the person or

the group of people to be shared among the group.


A party to celebrate the pending or recent birth of a child

by presenting gifts to the parents.

NG2_13_a - Home Theater 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to discuss

the purchase of a home entertainment system.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : home theater / minimalist / HDTV / speakers

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. home theater

: an audio and video equipment set up in your home that

emulates the movie theater experience

e.g.) We installed a home theater.

= We put a good home entertainment system in the


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. surround sound

: a system of sound loudspeakers that gives the

impression that the listener is surrounded by the sound


e.g.) Does it have surround sound?

= Can I hear the sounds from all around me?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. color saturation

: the intensity of color in an image; determines how

certain hue will look in certain lighting conditions

e.g.) I think you need to adjust the color saturation.

= You should probably fix the colors.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.


: High-Definition Television; a new type of television that

provides much better resolution than previous televisions

e.g.) Are these the HDTVs you were telling me about?

= Are these the 60-inch TVs I hear so much about?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. subtitles

: words shown at the bottom of a film or television

picture to explain what is being said

e.g.) You should turn on the subtitles if you don’t

understand something.

= Turn the closed captions on when you’re unsure what

the film is talking about.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. innovation

: a new idea or method, or the use of new ideas and


e.g.) It’s amazing to see all these latest innovations in

computer technology.

= It’s fascinating to see the evolution of computer


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Derek: Wow. Would you look at that?

Lucy: Are these the HDTVs that you were telling me about?

Derek: Yes, they are. Can you imagine putting this one in

our living room? It will be so awesome.

Lucy: Do we really need a 60-inch TV?

Derek: Sure we do. It makes everything so much clearer,

and it will be just like we were watching it in the theater.

Lucy: Where are we going to put that thing?

Derek: I was thinking on the wall between the bookshelves.

There is plenty of space for it.

Lucy: But then where are we going to put the picture Mom

gave us?

Derek: Shall I pick you up around 5:30?

Lucy: That thing? I’m sure we could find a place for it

somewhere. But with this, we could even show whatever

pictures we want, if we have the right accessories.

Derek: You’ve really thought this through, haven’t you?

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

There is a famous English saying,

“You are what you eat”. Do you think

the same applies to television programs?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

How We Make Decisions

Most people tend to believe that, when making decisions,

men are less driven by emotions than women. Men use left-

brained (metaphorically speaking) logical, rational thought.

Men are persuaded to buy or act based on thinking, not

feeling, while women do the opposite. You know – that

whole Mars and Venus thing.

However, there is not much difference between men and

women, and we all make decisions emotionally.

Emotion is an important factor when we make decisions,

though logic is also there with us. While our decisions are

primarily emotional, part of that decisions is based on using

logic to figure out how we will feel about our decision in

the future. In other words, we use logical thinking to predict

whether we will continue to feel good about the decision.

NG2_13_b - Inviting a Friend to Dinner 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to discuss

the purchase of a home entertainment system.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below.

1. Do you own a good home entertainment system?

2. What types of programs do you enjoy watching on


Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. man cave

: a man’s personal space; a part of a house that is

reserved for oneself

e.g.) When my husband goes into his man cave, there is

no convincing him to come out until he is ready.

= Once my husband is in his personal space, he is in his

own world.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. tweak

: change something slightly, especially in order to make it

more correct, effective, or suitable

e.g.) The colors on your TV look strange. Maybe you

should tweak the video settings to make it better.

= It would be better if you adjust the settings to make

the colors better.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. channel-surfing

: the practice of changing frequently from one program to

another on a television

e.g.) Please pick a channel and stop channel-surfing.

= Just make up your mind on what you want to watch.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. refurbished

: made to look new again by work such as painting,

repairing, and cleaning

e.g.) It’s cheaper to buy refurbished electronics.

= Second-hand gadgets are very affordable.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. state-of-the-art

: very modern and using the most recent ideas and

methods; the best and most modern of its type

e.g.) This is a state-of-the-art computer system.

= This computer has currently the best specifications in

the market.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. accessories

: something added to a machine that has a useful or

decorative purpose

e.g.) We could even show whatever pictures we want, if

we have the right accessories.

= We should buy this plug connector, so we can project

images and videos onto our HDTV.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

How popular is the home theater system in your country?

Do you think it is necessary to have full surround sound

when watching TV or movies?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that the most-watched television program

of North America in 2011 was the Super Bowl?

2. Did you know that more than 55% of adults between the

ages of 25 and 49 view movies on mobile phones?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Why Home Theater?

The “Plusses” of a Home Theater

• Have a place for friends to gather

• Watch movies in private

• Relax at home

• Start and stop the movie when you want

• Build a system that is uniquely yours

• Enhance the resale value of your home

The “Minuses” of a Home Theater

• Expensive to set up

• May fall into disuse after a few months

• Takes up a lot of space in your home

• May be a point of conflict with your spouse

NG2_14_a - House Hunting 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to express

what you are looking for a house.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : skyscrapers / residential / commercial / metro

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. square footage

: a measurement of area

e.g.) What’s the square footage of this place?

= How large is this house?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. down payment

: a partial payment made at the time of purchase, with

the balance to be paid later

e.g.) We’ve got a large down payment.

= We can pay a lot upfront.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. fit the bill

: be suitable for a particular purpose

e.g.) We really want something close to town, so this sure

fits the bill.

= We want a house near the town, so this will do.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. make an offer

: offer someone an amount of money for something

e.g.) We would like to make an offer for this place.

= We are going to make a bid for this place.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. upgrades

: improvements (such as software or an electronic device)

that replaces something with a more useful version or


e.g.) What kind of upgrades have they done?

= What are the improvements done on this house?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. fixture

: a permanently fixed piece of furniture in a house

e.g.) All the fixtures are less than two years old.

= The built-in equipment is not that old.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Kevin: So, this is the place I told you about. Third floor,

three bedrooms, two baths, hardwoods, excellent view.

Brad: What kind of upgrades have they done?

Kevin: All the fixtures are less than two years old. The

master bath has a whirlpool tub.

Brad: I like the granite countertops in the kitchen. Could

you tell me about the appliances?

Kevin: All stainless steel appliances, as you can see. The

refrigerator has a built-in water filtration system

Brad: What’s the square footage of this place?

Kevin: It’s 1,350 square feet, not including the balcony space.

Brad: It’s quite spacious. We really want something close to

town, so this sure fits the bill.

Kevin: Would you like to make an offer?

Brad: Yes, and let’s try to get them to throw in the washer

and dryer. We want to move on this as quickly as possible.

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Is buying or renting a home more common in your country?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Things to Consider

Here are four categories of things to consider when you buy

a house.

• Neighborhood

• Lifestyles & Stages

• Special Features

• Size

What’s the most important factor for you?

NG2_14_b - House Hunting 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to express

what you are looking for in a house.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below.

1. Is it difficult to find a home to buy in your area?

2. What is your current home like, and how does it compare

to your dream home?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. fixer-upper

: a house or apartment for sale that is in bad condition

and needs work

e.g.) This house is a real fixer-upper, but I think we got a

good deal on it.

= This house needs a lot of repairs, but it was really


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. floor plan

: a drawing that shows the shape, size, and arrangement

of rooms in a building as viewed from above

e.g.) Can I have a copy of the basic floor plan, please?

= Could I have a copy of this building’s layout?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. counteroffer

: an offer made in response to a previous offer by the

other party during negotiations for a final contract

e.g.) We put in our counteroffer and are waiting

on a final decision by the buyer.

= It seems that the clients are still deciding with

the counter-proposal we just made.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. asking price

: the price suggested by a seller but usually considered to

be subject to bargaining

e.g.) We want to come in just under the asking price with

our offer.

= We are trying to negotiate the price with the seller.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. a roof over (one’s) head

: a home in which to live or rest; basic shelter

e.g.) We’ll have a roof over our heads in a few weeks.

= I am excited to live in our new home.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. be/feel at home

: feel comfortable and relaxed

e.g.) Give it time, you will feel at home.

= I am sure you will be comfortable in no time.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Are housing prices negotiable where you live?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that the median price of a home in the US

has fallen nearly 40% in just over five years?

2. Did you know that the median home price in the US is


Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

What Affects Home Value?

The following items can affect the value of a home.

• Quiet, safe, clean, attractive neighborhood

• Overall positive public perception of the community

• Adequate fire and police protection

• Quality public schools

• Libraries and other cultural institutions

• Proximity to shopping, restaurants, and recreation

• Access to public transportation

• Well-maintained infrastructure: roads, parks, and other

public recreation facilities

• History of solid property values

• Planned or proposed changes to zoning

NG2_15_a - With This Ring I Thee Wed 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to ask and

respond to questions when selecting a ring

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : gem stones / ring / accessory / colorful

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. jewelry

: decorative objects worn on clothes or on the body, such

as rings and necklaces

e.g.) What kinds of jewelry do you prefer?

= What kind of accessories do you like?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. marry beneath oneself

: marry someone in a lower social class than oneself

e.g.) He married beneath himself, but he is happy, and

what more is required for a marriage?

= He married someone not as rich as he is, but they are

living happily.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. carat

: a unit for measuring the weight of jewels

e.g.) Is that a 24-carat gold?

= Is that pure gold?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. ask for (someone’s) hand

: propose a marriage to someone

e.g.) After dating his girlfriend for three years, the man

finally asked for her hand in marriage.

= After three years of dating, he finally proposed to her.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. engrave

: cut words, pictures, or patterns into the surface of metal,

stone, etc.

e.g.) I want to have the band engraved inside.

= I’d like a special message written on the ring.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. whisper sweet nothings

: say romantic things to someone

e.g.) She whispered sweet nothings in his ear.

= He was happy to hear all those sweet messages she

said to him.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Sales Clerk: Can I help you find something special today?

Mattie: Yes, we’re looking for diamond engagement rings,

just starting out and getting ideas.

Sales Clerk: Well, we have many styles to choose from.

Have you decided on a particular metal yet?

Mattie: I definitely want something in white gold but am

open as to the setting – and I want to get it engraved.

Sales Clerk: What kind of cut are you looking for?

Mattie: What kind of cut are you looking for?

Sales Clerk: I’ve always had my heart set on a princess cut


Mattie: Take a look at these. We have solitaires and rings

with multiple stones.

Sales Clerk: I think I’d like to get a wedding set that will

match whatever band we get for my fiancée. I’m a size 6.

Mattie: Why don’t you try this one on?

Sales Clerk: It’s just gorgeous! Can I see this one here as

well? It’s such a hard decision!

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Is wearing a wedding ring typical for men and women in

your culture?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Who Should Propose: Men or Women?

In many of today’s cultures, it is okay for a woman to

propose marriage to a man. Society does not look down on

such women. However, that has not always been the case!

According to an old Irish legend, or possible history, St.

Bridget struck a deal with St. Patrick to allow women to

propose to men - and not just other way around - every

four years.

February 29th is a date that usually occurs every four years,

and it is called "Leap Day."

That is the day women can propose to men. This is believed

to have been introduced to balance the traditional roles of

men and women in a way that is similar to how Leap Day

balances the calendar.

NG2_15_b - With This Ring I Thee Wed 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to ask and

respond to questions when selecting a ring.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below.

1. Describe in detail your ideal wedding ring.

2. Would you prefer to shop for a wedding ring with your

partner or to be surprised?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. ring any bells

: sound familiar

e.g.) That name isn’t too familiar — it doesn’t ring any

bells. But it’s nice meeting you.

=That name isn’t too familiar — I don’t think we’ve met

before, but I am glad to meet you.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. bling

: jewelry or decoration that attracts attention because it is

very noticeable and looks expensive

e.g.) She’s got too much bling — it looks absolutely


= She’s wearing too many flashy stones.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. crown jewels

: one of the most valuable features or possessions of a

place, organization, etc.

e.g.) This teacup collection is my wife’s crown jewels.

= These are my wife’s most prized possessions.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. rock

: a valuable stone used in jewelry, especially a diamond

e.g.) When she showed me the rock, I knew that her

fiancée could afford it on his salary.

= When she showed me her engagement ring, I never

doubted that her fiancée could afford it on his salary.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. hear wedding bells

: think that someone will soon get married

e.g.) I hear wedding bells in their future!

= I think they are going to get married soon!

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. set a date

: decide on a date for a wedding

e.g.) After thinking about marriage for a long time, the

couple decided to set a date.

= After a long time, they finally decided when to get


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

How much does the average wedding ring cost in your

country? Is it a wise investment?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that the average price of a

diamond engagement ring in the US is $3,150?

2. Did you know that, according to one study, the average

couple waits 2.8 years to get engaged?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact


The dazzling pieces of gemstones not only hold high value,

but also associated with some unique personality traits as

well as powers for people born in different calendar months.

The following table will help you uncover your birthstone.

NG2_16_a - Man’s Best Friend 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to find a

suitable family pet.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : outdoors / couple / dog / walk

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. pet

: an animal that is kept in the home as a companion and

treated kindly

e.g.) My daughter is insisting on getting a pet.

= My daughter wants a dog.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. house-trained

: trained not to make the house dirty with its urine, etc.

e.g.) It’s amazing that your dog is house-trained.

= It''s impressive that your pet is disciplined.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. shots

: an injection of a drug (when it is put into your body

using a needle) given as a medical treatment

e.g.) Does she have all of her shots?

= Has she gotten all of her vaccines?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. neuter

: perform an operation on an animal’s sexual organs so

that it cannot have babies

e.g.) Has he been neutered?

= Is he castrated?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. vet

: a person with a medical degree trained to take care of

the health of animals

e.g.) We visited the vet yesterday because our dog was

not feeling good.

= We went to a veterinarian to have my dog’s health


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. breed

: a group of animals that have particular characteristics

that make them different from others of the same species

e.g.) We want a breed that is good with children.

= We’d like a kind of dog that is kid-friendly.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Melinda: I’ve had my heart set on getting a Yorkie for a long


Clerk: Well, it looks like he’s already made up his mind about


Melinda: I heard they bark a lot, though, and I live in an


Clerk: It’s true that they are good watch dogs, but they can be

taught to be quiet.

Melinda: Are they hard to housetrain?

Clerk: No. Many people just use training pads in the house to

start off with, and then walks as they get older.

Melinda: Does he have all his shots?

Clerk: Yes, he’s had his rabies and all his basic puppy


Melinda: Great! What about getting him fixed?

Clerk: We have an in-house vet you can schedule that with.

Melinda: Thanks for all your help. He’s going to make a great

addition to the family.

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

What rules do you think people should observe in your

country when taking their pets out in public?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Benefits of Pet Ownership

According to a survey, 92% of the respondents indicated

that they derive significant health benefits from their pets.

Anyone who has ever loved a pet knows how much joy that

relationship can bring. There is increasing scientific evidence

that the unique bond we share with our pets dramatically

enriches our lives, our physical health, and our emotional

well-being. Pets can help to reduce stress, relieve loneliness

and depression, prevent heart disease, and lower healthcare


Some studies showed:

• People with hypertension – have lower blood pressure in

stressful situations

• People without cats – are between 30% and 40% more

likely to die of cardiovascular disease

• Older people who have pets – experience better physical

health and mental well-being

• People with pets – make fewer doctor visits, especially for

non-serious medical conditions

• Heart patients who owned pets – had a better chance of

long-term survival than patients who did not own pets

NG2_16_b - Man’s Best Friend 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to find a

suitable family pet.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below.

1. What kinds of pet have you had in your lifetime?

2. What do you think are the most important factors to

consider when selecting a new pet?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. dog days

: the hottest days of the year

e.g.) The dog days of summer make me crave ice cream


= I want to eat something cold in this hot weather.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. let the cat out of the bag

: allow a secret to be known, usually without intending to

e.g.) You let the cat out of the bag. You ruined the surprise.

= You weren’t supposed to tell him about the surprise party.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. pet peeve

: something that especially annoys you

e.g.) One of my pet peeves is when people leave the toilet

seat up.

= I really hate it when people leave the toilet seat up.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. work like a dog

: work very hard

e.g.) He’s been working like a dog all week, so I hope he gets

some down time soon.

= I hope he would rest even for a while, he’s been pushing

himself so hard these days.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. bark up the wrong tree

: choose the wrong course of action, to ask the wrong person

e.g.) If you think she’s going to help you, you’re barking up

the wrong tree.

= Don’t even bother on asking her, she would not help you.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. black sheep

: a person who has done something bad that brings

embarrassment or shame to his or her family

e.g.) My cousin is the black sheep of the family.

= My cousin is the rebel of the family.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

People in some countries treat their pets as children or even

child substitutes. What do you think about this?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that 21% of pet dogs in the US were

adopted from animal shelters?

2. Did you know that 33% of households in the US own at

least one cat and 39% own at least one dog?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

How Much Do You Spend On Your Pets?

NG2_17_a - Getting a Haircut 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to express

how you would like your hair cut.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : salon / hairdressers / hairstyle / client

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. trim

: cut something such as hair so that it looks tidy

e.g.) I just want a trim.

= I’d just like the dead ends chopped off, please.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. layers

: hair cut in different lengths, shorter on the top layers

and longer underneath

e.g.) I want to get some layers.

= I’d like a style with more body.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. highlights

: make parts of your hair a lighter color by putting a

chemical substance on` them

e.g.) What kind of highlights do you think would suit me?

= What hair color would look best on me?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. sideburns

: hair that grows down a man’s cheeks

e.g.) Shorten my sideburns just a little, please.

= Could you cut a little off of my beard?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. perm

: permanent wave; a hairstyle produced by treatment with

heat, chemicals, etc. which gives long-lasting waves, curls,

or other shaping

e.g.) Is your hair naturally curly or have you had a perm?

= Is your hair naturally curly or did you get your hair


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. fringe

: an area of hair hanging over the forehead (part of the

face above the eyes) that is cut shorter than the rest of

the hair

e.g.) My fringe needs cutting.

= Could you please trim my bangs?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Prescott: What will it be today, Miranda?

Miranda: I’m thinking of chopping it all off for the summertime.

What do you think?

Prescott: You could definitely pull off a short, chin-length bob.

Miranda: My hair is so flat, though. It might make my face look

too long.

Prescott: Nah, I’ll add some layers to create some body and

soften up your look.

Miranda: Hmm…on second thought, I think I’ll just get a trim

for today.

Prescott: Miss Conservative. Well, what about letting me add

some highlights?

Miranda: Yeah, I need something to cover this stupid gray.

Prescott: It’s not too bad! I think that will freshen up your look.

Miranda: Thanks. OK, make me beautiful!

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Are there spoken or unspoken “rules” for appropriate

hairstyles at your company or school?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Hair & Superstition

There are hair customs and superstitions, and there is bound

to be one for every life event. Here are some of them.

• Do not wash your hair the day before an exam.

Supposedly it will wash out whatever learning you have

managed to store in your head while reviewing.

• It is a bad luck to cut your hair or shave when a family

member is gravely ill or in bad health.

• If you cut a baby’s hair before his of her first birthday, the

child will grow up stupid.

NG2_17_b - Getting a Haircut 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to express

how you would like your hair cut.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below.

1. What is your current hairstyle, and how do you feel about


2. When you go to a hair salon or barber, what do you

usually have done?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. get in (someone’s) hair

: to irritate or annoy someone

e.g.) Those telemarketers are starting to get in my hair!

= I get so irritated when telemarketers call me time and

time again!

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. let your hair down

: be more relaxed than usual and enjoy yourself, especially

because you are in a comfortable environment

e.g.) Come on — you need to let your hair down once in

a while!

= Stop thinking about work! You need to relax and enjoy


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. bad hair day

: a day on which everything seems to go wrong,

characterized as a day on which one’s hair is particularly


e.g.) Patricia must be having a bad hair day — look at

that hat she’s wearing!

= It seems that she’s not in the mood today. Look at her,

she’s a mess!

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. split ends

: a condition in which the ends of your hair are split into

two or more parts

e.g.) I need to get my split ends chopped off this week.

= I have to get rid of these ridiculous hair strands.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. tear/pull (one’s) hair out

: feel very worried or very annoyed about something

because you do not know what to do about it

e.g.) I’ve been tearing my hair out today trying to find

those concert tickets.

= I am so worried that I might have lost my concert


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. by a hair’s breadth

: just barely; the smallest possible distance, amount, or


e.g.) I just missed getting on the train by a hair’s breadth.

= I missed the train by two minutes. It’s so frustrating!

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Have you ever gotten a bad haircut, perm, or dye job?

Describe your experience in detail.

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that, according to one website, bed head”

is a classic style for men that is sticking around?

2. Did you know that the average haircut costs between $21

and $44 in the US depending on the salon size?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Which Hairstyle Suits You Best?

You need to consider the shape of your face when you

change your hairstyle.

NG2_18_a - Doing a Good Deed 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to describe

your volunteer experiences.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : grandmother / joy / goods / volunteers

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. volunteer

: offer to do something that you do not have to do, often

without having been asked to do it and/or without

expecting payment

e.g.) I will volunteer my time for this project.

= I’m going to give some of my time to help with this


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. champion a cause

: strongly support an aim, idea, or organization that you

support or work for

e.g.) They have been championing the cause for

environmentalism since their org was established in the


= They are very firm in their stance when it comes to

protecting the environment.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. give back

: act in a charitable manner, often by donating money or


e.g.) I want to give back to the community.

= I got so much from this community, and I want to help,


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. noble

: behaving in an honest and brave way that other people


e.g.) That’s very noble of you.

= What a wonderful and selfless person you are.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. make a difference

: have an important effect on something, especially a

good effect

e.g.) I want to make a difference.

= I want to see things become better than they are

because I helped.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. hospice

: a place or an organization that provides care for people

who are sick or dying

e.g.) They visited the elderly at the hospice home.

= They spent some time with the elderly at the hospital.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Rachel: Hi, Peter. How are those signs coming for the food

drive next week?

Peter: Pretty good, but there’s still a lot to do. Could you

lend me a hand here?

Rachel: Sure, no problem. I’m sure that if we work together,

we can get them done much faster.

Peter: So, how often do you come to help out at the Center?

Rachel: Once or twice a week.

Peter: Oh, really? Why do you come that often? I only come

maybe once a month.

Rachel: I enjoy giving my time to something I believe in.

Plus, I want to make a difference in people’s lives.

Peter: That’s very noble of you. I think I should give more of

my time, too.

Rachel: You should. We could use a help around here.

Peter: Where do I sign up?

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Do you think the benefits of volunteering are worth the time

and effort that it requires?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Interesting Volunteer Work Opportunities

Volunteering provides people with the opportunity to learn

new skills that can be used to further their careers later in

life. Here are some types of volunteer work for students.

• Teaching children

• Planting trees

• Helping to preserve the environment

• Helping to feed homeless and poverty stricken people

• Caring for animals that are homeless or have some sort of


• Aiding in the construction of new schools, homes, or


NG2_18_b - Doing a Good Deed 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to describe

your volunteer experiences.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below.

1. How often do you volunteer your time to an important


2. Have you ever benefited from someone else’s volunteer


Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. soup kitchen

: a place where poor people can go to get a free hot


e.g.) On her days off, my teacher likes to help out at the

soup kitchen.

= My teacher helps assisting people at the meal center.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. non-profit organization

: NGO; a non-profit organization works to help people in

some way rather than to make a profit

e.g.) The best places to volunteer are non-profit


= NGOs are the best places to volunteer your time to.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. pay it forward

: an idiomatic phrase which means that if something good

happens to a person they turn around and do good for

someone else

e.g.) Paying it forward will help spread kindness among


= When someone helps you, it’s good if you can also

help someone else in need.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. fundraiser

: a social event organized to make money for a specific

purpose, especially for a charity or a political party

e.g.) We are holding a fundraiser concert for the fire


= We are going to conduct a charity event to help the

fire victims.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. food bank

: a place where food collected from shops or individual

people is given free to poor people

e.g.) Stores give food to the food bank for flood victims.

= They donated food for the flood victims.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. philanthropist

: someone who believes in helping people, especially by

giving money to those who need it

e.g.) He is a known philanthropist.

= Everybody knows that he likes helping those in need.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Do people in your country volunteer very often?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that New Zealanders volunteer an average

of 270 million hours for non-profit organizations per year,

making it the most charitable country in the world?

2. Did you know that “voluntary”, meaning “of one’s free

will”, first appeared in the English language in the 14th


Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Reasons to Volunteer Abroad

Have you ever taken part in volunteer word abroad? Why

did you apply for the volunteer work? Choose the most

important reason for you.

• Internal Rewards

• Resume Building

• Gaining Experience and Skills

• Learning a Foreign Language

NG2_19_a - Joining a Club 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to discuss

your pastimes and hobbies.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : gathering / common / club / interests

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. pastime

: an activity that is done for enjoyment usually to pass the


e.g.) Watching TV may be the most common pastime

around the world.

= Everyone watches TV when they have nothing else to


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. club

: an organization of people with a common purpose or

interest, who meet regularly and take part in shared


e.g.) We’re forming a new club.

= We are getting together to start a new hobby.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. downtime

: inactive time (such as time between periods of work)

e.g.) What do you do with your downtime?

= What do you do on your spare time?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. demo

: short form of demonstration; to show something and

explain how it works

e.g.) We have a free demo lesson this Friday.

= We have a free piano lesson this Friday.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. klutz

: a silly and clumsy person (one who moves awkwardly

and often has accidents)

e.g.) Do you think a klutz like me has a chance?

= Do you think a clumsy person like me has a chance?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. productive

: doing a lot; to create or produce large amounts of


e.g.) I do nothing productive during my free time.

= I don’t do anything efficient during my free time.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Amber: Kevin, what’s that poster you’ve got there?

Kevin: Oh, just a notice for registration for ballroom dancing.

We’re forming a new club.

Amber: Wow, I never would’ve guessed you liked dancing!

Kevin: It’s a great exercise. Besides, I get to meet lots of

lovely ladies. What do you do with your down time?

Amber: Nothing productive! Just the standard shopping,

reading, and hanging out with friends.

Kevin: Any interest? We have a free demo lesson this Friday

at 7:00.

Amber: Actually, that sounds pretty fun. How did you get

involved with dance?

Kevin: Truth be told, an old girlfriend dragged me into it,

but now it’s become a big part of my life.

Amber: It looks so complicated. Think a klutz like me has a


Kevin: Absolutely! I have two left feet myself!

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Do people typically spend a lot of money on their hobbies?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Top Five Reasons to Join a Club

• Create opportunities to meet new people.

• Crystallize your interests and career objectives.

• Network with people in your industry.

• Relieve stress from the workplace.

• Develop my soft skills.

NG2_19_b - Joining a Club 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to discuss

your pastimes and hobbies.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below.

1. What kind of hobbies and pastimes do you enjoy?

2. Do you prefer individual or group hobbies?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. hobby horse

: a subject that someone often talks about, usually for a

long time

e.g.) Sam got on his hobby horse again, and we were all

talked out about baseball.

= Sam wouldn’t stop talking about baseball.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. on the side

: in addition to your main job

e.g.) I told Jennifer she should sell her bracelets to make a

little money on the side.

= I told her to sell some of her bracelets to generate

additional income.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. money is no object

: used for saying that you have a lot of money and can

buy what you want

e.g.) If money were no object, what hobby would you take


= What hobby would you take up if you have a lot of


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. have two left feet

: move in a very awkward way when dancing; having no

coordination, especially in dancing

e.g.) I want to learn how to dance properly but I have two

left feet.

= I want to learn how to dance properly but I have no

body coordination.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. never would have guessed

: never would have thought something to be the case

e.g.) I never would have guessed you liked this too!

= I never thought that you’re also into this stuff.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. soft skills

: emotional intelligence; character traits and interpersonal

skills that characterize a person’s relationships with other


e.g.) I want to develop my soft skills.

= I want to improve my social skills.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

What recreational activities are the most popular during the

current season?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that the most popular recreational sport

activity in the US is bowling?

2. Did you know that the most popular leisure activities in

the USA are reading, watching TV, and spending time with

family and friends?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Personality and Types of Clubs

Depending on your personality, you should choose the most

suitable club for you. Think about your personality and

choose the right club to join.

• Sports Club

• Dance Club

• Hiking Club

• Cycling Club

• Volunteering Club

• Charity Club

• Movie Club

• Fan Club

• Study Club

• Wine Club

• Book Club

• Knitting Club

• Meditation Club

NG2_20_a - The Great Outdoors 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to discuss

outdoor activities and experiences.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : winter / trekking / mountain / nature

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. cooperate

: act or work together for a particular purpose

e.g.) Do you think the weather will cooperate for us?

= Do you think the weather will be pleasant?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. the great outdoors

: areas or places outside, especially when used for

activities such as hiking or camping

e.g.) There’s nothing like being in the great outdoors.

= I really enjoy being outside

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. gear

: the equipment, clothes, etc. that you use to do a

particular activity

e.g.) Did you bring the gear?

= Did you prepare the equipment needed?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. time of year

: period of the year; season

e.g.) I hear the beach is great this time of year.

= This season is the perfect time to go to the beach.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. canoe

: travel in a canoe (= a small, light, narrow boat, pointed

at both ends and moved using a paddle)

e.g.) We’re going to canoe on the Amazon River.

= We’re going to travel by small boat on the Amazon


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. warm up

: something that you do to prepare yourself for an activity,

especially gentle exercises before a physical activity

e.g.) Let’s warm up a little bit before we start hiking on

this mountain trail.

= Let’s do some stretching before we start climbing the


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Beth: There’s nothing like being in the great outdoors.

Rick: Did you want to go for a hike tomorrow?

Beth: What did you have in mind?

Rick: I hear that Whistler is great this time of year.

Beth: Whistler, hmm? Do you think the weather is going to

cooperate for us?

Rick: According to the Weather Channel, it’s supposed to be

sunny and warm all week.

Beth: That’s great news.

Rick: So, we can go?

Beth: Yes. Provided you help me finish with the garden


Rick: It’s a deal

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

How popular are outdoor activities in your country?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

What’s Inside Your First Aid Kit?

If you have a plan for an outdoor activity, it is a good idea

to bring a first aid kit. Your first aid kit should include:

• Adhesive bandages in all sizes

• Non-stick gauze to cover larger wounds

• Adhesive tape to help secure the gauze

• An antibiotic ointment to prevent infections in a wound or

minor burn

• Elastic bandages to wrap and provide compression for

sprains and strains

• Ice packs for when an injury first occurs

• Tweezers for removing splinters

• Thermometer for checking for fever

• Eye wash for removing dirt and dust from the eyes

• Anti-bacterial hand spray for keeping your hands clean at

all times without needing any water

NG2_20_b - The Great Outdoors 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to discuss

outdoor activities and experiences.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below.

1. Do you prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities?

2. What things do you think we could learn from nature?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. run out of gas

: lose one’s energy, motivation, or enthusiasm to continue

doing something

e.g.) After all of that walking, I think I’ve run out of gas.

= I’m all out of energy after walking for so long.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. putter

: busy or occupy oneself in a leisurely, casual, or

ineffective manner

e.g.) More than anything, Nancy enjoys puttering in her


= She really likes working around her garden.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. Mother Nature

: used for referring to nature and natural forces

e.g.) Mother Nature is one of the most difficult things to

predict when planning an outdoor activity.

= It’s quite hard to plan an outdoor activity when you

know how unpredictable the weather is.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. hit the trail

: begin a journey

e.g.) Whenever you are ready, we can head out and hit

the trail.

= Tell me when you’re ready so we can leave promptly.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. outside (of) the box

: beyond what is considered usual, traditional, or


e.g.) I’ve been trying to think outside of the box regarding

our company outing.

= I’ve been trying to think of new outdoor activities we

could try in our next team building.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. comfort zone

: a situation in which you feel comfortable and you do

not have to do anything new or difficult

e.g.) Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort

zone and challenge yourself.

= Sometimes you need to face your fears and try new


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

What are some general rules to remember when going into

the great outdoors?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that 51% of hospital emergency room visits

in the US are a result of injuries caused by outdoor activities?

2. Did you know that snowboarding is the leading cause of

injuries in the US?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Extreme Sports: Adventurous Outdoor Activities


Bungee Jumping is a well-known extreme sport. To bungee

jump, you essentially tie yourself to a rubber band and leap

from a bridge or crane only to bounce back.


When skydiving, the diver will jump from a plane thousands

of feet above the ground, with nothing but a piece of thin

material (the parachute) to slow his or her fall. The skydiving

sport originally consisted of using ex-military parachute



Mountain Biking is a sport which consists of riding bicycles

off-road, often over rough terrain, using specially adapted

mountain bikes. Mountain bikes share similarities with other

bikes, but incorporate features designed to enhance

durability and performance in rough terrain.

NG2_21_a - Calling In Sick 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to provide

an excuse for absenteeism.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : work / sick / tissue / cold

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. call in sick

: to phone someone at the place where you work to tell

them you are too ill to work

e.g.) I need to call in sick today.

= I need to tell my boss that I’m too sick to come to

work today.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. absent

: not in the place where you should be or are expected to


e.g.) He’s been absent from work for three days.

= He hasn’t come to work for three days now.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. under the weather

: slightly unwell or in low spirits

e.g.) I feel under the weather today.

= I don’t feel very well today.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. contagious

: a contagious disease spreads from one person to

another through touch or through the air

e.g.) I think I’m contagious.

= If other people are around me, they might get sick, too.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. come down with ~

: become ill with a particular disease, usually one that is

not serious

e.g.) I think I’m coming down with something.

= I think I will catch a cold.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. cover for ~

: do someone’s work while they are away or ill

e.g.) I’m just covering for Mrs. Tyler because she is sick.

= I’m doing all of her work in the meantime, while she


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Mary: Hi, Brad. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it in to

work today.

Brad: Oh? Why not?

Mary: I feel kind of under the weather today. I think I came

down with something over the weekend.

Brad: That’s too bad. Should I send someone over to check

up on you?

Mary: No, I don’t think so. I might be contagious.

Brad: Good point. Well, we all hope you feel better soon.

Mary: Yeah, I’m really sorry. I know we have that big project

that is due tomorrow.

Brad: Don’t worry about that. Just stay at home and rest. I’ll

have Rebecca to take care of it.

Mary: Are you sure? I feel really bad for letting the team


Brad: Like I said, take a day to rest. You won’t be of any

good to us if you’re sick.

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

What are the thoughts in your country about calling in sick

or working even if you are sick?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Unusual Excuses for Calling in Sick

CareerBuilder conducted a survey of over 5,000 workers and

employers and discovered the top 11 weird reasons people

have used when calling in sick.

• Employee said a chicken attacked his mom.

• Employee’s finger was stuck in a bowling ball.

• Employee had a hair transplant gone bad.

• Employee fell asleep at his desk while working and hit his


• Employee said a cow broke into her house.

• Employee’s girlfriend threw a Sit ’n Spin through his living

room window

• Employee’s foot was caught in the garbage disposal.

• Employee called in sick from a bar at 5:00 p.m. the night


• Employee said he was not feeling too clever that day.

• Employee had to mow the lawn to avoid a lawsuit.

• Employee called in the day after Thanksgiving because she

burned her mouth on pumpkin pie.

NG2_21_b - Calling In Sick 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to provide

an excuse for absenteeism.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below.

1. What would you do if you were feeling sick and unsure if

you could not go to work tomorrow?

2. What is your company’s policy regarding sick days?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. hangover

: the feeling of being tired and sick because you have

drunk too much alcohol or taken too many drugs

e.g.) After drinking too much last night, Mr. Lee stayed

home with a hangover.

= After drinking too much last night, Mr. Lee stayed home

with a severe headache.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. catch (a) cold

: to contract a cold (a common respiratory infection)

e.g.) You’ll catch a cold if you don’t wear proper clothing

for the weather.

= You might get sick if you wear thin clothes in this


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. throw up

: food or other matter that has come up from the

stomach through the mouth

e.g.) Here is a bucket in case you feel like you need to

throw up.

= Here is a bucket in case you feel like you need to vomit.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. check up on ~

: find out information about someone

e.g.) Should I send someone to check up on you?

= Should I send someone to check your condition?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. sore

: painful and uncomfortable, usually as a result of an

injury, infection, or too much exercise

e.g.) My throat is very sore today.

= My throat is painful today.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. runny nose

: If someone has a runny nose, it means liquid is flowing

from their nose

e.g.) Robin has a sore throat and a runny nose.

= Robin has a sore throat and colds.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Have you ever called in sick when you were not really sick?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that most people who get the influenza (flu)

virus become sick between October and May?

2. Did you know that, on average, 5% to 20% of

Americans get the flue every year, with 200,000

of them becoming hospitalized, and 23,000 of

them dying from flu-related illness?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Dos & Don’ts

• If you start feeling sick while at work, DO make sure you

mention it to the boss.

• If illness strikes over the weekend or in the evening, DO

call in by the prescribed time on the next working day.

• If you think you may have something contagious, DO get

a medical confirmation as quickly as possible and inform

your workplace straight away.

As for the don’ts, these are simple:

• DON’T call in sick when you are perfectly well and just

want a day off. Your co-workers will not thank you for their

increased workload, and you are unlikely to get any

sympathy if you become ill later.

• DON’T call in sick and then go shopping in town that

afternoon. Even if you were genuinely feeling ill in the

morning, no one will believe you. If you are seen by your

line manager or boss, you will be in trouble the next day.

NG2_22_a - Making a Doctor’s Appointment 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to call a

doctor’s office and schedule an appointment.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words : medicine / pain / home / extreme

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. make an appointment

: set an official date and time at which to meet or deal

with someone; to schedule a meeting

e.g.) Would it be possible to make an appointment to see

the doctor?

= Would it be possible to visit the doctor for a


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. pull up a file

: find a patient’s information

e.g.) Let me pull up the patient’s file to check.

= Let me check the patient’s information sheet.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. urgent care

: medical care provided for illnesses or injuries which

require prompt attention but are typically not of such


e.g.) Do you need urgent care?

= Do you need an immediate check up?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. squeeze (someone) in

: manage to do something or see someone in a short

period of time or when you are very busy

e.g.) Could you squeeze me in sometime today, please?

= Could you please schedule me for today?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. a slot

: an available time to make an appointment

e.g.) Are there any slots for a doctor’s appointment today?

= Do you have an available time for a doctor’s

appointment today?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. co-payment

: portion of a claim or medical expense that a health plan

member must pay out-of-pocket for specific medical


e.g.) Your co-payment for the doctor’s visit is $20.

= Your doctor’s fee is $20.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Receptionist: Good morning, Dr. Brown’s office. How may I help you?

Patient: Good morning. This is Larry Brown. I’m not feeling so well

today. Would it be possible to make an appointment to see the


Receptionist: Hi, Larry. Sorry to hear you’re under the weather.

There’s a lot of the flu going around these days, so the doctor is

quite busy.

Patient: I don’t doubt that for a second. Could you squeeze me in

sometime today, please?

Receptionist: Let me see. Could you be here in thirty minutes?

Patient: I don’t think I could be there that fast. Do you have

anything else available?

Receptionist: All right. Could you come at a half past four this


Patient: Yes, that would work just fine.

Receptionist: OK, Larry, so we’ll see you at 4:30 p.m. this afternoon.

Patient: Thank you so much for squeezing me in. I really appreciate

it. See you later today. Bye for now.

Receptionist: Yes, bye for now.

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

What kind of doctor do you prefer, an Oriental or a Western

style doctor?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Which Medical Person Should I Contact?

There are many different types of doctors. Refer to the

following and contact the right doctor you need to visit.

• pediatrician [piːdɪəˈtrɪʃən] : works with children and

young people

• surgeon [ˈsɜːʤən] : performs operations

• psychiatrist [saɪˈkaɪətrɪst] : works in mental health

• anesthetist [əˈnesθətɪst] : puts people to sleep safely

before operations

• neurologist [nʊˈrɑːlədʒɪst] : deals in problems involving

the brain and nerves

• oncologist [ɒŋˈkɒlədʒɪst] : works with people who have


• rheumatologist [ruːməˈtɒlədʒɪst] : deals with joint and

limb problems

• radiologist [reɪdiˈɑːlədʒɪst] : deals with X-rays, MRI scans,

and other tests

• ophthalmologist [ɑːfθælˈmɑːlədʒɪst] : works with people’s

eyes and vision

NG2_22_b - Making a Doctor’s Appointment 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to call a

doctor’s office and schedule an appointment.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below.

1. Do you see a doctor every time you feel sick?

2. Is it easy or difficult to get a doctor’s appointment in your


Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. alive and kicking

: be well and healthy

e.g.) My aunt is ninety years old and she is very much

alive and kicking.

= She’s perfectly healthy despite her age.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. bitter pill to swallow

: something that is very unpleasant but must be accepted

e.g.) Learning that she has cancer was a bitter pill to


= It was difficult for her to accept that she has a terminal


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. in remission

: a disease that seems to be getting better

e.g.) The patient’s leukemia was in remission.

= He is recovering from leukemia now.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. break down

: lose control of one’s emotions, to have a nervous


e.g.) My mother seemed fine this morning, but she

completely broke down at night.

= My mother seemed fine this morning, but couldn’t hold

it any longer and cried at night.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. out of shape

: not in good physical condition

e.g.) My father is out of shape and cannot walk for a long


= He isn’t fit enough to walk that far.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. burn (oneself) out

: become very tired and almost sick from doing

something for a long time or from working too hard

e.g.) After working long hours for many months she

finally burned herself out.

= She was extremely tired due to working too hard.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Does the health insurance system in your country cover

doctor’s appointments?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that in the US, the average doctor’s

appointment only lasts for 18 minutes or less?

2. Did you know that there is always Doctor’s Day

celebrated in March in the US?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Medical Tourism

One of the most famous destinations for medical tour is

India. Many people say some advantages for medical

tourists in India are:

• low cost

• less waiting time

• The availability of the latest medical technologies

• A growing compliance with international quality standards

• Less likely to face a language barrier

NG2_23_a - Going to the Doctor 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to give

students the ability to go to a doctor and express how they

are feeling

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words :

anxious / results / laboratory procedure / diagnosis

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. symptom

: any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is

caused by a particular disease

e.g.) What exactly are your symptoms?

= What are the signs of your illness?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. prescribe

: (of a medical practitioner) advise and authorize the use

of (a medicine or treatment) for someone, especially in


e.g.) I’ll prescribe some medicine for you.

= I’ll write down some medicine for you to take.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. up to par

: to be of the usual or expected standard

e.g.) She really felt up to par after taking the medicine.

= After she took her medicine, she felt as good as usual.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. draw blood

: get blood from someone

e.g.) The doctor has to draw some blood for tests.

= The doctor needs to take some blood sample for


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. drop dead

: die suddenly and unexpectedly

e.g.) The bus driver dropped dead while driving the bus.

= The bus driver died suddenly behind the wheel.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. vital signs

: signs that show the condition of someone’s health, such

as body temperature, rate of breathing, and heartbeat

e.g.) I’ll need to check your vital signs.

= Let me check your body temperature, rate of breathing,

and heartbeat.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Dr. Browne: Hello, Mr. Jones. What brings you here today?

Mr. Jones: I haven’t been feeling very well.

Dr. Browne: I see. What exactly are your symptoms?

Mr. Jones: I seem to be short of breath lately. I’ve been

feeling tired for the last three days, and I’ve got a horrible

headache that won’t go away.

Dr. Browne: I‘ll need to check your vital signs. Then I’ll draw

some blood.

Mr. Jones: How long will that take?

Dr. Browne: Not long.

Dr. Browne: (a few hours later) Here are your test results.

Mr. Jones: Am I going to get well?

Dr. Browne: I’ll prescribe some medicine for you, and you’ll

be feeling up to par soon.

Mr. Jones: So it isn’t serious?

Dr. Browne: (with a smile) Don’t worry, Mr. Jones. You won’t

drop dead tomorrow!

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Is it common for people from your country to always

consult the same doctor?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Highest Paid Physicians

Doctors with a variety of specializations are out there in the

world – but do you ever wonder how much they are being

paid? Who gets paid more than other doctors? Here are the

five highest paid doctors according to area of specialization.

Top 5 (Unit US$/ Average Annual Amount)

• Cardiologists $537,000

• Oncologists $528,000

• Surgeons $479,000

• Radiologists $470,000

• Gastroenterologists $457,000

NG2_23_b - Going to the Doctor 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to give

students the ability to go to a doctor and express how they

are feeling.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below.

1. Do you have regular physical check-ups?

2. Do you usually make an appointment to see a doctor?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. go under the knife

: used for saying that someone is having a medical

operation; to have an operation in surgery

e.g.) The woman went under the knife at the hospital last


= She underwent surgery last night.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. picture of health

: be in good health, look very healthy

e.g.) My uncle looked the picture of health when I saw

him last week.

= My uncle looked very healthy when I last saw him

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. green around the gills

: look ill and pale; nauseated

e.g.) My colleague was looking a little green around the

gills today.

= My co-worker looked a little pale today.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. run some tests

: do some medical tests on a patient

e.g.) The doctor decided to run some tests on the patient.

= The doctor decided to examine his condition.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. black out

: lose consciousness, faint, pass out

e.g.) She blacked out this morning.

= She lost consciousness earlier

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. running a fever/temperature

: have a higher than normal body temperature

e.g.) The little girl is running a temperature and should

stay in bed all day.

= She needs to rest well because of her fever.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Do doctors make “house calls” in your country?

Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that, in the UK, seven out of every eight

men have at least one risk factor for heart disease and


2. Did you know that wearing headphones for just one hour

will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Cold vs. Flu

• A cold usually comes on gradually — over the course of a day or

two. Generally, it leaves you feeling tired, sneezing, coughing, and

plagued by a running nose.

• Flu, on the other hand, comes on suddenly and hits hard. You will

feel weak and tired, and you could run a fever as high as 40°C. Your

muscles and joints will probably ache, and you will feel chilled and

could have a severe headache and sore throat.

NG2_24_a - Picking Up a Prescription 1


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to speak

with a pharmacist about a prescription.

Step 1 1 Min. Picture Description

Describe the situation in the picture.

Key words :

prescription / drugstore / medicine / pharmacist

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. pharmacist

: a person licensed to prepare and dispense drugs and


e.g.) He is studying to be a pharmacist.

= He wants to be a pharmaceutical chemist.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. health insurance

: insurance providing compensation for medical expenses

e.g.) Do you have health insurance?

= Do you have medical insurance?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. remedy

: a medicine, application, or treatment that relieves or

cures a disease

e.g.) I’m not confident with the effectiveness of natural


= I don’t trust organic medicines.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. allergy

: a condition that causes illness when someone eats

certain foods or touches or breathes in certain substances

e.g.) I have allergy to nuts.

= I can’t eat nuts because they can make sick.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. milligram

: mg; a unit of mass equal to ¹/₁₀₀₀ gram; commonly

used as a measurement for medicine

e.g.) Your dosage is strictly 50 milligram of sertraline

every day.

= You need to take 50 milligrams of anti-depressants

every day.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. (re)fill a prescription

: sell a second or subsequent set of doses of a medicine

upon a doctor’s orders

e.g.) The pharmacy refused to refill my prescription

because it has expired.

= I have to get a new prescription so I can buy my


Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Key Conversation

Act out the role play with your teacher.

Rebecca: I need to have this prescription filled, please.

Chris: Certainly, no problem.

Rebecca: When do you think I can pick it up?

Chris: It should be ready by this afternoon.

Rebecca: OK, thank you. Oh, and do you know how much

this is going to cost me?

Chris: That depends. Do you have medical insurance?

Rebecca: I do have a plan through my company. I think it’s

with Home Plan.

Chris: OK, with Home Plan insurance, we only charge 10%.

So these meds should be $17.50 after deductions.

Rebecca: OK, that should be fine. I’ll be back around 1:00

then to pick them up. Will they be ready by then?

Chris: Should be.

Step 4 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

Do most people in your country prefer traditional medicine,

modern medicine, or a combination of both?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Natural Cold & Flu Remedies

It is no wonder that natural cold and flu remedies are

popular – modern medicine has yet to a cure for these age-

old ailments. See which cold and flu remedies show the

most promise.

• Vitamin C – In one study, participants who were exposed

to extreme physical stress and cold weather and who took

vitamin C were 50% less likely to get a cold than those who

did not.

• Chicken Soup – Inhaling the steam can ease nasal

congestion. Sipping spoonfuls of fluid can help avoid


• Garlic – Garlic has long been touted for legendary germ-

fighting abilities. One study showed garlic supplements may

help prevent colds when taken daily.

• Saltwater Gargle – For a sore throat, the traditional

saltwater gargle may have some merit.

• Hot Tea – Inhaling the steam relieves congestion, while

swallowing the fluid soothes the throat and keeps you


• Steam/Humidifier – Breathing in steam can break up

congestion in the nasal passages, offering relief from a

stuffy or runny nose.

NG2_24_b - Picking Up a Prescription 2


Upon completion of the lesson, you will be able to speak

with a pharmacist about a prescription.

Step 1 1 min. Warm up Activity

Give a short answer to the questions below..

1. Where do you usually go to fill a prescription?

2. Have you ever refilled a prescription that you finished?

Step 2 Useful Expressions

1. meds

: a popular term for physician-prescribed medications

e.g.) How much are these meds?

= How much are these medicinal pills?

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

2. dosage

: the amount of medicine that you should take at one


e.g.) Do not exceed the recommended dosage.

= Do not take more medicine than prescribed.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

3. drugstore

: a store that sells medicines and usually other goods, esp.

products relating to cleaning and caring for the body

e.g.) I bought my meds from the drugstore.

= I got my meds from the pharmacy.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

4. over-the-counter

: medicine that may be sold without a doctor’s

prescription. You can buy over-the-counter medicines

from a pharmacy or other shop without a doctor’s


e.g.) You can buy over-the-counter medicines for the

common cold.

= You can buy most cold remedies without a prescription.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

5. ointment

: a thick substance, usually containing medicine, that is

put on the skin where it is sore or where there is an injury,

in order to cure it

e.g.) Apply the ointment to the rash.

= You have to apply the balm on the rash.

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

6. on an empty stomach

: without having eaten anything

e.g.) Take this medicine on an empty stomach.

= Take this medicine without eating anything..

Make your own sentence with the useful expression.

Step 3 Cultural Question

Talk about the question in detail.

What percentage does the health insurance cover for

medicine in your country? What about other types of


Step 4 Did You Know?

Express your thoughts and opinions in detail.

1. Did you know that Benjamin Franklin, one of the founders

of United States, originally worked as a clerk in a local


2. Did you know that, before 1960, pharmacies would hang

or display a show globe with colored water inside to identify

their store as a pharmacy?

Step 5 Fun & Informative Fact

Over-the-Counter Medications

Prescription drugs normally require a doctor’s order before

they can be purchased at a pharmacy. These drugs are

usually very potent, may be addictive if not used properly,

and may have numerous adverse side effect. Over-the-

counter drugs, however, do not need a doctor’s order to be


It is helpful to know that over-the-counter medication

comes in a variety of packages and forms. Look at the

examples below:

• Antacid tablets

• Allergy pills

• Cough drop lozenges

• Cold capsules

• Tube of muscle relaxant ointment

• Bottle of cough syrup